Ah ok I get it now, I thought she was a ghost or something (as in she passes through people) Maybe Death could offer Nick a body without a soul? That's how my Harbinger's got their human forms
Reading that part again has me laughing, too. lol
Vivian has her body still but she's invisible to others except for Nick, Emily and the … moreqauds; they can physically touch her, see her and interact as if she was standing beside them. Others like Gren, Robert or whoever, can not see her; Vivian has to leave little cool spots or ice trails indicating she is nearby. Gren has begun to pick up on that. Nick is able to take over bodies but not Vivian...
LOL That host has no idea. XD Peter needs to hook his boy up with something. lol
Thanks, man. Hope you feel the same way about Nick! -can't wait to show you!!!-
Nothing like a good romance with lunch! I don't know how you, EMMY, and other people on the thread do it but I actually enjoy reading the romance parts instead of just skipping by it.
My roommate is currently reading with allergies as well, hope you feel better soon (I don't have allergies so I don't really know how they work XD). I also look forward to new chapters to read while I eat my lunch
Because I love these two with all my heart and could not pass up this request. Thanks to stickyrose45 over at tumblr for the request.
Th… moree children all laid in their bed and drifted off into their usual dreams. The house was still. The only sound was the WHOOSH and ocassional creaking of the floor board, as Vivian began to make her way down the home and take peeks into the bedroom of the children. She sighed heavily, watching each of them turn and dream. How she would have loved to been someone's mother; Vivian desperatly wished to have bore children and had the opportunity to raise and tend to her children. Having her own, however, was not and never would have been a part of her world.
Despite her love for Georgie, the two were never meant to be parents and take care of another human life. She and Hans secretly slept with one another and in her mind, Vivian wanted to become pregnant and have a child. But things never always develop how… [view original content]
Nothing like a good romance with lunch! I don't know how you, EMMY, and other people on the thread do it but I actually enjoy reading the ro… moremance parts instead of just skipping by it.
My roommate is currently reading with allergies as well, hope you feel better soon (I don't have allergies so I don't really know how they work XD). I also look forward to new chapters to read while I eat my lunch
AWe! That picture though! I ship ALL the couples you've created XD Katie and Jersey and their band of thirteen misfits all have a special place in my heart
This chapter though. Pie! What are you doing to me! You need to draw Viv and Nick together sometime; Hell, I want to see EVERYTHING drawn by you XD Of course, when you have the time and when baby Emily isn't being too demanding XD
"Well, Hope told me once I assist Emily into the right path and fulfill my duties, I can move on and receive my wings and forever be free and-"
My heart! It's breaking!
"I love you, Vivian. I guess....I guess I've always loved you, in my own odd way. Please...I-"
It's mending again! (Only slightly)
Geh! The feels! I loved it
Good luck with those allergies; I don't usually get them but I know how much they suck
Because I love these two with all my heart and could not pass up this request. Thanks to stickyrose45 over at tumblr for the request.
Th… moree children all laid in their bed and drifted off into their usual dreams. The house was still. The only sound was the WHOOSH and ocassional creaking of the floor board, as Vivian began to make her way down the home and take peeks into the bedroom of the children. She sighed heavily, watching each of them turn and dream. How she would have loved to been someone's mother; Vivian desperatly wished to have bore children and had the opportunity to raise and tend to her children. Having her own, however, was not and never would have been a part of her world.
Despite her love for Georgie, the two were never meant to be parents and take care of another human life. She and Hans secretly slept with one another and in her mind, Vivian wanted to become pregnant and have a child. But things never always develop how… [view original content]
I've got her made, however I've been slow to getting shots uploaded and posted >.< I want to upload her with the next batch of simmies I'm also making, PLUS I created Jonathan and Belinda and her son Matthew so it's going to be jam-packed with wonders. I'll be sure to add Fayde to Tez and Rose's household so they can be buddies together ^-^
Because I love these two with all my heart and could not pass up this request. Thanks to stickyrose45 over at tumblr for the request.
Th… moree children all laid in their bed and drifted off into their usual dreams. The house was still. The only sound was the WHOOSH and ocassional creaking of the floor board, as Vivian began to make her way down the home and take peeks into the bedroom of the children. She sighed heavily, watching each of them turn and dream. How she would have loved to been someone's mother; Vivian desperatly wished to have bore children and had the opportunity to raise and tend to her children. Having her own, however, was not and never would have been a part of her world.
Despite her love for Georgie, the two were never meant to be parents and take care of another human life. She and Hans secretly slept with one another and in her mind, Vivian wanted to become pregnant and have a child. But things never always develop how… [view original content]
The trick to romance is to be able to have that feeling of bliss when two people come together.
Like when I write the romance between Bigby and Snow in The Devil Among Us, I know their love is sweet and just cute to read, but it has that feeling of friendship as well...
I would go as far to say that romance is the hardest to write in storytelling, you just have to know what 2 people feel for each other and let the words flow.
Your depiction of Makoto and Celeste is good romance
That's exactly how I write my romance scenes! I have to almost feel what they're feeling in order to get the words down. Sometimes I use songs to help.
The trick to romance is to be able to have that feeling of bliss when two people come together.
Like when I write the romance between Big… moreby and Snow in The Devil Among Us, I know their love is sweet and just cute to read, but it has that feeling of friendship as well...
I would go as far to say that romance is the hardest to write in storytelling, you just have to know what 2 people feel for each other and let the words flow.
Your depiction of Makoto and Celeste is good romance
The trick to romance is to be able to have that feeling of bliss when two people come together.
Like when I write the romance between Big… moreby and Snow in The Devil Among Us, I know their love is sweet and just cute to read, but it has that feeling of friendship as well...
I would go as far to say that romance is the hardest to write in storytelling, you just have to know what 2 people feel for each other and let the words flow.
Your depiction of Makoto and Celeste is good romance
That's exactly how I write my romance scenes! I have to almost feel what they're feeling in order to get the words down. Sometimes I use songs to help.
That's terrific - she's even put in the marks for tattoos! Also love the fact that yourself or your sister found an old bat and painted 'crowd control' on it; that doll mean serious business.
