He dejectedly roamed through the desert.
"Come on!" he tried yelling again, "We can work this out!"
He didn´t get a reply.… more How predictable.
He still couldn´t believe they were having troubles over something so petty. It seemed so irrelevant. He really didn´t know why she´d taken it to heart. Was that really more important than he was? The thought made him pout.
He squinted as he saw a figure getting nearer and internally squealed at the thought of her coming back to forgive him.They´d been through worse! This was nothing! Of course she wouldn´t leave her true lo- what the hell was she wearing? He frowned.
"Fiona? What, is there some sort of radiation leak I don´t know abou-"
All he remembers is blacking out. And an awful lot of pain.
"What a steaming load of skagcrap."
It was her. He´d recognise that voice anywhere.
Right, so when he needs her, when he wants to make things right she doesn´t show up … [view original content]
Also, I wanna share this.
I was trying to get a screenshot for some (quality :P) edits and I accidentally paused the video and...
Without context, this is...
Das 2 lewd 4 mii. Y would you post that BigB?
(I oughta PM you what I saw from another game. No use posting it here, since this topic is dedicated to the awesomeness that is Rhyiona)
Also, I wanna share this.
I was trying to get a screenshot for some (quality :P) edits and I accidentally paused the video and...
Without context, this is...
Thank you, you made my Sunday.
(Though a lot of things can seem that way, without any context)
I´m glad.
This part is much more fun without the graphics but with the voices ONLY.
Perhaps, but look at this. :^)
Hands brushing?!
Too NSFW! Call the police!
We need to form the Church of Rhyiona
Das 2 lewd 4 mii. Y would you post that BigB?
(I oughta PM you what I saw from another game. No use posting it here, since this topic is dedicated to the awesomeness that is Rhyiona)
ikr snow said it wuz vry graphik
(That´s cool with me.
The birth of little Gortys. It's too beautiful.
(If anyone´s not in and wants to be, ask).
It needed an improvement.
Rhyionaism, the one, true religion.
Easter celebrates religion.
That´s exactly what we´re doing.
This is what we do for Easter?
Praise Rhyiona!
Light....I can only see light...
I have never felt so happy in my life.
We´ve come so far. I´m proud of us.
oh my
Can't wait to be baptized in the holy water of Rhyiona
We baptise our own by swimming in a pool full of Rhysha shipper´s tears.
Holy Rhyiona! Are you seeing what I´m seeing?!
Can´t trick me, Telltale!
Oh glory
When's the wedding, Telltale?
So only in episode 5?
Guess I'll have to be patient.
"The more you wait the better it will feel."
Does that mean that during Rhys and Fiona's wedding night, will we get to see the two having... you know...
After all, as Walder Frey would say...