Oh crap! So, Kieron has been pretty much a guinea pig this entire time in this 'hospital'? That doll was interesting. It reminded me of those voodoo dolls the witch doctors used a lot with their magic and what not. Him invisioning himself as a child with his mother was eerie just because of Alice's situation at the moment with her own little boy.
I like the name Nyx too, btw. So, Azaria is connected to Nyx as well? When he made the motion on his chest, she had that vision of the dead body, which I'm assuming was kieron; the ending did not make it comfortable to think this because the kitten can show fates of these 3. I wonder that, too, sinc eNyx showed what would happen. Hmmm...
This is getting really good and look forward to more!
Why War? Part: Two
Alice and Azaria sat in the room they were thrown in. Alice looked at Azaria.
"You said they were going to hurt him… more more? What did you mean by that?" She asked
"Alice you should've seen it, he had cuts and stitches all over his body! It was horrifying." She said
"He mentioned that he would be constantly experimented on. Was that part of the experiments?" Alice wondered.
"How long has he been experimented on?" Azaria asked
"Ever since he was first admitted at the hospital which was when he was nine years old so about twelve years." Alice replied
"That's awful. And he's been secluded all these years?" She said
"Not entirely he has had a friend before he taught him how to cook but that's all I know." Alice replied
"I wonder what the experiments were...." Azaria said
"I wonder too..." Alice said
In Kierons mind...
Where am I? He wondered as a flashing white light shined in front of him. When … [view original content]
Yes Kieron has been a guinea pig for these doctors who have done many experiments on him since he was young. That is an interesting connection with the voodoo doll! Hopefully Alice can see her son and Kieron can see his long forgotten mother again!
Glad you like the name! it took way too long to figure it out XP They have a small connection unlike the one Nyx has with Kieron. Nyx was showing Azaria that Kieron had went through yet another 'experiment' when he made the cutting motion which made her even more upset after seeing what Kieron had went through and not being able to help, although I can't say for the dead body it could've been anyone even herself. Nyx is indeed a weird kitten
Oh crap! So, Kieron has been pretty much a guinea pig this entire time in this 'hospital'? That doll was interesting. It reminded me of thos… moree voodoo dolls the witch doctors used a lot with their magic and what not. Him invisioning himself as a child with his mother was eerie just because of Alice's situation at the moment with her own little boy.
I like the name Nyx too, btw. So, Azaria is connected to Nyx as well? When he made the motion on his chest, she had that vision of the dead body, which I'm assuming was kieron; the ending did not make it comfortable to think this because the kitten can show fates of these 3. I wonder that, too, sinc eNyx showed what would happen. Hmmm...
This is getting really good and look forward to more!
Everyone seems to be praising the writing style of the fighting. (Just remind me when I become too similar to Micheal Bay or if my ego becomes a physical entity )
I will start to slow down with my uploads, though.
I have been proverbially crapping out updates on a regular basis as Activisioin has done with Call of Duty (I feel like taking a shower XD) and my latest chapter for example wasn't well thought out and thus was not up to standard.
I have since rectified my mistake to some degree via edit, but the damage has been done for those whom have read it already.
I will take a break for a day to allow my brain some time to recover.
I like the way you write your fight scenes, it's like I can literally feel the blow each time your Fable hunter hits his opponents. Really w… moreell done - I also love the way you've been including a little German here and there, regardless of my minor knowledge of it.
(I'm sorry >.< I hadn't taken the time yet to do so. It's late right now, so first thing tomorrow I'll PM you.)
Thanks I enjoy wri… moreting romance a little more than fight scenes and bad stuff, but the bad stuff makes the romance stuff even better from time to time.
I've got plans, and they're not too pretty, however in the end, things should be resolved Now that you mention it, it DOES seem a little bit like Snow and Bigby's situation; Hopefully they end up with a happy ending. I can't wait until July for the last issue T-T It's so far away!
I require some help.....
I am currently re-reading through Fables trying to find an image of the gateway between the homelands and the mu… morendane world so I have a mental image for the next chapter of my story.
To save me time, can someone please point out to me if such exists and what issue it is in?
I am not asking you to search for me, just if you know.
Thank you
Go to omgbeaupeep.com, where you can read Fables issues for free, and just find the issue
I don't think we actually see the Portal, but your best bet for an image would be to look through Volume 4: March of the Wooden Soldiers
I do not need the website, but thank you nonetheless.
A thousand gramercies and cookies to you, man.
I have just checked volume 4 and cannot find anything, more freedom to my imagination!
Viviana's tiny voice carried down the long, narrow halls and into the quiet rooms. While her parents and other members to her family stayed below and held various conversations, the younger children came to an agreement on the activity that would assist in passing the time. Hide and Seek had become a huge hit with Gren and Emily's quads and took pleasure in playing this simple game. As her siblings hid in random spots throughout the house and Viviana reach twenty, the little blonde haired girl floats down the hall, picks her nose up and sniffs.
Although unable to change into a Wolf like her sister, her sense of smell was powerful; one time, she managed to find her daddy's keys because he had eaten a jelly donut before and some of the smell landed on the chain.
Behind her, Vivian followed; the guardian knew they would be fine unattended and were no longer in need of her supervision but it was forever imprinted into Vivian's daily actions. It use to bother Emily and she tried to seperate Vivian from the quads but it brought her guardian much depression and anxiety. Understanding, Emily no longer mentioned her 'hellicopter' style of guarding and allowed it to be as so. Viviana did not seem to notice her identical copy carefully following behind, leaving a trail of ice crystals as she carried on. They would eventually melt and evaporate.
Viviana first searched their bedrooms. This was obvious for one of her siblings to hide in but to her surprise, not a single one. Even the closets and shadows were searched; Sheila was participating in the game but for only this reason. Her older cousin was there in case Chloe decided to camoflage in the darkness. This used to be a rule because Chloe was the only child that could do so but after so many rounds of game play, the hiding spots dwindled down and Viviana preffered a challenge. When Sheila returned without Chloe, she immediatly crossed out the darkness as a spot today.
Continuing to sniff, her nose was overwhelmed with a variety of odors in the home: coffee, food, the glade plug-ins Emily could never go without and a light hint of fresh cut flowers. Viviana tried to focus soely on her siblings smell. Like her mother, they each had a distinct aroma to them. Chloe reminded her parents of freshly picked Apples, Liam smelled like the surrounding forest; Seraphina faintly suggested Peaches and flowers while Viviana had the aroma of air after a large storm and everything was being touched and warmed with the sun's rays. She tried to pick either of these up and when she failed, took a break alongside the wall. Vivian paused to glance at the defeated little girl.
"Giving up, Vivi?" Vivian smiles and pats the little girl on the back. "I know they are around here somewhere, baby girl. You gotta think harder."
"I'm trying, Vivian." She sighs and kicks the wall. "They are getting REALLY good at this hiding thing. Whenever I hide, I'm the first to be found!"
