There are some redeemable things about this series, but it just kept getting sour as it went on. The music was rather nice in most areas and the gameplay was good when you get use to it. FF13 is certainly pretty, but by the time I played Lightning Returns, I noticed that pretty much everything was a re-used asset and everywhere I turned was a cut and paste job with no real substance. The story is obviously my biggest gripe especially with the endings for X-2 and LR leaving me puzzled as hell. I could go on with more complaints and complements, but in the end I hope that FF15 will be something way better in my eyes.
The (GOD LONG) long linear game sequence aside, I didn't have a bad experience with Final Fantasy 13 when I played it, The graphics was awes… moreome and while the music was weird, some were nice enough.
The story was a mess, but some part of it was good enough to hit me emotionally. It was mostly Hope's story with his father, I am just rather sensitive when it is about a father-son relationship.
There are some redeemable things about this series, but it just kept getting sour as it went on. The music was rather nice in most areas and… more the gameplay was good when you get use to it. FF13 is certainly pretty, but by the time I played Lightning Returns, I noticed that pretty much everything was a re-used asset and everywhere I turned was a cut and paste job with no real substance. The story is obviously my biggest gripe especially with the endings for X-2 and LR leaving me puzzled as hell. I could go on with more complaints and complements, but in the end I hope that FF15 will be something way better in my eyes.
The story didn't really bother me, tbh. (Excluding XIII-2's bullshit canon ending.) It wasn't great or anything, mind you, but I was more invested in the characters and found the gameplay enjoyable for the most part. Also the music.
So yeah, long story short, the good outweighed the bad for me. I get why people don't like it though.
There are some redeemable things about this series, but it just kept getting sour as it went on. The music was rather nice in most areas and… more the gameplay was good when you get use to it. FF13 is certainly pretty, but by the time I played Lightning Returns, I noticed that pretty much everything was a re-used asset and everywhere I turned was a cut and paste job with no real substance. The story is obviously my biggest gripe especially with the endings for X-2 and LR leaving me puzzled as hell. I could go on with more complaints and complements, but in the end I hope that FF15 will be something way better in my eyes.
No need to be so rude, friend I'm simply saying I felt more of a connection with CJ or Niko BECAUSE I knew them more. I think GTA should stick to it's predecessors.
It's sorta similar in the demo. It kinda reminded me of Birth By Sleep, though, it feels slower and it isn't as responsive as KH.
The combat in the demo doesn't have everything that'll be in the final version. I've heard that the final game will have more elements similar to the gambit system from FF 12.
Yeah, the arcade mode was botched, because they wanted to focus on the story mode, which was really bad, and It lacks a lot of content from the past Soul games.
No need to be so rude, friend I'm simply saying I felt more of a connection with CJ or Niko BECAUSE I knew them more. I think GTA should stick to it's predecessors.
I hate when Game companies buy the rights of another series, then market it on a dead/dying system that no one wants to play it on.
IMO at this point in time, i believe all games should be developed for the PC , then consoles should build their technology around that, so its more compatible, i'm so tired of this localization bullshit. You know how many games i missed out on , because they can't get their head out of their ass.
THE PS3/PS4 Bullshit, still makes me mad. I can't play anything on my PS4, can't play any of my classics, there is only like forty games available, downloadable included on the PS4. Its a paperweight. i have to still play them on my POS PS3, or emulate them which is a chore in itself.
Gone Home. I really wanted to like it, but after beating it, I really couldn't say a lot of positive things about it. I don't even care about how it's "not a game" or a "walking simulator". Heck, I've played better walking simulators like the Vanishing of Ethan Carter.
There are some redeemable things about this series, but it just kept getting sour as it went on. The music was rather nice in most areas and the gameplay was good when you get use to it. FF13 is certainly pretty, but by the time I played Lightning Returns, I noticed that pretty much everything was a re-used asset and everywhere I turned was a cut and paste job with no real substance. The story is obviously my biggest gripe especially with the endings for X-2 and LR leaving me puzzled as hell. I could go on with more complaints and complements, but in the end I hope that FF15 will be something way better in my eyes.
"Return the Slab!"
Kinda reminds me of this:
"What's your offer?"
Yeah, they must've kicked it out the door before it was even close to being complete.
I hope so too. Isn't FF15's gameplay more or less just like Kingdom Hearts?
The heists only took up like 20 % of the story
Thats the fucking point
Was this published by EA?
The Sims 4
No, it was Sega. Not really surprising, considering:
Unfortunately I never played KH, but I've heard nothing but good things. So FF15 will be all new to me.
Basically, the gameplay is not a turn-based combat, but real time combat.
More like Sims 3 emotions expansion
Tomb Raider Underworld and Soul Calibur V.
The story didn't really bother me, tbh. (Excluding XIII-2's bullshit canon ending.) It wasn't great or anything, mind you, but I was more invested in the characters and found the gameplay enjoyable for the most part. Also the music.
So yeah, long story short, the good outweighed the bad for me. I get why people don't like it though.
One good thing about Soul Calibur V, was that it had a pretty good character ditor/creator. Too bad you have to grind to get any of the good stuff.
No need to be so rude, friend
I'm simply saying I felt more of a connection with CJ or Niko BECAUSE I knew them more. I think GTA should stick to it's predecessors.
It's sorta similar in the demo. It kinda reminded me of Birth By Sleep, though, it feels slower and it isn't as responsive as KH.
The combat in the demo doesn't have everything that'll be in the final version. I've heard that the final game will have more elements similar to the gambit system from FF 12.
That was literally the only good thing about it. Everything else was embarrassing.
Yeah. I've heard that the game was rushed, like many games nowadays, and they didn't include a lot of things they wanted to.
It's true. I think I'd honestly prefer if they hadn't made the game at all.
Yeah, the arcade mode was botched, because they wanted to focus on the story mode, which was really bad, and It lacks a lot of content from the past Soul games.
You were younger yesterday Blind XD.
Sorry when a game is as good as this I can get out of hand
Not now obviously, but back when I was younger, I was really into the Sonic series and was disappointed in Sonic 2006.
You know what I mean.
This is what happens when you rush your game, so it can be released just in time for the holidays.
Though, I think Sonic Genesis for the GBA is even worse. They turned the first Sonic game, a classic, into a POS.
You mean you don't watch gay sex with hats on? Lol weirdo
I hate when Game companies buy the rights of another series, then market it on a dead/dying system that no one wants to play it on.
IMO at this point in time, i believe all games should be developed for the PC , then consoles should build their technology around that, so its more compatible, i'm so tired of this localization bullshit. You know how many games i missed out on , because they can't get their head out of their ass.
THE PS3/PS4 Bullshit, still makes me mad. I can't play anything on my PS4, can't play any of my classics, there is only like forty games available, downloadable included on the PS4. Its a paperweight. i have to still play them on my POS PS3, or emulate them which is a chore in itself.
EA is better than Nintendo
At least nintendo doesn't ruin tons of beloved franchises every year
Nintendo thou
Is this a horror game? Because it's freaking me out...
I'm not saying Amnesia: A machine for pigs was bad, because I liked it. But it could have been way better imo.
Yes, yes it is. Here's some more nightmare fuel:
And my favourite:
I'm scarred for life, how am I supposed to sleep after this?
I dunno, look at pictures of cute kittens or puppies or bunnies?
Gone Home. I really wanted to like it, but after beating it, I really couldn't say a lot of positive things about it. I don't even care about how it's "not a game" or a "walking simulator". Heck, I've played better walking simulators like the Vanishing of Ethan Carter.