List is not complete. No Yvette, Ellie, no Tina... Moxxi must be quite old since she's Scooters mom.
Steele and Tannis are yummy.
Athe… morena is the most beautiful woman in TftB. Without the hood, that is. However, I would change sex for Janey Springs.
Most attractive for me is Nisha. I know she's evil and she's banging Handsome Jack, but I don't care. I have a thing for the Old West. That pink Cowboy Hat just gets me all charged up, I guess.
I'd have to say that she's tied with Lilith, though. Lilith's no cowgirl but in addition to being attractive she's also pretty funny. I like it when she snarks toward the other characters. She was my favorite NPC in BL2.
Maya and Lilith are the obvious choices. Moxxi is purposely sexy to like, a hilariously over-the-top degree. So I like her for how insane it is.
To pick just one? I'd pick Gaige. That punk style just gets my blood pumping like no tomorrow. MMMMM. Her special character skin from Wam Bam Island removes the stockings on her legs. Bare legs, grass skirt. Fanservice, aw yeah.
OP what have you done to me.
EDIT: Someone here mentioned Ellie actually. I'd probably go for that too, screw it. She's fun as hell to hang around anyway. I gave her the skimpy armor on the Dragon's Keep DLC cause why not.
1) as far as the men in BL i would say, Rhys, Axton, ZER0 and handsome jack. maybe others i forgot? who knows. those 3 are what came to mind. I LOVE THEM! lol.
plus the Younger version of Fionas dad, Felix.
2) as far as the women in BL i would say, Tannis, Athena, Nisha and moxxi? idk man, all the girls look good, so hard to say, i just picked personality wise which one is my favourite of all since they all look good xD
If I was into girls - which I may or may not be - I'd say... I can't decide, they're all gorgeous!
Lilith, Maya, Moxxi, Athena, Nisha and Fiona are the most attractive imo though.
Okay, if I had to choose one it would have to be...Athena, Janey is pretty hot too. But like I say, they are all amazing.
And as for the guys I'd have Jack or Rhys any day
How about you?
Dammit - thought I'd got away with it.
Okay, if I had to choose one it would have to be...Athena, Janey is pretty hot too. But like I say, they are all amazing.
And as for the guys I'd have Jack or Rhys any day
How about you?
I don't think she's all that attractive either.
Maybe that she dresses like that and there's no.....surprise? That's the word I'm going to use.
Or maybe knowing that she's Scooter's mom causes this.
Maya and Lilith are the obvious choices. Moxxi is purposely sexy to like, a hilariously over-the-top degree. So I like her for how insane it… more is.
To pick just one? I'd pick Gaige. That punk style just gets my blood pumping like no tomorrow. MMMMM. Her special character skin from Wam Bam Island removes the stockings on her legs. Bare legs, grass skirt. Fanservice, aw yeah.
OP what have you done to me.
EDIT: Someone here mentioned Ellie actually. I'd probably go for that too, screw it. She's fun as hell to hang around anyway. I gave her the skimpy armor on the Dragon's Keep DLC cause why not.
Plz, Jessica is waifu.
You're in serious need of medical assistance friend.
Most attractive for me is Nisha. I know she's evil and she's banging Handsome Jack, but I don't care. I have a thing for the Old West. That pink Cowboy Hat just gets me all charged up, I guess.
I'd have to say that she's tied with Lilith, though. Lilith's no cowgirl but in addition to being attractive she's also pretty funny. I like it when she snarks toward the other characters. She was my favorite NPC in BL2.
all of them are super attractive its hard to just choose one...but Fiona wins my heart I feel like she would be a awesome gf in real life.
Maya and Lilith are the obvious choices. Moxxi is purposely sexy to like, a hilariously over-the-top degree. So I like her for how insane it is.
To pick just one? I'd pick Gaige. That punk style just gets my blood pumping like no tomorrow. MMMMM. Her special character skin from Wam Bam Island removes the stockings on her legs. Bare legs, grass skirt. Fanservice, aw yeah.
OP what have you done to me.
EDIT: Someone here mentioned Ellie actually. I'd probably go for that too, screw it. She's fun as hell to hang around anyway. I gave her the skimpy armor on the Dragon's Keep DLC cause why not.
Don't be like that. Think about whole TTG community. There may be Tina's peers who would consider her attractive.
LMAO, how young do you think we are?
Well despite the fact that I dislike her the most, Lilith is definitly the hottest.
I'd have to say Sasha.

Brick the Siren is the only right choice.

i am a girl but why not contribute?:p
1) as far as the men in BL i would say, Rhys, Axton, ZER0 and handsome jack. maybe others i forgot? who knows. those 3 are what came to mind. I LOVE THEM! lol.
plus the Younger version of Fionas dad, Felix.

2) as far as the women in BL i would say, Tannis, Athena, Nisha and moxxi? idk man, all the girls look good, so hard to say, i just picked personality wise which one is my favourite of all since they all look good xD
It's a tie between Athena and Fiona. I really enjoy the way these characters are written.
And she is the prettiest.
As a gay guy.... Rhys.
Adding personality to looks, it's definitely Fiona for me
Gaige will always be my favorite.
really? lol. she seem the type to love you today and leave tomorrow without telling you xD
That's called avoiding the question scoobs
Dammit - thought I'd got away with it.
Okay, if I had to choose one it would have to be...Athena, Janey is pretty hot too. But like I say, they are all amazing.
And as for the guys I'd have Jack or Rhys any day
How about you?
Maya of course
Not a male either, but I would like to say that Fiona is always my champion.
Not a dude, but I do think Fiona and Lilith are very pretty. Athena is also very pretty.
I don't think she's all that attractive either.
Maybe that she dresses like that and there's no.....surprise? That's the word I'm going to use.
Or maybe knowing that she's Scooter's mom causes this.
All I know is that it's not Moxxi.
Angel. Shes like, well, an angel?
Come on no love for Moxxi?
she's a total Milf. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I think my main reason is that I absolutley hate that make-up and her slutty personality.
Under all that make-up one would never guess she'd be Scooter's mom.
Lilith, Athena, Gaige, Moxxi, Angel and Maya are awesome.
Nisha and the others are good contenders too! They're all amazing!
What if I'm gay?
Question for men? Path! We all want in on it!
Then you should be an EXPERT judge of how fabulous they are!
After playing TPS
Athena,Nisha and Janey Springs(mainly Athena though as I am playing as her).
My point being, there is a lot of attractive women in these games.
I mean it endearingly!
Yup, her, Samara, Gywnevere, Sonya Blade and Lady Forrester are the top 5 Gaming Milfs in my opinion.
I gave her the skimpy armour too.
what if I'm a lesbian?!