You're so random sometimes but it makes it for entertaining laughter. XD
And I read your PM and you're right. That is the father of Erica… more and Michelle's ex and you're wrong about Michelle's past, too. I'll give you THIS hint: he's from the comics....
The suspense! Dun dun DUUUUN! But yeah, alright...that's what they will do then! XD XD
Because pie is life. Pie is love. XD He's going to kill me now for sure.
OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that's right! Duh, Jacob! I'd still do them. XD XD
Yes you have, dude! Be proud! Feel the love!
In my next story. The next one will be never-ending to a degree (like Pie's) and will include other people's OC's as main or secondary characters (Pie's OC's being the most prominent, though Robert will appear of course among others) And you are free to belittle my portrayal of said OC's to your heart's content! XD
Oh robert. What won't you do? After reading him in Pie's recent chap, I need to teach that boy a thing or two about manners. XD But Nick, well...he'll put Robert in his place. lol But who does not like the Porgies? (looking at you, Emily)
In my next story. The next one will be never-ending to a degree (like Pie's) and will include other people's OC's as main or secondary chara… morecters (Pie's OC's being the most prominent, though Robert will appear of course among others) And you are free to belittle my portrayal of said OC's to your heart's content! XD
Nick is a friend of the family. Lyla adores him and Emily considers him like a second Father and a best friend whom she can trust with anything.
Nick is suffering from severe depression, and those around him really try to help. Their luck is pushed as Nick does try and kill or harm himself when it gets too much for him to bear
Oh robert. What won't you do? After reading him in Pie's recent chap, I need to teach that boy a thing or two about manners. XD But Nick, well...he'll put Robert in his place. lol But who does not like the Porgies? (looking at you, Emily)
On the topic of the characters, I am still trying to get the sketches uploaded, but I am procastinating in favour of the story. They will come, just not quite yet (I am also not exactly the best at drawing figures. faces and architecture I can draw, but not figures.)
I stand by my original comment of Gertraud being a fiesty character and it shows strongly again in this chapter. she has that smart-ass humo… morer to her and its reasons like this that make me enjoy a character. Her reaction to Alfred upon entering Berlin was wonderful. XD
I too, thought it was easy for the soilders to although these weary travelers access so easily but Alfred spoke their tongue and seeing as he did so, perhas the soilders felt no need to press on. That's just my theory, of course.
The description of Berlin was a nice tough, too. Walking into a tavern, however, is not going to be a good thing; I have a feeling Gertraud and Alfred are about to meet some unleasent soul just begging for trouble....Also, these little bits of German thrown in are neat, too! Nice to see another writer use a different language.
Look forward to more of your story, man!
Kieron ran through the resistance halls looking for a way out. On his way through all he thought was how large the base was. Even if the king were to attack could he really take all these guys out? Kieron thought.
"Do you know where you're going!?" Nyx asked
Kieron kept looking left and right. "If I could've prepared more I would have!" Kieron said
Kieron quickly stumbled upon the command center. Max threw him a smirk.
"So you're awake. Good I need you to-" He was cut off by Kieron grabbing him by the throat and slamming him into the wall.
"Where are they?" Kieron asked
"Why do you care? I've read your profile. You grew up with no friends, or family for that matter. So why care now?" He smiled
"People change." Kieron said
Soldiers came in and began to charge Kieron. He told Nyx to jump off his shoulder, and when he did he took Max and kicked him into the group of soldiers. Kieron grabbed Max again.
"Do I need to ask again?" Kieron said
Max chuckled "You're pretty good, have you been to war before?" Max asked
Kieron punched him in the gut. "No but apparently I'm getting good at it." He smiled
"How about you lead an army then? You'll be able to see our Queen rise!" He said
"I'm fine. Just tell me where my friends are." Kieron said
"They're at the nearest town. It won't take you long to get there. No more than thirty minutes." Max smiled
Kieron dropped Max and pointed his sword at him. "If you're bullshitting me I'll come back and kill you." He said with an expressionless face.
"Better save it for the Elf kid." He chuckled "Because she already has my number." He said
"Then maybe I should take you with me." Kieron smiled
"Aren't you on a time limit? I'll just slow you down." Max said
Nyx climbed on Kierons shoulder and hissed at Max, Kieron began to leave ignoring Max. When Max stood up he noticed that Kieron had broken some ribs, he snapped his finger, any conscious person could hear the bones snap back into place.
"This Kieron person is stronger indeed. This could prove to be bad if he is not on our side. I'll have to figure this out." Max said crossing his arms.
At the town...
Azaria and the others were still fighting. The enemy had received reinforcements and they had also. Fires burned and buildings collapsed. Azaria stood on one of the last remaining buildings. From here she could see Alice and her soldiers holding one side and John and Og on the other. Was the other army really this week? She thought. She jumped to the next building, she could hear the soldiers cry for mercy and why they haven't been evacuated. She set five arrows and picked five targets. Upon releasing those arrows those five targets dropped. As time went by the soldiers began to dwindle down. Azaria was now down with Alice cleaning up the rest of the soldiers. Their pcries could be heard better now. Most soldiers cried for their moms, they cried for mercy, they cried because they wanted to live. Azaria however told them otherwise. There were no more than twenty to thirty people left at this point everyone else was dead, this included civilian casualties, Azaria was executing any soldier that was wounded on the battlefield something inside of her had changed...
As Kieron approached the town he could see the flames and destruction.
"War is an awful thing..." Nyx said
Kieron nodded "That's true...let's get there fast it's going to be morning soon." Kieron said beginning to run again.
When Kieron entered the town he began to see what was the aftermath of the fight. One thing that caught Kierons eye was the body count. There were bodies everywhere. Civilian, Resistance, and Kings soldiers bodies lay in the street. Kieron shook his head
"This is terrible..." He said
"Indeed, you think either party would've withdrew from the fight if they knew the death toll here." Nyx said
Kieron had to find the others. He began walking, in the distance he could hear soldiers screaming in pain. He began to run in the direction of the noise. When he got to the location of the screams he saw Azaria, Alice, and two people he's never met before. He began to walk up to them, when he noticed that there was only one soldier left. Azaria began to draw her bow and arrow to put him down.
"Please! Please let me go! I have a family! I have a kid to help raise!" He cried.
"You shouldn't have signed up for this war then." Azaria said
The soldiers mind had cracked right there. He began to babble random nonesense. He then called Azaria a demon whore. When Azaria heard this she put the arrow away, took off the soldiers helmet and grasped her bow with both hands and broke the bow in two over the man's head.
"You think I'm a demon whore!? Demon would do just fine!!!" She screamed throwing the bow aside.
She began to punch the man repeatedly to the point he was long gone but she was still going. Kieron began to run over. Alice and the others had walked away away from pure fear of what had happened to Azaria.
"Azaria! What are you doing!?" Kieron said grabbing her off the dead body.
In Azarias anger she punched Kieron. Nyx looked devestated, Kieron turned his head to face her. When Kieron looked at her, her face showed pain, anger, and sadness. Azaria stepped back she looked scared.
"Kieron!? What are you-I thought you wouldn't be awake by now." She began to tear up.
Nyx jumped off Kierons shoulder. Azaria fell to her knees and began to cry. Kieron walked over to her and knelt down in front of her.
"What was that? Why are you acting like this?" Kieron asked
"I was mad, I...I couldn't help you, they operated on you when I could've helped! I...I can never help my friends when they need it..." She sobbed
"What are you talking about? Remember when we were attacked by a monster in the last place we were in? You saved my life with that shot you took." He said
"Even so...I've become a mess! Look at what I've done! I even hit you...just leave me here." She said
Kieron stood up, he held out his hand. "I don't want to hear that Azaria, I won't leave you behind. Things can get better right?" He smiled
She looked shocked, she wondered why he was being so nice. She took his hand. He lifted her up and hugged her. She began to cry into his chest.
"Thank you Kieron...." She cried
"It's alright. It's over for now." He said
She hugged him back. When they let go she wiped her tears away. "I'm okay..." She smiled.
"Good. No more talk of being left behind and no more saying sorry either. We're a team right? We'll have good and bad times but the good will outweigh the bad." He smiled
Her face got red and she smiled. "Yeah, they will!"
Kieron called the others, when they got there they carefully asked Azaria if she was alright. She told them yes and apologized the way she was acting and hoped they would forgive her for her actions. They smiled and said of course. After this they introduced Kieron to John and Og, also Azaria told him that she named the kitten Nyx. They greeted and introduced themselves. Kieron was happy to make more friends. Nyx hopped on Azarias shoulder, purred and pressed his face on her cheek.
"What do we do now?" Kieron asked
"We should have somebody go tell Max we got ahold of the town." John said.
"I'll go." Alice said.
"I agree, she'll be safe. If she dies then this will be all over." Azaria said
Kieron nodded. "Then it's settled. You're up Alice."
Alice summoned some shadow forces. "Just in case you need them." She said
"We won didn't we?" John smiled
Alice shrugged. "You never know." And began to walk away."
The night was still in full swing. Kieron and the others built a camp just outside of town giving them camouflage. While sitting at the campfire Azaria passed out with her head leaning on Kierons shoulder while Nyx had fallen asleep on his lap. John and Og slept back to back.
"Man, Azaria and Nyx are lucky I can sleep sitting." He whispered and closed his eyes...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
The tavern was built from fern wood, rotting in some places. The floor was dirty on account of the sickening ground outside and regurgitation of god knows who. The two columns of wood supporting the second story and roof sported dim candles. The bar was covered in spilled ale and other substances of which I did not identify nor do I think I would have wanted to. I was in for an arduous task.
The following morning, I awoke, rising from a seat, to see my work. The bar was cleaned, the floor spotless and the tables and chairs arranged.
“Not bad.”
Behind me stood a portly man, nigh the height of I and of dark hair. “I am guessing that you are Herr Jagd?” He spoke in Englisch with a very foreign accent.
“I am the owner of this place and thus the employer of you and your wife.” My wife? “Herr Schultz is my name. You have done a very good job, my boy” continued he. “I am thinking you could be the place’s scrubber and she the barmaid. I am in need of new ones”
“What of those that preceded I?”
