I have revised my previous chapter. No key plot points have been altered.
I have concluded that I take too little time off between chapters to think the story through, so my uploads will be less frequent
I will also say that I edited one detail after an inconsistency was pointed out.
Chapter 6: Lassen uns die neue Welt zu gehen.
“You want us to do what?!” I asked, not believing what I had been requested of.
“I need to taste your flesh before I continue any further.” deadpanned the Wolf. “Those whom are loyal to the Empire have a certain taste about them. Besides, what is a taste compared to much more wholesome acts?” His face donned what I swore was a grin. A canine’s face does not allow for such a facial expression, but I swore it he grinned.
“Alright,” Gertraud said holding out her arm. “Go ahead.” I was amazed at her readiness to oblige.
He brought his head down to her arm before slightly clamping is jaws on it. Upon removing his jaw, her arm glistened in the sunlight, saliva coating the arm with a mark left by one of his teeth
“Your turn.” said the wolf as he walked over to me.
I reluctantly held out my sleeveless arm, awaiting his bite. In the same manner as he did with Gertraud, he lowered his head before clamping his jaw around my arm, a single tooth peircing my skin. I could feel his tongue as it laved over my arm, savouring what little blood seeped from the puncture. I could not recall a time when I was more repulsed than then.
After leaving my arm once what felt like eternity had passed,. I immediately wiped of what amount of the saliva I could, which was very little.
Fearing I would soak myself in the substance, I ceased all attempts.
“You’re both clean, more or less.” Joked the wolf.
Internally, I wished that I had a silver tipped bolt and crossbow at that moment.
I looked at Gertraud. She displayed little annoyance for the gunk or wound on her arm, completely calm in demeanour. Or was it a misdemeanour?
“Keep on walking in this general direction and within the next few minutes you should encounter a cave.” Spoke the wolf. “Travel through it and you shall find the haven of which I spoke.”
“What then?” I asked.
“Such is not my problem.” said the Wolf with palpable indifference. “You’re a Nord and thus a survivalist by nature. I trust you will survive.”
He was then off in the direction we came. I stood there, staring in that same direction. My head was running in proverbial circles. The Big Bad Wolf had just come to our rescue and taken us to what he said is a safe place, I had on a sympathetic whim allowed someone to travel with me after I had saved her from death and my homeland was decimated by Oz.
“Let us go, Alfred.” Gertraud called from behind.
Snapping out of my trance, I looked over my shoulder to see Gertraud walking off in the direction indicated by the Wolf.
“Wait!” I shouted, running to catch up. “You seriously trust the words of a wolf?”
“We have no other option. Nordenland has been or is in the process of being ‘cleansed’, we are in the middle of nowhere and an empire is looking for us. I also believe the Wolf.”
“Why, though?” I questioned. “What reasons have we to trust him?”
“Wolves are vindictive by nature, yes?”
I was surprised. “How do you know that?”
“Just because I know nothing of magical wolves does not mean I know nothing of wolves at all.” explained Gertraud. “I needed to know what to do in case I encountered a wolf on the way back into Nordenland.”
I was even more surprised. “Why would you be travelling in and out of Nordenland?”
“My brother and I were merchants, Rival merchants. Very fierce rival merchants.” said Gertraud. “He and I were at war with each other over who had the customers of Bedburg, He and I put our differences aside once word got to us of the killings and fled in my cart. Then the soldiers found us, followed by you.”
That would explain the myriad of items I saw in the back of her wagon.
She continued. “I digress. The empire wants all Nords killed and has occupied the Wolf’s forest. He would, by nature, want to retaliate. Hindering their operations is one way. Killing us would count as part of their operations and we are recognisable by the shade of our skin. This is probably why he did not eat us upon first glance.”
As we walked, I thought over what Gertraud had said. The logic was indisputable, but I could not help my scepticism. After all he was the Big Bad Wolf. Still, as Gertraud had said and I knew, we had no other options.
Soon, we were upon a cliff face. The cliff was borne of a massive cavern, nigh the height of the conifer trees surrounding us and just as wide. We could not see what lay within beyond a handful of yards. After that was pitch black.
“We shall need a torch or something similar.” said I. Gertraud hummed in concurrence.
Then I remembered the cloth on my fingers.
“Hold this, please.” I requested, drawing and holding the sabre out to Gertraud.
She took the sword, inspecting the blade. “You’re using the blade to make a torch?” she said.
“How astute.” I confirmed. “Stay here.”
We required a grip for the torch and could not use a branch as the wood was too strong to pull off its tree, My sabre would have to do.
Walking from tree to tree, I searched for dead tree bark to serve in the place of coal. I found some flaking from the third tree I looked upon. Using my dagger, I carved from it what I could and walked back to Gertraud. I placed the bark on the ground before her and proceeded to unravel the cloth around my hand before binding the bark to the blade with it.
I retrieved a small knife from the satchel as well as a piece of flint from the ground, positioning both over the rudimentary torch in Gertraud’s hands. I struck the stone over the knife several times before, finally, a thin flake started to burn. I repeated over and over again until, surely, the torch awoke in flame.
“Let us go, Gertraud.” I mocked.
“Whatever.” she replied.
Gertraud held the torch as we walked into the cavern. The torch only illuminated the few feet around us, the sheer size of the cavern rendering the torch near useless. We continued heedless.
As we travelled further into the cave, I noticed how it remained at a constant temperature and in a perfectly straight line. Neither of us mentioned it to the other. I do not know for how long we walked but at a certain point, the temperature dropped in an instant, low enough to snuff the torch. Then the temperature returned to normal in as quick a speed.
