Her saying that is pretty adorable. XD Though, people talking in their sleep really freaks me out.
Emily and Rosie's embrace is moving; everyone's going through so much at the minute and so much of it seems to stem back to Carla. That woman - what's wrong with her?
Robert seems to be taking the loss of the Alpha position in his stride; whether he might seek to challenge Gren in the future is something that's hard to guess, but for the meantime he seems happy helping with what's happening, and that's the main thing. Contend with the future when it's here - can't do it any sooner.
Anyway, only had chance to read the first half of this so after I've read the other bit, I'll edit this comment!
Rosie awoke to three things that morning: Fried bacon and eggs, the robust aroma of Coffee and her younger siblings cheering and bouncing on… more the bed. Rosie rolled over, chuckled and grabbed her phone. The time was seven fifteen and like always, she was the last one up. Rosie looked around the room and sighed. This wasn't a terrible dream. All that occured the previous night took place. Rosie tried to ignore the images, praying they'd fade on their own and leave what sanity she still had left.
"Rosie Rosie!" Seraphina and Chloe leap into her arms. "You stayed the night?! Mommy didn't say you'd be here! How long are you staying? Papa Thomas will be coming by! Uncle Isaiah is here, too and I'm not too sure about uncle Robert and-"
Rosie laughs, holding up Seraphina. "My....God...child. Do you ever stop talking?"
Seraphina beams. "Only in my sleep."
"Even THEN you talk." Viviana floats above Rosie's head. "I swear, Ro Ro, when she sle… [view original content]
Aha, thanks for setting me straight! Wonder if this means that Keiron won't have access to that level of ferocity again to help him out of danger, as it was brought about by the screams of the soldiers in the blood. Will have to wait and see. Intrigued as to the explanations!
The clouds I couldn't tell ya, it sounded weird so I figured why not! Lol
The kitten and Kieron are tied in some ways, but Kierons action… mores during the fight was him having a mental breakdown due to the screams and shouts of the soldiers who died when he used their blood . I do like that idea but sadly this is not the case, how he can go into wonderland will definitely be explained later and why he was in the hospital to begin with also!
Glad you like the story so far Lupine!
This concerns everyone, it is in regards to the Archive plan for our OC's.
I have thought about this and in my head it makes some sense. I think the Archive may be a bad idea, because:
I don't know yet how you are going to make such an Archive, but if you make another thread on this site purely for OC biographies, we have a number of problems. For starters, anyone can view them and that means that anyone can take an OC we spent our own time creating, and use it in one of their own stories on a different site. Also, people might post ridiculous and unnecessary comments, we don't need the Archive to be clogged up with bullshit...
I mean, I look at other fansites like Archive of our Own and Wattpad sometimes, I have experienced plagiarism first-hand, though it wasn't an OC that got stolen. But say for example that we make such an Archive and EMMYPESS goes onto a fansite for Fables/ TWAU and see's an OC called Harmony.
Same backstory, appearance, personality and powers. But the author does not give any indication that this OC is someone else's, or that they asked for permission to use the OC's in the first place. In fact, maybe the author goes as far to say that this is 'THEIR' OC!
You would be crushed like I was!
I know this is a long-shot and built on a small amount of paranoia, but I think this Archive should be privately accessible by regular people on this thread like the 8 of us.
Mirah glared through the window of Belinda's darkened apartment. The woman had been out for ages, and Mirah was growing rather impatient waiting in the parlor. The apartment wasn't even that lavishly decorated; Mirah prefered the glitz and glam of golden arches and fine silks. The couch was made from the poorest of fabrics, and it annoyed her to sit on them for long periods of time.
She brushed her pale dagger-like fingers over the mantle of the fireplace. Dust came up and covered the tips of her fingers, and she frowned with disgust.
"Does the maid even know what she's doing? I should do Rutley a favor for once and kill her off, too."
The air was crisp. The sky was clear. The full moon shone down like a giant white disk of glowing snow, reflecting off the white that covered London's streets in uninterrupted peace.
There was a tapping on a window. Had Mirah still been human, she wouldn't have noticed it enough to care. Her senses on alert, she stepped silently from the living room and into the grand master bedroom as covertly as possible. Whomever it was, they shouldn't be able to see her, for she was as swift as the wind and as silent as night.
His eyes. Those eyes, she recognized. A beeming sneer crossed her red lips, and with the agility of a gazelle she send the pin hold the window shut flying, shaking it's casement and sending dear Jonathan tumbling to the wood floor.
"Bloody 'ell!" Jonathan cursed. "I need to stop leaning so hard against that thing. Belinda? You in here?"
As soon as he had fallen, Mirah had retreated to the shadows. She was essentially invisible.
"Belinda? Are you...? I must have just broke the window. Well, this is bloody wonderful..."
A deep, malicious chuckle errupted from the depths of Mirah's chest. She watched as he turned around in a rapid circle, his eyes wild with surprise, or shock, or both.
"Who's there?" His voice was always so deep, with a lilt of arrogance. Something Mirah hated in men. Her laugh cut short at the notion, and she revealing herself from beyond the shadows. Direct moonlight lit her skin up like fire, as if she herself were the lightsource of the room.
When he craned his neck to see her, the transformation of emotion amazed Mirah, internally. He'd gone from confused to absolutely fuming pissed. She loved it.
"Do you remember me?" She cooed, her hand reaching out slowly to pat his cheek. "Oh dear, it's been a long time, hasn't it?"
"Why are you here?" His voice was surprisingly steady, though Mirah could sense a hint of fragility as he tried to contain his displeasure.
"I'm here because I've been hired to kill a Fable, dear Jonathan. Why else would I be?"
He stayed silent, his eyes unmoving from her own. She may hate his arrogance, but she absolutely loved his strength. It was something she was attracted to; As long as he wasn't stronger than she was. It would be a close one, this fight. But she knew who would win in the end. She smiled, exposing her razor sharp incisors.
Jonathan grumbled with disgust. "I keep forgetting. You're a disgusting creature of the night."
"Don't be so quick to judge," Mirah narrowed her eyes. "I've got more enhanced skills than any mortal, or immortal, man could ever possess. I could snap you're neck quicker than you could ever react."
"I'd like to see you try."
Another deep chuckle escaped Mirah's lips. He was always one for a challenge. "Very well. Let's duel."
She ducked under his immediate fist, smiling devilishly as he missed by mere inches. Her legs swung out underneath him, knocking him from where he stood to where he had fallen earlier. He hit his head, and she moved across the room before he could retaliate.
Jonathan got back to his feet hastily. His hand clasped around the first object on Belinda's nightstand, a pictureframe with out a picture in it. He swung it, and cursed under his breath as Mirah moved out of the way and let it shatter against the wall behind her head. She kept sneering at him, laughing, as if it were all a game. It only angered him more.
She came here with the intention to kill Belinda. I can't let that happen, under any circumstances. Mirah chuckled again. Reading thoughts was a gift she'd been given during the transformation. She could read most minds, as long as they were simple enough. Normally, Jonathan's head would be too crowded for her to bear, but today, it was as crystal clear as a pane of glass.
More things thrown, from both sides. Mirah managed to chuck a metal trinket at Jonathan's forehead. She figured he was knocked out, but when he got to his feet once more, she hissed.
"Why won't you stay down?"
