"This restaurant is owned by a Fable you've might have met in Fabletown," Sophie explained to Belinda with a bit more confidence. She was slowly coming out of her strictly professional shell, actually laughing when Belinda said something funny and smiling more often. Belinda wondered if Sophie had ever had a true social life before becoming a maid, but some questions were made to go unspoken. They'd bought a new hat together and some fabric for sewing new curtains in the parlor of Belinda's apartment flat. They also enjoyed a bit of ice cream earlier, and now they were hungry for something more filling.
"Really now?" Belinda asked curiously. "Who is it?"
"Mayor Rutley's son," Sophie said. "He is a chef."
"I don't think I've met him," Belinda replied. "Is he just more secluded?"
"He doesn't always live in Fabletown," Sophie said. "He has his own flat on the second floor here, and I don't blame him for keeping his distance from his father. Forgive me for saying this, but Mayor Rutley can be frightening sometimes."
"Believe me," Belinda said. "I understand. Let us find a seat indoors, I think it's gotten colder out since we left the textiles shop."
They found a seat in a corner of the room next to a wide window. It overlooked the street and the people who hurried by to make it home before sundown. A waiter came out and gave menus to the women, and Sophie explained that the waiter was also a Fable, who had a distinct Glamour on that hid his normally trollish face and purple skin. This was the first of Glamours that Belinda had heard of, and after a moment of thinking, she realized now how she hadn't seen anybody but humans back in Fabletown. She supposed that those who could afford it purchased some Glamours and now appeared perfectly normal to the outside world. She began to wonder whom she may have encountered in the past that could have a Glamour on...
"We'll have the minestrone soup," Belinda said shyly. "And might we also have some bread to go with it?"
"Yes, madam," The waiter had a faint French accent. It struck Belinda mildly, as she remembered the day Jonathan had taken her to his private apartment in Paris. She shied her face away as he wrote everything down and brought the order to the chef.
The women stayed quiet for a short while, both of them watching as the sun set over the Thames and caused bright reflections across it's icy surface. Belinda thought that this might be the time to get more personal again, if Sophie would let her.
"Tell me about how you came here," She said, sipping her wine glass carefully.
"Hmm?" Sophie seemed to have been in a slight dream state for that moment. "Oh, um... Well, I was among the first inhabitants of the area.."
"How long ago was that?" Belinda looked down at the table and played with the tablecloth's tassels.
"The year in the Mundane world was 1682," She replied. So...About one hundred years? Might I ask you, if appropriate, how the trip here was for you?"
Belinda felt herself shift from curiosity to phantom pain. She remembered the journey more vividly than anything else in her life.
"I'm sorry," Sophie said after a moment. "I shouldn't have asked that."
"No," Belinda replied. "Don't be sorry. The journey was long. Far too long..."
Sophie nodded, completely understanding. Their meals arrived. The food was delicious, and the main courses were even moreso amazing. It was so good, that Belinda insisted on calling upon the chef to thank him.
"Oh, no! Belinda- I mean Miss- I mean, Belinda! Why did you ask for Toby- I mean, Mr. Rutley-" Sophie said, as soon as the waiter had left again. Her face was pale and worried, and Belinda found herself completely bewildered.
"Excuse me?" Belinda didn't ask it in an opposing way, she was just genuinely confused as to what Sophie was afraid of. It was in that moment that the man entered the room, his blond hair combed neatly on his head and his chef's attire pristine as can be. Belinda found it hard to believe that he'd have no stains on it from working so hard, but then again, maybe he didn't have to work as hard as the average person to make such delicious meals. He had an imperial grin on his lips, which made him look both charming and a bit egotistical all at once.
"You asked for me?" His voice was deep, but not too deep, and he seemed even taller standing next to the table.
"Yes," Belinda said. She glanced at Sophie, who seemed in such a shock that all she could do was sit like a statue, her body shaking ever so slightly. She wouldn't even move her head to face the man. Belinda continued. "I just wanted to thank you for the glorious meals you've provided us today."
"It was my honor to serve you two fine women," He replied. His smile went from proud to genuine as his eyes flickered to Sophie. Belinda saw Sophie stiffen once more, but actually managed to turn her head toward Mr. Rutley.
"I-it was delicious," She uttered. Belinda watched the next transition of actions with stupefaction. Mr. Rutley stepped out of the way for the women to rise from their seats, and he gave Belinda a brief kiss on her hand. He then took Sophie's hand to do the same thing, but Belinda could see how much more gentle he was with her, as if she were a porcelain doll on a dusty old shelf. She watched his plump lips graze Sophie's knuckles, watched how Sophie fought back an obvious swoon. A warm smile grew across Belinda's lips as it all happened, and grinned accusingly at Sophie as Mr. Rutley left the premises.
"A-HA!" She tried to say it as quietly as possible, but a few customers nearby probably heard Belinda's little outburst. "I knew it!"
"Kn-Knew what?" Sophie stuttered, her eyes refusing to make eyecontact with Belinda's.
"You love him. Is that why you told me about this place?" She teased Sophie in a way one would tease a sister, and felt a little tug on her heartstrings at the sudden realization that Sophie was the closest thing she had to a sister these days. She let it pass though, letting all of her attention toward her servant and friend.
"Shh! Somebody might hear!" She said in an angry whisper. "Let's leave, please."
They exited the restaurant quickly, their bags of shopping in each arm as they made their way in the dark toward Fabletown apartments.
"Before we go to my flat," Belinda said quickly. "Lets stop by your quarters and discuss this like real friends."
A wide embarrassed smile formed across Sophie's lips as they opened the doors, entering the building and subconsciously escaping night's danger.
That's all for now! I didn't reread it and edit any mistakes, so if there are any don't beat me up XD I'll revise it later tonight, I just have to go do somethings beforehand. Hope you're all doing well!
I've actually been thinking of some ideas for the thread. I can't wait to see what you have for us. Glad to know several other members have been coming up with ideas, too!
Another one of my little speeches regarding the thread so I'll make this quick for you guys.
Either tomorrow or on Friday, I will be anno… moreuncing ways we could potentially change this discussion for the better in the near-possible future. However, it would be up to all (or some) of you to make it happen. So expect that sometime in the next couple days. Also keep in mind what I will post has been in my thoughts for a while now, and wouldn't be appropriate to explain on April Fools (in my opinion).
Thank you for reading this short notice, storytellers 'o mine!
Oh man I had to write something today, it's been too long already! It's currently 3am in England and I am somehow able to post this, I literally started this an hour ago... I hope it's good enough
@pudding_pie@JJwolf A reference for a future chapter involving certain charatcers
Devils and Demons Chapter 9 - A Mere Reflection
The conflict between Death and War hadn’t started from this one act of violence; it had always been present since the dawn of time. The two men didn’t like each other, but brotherhood was what kept them together, allowed them to agree on things, and to be civil with each other. When a conflict was brewing between them, they would retreat to their realm so as to avoid destroying whatever world they were currently in.
The two had learned this the hard way almost 1,000 years ago; a vicious fight had erupted between them and caused mass earthquakes to break the earth apart, in the aftermath the world they were visiting was nothing but barren and flooded wasteland. It had all begun from a simple game of chess; War had lost and didn’t like losing, especially not to his Brother... The Fates were furious at the outcome of such a vicious display, but could not do anything.
The Horsemen were not bound to any Fate, their identities were never to be found within the Book of Fates, they could do as they pleased if they wanted to, but age and wisdom had lead to great maturity, the Horsemen were always ready for the Fates to tell them to bring about Armageddon, but that day was nowhere in sight right now.
Back in the present; Death charged forward and slashed at his Brother, War blocked the attack and went in with a left punch, Death grabbed War’s hand and threw him aside, War slid along the ground and came to a slow halt just before a high cliff edge.
“Don’t do this, War” Death stood tall with his scythe next to him as War got up and rushed forwards, a series of surprisingly quick slashes had put Death on the defensive, a lucky slash caught Death’s right arm and sliced it clean off. War smirked as Death’s stump reformed into a new arm from sand, the scythe flew up into his arm and Death was ready to continue the battle.
“Not bad, Brother, but you’re forgetting something” Death threw his left arm forward and War suddenly felt stiff as he was lifted into the air and flung into whatever rocky outcrop was around: boulders, walls, the floor, and finally finishing with a sudden impalement onto the scythe. Death’s left hand stopped emitting a strange black mist as he gripped War’s chin.
War gritted his teeth hard “I won’t lose to you again!” Death gave a wicked smirk as he replied “You will always lose to me, so deal with it” The scythe disappeared and War fell to the ground with a thud. When he looked up, Death could’ve sworn there was a tear in his eye “Are you crying, Brother?”
War turned his back and started to walk away “Why would you care?” Death appeared in front of war in a flash of black mist “Because as much as you want to put me in my place, you are still my Brother. I do love you as such in spite of everything”
War let out a small laugh “Love? You’ve been around humans for far too long...” War disappeared like a vision and Death was alone; indeed he had been around both Mundies and Fables for a very long time, but Death was smart enough to know that emotions like love didn’t make you weak, whether War would ever share this view was unknown.
O The parallel universe
Nick had to find the Death of this universe; for he or she would have the power to send him back to his own universe. Nick made his way down the mountain and began walking towards the only landmark he could see from the mountaintop: a grand castle off in the far distance. It was maybe a 3-4 day walk, and Nick didn’t exactly have time on his side so he would have to run.
Running for a good hour or so, a familiar scent filled the air suddenly as Nick stopped in his tracks; it was the stench of blood, and a lot of it. Nick followed the smell to its source as best he could, his sense of smell was good, but nowhere near as good as an animal like a Wolf, though that wasn’t going to become a problem now, the rocky ground was becoming red and sticky with blood. The trail intensified as it lead out into a large clearing, littered with both dead and wounded soldiers, some were wearing crested armour whilst others were in lesser attire like leather and rags.
Nick walked through the scene with a sense of déjà vu, he had encountered scenes like this before, but usually he was the one that either started or ended them. One of the armoured soldiers was breathing; his crest was unknown to Nick: it was Y shape within a circle, with 3 symbols in the spaces, a sword, a flame, and a man riding a horse. Nick inspected the man’s injuries, he had an axe embedded in his shoulder and his head looked like it was hit with some kind rock or hammer.
The soldier noticed Nick “H-help me, p-please!” Nick crouched down in front of the dying man “Why?” The man seemed even more saddened by Nick’s simple response “Because I-I want to l-live” Nick spoke again with a deeper tone “Why?” The soldier thought about his response this time, and hoped he had the right answer “I-I have a d-daughter...” Nick nodded and put his hand to the man’s head, the black mist seeped into the wound.
Nick’s healing was very crude in comparison to other forms of magic, the mist would reverse whatever happened to the individual, but that also meant forcing them to relive the pain they felt from the injury as well. The blood washed away as the man’s head regained what little of its shape it had lost, though his cries of pain were not pleasant to hear. Nick put his hand on the axe and yanked it out, doing the same to the man’s shoulder as he had to his head.
The soldier continued to sit after finally calming down “My thanks to you good sir, who are you?” Nick crossed his arms as he stood up “Dullahan” Nick knew of Mr Dark’s real name and hoped the soldier didn’t. The soldier replied “Well Dullahan, my thanks to you-“
Nick cut the soldier off “I don’t have time to play meet and greet with you sir, just tell me how I can get to the castle as quickly as possible” The soldier was surprised by Nick’s sudden question, but he answered nonetheless “Through the swamp; but it is home to Grendels sir, those things are horrific creatures!”
Nick smirked at hearing this “I know what a Grendel is soldier-“ The soldier suddenly looked afraid as his breath quivered and he shook, Nick tilted his head “What’s wrong?” The soldier pointed behind Nick, he turned around...
There was a man of average height and build with short white hair, wearing a Mundane suit, standing in front of the corpses, apparently inspecting them. Nick turned back to the soldier “Who is he?” The soldier spoke shakily “Death, he has come for us, come for me” Nick felt a presence behind him and turned around to look downwards a little at the white haired man.
The man spoke “Excuse me, but that soldier owes me something” Nick didn’t budge as he grinned “What does he owe you? I saved his life so he owes me a favour...” The man smirked “No one cheats Death good sir, now please move so I can collect what he has tried to hide from me-“
Nick turned around took the soldier by the throat “Do you really have a family?” The soldier shed a tear as he knew what was coming next; he replied weakly “No...” Nick broke the man’s neck without hesitation and dropped the limp body afterwards. A white spirit emerged from the corpse and flew into Nick’s body, much to the shock of the white haired man.
The man did not look happy “How did you do that?” Nick responded “Fear. People who are afraid of me when they die, their souls come to me, and this man did not have a family it would seem...” The white haired man was curious now “You have his memories?”
Nick nodded “Yes, I can view them as I please” The man nodded as he brushed down his open suit jacket “Well anyways, my name is Luke”
Nick stretched out a hand and gave an extra firm shake to Luke’s hand “Dullahan” Luke didn’t look impressed “Dullahan is locked away in a box, what is your real name?” Nick answered “I don’t have a given name, though this body was called Nick in before its soul passed on”
Luke was confused “I don’t recall taking this body’s soul” Nick spoke “He died at sea...” Luke couldn’t really argue “I don’t handle that, Davy Jones is the go to for deaths at sea” Nick gave a nod in response. He could feel the immense power of Death coming from Luke’s heart of all places.
Nick asked “If you are Death, then you can send me to a different universe right?” Luke was startled by such a question “Well, yes I can, but I’ve never done it before... Besides, why should I help you?”
Nick’s smile faded into a blank expression as his brows furrowed “I don’t have time for stalling Luke” Luke backed away as his hair and hands turned blue “What could you possibly do to me?”
Nick was amused at the power Luke was displaying “Ice? Really?” Luke chuckled as a blast hit Nick’s feet and froze him to the ground, he looked up only to receive a hook punch to the face, though the effect wasn’t what Luke expected. Instead of flying away, Nick’s head simply moved with the blow, but just his head, as he stared at Luke with yellow eyes “Let me show you how a real man punches!”