Despite not being entirely up to speed with your story you have supplied the exact right amount of information in this chapter to make it entirely readable, and already I have a sense of companionship with Alfred and Gertraud as they make their way to the Mundane world. Knowing that they get Bigby's thumbs up, so to speak, is also reassuring.
Often enjoy historical tales and am intrigued by the time period you have brought them in to! Excellent stuff!
I have revised my previous chapter. No key plot points have been altered.
I have concluded that I take too little time off between chapt… moreers to think the story through, so my uploads will be less frequent
I will also say that I edited one detail after an inconsistency was pointed out.
Chapter 6: Lassen uns die neue Welt zu gehen.
“You want us to do what?!” I asked, not believing what I had been requested of.
“I need to taste your flesh before I continue any further.” deadpanned the Wolf. “Those whom are loyal to the Empire have a certain taste about them. Besides, what is a taste compared to much more wholesome acts?” His face donned what I swore was a grin. A canine’s face does not allow for such a facial expression, but I swore it he grinned.
“Alright,” Gertraud said holding out her arm. “Go ahead.” I was amazed at her readiness to oblige.
He brought his head down to her arm before slightly clamping is jaws on it. Upon re… [view original content]
That skater guy must really be wondering what's going on in his life at the moment. Anyway, this is a poignant chapter. Vivian is always there, always in the background and very often in the foreground, but because of that presence you sometimes forget about the other sides to her and not just the guardianship she has with Emily. He wishing for children and the realities of being tied intrinsically to other's existences is something that at times clearly weighs heavy on her; but she sees past that. Realises the good she's doing and, as you say in the chapter, it might not be what she'd planned - but she's happy with it now.
Ghost babies! Probably can't happen? Whatever does happen, hopefully Vivian and Nick will be happy together! Good on him for declaring his love. XD
Maybe get some eye-drops or one of them nose-spray things from a pharmacy? They're really annoying!
Because I love these two with all my heart and could not pass up this request. Thanks to stickyrose45 over at tumblr for the request.
Th… moree children all laid in their bed and drifted off into their usual dreams. The house was still. The only sound was the WHOOSH and ocassional creaking of the floor board, as Vivian began to make her way down the home and take peeks into the bedroom of the children. She sighed heavily, watching each of them turn and dream. How she would have loved to been someone's mother; Vivian desperatly wished to have bore children and had the opportunity to raise and tend to her children. Having her own, however, was not and never would have been a part of her world.
Despite her love for Georgie, the two were never meant to be parents and take care of another human life. She and Hans secretly slept with one another and in her mind, Vivian wanted to become pregnant and have a child. But things never always develop how… [view original content]
Erotic City... If only Mary had been there XP
Ah ok I get it now, I thought she was a ghost or something (as in she passes through people… more) Maybe Death could offer Nick a body without a soul? That's how my Harbinger's got their human forms
I'm all excited now!!! XD
He was a giant wolf towering over the highest of sights, and son of a god in that realm. His name was Fenrir, and he played a part in events that occurred during and after… Ragnarok. After that time, he was said to been killed but somehow, he survived. He fled his realm undetected and traveled to the inner lands of the Fable Homelands. The seemingly exiled wolf hid there in a forest for a short period of time, then move elsewhere. A wintry land, snowy blankets as far as the eye could see. He enjoyed it so much as it reminded him of home in a way.
Continuing his expedition into this windy land, Fenrir came across a Fable, the North Wind and his wife Winter. North Wind was friendly toward him, he saw the pain and terrible endurance Fenrir went through and so he allowed him to stay in his realm as long as he like as long as he behaved himself. Fenrir, wasn't planning on ‘behaving’, he wanted this land for himself and was going to do whatever it took to claim it.
After several years of ‘behaving’ Fenrir decided that it was time to kill North Wind. On a windy night, he followed North into a chamber with them as the only ones there. He rushed in and was blown into the wall by the wind. North turned to Fenrir and told him he was well aware of his true intentions, he alone allowed Fenrir to stay here so that he could have enough time to created a special cell.. He revealed a tiny cage box, as he opened the tiny lock the room began to be engulfed in power icy winds.
Fenrir attempt to escape was futile, the winds suction were extremely powerful, like a tornado and after the struggle, he was finally boxed. North Wind debated on sending the box back to Asgard or giving it to Fenrir two sons as he promised he would. He decided to keep his word and called his minions to summon them to his castle.
Hati and Skoll, arrived and picked up the box from North Wind. They could feel the anger and hate emitting from it, and weren't sure it hold them long. Skoll, insisted that they she take back to Asgard to have it destroyed, but Hati still believed their father could be saved. The brothers went to seek out a witch in the Homelands who could possible help exorcise the evil from their father. The witch, told them that Fenrir was too powerful, how everyone there was another way to stop him for good.
The box shattered releasing him. He escaped and attacked the witch and his sons. Using magic Hati and Skoll bounded their father in chains allowing the witch to the witch to separate his soul from his body and escaping. Skoll told his brother that something like this would happen and it did. The witch then warned the brothers the his soul will wonder until he find a suitable host.
Decades later, Hati’s first and only son was born, Etan. By the time Etan was only a year old, his father noticed something about him. He could see what was lying in him, the evil, his father. Hati feared for his son’s life and immediately summoned his brother to his aid then decided on what to do next. The option his brother presented to didn't fly with him, he wasn't going to harm his own son, so decided to wait and watch for any signs of Fenrir taking over Etan’s body.
Fenrir soul lurked in Etan’s body, plotting waiting to escape and wreak more havoc as he did during his time. Not to long ago, he was successful at escaping from him and nearly driving Etan in a killing rage. Other than finding a new host, his true intentions are unknown….. until the Fabled Avengers step in!
This is just a little back story of my take on Fenrir in the Fable universe and the connection he has with my OC. Posting the first chapter soon, and expect your OC's to show up early for the action
Everyone beat me to it and I must agree with them. You take the time to create a world around these charatcers; those you've made up and the exsisting ones, you manage to make a story for each one.