Sheila pops through a nearby mirror and lands beside her cousin. "Well, maybe I outta teach you how to really play this game then, Vivi."
"Maybe..." Viviana looks around. "Still nothing in the shadows, huh?"
"Nope." Sheila shakes her head. "I even asked George if they went anywhere near him and he told me no. But, I wouldn't take his word too seriously. Guy is blowing up people with grenades and 360 no-scooping these people."
Viviana looks around one last time before heading down the stairs. All rooms had been checked except for her parent's bedroom but that was always off limits and even during a formidable game of Hide-n-Seek, the children were not that foolish to take such a risk. Viviana could hear
the roaring laughter of her parents and other family members who stayed a bit longer after the training. Michelle turned and smilled
at the little blonde haired girl.
"Hey, Vivi." Michelle waves. "What are you doing, baby girl?"
"Trying to find my brother and sisters. We're playin' hide and seek and they found some REALLY good hiding spots this time!"
"Did you check the mirror?" She noticed her aunt Mary poke through the group of people. "Chloe has a nasty habit of-"
"I had Sheila check already aunt Mary but nothing."
Mary snaps her fingers. "Damn. She's gettin' onto us then. Sorry baby girl....I have nothing else for you then."
Emily chuckles as she stirs her tea. "Don't be givin' away the answer, Mary. Let the children play." Emily glances at her daughter. "Try the other rooms down 'ere, love. Maybe they went outside and-"
"OOOOH I see!" Mary throws her hands up. "I help them and its always 'Mary, don't ruin their fun. MARY, you'll make them cry.' but YOU do it and its alright."
Viviana rolls her eyes and continues down the hallway and into their play room. Flipping on the lights, she could detect apples. Chloe was nearby. Vivian took a notice of the cautious movements Viviana took as she walked closer to the book shelf full of games, toys and stuffed animals. Viviana lifts her nose high into the air; her nostrils flared with each intake of the scent and before Vivian could make a suggestion, Viviana
leaps into a nearby pile of Bears and a plush Fox. Several squeaks were set off; a stuffed Hippo and Penguin nearly slammed into Vivian and Chloe emerged from the fallen cushion of her hideout.
Viviana points. "I found you!"
"About time." Chloe climbs out from her fortress of fluff. "I thought I was going to be living there for the rest of my life. Did you find the others yet?"
"No not yet." Viviana looks out the window and towards the tree house. "Hm. Think Liam may have climbed up there or-"
"I doubt it." Chloe chuckles. "With that bum arm of his and-"
"Chloe." Vivian folds her arms and glares at the little girl. "What have we told you about that? Don't make fun of him or-"
"But I'm not Vivian." Chloe adjusts her skirt. "He DOES have a bum arm and its difficult for him to climb WAAAAAY up there without help unless he does have Seraphina in there and-"
"Still." Vivian follows Viviana, as the little girl heads outside. "Don't mention it. You know how he gets."
Not wanting to battle her mother's guardian angel, Chloe simply nods and follows after her sister and Sheila. The wind picked up the moment Viviana's bare feet touched the blades of grass. The sun began to seet behind the house, creating pink clouds above the mountain tops and a thin layer of gold along the open fields. Sheila carefully listened to the noises as Viviana floats above the tree tops. Chloe examines the tree house in hopes of hearing or seeing movement.
"I THINK someone is up there." Chloe begins to climb. "I thought I heard a voice...."
"Do you?" Viviana floats beside her sister. "Man. Maybe they are together up there. I thought we couldn't pair up, though?"
"Well, I'd be with Liam too if he climbed up here." Chloe rolls on the floor boards. "I mean, shoot, can you imagine trying to climb up here all alone like that?"
Viviana and Chloe quietly examined their tree house; the homemade curtains created by Lyla danced in the wind and the sun beaming through the open window made enough light for the girls to search the wide area. Sheila nearly flew out the door, however because of a nearby puddle of melted ice. Grabbing a wooden beam, Sheila glares up.
"HEY! Can you tell you ghost to watch it, please? I almost broke my damn neck."
"Vivian is a GUARDIAN, Sheila." Chloe continues to look. "And she didn't MEAN to do that. It's her way of letting others know she's there."
"Still..." Sheila swats at the air, hoping to touch Vivian. "I almost, like, died right now."
As the girls giggled and Vivian tried to contain her laughter, all could hear rustling grow near the back and beside the toy chest. Flowers with a hint of mushroom and forest floor. Her brother and sister were indeed hiding in the tree house. Chloe taking one side and Sheila teaming with Viviana, the girls tackled the area and managed to pull out Seraphina and Liam. Seraphina tried to send vines in Viviana's direction but the little girl was quick. She smiled, stood on the vine with her shoe and playfully confront her sister. Liam, however, did not make a peep. His eyes were glued to the floor as Chloe brought his limp body out from hiding.
"GOT you! I WIN!" Viviana claps and cheers! "I win, I win! YAY!"
"Good job, Vivi!" Seraphina stands up, looking out towards the door. "I thought for sure we had you this time. Sheila or Vivian help you?"
"Kind of especially when I thought Chloe was in the shadows."
"Was she?"
Before Viviana could answer, the children hear their parents' voices and calls. The three girls cheer and immediatly climb down the ladder; Vivian noticed, however, Liam taking time to lift himself up and follow his sisters.
"Liam, sweetie-you okay?"
Liam tries to crack a smile as he follows the others. "I'm fine, Vivian..."
"Do you need help or-"
Noticing what she had said, Vivian tries to recover the blow sent to the little boy but it was too late. Liam, however, continued to faintly smile.
"No. I got it, Viv. Thanks...."
Emily knew one of the many challenges to being a parent would be the possibility of birthing one with some disability. There is always that concern in tha back of your mind: will my children be alright? As she tucked her girls in, kissed them goodnight and headed towards her son's bedroom, it was obvious her son was different. When Swineheart delivered the boy, Gren was quiet; Emily noticed his left arm missing and thought he was perfect, despite his handicap.
Gren, however, was devestated and blamed himself for months. Emily was not sure why until she read the chapter on Grendels and disability. Back in the days of the Homelands, Grendels 'took care' of children, especially males, that were born different. Gren knew this was not a chance for his son but worried from time to time. A reminder of what his own father did long before either were born.
Emily found Liam with a dismembered Barbie hand and trying to shove it into the nub. Emily grabs the item from Liam's hands and examines her son's eyes. She smiled; he looked just like the man she loved and help to create these beauiful children.
"Baby, woot are ya' doin'?"
"I want my arm back, mommy." Liam looks up, tears slowly forming in his eyes. "I wanna be special like my sisters."
"Ya' are special, baby." Emily cuddles her son, as she leans against the headboard. "You are very special, Liam. Just because ya' don't 'ave ya' left arm, does not make ya; any less loved or wanted."
