It could be, though, we'll have to wait until June or July.
I've also found this:
The producer of Life Is Strange favourited that comment. Max x Chloe 110% confirmed,,, as determinant, but that's just a small detail.
I'm still not sure wheter or not Chloe and Rachel were more than BFFs. Rachel did have a boyfriend, which she didn't reveal to Chloe (I think), so maybe not. I suppose it'd make it awkward for the 3 of them to be a trio.
I'm still not sure wheter or not Chloe and Rachel were more than BFFs. Rachel did have a boyfriend, which she didn't reveal to Chloe (I think), so maybe not. I suppose it'd make it awkward for the 3 of them to be a trio.
Oh well.
Well with Dontnod's answer, in regards to that question about Max and Chloe's sexual preference, with how we can make choices, plus Chloe having some "bad boys" and Max liking skater boys (is it a coincidence that Chloe likes skating as well?), I'm guessing they're both bisexual.
I don't think they ever said it would be a determinate decision. I think the most they said was that it is a story about friendship and they made it vague enough that the player could interpret what their relationship is. I don't they ever specifically said there would be an actual choice though.
In regards to them both being bisexual yeah I can see that :P.
Well with Dontnod's answer, in regards to that question about Max and Chloe's sexual preference, with how we can make choices, plus Chloe ha… moreving some "bad boys" and Max liking skater boys (is it a coincidence that Chloe likes skating as well?), I'm guessing they're both bisexual.
In that interview, they did say that in the first two episodes, it's a very strong friendship between two teenagers, and that the player would be able to make choices within the game, though they didn't reveal anything , since they'd spoil the story.
My guess is that Max's romance options are going to be Chloe, Warren, and if you don't pick either of them, she either ends up alone or with some random, nameless skater.
I don't think they ever said it would be a determinate decision. I think the most they said was that it is a story about friendship and they… more made it vague enough that the player could interpret what their relationship is. I don't they ever specifically said there would be an actual choice though.
In regards to them both being bisexual yeah I can see that :P.
Dontnod is a small company, Square Enix is a publisher. I generally enjoy TTG games but I don't like that they hype certain choices and then… more they don't pay off at the end or are meaningless, this was the reason I disliked TWD season 2. TWD S1 and TWAU choices had a nice impact at the end. I do feel like Dontnod is actually doing something that TTG fans want from TTG games, Life is Strange is pretty much all hubs while TTG has moved to almost 100% cutscreens and QTE's, LiS choices don't have a huge impact but by the end of episode 2 you already now that everything you said and did to Kate will determine her faith, also every small thing you chose is reminded to you later and changes how people interact with you, for example Victoria posting mean stuff on your FB page, messing with your door sign and so on. I think that TTG is moving to more of an animated tv series of some sorts.
Square Enix is only the publisher and telltale can't really be considered a small company after TWD like @SomeFrenchDude said. DONTNOD now that is a smaller company who was almost barely surviving after they filed bankruptcy. Pretty sure I read somewhere or at least thought I read somewhere that they said Life Is Strange is a make or break game where if it doesn't sell well it won't be good for them. So DONTNOD is doing more with less (less budget, less fans, and at this point I think less employees) and they are still willing to take more risks.
BTW not hating on telltalegames. In fact I love TTG, but I'm just making a point
Why do people keep saying this? Do people even know what a small company Telltale is compared to Square Enix/ DONTNOD? Seriously, I get that… more choices in Telltale's other games won't play as big of an impact as they will in Life is Strange, but saying that its "cheap" compared to Life is Strange is a dumb thing to say.
The motion capture for episode 4 is currently in progress:
Hey @DONT… moreNOD_Michel is the MoCap session going ok? I wondered if the scene with Max and the giant tiger for @LifeIsStrange EP4 went right
Shooting episode 4 of Life is Strange #motioncapture @LifeIsStrange @DONTNOD_Michel
The bacon at Two Whales is actually made from humans that Joyce killed. The missing girls like Rachel? Yeah... Joyce murdered them all, and turned them into bacon.