“What just happened?” I asked rhetorically.
“Peculiar.” said Gertraud.
For close to a minute, nothing happened. Then a small light appeared before us at the end of the tunnel.
“Shall we?” Motioned I
Walking towards the light, I could slowly begin to see beyond it a grey sky and a lush green landscape. I looked to Gertraud, she was visibly intrigued, quickening her pace, which evolved into a jog. I followed suit. As we continued, the cave became narrower and narrower like a funnel. When we came to the exit, we found it to be the height and width of a small cabin.
Exiting, Gertraud and I found a land similar to the Hesse sans the forest, green for miles all around, spread out fern trees and a massive town on the horizon.
I would later learn that I arrived near the city of Berlin, in what was then the Margraviate of Brandenburg, 1500 AD.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: They are now in the mundane world, left with no clue as to where they are, no food or water, Alfred’s senses and their Nord instincts.
The Nords of the Nordenland are some among the most, if not the most, masterful survivalists in the whole of the homelands. It is quite literally in their DNA, Hence Bigby’s comment.
From here on shall detail their lives adapting to the mundane world, as well as their experiences in historical events from the Napoleonic Occupation to the re-uniting of Germany.
The hide and seek game made me well up with many memories of primary school (you don't know what you have until it is gone ). Great work on your part, the cuteness was palpable
The ending has me itching to read the next chapter. I am becoming tingly inside just thinking about it.
"Ready or not, here I come!"
Viviana's tiny voice carried down the long, narrow halls and into the quiet rooms. While her parents and oth… moreer members to her family stayed below and held various conversations, the younger children came to an agreement on the activity that would assist in passing the time. Hide and Seek had become a huge hit with Gren and Emily's quads and took pleasure in playing this simple game. As her siblings hid in random spots throughout the house and Viviana reach twenty, the little blonde haired girl floats down the hall, picks her nose up and sniffs.
Although unable to change into a Wolf like her sister, her sense of smell was powerful; one time, she managed to find her daddy's keys because he had eaten a jelly donut before and some of the smell landed on the chain.
Behind her, Vivian followed; the guardian knew they would be fine unattended and were no longer in need of her supervision but it was forever impri… [view original content]
I await the PM
Oh yeah, bad stuff does sometimes make the romance that much more special. Bigby and Snow's reunion was a perfect example of that!
I will be contacting Mr Willingham if Bigby and Snow don't end up together... :P
I was thinking voodoo dool the minute I saw this! XD I love it! I'm sure Ems will love it, too but her Georgie will be covered in drool and applesauce.
One problem is Bigby tasting Alfred and Gertraud, Bigby doesn't lick their skin, he tastes their blood with a small nip of the flesh, just pointing that out to you...
You actually confused me by saying 1500 AD, as by that time the usage of AD had lessened to an extent, or maybe I'm just not used to seeing AD put next to every year...
I have revised my previous chapter. No key plot points have been altered.
I have concluded that I take too little time off between chapt… moreers to think the story through, so my uploads will be less frequent
I will also say that I edited one detail after an inconsistency was pointed out.
Chapter 6: Lassen uns die neue Welt zu gehen.
“You want us to do what?!” I asked, not believing what I had been requested of.
“I need to taste your flesh before I continue any further.” deadpanned the Wolf. “Those whom are loyal to the Empire have a certain taste about them. Besides, what is a taste compared to much more wholesome acts?” His face donned what I swore was a grin. A canine’s face does not allow for such a facial expression, but I swore it he grinned.
“Alright,” Gertraud said holding out her arm. “Go ahead.” I was amazed at her readiness to oblige.
He brought his head down to her arm before slightly clamping is jaws on it. Upon re… [view original content]
On point one, I am noticing my inconsistencies as being all too frequent. I shall have to read through Fables again for future stories. That shan't be for a while yet, though. This one is going to continue for some time yet.
On point two, I added AD to make it sound more......dated. You shall notice in documents dating back to the mid Georgian era and before are sometimes marked with Anno Domini (AD)/Year of our Lord prior to the actual year, sometimes still used in certain professions as a formality.
Thank you for reading thus far and the assistance you provided before.
Nice chapter.
One problem is Bigby tasting Alfred and Gertraud, Bigby doesn't lick their skin, he tastes their blood with a small nip of … morethe flesh, just pointing that out to you...
You actually confused me by saying 1500 AD, as by that time the usage of AD had lessened to an extent, or maybe I'm just not used to seeing AD put next to every year...
Haha I just saw that Dragon changed his and decided that it's an appropriate time to spice things up Plus, I've been on a 'Retro Snow' kick; I couldn't help it.
Haha I just saw that Dragon changed his and decided that it's an appropriate time to spice things up Plus, I've been on a 'Retro Snow' kick; I couldn't help it.
Enjoy your fashion trends, guys.
I will forever remain in this fabulous edwardian style suit of bespoke value.
Wartet! I just thought… more of something! Three people changing their avatars overnight.....................
Haha I just saw that Dragon changed his and decided that it's an appropriate time to spice things up Plus, I've been on a 'Retro Snow' kick; I couldn't help it.
I think it took a while for my validation email to come in too, when I first started. You should try again and hope for the best ^-^ Though, I respect your love of antiquity. I think Crane is the perfect candidate for that category.
If you're up to it, try the registration again or continue on waiting until the email arrives in your inbox. If it doesn't get sent after all this time, then I don't know what else to tell you other than keep on trying. But it's your call, of course.