"Everyone always looks at me, mommy. Today, I heard Viviana and Chloe say I couldn't climb trees without anyones help and I'm always asked if I need help, which I don't! I know how to do things without my other arm...."
Emily plays gently with Liams hair and tried her best to remain strong. For the both of them. "Oh my baby boy. Ya' be too much like ya' daddy. Ya' both always puttin' yourselves down when ya' two are th strongest ones 'ere in this house. People are scared of things they don't unda'stand, baby but you can't let that get ta' ya'. They just need to have someone explain ta' them. Understand who ya' are, Liam. You're stronger then ya' know it, love. Too much like daddy..."
Liam looks up. "Like....daddy?"
"Daddy only had one arm fa' the longest time. Ya' know this....ya' heard daddy when he read those stories 'bout him and Beowulf. But that neva' stopped daddy. Did you know, before ya' could remember, he lost the arm again but uncle Isaiah made daddy a new one. He can remove it
as he pleases and he's still so very strong, Liam. It's woots in 'ere, love, that counts. Ya' sisters don't unda'stand yet but that's okay. We'll teach them. But its all up ta' ya', Liam. Do you unda'stand, baby?"
"I think I do, mommy." Liam sinks into the sheets and grabs his Teddy Bear. "I'll be the strongest yet! I'll be an Alpha....like daddy is!"
Emily kisses the tip of his nose. "THAT'S woot I wanna hear, love. It makes mommy sad when I hear ya' talk like this. Mommy was different too, baby. I had my own little quirks but that's woot makes life fun, eh love? No one is perfect, Liam. Remember that..."
"I will, mommy. I love you. Oh and tell daddy not to be sad for me. He almost cried when he said goodnight....
Emily was losing a battle to herself. "I...I will, baby. Get some sleep. I love ya'..."
Turning off the light and closing the door, Emily's mind was swallowed with emotions and Liam's question. Stay strong, she thought, as Emily entered her bedroom. Stay strong...stay strong...She found Gren, naked on the bed and looking directly into the ceiling. Removing her clothes as
well, she joins her husband in the sheets. Beside him, Emily could hear his heart and breathing; she watched his chest lift up, then down and back up again. The golden arm removed and sitting on the desk. Touching Gren's face, he finally spoke.
"Am I doing the right thing, Emily? Am I a GOOD father?"
Emily kisses Gren's chest. "Ya' be a wonda'ful father, Grendel. Ya' love those babies the SAME fookin' way ya' did fa' Rosie. The boys....you took down ya' father this afternoon, when ya' thought he was in danger. I watched a man, who loves his family, defend them with every fookin' ounce
he had in his body. Golden arm or not, I'm beginnin' ta' see woot ya' dad means by it's not all about strength when it comes ta' this shit."
"Yeah..." Gren sighs, turning over to face his wife. "I'm fuckin' startin' to see it myself. It's just, did he ask you the same thing, too? Fuckin' kick myself for doing that to him...."
"Why? Let me tell ya' somethin' my own mum told me. My dad blamed himself fa' YEARS for everything: woot he did before we were born, our looks....the curse. Me..." Emily pauses. How long could she possibly be strong? "He...he blamed himself. fa' years, Grendel. Ya' know this. I had no hate in my heart fa' that man. None of us did. and neither does ya' son. He fookin' LOVES you, Grendel and he's strong enough to know this but sometimes, ya' need ta' hear it sometimes ta' FINALLY unda'stand woot everyone was talkin' about...."
Emily adjusts herself and lays on Gren's chest; he gently traces a finger down her head, shoulders and finally ending on her back. "I just don't want him to feel like I did, Ems."
"He won't, Gren. Ya' need ta' show him this. Show him....do woot ya' dad neva' did fa' ya'. Believe in him...."
Even in their darkest hour, Gren always knew his wife would be there. as he passionatly kisses Emily, he thought back to his deepest moments of selfloathe and gloaming feeling that overcame his mind. She was always there for him; sitting in his lap as they watched 'The Lion King' to making finger painted pictures, up until they both could word their true feelings, Emily was always there. Believing in him, when no one else would. Not even himself. Pressing Emily to the bed, he could feel the love that had always been present throughout their lives. Emily, smiling, cups Gren's face.
See there's a reason why Viviana is my favorite out of the quads and it's because she's totally hardcore at hide and seek! XD The first part was so cute and adorable but goodness Pie why do you have to hit me in the feels with poor Liam the conversation between the two were nice and very inspiring but for fuck sake man it was too goddamn sad! X( (Pardon my French lol) That ending though! Another kid! Yes!
Keep it up man! This was really good although feeling like I want to cry while I eat is probably not normal I still really enjoyed reading this with my lunch!
"Ready or not, here I come!"
Viviana's tiny voice carried down the long, narrow halls and into the quiet rooms. While her parents and oth… moreer members to her family stayed below and held various conversations, the younger children came to an agreement on the activity that would assist in passing the time. Hide and Seek had become a huge hit with Gren and Emily's quads and took pleasure in playing this simple game. As her siblings hid in random spots throughout the house and Viviana reach twenty, the little blonde haired girl floats down the hall, picks her nose up and sniffs.
Although unable to change into a Wolf like her sister, her sense of smell was powerful; one time, she managed to find her daddy's keys because he had eaten a jelly donut before and some of the smell landed on the chain.
Behind her, Vivian followed; the guardian knew they would be fine unattended and were no longer in need of her supervision but it was forever impri… [view original content]
Lmao I haven't read the chapter yet, just saw the bottom text and my heart melted Gonna read some stories later though ^-^ Probably going to the mall today with my friends in a little bit.
"Ready or not, here I come!"
Viviana's tiny voice carried down the long, narrow halls and into the quiet rooms. While her parents and oth… moreer members to her family stayed below and held various conversations, the younger children came to an agreement on the activity that would assist in passing the time. Hide and Seek had become a huge hit with Gren and Emily's quads and took pleasure in playing this simple game. As her siblings hid in random spots throughout the house and Viviana reach twenty, the little blonde haired girl floats down the hall, picks her nose up and sniffs.
Although unable to change into a Wolf like her sister, her sense of smell was powerful; one time, she managed to find her daddy's keys because he had eaten a jelly donut before and some of the smell landed on the chain.
Behind her, Vivian followed; the guardian knew they would be fine unattended and were no longer in need of her supervision but it was forever impri… [view original content]
Well this oughta be fun! Now that game of hide and seek, poor Liam, it took me a little while to notice he had an arm missing when you drew him, but he's definitely strong one way or another...
That image you linked? That's pretty tame considering what you've posted in the past
"Ready or not, here I come!"