It's sad to hear Vivian speak like this but in a way, she has found her place and loves every single one of those kids and Emily alike. Nick seems like he's trying to do right; I hope these two end up being together for all eternity and never look back. I do, however, wonder too how this kid has not caught on to anything. Like, when he randomly ends up in a place he wasn't the day before. XD lol
I'm not SURE if this is possible but ghost babies would be adorable. The Sims did them....hint hint hint hint And can you imagine little ghost babies chasing after the other babies? I ship these two so freaking hard now!!!
Also, I LOVE that picture of Jersey & Katie! I love all the couples you've made and like EMMY said, when you find the time, you need to draw Viv and Nick together! IDC how just yeah! XD XD
Great chap dude and hope your allergies slip away soon. I'll pick you up something if you want. :P
Because I love these two with all my heart and could not pass up this request. Thanks to stickyrose45 over at tumblr for the request.
Th… moree children all laid in their bed and drifted off into their usual dreams. The house was still. The only sound was the WHOOSH and ocassional creaking of the floor board, as Vivian began to make her way down the home and take peeks into the bedroom of the children. She sighed heavily, watching each of them turn and dream. How she would have loved to been someone's mother; Vivian desperatly wished to have bore children and had the opportunity to raise and tend to her children. Having her own, however, was not and never would have been a part of her world.
Despite her love for Georgie, the two were never meant to be parents and take care of another human life. She and Hans secretly slept with one another and in her mind, Vivian wanted to become pregnant and have a child. But things never always develop how… [view original content]
Many centuries ago…
He was a giant wolf towering over the highest of sights, and son of a god in that realm. His name was Fenri… morer, and he played a part in events that occurred during and after… Ragnarok. After that time, he was said to been killed but somehow, he survived. He fled his realm undetected and traveled to the inner lands of the Fable Homelands. The seemingly exiled wolf hid there in a forest for a short period of time, then move elsewhere. A wintry land, snowy blankets as far as the eye could see. He enjoyed it so much as it reminded him of home in a way.
Continuing his expedition into this windy land, Fenrir came across a Fable, the North Wind and his wife Winter. North Wind was friendly toward him, he saw the pain and terrible endurance Fenrir went through and so he allowed him to stay in his realm as long as he like as long as he behaved himself. Fenrir, wasn't planning on ‘behaving’, he wanted this land for hi… [view original content]
I'd watch this, should it become a movie. I liked the little background there for Etan and how he was being taken over by Fenrir to pretty much do his dirty work. Awesome start and can't wait for everything to begin!
Many centuries ago…
He was a giant wolf towering over the highest of sights, and son of a god in that realm. His name was Fenri… morer, and he played a part in events that occurred during and after… Ragnarok. After that time, he was said to been killed but somehow, he survived. He fled his realm undetected and traveled to the inner lands of the Fable Homelands. The seemingly exiled wolf hid there in a forest for a short period of time, then move elsewhere. A wintry land, snowy blankets as far as the eye could see. He enjoyed it so much as it reminded him of home in a way.
Continuing his expedition into this windy land, Fenrir came across a Fable, the North Wind and his wife Winter. North Wind was friendly toward him, he saw the pain and terrible endurance Fenrir went through and so he allowed him to stay in his realm as long as he like as long as he behaved himself. Fenrir, wasn't planning on ‘behaving’, he wanted this land for hi… [view original content]
She had a difficult time with it but IDC! I love this! XD That was actually a prop from last year's halloween costume I had (went as Georgie XD) and she told me to bring it over, so she could prop the doll up beside it.
That's terrific - she's even put in the marks for tattoos! Also love the fact that yourself or your sister found an old bat and painted 'crowd control' on it; that doll mean serious business.
You're right! XD I was listening to that song at the time of writing this story and that just seemed appropriate. XD but yes....the things Mary would have done. lmao
Not a problem, man. I noticed Ems mentioned songs and that actually does help. I know, seeing as we are dudes and listening to that kind of music but it does help! I'm glad this works, though. and on your lunch, too! XD That is the goal for the moment until I go on hiatus during the move and what not.
Nothing like a good romance with lunch! I don't know how you, EMMY, and other people on the thread do it but I actually enjoy reading the ro… moremance parts instead of just skipping by it.
My roommate is currently reading with allergies as well, hope you feel better soon (I don't have allergies so I don't really know how they work XD). I also look forward to new chapters to read while I eat my lunch
I'd watch this, should it become a movie. I liked the little background there for Etan and how he was being taken over by Fenrir to pretty much do his dirty work. Awesome start and can't wait for everything to begin!
"Think Gren and Emily are taking a little trip to Erotic City."
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Oh bby
Another chapter that got to me. It's allergy season, and mines aren't acting up yet. I guess I'm lucky
I'm actually happy to know you love all the pairings, especially Katie, Jersey and I love that: their 13 misfits! They too have a special place in my heart.
I do apologies for the feels lately, my dear fellow readers! I'm trying to pull everything together and for some time, Nick was in the background and I'm enough to admit, forgot about him. XD Baby Emily might have allergies like daddy; she's had a runny nose and poor thing has the A-CHOOS! every couple of minutes. XD I was actually in the process of a Viv & Nick picture, one with him in glamour and not! Hopefully I'll have that up soon.
I do apologies for the feels again, Ems. I like that raw emotions in stories. Make it feel real, you know? I was going to hook these up in time and now seems the right time. Noir and JJ are hoping for ghost babies. lol As far as these allergies, I wanna rip my nose out but luckily, I have some things to handle it. no beuno. XD
AWe! That picture though! I ship ALL the couples you've created XD Katie and Jersey and their band of thirteen misfits all have a special pl… moreace in my heart
This chapter though. Pie! What are you doing to me! You need to draw Viv and Nick together sometime; Hell, I want to see EVERYTHING drawn by you XD Of course, when you have the time and when baby Emily isn't being too demanding XD
"Well, Hope told me once I assist Emily into the right path and fulfill my duties, I can move on and receive my wings and forever be free and-"
My heart! It's breaking!
"I love you, Vivian. I guess....I guess I've always loved you, in my own odd way. Please...I-"
It's mending again! (Only slightly)
Geh! The feels! I loved it
Good luck with those allergies; I don't usually get them but I know how much they suck
You would think this kid woul begin to wonder why he ended up clear across the city and what not but you know those teens. XD Vivian is coming to understand life in general and fully understand why things happen the way they do; she may not like the results but she's pretty pleased with her life at the moment. A second chance to be loved and shower another with emotions. Something Viv wanted to do for so long...
