Yeah I know but that's life. I'm taking advantage now; I'm not going to disappear like some thought but I won't post as much. Comment every know and then. Drop by to say hi. I'll have my DA going, so the images will never end.
Yeah, I can see what you mean. I will make a note to NEVER do that again. :)Nick just wanted to scare Gren just a bit, that's all. XD And I wasn't going to go into the black Plague, honestly. Just a little something that Calla participated in....
Hey, least I'm on the right track! ANNNNNND since you said this and I spot something odd, I WILL be there. >:D lol
That word hiatus makes me think you're gonna die or something :P It's gonna be strange not having you around as much dude...
Oh man, Harb… moreinger would be such a shit last name XD Tbh, I haven't even thought of a last name for the host body, he was just called Nick in his lifetime. Death's Harbinger didn't have a given name...
Ok the weapons make sense I just added that in because I know a bit about the Black Plague, you don't need to expand upon that with the info I provided unless you want to...
That's all there is, you got him spot on with everything else! XD
Dude, I'm using everyone's OC's in my next story, and yours are main characters! You can bash me about my portrayal of them when the time comes! XP
I'll keep our monthes-long PM updated, so you don't miss me :')
I may have to give Nick a proper surname now :P Maybe when I delve into his backstory (the Pirate's backstory before Death's Harbinger took him over) The Great Pestilence sounds more epic, but seriously that was a horrible time
Yep, feel free to point out anything you want, and that goes for everyone else!! XP
Yeah I know but that's life. I'm taking advantage now; I'm not going to disappear like some thought but I won't post as much. Comment every … moreknow and then. Drop by to say hi. I'll have my DA going, so the images will never end.
Yeah, I can see what you mean. I will make a note to NEVER do that again. :)Nick just wanted to scare Gren just a bit, that's all. XD And I wasn't going to go into the black Plague, honestly. Just a little something that Calla participated in....
Hey, least I'm on the right track! ANNNNNND since you said this and I spot something odd, I WILL be there. >:D lol
Belinda was right. She was terribly, regrettably right. The first thing she did when she woke up alone was stifle a cry. Still, the tears es… morecaped through the corner of her eyes. She bunched the blankets up with her fists, using them to cover her body so she could retain a shred of dignity. The glass had been cleaned up at some point, as well as anything else that'd been broken on the floor. The rug still had blood stains though, and the mirror was still shattered in it's casing across the room. She would need to replace the window, too.
Did he lie to her? Was this a joke? Her mind was racing with so many thoughts and not enough time to process any of it. He didn't leave a note. He didn't wake her before vanishing. He was just gone, and she was alone, and there was no way that he really loved her. Did he?
Maybe he just stepped out of the room for a moment. Maybe you're over-reacting. She called his name, several times, with no answer.
… [view original content]
Don't mind the cursing, tbh! XD Means I did something right. I've done that several times (along with the feels) to certain chaps you've pos… moreted. lol I'm sure you've sat there thinking 'Damn, how man times can he say F this and shit that....' lol
That would be an EPIC scene to picture and write about; every single member, including the kids, taking their turn with Carla. >:D Also, that scene from 300 popped into my head; I pictured Peter doing the pushing or even Emily and screaming 'WE ARE PORGIES!' and going from there. XD XD
Carla is a major (excuse the language) a bitch. All she wants to do is watch the world crumble before her; I'll explain more as to why because a lot of people (and I'm sure you, too) want to know WHAT drove her to madness after all these years. I've thrown little clues every now and then as to why but not enough to spoil anything. Even Noah is beginning to see just how insane she is....
Erica can walk but i… [view original content]
Why War? Part: Four
In the real world. Hans house...
Night had shown in the real world and Lucas started to get tired. Hans picked him… more up and carried him to his bed. Lucas looked sad.
"What's wrong Lucas?" Hans asked
"Are we...are we ever going to see mom again?" He asked
This broke Hans heart, in that instant he wanted to give him a hug and tell him of course but...even then Hans didn't know if they would...
"I'm sure Bigby and Luke will help us in some way kiddo." He said getting up.
"Uh dad?" Lucas said
"What do you need little guy?" He asked
"Um...I'm a bit scared and-" Lucas said before Hans interrupted him with a smile.
"I'll hang out with you till you go to sleep." Hans said smiling.
Lucas began to smile once more. "Thanks dad..."
Hans pulled up a chair and began to tell him stories of how he and Alice had crossed paths and started their lives together. Before Hans knew it Lucas had fell asleep. And … [view original content]
Thank you so much for this comment EMMY!!! XD
Ok so, what is a Harbinger: The definition of Harbinger is someone or something that foresh… moreadows or indicates events to come. Basically, the Horsemen created their Harbingers to deliver warnings to kingdoms that were soon to be attacked by enemy forces, and the Harbingers would assist the enemy force in destroying said kingdom.
The Horsemen created the Harbinger's so they could do their dirty work for them, hence why they're all so powerful... While Famine, Pestilence and War view their Harbinger's as servants; Death views Nick as a son and treats him as such.