I think it took a while for my validation email to come in too, when I first started. You should try again and hope for the best ^-^ Though, I respect your love of antiquity. I think Crane is the perfect candidate for that category.
Nothing like some casual sex to heal battle wounds afterwards - Belinda, you lucky girl! This is also where that demon child will soon come into play, the one that present Belinda sort of kept 'close eyes' on? If you know what I mean?
If you're up to it, try the registration again or continue on waiting until the email arrives in your inbox. If it doesn't get sent after all this time, then I don't know what else to tell you other than keep on trying. But it's your call, of course.
If you're up to it, try the registration again or continue on waiting until the email arrives in your inbox. If it doesn't get sent after all this time, then I don't know what else to tell you other than keep on trying. But it's your call, of course.
I agree with you; I can recall me and some of my cousins playing this game but we never played by the 'rules' and it always ended in a fight. Boys will be boys, I suppose. XD
The hide and seek game made me well up with many memories of primary school (you don't know what you have until it is gone ). Great work on… more your part, the cuteness was palpable
The ending has me itching to read the next chapter. I am becoming tingly inside just thinking about it.
Because I love these two with all my heart and could not pass up this request. Thanks to stickyrose45 over at tumblr for the request.
The children all laid in their bed and drifted off into their usual dreams. The house was still. The only sound was the WHOOSH and ocassional creaking of the floor board, as Vivian began to make her way down the home and take peeks into the bedroom of the children. She sighed heavily, watching each of them turn and dream. How she would have loved to been someone's mother; Vivian desperatly wished to have bore children and had the opportunity to raise and tend to her children. Having her own, however, was not and never would have been a part of her world.
Despite her love for Georgie, the two were never meant to be parents and take care of another human life. She and Hans secretly slept with one another and in her mind, Vivian wanted to become pregnant and have a child. But things never always develop how you wish; hurdles head in your direction and turn you down another road you were meant to be on. Vivian often fancied to have her own guardian angel at times. But as Vivian passed by the many pictures of Emily and her family, Vivian knew she was where she was always meant to be.
Vivian cherished Emily and had the opportunity to watch her grow and develop as her own individual. Although a few bumps were headed in her direction, Vivian never lost hope and knew she'd find herself and become the very person Vivian wanted her to be.
She appreciated and had full respect for Gren and his ability to look past it all and see his beloved Emily. Vivian adored the quads and could not wait to be consumed with the love of hopefully more little ones in the near future. Taking one final look into the rooms of the children, Vivian took this time to have alone time and seek solitude with her own thoughts. Sometimes she'd find herself back to the times of the Homelands, her friendship with Georgie and the potential she had within herself.
Puddles the Dog often found himself parked beside the guardian and stare blankly into the floor or out the window. Scratching the pup's ears, Vivian would observe the night and gleam at the twinkling stars hanging in the midnight sky. Tonight, however, she was not alone.
Since changing the direction of Georgie, his guardian Nick drastically altered and for the better. He was more active, held conversations and took life with a grin and positive take on everything. Vivian could recall a time when she and Nick could not compromise and the pair would hold arguments; each time Nick was around, even during her life with Georgie, Vivian would find every possible excuse to avoid conflict with the guardian. She often thought his part in Georgie's life was a fraud and his intentions were for harm rather than good.
But she was proven wrong and upon returning to Fabletown, it was clear the struggles and heartache Nick suffered all those years when Georgie slipped from his secure grasp and landed in the hands of trouble. She finally understood why Nick was so hostile towards her all those years ago.
Nick peeked around the corner, just as Vivian lifts her feet and plops them on a nearby ottoman. He was in 'glamour'; he tried to use the same body and Vivian often wondered how Nick managed to trap himself in the same body and no one either reptorted the kid missing or notice an orb enter this vessele and go from there. It was always the same look and style: punk wannabe skater with the tattoos, mohawk, piercings and a raspy voice.
Vivian used to find this appauling and begged for Nick to find a new 'look' but for some strange and unknown reason, the spirit always found himself in the exact style. Vivian had no idea Nick was capable of possesing bodies and making them his 'own' for a short amount of time; the longest he could go was forty eight hours but would need a period of rest to gain back his strength to do something like this in the future. Seeing him as a punk, weed-smoking skater tonight was strangly arousing to the guardian.
"Nicholas." Vivian leans back into the seat. "Nice of you to drop by. Everyone is asleep, if you have not caught on yet..."
"I, uh, heard something upstairs." Nick chuckles, taking a seat beside vivian. "Think Gren and Emily are taking a little trip to Erotic City."
"Okay Prince." Vivian chuckles. "Ease up on them. They just found out Emily is pregnant."
"No kidding?" Nick whistles. "Damn. I know they were trying but-shit. That was quick!"
"They both want a large family, believe it or not. I don't mind. More babies for me to love-"
Nick jumps in. "-AND more of those pumpkin cookies Emily does so fucking well. MMM! I could go for some of those right now."
"What do they taste like?" Vivian touches Nick's knee. "I hear its almost like eating pumpkin pie."
Nick had forgotten Vivian did not eat nor could she taste. She contained her ability to sniff and although you could faintly taste what was in the air, this was never the same as actually endulging yourself in something as such.
"Yeah." Nick leans forward and kisses Vivian on the forehead. "JUST like pumpkin pie but in a cookie form. I like either...."
"I loved pumpkin pie." Vivian sighs. "One of the many things I DO miss about being alive and functioning as a living being. The simple pleasures such as pumpkin pie and a nice, hot bubble bath."
