In the past, they fought to save those they love, sought justice and tried to figure out their place in the world. . Defeated powerful creatures, Dragons, Knights, Monsters, and various Fables.Brought together by a mysterious wolf of talents... They saved their kingdoms from a dark empires grasp.Went toe to toe with a fallen Fable. And now they must prepare for something else, something that want's more than domination or power.This new foe has escaped his prison and is hunting down nearly every wolf he can find for an unknown reason. His sights are set on Bigby's Cubs and several other wolves.They are in danger along with anyone else around them, however.... Etan isn't going let his grandafther plans go through, whatever those might be..
It is time, for the next Fable Avengers quest. This time, our decisions will reflect on what choices me make. @Tetra@DragonButter@HazzatheMan@pudding_pie@JJwolf@EMMYPESS@LupineNoir , Can you lend a hand in finishing my saga? This is a request on granting permission to use one or more of your OC's in this final battle to take on Etan's evil grandfather, the Norse Fable, Fenrir. If you wish to decline that is fine, if you accept thank you, and all credit of your OC will be acknowledged and I will do my BEST to keep them in character... and not kill them. Also they WILL PLAY a big part in this.
The choices we make will determine how the story turns out - Telltale style. There will be obvious and tough decisions to make, and silence will not be a valid option.
Hey I'm down for being a part of this! I feel like I should use Catherine for this since she is a wolf, but I think Kieron should be a part of this if that's alright. It'll be sad if he dies though XD.
Fable Avengers III: War of Wolves
In the past, they fought to save those they love, sought justice and tried to figure out their plac… moree in the world. . Defeated powerful creatures, Dragons, Knights, Monsters, and various Fables. Brought together by a mysterious wolf of talents... They saved their kingdoms from a dark empires grasp. Went toe to toe with a fallen Fable. And now they must prepare for something else, something that want's more than domination or power. This new foe has escaped his prison and is hunting down nearly every wolf he can find for an unknown reason. His sights are set on Bigby's Cubs and several other wolves. They are in danger along with anyone else around them, however.... Etan isn't going let his grandafther plans go through, whatever those might be..
It is time, for the next Fable Avengers quest. This time, our decisions will reflect on what choices me make. @Tetra @DragonButter @HazzatheMan @pudding_pie… [view original content]
Fable Avengers III: War of Wolves
In the past, they fought to save those they love, sought justice and tried to figure out their plac… moree in the world. . Defeated powerful creatures, Dragons, Knights, Monsters, and various Fables. Brought together by a mysterious wolf of talents... They saved their kingdoms from a dark empires grasp. Went toe to toe with a fallen Fable. And now they must prepare for something else, something that want's more than domination or power. This new foe has escaped his prison and is hunting down nearly every wolf he can find for an unknown reason. His sights are set on Bigby's Cubs and several other wolves. They are in danger along with anyone else around them, however.... Etan isn't going let his grandafther plans go through, whatever those might be..
It is time, for the next Fable Avengers quest. This time, our decisions will reflect on what choices me make. @Tetra @DragonButter @HazzatheMan @pudding_pie… [view original content]
I'd be honored to have one of my OC's fight beside you and the others. Seeing as Emily has her new special bow, I'd love to see her in this battle. >:D
Fable Avengers III: War of Wolves
In the past, they fought to save those they love, sought justice and tried to figure out their plac… moree in the world. . Defeated powerful creatures, Dragons, Knights, Monsters, and various Fables. Brought together by a mysterious wolf of talents... They saved their kingdoms from a dark empires grasp. Went toe to toe with a fallen Fable. And now they must prepare for something else, something that want's more than domination or power. This new foe has escaped his prison and is hunting down nearly every wolf he can find for an unknown reason. His sights are set on Bigby's Cubs and several other wolves. They are in danger along with anyone else around them, however.... Etan isn't going let his grandafther plans go through, whatever those might be..
It is time, for the next Fable Avengers quest. This time, our decisions will reflect on what choices me make. @Tetra @DragonButter @HazzatheMan @pudding_pie… [view original content]
Hey I'm down for being a part of this! I feel like I should use Catherine for this since she is a wolf, but I think Kieron should be a part of this if that's alright. It'll be sad if he dies though XD.
This is an awesome idea stone!
I'd be honored to have one of my OC's fight beside you and the others. Seeing as Emily has her new special bow, I'd love to see her in this battle. >:D
Can't wait to read this new Fables Avengers tale!
Fable Avengers III: War of Wolves
In the past, they fought to save those they love, sought justice and tried to figure out their plac… moree in the world. . Defeated powerful creatures, Dragons, Knights, Monsters, and various Fables. Brought together by a mysterious wolf of talents... They saved their kingdoms from a dark empires grasp. Went toe to toe with a fallen Fable. And now they must prepare for something else, something that want's more than domination or power. This new foe has escaped his prison and is hunting down nearly every wolf he can find for an unknown reason. His sights are set on Bigby's Cubs and several other wolves. They are in danger along with anyone else around them, however.... Etan isn't going let his grandafther plans go through, whatever those might be..
It is time, for the next Fable Avengers quest. This time, our decisions will reflect on what choices me make. @Tetra @DragonButter @HazzatheMan @pudding_pie… [view original content]
Rosie awoke to three things that morning: Fried bacon and eggs, the robust aroma of Coffee and her younger siblings cheering and bouncing on the bed. Rosie rolled over, chuckled and grabbed her phone. The time was seven fifteen and like always, she was the last one up. Rosie looked around the room and sighed. This wasn't a terrible dream. All that occured the previous night took place. Rosie tried to ignore the images, praying they'd fade on their own and leave what sanity she still had left.
"Rosie Rosie!" Seraphina and Chloe leap into her arms. "You stayed the night?! Mommy didn't say you'd be here! How long are you staying? Papa Thomas will be coming by! Uncle Isaiah is here, too and I'm not too sure about uncle Robert and-"
Rosie laughs, holding up Seraphina. "My....God...child. Do you ever stop talking?"
Seraphina beams. "Only in my sleep."
"Even THEN you talk." Viviana floats above Rosie's head. "I swear, Ro Ro, when she sleeps, we can hear her. It's funny."
Liam shakes his head. "Thank God I have my own room. I don't have to be disturbed by ANYONE talkin' or snoring or anything."
Rosie leaps from her bed and begins the process of finding clothes. She was still in the same clothes from the night before: pink socks, faded blue jeans and a black tee shirt. Looking in the mirror, her hair resembled a Rat's nest with loose strands dangling beside her ears and cheeks. There was a light tapping at her bedroom door. Answering to the person creating the noise, Emily enters the bedroom. In her hands, a pair of sweatpants and another black teeshirt.
"Mornin', Rosie." Emily places the neatly folded clothes on the bed. "I hope these little rascals didn't botha' ya' too much..."
"No. Actually, I was just waking up when they came inside."
"Mom, I didn't know Rosie stayed the night." Liam pulls on his mother's dress. "You didn't say nothing during dinner."
"Well, it was a surprise fa' ya' four. Rosie will be stayin' with us fa' a few nights, ain't ya' Rosie?"
Rosie could only nod as she observed her siblings jump off the bed and run towards the door. The smell of bacon increased with every moment. When Viviana was the final child out, Emily closes the door. Rosie undresses and adds the clean, fresh clothes brought by Emily. Neither of the women could recall a time when they spent some quality time alone. The years of their youth seemed to be finctional pages in a silly child's book, full of colorful pictures and wishful thinking.
Emily could still remember the day when Carla finally announced the truth. The family meeting the Porgies had. The devestation in her mother's voice as Lyla laid down the details and what was to come. Although no longer children, they were all able to understand the serious situation upon the family. Within weeks, Carla and the twin boys seemed to vanish and no longer wished to be a member to their family. Rosie, however, never left Gren's side.
His future with Emily gave him hope but the love of his oldest daughter assisted in building the foundation Emily needed to create the father and husband he was today. Pulling her red hair into a messy bun, Emily could not hold back and consumed Rosie with a warm embrace and a
gentle kiss on the forehead. Rosie buries her face and silently weeps.
"I missed ya'. So much, Rosie..."
"I'll stay for a few days." Rosie was unsure how to respond. "I...I'd love to spend more time with you all."
"Sorry the timin' was fookin' shit, love." Emily glares out the window and notices Isaiah's car. "There is a war going on but I'm sure ya' know that by now."
"I don't understand what's going on, Emily. It's all happening so fast...."
"Ya' need ta' see ya' dad first before we even discuss this with ya'. He's so broken ova' Joey."
Rosie did not stop to ponder about her recently deceased brother. Walking carefully down the halls, she did not even have time to observe the icy patch of cold crystals developing near the bathroom door. Emily stood beneath the door way and carefully viewed Rosie join Gren in the kitchen.
Dressed in a white tank top, brown shorts and green converse, her father peers over, still clutching his coffee cup and smirks. Despite his apperance, Rosie knew his heart had been crushed by the hands of her own mother.