“The last barmaid and scrubber were caught in the act of adultery, nasty stuff.” He explained. “both were hung not a day ago.”
Yep, just like in Nordenland.
“When do we start?” I asked
“Tonight” he said. “If you wish, you and your wife can stay in the top floor. I have rooms up there for travellers but I will let you use the one at the end of the hall.”
Damn Gertraud. “Very good.”
With that I walked out. Now to find Gertraud. Fortunately, I did not have to search far as she was sitting on the bench outside.
“Why are we ‘married’?!” snarled I.
Remaining calm, she spoke. “We needed a believable story for the owner.”
“And what exactly was this story?” I growled.
“You and I are the Jagds and we have travelled from a near Duchy called Preuβen to find work and a place to stay.” She explained flatly.
“And you could not come up with a better story?”
“No, if I could I would have used it.”
“I was being rhetorical.”
“I know.” she smiled at the end of that sentance.
With that I was silenced. In the few minutes of silence that followed, I thought over the situation. We had found ourselves in a new world, knowing nothing of it at all and already we had a place to stay and jobs, thanks to Gertraud. The situation was very optimistic in spite of all that had happened.
“Also,” she spoke in a condescending tone. “I remember you were having a ‘moment to sit’ while I was setting us up.”
That was very true. I was not there to assist in any way and she did all the hard work aside from cleaning the tavern. I got us out of the Hesse (with help) and she got us into Brandenburg.
“Yes, yes I was.” I said sheepishly.
“Have I managed to break you, hunter?” She was beaming having lulled an admission of fault from me.
“You are unbearable, Gertraud.” I said with a humoured sigh.
“Excellent.” was her reply “I propose we inspect our new home”
As Herr Schultz had said, there was a room at the end of the second story hall. Using a key provided to Gertraud by Schultz, she opened the door. Within was simplistic four-poster bed sans the curtains, to the left of I was a three drawer dresser and a mirror to its right. Upon the right hand side of the bed was a stool, serving as a platform for the candle upon it
“I can sleep on the floor if you wish.” Joked Gertraud.
“I was about to offer the same thing.” I was half joking.
“I can see your discomfort on this subject.” She condescended.
“Ha, ha.” I replied in sarcasm. She was not wrong though. I had never slept in a bed with another person in my life. Not a single person.
“We shall have to decide bedding arrangements at a different time.” I said in an effort of procastination.
“I disagree, for we have plenty of time and little else to do.”
“What do you propose?” I exasperated. I had an idea as to where this was heading.
“I propose we sleep in the bed together.” She said. “As much as you and I are mutually uncomfortable at the prospect, it would be more uncomfortable for the one whom was to sleep on the floor. It would also look odd if Herr Schultz were to come in with one in the bed and the other on the floor.”
Yes, I was spot on.
“Why would Schultz come in the middle of the night?” I questioned.
“One can never know.” She reasoned.
Tonight was going to be awkward.
Later that evening, she and I went into the tavern to start our first night. The night was restless but easy. The patrons were loud and drunk, singing, dancing, gambling yet never did anything become violent. Two of the patrons ‘complimented’ Gertraud’s figure, but cowered upon being hit with her death scowl. I was in the middle of scrubbing the bar when Schultz came from behind and tapped my shoulder.
“Jagd, here.” His hand held a handful of silver coins. “Seven pieces of silver for you and your wife’s first night. Your shifts are over.”
I took the money. “Thank you.”
I was curious. “If you do not mind me asking, where are you from? I haven’t heard an accent like yours and you speak fluent Englisch.”
He smiled. “We say English in ‘Englisch’. Englisch is limited to German. And I am from Wales.”
With that he walked back to his position behind the bar. I went over to Gertraud. Who had just finished serving what I assumed, judging by his sword, a mercenary.
“Our shifts are over.” I said.
“Good, I am tired.” she returned. “I am not as rested as you”
“you are referring to me and the bench?” I asked.
She confirmed that with a nod.
“When will you drop that?”
“Right now, I haven’t the energy to mock you further” she answered. “Regardless of how fun it is.”
I gave a small laugh.
True to her word, she suffered me no further with her comments as we walked to our room. She bee lined straight for the dresser, pulling out two long tunics of knee length. “Here.” She said as she threw me one.
“What is this?” I asked.
“You are not sleeping in the same bed as I with those dirty rags.” she said wearily.
“Where did you get these if we had no money?” I questioned.
“I 'borrowed' them from a stall. Idiot didn’t notice.” She had stolen these?
“But ho-“
“One of the skills I picked up sabotaging my brother’s stalls. Now turn so we can change in privacy.”
Obliging, I turned and pulled off my greaves, followed by my breeches and tunic before placing on my new garment, which was much too small for me.
“Are you done?” came her voice
“Yes.” I answered. “Can I turn now?”
I turned to her direction finding Gertraud in the tunic with her bun undone, allowing her auburn hair to frame her face and flow down to her shoulder blades. Unlike on I, the tunic was somewhat large for her.
Without another word we both entered the bed. I licked my thumb and index finger before using both to snuff the candle on the stool. Within the next few seconds, her breath evened out into a steady pace. I lied there for god knows how long, trying to ignore the awkwardness of the situation, before joining her in slumber.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Prueβen (Prussia) was a Duchy in Brandenburg. Becoming its own kingdom in 1525, It would grow to become the largest of the German Kingdoms/States in history before receeding and eventually dissolving back into Brandenburg in 1947.
The “β” (esset) is a character used in German, and once upon a time in English, as a representation of a double-‘s’ sound.
'In places no one will find, all your feelings so deep inside. Was there that I knew, forever was in your eyes, the moment I saw you cry...'
Part 1 of 2
Ethan looked at the clock. It seemed like time was dragging on that morning for him. The night ended with tossing, turning and several shots of Whiskey; he had the opportunity, for just that moment, to capture Michelle and finally have her open up to him. She was nervous and he forgot just how vulnerable his precious Michelle was.
He knew he'd crossed a line; the anguish in her voice and the boiling rage in her eyes and mind. Ethan escaped that night but with another bandaid to add to her broken heart and soul. Michelle was indeed hiding something and Ethan wanted to be there to hold her hand as she speaks about the past. Her family and especially her mother; Ethan knew the Toothfairy perished during a war but that was it. No one else seemed to know any further information.
Only person that did, however, refused to create a conversation around this.
Ethan rubs his forehead and hears a light rasp against his bedroom door. Looking over, he answers.
"Come in...."
Holly enters. She leans against the door and beams. "Did you sleep at all, kiddo?"
"Nope." Ethan continues to rub his face. "I can't get her out of my head, Holly. You should have seen her face last night."
"You need to back off, Ethan." Holly looks over as Ethan sits up. "You need to give her space. You keep pushing and you'll lose her for good."
"I want to help her, Holly." Ethan slips on his shirt. "I can't seem to shake off this feeling that something SERIOUSLY happened to her and-"
"Please." Holly grabs Ethan's hand. "You can't GO into that world just yet, Ethan."
"What do YOU know, Holly?" Ethan applies deoderant and grabs his pants. "You are not telling either me or Peter something in regards to Michelle or her past. My parents refuse to answer my questions, even Gren won't answer me. WHAT happened to her, Holly?"
"There are some things she does not talk about, Ethan. She....she can't handle what happened to her in the past and I can't blame the poor dear."
Ethan adds a thick, brown jacket before grabbing his keys. No one was willing to give Ethan an idea of why Michelle acted in such a strange manner. Holly observes Ethan exit his room and stop in the kitchen. He snatches a Banana and piece of toast; Lily, coloring a picture on the kitchen table, peers up and beams. She waves her little hand around to clasp his attention.
"Uncle Ethan, look-I made a picture of us. See-there is you, me, mommy, daddy and your kitty. See?"
Ethan kisses the top of his neice's head. "That's beautiful, baby...uncle Ethan has to go now, alright?"
"I thought you were off today? Daddy and aunt Ka-Ka are at work and-"
Ethan heads for the front door. "Uncle Ethan has...errands to run, baby girl..."
"Okay! Bye uncle Ethan!" Lily waves. "Mommy is making beans tonight and-"
But before Lily could finish, Ethan scurried down the stairs. He did not stop to address the couple that lived in the apartment beside them; the woman dressed in gym clothes tried to flag Ethan's attention but noticed the mixture of worry and distraught on his face. Ethan mumbled to himself as he enters the elevator and pushes the button for the first floor. All the images of last night began to fade in and out of his mind. Ethan's thoughts began to collide with his emotions. All he could see was Michelle; he could not see clear anymore, for all he could picture was his beautiful, smart and broken assistant.
What could be THAT horrible about one's past, that they insist on bottling every memory and lock it away for all eternity? The metal doors opened and Ethan, taking out a cigarette, lights it. He peers at the empty security guard's desk; the temporary one would arrive any minute and Ethan did not want to be bothered by meaningless conversations. With Gren gone and preparing for this 'secret' war, Ethan could not shake off this feeling that Michelle knew something...
Heading towards her apartment, Ethan decides to walk. Staring at all the happy faces, he wondered how many of them were faking it, too.
"Rosie, go home." Michelle flips a pancake and adds to a plate. "Please. I KNOW you have things to do."
"Are you sure, Michelle?" Rosie grabs her bags. "I mean, Woody works until 3 today. He said he'd pick me up after work, so I can stay longer with you and Erica."
The exact crooked smile. Rosie sighed as Michelle adds butter to the pancake. "Go, Rosie. You've done enough...."
Michelle begins to fumble around in her purse, pulls out her wallet and fishes for some moeny. She takes out four twenty dollar bills and tries handing the money off to Rosie. Pushing back, however, Rosie force's Michelle's fingers to clasp over the money.
"You keep it."
"But, Rosie need this and-"
"What I need is a hot shower and some hashbrowns from McDonald's. YOU need that, Michelle. Take Erica out to the park. Grab lunch. CALL Ethan..."