Vivian tried to shrug off the feeling of disappointment. It hung above her head like an angry dark cloud peeking over the mountain tops. She focused on something. Anything and found Puddles sitting on the floor, wagging his tale. The little pup yipped a few times before snatching a
rubber bone in his mouth and chewing down on the flexible material. Nick noticed her smile fade and eyes turn into a watery pool of sadness.
"Vivian...did I...did I do something or-"
"No Nick." Vivian sniffs. "I'm just..thinking too much again. About everything that has happened. That IS happening. I want to protect her so bad. I don't want to see Emily OR Gren suffer like they've been doing. I know what that's like: to feel so hopeless and lost, you don't believe there
is ever a situation. I can't lose her, Nick. I have this feeling, though, in my heart that I'm about to take on more then just Emily."
"How DOES that work for you, I mean....being a guardian angel and all?"
"Well, Hope told me once I assist Emily into the right path and fulfill my duties, I can move on and receive my wings and forever be free and-"
Nick's reaction startled her. "What..."
"You'll leave. For good....right? I mean, guardian angels DON'T take breaks every fucking day to visit their loved ones..."
"Nicholas, no! No, no ,no! I'm never leaving you OR Emily! I want to be here! I finally know where I belong."
Nick grabs Vivian's hands and holds them against his lips. "I can't....I can't lose you, Vivian. I was a fool back then-a pathetic, spineless fool that did not have any comprehension to what was REALLY taking place. Emily still needs you. Even after all of this fighting and training, she'll always need you. I mean, fuck-look at me! I died centuries ago and I'm still on this Earth. Gerogie learned. He got a second chance and no longer needs me but apparently, my time isn't up yet, for now I belong to Peter. I know I'm supposed to let go and move on to that big cloud city in the sky but my place is here...with you. With those foolish brats whom I love dearly."
"I love you, Vivian. I guess....I guess I've always loved you, in my own odd way. Please...I-"
Nick could not recall the last time he touched a woman or even felt love for another, as he did for Vivian. The blonde haired woman gently cups Nick's face; she twists his mustache and goatee and presses her lips against his own. Her smell was intoxicating as Vivian adjusts herself upon Nick's lap and straddles him. Passioantly kissing Nick, Vivian's mind is consumed with the guilt. Was this the right thing? Could she ever love and be truly happy? Removing all thoughts, Vivian allows herself the opportunity to find out. Removing her dress, Nick is incapacitated with desire.
"God you're beautiful."
"You don't look bad yourself tonight, Nick." Vivian giggles, tossing the dress to the side. "I like this look..."
But for nearly an hour, the pair simply held onto one another before basking in the moment of lust and passion. Looking deep into one another's eyes, the answer was there.
'We can never go back and change what has been said or done but we can always learn the lesson to make things better for the next time..."
Any questions, you know th drill. A shorter chap today but will post another today if I can. My allergies are killing me today! Stupid blossoms...
Because I love these two with all my heart and could not pass up this request. Thanks to stickyrose45 over at tumblr for the request.
Th… moree children all laid in their bed and drifted off into their usual dreams. The house was still. The only sound was the WHOOSH and ocassional creaking of the floor board, as Vivian began to make her way down the home and take peeks into the bedroom of the children. She sighed heavily, watching each of them turn and dream. How she would have loved to been someone's mother; Vivian desperatly wished to have bore children and had the opportunity to raise and tend to her children. Having her own, however, was not and never would have been a part of her world.
Despite her love for Georgie, the two were never meant to be parents and take care of another human life. She and Hans secretly slept with one another and in her mind, Vivian wanted to become pregnant and have a child. But things never always develop how… [view original content]
Because I love these two with all my heart and could not pass up this request. Thanks to stickyrose45 over at tumblr for the request.
Th… moree children all laid in their bed and drifted off into their usual dreams. The house was still. The only sound was the WHOOSH and ocassional creaking of the floor board, as Vivian began to make her way down the home and take peeks into the bedroom of the children. She sighed heavily, watching each of them turn and dream. How she would have loved to been someone's mother; Vivian desperatly wished to have bore children and had the opportunity to raise and tend to her children. Having her own, however, was not and never would have been a part of her world.
Despite her love for Georgie, the two were never meant to be parents and take care of another human life. She and Hans secretly slept with one another and in her mind, Vivian wanted to become pregnant and have a child. But things never always develop how… [view original content]
Nice little reference there to Bigby about tasting the blood to see if the person is clean and alright. I liked the whole licking part myself. alfred and Gertraud have no fear when it comes to this magical Wolf, although Gertraud has dealt with them before.
I'm assuming these two just traveled in time; they entered the cave, there was light and now they're in 1500AD. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusion again. I tend to do that, although that idea would be fun! Or, maybe my brain WANTED them to time travel and they simply made their way to our world and now, go from there. XD
Either way, this was a neat little section of their journey. Gertraud is one fiesty little thing and I'm beginning to really take a liking to this character. Great work, man.
I have revised my previous chapter. No key plot points have been altered.
I have concluded that I take too little time off between chapt… moreers to think the story through, so my uploads will be less frequent
I will also say that I edited one detail after an inconsistency was pointed out.
Chapter 6: Lassen uns die neue Welt zu gehen.
“You want us to do what?!” I asked, not believing what I had been requested of.
“I need to taste your flesh before I continue any further.” deadpanned the Wolf. “Those whom are loyal to the Empire have a certain taste about them. Besides, what is a taste compared to much more wholesome acts?” His face donned what I swore was a grin. A canine’s face does not allow for such a facial expression, but I swore it he grinned.
