Once the life of the soldier finally ebbed away did I draw my dagger from his neck.
Putting the dagger back into it’s sheathe, I sat down next to the fresh corpse.
Now, to piece together my next course of action.
So, the Black Forest is now under the control of this empire. They are powerful enough to annex Oz. or occupy? Something similar. I do not know and such information is irrelevant. If they are powerful enough to have control of Oz than I would assume something has been done about the Wolf. They are killing any and all Nordenlanders, and the trill in my accent is a direct pointer to my origin here. I cannot imitate any other accents as I have never had the need. My ability to assimilate in other places without being discovered would be comparable to a snail’s ability to-
I then heard yelling in the distance.
I turned to face the sound.
What to do? Should I head towards the yelling or ignore it?
It could be a group of soldiers, arguing over the gods know what and I would like to avoid another encounter. If it is a group of travellers arguing away over something I do not think my presence would be well received.
What if it was a combination of both; soldiers in some form of conflict against travellers or someone similar?
I concluded that I should investigate from a distance before deciding.
I entered a run, again avoiding tree roots. Already I could hear more clearly. The voices of three men and a woman met my ears. I could not interpret what was being said though. Not yet.
I continued until I got close enough to hear what was being said. Stopping for a moment, I adopted a crouching stance and moved closer.
“-not going anywhere!” a man with an accent similar to those whom I had slain just before.
“I do not unde-“a man with an accent identical to mine, whom was cut off by the unique sound of a blade meeting flesh.
“You damned animals!” a woman with a hoarse voice.
“What was that, you little wench?” another man of an accent pointing at Oz.
It was then I could see what was happening through the ferns.
A road, In the middle of it a wagon with many different jars, crates and iron utensils stocked in it. To the side of the wagon was group of five soldiers bearing the emblem of Oz. all of them in matching plain armour and carrying long swords. Three of them were inspecting the wagon, while the other two were closer to my position: one looming over a headless man and the other with his sword at the woman’s throat.
“I do not enjoy killing women, you are aware” said the one by the woman to his comrade
As the spoke I quietly pulled a small knife from my satchel.
“I know” answered the other “but we’ve got orders, no one is to leave the Nordenland and no one is meant to know we have been here. No evidence or witnesses they said”
I pulled the knife up my right sleeve and using the cloth around my mouth to cover my fingers.
“Fuck it, you do it” said the man by the woman, visibly frustrated “ I always end up being the executioner. It’s not nice killing random people”
I used my cloth-covered fingers to hold the dagger up my sleeve
“And yet you have the conscience to call her a wench?” Said the other in defence
“I…..I…” the other was lost for words.
I stepped out of the foliage and marched for the one standing by the other next to the woman
“Hey, Idiots, ‘nuther ova there” pointed out one by the wagon to the two men over the woman
My intended target turned to Me “sto-“
In an instant, I griped my sabre with my left hand like a dagger, spun, simultaneously drawing the sword and slit the soldiers throat. I continued the spin and fell into a kneeling position to face the other by the woman, letting go of the dagger up my sleeve upon kneeling. It exited my sleeve and shot at the soldier like a dart, going through his eye and into his skull.
The three by the cart each got off and charged at me.
Drawing the bolas from my satchel, I threw it at the head of the soldier in the middle. The bolas wrapped around his neck, the force producing a resounding snap. The one at the left cowered and stopped the other continuing. He swung at me diagonally, while I spun and adopted a kneeling position facing away from him and out of the way of his swing. Still holding the sabre like a dagger, I outstretched my left arm and he impaled himself on the sabre.
The inertia from his charge caused me to collapse to the ground with him. Ripping my sabre from his innards, I turned to see the final soldier attempting to escape. Using my free hand to grab another small knife from my satchel, I spun around and threw it at him, landing the knife in his spine.
I turned to face the woman, whom was now stranding over her accomplices’ headless corpse.
I sheathed my sword before walking over to her. I stood next to her for the next few minutes awaiting a response. Finally she turned to face me.
“What!” she snapped, her face twisted in anger.
I stood there, unsure of what to say. I rarely ever spoke to anyone back then and my social skills were thus none existent.
“I am sorry” I finally said
She was silent for a moment. Her faced then relaxed into a basic scowl.
“You have nothing to be sorry for” she said in an low voice before turning back to the body
Finally I spoke up. “Who was he?”
She stood rigid for a moment. “My brother” she answered, still not facing me “we were not exactly the most loving of siblings, but still, he is-was family…do you know what I mean.”
She looked me for a moment, before turning back
“We must leave.” I said “Including this one, I have encountered two patrols in less than a half-hour.”
“Meaning they are all over and we must remain mobile and avoid roads.”
She considered this for a handful of seconds. “Very well.”
Then the scent of more Oz metal and what I assumed were more men entered my nose. I judged them to be a few minutes away.
“let us make haste, I can already smell more of them.” Said I in a worried tone
“Smell them?” she questioned.
“Not now. Move. Into the forest.” Ordered I
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I find it hard to believe that my work has received such positive comments!
If you do feel as if there is a flaw in my stories, do not be afraid to express it. I shan’t be offended.
It is quite hard to offend me (but it is easy to annoy me XD)
Look forward to the next chapter. The hunter will be graced by the presence of unseres Lieblings Wolf!
Man for a person in high school you sure have a great sense of vocabulary and the way you describe things is quite rediculous! (I mean this in a good way) I'm in college and there are some vocabulary terms that I've never seen before in my life! XD other than that I am really enjoying this! Kep it up man.
Chapter: 4 Verlassen da.
Once the life of the soldier finally ebbed away did I draw my dagger from his neck.
Putting the dagger back int… moreo it’s sheathe, I sat down next to the fresh corpse.
Now, to piece together my next course of action.
So, the Black Forest is now under the control of this empire. They are powerful enough to annex Oz. or occupy? Something similar. I do not know and such information is irrelevant. If they are powerful enough to have control of Oz than I would assume something has been done about the Wolf. They are killing any and all Nordenlanders, and the trill in my accent is a direct pointer to my origin here. I cannot imitate any other accents as I have never had the need. My ability to assimilate in other places without being discovered would be comparable to a snail’s ability to-
I then heard yelling in the distance.
I turned to face the sound.
What to do? Should I head towards the yelling or ignore it… [view original content]
Welcome! I am EXTREMELY late on reading this XD I literally was like "Huh, better check the forum today. Oh. Would you look at that. There's a new guy." And then preceded to wait approximately 6 hours before coming back to comment XD I LOVE teachers that encourage their students to write; I had only one English teacher who really did, and it made my heart warm inside
I LOVE the intro to this; The way you describe your surroundings, and also that it's in first person, kind of puts me in the shoes of the Hunter.
The dagger had a blade the length of one’s forearm and a hollow channelling.
Sounds like an awesome knife! And the detail, man. I'm diggin' it.
It's awesome! I loved it! I have to eventually read your next few chapters (As it's 9 PM where I am, so I might write a chapter and then go to bed XD)
(Sadly, I am not familiar with the Bedburg reference. Gotta go hit those books XD Or, you know, Wikipedia.)
An idea popped into my head quite literally in the middle of the night. After much thinking and viewing of these forums, I have decided to s… moretart up my own account to post this story. I am always being told by my English teacher that I must become an author. This will serve as practice.
Do keep in mind; this is my first attempt at writing anything outside of short stories and school assignments. I apologise in advance if this is not up to a certain level of quality you deem acceptable.
I am happy to receive your opinion, good or bad.
CHAPTER ONE: just another day
Waking, I slowly and listlessly, rose with a yawn. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I slowly inspected my surroundings: A small, single room cabin made of fern tree wood, lit by a dim candle on the table to the side of my bed. In the corner to my right is a worn, splintering, three drawer dresser containing my few possessions, mostly meant for hunting.
Walking to the dresser,… [view original content]
Can't wait to see how cool he is! Also, LOVE the song you picked. It's got a melodious tone to it and the singer is really good And I listened to the lyrics; Definitely sounds interesting.
Here is Kieron, a man found at the hospital that Alice had bumped into. He has average martial arts and sword capabilities along with the po… morewer of using blood to gain magical properties to help him fight. He's silent for the most part and only has about three friends. He is now thrown into what seems to be a fight for wonderland. He has lost his memories but his number one enemy seems to be his childhood friend, maybe when he bumps into him he'll remember it all, or if it's all just a lie...
Sadly this was not done in my sketchpad since I forgot that and my coloring pencils so it came out well but I feel it would have been better if I had those materials. I just wanted people to know what he looked like! All song credit of course goes to LeeandLie on youtube who does English dubs of anime tunes
Glad you are interested in the story and character! I'm also glad you liked the song, this is the first time I actually linked the video but I did use some of her lyrics from a different song in a previous part! She really is, I actually have all of her songs on my phone XD. Lyrics can be very foreboding
Can't wait to see how cool he is! Also, LOVE the song you picked. It's got a melodious tone to it and the singer is really good And I listened to the lyrics; Definitely sounds interesting.
....Since I skimmed this first, I saw Gren's reaction to Rosie's BF- DIED LAUGHING XD Now I shall ACTUALLY read the post, lmao. You NEED to draw Rosie and Woody together; I have to see it to believe it XD Also, SWEET pic! Tell the person who drew it that we all love it; Emily looks freakin' badass and Gren does too! It totally captures her personality!
I LOVE the opening scene you wrote; The description of the kids compared to the adults is striking. They're all cheery and happy, meanwhile Gren's brothers are only remotely watching and not quite caring as to how this will end.
Peter and Katie remained back at the Business Office and did their part to locate Carla and hope she had SOME answers...
Good Lord, the impending doom is eating me alive inside. I don't want to see Carla's wrath when the fight happens (Because we all know it will, Pie!). It breaks my heart that such an originally lovely woman has turned so dark. I hope (if you plan on making it or mentioning bits of it in the future) her back story of how she ended up this way will make us at least pity her a little bit, because I don't want to straight up hate her, you know?
Mary holds up a peel and places it under her lip. "Hey, Emily-Ems, look. Who am I?" Mary stands up and grabs Emily's hips. "UGH yes, Emily! Me Gren! Me going to plow you and give you lots and lots of babies! Ooga Booga!"
Sometimes I can't even XD Mary is the bomb XD
Rosie turns a bright red. "Oh God, ew!" She covers her ears. "Emily! Mary! That's my dad! Ew!"
I'm literally dying laughing right now XD Poor Rosie, poor Lyla! But mostly poor Rosie XD
Mary leans on the table and points her peeler at Rosie. "Yo, Rosie Posie. If you have not figured it out yet, babies come from sex. Emily got plowed and-"
I still can't even with her XD Junior, don't let Mary give George the sex talk; I think she'll end up doing more harm than good XD
"Go ahead, baby girl. Emily does not bite. Your father might, though..."
"Aunt Lyla!" Rosie covers her face. "It's bad enough he does not know and-"
XD Oh I can feel the tension, oh God XD
Rosie plays with a strand of her hair before speaking. "Um, Emily....my, uh....boyfriend is coming over for lunch, too."
"Great!" Emily continues seasoning the meat. "That will be wonda'ful! Ya' dad and I 'ave been meaning ta' meet this fella' now! Woot is he-Fable, mundy, Wolf?"
