I can already hear JJ's pitiful cries and screams when this comes; I'm going to invite him over, we'll read it and see his reaction. XD I look forward to this part, either way.
Well, it was a wonderful last minute addition because he did add a little something. And yes-Lyla's favorite color is green.
The Porgie girls appreciate the love; if no one has caught on, so does pie. XD
Neat to know I'm on the right track lately for a lot of these stories. I figured Hope did not have a choice but a SMALL part of me was secretly hoping she did that to Death just because but it was still neat seeing someone like Death caable of love.
Nick vs the Grendel's.... God what am I doing :P
I put Makoto in at the last minute because I wanted this slave to be an OC for some reas… moreon, though Makoto won't be appearing again... So green is Lyla's favourite colour? I was gonna say that but I settled on "You like green right?" just in case :P
Voluptuous is pretty much ALL of your Porgie girls: big boobs, big hips, slim waist, big ass. Just perfection in my book!!!! XD XD
You're on the right track with suspecting Death of something that started this whole story, but all will be explained gradually... Of course if you figure it out then well done :P
Hope did leave Death, but she only contributed to his sour outlook on love, Death already had that sour outlook before he and Hope hooked up, it's his own observations of love and his own experiences as well... Also Hope didn't want to leave Death, but she is bound to the Fates.
Nick vs the Grendel's.... God what am I doing :P
I can already hear JJ's pitiful cries and screams when this comes; I'm going to inv… moreite him over, we'll read it and see his reaction. XD I look forward to this part, either way.
Well, it was a wonderful last minute addition because he did add a little something. And yes-Lyla's favorite color is green.
The Porgie girls appreciate the love; if no one has caught on, so does pie. XD
Neat to know I'm on the right track lately for a lot of these stories. I figured Hope did not have a choice but a SMALL part of me was secretly hoping she did that to Death just because but it was still neat seeing someone like Death caable of love.
Looking forward to more, dude!
LOL That will need to be done and his picture is my comment. XD
Not a problem, man. We all appreciate the love.
Well, just to see a different side of Death but I knew that's a long shot and would never happen. If it ever DID, no one but Death alone would know of it...
Oh please photograph his reaction for me!!! XD
Ok, Lyla's fav colour is green, I will remember that
Glad I got some love from my budd… morey Pie :P And his special ladies...
You wanted her to make Death miserable? Lol, I couldn't do that to him. Death is capable of a lot of things...
LOL That will need to be done and his picture is my comment. XD
Not a problem, man. We all appreciate the love.
Well, just to see a d… moreifferent side of Death but I knew that's a long shot and would never happen. If it ever DID, no one but Death alone would know of it...
I stand by my original comment of Gertraud being a fiesty character and it shows strongly again in this chapter. she has that smart-ass humor to her and its reasons like this that make me enjoy a character. Her reaction to Alfred upon entering Berlin was wonderful. XD
I too, thought it was easy for the soilders to although these weary travelers access so easily but Alfred spoke their tongue and seeing as he did so, perhas the soilders felt no need to press on. That's just my theory, of course.
The description of Berlin was a nice tough, too. Walking into a tavern, however, is not going to be a good thing; I have a feeling Gertraud and Alfred are about to meet some unleasent soul just begging for trouble....Also, these little bits of German thrown in are neat, too! Nice to see another writer use a different language.
Firstly, I apologise for the rough beginning to the story.
For my first piece of writing outside of short stories, I think that I did wel… morel (I won’t make a secret of having believed this would be an absolute train-wreck).
Chapter 7: ein neue Leben begann.
We stood outside the cave for a few minutes, taking in the surroundings and discussing our next course of action.
“For one, can I have my blade back?” I asked.
She passed it without a word.
“Secondly, we have no knowledge of where we are. I propose we travel to that town there and ask about.”
“What if they speak a different language than us? What then?” questioned Gertraud.
“That is not an issue yet, we shall cross that bridge if and when we come to it.” I replied. “If you have an idea of your own, I would like to hear it.”
“I have no better ideas. I merely express concern over what can happen.”
Gertraud was getting on my nerves. She would not stop asking questio… [view original content]
Carla stood beside the heavily guarded fence and waited anxiously for her son. Glaring at her watch, the bastard was five minutes late. The guard noticed her glares and assured the inmate was well on his way. Carla ignored the pathetic individual's comment and returned to her focus on the building before her. She needed this final plan to fall into place; to crumble the foundation of the Porgie family and all that dwelled within.
To prove to the town that no one changes; Grendel was not that strong and could easily be taken down and Emily was a miserable waste of time and life.
Carla wanted to taste the tears of her sister, as she craddle the body of her deceased daughter and watch Georgie return to his original self. One by one, they'd drop like flies and the power would finally be for her to take...
But first, Carla nedded this to sneak in the mix and create havoc on the family and it would all begin with Ethan Porgie. As Carla chuckled to herself upon the images her mind created, the guard opens the gate and allows her son Noah to exit the prison. Carla gathers her son into the arms of her warmth and comfort. Holding the boy agianst her chest, Carla leads Noah to the Cadillac.
"OH my big, strong boy!" Carla kisses his forehead. "It's so nice to see you again, sweetie."
"Where is dad?"
"Oh, you know your father." Carla places Noah in the back and gets in the driver's seat. "Always late."
"Where is Joey?"
Carla does not hesitate, as she turns on the radio. "Oh your brother did a no no and mommy needed to take care of it, babykins. But don't you worry-now that YOU'RE here, we can finally handle all this bullshit and everything will be just fine."
"What about Rosie? Is she-"
"SHE'S there now, my precious pumpkin. All you need to do, is get in there and finish the job..."
Noah remains silent as his mother pulls out of the parking lot and onto the streets. The music plays 'Straight Tequila night'; the slow, eerie country song causes slight bumps to appear on Noah's skin. There was something cynical about his mother and the way she spoke. Black. Lost.
"I'll drop you off now. Tell Rosie HI for me, will you baby?"
Carla's laugh was immoral. For the first time, Noah was reluctant to answer back.
Michelle remained silent the entire car ride back to her apartment. After dinner, Rosie and Woody returned to Michelle's apartment with Erica. The little girl was becoming anxious and fussy. Holding Ethan's hand, the young woman watched the buildings and bright lights pass her by; they stopped at a red light, just beyond the empty lot where the Pudding n' Pie once stood. Michelle clears her throat and looks at Ethan; he was hesitant to make the first remark and as the light turned green, he spoke.
"Have not been past that old place in a long time."
"Peter tells me Emily ordered to have it torn down some time ago...."
"Yeah." Ethan coughs. "she, uh....wanted nothing to do with that place. to be honest, she AND Gren asked for that to happen. Been for the best...for all of us."
The pair returned their focus on the road. Neither wanted to open up old wounds or doors that were sealed off and padlocked shut. Michelle knew how protective Ethan and the others were inregards to Georgie. There was a rumor going around for sometime about Junior and Peter Porgie. Story has it, during an outting with his brothers, Peter overheard a drunk man mention Georgie. They were vulgar, upsetting and descriptive to how they'd 'end' his miserable life, plow his 'hot ass' wife and call it 'justice'.
Story goes like this: Ethan, Junior and Peter took their new 'friend' to the bar and purchased several more drinks. They watched the man drown in Whiskey and become a sloppy mess. The poor fool even made the wrong move and pointed out the similar features Junior; had that 'ugly bald head and face' like that fella had.
After a few rounds of pool and the brothers gained this man's trust, Peter drags the poor soul out to the back and into a dark alleyway. The man was prepared to fight but little did he know these were no ordinary men. Fables stuck together, especially when it came to family and their own. Peter did not give the man an option, as they threw the drunk man into the backseat of Ethan's car and took a little drive to the country side with their new 'friend'; the man, continuing to push his luck, tried to fight with Junior and singing the very song neither of the kids could put up with.
'Georgie Porgie, pudding n' pie. Kissed the girls and made them cry. When the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away....'
The man immediatly ended his tauntings when Junior took out compact mirror and handed it to his brother; Ethan grasped the item and watched Junior slide into the glass and deep into the darkness. The man rubbed his eyes, unable to process what just occured. Story goes on to say Ethan held that mirror to the man's face and allowed Junior to change into his true form and claw the man's eyes out. Shards of glass pierced his skin and body. Screaming, the man tries to run but is stopped by a massive black Wolf; the creature snatches the man into his jaws and shakes.
Story ends there; some say those boys stayed long enough to make their point across to not only the man but other Fables in general. The man lived, yes but never spoke a word about the inccident that night. With no evidence aiming at the brothers, all charges were dropped. For insurance purpouses, Junior will pay a nightly visit to their newly added friend and make sure nothing is accidentally mentioned or revieled.
Michelle tried to focus on a different topic. She could detect the growls leaping from Ethan's throat. "Well, it was for the best."
Nothing else was ever mentioned. Ethan parked the car in the garage and stared at the wheel. Turning the vehicle off, Michelle grabs her purse and unbuckles.
"This isn't fair, Ethan."
"What's not fair, Michelle?"
"You want me to open up and show you who I am, yet when I mention certain things about Emily or your past, these are the results EVERY fucking time! It's like walking on eggshells with you sometimes."
"That's different, Michelle." Ethan slams his palm into the dashboard. "I mean, those things nearly tore us apart and its fairly fresh still and-"
"So, the bullshit I encountered as a child and struggling to find my place is nothing then?"
"Then fucking TELL me, Michelle, so I CAN understand!" Ethan glares at Michelle. His amber eyes glow like twinkling stars in the dark. "You sit there, griping and bitching and feeling sorry for yourself, yet you don't let me in and-"
"How dare you!" Michelle grabs the handle and pulls open. "I have every right to feel sorry for myself sometimes but I'm enough to admit when enough is enough. I leave it at the door the MINUTE I come to work. Go home to my daughter. This all has eaten me up inside but its a battle I'm willing to fight alone and-"
Ethan exits the car, slams the door shut and quickly chases after Michelle; she was heading up the stairs and scurring to her apartment.
"MICHELLE!" Ethan's voice travels up the building. "MICHELLE! I'm not in the fuckin' mood to chase you and scream! Wait!"
"Go home, Ethan!" Michelle tries to block the tears. "You've done enough..."
"What did I do, huh?" Ethan was hot on her trail. He could pick up her perfume. "Its shit like this that makes you feel alone! You push people away and pretend like nothing wrong or bad happens! You lie to me AND Peter with your fake smile and bubbly personality but deep inside, your emotions are a tangled web and you refuse to let anyone in!"
Michelle turns to face Ethan. She was one flight of stairs away from her apartment. Several other tenants opened their doors just enough to view the arguing couple.
"YOU have no right to talk to me in such a manner, Mr. Porgie!"
"OH!" Ethan hits the wall. "So, its Mr. PORGIE now, huh? Alright, MICHELLE! Since you suddenly switched the 'business' mode on, let's talk business!"
"You're an asshole." Michelle takes her keys and heads for the door. "I suggest you leave, Mr. Porgie. I no longer wish to have this conversation, nor do I want to continue allowing yourself to make a fool of-"
"Fine Michelle." Ethan runs his fingers through his hair and looks down the stairs. "You want to pretend. Fine. I'm not going to waste MY time trying to pry into your life, when you obviously don't want me in there. I had to watch my own father play this role for YEARS, Michelle. He wanted to PRETEND like nothing terrible happened to him: the rapes, the many nights he spent in the closet, the lack of love, food or shelter; the Exile, Crooked Man...Vivian. It ate him up inside because he was trying so hard to protect us, Michelle but he forgot that's NOT what made him my father. These THINGS you feel the need to hide...it has to stop, Michelle! Please! You have to let me in sometime! I want to help you, Michelle. You and Erica. I love you..."
Michelle drops her purse and turns slightly to the side. "What..."
"I love you, Michelle. I....I want to help you but you gotta let me in. Please! WHAT are you hiding from me? Is it your ex boyfriend?"
Michelle opens the door. "You need to leave, Ethan. Please."
Michelle rotates and glances at Ethan. "GO!" Demolished, Michelle shakes and tries to hold back the tears. "You...need to leave me alone. Please...You have no idea WHO I am..."
Ethan refused to leave; he could hear Rosie rustling inside, trying to comfort Michelle. That should be him in there, he thought, as Ethan buried his hands into his jacket. But after several minutes, neither of the women left the apartment to seek for his assistance. Ethan took this as he answer and began his journey down the stairs. All he could picture was Michelle's face and the anguish life she seemed to prefer holding on and dealing with alone. Ethan found his vehicle and waited another five minutes. He was desperatly wishing either would run after him but when the same results occured, Ethan gave up and headed home. He knew his presence were no longer welcomed.
Rosie took a peek out towards the hall and was not surprised Ethan left.
Regrettably, neither did Michelle. She privatley anticipated for him to be waiting on those stairs, like everytime before. Little did Michelle know, it was not Ethan that would be waiting for her that night.
Those pictures are so awesome man! now onto the story stuff XD. Carla needs to be stopped, someone's gotta do it quick! Also I don't know how the three brothers didn't kill their 'friend' heck after all Georgie went through I probably would've killed the dude for talking shit like that! The segment with Michelle and Ethan escalated really fast! Both have bad pasts but nobody wants to talk about that stuff, and there normally a good reason why too. Hopefully things will get patched up between the two.
Carla stood beside the heavily guarded fence and waited anxiously for her son. Glaring at her watch, the bastard was five minutes late. The … moreguard noticed her glares and assured the inmate was well on his way. Carla ignored the pathetic individual's comment and returned to her focus on the building before her. She needed this final plan to fall into place; to crumble the foundation of the Porgie family and all that dwelled within.
To prove to the town that no one changes; Grendel was not that strong and could easily be taken down and Emily was a miserable waste of time and life.
Carla wanted to taste the tears of her sister, as she craddle the body of her deceased daughter and watch Georgie return to his original self. One by one, they'd drop like flies and the power would finally be for her to take...
But first, Carla nedded this to sneak in the mix and create havoc on the family and it would all begin with Ethan Porgie. As Carla chuck… [view original content]
Oh for fook's sake! I didn't need this shit right now...
For starters, I haven't read everything you've posted in the past, this is true, but I really didn't like what Ethan, Peter and Junior did to that guy, that was too much imo... Not even Nick would do that...
Now Ethan is acting like an asshole to Michelle? Man, I was expecting the anger and shouting to end in romance... BUT, who is waiting on the stairs? Is it Michelle's ex-boyfriend maybe???
Carla stood beside the heavily guarded fence and waited anxiously for her son. Glaring at her watch, the bastard was five minutes late. The … moreguard noticed her glares and assured the inmate was well on his way. Carla ignored the pathetic individual's comment and returned to her focus on the building before her. She needed this final plan to fall into place; to crumble the foundation of the Porgie family and all that dwelled within.
To prove to the town that no one changes; Grendel was not that strong and could easily be taken down and Emily was a miserable waste of time and life.
Carla wanted to taste the tears of her sister, as she craddle the body of her deceased daughter and watch Georgie return to his original self. One by one, they'd drop like flies and the power would finally be for her to take...
But first, Carla nedded this to sneak in the mix and create havoc on the family and it would all begin with Ethan Porgie. As Carla chuck… [view original content]
I would have done the same thing, if this fool was talking about someone I loved and cared about. That never wanted to kill the guy....just scare him a tad. XD Right now, both Michelle and Ethan have so much bottled inside, its destroying what they think is strong enough. Hopefully, they do open up to one another. And yes....Carla needs to die! I do agree! XD
Those pictures are so awesome man! now onto the story stuff XD. Carla needs to be stopped, someone's gotta do it quick! Also I don't know … morehow the three brothers didn't kill their 'friend' heck after all Georgie went through I probably would've killed the dude for talking shit like that! The segment with Michelle and Ethan escalated really fast! Both have bad pasts but nobody wants to talk about that stuff, and there normally a good reason why too. Hopefully things will get patched up between the two.
Awesome as always man!
Oh for fook's sake! I didn't need this shit right now...
Well, Ethan, Peter and Junior are VERY protective of their family and the members within their name; the dude was being a dick and said some pretty horrific things about both Georgie and their mother. They never killed the guy or anyone for that matter. It was simply to make a satement and scare the guy.