"I could ask...you...the same... thing!" He said, in between huffs of breath and spitting blood from his mouth. He grabbed the very bust that had hit him and flung it at her, full force. She'd moved, but not before it hit her square on her shoulder blade. She screamed out and slammed against an armoire, falling to the wood floor violently.
"Fuck!" Her voice rang out, a piercing cry to Jonathan's ears. Maybe he would win this fight. Mirah was done with games. She stood, her anger no longer hidden between a careless smile. Her expression was pure rage.
She attacked him with her claw-like fingers. Thin scratch marks, not unlike a cats, covered his neck and face. She swung at him with a closed fist, but he fought back just as hard. They fell onto the floor together, tangled with fallen curtains, broken glass, and other such debris. The fight may as well go on forever.
Mirah tore herself from his grip, flying backward toward the window. She stood on it's sile, her face a blood covered mess. Her hair, her glorious flowing hair, was frayed in every which direction. She snarled.
"This won't be the last time."
"I'm counting on it, darling," He said miserably. "Don't forget to hit the pavement before leaving, you insufferable bitch."
She was gone.
Jonathan laid across the floor panting, every breath another shot of pain up his spine. Slowly, his vision began to fade, and he passed out on the floor in Belinda's now destroyed bedroom.
FINALLY, I have written a chapter. It's been a few days. I've been busy. I assume you all have, especially during this Holiday weekend. I'm officially on Spring Break (Cheers happily!) and as far as I know, you've all (or for the most part) had yours already. I guess NJ is behind on this sort of stuff XD
Getting around on getting caught up in other stories; It's hard, but I'm determined. I ALSO have to finish reading this book on my phone, because I just bought the hard cover copy of the next book in the series (The Mortal Instruments ) So soon, I will OFFICIALLY be on book 6 (The last freakin' book!) So excited and pumped, you don't even know XD
Any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask! Have a lovely Easter, tell your parents you love them, and remember that it's not only about the bunnies and chocolates and eggs!
I see where you're going. I actually didn't quite consider those possibilities. However, another idea (instead of having it public) is that we COULD just do a giant PM that includes all of us; It's a little tricky, but I think it'll work out if we try. We'll have to discuss this more in depth, but yeah, I'd hate it if someone stole my Harmony or another OC of mine.
Hell, we should make our own website. I mean, one day Telltale is bound to take ole' TWAU community off the charts, and then where would we be? It would suck to be cut off so suddenly from one another. We'll figure something out, I'm sure
@DragonButter @EMMYPESS @LupineNoir @JJwolf @pudding_pie @MasterStone @Tetra
This concerns everyone, it is in regards to the Archive plan… more for our OC's.
I have thought about this and in my head it makes some sense. I think the Archive may be a bad idea, because:
I don't know yet how you are going to make such an Archive, but if you make another thread on this site purely for OC biographies, we have a number of problems. For starters, anyone can view them and that means that anyone can take an OC we spent our own time creating, and use it in one of their own stories on a different site. Also, people might post ridiculous and unnecessary comments, we don't need the Archive to be clogged up with bullshit...
I mean, I look at other fansites like Archive of our Own and Wattpad sometimes, I have experienced plagiarism first-hand, though it wasn't an OC that got stolen. But say for example that we make such an Archive and EMMYPESS goes on… [view original content]
Rosie awoke to three things that morning: Fried bacon and eggs, the robust aroma of Coffee and her younger siblings cheering and bouncing on… more the bed. Rosie rolled over, chuckled and grabbed her phone. The time was seven fifteen and like always, she was the last one up. Rosie looked around the room and sighed. This wasn't a terrible dream. All that occured the previous night took place. Rosie tried to ignore the images, praying they'd fade on their own and leave what sanity she still had left.
"Rosie Rosie!" Seraphina and Chloe leap into her arms. "You stayed the night?! Mommy didn't say you'd be here! How long are you staying? Papa Thomas will be coming by! Uncle Isaiah is here, too and I'm not too sure about uncle Robert and-"
Rosie laughs, holding up Seraphina. "My....God...child. Do you ever stop talking?"
Seraphina beams. "Only in my sleep."
"Even THEN you talk." Viviana floats above Rosie's head. "I swear, Ro Ro, when she sle… [view original content]
"Dad! Mom! C'mon wake up!" Makotos son yelled.
"Alright alright we're up!" Celeste laughed.
Makoto rubbed his eyes "Are we r… moreeally?"
An older Ella popped in from the side of the door. "C'mon dad, your baby might wake up soon." She giggled
Makoto laughed "There's too many of you."
Catherine was standing outside the door she crossed her arms "C'mon you're not that old yet shit hog." She smirked
Ella hit Catherine. "What'd I say about language? I told you at least for today watch it." She said
Celeste laughed "It's alright. We're used to it by now." She said
Makotos son stared at him. "Dad what's a shit hog?" He asked
"Apparently that's me." He chuckled. He picked him up. "C'mon let's go Easter Egg hunting."
Makoto handed off his son to Celeste. He went in and picked up his baby girl from his cradle. "Hopefully your the last one." He laughed "I'm just fooling with you I love you all." He smiled
"C'mon M… [view original content]
I see where you're going. I actually didn't quite consider those possibilities. However, another idea (instead of having it public) is that … morewe COULD just do a giant PM that includes all of us; It's a little tricky, but I think it'll work out if we try. We'll have to discuss this more in depth, but yeah, I'd hate it if someone stole my Harmony or another OC of mine.
Hell, we should make our own website. I mean, one day Telltale is bound to take ole' TWAU community off the charts, and then where would we be? It would suck to be cut off so suddenly from one another. We'll figure something out, I'm sure
I like the chapter, but I am not familiar with these characters
Makoto and Celeste I know of in name only, who are their children?
I thought Catherine was a mute to all but Mikhail... and when did Mikhail die?!
Mirah glared through the window of Belinda's darkened apartment. The woman had been out for ages, and Mirah was growing rather impatient wai… moreting in the parlor. The apartment wasn't even that lavishly decorated; Mirah prefered the glitz and glam of golden arches and fine silks. The couch was made from the poorest of fabrics, and it annoyed her to sit on them for long periods of time.
She brushed her pale dagger-like fingers over the mantle of the fireplace. Dust came up and covered the tips of her fingers, and she frowned with disgust.
"Does the maid even know what she's doing? I should do Rutley a favor for once and kill her off, too."
The air was crisp. The sky was clear. The full moon shone down like a giant white disk of glowing snow, reflecting off the white that covered London's streets in uninterrupted peace.
There was a tapping on a window. Had Mirah still been human, she wouldn't have noticed it enough to care. Her senses … [view original content]
This one takes place after Ella and Catherine go on their adventure in the homelands, which will be my next story.
I've only named one an… mored that would be Ella who was also in Stones story. The other two I haven't even named yet if I'm honest XD
All in the adventure Hazza
Well if I'm honest I got bored of writing with Makoto and his family, I started to not have fun with it so I took a turn and did a case with Luke and writing in wonderland where just about anything goes interested me and I'm now having fun again writing
I think like what EMMY said is we can have a huge PM with all of us in it and then when more people join we can add them in so we have their stuff in it as well, and it would be hard but a website would be awesome as well!
@DragonButter @EMMYPESS @LupineNoir @JJwolf @pudding_pie @MasterStone @Tetra
This concerns everyone, it is in regards to the Archive plan… more for our OC's.