Nick grabbed Luke’s tie and hit him square in the face, Luke tumbled backwards and fell on his back, he got up and wiped a small trickle of blood from his lower lip as his hair and hands turned red. Nick stepped out of his icy restraints and laughed when he saw Luke “Fire?!” Nick’s own hands emitted the dark orange flames in response. Luke threw a fireball that Nick dodged, Nick responded and Luke dodged it effortlessly.
The charade of exchanging fireballs was continued for a short while until Luke closed the distance and went in with a combo, placing swift but powerful punches to Nick’s torso and head. Nick took it all in with a smile as he replied after the last punch “Boxing? You’re pretty good I must say, but it won’t work on me”
Luke suddenly morphed into a shadowy figure in a black robe surrounded by fiendish looking souls; the souls bombarded Nick as Luke lay into him with even fiercer punches, this time Nick was regretting being so cocky. He found an opening and dived away from the action, changing into his second form and snarling at Luke.
Nick charged Luke and attacked him with fierce swipes, but they didn’t seem to be doing much to him. Nick jammed his hand into the shadows chest and found the creature’s heart. Nick squeezed the organ as Luke thrashed and flailed on the ground, trying to get the skinless creature to let go. The souls batted Nick away, but he got up quickly and was prepared for more, but Luke changed back into a human form and got up panting.
“We could do this forever, so let’s fight on more even ground shall we?” Nick changed back into his human form “Ok... what do you have in mind?”
Luke walked towards Nick “A game of chess; if I win then I get your soul, if you win then I will take you back to your universe” Nick had to think hard about his decision, if he lost then it was game over, but the prize was all what he needed, so he had to accept.
“Fine Luke, I accept the challenge, I will call for you when I’m ready” Luke nodded and went about collecting the souls of the deceased soldiers as Nick made his way towards a small town...
So, any questions or comments, please leave them and I will answer however I can XD
Seems like War and Death have a lot of issues to pan out with one another but the idea of Death showing some human emotion makes you think twice about him as a character.
Nick is like 'whatever' when it came to that soilder; it was neat to see the Grendels being mentioned and it will be interesting to see what happens to them as the story progresses. I did like Luke in this. Also, the Davy Jones thing was cool, knowing Death is seperated into different parts and only that one person handles it. Neat little decission to play Chess with the lives of others.
Not sure who to worry about more: Luke or Nick. :P Neat knowing you just did this in a flash; it really paints a picture with all these characters and the world they are in. I look forward to more.
Oh man I had to write something today, it's been too long already! It's currently 3am in England and I am somehow able to post this, I liter… moreally started this an hour ago... I hope it's good enough
@Tetra A nice surprise for you in this one
@pudding_pie @JJwolf A reference for a future chapter involving certain charatcers
Devils and Demons Chapter 9 - A Mere Reflection
The conflict between Death and War hadn’t started from this one act of violence; it had always been present since the dawn of time. The two men didn’t like each other, but brotherhood was what kept them together, allowed them to agree on things, and to be civil with each other. When a conflict was brewing between them, they would retreat to their realm so as to avoid destroying whatever world they were currently in.
The two had learned this the hard way almost 1,000 years ago; a vicious fight had erupted between them and caused mass earthquakes to break the earth… [view original content]
Belinda and Sophie are becoming the best of friends and its neat to see how their friendship began up until the point of Harmony and Tm's vacation. That Mr. Rutley has swag; at first, I thought he was flirting with Belinda until I noticed I was wrong. XD Still feel so bad for Belinda and her journey to the mundane world. Their friendship reminds me of those girls you see huddle together and all giggly. :P
I liked this a lot and look forward to more of Belinda's tale. Everything is doing well on my side of the world. Hope all is well with you,
"This restaurant is owned by a Fable you've might have met in Fabletown," Sophie explained to Belinda with a bit more confidence. She was sl… moreowly coming out of her strictly professional shell, actually laughing when Belinda said something funny and smiling more often. Belinda wondered if Sophie had ever had a true social life before becoming a maid, but some questions were made to go unspoken. They'd bought a new hat together and some fabric for sewing new curtains in the parlor of Belinda's apartment flat. They also enjoyed a bit of ice cream earlier, and now they were hungry for something more filling.
"Really now?" Belinda asked curiously. "Who is it?"
"Mayor Rutley's son," Sophie said. "He is a chef."
"I don't think I've met him," Belinda replied. "Is he just more secluded?"
"He doesn't always live in Fabletown," Sophie said. "He has his own flat on the second floor here, and I don't blame him for keeping his distance from his … [view original content]
The soldier was meant to die and he lied to Nick so he would save him, Nick doesn't like being lied to. Davy Jones MAY appear in this story, or maybe in the next one, he has a connection to Nick.
I hope I captured Luke ok tbh :P
Nick dude, always worry about Nick! Well next chapter will have a nice surprise for you specifically so you can look forward to that as well XD
Seems like War and Death have a lot of issues to pan out with one another but the idea of Death showing some human emotion makes you think t… morewice about him as a character.
Nick is like 'whatever' when it came to that soilder; it was neat to see the Grendels being mentioned and it will be interesting to see what happens to them as the story progresses. I did like Luke in this. Also, the Davy Jones thing was cool, knowing Death is seperated into different parts and only that one person handles it. Neat little decission to play Chess with the lives of others.
Not sure who to worry about more: Luke or Nick. :P Neat knowing you just did this in a flash; it really paints a picture with all these characters and the world they are in. I look forward to more.
Wouldn't be saying it if you hadn't written them. Love the ship names of all these couples XD The combination of the different personalities are like the right spices to a dish: just the right amount here are there and there's never a dull moment.
For some reason, there seem to be people that just don't make for natural parents. But you're clearly showing that it's not about how one of your parents were to you that should then be an example of how you should be towards your child; it's your own choice. And with that being said, Emily will be happy knowing that she has a great father. And mother, too, of course!
Can totally image in that; it'd be brilliant. XD To be honest, I love seeing them together (and I've almost finished writing the Victorian scene with them both - hoping you all enjoy it as much as it's been to write it XD thanks again for letting me use him!) Might just have to try writing this out, for the fun of it :P
Hearing that has made my day, man. I adore my Lyorgie. XD I was going to try and do that for the other Porgie Clan kids; I've given a good … moredose of Junior and Katherine and now, we need a dash of Penelope. Get all the different personalities in there.
I agree with you; this is what causes problems and certain situations that could have been avoided, should someone had said something. It's cruel; I could never, EVER see myself throwing my little Emily around should she have a meltdown because, let's face it, she will. Just makes me so angry because my own father did that to us....
I'd watch that; see them arguing over nonsense and speaking REALLY fast to the point where I don't understand a single thing. XD I love drawing those two together, BTW and having a guest OC would add fuel to the fire and I love it!
Another one of my little speeches regarding the thread so I'll make this quick for you guys.
Either tomorrow or on Friday, I will be anno… moreuncing ways we could potentially change this discussion for the better in the near-possible future. However, it would be up to all (or some) of you to make it happen. So expect that sometime in the next couple days. Also keep in mind what I will post has been in my thoughts for a while now, and wouldn't be appropriate to explain on April Fools (in my opinion).
Thank you for reading this short notice, storytellers 'o mine!
the Horsemen were always ready for the Fates to tell them to bring about Armageddon, but that day was nowhere in sight right now.
That's reassuring. :P
Death's comprehension of love not making him weak is certainly a deep strength over his brother; so many lives might be saved if they could get on, but perhaps just throwing the chess board off the table in disdain wouldn't have been enough for War.
Death and Death fighting each other is suitably epic! Given that they're both probably quite similar in in terms of powers it makes sense that they would have to sort things out in a conflict that isn't so physical. Is it at all relevant who the soldiers were fighting for and about, or am I focusing too much on that?
Good detail in this chapter! Though there's usually good detail in your chapters. Looking forward to seeing Gren and/or Robert, or maybe one of the other brothers.
Oh man I had to write something today, it's been too long already! It's currently 3am in England and I am somehow able to post this, I liter… moreally started this an hour ago... I hope it's good enough
@Tetra A nice surprise for you in this one
@pudding_pie @JJwolf A reference for a future chapter involving certain charatcers
Devils and Demons Chapter 9 - A Mere Reflection
The conflict between Death and War hadn’t started from this one act of violence; it had always been present since the dawn of time. The two men didn’t like each other, but brotherhood was what kept them together, allowed them to agree on things, and to be civil with each other. When a conflict was brewing between them, they would retreat to their realm so as to avoid destroying whatever world they were currently in.
The two had learned this the hard way almost 1,000 years ago; a vicious fight had erupted between them and caused mass earthquakes to break the earth… [view original content]
She began to wonder whom she may have encountered in the past that could have a Glamour on...
This seems a little foreboding, perhaps; or it's just a general comment. Never know which way things are going to go, but that's one of the things which makes these chapters fun to read. XD Either way, Belinda and Sophie's tale is engaging to read, and the bits of mystery that pop up every now and then are making Fabletown London a most curious place!
And that Mr. Rutley - he clearly knows how Sophie feels about him. He's just a big tease. XD
"This restaurant is owned by a Fable you've might have met in Fabletown," Sophie explained to Belinda with a bit more confidence. She was sl… moreowly coming out of her strictly professional shell, actually laughing when Belinda said something funny and smiling more often. Belinda wondered if Sophie had ever had a true social life before becoming a maid, but some questions were made to go unspoken. They'd bought a new hat together and some fabric for sewing new curtains in the parlor of Belinda's apartment flat. They also enjoyed a bit of ice cream earlier, and now they were hungry for something more filling.
"Really now?" Belinda asked curiously. "Who is it?"
"Mayor Rutley's son," Sophie said. "He is a chef."
"I don't think I've met him," Belinda replied. "Is he just more secluded?"
"He doesn't always live in Fabletown," Sophie said. "He has his own flat on the second floor here, and I don't blame him for keeping his distance from his … [view original content]
When drawing her I remembered Dragon's comment about her blowing bubblegum, which is what she's doing XD So thanks for that suggestion! And she's supposed to be wearing a biker jacket but I'm not too great at clothes yet. :P
Anyway, was going to post these chapters separate but chapter 3 doesn't really do loads by itself and chapter 4 starts where 3 ends, so hopefully you don't mind reading your way through all this! If you do, then feel free to read in segments or whatever. XD
Chapter Three – A Knock at the Door
Chapter Four – A Familiar Face (With Excellent Hair)
On this sunny April morning, Manhattan find itself animated as usual.
HONK HONK“Get outta the freakin' way, ya freakin' tool!” Traffic weaves to and fro, fish in a steel reef.
“Yes, Janet, I had a wonderful time with you both last night – Paul really is such a charming man! Oh, I'm about to step into work, talk to you soon!”CALL ENDED“As soon as you're dead, you fucking bitch.” Love's labour is lost.
“Eliza, my heart yearns for you! I don't care what anybody else thinks: will you marry me?” Eliza's taken-aback, unable to speak; all she can do is throw her arms open wide and embrace the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Yet there's always joy to be found somewhere on the island between two rivers, the island that sparkles like a jewel as the sun shines happily on it's spires.
Nestled within Manhattan, Fabletown is equally abuzz in the agreeable weather as it's citizens go about their business; but, while Bigby Wolf listens to Mr. Weasel's account in the Sheriffs' Office of The Woodlands, floors below there is one inhabitant who shuns the light with thick curtains drawn across their bedroom windows, and they sleep.
If you were standing in the room, it's proportions plenty to accommodate a large bed, wardrobe, dresser and someone standing in it, the quality of light would be the first thing you notice; it's dark, but blue, not black, thanks to the colour of the curtains. Given the shade of paint on the walls – a reflective white – you could perhaps, if in a slight state of intoxication, become confused and suspect you were in an icy cave (and I apologise for even thinking you should be so easy to befuddle when tipsy).
A gentle rising and falling from beneath the white bedsheets you would next be aware of, though the slumbering person in question remains hidden beneath the soft linen. And then, before you could switch your attention to anything else, the alarm clock would snatch it for you as it switches on.
The digital time-keeper has a single objective in mind. Starting soft: beep; it gains a determination: Beep; then realises that it's task will not be accomplished with meekness: BEEP; so finally musters itself into an aggressive crescendo: BEEP; and then continues until it is paid attention. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, etc., etc. (And by this point you would surely have left the room in haste, for as a stranger with the most innocent of intentions you realise that it would appear somewhat suspicious and be entirely impolite to stand in the bedroom of someone you've not met as they awake from their sleep. How very thoughtful of you).
A hand emerges from beneath the folds of the bed to wave generally in the clock's direction, proceeding to tap along the smooth top of the cabinet till the noisy offender is located; whereupon the open palm that is about to descend steadily to press the 'Off' button is jarred by a BEEP that's the loudest yet, a veritable shout of indignation at the prospect of being silenced, and so that open palm balls into a fist and slams down on the top of the alarm clock. The response is a BEEeeeee – - p, and then there is silence.
Rolling onto her back and pulling away the sheets a little, Dixa, eyes bleary, stares up at the ice-blue ceiling. The Dixa of 6 o'clock the previous evening was canny, knowing that she would likely end up sleeping late in the morning and adjusting her alarm accordingly so that it would wake her not too early and not too late, and thus she wouldn't totally miss half the day.
The Dixa of 11:15 in the morning is irritated by the presumptuous behaviour of her earlier self in thinking that she wouldn't want to miss the morning. With a headache like someone hammering a high striker at a carnival the morning could sod off.
She realises that last night is a blur. The salient facts Dixa can recall are getting a cab out to some bar in Brooklyn, meeting a few friends and having some drinks. Plenty of drinks. And how she got back, Dixa isn't exactly sure.