JJ asked me the same thing, too! XD The wheels have been turning. All I'll say.
And those things are silly but I did get those nose spary things. XD
That skater guy must really be wondering what's going on in his life at the moment. Anyway, this is a poignant chapter. Vivian is always the… morere, always in the background and very often in the foreground, but because of that presence you sometimes forget about the other sides to her and not just the guardianship she has with Emily. He wishing for children and the realities of being tied intrinsically to other's existences is something that at times clearly weighs heavy on her; but she sees past that. Realises the good she's doing and, as you say in the chapter, it might not be what she'd planned - but she's happy with it now.
Ghost babies! Probably can't happen? Whatever does happen, hopefully Vivian and Nick will be happy together! Good on him for declaring his love. XD
Maybe get some eye-drops or one of them nose-spray things from a pharmacy? They're really annoying!
I do agree with what JJ said before me: this reminded me of the opening scenes for superhero movies and the narration depicts what took place before you get to the ACTUAL story. It was nice to hear about Etan's background; the witch that would later take over Etan's body is a crafty one indeed and his intentions being 'unknown' sets him up to be one badass villian...that is, until the Fable Avengers step in!
Fenrir: I have an army of transcendental wolves.
Etan: We have a Grendel, so..
I read this and couldn't help but chuckle and picture it in my head. Also, picturing Robert in Grendel form, tossing Fenrir around like the Hulk did to Loki. XD XD
Many centuries ago…
He was a giant wolf towering over the highest of sights, and son of a god in that realm. His name was Fenri… morer, and he played a part in events that occurred during and after… Ragnarok. After that time, he was said to been killed but somehow, he survived. He fled his realm undetected and traveled to the inner lands of the Fable Homelands. The seemingly exiled wolf hid there in a forest for a short period of time, then move elsewhere. A wintry land, snowy blankets as far as the eye could see. He enjoyed it so much as it reminded him of home in a way.
Continuing his expedition into this windy land, Fenrir came across a Fable, the North Wind and his wife Winter. North Wind was friendly toward him, he saw the pain and terrible endurance Fenrir went through and so he allowed him to stay in his realm as long as he like as long as he behaved himself. Fenrir, wasn't planning on ‘behaving’, he wanted this land for hi… [view original content]
Poor Emily, I bet she doesn't like sneezing too much!
Oh I love when you feel the raw emotion in a story; That means it's a good story. Ghost babies, although they sound adorable, I don't know if Viv would want any of her own children at this point, as stated in the chapter.
Well, now that I think about it...
Maybe just ONE ghost baby...
XD It's up to you, man! Can't wait for Gremily Babies Part 2! I bet they're going to be totally adorable!
I'm actually happy to know you love all the pairings, especially Katie, Jersey and I love that: their 13 misfits! They too have a special p… morelace in my heart.
I do apologies for the feels lately, my dear fellow readers! I'm trying to pull everything together and for some time, Nick was in the background and I'm enough to admit, forgot about him. XD Baby Emily might have allergies like daddy; she's had a runny nose and poor thing has the A-CHOOS! every couple of minutes. XD I was actually in the process of a Viv & Nick picture, one with him in glamour and not! Hopefully I'll have that up soon.
I do apologies for the feels again, Ems. I like that raw emotions in stories. Make it feel real, you know? I was going to hook these up in time and now seems the right time. Noir and JJ are hoping for ghost babies. lol As far as these allergies, I wanna rip my nose out but luckily, I have some things to handle it. no beuno. XD
You and JJ are the name giving duo of the thread, I swear. XD
I feel bad for her because she throws a fit. Doesn't know what to do! Glares at me like she knows its my fault she has this issue. XD
I love that you adore babies as much as I do! You're the one I can fangirl with when it comes to babies! XD I'm tossing the idea around at the moment and may consider one because I'm picturing it in my head and my heart melts like butter. OH and Gremily babies, too! Think you guys will get a kick, especially how I design one of them.
I'm glad you liked the misfits part XD
Poor Emily, I bet she doesn't like sneezing too much!
Oh I love when you feel the raw emotion i… moren a story; That means it's a good story. Ghost babies, although they sound adorable, I don't know if Viv would want any of her own children at this point, as stated in the chapter.
Well, now that I think about it...
Maybe just ONE ghost baby...
XD It's up to you, man! Can't wait for Gremily Babies Part 2! I bet they're going to be totally adorable!
You and JJ are the name giving duo of the thread, I swear. XD
I feel bad for her because she throws a fit. Doesn't know what to do! Glare… mores at me like she knows its my fault she has this issue. XD
I love that you adore babies as much as I do! You're the one I can fangirl with when it comes to babies! XD I'm tossing the idea around at the moment and may consider one because I'm picturing it in my head and my heart melts like butter. OH and Gremily babies, too! Think you guys will get a kick, especially how I design one of them.
Luke and Bigby were yet again doing business papers when they saw Hans and their little boy walk in. Luke got up shook Hans hand and gave a high five to the boy.
"What can we do for you guys?" Luke smiled
"It's about that hospital you guys admitted Alice to. I think there's something wrong with it." Hans said
"How so?" Bigby asked "Dr. Swineheart is there, what would he do?"
"Well my son and I normally go to there for a weekly visit. But this time they said she was in session because she had a bad week." Hans said continuing. "And the thing about that is she's been doing really good, she's been happier than ever." Hans said
"Hm interesting..." Luke said "Well right now we're in the middle of another case but." He looks to Bigby "I want to help any way I can." He said
Bigby could tell Hans wasn't lying but like Luke said they were already on a murder investigation. "Luke I need you here." Bigby said
"But Bigby what if something is going on there?" Luke said
Bigby turned to Hans "Now I can tell you aren't lieing but I want to be sure so I want to see proper evidence before acting...I'm sorry."