The quads all gathered near the table, ate their meals and chatted about various topics that only made clear sense to the ears of a child. Gren undertook the challenge of remaining strong; Isaiah was startled to see Rosie in the kitchen, sitting beside Gren and one of the quads. Beaming, Rosie could not recall the last time she had seen her uncle Isaiah. Or, uncle Robert for that matter.
"Rosie-" It was as if Isaiah had seen a ghost. "When did...oh my God, baby. How are you? Gren, I-"
"Joey is dead, Isaiah." There was no need to pretend anymore. "Something is going on and I think is has to do with Carla and-"
"Carla? I thought she was in prison and-"
"That was Mary, Isaiah. Carla never went to jail but sadly, stange accurances have been happening and its getting closer to my family now. She's attacking me and my own."
"Was she there?" Isaiah sits beside Gren. "I mean, how do you KNOW this is Carla? The boys did poke their noses in places it didn't need to be, Gren. YOU know this...."
Gren sips from his cup. Liam looks up, a piece of bacon dangling from his mouth. "Who is Joey, daddy? Another bad person?"
"Liam Georgie Christopher, woot 'ave I told ya' 'bout gettin' inta' conversations that are not fa' ya', love?"
Liam huffs but minds his mother, sits back into his chair and continues to eat his second plate of food. Rosie remained silent, contemplating her surroundings for the moment. She did take note of her father's new arm and the way he held himself that morning. There was something different in the air; not just the secret War the family was about to partake in but his confidence and apperance. He did not look defeated, even after the start to a horrible morning.
"I have no idea. Rosie said Joey showed up and as he spoke, he became the very thing that happened to Mary. There is magic at play; foul, powerful magic that I have not fuckin' seen in a long time..."
Viviana points. " said a-"
Emily glowers at her daughter. "Viviana Skye...."
"Yes mommy...."
Gren stands up and leaves the table. Passing by Emily, he kisses the top of her head. "I'll be outside. Need a fuckin' cigarette..."
Isaiah and Thomas follow. The two men could see the uneasy feeling growing on Gren's face; he mumbled to himself as he lit his cigarette, inhaled the fresh spring air and sighed. From beyond the distance, the ever so familiar truck of his older brother Robert. Puddles barks, running out from the home and ending at the mailbox.
"Stupid dog." Gren whistles. "Come here, you stupid mutt. Shit. Do you WANNA die today or what?"
Puddles continues to bark, only to finally leap out of danger when Robert's bumper nearly collided into his tiny, frail body. Whimpering, the Dog hides behind Gren. Robert opens the door, slams it shut and leans against the side. He had a mouth full of chew and after a minute of silence, spits the goopy, motor-oil like material onto the ground. Gren glared at his brother. There was something odd and different about Robert's apperance. He stood tall and too overjoyed for a man that lost his place at being Alpha and keeping the power to himself. Isaiah stood back and carefully watched Robert place the chewing tobacco can into his pocket and shake Gren's hand.
"Congrats, bro. Hear pops gave you the entire sha-bang to being an Alpha-I'm sure you and Emily will do fine."
Gren studies his hand, then his brother. "Don't fuckin' take this the wrong way but just what in the fuck is wrong with you? Not that long ago you were fuckin' pissed off at me..."
"Nah, why hold a grudge, eh Grendel?" Robert grabs Isaiah and Gren and pulls them close. "This is why we are all here together-to let go of the silly bullshit from the past. Isn't that right, Isaiah? Aren't you the one always spreading the word about love, peace and family? The better man won, Gren. That's all it was. I never knew you had it in you but here we are. Ready for training. Wanted to come out and see those little munchkins, plus, see you and Ems in action. Hear we got a mini war on our hands?"
Gren pulls away from Robert. "Yeah...did Lyla tell you or-"
"Lyla and the others are at the Business Office right now. Katie took off with that Malcom guy and is searching the Wolf community. I, uh....heard about Joey. Sorry, Gren."
"Yeah." Gren takes another puff. "Rosie is the one that told me. She's here right now."
"UNCLE ROBERT!" All four kids rush to his side. "Are you staying the night, too?!"
Robert collects the children in his massive arms. "Staying the night? No but your uncle Robert will play a game with you four while mommy and daddy are busy!"
"Can Rosie come, too?" Chloe points to her sister, standing beside Isaiah. "She's staying the night for a few days!"
Rosie shakes her head. "No, no, kids. You go play with Robert. I'll...I'm going to stay here, okay?"
Robert and the kids run off into a clearing not too far from the house; Emily and Gren observe him and the children play Cowboys and Indians. Thomas, leaning against his cane, watches his eldest try to mask the disappointment.
"He's angry with me, Grendel."
"He'll get over it, dad." Gren tosses the end on the dirt and he stomps it out. "Besides, what the hell is he going to do? I'm the alpha and he needs to respect that."
"Oh and he will, Grendel." Thomas looks up, squinting against the sun. "But remember-he can still come after you and try to steal what he feels should be his and not for you."
"Fuck him." Gren spits on the ground. "I have things to do. Children to protect. A place to fill. I'm ready for this training, dad." Gren smiles. "And DON'T go easy on me."
Swineheart was called upon for the remains of Joey. He remembered the day he delivered the little boy; now, in a bag, was nothing more than a pile of goop and memories. John tried his best to hold back. Swineheart examined the contents as John fought tears. Althought things changed over the years, he was not a monster and still loved those boys but sadly, like their mother, they chose to stay away and suffer at her hands. One was in jail, the other long gone and in a bag. Once again, Carla was nowhere to be found; John knew his daughter was in hiding but it caused the mighty Wolf great pain to see her selfish and inconsideration for her own child. Alas, John was right. Carla never bothered.
Swineheart ganders at the once council leader. "There is indeed powerful, awful and evil magic behind Joey's death. Whomever placed this in his system, knew the outcome and wanted us to find him. Why he came to Rosie..."
"I have my grandson Junior continuing his search through the mirrors. Katherine and Malcom are prepared for anything and even found some clues in the cell where Mary was being held in. From what my daughter Lyla said, Emily and Grendel are in the process of 'training' and assembling the strategy, should we need to act out on it. I'm hoping my daughter will be wise and slip away undetected and live the remainder of her life in isolation and in Exile. That is too easy for Carla, though and she'll fight with every last ounce she has until she stands victorious."
"Carla was always a determined young girl and as she aged, she became curious. That can go either good or bad in a child's eyes. She took the path of destruction and used her curiosity for bad. She did spend an entire summer working at the Business Office as an intern before Snow and Bigby resigned. She had plenty of time to study and learn the ways of magic. Or, perhaps we are wrong and she's a victim in this too and could care less but herself. I'd like to think her condition leans towards the second...."
"But we all know its the first, doctor." John slides his hands into his pockets. "There's no need to pretend. We're no longer children and are more then capable of handling situations as such."
"Indeed, John." Swineheart closes the bag and cleans his hands. "I do apologies for your loss and my deepest condolances go to you and the family. Joey is long gone; normally I'd leave the remains to his parents but I can not contact his biological father, nor do I know of Carla's location. I'm leaving this up to you, John."
John shakes his head. "I'll contact Grendel. It seems...right..."
Swineheart nods. "Very well. I shall see you around, old friend. Hopefully all will be settled in the end..."
John walks Swineheart to the elevator. The two men take it to the lounge, where John continues until Swineheart hails down a cab.
"I'm sorry....for all of this."
Swineheart smiles. "There is no need to be sorry for something you took no part in. Mary and Carla are adult women with the knowledge of right from wrong. No one blames you or Nancy."
"The way Snow White looked at me in there today, Swineheart-"
"-Is the look of a parent and concerned friend. We all have taken your side and look towards your granddaughter and her husband. I know they'll do the right thing, John..."
Swineheart closes his door, pays the driver and soon is heading towards the Hospital. John remains on the sidewalk for some time.
That Afternoon....
It happened fairly quickly with only a few to attend. John and Nancy were there; Georgie with Lyla, Gina and Hans, Katherine standing beside both Malcom and Jersey and a few of the older children came to pay their final respects to both Mary and Junior. It was a bitter sweet day for the
Smiths, Porgies and Fabletown alike. Lyla did not see Emily, Gren or Rosie; to be honest and fair, she did not expect to see either of them at this ceremony and knew Gren dealt with giref in his own way. After a few words, what remained of the two were laid to rest. Lyla and Georgie were the last to leave; somehow, Lyla could not comprehend the actions either of them took and one day, she'd get her answer. Holding Georgie's hand, Lyla laid a white Rose on each of their graves. Heading back to their vehicles, however, she noticed her daughter and family.
One by one, the Grendels made their way to the marked graves; Rosie was with them, as were Isaiah, Thomas and surprisingly, Robert and RJ. The quads held hands and followed their parents. Beside Emily, floated Vivian. Gren held what appeared to be a card; the grave diggers waitied with patience as the final visitors paid their respects before the burying had to be complete. Gren and Emily dropped to their kness; Rosie, wiping her face with a tissue, glanced at the graves. All four of the children sat before Emily and Gren.