It's getting there! Ugh, the suspense is killing me XD
While Lyla comforts the kids, Rosie runs outside; Emily quickly follows, while Mary whistles, slaps her side and laughs.
Mary, Mary, Mary. Why do you happen to be the most hilarious individual I've ever met? Pie, this chapter is great XD
Liam had difficulty lifting the axe; he was taken back by the item and the markings it had along the blade. The girls were more interested in his facial hair and Viviana swore it would look pretty with beads and pink ribbon.
Children. 'Nuff said XD
Liam furiously waves his hand. "Oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh! She can make these really delicious deviled eggs, sir, with this green stuff on the top! Yum!"
LIAM! YOU HAVE JUST MELTED MY HEART! I seriously love that kid! I love them all! Gah, the feels XD
"She told me." Woody looks out to the open fields. "She rarely talks about her, though. Or the brothers. She speaks about Emily as if THAT was her mother."
Do I have to say anything? My feels are on overdrive.
Woody laughs. "No, Gren. No hookers. Just Rosie. She's doing good, too, with Michelle and her daughter. Her heart is so accepting."
This most certainly isn't the Woody I used to know; I'm so happy you've given so many characters these 'second chances'. It's always amazing to read.
The big day. Time eventually heals all wounds....
Gren and his brothers occupied the bakyard. All four of the kids leaned against the fen… morece and watched their father prepare for training. Liam, along with his sisters, cheered Gren on; in true form, the mighty Grendel circled his opponent and prepared to attack. Thomas, although ailing and older, still had some fight left in his old body. Towering over his youngest son, the spikes along his spine, legs and shoulders popped out like Pansies in the fields of green. Isaiah stood back and watched; Robert, not impressed to say the least, watched his younger brother try to take on such a beast before him.
While the men participated in Grendel rituals, Rosie and Emily stayed in the kitchen and began preperations on lunch. Emily was craving her famous brown sugar and honey coated Porkchops. Junior's wife, Mary, sat in the kitchen and aides Lyla with the peeling of potatos; Georgie, drinking a Bee… [view original content]
I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map,
And knew that somehow I could find my way back,
Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too,
So I stayed in the darkness with you.
~Cosmic Love, Florence + The Machine
She opened the door to her room.
It was a wreck.
She hadn’t expected this.
Dresses ripped from their closets, a broken mirror and frayed...well, everything. She set her bags down slowly, her shoes clicking over broken glass and wood floor. She was astonished at the damage.
There was a groan. It made her jump, and she stood silently still to hear where it was coming from. Slowly, she rounded the corner of her bed, which was covered with debris and broken trinkets. Who had been in here? And why was the room torn apart?
There on the floor, he lay. She watched for a moment as Jonathan moved to get up, cuts around all visible skin. Her mouth hung open in horror as he used the bedpost to stand, his face a mess in the twilit room.
“W-What happened?” She uttered softly, as if anything louder would pain him more. She reached out, and he let her, and her thin white fingers grazed over his cheek, smearing the blood on it.
“I..” He said slowly. He just stared at her incredulously, as if she were his saving grace. She supposed that maybe she was. Quickly, she departed from him.
“Sit down somewhere, before you fall over. I’ll get you some bandages..”
As she looked for supplies, Jonathan began recapping his story, from the little divan near the balcony windows.
“It was….well, you don’t know her, really.”
“Who?” Belinda paused just a moment, looking up at him from a closet drawer.
“Her name, remember it when I tell you. It’s Mirah. Stay away from her.”
“She did all of this?” Belinda gestured with her hands, and then pulled out a little metal tin full of emergency supplies. She brought it over quickly, opening the latches and surveyed it’s contents. Rolls of bandages. Tape. Aspirin. Scissors. And a saw. She shuddered at the saw.
"She’s an evil bitch,” He said painfully. “Excuse my language.”
“You deserve to call her that. Look what she did to you!”
“Ha, well she didn’t fare very well either. She put up a good fight though. Got away…”
Belinda went and got a small bucket of warm water, and a wet towel to clean Jonathan off. She notices as she rubbed the blood away, that he still wore the ring. She wondered if it helped his condition; Sophie had told Belinda vaguely about it in the past. She reached up and dabbed his forehead, where blood was still seeping out of the wounds.
“How did she cut you up like this?”
“She used her claws,” He replied. His speech went back and forth from slurred to clear. She suspected he had some sort of head injury. Pulling a pillow from her nearby bed, she propped it carefully under his neck and against the back of the chair. He relaxed himself and smiled against it.
“Thank you..”
“You look tired.”
“I am.”
“So sleep.”
“I can’t.”
“And why not?” She placed her hands on her hips, sitting down on a small ottoman facing across from him. He was all bandaged up now, and she’d given him the pain pills he needed. His smile never faded, and she was beginning to think his face was frozen that way forever.
He sat up some, and leaned forward. She thought he was about to fall, she she reached her arms out, but he caught them at the wrists and held on steadily. His eyes were so clear, she could see her own reflection in them. Her face was smudged with brownish dry blood, her hair was coming out of it’s pins. She looked a mess, but not as much a mess as he did. A sigh escaped her breath, and she then noticed how close they were, and so it made her heart beat faster and faster as he stared her in the eyes.
“There are so many thing I want to say to you. There's not enough time in the world though, for me to verbalize each thing. And somethings, I can't even find the right words to say. I want to be with you. I want to protect you. I feel like I know you more than any other person in the world, and yet we know so little about each other. It was only a few weeks ago, that I'd not known of your existence. Life before you, it was dull. You've...you've opened something up in me, that I hadn't know even existed. I guess I'm trying to say...I think...I love you,” His voice was gentle and kind, and despite all the pain, he managed a smile. She felt as if he’d stricken her with a crocade stick. Her mind was racing. What do I say? How do I tell him I feel the same way? Was it really as simple as saying the same words back?
They kissed. It was subtle at first, and the moment their lips met she could taste all the blood that had been on them. She welcomed the warmth his lips brought her and the feeling of immediate security. Her stomach was filled to the brim with fluttering butterflies as she moved forward and turned that single kiss into more kisses, and soon they were holding each other so tightly that they could have been one person. She couldn’t find any other situation she’d rather be in, couldn’t find any other person in the world she would rather be with.
“I love you too,” It escaped her mouth in little huffs of breath. Her heart never ceased to beat, and she wondered if he could hear it every time their faces collided. She felt as his shifted her onto his lap, her dress bunched up slightly as his hands explored her leg. She moved to kick her boots off, listened as they hit the floor with a thud. She brought her hands over his cheeks softly, so as not to disturb any cuts or bandages. Their lips collided more, their hearts lurched forward in time, and it almost felt like the world around them no longer existed.
She stood from his lap, bringing him with her. She felt her hair fall down to her shoulders as he pulled her pins out, dropping them beside her boots as together, they pulled the comforter over and knocked the remaining destruction from the sheets. He pressed her down, their bodies stuck together like glue, his lips travelling from the neckline of her dress to her chin, her cheeks, her mouth.
She wrapped her legs around him, her dress falling down and exposing her undergarments. She blushed furiously, as if she hadn’t intended for it to happen, but what else was expected. Jonathan laughed sweetly tugging the buttons on his shirt. She watched as he fumbled a bit, and reached out to help him. Soon, that was off, and she stared at his glorious bare chest with both fright and excitement. This was happening. She was letting it happen. There was no going back.
She loved him more than she thought could ever be humanly possibly. Her fingers travelled through his sweaty hair, tugging playfully as they kissed more and more, and soon he was undoing the strings to her corset, which she had to help with as well, and as if it could get any lovelier, they had slept with one another.
She held his head against her bare chest as the night went on, the blankets covering up their bodies, which were intertwined together in complete harmony. She fought back tears as he slept against her, because she knew somewhere deep down inside that this moment was only going to last a short time, and then they would have to separate. She felt something inevitably bad coming, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Slowly, she closed her eyes and fell asleep in Jonathan’s arms.
SO this is the SECOND time I'm posting this (Haha thanks to Googledocs for being awesome.) I ended up writing this in docs because I wanted to, however I didn't want to post it yet. I also, earlier, wrote more to it before, however as I tried posting it, someone reset the router. Great timing, am I right? So anyway, the second part was lost, and I don't feel like rewriting it tonight. So I'll leave it at this! I listened to Cosmic Love while writing this love scene; I thought it was fitting. You should listen to it too, it's one of my fav songs ^-^
I explained the significance of Bedburg to DragonButter.
It has nothing to do with Fables aside from this fanfiction.
Bedburg is a town in the north Rhine-Westphallia region of Germany, where a man named Peter Stubbe in the 16th century commited many, many sickening acts that make other serial criminals like Charles Manson and Jack the Ripper weep in envy.
Gramercy for the welcome. Your work is not so bad yourself.
Welcome! I am EXTREMELY late on reading this XD I literally was like "Huh, better check the forum today. Oh. Would you look at that. There's… more a new guy." And then preceded to wait approximately 6 hours before coming back to comment XD I LOVE teachers that encourage their students to write; I had only one English teacher who really did, and it made my heart warm inside
I LOVE the intro to this; The way you describe your surroundings, and also that it's in first person, kind of puts me in the shoes of the Hunter.
The dagger had a blade the length of one’s forearm and a hollow channelling.
Sounds like an awesome knife! And the detail, man. I'm diggin' it.
It's awesome! I loved it! I have to eventually read your next few chapters (As it's 9 PM where I am, so I might write a chapter and then go to bed XD)
(Sadly, I am not familiar with the Bedburg reference. Gotta go hit those books XD Or, you know, Wikipedia.)
Man for a person in high school you sure have a great sense of vocabulary and the way you describe things is quite rediculous! (I mean this … morein a good way) I'm in college and there are some vocabulary terms that I've never seen before in my life! XD other than that I am really enjoying this! Kep it up man.
Man for a person in high school you sure have a great sense of vocabulary and the way you describe things is quite rediculous! (I mean this … morein a good way) I'm in college and there are some vocabulary terms that I've never seen before in my life! XD other than that I am really enjoying this! Kep it up man.
“One of my hunting cabins.” I answered “I have one only known to me. It is protected by magic.”
“How did you afford the magic?” Magic is an expensive trade, and I did not appear the type to afford it.
“Contrary to my attire, I am a very wealthy man. The best hunter in all of Hesse.” I explained.
“Never heard of you” she said.
“Until recently, I had never heard of this so called empire.” I countered.
She was silent.
“What is your name?” She inquired.
I saw no reason to not oblige. “Alfred Jagd, and you?”
“Gertraud Richter” She obliged in return.
For many miles did we walk. The shrunken greaves where torturing my feet and Gertraud’s dress was constantly getting caught on roots, weeds, bushes and branches. Eventually, She decided to tear the hem of her dress to halt this problem. Eventually we came to the border of the Nordenland, beyond lying the greater part of the Black forest and the mountains of Hesse.
“Welcome to the Hesse” I mocked.
“Land of the wolf” she added.
“Yes” I said in a tone hinting pessimism "If only I had a silver weapon."
“How does silver come into this?” She asked.
“Magical wolves are repelled with silver” I explained “If left in their body long enough it can kill them, but this so called Big Bad Wolf is not your ordinary Magical wolf.”