Ethan and Michelle have a lot bottled inside and they errupt like this that may come off ass being an asshole. The romance will come later, I promise this but you're right about the ex boyfriend on his way...:(
Oh for fook's sake! I didn't need this shit right now...
For starters, I haven't read everything you've posted in the past, this is true,… more but I really didn't like what Ethan, Peter and Junior did to that guy, that was too much imo... Not even Nick would do that...
Now Ethan is acting like an asshole to Michelle? Man, I was expecting the anger and shouting to end in romance... BUT, who is waiting on the stairs? Is it Michelle's ex-boyfriend maybe???
I await more! XD
Oh for fook's sake! I didn't need this shit right now...
Well, Ethan, Peter and Junior are VERY protective of their family and the m… moreembers within their name; the dude was being a dick and said some pretty horrific things about both Georgie and their mother. They never killed the guy or anyone for that matter. It was simply to make a satement and scare the guy.
Ethan and Michelle have a lot bottled inside and they errupt like this that may come off ass being an asshole. The romance will come later, I promise this but you're right about the ex boyfriend on his way...:(
Hey Junior did a great job with that! Gotta thank Mary for that one! I almost forgot about the ex boyfriend but when I saw Hazza mention him all I thought was: Ethan you have to go back man quick!!!
Thanks dude.
I would have done the same thing, if this fool was talking about someone I loved and cared about. That never wanted to kill … morethe guy....just scare him a tad. XD Right now, both Michelle and Ethan have so much bottled inside, its destroying what they think is strong enough. Hopefully, they do open up to one another. And yes....Carla needs to die! I do agree! XD
"Come on somebody, why don't you run? Ol' Red is itching to have a little fun. Get my latern, get my gun. Red will have you treed before the morning comes."
"Well, good mornin', Nick." Nick's eyes slightly opened and he found Emily standing above him. She continued to gently tap him with her foot. "Ya', uh, have a little sleep ova' with my guardian angel? NOT very bloody holy of ya' there..."
Nick flipped over, covered his bare body and glanced down. Vivian was nude and wrapped in a thin bed spread. Both their hairs a wild mess, the ends of candles still burning and the stereo near the large couch playing a song. Emily looked around and took a notice of several items: bottle of
Champagne and two very naked ghosts in her living room. Folding her arms and holding a cup of coffee, Emily snickers.
"Ya'....uh, wanna explain THAT ova' 'ere, Nick?"
Nick became still like a statue in the gardens. His mouth felt like cotton was lodged into his throat and the ability to create simple sentences out the window. He managed to mumble and gently tap on Vivian's shoulder. The angel turned, eye lids fluttering open and revealing her green eyes.
Vivian smiled, assuming she and Nick were still alone and their little 'secret' had been concealed for another day. Nick, however, finally managed to spout out Emily's name and point to the left of him. Vivian carefully lifted her head and caught a glimpse of Emily. She was grinning widely;
Gren had caught up to his wife and was now in the presence of Vivian and Nick's love. Collecting the sheet to cover her body, Vivian began to blush; this caused her body to give off a bright glow and a humming noise.
"So, ya' wanna try again, Nick or did Vivian just happen ta' fall in 'ere with ya'?"
Gren chuckles. "I had no idea you even stayed, Nick. Does Peter know?"
"Peter...." Nick searches for his clothes. "I'm not sure. I MAY have said something and tagged along with Ethan when he came here last night but....not sure...."
"Lookin' fa' these?" Emily holds up a pair of red plaid pants. "Ya' boots be ova' there and I'm PRETTY sure that shirt is your's, too."
Vivian and Nick gradually made their way up and towards the scattered remains of their clothes; Gren shoke his head and tried to collect himself and not burst into a laughing fit. Vivian snatched her dress and boots as Nick slipped into his pants and shirt.
"Ya', uh, wanna stay fa' breakfast, Nick?" Emily giggles. "Ya' know, its proper ettiquete ta' stay when ya' hook up and-"
"What-" Nick clears his throat. "-What are you making, Emily?"
"Bacon, French Toast and scrambled eggs."
Nick nods. "Yeah...sure...I'll, uh, stay."
Gren could not hold back and soon, bellows out a laugh and enters the kitchen. Nick sticks his tongue out and flips Gren the finger as the Fable turns the corner.
"I, uh, don't know woot ta' say 'ere." Emily covers her face. "I mean, Viv told me ya' guys CAN have sex but...wow...how is the guy ya' be usin' Nick NOT know 'bout this all?"
"He has no memory of the hours I spend in his body." Nick buttons his pants. "That's the beauty of taking a 'host' as my glamour. Only backfire, I have to 'recharge' as they say and allow myself to heal before I can do this again."
"Anything fa' sex, eh Nick?" Emily winks, causing Nick to blush "Typical male...."
Emily made a hearty breakfast for her family; Nick stayed for a short time before having to head back to the Woodlands and Peter. Today, he and Katie were taking a trip to Wolf territory along with John and piecing all the known information together. He's return to the apartment with Holly and Lily and try to ignore the idea of Emily and Gren know holding knowledge of his and Vivian's relationship. He was not ashamed but it was very RARE for ghosts or angels to engage in sexual activities or hold relationships. Nick or Vivian never understood why.
The quads were occupied by Nick's behavior. Chloe points her fork in Nick's direction.
"You stayed the night..."
"Yes." Nick sips from his orange juice. "I did."
"Why?" Chloe chews on her eggs. "Are you and Vivian friends?"
"Yes we are, Chloe."
"But-" Chloe looks at her mother. "I THOUGHT boys and girls couldn't have together sleepovers, mommy? You said only mommy and daddys did this."
"They do, baby." Emily glares at both Nick and Vivian. "But see, Nick was so tired last night, he wanted ta' sleep here so he wouldn't get hurt drivin' home."
Nick agrees, although he could still feel the eyes of Emily sitting like a weight. Next encounter the two would have, Nick would make sure to set an alarm. But today was not about them. Puddles' ears percked up and his little round head faces the screen door. a truck pulls up to the house. Driving was Robert and beside him, Thomas. Isaiah rode in the bed and jumped out when Robert parks the truck. All the kids look over and beam.
"PAPA! Uncle Robert and Isaiah!"
"FINISH eating first, you four." Gren taps on the table. "After yesterday, though, I'm not sure you kids are even allowed to go outside today..."
"WHY dad!?" Viviana huffs. "We didn't mean to run out there yesterday!"
"Mind ya' fatha', Vivi. Eat first, then we will discuss woot ya' four little monsters will be doin' ta'day."
Gren finishes off his coffee, shovels the rest of his eggs into his mouth and heads for the front. Following him is Puddles. The little dog wags his thin, furry tail but lowers his head and growls when Robert approaches Gren. The two brothers embrace and shake hands. While Isaiah repeats this same gesture, Robert glances at the little Dog. Puddles backs into Gren's leg and bares his teeth. He paws the ground, trying to snap at Robert's shoe.
"Cute." Robert chuckles. "I can easily swallow you whole, Puddles. Bones and all if I really wanted to."
"Wow Robert." Isaiah rolls his eyes and heads to the fence. "And you wonder why NO woman wants you and WHY people fear you. THAT right there."
"Fuck off, Isaiah." Robert kneels and attempts to pet the Dog. "I'm jokin' and you know that. Huh, Puddles?"
Puddles pins his ears back and lets out a tumbling growl deep in his throat. Afraid of losing a finger or two, Robert pulls back, snears at the dog and heads his way inside the home. Gren views his brother casually singing a delightful tune, heading up the porch and picking several Roses along the way.
"Where are you going, Robert?" Gren shields his eyes to see his brother. "The training is out here and-"
"I'm just heading to the bathroom, my dear little brother. Also, give these to the misses, seeing as I've been a dick these past few days and, well, make a peace offering, seeing as she's making cookies and what not."
Robert enters the home and inahles the aroma of baking goods streaming from the kitchen. He detected brown sugar, melted butter and cocoa. The request for Pumpkin cookies was tossed around but those would be for another time; Emily was making her double chocolate fudge cookies and no Fable, mundy, Wolf or Grendel could say no to heart-clogging, diabetes causing treats, especially homemade. Robert enters the kitchen to find Emily alone. The dishes were done, kitchen wiped down and a cookie sheet prepared to enter the oven and bake for twenty five minutes.
Robert observed the ebony haired beauty as Emily placed the sheet into the stove. He was in awe of her natural beauty and found his sudden rush of emotions odd and confusing. Her spontaneous odor of flowers entered his nose and filled his mind with lustful images of Emily. What the hell, Robert thought, as the beast shoke his head. What is going on?
Robert's breathing immediatly picked up. There was an instant change in him. Strolling over to Emily, she nearly dropped the bowl when Robert leans against the sink and hands her the flowers.
"Fa' fook sake, Robert!" Emily holds her chest. "Ya' nearly gave me a bloody heart attack, ya' did!"
"Sorry 'bout that, Ems." Robert licks his lips. "I, uh....thought you heard me come in and-"
"No, I thought ya' were outside with the others." Emily places the bowl on the counter and stares at the Roses. "The fook are those for?"
"You my darling." Robert beams. "I wanted to show my appreciation and thanks for allowing me into your home and lives. I just love being around the quads..."
"Uh, alright Robert." Emily takes the Roses and places them in a glass vase. "They are lovely. I'll just, uh, place these ova' by the window..."
Robert watched Emily turn and face the faucet. Her body was perfectly shapped and outlined in her baby blue dress and as she moved from side to side, Robert found it difficult to contain himself and not punce on his brother's wife. But she indeed working up his appeitite and the longer he stood there, observing her move as such, the more arduous it became for Robert to hold back. Robert began grunting deep in his throat and felt his chest puff out. Emily had placed the vase near the window, when she was greeted by robert's face. There was a difference in them as Emily tried to walk around.
"Uh, Robert....ya' need somethin' or-"
"You...." This one word sent chills down her arms. "Just you, Emily..."
"Robert, woot the fook' are ya' talkin' 'bout?"
Robert reaches out a hand and touches Emily's face. "You're so marvelous. I never really noticed it until recently. You don't need to deal with ANY of this, Emily. You need a REAL man. A REAL Alpha that is going to give you potential. Strong, healthy babies that-"
"Whoa!" Emily slides under Robert's massive arms and heads to the front. "Whoa there, Robert! Ya' been drinkin' again, love? Ya' not makin' any sense ta'day....I know ya' be devestated and all but....I, uh....need ta' get out there and-"
"I agree, Ems." Robert smiles hungrily. "We DO need to get out there and train you both..."
Emily raced to the front yard and was greeted by Gren. Holding his wife, Gren noticed her gulf expression. Robert winked at his brother as he passed the couple by and took a seat beside Thomas. The elderly man, too, took a notice of his son's behavior.
"Robert-" Thomas glances over. "Are you READY for this?"
"Let's do this." Robert takes out a brown leather bag and tosses it to Isaiah. "HERE you go, brother of mine....call the teachers that shall bestow their knowledge upon our brother and his lovely wife...:
As Isaiah opens the bag and heads towards the pond, Gren could not help but wonder what REALLY occured in his home between his brother and Emily. She had collected herself and managed to ignore it within seconds but Gren's curiosity was skyrocketing through the roof and depsite his love for Robert, the love had had for Emily and his family was stronger. Older or not, Gren was determined to risk it all just to save his own.
Robert, however, took no interest of his brother's glare. He simply turned to avoid Gren and carefully watched Isaiah perform the needed ritual to summon their teachers. Emily stands near the edge of the water and peered into the ripling pools. All the fish swam away from the red dust Isaiah poured from the bag; the Cranes living nearby flew off into the sky while Frogs leaped from pad to pad and escaped the dark matter. Even the children, being held back by their father, looked on with curious eyes.
"Whoa, cool!" Liam tried to get a better look. "What's uncle Isaiah doing, mommy?"
"I'm, uh....not sure, loves." Emily taps Isaiah on the shoulder. "Is this, um...this part of our trainin' or-"
"My father and I can only teach you what WE know-he's perfected the ability to THINK like an Alpha and I know more about our mother's side, which you will participate in very shortly, as will Gren and little Seraphina over there. But to tap into your darkest fears...the ability to THINK you're in danger and trick your mind into creating such feelings...well, this is not my strongest point. We do, however, know of two individuals that are willing to aide in your training. One owes us a favor from some time ago and the other can not stand by and see a mundy like Carla obtain so much power as she has...."
Emily nods, grabs Gren's hand stands by. The red mixes with the water and soon, the Earth trembles beneath their feet and for a moment, the skies turn red. Thomas leans against Isaiah as he watches his son chant a familiar spell he's heard before from his wife, Calla; she was well known for speaking to the dead and entering their world as she pleased. His son was born with this ability and without another word, a portal opens before the group. The spinning colors of reds and blacks reminds Emily of Junior's portal into the mirror and mundane world. Vivian and Nick stand near the enormous tree with the tire swing and carefully watch everything unfold before their eyes.
Vivian's head felt heavy and soon, her nose began to bleed. Nick grabs Vivian's face but her eyes are glued to Viviana, who is now leaning forward to touch the opening portal.
"Viv." Nick calls her name several times before Vivian faces him. "Viv, hey...you're bleeding. Are you alright-"
"He's coming..." Vivian pushes Nick to the side and floatd towards Emily. "He's coming...it can't be. No...why would they need their help in this?"
"WHO'S help, Vivian? Viv-"
Suddenly, Nick began to feel the same emotions sweep over his entire body. The guardian falls to the ground; covering his ears and rocking to and fro, Nick could see the blood pouring from his nose and head begin to spin. He began to feel anxious and trembled like the Earth below his aching body. He could not recall the last time he felt such strong and repugnant emotions as he did that morning. He found Vivian reaching for the little blonde girl, consumed with the sudden vortex before her little body. Emily spots her daughter and grabs the little girl; Seraphina and Chloe remained hushed as their uncle lifts his hands, sways them to the side and opens the portal. The sound of a neigh echos in the darkness.
Gren turns to see Nick on the ground. Before the Grendel makes his way over to the fallen guardian, a Horse with rotting flesh and bleached bones powers through the portal. He stomps his hooves on the ground; his mane was replaced with fire and his eye sockets were bare and souless. The qauds, especially Liam, were now hidding behind there mother and cowering from the beast. The Horse neighs one last time, lifts its mighty head towards the Heavens and vanishes. There, standing before them all is Hades; he holds a mighty axe and chains around his arms. Behind him, a cloaked individual. As his boots pressed the Earth, the surrounding green turns to ash and Death. Any creatures still remaining perished as they peered at the mysterious figure.
"Woot the fook!?" Emily looks at Isaiah. "Woot the fook is this shit?! Ya' be bringin' HIM around, when he's afta' me Viviana!?"
Hades chuckles. "I'm not here for the child but for you, my dear Emily. The bow you are holding has powers within the underworld. Artemis herself crafted it from wood that grew in the deepest, darkest, most foul caves the Underworld has to offer. I have a connection to not only Viviana but you as well, Emily. You are the protector now and as much as I'd love to push thy buttons, I'm teaching you both a certain method will either save or destory you as a whole..."
The hooded figure removes his cloak; an hour glass, several knives and a leather bag laces his belt. Emily could not help but smile; it was her long time pal Nick Harbinger, who was one of the two Fables that would be teaching her and Gren the methods they knew so little of.
"Nick, ya' fookin' bastard!" Emily embraces Nick. The massive man pats Emily on the back. "I had no idea ya' be the one ta' 'elp us...."
Nick respondes rather quickly. "When Isaiah came forth with news of potential war, I needed to know the details. I know all too well about War and the combination it has with Death. These results will make even the strongest man fester in a pool of raw and unsympathetic feelings. To be honest, I'm surprised Carla has managed to slip under undetected for so long but mundies are an odd group of beings. I have seen many with cunning abilitites as she has possesed and those are the ones that create the most chaos. Besides, I owe your family a favor, Grendel."
Gren glowers. "Yeah...how so?"
"Your mother allowed me to use a rather devious concoction she created back at the Homelands and it came to great use during the Black Plague. Powerful material, your mother was capable of producing. I've seen it with Isaiah, yet they tell me YOU'RE the one with the most within."
Robert huffs, rolling his eyes. "Please..." He begins to speak to himself. "You have not SEEN power yet..."
Nick continues. "With this being said, I'm more then happy to participate in this training session. I shall teach you both a method, as will Hades."