'Maybe I should get a dog', is the next thought that crosses her mind, a reflection that helps her get over the fact she's missing a couple of hours from the night before and a conscious voicing of a thought that's been playing on her mind of late. Despite the numerous friends she could call on (and grateful for each one she is), there is an intimacy, a gap in her emotional life that needs addressing; and perhaps a dog could provide a certain companionship to assist this requirement?
Any further ruminations on the topic are cut short by a loud knock on her apartment's front door. Quite tempted to feign ignorance and continue laying in the comfortable bed, a follow up to the first knock is made with an urgency that demands answering. So, with a sigh, Dixa pulls back the sheets, reaches for a gown hanging over the wardrobe door and makes her way out of the bedroom and into the living room, where a short walk past a sofa, table and TV gets her to the white front door.
Deigning not to look through the small viewer and inspect the caller, Dixa unlocks the door and swings it outwards (the singular peculiarity with her entrance caused by an oversight when the door was being placed. Of course she could have it swapped to open inwards, but Dixa likes this idiosyncrasy.). She is greeted by no one. It has taken her at most a minute to get here after the first knock – a knock which sounded important enough without the second one, so where is whomever did it?!
Dixa sticks her head out into the stylish corridor, bright from windows allowing the sun to stream in, checking both ways and around her door, but no one is to be seen.
'Harumph', she's gotten up for no good reason; but, at least she's up. To clear her mind, Dixa decides a ride on her motorbike is in order (an example picture of which, found during an idealistic Google Image search by this author, can be found here). One quick thing to do beforehand – other than get dressed – is to wake herself up proper, which Dixa does by heading into the small and shiny kitchen, opening the freezer and dousing her face in ice, the frozen water always an aid to the Yeti.
10 minutes later, with a quick wash done, hair fastened up and jeans, jacket and boots upon her person, (and given to thinking that her helmet must be with her bike), Dixa opens her door and leaves.
'Cindy! Damn.' After stepping out of her apartment, Dixa remembers she was supposed to meet her friend at 11:30, but in her hangover state and after the peculiar knock at the door she's forgotten all about it. Taking her phone from her jeans she checks the screen – it's 11:35. Cindy won't mind a couple of minutes lateness. Probably. Their reason for meeting being important to the blonde bell of the ball, however, Dixa chastises herself while making her way towards the elevator. The bike ride would have to wait.
Reaching the lift, Dixa presses the 'Call' button and notes the letters lighting up green, grateful it isn't out of service again. Yes, she could use the stairs down the other end of the floor but there's still a grogginess in her head that currently protests at the notion of unnecessary movement.
Hopefully Cinderella won't shout at her, because that really wouldn't help Dixa's head; but Cinderella had been doing a lot of that lately – shouting – and the chances of it happening again are pretty high. In fairness, Dixa recognises, Cindy has been putting herself under a lot of stress of late.
A loud 'ping!' is given by the elevator and the shiny doors slide open to reveal the only passenger aboard, who's blue hair positively buzzes with resplendence even in the artificial light of the compartment. A pair of headphones are smoothly lowered to their chest, a motion clearly done countless times before.
“Good morning, Dixa!” Is Makoto's bright greeting as Dixa steps in next to him.
“Hello,” she replies, cheered for bumping into the ever friendly Makoto. “How are you? And which floor are you going to?”
“I'm fiiyyaawn. Ugh, excuse me – I'm actually really tired. Oh, and eight. No, make it six – the walk might wake me up.” Currently being on the fifth floor the conversation will no doubt be a short one, and as Dixa presses the '6' button the lift whirs into life.
“Would your drowsiness have anything to do with dearest Ella?” Inquires Dixa, who has been babysitter for her current travelling companion's daughter on more than one occasion.
“Yes, dearest Ella. She's teething. Celeste and I haven't had a good sleep for days. Or weeks. Feels like months.” Saying this, Makoto's eyes glaze over and his hands reach and hold onto the silver headphones that rest against his chest, entering into a state that only sleep deprivation or staring at a kaleidoscope for too long can bring about. The robotic voice of the elevator brings Makoto back as it announces the arrival to the sixth floor.
“And now Peter's called me in to investigate someone going missing. Or appearing. He wasn't too clear but it sounds complicated.” Makoto shakes his head slightly; at any other time he'd be raring to go.
“Oh? Who's disappeared? Or Appeared?”
“Mr. Weasel,” answers Makoto, turning his head to face Dixa.
“Shit,” swears Dixa. Cinderella is almost certainly going to be in a shouting mood. “Are you going there now?”
“Yeah, but I'll walk up from sixth. It's only two flights of stairs but like I said, it might wake me up a bit.”
Dixa is going to the same place then, but she's still not feeling keen on the idea of walking.
“Guess I'll see you in a few minutes.” She pauses. “Well, I'm sure you'll help get to the bottom of it, Makoto – the Sheriffs' Office would be lost without you,” she says with a smile, patting him on the back.
“Huh, you would know!” And with that remark Makoto exits into the white-walled corridor. “See you in a minute!” And off he goes.
Dixa presses '8', the doors close, and up she starts going.
'Percy – what on Earth's he gotten himself into now? Somehow that weasel has the ability to find himself in the most unlikeliest situations without even doing anything', thinks Dixa.
She leans against the silver wall and plays with the bun of her black hair while the lift continues it's journey, mindful that she could really do with some fresh air to wake her up more and not at all conscious of the faint clicking sound that started as soon as she'd pressed the '8' button.
'Oh, and Cindy. She's been so stressed planning everything and now this? There's over a year to go but she won't be able to organise the wedd--'
'That's not good.' Dixa's eyes widen as the lift starts to jolt in a way lifts really shouldn't jolt; and an image – a most unwelcome image that would surely cross the mind of any of us caught in this situation – of her ending in a flattened paste upon the lobby floor of The Woodlands flashes into her mind. (Really, she'd be a flattened paste inside the elevator still, but let's not bother her with this pedantry.)
The elevator judders erratically but continues to ascend; the dial above the door indicates that the seventh floor has gone and the eighth will very soon be reached.
In the blink of an eye, though, the lift stops moving and becomes disconcertingly quiet for a lift that was clamouring moments ago. A few seconds pass in which Dixa dare not move.
CREEEEEEEAKK … … …VFUTHHEW – the elevator wildly tilts to the left, knocking Dixa against the side she'd moments before been casually leaning against as a cable somewhere above snaps. Only one option is apparent: Dixa leans forward and digs her nails between the cracks of the door, teeth gritted as she pulls to slide it open. At first the ends of her nails snap and she damns whichever smart-arse thought it was a good idea to have strong doors. Her fingers transform and claws protrude forth from the damaged nails which she jabs into the crack; pulling with renewed vigour the door gives way. The lip of the eighth floor is now accessible through a narrow gap at the top of the elevator door-frame.
Dixa is aware that the gap is dark, and so the corridor is too, but there is no time for questions: she throws her arms onto the lip of the floor, digging her fingers into soft carpet and hastily pulling herself up, fitting with a squeeze through the gap.
There's another loud CLUNK from behind and above her; lying on the carpet, Dixa turns to see the entire lift instantaneously drop out of sight with metal coils flailing after it, screeches howling from the shaft. She braces herself for what will surely be a horrendous crunch as the large metal box hits the ground. It'll be any second now. Any second.
What? Silence? Dixa is confused: the elevator had been falling uncontrollably and not even a stop caused by magic would occur so noiselessly.
She crawls towards the gaping gap in the wall and peers down the shaft but can see nothing other than emptiness through the feet of darkness her eyes can penetrate. In fact, she now properly realises, it's dark all around her, which is odd; it was a bright morning minutes ago.
Unsure of her surroundings, Dixa begins to stand up but gets no further than a crouch when lights spark on and she's momentarily blinded. From the ceiling naked bulbs dangle down, filaments glowing golden and illuminating the corridor; and Dixa finds that she is not alone.
Standing in front of her is a goat.
That door idiosyncrasy is actually what my front door does. Catches people quite off-guard. Anyway, things are, I think, going to get a bit stranger with Dixa's part of the tale, while with Mr. Weasel we'll be seeing some more well-known faces. Actually, I plan on having well-known faces in both parts, but a lot of this is still rolling around my head and not on paper. XD If you read it, let me know what you thought of Makoto, @Tetra! Any questions, ask away!
the Horsemen were always ready for the Fates to tell them to bring about Armageddon, but that day was nowhere in sight right now.
Th… moreat's reassuring. :P
Death's comprehension of love not making him weak is certainly a deep strength over his brother; so many lives might be saved if they could get on, but perhaps just throwing the chess board off the table in disdain wouldn't have been enough for War.
Death and Death fighting each other is suitably epic! Given that they're both probably quite similar in in terms of powers it makes sense that they would have to sort things out in a conflict that isn't so physical. Is it at all relevant who the soldiers were fighting for and about, or am I focusing too much on that?
Good detail in this chapter! Though there's usually good detail in your chapters. Looking forward to seeing Gren and/or Robert, or maybe one of the other brothers.
I've noticed Nick is a man to never be lied to; I thought to myself that Davy MAY play a huge roll sometime later but since you clarified that for me, that sounds promising indeed!
I thought you did good with Luke; made him just as power hungry and eager as Nick is in your stories. I'm sure Tetra will love it!
I know you say Nick but after this....whew! Man, Luke! Determination can make a man do some pretty wicked things, my friend. :P Either way, I'd never piss them off. XD I look forward to what you have planned for this story.
The soldier was meant to die and he lied to Nick so he would save him, Nick doesn't like being lied to. Davy Jones MAY appear in this story,… more or maybe in the next one, he has a connection to Nick.
I hope I captured Luke ok tbh :P
Nick dude, always worry about Nick! Well next chapter will have a nice surprise for you specifically so you can look forward to that as well XD
Oh man I had to write something today, it's been too long already! It's currently 3am in England and I am somehow able to post this, I liter… moreally started this an hour ago... I hope it's good enough
@Tetra A nice surprise for you in this one
@pudding_pie @JJwolf A reference for a future chapter involving certain charatcers
Devils and Demons Chapter 9 - A Mere Reflection
The conflict between Death and War hadn’t started from this one act of violence; it had always been present since the dawn of time. The two men didn’t like each other, but brotherhood was what kept them together, allowed them to agree on things, and to be civil with each other. When a conflict was brewing between them, they would retreat to their realm so as to avoid destroying whatever world they were currently in.
The two had learned this the hard way almost 1,000 years ago; a vicious fight had erupted between them and caused mass earthquakes to break the earth… [view original content]
I am really enjoying this Lupine! That picture is really awesome! Makoto was awesome! He actually sounds like me right now XD I'm doing great, hope everything is well on your end as well Lupine!
When drawing her I remembered Dragon's comment about her blowing bubblegum, which is what she's doing XD So thanks for that sug… moregestion! And she's supposed to be wearing a biker jacket but I'm not too great at clothes yet. :P
Anyway, was going to post these chapters separate but chapter 3 doesn't really do loads by itself and chapter 4 starts where 3 ends, so hopefully you don't mind reading your way through all this! If you do, then feel free to read in segments or whatever. XD
Chapter Three – A Knock at the Door
Chapter Four – A Familiar Face (With Excellent Hair)
On this sunny April morning, Manhattan find itself animated as usual.
HONK HONK “Get outta the freakin' way, ya freakin' tool!” Traffic weaves to and fro, fish in a steel reef.
“Yes, Janet, I had a wonderful time with you both last night – Paul really is such a charming man! Oh, I'm about to step into work, talk to you soon!” CALL ENDED “As s… [view original content]
I can't say no to drawing Emily in yoga pants....:3
Thomas sat on the porch waiting for the Grendel family to return. Viviana unbuckled herself and flew out the open window; her siblings quickly poured from the vehicle and ran to their ailing grandfather. Gren was not too pleased to see his elderly father. Using his cane for support, Thomas looks over and smiles. The four kids surround him.
"Grandpa, grandpa! Are you going to stay for dinner!? Mommy is making this really tasty pasta dish! She adds the noodles, tomatos, Mushrooms-"
"That's enough, you monsters." Emily giggles, closing her door and setting the alarm to the car. "Go wash up and get ready fa' dinner."
Groaning, the kids all face the front door and march inside. A gentle, cool mist brushes past Emily's face.
"Yes, please. Go make sure those filthy children of mine get inta' the bloody tub."
Gren nods, hoping to catch Vivian in time before she enters the home. Thomas glares at the puff of cold air.
"She's something, those guardians. Your mother always beleived that after you died, your life continues but in another-"
"What do you want, dad?" Gren folds his arms. "Isaiah and Robert are NOT here, in case you were hoping to see another fuckin' throwdown with us."
"I deserved that, Grendel. To be honest, anything you say and feel, I've deserved. I know I was not a good father to you-"
"Let's take this inside, Thomas." Emily snatches Gren's hand in her own. "Would ya' like ta' stay fa' dinner or-"
Emily holds her index finger up. "Excuse us for a moment, Thomas. Please."
Emily forces Gren to follow her back to the car. As the kids bathed in the home and Thomas stood with patience, she needed to speak to her husband. There was a difference in Thomas' voice as he spoke to his son.
"Woot the fook is ya' issue, Gren?"
"Don't!" Gren places his finger on Emily's chest. "DON'T you even go fuckin' tellin' me to be nice to that fuckin' man. YOU of all people know what kind of fuckin' shit he put me through!"
"Ya' need ta' stop livin in the fookin' past, Gren! THAT'S woot Isaiah meant ta'day when he said-"
"Isaiah has no right to talk!" Gren slams his hand on the hood of the car. This causes Emily to jump. "HE-and Robert-ALL of them! They turned me away, Emily! When I needed them the most, their own flesh and blood, they fuckin' left me! Said everything that ever happend to my mother was all on me. I fuckin' walked around here for centuries with that guilt on my head and-"
"You can't fookin' blame ya' dad anymore, Gren! THIS is why ya' can't let go! He's here now. Robert and Isaiah want ta' have a relationship with ya'! We have kids now, Gren...they do not deserve ta' fookin' see ya' fightin' like that because I will not have my kids pick between ya'! I just won't! Ya' need ta' stop bein' so fookin' selfish! Please, Gren...please...."