“What if it does find us?” She asked, visibly discomforted at the thought. This is a question I did not want to think of either. If he were to find us, we could run and die exhausted or we could simply accept our fate and suicide or stand and fight using my dagger and out of sheer dumb luck succeed.
“I do not know.” I answered
We travelled across the plains for a further three nordish miles before coming across an oak tree, replete with acorns and bright green leaves. On the trunk a “H” was carved. When I established the hunting cabin here I had the witch mark its general location with a “H” for hunt. The spell ensured that no one would see, hear, of smell anything within the cabins general area unless you spoke a spell breaker put in place by the witch.
“Gertraud, can you speak Hessen?” I asked.
“Yes, why?” she replied confused.
“say ‘I am not an outsider’ with me on the count of three.” I said ignoring her question.
“But why?" she asked, annoyed.
The cabin is hidden by a spell I had put in place. By mentioning the spell breaker, you render the magic useless against you. for it to work on both of us we need to say it in sync."
She nodded. "Very well."
“Ich bin kein Auβenseiter“ we spoke.
There before us was my hunting cabin, complete with weapons stacked outside, racks for pelts, coal for cold nights. To my surprise and shock, it was also on fire: surrounded by 9 men in black and silver-trimmed armour borne of the black eagle: the emblem of Hesse.
I was outmatched. Even one of my skill could not take on more than six armed soldiers.
The empire must have some powerful sorcerers at hand to get past such an expensive spell.
Before Gertraud and I could turn back, one of them had noticed us.
“Witnesses!” he shouted “witnesses over there! The two Nords!”
We Nords were instantly recognisable by our skin. Due to the lack of sun we receive on account of the thick forest we are known for our pale skin, near a pure white in colour.
I passed Gertraud my dagger and drew my sabre and bolas in expectation of the soldiers charge. Then out of the proverbial blue came very trademark smells.
Fur and Fleas. lots of both. It was a canine, a dog, a wolf, a gargantuan one. ‘He’ was coming……
The Wolf was coming.
I could see him coming over the Horizon: a small, dark grey dot, moving at a Titanic speed towards the soldiers’ backs, swiftly becoming larger and larger. His canine features becoming more and more developed. And the silence left by such a large beast at such a swift speed was astonishing, even at the point where my acute and honed hearing could not pick up anything. And the soldiers with their backs turned busy taunting me and Gertraud.
Soon he was upon the soldiers, snapping at the right hand side of me and Gertraud. A group of five were swept up by the jaws of this beast before disappearing down his oesophagus. Still running, the wolf turned around and charged again, this time only biting them before spitting them out. Three more sent to their ancestors. Coming back around, the four remaining soldiers disbanded and ran in different directions. The wolf did not go after them but regurgitated the remains of the initial five soldiers. He then barked in the general area of those whom had fled to the right of him. They were swept of their feet and sent flying out of sight.
He then left, running for the final two, biting and spitting out each one at a time.
At what I would assume to be a jogging speed for a Wolf of his size, he came over to us.
Why was he not bounding at full speed to meet us with his mouth? And why did he vomit the remains of the soldiers he ate and only bit the others?
Silver-trimmed armour. The soldiers wore silver trimmed armour and he ingested them whole. That explains the regurgitation, but his apparent reluctance to eat us was left without an explanation.
I turned to look at Gertraud. She was frozen stiff, wide eyed and staring at the wolf, still holding my dagger.
The Wolf stopped and stood where he was, leaving twenty yards between us.
“Gertraud, pass me the dagger” whispered I.
The Wolf spoke, voice booming and low.
“Come with me” he asked.
We were confused as to why he would care for such. “why.?”
“I will not repeat myself again, come with me, NOW.” Demanded the Wolf.
I had no other choice. “Fine, We will come with you, but why."
“I will take you to another world. One the empire isn't aware of.” Offered the Wolf.
I was sceptical about his intentions, but I and Gertraud had no better options to speak of other than a life of constant running: a life I would die to avoid. Better dead than alive a slave or fugitive.
“No more questions. We leave now.” He ordered.
And we obeyed.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: As for the language of the Hesse being German, I always imagined the languages of each fairy tale land being the same as their Mundy counterparts.
For example, the Hesse is based on Germany so their language would be German,
The Rus is based on Russia so their language would be Russian.
The Nordenland (I based it on Holland) speaks both Dutch and German due to influence from the Hesse.
The black eagle being the emblem of Hesse is also a reference to Germany’s coat of arms: the Bundesadler.
Also, Alfred's surname Jagd is hunt in German.
I am also seeing that I am accidentally changing the intended past tense into present tense. For this, I appologise. Clearly I need to improve my proof reading.
Just one more thing before I end this adnormally long author's note........
Do you think I interpreted the "old" Bigby well in this chapter? I am at odds with myself over it.
PS: Being Australian on this forum sucks
1: Everyone is asleep when I am awake
2: We have a different rating system to the ESRB. The Wolf among Us is rated MA-15 here, so even though me playing the game is entirely legal now (I was 13 when I first played the Wolf among Us. How rebelious of me), TellTale Games is under US law so I cannot access the webesite's the Wolf among Us page yet somehow access the forums.
Oh...Alice haha...oh what a coincidence gulps you know how much I love life? Hey remember that one time I played your game it was awesome really haha...I'm dead aren't I? XD
I explained the significance of Bedburg to DragonButter.
It has nothing to do with Fables aside from this fanfiction.
Bedburg is a town … morein the north Rhine-Westphallia region of Germany, where a man named Peter Stubbe in the 16th century commited many, many sickening acts that make other serial criminals like Charles Manson and Jack the Ripper weep in envy.
Gramercy for the welcome. Your work is not so bad yourself.
Firstly, I notice your effective use of metaphors.
"He just stared at her incredulously, as if she were his saving grace." as one example.
And, secondly, I appreciate how that the, as Matt Smith once called it, "smoochie-smoochie time", was nothing to explicit, It is a welcome change from the erotic literature I have read on too many fanfiction sites.
Good work, I look foward to reading more chapters.
P.S.: I couldn't help but notice this, though.
"The moment their lips met she could taste the blood that had been on them."
Certain things can happen when you ingest blood, none of them pleseant (STI's come to mind)
I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map,
And knew that somehow I could find my way back,
Then I heard your heart beating, yo… moreu were in the darkness too,
So I stayed in the darkness with you.
~Cosmic Love, Florence + The Machine
She opened the door to her room.
It was a wreck.
She hadn’t expected this.
Dresses ripped from their closets, a broken mirror and frayed...well, everything. She set her bags down slowly, her shoes clicking over broken glass and wood floor. She was astonished at the damage.
There was a groan. It made her jump, and she stood silently still to hear where it was coming from. Slowly, she rounded the corner of her bed, which was covered with debris and broken trinkets. Who had been in here? And why was the room torn apart?
There on the floor, he lay. She watched for a moment as Jonathan moved to get up, cuts around all visible skin. Her mouth hung open in horror as he used the bedpost t… [view original content]
I was pleasently surprised by the drawing of these two and love seeing other people's takes on my characters. He did a great job on them. Now, I accept your challenge for drawing Rosie with Woody; even I still find myself giggling from time to time but in a good way because they are so opposite from one another.
Those kids are something else, especially when it comes to strangers and revieling certain things about their family. They just see the training as games and all they know is to cheer their daddy on. Meanwhile, you get the girls wishing to put beads and ribbons in a man's beard. XD I agree with you: Children. lol Liam is a precious little thing but I love all of them in their own special ways.
Now, as far as Carla goes, I will explain why she went off the tracks and is quickly going down hill. I've known people like that (not the magic or any of those things) but someone who was the most caring and loving individual and somewhere along the way, they change for the worse.
Mary is indeed something else and I like to throw her in there because she plays a huge part in emily's life; the two were fairly close growing up and I'll TRY to warn Junior about not allowing Mary to participate for the majority of the time inregards to the sex talk but she's a sneaky bugger, that one! XD
I like to think people like Gren, Woody, Georgie, Bigby, etc are not bad people; they just got caught up int too much or a world that could not have been avoided and the results are never pretty. Woody never came off as a 'douche' but had some qualitites that would make a person's face turn sour. He has Rosie now and she'll make sure to put him in check. XD Gren, like any father, just wants to see his little girl happy....
Glad ya' like it, Ems! I need JJ to make names for all these couples, too. lol XD
....Since I skimmed this first, I saw Gren's reaction to Rosie's BF- DIED LAUGHING XD Now I shall ACTUALLY read the post, lmao. You NEED to … moredraw Rosie and Woody together; I have to see it to believe it XD Also, SWEET pic! Tell the person who drew it that we all love it; Emily looks freakin' badass and Gren does too! It totally captures her personality!
I LOVE the opening scene you wrote; The description of the kids compared to the adults is striking. They're all cheery and happy, meanwhile Gren's brothers are only remotely watching and not quite caring as to how this will end.
Peter and Katie remained back at the Business Office and did their part to locate Carla and hope she had SOME answers...
Good Lord, the impending doom is eating me alive inside. I don't want to see Carla's wrath when the fight happens (Because we all know it will, Pie!). It breaks my heart that such an originally lovely woman has turned so dark. I hope … [view original content]
Firstly, I think you did well portraying old schooln Bigby, which is always a win for me. And once again impressive writing, I think I'm learning a thing or two lol.
I heard some games are banned in Australia? Mortal Kombat for example.
Chapter 5: Der Wolf kommt-REVISED EDITION.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“One of my hunting cabins.” I answered “I have one only kn… moreown to me. It is protected by magic.”
“How did you afford the magic?” Magic is an expensive trade, and I did not appear the type to afford it.
“Contrary to my attire, I am a very wealthy man. The best hunter in all of Hesse.” I explained.
“Never heard of you” she said.
“Until recently, I had never heard of this so called empire.” I countered.
She was silent.
“What is your name?” She inquired.
I saw no reason to not oblige. “Alfred Jagd, and you?”
“Gertraud Richter” She obliged in return.
For many miles did we walk. The shrunken greaves where torturing my feet and Gertraud’s dress was constantly getting caught on roots, weeds, bushes and branches. Eventually, She decided to tear the hem of her dress to halt this problem. Eventually we came to the border of the Nordenland, beyond … [view original content]
I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map,
And knew that somehow I could find my way back,
Then I heard your heart beating, yo… moreu were in the darkness too,
So I stayed in the darkness with you.
~Cosmic Love, Florence + The Machine
She opened the door to her room.
It was a wreck.
She hadn’t expected this.
Dresses ripped from their closets, a broken mirror and frayed...well, everything. She set her bags down slowly, her shoes clicking over broken glass and wood floor. She was astonished at the damage.
There was a groan. It made her jump, and she stood silently still to hear where it was coming from. Slowly, she rounded the corner of her bed, which was covered with debris and broken trinkets. Who had been in here? And why was the room torn apart?
There on the floor, he lay. She watched for a moment as Jonathan moved to get up, cuts around all visible skin. Her mouth hung open in horror as he used the bedpost t… [view original content]
Michelle and Ethan arrived to Gren and Emily's home, just as Junior slips through the glass and sneaks a cooked piece of cornbread from the
pan. It was the highlight to his day when he overheard Emily screech and place the blame on the several following: Puddles, Gren, Robert or his wife Mary. No one suspected a thing until Ethan caught little crumbles of bread on his lips; Junior had never ran so fast in his life or in as much pain then the beatings that came from his sister. Well worth it though.