Because he is Death's Harbinger, Nick is the most powerful of the 4, but the other 3 aren't far behind in terms of power. Before Nick settled down with Mary and bore Lyra, their daughter, he was a rather psychotic man with an unquenchable bloodlust. He enjoyed the thrill of combat more than any other worldly pleasure (besides sex) and lead the Harbingers to victory every time...
Any more questions? XD
Carla stood beside the heavily guarded fence and waited anxiously for her son. Glaring at her watch, the bastard was five minutes late. The … moreguard noticed her glares and assured the inmate was well on his way. Carla ignored the pathetic individual's comment and returned to her focus on the building before her. She needed this final plan to fall into place; to crumble the foundation of the Porgie family and all that dwelled within.
To prove to the town that no one changes; Grendel was not that strong and could easily be taken down and Emily was a miserable waste of time and life.
Carla wanted to taste the tears of her sister, as she craddle the body of her deceased daughter and watch Georgie return to his original self. One by one, they'd drop like flies and the power would finally be for her to take...
But first, Carla nedded this to sneak in the mix and create havoc on the family and it would all begin with Ethan Porgie. As Carla chuck… [view original content]
No problem, man! This chapter was awesome! I can't believe what I've been missing out on!
Ah, that makes sense. I like it! And I love Dea… moreth's view on Nick as a son; You can tell it's there as Death hopes Nick makes it back, you know?
Nick is like....super badass XD Lyra She's cute I think that's all the Q's for now; If I have anymore, I'll PM you!
YUS XD The ghost babies XD I purposely wanted to have some when I FIRST got the sims 3, so I made a guy sim and took him to Paris and he mar… moreried a girl and took her home with him and then I drowned him and ressurected him as a ghost and then made them have babies XD Those were good times...I miss how simple it was back then XD
I agree with the others on Gertraud, she reminds me of my dear Viera in her youth. Though Viera wasn't as feisty.
Though I'm unfamiliar with the German history besides the wars and a few other tings, but I think The Brothers Grim would make a interesting addition if you wish to consider them.hat.
Firstly, I apologise for the rough beginning to the story.
For my first piece of writing outside of short stories, I think that I did wel… morel (I won’t make a secret of having believed this would be an absolute train-wreck).
Chapter 7: ein neue Leben begann.
We stood outside the cave for a few minutes, taking in the surroundings and discussing our next course of action.
“For one, can I have my blade back?” I asked.
She passed it without a word.
“Secondly, we have no knowledge of where we are. I propose we travel to that town there and ask about.”
“What if they speak a different language than us? What then?” questioned Gertraud.
“That is not an issue yet, we shall cross that bridge if and when we come to it.” I replied. “If you have an idea of your own, I would like to hear it.”
“I have no better ideas. I merely express concern over what can happen.”
Gertraud was getting on my nerves. She would not stop asking questio… [view original content]
I did that on purpose, lol XD Yep, it's an issue that's actually more important than it originally seems. It comes into play with a lot of things, unfortunately. Mirah's a vampire and she's certainly going to get what she deserves in the end. I don't think she was in the High school tale; I think you might be thinking of Ashlyn and Franklin. God, I miss writing about those kids. It's been so long ^W^
Good job on passing! That happened last year; It took like three weeks for us to do our midterms because we had a bunch of snowdays This year, it took one week but was split between the two weeks that we had school. Plus we had ONE snowday during that. I hate the doctors too, my arm still hurts XD I need to get another one in a month, and then six months after that one But then I don't need any more shots ever (Thank the Lord.) My week has been VERY cool, being on break is so nice! I went to the mall, and I also stopped in a comic shop I never knew existed until a few days ago. I bought myself a hardcopy of Fables: Issue 1 It felt so awesome walking out with it in my shopping bag XD
Oh man EMMY, right at the beginning I thought he literally ditched! Just to find out it wasn't the poor guys fault. Poor Johnathan having a… morell that on his shoulders...I hope he comes back soon especially with this Mirah person, who (correct me if I'm wrong XD) was in stones story when our fables were in high school right? I already don't like her >:(
Hey that's Alright! Come on here when you can! Mine was pretty good, I passed all my midterms (Ours were given out late ) I hate going to the doctors and I have no idea why XD. But I do know that shots suck! Hopefully you won't need anymore for a long while! Hope your week is going well besides the whole doctor part!
His name is actually Nick. XD It's all good. I get my own characters mixed all the time. lo Still, though, gotta love some Ghastly action. And yes, it will all work out in the end. Pie always leaves his OC's with happily ever afters.
Oh my goodness, the bad ass meter just went up. Nick vs Grendel's is something I want to see beyond the words, it should be painted or made into a movie. Seriously! Should that image be drawn, I could picture Nick wrestling the Grendel to the ground then the Grendel throws Nick and he lands on feet the do some crazy stuff lol. Sorry I was watching momontage of my favorite movies, while writing this..
Haven't written in a while (as usual :P) So get ready for another chapter, kinda breaking my little tradition with this one: There is no fig… morehting in this chapter!!