Hades nods. "You both need to channel your emotions and trick your minds. Thomas will stand by just in case."
Gren was confused. "In case of wha-"
Nick does not allow Gren to finish, as he wields out a mighty club with fire growing along the item. He and Hades stand over Gren; the sound of Emily's bow being created in her hands is music to both of their ears.
"In case you forget, Grendel. Are we ready to begin?"
Any question, let me know. Had time for one more. REALLY want to get out as much as I can before the hiatus soon.
Maybe its because I'm always writing about romance and what not and when people read this, they are a bit taken back. XD They would have let it slide, should they not have mentioned their mother. >:(
NP, man. If you ever have questions, please ask or send me a PM and I'll explain.
Oh man! I can see Nick waiting there....lol I'm waiting to see if anyone catches on to who he is...:D
Ok maybe I can get on board with what they did, the initial shock of such an aggressive chapter has passed now (I think :P)
plow his '… morehot ass' wife
Can't argue that much, sorry
I haven't read enough of these two to understand as much as people like JJ would, but I can understand it now that you've explained that
The ex-boyfriend huh? Well then cracks knuckles and neck looks like I'm writing some torture tonight! XD
The soldier had told Nick that the swamps were a good shortcut, but they were apparently filled with Grendels, and Nick knew what a Grendel could do.
Oh shit, there's Grendels around? Is it sad that when I picture a bunch of Grendels in their human forms in one place, that I just hear a bunch of Gren's all shouting in slurred tones at one another and occasionally beating one another up? XD Good luck to Nick if he ever goes near there XD
“You sir, the big man with the cape and the weapons”
Oh Shit. Of all people, he picks Nick? Well, I suppose he was badass looking enough to choose out of the other surrounding peasants, lol. The poor peasant guy was just hungry
one of them looked ready to drop dead, and in a strange way it made Nick feel sad.
I'm there with ya, man
When she looked up, Nick’s breathe hitched in his throat, it was Lyla Porgie!
I'm IN LOVE with the idea of this alternate universe! It almost makes me excited to see Harmony, and how you've told me you're going to portray her eventually. I can just imagine this alternate Lyla, chained up but still ready for a fight. It's freakin' awesome!
Makoto! Seriously dude, this chapter is phenominal! I'm lovin' every second of it (Even if it is a very depressing section.)
Nick shook his head and drew his revolver “No, not at all...” In the swiftest motion, Nick fired 5 shots at the 5 soldiers
HELL YEAH! GO NICK! For some reason, I saw it coming; I didn't know how he was gonna do it, but I knew he didn't have it in him to kill the man for stealing. Fuck those guards! (Excuse my foul language XD)
I love the conversation between Nick and Lyla, and how even though she's sort of giving up, she's still feisty and sarcastic. I love how linear yet different this world is compared to the Mundy one. Such as Georgie and Lyla owning the brothel and such. It's fantastic.
“However, if you screw me over, then I’ll leave you in a brothel with no tongue and broken legs... Got it?”
Nick and his business agreements XD I love it, and I love the concept of Lyla being his sidekick. I was secretly hoping that would happen and it did, so now I'm happy
“Good, then let’s go, the swamps are a good short-cut apparently...”
Goddamn it, Nick! Those're dangerous! Just picture a bunch of Gren's beating each other up! That's what you're freakin' gonna deal with XD
Death still had the constant weight on his shoulders of keeping his siblings in check, as well as their Harbingers...
I really like Death! Normally people hate him (especially when he appears out of no where while playing sims and scares the living shit out of you with the music and the lightning and the scythe XD But I digress!) But he seems like a awesome dude!
And I ship him and Hope really, really hard now X3
while she shared it with him once, it was not meant to be...
But it should T-T
I just have one question I think. What's a Harbinger? I haven't been around for the entire ride, so I don't know everything, but that's the only thing that sort of confused me. Hope everything's going well where you're at ^-^ This chapter was magnificent. I can't wait for more!
Haven't written in a while (as usual :P) So get ready for another chapter, kinda breaking my little tradition with this one: There is no fig… morehting in this chapter!!
@Tetra I put in a little last minute surprise for you
@pudding_pie Get ready for it dude XD
Devils and Demons Chapter 10 - I Know Your Face
Nick had his reasons for continuing on towards the castle in the distance, the crest on the soldier’s armour was too familiar to him: a flame, a sword and a man riding a horse...
The man on the horse could mean Horseman, and Nick could conjure flames, plus his preferred weapon was always a sword. But who knew of these traits in this world? In this world the Horsemen never existed, so therefore the Harbingers never existed... but what if Galen didn’t just send Nick to this world?
They were all just theories at the moment, and Nick needed to find answers before he left; the town just a few miles away from the battlefield was th… [view original content]
Oh I'm sure XD I took some in-game shots, I think you'll be pleased with them Will probably post them today or tomorrow, depending on what I'm doing later XD
YUS XD The ghost babies XD I purposely wanted to have some when I FIRST got the sims 3, so I made a guy sim and took him to Paris and he married a girl and took her home with him and then I drowned him and ressurected him as a ghost and then made them have babies XD Those were good times...I miss how simple it was back then XD
I loved both of these pictures! And your DA, too! That one of emily....damn, dude! I may just go straight for her. XP
Anyways, Oh man....I think I know who the ex to Michelle is!!!! I'll PM you, dude! This was intense! Carla needs to seriously die! Go away! I hate that bitch! Best villian yet! Her motives are so evil! >:(
I loved that story about the 3 brothers, too. I'd do the same thing: talking about my mother and father like that. Loyal, these boys are.
Also...NO! Why are they fighting, pie!!!! NO! no, no, no! I was hoping for a dirty, raunchy make-up sex session to happen but this is good, too! Suspense!!! ETHAN! Go back you idiot!!!
Carla stood beside the heavily guarded fence and waited anxiously for her son. Glaring at her watch, the bastard was five minutes late. The … moreguard noticed her glares and assured the inmate was well on his way. Carla ignored the pathetic individual's comment and returned to her focus on the building before her. She needed this final plan to fall into place; to crumble the foundation of the Porgie family and all that dwelled within.
To prove to the town that no one changes; Grendel was not that strong and could easily be taken down and Emily was a miserable waste of time and life.
Carla wanted to taste the tears of her sister, as she craddle the body of her deceased daughter and watch Georgie return to his original self. One by one, they'd drop like flies and the power would finally be for her to take...
But first, Carla nedded this to sneak in the mix and create havoc on the family and it would all begin with Ethan Porgie. As Carla chuck… [view original content]
I loved this! I look forward to more, especially when my Robert shows up. I'm like Ems, though....picture all these drunk, loud, foul-mouthed guys half naked and being, well...Grens pretty much. XD XD Lyla is a freaking fiesty little devil and even with Georgie dead (tears) she has that spark that I love about her so much!
Nick is one fool I'd never cross. Those soilders felt wither brave or wanted to die. I like this whole parellel universe bit. Plus...Death. dude. Just, let her love you, man! Fates can suck it! XD
(BTW, pie....hope you don't mind the image, dude. XD XD XD)
Haven't written in a while (as usual :P) So get ready for another chapter, kinda breaking my little tradition with this one: There is no fig… morehting in this chapter!!
@Tetra I put in a little last minute surprise for you
@pudding_pie Get ready for it dude XD
Devils and Demons Chapter 10 - I Know Your Face
Nick had his reasons for continuing on towards the castle in the distance, the crest on the soldier’s armour was too familiar to him: a flame, a sword and a man riding a horse...
The man on the horse could mean Horseman, and Nick could conjure flames, plus his preferred weapon was always a sword. But who knew of these traits in this world? In this world the Horsemen never existed, so therefore the Harbingers never existed... but what if Galen didn’t just send Nick to this world?
They were all just theories at the moment, and Nick needed to find answers before he left; the town just a few miles away from the battlefield was th… [view original content]
Vivian smiled, assuming she and Nick were still alone and their little 'secret' had been concealed for another day. Nick, however, finally managed to spout out Emily's name and point to the left of him. Vivian carefully lifted her head and caught a glimpse of Emily. She was grinning widely
THIS just made my day, dude! I loved this! I'm hoping these two stay together forever and ever! I ship them so hard!!
Robert observed the ebony haired beauty as Emily placed the sheet into the stove. He was in awe of her natural beauty and found his sudden rush of emotions odd and confusing.
Robert's breathing immediatly picked up. There was an instant change in him.
NO! Robert! NO! BAD Robert!!! -sprays him with water-
"You...." This one word sent chills down her arms. "Just you, Emily..."
OMG....No! Robert, no! Fucking Carla! This is HER doing!!! >:( Fight it, Robert!
Robert reaches out a hand and touches Emily's face. "You're so marvelous. I never really noticed it until recently. You don't need to deal with ANY of this, Emily. You need a REAL man. A REAL Alpha that is going to give you potential. Strong, healthy babies that-"
You told me I was in for a shock and damn, dude you were not liying to me! I hope robert is stronger then bitch Carla and fights back! I now see the connection to the dream both he and Gren had. Carla IS using Robert to bring down his own brother.....
Isaiah is a bad ass dude! Those powers are awesome! I loved how they summoned both Hades and....hey, Hman's Nick! Both Nicks in the same place! Obviously neither he or Vivian like them too much. Their reactions....:(
Damn! Gren is already challenging Nick! XD I loved this! I had no idea you were throwing Nick in here, man! I can't wait for more!!!
"Come on somebody, why don't you run? Ol' Red is itching to have a little fun. Get my latern, get my gun. Red will have you treed before the… more morning comes."
"Well, good mornin', Nick." Nick's eyes slightly opened and he found Emily standing above him. She continued to gently tap him with her foot. "Ya', uh, have a little sleep ova' with my guardian angel? NOT very bloody holy of ya' there..."
Nick flipped over, covered his bare body and glanced down. Vivian was nude and wrapped in a thin bed spread. Both their hairs a wild mess, the ends of candles still burning and the stereo near the large couch playing a song. Emily looked around and took a notice of several items: bottle of
Champagne and two very naked ghosts in her living room. Folding her arms and holding a cup of coffee, Emily snickers.
"Ya'....uh, wanna explain THAT ova' 'ere, Nick?"
Nick became still like a statue in the gardens. His mouth felt like cotton was lodged int… [view original content]
Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit SHIT shit! This is all just a load of "OH SHIT!" coming out of my mouth XD
Okay, that was the last one. Nice drawings, BTW. I LOVE Nick's look; He seems like he's got Georgie's style, yet he's really his own person! I like it! And he and Viv I love those two.
But yeah! I skimmed a bit before reading this outright, and I saw a lot I didn't want to see
Carla's a fucking bitch; Shocker. And, technically speaking, her son IS a bastard, since he wasn't Gren's and therefore technically born out of wedlock from his real dad coughassolecough.
Carla wanted to taste the tears of her sister, as she craddle the body of her deceased daughter
SHIT! Oh, sorry. I was supposed to stop saying that. I won't say it again this time, I swear! That's messed up though. Carla, what has happened (I secretly want to see the end of her where she finally apologizes or something along those lines just moments before her death. Kinda like Darth Vader, but instead of being Luke's father, she's like everybody's Aunt. Aunt Carla. "Porgie Clan: I AM your Aunt!" Except, you know, they already know she's their Aunt. Or is she? Lmao XD Wow I'm a mega nerd. Just gonna stop wasting time now XD)
Super mega nerding out aside, I'm still super nervous as to Carla's plans. I hope Noah can be changed at least; I ALSO hope that Ethan isn't screwed up too much by the end of this, because she obviously intends on using him for shit. (well, that didn't last long.)
Carla's laugh was immoral. For the first time, Noah was reluctant to answer back.
I wonder fucking why? Jesus, Carla is scaring me o.o
AND on to the next half....
I just have one question: Can Erica walk on her own? I know Rosie picks her up a lot and stuff. And she's like, 11, right? My sister's 11, and I know I have trouble carrying her around XD She's a twig, almost 5 feet tall (She's up to my chin, this isn't right! I'm gonna be 18 in a few months >.<), and weighs only 70 pounds, so I'm basing Erica on the same standards, lol.
(Ehem and I'm starting to Ship Rosie and Woody the same way it took me a little bit to ship other characters like Katie and Jersey and even Gren and Emily (Because I didn't tell you, but it took me a short while for me to be like "Okay, I ship it!"))
(I need to stop making these sidetracked parenthesis comments. Also, I'll probably say shit a bunch more and make more sidetracked comments so I might as well not even bother XD)
they stopped at a red light, just beyond the empty lot where the Pudding n' Pie once stood.
EERIE. AS. HELL. The countless things that happened in that place...I think EVERYONE wanted it torn down, tbh.
Fables stuck together, especially when it came to family and their own.
It's so true.
I was thinking the other day, and since Peter is Bigby's son, that would make him Harmony's uncle, which would make his kids her cousins. Just thought I'd point that out if you didn't notice or think about it before Glad my Harmony is indirectly related to you're OC, even if it's only partially canonical
Junior will pay a nightly visit to their newly added friend and make sure nothing is accidentally mentioned or revieled.
It's got a very mobster feel to it XD I'm just picturing Peter as Al Capone and his brothers like his helpers XD Junior'll make sure that 'friend' knows his place!
"So, the bullshit I encountered as a child and struggling to find my place is nothing then?"
Oof. Right in the feels >.< I don't want to see them fight I suppose this felt inevitable, though.
"MICHELLE!" Ethan's voice travels up the building. "MICHELLE! I'm not in the fuckin' mood to chase you and scream! Wait!"
Picturing this whole scene is just painful, yet so realistic. I can see Ethan getting out of the car angrily, his voice shouting as she sprints away from him. It's definitely heartbreaking.
"OH!" Ethan hits the wall. "So, its Mr. PORGIE now, huh? Alright, MICHELLE! Since you suddenly switched the 'business' mode on, let's talk business!"
"You're an asshole."
Oof. There's those feels again.
"I love you, Michelle. I....I want to help you but you gotta let me in. Please! WHAT are you hiding from me? Is it your ex boyfriend?"
Michelle opens the door. "You need to leave, Ethan. Please."
Here lies EMMYPESS; Died from extreme case of the Feels.
You killed me, Pie XD
It's okay, because I probably killed YOU with this wall of extreme text that is unnecessarily long because of THE FEELS.
So indirectly, it's your fault.
I'm such a woman XD I'm just kidding with ya'! But seriously, this chapter man! I think me and JJ are your number one fans, lmao XD
You have no idea WHO I am...
I'm at such a loss of words. I have no idea who she could REALLY be! (Is she secretly connected to Carla in some way/shape/form? I'll cut a bitch.)
I've cursed so much, I feel improper. Oh well. Can't wait for the next chapter, man! I'm dying from the suspense!
Carla stood beside the heavily guarded fence and waited anxiously for her son. Glaring at her watch, the bastard was five minutes late. The … moreguard noticed her glares and assured the inmate was well on his way. Carla ignored the pathetic individual's comment and returned to her focus on the building before her. She needed this final plan to fall into place; to crumble the foundation of the Porgie family and all that dwelled within.
To prove to the town that no one changes; Grendel was not that strong and could easily be taken down and Emily was a miserable waste of time and life.
Carla wanted to taste the tears of her sister, as she craddle the body of her deceased daughter and watch Georgie return to his original self. One by one, they'd drop like flies and the power would finally be for her to take...
But first, Carla nedded this to sneak in the mix and create havoc on the family and it would all begin with Ethan Porgie. As Carla chuck… [view original content]
This is all I can say for this, dude:
I loved this! I look forward to more, especially when my Robert shows up. I'm like Ems, though.… more...picture all these drunk, loud, foul-mouthed guys half naked and being, well...Grens pretty much. XD XD Lyla is a freaking fiesty little devil and even with Georgie dead (tears) she has that spark that I love about her so much!
Nick is one fool I'd never cross. Those soilders felt wither brave or wanted to die. I like this whole parellel universe bit. Plus...Death. dude. Just, let her love you, man! Fates can suck it! XD
(BTW, pie....hope you don't mind the image, dude. XD XD XD)
You're so random sometimes but it makes it for entertaining laughter. XD
And I read your PM and you're right. That is the father of Erica and Michelle's ex and you're wrong about Michelle's past, too. I'll give you THIS hint: he's from the comics....