"Fuck, Ems..." Gren lowers his head, pressing it against Emily's chest. "Why do you do this to me? Fuck. You were always able to fuckin' make me better..."
"Ya' are not alone, Gren. Remember that. The kids love their uncles and they love Thomas. Never forget, no but ya' need ta' forgive him. Please. Fa' me, too...."
Gren rubs his neck and glances back at his father. The elderly man leaned against the wooden post and cracked a small smile in Gren's direction. He knew Emily spoke of nothing but the truth and as much as he wanted to deny, he needed to be the bigger person. His stubborness and inability to see the full picture nearly caused him the relationship he had with his brothers. And soon, his dying father. Gren took another glance at his new arm.
"See....see if he's hungry, Emily..."
After a suttle meal of garlic bread, salad and Eggplant Parmesan, the children began their nightly schedule of seetling down. While Emily accomodates to the girls and Liam, Gren and Thomas take a stroll along the dirt roads surrounding their home. It was Spring and the sun was barely setting behind the mountain tops. Birds tweeted their evening song and the creatures returned to the nearby forest for the night. With Gren's aid, Thomas and his son made their way to a nearby bubbling creek. The elderly Grendel inhaled the sweet smell of the Cattails and Lilypads growing along the river banks. Fireflies swarmed the flowers and joined the hundreds of twinkling stars carefully forming along the majestic purple sky.
"Reminds me of home." Thomas sits along a giant boulder. "This is peaceful. Your mother loved nights like this, Grendel."
"I know." Gren joins his father. "I remember takin' walks with mom on nights as such. She...she'd let me run ahead and chase the Moths and Fireflies that came across our path. Sometimes, she'd let me swim in the river, too and chase all kinds of fuckin' fish and Frogs."
Gren pauses to chuckle but the anguish feeling of his mother crept up and now, was set in his mind. Covering his face, Gren weeps into his palm. The rough, massive hand of his father kneading his back. The gentle whimpers coming from Thomas' mouth. They seemed to fade away into the night and the lullaby the Crickets and Frogs made for the two giants sitting near the pond. It was difficult sometimes for Gren to vision his past with Calla. The two were very close and he loved everything about his mother. In his mind, he knew nothing that occurd in the Homelands was him but deep in his heart, Gren knew it to be true. His father's words forever stamped in his heart and soul. Cleaning his eyes, Thomas continues to rub Gren's shoulders.
"She's here with you always, Grendel. I see her in my dreams, too. I can still smell her. Feel her in my arms as I lay on the cool grass. Hear her sweet voice against the river and the wind carresing the trees."
"Do you see the Koi Fish, too?"
"All the fuckin' time, son. She's the reason why I'm here. She wants me to teach you. Show you the way..."
"You keep saying this, dad." Gren sighs heavily, looking out into the water. "Isaiah said it, too. WHAT is going on, dad? Why are you really here? I know it can't just be the Alpha thing....right?"
Thomas shakes his head. Gren noticed the paleness growing along his neck and hands. His eyes looked sunk in and hair turning a fine gray color. Thomas looked exhausted and knocking on Death's door. At any moment, Gren thought, he'd eventually answer.
"The silence gets us nowhere fast, son. It angered me to see you that way-a drunk, sloppy mess. Feeling as if you're not worth it. To be loved. To hide away in the dark, thinking of everything I said. You're so much stronger and I was foolish not to see it. Then or now. I was so focused on raising your brother to BE an Alpha, I forgot it takes more than just strength and agility to be one. It also takes courage. Heart. Love. Something your brother has yet to discover about himself."
"What ar you saying?"
"There is a reason why you feel different, Grendel. Why Robert still has some form of tension against you. Jealous of what you've become. Why Isaiah has come around and is trying to help you."
"Are....are you saying that-"
"As your Alpha, I'm here to train you, so you'll know what to do when I pass. YOU, Grendel....your the new alpha. By tearing away your arm, you proved to me your passion. Your ability to let go and move forward. Look past it all. You have courage in here, son. With Emily's connection to your mother's bow, you two have become what we were back in the Homelands. Grendel-you have taken my place. You're the alpha, son....and your wife has now become the protector."
Gren needed to think about what was bestowed upon him. Running his fingers through his hair, Gren could not fully grasp what was said. HE was strong? An Alpha? No. No, this couldn't be, he thought. Gren swore he didn't want the position. It was ALWAYS meant for Robert; he was the strongest one out of the brothers and was way more then qualified to take Thomas' place once he passed on. Now, smiling at his youngest, Thomas holds out his hand. Gren could only stare. His lip curls, cracking a faint smile. From the distance, he could see his beautiful wife. Her pale yellow dress, showing off all the traits he found so irresistable since he could always remember. Thomas turns and notices the alluring young woman.
She did indeed remind him of his long lost love, Calla. The decision to leave the power to them was the best conclusion he could have ever made before his removal from this world.
"What do you say, my boy? Will you and Emily take our places and be the soul protector to your family? To the Grendels, the remaining Wood Elves and those that surround your very exsitence?"
Gren persues his father's hand. For a second, he could have sworn his skin resembled the bark of a tree. Taking his hand, the men shake. The glow returns to Gren's hand; he could feel a slight sting, the burning sensation boiling in his blood and finger tips. Emily was transfixed on Thomas' behavior and began running towards Gren. Her ebony hair blew in the wind with each step she took. The children were quickly behind their mother. Viviana carried her sisters in each hand while their brother, now in full Grendel form, runs towards their father. Vivian, however, knew the steps were taking place. The words Hades addressed to her back at the Woodlands. The plan was setting in.
"WAIT! Emily, stop! No! You can't cease this transaction!"
"Don't ya' fookin' tell me woot ta' do! He's hurtin' my husband and-"
"No." The look of assurance bubbled in Vivian's eyes. "Listen to me. Gren is fine. He did it, Emily..."
"Did WOOT, Vivian? Woot is Thomas doin' ta' him...."
"Gren has become the new Alpha and everything will be alright. You'll see..everything is going to be fine."
Emily could only blink in disbelief; she manages to snatch Liam in her hand, although the boy was not making it simple to be tied down. The girls stopped in their tracks when they found their mother speaking to Vivian.
"Come." Emily rounds up all the children. "Let's go back inside, alright and let 'em have grownup Grendel talk. I know some homemade ice cream and brownies are callin' four little Grendel babies."
Emily lovingly pushes the four children towards the home. As the group returns to their home, Thomas concludes his final action with Gren. Ivy vines and plants circle Gren's left wrist; the infamous scar left behind from his battle with Beowulf flares one final time before Thomas crumbles to the ground. Gren peers down at his hand. For a second, it shimmers a green tint before returning to his original golden brown color.
"What the fuck did you do, dad?"
Thomas pants. "We....we don't have much time, Gren. Your brother...Isaiah will-he'll be here tomorrow to help me....help me with your training. Emily..."
"Training? But-"
"It's time, Grendel....your people await you...."
"Wow." Gren hands Junior a beer. Junor casually sits on the counter, feet dangling along the cabinets. "Mary Smith. Gone. Just like that."
"Its happening." Thomas opens his Beer and drinks. "The time has come for us all."
"How long?" Emily glares at Thomas. "How long has this 'war' been takin' place?"
"Apparently before WE were born." Junior answers for Thomas. "Before Mary died, she told me that. I have a feeling Mary was just as much as a pawn, too."
"Everyone knows or-"
"Yes." Junior jumps down. "I told everyone. Katie is sending an emergency boradcast all over the Folker community. Peter and Ethan will stand by and wait to see what is needed. We don't WANT to panic the town but if its needed....we will make the announcement."
"Where is Carla?" Gren slams his fist against the table. "WHERE the fuck is she?"
"My mom and aunt Gina are looking. My grandfather thinks he might know where she's at right now..."
"Until then, woot do we do, Thomas? This 'trainin' ya' want us ta' do."
"We'll need to leave tomorrow and-"
"LEAVE!?" Emily stands up. "I will NOT leave! I'm not goin' anywhere without my children and-"
"They'd come too, Emily. They're needed as well. We'd be going to the camp I've been staying at for centuries now. It's the Grendels that can not afford glamours but remain out of mundy eyes. They live there as one and we'll train you there. The Wood Elves, though....that will be an issue. We are still fighting with one another."
"Where is this 'camp' you speak of, dad?"
"Not too far into the Pines near New Jersey. We'd stay there until the training is complete and-"
"No." In unison, Gren and Emily say this. Gren speaks. "WE stay here to do this training. I'm not going to drag my family, wife or guardians into this. We stay here, incase we're needed."
"Alright." Thomas nods. "I will phone Isaiah with the changes and we shall begin tomorrow morning."
Gren joins Emily near the stove as all four kids run into the kitchen.
"Is papa going to stay with us for awhile, daddy!?"
"Yes, Liam." Gren chuckles. "We are going to have him for awhile. Daddy needs to learn a few things."
The couple observe their children gather around Thomas. He sits on a chair and grabs each of the children. The children smile and play with their grandfather. Gren kisses the top of Emily's head and clutches her hand. Looking back at her brother, Emily knew it was time. The mirror jumper beamed and held up his Beer.
Ahem. Anyways, that last sentence had me laughing like a weirdo and I don't know why. lol I'm loving this, Lupine. The detail you paint with each sentence is like a paintbrush along the canvas; Weasel and Cindy are quite the team and you have ideed made Dixa out to be one young lady to look forward to. She's quite the character. I love that picture, btw. Makoto was well done in this as well. Very loyal to his job.
Look forward to more, Noir! Hope all is well with you; I'm doing pretty good and will be heading to the park later with the misses and little Emily. BEAUTIFUL day here in Cali.
When drawing her I remembered Dragon's comment about her blowing bubblegum, which is what she's doing XD So thanks for that sug… moregestion! And she's supposed to be wearing a biker jacket but I'm not too great at clothes yet. :P
Anyway, was going to post these chapters separate but chapter 3 doesn't really do loads by itself and chapter 4 starts where 3 ends, so hopefully you don't mind reading your way through all this! If you do, then feel free to read in segments or whatever. XD
Chapter Three – A Knock at the Door
Chapter Four – A Familiar Face (With Excellent Hair)
On this sunny April morning, Manhattan find itself animated as usual.
HONK HONK “Get outta the freakin' way, ya freakin' tool!” Traffic weaves to and fro, fish in a steel reef.
“Yes, Janet, I had a wonderful time with you both last night – Paul really is such a charming man! Oh, I'm about to step into work, talk to you soon!” CALL ENDED “As s… [view original content]
Nick's body died at sea, and Death's Harbinger took it before Davy Jones could...
I hope he does too!
Nick's full potential hasn't been revealed yet, tbh that fight was cut short a little because I was ready to pass out when I was writing it. But yes, Luke is indeed a very powerful man
Your special lady will be appearing next chapter btw XD
I've noticed Nick is a man to never be lied to; I thought to myself that Davy MAY play a huge roll sometime later but since you clarified th… moreat for me, that sounds promising indeed!
I thought you did good with Luke; made him just as power hungry and eager as Nick is in your stories. I'm sure Tetra will love it!
I know you say Nick but after this....whew! Man, Luke! Determination can make a man do some pretty wicked things, my friend. :P Either way, I'd never piss them off. XD I look forward to what you have planned for this story.
How was my depiction of Luke for you? I know I have free reign because it's a parallel universe, but I tried to keep him as in-character as possible...
I'm actually gonna play a game of chess with someone and record the moves for when Luke and Nick do, just to add some drama to it :P
How was my depiction of Luke for you? I know I have free reign because it's a parallel universe, but I tried to keep him as in-character as … morepossible...
I'm actually gonna play a game of chess with someone and record the moves for when Luke and Nick do, just to add some drama to it :P
Anyways, its nice to see that Gren is finally accepting his place. I always knew Gren was the strongest one. I can't wait to see what Thomas and Isaiah have planned. I have a feeling, however, my Robert will not like this and Carla will use it to her advantage....:( Will the quads be trained to? I can't wait to see more of this!
I hope Emily and Gren just kicks her ass!
EDIT: Emily is so freaking hot; those volumptuous curves he has going on and she's your ugly duckling, pie. If I was straight, Emily would be my ideal girl.
I can't say no to drawing Emily in yoga pants....:3
Thomas sat on the porch waiting for the Grendel family to return. Viviana unbuckled h… moreerself and flew out the open window; her siblings quickly poured from the vehicle and ran to their ailing grandfather. Gren was not too pleased to see his elderly father. Using his cane for support, Thomas looks over and smiles. The four kids surround him.
"Grandpa, grandpa! Are you going to stay for dinner!? Mommy is making this really tasty pasta dish! She adds the noodles, tomatos, Mushrooms-"
"That's enough, you monsters." Emily giggles, closing her door and setting the alarm to the car. "Go wash up and get ready fa' dinner."
Groaning, the kids all face the front door and march inside. A gentle, cool mist brushes past Emily's face.
"Yes, please. Go make sure those filthy children of mine get inta' the bloody tub."
Gren nods, hoping to catch Vivian in time before she enters the home. Tho… [view original content]
YAY! The Grendel bros! I hope Robert and the others are ready to handle Nick! Luke is one badass; I'm with pie on this when he states that Luke is something dangerous now. XD
Oh man I had to write something today, it's been too long already! It's currently 3am in England and I am somehow able to post this, I liter… moreally started this an hour ago... I hope it's good enough
@Tetra A nice surprise for you in this one
@pudding_pie @JJwolf A reference for a future chapter involving certain charatcers
Devils and Demons Chapter 9 - A Mere Reflection
The conflict between Death and War hadn’t started from this one act of violence; it had always been present since the dawn of time. The two men didn’t like each other, but brotherhood was what kept them together, allowed them to agree on things, and to be civil with each other. When a conflict was brewing between them, they would retreat to their realm so as to avoid destroying whatever world they were currently in.