I have thought about this and in my head it makes some sense. I think the Archive may be a bad idea, because:
I don't know yet how you are going to make such an Archive, but if you make another thread on this site purely for OC biographies, we have a number of problems. For starters, anyone can view them and that means that anyone can take an OC we spent our own time creating, and use it in one of their own stories on a different site. Also, people might post ridiculous and unnecessary comments, we don't need the Archive to be clogged up with bullshit...
I mean, I look at other fansites like Archive of our Own and Wattpad sometimes, I have experienced plagiarism first-hand, though it wasn't an OC that got stolen. But say for example that we make such an Archive and EMMYPESS goes on… [view original content]
Well if I'm honest I got bored of writing with Makoto and his family, I started to not have fun with it so I took a turn and did a case with… more Luke and writing in wonderland where just about anything goes interested me and I'm now having fun again writing
It will be here probably not soon but later!
In a selfish way I don't want more people to join :P
I think me becoming a regular was bad enough you know? Like "Oh great, now we have another author and more stories to take up our time and oh look, he has an OC! Well this turned out well for the 7 of us didn't it?" XP
A massive PM... Everyone do what I do and copy/paste the info into Word documents for reference later
I think like what EMMY said is we can have a huge PM with all of us in it and then when more people join we can add them in so we have their stuff in it as well, and it would be hard but a website would be awesome as well!
In a selfish way I don't want more people to join :P
I think me becoming a regular was bad enough you know? Like "Oh great, now we have a… morenother author and more stories to take up our time and oh look, he has an OC! Well this turned out well for the 7 of us didn't it?" XP
A massive PM... Everyone do what I do and copy/paste the info into Word documents for reference later
You have no idea how many Word docs I have containing info about the OC's on this thread! That one you gave me of Luke months ago I dusted off for my latest chapter! XP
I'm also waiting for that one forum member to come here and say "This is all a load of shit, why do you loners bother?" or something along those lines...
Hazza we should hire you to have all our OCs on documents XD
I'll just sit here and laugh man, no reason to take the user seriously who cares what the guy thinks!
You have no idea how many Word docs I have containing info about the OC's on this thread! That one you gave me of Luke months ago I dusted o… moreff for my latest chapter! XP
I'm also waiting for that one forum member to come here and say "This is all a load of shit, why do you loners bother?" or something along those lines...
I'm trying to recollect what has happened last time so I may go back and read that and then reread this again. But I'm liking what I'm reading so far! I think Hazza took what I was going to say about the pavement comment XD. I remember you mentioning the mortal instruments around Christmas time, glad to know you're almost near the end, although I don't know if that's a good thing XP.
Mirah glared through the window of Belinda's darkened apartment. The woman had been out for ages, and Mirah was growing rather impatient wai… moreting in the parlor. The apartment wasn't even that lavishly decorated; Mirah prefered the glitz and glam of golden arches and fine silks. The couch was made from the poorest of fabrics, and it annoyed her to sit on them for long periods of time.
She brushed her pale dagger-like fingers over the mantle of the fireplace. Dust came up and covered the tips of her fingers, and she frowned with disgust.
"Does the maid even know what she's doing? I should do Rutley a favor for once and kill her off, too."
The air was crisp. The sky was clear. The full moon shone down like a giant white disk of glowing snow, reflecting off the white that covered London's streets in uninterrupted peace.
There was a tapping on a window. Had Mirah still been human, she wouldn't have noticed it enough to care. Her senses … [view original content]
"Dad! Mom! C'mon wake up!" Makotos son yelled.
"Alright alright we're up!" Celeste laughed.
Makoto rubbed his eyes "Are we r… moreeally?"
An older Ella popped in from the side of the door. "C'mon dad, your baby might wake up soon." She giggled
Makoto laughed "There's too many of you."
Catherine was standing outside the door she crossed her arms "C'mon you're not that old yet shit hog." She smirked
Ella hit Catherine. "What'd I say about language? I told you at least for today watch it." She said
Celeste laughed "It's alright. We're used to it by now." She said
Makotos son stared at him. "Dad what's a shit hog?" He asked
"Apparently that's me." He chuckled. He picked him up. "C'mon let's go Easter Egg hunting."
Makoto handed off his son to Celeste. He went in and picked up his baby girl from his cradle. "Hopefully your the last one." He laughed "I'm just fooling with you I love you all." He smiled
"C'mon M… [view original content]
She'd moved, but not before it hit her square on her shoulder blade. She screamed out and slammed against an armoire, falling to the wood floor violently.
I'm not going to lie, a few years ago I was moving some things around my place and one of the items I was moving hit me right on the shoulder blade. It hurt like hell and the feeling went down into my lower body. Never want to experience anything like that again.
Mirah glared through the window of Belinda's darkened apartment. The woman had been out for ages, and Mirah was growing rather impatient wai… moreting in the parlor. The apartment wasn't even that lavishly decorated; Mirah prefered the glitz and glam of golden arches and fine silks. The couch was made from the poorest of fabrics, and it annoyed her to sit on them for long periods of time.
She brushed her pale dagger-like fingers over the mantle of the fireplace. Dust came up and covered the tips of her fingers, and she frowned with disgust.
"Does the maid even know what she's doing? I should do Rutley a favor for once and kill her off, too."
The air was crisp. The sky was clear. The full moon shone down like a giant white disk of glowing snow, reflecting off the white that covered London's streets in uninterrupted peace.
There was a tapping on a window. Had Mirah still been human, she wouldn't have noticed it enough to care. Her senses … [view original content]
I can give a full bio of ALL 36+ of my OC's. I might have to move some things around and correct some stuff to fit in with my universe... I kinda created a Marvel/DC universe in here... but I can make it happen. You have my support.
@DragonButter @EMMYPESS @LupineNoir @JJwolf @pudding_pie @MasterStone @Tetra
This concerns everyone, it is in regards to the Archive plan… more for our OC's.
I have thought about this and in my head it makes some sense. I think the Archive may be a bad idea, because:
I don't know yet how you are going to make such an Archive, but if you make another thread on this site purely for OC biographies, we have a number of problems. For starters, anyone can view them and that means that anyone can take an OC we spent our own time creating, and use it in one of their own stories on a different site. Also, people might post ridiculous and unnecessary comments, we don't need the Archive to be clogged up with bullshit...
I mean, I look at other fansites like Archive of our Own and Wattpad sometimes, I have experienced plagiarism first-hand, though it wasn't an OC that got stolen. But say for example that we make such an Archive and EMMYPESS goes on… [view original content]
If you don't mind, I'll PM you all you need to know up to this point I'll give brief descriptions of the characters and tell you what has happened and how it all connects to the future, where Harmony and her family are living.
Glad you liked it, I always have issues trying to write fight scenes. I'm better at romance ones, lol XD
So I probably picked a very bad time to start reading your stuff it seems :P But let's roll with it!
First of all, you have a beautiful v… moreocabulary for description! You paint such clear pictures that I'm actually a little jealous of you
The fight was fun, and that 'hit the pavement' comment was a welcome addition I say!
Now, who the hell are Mirah, Belinda and Jonathon? Mirah reminded me of Bloody Mary...