Viviana's tiny voice carried down the long, narrow halls and into the quiet rooms. While her parents and oth… moreer members to her family stayed below and held various conversations, the younger children came to an agreement on the activity that would assist in passing the time. Hide and Seek had become a huge hit with Gren and Emily's quads and took pleasure in playing this simple game. As her siblings hid in random spots throughout the house and Viviana reach twenty, the little blonde haired girl floats down the hall, picks her nose up and sniffs.
Although unable to change into a Wolf like her sister, her sense of smell was powerful; one time, she managed to find her daddy's keys because he had eaten a jelly donut before and some of the smell landed on the chain.
Behind her, Vivian followed; the guardian knew they would be fine unattended and were no longer in need of her supervision but it was forever impri… [view original content]
"Ready or not, here I come!"
Viviana's tiny voice carried down the long, narrow halls and into the quiet rooms. While her parents and oth… moreer members to her family stayed below and held various conversations, the younger children came to an agreement on the activity that would assist in passing the time. Hide and Seek had become a huge hit with Gren and Emily's quads and took pleasure in playing this simple game. As her siblings hid in random spots throughout the house and Viviana reach twenty, the little blonde haired girl floats down the hall, picks her nose up and sniffs.
Although unable to change into a Wolf like her sister, her sense of smell was powerful; one time, she managed to find her daddy's keys because he had eaten a jelly donut before and some of the smell landed on the chain.
Behind her, Vivian followed; the guardian knew they would be fine unattended and were no longer in need of her supervision but it was forever impri… [view original content]
"I'm pregnant, Grendel. We're gunna' 'ave anotha' baby....."
Lmao I haven't read the chapter yet, just saw the bottom text and my heart melted Gonna read some stories later though ^-^ Probably going to the mall today with my friends in a little bit.
I love all the quads but Viviana is one of my favorites just because I loved Vivian and wanted this little girl to be a sort of tribute to her. and hid n' seek was the shit (excuse the language) when I was a kid! XD Sorry 'bout dem feels, man. Liam has a lot of self-confidance issues but all that will change. It's good to have supportive family members.
Glad you liked it, man. Sorry agian 'bout those tears.
See there's a reason why Viviana is my favorite out of the quads and it's because she's totally hardcore at hide and seek! XD The first part… more was so cute and adorable but goodness Pie why do you have to hit me in the feels with poor Liam the conversation between the two were nice and very inspiring but for fuck sake man it was too goddamn sad! X( (Pardon my French lol) That ending though! Another kid! Yes!
Keep it up man! This was really good although feeling like I want to cry while I eat is probably not normal I still really enjoyed reading this with my lunch!
Well this oughta be fun! Now that game of hide and seek, poor Liam, it took me a… more little while to notice he had an arm missing when you drew him, but he's definitely strong one way or another...
That image you linked? That's pretty tame considering what you've posted in the past
I await more dude! XD
I love all the quads but Viviana is one of my favorites just because I loved Vivian and wanted this little girl to be a sort of tribute to h… moreer. and hid n' seek was the shit (excuse the language) when I was a kid! XD Sorry 'bout dem feels, man. Liam has a lot of self-confidance issues but all that will change. It's good to have supportive family members.
Glad you liked it, man. Sorry agian 'bout those tears.
How did you put it....Emily be wanting that 'baby gravy' from Gren? XD
Yeah I posted the image. I didn't THINK it would be an issue but y… moreou never know these days....lol XD
A lot of people didn't notice the missing arm until I pointed it out in a recent image of the four of them. Even my girl didn't notice it. XD
A few more chaps (like 2; I need to do a bit on Michelle) and Nick, along with Hades, shall appear!
What a wonderful image that is in my head now. XD lol
Well, its up; if there IS an issue, I may take it down. XD
I'll have Nick's pic up by either Sat or Sun and I thought a heads up was in the works but oops! Guess there was no need, huh? XD
2 married people, lying naked in a bed, she wants his baby gravy, he'd never turn down the offer of sex= BABIES!!! XD
There's no nudity v… moreisible so yeah :P
I noticed it after it was brought up in a previous chapter and was like "That's weird"
You didn't need to tell me, but thank you XD When is the Nick picture gonna be ready? I'm excited for that!
It has once before but that was sometime ago.
Now I may just hold off on that releasing bit.....XD This was all a dream! lol Pie never said anything!! XD
Thank you.
Everyone seems to be praising the writing style of the fighting. (Just remind me when I become too similar to Micheal Bay or i… moref my ego becomes a physical entity )
I will start to slow down with my uploads, though.
I have been proverbially crapping out updates on a regular basis as Activisioin has done with Call of Duty (I feel like taking a shower XD) and my latest chapter for example wasn't well thought out and thus was not up to standard.
I have since rectified my mistake to some degree via edit, but the damage has been done for those whom have read it already.
I will take a break for a day to allow my brain some time to recover.
Nothing like some casual sex to heal battle wounds afterwards - Belinda, you lucky girl! This is also where that demon child will soon come into play, the one that present Belinda sort of kept 'close eyes' on? If you know what I mean?
I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map,
And knew that somehow I could find my way back,
Then I heard your heart beating, yo… moreu were in the darkness too,
So I stayed in the darkness with you.
~Cosmic Love, Florence + The Machine
She opened the door to her room.
It was a wreck.
She hadn’t expected this.
Dresses ripped from their closets, a broken mirror and frayed...well, everything. She set her bags down slowly, her shoes clicking over broken glass and wood floor. She was astonished at the damage.
There was a groan. It made her jump, and she stood silently still to hear where it was coming from. Slowly, she rounded the corner of her bed, which was covered with debris and broken trinkets. Who had been in here? And why was the room torn apart?
There on the floor, he lay. She watched for a moment as Jonathan moved to get up, cuts around all visible skin. Her mouth hung open in horror as he used the bedpost t… [view original content]
I think you did a great job with the 'old' Bigby. Not too nice and not too 'evil' either, he's just right.
By the way, I noticed how you described the soldiers as imbeciles each time the hunter encountered them in the forest. You know, you don't have to call them that every time, I'm pretty sure we all figured out they're oblivious dumbasses. XD Just food for thought if you ever do something similar in future parts.
Chapter 5: Der Wolf kommt-REVISED EDITION.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“One of my hunting cabins.” I answered “I have one only kn… moreown to me. It is protected by magic.”
“How did you afford the magic?” Magic is an expensive trade, and I did not appear the type to afford it.
“Contrary to my attire, I am a very wealthy man. The best hunter in all of Hesse.” I explained.
“Never heard of you” she said.
“Until recently, I had never heard of this so called empire.” I countered.
She was silent.
“What is your name?” She inquired.
I saw no reason to not oblige. “Alfred Jagd, and you?”
“Gertraud Richter” She obliged in return.
For many miles did we walk. The shrunken greaves where torturing my feet and Gertraud’s dress was constantly getting caught on roots, weeds, bushes and branches. Eventually, She decided to tear the hem of her dress to halt this problem. Eventually we came to the border of the Nordenland, beyond … [view original content]
Oh geez, more babies to fill up Fabletown! Just how many pictures you have been making of your Fables in the bedroom, exactly? Too many in so little time, right? XD
"Ready or not, here I come!"