"Ethan..." Michelle covers her mouth. "Oh my God. Ethan...He hates me, Rosie. I, I know he's going to stop coming around and I can't handle this right now and-"
"IF I know Ethan, he's JUST like his mom and grandfather: They'll be pissed, not speak for several hours. MAYBE a day or two and once they've cooled off, he'll come around."
Michelle sat beside Erica and aides her daughter with cutting the pancake. Erica grabs her plastic spork, jams it into the fluffy goodness and eats. A syrup covered smile causes Michelle to slightly tear up.
"I hope so, Rosie..." Michelle clutches her cup of coffee. "I seriously hope so...."
Rosie blows Erica a kiss, waves to Michelle and heads out the door. The apartment was silent except for the tenants living above her and the flourishing sounds outside her window. Several Crows land near the fire escape, caw and when noticed, flutter off in their group. Erica tries to speak as she waves to the syrup bottle.
"No, baby girl. You have enough syrup on those cakes there."
Erica gapes at her mother; that blank, sweeping glare she had when Erica looked at Michelle. Secretly, however, Michelle enjoyed having her daughter 'stuck' as such. She'd never express this to anyone but when Erica was capable of speaking and making her own decisions, she was identical to her father. Even her eyes; the exact same blue the fucker had, was locked away forever in her daughter's eyes. Michelle covers her eyes; the horrible, disgusting thoughts returned to her mind and clouded her vision. Michelle felt ill and the urge to vomit grew with every passing second. She LOVED Erica; there was never a single doubt in her mind or anyone that saw the pair together on the streets. But for some time, Michelle pondered the unthinkable....
But that would be the coward's way out. An unfair advantage to her daughter. She wouldn't have her bright-eyed and intelligent daughter sitting before her right now. Michelle, despite all the odds, knew she did the right thing. Her mother would have been proud. Her mother....
There was a thunderous knock on the door that nearly caused Michelle to tumble from her seat. She was not expecting visitors today; she was off for several days and wanted to stay alone with her daughter and try to find some solitude in this hell. The knocking, however, continued. Michelle's heart came to a hault. Erica turns to face the nosie and chuckled.
"BOOM BOOM BOOM!" Erica claps. "Mommy-"
"Baby, please." Michelle holds out her hand. "Be VERY quiet, baby. We're going to play a game."
It took Erica several seconds before she was able to calm herself down. Michelle slides her hand into a nearby drawer and takes out a bag. Reaching inside, she pulls out a little purple pill.
"I swore to whatever God is listening that I'd never succumb to this fucking shit." Michelle shakes as she speaks. "I'd never turn my back and return to that part of my world but if it means saving us..."
Thankfully, Ethan spoke before Michelle popped the pill into her mouth. She became incased in so many feelings. His voice was like pure honey from the combs kissed by the Bees. Michelle desperatly wanted to open that door and hold him. Never let go.
"Michelle!" Ethan continues to pound the door. "Please, Michelle. Don't make this old Dog beg now."
Michelle chuckles, pressing her body against the wooden door. "Why not?"
"Now YOU'RE being an asshole." Ethan looks around. "You, uh....alone in there?"
"Just me and Erica. Rosie left not too long ago. Was going to put this sticky little thing down for a nap pretty soon."
There was silence. Even through the door between them, Michelle could feel the heat and lust both felt for one another. "So, can I come in, Michelle?"
The door creaks open. Michelle, folding her arms and beaming, allows the massive man access into her apartment. Closing the door, she immediatly heads to the kitchen. Ethan could pick up the smell of pancakes but was not too hungry to chow down on one. Walking around the living room, Michelle took this time to clean Erica up near the sink and into some clean clothes. The little girl squealed with delight when she saw the presence of Ethan.
"Mommy! Ethan here! Ethan here!"
Michelle chuckles, tightly holding her daughter. "Yes baby. Ethan is here. He's going to stay for a bit but you need to be a good girl and take a nap for me, okay?"
"Ice cream, Ethan?"
Ethan ruffles Erica's hair. "Ya' gotta be good for mommy and listen or else Ethan won't take you for ice cream."
Jumping in her arms, Michelle craddles Erica's head and carefully walks to the bedroom. Ten minutes go by and Michelle meets Ethan in the living room.
"Well, that was easier today...."
"Ice cream makes kids do ANYTHING. Trust me. Worked for us growing up."
Michelle rubs her arm and searches the room. Ethan knew what she was attempting to do; avoid the conflict that occured last night but Ethan was not going to let this one alip away.
"Why don't you sit, Michelle? I mean, this is YOUR place and-"
"I'm so sorry, Ethan." Michelle lowers her head and stares at the carpet. "I' sorry..."
Ethan scoots out and stands. "What are you talking about? You didn't do anything and-"
"I've kept everything locked away for so long. When you mentioned your father, I could relate immediatly with that man. Suffering alone sadly becomes a norm for us Fables. You are told to keep your mouth shut. To 'get over' it and move on. So, I did. I took their advice, kept my mouth shut and placed this smile on my face. People tend to approach you more when they think you're alright but mock and abandon you when you're at your worst. I had my daughter to take care of and after her father did those things..."
"Michelle..." Ethan grabs her and pulls close. Michelle could feel the heat course off his body. "Please. I want to know about you. Don't deal with this alone anymore. I'd never mock, judge or think differetly of you..."
"You have no idea who I truly am, Ethan. What I've dealt with...."
"Tell me and I can help you, Michelle. I love you."
Michelle buries her face into Ethan's chest. "Will you always love me no matter what? Even if all my secrets leave you feeling disgusted and ashamed, will you truly still love me?"
"Yes." No doubt as he spoke. "I love you."
Michelle glares out the window; it was late morning and the sun was beginning to peek the tops of the buildings. The wind gently blew through the city. There were days like this she wanted to crawl in a safe corner and hide from the world. But she'd been in that position, too and it was no better.
"My mother was the Toothfairy, Ethan. You know this. Everyone does."
"Yes, I do." Ethan beams. "I actually remember seeing her one time. She looked just like you, too. Always cheerful...."
Michelle nods. "My mother....was a special person. Loved all the children of both Fable and mundy world, as if they were her own flesh and blood. Guess in a way, they were; she collected the teeth of these children and held onto them. Knew everything about that individual just by a simple tooth. My mother was well known. Many appreciated her company and exuberant personality. She glowed, even in her darkest hours. My mother dreamed of nothing but happiness."
Ethan noticed Michelle wail. She hid her face with delicate fingers in hopes Ethan would allow her to wallow alone. As promised, he did no such thing. Grabbing her waist, he held on.
Michelle continued. "She was foolish, however. Perhaps this is where my faults begin. I too, like to see the good in everything. Even when I've been she was. All those years before my conception."
"What do you mean, Michelle?" He kisses the top of her forehead. "Please..."
Michelle continues. "My mother fell in love with my father. A vile, heartless, powerful man. He caused fear in the hearts of Fable and mundies alike. He crept in the shadows, lurked in nightmares and made friends with devils. His presence sent chills down your spine. My mother, despite all these qualites he possesed, still loved him. Wanted to know more about the man so many feared. Wished to take no part in his schemes or even cross the same paths. He was powerful...compared his abilitites to that of the North Wind..."
Part 1 of 2 to this. I add too much and it cuts off. So stupid. lol Any questions, you know the drill.
Ethan released himself from Michelle and could not mouth a single word; he watched her pace in the living room, a faint smile drawn upon her lips. Michelle continued to face the ground, hoping to avoid showing her tears and anguished pleas. Ethan's mind suddenly raced with the images of Michelle's father. His father told them stories. Even Bigby mentioned the name of the man that tried desperatly to destroy this city.
"No..." Ethan could feel the color melt from his face. ""
"My father's name was Mr. Dark and he and my mother became a couple in the shadows of this very city. He knew the power she held within. Her capability to hold that many teeth. My father collected teeth and created familiars for himself. Strange how magic and powers work. They can either hail for good or bad."
"HOW did your mother become involved with him?"
"My father was a devious man, yes but he did show some remorse when he felt you deserved it. My mother's occupation was the very thing he lust after when his victims became nothing but piles of bone and dust. He'd stalk my mother in the dead of night, hoping she'd cave into his wishes and give all the power to him. But my mother was a fighter and rather then give into my father's request, she made a deal with the devil himself. He was allowed to have the teeth of evil if he promised to give her one simple thing: a child. My mother desperatly wanted a baby. It did not matter boy or girl. I was surprised to know he agreed to such an arragment and months later, she was pregnant with the child you see
before you."
Ethan was baffled and could not comprehend what was said to him. "Oh my God. YOUR the rumored daughter of Mr. Dark?!"
"Yes, Ethan." Michelle continues, as she takes a seat. "I was the daughter of the boogeyman and the Toothfairy. After my birth, though, something happened. My mother did not take into consideration inheritants and I sadly gained my father's dark powers. I did not mean to do it; my mother, like I mentioned, was one to look past all the evil and saw nothing wrong with her newborn baby girl. She raised me to believe I was to collect teeth and give the children gifts. I was too much like my father and stole the teeth to create familiars like he did. I secretly stashed the teeth under my bed and practice the dark magic that coarsed through my veins. When I turned 6, everything changed..."
Ethan kneels before Michelle. He clasps her hand, trying to force Michelle to look into his eyes. "Don't stop, Michelle. I told you. I want to know everything about you..."
"I became the very thing my father prayed for. Little did myself or mother know his true intentions with me. I was his secret weapon to bring my mother down. He was going to keep all the teeth and create an army of brain-dead children to do his bidding and assist with his final plan in taking over Fabletown and the mundane world as that. He was going to destroy the North Wind and uphold all the powers to himself. As a reward for being his loyal daughter, I was to gain free reign of his newly darkened kingdom. So, like a good little girl, I obeyed my father and....and..."
Michelle leans forward and weeps. "I mother..."
Ethan was stunned. This beautiful, joyous woman sitting before him was twisted and dark. For a moment, as Michelle revisited her youth, Ethan began to understand why Michelle never voiced these things. There was a sudden difference in her voice....
"What...what happened, Michelle?"