"Daddy..." Seraphina looks up at her father, now drowing in tears. "Who was Joey? Do we get to know now?"
Gren nods slightly. "Joey...Joey was your older brother. But....he got really sick and did some bad things but he loved you four and your big sissy Rosie, too."
Liam touches the dirt. "Will he come back? That would be awesome to have an older brother to play with...."
"No baby." Emily cuddles her son close. "Joey will not be comin' back but he's watchin' ova' ya', wishin' he COULD be 'ere now."
"And aunty Mary, too?" Chloe also touches the dirt. "Junior told me about her, mommy..."
"Yes baby. Mary, too."
Robert, Isaiah and Thomas were simply there for the sake of Gren. Despite all Carla put him through, he never gave up hope that one day, his boys would join him at his side, as Rosie did. Holding onto his eldest daughter, Gren kisses the folded envelope and tosses it into Joey's grave. Emily wraps her arms around both Rosie and Gren, kissing them on the foreheads.
Gren blows a farewell kiss to his boy. "You'll always be Gren Junior, no matter what you or your mother said. I hope you know I never stopped loving you and neither did Emily. My children know of you now...I forgive you. The both of you....I love you...."
With Rosie, Emily and his children by his side, that chapter to Gren's life was written and complete. Holding his younger children, Gren remained focused on the task before him. He was pleased to see Robert and Isaiah beside him; Thomas was silent but Gren could see the approval in his eyes. All RJ could do was be supportive. Lyla beamed as she and Georgie returned to their car and headed back to the Woodlands. Kissing Emily, the pair knew what had to be done.
Any questions, you know the drill. Happy Easter to you all. Mrs. and I will be heading to the mountains later this afternoon. Got a plan for me and my girls and then heading to grandma's place for a BBQ.
EDIT: Here ya' go, JJ. A sketch of RJ. You'll be pleased with him in the future....:)
Fable Avengers III: War of Wolves
In the past, they fought to save those they love, sought justice and tried to figure out their plac… moree in the world. . Defeated powerful creatures, Dragons, Knights, Monsters, and various Fables. Brought together by a mysterious wolf of talents... They saved their kingdoms from a dark empires grasp. Went toe to toe with a fallen Fable. And now they must prepare for something else, something that want's more than domination or power. This new foe has escaped his prison and is hunting down nearly every wolf he can find for an unknown reason. His sights are set on Bigby's Cubs and several other wolves. They are in danger along with anyone else around them, however.... Etan isn't going let his grandafther plans go through, whatever those might be..
It is time, for the next Fable Avengers quest. This time, our decisions will reflect on what choices me make. @Tetra @DragonButter @HazzatheMan @pudding_pie… [view original content]
Rosie is slowly becoming my favorite character. She's such a sweetheart and even with all of this going on, she tries so hard to be strong and positive.
Rosie laughs, holding up Seraphina. "My....God...child. Do you ever stop talking?"
XD Like a true big sister. I think her interactions with her younger siblings is priceless. They are so damn cute!!! Little Liam is too adorable! Typical boy.
The years of their youth seemed to be finctional pages in a silly child's book, full of colorful pictures and wishful thinking.
I really liked the description of their lives because is true. Things have changed for both the worse and good in their lives. Isn't it funny what a little lie can do to entire group of people....:( Its sad to know all this time, Carla never gave two shits but only for herself. Sad. There are people out there just like this. Thereaction Isaiah had towards Rosie. Yes, he made the concious effort to avoid his family but to not remember her....know what she looks like...sad.
My Robert is adorable, even though he's under the spell of Carla. I'm curious to how that will play out in the end.
I like how you've been writing this story. You break off and cover a little bit of everything that is going on. I feel horrible for john and Nancy. Bury one, man hunt for the other. I loved that section about Snow and the reason behind her look. She was always good to John, vice versa.
And the last part. I cried, especially when it came to Lyla and Georgie because these two have gone through so much, yet they remain strong and so deep in love. Georgie and Lyla help the other, like a relationship should.
Holding Georgie's hand, Lyla laid a white Rose on each of their graves.
Its reasons like this that make Lyla and Georgie my favorite OC fictional couple so far. Even through it all, they saw past it all.
"Daddy..." Seraphina looks up at her father, now drowing in tears. "Who was Joey? Do we get to know now?"
Gren nods slightly. "Joey...Joey was your older brother. But....he got really sick and did some bad things but he loved you four and your big sissy Rosie, too."
Liam touches the dirt. "Will he come back? That would be awesome to have an older brother to play with...."
OMG. I need a minute later Man. That hit me hard and not sure why. Perhaps I feel bad for Joey. Maybe its a combination of Gren and the kids; little Liam did not help and Seraphina reacts like she's already KNOWN Joey was her brother.
And then this happens:
Gren blows a farewell kiss to his boy. "You'll always be Gren Junior, no matter what you or your mother said. I hope you know I never stopped loving you and neither did Emily. My children know of you now...I forgive you. The both of you....I love you...."
You made me lose it at this part. Gren never stopped loving those kids, even after it all. Even though the boys made it a point to ignore Gren, he never saw them differently. That is something Carla, no matter how hard she tries, can ever take away from Gren. Because of this, he has my upmost respect; you've shown the lighter side to Grendel and the monster I thought I knew in a whole different way. Grendel is a wonderful man, husband, brother, son and father.
Plus, that ending. Carla needs to watch out. Ya' gone done and pissed off a Porgie girl and of all the daughters Georgie had, you had to piss of the identical copy to him. XD
BTW, I LOVE, love, love that pic of RJ. I was wondering when he'd show up. I have a feeling I know what you'll do but I shall wait. Have fun today, happy Easter and I'll see you 3 later tonight.
Rosie awoke to three things that morning: Fried bacon and eggs, the robust aroma of Coffee and her younger siblings cheering and bouncing on… more the bed. Rosie rolled over, chuckled and grabbed her phone. The time was seven fifteen and like always, she was the last one up. Rosie looked around the room and sighed. This wasn't a terrible dream. All that occured the previous night took place. Rosie tried to ignore the images, praying they'd fade on their own and leave what sanity she still had left.
"Rosie Rosie!" Seraphina and Chloe leap into her arms. "You stayed the night?! Mommy didn't say you'd be here! How long are you staying? Papa Thomas will be coming by! Uncle Isaiah is here, too and I'm not too sure about uncle Robert and-"
Rosie laughs, holding up Seraphina. "My....God...child. Do you ever stop talking?"
Seraphina beams. "Only in my sleep."
"Even THEN you talk." Viviana floats above Rosie's head. "I swear, Ro Ro, when she sle… [view original content]
You should! DA: Origins is a must play - see if a friend of yours has the game or something. The second one you can probably skip. Inquisition was the game I've recently had the good fortune to play when it had a limited trial on the Xbox 1 last month.
I've always wanted to play the dragon age games
Only when the resistence finds and picks him up. I will delve deeper into what happened between him and the king in the next act.
You should! DA: Origins is a must play - see if a friend of yours has the game or something. The second one you can probably skip. Inquisiti… moreon was the game I've recently had the good fortune to play when it had a limited trial on the Xbox 1 last month.
Pie actually does his in advance, he likes to take time on them... That drawing of Jayne he did for me took a while to do, but in the end it was great! XD
An older Ella popped in from the side of the door. "C'mon dad, your baby might wake up soon." She giggled
Makoto laughed "There's too many of you."
Catherine was standing outside the door she crossed her arms "C'mon you're not that old yet shit hog." She smirked
Ella hit Catherine. "What'd I say about language? I told you at least for today watch it." She said
Celeste laughed "It's alright. We're used to it by now." She said
Makotos son stared at him. "Dad what's a shit hog?" He asked
"Apparently that's me." He chuckled. He picked him up. "C'mon let's go Easter Egg hunting."
Makoto handed off his son to Celeste. He went in and picked up his baby girl from his cradle. "Hopefully your the last one." He laughed "I'm just fooling with you I love you all." He smiled
"C'mon Makoto your son wants to get looking!" Celeste yelled
"On my way!" He answered
"Let's be on our way." He smiled
When he got downstairs he saw his son scrambling for eggs while Celeste was taking pictures, Catherine was playing her harp while Ella rested her head on Catherine's lap. It was interesting having Catherine here, she had a foul mouth and could be violent but deep down she was a big teddy bear which made Makoto laugh. That and she loved Ella so even if he wanted to kick her out he'd have to try his best and deal. He sat down cradling his daughter. He looked over at Celeste, Catherine, and Ella.
"Hey What're you guys doing? The bunny hid gifts for you guys as well so get looking." He smiled
"He did? And how did he manage that?" Catherine asked
Makoto waited for his son to leave the room. "He did a lot of overtime and extra operations." He said
"Well next time invite me, after our adventures in the homelands we've been set for life, so I'm willing to give a helping hand." Catherine said
"I know, I'd rather you two have fun and enjoy life though. If I need the help I'll ask you two for assistance." He smiled
Ella and Catherine smiled.