Viviana's tiny voice carried down the long, narrow halls and into the quiet rooms. While her parents and oth… moreer members to her family stayed below and held various conversations, the younger children came to an agreement on the activity that would assist in passing the time. Hide and Seek had become a huge hit with Gren and Emily's quads and took pleasure in playing this simple game. As her siblings hid in random spots throughout the house and Viviana reach twenty, the little blonde haired girl floats down the hall, picks her nose up and sniffs.
Although unable to change into a Wolf like her sister, her sense of smell was powerful; one time, she managed to find her daddy's keys because he had eaten a jelly donut before and some of the smell landed on the chain.
Behind her, Vivian followed; the guardian knew they would be fine unattended and were no longer in need of her supervision but it was forever impri… [view original content]
OMG! Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! I'm so happy right now, its not even funny! OH! It IS like Georgie and Lyla! But, then that means twins will be next and one of them will not belong to Gren....right?! OH Pie, please tell me no! Please, please, please! Gren couldn't handle that!
I loved this chapter. I adore Gremily's quads; Seraphina is my favorite, although I can see why everyone loves little Viviana. Liam is growing on me, too and Chloe is too precious with her shadows and quirky attitude like her mama. I loved hid n' seek, too, as a kid. I was like Tetra. Hiding, yes. Finding....forget it! But my cousins and siblings were jerks. lmao
That section with Liam broke my heart, especially when Emily caught him trying to shove the arm into the nub. Isaiah needs to make his nephew a golden arm now, too, so he and his dad can match! Those words were comforting to hear. It's also nice to hear Emily speak this way and not react like she would have back in the 'old' days. The 'old' Emily would have been heartless. No offense...:(
That section with her and Gren was well done, too. I love these two so much. They are adorable together and when you mentioned even as a child she was always there, that made me happy, knowing there was always something there....
OH I look forward to more, pie! This is getting really good!
EDIT: BTW, nice icon, man! Did you like the chapter?
"Ready or not, here I come!"
Viviana's tiny voice carried down the long, narrow halls and into the quiet rooms. While her parents and oth… moreer members to her family stayed below and held various conversations, the younger children came to an agreement on the activity that would assist in passing the time. Hide and Seek had become a huge hit with Gren and Emily's quads and took pleasure in playing this simple game. As her siblings hid in random spots throughout the house and Viviana reach twenty, the little blonde haired girl floats down the hall, picks her nose up and sniffs.
Although unable to change into a Wolf like her sister, her sense of smell was powerful; one time, she managed to find her daddy's keys because he had eaten a jelly donut before and some of the smell landed on the chain.
Behind her, Vivian followed; the guardian knew they would be fine unattended and were no longer in need of her supervision but it was forever impri… [view original content]
I know, typical of Pie with his babies but I can't help myself with all that damn cuteness! XD Too many too count, tbh. I like making those cute little moments as such.
Oh geez, more babies to fill up Fabletown! Just how many pictures you have been making of your Fables in the bedroom, exactly? Too many in so little time, right? XD
"I'm pregnant, Grendel. We're gunna' 'ave anotha' baby....."
Fangirls all over the place
OMG! Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! I'm so hap… morepy right now, its not even funny! OH! It IS like Georgie and Lyla! But, then that means twins will be next and one of them will not belong to Gren....right?! OH Pie, please tell me no! Please, please, please! Gren couldn't handle that!
I loved this chapter. I adore Gremily's quads; Seraphina is my favorite, although I can see why everyone loves little Viviana. Liam is growing on me, too and Chloe is too precious with her shadows and quirky attitude like her mama. I loved hid n' seek, too, as a kid. I was like Tetra. Hiding, yes. Finding....forget it! But my cousins and siblings were jerks. lmao
That section with Liam broke my heart, especially when Emily caught him trying to shove the arm into the nub. Isaiah needs to make his nephew a golden arm now, too, so he and his dad can match! Those word… [view original content]
I think you did a great job with the 'old' Bigby. Not too nice and not too 'evil' either, he's just right.
By the way, I noticed how you … moredescribed the soldiers as imbeciles each time the hunter encountered them in the forest. You know, you don't have to call them that every time, I'm pretty sure we all figured out they're oblivious dumbasses. XD Just food for thought if you ever do something similar in future parts.
If you were Michael Bay, you would have constant explosions in almost every scene in your story. :P
Whatever you think is best, though we could always use a story like yours to add in the mix of this discussion!
YAY! BABIES! And she never wanted kids....-shakes head- XD
Not a problem, Ems! Have fun with your pals and go shoe shopping! Enjoy this beautiful day (assuming its a nice day in your hometown)
Oh crap! So, Kieron has been pretty much a guinea pig this entire time in this 'hospital'? That doll was interesting. It reminded me of those voodoo dolls the witch doctors used a lot with their magic and what not. Him invisioning himself as a child with his mother was eerie just because of Alice's situation at the moment with her own little boy.
I like the name Nyx too, btw.
So, Azaria is connected to Nyx as well? When he made the motion on his chest, she had that vision of the dead body, which I'm assuming was kieron; the ending did not make it comfortable to think this because the kitten can show fates of these 3. I wonder that, too, sinc eNyx showed what would happen. Hmmm...
This is getting really good and look forward to more!
Yes Kieron has been a guinea pig for these doctors who have done many experiments on him since he was young.
That is an interesting connection with the voodoo doll! Hopefully Alice can see her son and Kieron can see his long forgotten mother again! 
Glad you like the name!
it took way too long to figure it out XP They have a small connection unlike the one Nyx has with Kieron. Nyx was showing Azaria that Kieron had went through yet another 'experiment' when he made the cutting motion which made her even more upset after seeing what Kieron had went through and not being able to help, although I can't say for the dead body it could've been anyone even herself.
Nyx is indeed a weird kitten 
Really glad to hear you're enjoying the story!
Thank you.
Everyone seems to be praising the writing style of the fighting. (Just remind me when I become too similar to Micheal Bay or if my ego becomes a physical entity
I will start to slow down with my uploads, though.
I have been proverbially crapping out updates on a regular basis as Activisioin has done with Call of Duty (I feel like taking a shower XD) and my latest chapter for example wasn't well thought out and thus was not up to standard.
I have since rectified my mistake to some degree via edit, but the damage has been done for those whom have read it already.
I will take a break for a day to allow my brain some time to recover.
I await the PM
Oh yeah, bad stuff does sometimes make the romance that much more special. Bigby and Snow's reunion was a perfect example of that!
I will be contacting Mr Willingham if Bigby and Snow don't end up together... :P
Go to omgbeaupeep.com, where you can read Fables issues for free, and just find the issue
I don't think we actually see the Portal, but your best bet for an image would be to look through Volume 4: March of the Wooden Soldiers
I do not need the website, but thank you nonetheless.