Hans was devastated, we're they really about to let him walk out with any help? "Guys...please?" He said
Luke too was upset with Bigbys decision. "I'm...I'm sorry guys." He said
Although Hans was calm he wanted to yell. There was only one thing to do and it was to get evidence that something really was going on there. Hans said thank you and left. When the door closed he heard Bigby and Luke begin to argue, which they didn't do very often. By the time he got to the elevator he could hear them both plain as day as if the door were still open. By the time the elevator door closed Snow went into Bigbys office...What was he going to do? He thought. His son looked up at him and smiled.
"They'll help us dad, don't worry!" He said
Hans smiled and nodded. "I have to find you a babysitter don't I?" He said
The kid nodded and smiled back.
The two began to drive home as the sun began to set....
In the resistance base in wonderland...
Azaria, Alice, and the two others that brought them to Max arrived at the command center.
Max looked at the man who looked like Prince Charming.
"Ah John I'm pretty sure I told you that damn ogre isn't going with you?" Max said
"Sorry Max Og always comes with, especially after that surgery you gave him." John said with Og nodding
A scientist popped in. "Speaking of surgery, we've done an examination on Kieron and it seems that his internal organs and such has been moved around, replaced, and brought back just to do so again multiple times." The scientist said.
"Interesting...how is such a thing even possible? Even a Fables body would give out after all that." Max said
"Well I suspect that with high amounts of magic and dumb luck that he didn't bleed out I suppose." The scientist said
Azaria clenched her fist. She wanted to kill that scientist. Max saw this frustration and smiled. "What's the matter Elf? Hear too much? Want to let out a little anger? Go right ahead. But remember this. You will obey me Azaria." He said walking by Azaria.
She tackled the scientist and started pummeling him. Alice tried to pull her off but Azaria shoved her off. The scientist was beaten to death...Azaria got up and headed for Max when John and Og grabbed her.
"LET GO!!!" She said trying to get out of their hold.
"That's not smart! We've tried this before!" John said
Max looked over his shoulder. "You four are nothing but weapons. Whether you die or I die doesn't matter as long as the true Queen reigns." He said
Alice was confused. "But I am Queen of wonderland!" She said
Max laughed. "There is more than one Queen Alice." He turned around. "Don't forget the other." He smiled
"Who is that?" Alice asked
"You'll meet her sooner or later. Right now we need to get to the point on why you are here." Max said pulling up a map. "We are going to have you guys move to this town and take it over." He said pointing at the map.
Alice crossed her arms. "Why send us? It's not that far away." She said
Like I said you guys are weapons and thus you shall be used as such." He said
"Can we just get a move on! Azaria here is going to get loose soon!" John said
Azaria still heated shook John and Og off. "Just let me fucking kill something." She said
Alice was shocked by Azarias behaviour. She was worried for what she thought was her dear friend...
Azaria turned. "Before this is over I will kill you. Keep it in the back of your fucking head." She said coldly.
Max smiled "I look forward to it."
John and Og looked at each other and shrugged. Alice was scared but she wanted to help any way she could. The four began to get equipped for their mission and headed towards the town...
In Kierons head...
There was a bright light, when Kieron opened his eyes he saw a little Elvish girl crying near a tree. He started to walk up to her.
"Hey what's wrong?" He asked
The elvish girl cried."It...it was all my fault...I couldn't help them...my...friends...they're...they're all dead...and I couldn't do ANYTHING." She sobbed
Kieron knelt down in front of her. "I'm sure it wasn't your fault, you're just a little girl. It's tough to fight at your age." He said trying to comfort her.
"Screw you!" She sobbed. "You don't know how bad this hurts!" She said.
"You're right I don't...Where are your parents? You should get home wonderland isn't safe." He said
The little girl sniffed and lifted her head. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Kieron, it wasn't a peaceful look but a horrified look. She pointed her finger.
"What...what happened to you?" She said
Kieron looked down and saw that his chest was exposed. He looked back up. "I...I has to get fixed that's all. I'm fine! Look see?" He said smiling.
And with the blink of an eye the little girl grew up. She looked just like Azaria. "What are you?" He began to say.
"I'm sorry they did that to you Kieron...I tried to help call your name but I couldn't reach you." She said crying.
"What do you mean?" He said
"I saw it all...Nyx, the kitten, showed me everything you saw. It was horrible. And I saw you crying when you were with the scientists and I wanted to help...but yet again I'm powerless to do so." She sobbed
"Azaria its-" Kieron was blocked with yet another bright light.
When he opened his eyes he saw a village that was on fire. There was orcs and ogres storming the village. Kieron heard death screams blood flying and kids and parents running. It flashed to a peaceful time with kids running around and parents talking, but then it'd flash back to the massacre that was going on. He saw little Azaria grab her bow and arrow and start to fight back. It was not long till her parents picked her up and started running. Azaria kicked and hit yelling at her parents to put her down and let her fight so she could save her other friends. As they ran Azaria saw her village crumble and saw various of her friends slaughtered in front of her, He never knew that this was her past. He felt bad for her...
In Kierons medical room...
Kieron began to open his eyes. Nyx sat on his chest and smiled.
"It's about time." He said. "C'mon your friends need you Kieron." He purred
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
When I write that kind of stuff I'll have to try listening to softer music XD. It's so awesome to see your story pop up while I'm eating so I won't complain if that's your goal
Not a problem, man. I noticed Ems mentioned songs and that actually does help. I know, seeing as we are dudes and listening to that kind of … moremusic but it does help! I'm glad this works, though. and on your lunch, too! XD That is the goal for the moment until I go on hiatus during the move and what not.
When I write that kind of stuff I'll have to try listening to softer music XD. It's so awesome to see your story pop up while I'm eating so I won't complain if that's your goal
Many centuries ago…
He was a giant wolf towering over the highest of sights, and son of a god in that realm. His name was Fenri… morer, and he played a part in events that occurred during and after… Ragnarok. After that time, he was said to been killed but somehow, he survived. He fled his realm undetected and traveled to the inner lands of the Fable Homelands. The seemingly exiled wolf hid there in a forest for a short period of time, then move elsewhere. A wintry land, snowy blankets as far as the eye could see. He enjoyed it so much as it reminded him of home in a way.