@Tetra I put in a little last minute surprise for you
@pudding_pie Get ready for it dude XD
Devils and Demons Chapter 10 - I Know Your Face
Nick had his reasons for continuing on towards the castle in the distance, the crest on the soldier’s armour was too familiar to him: a flame, a sword and a man riding a horse...
The man on the horse could mean Horseman, and Nick could conjure flames, plus his preferred weapon was always a sword. But who knew of these traits in this world? In this world the Horsemen never existed, so therefore the Harbingers never existed... but what if Galen didn’t just send Nick to this world?
They were all just theories at the moment, and Nick needed to find answers before he left; the town just a few miles away from the battlefield was th… [view original content]
Exactly. I did it on purpose; The way things were back then, it was more complicated. If that were to happen today, she might not have been as upset, maybe just disappointed, you know? Love meant more than it seems to mean today.
Sophie was a bit of a shell Belinda had to crack, but once it did crack, she became much more open and trusting to Belinda. They've got a bit of an understanding of one another; They come from similar poor backgrounds, and both have deceased parents. I love their relationship
His curse has nothing to do with his mood or anything he does. It kind of just shows through whenever it feels like it. When he was young, he couldn't tell when it was going to get the best of him, and therefore his parents and probably other dear ones have died. Sophie though, knew he couldn't help it and still loved him; She was lucky not to have been around during those transformation periods, or else she may have been in a grave long ago. The ring, I have different purposes for it. It'll be explained eventually. Mirah's evil; her plans are more than they seem. She's on a 'simple' mission to kill; But why would Rutley want people dead? That will be explained eventually as well.
Yep My sibs all have stuffy noses and the like; I think I'm a lucky one, I don't tend to get allergies too bad. Poor little Ems I know watching my little sister sneeze as a baby was entertaining, but I'm sure she doesn't enjoy it XD I have sleepovers every once in a while. Usually on weekends, but this is our Spring Break so we decided Thursday into Friday was good. They're always a blast!
NO bueno! NO BUENO! I hate shots and anything like it, yet I do things like donate blood and stuff XD I'm such a weird person, lol. They didn't hurt that bad when the needle stuck, just the one on my right shoulder. However, I got two on my left and they feel like bruises when you touch them, lol.
I was hoping John would be there when Belinda woke up; a small part in me, however, knew this would be too easy. I could feel her heart brea… morek as she awoke to nothing. Like, she was used in some way, you know?
I love her relationship with Sophie; even though these women just met, you would think they've know eachother for centuries. Unless, this IS the case, in some weird way. o.o Her reassurance was heartfelt and I truly beleive John did it to protect Belinda, especially after the background you gave on him. Thos witches, man Gotta watch yourself around them.
So, when John is mad he turns or does it have to do with the ring? I have this weird theory that Mirah is trying to use it and control John; like, she has this devious plan that involves everyone here and in the future but again, theories. All over. Theories. XD XD Here showing up like that! Damn, girl! Determination but that is never a good fuel to go by if you're evil...:(
I l… [view original content]
Oh yeah. Originally, I was going to make him evil, however I saw that a true romance felt more genuine than a betrayal.
Mirah is a scary bitch XD She DEFINITELY scares me more than Mary (but don't tell Mary that XD) It could be that she's a Vampire, it could also be because she seems like the most dangerous Fable out there.
Thanks I feel like I'm being annoying sometimes because YOU guys write these long stories, and then you go to check who commented and get hit with a wall of text XD I don't get annoyed by long comments either. I LOVE picking the story apart; I find it helps be comprehend some parts and retain things better. Plus, I find 90 percent of most stories quotable XD
Poor Belinda, though it's good to know that Jonathan does indeed love her in spite of his predicament
Mirah is scary, she scares me more… more than Bloody Mary does! Maybe it's cuz she's a Vampire?
I'm looking forward to what comes next! XD
Oh and I LOVE your long comments where you pick the story apart!!!! DON'T EVER STOP!
Oh my goodness, the bad ass meter just went up. Nick vs Grendel's is something I want to see beyond the words, it should be painted or mad… moree into a movie. Seriously! Should that image be drawn, I could picture Nick wrestling the Grendel to the ground then the Grendel throws Nick and he lands on feet the do some crazy stuff lol. Sorry I was watching momontage of my favorite movies, while writing this..
And as for the ships you just created, I ship em.
I agree with the others on Gertraud, she reminds me of my dear Viera in her youth. Though Viera wasn't as feisty.
Though I'm unfamiliar … morewith the German history besides the wars and a few other tings, but I think The Brothers Grim would make a interesting addition if you wish to consider them.hat.
Oh yeah. Originally, I was going to make him evil, however I saw that a true romance felt more genuine than a betrayal.
Mirah is a scary … morebitch XD She DEFINITELY scares me more than Mary (but don't tell Mary that XD) It could be that she's a Vampire, it could also be because she seems like the most dangerous Fable out there.