I'd agree with you on that. But, if you examine Dana's roller blades in her room, Max mentions in her thoughts how she hurt herself just from trying to put them on. So, there may not be any guarantee that Max had made any improvements since then. :P
The bacon at Two Whales is actually made from humans that Joyce killed. The missing girls like Rachel? Yeah... Joyce murdered them all, and turned them into bacon.
I'd agree with you on that. But, if you examine Dana's roller blades in her room, Max mentions in her thoughts how she hurt herself just from trying to put them on. So, there may not be any guarantee that Max had made any improvements since then. :P
If you have an Xbox 1, you can take a screenshot in-game and set the picture as your dashboard background. Or you could just insert a usb and do it that way too, same with the 360.
Just played the two episode of Life is Strange and so far I really like it. The lip sync doesn't annoy me and I deeply enjoy the atmosphere.… more
Although that bottle searching in episode 2 was supremely annoying, I enjoy the game and the choices I can make.
If you have an Xbox 1, you can take a screenshot in-game and set the picture as your dashboard background. Or you could just insert a usb and do it that way too, same with the 360.
Hell Yeah in my opinion! They are so cute but to be fair to all players it should be optional.
Personally I prefer Life is Strange because I find the protagonist and the characters more relatable and i actually find myself caring for all the characters and I love the atmosphere of this game. Most people will probably say TWD though :P. This is a Telltale forum after all lol.
Kind of. I read bits and pieces of it now and then :P
Love her and want to marry her
Rooftop. Listening to Kate's speech was heartbreaking
I like him, but that pic of him stalking Max and planting a GPS on her has me creeper out lol
Live with Chloe and go on adventures with her
Rachel. I feel like saving Chloe's dad would really mess up the future
No they don't. Anybody who has played their recent games... oh you know what? Fuck that. All of their games are amazing for such a small company, so stop expecting something more than they can give.
I made more polls because I thought last time was super fun!
Should Max and Chloe have a romance?
Maybe… more - 44%
No - 34%
Yes - 19%
Too early - 3%
Walking Dead or Life is Strange?
Life is Strange - 40%
The Walking Dead - 27%
Tie - 23%
Refuse - 10%
Do you actually read Max's journal?
Yes - 52%
Sorta - 37%
Nope - 11%
Do you like Chloe?
Like her - 33%
Sometimes - 26%
No - 22%
Love her - 19%
I dont know - 0%
Most emotional scene in Life is Strange so far?
Rooftop - 85%
Lighthouse - 7%
Shower room - 4%
No clue - 4%
Bathroom - 0%
Bedroom - 0%
Train Tracks - 0%
Aftermath - 0%
Thoughts on Warren?
Werid (but nice) - 37%
Him/Brooke - 19%
Nice - 15%
Okay - 15%
Werido - 1… [view original content]
I've made my votes, and now I'll tell my opinions.
Based on how everyone talks about their relationship, and how they get along in each episode, I think it will be optional. (If the creators actually do decide to take that plunge.)
Tie. I like both games unconditionally.
I read the journal every time I can catch a breather after making a tough choice.
I like her. I just want her to take Max's power more seriously.
The rooftop. That was a real tearjerker in this series so far. Poor Kate.
I like how Warren's a good friend, but even Max mentions on more than one occasion how he and Brooke should hook up. To which, I agree.
Live with Chloe. I won't let Max abandon her again.
Wow. Boy, this is a huge decision to make. But I feel like would pick Chloe's dad, William. Because, ever since he died, Chloe became a ghost of her former self. (I hope I used this phrase right...)
I made more polls because I thought last time was super fun!
Should Max and Chloe have a romance?
Maybe… more - 44%
No - 34%
Yes - 19%
Too early - 3%
Walking Dead or Life is Strange?
Life is Strange - 40%
The Walking Dead - 27%
Tie - 23%
Refuse - 10%
Do you actually read Max's journal?