The two had learned this the hard way almost 1,000 years ago; a vicious fight had erupted between them and caused mass earthquakes to break the earth… [view original content]
I hope you're ready for what happens in the swamp...
Yeah Luke (with Death in his heart) would eventually kill Nick, but Nick could potentially kill Luke as well by removing his heart @Tetra please confirm this
YAY! The Grendel bros! I hope Robert and the others are ready to handle Nick! Luke is one badass; I'm with pie on this when he states that Luke is something dangerous now. XD
I can't say no to drawing Emily in yoga pants....:3
Thomas sat on the porch waiting for the Grendel family to return. Viviana unbuckled h… moreerself and flew out the open window; her siblings quickly poured from the vehicle and ran to their ailing grandfather. Gren was not too pleased to see his elderly father. Using his cane for support, Thomas looks over and smiles. The four kids surround him.
"Grandpa, grandpa! Are you going to stay for dinner!? Mommy is making this really tasty pasta dish! She adds the noodles, tomatos, Mushrooms-"
"That's enough, you monsters." Emily giggles, closing her door and setting the alarm to the car. "Go wash up and get ready fa' dinner."
Groaning, the kids all face the front door and march inside. A gentle, cool mist brushes past Emily's face.
"Yes, please. Go make sure those filthy children of mine get inta' the bloody tub."
Gren nods, hoping to catch Vivian in time before she enters the home. Tho… [view original content]
When drawing her I remembered Dragon's comment about her blowing bubblegum, which is what she's doing XD So thanks for that sug… moregestion! And she's supposed to be wearing a biker jacket but I'm not too great at clothes yet. :P
Anyway, was going to post these chapters separate but chapter 3 doesn't really do loads by itself and chapter 4 starts where 3 ends, so hopefully you don't mind reading your way through all this! If you do, then feel free to read in segments or whatever. XD
Chapter Three – A Knock at the Door
Chapter Four – A Familiar Face (With Excellent Hair)
On this sunny April morning, Manhattan find itself animated as usual.
HONK HONK “Get outta the freakin' way, ya freakin' tool!” Traffic weaves to and fro, fish in a steel reef.
“Yes, Janet, I had a wonderful time with you both last night – Paul really is such a charming man! Oh, I'm about to step into work, talk to you soon!” CALL ENDED “As s… [view original content]
When drawing her I remembered Dragon's comment about her blowing bubblegum, which is what she's doing XD So thanks for that sug… moregestion! And she's supposed to be wearing a biker jacket but I'm not too great at clothes yet. :P
Anyway, was going to post these chapters separate but chapter 3 doesn't really do loads by itself and chapter 4 starts where 3 ends, so hopefully you don't mind reading your way through all this! If you do, then feel free to read in segments or whatever. XD
Chapter Three – A Knock at the Door
Chapter Four – A Familiar Face (With Excellent Hair)
On this sunny April morning, Manhattan find itself animated as usual.
HONK HONK “Get outta the freakin' way, ya freakin' tool!” Traffic weaves to and fro, fish in a steel reef.
“Yes, Janet, I had a wonderful time with you both last night – Paul really is such a charming man! Oh, I'm about to step into work, talk to you soon!” CALL ENDED “As s… [view original content]
I can't say no to drawing Emily in yoga pants....:3
Thomas sat on the porch waiting for the Grendel family to return. Viviana unbuckled h… moreerself and flew out the open window; her siblings quickly poured from the vehicle and ran to their ailing grandfather. Gren was not too pleased to see his elderly father. Using his cane for support, Thomas looks over and smiles. The four kids surround him.
"Grandpa, grandpa! Are you going to stay for dinner!? Mommy is making this really tasty pasta dish! She adds the noodles, tomatos, Mushrooms-"
"That's enough, you monsters." Emily giggles, closing her door and setting the alarm to the car. "Go wash up and get ready fa' dinner."
Groaning, the kids all face the front door and march inside. A gentle, cool mist brushes past Emily's face.
"Yes, please. Go make sure those filthy children of mine get inta' the bloody tub."
Gren nods, hoping to catch Vivian in time before she enters the home. Tho… [view original content]
Oh it's definitely foreboding, don't worry XD I'm doing my best to make things seem 'normal' with that underlying tension of 'what's going to happen?', you know?
Mr. Rutley, being Mayor Rutley's son, ought to be charming and charismatic in his own wait He TOTALLY knows Sophie fancies him, and he quite fancies her too, but because of their social statuses, it's kind of hard for either of them to profess that love outright.
She began to wonder whom she may have encountered in the past that could have a Glamour on...
This seems a little foreboding, perhap… mores; or it's just a general comment. Never know which way things are going to go, but that's one of the things which makes these chapters fun to read. XD Either way, Belinda and Sophie's tale is engaging to read, and the bits of mystery that pop up every now and then are making Fabletown London a most curious place!
And that Mr. Rutley - he clearly knows how Sophie feels about him. He's just a big tease. XD
I love them to bits They remind me of two people who would be friends till the end, you know? Mr. Rutley is certainly a character; He will have more significance, as well as other characters we've encountered thus far very soon. I have to do some organizing later today, and predict what will potentially happen here on out, as I've run into a wall with some of it and am not sure how I want to continue the story.
Everything is going well with me too Hope you find a nice apartment for Emily to potentially grow up in, and for you and your fiancee to live comfortably. Moving is tough sometimes.
Belinda and Sophie are becoming the best of friends and its neat to see how their friendship began up until the point of Harmony and Tm's va… morecation. That Mr. Rutley has swag; at first, I thought he was flirting with Belinda until I noticed I was wrong. XD Still feel so bad for Belinda and her journey to the mundane world. Their friendship reminds me of those girls you see huddle together and all giggly. :P
I liked this a lot and look forward to more of Belinda's tale. Everything is doing well on my side of the world. Hope all is well with you,
i've grown to love their friendship and were it eventually ends both the women in the near future. I'm curious about Mr. Trutley and how he'll play a part in all of this; my mind always goes back to Tobias and the future Char has with him and her abilities and somehow, the people we've encountered will play a part in their lives but I'll sit back and wait. I could be wrong, which makes it even MORE exciting! XD
Glad to hear everything is going great with you. Moving is tough, as is taking on a new job but its going to be an adventure. We have a place we have our hearts set on and will be speaking to the landlord on Monday in regards to it.
I love them to bits They remind me of two people who would be friends till the end, you know? Mr. Rutley is certainly a character; He will … morehave more significance, as well as other characters we've encountered thus far very soon. I have to do some organizing later today, and predict what will potentially happen here on out, as I've run into a wall with some of it and am not sure how I want to continue the story.
Everything is going well with me too Hope you find a nice apartment for Emily to potentially grow up in, and for you and your fiancee to live comfortably. Moving is tough sometimes.
I hope you're ready for what happens in the swamp...
Yeah Luke (with Death in his heart) would eventually kill Nick, but Nick could potentially kill Luke as well by removing his heart @Tetra please confirm this
... I feel quite tense about writing this chapter though
I think it's cuz I'm portraying parallel versions of the characters, and I'm essentially kicking everyone in the balls by not keeping them in character...
Man, I feel so wretched right now... could be cuz I have a bad cough and I'm weak :P
"This restaurant is owned by a Fable you've might have met in Fabletown," Sophie explained to Belinda with a bit more confidence. She was slowly coming out of her strictly professional shell, actually laughing when Belinda said something funny and smiling more often. Belinda wondered if Sophie had ever had a true social life before becoming a maid, but some questions were made to go unspoken. They'd bought a new hat together and some fabric for sewing new curtains in the parlor of Belinda's apartment flat. They also enjoyed a bit of ice cream earlier, and now they were hungry for something more filling.
"Really now?" Belinda asked curiously. "Who is it?"
"Mayor Rutley's son," Sophie said. "He is a chef."
"I don't think I've met him," Belinda replied. "Is he just more secluded?"
"He doesn't always live in Fabletown," Sophie said. "He has his own flat on the second floor here, and I don't blame him for keeping his distance from his father. Forgive me for saying this, but Mayor Rutley can be frightening sometimes."
"Believe me," Belinda said. "I understand. Let us find a seat indoors, I think it's gotten colder out since we left the textiles shop."
They found a seat in a corner of the room next to a wide window. It overlooked the street and the people who hurried by to make it home before sundown. A waiter came out and gave menus to the women, and Sophie explained that the waiter was also a Fable, who had a distinct Glamour on that hid his normally trollish face and purple skin. This was the first of Glamours that Belinda had heard of, and after a moment of thinking, she realized now how she hadn't seen anybody but humans back in Fabletown. She supposed that those who could afford it purchased some Glamours and now appeared perfectly normal to the outside world. She began to wonder whom she may have encountered in the past that could have a Glamour on...
"We'll have the minestrone soup," Belinda said shyly. "And might we also have some bread to go with it?"
"Yes, madam," The waiter had a faint French accent. It struck Belinda mildly, as she remembered the day Jonathan had taken her to his private apartment in Paris. She shied her face away as he wrote everything down and brought the order to the chef.
The women stayed quiet for a short while, both of them watching as the sun set over the Thames and caused bright reflections across it's icy surface. Belinda thought that this might be the time to get more personal again, if Sophie would let her.
"Tell me about how you came here," She said, sipping her wine glass carefully.
"Hmm?" Sophie seemed to have been in a slight dream state for that moment. "Oh, um... Well, I was among the first inhabitants of the area.."
"How long ago was that?" Belinda looked down at the table and played with the tablecloth's tassels.
"The year in the Mundane world was 1682," She replied. So...About one hundred years? Might I ask you, if appropriate, how the trip here was for you?"
Belinda felt herself shift from curiosity to phantom pain. She remembered the journey more vividly than anything else in her life.
"I'm sorry," Sophie said after a moment. "I shouldn't have asked that."
"No," Belinda replied. "Don't be sorry. The journey was long. Far too long..."
Sophie nodded, completely understanding. Their meals arrived. The food was delicious, and the main courses were even moreso amazing. It was so good, that Belinda insisted on calling upon the chef to thank him.
"Oh, no! Belinda- I mean Miss- I mean, Belinda! Why did you ask for Toby- I mean, Mr. Rutley-" Sophie said, as soon as the waiter had left again. Her face was pale and worried, and Belinda found herself completely bewildered.
"Excuse me?" Belinda didn't ask it in an opposing way, she was just genuinely confused as to what Sophie was afraid of. It was in that moment that the man entered the room, his blond hair combed neatly on his head and his chef's attire pristine as can be. Belinda found it hard to believe that he'd have no stains on it from working so hard, but then again, maybe he didn't have to work as hard as the average person to make such delicious meals. He had an imperial grin on his lips, which made him look both charming and a bit egotistical all at once.
"You asked for me?" His voice was deep, but not too deep, and he seemed even taller standing next to the table.
"Yes," Belinda said. She glanced at Sophie, who seemed in such a shock that all she could do was sit like a statue, her body shaking ever so slightly. She wouldn't even move her head to face the man. Belinda continued. "I just wanted to thank you for the glorious meals you've provided us today."
"It was my honor to serve you two fine women," He replied. His smile went from proud to genuine as his eyes flickered to Sophie. Belinda saw Sophie stiffen once more, but actually managed to turn her head toward Mr. Rutley.
"I-it was delicious," She uttered. Belinda watched the next transition of actions with stupefaction. Mr. Rutley stepped out of the way for the women to rise from their seats, and he gave Belinda a brief kiss on her hand. He then took Sophie's hand to do the same thing, but Belinda could see how much more gentle he was with her, as if she were a porcelain doll on a dusty old shelf. She watched his plump lips graze Sophie's knuckles, watched how Sophie fought back an obvious swoon. A warm smile grew across Belinda's lips as it all happened, and grinned accusingly at Sophie as Mr. Rutley left the premises.
"A-HA!" She tried to say it as quietly as possible, but a few customers nearby probably heard Belinda's little outburst. "I knew it!"
"Kn-Knew what?" Sophie stuttered, her eyes refusing to make eyecontact with Belinda's.
"You love him. Is that why you told me about this place?" She teased Sophie in a way one would tease a sister, and felt a little tug on her heartstrings at the sudden realization that Sophie was the closest thing she had to a sister these days. She let it pass though, letting all of her attention toward her servant and friend.
"Shh! Somebody might hear!" She said in an angry whisper. "Let's leave, please."
They exited the restaurant quickly, their bags of shopping in each arm as they made their way in the dark toward Fabletown apartments.
"Before we go to my flat," Belinda said quickly. "Lets stop by your quarters and discuss this like real friends."
A wide embarrassed smile formed across Sophie's lips as they opened the doors, entering the building and subconsciously escaping night's danger.
That's all for now! I didn't reread it and edit any mistakes, so if there are any don't beat me up XD I'll revise it later tonight, I just have to go do somethings beforehand. Hope you're all doing well!
I've actually been thinking of some ideas for the thread. I can't wait to see what you have for us. Glad to know several other members have been coming up with ideas, too!
Oh man I had to write something today, it's been too long already! It's currently 3am in England and I am somehow able to post this, I literally started this an hour ago... I hope it's good enough
@Tetra A nice surprise for you in this one
@pudding_pie @JJwolf A reference for a future chapter involving certain charatcers
Devils and Demons Chapter 9 - A Mere Reflection
The conflict between Death and War hadn’t started from this one act of violence; it had always been present since the dawn of time. The two men didn’t like each other, but brotherhood was what kept them together, allowed them to agree on things, and to be civil with each other. When a conflict was brewing between them, they would retreat to their realm so as to avoid destroying whatever world they were currently in.
The two had learned this the hard way almost 1,000 years ago; a vicious fight had erupted between them and caused mass earthquakes to break the earth apart, in the aftermath the world they were visiting was nothing but barren and flooded wasteland. It had all begun from a simple game of chess; War had lost and didn’t like losing, especially not to his Brother... The Fates were furious at the outcome of such a vicious display, but could not do anything.