"Now go look for your gifts or I'll take them back!" He laughed
The three got up and began to look. He laughed as they'd get close and then miss the gift time after time. Catherine was the first to come back with her gift. She opened up the box. She pulled out a necklace that had a Dragons Fang, and a picture of her in a group picture with Makotos family. She looked at him.
"Where did you get this Fang?" She said tears forming in her eyes.
"Well Ella told us what happened in the homelands and so I gathered an excavation team to try and find his remains and this is what we had found. The picture is for him, so he knows you're alive and a part of our family." He smiled "We can visit his grave today and give it to him if you'd like?" He asked
She nodded. "I'd love to. Thank you." she said giving him a hug.
Ella came in she was shocked to see Catherine crying and hugging her father. "What happened?" She asked
Catherine turned around and showed her the necklace that her father had made her, along with the group picture. Ella smiled.
"Dad this is awesome, How'd you find this stuff?" She asked.
"Catherine will tell you later." He said he pointed to the gift "Your turn." He smiled.
Ella opened up her gift. It looked like a simple MP3 player but the headphones were made of wood. She smiled "Thanks dad!"
"Those are enchanted, the MP3 player can hold infinite amount of songs and the headphones were handcrafted in Japan they won't break even if you try." He explained
"That's Awesome!" She said cheerfully.
He smiled "Glad you liked it." He said
Celeste came in with her gift. When she opened it she got a necklace with all their kids initials on it. She kissed him and gave him a hug. When Makotos son came back he had found all the eggs and a whole basket full of toys and candy. He smiled.
"Did everyone find their stuff?" He asked
This time Catherine didn't make a witty comment. "Alright let's go pay our respects to Mikhail as a family and then come back and eat." He smiled
The family nodded and went out the door. They went to Mikhails grave placed the picture onto the gravestone, they all said happy Easter to him, Catherine was the last one. Makoto stayed behind and waited for her. When she was coming back she smiled.
"You're an asshole." She said
"I don't know about that!" He laughed "Let's head back"
They walked back to the car and headed back to Makotos house to finish up their easter day. To their surprise Catherine cooked up the dinner even though Celeste would have liked to help. Catherine refused and insisted she cooked. After they ate they all said goodnight to each other and went to sleep...
Happy Easter everyone! This is just a small Easter chapter since today is Easter. Any questions or comments or anything else let me know and have a great Easter!
Ah yes. I'd love to answer BOTH of your questions. I do alot of sketches and doodles. Pictures like the one of Jayne, do take time because its someone's OC and I want to make it JUST right. THOSE sort of pictures can take a week, sometimes more, to complete. The one below of Emily will take me on average two days; four if it needs to be colored.
Guessing that Pie, on average, can do one drawing quicker than a week or so, I stand by what I said. :P Actually, I'll ask him.
@puddin_p… moreie if you don't mind me asking, how long on average does it take you to complete a drawing, like the one of Emily below?
The one of Jayne looked very good!
Absolutely! Oh man, I can't wait to see what happens! If you have any questions of specific characters, just PM me. Can't wait to see what's going to happen. And if you want, you can kill them XD It doesn't necessarily have to be cannon, lmao XD I'm so sorry I couldn't keep up with every chapter of Fabletown High; Sometimes life gets in the way >.< I intend on going back and reading at least some of them, though I may or may not comment on them depending on how busy I am.
Fable Avengers III: War of Wolves
In the past, they fought to save those they love, sought justice and tried to figure out their plac… moree in the world. . Defeated powerful creatures, Dragons, Knights, Monsters, and various Fables. Brought together by a mysterious wolf of talents... They saved their kingdoms from a dark empires grasp. Went toe to toe with a fallen Fable. And now they must prepare for something else, something that want's more than domination or power. This new foe has escaped his prison and is hunting down nearly every wolf he can find for an unknown reason. His sights are set on Bigby's Cubs and several other wolves. They are in danger along with anyone else around them, however.... Etan isn't going let his grandafther plans go through, whatever those might be..
It is time, for the next Fable Avengers quest. This time, our decisions will reflect on what choices me make. @Tetra @DragonButter @HazzatheMan @pudding_pie… [view original content]
Absolutely! Oh man, I can't wait to see what happens! If you have any questions of specific characters, just PM me. Can't wait to see what's… more going to happen. And if you want, you can kill them XD It doesn't necessarily have to be cannon, lmao XD I'm so sorry I couldn't keep up with every chapter of Fabletown High; Sometimes life gets in the way >.< I intend on going back and reading at least some of them, though I may or may not comment on them depending on how busy I am.
Oh yes. I can relate to this, Makoto, my good man. XD I love Catherine and Mikhail and an all grown-up Ella! Nice to see everyone get together and have a great time. This was adorable!
Happy Easter to you too, man. Don't eat too much candy! XD
"Dad! Mom! C'mon wake up!" Makotos son yelled.
"Alright alright we're up!" Celeste laughed.
Makoto rubbed his eyes "Are we r… moreeally?"
An older Ella popped in from the side of the door. "C'mon dad, your baby might wake up soon." She giggled
Makoto laughed "There's too many of you."
Catherine was standing outside the door she crossed her arms "C'mon you're not that old yet shit hog." She smirked
Ella hit Catherine. "What'd I say about language? I told you at least for today watch it." She said
Celeste laughed "It's alright. We're used to it by now." She said
Makotos son stared at him. "Dad what's a shit hog?" He asked
"Apparently that's me." He chuckled. He picked him up. "C'mon let's go Easter Egg hunting."
Makoto handed off his son to Celeste. He went in and picked up his baby girl from his cradle. "Hopefully your the last one." He laughed "I'm just fooling with you I love you all." He smiled
"C'mon M… [view original content]
Ohh, you mentioned that right around when you first joined! Shouldn't have forgotten that - I do occasionally think back to when we were trying to figure out what was going on in each other's stories. XD And that was because you wanted to be a detective! You'll do good, dude.
Right now I'm undecide, although I am thinking of going into law enforcement to one day be a detective. I don't believe I told you guys but I could be wrong XD
"Dad what's a shit hog?" He asked
"Apparently that's me." He chuckled.
Oh yes. I can relate to this, Makoto, my good man. XD … moreI love Catherine and Mikhail and an all grown-up Ella! Nice to see everyone get together and have a great time. This was adorable!
Happy Easter to you too, man. Don't eat too much candy! XD
Oh and don't do this. LOL XD
Glad you think it fits with her character! Was thinking of having her getting into it in the 60's, because of this other story, but the 90's would help. :P
Never played it but it's hard to forget a video of it. XD Think it's coming to Xbox One though! If it's not already arrived.
Dixa as a biker woman is a good choice, even the 90's would've been a good time to make her get into motorcycling as well. :P
The one and only, I had to mention it!
Ohh, you mentioned that right around when you first joined! Shouldn't have forgotten that - I do occasionally think back to when we were try… moreing to figure out what was going on in each other's stories. XD And that was because you wanted to be a detective! You'll do good, dude.
Well said! It was the one with Beast! But I think we attempted it with your Jack Frost story, I think. Where we were first introduced to DeWitt. All fun, either way.
Respect you giving so much time to drawing other's OC's. It's interesting to know these things - at least, I think it is. XD Would say that's pretty quick, two - four days, depending on color.
Thanks to yourself for showing them us in the first place.
Ah yes. I'd love to answer BOTH of your questions. I do alot of sketches and doodles. Pictures like the one of Jayne, do take time because i… morets someone's OC and I want to make it JUST right. THOSE sort of pictures can take a week, sometimes more, to complete. The one below of Emily will take me on average two days; four if it needs to be colored.
I'm glad you all like them.
Makotos son stared at him. "Dad what's a shit hog?" He asked
"Apparently that's me." He chuckled. He picked him up. "C'mon let's go Easter Egg hunting."
I laughed so hard XD What's Makoto's son's name? I don't know if you mentioned it, lol.
"He did? And how did he manage that?" Catherine asked
Makoto waited for his son to leave the room. "He did a lot of overtime and extra operations." He said
Sounds like something my dad would have said XD Such a great Easter so far ^-^
"Well Ella told us what happened in the homelands and so I gathered an excavation team to try and find his remains and this is what we had found. The picture is for him, so he knows you're alive and a part of our family." He smiled "We can visit his grave today and give it to him if you'd like?" He asked
-cries softly- I just want to give her a hug now Catherine is super adorable in that assertive sort of way XD
Ella's present was freakin' awesome; I'd LOVE to have an MP3 that holds infinite amounts of songs!
Celeste came in with her gift. When she opened it she got a necklace with all their kids initials on it.
My heart has melted If my future husband ever did this, I think I'd start crying, lol XD
Great chapter man, I loved it! I'm sure Snow and Rose have sent some cards in the mail to Makoto; They did after all raise him, no? I really like Catherine a lot! Her and Ella seem to be perfect together.