Michelle takes out the little purple pill. "My father tested my loyality and when I listened to his every whem, I was able to live to see another day. But the blood shed and the teeth collected from my mother's rotten corpse sent me into a world I was not ready for. He eventually passed on when North took him that day...away for good. I became an orphan and was until I turned 18. I left that dusty old place and faced Fabletown alone. Just as I entered the world, it was a devious and lonely place full of broken dreams with a blanket made of tears to tuck me in at night. I suffered alone, lived alone. I always thought I'd be like my mother and it eventually came true when Erica's father and I tried to make a relationship but two broken people are incapable of feelings. Understanding another person's emotions and take that into consideration before making rash decisions. I never told ANYONE this but...I wanted to 'take care' of Erica when I found out."
"Michelle! No...."
" promised-"
"I'm not-" Ethan carefully thought it through before speaking. "-I just, had no idea..."
"I did't WANT to but I was scared and alone. He was abusive and I didn't WANT that for my child. To live in darkness like I had done. But when he tried to kill me, pushed me down the stairs and laughed as I lay bleeding...I knew what had to be done. To save what little part I had inside. Erica has been my sunshine and saving grace. That little girl has brought more joy into my life then anything I've ever encountered. She has my mother's smile and even now, after all the shit we've been through, I can honsetly say I'd do it again, knowing what I have with me now."
"Are you ever going to tell me who the father is or-"
"I can't do that, Ethan...."
Ethan watched Michelle slowly fall to the ground, lean against the chair and wail. Her face became stained with tears. Ethan could only do what was needed-be beside her. Michelle was prepared to watch Ethan leave, like all the others before him. She was willing to accept her fate and forever marinate in depression and anguish for all eternity. But, unlike the others, Ethan remaind beside her; grasping Michelle's hand, Ethan tightly held on and refused to let go.
Taken back, Michelle took her other hand and touches Ethan's chest. The build reminded her of sculptures created by the hands of marvelous individuals; they were the eyes of God as these men created art and to Michelle, that's what he was. Ethan tilts foreward and plants his lips against her own; he could no longer hold back the love he felt for Michelle or pretend. Pinning her against the carpet, he felt her delicate fingers fumble with his belt.
"Love me always, Ethan." She practically begged. " me-"
Ethan's tongue dances in her mouth. Playing roughly with her hair, Ethan's body was the response Michelle needed to hear. To know. To feel. Grasping at his shirt, she began to peel the layer of clothing from his body. Standing up, Michelle positions herself in Ethan's lap and tucks her face into his messy brown locks. He did, however, notice the many scars and bruises around her breasts, stomach and hips. Tracing a finger along the tissue, he gently kisses Michelle's neck.
"Thoseare hideous." Michelle rubs her cheek against Ethan's hair. "I don't like those...."
"I do. They're beautiful."
Michelle begins to cry. "Have you always loved me, Ethan, the way I have towards you.."
"I've always loved you." Ethan whispers into her ear. "Nothing will ever change that..."
"Even after all of this? Knowing I have a daughter with special needs? My mother...."
"I love you more for these reasons. I adore Erica and what your parents did does not make who you are."
Passionatly kissing, the couple lay on the carpet and allow their walls to crash to the ground; shackles of their past releasing their chained-bond feet and all emotions washing away any remaining doubt. Nothing could ever change how he felt about Michelle.
Little did both know, their love would be tested, for it waited with patience at the door of Michelle's apartment.
Any questions, let me know. Also, wanted to share some wonderful news:
That's right. We are expecting baby #2! We are 2 weeks and 5 days pregnant! This has been one hell of a year; now I'm REALLY going to be busy: new job, school, move, Emily, wedding and now another baby! We're so excited! We both want a large family and names have been picked out: if we're blessed with another girl, either Katherine or Vivian and if it's a boy, well, you all know THAT one. XD My little Georgie. Alright @JJWolf You can celebrate now. XD XD
Because pie is life. Pie is love. XD He's going to kill me now for sure.
OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that's right! Duh, Jacob! I'd still do them. XD XD
Yes you have, dude! Be proud! Feel the love!
My mother was unfortunate enough to have met my father (I will not elaborate as to what happened out of respect for her). I for a long time after I, my brother and my Mother left, I was kept in the dark about what transpired exactly. She has opened up to me since then. The things that happened to her where truely sickening. it rocked me to my core to know that the man I had loved and called Dad was this sub-human monster, not worthy of the effort I put into a single tap of this keyboard. He is tantemount to a sperm doner in my eyes.
I apologise for this monologue, but it is lifting to be able to share this to the world anonymously without my Father ever finding out.
On the story, I have the proverbial feels. It even brought me to the brink of crying (the good sort, not the bad). I look forward to part two with alacity.
'In places no one will find, all your feelings so deep inside. Was there that I knew, forever was in your eyes, the moment I saw you cry...'… more
Part 1 of 2
Ethan looked at the clock. It seemed like time was dragging on that morning for him. The night ended with tossing, turning and several shots of Whiskey; he had the opportunity, for just that moment, to capture Michelle and finally have her open up to him. She was nervous and he forgot just how vulnerable his precious Michelle was.
He knew he'd crossed a line; the anguish in her voice and the boiling rage in her eyes and mind. Ethan escaped that night but with another bandaid to add to her broken heart and soul. Michelle was indeed hiding something and Ethan wanted to be there to hold her hand as she speaks about the past. Her family and especially her mother; Ethan knew the Toothfairy perished during a war but that was it. No one else seemed to know any further information.
Only p… [view original content]
My mood has peaked! The first part of this chapter left me emotional, the second part's ending lifted my spirit and now this! You have in the space of a few minutes taken me from a low right to a high!
Do you enjoy messing with my emotions? (<That was a joke XD)
Good work with this split chapter. And again, congratulations!
Part 2 to story above
Ethan released himself from Michelle and could not mouth a single word; he watched her pace in the living room, a … morefaint smile drawn upon her lips. Michelle continued to face the ground, hoping to avoid showing her tears and anguished pleas. Ethan's mind suddenly raced with the images of Michelle's father. His father told them stories. Even Bigby mentioned the name of the man that tried desperatly to destroy this city.
"No..." Ethan could feel the color melt from his face. ""
"My father's name was Mr. Dark and he and my mother became a couple in the shadows of this very city. He knew the power she held within. Her capability to hold that many teeth. My father collected teeth and created familiars for himself. Strange how magic and powers work. They can either hail for good or bad."
"HOW did your mother become involved with him?"
"My father was a devious man, yes but he did show some remorse … [view original content]
Staring at all the happy faces, he wondered how many of them were faking it, too.
Wow. This part hit me hard because you're right. You don't really know what people are going though and sadly, they suffer alone sometimes....
I really liked the beginning quote. Is that a song? It sounds very familiar to me. Anyways, Holly reminds me of a den mother. Always looking out for others and taking care of everything. I think it's too cute when she calls Ethan 'kiddo.' And little Lily.
I was surprised to see Rosie leave but I understand where Michelle is coming from. That was very sweet of rosie, too, when she declined that money. She is indeed very opposite of her mother and it breaks my heart reading sections like that, just because of what Carla has become.
Secretly, however, Michelle enjoyed having her daughter 'stuck' as such. She'd never express this to anyone but when Erica was capable of speaking and making her own decisions, she was identical to her father. Even her eyes; the exact same blue the fucker had, was locked away forever in her daughter's eyes.
Shit, Pie. This was a very tough pill to swallow but I can understand where Michelle is coming from. I knew a girl who's mother felt the same way about her 2nd daughter; the father apparently left during the pregnancy and when that little girl was born, looked identical to the father. I guess for some time the mother neglected the infant because of this reason. People forget its not the child's fault he or she was born looking similar to one parent. That's tough, especially the bullshit Michelle went through with this jerk. >:(
But that would be the coward's way out. An unfair advantage to her daughter. She wouldn't have her bright-eyed and intelligent daughter sitting before her right now. Michelle, despite all the odds, knew she did the right thing.
Loved this part. Good for you, Michelle. Despite the odds, you did good.
Reaching inside, she pulls out a little purple pill.
"I swore to whatever God is listening that I'd never succumb to this fucking shit." Michelle shakes as she speaks. "I'd never turn my back and return to that part of my world but if it means saving us..."
0.0 WTF...what is this 'purple pill' and why would it take her 'back' to that part of her world?
OMG!!! ETHAN! -fangirls- He came back to her! Michelle, you better open that door! That Dog bit was pretty hilarious, too. :P
"You have no idea who I truly am, Ethan. What I've dealt with...."
Screams at computer Tell him! TELL HIM!!!
My mother fell in love with my father. A vile, heartless, powerful man. He caused fear in the hearts of Fable and mundies alike. He crept in the shadows, lurked in nightmares and made friends with devils. His presence sent chills down your spine.
Oh shit! I'm going to pull an Emmy here but shit, shit, shit! WHO is her father, pie!?
He was powerful...compared his abilitites to that of the North Wind..."
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :0 No, no, no, no! Say it isn't so! UGH! I need to read the 2nd part now to see if my question is right!
I love this, pie! Stop with these feels! And yeah I think that whole cutting off this is BS, too but what can you do? :P
'In places no one will find, all your feelings so deep inside. Was there that I knew, forever was in your eyes, the moment I saw you cry...'… more
Part 1 of 2
Ethan looked at the clock. It seemed like time was dragging on that morning for him. The night ended with tossing, turning and several shots of Whiskey; he had the opportunity, for just that moment, to capture Michelle and finally have her open up to him. She was nervous and he forgot just how vulnerable his precious Michelle was.
He knew he'd crossed a line; the anguish in her voice and the boiling rage in her eyes and mind. Ethan escaped that night but with another bandaid to add to her broken heart and soul. Michelle was indeed hiding something and Ethan wanted to be there to hold her hand as she speaks about the past. Her family and especially her mother; Ethan knew the Toothfairy perished during a war but that was it. No one else seemed to know any further information.