The Horsemen were not bound to any Fate, their identities were never to be found within the Book of Fates, they could do as they pleased if they wanted to, but age and wisdom had lead to great maturity, the Horsemen were always ready for the Fates to tell them to bring about Armageddon, but that day was nowhere in sight right now.
Back in the present; Death charged forward and slashed at his Brother, War blocked the attack and went in with a left punch, Death grabbed War’s hand and threw him aside, War slid along the ground and came to a slow halt just before a high cliff edge.
“Don’t do this, War” Death stood tall with his scythe next to him as War got up and rushed forwards, a series of surprisingly quick slashes had put Death on the defensive, a lucky slash caught Death’s right arm and sliced it clean off. War smirked as Death’s stump reformed into a new arm from sand, the scythe flew up into his arm and Death was ready to continue the battle.
“Not bad, Brother, but you’re forgetting something” Death threw his left arm forward and War suddenly felt stiff as he was lifted into the air and flung into whatever rocky outcrop was around: boulders, walls, the floor, and finally finishing with a sudden impalement onto the scythe. Death’s left hand stopped emitting a strange black mist as he gripped War’s chin.
War gritted his teeth hard “I won’t lose to you again!” Death gave a wicked smirk as he replied “You will always lose to me, so deal with it” The scythe disappeared and War fell to the ground with a thud. When he looked up, Death could’ve sworn there was a tear in his eye “Are you crying, Brother?”
War turned his back and started to walk away “Why would you care?” Death appeared in front of war in a flash of black mist “Because as much as you want to put me in my place, you are still my Brother. I do love you as such in spite of everything”
War let out a small laugh “Love? You’ve been around humans for far too long...” War disappeared like a vision and Death was alone; indeed he had been around both Mundies and Fables for a very long time, but Death was smart enough to know that emotions like love didn’t make you weak, whether War would ever share this view was unknown.
O The parallel universe
Nick had to find the Death of this universe; for he or she would have the power to send him back to his own universe. Nick made his way down the mountain and began walking towards the only landmark he could see from the mountaintop: a grand castle off in the far distance. It was maybe a 3-4 day walk, and Nick didn’t exactly have time on his side so he would have to run.
Running for a good hour or so, a familiar scent filled the air suddenly as Nick stopped in his tracks; it was the stench of blood, and a lot of it. Nick followed the smell to its source as best he could, his sense of smell was good, but nowhere near as good as an animal like a Wolf, though that wasn’t going to become a problem now, the rocky ground was becoming red and sticky with blood. The trail intensified as it lead out into a large clearing, littered with both dead and wounded soldiers, some were wearing crested armour whilst others were in lesser attire like leather and rags.
Nick walked through the scene with a sense of déjà vu, he had encountered scenes like this before, but usually he was the one that either started or ended them. One of the armoured soldiers was breathing; his crest was unknown to Nick: it was Y shape within a circle, with 3 symbols in the spaces, a sword, a flame, and a man riding a horse. Nick inspected the man’s injuries, he had an axe embedded in his shoulder and his head looked like it was hit with some kind rock or hammer.
The soldier noticed Nick “H-help me, p-please!” Nick crouched down in front of the dying man “Why?” The man seemed even more saddened by Nick’s simple response “Because I-I want to l-live” Nick spoke again with a deeper tone “Why?” The soldier thought about his response this time, and hoped he had the right answer “I-I have a d-daughter...” Nick nodded and put his hand to the man’s head, the black mist seeped into the wound.
Nick’s healing was very crude in comparison to other forms of magic, the mist would reverse whatever happened to the individual, but that also meant forcing them to relive the pain they felt from the injury as well. The blood washed away as the man’s head regained what little of its shape it had lost, though his cries of pain were not pleasant to hear. Nick put his hand on the axe and yanked it out, doing the same to the man’s shoulder as he had to his head.
The soldier continued to sit after finally calming down “My thanks to you good sir, who are you?” Nick crossed his arms as he stood up “Dullahan” Nick knew of Mr Dark’s real name and hoped the soldier didn’t. The soldier replied “Well Dullahan, my thanks to you-“
Nick cut the soldier off “I don’t have time to play meet and greet with you sir, just tell me how I can get to the castle as quickly as possible” The soldier was surprised by Nick’s sudden question, but he answered nonetheless “Through the swamp; but it is home to Grendels sir, those things are horrific creatures!”
Nick smirked at hearing this “I know what a Grendel is soldier-“ The soldier suddenly looked afraid as his breath quivered and he shook, Nick tilted his head “What’s wrong?” The soldier pointed behind Nick, he turned around...
There was a man of average height and build with short white hair, wearing a Mundane suit, standing in front of the corpses, apparently inspecting them. Nick turned back to the soldier “Who is he?” The soldier spoke shakily “Death, he has come for us, come for me” Nick felt a presence behind him and turned around to look downwards a little at the white haired man.
The man spoke “Excuse me, but that soldier owes me something” Nick didn’t budge as he grinned “What does he owe you? I saved his life so he owes me a favour...” The man smirked “No one cheats Death good sir, now please move so I can collect what he has tried to hide from me-“
Nick turned around took the soldier by the throat “Do you really have a family?” The soldier shed a tear as he knew what was coming next; he replied weakly “No...” Nick broke the man’s neck without hesitation and dropped the limp body afterwards. A white spirit emerged from the corpse and flew into Nick’s body, much to the shock of the white haired man.
The man did not look happy “How did you do that?” Nick responded “Fear. People who are afraid of me when they die, their souls come to me, and this man did not have a family it would seem...” The white haired man was curious now “You have his memories?”
Nick nodded “Yes, I can view them as I please” The man nodded as he brushed down his open suit jacket “Well anyways, my name is Luke”
Nick stretched out a hand and gave an extra firm shake to Luke’s hand “Dullahan” Luke didn’t look impressed “Dullahan is locked away in a box, what is your real name?” Nick answered “I don’t have a given name, though this body was called Nick in before its soul passed on”
Luke was confused “I don’t recall taking this body’s soul” Nick spoke “He died at sea...” Luke couldn’t really argue “I don’t handle that, Davy Jones is the go to for deaths at sea” Nick gave a nod in response. He could feel the immense power of Death coming from Luke’s heart of all places.
Nick asked “If you are Death, then you can send me to a different universe right?” Luke was startled by such a question “Well, yes I can, but I’ve never done it before... Besides, why should I help you?”
Nick’s smile faded into a blank expression as his brows furrowed “I don’t have time for stalling Luke” Luke backed away as his hair and hands turned blue “What could you possibly do to me?”
Nick was amused at the power Luke was displaying “Ice? Really?” Luke chuckled as a blast hit Nick’s feet and froze him to the ground, he looked up only to receive a hook punch to the face, though the effect wasn’t what Luke expected. Instead of flying away, Nick’s head simply moved with the blow, but just his head, as he stared at Luke with yellow eyes “Let me show you how a real man punches!”
Nick grabbed Luke’s tie and hit him square in the face, Luke tumbled backwards and fell on his back, he got up and wiped a small trickle of blood from his lower lip as his hair and hands turned red. Nick stepped out of his icy restraints and laughed when he saw Luke “Fire?!” Nick’s own hands emitted the dark orange flames in response. Luke threw a fireball that Nick dodged, Nick responded and Luke dodged it effortlessly.
The charade of exchanging fireballs was continued for a short while until Luke closed the distance and went in with a combo, placing swift but powerful punches to Nick’s torso and head. Nick took it all in with a smile as he replied after the last punch “Boxing? You’re pretty good I must say, but it won’t work on me”
Luke suddenly morphed into a shadowy figure in a black robe surrounded by fiendish looking souls; the souls bombarded Nick as Luke lay into him with even fiercer punches, this time Nick was regretting being so cocky. He found an opening and dived away from the action, changing into his second form and snarling at Luke.
Nick charged Luke and attacked him with fierce swipes, but they didn’t seem to be doing much to him. Nick jammed his hand into the shadows chest and found the creature’s heart. Nick squeezed the organ as Luke thrashed and flailed on the ground, trying to get the skinless creature to let go. The souls batted Nick away, but he got up quickly and was prepared for more, but Luke changed back into a human form and got up panting.
“We could do this forever, so let’s fight on more even ground shall we?” Nick changed back into his human form “Ok... what do you have in mind?”
Luke walked towards Nick “A game of chess; if I win then I get your soul, if you win then I will take you back to your universe” Nick had to think hard about his decision, if he lost then it was game over, but the prize was all what he needed, so he had to accept.
“Fine Luke, I accept the challenge, I will call for you when I’m ready” Luke nodded and went about collecting the souls of the deceased soldiers as Nick made his way towards a small town...
So, any questions or comments, please leave them and I will answer however I can XD
'Till next time!
Seems like War and Death have a lot of issues to pan out with one another but the idea of Death showing some human emotion makes you think twice about him as a character.
Nick is like 'whatever' when it came to that soilder; it was neat to see the Grendels being mentioned and it will be interesting to see what happens to them as the story progresses. I did like Luke in this. Also, the Davy Jones thing was cool, knowing Death is seperated into different parts and only that one person handles it.
Neat little decission to play Chess with the lives of others.
Not sure who to worry about more: Luke or Nick. :P Neat knowing you just did this in a flash; it really paints a picture with all these characters and the world they are in. I look forward to more.
Belinda and Sophie are becoming the best of friends and its neat to see how their friendship began up until the point of Harmony and Tm's vacation. That Mr. Rutley has swag; at first, I thought he was flirting with Belinda until I noticed I was wrong. XD Still feel so bad for Belinda and her journey to the mundane world.
Their friendship reminds me of those girls you see huddle together and all giggly. :P
I liked this a lot and look forward to more of Belinda's tale. Everything is doing well on my side of the world.
Hope all is well with you, 
The soldier was meant to die and he lied to Nick so he would save him, Nick doesn't like being lied to. Davy Jones MAY appear in this story, or maybe in the next one, he has a connection to Nick.
I hope I captured Luke ok tbh :P
Nick dude, always worry about Nick! Well next chapter will have a nice surprise for you specifically so you can look forward to that as well XD
Wouldn't be saying it if you hadn't written them.
Love the ship names of all these couples XD The combination of the different personalities are like the right spices to a dish: just the right amount here are there and there's never a dull moment.
For some reason, there seem to be people that just don't make for natural parents. But you're clearly showing that it's not about how one of your parents were to you that should then be an example of how you should be towards your child; it's your own choice. And with that being said, Emily will be happy knowing that she has a great father.
And mother, too, of course!
Can totally image in that; it'd be brilliant. XD To be honest, I love seeing them together (and I've almost finished writing the Victorian scene with them both - hoping you all enjoy it as much as it's been to write it XD thanks again for letting me use him!) Might just have to try writing this out, for the fun of it :P
Happy April Fools Day, Fayde! Sorry for being a day behind. XD
Loving the jester hat and fiery red hair! Nice to see Tez and Rose enjoying themselves in the background XD
Looking forward to whatever this is; great to see you're still committed to the thread.
Think I know what you're referring to - it was pretty brief. If it is though, I'd definitely back you in suggesting it.
That's reassuring. :P
Death's comprehension of love not making him weak is certainly a deep strength over his brother; so many lives might be saved if they could get on, but perhaps just throwing the chess board off the table in disdain wouldn't have been enough for War.
Death and Death fighting each other is suitably epic! Given that they're both probably quite similar in in terms of powers it makes sense that they would have to sort things out in a conflict that isn't so physical. Is it at all relevant who the soldiers were fighting for and about, or am I focusing too much on that?
Good detail in this chapter! Though there's usually good detail in your chapters.
Looking forward to seeing Gren and/or Robert, or maybe one of the other brothers. 
This seems a little foreboding, perhaps; or it's just a general comment. Never know which way things are going to go, but that's one of the things which makes these chapters fun to read. XD Either way, Belinda and Sophie's tale is engaging to read, and the bits of mystery that pop up every now and then are making Fabletown London a most curious place!
And that Mr. Rutley - he clearly knows how Sophie feels about him. He's just a big tease. XD
When drawing her I remembered Dragon's comment about her blowing bubblegum, which is what she's doing XD So thanks for that suggestion! And she's supposed to be wearing a biker jacket but I'm not too great at clothes yet. :P
Anyway, was going to post these chapters separate but chapter 3 doesn't really do loads by itself and chapter 4 starts where 3 ends, so hopefully you don't mind reading your way through all this! If you do, then feel free to read in segments or whatever. XD
Chapter Three – A Knock at the Door
Chapter Four – A Familiar Face (With Excellent Hair)
On this sunny April morning, Manhattan find itself animated as usual.
HONK HONK “Get outta the freakin' way, ya freakin' tool!” Traffic weaves to and fro, fish in a steel reef.
“Yes, Janet, I had a wonderful time with you both last night – Paul really is such a charming man! Oh, I'm about to step into work, talk to you soon!” CALL ENDED “As soon as you're dead, you fucking bitch.” Love's labour is lost.
“Eliza, my heart yearns for you! I don't care what anybody else thinks: will you marry me?” Eliza's taken-aback, unable to speak; all she can do is throw her arms open wide and embrace the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Yet there's always joy to be found somewhere on the island between two rivers, the island that sparkles like a jewel as the sun shines happily on it's spires.
Nestled within Manhattan, Fabletown is equally abuzz in the agreeable weather as it's citizens go about their business; but, while Bigby Wolf listens to Mr. Weasel's account in the Sheriffs' Office of The Woodlands, floors below there is one inhabitant who shuns the light with thick curtains drawn across their bedroom windows, and they sleep.