"Dad! Mom! C'mon wake up!" Makotos son yelled.
"Alright alright we're up!" Celeste laughed.
Makoto rubbed his eyes "Are we r… moreeally?"
An older Ella popped in from the side of the door. "C'mon dad, your baby might wake up soon." She giggled
Makoto laughed "There's too many of you."
Catherine was standing outside the door she crossed her arms "C'mon you're not that old yet shit hog." She smirked
Ella hit Catherine. "What'd I say about language? I told you at least for today watch it." She said
Celeste laughed "It's alright. We're used to it by now." She said
Makotos son stared at him. "Dad what's a shit hog?" He asked
"Apparently that's me." He chuckled. He picked him up. "C'mon let's go Easter Egg hunting."
Makoto handed off his son to Celeste. He went in and picked up his baby girl from his cradle. "Hopefully your the last one." He laughed "I'm just fooling with you I love you all." He smiled
"C'mon M… [view original content]
I'd be honored to see Mr. Weasel fighting alongside everyone else! Feel free to use Dixa if you like, but I don't mind if you only use Weasel! Looking forward to this!
Fable Avengers III: War of Wolves
In the past, they fought to save those they love, sought justice and tried to figure out their plac… moree in the world. . Defeated powerful creatures, Dragons, Knights, Monsters, and various Fables. Brought together by a mysterious wolf of talents... They saved their kingdoms from a dark empires grasp. Went toe to toe with a fallen Fable. And now they must prepare for something else, something that want's more than domination or power. This new foe has escaped his prison and is hunting down nearly every wolf he can find for an unknown reason. His sights are set on Bigby's Cubs and several other wolves. They are in danger along with anyone else around them, however.... Etan isn't going let his grandafther plans go through, whatever those might be..
It is time, for the next Fable Avengers quest. This time, our decisions will reflect on what choices me make. @Tetra @DragonButter @HazzatheMan @pudding_pie… [view original content]
I actually have yet to name him XD This chapter was out of the blue off the top of my head random lol but I will be naming more of his children and explaining such when I actually start posting Ella and Catherine's story later on
I'm sure Catherine would appreciate a hug! She has been through a lot. Same here lol I think that would be the ultimate gift!
I'm glad my stab in the dark was a good one! I never know what a woman would want as a gift and the necklace sounded really good so I went with that!
You know I completely forgot about them lol XD whoops. I'm sure Snow would have but sadly in my story Rose had been murdered early on. Glad you like Catherine and Ella together!
Makotos son stared at him. "Dad what's a shit hog?" He asked
"Apparently that's me." He chuckled. He picked him up. "C'mon let's go E… moreaster Egg hunting."
I laughed so hard XD What's Makoto's son's name? I don't know if you mentioned it, lol.
"He did? And how did he manage that?" Catherine asked
Makoto waited for his son to leave the room. "He did a lot of overtime and extra operations." He said
Sounds like something my dad would have said XD Such a great Easter so far ^-^
"Well Ella told us what happened in the homelands and so I gathered an excavation team to try and find his remains and this is what we had found. The picture is for him, so he knows you're alive and a part of our family." He smiled "We can visit his grave today and give it to him if you'd like?" He asked
-cries softly- I just want to give her a hug now Catherine is super adorable in that assertive sort of way XD
Ella's pre… [view original content]
This is a great Easter chapter; love seeing them altogether. XD There's even more to see together now, with three kids! Makoto and Celeste make for great parents. Sad about Mikhail, though - very sad.
the MP3 player can hold infinite amount of songs and the headphones were handcrafted in Japan they won't break even if you try
"Dad! Mom! C'mon wake up!" Makotos son yelled.
"Alright alright we're up!" Celeste laughed.
Makoto rubbed his eyes "Are we r… moreeally?"
An older Ella popped in from the side of the door. "C'mon dad, your baby might wake up soon." She giggled
Makoto laughed "There's too many of you."
Catherine was standing outside the door she crossed her arms "C'mon you're not that old yet shit hog." She smirked
Ella hit Catherine. "What'd I say about language? I told you at least for today watch it." She said
Celeste laughed "It's alright. We're used to it by now." She said
Makotos son stared at him. "Dad what's a shit hog?" He asked
"Apparently that's me." He chuckled. He picked him up. "C'mon let's go Easter Egg hunting."
Makoto handed off his son to Celeste. He went in and picked up his baby girl from his cradle. "Hopefully your the last one." He laughed "I'm just fooling with you I love you all." He smiled
"C'mon M… [view original content]
This is a great Easter chapter; love seeing them altogether. XD There's even more to see together now, with three kids! Makoto and Celeste m… moreake for great parents. Sad about Mikhail, though - very sad.
the MP3 player can hold infinite amount of songs and the headphones were handcrafted in Japan they won't break even if you try
This! I want these!
the kitten batted at his face and shook it's head and grew a maniacle smile that went from ear to ear
The kitten's expression here and Kieron's later one when he's, um, possessed or the like, make me wonder if there's a connection there, or if it's just the crazed land of Wonderland that's gotten to them. Never sure where you stand in that world or this story - Kieron is Alice and Han's son? Makes a lot of sense, given how Keiron can go into Wonderland also, and his history at that hospital in the beginning.
Hard Times Finale
Kieron went out to go hunting, weather in wonderland was nice the sun was shining but there were clouds of laughter to … moreblock out the sun. The trees looked healthy, but the ground seemed to begin to lose its grass. The kitten had accompanied Kieron even though he suggested he stay behind, the kitten instead purred and liked his cheek. Kieron shrugged and pet the kitten, he thought he needed a name but at the moment couldn't think of a name. Kieron pulled out his his MP3 Player so he could focus since it was just him and the kitten, he put on his headphones. He made sure not to play his music too loud but it was still audible if you were close enough.
I say CRIER! I say LIAR! I say rise in HELL! I stand gazing down at death as they say WAR! I'll rage WAR! I hate WAR! They say fight for peace does it exist?
Kieron began to walk in the forest where he found two animals that he could use for breakfast, although he should… [view original content]
The clouds I couldn't tell ya, it sounded weird so I figured why not! Lol
The kitten and Kieron are tied in some ways, but Kierons actions during the fight was him having a mental breakdown due to the screams and shouts of the soldiers who died when he used their blood . I do like that idea but sadly this is not the case, how he can go into wonderland will definitely be explained later and why he was in the hospital to begin with also!
clouds of laughter to block out the sun
Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
the kitten batted at his face and shoo… morek it's head and grew a maniacle smile that went from ear to ear
The kitten's expression here and Kieron's later one when he's, um, possessed or the like, make me wonder if there's a connection there, or if it's just the crazed land of Wonderland that's gotten to them. Never sure where you stand in that world or this story - Kieron is Alice and Han's son? Makes a lot of sense, given how Keiron can go into Wonderland also, and his history at that hospital in the beginning.
Gripped to find out what's going to happen.
Supernatural kittens are always the best!
Glad you like the story so far Stone!
Fable Avengers III: War of Wolves
In the past, they fought to save those they love, sought justice and tried to figure out their place in the world. . Defeated powerful creatures, Dragons, Knights, Monsters, and various Fables. Brought together by a mysterious wolf of talents... They saved their kingdoms from a dark empires grasp. Went toe to toe with a fallen Fable. And now they must prepare for something else, something that want's more than domination or power. This new foe has escaped his prison and is hunting down nearly every wolf he can find for an unknown reason. His sights are set on Bigby's Cubs and several other wolves. They are in danger along with anyone else around them, however.... Etan isn't going let his grandafther plans go through, whatever those might be..
It is time, for the next Fable Avengers quest. This time, our decisions will reflect on what choices me make. @Tetra @DragonButter @HazzatheMan @pudding_pie @JJwolf @EMMYPESS @LupineNoir , Can you lend a hand in finishing my saga? This is a request on granting permission to use one or more of your OC's in this final battle to take on Etan's evil grandfather, the Norse Fable, Fenrir. If you wish to decline that is fine, if you accept thank you, and all credit of your OC will be acknowledged and I will do my BEST to keep them in character... and not kill them. Also they WILL PLAY a big part in this.
The choices we make will determine how the story turns out - Telltale style. There will be obvious and tough decisions to make, and silence will not be a valid option.
Hey I'm down for being a part of this! I feel like I should use Catherine for this since she is a wolf, but I think Kieron should be a part of this if that's alright. It'll be sad if he dies though XD.
This is an awesome idea stone!
I would be glad to have my OC be a part of another one of your stories.
I'd be honored to have one of my OC's fight beside you and the others. Seeing as Emily has her new special bow, I'd love to see her in this battle. >:D
Can't wait to read this new Fables Avengers tale!
Either of those would be great!
Nice, I think the master thief will be in for the hiest of his life.
Excellent! Glad you are on board and does Emily have any wolf in her?
Kieron will lend his assistance to the Fable Avengers any way he can Stone.
Yes my Emily does have wolf in her.
Ugh, tumblr...
Oh well, DA is cool!