First, came the lunch; thankfully Emily knew how to feed not only a large amount of people but for several full grown males. Combined, the men alone could have created their own pig from the pork consumed. It would have been nice to have the remainder of the family attend but there was work to be done. Emily understood and as she sat in he chair, watching her own family, all she could do was grin from ear to ear. Viviana grabs the nearby bottle of ketchup, flips the top open and smacks the bottom of the bottle.
A large amount flies from the spout and onto her plate. Neither Gren or Emily were worried; at first, Thomas and Robert wanted to mention this but Gren glanced over, gave him the 'look' and both knew what would come from that. The kids loved ketchup but nothing like Viviana. She was too much like her papa Georgie and sure enough, ate every last drop.
After lunch, the children attend to the fields of green and continue their play. Robert did not join them but instead, was replaced by RJ. Mary and Junior's older two also tagged along, although George was more interested with his video games and found himself inside the house, playing with his Playstation 4. Sheila, however, found this as a opportunity to show the younger kids just who was the dominant one at play. The adults gathered around the backyard and began the process to Gren and Emily's training.
Thomas, in Grendel form, circles around his son. "The key to success as an Alpha is one thing: certainty. Without this, everything falls and you lose all self control of the world around you. You must feel, understand and learn with both your mind and heart. Open your eyes. Look around but be cautious at the same time. Strength and superiority do come in handy but not everything that makes an Alpha. Now with the two of you as one, the battle will come easier and nothing shall stop you from protecting what belongs to you."
Thomas pushes Gren to the ground. In a cloud of dust, Emily weilds her bow and arrow and points the tip at the elderly Fables' head. He chuckles, pushing the arrow down with his massive finger. The Ivy vines and leaves twine along her arms, legs, torso and bow; the arrow
glows a faint green and shimmers against the glow of the sun. Mr. Sunflower stands by and appears to be anxious.
"Woot the fook was that for...." Emily hisses, curling her lips as she spoke. "Ya' think pissin' him off is gunna 'elp us?"
Thomas smiles. "Gren was always a fighter and the anger he held back is what fueld the fight within him. I'm merely trying to prove a point in the power you yourself has now. Because he was threatened, your bow and arrow was released and prepared to fight. Defend. I need THAT to combine with him."
Emily pulls back, looking around. "Is that so...."
Thomas continues. "Grendel posses the same power his mother had. Your daughter Seraphina has it as well. She's come along quite nicely. Gren is almost at the same level but we need him up here, if we are going to beat this. His mother had it and was capable of manipulating anything green and grew from the ground. From the tiniest sapling to the mightest Oak tree. With your bow and his power, along with strength, it is possible."
Thomas stands in the middle and provokes Gren. The beasts leap into the air and wrestle on the dirt and grass. Tumbling around, the air is layered with grunts, growls and snapping of jaws. Gren manages to snatch Thomas' right leg but like his father stated many of times, was quick and soon, Thomas was loose and back on his two feet. Charging, Gren tries to plant the spikes into his father's chest or legs. Again, Thomas manages to move; Emily's bow tingling in her hands and the Ivy vines growing rapidly around her body. Seeing her daughter in this condition, Lyla immediatly tries to head over to calm her distressed child down. Isaiah, however, places a hand on her shoulder.
"No, Lyla. You can't go out there."
"HOW is pissing Emily off going to combine them, Isaiah!?" Lyla tries to pull him off. "Emily, if none of you have noticed, has the same, tiny fraction of patience as her father does. THIS is going to be more damage then good and-"
"TRUST us, Lyla. Please. I assure you everything will be fine and-"
Another earth shaking slam as Thomas pins Gren to the ground. Gren struggles to move and breathe; he couldn't see past the dust and noise ringing in his head. He could sense the tension crawling off Emily's body, the glow of the bow dancing along the reflections on the grass and nearby pond.
"FIGHT it, Gren! Tap into your inner Wood Elf. "LISTEN to it! Use it! Combine it with Emily and prove to me that you are more than what was said! SHOW ME you are the Alpha!"
"I can't!" It was a combination of defeat and agony. "Dad, please-I....I can't! I-"
"YOU'RE stronger then the man I thought I knew back then! Come on, son! Show me-show us, yourself-show me you can do it!"
Gren was shaking. The weight of his father's body made it difficult to concentrate or move; from the corner of his eye, he could have sworn Robert was laughing and hoping he'd fail. The contemptous manner Robert delievered towards Gren sddenly lit the fire he needed beneath him. Pushing back, Gren used what strength he had left. Before he could accoplish the final task, however, another hurdle was heading his way. The kids, unaware of what was actually going on, ran into the fighting ring.
Viviana was able to avoid being hit as she used a nearby gust to lift herself into the air. Chloe used the shadows created by the trees as her method of avoiding the confrontation; Seraphina was the only one that came to hault near Sunflower but Liam continued on, thinking he'd won the race.
"Fa' fook's sake, Liam!" Emily lunges at her son. "GREN! THOMAS! STOP!"
Neither beast heard in time; Liam was in the direct path of being crushed to death by accident. Emily did the only thing she knew how; the brawn in the bow increased as her only son became in the line of danger. Holding out the arrow, Emily releases it and within seconds, the arrow digs into Gren's arm. The flesh turns a green tone as the arrow sinks into his flesh. Vines circle his arm as they continue to grow around Emily's body.
The patch of grass below her grew to monsterous preportions; two Venus Fly traps towered beside her, snapping their jaws and preparing to devour any foolish person that dared stand in their way. Reacting to his wife's power, the Earth element inside Gren triggered; with his left arm, Gren snaps and directs his index finger to the ground. Vines with thorns and roots lift from the ground and surround Liam for protection. Gren and Emily's power combine; Emily's eyes a solid black, all she had on her mind was protecting her own. A nearby tree developed a face and laced his branches around Thomas. Everyone witnessing the power that day was astonished.
Robert held his ground; he had never seen Gren in this form before and for a moment, Robert was terrified. Rosie held onto Woody, as Lyla, Mary, Georgie, Ethan and Michelle covered their mouths and lost color to their face. Neither Gren nor Emily had ever shown strength and power as they did that afternoon. Vivian began to panic as she could feel Emily slipping away from her grasp and into a world she knew so little of.
"EMILY!" Vivian tried to pull Emily back. "Sweetie, come back to me-please! You don't know what to do! This is all new! Come-"
Emily sends a nearby vine in Vivian's direction; the plant circles her body, creating a silhouette of the guardian. "Shut...up...Vivian. My fookin' SON...."
Thomas glares at Isaiah, now prepared to end it. "ISAIAH! NOW! Do it now!"
Isaiah stands back; by this time, the girls could only watch in horror as their uncle sends a massive fire storm in the direction of the mutated plants. They shriek and hiss, as the vines and leaves fall prey to their weakness. Chloe uses a shadow to retrieve her brother from the mess being created on the ground. As all the plants burn, turn to ash and Liam is safe once more, Emily and Gren return to their orginal state of mind. Shaking their heads, they both scan the area and notice the petrified faces and smoldering embers of what was once plant life.
Gren looks up, his eyes slowly changing back. "Dad! Dad!"
Thomas is found sitting on the ground but smiling. As Gren and Robert collect thier father, RJ helps put the fire out with Isaiah. Sheila, witnessing Isaiah use his fire power, was gleeful knowing someone else had the ability to create fire. As the little girl bombarded Isaiah with questions, Lyla snatches Emily in her arms and rocks her daughter as if she was three years old again. Ethan joined his mother; Gren and Robert were occupied assisting Thomas and making sure he was not injured. Lyla growls, looking at Thomas.
"WHAT the fuck is wrong with you!?" Her fingernails turn into claws. "Did you SEE what that did!? They lost control and Liam was almost killed!"
"Certainty." Thomas pants, trying to speak. "Certainty, Lyla..."
"HOW the fuck is nearly killing their son certainty, Thomas? You Grendels have a twisted way of training and-"
"Mum, stop!" Emily sits up, dusting herself off. "Don't ya' be actin' like ya' had no idea this fookin' shit happened!"
"NOTHING like what I just saw EVER occured before, Amilea! Robert or your brother has ever done something so foolish as that! Liam nearly was crushed! YOU became, this....this monster made of plants and I don't think Gren recalls doing what he did!"
"Death is certain, Lyla." Thomas speaks. "That is the one thing Gren and Emily NEED to know before everything can combine and not have THIS happen again. With Liam in trouble as he was, the two were able to combine their powers and form a manipulation that is nearly impossible to stop. YOU saw what Emily alone was capable of producing, just to save her child. Imagine when BOTH have mastered this together. It is unquestionable the love and dedication a mother or father has for their child..."
Lyla folds her arms. "So, every goddamn time they need to team up, you'll sacrifice one of their children just to trigger it?"
Thomas chuckles. "No, my dear. I do not have THAT authority to teach Gren and Emily the ways of making their minds THINK this and create the forces within. I do, however, have two people that can help you out. That concludes today's lesson. I grow weary and need to rest my head now. Robert. Isaiah-I'm ready to return to my camp now..."
Still shaken up, Emily snatches Liam in her arms and plants kisses all along the boy's face. "Oh my little man. Ya' alright love?"
Liam, although shaking in fear, was smiling. "Cool, mom...that was...AWESOME!"
The girls surround Emily's head. "OHMYGODMOM! You had these things come out here and the trees had faces and the vines were like POW! PEW! POW! And then, dad was like this and there was this one plant there, that was laughing and I think it was-"
Emily giggles, grabbing Chloe in her arms. Gren grabs the other two girls. "Alright. That's enough fa' one afta'noon, loves. Get inside the house and wash up. Ya' look like little Pigs on the Farm."
Obeying their mother, all four rush inside the home; Liam and Seraphina, along with Chloe and Viviana, reinact what was just witnessed in their own backyard. Robert did not say a word as he climbed into his truck; Thomas, eyes closed and leaning against the seat, tried to collect his thoughts and recuperate after the training. Isaiah manages to pay his farewells to the pair.
"Wow. Gren...Emily. I had no idea you two had it in you."
"Neither did I." Gren laughs, trying to gain his introspection. "I....wow. Ems-you looked good with all those fuckin' leaf things and what not." Gren looks over at Robert. "So....is he not talkin' to me now or-"
Isaiah rolls his eyes. "Leave him alone, Gren. He's the one being childish now. He'll come around. His pride and ego was stepped on and now, he'll throw a fit like a damn toddler."
Gren agrees and the brothers embrace. It was wonderful having Isaiah there for support and guidance. Their last encounter was not a pleasent one and even after all these centuries, things were changing for the best. Gren did, however, wave to Robert; Robert noticed this and with his head held high, did nod as a response. Maybe all hope was not lost for his ego-driven brother, as Isaiah climbed into his car and the two drove away. Emily grabs Gren's hand and pulls him towards the house.
"C'mon, big guy. Afta' all that fookin' shit, we desrve some ice cream. How 'bout I make us some?"
Gren grabs Emily's hips and watches his children head back to the house.
Emily invites the remaining guests inside as well; Sunflower steps over his fallen comrade and salutes the plant, just as Seraphina runs out and snatches his hand.
Any questions, you know the drill. Pretty tired today. Got no sleep at all but its all good.