If you need, I can PM you (as I stated to Hazza) if you have any specific confusions. The pavement comment came out on a whim; I figured it'd be pretty freakin' awesome to say XD
It's both a good thing and a sad thing to be so close to the end. I never want it to end XD Although, Cassandra Clare is still writing a ton of spin-offs to the series, so you'll see me with my nose in those books, too. Just have to finish book 5 (Hehe, there's like five pages left) and then I'm on to the last one.
I'm trying to recollect what has happened last time so I may go back and read that and then reread this again. But I'm liking what I'm readi… moreng so far! I think Hazza took what I was going to say about the pavement comment XD. I remember you mentioning the mortal instruments around Christmas time, glad to know you're almost near the end, although I don't know if that's a good thing XP.
That freaks me out, too; my sister does that a lot but I had to incorporate tht for one of the kids. lol
Carla is causing so much bullshit at the moment. She's been the problem since day one and sadly, no one knew; she secretly had all this planned and its beginning to show. She's been driven by power and greed. Its sad but it does happen....
I won't have Robert become a bad guy. JJ was worried about that but he's not heading that direction. He's only doing what comes natural to him but he does love his brothers and family and wants to be there for them all.
Seraphina beams. "Only in my sleep."
Her saying that is pretty adorable. XD Though, people talking in their sleep really freaks me o… moreut.
Emily and Rosie's embrace is moving; everyone's going through so much at the minute and so much of it seems to stem back to Carla. That woman - what's wrong with her?
Robert seems to be taking the loss of the Alpha position in his stride; whether he might seek to challenge Gren in the future is something that's hard to guess, but for the meantime he seems happy helping with what's happening, and that's the main thing. Contend with the future when it's here - can't do it any sooner.
Anyway, only had chance to read the first half of this so after I've read the other bit, I'll edit this comment!
I have went back and read but thank you EMMY Those are always the best XD.
Sounds like how I was with Devil Survivor 2 the animation You want to know what happens yet you don't want it to end because it's so awesome! . That's cool that there are little spin offs she did to keep it going and give more info!
If you need, I can PM you (as I stated to Hazza) if you have any specific confusions. The pavement comment came out on a whim; I figured it… more'd be pretty freakin' awesome to say XD
It's both a good thing and a sad thing to be so close to the end. I never want it to end XD Although, Cassandra Clare is still writing a ton of spin-offs to the series, so you'll see me with my nose in those books, too. Just have to finish book 5 (Hehe, there's like five pages left) and then I'm on to the last one.
He did mean it all. Despite it all, he loved his son and even Mary. They just got lost in a world that consumed them both before either knew what happened.
A beautiful chapter
Gren's last words to Joey and Mary really came from his heart, I could really believe that he was saying these things to them!
I look forward to whatever comes next XD
I'm glad you brought these points up because I was actually considering making a separate discussion for the biographies. Fortunately for us, I'm not considering it anymore. :P
I'm down with our biographies being archived in a personal message - the question is, who's going to start the message? Should it be me or you? Or does it not matter?
@DragonButter @EMMYPESS @LupineNoir @JJwolf @pudding_pie @MasterStone @Tetra
This concerns everyone, it is in regards to the Archive plan… more for our OC's.
I have thought about this and in my head it makes some sense. I think the Archive may be a bad idea, because:
I don't know yet how you are going to make such an Archive, but if you make another thread on this site purely for OC biographies, we have a number of problems. For starters, anyone can view them and that means that anyone can take an OC we spent our own time creating, and use it in one of their own stories on a different site. Also, people might post ridiculous and unnecessary comments, we don't need the Archive to be clogged up with bullshit...
I mean, I look at other fansites like Archive of our Own and Wattpad sometimes, I have experienced plagiarism first-hand, though it wasn't an OC that got stolen. But say for example that we make such an Archive and EMMYPESS goes on… [view original content]
Yeah I'd hate for some little snot nosed troll to take my precious Porgie clan and do as they please. >:( I've begun making a little (little....oh no no. Wrong words. XD) a list of the characters and so forth. I'm assuming we post the finished product to you Hman?
@DragonButter @EMMYPESS @LupineNoir @JJwolf @pudding_pie @MasterStone @Tetra
This concerns everyone, it is in regards to the Archive plan… more for our OC's.
I have thought about this and in my head it makes some sense. I think the Archive may be a bad idea, because:
I don't know yet how you are going to make such an Archive, but if you make another thread on this site purely for OC biographies, we have a number of problems. For starters, anyone can view them and that means that anyone can take an OC we spent our own time creating, and use it in one of their own stories on a different site. Also, people might post ridiculous and unnecessary comments, we don't need the Archive to be clogged up with bullshit...
I mean, I look at other fansites like Archive of our Own and Wattpad sometimes, I have experienced plagiarism first-hand, though it wasn't an OC that got stolen. But say for example that we make such an Archive and EMMYPESS goes on… [view original content]
I think the PM is our best bet so far, since I don't think any of the mods would be willing to do a favor like that for us - assuming they could actually do such a thing on this site to begin with.
I mean, one day Telltale is bound to take ole' TWAU community off the charts
I doubt it, we use this thread too often, TellTale aren… more't that dickish :P
I mean, sure their older games don't have Community threads, but we could easily set up camp in General Chat! XD
Maybe the TellTale Mods could give limited access to the Archive thread, so only certain users can access it?
Oh snap! Is this the Mirah from Franklin's past?! :0 I recall Johnathan looking for something in the parlor in your earlier chapters; believe Belinda caught him furiously searching and he could not find it and Sophie made the comment about demons? Right? XD Oh man! I'm sorry if I'm WAY off and you're like 'Really, Pie? This cracker...' XD XD
Anyways, this is interesting to say the less; I did like the description of Mirah and it was appealing to picture her in my head, as she stood there speaking to Johnathan. I'm wondering WHO the Fable is; I have an idea but hell, I could be wrong and I don't want to say anything and it be the answer. XD I've done that before....lol
I liked this a lot. Everything is connecting and its making me think and I love the direction you're taking with this.
Mirah glared through the window of Belinda's darkened apartment. The woman had been out for ages, and Mirah was growing rather impatient wai… moreting in the parlor. The apartment wasn't even that lavishly decorated; Mirah prefered the glitz and glam of golden arches and fine silks. The couch was made from the poorest of fabrics, and it annoyed her to sit on them for long periods of time.
She brushed her pale dagger-like fingers over the mantle of the fireplace. Dust came up and covered the tips of her fingers, and she frowned with disgust.
"Does the maid even know what she's doing? I should do Rutley a favor for once and kill her off, too."
The air was crisp. The sky was clear. The full moon shone down like a giant white disk of glowing snow, reflecting off the white that covered London's streets in uninterrupted peace.
There was a tapping on a window. Had Mirah still been human, she wouldn't have noticed it enough to care. Her senses … [view original content]
I like the quote at the end. You tell her, Em! A pity there wasn't actual bodies to bury, just goop of Mary and Joey. I still internally wish Mary would have went out with a redeemable end before her demise. But what's done is done, and Carla will get her end soon enough!
Rosie awoke to three things that morning: Fried bacon and eggs, the robust aroma of Coffee and her younger siblings cheering and bouncing on… more the bed. Rosie rolled over, chuckled and grabbed her phone. The time was seven fifteen and like always, she was the last one up. Rosie looked around the room and sighed. This wasn't a terrible dream. All that occured the previous night took place. Rosie tried to ignore the images, praying they'd fade on their own and leave what sanity she still had left.