“Alright,” Gertraud said holding out her arm. “Go ahead.” I was amazed at her readiness to oblige.
He brought his head down to her arm before slightly clamping is jaws on it. Upon re… [view original content]
Damn! 2:00am!? I always forget Australia is an entire day ahead then the US. XD
Thank you, man. I wasn't too sure at first, considering they ARE dead but that's the beauty about certain topics and a vivid imagination. Combine these two and the possibilities are endless.
Also, much appreciation, man. And I hear ya' on the allergies. No beuno! XD
Still up at 2:00 AM, browsing the forum (as I have said before, being an Australian on this forum sucks :P)
Interesting to see romance fr… moreom the perspective of Guardian angels. Poor Vivian and Nick
I congratulate you on your constantly excelsior writing and wish you good health (Allergies suck).
Vivian has her body still but she's invisible to others except for Nick, Emily and the qauds; they can physically touch her, see her and interact as if she was standing beside them. Others like Gren, Robert or whoever, can not see her; Vivian has to leave little cool spots or ice trails indicating she is nearby. Gren has begun to pick up on that. Nick is able to take over bodies but not Vivian...
LOL That host has no idea. XD Peter needs to hook his boy up with something. lol
Thanks, man. Hope you feel the same way about Nick! -can't wait to show you!!!-
"Think Gren and Emily are taking a little trip to Erotic City."
... Heheheheh :P
Poor Vivian... At least now Nick has told her ho… morew he feels and she feels the same way
But what is the deal with Vivian physically? I mean, is she just invisible? I'm kinda confused by her presence sometimes...
And Nick! Man, if only that host knew what it was doing!!! XD Maybe one day Nick will get a permanent form?
That JerseyxKatie pic was lovely btw...
I await more! XD
Damn! 2:00am!? I always forget Australia is an entire day ahead then the US. XD
Thank you, man. I wasn't too sure at first, considering t… morehey ARE dead but that's the beauty about certain topics and a vivid imagination. Combine these two and the possibilities are endless.
Also, much appreciation, man. And I hear ya' on the allergies. No beuno! XD
Dude that is so awesome!
10/10 would buy!
There is no problem.
As I said in a previous comment, I am not an easy one to offend.
I have revised my previous chapter. No key plot points have been altered.
I have concluded that I take too little time off between chapters to think the story through, so my uploads will be less frequent
I will also say that I edited one detail after an inconsistency was pointed out.
Chapter 6: Lassen uns die neue Welt zu gehen.
“You want us to do what?!” I asked, not believing what I had been requested of.
“I need to taste your flesh before I continue any further.” deadpanned the Wolf. “Those whom are loyal to the Empire have a certain taste about them. Besides, what is a taste compared to much more wholesome acts?” His face donned what I swore was a grin. A canine’s face does not allow for such a facial expression, but I swore it he grinned.
“Alright,” Gertraud said holding out her arm. “Go ahead.” I was amazed at her readiness to oblige.
He brought his head down to her arm before slightly clamping is jaws on it. Upon removing his jaw, her arm glistened in the sunlight, saliva coating the arm with a mark left by one of his teeth
“Your turn.” said the wolf as he walked over to me.
I reluctantly held out my sleeveless arm, awaiting his bite. In the same manner as he did with Gertraud, he lowered his head before clamping his jaw around my arm, a single tooth peircing my skin. I could feel his tongue as it laved over my arm, savouring what little blood seeped from the puncture. I could not recall a time when I was more repulsed than then.
After leaving my arm once what felt like eternity had passed,. I immediately wiped of what amount of the saliva I could, which was very little.
Fearing I would soak myself in the substance, I ceased all attempts.
“You’re both clean, more or less.” Joked the wolf.
Internally, I wished that I had a silver tipped bolt and crossbow at that moment.
I looked at Gertraud. She displayed little annoyance for the gunk or wound on her arm, completely calm in demeanour. Or was it a misdemeanour?
“Keep on walking in this general direction and within the next few minutes you should encounter a cave.” Spoke the wolf. “Travel through it and you shall find the haven of which I spoke.”
“What then?” I asked.
“Such is not my problem.” said the Wolf with palpable indifference. “You’re a Nord and thus a survivalist by nature. I trust you will survive.”
He was then off in the direction we came. I stood there, staring in that same direction. My head was running in proverbial circles. The Big Bad Wolf had just come to our rescue and taken us to what he said is a safe place, I had on a sympathetic whim allowed someone to travel with me after I had saved her from death and my homeland was decimated by Oz.
“Let us go, Alfred.” Gertraud called from behind.
Snapping out of my trance, I looked over my shoulder to see Gertraud walking off in the direction indicated by the Wolf.
“Wait!” I shouted, running to catch up. “You seriously trust the words of a wolf?”
“We have no other option. Nordenland has been or is in the process of being ‘cleansed’, we are in the middle of nowhere and an empire is looking for us. I also believe the Wolf.”
“Why, though?” I questioned. “What reasons have we to trust him?”
“Wolves are vindictive by nature, yes?”
I was surprised. “How do you know that?”
“Just because I know nothing of magical wolves does not mean I know nothing of wolves at all.” explained Gertraud. “I needed to know what to do in case I encountered a wolf on the way back into Nordenland.”
I was even more surprised. “Why would you be travelling in and out of Nordenland?”
“My brother and I were merchants, Rival merchants. Very fierce rival merchants.” said Gertraud. “He and I were at war with each other over who had the customers of Bedburg, He and I put our differences aside once word got to us of the killings and fled in my cart. Then the soldiers found us, followed by you.”