Only p… [view original content]
First off! FINALLY! Ugh, dude you have no idea how hard it's been for me to keep my mouth shut! XD congrats again to the both of you! YAY! A little brother or sister for Emily. I just noticed she'll barely be a year when this other baby is born. :P I hope for a little Vivian, TBH but a Georgie would be wonderful, too! eeither way, Chad! Congrats again, man! When we go to San Fran next weekend, we need to celebrate!!!!
Now, to the story! BTW, is it weird I think about that song by Ellie Goulding 'Love me like you do' when I read about these two....:P
"My father's name was Mr. Dark
OMG! STFU! :0 NO! OMG! This makes perfect sense!! The Toothfairy. He took teeth! OMG! OMG OMG OMG OMG!! So, back to that little purple pill from the 1st story. Does it BLOCK these evil thoughts Dark had or does she TURN into what he was because she said 'I'd never return to that world unless it meant saving us....' Holy shit, Pie! Mr. Dark is her father?! This is genius! That reason, though. I mean, yes she WANTED a baby but the Toothfairy MUST have loved Dark at some point, if she allowed him some teeth.
She raised me to believe I was to collect teeth and give the children gifts. I was too much like my father and stole the teeth to create familiars like he did. I secretly stashed the teeth under my bed and practice the dark magic that coarsed through my veins. When I turned 6, everything changed..."
Oh God. Here comes those feels again. If we could change our names, I'd make you do something like 'Makes_people_cry or Demfeels or hell..Kick_2_dem_balls' would suit you. XD jk jk So Michelle was JUST like her father in the end? Shit....
"Are you ever going to tell me who the father is or-"
"I can't do that, Ethan...."
Yes you can! SHUTUP!!! >:0
Taken back, Michelle took her other hand and touches Ethan's chest
Do him....DO HIM! grabs screen DO....HIM...MICHELLE...
Pinning her against the carpet, he felt her delicate fingers fumble with his belt.
"Love me always, Ethan." She practically begged. " me-"
OMG! These feels!!!!
He did, however, notice the many scars and bruises around her breasts, stomach and hips. Tracing a finger along the tissue, he gently kisses Michelle's neck.
"Thoseare hideous." Michelle rubs her cheek against Ethan's hair. "I don't like those...."
"I do. They're beautiful."
Oh God that poor woman. Ethan is here now! All is better! YAY! That was beautiful, though. Shit, pie. STOP with these feels! (no don't
Passionatly kissing, the couple lay on the carpet and allow their walls to crash to the ground; shackles of their past releasing their chained-bond feet and all emotions washing away any remaining doubt. Nothing could ever change how he felt about Michelle.
Little did both know, their love would be tested, for it waited with patience at the door of Michelle's apartment.
NO! No, no, no, no! Go AWAY! I almost said his name! XD XD lol I love this so much! OH its all coming together so well! Great, man! I look forward like always to your next post! Again, congrats dude!!!!
Part 2 to story above
Ethan released himself from Michelle and could not mouth a single word; he watched her pace in the living room, a … morefaint smile drawn upon her lips. Michelle continued to face the ground, hoping to avoid showing her tears and anguished pleas. Ethan's mind suddenly raced with the images of Michelle's father. His father told them stories. Even Bigby mentioned the name of the man that tried desperatly to destroy this city.
"No..." Ethan could feel the color melt from his face. ""
"My father's name was Mr. Dark and he and my mother became a couple in the shadows of this very city. He knew the power she held within. Her capability to hold that many teeth. My father collected teeth and created familiars for himself. Strange how magic and powers work. They can either hail for good or bad."
"HOW did your mother become involved with him?"
"My father was a devious man, yes but he did show some remorse … [view original content]
Oh man that's awesome Pie! You are seriously going to have your hands full! Congrats on the baby man!
Now story stuff I'll put both my part 1 and 2 thoughts here.
Like JJ said Holly being a den mother to Ethan was cool to see because she cares. Lily is also adorable when she's trying to get him to stay Poor Michelle...she wants to do what's right and save her family, good thing Ethan showed up and knocked on the door and kept her from ta king that pill. Erica is so cute haha! Hey Michelle is right kids will do anything for ice cream! I used to help my mom with her daycare when I was younger and they would all sat and ate when they heard ice cream was being served XD The rest is just a huge emotional roller-coaster that words cannot describe! And that little snippet at the end...I really really hope that's not the ex boyfriend...
Part 2 to story above
Ethan released himself from Michelle and could not mouth a single word; he watched her pace in the living room, a … morefaint smile drawn upon her lips. Michelle continued to face the ground, hoping to avoid showing her tears and anguished pleas. Ethan's mind suddenly raced with the images of Michelle's father. His father told them stories. Even Bigby mentioned the name of the man that tried desperatly to destroy this city.
"No..." Ethan could feel the color melt from his face. ""
"My father's name was Mr. Dark and he and my mother became a couple in the shadows of this very city. He knew the power she held within. Her capability to hold that many teeth. My father collected teeth and created familiars for himself. Strange how magic and powers work. They can either hail for good or bad."
"HOW did your mother become involved with him?"
"My father was a devious man, yes but he did show some remorse … [view original content]
Later on today, I will be starting another conversation in this thread pertaining to the monthly story challenges I've been meaning to bring back. Except that this one, may be available throughout the summer to view instead of me having it posted for only one month. Hopefully you guys will like my idea, and I'll probably do further 'research' on it if gets popular say too!
Thanks man! Its going to be hectic but well worth it.
Holly comes off as that woman that will tend to ANYONE just to see them happy. Lily is too damn precious; Ethan is Michelle's white knight on the Horse because she needed him and he arrived in time....I was the same way growing up because any kid loves ice cream and when there is a possibility for some, watch out! XD XD And sadly, her ex has returned and is the one outside her door....:(
Oh man that's awesome Pie! You are seriously going to have your hands full! Congrats on the baby man!
Now story stuff I'll put both my … morepart 1 and 2 thoughts here.
Like JJ said Holly being a den mother to Ethan was cool to see because she cares. Lily is also adorable when she's trying to get him to stay Poor Michelle...she wants to do what's right and save her family, good thing Ethan showed up and knocked on the door and kept her from ta king that pill. Erica is so cute haha! Hey Michelle is right kids will do anything for ice cream! I used to help my mom with her daycare when I was younger and they would all sat and ate when they heard ice cream was being served XD The rest is just a huge emotional roller-coaster that words cannot describe! And that little snippet at the end...I really really hope that's not the ex boyfriend...
In any case this was really awesome Pie!
LOL Yes, as I mentioned to Tetra, Holly comes off as that person who will give you the shirt off her back and help you in any way. She loves Ethan and is worried about him. Yes, Mr. Dark is Michelle's father; I was debating for the longest time but it did make sense, seeing as she was the Tootfairy and what not. I'll explain bits in future chaps but that will be it; if you have further questions, PM me and I'll answer them.
Between this post and last, I got a good laugh. The purple pill triggers her inner darkness and she does this only to protect herself and Erica. Reason why she never used it towards the ex, well....YOU know why but for the others, there was some powerful magic protecting that man....
Ethan does come back and they made up but for how long, well, you'll see.
Staring at all the happy faces, he wondered how many of them were faking it, too.
Wow. This part hit me hard because you're right. Y… moreou don't really know what people are going though and sadly, they suffer alone sometimes....
I really liked the beginning quote. Is that a song? It sounds very familiar to me. Anyways, Holly reminds me of a den mother. Always looking out for others and taking care of everything. I think it's too cute when she calls Ethan 'kiddo.' And little Lily.
I was surprised to see Rosie leave but I understand where Michelle is coming from. That was very sweet of rosie, too, when she declined that money. She is indeed very opposite of her mother and it breaks my heart reading sections like that, just because of what Carla has become.
Secretly, however, Michelle enjoyed having her daughter 'stuck' as such. She'd never express this to anyone but when Erica was capable of speaking and making her own decisio… [view original content]
OH! Kinda like we have time to post whenever we please deal or there shall be many ideas to one challenge? Either way, I look forward to seeing what will be asked of us and what our fellow contributers will post. My favorite is and will always be, the vacation challenge we did last June. Oh poor Georgie and his fear of Seagulls....XD XD
Later on today, I will be starting another conversation in this thread pertaining to the monthly story challenges I've been meaning to bring… more back. Except that this one, may be available throughout the summer to view instead of me having it posted for only one month. Hopefully you guys will like my idea, and I'll probably do further 'research' on it if gets popular say too!
Later on today, I will be starting another conversation in this thread pertaining to the monthly story challenges I've been meaning to bring… more back. Except that this one, may be available throughout the summer to view instead of me having it posted for only one month. Hopefully you guys will like my idea, and I'll probably do further 'research' on it if gets popular say too!
So far it's the "whenever you please" scenario. However, as time progresses, ideas will come to me as they usually do.
Ah yes, the vacation challenge. I believe it was the first one I have ever created as well! Another one the others seemed to have liked was the November challenge I did, the one for Thanksgiving and the Fall journal entries! Anyway, glad you liked that one! Maybe I might include it as a sub objective for the challenge I have yet to announce.
available throughout the summer
OH! Kinda like we have time to post whenever we please deal or there shall be many ideas to one chal… morelenge? Either way, I look forward to seeing what will be asked of us and what our fellow contributers will post. My favorite is and will always be, the vacation challenge we did last June. Oh poor Georgie and his fear of Seagulls....XD XD
Later on today, I will be starting another conversation in this thread pertaining to the monthly story challenges I've been meaning to bring… more back. Except that this one, may be available throughout the summer to view instead of me having it posted for only one month. Hopefully you guys will like my idea, and I'll probably do further 'research' on it if gets popular say too!
Later on today, I will be starting another conversation in this thread pertaining to the monthly story challenges I've been meaning to bring… more back. Except that this one, may be available throughout the summer to view instead of me having it posted for only one month. Hopefully you guys will like my idea, and I'll probably do further 'research' on it if gets popular say too!
Part 2 to story above
Ethan released himself from Michelle and could not mouth a single word; he watched her pace in the living room, a … morefaint smile drawn upon her lips. Michelle continued to face the ground, hoping to avoid showing her tears and anguished pleas. Ethan's mind suddenly raced with the images of Michelle's father. His father told them stories. Even Bigby mentioned the name of the man that tried desperatly to destroy this city.
