The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited April 2015

    Nah if they were bitching about that I don't care. They could have shared it or worked it out. I don't have sympathy for that.

    This is actually the latest in a series of videos that went viral in 2013. One video from February shows the dad smashing his son's 100K sub

  • gratz u old fuk

    lol thanks

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    April Fools!

    @EpicMustacheGuy and @Saltlick123 He’s

  • Bruh it's confirmed that they're fake. It was confirmed years ago. Why the hell so you think they would be filming at that exact moment

    This is actually the latest in a series of videos that went viral in 2013. One video from February shows the dad smashing his son's 100K sub

  • I'm going to Falling Water today!

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  • Can't believe they're bringing us to school during vacation, so much material...

  • XDD nice

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I just meant that if you look closely you can see that the Bullet holes form a

  • edited April 2015

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    Yes you cannot do Irish confirmed STOP WATCHING FILMS made over 100 years ago to judge our accent pls most likely AMERICAN actors are playing those Irish roles coming up with a bs accent

    I have never met an Irish person who sounded like that

    sry a badly done Irish accent is my trigger it's very common nowadays so became a stereotypical voice to use for an irish accent which represents no one

  • Because my school is really serious, and there's plenty of material to go around.

  • edited April 2015

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    I just don't think any male should hide behind a filter or use it I wish no one had too I think people should embrace who they are and not feel that need to use it or edit etc.

    I can understand girls that's this society I did a long rant before but guys never

    But that's just my opinion :)

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    It's a black and white filter. The sunlight was shining on my face, thought it was funny and kept it.

  • XD nice

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Hows everyones April Fools going? At my school our principal went around at lunch saying Taylor Swift was critically injured in a car acc

  • Passover, 2 weeks. But we're done coming to school because we finished everything we had to learn.

  • edited April 2015

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  • edited April 2015

    tanks for share, I WILL GET ONE NEXT WEEK

    also check

    Lee4ever posted: »

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    I needed good news today and I am delighted Kiwi got selected

    I feel he is the perfect choice for a mod

    • Nice and kind person
    • Always looks to help anyone in need, he shows respect to everyone
    • Intelligent
    • Dignified and consistent poster of the highest quality
    • Never annoys or gets in any arguments
    • Has a passion for telltale games
    • funny
    • Just an awesome person

    If they asked me to find a user to make a mod with them attitudes they will be only one chose left that's Kiwi I feel he has the potential to be the best Mod on this forum

    Whatever mod made that decision to make kiwi a mod deserves a gold medal

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    lol thanks man. i will certainly remember that

  • Aww ya too kind, Mark. Thanks for that. :) I'll certainly do my best.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I needed good news today and I am delighted Kiwi got selected I feel he is the perfect choice for a mod * Nice and kind person * Al

  • Guys, i got unbanned!

  • Welcome back papai

    papai46 posted: »

    Guys, i got unbanned!

  • @kiwi_walking_dead is your new mod.

    papai46 posted: »

    Guys, i got unbanned!

  • Yay!

    papai46 posted: »

    Guys, i got unbanned!

  • Markd4547 posted: » I'm Spooked

  • You do know that he butchered more than half of the accents in this video, right? It's a harmless joke, there's no need to get your panties in a knot over it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yes you cannot do Irish confirmed STOP WATCHING FILMS made over 100 years ago to judge our accent pls most likely AMERICAN actors are playin

  • Today I had to do a group presentation, it was in this court case like style. I had to do the Opening and Closing statements...Not fun with anxiety. I got up in front of 30 people and started winging everything, most of the others used papers but I thought "Fuck it, let's make it fun" (Any plan that begins with "Fuck it" shouldn't be done). My heart was racing, I was shaking, and stuttering, and my mind went blank. I thought I messed up so bad...I was so embarrassed but proud too because I did it.

    Recently I asked others what they thought of my parts and they told me they never noticed my nervousness and I did really well. They said it was really brave to do it without a paper and how I did extremely well.

  • Alt text

    Today I had to do a group presentation, it was in this court case like style. I had to do the Opening and Closing statements...Not fun with

  • No that dad is a fucking manic. Yes, the kid is disrespectful but that dad...Wow.

    ualexen92 posted: » watch full list or just the one I post...

  • edited April 2015

    In the beginning he clearly said, "Be forwarned some of them probably aren't perfect but I tried my best." So I don't know why you're getting so defensive like a crime was commited.

    sry a badly done Irish accent is my trigger

    I hope you're kidding...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yes you cannot do Irish confirmed STOP WATCHING FILMS made over 100 years ago to judge our accent pls most likely AMERICAN actors are playin

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited April 2015


    I don't use filters to "hide" myself. I just like them so the picture doesnt look too bland and boring
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    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just don't think any male should hide behind a filter or use it I wish no one had too I think people should embrace who they are and not f

  • Yay, i have a mod as a steam friend... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

    Welcome back papai

  • How do I put titles on links?

  • Nice job dude

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    One step at a time :P

    Today I had to do a group presentation, it was in this court case like style. I had to do the Opening and Closing statements...Not fun with

  • edited April 2015

    You mean how do you make a word clickable? Just type out < a href="http://url of where you want to go here" >words you want to make clickable < /a >

    No quotation marks or spaces. Make sure that the link contains the http part, otherwise the link won't work.


    Edit: In case that doesn't make sense, here's an example:

    < a href="" >hello < /a > (No spaces/quotations)

    zachiscool3 posted: »

    How do I put titles on links?

  • And for like the 100th time, I'm not the biggest fan of the series but I can't wait to see this and its coming out tomorrow :)

  • zคlﻮ๏ เร ς๏๓เภﻮ

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