This was a nice little change for both Belinda and Johnathan. Johnathan trying to defend what he can against Mirah is something noble and he should be proud. although she got away and left this disaster behind, he still did what he could. I'm wondering if this all has to do with the future of several other characters you have mentioned; I know its not all Tobias now because in the PM, his last name was different....
I loved the moment he and Belinda had; she's too cute and behaves typically in the fashion of those days. You did wonderful with the scene and I'm not sure if I recall you making one like this from your past stories; it was beautifully done and little sections like this make me happy. I love that she was blushing when her undergarments were showing. XD That made me laugh.
She felt something inevitably bad coming, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.
Maybr this feeling has to do with what will happen years down from this moment but I could be wrong. Maybe something will occur again with Mirah walking around but I'll have to wait and see and can't wait! I loved this so much!
UGH! And I feel you about losing the work. I do mine with googledocs now, too; I can't tell you how many times I've accidentaly pressed a key and it sent me back to the homepage and I lost it all. XD Hope your break is going well, too!
I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map,
And knew that somehow I could find my way back,
Then I heard your heart beating, yo… moreu were in the darkness too,
So I stayed in the darkness with you.
~Cosmic Love, Florence + The Machine
She opened the door to her room.
It was a wreck.
She hadn’t expected this.
Dresses ripped from their closets, a broken mirror and frayed...well, everything. She set her bags down slowly, her shoes clicking over broken glass and wood floor. She was astonished at the damage.
There was a groan. It made her jump, and she stood silently still to hear where it was coming from. Slowly, she rounded the corner of her bed, which was covered with debris and broken trinkets. Who had been in here? And why was the room torn apart?
There on the floor, he lay. She watched for a moment as Jonathan moved to get up, cuts around all visible skin. Her mouth hung open in horror as he used the bedpost t… [view original content]
This was a nice little change for both Belinda and Johnathan. Johnathan trying to defend what he can against Mirah is something noble and he… more should be proud. although she got away and left this disaster behind, he still did what he could. I'm wondering if this all has to do with the future of several other characters you have mentioned; I know its not all Tobias now because in the PM, his last name was different....
I loved the moment he and Belinda had; she's too cute and behaves typically in the fashion of those days. You did wonderful with the scene and I'm not sure if I recall you making one like this from your past stories; it was beautifully done and little sections like this make me happy. I love that she was blushing when her undergarments were showing. XD That made me laugh.
She felt something inevitably bad coming, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.
Maybr this feeling has to do with what will happen years down … [view original content]
Holy shit dude, the teamwork between Emily and Gren is awesome! Kieron and Azaria would be jealous! This was really good, I honestly thought Liam was going to bite it but then Emily with the bow goodness lol. She is definitely a force not to be reckoned with! Awesome to read during my lunch as well! Can't wait for more! (My phone loves to auto correct when I don't look -.-)
Michelle and Ethan arrived to Gren and Emily's home, just as Junior slips through the glass and sneaks a cooked piece of cornbread from the
… more pan. It was the highlight to his day when he overheard Emily screech and place the blame on the several following: Puddles, Gren, Robert or his wife Mary. No one suspected a thing until Ethan caught little crumbles of bread on his lips; Junior had never ran so fast in his life or in as much pain then the beatings that came from his sister. Well worth it though.
First, came the lunch; thankfully Emily knew how to feed not only a large amount of people but for several full grown males. Combined, the men alone could have created their own pig from the pork consumed. It would have been nice to have the remainder of the family attend but there was work to be done. Emily understood and as she sat in he chair, watching her own family, all she could do was grin from ear to ear. Viviana grabs the nearby bottle… [view original content]
LMAO My phone does that, too. XD I saw 'Emily and French is awesome' and I figured that's what it was. XD Made my day, though. Emily has indeed become something powerful and it will grow as the chapters go on. Kieron and Azaria, along with Gren and emily would make one hell of a team!
Holy shit dude, the teamwork between Emily and Gren is awesome! Kieron and Azaria would be jealous! This was really good, I honestly thought… more Liam was going to bite it but then Emily with the bow goodness lol. She is definitely a force not to be reckoned with! Awesome to read during my lunch as well! Can't wait for more! (My phone loves to auto correct when I don't look -.-)
I have it on my phone as an app; its bassically like word doc but much easier to combine stories, write, edit and so forth. Microsoft on the go, if you don't want to drag your laptop around. lol Microsoft for me tends to pick and choose when it wants to work with me.
I have it on my phone as an app; its bassically like word doc but much easier to combine stories, write, edit and so forth. Microsoft on the… more go, if you don't want to drag your laptop around. lol Microsoft for me tends to pick and choose when it wants to work with me.
As of late I've been trying to catch it but sometimes my fingers just go on autopilot and then I have to go edit it XD. Oh man she still has more stuff to show off o.o I'll be sure to let Kieron know to not pissed her off! XD A blood warrior, a Grendel, and two powerful archers. I have a feeling that a team like that would be almost impossible to beat!
LMAO My phone does that, too. XD I saw 'Emily and French is awesome' and I figured that's what it was. XD Made my day, though. Emily has ind… moreeed become something powerful and it will grow as the chapters go on. Kieron and Azaria, along with Gren and emily would make one hell of a team!
Glad this did you justice during your lunch!
As of late I've been trying to catch it but sometimes my fingers just go on autopilot and then I have to go edit it XD. Oh man she still has… more more stuff to show off o.o I'll be sure to let Kieron know to not pissed her off! XD A blood warrior, a Grendel, and two powerful archers. I have a feeling that a team like that would be almost impossible to beat!
Thanks! I try to use them as effectively as possible; Sometimes I read over my writing and I'm like "Oh, hey, I can add something here." Glad you liked them
I didn't want to go all 50 Shades of Grey in this scene, however I still wanted to portray their love for one another as effectively as possible. Smoochie-Smoochie Time seems like an apppropriate way to describe it XD
It was only a little bit of leftover blood on Jonathan's lips XD It's all good, though, lmao.
Firstly, I notice your effective use of metaphors.
"He just stared at her incredulously, as if she were his saving grace." as one example… more.
And, secondly, I appreciate how that the, as Matt Smith once called it, "smoochie-smoochie time", was nothing to explicit, It is a welcome change from the erotic literature I have read on too many fanfiction sites.
Good work, I look foward to reading more chapters.
P.S.: I couldn't help but notice this, though.
"The moment their lips met she could taste the blood that had been on them."
Certain things can happen when you ingest blood, none of them pleseant (STI's come to mind)
Chapter: 4 Verlassen da.
Once the life of the soldier finally ebbed away did I draw my dagger from his neck.
Putting the dagger back into it’s sheathe, I sat down next to the fresh corpse.
Now, to piece together my next course of action.
So, the Black Forest is now under the control of this empire. They are powerful enough to annex Oz. or occupy? Something similar. I do not know and such information is irrelevant. If they are powerful enough to have control of Oz than I would assume something has been done about the Wolf. They are killing any and all Nordenlanders, and the trill in my accent is a direct pointer to my origin here. I cannot imitate any other accents as I have never had the need. My ability to assimilate in other places without being discovered would be comparable to a snail’s ability to-
I then heard yelling in the distance.
I turned to face the sound.
What to do? Should I head towards the yelling or ignore it?
It could be a group of soldiers, arguing over the gods know what and I would like to avoid another encounter. If it is a group of travellers arguing away over something I do not think my presence would be well received.
What if it was a combination of both; soldiers in some form of conflict against travellers or someone similar?
I concluded that I should investigate from a distance before deciding.
I entered a run, again avoiding tree roots. Already I could hear more clearly. The voices of three men and a woman met my ears. I could not interpret what was being said though. Not yet.
I continued until I got close enough to hear what was being said. Stopping for a moment, I adopted a crouching stance and moved closer.
“-not going anywhere!” a man with an accent similar to those whom I had slain just before.
“I do not unde-“a man with an accent identical to mine, whom was cut off by the unique sound of a blade meeting flesh.
“You damned animals!” a woman with a hoarse voice.
“What was that, you little wench?” another man of an accent pointing at Oz.
It was then I could see what was happening through the ferns.
A road, In the middle of it a wagon with many different jars, crates and iron utensils stocked in it. To the side of the wagon was group of five soldiers bearing the emblem of Oz. all of them in matching plain armour and carrying long swords. Three of them were inspecting the wagon, while the other two were closer to my position: one looming over a headless man and the other with his sword at the woman’s throat.
“I do not enjoy killing women, you are aware” said the one by the woman to his comrade
As the spoke I quietly pulled a small knife from my satchel.
“I know” answered the other “but we’ve got orders, no one is to leave the Nordenland and no one is meant to know we have been here. No evidence or witnesses they said”
I pulled the knife up my right sleeve and using the cloth around my mouth to cover my fingers.
“Fuck it, you do it” said the man by the woman, visibly frustrated “ I always end up being the executioner. It’s not nice killing random people”
I used my cloth-covered fingers to hold the dagger up my sleeve
“And yet you have the conscience to call her a wench?” Said the other in defence
“I…..I…” the other was lost for words.
I stepped out of the foliage and marched for the one standing by the other next to the woman
“Hey, Idiots, ‘nuther ova there” pointed out one by the wagon to the two men over the woman
My intended target turned to Me “sto-“
In an instant, I griped my sabre with my left hand like a dagger, spun, simultaneously drawing the sword and slit the soldiers throat. I continued the spin and fell into a kneeling position to face the other by the woman, letting go of the dagger up my sleeve upon kneeling. It exited my sleeve and shot at the soldier like a dart, going through his eye and into his skull.
The three by the cart each got off and charged at me.
Drawing the bolas from my satchel, I threw it at the head of the soldier in the middle. The bolas wrapped around his neck, the force producing a resounding snap. The one at the left cowered and stopped the other continuing. He swung at me diagonally, while I spun and adopted a kneeling position facing away from him and out of the way of his swing. Still holding the sabre like a dagger, I outstretched my left arm and he impaled himself on the sabre.
The inertia from his charge caused me to collapse to the ground with him. Ripping my sabre from his innards, I turned to see the final soldier attempting to escape. Using my free hand to grab another small knife from my satchel, I spun around and threw it at him, landing the knife in his spine.
I turned to face the woman, whom was now stranding over her accomplices’ headless corpse.
I sheathed my sword before walking over to her. I stood next to her for the next few minutes awaiting a response. Finally she turned to face me.
“What!” she snapped, her face twisted in anger.
I stood there, unsure of what to say. I rarely ever spoke to anyone back then and my social skills were thus none existent.
“I am sorry” I finally said
She was silent for a moment. Her faced then relaxed into a basic scowl.
“You have nothing to be sorry for” she said in an low voice before turning back to the body
Finally I spoke up. “Who was he?”
She stood rigid for a moment. “My brother” she answered, still not facing me “we were not exactly the most loving of siblings, but still, he is-was family…do you know what I mean.”
She looked me for a moment, before turning back
“We must leave.” I said “Including this one, I have encountered two patrols in less than a half-hour.”
“Meaning they are all over and we must remain mobile and avoid roads.”
She considered this for a handful of seconds. “Very well.”
Then the scent of more Oz metal and what I assumed were more men entered my nose. I judged them to be a few minutes away.
“let us make haste, I can already smell more of them.” Said I in a worried tone
“Smell them?” she questioned.