"No..." Ethan could feel the color melt from his face. ""
"My father's name was Mr. Dark and he and my mother became a couple in the shadows of this very city. He knew the power she held within. Her capability to hold that many teeth. My father collected teeth and created familiars for himself. Strange how magic and powers work. They can either hail for good or bad."
"HOW did your mother become involved with him?"
"My father was a devious man, yes but he did show some remorse … [view original content]
I can relate to your tale of having a 'father'; mine was shit and glad he's no longer a part of my life. He knocked my mom around, cheated and sent me to the hospital once. I thank you for trusting in me to reveal this. Sorry this happened and just be better then that ass.
I can actually empathise with Ethan and Michele.
My mother was unfortunate enough to have met my father (I will not elaborate as to what … morehappened out of respect for her). I for a long time after I, my brother and my Mother left, I was kept in the dark about what transpired exactly. She has opened up to me since then. The things that happened to her where truely sickening. it rocked me to my core to know that the man I had loved and called Dad was this sub-human monster, not worthy of the effort I put into a single tap of this keyboard. He is tantemount to a sperm doner in my eyes.
I apologise for this monologue, but it is lifting to be able to share this to the world anonymously without my Father ever finding out.
On the story, I have the proverbial feels. It even brought me to the brink of crying (the good sort, not the bad). I look forward to part two with alacity.
It really is such a lovely gift. XD Wish I could have been at that party just for you as Georgie with that bat. XD It certainly goes well with the doll.
She had a difficult time with it but IDC! I love this! XD That was actually a prop from last year's halloween costume I had (went as Georgie XD) and she told me to bring it over, so she could prop the doll up beside it.
I'm being utterly, utterly terrible with my time management at the moment because things are happening and I'm so far behind, but I saw this picture and wanted to give my congratulations! Best wishes to Tammy, all the best to yourself, and may Emily be excited for her new sister/brother!
Part 2 to story above
Ethan released himself from Michelle and could not mouth a single word; he watched her pace in the living room, a … morefaint smile drawn upon her lips. Michelle continued to face the ground, hoping to avoid showing her tears and anguished pleas. Ethan's mind suddenly raced with the images of Michelle's father. His father told them stories. Even Bigby mentioned the name of the man that tried desperatly to destroy this city.
"No..." Ethan could feel the color melt from his face. ""
"My father's name was Mr. Dark and he and my mother became a couple in the shadows of this very city. He knew the power she held within. Her capability to hold that many teeth. My father collected teeth and created familiars for himself. Strange how magic and powers work. They can either hail for good or bad."
"HOW did your mother become involved with him?"
"My father was a devious man, yes but he did show some remorse … [view original content]
Thanks There will be more about his demon side as I write, so you shouldn't be disappointed in that regard. The next chapter will be soon, and I'm glad you're enjoying it
"I hate cliffhangers" - Ellie, The last of Us.
In all seriousness, the cliffhanger was well managed. This demon from within Jonathan, I a… morem curious as to what it is exactly, how it looks, operates, etc.
Continue with ypour excelsior quality. I look forward to the next chapter.
Oh god I haven't even read the chapter yet because I saw the pic and shat my pants XD Congrats again, man! I'm sure the missus is cursing you out "Stop getting my pregnant, man!" though, I'm glad you're happy about it and I hope Emily is willing to share her toys XD I was close in age like that to my sister, so be ready for the double tantrums and hissy fights XD Are you gonna be getting married before baby 2 or after? I know you've been planning it for some time (congrats again on that, BTW! I wish we could all attend ^-^) Oh, this is too exciting for me to comprehend XD I hope it's another girl, because I love the name Katherine and Emily and Katherine just seem to go together ^-^ But, if it's a boy, of course I would love him equally as much. I'll read the chapter later, when I have time #babyMANIA
Part 2 to story above
Ethan released himself from Michelle and could not mouth a single word; he watched her pace in the living room, a … morefaint smile drawn upon her lips. Michelle continued to face the ground, hoping to avoid showing her tears and anguished pleas. Ethan's mind suddenly raced with the images of Michelle's father. His father told them stories. Even Bigby mentioned the name of the man that tried desperatly to destroy this city.
"No..." Ethan could feel the color melt from his face. ""
"My father's name was Mr. Dark and he and my mother became a couple in the shadows of this very city. He knew the power she held within. Her capability to hold that many teeth. My father collected teeth and created familiars for himself. Strange how magic and powers work. They can either hail for good or bad."
"HOW did your mother become involved with him?"
"My father was a devious man, yes but he did show some remorse … [view original content]
Later on today, I will be starting another conversation in this thread pertaining to the monthly story challenges I've been meaning to bring… more back. Except that this one, may be available throughout the summer to view instead of me having it posted for only one month. Hopefully you guys will like my idea, and I'll probably do further 'research' on it if gets popular say too!
Hati and his brother Skoll went to visit Etan before going to the council meeting in Fabletown, and knowing that he would try to deal with Fenrir himself, they hoped to be able to reason with him and talk to sense into him. Even though it was utterly futile knowing the behavior of Hati’s son.
They knock on the door, once then again with a louder knock. Awaiting patiently for someone to answer. The brothers engage in a little banter until that time comes, as if they were still children again.
“Skoll, do you really have to carry the bottle of Vodka around like that? We’re going around kids you know.”Hati yanks the bottle out of his brother hands and drinks the rest before crushing it to tiny pieces and dust. Skoll let’s out a small burp reminding Hati, that his drunkenness eases out the nonsense then proceeds to be bang on the door again.
Finally the door opens, revealing Etan and the voices of other people, maybe about twenty or more conversating in the backroom. He is not surprised to see his father and uncle. He knew they would show up eventually. He steps out and closes the door behind him and wasted no time arguing with them.
“Dad, Uncle.. I know why you’re here. I already have a plan, and me and the Avenger's are taking down Fenrir, tonight. Nothing you say can stop us, so just and around and-”
Skoll interrupts Etan with a burp and continues to drink more. He finally stops and give his two cents on the whole situation.
“Hati… Etan, both of you… are jackasses. I’m not trying to say this is your fault, bro but if we destroyed Fenrir while he was still captured. NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED,‘hiccup’”
“Skoll, I believed father could've been saved. Am I wrong for wanting to save our father?”
“Idiotic is more of an answer...BRO. Now, hundreds of years later, our DAD is floating around picking up randoms wolves doing god knows what. ‘Hiccup’ Eventually he did managed to escape from… YOUR son, my dear nephew Etan, and rinse and repeat… ‘Hiccup’”
“Yeah, BRO?”
“Please, please fall silent, you liquored up imbecile.”
Hati and Skoll prepares for a brawl but Etan steps in and breaks them up. Everything goes dark as the moon begins to block out the sun. An eclipse has occured, covering most of the lands in this part of the Homelands, it is unknown if the rest are affected. Skoll insist that this wasn't him and his brother doing, but Etan had a clue.
“Dad, Uncle. It’s happening. I’m going to move my family to Daren’s place where they will be safe. Afterwards I’m going to assemble the team and hunt down Fenrir, with or without you two.”
“Whoa, hold on youngling. You have a plan? ‘hiccup’” Skoll continuing to drink.
“I remember my father telling me of a man knowing the location to a special material. The same material used to craft the box Northwind used to capture Fenrir. If we could find that man, get the location of the material, make the box, box Fenrir and make it home in one piece in time for dinner, that would surely be a record in the books.”
“Hati, your son is just as foolish as yourself..‘Hiccup’”
Hati then smack the second bottle of Vodka out of his brother hands then thinks this plan over. “It could possibly work or fail miserably. But we are running out of options, and we already tired the Norse Fabletown advice… This is all we have.” He looks at his son walk over to him and give him his approval.
“Alright son, we’ll do it your way. Me and Skoll hunt down Fenrir and stay close by him awaiting your oders, but if things get awry, which I am almost certain it will. You and your ‘Fable Avengers’ pull out immediately.You’re dealing with something more menacing than Gargoth. You’re my only, son and I can't lose you like I did your mother.”
“Dad I’m two hundred and thirty three years old and GROWN, I can handle myself. The Avengers are tough as onyx. We’re composed of all kinds of overpowered Fables.. We defeated a god, with the help of a mundy. We’ll be fine.”
Hati takes one last look at his son with a sign of slight doubt and then a smile signifying approvement and proudness , before turning into his Moon Wolf form and calls his brother to come along and they set out to find Fenrir. The words of the brothers banter can be heard as they fly away.
“Hati, if you smack another body of Vodka out of my hand, I will kick you into the sun… ‘hiccup’”
“Shut up Skoll..”
Elsewhere in the Mundy world. Wolf Manor
One of bigby’s son’s, Connor here’s scratching on the door. He seems to be the only one who can hear it as the rest of his family are in the family room watching TV. He begins to approach the door, but his brother Ghost warns him not to… Connor does so anyway, placing his tiny hand on the handle and slowly turning it.. He could hear the sound of howling then see’s a large wolf figure from the window of the door, glowing evil eyes glared at him waiting for the door to open.
Bigby walks in and see’s Connor nervous, he ask his trembling son what the problem was and the choices echoed through his head.
[Tell what you seen]
[Nothing I’m fine]
Uhh, this was the first chapter. OC's will show up next chapter and will have important roles for whats to come.. Also I'm doing this story in a Telltale format, choices we make will determine the outcome of the story ;p
So! Vampires. No, I don't mean the ones who sparkle. I'm talking about the ones you knew were badasses the moment you laid eyes on them - in other words, anything that isn't a part or related to Twilight. For May through August, challenge participants will be tasked on creating a separate story of their Fable vampire(s) in 1990's Fabletown/New York. Stories must include scenes of seduction, manipulation, betrayal, sexual tension, and anything else you think would be fitting for your vampire tale.
Plus, if you have previously created a Fable vampire in the past - you are allowed to include him or her for this 4 month story challenge.