The suspense! Dun dun DUUUUN! But yeah, alright...that's what they will do then! XD XD
I loved both of these pictures! And your DA, too! That one of emily....damn, dude! I may just go straight for her. XP
Anyways, Oh man....… moreI think I know who the ex to Michelle is!!!! I'll PM you, dude! This was intense! Carla needs to seriously die! Go away! I hate that bitch! Best villian yet! Her motives are so evil! >:(
I loved that story about the 3 brothers, too. I'd do the same thing: talking about my mother and father like that. Loyal, these boys are.
Also...NO! Why are they fighting, pie!!!! NO! no, no, no! I was hoping for a dirty, raunchy make-up sex session to happen but this is good, too! Suspense!!! ETHAN! Go back you idiot!!!
Love this, dude! Can't wait for more!
Belinda was right. She was terribly, regrettably right. The first thing she did when she woke up alone was stifle a cry. Still, the tears escaped through the corner of her eyes. She bunched the blankets up with her fists, using them to cover her body so she could retain a shred of dignity. The glass had been cleaned up at some point, as well as anything else that'd been broken on the floor. The rug still had blood stains though, and the mirror was still shattered in it's casing across the room. She would need to replace the window, too.
Did he lie to her? Was this a joke? Her mind was racing with so many thoughts and not enough time to process any of it. He didn't leave a note. He didn't wake her before vanishing. He was just gone, and she was alone, and there was no way that he really loved her. Did he?
Maybe he just stepped out of the room for a moment. Maybe you're over-reacting. She called his name, several times, with no answer.
He was definitely gone. She tore a nightgown from her dresser, wiping the remaining tears off with the lacy edges. She pulled it over her head, the white fabric warming her up from the dull chill the room contained. It wasn't nearly as cold last night, but it could have been Jonathan's body heat that kept her content.
Sophie had just arrived in the moment that Belinda entered the kitchen. She tried to stay as composed as possible, as if nothing happened.
She hoped to God that it had all been a dream. But, at the same token, something inside her burned. She wanted to lock this secret away securely, in a box or something. She wanted to remember Jonathan's body and they way it fit perfectly against her own. She fought back another round tears and was so distracted, she hadn't heard a word Sophie had been saying.
"Are you okay, Belinda?" Her voice was concerned, and her thin hand rested atop Belinda's shoulder lightly. Comfortingly.
Should she tell her friend the truth? Belinda's stomach filled with guilt. "...No. Nothing is right. I....I..." She breathed heavily, and then the tears couldn't be held back any longer. They came in a steady stream and she immediately fell against Sophie's shoulder. She felt Sophie's hand pat her back reassuringly. This was a true friend. A true friend.
Belinda had never had a true friend. She pulled away and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her gown.
"Do you want to tell me what happened? Oh my God, Belinda- Is that blood on you?"
"It's not mine," She replied, sniffling mid-sentence. "It's- It's Jonathan's...and maybe...oh Lord, what was her name? Oh God!"
"Shhh," Sophie's voice rang out. She held Belinda still, and lead her from the kitchen to the couch in the parlor. She drew the curtains closed, her eyes lingering outdoors for just a moment. She made sure the front door was locked, and then took a hearty seat across from Belinda, her arms crossed as she sat up some.
"Start from the beginning. Tell me what happened when you came home last night."
Belinda recounted her story, struggling to look Sophie in the eye the entire time. She felt ashamed, and horrified. And yet, her friend just sat and listened. She was really good at listening.
"I know I told you I'd stay away," Belinda said, toward the end. "But I couldn't. I can't. I love him, even though he doesn't love me."
"That's not true." Sophie's first words since Belinda had started talking. It certainly shocked Belinda, and she wiped away a stray tear before replying.
"Excuse me?"
"He loves you, Belinda." Sophie said back in the armchair, no longer stiffly listening to Belinda's story. She sighed, brushing a loose strand of dark hair from her line of sight. "Believe me when I tell you, my brother loves you. If what you've said is true- If he was willing to trust you with the ring, and if he was here defending you from - from whoever that woman was - He loves you. You just....don't know everything...I don't know how I can explain it."
"Y-you think this is related to his condition?" Belinda hiccuped, a side-effect of raw emotion.
"Most certainly. But you don't know. You don't know." She looked away, toward the windows. Even though the blinds were closed, they were thin enough to light the room up with morning sunlight. She paused for only a little bit, standing wistfully as she walked toward the kitchen.
"I'm going to make us some breakfast, and then I'll tell you everything. Okay?"
Belinda only nodded.
Finger sandwiches dotted a metal serving tray, along with a little cup of butter and a stack of fresh toast. Tea had been served into little teacups, set out on saucers as both women sat quietly on the couch next to one another. Sophie, despite opening up, seemed very hesitant; She kept looking toward the windows and the door, as if half-expecting someone to appear in either, ready to take her and Belinda away to somewhere not as nice as Belinda's living room.
"He was born normal," She began. "My little brother, little Jonathan. Jonny. I haven't called him that in years. He was an explorer." Sophie sat back some, as if reminiscing the past. Her eyes were trained on the coffee table, but she seemed to be imagining her memories rather than staring at the food.
"He also used to get himself in some trouble. Especially in the Homelands. He...excuse my lack of a better word, pissed a witch off. Very, very badly. She...Well, it was easy to anger her, but she was especially angered by my brother. She put a curse on him. She cursed him with a demon, who lays dormant in his body. When the demon is not dormant, it takes over his life. He transforms into a gruesome creature, merciless and evil. You should know though, that the real Jonathan is still inside of him. The real Jonathan fights the demon every day, and wins the fight. Usually."
"Did he...turn? Transform? Last night?"
"Hardly," Sophie said curtly. "But, he might have been on the verge. If he had turned, I don't know if you would have survived. His demon counterpart is evil, and like I said, merciless. It kills whomever and whatever it wants, and Jonathan is forced to do those actions for it. He killed our parents."
Belinda's heart sunk for Sophie. She knew what it felt like to loose parents to evil creatures. She shuddered, balancing her tea cup between her fingers.
"I forgave him of that, of course. He hadn't known...it was the first time. There were more times, though. He can't control it. He's exiled from here because they think he's a murderer. And, other reasons."
"Like? What else could they kick him out for?"
"His investigations...being the detective. They ended up going a little too close for Mayor Rutley's liking. Me- I was naive. I thank you for sharing what you know, by the way. I can't believe he's been undermining us. How, that's another story. The real murder is that bastard-"
"Such strong language," An unfamiliar voice rose from the shadows. "And from a lady. How scandalous. Well, not as scandalous as what you're little friend has been doing in her free time..." A female chuckle rose from everywhere. It was as if she were omnipresent. As if she were in the air.
Sophie's eyes were wide with shock and fear. Her lip quivered, watched from the corner as the woman formed out of thin air. Her hand gripped Belinda, who was just gawking with awe at their situation.
"Let me introduce myself," Her voice purred. "I'm Mirah. And neither of you will live long enough to tell me your own."
Dun dun dun! I've been semi-active, commenting on as much things as I can (I can't always read every chapter everyone makes, but I do skim some and read as much as I can. I comment really long, so I'm probably gonna work on cutting it shorter if it bothers anyone.) I've been thinking about how to do this chapter, and finally figured out how to do it, so here! I hope you liked it! Any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to ask. Hope everyone's week has gone well; I slept over my friend's house last night and got home a few hours ago (Not before stopping for a doctor's appointment and getting three goddamn shots >:( ) Lol
Don't mind the cursing, tbh! XD Means I did something right. I've done that several times (along with the feels) to certain chaps you've posted. lol I'm sure you've sat there thinking 'Damn, how man times can he say F this and shit that....' lol
That would be an EPIC scene to picture and write about; every single member, including the kids, taking their turn with Carla. >:D Also, that scene from 300 popped into my head; I pictured Peter doing the pushing or even Emily and screaming 'WE ARE PORGIES!' and going from there. XD XD
Carla is a major (excuse the language) a bitch. All she wants to do is watch the world crumble before her; I'll explain more as to why because a lot of people (and I'm sure you, too) want to know WHAT drove her to madness after all these years. I've thrown little clues every now and then as to why but not enough to spoil anything. Even Noah is beginning to see just how insane she is....
Erica can walk but its very difficult for her; they have a wheel chair and some other items to assist her getting around but she's pretty small enough for Rosie to carry. Plus, Rosie is a Grendel and to her, Erica is like a bundle of sticks. XD Speaking of Rosie, glad you've taken to the idea of her and Woody being a couple; Gren & Emily DID take some time. Even I'm enough to admit this. But for some reason, looking at those two made me want to push them together and create a story from that. Glad its worked out.
The pudding n' pie was honestly keeping so many of those family memebers behind, Emily made the decision to just get rid of it. One less thing they can worry about now....
Wanna know the funny thing about that Mobster comment? I came this close to making Peter and Ethan mobsters for Fabletown; I may use this idea for someone's kids after I'm through writing about these three and see where that goes but that's pretty much what Peter was doing. Although the baby, he's the leader of his siblings. Plus, I've often thought about his relationship with your OC Harmony; this is her uncle and with that, Harms may just pop up sometime.
Right now, Ethan and Michelle are so busy trying to forget that they themselves lose their way; Michelle is holding a lot back about her past and JJ has tried to guess WHAT and WHO but he's not even close. XD She knows Ethan loves her but she's worried of making the same mistake she did years ago.
LMAO! You did kill me a few times; our ghosts can duel in the end because of the feels the stories left us. XD Well, in a way, Michelle is connected to Carla...but how, well, I'll let you decide.
Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit SHIT shit! This is all just a load of "OH SHIT!" coming out of my mouth XD
Okay, that was the las… moret one. Nice drawings, BTW. I LOVE Nick's look; He seems like he's got Georgie's style, yet he's really his own person! I like it! And he and Viv I love those two.
But yeah! I skimmed a bit before reading this outright, and I saw a lot I didn't want to see
Carla's a fucking bitch; Shocker. And, technically speaking, her son IS a bastard, since he wasn't Gren's and therefore technically born out of wedlock from his real dad coughassolecough.
Carla wanted to taste the tears of her sister, as she craddle the body of her deceased daughter
SHIT! Oh, sorry. I was supposed to stop saying that. I won't say it again this time, I swear! That's messed up though. Carla, what has happened (I secretly want to see the end of her where she finally apologizes or something along those lines just momen… [view original content]
Oh man EMMY, right at the beginning I thought he literally ditched! Just to find out it wasn't the poor guys fault. Poor Johnathan having all that on his shoulders...I hope he comes back soon especially with this Mirah person, who (correct me if I'm wrong XD) was in stones story when our fables were in high school right? I already don't like her >:(
Hey that's Alright! Come on here when you can! Mine was pretty good, I passed all my midterms (Ours were given out late ) I hate going to the doctors and I have no idea why XD. But I do know that shots suck! Hopefully you won't need anymore for a long while! Hope your week is going well besides the whole doctor part!
Belinda was right. She was terribly, regrettably right. The first thing she did when she woke up alone was stifle a cry. Still, the tears es… morecaped through the corner of her eyes. She bunched the blankets up with her fists, using them to cover her body so she could retain a shred of dignity. The glass had been cleaned up at some point, as well as anything else that'd been broken on the floor. The rug still had blood stains though, and the mirror was still shattered in it's casing across the room. She would need to replace the window, too.
Did he lie to her? Was this a joke? Her mind was racing with so many thoughts and not enough time to process any of it. He didn't leave a note. He didn't wake her before vanishing. He was just gone, and she was alone, and there was no way that he really loved her. Did he?
Maybe he just stepped out of the room for a moment. Maybe you're over-reacting. She called his name, several times, with no answer.
… [view original content]
Oh man EMMY, right at the beginning I thought he literally ditched! Just to find out it wasn't the poor guys fault. Poor Johnathan having a… morell that on his shoulders...I hope he comes back soon especially with this Mirah person, who (correct me if I'm wrong XD) was in stones story when our fables were in high school right? I already don't like her >:(
Hey that's Alright! Come on here when you can! Mine was pretty good, I passed all my midterms (Ours were given out late ) I hate going to the doctors and I have no idea why XD. But I do know that shots suck! Hopefully you won't need anymore for a long while! Hope your week is going well besides the whole doctor part!
I was hoping John would be there when Belinda woke up; a small part in me, however, knew this would be too easy. I could feel her heart break as she awoke to nothing. Like, she was used in some way, you know?
I love her relationship with Sophie; even though these women just met, you would think they've know eachother for centuries. Unless, this IS the case, in some weird way. o.o Her reassurance was heartfelt and I truly beleive John did it to protect Belinda, especially after the background you gave on him. Thos witches, man Gotta watch yourself around them.
So, when John is mad he turns or does it have to do with the ring? I have this weird theory that Mirah is trying to use it and control John; like, she has this devious plan that involves everyone here and in the future but again, theories. All over. Theories. XD XD Here showing up like that! Damn, girl! Determination but that is never a good fuel to go by if you're evil...:(
I like where this is going very much! Glad to hear your week is good; I'm fighting allergies at the moment, as is little Ems. We both have those disgusting nose sprays but eh, better then runny noses, that's for sure. XD I think I had ONE sleepover growing up but that was it. Know my sister had a TON! lol UGH! And the doctor's office! No beuno for those shots!
Belinda was right. She was terribly, regrettably right. The first thing she did when she woke up alone was stifle a cry. Still, the tears es… morecaped through the corner of her eyes. She bunched the blankets up with her fists, using them to cover her body so she could retain a shred of dignity. The glass had been cleaned up at some point, as well as anything else that'd been broken on the floor. The rug still had blood stains though, and the mirror was still shattered in it's casing across the room. She would need to replace the window, too.
Did he lie to her? Was this a joke? Her mind was racing with so many thoughts and not enough time to process any of it. He didn't leave a note. He didn't wake her before vanishing. He was just gone, and she was alone, and there was no way that he really loved her. Did he?
Maybe he just stepped out of the room for a moment. Maybe you're over-reacting. She called his name, several times, with no answer.
… [view original content]
I honestly didn't think it was possible but I learned different ways to study from my group of friends and went from there! It was so cool to see that I made improvements and to know I am still making improvements!
Ok so, what is a Harbinger: The definition of Harbinger is someone or something that foreshadows or indicates events to come. Basically, the Horsemen created their Harbingers to deliver warnings to kingdoms that were soon to be attacked by enemy forces, and the Harbingers would assist the enemy force in destroying said kingdom.
The Horsemen created the Harbinger's so they could do their dirty work for them, hence why they're all so powerful... While Famine, Pestilence and War view their Harbinger's as servants; Death views Nick as a son and treats him as such.
Because he is Death's Harbinger, Nick is the most powerful of the 4, but the other 3 aren't far behind in terms of power. Before Nick settled down with Mary and bore Lyra, their daughter, he was a rather psychotic man with an unquenchable bloodlust. He enjoyed the thrill of combat more than any other worldly pleasure (besides sex) and lead the Harbingers to victory every time...
The soldier had told Nick that the swamps were a good shortcut, but they were apparently filled with Grendels, and Nick knew what a Grendel … morecould do.
Oh shit, there's Grendels around? Is it sad that when I picture a bunch of Grendels in their human forms in one place, that I just hear a bunch of Gren's all shouting in slurred tones at one another and occasionally beating one another up? XD Good luck to Nick if he ever goes near there XD
“You sir, the big man with the cape and the weapons”
Oh Shit. Of all people, he picks Nick? Well, I suppose he was badass looking enough to choose out of the other surrounding peasants, lol. The poor peasant guy was just hungry
one of them looked ready to drop dead, and in a strange way it made Nick feel sad.
I'm there with ya, man
When she looked up, Nick’s breathe hitched in his throat, it was Lyla Porgie!
I'm IN LOVE with the idea of this alternate univers… [view original content]
Hey man we all learn differently and you found what works best for you. Again, congrats on those improvements and stride for the best, my good man! You should be very proud. -brofist-
I honestly didn't think it was possible but I learned different ways to study from my group of friends and went from there! It was so cool to see that I made improvements and to know I am still making improvements!
This is all I can say for this, dude:
I loved this! I look forward to more, especially when my Robert shows up. I'm like Ems, though.… more...picture all these drunk, loud, foul-mouthed guys half naked and being, well...Grens pretty much. XD XD Lyla is a freaking fiesty little devil and even with Georgie dead (tears) she has that spark that I love about her so much!