That would explain the myriad of items I saw in the back of her wagon.
She continued. “I digress. The empire wants all Nords killed and has occupied the Wolf’s forest. He would, by nature, want to retaliate. Hindering their operations is one way. Killing us would count as part of their operations and we are recognisable by the shade of our skin. This is probably why he did not eat us upon first glance.”
As we walked, I thought over what Gertraud had said. The logic was indisputable, but I could not help my scepticism. After all he was the Big Bad Wolf. Still, as Gertraud had said and I knew, we had no other options.
Soon, we were upon a cliff face. The cliff was borne of a massive cavern, nigh the height of the conifer trees surrounding us and just as wide. We could not see what lay within beyond a handful of yards. After that was pitch black.
“We shall need a torch or something similar.” said I. Gertraud hummed in concurrence.
Then I remembered the cloth on my fingers.
“Hold this, please.” I requested, drawing and holding the sabre out to Gertraud.
She took the sword, inspecting the blade. “You’re using the blade to make a torch?” she said.
“How astute.” I confirmed. “Stay here.”
We required a grip for the torch and could not use a branch as the wood was too strong to pull off its tree, My sabre would have to do.
Walking from tree to tree, I searched for dead tree bark to serve in the place of coal. I found some flaking from the third tree I looked upon. Using my dagger, I carved from it what I could and walked back to Gertraud. I placed the bark on the ground before her and proceeded to unravel the cloth around my hand before binding the bark to the blade with it.
I retrieved a small knife from the satchel as well as a piece of flint from the ground, positioning both over the rudimentary torch in Gertraud’s hands. I struck the stone over the knife several times before, finally, a thin flake started to burn. I repeated over and over again until, surely, the torch awoke in flame.
“Let us go, Gertraud.” I mocked.
“Whatever.” she replied.
Gertraud held the torch as we walked into the cavern. The torch only illuminated the few feet around us, the sheer size of the cavern rendering the torch near useless. We continued heedless.
As we travelled further into the cave, I noticed how it remained at a constant temperature and in a perfectly straight line. Neither of us mentioned it to the other. I do not know for how long we walked but at a certain point, the temperature dropped in an instant, low enough to snuff the torch. Then the temperature returned to normal in as quick a speed.
“What just happened?” I asked rhetorically.
“Peculiar.” said Gertraud.
For close to a minute, nothing happened. Then a small light appeared before us at the end of the tunnel.
“Shall we?” Motioned I
Walking towards the light, I could slowly begin to see beyond it a grey sky and a lush green landscape. I looked to Gertraud, she was visibly intrigued, quickening her pace, which evolved into a jog. I followed suit. As we continued, the cave became narrower and narrower like a funnel. When we came to the exit, we found it to be the height and width of a small cabin.
Exiting, Gertraud and I found a land similar to the Hesse sans the forest, green for miles all around, spread out fern trees and a massive town on the horizon.
I would later learn that I arrived near the city of Berlin, in what was then the Margraviate of Brandenburg, 1500 AD.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: They are now in the mundane world, left with no clue as to where they are, no food or water, Alfred’s senses and their Nord instincts.
The Nords of the Nordenland are some among the most, if not the most, masterful survivalists in the whole of the homelands. It is quite literally in their DNA, Hence Bigby’s comment.
From here on shall detail their lives adapting to the mundane world, as well as their experiences in historical events from the Napoleonic Occupation to the re-uniting of Germany.
The hide and seek game made me well up with many memories of primary school (you don't know what you have until it is gone
). Great work on your part, the cuteness was palpable 
The ending has me itching to read the next chapter. I am becoming tingly inside just thinking about it.
I'll prepare the bunker. (Not that it will do much against voodoo XD)
If they do not reunite, I shall have the flamethrower ready for any copies of Fables 150 you may wish to send me XD.
I jest, of course. (Don't send me anything!
A bit off topic, but I couldn't help but notice how Emmypess', DragonButter's and Pudding_pie's avatars have changed literally overnight.
I was thinking voodoo dool the minute I saw this! XD I love it! I'm sure Ems will love it, too but her Georgie will be covered in drool and applesauce.
We have our moments.
It just seems too coincidental for it all to happen at once. ( STARTS WRITING CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORIES )
Nice chapter.
One problem is Bigby tasting Alfred and Gertraud, Bigby doesn't lick their skin, he tastes their blood with a small nip of the flesh, just pointing that out to you...
You actually confused me by saying 1500 AD, as by that time the usage of AD had lessened to an extent, or maybe I'm just not used to seeing AD put next to every year...
On point one, I am noticing my inconsistencies as being all too frequent. I shall have to read through Fables again for future stories. That shan't be for a while yet, though. This one is going to continue for some time yet.
On point two, I added AD to make it sound more......dated. You shall notice in documents dating back to the mid Georgian era and before are sometimes marked with Anno Domini (AD)/Year of our Lord prior to the actual year, sometimes still used in certain professions as a formality.
Thank you for reading thus far and the assistance you provided before.
Haha I just saw that Dragon changed his and decided that it's an appropriate time to spice things up
Plus, I've been on a 'Retro Snow' kick; I couldn't help it.
Awesome! You're sister really has some talent, and that crowd control bat looks perfect with the doll XD
Enjoy your fashion trends, guys.
I will forever remain in this fabulous edwardian style suit of bespoke value.
Wartet! I just thought of something! Three people changing their avatars overnight.....................