Yes - 52%
Sorta - 37%
Nope - 11%
Do you like Chloe?
Like her - 33%
Sometimes - 26%
No - 22%
Love her - 19%
I dont know - 0%
Most emotional scene in Life is Strange so far?
Rooftop - 85%
Lighthouse - 7%
Shower room - 4%
No clue - 4%
Bathroom - 0%
Bedroom - 0%
Train Tracks - 0%
Aftermath - 0%
Thoughts on Warren?
Werid (but nice) - 37%
Him/Brooke - 19%
Nice - 15%
Okay - 15%
Werido - 1… [view original content]
* It should be optional, since maybe people (myself included) personally don't like her
* Walking Dead. I really like Life is Strange but i… moret hasn't been the same experience for me. Yet
* Lol no
* Kate's rooftop scene was the most emotional, considering she is my favorite character
* He's weird but nice :P
* Stay at Blackwell with friends
* I'd say Rachel. Even though we don't know anything about her, Chloe's dad is still a jerk so I wouldn't save him most likely.
It could be, though, we'll have to wait until June or July.
I've also found this:
The producer of Life Is Strange favourited that comment. Max x Chloe 110% confirmed,,, as determinant, but that's just a small detail.
Damn I hope that we can romance Chloe! She is awesome! Though it may be awkward if Rachel comes back lol
I'm still not sure wheter or not Chloe and Rachel were more than BFFs. Rachel did have a boyfriend, which she didn't reveal to Chloe (I think), so maybe not. I suppose it'd make it awkward for the 3 of them to be a trio.
Oh well.
I don't even know if Chloe is lesbian. I guess we will see in the coming episodes lol.
Well with Dontnod's answer, in regards to that question about Max and Chloe's sexual preference, with how we can make choices, plus Chloe having some "bad boys" and Max liking skater boys (is it a coincidence that Chloe likes skating as well?), I'm guessing they're both bisexual.
Yes finally! I can be a neglectful plant owner in the virtual and real world!
I don't think they ever said it would be a determinate decision. I think the most they said was that it is a story about friendship and they made it vague enough that the player could interpret what their relationship is. I don't they ever specifically said there would be an actual choice though.
In regards to them both being bisexual yeah I can see that :P.
I had seen it. It was utterly shit. You think it was gonna be like Beyond: Two Souls shower scene? NOT EVEN CLOSE.
You could just take a screenshot and make it into a wallpaper. This game is beautiful in every way.
In that interview, they did say that in the first two episodes, it's a very strong friendship between two teenagers, and that the player would be able to make choices within the game, though they didn't reveal anything , since they'd spoil the story.
My guess is that Max's romance options are going to be Chloe, Warren, and if you don't pick either of them, she either ends up alone or with some random, nameless skater.
You hit the nail on the head
Square Enix is only the publisher and telltale can't really be considered a small company after TWD like @SomeFrenchDude said. DONTNOD now that is a smaller company who was almost barely surviving after they filed bankruptcy. Pretty sure I read somewhere or at least thought I read somewhere that they said Life Is Strange is a make or break game where if it doesn't sell well it won't be good for them. So DONTNOD is doing more with less (less budget, less fans, and at this point I think less employees) and they are still willing to take more risks.
BTW not hating on telltalegames. In fact I love TTG, but I'm just making a point
"Beyond Two Souls" also did that. The director must really be into shower scenes.
Are you using a mobile because I think thats why video imbeds fail for me
Mmmmm.... soilent green
You can see max has the figure of a 12 year old boy when she has her clothes on, what were you expecting its not dead or alive
You get a free theme for the ps4 when you buy the season pass
Yep, that too.
Really?!? Man I wish 360 did that
I'd agree with you on that. But, if you examine Dana's roller blades in her room, Max mentions in her thoughts how she hurt herself just from trying to put them on. So, there may not be any guarantee that Max had made any improvements since then. :P
Some people are intrigued and curious bruh, well... some...