I am honoured to lend the services of my OC's to such a cause
You may use Nick, but study his character in Devils and Demons please!
(He was meant to be macho and OTT in Fable High)
However you use Nick is up to you, just remember his intelligence and his weaknesses above all else yeah...
Rosie awoke to three things that morning: Fried bacon and eggs, the robust aroma of Coffee and her younger siblings cheering and bouncing on the bed. Rosie rolled over, chuckled and grabbed her phone. The time was seven fifteen and like always, she was the last one up. Rosie looked around the room and sighed. This wasn't a terrible dream. All that occured the previous night took place. Rosie tried to ignore the images, praying they'd fade on their own and leave what sanity she still had left.
"Rosie Rosie!" Seraphina and Chloe leap into her arms. "You stayed the night?! Mommy didn't say you'd be here! How long are you staying? Papa Thomas will be coming by! Uncle Isaiah is here, too and I'm not too sure about uncle Robert and-"
Rosie laughs, holding up Seraphina. "My....God...child. Do you ever stop talking?"
Seraphina beams. "Only in my sleep."
"Even THEN you talk." Viviana floats above Rosie's head. "I swear, Ro Ro, when she sleeps, we can hear her. It's funny."
Liam shakes his head. "Thank God I have my own room. I don't have to be disturbed by ANYONE talkin' or snoring or anything."
Rosie leaps from her bed and begins the process of finding clothes. She was still in the same clothes from the night before: pink socks, faded blue jeans and a black tee shirt. Looking in the mirror, her hair resembled a Rat's nest with loose strands dangling beside her ears and cheeks. There was a light tapping at her bedroom door. Answering to the person creating the noise, Emily enters the bedroom. In her hands, a pair of sweatpants and another black teeshirt.
"Mornin', Rosie." Emily places the neatly folded clothes on the bed. "I hope these little rascals didn't botha' ya' too much..."
"No. Actually, I was just waking up when they came inside."
"Mom, I didn't know Rosie stayed the night." Liam pulls on his mother's dress. "You didn't say nothing during dinner."
"Well, it was a surprise fa' ya' four. Rosie will be stayin' with us fa' a few nights, ain't ya' Rosie?"
Rosie could only nod as she observed her siblings jump off the bed and run towards the door. The smell of bacon increased with every moment. When Viviana was the final child out, Emily closes the door. Rosie undresses and adds the clean, fresh clothes brought by Emily. Neither of the women could recall a time when they spent some quality time alone. The years of their youth seemed to be finctional pages in a silly child's book, full of colorful pictures and wishful thinking.
Emily could still remember the day when Carla finally announced the truth. The family meeting the Porgies had. The devestation in her mother's voice as Lyla laid down the details and what was to come. Although no longer children, they were all able to understand the serious situation upon the family. Within weeks, Carla and the twin boys seemed to vanish and no longer wished to be a member to their family. Rosie, however, never left Gren's side.
His future with Emily gave him hope but the love of his oldest daughter assisted in building the foundation Emily needed to create the father and husband he was today. Pulling her red hair into a messy bun, Emily could not hold back and consumed Rosie with a warm embrace and a
gentle kiss on the forehead. Rosie buries her face and silently weeps.
"I missed ya'. So much, Rosie..."
"I'll stay for a few days." Rosie was unsure how to respond. "I...I'd love to spend more time with you all."
"Sorry the timin' was fookin' shit, love." Emily glares out the window and notices Isaiah's car. "There is a war going on but I'm sure ya' know that by now."
"I don't understand what's going on, Emily. It's all happening so fast...."
"Ya' need ta' see ya' dad first before we even discuss this with ya'. He's so broken ova' Joey."
Rosie did not stop to ponder about her recently deceased brother. Walking carefully down the halls, she did not even have time to observe the icy patch of cold crystals developing near the bathroom door. Emily stood beneath the door way and carefully viewed Rosie join Gren in the kitchen.
Dressed in a white tank top, brown shorts and green converse, her father peers over, still clutching his coffee cup and smirks. Despite his apperance, Rosie knew his heart had been crushed by the hands of her own mother.
The quads all gathered near the table, ate their meals and chatted about various topics that only made clear sense to the ears of a child. Gren undertook the challenge of remaining strong; Isaiah was startled to see Rosie in the kitchen, sitting beside Gren and one of the quads. Beaming, Rosie could not recall the last time she had seen her uncle Isaiah. Or, uncle Robert for that matter.
"Rosie-" It was as if Isaiah had seen a ghost. "When did...oh my God, baby. How are you? Gren, I-"
"Joey is dead, Isaiah." There was no need to pretend anymore. "Something is going on and I think is has to do with Carla and-"
"Carla? I thought she was in prison and-"
"That was Mary, Isaiah. Carla never went to jail but sadly, stange accurances have been happening and its getting closer to my family now. She's attacking me and my own."
"Was she there?" Isaiah sits beside Gren. "I mean, how do you KNOW this is Carla? The boys did poke their noses in places it didn't need to be, Gren. YOU know this...."
Gren sips from his cup. Liam looks up, a piece of bacon dangling from his mouth. "Who is Joey, daddy? Another bad person?"
"Liam Georgie Christopher, woot 'ave I told ya' 'bout gettin' inta' conversations that are not fa' ya', love?"
Liam huffs but minds his mother, sits back into his chair and continues to eat his second plate of food. Rosie remained silent, contemplating her surroundings for the moment. She did take note of her father's new arm and the way he held himself that morning. There was something different in the air; not just the secret War the family was about to partake in but his confidence and apperance. He did not look defeated, even after the start to a horrible morning.
"I have no idea. Rosie said Joey showed up and as he spoke, he became the very thing that happened to Mary. There is magic at play; foul, powerful magic that I have not fuckin' seen in a long time..."
Viviana points. " said a-"
Emily glowers at her daughter. "Viviana Skye...."
"Yes mommy...."
Gren stands up and leaves the table. Passing by Emily, he kisses the top of her head. "I'll be outside. Need a fuckin' cigarette..."
Isaiah and Thomas follow. The two men could see the uneasy feeling growing on Gren's face; he mumbled to himself as he lit his cigarette, inhaled the fresh spring air and sighed. From beyond the distance, the ever so familiar truck of his older brother Robert. Puddles barks, running out from the home and ending at the mailbox.
"Stupid dog." Gren whistles. "Come here, you stupid mutt. Shit. Do you WANNA die today or what?"
Puddles continues to bark, only to finally leap out of danger when Robert's bumper nearly collided into his tiny, frail body. Whimpering, the Dog hides behind Gren. Robert opens the door, slams it shut and leans against the side. He had a mouth full of chew and after a minute of silence, spits the goopy, motor-oil like material onto the ground. Gren glared at his brother. There was something odd and different about Robert's apperance. He stood tall and too overjoyed for a man that lost his place at being Alpha and keeping the power to himself. Isaiah stood back and carefully watched Robert place the chewing tobacco can into his pocket and shake Gren's hand.
"Congrats, bro. Hear pops gave you the entire sha-bang to being an Alpha-I'm sure you and Emily will do fine."
Gren studies his hand, then his brother. "Don't fuckin' take this the wrong way but just what in the fuck is wrong with you? Not that long ago you were fuckin' pissed off at me..."
"Nah, why hold a grudge, eh Grendel?" Robert grabs Isaiah and Gren and pulls them close. "This is why we are all here together-to let go of the silly bullshit from the past. Isn't that right, Isaiah? Aren't you the one always spreading the word about love, peace and family? The better man won, Gren. That's all it was. I never knew you had it in you but here we are. Ready for training. Wanted to come out and see those little munchkins, plus, see you and Ems in action. Hear we got a mini war on our hands?"
Gren pulls away from Robert. "Yeah...did Lyla tell you or-"
"Lyla and the others are at the Business Office right now. Katie took off with that Malcom guy and is searching the Wolf community. I, uh....heard about Joey. Sorry, Gren."
"Yeah." Gren takes another puff. "Rosie is the one that told me. She's here right now."
"UNCLE ROBERT!" All four kids rush to his side. "Are you staying the night, too?!"
Robert collects the children in his massive arms. "Staying the night? No but your uncle Robert will play a game with you four while mommy and daddy are busy!"
"Can Rosie come, too?" Chloe points to her sister, standing beside Isaiah. "She's staying the night for a few days!"
Rosie shakes her head. "No, no, kids. You go play with Robert. I'll...I'm going to stay here, okay?"
Robert and the kids run off into a clearing not too far from the house; Emily and Gren observe him and the children play Cowboys and Indians. Thomas, leaning against his cane, watches his eldest try to mask the disappointment.
"He's angry with me, Grendel."
"He'll get over it, dad." Gren tosses the end on the dirt and he stomps it out. "Besides, what the hell is he going to do? I'm the alpha and he needs to respect that."
"Oh and he will, Grendel." Thomas looks up, squinting against the sun. "But remember-he can still come after you and try to steal what he feels should be his and not for you."