So, what do you guys think? Do you guys agree that this is a good idea for a writing challenge? If most of you say yes, I will be taking another step to further prepare you guys for this challenge.
OMG I was right for once!?
YAY! I'm still trying to figure Michelle out. The comics you say....(picks up every FABLE comic)
As if your pranks weren't bad enough :P
NickxJayne ship hasn't sailed yet. But Death and Hope has!
When will you introduce them?
In my next story. The next one will be never-ending to a degree (like Pie's) and will include other people's OC's as main or secondary characters (Pie's OC's being the most prominent, though Robert will appear of course among others) And you are free to belittle my portrayal of said OC's to your heart's content! XD
Oh robert. What won't you do? After reading him in Pie's recent chap, I need to teach that boy a thing or two about manners. XD But Nick, well...he'll put Robert in his place. lol But who does not like the Porgies? (looking at you, Emily)
Nick is a friend of the family. Lyla adores him and Emily considers him like a second Father and a best friend whom she can trust with anything.
Nick is suffering from severe depression, and those around him really try to help. Their luck is pushed as Nick does try and kill or harm himself when it gets too much for him to bear
I am glad you think of my character so highly.
On the topic of the characters, I am still trying to get the sketches uploaded, but I am procastinating in favour of the story. They will come, just not quite yet (I am also not exactly the best at drawing figures. faces and architecture I can draw, but not figures.)
Gramercy for reading thus far.
Why War? Part: Five
Kieron ran through the resistance halls looking for a way out. On his way through all he thought was how large the base was. Even if the king were to attack could he really take all these guys out? Kieron thought.
"Do you know where you're going!?" Nyx asked
Kieron kept looking left and right. "If I could've prepared more I would have!" Kieron said
Kieron quickly stumbled upon the command center. Max threw him a smirk.
"So you're awake. Good I need you to-" He was cut off by Kieron grabbing him by the throat and slamming him into the wall.
"Where are they?" Kieron asked
"Why do you care? I've read your profile. You grew up with no friends, or family for that matter. So why care now?" He smiled
"People change." Kieron said
Soldiers came in and began to charge Kieron. He told Nyx to jump off his shoulder, and when he did he took Max and kicked him into the group of soldiers. Kieron grabbed Max again.
"Do I need to ask again?" Kieron said
Max chuckled "You're pretty good, have you been to war before?" Max asked
Kieron punched him in the gut. "No but apparently I'm getting good at it." He smiled
"How about you lead an army then? You'll be able to see our Queen rise!" He said
"I'm fine. Just tell me where my friends are." Kieron said
"They're at the nearest town. It won't take you long to get there. No more than thirty minutes." Max smiled
Kieron dropped Max and pointed his sword at him. "If you're bullshitting me I'll come back and kill you." He said with an expressionless face.
"Better save it for the Elf kid." He chuckled "Because she already has my number." He said
"Then maybe I should take you with me." Kieron smiled
"Aren't you on a time limit? I'll just slow you down." Max said
Nyx climbed on Kierons shoulder and hissed at Max, Kieron began to leave ignoring Max. When Max stood up he noticed that Kieron had broken some ribs, he snapped his finger, any conscious person could hear the bones snap back into place.
"This Kieron person is stronger indeed. This could prove to be bad if he is not on our side. I'll have to figure this out." Max said crossing his arms.
At the town...
Azaria and the others were still fighting. The enemy had received reinforcements and they had also. Fires burned and buildings collapsed. Azaria stood on one of the last remaining buildings. From here she could see Alice and her soldiers holding one side and John and Og on the other. Was the other army really this week? She thought. She jumped to the next building, she could hear the soldiers cry for mercy and why they haven't been evacuated. She set five arrows and picked five targets. Upon releasing those arrows those five targets dropped. As time went by the soldiers began to dwindle down. Azaria was now down with Alice cleaning up the rest of the soldiers. Their pcries could be heard better now. Most soldiers cried for their moms, they cried for mercy, they cried because they wanted to live. Azaria however told them otherwise. There were no more than twenty to thirty people left at this point everyone else was dead, this included civilian casualties, Azaria was executing any soldier that was wounded on the battlefield something inside of her had changed...
As Kieron approached the town he could see the flames and destruction.
"War is an awful thing..." Nyx said
Kieron nodded "That's true...let's get there fast it's going to be morning soon." Kieron said beginning to run again.
When Kieron entered the town he began to see what was the aftermath of the fight. One thing that caught Kierons eye was the body count. There were bodies everywhere. Civilian, Resistance, and Kings soldiers bodies lay in the street. Kieron shook his head
"This is terrible..." He said
"Indeed, you think either party would've withdrew from the fight if they knew the death toll here." Nyx said
Kieron had to find the others. He began walking, in the distance he could hear soldiers screaming in pain. He began to run in the direction of the noise. When he got to the location of the screams he saw Azaria, Alice, and two people he's never met before. He began to walk up to them, when he noticed that there was only one soldier left. Azaria began to draw her bow and arrow to put him down.
"Please! Please let me go! I have a family! I have a kid to help raise!" He cried.
"You shouldn't have signed up for this war then." Azaria said
The soldiers mind had cracked right there. He began to babble random nonesense. He then called Azaria a demon whore. When Azaria heard this she put the arrow away, took off the soldiers helmet and grasped her bow with both hands and broke the bow in two over the man's head.
"You think I'm a demon whore!? Demon would do just fine!!!" She screamed throwing the bow aside.
She began to punch the man repeatedly to the point he was long gone but she was still going. Kieron began to run over. Alice and the others had walked away away from pure fear of what had happened to Azaria.
"Azaria! What are you doing!?" Kieron said grabbing her off the dead body.
In Azarias anger she punched Kieron. Nyx looked devestated, Kieron turned his head to face her. When Kieron looked at her, her face showed pain, anger, and sadness. Azaria stepped back she looked scared.
"Kieron!? What are you-I thought you wouldn't be awake by now." She began to tear up.
Nyx jumped off Kierons shoulder. Azaria fell to her knees and began to cry. Kieron walked over to her and knelt down in front of her.
"What was that? Why are you acting like this?" Kieron asked
"I was mad, I...I couldn't help you, they operated on you when I could've helped! I...I can never help my friends when they need it..." She sobbed
"What are you talking about? Remember when we were attacked by a monster in the last place we were in? You saved my life with that shot you took." He said
"Even so...I've become a mess! Look at what I've done! I even hit you...just leave me here." She said
Kieron stood up, he held out his hand. "I don't want to hear that Azaria, I won't leave you behind. Things can get better right?" He smiled
She looked shocked, she wondered why he was being so nice. She took his hand. He lifted her up and hugged her. She began to cry into his chest.
"Thank you Kieron...." She cried
"It's alright. It's over for now." He said
She hugged him back. When they let go she wiped her tears away. "I'm okay..." She smiled.
"Good. No more talk of being left behind and no more saying sorry either. We're a team right? We'll have good and bad times but the good will outweigh the bad." He smiled
Her face got red and she smiled. "Yeah, they will!"
Kieron called the others, when they got there they carefully asked Azaria if she was alright. She told them yes and apologized the way she was acting and hoped they would forgive her for her actions. They smiled and said of course. After this they introduced Kieron to John and Og, also Azaria told him that she named the kitten Nyx. They greeted and introduced themselves. Kieron was happy to make more friends. Nyx hopped on Azarias shoulder, purred and pressed his face on her cheek.
"What do we do now?" Kieron asked
"We should have somebody go tell Max we got ahold of the town." John said.
"I'll go." Alice said.
"I agree, she'll be safe. If she dies then this will be all over." Azaria said
Kieron nodded. "Then it's settled. You're up Alice."
Alice summoned some shadow forces. "Just in case you need them." She said
"We won didn't we?" John smiled
Alice shrugged. "You never know." And began to walk away."
The night was still in full swing. Kieron and the others built a camp just outside of town giving them camouflage. While sitting at the campfire Azaria passed out with her head leaning on Kierons shoulder while Nyx had fallen asleep on his lap. John and Og slept back to back.
"Man, Azaria and Nyx are lucky I can sleep sitting." He whispered and closed his eyes...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Chapter 8: Unser neue Aufgabe.
The tavern was built from fern wood, rotting in some places. The floor was dirty on account of the sickening ground outside and regurgitation of god knows who. The two columns of wood supporting the second story and roof sported dim candles. The bar was covered in spilled ale and other substances of which I did not identify nor do I think I would have wanted to. I was in for an arduous task.
The following morning, I awoke, rising from a seat, to see my work. The bar was cleaned, the floor spotless and the tables and chairs arranged.
“Not bad.”
Behind me stood a portly man, nigh the height of I and of dark hair. “I am guessing that you are Herr Jagd?” He spoke in Englisch with a very foreign accent.
“I am the owner of this place and thus the employer of you and your wife.” My wife? “Herr Schultz is my name. You have done a very good job, my boy” continued he. “I am thinking you could be the place’s scrubber and she the barmaid. I am in need of new ones”
“What of those that preceded I?”
“The last barmaid and scrubber were caught in the act of adultery, nasty stuff.” He explained. “both were hung not a day ago.”
Yep, just like in Nordenland.
“When do we start?” I asked
“Tonight” he said. “If you wish, you and your wife can stay in the top floor. I have rooms up there for travellers but I will let you use the one at the end of the hall.”
Damn Gertraud. “Very good.”
With that I walked out. Now to find Gertraud. Fortunately, I did not have to search far as she was sitting on the bench outside.
“Why are we ‘married’?!” snarled I.
Remaining calm, she spoke. “We needed a believable story for the owner.”
“And what exactly was this story?” I growled.
“You and I are the Jagds and we have travelled from a near Duchy called Preuβen to find work and a place to stay.” She explained flatly.
“And you could not come up with a better story?”
“No, if I could I would have used it.”
“I was being rhetorical.”
“I know.” she smiled at the end of that sentance.
With that I was silenced. In the few minutes of silence that followed, I thought over the situation. We had found ourselves in a new world, knowing nothing of it at all and already we had a place to stay and jobs, thanks to Gertraud. The situation was very optimistic in spite of all that had happened.