"Who doesn't love bacon?"
Wait! What if Chloe teaches her and we get a romantic heart warming scene of her helping Max learn!
Your not missing much it doesn't have any original background music or anything
If you have an Xbox 1, you can take a screenshot in-game and set the picture as your dashboard background. Or you could just insert a usb and do it that way too, same with the 360.
Yeah the bottle searching was annoying in the first playthrough, it took me ages to find the damn campfire lol
I made more polls because I thought last time was super fun!
Should Max and Chloe have a romance?
Maybe - 44%
No - 34%
Yes - 19%
Too early - 3%
Walking Dead or Life is Strange?
Life is Strange - 40%
The Walking Dead - 27%
Tie - 23%
Refuse - 10%
Do you actually read Max's journal?
Yes - 52%
Sorta - 37%
Nope - 11%
Do you like Chloe?
Like her - 33%
Sometimes - 26%
No - 22%
Love her - 19%
I dont know - 0%
Most emotional scene in Life is Strange so far?
Rooftop - 85%
Lighthouse - 7%
Shower room - 4%
No clue - 4%
Bathroom - 0%
Bedroom - 0%
Train Tracks - 0%
Aftermath - 0%
Thoughts on Warren?
Werid (but nice) - 37%
Him/Brooke - 19%
Nice - 15%
Okay - 15%
Werido - 11%
Him/Max - 4%
If these were all the different endings what would you pick?
Blackwell - 37%
Chloe - 37%
Parents - 11%
Jefferson - 7%
Max - 7%
If you could only save one who would you save?
Racheal - 50%
Chloe's dad - 50%
Best Max quote?
Dream - 0%
Blackhell - 0%
F it! - 0%
Fight - 0%
Chloe? - 0%
Cereal - 0%
Weed - 0%
Tornado - 0%
Bacon - 0%
Waffle - 0%
Realistic - 0%
Enoma - 0%
Anti gun - 0%
Train Tracks - 0%
Sassy - 0%
Suicidal - 0%
Reminder - 0%
Warren - 0%
Does ps3 have something similar?
Well, in that case, yeah it totally would be if Chloe were to do that for her BFF.
Hell Yeah in my opinion! They are so cute
but to be fair to all players it should be optional.
Personally I prefer Life is Strange because I find the protagonist and the characters more relatable and i actually find myself caring for all the characters and I love the atmosphere of this game. Most people will probably say TWD though :P. This is a Telltale forum after all lol.
Kind of. I read bits and pieces of it now and then :P
Love her and want to marry her
Rooftop. Listening to Kate's speech was heartbreaking
I like him, but that pic of him stalking Max and planting a GPS on her has me creeper out lol
Live with Chloe and go on adventures with her
Rachel. I feel like saving Chloe's dad would really mess up the future
No they don't. Anybody who has played their recent games... oh you know what? Fuck that. All of their games are amazing for such a small company, so stop expecting something more than they can give.
I've made my votes, and now I'll tell my opinions.
Based on how everyone talks about their relationship, and how they get along in each episode, I think it will be optional. (If the creators actually do decide to take that plunge.)
Tie. I like both games unconditionally.
I read the journal every time I can catch a breather after making a tough choice.
I like her. I just want her to take Max's power more seriously.
The rooftop. That was a real tearjerker in this series so far. Poor Kate.
I like how Warren's a good friend, but even Max mentions on more than one occasion how he and Brooke should hook up. To which, I agree.
Live with Chloe. I won't let Max abandon her again.
Wow. Boy, this is a huge decision to make. But I feel like would pick Chloe's dad, William. Because, ever since he died, Chloe became a ghost of her former self. (I hope I used this phrase right...)
I assume they mean her real dad :P
Just don't force it on me and we'll be fine. But seriously Chloe should have died at the tracks. Who freaking lays across train tracks...
camera mod is a mod for life is strange is more used for screenshots
i can stop time, look back,go trought walls,etc.
I need to see this. I'm too curioussss;_;