Nick is one fool I'd never cross. Those soilders felt wither brave or wanted to die. I like this whole parellel universe bit. Plus...Death. dude. Just, let her love you, man! Fates can suck it! XD
(BTW, pie....hope you don't mind the image, dude. XD XD XD)
Maybe its because I'm always writing about romance and what not and when people read this, they are a bit taken back. XD They would have let… more it slide, should they not have mentioned their mother. >:(
NP, man. If you ever have questions, please ask or send me a PM and I'll explain.
Oh man! I can see Nick waiting there....lol I'm waiting to see if anyone catches on to who he is...:D
First, I shall tell a tale of woe: I had to go to work at the same time you posted this chapter (so I have had to wait a good 6 hours before reading it!) But I went to work both sad and disappointed.
My sadness was that you didn't tag me! DUDE, you said you would tag me when my Nick got introduced!!! And if you sprout the "I wanted it to be a surprise" thing then you misinterpreted it. I didn't want to know how long it would be before Nick got introduced, I still wanted a tag dammit...
My disappointment was that I skimmed through the chapter a bit and saw you called Nick "Nick Harbinger"... Ok, Nick IS A Harbinger, that isn't his last name, it's just Nick, plan as day.
Besides that, you portrayed Nick well enough, not sure why he had all these weapons already as Nick tends to create them only when they're needed.
The favour about the Black Plague caught my eye and kinda made me wish you had told me about it first, because the Black Plague was also known as "The Great Pestilence" and Pestilence's Harbinger is Cormac
"Come on somebody, why don't you run? Ol' Red is itching to have a little fun. Get my latern, get my gun. Red will have you treed before the… more morning comes."
"Well, good mornin', Nick." Nick's eyes slightly opened and he found Emily standing above him. She continued to gently tap him with her foot. "Ya', uh, have a little sleep ova' with my guardian angel? NOT very bloody holy of ya' there..."
Nick flipped over, covered his bare body and glanced down. Vivian was nude and wrapped in a thin bed spread. Both their hairs a wild mess, the ends of candles still burning and the stereo near the large couch playing a song. Emily looked around and took a notice of several items: bottle of
Champagne and two very naked ghosts in her living room. Folding her arms and holding a cup of coffee, Emily snickers.
"Ya'....uh, wanna explain THAT ova' 'ere, Nick?"
Nick became still like a statue in the gardens. His mouth felt like cotton was lodged int… [view original content]
LOL I was going to wait until tomorrow to post but like I mentioned, want to get as much told before the hiatus; we leave next weekend at the house (JJ is going, too) and I won't be active during that time, either.
Well, you mentioned you wanted to be surprised and I thought 'Alright, that means the tagging, too' AD I'll know for future posts, my good man. And I'll know not to do that, either. I always assumed that was his last name, tbh.
He had those weapons just to play around with Gren's emotions. And I didn't know anything about that Black Plague, tbh. I just threw that in there for dramatic feel. If you want, send me certain things you'd like to see for the next chap....
THIS is why I never include other OC's. Too damn difficult and complicated. :P lol But, at least I KINDA got it. XD
First, I shall tell a tale of woe: I had to go to work at the same time you posted this chapter (so I have had to wait a good 6 hours before… more reading it!) But I went to work both sad and disappointed.
My sadness was that you didn't tag me! DUDE, you said you would tag me when my Nick got introduced!!! And if you sprout the "I wanted it to be a surprise" thing then you misinterpreted it. I didn't want to know how long it would be before Nick got introduced, I still wanted a tag dammit...
My disappointment was that I skimmed through the chapter a bit and saw you called Nick "Nick Harbinger"... Ok, Nick IS A Harbinger, that isn't his last name, it's just Nick, plan as day.
Besides that, you portrayed Nick well enough, not sure why he had all these weapons already as Nick tends to create them only when they're needed.
The favour about the Black Plague caught my eye and kinda made me wish you had told me about it first, because the Bla… [view original content]
That word hiatus makes me think you're gonna die or something :P It's gonna be strange not having you around as much dude...
Oh man, Harbinger would be such a shit last name XD Tbh, I haven't even thought of a last name for the host body, he was just called Nick in his lifetime. Death's Harbinger didn't have a given name...
Ok the weapons make sense I just added that in because I know a bit about the Black Plague, you don't need to expand upon that with the info I provided unless you want to...
That's all there is, you got him spot on with everything else! XD
Dude, I'm using everyone's OC's in my next story, and yours are main characters! You can bash me about my portrayal of them when the time comes! XP
LOL I was going to wait until tomorrow to post but like I mentioned, want to get as much told before the hiatus; we leave next weekend at th… moree house (JJ is going, too) and I won't be active during that time, either.
Well, you mentioned you wanted to be surprised and I thought 'Alright, that means the tagging, too' AD I'll know for future posts, my good man. And I'll know not to do that, either. I always assumed that was his last name, tbh.
He had those weapons just to play around with Gren's emotions. And I didn't know anything about that Black Plague, tbh. I just threw that in there for dramatic feel. If you want, send me certain things you'd like to see for the next chap....
THIS is why I never include other OC's. Too damn difficult and complicated. :P lol But, at least I KINDA got it. XD
Hopefully you will, man.
Night had shown in the real world and Lucas started to get tired. Hans picked him up and carried him to his bed. Lucas looked sad.
"What's wrong Lucas?" Hans asked
"Are we...are we ever going to see mom again?" He asked
This broke Hans heart, in that instant he wanted to give him a hug and tell him of course but...even then Hans didn't know if they would...
"I'm sure Bigby and Luke will help us in some way kiddo." He said getting up.
"Uh dad?" Lucas said
"What do you need little guy?" He asked
"Um...I'm a bit scared and-" Lucas said before Hans interrupted him with a smile.
"I'll hang out with you till you go to sleep." Hans said smiling.
Lucas began to smile once more. "Thanks dad..."
Hans pulled up a chair and began to tell him stories of how he and Alice had crossed paths and started their lives together. Before Hans knew it Lucas had fell asleep. And even he began to fall asleep. He closed his eyes...
In wonderland. Outskirts of town...
"So how did you and Og meet John?" Alice asked
"We've been friends ever since we were kids. Since my father left it was just me and my mom but we found Og who was a lot smaller and cute back then." He smirked and Og punched him in the back of the shoulder.
"I see and who was your parents?" She asked
"My mother was a normal woman in the homelands, her name was Claire. And my father was Prince Charming. He would sleep with any woman he came across..." His face began to show anger.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Alice said "We are all friends here so Azaria and I will also have your back." She smiled
Azaria was in front of the three. She hasn't said a word since they left.
John looked at Alice. "What happened with her? She seems to be very VERY angry, did something happen?" He asked in a whisper.
Alice didn't want to start anything but she didn't want to lie about what was going on. "She seems to have made a strong connection with Kieron, the man in the medical room, he...doesn't have a very good life at the moment. He was practically torn from his parents, friends, and siblings in fact they wiped his memories just so he'd stay and be a guinea pig to a bunch of scientists. I guess that is what has her in a bad mood." Alice explained
"No shit. And you guys have all been traveling with each other for how long? He asked
"Almost three days." Alice said
John chuckled "Love at first sight for her huh?" He said
"It's weird. It's like they've met before because when they fight together they are totally in sync with each other." She said
They started coming up to the town...Azaria turned around.
"Is everyone ready?" She asked
Alice summoned some soldiers from her shadow and nodded. John held his sword and also nodded, along with Og. Azaria drew her bow, and gave them the command to attack...and leave no survivors that there would be no prisoners. Alice went first with her soldiers, while Og and John came in from the side. Azaria climbed the rooftops and provided cover fire. Sirens wailed and soldiers were dieing. They began destroy houses that Azaria was on. She would jump from building to building, taking as many shots before she had to jump again. This battle was in their favor...
At the resistance base in Kierons medical room...
Kieron looked surprised. "You can talk?"
"I've always been able to. I just needed to be sure that you we're good people." Nyx smiled
Kieron got up and looked at his chest. There was a fresh cut on his stomach...
"Azaria tried to stop them, but she was forcefully taken away when she did." Nyx said
"She tried to help me?" He said
Nyx nodded "Yes and she's not in a good state Kieron...she's a bit unstable at the moment so we need to move quick!" Nyx said "If we don't get to the town by midday tomorrow, all of your friends will die..." Nyx said tilting his head down.
Kieron got up and put on his tshirt and jacket. "So we better get going then..." Kieron said
Nyx smiled "Yes we should!" Jumping on Kierons shoulder.
Before they left the room Kieron looked at Nyx. "Why have you been helping us so much? Normally when you can show visions and the future you're not allowed to do so." Kieron asked
"We'll I've seemed to have grown close to you guys...I feel like I should warn you and try and keep you alive so we can keep going on our travels and hope to bring wonderland and Alice peace." NYC said purring and rubbed his face on Kierons cheek.
Kieron scratched Nyxs head "That's pretty cool to me, I feel the same way. You guys are pretty cool." He said
"So if there are anymore questions I suggest we leave." Nyx said
Kieron picked up his sword. "Let's get going then." He said smiling.
In the kings castle...
"Sir! Their about to take down one of our military bases!" A soldier said
This annoyed the king. "And it only took four people!? Gear up the next commander and his army and send them on their way...no one is to be taken alive." The king said
"Yes...yes sir!" The soldier said running out.
"Kieron...you will be stopped here." The king said to himself...
That's it! sort of a short one for now, I'll definitely post another one tonight although for now it's nap time! XD any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
As a wise man on this forum once said in a coment (wink), "Everyone to their own."
I can already hear JJ's pitiful cries and screams when this comes; I'm going to invite him over, we'll read it and see his reaction. XD I look forward to this part, either way.
Well, it was a wonderful last minute addition because he did add a little something. And yes-Lyla's favorite color is green.
The Porgie girls appreciate the love; if no one has caught on, so does pie. XD
Neat to know I'm on the right track lately for a lot of these stories. I figured Hope did not have a choice but a SMALL part of me was secretly hoping she did that to Death just because but it was still neat seeing someone like Death caable of love.
Looking forward to more, dude!
Oh please photograph his reaction for me!!! XD
Ok, Lyla's fav colour is green, I will remember that
Glad I got some love from my buddy Pie :P And his special ladies...
You wanted her to make Death miserable? Lol, I couldn't do that to him. Death is capable of a lot of things...
LOL That will need to be done and his picture is my comment. XD
Not a problem, man. We all appreciate the love.
Well, just to see a different side of Death but I knew that's a long shot and would never happen. If it ever DID, no one but Death alone would know of it...
Oh please make it happen! I will swim to California and give you a hug if you do!! XD
True, true
Death is a complex man, good and bad rolled into one :P
I stand by my original comment of Gertraud being a fiesty character and it shows strongly again in this chapter. she has that smart-ass humor to her and its reasons like this that make me enjoy a character. Her reaction to Alfred upon entering Berlin was wonderful. XD
I too, thought it was easy for the soilders to although these weary travelers access so easily but Alfred spoke their tongue and seeing as he did so, perhas the soilders felt no need to press on. That's just my theory, of course.
The description of Berlin was a nice tough, too. Walking into a tavern, however, is not going to be a good thing; I have a feeling Gertraud and Alfred are about to meet some unleasent soul just begging for trouble....Also, these little bits of German thrown in are neat, too!
Nice to see another writer use a different language. 
Look forward to more of your story, man!
Carla stood beside the heavily guarded fence and waited anxiously for her son. Glaring at her watch, the bastard was five minutes late. The guard noticed her glares and assured the inmate was well on his way. Carla ignored the pathetic individual's comment and returned to her focus on the building before her. She needed this final plan to fall into place; to crumble the foundation of the Porgie family and all that dwelled within.
To prove to the town that no one changes; Grendel was not that strong and could easily be taken down and Emily was a miserable waste of time and life.
Carla wanted to taste the tears of her sister, as she craddle the body of her deceased daughter and watch Georgie return to his original self. One by one, they'd drop like flies and the power would finally be for her to take...
But first, Carla nedded this to sneak in the mix and create havoc on the family and it would all begin with Ethan Porgie. As Carla chuckled to herself upon the images her mind created, the guard opens the gate and allows her son Noah to exit the prison. Carla gathers her son into the arms of her warmth and comfort. Holding the boy agianst her chest, Carla leads Noah to the Cadillac.
"OH my big, strong boy!" Carla kisses his forehead. "It's so nice to see you again, sweetie."
"Where is dad?"
"Oh, you know your father." Carla places Noah in the back and gets in the driver's seat. "Always late."
"Where is Joey?"
Carla does not hesitate, as she turns on the radio. "Oh your brother did a no no and mommy needed to take care of it, babykins. But don't you worry-now that YOU'RE here, we can finally handle all this bullshit and everything will be just fine."
"What about Rosie? Is she-"
"SHE'S there now, my precious pumpkin. All you need to do, is get in there and finish the job..."
Noah remains silent as his mother pulls out of the parking lot and onto the streets. The music plays 'Straight Tequila night'; the slow, eerie country song causes slight bumps to appear on Noah's skin. There was something cynical about his mother and the way she spoke. Black. Lost.
"I'll drop you off now. Tell Rosie HI for me, will you baby?"
Carla's laugh was immoral. For the first time, Noah was reluctant to answer back.
Michelle remained silent the entire car ride back to her apartment. After dinner, Rosie and Woody returned to Michelle's apartment with Erica. The little girl was becoming anxious and fussy. Holding Ethan's hand, the young woman watched the buildings and bright lights pass her by; they stopped at a red light, just beyond the empty lot where the Pudding n' Pie once stood. Michelle clears her throat and looks at Ethan; he was hesitant to make the first remark and as the light turned green, he spoke.
"Have not been past that old place in a long time."
"Peter tells me Emily ordered to have it torn down some time ago...."
"Yeah." Ethan coughs. "she, uh....wanted nothing to do with that place. to be honest, she AND Gren asked for that to happen. Been for the best...for all of us."
The pair returned their focus on the road. Neither wanted to open up old wounds or doors that were sealed off and padlocked shut. Michelle knew how protective Ethan and the others were inregards to Georgie. There was a rumor going around for sometime about Junior and Peter Porgie. Story has it, during an outting with his brothers, Peter overheard a drunk man mention Georgie. They were vulgar, upsetting and descriptive to how they'd 'end' his miserable life, plow his 'hot ass' wife and call it 'justice'.
Story goes like this: Ethan, Junior and Peter took their new 'friend' to the bar and purchased several more drinks. They watched the man drown in Whiskey and become a sloppy mess. The poor fool even made the wrong move and pointed out the similar features Junior; had that 'ugly bald head and face' like that fella had.
After a few rounds of pool and the brothers gained this man's trust, Peter drags the poor soul out to the back and into a dark alleyway. The man was prepared to fight but little did he know these were no ordinary men. Fables stuck together, especially when it came to family and their own. Peter did not give the man an option, as they threw the drunk man into the backseat of Ethan's car and took a little drive to the country side with their new 'friend'; the man, continuing to push his luck, tried to fight with Junior and singing the very song neither of the kids could put up with.
'Georgie Porgie, pudding n' pie. Kissed the girls and made them cry. When the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away....'
The man immediatly ended his tauntings when Junior took out compact mirror and handed it to his brother; Ethan grasped the item and watched Junior slide into the glass and deep into the darkness. The man rubbed his eyes, unable to process what just occured. Story goes on to say Ethan held that mirror to the man's face and allowed Junior to change into his true form and claw the man's eyes out. Shards of glass pierced his skin and body. Screaming, the man tries to run but is stopped by a massive black Wolf; the creature snatches the man into his jaws and shakes.
Story ends there; some say those boys stayed long enough to make their point across to not only the man but other Fables in general. The man lived, yes but never spoke a word about the inccident that night. With no evidence aiming at the brothers, all charges were dropped. For insurance purpouses, Junior will pay a nightly visit to their newly added friend and make sure nothing is accidentally mentioned or revieled.
Michelle tried to focus on a different topic. She could detect the growls leaping from Ethan's throat. "Well, it was for the best."
Nothing else was ever mentioned. Ethan parked the car in the garage and stared at the wheel. Turning the vehicle off, Michelle grabs her purse and unbuckles.