Ugh, Crane is so plain. Be someone more exuberant. :P
Couldn't bear to disobey your Snow animal, huh?
Aww man I want one too!!
Seriously, that is awesome, your sister has some real talent XD
Well, we are like a family on here, so that's probably why. XD
I would but gravitar does not work for some reason (in my case anyway)
Besides, I can't help but pour love over items of antiquity.
One big, happy family!
Are you having trouble accessing the site? 'Cause I had the same issue yesterday.
I attemted to sign up but the validation email did not arrive.
I think it took a while for my validation email to come in too, when I first started. You should try again and hope for the best ^-^ Though, I respect your love of antiquity. I think Crane is the perfect candidate for that category.
If you're up to it, try the registration again or continue on waiting until the email arrives in your inbox. If it doesn't get sent after all this time, then I don't know what else to tell you other than keep on trying. But it's your call, of course.
I really can't XD I almost did the Sim-version of Harmony, but then I spied the Snow I'm using now and was like "Eh, maybe another day!" XD
I respect your love for antiquity.
Have yourself a virtual cookie.
Gramercy for the advice.
Hell yeah, Lucky Belinda! XD This could have something to do with her son.
Or maybe it doesn't.
No one will know, not until everything is revealed.
Goddamn it, oh well. I will wait once more.
For totes though, very excited!
Sorry for changing the subject, but how's my Fayde coming along? If you don't mind me asking?
I agree with you; I can recall me and some of my cousins playing this game but we never played by the 'rules' and it always ended in a fight. Boys will be boys, I suppose. XD
Awesome! Glad ya' liked it so far.
Because I love these two with all my heart and could not pass up this request.
Thanks to stickyrose45 over at tumblr for the request.
The children all laid in their bed and drifted off into their usual dreams. The house was still. The only sound was the WHOOSH and ocassional creaking of the floor board, as Vivian began to make her way down the home and take peeks into the bedroom of the children. She sighed heavily, watching each of them turn and dream. How she would have loved to been someone's mother; Vivian desperatly wished to have bore children and had the opportunity to raise and tend to her children. Having her own, however, was not and never would have been a part of her world.
Despite her love for Georgie, the two were never meant to be parents and take care of another human life. She and Hans secretly slept with one another and in her mind, Vivian wanted to become pregnant and have a child. But things never always develop how you wish; hurdles head in your direction and turn you down another road you were meant to be on. Vivian often fancied to have her own guardian angel at times. But as Vivian passed by the many pictures of Emily and her family, Vivian knew she was where she was always meant to be.
Vivian cherished Emily and had the opportunity to watch her grow and develop as her own individual. Although a few bumps were headed in her direction, Vivian never lost hope and knew she'd find herself and become the very person Vivian wanted her to be.
She appreciated and had full respect for Gren and his ability to look past it all and see his beloved Emily. Vivian adored the quads and could not wait to be consumed with the love of hopefully more little ones in the near future. Taking one final look into the rooms of the children, Vivian took this time to have alone time and seek solitude with her own thoughts. Sometimes she'd find herself back to the times of the Homelands, her friendship with Georgie and the potential she had within herself.
Puddles the Dog often found himself parked beside the guardian and stare blankly into the floor or out the window. Scratching the pup's ears, Vivian would observe the night and gleam at the twinkling stars hanging in the midnight sky. Tonight, however, she was not alone.
Since changing the direction of Georgie, his guardian Nick drastically altered and for the better. He was more active, held conversations and took life with a grin and positive take on everything. Vivian could recall a time when she and Nick could not compromise and the pair would hold arguments; each time Nick was around, even during her life with Georgie, Vivian would find every possible excuse to avoid conflict with the guardian. She often thought his part in Georgie's life was a fraud and his intentions were for harm rather than good.
But she was proven wrong and upon returning to Fabletown, it was clear the struggles and heartache Nick suffered all those years when Georgie slipped from his secure grasp and landed in the hands of trouble. She finally understood why Nick was so hostile towards her all those years ago.
Nick peeked around the corner, just as Vivian lifts her feet and plops them on a nearby ottoman. He was in 'glamour'; he tried to use the same body and Vivian often wondered how Nick managed to trap himself in the same body and no one either reptorted the kid missing or notice an orb enter this vessele and go from there. It was always the same look and style: punk wannabe skater with the tattoos, mohawk, piercings and a raspy voice.
Vivian used to find this appauling and begged for Nick to find a new 'look' but for some strange and unknown reason, the spirit always found himself in the exact style. Vivian had no idea Nick was capable of possesing bodies and making them his 'own' for a short amount of time; the longest he could go was forty eight hours but would need a period of rest to gain back his strength to do something like this in the future. Seeing him as a punk, weed-smoking skater tonight was strangly arousing to the guardian.
"Nicholas." Vivian leans back into the seat. "Nice of you to drop by. Everyone is asleep, if you have not caught on yet..."
"I, uh, heard something upstairs." Nick chuckles, taking a seat beside vivian. "Think Gren and Emily are taking a little trip to Erotic City."
"Okay Prince." Vivian chuckles. "Ease up on them. They just found out Emily is pregnant."
"No kidding?" Nick whistles. "Damn. I know they were trying but-shit. That was quick!"
"They both want a large family, believe it or not. I don't mind. More babies for me to love-"
Nick jumps in. "-AND more of those pumpkin cookies Emily does so fucking well. MMM! I could go for some of those right now."
"What do they taste like?" Vivian touches Nick's knee. "I hear its almost like eating pumpkin pie."