If you were standing in the room, it's proportions plenty to accommodate a large bed, wardrobe, dresser and someone standing in it, the quality of light would be the first thing you notice; it's dark, but blue, not black, thanks to the colour of the curtains. Given the shade of paint on the walls – a reflective white – you could perhaps, if in a slight state of intoxication, become confused and suspect you were in an icy cave (and I apologise for even thinking you should be so easy to befuddle when tipsy).
A gentle rising and falling from beneath the white bedsheets you would next be aware of, though the slumbering person in question remains hidden beneath the soft linen. And then, before you could switch your attention to anything else, the alarm clock would snatch it for you as it switches on.
The digital time-keeper has a single objective in mind. Starting soft: beep; it gains a determination: Beep; then realises that it's task will not be accomplished with meekness: BEEP; so finally musters itself into an aggressive crescendo: BEEP; and then continues until it is paid attention. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, etc., etc. (And by this point you would surely have left the room in haste, for as a stranger with the most innocent of intentions you realise that it would appear somewhat suspicious and be entirely impolite to stand in the bedroom of someone you've not met as they awake from their sleep. How very thoughtful of you).
A hand emerges from beneath the folds of the bed to wave generally in the clock's direction, proceeding to tap along the smooth top of the cabinet till the noisy offender is located; whereupon the open palm that is about to descend steadily to press the 'Off' button is jarred by a BEEP that's the loudest yet, a veritable shout of indignation at the prospect of being silenced, and so that open palm balls into a fist and slams down on the top of the alarm clock. The response is a BEEeee ee – - p, and then there is silence.
Rolling onto her back and pulling away the sheets a little, Dixa, eyes bleary, stares up at the ice-blue ceiling. The Dixa of 6 o'clock the previous evening was canny, knowing that she would likely end up sleeping late in the morning and adjusting her alarm accordingly so that it would wake her not too early and not too late, and thus she wouldn't totally miss half the day.
The Dixa of 11:15 in the morning is irritated by the presumptuous behaviour of her earlier self in thinking that she wouldn't want to miss the morning. With a headache like someone hammering a high striker at a carnival the morning could sod off.
She realises that last night is a blur. The salient facts Dixa can recall are getting a cab out to some bar in Brooklyn, meeting a few friends and having some drinks. Plenty of drinks. And how she got back, Dixa isn't exactly sure.
'Maybe I should get a dog', is the next thought that crosses her mind, a reflection that helps her get over the fact she's missing a couple of hours from the night before and a conscious voicing of a thought that's been playing on her mind of late. Despite the numerous friends she could call on (and grateful for each one she is), there is an intimacy, a gap in her emotional life that needs addressing; and perhaps a dog could provide a certain companionship to assist this requirement?
Any further ruminations on the topic are cut short by a loud knock on her apartment's front door. Quite tempted to feign ignorance and continue laying in the comfortable bed, a follow up to the first knock is made with an urgency that demands answering. So, with a sigh, Dixa pulls back the sheets, reaches for a gown hanging over the wardrobe door and makes her way out of the bedroom and into the living room, where a short walk past a sofa, table and TV gets her to the white front door.
Deigning not to look through the small viewer and inspect the caller, Dixa unlocks the door and swings it outwards (the singular peculiarity with her entrance caused by an oversight when the door was being placed. Of course she could have it swapped to open inwards, but Dixa likes this idiosyncrasy.). She is greeted by no one. It has taken her at most a minute to get here after the first knock – a knock which sounded important enough without the second one, so where is whomever did it?!
Dixa sticks her head out into the stylish corridor, bright from windows allowing the sun to stream in, checking both ways and around her door, but no one is to be seen.
'Harumph', she's gotten up for no good reason; but, at least she's up. To clear her mind, Dixa decides a ride on her motorbike is in order (an example picture of which, found during an idealistic Google Image search by this author, can be found here). One quick thing to do beforehand – other than get dressed – is to wake herself up proper, which Dixa does by heading into the small and shiny kitchen, opening the freezer and dousing her face in ice, the frozen water always an aid to the Yeti.
10 minutes later, with a quick wash done, hair fastened up and jeans, jacket and boots upon her person, (and given to thinking that her helmet must be with her bike), Dixa opens her door and leaves.
'Cindy! Damn.' After stepping out of her apartment, Dixa remembers she was supposed to meet her friend at 11:30, but in her hangover state and after the peculiar knock at the door she's forgotten all about it. Taking her phone from her jeans she checks the screen – it's 11:35. Cindy won't mind a couple of minutes lateness. Probably. Their reason for meeting being important to the blonde bell of the ball, however, Dixa chastises herself while making her way towards the elevator. The bike ride would have to wait.
Reaching the lift, Dixa presses the 'Call' button and notes the letters lighting up green, grateful it isn't out of service again. Yes, she could use the stairs down the other end of the floor but there's still a grogginess in her head that currently protests at the notion of unnecessary movement.
Hopefully Cinderella won't shout at her, because that really wouldn't help Dixa's head; but Cinderella had been doing a lot of that lately – shouting – and the chances of it happening again are pretty high. In fairness, Dixa recognises, Cindy has been putting herself under a lot of stress of late.
A loud 'ping!' is given by the elevator and the shiny doors slide open to reveal the only passenger aboard, who's blue hair positively buzzes with resplendence even in the artificial light of the compartment. A pair of headphones are smoothly lowered to their chest, a motion clearly done countless times before.
“Good morning, Dixa!” Is Makoto's bright greeting as Dixa steps in next to him.
“Hello,” she replies, cheered for bumping into the ever friendly Makoto. “How are you? And which floor are you going to?”
“I'm fiiyyaawn. Ugh, excuse me – I'm actually really tired. Oh, and eight. No, make it six – the walk might wake me up.” Currently being on the fifth floor the conversation will no doubt be a short one, and as Dixa presses the '6' button the lift whirs into life.
“Would your drowsiness have anything to do with dearest Ella?” Inquires Dixa, who has been babysitter for her current travelling companion's daughter on more than one occasion.
“Yes, dearest Ella. She's teething. Celeste and I haven't had a good sleep for days. Or weeks. Feels like months.” Saying this, Makoto's eyes glaze over and his hands reach and hold onto the silver headphones that rest against his chest, entering into a state that only sleep deprivation or staring at a kaleidoscope for too long can bring about. The robotic voice of the elevator brings Makoto back as it announces the arrival to the sixth floor.
“And now Peter's called me in to investigate someone going missing. Or appearing. He wasn't too clear but it sounds complicated.” Makoto shakes his head slightly; at any other time he'd be raring to go.
“Oh? Who's disappeared? Or Appeared?”
“Mr. Weasel,” answers Makoto, turning his head to face Dixa.
“Shit,” swears Dixa. Cinderella is almost certainly going to be in a shouting mood. “Are you going there now?”
“Yeah, but I'll walk up from sixth. It's only two flights of stairs but like I said, it might wake me up a bit.”
Dixa is going to the same place then, but she's still not feeling keen on the idea of walking.
“Guess I'll see you in a few minutes.” She pauses. “Well, I'm sure you'll help get to the bottom of it, Makoto – the Sheriffs' Office would be lost without you,” she says with a smile, patting him on the back.
“Huh, you would know!” And with that remark Makoto exits into the white-walled corridor. “See you in a minute!” And off he goes.
Dixa presses '8', the doors close, and up she starts going.
'Percy – what on Earth's he gotten himself into now? Somehow that weasel has the ability to find himself in the most unlikeliest situations without even doing anything', thinks Dixa.
She leans against the silver wall and plays with the bun of her black hair while the lift continues it's journey, mindful that she could really do with some fresh air to wake her up more and not at all conscious of the faint clicking sound that started as soon as she'd pressed the '8' button.
'Oh, and Cindy. She's been so stressed planning everything and now this? There's over a year to go but she won't be able to organise the wedd--'
'That's not good.' Dixa's eyes widen as the lift starts to jolt in a way lifts really shouldn't jolt; and an image – a most unwelcome image that would surely cross the mind of any of us caught in this situation – of her ending in a flattened paste upon the lobby floor of The Woodlands flashes into her mind. (Really, she'd be a flattened paste inside the elevator still, but let's not bother her with this pedantry.)
The elevator judders erratically but continues to ascend; the dial above the door indicates that the seventh floor has gone and the eighth will very soon be reached.
In the blink of an eye, though, the lift stops moving and becomes disconcertingly quiet for a lift that was clamouring moments ago. A few seconds pass in which Dixa dare not move.
CREEEEEEEAKK … … … VFUTHHEW – the elevator wildly tilts to the left, knocking Dixa against the side she'd moments before been casually leaning against as a cable somewhere above snaps. Only one option is apparent: Dixa leans forward and digs her nails between the cracks of the door, teeth gritted as she pulls to slide it open. At first the ends of her nails snap and she damns whichever smart-arse thought it was a good idea to have strong doors. Her fingers transform and claws protrude forth from the damaged nails which she jabs into the crack; pulling with renewed vigour the door gives way. The lip of the eighth floor is now accessible through a narrow gap at the top of the elevator door-frame.
Dixa is aware that the gap is dark, and so the corridor is too, but there is no time for questions: she throws her arms onto the lip of the floor, digging her fingers into soft carpet and hastily pulling herself up, fitting with a squeeze through the gap.
There's another loud CLUNK from behind and above her; lying on the carpet, Dixa turns to see the entire lift instantaneously drop out of sight with metal coils flailing after it, screeches howling from the shaft. She braces herself for what will surely be a horrendous crunch as the large metal box hits the ground. It'll be any second now. Any second.
What? Silence? Dixa is confused: the elevator had been falling uncontrollably and not even a stop caused by magic would occur so noiselessly.
She crawls towards the gaping gap in the wall and peers down the shaft but can see nothing other than emptiness through the feet of darkness her eyes can penetrate. In fact, she now properly realises, it's dark all around her, which is odd; it was a bright morning minutes ago.
Unsure of her surroundings, Dixa begins to stand up but gets no further than a crouch when lights spark on and she's momentarily blinded. From the ceiling naked bulbs dangle down, filaments glowing golden and illuminating the corridor; and Dixa finds that she is not alone.
Standing in front of her is a goat.
That door idiosyncrasy is actually what my front door does. Catches people quite off-guard. Anyway, things are, I think, going to get a bit stranger with Dixa's part of the tale, while with Mr. Weasel we'll be seeing some more well-known faces. Actually, I plan on having well-known faces in both parts, but a lot of this is still rolling around my head and not on paper. XD If you read it, let me know what you thought of Makoto, @Tetra! Any questions, ask away!
Hope you're all doing well!
Armageddon may appear in a future chapter, but only as a flash-forward.
War is quite hot-headed :P
Death and Death? Nick isn't Death...
Anyways, the soldiers ARE relevent, I'm impressed you spotted that!
All 4 Grendels will appear soon....
I've noticed Nick is a man to never be lied to; I thought to myself that Davy MAY play a huge roll sometime later but since you clarified that for me, that sounds promising indeed!
I thought you did good with Luke; made him just as power hungry and eager as Nick is in your stories. I'm sure Tetra will love it!
I know you say Nick but after this....whew! Man, Luke! Determination can make a man do some pretty wicked things, my friend. :P Either way, I'd never piss them off. XD I look forward to what you have planned for this story.
This was really cool! That fight was phenomenal as well! man I suck at chess XD
I am really enjoying this Lupine! That picture is really awesome! Makoto was awesome! He actually sounds like me right now XD I'm doing great, hope everything is well on your end as well Lupine!
I can't say no to drawing Emily in yoga pants....:3
Thomas sat on the porch waiting for the Grendel family to return. Viviana unbuckled herself and flew out the open window; her siblings quickly poured from the vehicle and ran to their ailing grandfather. Gren was not too pleased to see his elderly father. Using his cane for support, Thomas looks over and smiles. The four kids surround him.
"Grandpa, grandpa! Are you going to stay for dinner!? Mommy is making this really tasty pasta dish! She adds the noodles, tomatos, Mushrooms-"
"That's enough, you monsters." Emily giggles, closing her door and setting the alarm to the car. "Go wash up and get ready fa' dinner."
Groaning, the kids all face the front door and march inside. A gentle, cool mist brushes past Emily's face.
"Yes, please. Go make sure those filthy children of mine get inta' the bloody tub."
Gren nods, hoping to catch Vivian in time before she enters the home. Thomas glares at the puff of cold air.
"She's something, those guardians. Your mother always beleived that after you died, your life continues but in another-"
"What do you want, dad?" Gren folds his arms. "Isaiah and Robert are NOT here, in case you were hoping to see another fuckin' throwdown with us."
"I deserved that, Grendel. To be honest, anything you say and feel, I've deserved. I know I was not a good father to you-"
"Let's take this inside, Thomas." Emily snatches Gren's hand in her own. "Would ya' like ta' stay fa' dinner or-"
Emily holds her index finger up. "Excuse us for a moment, Thomas. Please."
Emily forces Gren to follow her back to the car. As the kids bathed in the home and Thomas stood with patience, she needed to speak to her husband. There was a difference in Thomas' voice as he spoke to his son.
"Woot the fook is ya' issue, Gren?"
"Don't!" Gren places his finger on Emily's chest. "DON'T you even go fuckin' tellin' me to be nice to that fuckin' man. YOU of all people know what kind of fuckin' shit he put me through!"
"Ya' need ta' stop livin in the fookin' past, Gren! THAT'S woot Isaiah meant ta'day when he said-"
"Isaiah has no right to talk!" Gren slams his hand on the hood of the car. This causes Emily to jump. "HE-and Robert-ALL of them! They turned me away, Emily! When I needed them the most, their own flesh and blood, they fuckin' left me! Said everything that ever happend to my mother was all on me. I fuckin' walked around here for centuries with that guilt on my head and-"
"You can't fookin' blame ya' dad anymore, Gren! THIS is why ya' can't let go! He's here now. Robert and Isaiah want ta' have a relationship with ya'! We have kids now, Gren...they do not deserve ta' fookin' see ya' fightin' like that because I will not have my kids pick between ya'! I just won't! Ya' need ta' stop bein' so fookin' selfish! Please, Gren...please...."