A thousand gramercies and cookies to you, man.
I have just checked volume 4 and cannot find anything, more freedom to my imagination!
That is the best source! XD
Exactly! Where do you think Willingham obtained his brilliance? Or George R.R. Martin? Or Stephen King?
Rhetorical questions don't need answers...
I was not after one.
"Ready or not, here I come!"
Viviana's tiny voice carried down the long, narrow halls and into the quiet rooms. While her parents and other members to her family stayed below and held various conversations, the younger children came to an agreement on the activity that would assist in passing the time. Hide and Seek had become a huge hit with Gren and Emily's quads and took pleasure in playing this simple game. As her siblings hid in random spots throughout the house and Viviana reach twenty, the little blonde haired girl floats down the hall, picks her nose up and sniffs.
Although unable to change into a Wolf like her sister, her sense of smell was powerful; one time, she managed to find her daddy's keys because he had eaten a jelly donut before and some of the smell landed on the chain.
Behind her, Vivian followed; the guardian knew they would be fine unattended and were no longer in need of her supervision but it was forever imprinted into Vivian's daily actions. It use to bother Emily and she tried to seperate Vivian from the quads but it brought her guardian much depression and anxiety. Understanding, Emily no longer mentioned her 'hellicopter' style of guarding and allowed it to be as so. Viviana did not seem to notice her identical copy carefully following behind, leaving a trail of ice crystals as she carried on. They would eventually melt and evaporate.
Viviana first searched their bedrooms. This was obvious for one of her siblings to hide in but to her surprise, not a single one. Even the closets and shadows were searched; Sheila was participating in the game but for only this reason. Her older cousin was there in case Chloe decided to camoflage in the darkness. This used to be a rule because Chloe was the only child that could do so but after so many rounds of game play, the hiding spots dwindled down and Viviana preffered a challenge. When Sheila returned without Chloe, she immediatly crossed out the darkness as a spot today.
Continuing to sniff, her nose was overwhelmed with a variety of odors in the home: coffee, food, the glade plug-ins Emily could never go without and a light hint of fresh cut flowers. Viviana tried to focus soely on her siblings smell. Like her mother, they each had a distinct aroma to them. Chloe reminded her parents of freshly picked Apples, Liam smelled like the surrounding forest; Seraphina faintly suggested Peaches and flowers while Viviana had the aroma of air after a large storm and everything was being touched and warmed with the sun's rays. She tried to pick either of these up and when she failed, took a break alongside the wall. Vivian paused to glance at the defeated little girl.
"Giving up, Vivi?" Vivian smiles and pats the little girl on the back. "I know they are around here somewhere, baby girl. You gotta think harder."
"I'm trying, Vivian." She sighs and kicks the wall. "They are getting REALLY good at this hiding thing. Whenever I hide, I'm the first to be found!"
Sheila pops through a nearby mirror and lands beside her cousin. "Well, maybe I outta teach you how to really play this game then, Vivi."
"Maybe..." Viviana looks around. "Still nothing in the shadows, huh?"
"Nope." Sheila shakes her head. "I even asked George if they went anywhere near him and he told me no. But, I wouldn't take his word too seriously. Guy is blowing up people with grenades and 360 no-scooping these people."
Viviana looks around one last time before heading down the stairs. All rooms had been checked except for her parent's bedroom but that was always off limits and even during a formidable game of Hide-n-Seek, the children were not that foolish to take such a risk. Viviana could hear
the roaring laughter of her parents and other family members who stayed a bit longer after the training. Michelle turned and smilled
at the little blonde haired girl.
"Hey, Vivi." Michelle waves. "What are you doing, baby girl?"
"Trying to find my brother and sisters. We're playin' hide and seek and they found some REALLY good hiding spots this time!"
"Did you check the mirror?" She noticed her aunt Mary poke through the group of people. "Chloe has a nasty habit of-"
"I had Sheila check already aunt Mary but nothing."
Mary snaps her fingers. "Damn. She's gettin' onto us then. Sorry baby girl....I have nothing else for you then."
Emily chuckles as she stirs her tea. "Don't be givin' away the answer, Mary. Let the children play." Emily glances at her daughter. "Try the other rooms down 'ere, love. Maybe they went outside and-"
"OOOOH I see!" Mary throws her hands up. "I help them and its always 'Mary, don't ruin their fun. MARY, you'll make them cry.' but YOU do it and its alright."
Viviana rolls her eyes and continues down the hallway and into their play room. Flipping on the lights, she could detect apples. Chloe was nearby. Vivian took a notice of the cautious movements Viviana took as she walked closer to the book shelf full of games, toys and stuffed animals. Viviana lifts her nose high into the air; her nostrils flared with each intake of the scent and before Vivian could make a suggestion, Viviana
leaps into a nearby pile of Bears and a plush Fox. Several squeaks were set off; a stuffed Hippo and Penguin nearly slammed into Vivian and Chloe emerged from the fallen cushion of her hideout.
Viviana points. "I found you!"
"About time." Chloe climbs out from her fortress of fluff. "I thought I was going to be living there for the rest of my life. Did you find the others yet?"
"No not yet." Viviana looks out the window and towards the tree house. "Hm. Think Liam may have climbed up there or-"
"I doubt it." Chloe chuckles. "With that bum arm of his and-"
"Chloe." Vivian folds her arms and glares at the little girl. "What have we told you about that? Don't make fun of him or-"
"But I'm not Vivian." Chloe adjusts her skirt. "He DOES have a bum arm and its difficult for him to climb WAAAAAY up there without help unless he does have Seraphina in there and-"
"Still." Vivian follows Viviana, as the little girl heads outside. "Don't mention it. You know how he gets."
Not wanting to battle her mother's guardian angel, Chloe simply nods and follows after her sister and Sheila. The wind picked up the moment Viviana's bare feet touched the blades of grass. The sun began to seet behind the house, creating pink clouds above the mountain tops and a thin layer of gold along the open fields. Sheila carefully listened to the noises as Viviana floats above the tree tops. Chloe examines the tree house in hopes of hearing or seeing movement.
"I THINK someone is up there." Chloe begins to climb. "I thought I heard a voice...."
"Do you?" Viviana floats beside her sister. "Man. Maybe they are together up there. I thought we couldn't pair up, though?"
"Well, I'd be with Liam too if he climbed up here." Chloe rolls on the floor boards. "I mean, shoot, can you imagine trying to climb up here all alone like that?"
Viviana and Chloe quietly examined their tree house; the homemade curtains created by Lyla danced in the wind and the sun beaming through the open window made enough light for the girls to search the wide area. Sheila nearly flew out the door, however because of a nearby puddle of melted ice. Grabbing a wooden beam, Sheila glares up.