"This isn't fair, Ethan."
"What's not fair, Michelle?"
"You want me to open up and show you who I am, yet when I mention certain things about Emily or your past, these are the results EVERY fucking time! It's like walking on eggshells with you sometimes."
"That's different, Michelle." Ethan slams his palm into the dashboard. "I mean, those things nearly tore us apart and its fairly fresh still and-"
"So, the bullshit I encountered as a child and struggling to find my place is nothing then?"
"Then fucking TELL me, Michelle, so I CAN understand!" Ethan glares at Michelle. His amber eyes glow like twinkling stars in the dark. "You sit there, griping and bitching and feeling sorry for yourself, yet you don't let me in and-"
"How dare you!" Michelle grabs the handle and pulls open. "I have every right to feel sorry for myself sometimes but I'm enough to admit when enough is enough. I leave it at the door the MINUTE I come to work. Go home to my daughter. This all has eaten me up inside but its a battle I'm willing to fight alone and-"
Ethan exits the car, slams the door shut and quickly chases after Michelle; she was heading up the stairs and scurring to her apartment.
"MICHELLE!" Ethan's voice travels up the building. "MICHELLE! I'm not in the fuckin' mood to chase you and scream! Wait!"
"Go home, Ethan!" Michelle tries to block the tears. "You've done enough..."
"What did I do, huh?" Ethan was hot on her trail. He could pick up her perfume. "Its shit like this that makes you feel alone! You push people away and pretend like nothing wrong or bad happens! You lie to me AND Peter with your fake smile and bubbly personality but deep inside, your emotions are a tangled web and you refuse to let anyone in!"
Michelle turns to face Ethan. She was one flight of stairs away from her apartment. Several other tenants opened their doors just enough to view the arguing couple.
"YOU have no right to talk to me in such a manner, Mr. Porgie!"
"OH!" Ethan hits the wall. "So, its Mr. PORGIE now, huh? Alright, MICHELLE! Since you suddenly switched the 'business' mode on, let's talk business!"
"You're an asshole." Michelle takes her keys and heads for the door. "I suggest you leave, Mr. Porgie. I no longer wish to have this conversation, nor do I want to continue allowing yourself to make a fool of-"
"Fine Michelle." Ethan runs his fingers through his hair and looks down the stairs. "You want to pretend. Fine. I'm not going to waste MY time trying to pry into your life, when you obviously don't want me in there. I had to watch my own father play this role for YEARS, Michelle. He wanted to PRETEND like nothing terrible happened to him: the rapes, the many nights he spent in the closet, the lack of love, food or shelter; the Exile, Crooked Man...Vivian. It ate him up inside because he was trying so hard to protect us, Michelle but he forgot that's NOT what made him my father. These THINGS you feel the need to hide...it has to stop, Michelle! Please! You have to let me in sometime! I want to help you, Michelle. You and Erica. I love you..."
Michelle drops her purse and turns slightly to the side. "What..."
"I love you, Michelle. I....I want to help you but you gotta let me in. Please! WHAT are you hiding from me? Is it your ex boyfriend?"
Michelle opens the door. "You need to leave, Ethan. Please."
Michelle rotates and glances at Ethan. "GO!" Demolished, Michelle shakes and tries to hold back the tears. "You...need to leave me alone. Please...You have no idea WHO I am..."
Ethan refused to leave; he could hear Rosie rustling inside, trying to comfort Michelle. That should be him in there, he thought, as Ethan buried his hands into his jacket. But after several minutes, neither of the women left the apartment to seek for his assistance. Ethan took this as he answer and began his journey down the stairs. All he could picture was Michelle's face and the anguish life she seemed to prefer holding on and dealing with alone. Ethan found his vehicle and waited another five minutes. He was desperatly wishing either would run after him but when the same results occured, Ethan gave up and headed home. He knew his presence were no longer welcomed.
Rosie took a peek out towards the hall and was not surprised Ethan left.
Regrettably, neither did Michelle. She privatley anticipated for him to be waiting on those stairs, like everytime before. Little did Michelle know, it was not Ethan that would be waiting for her that night.
Any questions, you know the drill.
http://georgiepuddin.deviantart.com/ for more TWAU & Porgie clan images
Those pictures are so awesome man!
now onto the story stuff XD. Carla needs to be stopped, someone's gotta do it quick!
Also I don't know how the three brothers didn't kill their 'friend' heck after all Georgie went through I probably would've killed the dude for talking shit like that! The segment with Michelle and Ethan escalated really fast! Both have bad pasts but nobody wants to talk about that stuff, and there normally a good reason why too. Hopefully things will get patched up between the two. 
Awesome as always man!
Oh for fook's sake! I didn't need this shit right now...
For starters, I haven't read everything you've posted in the past, this is true, but I really didn't like what Ethan, Peter and Junior did to that guy, that was too much imo... Not even Nick would do that...
Now Ethan is acting like an asshole to Michelle? Man, I was expecting the anger and shouting to end in romance... BUT, who is waiting on the stairs? Is it Michelle's ex-boyfriend maybe???
I await more! XD
Thanks dude.
I would have done the same thing, if this fool was talking about someone I loved and cared about. That never wanted to kill the guy....just scare him a tad. XD Right now, both Michelle and Ethan have so much bottled inside, its destroying what they think is strong enough. Hopefully, they do open up to one another. And yes....Carla needs to die! I do agree! XD
Well, Ethan, Peter and Junior are VERY protective of their family and the members within their name; the dude was being a dick and said some pretty horrific things about both Georgie and their mother. They never killed the guy or anyone for that matter. It was simply to make a satement and scare the guy.
Ethan and Michelle have a lot bottled inside and they errupt like this that may come off ass being an asshole. The romance will come later, I promise this but you're right about the ex boyfriend on his way...:(
Ok maybe I can get on board with what they did, the initial shock of such an aggressive chapter has passed now (I think :P)
Can't argue that much, sorry
I haven't read enough of these two to understand as much as people like JJ would, but I can understand it now that you've explained that
The ex-boyfriend huh? Well then cracks knuckles and neck looks like I'm writing some torture tonight! XD
No problem!
Hey Junior did a great job with that! Gotta thank Mary for that one!
I almost forgot about the ex boyfriend but when I saw Hazza mention him all I thought was: Ethan you have to go back man quick!!!
I hope so man they need to!
"Come on somebody, why don't you run? Ol' Red is itching to have a little fun. Get my latern, get my gun. Red will have you treed before the morning comes."
"Well, good mornin', Nick." Nick's eyes slightly opened and he found Emily standing above him. She continued to gently tap him with her foot. "Ya', uh, have a little sleep ova' with my guardian angel? NOT very bloody holy of ya' there..."
Nick flipped over, covered his bare body and glanced down. Vivian was nude and wrapped in a thin bed spread. Both their hairs a wild mess, the ends of candles still burning and the stereo near the large couch playing a song. Emily looked around and took a notice of several items: bottle of
Champagne and two very naked ghosts in her living room. Folding her arms and holding a cup of coffee, Emily snickers.
"Ya'....uh, wanna explain THAT ova' 'ere, Nick?"
Nick became still like a statue in the gardens. His mouth felt like cotton was lodged into his throat and the ability to create simple sentences out the window. He managed to mumble and gently tap on Vivian's shoulder. The angel turned, eye lids fluttering open and revealing her green eyes.
Vivian smiled, assuming she and Nick were still alone and their little 'secret' had been concealed for another day. Nick, however, finally managed to spout out Emily's name and point to the left of him. Vivian carefully lifted her head and caught a glimpse of Emily. She was grinning widely;
Gren had caught up to his wife and was now in the presence of Vivian and Nick's love. Collecting the sheet to cover her body, Vivian began to blush; this caused her body to give off a bright glow and a humming noise.
"So, ya' wanna try again, Nick or did Vivian just happen ta' fall in 'ere with ya'?"
Gren chuckles. "I had no idea you even stayed, Nick. Does Peter know?"
"Peter...." Nick searches for his clothes. "I'm not sure. I MAY have said something and tagged along with Ethan when he came here last night but....not sure...."
"Lookin' fa' these?" Emily holds up a pair of red plaid pants. "Ya' boots be ova' there and I'm PRETTY sure that shirt is your's, too."
Vivian and Nick gradually made their way up and towards the scattered remains of their clothes; Gren shoke his head and tried to collect himself and not burst into a laughing fit. Vivian snatched her dress and boots as Nick slipped into his pants and shirt.
"Ya', uh, wanna stay fa' breakfast, Nick?" Emily giggles. "Ya' know, its proper ettiquete ta' stay when ya' hook up and-"
"What-" Nick clears his throat. "-What are you making, Emily?"
"Bacon, French Toast and scrambled eggs."
Nick nods. "Yeah...sure...I'll, uh, stay."
Gren could not hold back and soon, bellows out a laugh and enters the kitchen. Nick sticks his tongue out and flips Gren the finger as the Fable turns the corner.
"I, uh, don't know woot ta' say 'ere." Emily covers her face. "I mean, Viv told me ya' guys CAN have sex but...wow...how is the guy ya' be usin' Nick NOT know 'bout this all?"
"He has no memory of the hours I spend in his body." Nick buttons his pants. "That's the beauty of taking a 'host' as my glamour. Only backfire, I have to 'recharge' as they say and allow myself to heal before I can do this again."
"Anything fa' sex, eh Nick?" Emily winks, causing Nick to blush "Typical male...."
Emily made a hearty breakfast for her family; Nick stayed for a short time before having to head back to the Woodlands and Peter. Today, he and Katie were taking a trip to Wolf territory along with John and piecing all the known information together. He's return to the apartment with Holly and Lily and try to ignore the idea of Emily and Gren know holding knowledge of his and Vivian's relationship. He was not ashamed but it was very RARE for ghosts or angels to engage in sexual activities or hold relationships. Nick or Vivian never understood why.
The quads were occupied by Nick's behavior. Chloe points her fork in Nick's direction.
"You stayed the night..."
"Yes." Nick sips from his orange juice. "I did."
"Why?" Chloe chews on her eggs. "Are you and Vivian friends?"
"Yes we are, Chloe."
"But-" Chloe looks at her mother. "I THOUGHT boys and girls couldn't have together sleepovers, mommy? You said only mommy and daddys did this."
"They do, baby." Emily glares at both Nick and Vivian. "But see, Nick was so tired last night, he wanted ta' sleep here so he wouldn't get hurt drivin' home."
Nick agrees, although he could still feel the eyes of Emily sitting like a weight. Next encounter the two would have, Nick would make sure to set an alarm. But today was not about them. Puddles' ears percked up and his little round head faces the screen door. a truck pulls up to the house. Driving was Robert and beside him, Thomas. Isaiah rode in the bed and jumped out when Robert parks the truck. All the kids look over and beam.
"PAPA! Uncle Robert and Isaiah!"
"FINISH eating first, you four." Gren taps on the table. "After yesterday, though, I'm not sure you kids are even allowed to go outside today..."
"WHY dad!?" Viviana huffs. "We didn't mean to run out there yesterday!"
"Mind ya' fatha', Vivi. Eat first, then we will discuss woot ya' four little monsters will be doin' ta'day."
Gren finishes off his coffee, shovels the rest of his eggs into his mouth and heads for the front. Following him is Puddles. The little dog wags his thin, furry tail but lowers his head and growls when Robert approaches Gren. The two brothers embrace and shake hands. While Isaiah repeats this same gesture, Robert glances at the little Dog. Puddles backs into Gren's leg and bares his teeth. He paws the ground, trying to snap at Robert's shoe.
"Cute." Robert chuckles. "I can easily swallow you whole, Puddles. Bones and all if I really wanted to."
"Wow Robert." Isaiah rolls his eyes and heads to the fence. "And you wonder why NO woman wants you and WHY people fear you. THAT right there."
"Fuck off, Isaiah." Robert kneels and attempts to pet the Dog. "I'm jokin' and you know that. Huh, Puddles?"
Puddles pins his ears back and lets out a tumbling growl deep in his throat. Afraid of losing a finger or two, Robert pulls back, snears at the dog and heads his way inside the home. Gren views his brother casually singing a delightful tune, heading up the porch and picking several Roses along the way.
"Where are you going, Robert?" Gren shields his eyes to see his brother. "The training is out here and-"
"I'm just heading to the bathroom, my dear little brother. Also, give these to the misses, seeing as I've been a dick these past few days and, well, make a peace offering, seeing as she's making cookies and what not."
Robert enters the home and inahles the aroma of baking goods streaming from the kitchen. He detected brown sugar, melted butter and cocoa. The request for Pumpkin cookies was tossed around but those would be for another time; Emily was making her double chocolate fudge cookies and no Fable, mundy, Wolf or Grendel could say no to heart-clogging, diabetes causing treats, especially homemade. Robert enters the kitchen to find Emily alone. The dishes were done, kitchen wiped down and a cookie sheet prepared to enter the oven and bake for twenty five minutes.
Robert observed the ebony haired beauty as Emily placed the sheet into the stove. He was in awe of her natural beauty and found his sudden rush of emotions odd and confusing. Her spontaneous odor of flowers entered his nose and filled his mind with lustful images of Emily. What the hell, Robert thought, as the beast shoke his head. What is going on?
Robert's breathing immediatly picked up. There was an instant change in him. Strolling over to Emily, she nearly dropped the bowl when Robert leans against the sink and hands her the flowers.
"Fa' fook sake, Robert!" Emily holds her chest. "Ya' nearly gave me a bloody heart attack, ya' did!"
"Sorry 'bout that, Ems." Robert licks his lips. "I, uh....thought you heard me come in and-"
"No, I thought ya' were outside with the others." Emily places the bowl on the counter and stares at the Roses. "The fook are those for?"
"You my darling." Robert beams. "I wanted to show my appreciation and thanks for allowing me into your home and lives. I just love being around the quads..."
"Uh, alright Robert." Emily takes the Roses and places them in a glass vase. "They are lovely. I'll just, uh, place these ova' by the window..."
Robert watched Emily turn and face the faucet. Her body was perfectly shapped and outlined in her baby blue dress and as she moved from side to side, Robert found it difficult to contain himself and not punce on his brother's wife. But she indeed working up his appeitite and the longer he stood there, observing her move as such, the more arduous it became for Robert to hold back. Robert began grunting deep in his throat and felt his chest puff out. Emily had placed the vase near the window, when she was greeted by robert's face. There was a difference in them as Emily tried to walk around.
"Uh, Robert....ya' need somethin' or-"
"You...." This one word sent chills down her arms. "Just you, Emily..."
"Robert, woot the fook' are ya' talkin' 'bout?"
Robert reaches out a hand and touches Emily's face. "You're so marvelous. I never really noticed it until recently. You don't need to deal with ANY of this, Emily. You need a REAL man. A REAL Alpha that is going to give you potential. Strong, healthy babies that-"
"Whoa!" Emily slides under Robert's massive arms and heads to the front. "Whoa there, Robert! Ya' been drinkin' again, love? Ya' not makin' any sense ta'day....I know ya' be devestated and all but....I, uh....need ta' get out there and-"
"I agree, Ems." Robert smiles hungrily. "We DO need to get out there and train you both..."
Emily raced to the front yard and was greeted by Gren. Holding his wife, Gren noticed her gulf expression. Robert winked at his brother as he passed the couple by and took a seat beside Thomas. The elderly man, too, took a notice of his son's behavior.
"Robert-" Thomas glances over. "Are you READY for this?"
"Let's do this." Robert takes out a brown leather bag and tosses it to Isaiah. "HERE you go, brother of mine....call the teachers that shall bestow their knowledge upon our brother and his lovely wife...:
As Isaiah opens the bag and heads towards the pond, Gren could not help but wonder what REALLY occured in his home between his brother and Emily. She had collected herself and managed to ignore it within seconds but Gren's curiosity was skyrocketing through the roof and depsite his love for Robert, the love had had for Emily and his family was stronger. Older or not, Gren was determined to risk it all just to save his own.
Robert, however, took no interest of his brother's glare. He simply turned to avoid Gren and carefully watched Isaiah perform the needed ritual to summon their teachers. Emily stands near the edge of the water and peered into the ripling pools. All the fish swam away from the red dust Isaiah poured from the bag; the Cranes living nearby flew off into the sky while Frogs leaped from pad to pad and escaped the dark matter. Even the children, being held back by their father, looked on with curious eyes.