Thanks I feel like I'm being annoying sometimes because YOU guys write these long stories, and then you go to check who commented and get hit with a wall of text XD I don't get annoyed by long comments either. I LOVE picking the story apart; I find it helps be comprehend some parts and retain things better. Plus, I find 90 percent of most stories quotable XD
That's cool! I like action just as much as other types of scenes, but it's cool that you're diversing(Haha I don't think that's a word.) more
Nick is awesome BECAUSE of the flaws he has. And you know, his total freakin' awesome killing powers and shit XD Can't wait to see her and how she is
I've read a few chapters in the past (like, the first couple) so I know a bit of background info, though I hadn't commented because I didn't always have the time to, you know? If you want, you can give me a brief description of what's happened; I know you've told me some stuff as you were describing Nick for me to make him and stuff, and you also told me your plans for Harmony
I do tend to write a lot of 'action' based chapters, so I'm gonna try and tone that down to focus on the overall story more you know?
Dea… moreth did play a part in all this though...
Nick is OP, but I gave him flaws. Lyra still needs to be fleshed out properly, she will probably be in the next chapter
Cool! I have to ask though, how much of this story have you read?
And you say I throw all these feels out. XD A confetti of feels these days! My stars!
I too love friendships that are so well developed that no matter the situation, you'll always know there is the comfort of a good friend to listen to your worries and troubles. These two have found it.
Ah I see now. At first, I seriously thought it was like what Werewolves do, you know, the moon and all but knowing he lets these moments slip may not be such a good idea...but then again, poor guy has this thing dormant and there is never truly a warning to these things, what with curses and all. I figured Mirah had more to her play, same as Rutley but those are always the fun mysterys.
Man, you are indeed the lucky one. I did that earlier. I laughed but it was too cute because she looks at me like 'you bastard. You did this to me....' and I just love it. lol Least you're having a blast on your break! Take advantage!
Yes! F shots and no bueno 100x's again! XD Hate shots! You brave soul....
Exactly. I did it on purpose; The way things were back then, it was more complicated. If that were to happen today, she might not have been … moreas upset, maybe just disappointed, you know? Love meant more than it seems to mean today.
Sophie was a bit of a shell Belinda had to crack, but once it did crack, she became much more open and trusting to Belinda. They've got a bit of an understanding of one another; They come from similar poor backgrounds, and both have deceased parents. I love their relationship
His curse has nothing to do with his mood or anything he does. It kind of just shows through whenever it feels like it. When he was young, he couldn't tell when it was going to get the best of him, and therefore his parents and probably other dear ones have died. Sophie though, knew he couldn't help it and still loved him; She was lucky not to have been around during those transformation periods, or else she may have been in a grave long … [view original content]
His name is actually Nick. XD It's all good. I get my own characters mixed all the time. lo Still, though, gotta love some Ghastly action. And yes, it will all work out in the end. Pie always leaves his OC's with happily ever afters.
Shit....I just realized XD It's okay, if I put my name out there, might as well not hide it XD Sims is an interesting game. You should try it out one day. It's not everyone's cup of tea though; It's meant for people who like to control families and build houses and make people. It's kind of like playing barbies, but like a thousand times more awesomer XD
I haven't played the Sims so I wouldn't know :P
(I saw your name on Instagram when you took that selfie... Just in case you were like "How the hell does he know my name?!")
Poor Lucas, at least his Dad is there for him in every way possible
Azaria is on a warpath isn't she?! I wouldn't try and stop that woma… moren :P
NYC said purring and rubbed his face on Kierons cheek.
I know it was meant to be Nyx, but NYC was too precious to not get mentioned in this comment! XP
I look forward to more! XD
You already had Charming betray Winter... Please no more betrayal?
She hasn't met Nick yet :P
I absolutely loved you picking my story apart!! It was nice to see you pinpoint what you liked etc. XD
The Devil Among Us (my story on that I have neglected for a month now :P) has a huge mix of romance (I ship BigbyxSnow every damn day!) brutal action from Nick and Bigby, and other types of drama and stuff
His flaws are hidden though, you have to dig to discover this Harbinger's weaknesses Nick has so many powers at his disposal, but he neglects their usage as it makes conflicts way too easy...
All you need to know is that Famine and Pestilence's Harbinger's (Aleesha and Cormac respectively) have been dealt with, now only War's Harbinger Galen remains to be dealt with XD
Oh I forgot to mention that the only person that can truly kill a Harbinger is it's Master. If a Harbinger's human form is killed, they become spirits and have to search for new hosts, which can take ages because they're picky about appearances etc.
If the Harbinger neglects a human form and roams the earth in their non-human forms then gets killed, they just become a spirit for a while before going back out there. They look for human hosts to blend in.
That's cool! I like action just as much as other types of scenes, but it's cool that you're diversing(Haha I don't think that's a word.) mor… moree
Nick is awesome BECAUSE of the flaws he has. And you know, his total freakin' awesome killing powers and shit XD Can't wait to see her and how she is
I've read a few chapters in the past (like, the first couple) so I know a bit of background info, though I hadn't commented because I didn't always have the time to, you know? If you want, you can give me a brief description of what's happened; I know you've told me some stuff as you were describing Nick for me to make him and stuff, and you also told me your plans for Harmony
Ooh, I forgot to mention that as he's gotten older, he sees the warning signs and separates himself from all that he loves. (Hence, the Paris house) He also has the power to teleport, in a way. That didn't come naturally. That'll be explained, too.