"HEY! Can you tell you ghost to watch it, please? I almost broke my damn neck."
"Vivian is a GUARDIAN, Sheila." Chloe continues to look. "And she didn't MEAN to do that. It's her way of letting others know she's there."
"Still..." Sheila swats at the air, hoping to touch Vivian. "I almost, like, died right now."
As the girls giggled and Vivian tried to contain her laughter, all could hear rustling grow near the back and beside the toy chest. Flowers with a hint of mushroom and forest floor. Her brother and sister were indeed hiding in the tree house. Chloe taking one side and Sheila teaming with Viviana, the girls tackled the area and managed to pull out Seraphina and Liam. Seraphina tried to send vines in Viviana's direction but the little girl was quick. She smiled, stood on the vine with her shoe and playfully confront her sister. Liam, however, did not make a peep. His eyes were glued to the floor as Chloe brought his limp body out from hiding.
"GOT you! I WIN!" Viviana claps and cheers! "I win, I win! YAY!"
"Good job, Vivi!" Seraphina stands up, looking out towards the door. "I thought for sure we had you this time. Sheila or Vivian help you?"
"Kind of especially when I thought Chloe was in the shadows."
"Was she?"
Before Viviana could answer, the children hear their parents' voices and calls. The three girls cheer and immediatly climb down the ladder; Vivian noticed, however, Liam taking time to lift himself up and follow his sisters.
"Liam, sweetie-you okay?"
Liam tries to crack a smile as he follows the others. "I'm fine, Vivian..."
"Do you need help or-"
Noticing what she had said, Vivian tries to recover the blow sent to the little boy but it was too late. Liam, however, continued to faintly smile.
"No. I got it, Viv. Thanks...."
Emily knew one of the many challenges to being a parent would be the possibility of birthing one with some disability. There is always that concern in tha back of your mind: will my children be alright? As she tucked her girls in, kissed them goodnight and headed towards her son's bedroom, it was obvious her son was different. When Swineheart delivered the boy, Gren was quiet; Emily noticed his left arm missing and thought he was perfect, despite his handicap.
Gren, however, was devestated and blamed himself for months. Emily was not sure why until she read the chapter on Grendels and disability. Back in the days of the Homelands, Grendels 'took care' of children, especially males, that were born different. Gren knew this was not a chance for his son but worried from time to time. A reminder of what his own father did long before either were born.
Emily found Liam with a dismembered Barbie hand and trying to shove it into the nub. Emily grabs the item from Liam's hands and examines her son's eyes. She smiled; he looked just like the man she loved and help to create these beauiful children.
"Baby, woot are ya' doin'?"
"I want my arm back, mommy." Liam looks up, tears slowly forming in his eyes. "I wanna be special like my sisters."
"Ya' are special, baby." Emily cuddles her son, as she leans against the headboard. "You are very special, Liam. Just because ya' don't 'ave ya' left arm, does not make ya; any less loved or wanted."
"Everyone always looks at me, mommy. Today, I heard Viviana and Chloe say I couldn't climb trees without anyones help and I'm always asked if I need help, which I don't! I know how to do things without my other arm...."
Emily plays gently with Liams hair and tried her best to remain strong. For the both of them. "Oh my baby boy. Ya' be too much like ya' daddy. Ya' both always puttin' yourselves down when ya' two are th strongest ones 'ere in this house. People are scared of things they don't unda'stand, baby but you can't let that get ta' ya'. They just need to have someone explain ta' them. Understand who ya' are, Liam. You're stronger then ya' know it, love. Too much like daddy..."
Liam looks up. "Like....daddy?"
"Daddy only had one arm fa' the longest time. Ya' know this....ya' heard daddy when he read those stories 'bout him and Beowulf. But that neva' stopped daddy. Did you know, before ya' could remember, he lost the arm again but uncle Isaiah made daddy a new one. He can remove it
as he pleases and he's still so very strong, Liam. It's woots in 'ere, love, that counts. Ya' sisters don't unda'stand yet but that's okay. We'll teach them. But its all up ta' ya', Liam. Do you unda'stand, baby?"
"I think I do, mommy." Liam sinks into the sheets and grabs his Teddy Bear. "I'll be the strongest yet! I'll be an Alpha....like daddy is!"
Emily kisses the tip of his nose. "THAT'S woot I wanna hear, love. It makes mommy sad when I hear ya' talk like this. Mommy was different too, baby. I had my own little quirks but that's woot makes life fun, eh love? No one is perfect, Liam. Remember that..."
"I will, mommy. I love you. Oh and tell daddy not to be sad for me. He almost cried when he said goodnight....
Emily was losing a battle to herself. "I...I will, baby. Get some sleep. I love ya'..."
Turning off the light and closing the door, Emily's mind was swallowed with emotions and Liam's question. Stay strong, she thought, as Emily entered her bedroom. Stay strong...stay strong...She found Gren, naked on the bed and looking directly into the ceiling. Removing her clothes as
well, she joins her husband in the sheets. Beside him, Emily could hear his heart and breathing; she watched his chest lift up, then down and back up again. The golden arm removed and sitting on the desk. Touching Gren's face, he finally spoke.
"Am I doing the right thing, Emily? Am I a GOOD father?"
Emily kisses Gren's chest. "Ya' be a wonda'ful father, Grendel. Ya' love those babies the SAME fookin' way ya' did fa' Rosie. The boys....you took down ya' father this afternoon, when ya' thought he was in danger. I watched a man, who loves his family, defend them with every fookin' ounce
he had in his body. Golden arm or not, I'm beginnin' ta' see woot ya' dad means by it's not all about strength when it comes ta' this shit."
"Yeah..." Gren sighs, turning over to face his wife. "I'm fuckin' startin' to see it myself. It's just, did he ask you the same thing, too? Fuckin' kick myself for doing that to him...."
"Why? Let me tell ya' somethin' my own mum told me. My dad blamed himself fa' YEARS for everything: woot he did before we were born, our looks....the curse. Me..." Emily pauses. How long could she possibly be strong? "He...he blamed himself. fa' years, Grendel. Ya' know this. I had no hate in my heart fa' that man. None of us did. and neither does ya' son. He fookin' LOVES you, Grendel and he's strong enough to know this but sometimes, ya' need ta' hear it sometimes ta' FINALLY unda'stand woot everyone was talkin' about...."
Emily adjusts herself and lays on Gren's chest; he gently traces a finger down her head, shoulders and finally ending on her back. "I just don't want him to feel like I did, Ems."
"He won't, Gren. Ya' need ta' show him this. Show him....do woot ya' dad neva' did fa' ya'. Believe in him...."
Even in their darkest hour, Gren always knew his wife would be there. as he passionatly kisses Emily, he thought back to his deepest moments of selfloathe and gloaming feeling that overcame his mind. She was always there for him; sitting in his lap as they watched 'The Lion King' to making finger painted pictures, up until they both could word their true feelings, Emily was always there. Believing in him, when no one else would. Not even himself. Pressing Emily to the bed, he could feel the love that had always been present throughout their lives. Emily, smiling, cups Gren's face.