“Not now. Move. Into the forest.” Ordered I
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I find it hard to believe that my work has received such positive comments!
If you do feel as if there is a flaw in my stories, do not be afraid to express it. I shan’t be offended.
It is quite hard to offend me (but it is easy to annoy me XD)
Look forward to the next chapter. The hunter will be graced by the presence of unseres Lieblings Wolf!
Master stone....Have a cookie.
Man for a person in high school you sure have a great sense of vocabulary and the way you describe things is quite rediculous! (I mean this in a good way) I'm in college and there are some vocabulary terms that I've never seen before in my life! XD other than that I am really enjoying this! Kep it up man.
Welcome! I am EXTREMELY late on reading this XD I literally was like "Huh, better check the forum today. Oh. Would you look at that. There's a new guy." And then preceded to wait approximately 6 hours before coming back to comment XD I LOVE teachers that encourage their students to write; I had only one English teacher who really did, and it made my heart warm inside
I LOVE the intro to this; The way you describe your surroundings, and also that it's in first person, kind of puts me in the shoes of the Hunter.
Sounds like an awesome knife! And the detail, man. I'm diggin' it.
It's awesome! I loved it! I have to eventually read your next few chapters (As it's 9 PM where I am, so I might write a chapter and then go to bed XD)
(Sadly, I am not familiar with the Bedburg reference. Gotta go hit those books XD Or, you know, Wikipedia.)
Can't wait to see how cool he is! Also, LOVE the song you picked. It's got a melodious tone to it and the singer is really good
And I listened to the lyrics; Definitely sounds interesting.
Glad you are interested in the story and character!
I'm also glad you liked the song, this is the first time I actually linked the video but I did use some of her lyrics from a different song in a previous part! She really is, I actually have all of her songs on my phone XD. Lyrics can be very foreboding 
....Since I skimmed this first, I saw Gren's reaction to Rosie's BF- DIED LAUGHING XD Now I shall ACTUALLY read the post, lmao. You NEED to draw Rosie and Woody together; I have to see it to believe it XD Also, SWEET pic! Tell the person who drew it that we all love it; Emily looks freakin' badass and Gren does too! It totally captures her personality!
I LOVE the opening scene you wrote; The description of the kids compared to the adults is striking. They're all cheery and happy, meanwhile Gren's brothers are only remotely watching and not quite caring as to how this will end.
Good Lord, the impending doom is eating me alive inside. I don't want to see Carla's wrath when the fight happens (Because we all know it will, Pie!). It breaks my heart that such an originally lovely woman has turned so dark. I hope (if you plan on making it or mentioning bits of it in the future) her back story of how she ended up this way will make us at least pity her a little bit, because I don't want to straight up hate her, you know?
Sometimes I can't even XD Mary is the bomb XD
I'm literally dying laughing right now XD Poor Rosie, poor Lyla! But mostly poor Rosie XD
I still can't even with her XD Junior, don't let Mary give George the sex talk; I think she'll end up doing more harm than good XD
XD Oh I can feel the tension, oh God XD
It's getting there! Ugh, the suspense is killing me XD
Mary, Mary, Mary. Why do you happen to be the most hilarious individual I've ever met? Pie, this chapter is great XD
Children. 'Nuff said XD
LIAM! YOU HAVE JUST MELTED MY HEART! I seriously love that kid! I love them all! Gah, the feels XD
Do I have to say anything? My feels are on overdrive.
This most certainly isn't the Woody I used to know; I'm so happy you've given so many characters these 'second chances'. It's always amazing to read.
CANNOT wait to read more! This was great, Pie!
I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map,
And knew that somehow I could find my way back,
Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too,
So I stayed in the darkness with you.
~Cosmic Love, Florence + The Machine
She opened the door to her room.
It was a wreck.
She hadn’t expected this.
Dresses ripped from their closets, a broken mirror and frayed...well, everything. She set her bags down slowly, her shoes clicking over broken glass and wood floor. She was astonished at the damage.
There was a groan. It made her jump, and she stood silently still to hear where it was coming from. Slowly, she rounded the corner of her bed, which was covered with debris and broken trinkets. Who had been in here? And why was the room torn apart?
There on the floor, he lay. She watched for a moment as Jonathan moved to get up, cuts around all visible skin. Her mouth hung open in horror as he used the bedpost to stand, his face a mess in the twilit room.
“W-What happened?” She uttered softly, as if anything louder would pain him more. She reached out, and he let her, and her thin white fingers grazed over his cheek, smearing the blood on it.
“I..” He said slowly. He just stared at her incredulously, as if she were his saving grace. She supposed that maybe she was. Quickly, she departed from him.
“Sit down somewhere, before you fall over. I’ll get you some bandages..”
As she looked for supplies, Jonathan began recapping his story, from the little divan near the balcony windows.
“It was….well, you don’t know her, really.”
“Who?” Belinda paused just a moment, looking up at him from a closet drawer.
“Her name, remember it when I tell you. It’s Mirah. Stay away from her.”
“She did all of this?” Belinda gestured with her hands, and then pulled out a little metal tin full of emergency supplies. She brought it over quickly, opening the latches and surveyed it’s contents. Rolls of bandages. Tape. Aspirin. Scissors. And a saw. She shuddered at the saw.
"She’s an evil bitch,” He said painfully. “Excuse my language.”
“You deserve to call her that. Look what she did to you!”
“Ha, well she didn’t fare very well either. She put up a good fight though. Got away…”
Belinda went and got a small bucket of warm water, and a wet towel to clean Jonathan off. She notices as she rubbed the blood away, that he still wore the ring. She wondered if it helped his condition; Sophie had told Belinda vaguely about it in the past. She reached up and dabbed his forehead, where blood was still seeping out of the wounds.
“How did she cut you up like this?”
“She used her claws,” He replied. His speech went back and forth from slurred to clear. She suspected he had some sort of head injury. Pulling a pillow from her nearby bed, she propped it carefully under his neck and against the back of the chair. He relaxed himself and smiled against it.
“Thank you..”
“You look tired.”
“I am.”
“So sleep.”
“I can’t.”
“And why not?” She placed her hands on her hips, sitting down on a small ottoman facing across from him. He was all bandaged up now, and she’d given him the pain pills he needed. His smile never faded, and she was beginning to think his face was frozen that way forever.
He sat up some, and leaned forward. She thought he was about to fall, she she reached her arms out, but he caught them at the wrists and held on steadily. His eyes were so clear, she could see her own reflection in them. Her face was smudged with brownish dry blood, her hair was coming out of it’s pins. She looked a mess, but not as much a mess as he did. A sigh escaped her breath, and she then noticed how close they were, and so it made her heart beat faster and faster as he stared her in the eyes.
“There are so many thing I want to say to you. There's not enough time in the world though, for me to verbalize each thing. And somethings, I can't even find the right words to say. I want to be with you. I want to protect you. I feel like I know you more than any other person in the world, and yet we know so little about each other. It was only a few weeks ago, that I'd not known of your existence. Life before you, it was dull. You've...you've opened something up in me, that I hadn't know even existed. I guess I'm trying to say...I think...I love you,” His voice was gentle and kind, and despite all the pain, he managed a smile. She felt as if he’d stricken her with a crocade stick. Her mind was racing. What do I say? How do I tell him I feel the same way? Was it really as simple as saying the same words back?
They kissed. It was subtle at first, and the moment their lips met she could taste all the blood that had been on them. She welcomed the warmth his lips brought her and the feeling of immediate security. Her stomach was filled to the brim with fluttering butterflies as she moved forward and turned that single kiss into more kisses, and soon they were holding each other so tightly that they could have been one person. She couldn’t find any other situation she’d rather be in, couldn’t find any other person in the world she would rather be with.
“I love you too,” It escaped her mouth in little huffs of breath. Her heart never ceased to beat, and she wondered if he could hear it every time their faces collided. She felt as his shifted her onto his lap, her dress bunched up slightly as his hands explored her leg. She moved to kick her boots off, listened as they hit the floor with a thud. She brought her hands over his cheeks softly, so as not to disturb any cuts or bandages. Their lips collided more, their hearts lurched forward in time, and it almost felt like the world around them no longer existed.
She stood from his lap, bringing him with her. She felt her hair fall down to her shoulders as he pulled her pins out, dropping them beside her boots as together, they pulled the comforter over and knocked the remaining destruction from the sheets. He pressed her down, their bodies stuck together like glue, his lips travelling from the neckline of her dress to her chin, her cheeks, her mouth.
She wrapped her legs around him, her dress falling down and exposing her undergarments. She blushed furiously, as if she hadn’t intended for it to happen, but what else was expected. Jonathan laughed sweetly tugging the buttons on his shirt. She watched as he fumbled a bit, and reached out to help him. Soon, that was off, and she stared at his glorious bare chest with both fright and excitement. This was happening. She was letting it happen. There was no going back.
She loved him more than she thought could ever be humanly possibly. Her fingers travelled through his sweaty hair, tugging playfully as they kissed more and more, and soon he was undoing the strings to her corset, which she had to help with as well, and as if it could get any lovelier, they had slept with one another.
She held his head against her bare chest as the night went on, the blankets covering up their bodies, which were intertwined together in complete harmony. She fought back tears as he slept against her, because she knew somewhere deep down inside that this moment was only going to last a short time, and then they would have to separate. She felt something inevitably bad coming, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Slowly, she closed her eyes and fell asleep in Jonathan’s arms.
SO this is the SECOND time I'm posting this (Haha thanks to Googledocs for being awesome.) I ended up writing this in docs because I wanted to, however I didn't want to post it yet. I also, earlier, wrote more to it before, however as I tried posting it, someone reset the router. Great timing, am I right? So anyway, the second part was lost, and I don't feel like rewriting it tonight. So I'll leave it at this! I listened to Cosmic Love while writing this love scene; I thought it was fitting. You should listen to it too, it's one of my fav songs ^-^
I explained the significance of Bedburg to DragonButter.
It has nothing to do with Fables aside from this fanfiction.
Bedburg is a town in the north Rhine-Westphallia region of Germany, where a man named Peter Stubbe in the 16th century commited many, many sickening acts that make other serial criminals like Charles Manson and Jack the Ripper weep in envy.
Gramercy for the welcome. Your work is not so bad yourself.
Here we call high school secondary college.
And thanks for the praise
Keep on feeding my ego
Chapter 5: Der Wolf kommt-REVISED EDITION.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“One of my hunting cabins.” I answered “I have one only known to me. It is protected by magic.”
“How did you afford the magic?” Magic is an expensive trade, and I did not appear the type to afford it.
“Contrary to my attire, I am a very wealthy man. The best hunter in all of Hesse.” I explained.
“Never heard of you” she said.
“Until recently, I had never heard of this so called empire.” I countered.
She was silent.
“What is your name?” She inquired.
I saw no reason to not oblige. “Alfred Jagd, and you?”
“Gertraud Richter” She obliged in return.
For many miles did we walk. The shrunken greaves where torturing my feet and Gertraud’s dress was constantly getting caught on roots, weeds, bushes and branches. Eventually, She decided to tear the hem of her dress to halt this problem. Eventually we came to the border of the Nordenland, beyond lying the greater part of the Black forest and the mountains of Hesse.
“Welcome to the Hesse” I mocked.