Continuing his expedition into this windy land, Fenrir came across a Fable, the North Wind and his wife Winter. North Wind was friendly toward him, he saw the pain and terrible endurance Fenrir went through and so he allowed him to stay in his realm as long as he like as long as he behaved himself. Fenrir, wasn't planning on ‘behaving’, he wanted this land for hi… [view original content]
Erotic City... If only Mary had been there XP
Ah ok I get it now, I thought she was a ghost or something (as in she passes through people) Maybe Death could offer Nick a body without a soul? That's how my Harbinger's got their human forms
I'm all excited now!!! XD
Nothing like a good romance with lunch! I don't know how you, EMMY, and other people on the thread do it but I actually enjoy reading the romance parts instead of just skipping by it.
My roommate is currently reading with allergies as well, hope you feel better soon (I don't have allergies so I don't really know how they work XD). I also look forward to new chapters to read while I eat my lunch
I love the romance parts too
AWe! That picture though! I ship ALL the couples you've created XD Katie and Jersey and their band of thirteen misfits all have a special place in my heart
This chapter though. Pie! What are you doing to me! You need to draw Viv and Nick together sometime; Hell, I want to see EVERYTHING drawn by you XD Of course, when you have the time and when baby Emily isn't being too demanding XD
My heart! It's breaking!
It's mending again! (Only slightly)
Geh! The feels! I loved it
Good luck with those allergies; I don't usually get them but I know how much they suck
I've got her made, however I've been slow to getting shots uploaded and posted >.< I want to upload her with the next batch of simmies I'm also making, PLUS I created Jonathan and Belinda and her son Matthew so it's going to be jam-packed with wonders. I'll be sure to add Fayde to Tez and Rose's household so they can be buddies together ^-^
You guys have to teach me how to write it because I can't do it to save my life XD
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Oh bby
Another chapter that got to me. It's allergy season, and mines aren't acting up yet. I guess I'm lucky
The trick to romance is to be able to have that feeling of bliss when two people come together.
Like when I write the romance between Bigby and Snow in The Devil Among Us, I know their love is sweet and just cute to read, but it has that feeling of friendship as well...
I would go as far to say that romance is the hardest to write in storytelling, you just have to know what 2 people feel for each other and let the words flow.
Your depiction of Makoto and Celeste is good romance
That's exactly how I write my romance scenes! I have to almost feel what they're feeling in order to get the words down. Sometimes I use songs to help.
I will have to keep this in mind then!
If I'm honest I thought it was really bad XD but I guess I didn't do bad XP
Music really does help with writing I think!!
Like I listen to sad or sweet music to get an idea of what love and friendship mean. And then I listen to the heaviest metal for my fight scenes XP
The thing with Bigby and Snow is they fill me with joy, so writing their romance is easy for me. But other romances are more difficult...
Nah, it's a good romance!
That's terrific - she's even put in the marks for tattoos! Also love the fact that yourself or your sister found an old bat and painted 'crowd control' on it; that doll mean serious business.
Despite not being entirely up to speed with your story you have supplied the exact right amount of information in this chapter to make it entirely readable, and already I have a sense of companionship with Alfred and Gertraud as they make their way to the Mundane world. Knowing that they get Bigby's thumbs up, so to speak, is also reassuring.
Often enjoy historical tales and am intrigued by the time period you have brought them in to! Excellent stuff!
That skater guy must really be wondering what's going on in his life at the moment. Anyway, this is a poignant chapter. Vivian is always there, always in the background and very often in the foreground, but because of that presence you sometimes forget about the other sides to her and not just the guardianship she has with Emily. He wishing for children and the realities of being tied intrinsically to other's existences is something that at times clearly weighs heavy on her; but she sees past that. Realises the good she's doing and, as you say in the chapter, it might not be what she'd planned - but she's happy with it now.
Ghost babies! Probably can't happen? Whatever does happen, hopefully Vivian and Nick will be happy together! Good on him for declaring his love. XD
Maybe get some eye-drops or one of them nose-spray things from a pharmacy? They're really annoying!
I love anything romantic!
Makes me all giddy and laugh like a school girl! XD
She'd be singing this song to them, sadly. lmao
Sing the song?
I hope my depictions of romance elicit that response from you XD
Many centuries ago…
He was a giant wolf towering over the highest of sights, and son of a god in that realm. His name was Fenrir, and he played a part in events that occurred during and after… Ragnarok. After that time, he was said to been killed but somehow, he survived. He fled his realm undetected and traveled to the inner lands of the Fable Homelands. The seemingly exiled wolf hid there in a forest for a short period of time, then move elsewhere. A wintry land, snowy blankets as far as the eye could see. He enjoyed it so much as it reminded him of home in a way.
Continuing his expedition into this windy land, Fenrir came across a Fable, the North Wind and his wife Winter. North Wind was friendly toward him, he saw the pain and terrible endurance Fenrir went through and so he allowed him to stay in his realm as long as he like as long as he behaved himself. Fenrir, wasn't planning on ‘behaving’, he wanted this land for himself and was going to do whatever it took to claim it.
After several years of ‘behaving’ Fenrir decided that it was time to kill North Wind. On a windy night, he followed North into a chamber with them as the only ones there. He rushed in and was blown into the wall by the wind. North turned to Fenrir and told him he was well aware of his true intentions, he alone allowed Fenrir to stay here so that he could have enough time to created a special cell.. He revealed a tiny cage box, as he opened the tiny lock the room began to be engulfed in power icy winds.
Fenrir attempt to escape was futile, the winds suction were extremely powerful, like a tornado and after the struggle, he was finally boxed. North Wind debated on sending the box back to Asgard or giving it to Fenrir two sons as he promised he would. He decided to keep his word and called his minions to summon them to his castle.
Hati and Skoll, arrived and picked up the box from North Wind. They could feel the anger and hate emitting from it, and weren't sure it hold them long. Skoll, insisted that they she take back to Asgard to have it destroyed, but Hati still believed their father could be saved. The brothers went to seek out a witch in the Homelands who could possible help exorcise the evil from their father. The witch, told them that Fenrir was too powerful, how everyone there was another way to stop him for good.
The box shattered releasing him. He escaped and attacked the witch and his sons. Using magic Hati and Skoll bounded their father in chains allowing the witch to the witch to separate his soul from his body and escaping. Skoll told his brother that something like this would happen and it did. The witch then warned the brothers the his soul will wonder until he find a suitable host.