"Fuck him." Gren spits on the ground. "I have things to do. Children to protect. A place to fill. I'm ready for this training, dad." Gren smiles. "And DON'T go easy on me."
Swineheart was called upon for the remains of Joey. He remembered the day he delivered the little boy; now, in a bag, was nothing more than a pile of goop and memories. John tried his best to hold back. Swineheart examined the contents as John fought tears. Althought things changed over the years, he was not a monster and still loved those boys but sadly, like their mother, they chose to stay away and suffer at her hands. One was in jail, the other long gone and in a bag. Once again, Carla was nowhere to be found; John knew his daughter was in hiding but it caused the mighty Wolf great pain to see her selfish and inconsideration for her own child. Alas, John was right. Carla never bothered.
Swineheart ganders at the once council leader. "There is indeed powerful, awful and evil magic behind Joey's death. Whomever placed this in his system, knew the outcome and wanted us to find him. Why he came to Rosie..."
"I have my grandson Junior continuing his search through the mirrors. Katherine and Malcom are prepared for anything and even found some clues in the cell where Mary was being held in. From what my daughter Lyla said, Emily and Grendel are in the process of 'training' and assembling the strategy, should we need to act out on it. I'm hoping my daughter will be wise and slip away undetected and live the remainder of her life in isolation and in Exile. That is too easy for Carla, though and she'll fight with every last ounce she has until she stands victorious."
"Carla was always a determined young girl and as she aged, she became curious. That can go either good or bad in a child's eyes. She took the path of destruction and used her curiosity for bad. She did spend an entire summer working at the Business Office as an intern before Snow and Bigby resigned. She had plenty of time to study and learn the ways of magic. Or, perhaps we are wrong and she's a victim in this too and could care less but herself. I'd like to think her condition leans towards the second...."
"But we all know its the first, doctor." John slides his hands into his pockets. "There's no need to pretend. We're no longer children and are more then capable of handling situations as such."
"Indeed, John." Swineheart closes the bag and cleans his hands. "I do apologies for your loss and my deepest condolances go to you and the family. Joey is long gone; normally I'd leave the remains to his parents but I can not contact his biological father, nor do I know of Carla's location. I'm leaving this up to you, John."
John shakes his head. "I'll contact Grendel. It seems...right..."
Swineheart nods. "Very well. I shall see you around, old friend. Hopefully all will be settled in the end..."
John walks Swineheart to the elevator. The two men take it to the lounge, where John continues until Swineheart hails down a cab.
"I'm sorry....for all of this."
Swineheart smiles. "There is no need to be sorry for something you took no part in. Mary and Carla are adult women with the knowledge of right from wrong. No one blames you or Nancy."
"The way Snow White looked at me in there today, Swineheart-"
"-Is the look of a parent and concerned friend. We all have taken your side and look towards your granddaughter and her husband. I know they'll do the right thing, John..."
Swineheart closes his door, pays the driver and soon is heading towards the Hospital. John remains on the sidewalk for some time.
That Afternoon....
It happened fairly quickly with only a few to attend. John and Nancy were there; Georgie with Lyla, Gina and Hans, Katherine standing beside both Malcom and Jersey and a few of the older children came to pay their final respects to both Mary and Junior. It was a bitter sweet day for the
Smiths, Porgies and Fabletown alike. Lyla did not see Emily, Gren or Rosie; to be honest and fair, she did not expect to see either of them at this ceremony and knew Gren dealt with giref in his own way. After a few words, what remained of the two were laid to rest. Lyla and Georgie were the last to leave; somehow, Lyla could not comprehend the actions either of them took and one day, she'd get her answer. Holding Georgie's hand, Lyla laid a white Rose on each of their graves. Heading back to their vehicles, however, she noticed her daughter and family.
One by one, the Grendels made their way to the marked graves; Rosie was with them, as were Isaiah, Thomas and surprisingly, Robert and RJ. The quads held hands and followed their parents. Beside Emily, floated Vivian. Gren held what appeared to be a card; the grave diggers waitied with patience as the final visitors paid their respects before the burying had to be complete. Gren and Emily dropped to their kness; Rosie, wiping her face with a tissue, glanced at the graves. All four of the children sat before Emily and Gren.
"Daddy..." Seraphina looks up at her father, now drowing in tears. "Who was Joey? Do we get to know now?"
Gren nods slightly. "Joey...Joey was your older brother. But....he got really sick and did some bad things but he loved you four and your big sissy Rosie, too."
Liam touches the dirt. "Will he come back? That would be awesome to have an older brother to play with...."
"No baby." Emily cuddles her son close. "Joey will not be comin' back but he's watchin' ova' ya', wishin' he COULD be 'ere now."
"And aunty Mary, too?" Chloe also touches the dirt. "Junior told me about her, mommy..."
"Yes baby. Mary, too."
Robert, Isaiah and Thomas were simply there for the sake of Gren. Despite all Carla put him through, he never gave up hope that one day, his boys would join him at his side, as Rosie did. Holding onto his eldest daughter, Gren kisses the folded envelope and tosses it into Joey's grave. Emily wraps her arms around both Rosie and Gren, kissing them on the foreheads.
Gren blows a farewell kiss to his boy. "You'll always be Gren Junior, no matter what you or your mother said. I hope you know I never stopped loving you and neither did Emily. My children know of you now...I forgive you. The both of you....I love you...."
With Rosie, Emily and his children by his side, that chapter to Gren's life was written and complete. Holding his younger children, Gren remained focused on the task before him. He was pleased to see Robert and Isaiah beside him; Thomas was silent but Gren could see the approval in his eyes. All RJ could do was be supportive. Lyla beamed as she and Georgie returned to their car and headed back to the Woodlands. Kissing Emily, the pair knew what had to be done.
"Bring it, ya' fookin' bitch." Emily whispers, beaming.
Any questions, you know the drill.
Happy Easter to you all. Mrs. and I will be heading to the mountains later this afternoon. Got a plan for me and my girls and then heading to grandma's place for a BBQ. 
EDIT: Here ya' go, JJ. A sketch of RJ. You'll be pleased with him in the future....:)
Count my Robert in! A Grendel would do wonders for the league of Fable Avengers. can be the Hulk. XD
Rosie is slowly becoming my favorite character. She's such a sweetheart and even with all of this going on, she tries so hard to be strong and positive.
XD Like a true big sister.
I think her interactions with her younger siblings is priceless. They are so damn cute!!! Little Liam is too adorable! Typical boy.
I really liked the description of their lives because is true. Things have changed for both the worse and good in their lives. Isn't it funny what a little lie can do to entire group of people....:( Its sad to know all this time, Carla never gave two shits but only for herself. Sad. There are people out there just like this. Thereaction Isaiah had towards Rosie. Yes, he made the concious effort to avoid his family but to not remember her....know what she looks like...sad.
My Robert is adorable, even though he's under the spell of Carla. I'm curious to how that will play out in the end.
I like how you've been writing this story. You break off and cover a little bit of everything that is going on. I feel horrible for john and Nancy. Bury one, man hunt for the other. I loved that section about Snow and the reason behind her look.
She was always good to John, vice versa.
And the last part. I cried, especially when it came to Lyla and Georgie because these two have gone through so much, yet they remain strong and so deep in love. Georgie and Lyla help the other, like a relationship should.
Its reasons like this that make Lyla and Georgie my favorite OC fictional couple so far. Even through it all, they saw past it all.
I need a minute later Man. That hit me hard and not sure why. Perhaps I feel bad for Joey. Maybe its a combination of Gren and the kids; little Liam did not help and Seraphina reacts like she's already KNOWN Joey was her brother.
And then this happens:
You made me lose it at this part. Gren never stopped loving those kids, even after it all. Even though the boys made it a point to ignore Gren, he never saw them differently. That is something Carla, no matter how hard she tries, can ever take away from Gren. Because of this, he has my upmost respect; you've shown the lighter side to Grendel and the monster I thought I knew in a whole different way. Grendel is a wonderful man, husband, brother, son and father.
Plus, that ending. Carla needs to watch out. Ya' gone done and pissed off a Porgie girl and of all the daughters Georgie had, you had to piss of the identical copy to him. XD
BTW, I LOVE, love, love that pic of RJ. I was wondering when he'd show up.
I have a feeling I know what you'll do but I shall wait.
Have fun today, happy Easter and I'll see you 3 later tonight.
Perfect, it has been quite a while since he was last in an actual heist.
You should! DA: Origins is a must play - see if a friend of yours has the game or something. The second one you can probably skip. Inquisition was the game I've recently had the good fortune to play when it had a limited trial on the Xbox 1 last month.
I will have to keep a close eye out then!
Guessing that Pie, on average, can do one drawing quicker than a week or so, I stand by what I said. :P Actually, I'll ask him.
@puddin_pie if you don't mind me asking, how long on average does it take you to complete a drawing, like the one of Emily below?
The one of Jayne looked very good!
"Dad! Mom! C'mon wake up!" Makotos son yelled.