And you say I throw all these feels out. XD A confetti of feels these days! My stars!
I too love friendships that are so well developed t… morehat no matter the situation, you'll always know there is the comfort of a good friend to listen to your worries and troubles. These two have found it.
Ah I see now. At first, I seriously thought it was like what Werewolves do, you know, the moon and all but knowing he lets these moments slip may not be such a good idea...but then again, poor guy has this thing dormant and there is never truly a warning to these things, what with curses and all. I figured Mirah had more to her play, same as Rutley but those are always the fun mysterys.
Man, you are indeed the lucky one. I did that earlier. I laughed but it was too cute because she looks at me like 'you bastard. You did this to me....' and I just love it. lol Least you're having a blast on your break! Take advantage!
Yes! F shots and no bueno 100x's again! XD Hate shots! You brave soul....
I....adore...Hans -diabetes has set in- UGH! The sweetness this dude has! So devoted. I have this weird thought, that Hans is going to end up in Alice's dream and wonderland....
Man! I missed the epic NYC purr. XD But I still love Nyx; he's one of those sidekicks you can't help but wish to own for your own. And Kieron is headed for a mess, that's for sure. These scientists, doctors,! They don't play around in your stories! Hopefully good comes out with these four but that's too easy.
Great work like always, man! Look forward to more!
Why War? Part: Four
In the real world. Hans house...
Night had shown in the real world and Lucas started to get tired. Hans picked him… more up and carried him to his bed. Lucas looked sad.
"What's wrong Lucas?" Hans asked
"Are we...are we ever going to see mom again?" He asked
This broke Hans heart, in that instant he wanted to give him a hug and tell him of course but...even then Hans didn't know if they would...
"I'm sure Bigby and Luke will help us in some way kiddo." He said getting up.
"Uh dad?" Lucas said
"What do you need little guy?" He asked
"Um...I'm a bit scared and-" Lucas said before Hans interrupted him with a smile.
"I'll hang out with you till you go to sleep." Hans said smiling.
Lucas began to smile once more. "Thanks dad..."
Hans pulled up a chair and began to tell him stories of how he and Alice had crossed paths and started their lives together. Before Hans knew it Lucas had fell asleep. And … [view original content]
Hans is one of the greatest father's ever didn't ya know! ;D
She is and when I come out of the aftermath of my nap and write the next cha… morepter you will see how ruthless she is!
Hahaha! That's funny! XD apparently New York City can purr! XD since it was something small I fixed it quick.
Awesome! All I can say is strap in kids cus next arc is going to get fucking weird!
Hahaha! That's slick EMMY XD. I feel really bad for Jonathan . Dang, I hope it's quick before anyone gets hurt! Ah okay the cogs in my very rusted brain are turning and I think you're right about that. It may be time for a revisit at some point
Oh yeah I remember my family up north was complaining that there was way too many Snow days and that it needed to slow down. Oh wow that's not good! Lol Well at least the shots will be over with soon! :P Being on break is fantastic! I've never actually been in a comic store before, except for in a video game which of course doesn't count XD. That's really cool though! I should also try and look for a Fables comic to have physically but there are games I need and such XD maybe I'll try and find a comic store this summer and buy it when I get a job as well! XD
I did that on purpose, lol XD Yep, it's an issue that's actually more important than it originally seems. It comes into play with a lot of t… morehings, unfortunately. Mirah's a vampire and she's certainly going to get what she deserves in the end. I don't think she was in the High school tale; I think you might be thinking of Ashlyn and Franklin. God, I miss writing about those kids. It's been so long ^W^
Good job on passing! That happened last year; It took like three weeks for us to do our midterms because we had a bunch of snowdays This year, it took one week but was split between the two weeks that we had school. Plus we had ONE snowday during that. I hate the doctors too, my arm still hurts XD I need to get another one in a month, and then six months after that one But then I don't need any more shots ever (Thank the Lord.) My week has been VERY cool, being on break is so nice! I went to the mall, and I also stopped in a comic shop I nev… [view original content]
I played the Sims 2 for a bit easily 10 years ago, but all I did was turn lights on and off, slap my partner in the face, and be late for work (I had NO IDEA what the controls were or what the purpose of the game was at the time, plus I was only 9 or 10 :P)
Shit....I just realized XD It's okay, if I put my name out there, might as well not hide it XD Sims is an interesting game. You should try i… moret out one day. It's not everyone's cup of tea though; It's meant for people who like to control families and build houses and make people. It's kind of like playing barbies, but like a thousand times more awesomer XD
In all seriousness, the cliffhanger was well managed. This demon from within Jonathan, I am curious as to what it is exactly, how it looks, operates, etc.
Continue with ypour excelsior quality. I look forward to the next chapter.