Decades later, Hati’s first and only son was born, Etan. By the time Etan was only a year old, his father noticed something about him. He could see what was lying in him, the evil, his father. Hati feared for his son’s life and immediately summoned his brother to his aid then decided on what to do next. The option his brother presented to didn't fly with him, he wasn't going to harm his own son, so decided to wait and watch for any signs of Fenrir taking over Etan’s body.
Fenrir soul lurked in Etan’s body, plotting waiting to escape and wreak more havoc as he did during his time. Not to long ago, he was successful at escaping from him and nearly driving Etan in a killing rage. Other than finding a new host, his true intentions are unknown….. until the Fabled Avengers step in!
This is just a little back story of my take on Fenrir in the Fable universe and the connection he has with my OC. Posting the first chapter soon, and expect your OC's to show up early for the action
Everyone beat me to it and I must agree with them. You take the time to create a world around these charatcers; those you've made up and the exsisting ones, you manage to make a story for each one.
It's sad to hear Vivian speak like this but in a way, she has found her place and loves every single one of those kids and Emily alike. Nick seems like he's trying to do right; I hope these two end up being together for all eternity and never look back. I do, however, wonder too how this kid has not caught on to anything. Like, when he randomly ends up in a place he wasn't the day before. XD lol
I'm not SURE if this is possible but ghost babies would be adorable. The Sims did them....hint hint hint hint And can you imagine little ghost babies chasing after the other babies? I ship these two so freaking hard now!!!
Also, I LOVE that picture of Jersey & Katie! I love all the couples you've made and like EMMY said, when you find the time, you need to draw Viv and Nick together! IDC how just yeah! XD XD
Great chap dude and hope your allergies slip away soon.
I'll pick you up something if you want. :P
There is an actual song called 'Erotic City' by either Prince or Sheila. E. Maybe he didn't mean this but that song just came to mind. XD
This was really good back story man! Makes me even more excited to see the Fable Avengers!
I'd watch this, should it become a movie.
I liked the little background there for Etan and how he was being taken over by Fenrir to pretty much do his dirty work. Awesome start and can't wait for everything to begin!

I had no idea :P
She had a difficult time with it but IDC! I love this! XD That was actually a prop from last year's halloween costume I had (went as Georgie XD) and she told me to bring it over, so she could prop the doll up beside it.
You're right! XD I was listening to that song at the time of writing this story and that just seemed appropriate. XD but yes....the things Mary would have done. lmao
Not a problem, man. I noticed Ems mentioned songs and that actually does help. I know, seeing as we are dudes and listening to that kind of music but it does help!
I'm glad this works, though.
and on your lunch, too! XD That is the goal for the moment until I go on hiatus during the move and what not. 
I got the idea from the Fable Avengers from using some characteristics from the Avengers, so you might see some lines like:
Fenrir: I have an army of transcendental wolves.
Etan: We have a Grendel, so..
You're indeed a lucky man. I look like I've been crying. lol
I'm actually happy to know you love all the pairings, especially Katie, Jersey and I love that: their 13 misfits!
They too have a special place in my heart.
I do apologies for the feels lately, my dear fellow readers!
I'm trying to pull everything together and for some time, Nick was in the background and I'm enough to admit, forgot about him. XD Baby Emily might have allergies like daddy; she's had a runny nose and poor thing has the A-CHOOS! every couple of minutes. XD I was actually in the process of a Viv & Nick picture, one with him in glamour and not!
Hopefully I'll have that up soon. 
I do apologies for the feels again, Ems. I like that raw emotions in stories. Make it feel real, you know? I was going to hook these up in time and now seems the right time. Noir and JJ are hoping for ghost babies. lol As far as these allergies, I wanna rip my nose out but luckily, I have some things to handle it. no beuno. XD
You would think this kid woul begin to wonder why he ended up clear across the city and what not but you know those teens. XD Vivian is coming to understand life in general and fully understand why things happen the way they do; she may not like the results but she's pretty pleased with her life at the moment. A second chance to be loved and shower another with emotions. Something Viv wanted to do for so long...
JJ asked me the same thing, too! XD The wheels have been turning. All I'll say.
And those things are silly but I did get those nose spary things. XD
I do agree with what JJ said before me: this reminded me of the opening scenes for superhero movies and the narration depicts what took place before you get to the ACTUAL story. It was nice to hear about Etan's background; the witch that would later take over Etan's body is a crafty one indeed and his intentions being 'unknown' sets him up to be one badass villian...that is, until the Fable Avengers step in!
I read this and couldn't help but chuckle and picture it in my head. Also, picturing Robert in Grendel form, tossing Fenrir around like the Hulk did to Loki. XD XD
I can't wait for more, man!
I'm glad you liked the misfits part XD
Poor Emily, I bet she doesn't like sneezing too much!
Oh I love when you feel the raw emotion in a story; That means it's a good story. Ghost babies, although they sound adorable, I don't know if Viv would want any of her own children at this point, as stated in the chapter.
Well, now that I think about it...
Maybe just ONE ghost baby...
XD It's up to you, man! Can't wait for Gremily Babies Part 2! I bet they're going to be totally adorable!
You and JJ are the name giving duo of the thread, I swear. XD
I feel bad for her because she throws a fit. Doesn't know what to do! Glares at me like she knows its my fault she has this issue. XD
I love that you adore babies as much as I do! You're the one I can fangirl with when it comes to babies! XD I'm tossing the idea around at the moment and may consider one because I'm picturing it in my head and my heart melts like butter.
OH and Gremily babies, too! Think you guys will get a kick, especially how I design one of them.
Why War? Part: Three
At the business office...
Luke and Bigby were yet again doing business papers when they saw Hans and their little boy walk in. Luke got up shook Hans hand and gave a high five to the boy.
"What can we do for you guys?" Luke smiled
"It's about that hospital you guys admitted Alice to. I think there's something wrong with it." Hans said
"How so?" Bigby asked "Dr. Swineheart is there, what would he do?"