"Rosie Rosie!" Seraphina and Chloe leap into her arms. "You stayed the night?! Mommy didn't say you'd be here! How long are you staying? Papa Thomas will be coming by! Uncle Isaiah is here, too and I'm not too sure about uncle Robert and-"
Rosie laughs, holding up Seraphina. "My....God...child. Do you ever stop talking?"
Seraphina beams. "Only in my sleep."
"Even THEN you talk." Viviana floats above Rosie's head. "I swear, Ro Ro, when she sle… [view original content]
I had a question about which girl was the craziest - interesting to find out that it's Catherine (if I read correctly). Her random blurts of swears are pretty funny to picture too. XD
I was going to ask about Mikhail, in which I had no idea about until you told Haz you've began recently telling your story in random order a little. I'll brace myself to read about his unfortunate end whenever you write it.
"Dad! Mom! C'mon wake up!" Makotos son yelled.
"Alright alright we're up!" Celeste laughed.
Makoto rubbed his eyes "Are we r… moreeally?"
An older Ella popped in from the side of the door. "C'mon dad, your baby might wake up soon." She giggled
Makoto laughed "There's too many of you."
Catherine was standing outside the door she crossed her arms "C'mon you're not that old yet shit hog." She smirked
Ella hit Catherine. "What'd I say about language? I told you at least for today watch it." She said
Celeste laughed "It's alright. We're used to it by now." She said
Makotos son stared at him. "Dad what's a shit hog?" He asked
"Apparently that's me." He chuckled. He picked him up. "C'mon let's go Easter Egg hunting."
Makoto handed off his son to Celeste. He went in and picked up his baby girl from his cradle. "Hopefully your the last one." He laughed "I'm just fooling with you I love you all." He smiled
"C'mon M… [view original content]
Ah yes, I remember Mirah after all this time. She's a vampire, correct? And who sent her to kill Belinda again? I'd say you're getting pretty good at doing fight scenes - Mirah was clumsily elegant in her fighting prowess, if I do say so myself. XD
Mirah glared through the window of Belinda's darkened apartment. The woman had been out for ages, and Mirah was growing rather impatient wai… moreting in the parlor. The apartment wasn't even that lavishly decorated; Mirah prefered the glitz and glam of golden arches and fine silks. The couch was made from the poorest of fabrics, and it annoyed her to sit on them for long periods of time.
She brushed her pale dagger-like fingers over the mantle of the fireplace. Dust came up and covered the tips of her fingers, and she frowned with disgust.
"Does the maid even know what she's doing? I should do Rutley a favor for once and kill her off, too."
The air was crisp. The sky was clear. The full moon shone down like a giant white disk of glowing snow, reflecting off the white that covered London's streets in uninterrupted peace.
There was a tapping on a window. Had Mirah still been human, she wouldn't have noticed it enough to care. Her senses … [view original content]
An idea popped into my head quite literally in the middle of the night. After much thinking and viewing of these forums, I have decided to start up my own account to post this story. I am always being told by my English teacher that I must become an author. This will serve as practice.
Do keep in mind; this is my first attempt at writing anything outside of short stories and school assignments. I apologise in advance if this is not up to a certain level of quality you deem acceptable.
I am happy to receive your opinion, good or bad.
CHAPTER ONE: just another day
Waking, I slowly and listlessly, rose with a yawn. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I slowly inspected my surroundings: A small, single room cabin made of fern tree wood, lit by a dim candle on the table to the side of my bed. In the corner to my right is a worn, splintering, three drawer dresser containing my few possessions, mostly meant for hunting.
Walking to the dresser, I opened the top drawer. Inside rested a brown fur tunic, leather breeches and greaves, made by myself from an animal I can’t recall any longer.
I pulled on the breeches and tunic with ease but struggled with the greaves, taking near half a minute to pull it around my foot and calf. I made a mental note to craft another pair of greaves as I reached for the next draw down.
Inside was a collection of pouches, belts and straps. I reached for a shoulder satchel. Inspecting its contents I found three small knives in leather sheathe and a bolas. Satisfied, I placed it around my torso before reaching for the waist belt.
Upon the belt were seven individual pouches to the left hand side, each containing different components for making makeshift shivs and bolases. On the right were two sheathes; one for a dagger and the other for a small sword
Placing this on I proceeded to reach for the third drawer. Inside was a bronze hunting sabre and a long dagger. The sabre was small in size, the blade not much longer than one’s arm, serrated at the back to allow for a firm hold on prey. The guard was about as thin as a quill making feather. The dagger had a blade the length of one’s forearm and a hollow channelling.
Exiting the cabin, I took in my surroundings. From all around the cabin there was nothing but impossibly dense black fern trees blocking the horizon and a path little wider than a man’s torso. As I did most days I ventured down the path, a walk of little more than an hour to the town of Bedburg to collect a water cask.
At what I assumed to be the half-way point. I could hear a faint sound; one of crunching grass beneath hooves.
I slowly approached the direction of the sound. The density of the forest permits no wind and little echo, so I did not have to worry about the acute senses of most magical animals.
Walking as softly as possible, I avoided the fern and weeds, weaving towards the assumed source of the sound. After twenty yards, I saw the source of the sound. A Buck of great size and a grey coat.
The grey coated deer was increasingly rare courtesy of the Wolf. They were only ever found in the Nordenland area then. The fern trees of the Nordenland area are some of the most resilient trees in the entire Black forest. No one has ever managed to cut one down in hundreds of years, meaning that wood must be brought in from other lands. The sheer strength of these magical trees combined with the forest’s density means that the Wolf could not enter the Nordenland but literally walk over the surface, even his famed breath cannot go beyond the first few trees. This provides a haven for the grey deer.
A mercilessly cold haven.
The forest is always locked in a permanent, snowless winter due to the lack of sun from the thick tree tops. Most die from this cold, especially the grey deer of whom are used to the warmer climate of the south.
Extracting the bolas from my satchel with the most grace I could muster to avoid startling the animal, in one swift motion I cast the bolas, tripping the Buck to its side. I approach it, blocking out its heart-wrenching, terrified screeches. I kneel down beside it, stroking the Buck’s head in a pitiful attempt to comfort it. The fear was quite evident in his eyes. It was never easy for me to kill an animal that meant me no harm, but I needed food to survive and food was always scarce in the Nordlands
Swiftly, using my dagger, I drew its collar.
I spent nigh two hours sitting there skinning it, extracting prized parts like hooves and eyes. Rising, I wished it passage before slinging the skin around my shoulder and continuing to Bedburg.
An idea popped into my head quite literally in the middle of the night. After much thinking and viewing of these forums, I have decided to s… moretart up my own account to post this story. I am always being told by my English teacher that I must become an author. This will serve as practice.
Do keep in mind; this is my first attempt at writing anything outside of short stories and school assignments. I apologise in advance if this is not up to a certain level of quality you deem acceptable.
I am happy to receive your opinion, good or bad.
CHAPTER ONE: just another day
Waking, I slowly and listlessly, rose with a yawn. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I slowly inspected my surroundings: A small, single room cabin made of fern tree wood, lit by a dim candle on the table to the side of my bed. In the corner to my right is a worn, splintering, three drawer dresser containing my few possessions, mostly meant for hunting.