Belinda was right. She was terribly, regrettably right. The first thing she did when she woke up alone was stifle a cry. Still, the tears es… morecaped through the corner of her eyes. She bunched the blankets up with her fists, using them to cover her body so she could retain a shred of dignity. The glass had been cleaned up at some point, as well as anything else that'd been broken on the floor. The rug still had blood stains though, and the mirror was still shattered in it's casing across the room. She would need to replace the window, too.
Did he lie to her? Was this a joke? Her mind was racing with so many thoughts and not enough time to process any of it. He didn't leave a note. He didn't wake her before vanishing. He was just gone, and she was alone, and there was no way that he really loved her. Did he?
Maybe he just stepped out of the room for a moment. Maybe you're over-reacting. She called his name, several times, with no answer.
… [view original content]
I have changed it back so you may see it! XD Dude I wish I had Nyx as well! That kitten is really nice and can tell the future! He'd be like: "You are about to do good on this test but you'd get a better grade if you studied" or "That chick over there is your future wife if you go talk to her" and possibly my favorite "Today you will hit the lottery!" They're hardcore bad guys! XD I can say it is a "good" ending but at the same time it is not a good one, there will be a twist. If this I don't finish this when it's close to your hiatus message me and I will tell you the ending!
I....adore...Hans -diabetes has set in- UGH! The sweetness this dude has! So devoted. I have this weird thought, that Hans is going to end u… morep in Alice's dream and wonderland....
Man! I missed the epic NYC purr. XD But I still love Nyx; he's one of those sidekicks you can't help but wish to own for your own. And Kieron is headed for a mess, that's for sure. These scientists, doctors,! They don't play around in your stories! Hopefully good comes out with these four but that's too easy.
Great work like always, man! Look forward to more!
Yeah I know but that's life. I'm taking advantage now; I'm not going to disappear like some thought but I won't post as much. Comment every know and then. Drop by to say hi. I'll have my DA going, so the images will never end.
Yeah, I can see what you mean. I will make a note to NEVER do that again. :)Nick just wanted to scare Gren just a bit, that's all. XD And I wasn't going to go into the black Plague, honestly. Just a little something that Calla participated in....
Hey, least I'm on the right track! ANNNNNND since you said this and I spot something odd, I WILL be there. >:D lol
I'll keep our monthes-long PM updated, so you don't miss me :')
I may have to give Nick a proper surname now :P Maybe when I delve into his backstory (the Pirate's backstory before Death's Harbinger took him over) The Great Pestilence sounds more epic, but seriously that was a horrible time
Yep, feel free to point out anything you want, and that goes for everyone else!! XP
Poor Belinda, though it's good to know that Jonathan does indeed love her in spite of his predicament
Mirah is scary, she scares me more than Bloody Mary does! Maybe it's cuz she's a Vampire?
I'm looking forward to what comes next! XD
Oh and I LOVE your long comments where you pick the story apart!!!! DON'T EVER STOP!
Well then you know what that means? She's gonna have to hang out with him when times get better in my story, too XD
The mobster thing was funny XD They seem like, if they weren't working for Fabletown, that that would be their career branch.
Oh JJ XD I have some minor guesses (as you've seen) but I doubt any of them are right XD
Ooooooh I knew there had to be a connection... Can't wait to see where it all goes!
I'm glad you write it! It's awesome!
Poor Lucas, at least his Dad is there for him in every way possible
Azaria is on a warpath isn't she?! I wouldn't try and stop that woman :P
I know it was meant to be Nyx, but NYC was too precious to not get mentioned in this comment! XP
I look forward to more! XD
No problem, man! This chapter was awesome! I can't believe what I've been missing out on!
Ah, that makes sense. I like it! And I love Death's view on Nick as a son; You can tell it's there as Death hopes Nick makes it back, you know?
Nick is like....super badass XD Lyra
She's cute
I think that's all the Q's for now; If I have anymore, I'll PM you!
Love the dawings, especially the one of Noah(Ghastly♥) Another good display of family ties and drama, that will eventually work out hopefully.
I do tend to write a lot of 'action' based chapters, so I'm gonna try and tone that down to focus on the overall story more you know?
Death did play a part in all this though...
Nick is OP, but I gave him flaws. Lyra still needs to be fleshed out properly, she will probably be in the next chapter
Cool! I have to ask though, how much of this story have you read?
Emily Pessolano, the master of life and death in the Sims...
You make Death himself blush with awe XP
I agree with the others on Gertraud, she reminds me of my dear Viera in her youth. Though Viera wasn't as feisty.
Though I'm unfamiliar with the German history besides the wars and a few other tings, but I think The Brothers Grim would make a interesting addition if you wish to consider them.hat.