"Well my son and I normally go to there for a weekly visit. But this time they said she was in session because she had a bad week." Hans said continuing. "And the thing about that is she's been doing really good, she's been happier than ever." Hans said
"Hm interesting..." Luke said "Well right now we're in the middle of another case but." He looks to Bigby "I want to help any way I can." He said
Bigby could tell Hans wasn't lying but like Luke said they were already on a murder investigation. "Luke I need you here." Bigby said
"But Bigby what if something is going on there?" Luke said
Bigby turned to Hans "Now I can tell you aren't lieing but I want to be sure so I want to see proper evidence before acting...I'm sorry."
Hans was devastated, we're they really about to let him walk out with any help? "Guys...please?" He said
Luke too was upset with Bigbys decision. "I'm...I'm sorry guys." He said
Although Hans was calm he wanted to yell. There was only one thing to do and it was to get evidence that something really was going on there. Hans said thank you and left. When the door closed he heard Bigby and Luke begin to argue, which they didn't do very often. By the time he got to the elevator he could hear them both plain as day as if the door were still open. By the time the elevator door closed Snow went into Bigbys office...What was he going to do? He thought. His son looked up at him and smiled.
"They'll help us dad, don't worry!" He said
Hans smiled and nodded. "I have to find you a babysitter don't I?" He said
The kid nodded and smiled back.
The two began to drive home as the sun began to set....
In the resistance base in wonderland...
Azaria, Alice, and the two others that brought them to Max arrived at the command center.
Max looked at the man who looked like Prince Charming.
"Ah John I'm pretty sure I told you that damn ogre isn't going with you?" Max said
"Sorry Max Og always comes with, especially after that surgery you gave him." John said with Og nodding
A scientist popped in. "Speaking of surgery, we've done an examination on Kieron and it seems that his internal organs and such has been moved around, replaced, and brought back just to do so again multiple times." The scientist said.
"Interesting...how is such a thing even possible? Even a Fables body would give out after all that." Max said
"Well I suspect that with high amounts of magic and dumb luck that he didn't bleed out I suppose." The scientist said
Azaria clenched her fist. She wanted to kill that scientist. Max saw this frustration and smiled. "What's the matter Elf? Hear too much? Want to let out a little anger? Go right ahead. But remember this. You will obey me Azaria." He said walking by Azaria.
She tackled the scientist and started pummeling him. Alice tried to pull her off but Azaria shoved her off. The scientist was beaten to death...Azaria got up and headed for Max when John and Og grabbed her.
"LET GO!!!" She said trying to get out of their hold.
"That's not smart! We've tried this before!" John said
Max looked over his shoulder. "You four are nothing but weapons. Whether you die or I die doesn't matter as long as the true Queen reigns." He said
Alice was confused. "But I am Queen of wonderland!" She said
Max laughed. "There is more than one Queen Alice." He turned around. "Don't forget the other." He smiled
"Who is that?" Alice asked
"You'll meet her sooner or later. Right now we need to get to the point on why you are here." Max said pulling up a map. "We are going to have you guys move to this town and take it over." He said pointing at the map.
Alice crossed her arms. "Why send us? It's not that far away." She said
Like I said you guys are weapons and thus you shall be used as such." He said
"Can we just get a move on! Azaria here is going to get loose soon!" John said
Azaria still heated shook John and Og off. "Just let me fucking kill something." She said
Alice was shocked by Azarias behaviour. She was worried for what she thought was her dear friend...
Azaria turned. "Before this is over I will kill you. Keep it in the back of your fucking head." She said coldly.
Max smiled "I look forward to it."
John and Og looked at each other and shrugged. Alice was scared but she wanted to help any way she could. The four began to get equipped for their mission and headed towards the town...
In Kierons head...
There was a bright light, when Kieron opened his eyes he saw a little Elvish girl crying near a tree. He started to walk up to her.
"Hey what's wrong?" He asked
The elvish girl cried."It...it was all my fault...I couldn't help them...my...friends...they're...they're all dead...and I couldn't do ANYTHING." She sobbed
Kieron knelt down in front of her. "I'm sure it wasn't your fault, you're just a little girl. It's tough to fight at your age." He said trying to comfort her.
"Screw you!" She sobbed. "You don't know how bad this hurts!" She said.
"You're right I don't...Where are your parents? You should get home wonderland isn't safe." He said
The little girl sniffed and lifted her head. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Kieron, it wasn't a peaceful look but a horrified look. She pointed her finger.
"What...what happened to you?" She said
Kieron looked down and saw that his chest was exposed. He looked back up. "I...I has to get fixed that's all. I'm fine! Look see?" He said smiling.
And with the blink of an eye the little girl grew up. She looked just like Azaria. "What are you?" He began to say.
"I'm sorry they did that to you Kieron...I tried to help call your name but I couldn't reach you." She said crying.
"What do you mean?" He said
"I saw it all...Nyx, the kitten, showed me everything you saw. It was horrible. And I saw you crying when you were with the scientists and I wanted to help...but yet again I'm powerless to do so." She sobbed
"Azaria its-" Kieron was blocked with yet another bright light.
When he opened his eyes he saw a village that was on fire. There was orcs and ogres storming the village. Kieron heard death screams blood flying and kids and parents running. It flashed to a peaceful time with kids running around and parents talking, but then it'd flash back to the massacre that was going on. He saw little Azaria grab her bow and arrow and start to fight back. It was not long till her parents picked her up and started running. Azaria kicked and hit yelling at her parents to put her down and let her fight so she could save her other friends. As they ran Azaria saw her village crumble and saw various of her friends slaughtered in front of her, He never knew that this was her past. He felt bad for her...
In Kierons medical room...
Kieron began to open his eyes. Nyx sat on his chest and smiled.
"It's about time." He said. "C'mon your friends need you Kieron." He purred
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
When I write that kind of stuff I'll have to try listening to softer music XD. It's so awesome to see your story pop up while I'm eating so I won't complain if that's your goal
It does work.
I love knowing you've read the stories during lunch. 
Oh no I was speaking about the goal until the hiatus is a story a day. XD My bad, man! Please! I love to hear all the comments and what not!
Oh man I'm excited!!! XD
I didn't read your Fabled Avengers stories so forgive me if I ask questions now and then...