"Fuck, Ems..." Gren lowers his head, pressing it against Emily's chest. "Why do you do this to me? Fuck. You were always able to fuckin' make me better..."
"Ya' are not alone, Gren. Remember that. The kids love their uncles and they love Thomas. Never forget, no but ya' need ta' forgive him. Please. Fa' me, too...."
Gren rubs his neck and glances back at his father. The elderly man leaned against the wooden post and cracked a small smile in Gren's direction. He knew Emily spoke of nothing but the truth and as much as he wanted to deny, he needed to be the bigger person. His stubborness and inability to see the full picture nearly caused him the relationship he had with his brothers. And soon, his dying father. Gren took another glance at his new arm.
"See....see if he's hungry, Emily..."
After a suttle meal of garlic bread, salad and Eggplant Parmesan, the children began their nightly schedule of seetling down. While Emily accomodates to the girls and Liam, Gren and Thomas take a stroll along the dirt roads surrounding their home. It was Spring and the sun was barely setting behind the mountain tops. Birds tweeted their evening song and the creatures returned to the nearby forest for the night. With Gren's aid, Thomas and his son made their way to a nearby bubbling creek. The elderly Grendel inhaled the sweet smell of the Cattails and Lilypads growing along the river banks. Fireflies swarmed the flowers and joined the hundreds of twinkling stars carefully forming along the majestic purple sky.
"Reminds me of home." Thomas sits along a giant boulder. "This is peaceful. Your mother loved nights like this, Grendel."
"I know." Gren joins his father. "I remember takin' walks with mom on nights as such. She...she'd let me run ahead and chase the Moths and Fireflies that came across our path. Sometimes, she'd let me swim in the river, too and chase all kinds of fuckin' fish and Frogs."
Gren pauses to chuckle but the anguish feeling of his mother crept up and now, was set in his mind. Covering his face, Gren weeps into his palm. The rough, massive hand of his father kneading his back. The gentle whimpers coming from Thomas' mouth. They seemed to fade away into the night and the lullaby the Crickets and Frogs made for the two giants sitting near the pond. It was difficult sometimes for Gren to vision his past with Calla. The two were very close and he loved everything about his mother. In his mind, he knew nothing that occurd in the Homelands was him but deep in his heart, Gren knew it to be true. His father's words forever stamped in his heart and soul. Cleaning his eyes, Thomas continues to rub Gren's shoulders.
"She's here with you always, Grendel. I see her in my dreams, too. I can still smell her. Feel her in my arms as I lay on the cool grass. Hear her sweet voice against the river and the wind carresing the trees."
"Do you see the Koi Fish, too?"
"All the fuckin' time, son. She's the reason why I'm here. She wants me to teach you. Show you the way..."
"You keep saying this, dad." Gren sighs heavily, looking out into the water. "Isaiah said it, too. WHAT is going on, dad? Why are you really here? I know it can't just be the Alpha thing....right?"
Thomas shakes his head. Gren noticed the paleness growing along his neck and hands. His eyes looked sunk in and hair turning a fine gray color. Thomas looked exhausted and knocking on Death's door. At any moment, Gren thought, he'd eventually answer.
"The silence gets us nowhere fast, son. It angered me to see you that way-a drunk, sloppy mess. Feeling as if you're not worth it. To be loved. To hide away in the dark, thinking of everything I said. You're so much stronger and I was foolish not to see it. Then or now. I was so focused on raising your brother to BE an Alpha, I forgot it takes more than just strength and agility to be one. It also takes courage. Heart. Love. Something your brother has yet to discover about himself."
"What ar you saying?"
"There is a reason why you feel different, Grendel. Why Robert still has some form of tension against you. Jealous of what you've become. Why Isaiah has come around and is trying to help you."
"Are....are you saying that-"
"As your Alpha, I'm here to train you, so you'll know what to do when I pass. YOU, Grendel....your the new alpha. By tearing away your arm, you proved to me your passion. Your ability to let go and move forward. Look past it all. You have courage in here, son. With Emily's connection to your mother's bow, you two have become what we were back in the Homelands. Grendel-you have taken my place. You're the alpha, son....and your wife has now become the protector."
Gren needed to think about what was bestowed upon him. Running his fingers through his hair, Gren could not fully grasp what was said. HE was strong? An Alpha? No. No, this couldn't be, he thought. Gren swore he didn't want the position. It was ALWAYS meant for Robert; he was the strongest one out of the brothers and was way more then qualified to take Thomas' place once he passed on. Now, smiling at his youngest, Thomas holds out his hand. Gren could only stare. His lip curls, cracking a faint smile. From the distance, he could see his beautiful wife. Her pale yellow dress, showing off all the traits he found so irresistable since he could always remember. Thomas turns and notices the alluring young woman.
She did indeed remind him of his long lost love, Calla. The decision to leave the power to them was the best conclusion he could have ever made before his removal from this world.
"What do you say, my boy? Will you and Emily take our places and be the soul protector to your family? To the Grendels, the remaining Wood Elves and those that surround your very exsitence?"
Gren persues his father's hand. For a second, he could have sworn his skin resembled the bark of a tree. Taking his hand, the men shake. The glow returns to Gren's hand; he could feel a slight sting, the burning sensation boiling in his blood and finger tips. Emily was transfixed on Thomas' behavior and began running towards Gren. Her ebony hair blew in the wind with each step she took. The children were quickly behind their mother. Viviana carried her sisters in each hand while their brother, now in full Grendel form, runs towards their father. Vivian, however, knew the steps were taking place. The words Hades addressed to her back at the Woodlands. The plan was setting in.
"WAIT! Emily, stop! No! You can't cease this transaction!"
"Don't ya' fookin' tell me woot ta' do! He's hurtin' my husband and-"
"No." The look of assurance bubbled in Vivian's eyes. "Listen to me. Gren is fine. He did it, Emily..."
"Did WOOT, Vivian? Woot is Thomas doin' ta' him...."
"Gren has become the new Alpha and everything will be alright. You'll see..everything is going to be fine."
Emily could only blink in disbelief; she manages to snatch Liam in her hand, although the boy was not making it simple to be tied down. The girls stopped in their tracks when they found their mother speaking to Vivian.
"Mommy?" Seraphina gently touches Emily's leg. "Mommy...."
"Papa and daddy are talkin', babies."
"But...what is he doing to daddy, mommy?"
"Come." Emily rounds up all the children. "Let's go back inside, alright and let 'em have grownup Grendel talk. I know some homemade ice cream and brownies are callin' four little Grendel babies."
Emily lovingly pushes the four children towards the home. As the group returns to their home, Thomas concludes his final action with Gren. Ivy vines and plants circle Gren's left wrist; the infamous scar left behind from his battle with Beowulf flares one final time before Thomas crumbles to the ground. Gren peers down at his hand. For a second, it shimmers a green tint before returning to his original golden brown color.
"What the fuck did you do, dad?"
Thomas pants. "We....we don't have much time, Gren. Your brother...Isaiah will-he'll be here tomorrow to help me....help me with your training. Emily..."
"Training? But-"
"It's time, Grendel....your people await you...."
"Wow." Gren hands Junior a beer. Junor casually sits on the counter, feet dangling along the cabinets. "Mary Smith. Gone. Just like that."
"Its happening." Thomas opens his Beer and drinks. "The time has come for us all."
"How long?" Emily glares at Thomas. "How long has this 'war' been takin' place?"
"Apparently before WE were born." Junior answers for Thomas. "Before Mary died, she told me that. I have a feeling Mary was just as much as a pawn, too."
"Everyone knows or-"
"Yes." Junior jumps down. "I told everyone. Katie is sending an emergency boradcast all over the Folker community. Peter and Ethan will stand by and wait to see what is needed. We don't WANT to panic the town but if its needed....we will make the announcement."
"Where is Carla?" Gren slams his fist against the table. "WHERE the fuck is she?"
"My mom and aunt Gina are looking. My grandfather thinks he might know where she's at right now..."
"Until then, woot do we do, Thomas? This 'trainin' ya' want us ta' do."
"We'll need to leave tomorrow and-"
"LEAVE!?" Emily stands up. "I will NOT leave! I'm not goin' anywhere without my children and-"
"They'd come too, Emily. They're needed as well. We'd be going to the camp I've been staying at for centuries now. It's the Grendels that can not afford glamours but remain out of mundy eyes. They live there as one and we'll train you there. The Wood Elves, though....that will be an issue. We are still fighting with one another."
"Where is this 'camp' you speak of, dad?"
"Not too far into the Pines near New Jersey. We'd stay there until the training is complete and-"
"No." In unison, Gren and Emily say this. Gren speaks. "WE stay here to do this training. I'm not going to drag my family, wife or guardians into this. We stay here, incase we're needed."
"Alright." Thomas nods. "I will phone Isaiah with the changes and we shall begin tomorrow morning."
Gren joins Emily near the stove as all four kids run into the kitchen.
"Is papa going to stay with us for awhile, daddy!?"
"Yes, Liam." Gren chuckles. "We are going to have him for awhile. Daddy needs to learn a few things."
The couple observe their children gather around Thomas. He sits on a chair and grabs each of the children. The children smile and play with their grandfather. Gren kisses the top of Emily's head and clutches her hand. Looking back at her brother, Emily knew it was time. The mirror jumper beamed and held up his Beer.
Bring it on.
Any questions, you know what to do.
Word of the day is: Pendantry. XD
Ahem. Anyways, that last sentence had me laughing like a weirdo and I don't know why. lol I'm loving this, Lupine. The detail you paint with each sentence is like a paintbrush along the canvas; Weasel and Cindy are quite the team and you have ideed made Dixa out to be one young lady to look forward to. She's quite the character. I love that picture, btw. Makoto was well done in this as well. Very loyal to his job.
Look forward to more, Noir! Hope all is well with you; I'm doing pretty good and will be heading to the park later with the misses and little Emily.
BEAUTIFUL day here in Cali. 
Nick's body died at sea, and Death's Harbinger took it before Davy Jones could...
I hope he does too!
Nick's full potential hasn't been revealed yet, tbh that fight was cut short a little because I was ready to pass out when I was writing it. But yes, Luke is indeed a very powerful man
Your special lady will be appearing next chapter btw XD
How was my depiction of Luke for you? I know I have free reign because it's a parallel universe, but I tried to keep him as in-character as possible...
I'm actually gonna play a game of chess with someone and record the moves for when Luke and Nick do, just to add some drama to it :P
It was fine man lol could've used a bit of sarcasm but that's alright.
That's a pretty good idea lol I wish I knew how to play chess XP
Gren is a lucky man!
Anyways, its nice to see that Gren is finally accepting his place. I always knew Gren was the strongest one. I can't wait to see what Thomas and Isaiah have planned. I have a feeling, however, my Robert will not like this and Carla will use it to her advantage....:( Will the quads be trained to? I can't wait to see more of this!
I hope Emily and Gren just kicks her ass!
EDIT: Emily is so freaking hot; those volumptuous curves he has going on and she's your ugly duckling, pie.
If I was straight, Emily would be my ideal girl. 
YAY! The Grendel bros! I hope Robert and the others are ready to handle Nick! Luke is one badass; I'm with pie on this when he states that Luke is something dangerous now. XD
Of all the things you can do, you can't play chess?! XP
I'll try and make Luke sarcastic for the chess game. At least I didn't make him talk during combat
I hope you're ready for what happens in the swamp...
Yeah Luke (with Death in his heart) would eventually kill Nick, but Nick could potentially kill Luke as well by removing his heart @Tetra please confirm this
Dem hips don't lie.
Impressive work Lupine.
I can't wait to see with you do with our OC, especially the time travel part lol.
So Dixa is a Yeti? That's pretty cool actually
Nice chapter, you paint the most wonderful pictures with your vocabulary as always, and what on earth is that goat doing there?! :P
I look forward to more! XD
I'm getting even more excited for what's to come now!!
I await more dude! XD
Oh it's definitely foreboding, don't worry XD I'm doing my best to make things seem 'normal' with that underlying tension of 'what's going to happen?', you know?
Mr. Rutley, being Mayor Rutley's son, ought to be charming and charismatic in his own wait
He TOTALLY knows Sophie fancies him, and he quite fancies her too, but because of their social statuses, it's kind of hard for either of them to profess that love outright.
I love them to bits
They remind me of two people who would be friends till the end, you know? Mr. Rutley is certainly a character; He will have more significance, as well as other characters we've encountered thus far very soon. I have to do some organizing later today, and predict what will potentially happen here on out, as I've run into a wall with some of it and am not sure how I want to continue the story.
Everything is going well with me too
Hope you find a nice apartment for Emily to potentially grow up in, and for you and your fiancee to live comfortably. Moving is tough sometimes.
Hopefully it's a good enough idea to go through with.
i've grown to love their friendship and were it eventually ends both the women in the near future. I'm curious about Mr. Trutley and how he'll play a part in all of this; my mind always goes back to Tobias and the future Char has with him and her abilities and somehow, the people we've encountered will play a part in their lives but I'll sit back and wait. I could be wrong, which makes it even MORE exciting! XD
Glad to hear everything is going great with you.
Moving is tough, as is taking on a new job but its going to be an adventure. We have a place we have our hearts set on and will be speaking to the landlord on Monday in regards to it. 
Hopefully my Robert knows when he needs to stop but he's been known to push a few buttons before....
OH that's right. Luke has Death in his heart. XD
Poor Robert... is all I will say... XD
Great....prepares to cry Man. Robert and his ego way of thinking. lol
Parallel universe dude, Robert isn't chill here, he's fucking angry!
YEAH! I love it! >:D That's my Robert!
... I feel quite tense about writing this chapter though
I think it's cuz I'm portraying parallel versions of the characters, and I'm essentially kicking everyone in the balls by not keeping them in character...
Man, I feel so wretched right now... could be cuz I have a bad cough and I'm weak :P