"Whoa, cool!" Liam tried to get a better look. "What's uncle Isaiah doing, mommy?"
"I'm, uh....not sure, loves." Emily taps Isaiah on the shoulder. "Is this, um...this part of our trainin' or-"
"My father and I can only teach you what WE know-he's perfected the ability to THINK like an Alpha and I know more about our mother's side, which you will participate in very shortly, as will Gren and little Seraphina over there. But to tap into your darkest fears...the ability to THINK you're in danger and trick your mind into creating such feelings...well, this is not my strongest point. We do, however, know of two individuals that are willing to aide in your training. One owes us a favor from some time ago and the other can not stand by and see a mundy like Carla obtain so much power as she has...."
Emily nods, grabs Gren's hand stands by. The red mixes with the water and soon, the Earth trembles beneath their feet and for a moment, the skies turn red. Thomas leans against Isaiah as he watches his son chant a familiar spell he's heard before from his wife, Calla; she was well known for speaking to the dead and entering their world as she pleased. His son was born with this ability and without another word, a portal opens before the group. The spinning colors of reds and blacks reminds Emily of Junior's portal into the mirror and mundane world. Vivian and Nick stand near the enormous tree with the tire swing and carefully watch everything unfold before their eyes.
Vivian's head felt heavy and soon, her nose began to bleed. Nick grabs Vivian's face but her eyes are glued to Viviana, who is now leaning forward to touch the opening portal.
"Viv." Nick calls her name several times before Vivian faces him. "Viv, hey...you're bleeding. Are you alright-"
"He's coming..." Vivian pushes Nick to the side and floatd towards Emily. "He's coming...it can't be. No...why would they need their help in this?"
"WHO'S help, Vivian? Viv-"
Suddenly, Nick began to feel the same emotions sweep over his entire body. The guardian falls to the ground; covering his ears and rocking to and fro, Nick could see the blood pouring from his nose and head begin to spin. He began to feel anxious and trembled like the Earth below his aching body. He could not recall the last time he felt such strong and repugnant emotions as he did that morning. He found Vivian reaching for the little blonde girl, consumed with the sudden vortex before her little body. Emily spots her daughter and grabs the little girl; Seraphina and Chloe remained hushed as their uncle lifts his hands, sways them to the side and opens the portal. The sound of a neigh echos in the darkness.
Gren turns to see Nick on the ground. Before the Grendel makes his way over to the fallen guardian, a Horse with rotting flesh and bleached bones powers through the portal. He stomps his hooves on the ground; his mane was replaced with fire and his eye sockets were bare and souless. The qauds, especially Liam, were now hidding behind there mother and cowering from the beast. The Horse neighs one last time, lifts its mighty head towards the Heavens and vanishes. There, standing before them all is Hades; he holds a mighty axe and chains around his arms. Behind him, a cloaked individual. As his boots pressed the Earth, the surrounding green turns to ash and Death. Any creatures still remaining perished as they peered at the mysterious figure.
"Woot the fook!?" Emily looks at Isaiah. "Woot the fook is this shit?! Ya' be bringin' HIM around, when he's afta' me Viviana!?"
Hades chuckles. "I'm not here for the child but for you, my dear Emily. The bow you are holding has powers within the underworld. Artemis herself crafted it from wood that grew in the deepest, darkest, most foul caves the Underworld has to offer. I have a connection to not only Viviana but you as well, Emily. You are the protector now and as much as I'd love to push thy buttons, I'm teaching you both a certain method will either save or destory you as a whole..."
The hooded figure removes his cloak; an hour glass, several knives and a leather bag laces his belt. Emily could not help but smile; it was her long time pal Nick Harbinger, who was one of the two Fables that would be teaching her and Gren the methods they knew so little of.
"Nick, ya' fookin' bastard!" Emily embraces Nick. The massive man pats Emily on the back. "I had no idea ya' be the one ta' 'elp us...."
Nick respondes rather quickly. "When Isaiah came forth with news of potential war, I needed to know the details. I know all too well about War and the combination it has with Death. These results will make even the strongest man fester in a pool of raw and unsympathetic feelings. To be honest, I'm surprised Carla has managed to slip under undetected for so long but mundies are an odd group of beings. I have seen many with cunning abilitites as she has possesed and those are the ones that create the most chaos. Besides, I owe your family a favor, Grendel."
Gren glowers. "Yeah...how so?"
"Your mother allowed me to use a rather devious concoction she created back at the Homelands and it came to great use during the Black Plague. Powerful material, your mother was capable of producing. I've seen it with Isaiah, yet they tell me YOU'RE the one with the most within."
Robert huffs, rolling his eyes. "Please..." He begins to speak to himself. "You have not SEEN power yet..."
Nick continues. "With this being said, I'm more then happy to participate in this training session. I shall teach you both a method, as will Hades."
Hades nods. "You both need to channel your emotions and trick your minds. Thomas will stand by just in case."
Gren was confused. "In case of wha-"
Nick does not allow Gren to finish, as he wields out a mighty club with fire growing along the item. He and Hades stand over Gren; the sound of Emily's bow being created in her hands is music to both of their ears.
"In case you forget, Grendel. Are we ready to begin?"
Any question, let me know.
Had time for one more. REALLY want to get out as much as I can before the hiatus soon.
Maybe its because I'm always writing about romance and what not and when people read this, they are a bit taken back. XD They would have let it slide, should they not have mentioned their mother. >:(
NP, man. If you ever have questions, please ask or send me a PM and I'll explain.
Oh man! I can see Nick waiting there....lol I'm waiting to see if anyone catches on to who he is...:D
Have you never had Grim Reaper babies in the Sims? Lmao XD Just kidding around.
Oh shit, there's Grendels around? Is it sad that when I picture a bunch of Grendels in their human forms in one place, that I just hear a bunch of Gren's all shouting in slurred tones at one another and occasionally beating one another up? XD Good luck to Nick if he ever goes near there XD
Oh Shit. Of all people, he picks Nick? Well, I suppose he was badass looking enough to choose out of the other surrounding peasants, lol. The poor peasant guy was just hungry
I'm there with ya, man
I'm IN LOVE with the idea of this alternate universe! It almost makes me excited to see Harmony, and how you've told me you're going to portray her eventually. I can just imagine this alternate Lyla, chained up but still ready for a fight. It's freakin' awesome!
Makoto! Seriously dude, this chapter is phenominal! I'm lovin' every second of it (Even if it is a very depressing section.)
HELL YEAH! GO NICK! For some reason, I saw it coming; I didn't know how he was gonna do it, but I knew he didn't have it in him to kill the man for stealing. Fuck those guards! (Excuse my foul language XD)
I love the conversation between Nick and Lyla, and how even though she's sort of giving up, she's still feisty and sarcastic. I love how linear yet different this world is compared to the Mundy one. Such as Georgie and Lyla owning the brothel and such. It's fantastic.
Nick and his business agreements XD I love it, and I love the concept of Lyla being his sidekick. I was secretly hoping that would happen and it did, so now I'm happy
Goddamn it, Nick! Those're dangerous! Just picture a bunch of Gren's beating each other up! That's what you're freakin' gonna deal with XD
I really like Death! Normally people hate him (especially when he appears out of no where while playing sims and scares the living shit out of you with the music and the lightning and the scythe XD But I digress!) But he seems like a awesome dude!
And I ship him and Hope really, really hard now X3
But it should T-T
I just have one question I think. What's a Harbinger? I haven't been around for the entire ride, so I don't know everything, but that's the only thing that sort of confused me. Hope everything's going well where you're at ^-^ This chapter was magnificent. I can't wait for more!
Yes! XD And Ghost babies, too! (pie....you know...hint, hint, hint, hint) lol
Oh I'm sure XD I took some in-game shots, I think you'll be pleased with them
Will probably post them today or tomorrow, depending on what I'm doing later XD
YUS XD The ghost babies XD I purposely wanted to have some when I FIRST got the sims 3, so I made a guy sim and took him to Paris and he married a girl and took her home with him and then I drowned him and ressurected him as a ghost and then made them have babies XD Those were good times...I miss how simple it was back then XD
I loved both of these pictures! And your DA, too! That one of emily....damn, dude! I may just go straight for her. XP
Anyways, Oh man....I think I know who the ex to Michelle is!!!! I'll PM you, dude! This was intense! Carla needs to seriously die! Go away! I hate that bitch! Best villian yet! Her motives are so evil! >:(
I loved that story about the 3 brothers, too. I'd do the same thing: talking about my mother and father like that. Loyal, these boys are.
Also...NO! Why are they fighting, pie!!!! NO! no, no, no! I was hoping for a dirty, raunchy make-up sex session to happen but this is good, too! Suspense!!! ETHAN! Go back you idiot!!!
Love this, dude! Can't wait for more!
This is all I can say for this, dude:
I loved this! I look forward to more, especially when my Robert shows up. I'm like Ems, though....picture all these drunk, loud, foul-mouthed guys half naked and being, well...Grens pretty much. XD XD Lyla is a freaking fiesty little devil and even with Georgie dead (tears) she has that spark that I love about her so much!
Nick is one fool I'd never cross. Those soilders felt wither brave or wanted to die. I like this whole parellel universe bit. Plus...Death. dude. Just, let her love you, man! Fates can suck it! XD
(BTW, pie....hope you don't mind the image, dude. XD XD XD)
Hahaha Nick and Vivian got caught! XD
THIS just made my day, dude! I loved this! I'm hoping these two stay together forever and ever! I ship them so hard!!
NO! Robert! NO! BAD Robert!!! -sprays him with water-
OMG....No! Robert, no! Fucking Carla! This is HER doing!!! >:( Fight it, Robert!
You told me I was in for a shock and damn, dude you were not liying to me! I hope robert is stronger then bitch Carla and fights back! I now see the connection to the dream both he and Gren had. Carla IS using Robert to bring down his own brother.....
Isaiah is a bad ass dude! Those powers are awesome! I loved how they summoned both Hades and....hey, Hman's Nick!
Both Nicks in the same place! Obviously neither he or Vivian like them too much. Their reactions....:(
Damn! Gren is already challenging Nick! XD I loved this! I had no idea you were throwing Nick in here, man! I can't wait for more!!!
Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit SHIT shit! This is all just a load of "OH SHIT!" coming out of my mouth XD
Okay, that was the last one. Nice drawings, BTW. I LOVE Nick's look; He seems like he's got Georgie's style, yet he's really his own person! I like it! And he and Viv
I love those two.
But yeah! I skimmed a bit before reading this outright, and I saw a lot I didn't want to see
Carla's a fucking bitch; Shocker. And, technically speaking, her son IS a bastard, since he wasn't Gren's and therefore technically born out of wedlock from his real dad coughassolecough.
SHIT! Oh, sorry. I was supposed to stop saying that. I won't say it again this time, I swear! That's messed up though. Carla, what has happened
(I secretly want to see the end of her where she finally apologizes or something along those lines just moments before her death. Kinda like Darth Vader, but instead of being Luke's father, she's like everybody's Aunt. Aunt Carla. "Porgie Clan: I AM your Aunt!" Except, you know, they already know she's their Aunt. Or is she? Lmao XD Wow I'm a mega nerd. Just gonna stop wasting time now XD)
Super mega nerding out aside, I'm still super nervous as to Carla's plans. I hope Noah can be changed at least; I ALSO hope that Ethan isn't screwed up too much by the end of this, because she obviously intends on using him for shit. (well, that didn't last long.)
I wonder fucking why? Jesus, Carla is scaring me o.o
AND on to the next half....
I just have one question: Can Erica walk on her own? I know Rosie picks her up a lot and stuff. And she's like, 11, right? My sister's 11, and I know I have trouble carrying her around XD She's a twig, almost 5 feet tall (She's up to my chin, this isn't right! I'm gonna be 18 in a few months >.<), and weighs only 70 pounds, so I'm basing Erica on the same standards, lol.
(Ehem and I'm starting to Ship Rosie and Woody the same way it took me a little bit to ship other characters like Katie and Jersey and even Gren and Emily (Because I didn't tell you, but it took me a short while for me to be like "Okay, I ship it!"))
(I need to stop making these sidetracked parenthesis comments. Also, I'll probably say shit a bunch more and make more sidetracked comments so I might as well not even bother XD)
EERIE. AS. HELL. The countless things that happened in that place...I think EVERYONE wanted it torn down, tbh.
It's so true.
I was thinking the other day, and since Peter is Bigby's son, that would make him Harmony's uncle, which would make his kids her cousins. Just thought I'd point that out if you didn't notice or think about it before
Glad my Harmony is indirectly related to you're OC, even if it's only partially canonical 
It's got a very mobster feel to it XD I'm just picturing Peter as Al Capone and his brothers like his helpers XD Junior'll make sure that 'friend' knows his place!
Oof. Right in the feels >.< I don't want to see them fight
I suppose this felt inevitable, though.
Picturing this whole scene is just painful, yet so realistic. I can see Ethan getting out of the car angrily, his voice shouting as she sprints away from him. It's definitely heartbreaking.
Oof. There's those feels again.
Here lies EMMYPESS; Died from extreme case of the Feels.
You killed me, Pie XD
It's okay, because I probably killed YOU with this wall of extreme text that is unnecessarily long because of THE FEELS.
So indirectly, it's your fault.
I'm such a woman XD I'm just kidding with ya'! But seriously, this chapter man! I think me and JJ are your number one fans, lmao XD
I'm at such a loss of words. I have no idea who she could REALLY be! (Is she secretly connected to Carla in some way/shape/form? I'll cut a bitch.)
I've cursed so much, I feel improper. Oh well. Can't wait for the next chapter, man! I'm dying from the suspense!
You're a jerk and now, I'm going to get you back....>:D LMAO!!!
You're so random sometimes but it makes it for entertaining laughter. XD
And I read your PM and you're right. That is the father of Erica and Michelle's ex and you're wrong about Michelle's past, too. I'll give you THIS hint: he's from the comics....
The suspense! Dun dun DUUUUN! But yeah, alright...that's what they will do then! XD XD
Belinda was right. She was terribly, regrettably right. The first thing she did when she woke up alone was stifle a cry. Still, the tears escaped through the corner of her eyes. She bunched the blankets up with her fists, using them to cover her body so she could retain a shred of dignity. The glass had been cleaned up at some point, as well as anything else that'd been broken on the floor. The rug still had blood stains though, and the mirror was still shattered in it's casing across the room. She would need to replace the window, too.
Did he lie to her? Was this a joke? Her mind was racing with so many thoughts and not enough time to process any of it. He didn't leave a note. He didn't wake her before vanishing. He was just gone, and she was alone, and there was no way that he really loved her. Did he?
Maybe he just stepped out of the room for a moment. Maybe you're over-reacting. She called his name, several times, with no answer.
He was definitely gone. She tore a nightgown from her dresser, wiping the remaining tears off with the lacy edges. She pulled it over her head, the white fabric warming her up from the dull chill the room contained. It wasn't nearly as cold last night, but it could have been Jonathan's body heat that kept her content.
Sophie had just arrived in the moment that Belinda entered the kitchen. She tried to stay as composed as possible, as if nothing happened.
She hoped to God that it had all been a dream. But, at the same token, something inside her burned. She wanted to lock this secret away securely, in a box or something. She wanted to remember Jonathan's body and they way it fit perfectly against her own. She fought back another round tears and was so distracted, she hadn't heard a word Sophie had been saying.
"Are you okay, Belinda?" Her voice was concerned, and her thin hand rested atop Belinda's shoulder lightly. Comfortingly.
Should she tell her friend the truth? Belinda's stomach filled with guilt. "...No. Nothing is right. I....I..." She breathed heavily, and then the tears couldn't be held back any longer. They came in a steady stream and she immediately fell against Sophie's shoulder. She felt Sophie's hand pat her back reassuringly. This was a true friend. A true friend.
Belinda had never had a true friend. She pulled away and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her gown.
"Do you want to tell me what happened? Oh my God, Belinda- Is that blood on you?"
"It's not mine," She replied, sniffling mid-sentence. "It's- It's Jonathan's...and maybe...oh Lord, what was her name? Oh God!"