"Alright alright we're up!" Celeste laughed.
Makoto rubbed his eyes "Are we really?"
An older Ella popped in from the side of the door. "C'mon dad, your baby might wake up soon." She giggled
Makoto laughed "There's too many of you."
Catherine was standing outside the door she crossed her arms "C'mon you're not that old yet shit hog." She smirked
Ella hit Catherine. "What'd I say about language? I told you at least for today watch it." She said
Celeste laughed "It's alright. We're used to it by now." She said
Makotos son stared at him. "Dad what's a shit hog?" He asked
"Apparently that's me." He chuckled. He picked him up. "C'mon let's go Easter Egg hunting."
Makoto handed off his son to Celeste. He went in and picked up his baby girl from his cradle. "Hopefully your the last one." He laughed "I'm just fooling with you I love you all." He smiled
"C'mon Makoto your son wants to get looking!" Celeste yelled
"On my way!" He answered
"Let's be on our way." He smiled
When he got downstairs he saw his son scrambling for eggs while Celeste was taking pictures, Catherine was playing her harp while Ella rested her head on Catherine's lap. It was interesting having Catherine here, she had a foul mouth and could be violent but deep down she was a big teddy bear which made Makoto laugh. That and she loved Ella so even if he wanted to kick her out he'd have to try his best and deal. He sat down cradling his daughter. He looked over at Celeste, Catherine, and Ella.
"Hey What're you guys doing? The bunny hid gifts for you guys as well so get looking." He smiled
"He did? And how did he manage that?" Catherine asked
Makoto waited for his son to leave the room. "He did a lot of overtime and extra operations." He said
"Well next time invite me, after our adventures in the homelands we've been set for life, so I'm willing to give a helping hand." Catherine said
"I know, I'd rather you two have fun and enjoy life though. If I need the help I'll ask you two for assistance." He smiled
Ella and Catherine smiled.
"Now go look for your gifts or I'll take them back!" He laughed
The three got up and began to look. He laughed as they'd get close and then miss the gift time after time. Catherine was the first to come back with her gift. She opened up the box. She pulled out a necklace that had a Dragons Fang, and a picture of her in a group picture with Makotos family. She looked at him.
"Where did you get this Fang?" She said tears forming in her eyes.
"Well Ella told us what happened in the homelands and so I gathered an excavation team to try and find his remains and this is what we had found. The picture is for him, so he knows you're alive and a part of our family." He smiled "We can visit his grave today and give it to him if you'd like?" He asked
She nodded. "I'd love to. Thank you." she said giving him a hug.
Ella came in she was shocked to see Catherine crying and hugging her father. "What happened?" She asked
Catherine turned around and showed her the necklace that her father had made her, along with the group picture. Ella smiled.
"Dad this is awesome, How'd you find this stuff?" She asked.
"Catherine will tell you later." He said he pointed to the gift "Your turn." He smiled.
Ella opened up her gift. It looked like a simple MP3 player but the headphones were made of wood. She smiled "Thanks dad!"
"Those are enchanted, the MP3 player can hold infinite amount of songs and the headphones were handcrafted in Japan they won't break even if you try." He explained
"That's Awesome!" She said cheerfully.
He smiled "Glad you liked it." He said
Celeste came in with her gift. When she opened it she got a necklace with all their kids initials on it. She kissed him and gave him a hug. When Makotos son came back he had found all the eggs and a whole basket full of toys and candy. He smiled.
"Did everyone find their stuff?" He asked
This time Catherine didn't make a witty comment. "Alright let's go pay our respects to Mikhail as a family and then come back and eat." He smiled
The family nodded and went out the door. They went to Mikhails grave placed the picture onto the gravestone, they all said happy Easter to him, Catherine was the last one. Makoto stayed behind and waited for her. When she was coming back she smiled.
"You're an asshole." She said
"I don't know about that!" He laughed "Let's head back"
They walked back to the car and headed back to Makotos house to finish up their easter day. To their surprise Catherine cooked up the dinner even though Celeste would have liked to help. Catherine refused and insisted she cooked. After they ate they all said goodnight to each other and went to sleep...
Happy Easter everyone! This is just a small Easter chapter since today is Easter. Any questions or comments or anything else let me know and have a great Easter!
Ah yes. I'd love to answer BOTH of your questions. I do alot of sketches and doodles. Pictures like the one of Jayne, do take time because its someone's OC and I want to make it JUST right. THOSE sort of pictures can take a week, sometimes more, to complete. The one below of Emily will take me on average two days; four if it needs to be colored.
I'm glad you all like them.
Absolutely! Oh man, I can't wait to see what happens! If you have any questions of specific characters, just PM me. Can't wait to see what's going to happen. And if you want, you can kill them XD It doesn't necessarily have to be cannon, lmao XD I'm so sorry I couldn't keep up with every chapter of Fabletown High; Sometimes life gets in the way >.< I intend on going back and reading at least some of them, though I may or may not comment on them depending on how busy I am.
No harm done lol. We're all busy.
Oh yes. I can relate to this, Makoto, my good man. XD I love Catherine and Mikhail and an all grown-up Ella!
Nice to see everyone get together and have a great time. This was adorable! 
Happy Easter to you too, man. Don't eat too much candy! XD
Oh and don't do this. LOL XD
Ohh, you mentioned that right around when you first joined! Shouldn't have forgotten that - I do occasionally think back to when we were trying to figure out what was going on in each other's stories. XD And that was because you wanted to be a detective! You'll do good, dude.
I agree! -holds up half eaten chocolate rabbit- These things are wonderful! XD
Hey thanks, man. I can only imagine what a Fable Easter would consist of...-thinks and laughs-
I think not eating too much candy is a crime on Easter lol just playing XD
Lol that picture is awesome!
Glad you think it fits with her character! Was thinking of having her getting into it in the 60's, because of this other story, but the 90's would help. :P
Never played it but it's hard to forget a video of it. XD Think it's coming to Xbox One though! If it's not already arrived.
Hey time flies man and sometimes so do our memories XD I think we did that with yours, I believe it was the one with Beast XD I hope so man! Thanks
Well said! It was the one with Beast! But I think we attempted it with your Jack Frost story, I think. Where we were first introduced to DeWitt. All fun, either way.
Respect you giving so much time to drawing other's OC's. It's interesting to know these things - at least, I think it is. XD Would say that's pretty quick, two - four days, depending on color.
Thanks to yourself for showing them us in the first place.
I laughed so hard XD What's Makoto's son's name? I don't know if you mentioned it, lol.
Sounds like something my dad would have said XD Such a great Easter so far ^-^
-cries softly- I just want to give her a hug now
Catherine is super adorable in that assertive sort of way XD
Ella's present was freakin' awesome; I'd LOVE to have an MP3 that holds infinite amounts of songs!
My heart has melted
If my future husband ever did this, I think I'd start crying, lol XD
Great chapter man, I loved it! I'm sure Snow and Rose have sent some cards in the mail to Makoto; They did after all raise him, no? I really like Catherine a lot! Her and Ella seem to be perfect together.
I just feel a little bad because one of my own OC's was featured as a main character, you know? I'm sure Ashlyn did alright in the end XD
I'd be honored to see Mr. Weasel fighting alongside everyone else! Feel free to use Dixa if you like, but I don't mind if you only use Weasel! Looking forward to this!
I actually have yet to name him XD This chapter was out of the blue off the top of my head random lol but I will be naming more of his children and explaining such when I actually start posting Ella and Catherine's story later on
I'm sure Catherine would appreciate a hug!
She has been through a lot. Same here lol I think that would be the ultimate gift! 
I'm glad my stab in the dark was a good one! I never know what a woman would want as a gift and the necklace sounded really good so I went with that!
You know I completely forgot about them lol XD whoops. I'm sure Snow would have but sadly in my story Rose had been murdered early on.
Glad you like Catherine and Ella together! 
This is a great Easter chapter; love seeing them altogether. XD There's even more to see together now, with three kids! Makoto and Celeste make for great parents.
Sad about Mikhail, though - very sad. 
This! I want these!
Glad you liked the chapter Lupine!
Sadly Mikhail celebrates with them in spirit.
Me too man! But I think it may be too good to be true XP
At least he is there in spirit!
We can dream, man. XD
Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
The kitten's expression here and Kieron's later one when he's, um, possessed or the like, make me wonder if there's a connection there, or if it's just the crazed land of Wonderland that's gotten to them. Never sure where you stand in that world or this story - Kieron is Alice and Han's son? Makes a lot of sense, given how Keiron can go into Wonderland also, and his history at that hospital in the beginning.
Gripped to find out what's going to happen.
The clouds I couldn't tell ya, it sounded weird so I figured why not! Lol
The kitten and Kieron are tied in some ways, but Kierons actions during the fight was him having a mental breakdown due to the screams and shouts of the soldiers who died when he used their blood
. I do like that idea but sadly this is not the case, how he can go into wonderland will definitely be explained later and why he was in the hospital to begin with also!
Glad you like the story so far Lupine!