Walking to the dresser,… [view original content]
Yeah apologies for going out of order. I just wanted a breath of fresh air is all . It'll be a bit before I get to posting it though. I wanted to post a picture of Kieron but tinypic is not cooperating lol
I had a question about which girl was the craziest - interesting to find out that it's Catherine (if I read correctly). Her random blurts of… more swears are pretty funny to picture too. XD
I was going to ask about Mikhail, in which I had no idea about until you told Haz you've began recently telling your story in random order a little. I'll brace myself to read about his unfortunate end whenever you write it.
As always, it's nice to see a new name writing in this thread. It been quite a while since we've last had one join, come to think of it. Welcome to the story thread! Hopefully you'll consider making more parts soon.
Overall, I liked it! The descriptions were picturesque and I like how your Fable is a hunter. Don't worry about it starting slow, most beginnings are usually like that. Unfortunately, I don't get the Bedburg reference, but I'm sure my other storytellers will.
An idea popped into my head quite literally in the middle of the night. After much thinking and viewing of these forums, I have decided to s… moretart up my own account to post this story. I am always being told by my English teacher that I must become an author. This will serve as practice.
Do keep in mind; this is my first attempt at writing anything outside of short stories and school assignments. I apologise in advance if this is not up to a certain level of quality you deem acceptable.
I am happy to receive your opinion, good or bad.
CHAPTER ONE: just another day
Waking, I slowly and listlessly, rose with a yawn. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I slowly inspected my surroundings: A small, single room cabin made of fern tree wood, lit by a dim candle on the table to the side of my bed. In the corner to my right is a worn, splintering, three drawer dresser containing my few possessions, mostly meant for hunting.
Walking to the dresser,… [view original content]
Yes! Lol All hail the crazy queen Catherine!
Yeah apologies for going out of order. I just wanted a breath of fresh air is all . It'll b… moree a bit before I get to posting it though. I wanted to post a picture of Kieron but tinypic is not cooperating lol
Her saying that is pretty adorable. XD Though, people talking in their sleep really freaks me out.
Emily and Rosie's embrace is moving; everyone's going through so much at the minute and so much of it seems to stem back to Carla. That woman - what's wrong with her?
Robert seems to be taking the loss of the Alpha position in his stride; whether he might seek to challenge Gren in the future is something that's hard to guess, but for the meantime he seems happy helping with what's happening, and that's the main thing. Contend with the future when it's here - can't do it any sooner.
Anyway, only had chance to read the first half of this so after I've read the other bit, I'll edit this comment!
It's an entertaining image either way. XD
Aha, thanks for setting me straight! Wonder if this means that Keiron won't have access to that level of ferocity again to help him out of danger, as it was brought about by the screams of the soldiers in the blood. Will have to wait and see. Intrigued as to the explanations!
@DragonButter @EMMYPESS @LupineNoir @JJwolf @pudding_pie @MasterStone @Tetra
This concerns everyone, it is in regards to the Archive plan for our OC's.
I have thought about this and in my head it makes some sense. I think the Archive may be a bad idea, because:
I don't know yet how you are going to make such an Archive, but if you make another thread on this site purely for OC biographies, we have a number of problems. For starters, anyone can view them and that means that anyone can take an OC we spent our own time creating, and use it in one of their own stories on a different site. Also, people might post ridiculous and unnecessary comments, we don't need the Archive to be clogged up with bullshit...
I mean, I look at other fansites like Archive of our Own and Wattpad sometimes, I have experienced plagiarism first-hand, though it wasn't an OC that got stolen. But say for example that we make such an Archive and EMMYPESS goes onto a fansite for Fables/ TWAU and see's an OC called Harmony.
Same backstory, appearance, personality and powers. But the author does not give any indication that this OC is someone else's, or that they asked for permission to use the OC's in the first place. In fact, maybe the author goes as far to say that this is 'THEIR' OC!
You would be crushed like I was!
I know this is a long-shot and built on a small amount of paranoia, but I think this Archive should be privately accessible by regular people on this thread like the 8 of us.
Just consider it.
Mirah glared through the window of Belinda's darkened apartment. The woman had been out for ages, and Mirah was growing rather impatient waiting in the parlor. The apartment wasn't even that lavishly decorated; Mirah prefered the glitz and glam of golden arches and fine silks. The couch was made from the poorest of fabrics, and it annoyed her to sit on them for long periods of time.
She brushed her pale dagger-like fingers over the mantle of the fireplace. Dust came up and covered the tips of her fingers, and she frowned with disgust.
"Does the maid even know what she's doing? I should do Rutley a favor for once and kill her off, too."
The air was crisp. The sky was clear. The full moon shone down like a giant white disk of glowing snow, reflecting off the white that covered London's streets in uninterrupted peace.
There was a tapping on a window. Had Mirah still been human, she wouldn't have noticed it enough to care. Her senses on alert, she stepped silently from the living room and into the grand master bedroom as covertly as possible. Whomever it was, they shouldn't be able to see her, for she was as swift as the wind and as silent as night.
His eyes. Those eyes, she recognized. A beeming sneer crossed her red lips, and with the agility of a gazelle she send the pin hold the window shut flying, shaking it's casement and sending dear Jonathan tumbling to the wood floor.
"Bloody 'ell!" Jonathan cursed. "I need to stop leaning so hard against that thing. Belinda? You in here?"
As soon as he had fallen, Mirah had retreated to the shadows. She was essentially invisible.
"Belinda? Are you...? I must have just broke the window. Well, this is bloody wonderful..."
A deep, malicious chuckle errupted from the depths of Mirah's chest. She watched as he turned around in a rapid circle, his eyes wild with surprise, or shock, or both.
"Who's there?" His voice was always so deep, with a lilt of arrogance. Something Mirah hated in men. Her laugh cut short at the notion, and she revealing herself from beyond the shadows. Direct moonlight lit her skin up like fire, as if she herself were the lightsource of the room.
When he craned his neck to see her, the transformation of emotion amazed Mirah, internally. He'd gone from confused to absolutely fuming pissed. She loved it.
"Do you remember me?" She cooed, her hand reaching out slowly to pat his cheek. "Oh dear, it's been a long time, hasn't it?"
"Why are you here?" His voice was surprisingly steady, though Mirah could sense a hint of fragility as he tried to contain his displeasure.
"I'm here because I've been hired to kill a Fable, dear Jonathan. Why else would I be?"
He stayed silent, his eyes unmoving from her own. She may hate his arrogance, but she absolutely loved his strength. It was something she was attracted to; As long as he wasn't stronger than she was. It would be a close one, this fight. But she knew who would win in the end. She smiled, exposing her razor sharp incisors.
Jonathan grumbled with disgust. "I keep forgetting. You're a disgusting creature of the night."
"Don't be so quick to judge," Mirah narrowed her eyes. "I've got more enhanced skills than any mortal, or immortal, man could ever possess. I could snap you're neck quicker than you could ever react."
"I'd like to see you try."
Another deep chuckle escaped Mirah's lips. He was always one for a challenge. "Very well. Let's duel."
She ducked under his immediate fist, smiling devilishly as he missed by mere inches. Her legs swung out underneath him, knocking him from where he stood to where he had fallen earlier. He hit his head, and she moved across the room before he could retaliate.