Nick had forgotten Vivian did not eat nor could she taste. She contained her ability to sniff and although you could faintly taste what was in the air, this was never the same as actually endulging yourself in something as such.
"Yeah." Nick leans forward and kisses Vivian on the forehead. "JUST like pumpkin pie but in a cookie form. I like either...."
"I loved pumpkin pie." Vivian sighs. "One of the many things I DO miss about being alive and functioning as a living being. The simple pleasures such as pumpkin pie and a nice, hot bubble bath."
Vivian tried to shrug off the feeling of disappointment. It hung above her head like an angry dark cloud peeking over the mountain tops. She focused on something. Anything and found Puddles sitting on the floor, wagging his tale. The little pup yipped a few times before snatching a
rubber bone in his mouth and chewing down on the flexible material. Nick noticed her smile fade and eyes turn into a watery pool of sadness.
"Vivian...did I...did I do something or-"
"No Nick." Vivian sniffs. "I'm just..thinking too much again. About everything that has happened. That IS happening. I want to protect her so bad. I don't want to see Emily OR Gren suffer like they've been doing. I know what that's like: to feel so hopeless and lost, you don't believe there
is ever a situation. I can't lose her, Nick. I have this feeling, though, in my heart that I'm about to take on more then just Emily."
"How DOES that work for you, I mean....being a guardian angel and all?"
"Well, Hope told me once I assist Emily into the right path and fulfill my duties, I can move on and receive my wings and forever be free and-"
Nick's reaction startled her. "What..."
"You'll leave. For good....right? I mean, guardian angels DON'T take breaks every fucking day to visit their loved ones..."
"Nicholas, no! No, no ,no! I'm never leaving you OR Emily! I want to be here! I finally know where I belong."
Nick grabs Vivian's hands and holds them against his lips. "I can't....I can't lose you, Vivian. I was a fool back then-a pathetic, spineless fool that did not have any comprehension to what was REALLY taking place. Emily still needs you. Even after all of this fighting and training, she'll always need you. I mean, fuck-look at me! I died centuries ago and I'm still on this Earth. Gerogie learned. He got a second chance and no longer needs me but apparently, my time isn't up yet, for now I belong to Peter. I know I'm supposed to let go and move on to that big cloud city in the sky but my place is here...with you. With those foolish brats whom I love dearly."
"I love you, Vivian. I guess....I guess I've always loved you, in my own odd way. Please...I-"
Nick could not recall the last time he touched a woman or even felt love for another, as he did for Vivian. The blonde haired woman gently cups Nick's face; she twists his mustache and goatee and presses her lips against his own. Her smell was intoxicating as Vivian adjusts herself upon Nick's lap and straddles him. Passioantly kissing Nick, Vivian's mind is consumed with the guilt. Was this the right thing? Could she ever love and be truly happy? Removing all thoughts, Vivian allows herself the opportunity to find out. Removing her dress, Nick is incapacitated with desire.
"God you're beautiful."
"You don't look bad yourself tonight, Nick." Vivian giggles, tossing the dress to the side. "I like this look..."
But for nearly an hour, the pair simply held onto one another before basking in the moment of lust and passion. Looking deep into one another's eyes, the answer was there.
'We can never go back and change what has been said or done but we can always learn the lesson to make things better for the next time..."
Any questions, you know th drill.
A shorter chap today but will post another today if I can.
My allergies are killing me today! Stupid blossoms...
Still up at 2:00 AM, browsing the forum (as I have said before, being an Australian on this forum sucks :P)
Interesting to see romance from the perspective of Guardian angels. Poor Vivian and Nick
I congratulate you on your constantly excelsior writing and wish you good health (Allergies suck).
... Heheheheh :P
Poor Vivian... At least now Nick has told her how he feels and she feels the same way
But what is the deal with Vivian physically? I mean, is she just invisible? I'm kinda confused by her presence sometimes...
And Nick! Man, if only that host knew what it was doing!!! XD Maybe one day Nick will get a permanent form?
That JerseyxKatie pic was lovely btw...
I await more! XD
Nice little reference there to Bigby about tasting the blood to see if the person is clean and alright. I liked the whole licking part myself. alfred and Gertraud have no fear when it comes to this magical Wolf, although Gertraud has dealt with them before.
I'm assuming these two just traveled in time; they entered the cave, there was light and now they're in 1500AD. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusion again. I tend to do that, although that idea would be fun!
Or, maybe my brain WANTED them to time travel and they simply made their way to our world and now, go from there. XD
Either way, this was a neat little section of their journey. Gertraud is one fiesty little thing and I'm beginning to really take a liking to this character. Great work, man.
Damn! 2:00am!? I always forget Australia is an entire day ahead then the US. XD
Thank you, man. I wasn't too sure at first, considering they ARE dead but that's the beauty about certain topics and a vivid imagination. Combine these two and the possibilities are endless.
Also, much appreciation, man.
And I hear ya' on the allergies. No beuno! XD
Reading that part again has me laughing, too. lol
Vivian has her body still but she's invisible to others except for Nick, Emily and the qauds; they can physically touch her, see her and interact as if she was standing beside them. Others like Gren, Robert or whoever, can not see her; Vivian has to leave little cool spots or ice trails indicating she is nearby. Gren has begun to pick up on that. Nick is able to take over bodies but not Vivian...
LOL That host has no idea. XD Peter needs to hook his boy up with something. lol
Thanks, man. Hope you feel the same way about Nick! -can't wait to show you!!!-
Australia is 9 hours ahead of England (roughly) and 17 hours ahead of California (roughly) XD