I did that on purpose, lol XD Yep, it's an issue that's actually more important than it originally seems. It comes into play with a lot of things, unfortunately. Mirah's a vampire and she's certainly going to get what she deserves in the end. I don't think she was in the High school tale; I think you might be thinking of Ashlyn and Franklin. God, I miss writing about those kids. It's been so long ^W^
Good job on passing! That happened last year; It took like three weeks for us to do our midterms because we had a bunch of snowdays
This year, it took one week but was split between the two weeks that we had school. Plus we had ONE snowday during that. I hate the doctors too, my arm still hurts XD I need to get another one in a month, and then six months after that one
But then I don't need any more shots ever (Thank the Lord.) My week has been VERY cool, being on break is so nice! I went to the mall, and I also stopped in a comic shop I never knew existed until a few days ago. I bought myself a hardcopy of Fables: Issue 1
It felt so awesome walking out with it in my shopping bag XD
His name is actually Nick. XD It's all good. I get my own characters mixed all the time. lo Still, though, gotta love some Ghastly action.
And yes, it will all work out in the end. Pie always leaves his OC's with happily ever afters.
Oh my goodness, the bad ass meter just went up. Nick vs Grendel's is something I want to see beyond the words, it should be painted or made into a movie. Seriously! Should that image be drawn, I could picture Nick wrestling the Grendel to the ground then the Grendel throws Nick and he lands on feet the do some crazy stuff lol. Sorry I was watching momontage of my favorite movies, while writing this..
And as for the ships you just created, I ship em.
Exactly. I did it on purpose; The way things were back then, it was more complicated. If that were to happen today, she might not have been as upset, maybe just disappointed, you know? Love meant more than it seems to mean today.
Sophie was a bit of a shell Belinda had to crack, but once it did crack, she became much more open and trusting to Belinda. They've got a bit of an understanding of one another; They come from similar poor backgrounds, and both have deceased parents. I love their relationship
His curse has nothing to do with his mood or anything he does. It kind of just shows through whenever it feels like it. When he was young, he couldn't tell when it was going to get the best of him, and therefore his parents and probably other dear ones have died. Sophie though, knew he couldn't help it and still loved him; She was lucky not to have been around during those transformation periods, or else she may have been in a grave long ago. The ring, I have different purposes for it. It'll be explained eventually. Mirah's evil; her plans are more than they seem. She's on a 'simple' mission to kill; But why would Rutley want people dead? That will be explained eventually as well.
My sibs all have stuffy noses and the like; I think I'm a lucky one, I don't tend to get allergies too bad. Poor little Ems
I know watching my little sister sneeze as a baby was entertaining, but I'm sure she doesn't enjoy it XD I have sleepovers every once in a while. Usually on weekends, but this is our Spring Break so we decided Thursday into Friday was good. They're always a blast!
NO bueno! NO BUENO! I hate shots and anything like it, yet I do things like donate blood and stuff XD I'm such a weird person, lol. They didn't hurt that bad when the needle stuck, just the one on my right shoulder. However, I got two on my left and they feel like bruises when you touch them, lol.
Oh yeah. Originally, I was going to make him evil, however I saw that a true romance felt more genuine than a betrayal.
Mirah is a scary bitch XD She DEFINITELY scares me more than Mary (but don't tell Mary that XD) It could be that she's a Vampire, it could also be because she seems like the most dangerous Fable out there.
I feel like I'm being annoying sometimes because YOU guys write these long stories, and then you go to check who commented and get hit with a wall of text XD I don't get annoyed by long comments either. I LOVE picking the story apart; I find it helps be comprehend some parts and retain things better. Plus, I find 90 percent of most stories quotable XD
Maybe Pie could draw Nick facing up to Gren and Robert?! XD
Nick will have a very hard time facing them, especially as he still doesn't have his final form, but he shall find a way as always...
DeathxHope, NickxJayne (though that one is for my next story) Yep, I created something that other people love at long last :'D
I am already thinking of how I can include them.
After the revolutions of 1848, the Brothers Grimm became politicians for a short amount of time. I intend to see how I can prioritise on that.
You already had Charming betray Winter... Please no more betrayal?
She hasn't met Nick yet :P
I absolutely loved you picking my story apart!! It was nice to see you pinpoint what you liked etc. XD
Hehe, thanks XD I've done some mad experimenting in the past...
That's cool! I like action just as much as other types of scenes, but it's cool that you're diversing(Haha I don't think that's a word.) more
Nick is awesome BECAUSE of the flaws he has. And you know, his total freakin' awesome killing powers and shit XD Can't wait to see her and how she is
I've read a few chapters in the past (like, the first couple) so I know a bit of background info, though I hadn't commented because I didn't always have the time to, you know? If you want, you can give me a brief description of what's happened; I know you've told me some stuff as you were describing Nick for me to make him and stuff, and you also told me your plans for Harmony
I haven't played the Sims so I wouldn't know :P
(I saw your name on Instagram when you took that selfie... Just in case you were like "How the hell does he know my name?!")
And you say I throw all these feels out. XD A confetti of feels these days! My stars!
I too love friendships that are so well developed that no matter the situation, you'll always know there is the comfort of a good friend to listen to your worries and troubles. These two have found it.
Ah I see now. At first, I seriously thought it was like what Werewolves do, you know, the moon and all but knowing he lets these moments slip may not be such a good idea...but then again, poor guy has this thing dormant and there is never truly a warning to these things, what with curses and all.
I figured Mirah had more to her play, same as Rutley but those are always the fun mysterys. 