Jonathan got back to his feet hastily. His hand clasped around the first object on Belinda's nightstand, a pictureframe with out a picture in it. He swung it, and cursed under his breath as Mirah moved out of the way and let it shatter against the wall behind her head. She kept sneering at him, laughing, as if it were all a game. It only angered him more.
She came here with the intention to kill Belinda. I can't let that happen, under any circumstances. Mirah chuckled again. Reading thoughts was a gift she'd been given during the transformation. She could read most minds, as long as they were simple enough. Normally, Jonathan's head would be too crowded for her to bear, but today, it was as crystal clear as a pane of glass.
More things thrown, from both sides. Mirah managed to chuck a metal trinket at Jonathan's forehead. She figured he was knocked out, but when he got to his feet once more, she hissed.
"Why won't you stay down?"
"I could ask...you...the same... thing!" He said, in between huffs of breath and spitting blood from his mouth. He grabbed the very bust that had hit him and flung it at her, full force. She'd moved, but not before it hit her square on her shoulder blade. She screamed out and slammed against an armoire, falling to the wood floor violently.
"Fuck!" Her voice rang out, a piercing cry to Jonathan's ears. Maybe he would win this fight. Mirah was done with games. She stood, her anger no longer hidden between a careless smile. Her expression was pure rage.
She attacked him with her claw-like fingers. Thin scratch marks, not unlike a cats, covered his neck and face. She swung at him with a closed fist, but he fought back just as hard. They fell onto the floor together, tangled with fallen curtains, broken glass, and other such debris. The fight may as well go on forever.
Mirah tore herself from his grip, flying backward toward the window. She stood on it's sile, her face a blood covered mess. Her hair, her glorious flowing hair, was frayed in every which direction. She snarled.
"This won't be the last time."
"I'm counting on it, darling," He said miserably. "Don't forget to hit the pavement before leaving, you insufferable bitch."
She was gone.
Jonathan laid across the floor panting, every breath another shot of pain up his spine. Slowly, his vision began to fade, and he passed out on the floor in Belinda's now destroyed bedroom.
FINALLY, I have written a chapter. It's been a few days. I've been busy. I assume you all have, especially during this Holiday weekend. I'm officially on Spring Break (Cheers happily!) and as far as I know, you've all (or for the most part) had yours already. I guess NJ is behind on this sort of stuff XD
Getting around on getting caught up in other stories; It's hard, but I'm determined. I ALSO have to finish reading this book on my phone, because I just bought the hard cover copy of the next book in the series (The Mortal Instruments
) So soon, I will OFFICIALLY be on book 6 (The last freakin' book!) So excited and pumped, you don't even know XD
Any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask! Have a lovely Easter, tell your parents you love them, and remember that it's not only about the bunnies and chocolates and eggs!
I see where you're going. I actually didn't quite consider those possibilities. However, another idea (instead of having it public) is that we COULD just do a giant PM that includes all of us; It's a little tricky, but I think it'll work out if we try. We'll have to discuss this more in depth, but yeah, I'd hate it if someone stole my Harmony or another OC of mine.
Hell, we should make our own website. I mean, one day Telltale is bound to take ole' TWAU community off the charts, and then where would we be? It would suck to be cut off so suddenly from one another. We'll figure something out, I'm sure
A beautiful chapter
Gren's last words to Joey and Mary really came from his heart, I could really believe that he was saying these things to them!
I look forward to whatever comes next XD
I like the chapter, but I am not familiar with these characters
Makoto and Celeste I know of in name only, who are their children?
I thought Catherine was a mute to all but Mikhail... and when did Mikhail die?!
I doubt it, we use this thread too often, TellTale aren't that dickish :P
I mean, sure their older games don't have Community threads, but we could easily set up camp in General Chat! XD
Maybe the TellTale Mods could give limited access to the Archive thread, so only certain users can access it?
This one takes place after Ella and Catherine go on their adventure in the homelands, which will be my next story.
I've only named one and that would be Ella who was also in Stones story. The other two I haven't even named yet if I'm honest XD
All in the adventure Hazza
So I probably picked a very bad time to start reading your stuff it seems :P But let's roll with it!
First of all, you have a beautiful vocabulary for description! You paint such clear pictures that I'm actually a little jealous of you
The fight was fun, and that 'hit the pavement' comment was a welcome addition I say!
Now, who the hell are Mirah, Belinda and Jonathon? Mirah reminded me of Bloody Mary...
A story out of order? Well, if it works for you
I look forward to this adventure! XD
Well if I'm honest I got bored of writing with Makoto and his family, I started to not have fun with it so I took a turn and did a case with Luke and writing in wonderland where just about anything goes interested me and I'm now having fun again writing
It will be here probably not soon but later!
I think like what EMMY said is we can have a huge PM with all of us in it and then when more people join we can add them in so we have their stuff in it as well, and it would be hard but a website would be awesome as well!
I started liking Wonderland as well :P
In a selfish way I don't want more people to join :P
I think me becoming a regular was bad enough you know? Like "Oh great, now we have another author and more stories to take up our time and oh look, he has an OC! Well this turned out well for the 7 of us didn't it?" XP
A massive PM... Everyone do what I do and copy/paste the info into Word documents for reference later
I wouldn't mind if more people joined in! I think it'd be awesome to meet new people!
Lol if I wasn't so lazy I'd do that right now XD
You have no idea how many Word docs I have containing info about the OC's on this thread! That one you gave me of Luke months ago I dusted off for my latest chapter! XP
I'm also waiting for that one forum member to come here and say "This is all a load of shit, why do you loners bother?" or something along those lines...
I'll be the Archive! XP
Hazza we should hire you to have all our OCs on documents XD
I'll just sit here and laugh man, no reason to take the user seriously who cares what the guy thinks!
I'm trying to recollect what has happened last time so I may go back and read that and then reread this again. But I'm liking what I'm reading so far! I think Hazza took what I was going to say about the pavement comment XD. I remember you mentioning the mortal instruments around Christmas time, glad to know you're almost near the end, although I don't know if that's a good thing XP.
Happy Easter Tetra!
I'm not going to lie, a few years ago I was moving some things around my place and one of the items I was moving hit me right on the shoulder blade. It hurt like hell and the feeling went down into my lower body. Never want to experience anything like that again.
I can give a full bio of ALL 36+ of my OC's. I might have to move some things around and correct some stuff to fit in with my universe... I kinda created a Marvel/DC universe in here... but I can make it happen. You have my support.
If you don't mind, I'll PM you all you need to know up to this point
I'll give brief descriptions of the characters and tell you what has happened and how it all connects to the future, where Harmony and her family are living.
Glad you liked it, I always have issues trying to write fight scenes. I'm better at romance ones, lol XD
If you need, I can PM you (as I stated to Hazza) if you have any specific confusions. The pavement comment came out on a whim; I figured it'd be pretty freakin' awesome to say XD
It's both a good thing and a sad thing to be so close to the end. I never want it to end XD Although, Cassandra Clare is still writing a ton of spin-offs to the series, so you'll see me with my nose in those books, too. Just have to finish book 5 (Hehe, there's like five pages left) and then I'm on to the last one.
That freaks me out, too; my sister does that a lot but I had to incorporate tht for one of the kids. lol
Carla is causing so much bullshit at the moment. She's been the problem since day one and sadly, no one knew; she secretly had all this planned and its beginning to show. She's been driven by power and greed. Its sad but it does happen....