“Land of the wolf” she added.
“Yes” I said in a tone hinting pessimism "If only I had a silver weapon."
“How does silver come into this?” She asked.
“Magical wolves are repelled with silver” I explained “If left in their body long enough it can kill them, but this so called Big Bad Wolf is not your ordinary Magical wolf.”
“What if it does find us?” She asked, visibly discomforted at the thought. This is a question I did not want to think of either. If he were to find us, we could run and die exhausted or we could simply accept our fate and suicide or stand and fight using my dagger and out of sheer dumb luck succeed.
“I do not know.” I answered
We travelled across the plains for a further three nordish miles before coming across an oak tree, replete with acorns and bright green leaves. On the trunk a “H” was carved. When I established the hunting cabin here I had the witch mark its general location with a “H” for hunt. The spell ensured that no one would see, hear, of smell anything within the cabins general area unless you spoke a spell breaker put in place by the witch.
“Gertraud, can you speak Hessen?” I asked.
“Yes, why?” she replied confused.
“say ‘I am not an outsider’ with me on the count of three.” I said ignoring her question.
“But why?" she asked, annoyed.
The cabin is hidden by a spell I had put in place. By mentioning the spell breaker, you render the magic useless against you. for it to work on both of us we need to say it in sync."
She nodded. "Very well."
“Ich bin kein Auβenseiter“ we spoke.
There before us was my hunting cabin, complete with weapons stacked outside, racks for pelts, coal for cold nights. To my surprise and shock, it was also on fire: surrounded by 9 men in black and silver-trimmed armour borne of the black eagle: the emblem of Hesse.
I was outmatched. Even one of my skill could not take on more than six armed soldiers.
The empire must have some powerful sorcerers at hand to get past such an expensive spell.
Before Gertraud and I could turn back, one of them had noticed us.
“Witnesses!” he shouted “witnesses over there! The two Nords!”
We Nords were instantly recognisable by our skin. Due to the lack of sun we receive on account of the thick forest we are known for our pale skin, near a pure white in colour.
I passed Gertraud my dagger and drew my sabre and bolas in expectation of the soldiers charge. Then out of the proverbial blue came very trademark smells.
Fur and Fleas. lots of both. It was a canine, a dog, a wolf, a gargantuan one. ‘He’ was coming……
The Wolf was coming.
I could see him coming over the Horizon: a small, dark grey dot, moving at a Titanic speed towards the soldiers’ backs, swiftly becoming larger and larger. His canine features becoming more and more developed. And the silence left by such a large beast at such a swift speed was astonishing, even at the point where my acute and honed hearing could not pick up anything. And the soldiers with their backs turned busy taunting me and Gertraud.
Soon he was upon the soldiers, snapping at the right hand side of me and Gertraud. A group of five were swept up by the jaws of this beast before disappearing down his oesophagus. Still running, the wolf turned around and charged again, this time only biting them before spitting them out. Three more sent to their ancestors. Coming back around, the four remaining soldiers disbanded and ran in different directions. The wolf did not go after them but regurgitated the remains of the initial five soldiers. He then barked in the general area of those whom had fled to the right of him. They were swept of their feet and sent flying out of sight.
He then left, running for the final two, biting and spitting out each one at a time.
At what I would assume to be a jogging speed for a Wolf of his size, he came over to us.
Why was he not bounding at full speed to meet us with his mouth? And why did he vomit the remains of the soldiers he ate and only bit the others?
Silver-trimmed armour. The soldiers wore silver trimmed armour and he ingested them whole. That explains the regurgitation, but his apparent reluctance to eat us was left without an explanation.
I turned to look at Gertraud. She was frozen stiff, wide eyed and staring at the wolf, still holding my dagger.
The Wolf stopped and stood where he was, leaving twenty yards between us.
“Gertraud, pass me the dagger” whispered I.
The Wolf spoke, voice booming and low.
“Come with me” he asked.
We were confused as to why he would care for such. “why.?”
“I will not repeat myself again, come with me, NOW.” Demanded the Wolf.
I had no other choice. “Fine, We will come with you, but why."
“I will take you to another world. One the empire isn't aware of.” Offered the Wolf.
I was sceptical about his intentions, but I and Gertraud had no better options to speak of other than a life of constant running: a life I would die to avoid. Better dead than alive a slave or fugitive.
“No more questions. We leave now.” He ordered.
And we obeyed.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: As for the language of the Hesse being German, I always imagined the languages of each fairy tale land being the same as their Mundy counterparts.
For example, the Hesse is based on Germany so their language would be German,
The Rus is based on Russia so their language would be Russian.
The Nordenland (I based it on Holland) speaks both Dutch and German due to influence from the Hesse.
The black eagle being the emblem of Hesse is also a reference to Germany’s coat of arms: the Bundesadler.
Also, Alfred's surname Jagd is hunt in German.
I am also seeing that I am accidentally changing the intended past tense into present tense. For this, I appologise. Clearly I need to improve my proof reading.
Just one more thing before I end this adnormally long author's note........
Do you think I interpreted the "old" Bigby well in this chapter? I am at odds with myself over it.
PS: Being Australian on this forum sucks
1: Everyone is asleep when I am awake
2: We have a different rating system to the ESRB. The Wolf among Us is rated MA-15 here, so even though me playing the game is entirely legal now (I was 13 when I first played the Wolf among Us. How rebelious of me), TellTale Games is under US law so I cannot access the webesite's the Wolf among Us page yet somehow access the forums.
Yup. you're fucked. XD
I jest of course.
His name was Peter Stumpp actually
I understood that Japanese from my Karate training, we had to say 'arigatou gozaimus' at the end of each session :P
Good lingual skills.
Have a beika XD.
There are many different names he was recorded under, not unlike Edward Teach.
aka Blackbeard
Firstly, I notice your effective use of metaphors.
"He just stared at her incredulously, as if she were his saving grace." as one example.
And, secondly, I appreciate how that the, as Matt Smith once called it, "smoochie-smoochie time", was nothing to explicit, It is a welcome change from the erotic literature I have read on too many fanfiction sites.
Good work, I look foward to reading more chapters.
P.S.: I couldn't help but notice this, though.
"The moment their lips met she could taste the blood that had been on them."
Certain things can happen when you ingest blood, none of them pleseant (STI's come to mind)
AKA Edward Thatch, AKA Edward Titch AKA, Edward Theach.
That's just an alternation of his last name, and it isn't that different :P
By the way, I've uploaded another chapter.
I know... I'm doing something atm.
I do not mean to bother you.
Thank you.
I was pleasently surprised by the drawing of these two and love seeing other people's takes on my characters. He did a great job on them.
Now, I accept your challenge for drawing Rosie with Woody; even I still find myself giggling from time to time but in a good way because they are so opposite from one another. 
Those kids are something else, especially when it comes to strangers and revieling certain things about their family.
They just see the training as games and all they know is to cheer their daddy on. Meanwhile, you get the girls wishing to put beads and ribbons in a man's beard. XD I agree with you: Children. lol Liam is a precious little thing but I love all of them in their own special ways. 
Now, as far as Carla goes, I will explain why she went off the tracks and is quickly going down hill. I've known people like that (not the magic or any of those things) but someone who was the most caring and loving individual and somewhere along the way, they change for the worse.
Mary is indeed something else and I like to throw her in there because she plays a huge part in emily's life; the two were fairly close growing up and I'll TRY to warn Junior about not allowing Mary to participate for the majority of the time inregards to the sex talk but she's a sneaky bugger, that one! XD
I like to think people like Gren, Woody, Georgie, Bigby, etc are not bad people; they just got caught up int too much or a world that could not have been avoided and the results are never pretty. Woody never came off as a 'douche' but had some qualitites that would make a person's face turn sour. He has Rosie now and she'll make sure to put him in check. XD Gren, like any father, just wants to see his little girl happy....
Glad ya' like it, Ems!
I need JJ to make names for all these couples, too. lol XD
Firstly, I think you did well portraying old schooln Bigby, which is always a win for me. And once again impressive writing, I think I'm learning a thing or two lol.
I heard some games are banned in Australia? Mortal Kombat for example.
Well, after what happened earlier, a little smooching would hurt.
Michelle and Ethan arrived to Gren and Emily's home, just as Junior slips through the glass and sneaks a cooked piece of cornbread from the
pan. It was the highlight to his day when he overheard Emily screech and place the blame on the several following: Puddles, Gren, Robert or his wife Mary. No one suspected a thing until Ethan caught little crumbles of bread on his lips; Junior had never ran so fast in his life or in as much pain then the beatings that came from his sister. Well worth it though.
First, came the lunch; thankfully Emily knew how to feed not only a large amount of people but for several full grown males. Combined, the men alone could have created their own pig from the pork consumed. It would have been nice to have the remainder of the family attend but there was work to be done. Emily understood and as she sat in he chair, watching her own family, all she could do was grin from ear to ear. Viviana grabs the nearby bottle of ketchup, flips the top open and smacks the bottom of the bottle.
A large amount flies from the spout and onto her plate. Neither Gren or Emily were worried; at first, Thomas and Robert wanted to mention this but Gren glanced over, gave him the 'look' and both knew what would come from that. The kids loved ketchup but nothing like Viviana. She was too much like her papa Georgie and sure enough, ate every last drop.
After lunch, the children attend to the fields of green and continue their play. Robert did not join them but instead, was replaced by RJ. Mary and Junior's older two also tagged along, although George was more interested with his video games and found himself inside the house, playing with his Playstation 4. Sheila, however, found this as a opportunity to show the younger kids just who was the dominant one at play. The adults gathered around the backyard and began the process to Gren and Emily's training.
Thomas, in Grendel form, circles around his son. "The key to success as an Alpha is one thing: certainty. Without this, everything falls and you lose all self control of the world around you. You must feel, understand and learn with both your mind and heart. Open your eyes. Look around but be cautious at the same time. Strength and superiority do come in handy but not everything that makes an Alpha. Now with the two of you as one, the battle will come easier and nothing shall stop you from protecting what belongs to you."
Thomas pushes Gren to the ground. In a cloud of dust, Emily weilds her bow and arrow and points the tip at the elderly Fables' head. He chuckles, pushing the arrow down with his massive finger. The Ivy vines and leaves twine along her arms, legs, torso and bow; the arrow
glows a faint green and shimmers against the glow of the sun. Mr. Sunflower stands by and appears to be anxious.
"Woot the fook was that for...." Emily hisses, curling her lips as she spoke. "Ya' think pissin' him off is gunna 'elp us?"
Thomas smiles. "Gren was always a fighter and the anger he held back is what fueld the fight within him. I'm merely trying to prove a point in the power you yourself has now. Because he was threatened, your bow and arrow was released and prepared to fight. Defend. I need THAT to combine with him."
Emily pulls back, looking around. "Is that so...."
Thomas continues. "Grendel posses the same power his mother had. Your daughter Seraphina has it as well. She's come along quite nicely. Gren is almost at the same level but we need him up here, if we are going to beat this. His mother had it and was capable of manipulating anything green and grew from the ground. From the tiniest sapling to the mightest Oak tree. With your bow and his power, along with strength, it is possible."