"I'm late, love..."
"Late? What do you-"
"I'm late, Grendel..."
Gren sits up, stunned and smiles. "No...Emily-"
"I'm pregnant, Grendel. We're gunna' 'ave anotha' baby....."
Any questions, you know the drill.
See there's a reason why Viviana is my favorite out of the quads and it's because she's totally hardcore at hide and seek! XD The first part was so cute and adorable but goodness Pie why do you have to hit me in the feels with poor Liam
the conversation between the two were nice and very inspiring but for fuck sake man it was too goddamn sad! X( (Pardon my French lol) That ending though! Another kid! Yes! 
Keep it up man! This was really good although feeling like I want to cry while I eat is probably not normal I still really enjoyed reading this with my lunch!
Lmao I haven't read the chapter yet, just saw the bottom text and my heart melted
Gonna read some stories later though ^-^ Probably going to the mall today with my friends in a little bit.
Well this oughta be fun! Now that game of hide and seek, poor Liam, it took me a little while to notice he had an arm missing when you drew him, but he's definitely strong one way or another...
That image you linked? That's pretty tame considering what you've posted in the past
I await more dude! XD
PM the pic...
Anyway, Vivianna has definitely grown to be my favorite of the quads, though I like the all.
And she never wanted kids....-shakes head- XD
Not a problem, Ems! Have fun with your pals and go shoe shopping!
Enjoy this beautiful day (assuming its a nice day in your hometown) 
I love all the quads but Viviana is one of my favorites just because I loved Vivian and wanted this little girl to be a sort of tribute to her.
and hid n' seek was the shit (excuse the language) when I was a kid! XD Sorry 'bout dem feels, man.
Liam has a lot of self-confidance issues but all that will change.
It's good to have supportive family members.
Glad you liked it, man. Sorry agian 'bout those tears.
How did you put it....Emily be wanting that 'baby gravy' from Gren? XD
Yeah I posted the image. I didn't THINK it would be an issue but you never know these days....lol XD
A lot of people didn't notice the missing arm until I pointed it out in a recent image of the four of them. Even my girl didn't notice it. XD
A few more chaps (like 2; I need to do a bit on Michelle) and Nick, along with Hades, shall appear!
All hail the quads!
Ah that's pretty cool actually. Same here although I was really good at hiding not finding XP That's true man.
Hey man I forgive you XP I now always look forward to reading your chapters with my lunch now!
2 married people, lying naked in a bed, she wants his baby gravy, he'd never turn down the offer of sex= BABIES!!! XD
There's no nudity visible so yeah :P
I noticed it after it was brought up in a previous chapter and was like "That's weird"
You didn't need to tell me, but thank you XD When is the Nick picture gonna be ready? I'm excited for that!
LMAO I shall do that my good man....-rubs hands together-
I agree. Viviana is becoming one of my favorites of the qauds.
They are all too precious to me, though.
Lol I did something XP
Has that happened in the past?
I kinda wanted the surprise, but whatever XD
What a wonderful image that is in my head now. XD lol
Well, its up; if there IS an issue, I may take it down. XD
I'll have Nick's pic up by either Sat or Sun and I thought a heads up was in the works but oops! Guess there was no need, huh? XD
It has once before but that was sometime ago.
Now I may just hold off on that releasing bit.....XD This was all a dream! lol Pie never said anything!! XD
What happened if you don't mind me asking?
I'll probably forget it somehow :P
It was Lyla and Georgie. They were kissing and touching and someone got all pissed.
Oh awesome! Then i'll leave it at that! XD
We won't get pissy about a pic like that :P
And if a new person does then who cares? It's on this thread where it'll be appreciated by the masses...
If you were Michael Bay, you would have constant explosions in almost every scene in your story. :P
Whatever you think is best, though we could always use a story like yours to add in the mix of this discussion!
Nothing like some casual sex to heal battle wounds afterwards - Belinda, you lucky girl!
This is also where that demon child will soon come into play, the one that present Belinda sort of kept 'close eyes' on? If you know what I mean?
Hazza, that was sort of a rude response you just did there.
I think you did a great job with the 'old' Bigby. Not too nice and not too 'evil' either, he's just right.
By the way, I noticed how you described the soldiers as imbeciles each time the hunter encountered them in the forest. You know, you don't have to call them that every time, I'm pretty sure we all figured out they're oblivious dumbasses. XD Just food for thought if you ever do something similar in future parts.
Oh geez, more babies to fill up Fabletown! Just how many pictures you have been making of your Fables in the bedroom, exactly? Too many in so little time, right? XD
Fangirls all over the place
OMG! Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! I'm so happy right now, its not even funny! OH! It IS like Georgie and Lyla! But, then that means twins will be next and one of them will not belong to Gren....right?!
OH Pie, please tell me no! Please, please, please! Gren couldn't handle that! 
I loved this chapter. I adore Gremily's quads; Seraphina is my favorite, although I can see why everyone loves little Viviana. Liam is growing on me, too and Chloe is too precious with her shadows and quirky attitude like her mama.
I loved hid n' seek, too, as a kid. I was like Tetra. Hiding, yes. Finding....forget it! But my cousins and siblings were jerks. lmao
That section with Liam broke my heart, especially when Emily caught him trying to shove the arm into the nub. Isaiah needs to make his nephew a golden arm now, too, so he and his dad can match!
Those words were comforting to hear. It's also nice to hear Emily speak this way and not react like she would have back in the 'old' days. The 'old' Emily would have been heartless. No offense...:(
That section with her and Gren was well done, too. I love these two so much. They are adorable together and when you mentioned even as a child she was always there, that made me happy, knowing there was always something there....
OH I look forward to more, pie! This is getting really good!
EDIT: BTW, nice icon, man! Did you like the chapter?
I know, typical of Pie with his babies but I can't help myself with all that damn cuteness! XD Too many too count, tbh.
I like making those cute little moments as such. 
No! LOL That will not happen with Emily.
Both are Gren's babies.
I love these little babies! And I'll dig deeper into the quad's place in Fabletown, too.
And yes, I LOVE everything so far about it and the difference they are taking!
Thank you, but do keep in mind that this is the revised version.
Out of tiredness, I accidentally posted it without fully checking it. This version was quite heavily edited.
I only think one or two people read it before my editing of the chapter, but for them the damage is done. I intend to redeem myself
Thank you for the kind words.
Haha, I know XD
OH I got the cutest pair of shoes man, you don't even know! And today was particularly rainy and dreary, but thanks nonetheless XD
I have the best sister!
Much thanks to her for making me & little Emily a little Georgie doll.
Pray that it isn't a voodoo doll, your girl would have the upper hand on you if that was going to be the case!