I won't have Robert become a bad guy. JJ was worried about that but he's not heading that direction. He's only doing what comes natural to him but he does love his brothers and family and wants to be there for them all.
Oh don't worry about it.
glad you liked it! 
I have went back and read but thank you EMMY
Those are always the best XD.
Sounds like how I was with Devil Survivor 2 the animation
You want to know what happens yet you don't want it to end because it's so awesome!
. That's cool that there are little spin offs she did to keep it going and give more info!
Thanks man.
He did mean it all. Despite it all, he loved his son and even Mary. They just got lost in a world that consumed them both before either knew what happened.
Oh you will, especially when Nick shows up. lol
I'm glad you brought these points up because I was actually considering making a separate discussion for the biographies. Fortunately for us, I'm not considering it anymore. :P
I'm down with our biographies being archived in a personal message - the question is, who's going to start the message? Should it be me or you? Or does it not matter?
Yeah I'd hate for some little snot nosed troll to take my precious Porgie clan and do as they please. >:( I've begun making a little (little....oh no no. Wrong words. XD) a list of the characters and so forth. I'm assuming we post the finished product to you Hman?
I think the PM is our best bet so far, since I don't think any of the mods would be willing to do a favor like that for us - assuming they could actually do such a thing on this site to begin with.
Oh snap! Is this the Mirah from Franklin's past?! :0 I recall Johnathan looking for something in the parlor in your earlier chapters; believe Belinda caught him furiously searching and he could not find it and Sophie made the comment about demons? Right? XD Oh man! I'm sorry if I'm WAY off and you're like 'Really, Pie? This cracker...' XD XD
Anyways, this is interesting to say the less; I did like the description of Mirah and it was appealing to picture her in my head, as she stood there speaking to Johnathan. I'm wondering WHO the Fable is; I have an idea but hell, I could be wrong and I don't want to say anything and it be the answer. XD I've done that before....lol
I liked this a lot. Everything is connecting and its making me think and I love the direction you're taking with this.
I like the quote at the end. You tell her, Em! A pity there wasn't actual bodies to bury, just goop of Mary and Joey. I still internally wish Mary would have went out with a redeemable end before her demise.
But what's done is done, and Carla will get her end soon enough!
I had a question about which girl was the craziest - interesting to find out that it's Catherine (if I read correctly). Her random blurts of swears are pretty funny to picture too. XD
I was going to ask about Mikhail, in which I had no idea about until you told Haz you've began recently telling your story in random order a little. I'll brace myself to read about his unfortunate end whenever you write it.
Ah yes, I remember Mirah after all this time. She's a vampire, correct? And who sent her to kill Belinda again? I'd say you're getting pretty good at doing fight scenes - Mirah was clumsily elegant in her fighting prowess, if I do say so myself. XD
An idea popped into my head quite literally in the middle of the night. After much thinking and viewing of these forums, I have decided to start up my own account to post this story. I am always being told by my English teacher that I must become an author. This will serve as practice.
Do keep in mind; this is my first attempt at writing anything outside of short stories and school assignments. I apologise in advance if this is not up to a certain level of quality you deem acceptable.
I am happy to receive your opinion, good or bad.
CHAPTER ONE: just another day
Waking, I slowly and listlessly, rose with a yawn. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I slowly inspected my surroundings: A small, single room cabin made of fern tree wood, lit by a dim candle on the table to the side of my bed. In the corner to my right is a worn, splintering, three drawer dresser containing my few possessions, mostly meant for hunting.
Walking to the dresser, I opened the top drawer. Inside rested a brown fur tunic, leather breeches and greaves, made by myself from an animal I can’t recall any longer.
I pulled on the breeches and tunic with ease but struggled with the greaves, taking near half a minute to pull it around my foot and calf. I made a mental note to craft another pair of greaves as I reached for the next draw down.
Inside was a collection of pouches, belts and straps. I reached for a shoulder satchel. Inspecting its contents I found three small knives in leather sheathe and a bolas. Satisfied, I placed it around my torso before reaching for the waist belt.
Upon the belt were seven individual pouches to the left hand side, each containing different components for making makeshift shivs and bolases. On the right were two sheathes; one for a dagger and the other for a small sword
Placing this on I proceeded to reach for the third drawer. Inside was a bronze hunting sabre and a long dagger. The sabre was small in size, the blade not much longer than one’s arm, serrated at the back to allow for a firm hold on prey. The guard was about as thin as a quill making feather. The dagger had a blade the length of one’s forearm and a hollow channelling.
Exiting the cabin, I took in my surroundings. From all around the cabin there was nothing but impossibly dense black fern trees blocking the horizon and a path little wider than a man’s torso. As I did most days I ventured down the path, a walk of little more than an hour to the town of Bedburg to collect a water cask.
At what I assumed to be the half-way point. I could hear a faint sound; one of crunching grass beneath hooves.
I slowly approached the direction of the sound. The density of the forest permits no wind and little echo, so I did not have to worry about the acute senses of most magical animals.
Walking as softly as possible, I avoided the fern and weeds, weaving towards the assumed source of the sound. After twenty yards, I saw the source of the sound. A Buck of great size and a grey coat.
The grey coated deer was increasingly rare courtesy of the Wolf. They were only ever found in the Nordenland area then. The fern trees of the Nordenland area are some of the most resilient trees in the entire Black forest. No one has ever managed to cut one down in hundreds of years, meaning that wood must be brought in from other lands. The sheer strength of these magical trees combined with the forest’s density means that the Wolf could not enter the Nordenland but literally walk over the surface, even his famed breath cannot go beyond the first few trees. This provides a haven for the grey deer.
A mercilessly cold haven.
The forest is always locked in a permanent, snowless winter due to the lack of sun from the thick tree tops. Most die from this cold, especially the grey deer of whom are used to the warmer climate of the south.
Extracting the bolas from my satchel with the most grace I could muster to avoid startling the animal, in one swift motion I cast the bolas, tripping the Buck to its side. I approach it, blocking out its heart-wrenching, terrified screeches. I kneel down beside it, stroking the Buck’s head in a pitiful attempt to comfort it. The fear was quite evident in his eyes. It was never easy for me to kill an animal that meant me no harm, but I needed food to survive and food was always scarce in the Nordlands
Swiftly, using my dagger, I drew its collar.
I spent nigh two hours sitting there skinning it, extracting prized parts like hooves and eyes. Rising, I wished it passage before slinging the skin around my shoulder and continuing to Bedburg.
Post Script.:
This chapter may seem slow, but it is merely a proverbial launching pad.
Also, he is meant to be a huntsman (not the oft mentioned one in snow white, different guy)
Yes! Lol All hail the crazy queen Catherine!
Yeah apologies for going out of order. I just wanted a breath of fresh air is all
. It'll be a bit before I get to posting it though. I wanted to post a picture of Kieron but tinypic is not cooperating lol
As always, it's nice to see a new name writing in this thread. It been quite a while since we've last had one join, come to think of it. Welcome to the story thread! Hopefully you'll consider making more parts soon.
Overall, I liked it! The descriptions were picturesque and I like how your Fable is a hunter. Don't worry about it starting slow, most beginnings are usually like that. Unfortunately, I don't get the Bedburg reference, but I'm sure my other storytellers will.
Create a Deviantart and all of your worries in getting your pictures to post will wash away. XD