Man, you are indeed the lucky one. I did that earlier. I laughed but it was too cute because she looks at me like 'you bastard. You did this to me....' and I just love it. lol Least you're having a blast on your break! Take advantage!
Yes! F shots and no bueno 100x's again! XD Hate shots! You brave soul....
Oh damn, my mistake.
Maybe one day Nick would get another form.. that licks his foes to oblivion.
Shit....I just realized XD It's okay, if I put my name out there, might as well not hide it XD Sims is an interesting game. You should try it out one day. It's not everyone's cup of tea though; It's meant for people who like to control families and build houses and make people. It's kind of like playing barbies, but like a thousand times more awesomer XD
Hans is one of the greatest father's ever didn't ya know! ;D
She is and when I come out of the aftermath of my nap and write the next chapter you will see how ruthless she is!
Hahaha! That's funny! XD apparently New York City can purr! XD since it was something small I fixed it quick.
Awesome! All I can say is strap in kids cus next arc is going to get fucking weird!
We'll see, lol XD
That's all good. I can't wait till he does though!
No problem! I loved the whole story
The Devil Among Us (my story on that I have neglected for a month now :P) has a huge mix of romance (I ship BigbyxSnow every damn day!) brutal action from Nick and Bigby, and other types of drama and stuff
His flaws are hidden though, you have to dig to discover this Harbinger's weaknesses
Nick has so many powers at his disposal, but he neglects their usage as it makes conflicts way too easy...
All you need to know is that Famine and Pestilence's Harbinger's (Aleesha and Cormac respectively) have been dealt with, now only War's Harbinger Galen remains to be dealt with XD
Oh I forgot to mention that the only person that can truly kill a Harbinger is it's Master. If a Harbinger's human form is killed, they become spirits and have to search for new hosts, which can take ages because they're picky about appearances etc.
If the Harbinger neglects a human form and roams the earth in their non-human forms then gets killed, they just become a spirit for a while before going back out there. They look for human hosts to blend in.
Ooh, I forgot to mention that as he's gotten older, he sees the warning signs and separates himself from all that he loves. (Hence, the Paris house) He also has the power to teleport, in a way. That didn't come naturally. That'll be explained, too.
Poor Emmy, probably cursing you in her head XD
I....adore...Hans -diabetes has set in- UGH! The sweetness this dude has! So devoted. I have this weird thought, that Hans is going to end up in Alice's dream and wonderland....
Man! I missed the epic NYC purr. XD But I still love Nyx; he's one of those sidekicks you can't help but wish to own for your own. And Kieron is headed for a mess, that's for sure. These scientists, doctors,! They don't play around in your stories! Hopefully good comes out with these four but that's too easy.
Great work like always, man! Look forward to more!
Now that you mention that, this would be fun to play around with. XD Oh those poor
Looking forward to it!
Although I'm pulling an 8-5 shift tomorrow
Hahaha! That's slick EMMY XD. I feel really bad for Jonathan
. Dang, I hope it's quick before anyone gets hurt! Ah okay the cogs in my very rusted brain are turning and I think you're right about that. It may be time for a revisit at some point 
Oh yeah I remember my family up north was complaining that there was way too many Snow days and that it needed to slow down. Oh wow that's not good! Lol Well at least the shots will be over with soon! :P Being on break is fantastic! I've never actually been in a comic store before, except for in a video game which of course doesn't count XD. That's really cool though! I should also try and look for a Fables comic to have physically but there are games I need and such XD maybe I'll try and find a comic store this summer and buy it when I get a job as well! XD
I played the Sims 2 for a bit easily 10 years ago, but all I did was turn lights on and off, slap my partner in the face, and be late for work (I had NO IDEA what the controls were or what the purpose of the game was at the time, plus I was only 9 or 10 :P)
"I hate cliffhangers" - Ellie, The last of Us.
In all seriousness, the cliffhanger was well managed. This demon from within Jonathan, I am curious as to what it is exactly, how it looks, operates, etc.
Continue with ypour excelsior quality. I look forward to the next chapter.
Their meeting will be short... and she won't die either :P
Glad you like it so much! XD
To be honest, I have never played the Sims.
Oh man that's right it's probably getting late where you are! Apologies man.
It's close to midnight over here :P
No need to be sorry, more money is always nice, but I'm gonna be so knackered when I get in
Hans is one of the greats!
Anything can happen 
I have changed it back so you may see it! XD Dude I wish I had Nyx as well! That kitten is really nice and can tell the future! He'd be like: "You are about to do good on this test but you'd get a better grade if you studied" or "That chick over there is your future wife if you go talk to her" and possibly my favorite "Today you will hit the lottery!" They're hardcore bad guys! XD I can say it is a "good" ending but at the same time it is not a good one, there will be a twist.
If this I don't finish this when it's close to your hiatus message me and I will tell you the ending! 
Thanks Pie!
Because pie is life. Pie is love. XD He's going to kill me now for sure.
OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that's right! Duh, Jacob! I'd still do them. XD XD
Yes you have, dude! Be proud! Feel the love!