"Shhh," Sophie's voice rang out. She held Belinda still, and lead her from the kitchen to the couch in the parlor. She drew the curtains closed, her eyes lingering outdoors for just a moment. She made sure the front door was locked, and then took a hearty seat across from Belinda, her arms crossed as she sat up some.
"Start from the beginning. Tell me what happened when you came home last night."
Belinda recounted her story, struggling to look Sophie in the eye the entire time. She felt ashamed, and horrified. And yet, her friend just sat and listened. She was really good at listening.
"I know I told you I'd stay away," Belinda said, toward the end. "But I couldn't. I can't. I love him, even though he doesn't love me."
"That's not true." Sophie's first words since Belinda had started talking. It certainly shocked Belinda, and she wiped away a stray tear before replying.
"Excuse me?"
"He loves you, Belinda." Sophie said back in the armchair, no longer stiffly listening to Belinda's story. She sighed, brushing a loose strand of dark hair from her line of sight. "Believe me when I tell you, my brother loves you. If what you've said is true- If he was willing to trust you with the ring, and if he was here defending you from - from whoever that woman was - He loves you. You just....don't know everything...I don't know how I can explain it."
"Y-you think this is related to his condition?" Belinda hiccuped, a side-effect of raw emotion.
"Most certainly. But you don't know. You don't know." She looked away, toward the windows. Even though the blinds were closed, they were thin enough to light the room up with morning sunlight. She paused for only a little bit, standing wistfully as she walked toward the kitchen.
"I'm going to make us some breakfast, and then I'll tell you everything. Okay?"
Belinda only nodded.
Finger sandwiches dotted a metal serving tray, along with a little cup of butter and a stack of fresh toast. Tea had been served into little teacups, set out on saucers as both women sat quietly on the couch next to one another. Sophie, despite opening up, seemed very hesitant; She kept looking toward the windows and the door, as if half-expecting someone to appear in either, ready to take her and Belinda away to somewhere not as nice as Belinda's living room.
"He was born normal," She began. "My little brother, little Jonathan. Jonny. I haven't called him that in years. He was an explorer." Sophie sat back some, as if reminiscing the past. Her eyes were trained on the coffee table, but she seemed to be imagining her memories rather than staring at the food.
"He also used to get himself in some trouble. Especially in the Homelands. He...excuse my lack of a better word, pissed a witch off. Very, very badly. She...Well, it was easy to anger her, but she was especially angered by my brother. She put a curse on him. She cursed him with a demon, who lays dormant in his body. When the demon is not dormant, it takes over his life. He transforms into a gruesome creature, merciless and evil. You should know though, that the real Jonathan is still inside of him. The real Jonathan fights the demon every day, and wins the fight. Usually."
"Did he...turn? Transform? Last night?"
"Hardly," Sophie said curtly. "But, he might have been on the verge. If he had turned, I don't know if you would have survived. His demon counterpart is evil, and like I said, merciless. It kills whomever and whatever it wants, and Jonathan is forced to do those actions for it. He killed our parents."
Belinda's heart sunk for Sophie. She knew what it felt like to loose parents to evil creatures. She shuddered, balancing her tea cup between her fingers.
"I forgave him of that, of course. He hadn't known...it was the first time. There were more times, though. He can't control it. He's exiled from here because they think he's a murderer. And, other reasons."
"Like? What else could they kick him out for?"
"His investigations...being the detective. They ended up going a little too close for Mayor Rutley's liking. Me- I was naive. I thank you for sharing what you know, by the way. I can't believe he's been undermining us. How, that's another story. The real murder is that bastard-"
"Such strong language," An unfamiliar voice rose from the shadows. "And from a lady. How scandalous. Well, not as scandalous as what you're little friend has been doing in her free time..." A female chuckle rose from everywhere. It was as if she were omnipresent. As if she were in the air.
Sophie's eyes were wide with shock and fear. Her lip quivered, watched from the corner as the woman formed out of thin air. Her hand gripped Belinda, who was just gawking with awe at their situation.
"Let me introduce myself," Her voice purred. "I'm Mirah. And neither of you will live long enough to tell me your own."
Dun dun dun! I've been semi-active, commenting on as much things as I can (I can't always read every chapter everyone makes, but I do skim some and read as much as I can. I comment really long, so I'm probably gonna work on cutting it shorter if it bothers anyone.) I've been thinking about how to do this chapter, and finally figured out how to do it, so here! I hope you liked it! Any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to ask. Hope everyone's week has gone well; I slept over my friend's house last night and got home a few hours ago (Not before stopping for a doctor's appointment and getting three goddamn shots >:( ) Lol
Don't mind the cursing, tbh! XD Means I did something right. I've done that several times (along with the feels) to certain chaps you've posted. lol I'm sure you've sat there thinking 'Damn, how man times can he say F this and shit that....' lol
That would be an EPIC scene to picture and write about; every single member, including the kids, taking their turn with Carla. >:D Also, that scene from 300 popped into my head; I pictured Peter doing the pushing or even Emily and screaming 'WE ARE PORGIES!' and going from there. XD XD
Carla is a major (excuse the language) a bitch. All she wants to do is watch the world crumble before her; I'll explain more as to why because a lot of people (and I'm sure you, too) want to know WHAT drove her to madness after all these years. I've thrown little clues every now and then as to why but not enough to spoil anything.
Even Noah is beginning to see just how insane she is....
Erica can walk but its very difficult for her; they have a wheel chair and some other items to assist her getting around but she's pretty small enough for Rosie to carry. Plus, Rosie is a Grendel and to her, Erica is like a bundle of sticks. XD Speaking of Rosie, glad you've taken to the idea of her and Woody being a couple; Gren & Emily DID take some time. Even I'm enough to admit this. But for some reason, looking at those two made me want to push them together and create a story from that. Glad its worked out.
The pudding n' pie was honestly keeping so many of those family memebers behind, Emily made the decision to just get rid of it. One less thing they can worry about now....
Wanna know the funny thing about that Mobster comment? I came this close to making Peter and Ethan mobsters for Fabletown; I may use this idea for someone's kids after I'm through writing about these three and see where that goes but that's pretty much what Peter was doing. Although the baby, he's the leader of his siblings. Plus, I've often thought about his relationship with your OC Harmony; this is her uncle and with that, Harms may just pop up sometime.
Right now, Ethan and Michelle are so busy trying to forget that they themselves lose their way; Michelle is holding a lot back about her past and JJ has tried to guess WHAT and WHO but he's not even close. XD She knows Ethan loves her but she's worried of making the same mistake she did years ago.
LMAO! You did kill me a few times; our ghosts can duel in the end because of the feels the stories left us. XD Well, in a way, Michelle is connected to Carla...but how, well, I'll let you decide.
NP, Ems. Glad you liked it.
Oh man EMMY, right at the beginning I thought he literally ditched! Just to find out it wasn't the poor guys fault.
Poor Johnathan having all that on his shoulders...I hope he comes back soon especially with this Mirah person, who (correct me if I'm wrong XD) was in stones story when our fables were in high school right? I already don't like her >:(
Hey that's Alright! Come on here when you can!
Mine was pretty good, I passed all my midterms (Ours were given out late
) I hate going to the doctors and I have no idea why XD. But I do know that shots suck! Hopefully you won't need anymore for a long while! Hope your week is going well besides the whole doctor part!
Hey man, congrats on that!
Those are ALWAYS fun! (rolls eyes) XD
I was hoping John would be there when Belinda woke up; a small part in me, however, knew this would be too easy. I could feel her heart break as she awoke to nothing. Like, she was used in some way, you know?
I love her relationship with Sophie; even though these women just met, you would think they've know eachother for centuries. Unless, this IS the case, in some weird way. o.o Her reassurance was heartfelt and I truly beleive John did it to protect Belinda, especially after the background you gave on him. Thos witches, man Gotta watch yourself around them.
So, when John is mad he turns or does it have to do with the ring? I have this weird theory that Mirah is trying to use it and control John; like, she has this devious plan that involves everyone here and in the future but again, theories. All over. Theories. XD XD Here showing up like that! Damn, girl! Determination but that is never a good fuel to go by if you're evil...:(
I like where this is going very much! Glad to hear your week is good; I'm fighting allergies at the moment, as is little Ems. We both have those disgusting nose sprays but eh, better then runny noses, that's for sure. XD I think I had ONE sleepover growing up but that was it. Know my sister had a TON! lol UGH! And the doctor's office! No beuno for those shots!
EDIT: And long comments do not bother me at all.
I honestly didn't think it was possible but I learned different ways to study from my group of friends and went from there! It was so cool to see that I made improvements and to know I am still making improvements!
Thank you so much for this comment EMMY!!! XD
Ok so, what is a Harbinger: The definition of Harbinger is someone or something that foreshadows or indicates events to come. Basically, the Horsemen created their Harbingers to deliver warnings to kingdoms that were soon to be attacked by enemy forces, and the Harbingers would assist the enemy force in destroying said kingdom.
The Horsemen created the Harbinger's so they could do their dirty work for them, hence why they're all so powerful... While Famine, Pestilence and War view their Harbinger's as servants; Death views Nick as a son and treats him as such.
Because he is Death's Harbinger, Nick is the most powerful of the 4, but the other 3 aren't far behind in terms of power. Before Nick settled down with Mary and bore Lyra, their daughter, he was a rather psychotic man with an unquenchable bloodlust. He enjoyed the thrill of combat more than any other worldly pleasure (besides sex) and lead the Harbingers to victory every time...
Any more questions? XD
Hey man we all learn differently and you found what works best for you. Again, congrats on those improvements and stride for the best, my good man! You should be very proud.
Why is Pie drunk off his face? :P
The Grendels don't have glamours or human forms in this universe btw...
DeathxHope... YAY, I STARTED A SHIP!!!!! XD
I'm curious as to who the ex-boyfriend will be!
First, I shall tell a tale of woe: I had to go to work at the same time you posted this chapter (so I have had to wait a good 6 hours before reading it!) But I went to work both sad and disappointed.
My sadness was that you didn't tag me! DUDE, you said you would tag me when my Nick got introduced!!!
And if you sprout the "I wanted it to be a surprise" thing then you misinterpreted it. I didn't want to know how long it would be before Nick got introduced, I still wanted a tag dammit...
My disappointment was that I skimmed through the chapter a bit and saw you called Nick "Nick Harbinger"... Ok, Nick IS A Harbinger, that isn't his last name, it's just Nick, plan as day.
Besides that, you portrayed Nick well enough, not sure why he had all these weapons already as Nick tends to create them only when they're needed.
The favour about the Black Plague caught my eye and kinda made me wish you had told me about it first, because the Black Plague was also known as "The Great Pestilence" and Pestilence's Harbinger is Cormac
I look forward to what comes next! XD
LOL I was going to wait until tomorrow to post but like I mentioned, want to get as much told before the hiatus; we leave next weekend at the house (JJ is going, too) and I won't be active during that time, either.
Well, you mentioned you wanted to be surprised and I thought 'Alright, that means the tagging, too' AD I'll know for future posts, my good man.
And I'll know not to do that, either.
I always assumed that was his last name, tbh.
He had those weapons just to play around with Gren's emotions. And I didn't know anything about that Black Plague, tbh. I just threw that in there for dramatic feel. If you want, send me certain things you'd like to see for the next chap....
THIS is why I never include other OC's. Too damn difficult and complicated. :P lol But, at least I KINDA got it. XD
Hopefully you will, man.
That word hiatus makes me think you're gonna die or something :P It's gonna be strange not having you around as much dude...
Oh man, Harbinger would be such a shit last name XD Tbh, I haven't even thought of a last name for the host body, he was just called Nick in his lifetime. Death's Harbinger didn't have a given name...
Ok the weapons make sense
I just added that in because I know a bit about the Black Plague, you don't need to expand upon that with the info I provided unless you want to...
That's all there is, you got him spot on with everything else! XD
Dude, I'm using everyone's OC's in my next story, and yours are main characters! You can bash me about my portrayal of them when the time comes! XP
Why War? Part: Four
In the real world. Hans house...
Night had shown in the real world and Lucas started to get tired. Hans picked him up and carried him to his bed. Lucas looked sad.
"What's wrong Lucas?" Hans asked
"Are we...are we ever going to see mom again?" He asked
This broke Hans heart, in that instant he wanted to give him a hug and tell him of course but...even then Hans didn't know if they would...
"I'm sure Bigby and Luke will help us in some way kiddo." He said getting up.
"Uh dad?" Lucas said
"What do you need little guy?" He asked
"Um...I'm a bit scared and-" Lucas said before Hans interrupted him with a smile.
"I'll hang out with you till you go to sleep." Hans said smiling.
Lucas began to smile once more. "Thanks dad..."
Hans pulled up a chair and began to tell him stories of how he and Alice had crossed paths and started their lives together. Before Hans knew it Lucas had fell asleep. And even he began to fall asleep. He closed his eyes...
In wonderland. Outskirts of town...
"So how did you and Og meet John?" Alice asked
"We've been friends ever since we were kids. Since my father left it was just me and my mom but we found Og who was a lot smaller and cute back then." He smirked and Og punched him in the back of the shoulder.
"I see and who was your parents?" She asked
"My mother was a normal woman in the homelands, her name was Claire. And my father was Prince Charming. He would sleep with any woman he came across..." His face began to show anger.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Alice said "We are all friends here so Azaria and I will also have your back." She smiled
Azaria was in front of the three. She hasn't said a word since they left.
John looked at Alice. "What happened with her? She seems to be very VERY angry, did something happen?" He asked in a whisper.
Alice didn't want to start anything but she didn't want to lie about what was going on. "She seems to have made a strong connection with Kieron, the man in the medical room, he...doesn't have a very good life at the moment. He was practically torn from his parents, friends, and siblings in fact they wiped his memories just so he'd stay and be a guinea pig to a bunch of scientists. I guess that is what has her in a bad mood." Alice explained
"No shit. And you guys have all been traveling with each other for how long? He asked
"Almost three days." Alice said
John chuckled "Love at first sight for her huh?" He said
"It's weird. It's like they've met before because when they fight together they are totally in sync with each other." She said
They started coming up to the town...Azaria turned around.
"Is everyone ready?" She asked
Alice summoned some soldiers from her shadow and nodded. John held his sword and also nodded, along with Og. Azaria drew her bow, and gave them the command to attack...and leave no survivors that there would be no prisoners. Alice went first with her soldiers, while Og and John came in from the side. Azaria climbed the rooftops and provided cover fire. Sirens wailed and soldiers were dieing. They began destroy houses that Azaria was on. She would jump from building to building, taking as many shots before she had to jump again. This battle was in their favor...
At the resistance base in Kierons medical room...
Kieron looked surprised. "You can talk?"
"I've always been able to. I just needed to be sure that you we're good people." Nyx smiled
Kieron got up and looked at his chest. There was a fresh cut on his stomach...
"Azaria tried to stop them, but she was forcefully taken away when she did." Nyx said
"She tried to help me?" He said
Nyx nodded "Yes and she's not in a good state Kieron...she's a bit unstable at the moment so we need to move quick!" Nyx said "If we don't get to the town by midday tomorrow, all of your friends will die..." Nyx said tilting his head down.
Kieron got up and put on his tshirt and jacket. "So we better get going then..." Kieron said
Nyx smiled "Yes we should!" Jumping on Kierons shoulder.
Before they left the room Kieron looked at Nyx. "Why have you been helping us so much? Normally when you can show visions and the future you're not allowed to do so." Kieron asked
"We'll I've seemed to have grown close to you guys...I feel like I should warn you and try and keep you alive so we can keep going on our travels and hope to bring wonderland and Alice peace." NYC said purring and rubbed his face on Kierons cheek.
Kieron scratched Nyxs head "That's pretty cool to me, I feel the same way. You guys are pretty cool." He said
"So if there are anymore questions I suggest we leave." Nyx said
Kieron picked up his sword. "Let's get going then." He said smiling.
In the kings castle...
"Sir! Their about to take down one of our military bases!" A soldier said
This annoyed the king. "And it only took four people!? Gear up the next commander and his army and send them on their way...no one is to be taken alive." The king said
"Yes...yes sir!" The soldier said running out.
"Kieron...you will be stopped here." The king said to himself...
That's it! sort of a short one for now, I'll definitely post another one tonight although for now it's nap time! XD any questions or comments or anything else let me know!