Thomas stands in the middle and provokes Gren. The beasts leap into the air and wrestle on the dirt and grass. Tumbling around, the air is layered with grunts, growls and snapping of jaws. Gren manages to snatch Thomas' right leg but like his father stated many of times, was quick and soon, Thomas was loose and back on his two feet. Charging, Gren tries to plant the spikes into his father's chest or legs. Again, Thomas manages to move; Emily's bow tingling in her hands and the Ivy vines growing rapidly around her body. Seeing her daughter in this condition, Lyla immediatly tries to head over to calm her distressed child down. Isaiah, however, places a hand on her shoulder.
"No, Lyla. You can't go out there."
"HOW is pissing Emily off going to combine them, Isaiah!?" Lyla tries to pull him off. "Emily, if none of you have noticed, has the same, tiny fraction of patience as her father does. THIS is going to be more damage then good and-"
"TRUST us, Lyla. Please. I assure you everything will be fine and-"
Another earth shaking slam as Thomas pins Gren to the ground. Gren struggles to move and breathe; he couldn't see past the dust and noise ringing in his head. He could sense the tension crawling off Emily's body, the glow of the bow dancing along the reflections on the grass and nearby pond.
"FIGHT it, Gren! Tap into your inner Wood Elf. "LISTEN to it! Use it! Combine it with Emily and prove to me that you are more than what was said! SHOW ME you are the Alpha!"
"I can't!" It was a combination of defeat and agony. "Dad, please-I....I can't! I-"
"YOU'RE stronger then the man I thought I knew back then! Come on, son! Show me-show us, yourself-show me you can do it!"
Gren was shaking. The weight of his father's body made it difficult to concentrate or move; from the corner of his eye, he could have sworn Robert was laughing and hoping he'd fail. The contemptous manner Robert delievered towards Gren sddenly lit the fire he needed beneath him. Pushing back, Gren used what strength he had left. Before he could accoplish the final task, however, another hurdle was heading his way. The kids, unaware of what was actually going on, ran into the fighting ring.
Viviana was able to avoid being hit as she used a nearby gust to lift herself into the air. Chloe used the shadows created by the trees as her method of avoiding the confrontation; Seraphina was the only one that came to hault near Sunflower but Liam continued on, thinking he'd won the race.
"Fa' fook's sake, Liam!" Emily lunges at her son. "GREN! THOMAS! STOP!"
Neither beast heard in time; Liam was in the direct path of being crushed to death by accident. Emily did the only thing she knew how; the brawn in the bow increased as her only son became in the line of danger. Holding out the arrow, Emily releases it and within seconds, the arrow digs into Gren's arm. The flesh turns a green tone as the arrow sinks into his flesh. Vines circle his arm as they continue to grow around Emily's body.
The patch of grass below her grew to monsterous preportions; two Venus Fly traps towered beside her, snapping their jaws and preparing to devour any foolish person that dared stand in their way. Reacting to his wife's power, the Earth element inside Gren triggered; with his left arm, Gren snaps and directs his index finger to the ground. Vines with thorns and roots lift from the ground and surround Liam for protection. Gren and Emily's power combine; Emily's eyes a solid black, all she had on her mind was protecting her own. A nearby tree developed a face and laced his branches around Thomas. Everyone witnessing the power that day was astonished.
Robert held his ground; he had never seen Gren in this form before and for a moment, Robert was terrified. Rosie held onto Woody, as Lyla, Mary, Georgie, Ethan and Michelle covered their mouths and lost color to their face. Neither Gren nor Emily had ever shown strength and power as they did that afternoon. Vivian began to panic as she could feel Emily slipping away from her grasp and into a world she knew so little of.
"EMILY!" Vivian tried to pull Emily back. "Sweetie, come back to me-please! You don't know what to do! This is all new! Come-"
Emily sends a nearby vine in Vivian's direction; the plant circles her body, creating a silhouette of the guardian. "Shut...up...Vivian. My fookin' SON...."
Thomas glares at Isaiah, now prepared to end it. "ISAIAH! NOW! Do it now!"
Isaiah stands back; by this time, the girls could only watch in horror as their uncle sends a massive fire storm in the direction of the mutated plants. They shriek and hiss, as the vines and leaves fall prey to their weakness. Chloe uses a shadow to retrieve her brother from the mess being created on the ground. As all the plants burn, turn to ash and Liam is safe once more, Emily and Gren return to their orginal state of mind. Shaking their heads, they both scan the area and notice the petrified faces and smoldering embers of what was once plant life.
Gren looks up, his eyes slowly changing back. "Dad! Dad!"
Thomas is found sitting on the ground but smiling. As Gren and Robert collect thier father, RJ helps put the fire out with Isaiah. Sheila, witnessing Isaiah use his fire power, was gleeful knowing someone else had the ability to create fire. As the little girl bombarded Isaiah with questions, Lyla snatches Emily in her arms and rocks her daughter as if she was three years old again. Ethan joined his mother; Gren and Robert were occupied assisting Thomas and making sure he was not injured. Lyla growls, looking at Thomas.
"WHAT the fuck is wrong with you!?" Her fingernails turn into claws. "Did you SEE what that did!? They lost control and Liam was almost killed!"
"Certainty." Thomas pants, trying to speak. "Certainty, Lyla..."
"HOW the fuck is nearly killing their son certainty, Thomas? You Grendels have a twisted way of training and-"
"Mum, stop!" Emily sits up, dusting herself off. "Don't ya' be actin' like ya' had no idea this fookin' shit happened!"
"NOTHING like what I just saw EVER occured before, Amilea! Robert or your brother has ever done something so foolish as that! Liam nearly was crushed! YOU became, this....this monster made of plants and I don't think Gren recalls doing what he did!"
"Death is certain, Lyla." Thomas speaks. "That is the one thing Gren and Emily NEED to know before everything can combine and not have THIS happen again. With Liam in trouble as he was, the two were able to combine their powers and form a manipulation that is nearly impossible to stop. YOU saw what Emily alone was capable of producing, just to save her child. Imagine when BOTH have mastered this together. It is unquestionable the love and dedication a mother or father has for their child..."
Lyla folds her arms. "So, every goddamn time they need to team up, you'll sacrifice one of their children just to trigger it?"
Thomas chuckles. "No, my dear. I do not have THAT authority to teach Gren and Emily the ways of making their minds THINK this and create the forces within. I do, however, have two people that can help you out. That concludes today's lesson. I grow weary and need to rest my head now. Robert. Isaiah-I'm ready to return to my camp now..."
Still shaken up, Emily snatches Liam in her arms and plants kisses all along the boy's face. "Oh my little man. Ya' alright love?"
Liam, although shaking in fear, was smiling. "Cool, mom...that was...AWESOME!"
The girls surround Emily's head. "OHMYGODMOM! You had these things come out here and the trees had faces and the vines were like POW! PEW! POW! And then, dad was like this and there was this one plant there, that was laughing and I think it was-"
Emily giggles, grabbing Chloe in her arms. Gren grabs the other two girls. "Alright. That's enough fa' one afta'noon, loves. Get inside the house and wash up. Ya' look like little Pigs on the Farm."
Obeying their mother, all four rush inside the home; Liam and Seraphina, along with Chloe and Viviana, reinact what was just witnessed in their own backyard. Robert did not say a word as he climbed into his truck; Thomas, eyes closed and leaning against the seat, tried to collect his thoughts and recuperate after the training. Isaiah manages to pay his farewells to the pair.
"Wow. Gren...Emily. I had no idea you two had it in you."
"Neither did I." Gren laughs, trying to gain his introspection. "I....wow. Ems-you looked good with all those fuckin' leaf things and what not." Gren looks over at Robert. "So....is he not talkin' to me now or-"
Isaiah rolls his eyes. "Leave him alone, Gren. He's the one being childish now. He'll come around. His pride and ego was stepped on and now, he'll throw a fit like a damn toddler."
Gren agrees and the brothers embrace. It was wonderful having Isaiah there for support and guidance. Their last encounter was not a pleasent one and even after all these centuries, things were changing for the best. Gren did, however, wave to Robert; Robert noticed this and with his head held high, did nod as a response. Maybe all hope was not lost for his ego-driven brother, as Isaiah climbed into his car and the two drove away. Emily grabs Gren's hand and pulls him towards the house.
"C'mon, big guy. Afta' all that fookin' shit, we desrve some ice cream. How 'bout I make us some?"
Gren grabs Emily's hips and watches his children head back to the house.
Emily invites the remaining guests inside as well; Sunflower steps over his fallen comrade and salutes the plant, just as Seraphina runs out and snatches his hand.
Any questions, you know the drill. Pretty tired today. Got no sleep at all but its all good.
This was a nice little change for both Belinda and Johnathan. Johnathan trying to defend what he can against Mirah is something noble and he should be proud. although she got away and left this disaster behind, he still did what he could. I'm wondering if this all has to do with the future of several other characters you have mentioned; I know its not all Tobias now because in the PM, his last name was different....
I loved the moment he and Belinda had; she's too cute and behaves typically in the fashion of those days.
You did wonderful with the scene and I'm not sure if I recall you making one like this from your past stories; it was beautifully done and little sections like this make me happy. I love that she was blushing when her undergarments were showing. XD That made me laugh.
Maybr this feeling has to do with what will happen years down from this moment but I could be wrong. Maybe something will occur again with Mirah walking around but I'll have to wait and see and can't wait! I loved this so much!
UGH! And I feel you about losing the work. I do mine with googledocs now, too; I can't tell you how many times I've accidentaly pressed a key and it sent me back to the homepage and I lost it all. XD Hope your break is going well, too!
Sorry to interrupt but, what is googledocs?
I copy and paste from a Word document and then manually space everything out :P
Holy shit dude, the teamwork between Emily and Gren is awesome! Kieron and Azaria would be jealous! This was really good, I honestly thought Liam was going to bite it but then Emily with the bow goodness lol. She is definitely a force not to be reckoned with! Awesome to read during my lunch as well! Can't wait for more!
(My phone loves to auto correct when I don't look -.-)
LMAO My phone does that, too. XD I saw 'Emily and French is awesome' and I figured that's what it was. XD Made my day, though. Emily has indeed become something powerful and it will grow as the chapters go on. Kieron and Azaria, along with Gren and emily would make one hell of a team!
Glad this did you justice during your lunch!
I have it on my phone as an app; its bassically like word doc but much easier to combine stories, write, edit and so forth. Microsoft on the go, if you don't want to drag your laptop around. lol Microsoft for me tends to pick and choose when it wants to work with me.
Oh ok
As of late I've been trying to catch it but sometimes my fingers just go on autopilot and then I have to go edit it XD. Oh man she still has more stuff to show off o.o I'll be sure to let Kieron know to not pissed her off! XD A blood warrior, a Grendel, and two powerful archers. I have a feeling that a team like that would be almost impossible to beat!
Nick: "A team of unbeatable's eh... well, they haven't met me yet..."
Thanks! I try to use them as effectively as possible; Sometimes I read over my writing and I'm like "Oh, hey, I can add something here." Glad you liked them
I didn't want to go all 50 Shades of Grey in this scene, however I still wanted to portray their love for one another as effectively as possible. Smoochie-Smoochie Time seems like an apppropriate way to describe it XD
It was only a little bit of leftover blood on Jonathan's lips XD It's all good, though, lmao.
Yep. It had to happen, I've been dying to post this chapter XD
This is why I stated almost impossible XP