“Also,” she spoke in a condescending tone. “I remember you were having a ‘moment to sit’ while I was setting us up.”
That was very true. I was not there to assist in any way and she did all the hard work aside from cleaning the tavern. I got us out of the Hesse (with help) and she got us into Brandenburg.
“Yes, yes I was.” I said sheepishly.
“Have I managed to break you, hunter?” She was beaming having lulled an admission of fault from me.
“You are unbearable, Gertraud.” I said with a humoured sigh.
“Excellent.” was her reply “I propose we inspect our new home”
As Herr Schultz had said, there was a room at the end of the second story hall. Using a key provided to Gertraud by Schultz, she opened the door. Within was simplistic four-poster bed sans the curtains, to the left of I was a three drawer dresser and a mirror to its right. Upon the right hand side of the bed was a stool, serving as a platform for the candle upon it
“I can sleep on the floor if you wish.” Joked Gertraud.
“I was about to offer the same thing.” I was half joking.
“I can see your discomfort on this subject.” She condescended.
“Ha, ha.” I replied in sarcasm. She was not wrong though. I had never slept in a bed with another person in my life. Not a single person.
“We shall have to decide bedding arrangements at a different time.” I said in an effort of procastination.
“I disagree, for we have plenty of time and little else to do.”
“What do you propose?” I exasperated. I had an idea as to where this was heading.
“I propose we sleep in the bed together.” She said. “As much as you and I are mutually uncomfortable at the prospect, it would be more uncomfortable for the one whom was to sleep on the floor. It would also look odd if Herr Schultz were to come in with one in the bed and the other on the floor.”
Yes, I was spot on.
“Why would Schultz come in the middle of the night?” I questioned.
“One can never know.” She reasoned.
Tonight was going to be awkward.
Later that evening, she and I went into the tavern to start our first night. The night was restless but easy. The patrons were loud and drunk, singing, dancing, gambling yet never did anything become violent. Two of the patrons ‘complimented’ Gertraud’s figure, but cowered upon being hit with her death scowl. I was in the middle of scrubbing the bar when Schultz came from behind and tapped my shoulder.
“Jagd, here.” His hand held a handful of silver coins. “Seven pieces of silver for you and your wife’s first night. Your shifts are over.”
I took the money. “Thank you.”
I was curious. “If you do not mind me asking, where are you from? I haven’t heard an accent like yours and you speak fluent Englisch.”
He smiled. “We say English in ‘Englisch’. Englisch is limited to German. And I am from Wales.”
With that he walked back to his position behind the bar. I went over to Gertraud. Who had just finished serving what I assumed, judging by his sword, a mercenary.
“Our shifts are over.” I said.
“Good, I am tired.” she returned. “I am not as rested as you”
“you are referring to me and the bench?” I asked.
She confirmed that with a nod.
“When will you drop that?”
“Right now, I haven’t the energy to mock you further” she answered. “Regardless of how fun it is.”
I gave a small laugh.
True to her word, she suffered me no further with her comments as we walked to our room. She bee lined straight for the dresser, pulling out two long tunics of knee length. “Here.” She said as she threw me one.
“What is this?” I asked.
“You are not sleeping in the same bed as I with those dirty rags.” she said wearily.
“Where did you get these if we had no money?” I questioned.
“I 'borrowed' them from a stall. Idiot didn’t notice.” She had stolen these?
“But ho-“
“One of the skills I picked up sabotaging my brother’s stalls. Now turn so we can change in privacy.”
Obliging, I turned and pulled off my greaves, followed by my breeches and tunic before placing on my new garment, which was much too small for me.
“Are you done?” came her voice
“Yes.” I answered. “Can I turn now?”
I turned to her direction finding Gertraud in the tunic with her bun undone, allowing her auburn hair to frame her face and flow down to her shoulder blades. Unlike on I, the tunic was somewhat large for her.
Without another word we both entered the bed. I licked my thumb and index finger before using both to snuff the candle on the stool. Within the next few seconds, her breath evened out into a steady pace. I lied there for god knows how long, trying to ignore the awkwardness of the situation, before joining her in slumber.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Prueβen (Prussia) was a Duchy in Brandenburg. Becoming its own kingdom in 1525, It would grow to become the largest of the German Kingdoms/States in history before receeding and eventually dissolving back into Brandenburg in 1947.
The “β” (esset) is a character used in German, and once upon a time in English, as a representation of a double-‘s’ sound.
'In places no one will find, all your feelings so deep inside. Was there that I knew, forever was in your eyes, the moment I saw you cry...'
Part 1 of 2
Ethan looked at the clock. It seemed like time was dragging on that morning for him. The night ended with tossing, turning and several shots of Whiskey; he had the opportunity, for just that moment, to capture Michelle and finally have her open up to him. She was nervous and he forgot just how vulnerable his precious Michelle was.
He knew he'd crossed a line; the anguish in her voice and the boiling rage in her eyes and mind. Ethan escaped that night but with another bandaid to add to her broken heart and soul. Michelle was indeed hiding something and Ethan wanted to be there to hold her hand as she speaks about the past. Her family and especially her mother; Ethan knew the Toothfairy perished during a war but that was it. No one else seemed to know any further information.
Only person that did, however, refused to create a conversation around this.
Ethan rubs his forehead and hears a light rasp against his bedroom door. Looking over, he answers.
"Come in...."
Holly enters. She leans against the door and beams. "Did you sleep at all, kiddo?"
"Nope." Ethan continues to rub his face. "I can't get her out of my head, Holly. You should have seen her face last night."
"You need to back off, Ethan." Holly looks over as Ethan sits up. "You need to give her space. You keep pushing and you'll lose her for good."
"I want to help her, Holly." Ethan slips on his shirt. "I can't seem to shake off this feeling that something SERIOUSLY happened to her and-"
"Please." Holly grabs Ethan's hand. "You can't GO into that world just yet, Ethan."
"What do YOU know, Holly?" Ethan applies deoderant and grabs his pants. "You are not telling either me or Peter something in regards to Michelle or her past. My parents refuse to answer my questions, even Gren won't answer me. WHAT happened to her, Holly?"
"There are some things she does not talk about, Ethan. She....she can't handle what happened to her in the past and I can't blame the poor dear."
Ethan adds a thick, brown jacket before grabbing his keys. No one was willing to give Ethan an idea of why Michelle acted in such a strange manner. Holly observes Ethan exit his room and stop in the kitchen. He snatches a Banana and piece of toast; Lily, coloring a picture on the kitchen table, peers up and beams. She waves her little hand around to clasp his attention.
"Uncle Ethan, look-I made a picture of us. See-there is you, me, mommy, daddy and your kitty. See?"
Ethan kisses the top of his neice's head. "That's beautiful, baby...uncle Ethan has to go now, alright?"
"I thought you were off today? Daddy and aunt Ka-Ka are at work and-"
Ethan heads for the front door. "Uncle Ethan has...errands to run, baby girl..."
"Okay! Bye uncle Ethan!" Lily waves. "Mommy is making beans tonight and-"
But before Lily could finish, Ethan scurried down the stairs. He did not stop to address the couple that lived in the apartment beside them; the woman dressed in gym clothes tried to flag Ethan's attention but noticed the mixture of worry and distraught on his face. Ethan mumbled to himself as he enters the elevator and pushes the button for the first floor. All the images of last night began to fade in and out of his mind. Ethan's thoughts began to collide with his emotions. All he could see was Michelle; he could not see clear anymore, for all he could picture was his beautiful, smart and broken assistant.
What could be THAT horrible about one's past, that they insist on bottling every memory and lock it away for all eternity? The metal doors opened and Ethan, taking out a cigarette, lights it. He peers at the empty security guard's desk; the temporary one would arrive any minute and Ethan did not want to be bothered by meaningless conversations. With Gren gone and preparing for this 'secret' war, Ethan could not shake off this feeling that Michelle knew something...
Heading towards her apartment, Ethan decides to walk. Staring at all the happy faces, he wondered how many of them were faking it, too.
"Rosie, go home." Michelle flips a pancake and adds to a plate. "Please. I KNOW you have things to do."
"Are you sure, Michelle?" Rosie grabs her bags. "I mean, Woody works until 3 today. He said he'd pick me up after work, so I can stay longer with you and Erica."
The exact crooked smile. Rosie sighed as Michelle adds butter to the pancake. "Go, Rosie. You've done enough...."
Michelle begins to fumble around in her purse, pulls out her wallet and fishes for some moeny. She takes out four twenty dollar bills and tries handing the money off to Rosie. Pushing back, however, Rosie force's Michelle's fingers to clasp over the money.
"You keep it."
"But, Rosie need this and-"
"What I need is a hot shower and some hashbrowns from McDonald's. YOU need that, Michelle. Take Erica out to the park. Grab lunch. CALL Ethan..."
"Ethan..." Michelle covers her mouth. "Oh my God. Ethan...He hates me, Rosie. I, I know he's going to stop coming around and I can't handle this right now and-"
"IF I know Ethan, he's JUST like his mom and grandfather: They'll be pissed, not speak for several hours. MAYBE a day or two and once they've cooled off, he'll come around."
Michelle sat beside Erica and aides her daughter with cutting the pancake. Erica grabs her plastic spork, jams it into the fluffy goodness and eats. A syrup covered smile causes Michelle to slightly tear up.
"I hope so, Rosie..." Michelle clutches her cup of coffee. "I seriously hope so...."
Rosie blows Erica a kiss, waves to Michelle and heads out the door. The apartment was silent except for the tenants living above her and the flourishing sounds outside her window. Several Crows land near the fire escape, caw and when noticed, flutter off in their group. Erica tries to speak as she waves to the syrup bottle.
"No, baby girl. You have enough syrup on those cakes there."
Erica gapes at her mother; that blank, sweeping glare she had when Erica looked at Michelle. Secretly, however, Michelle enjoyed having her daughter 'stuck' as such. She'd never express this to anyone but when Erica was capable of speaking and making her own decisions, she was identical to her father. Even her eyes; the exact same blue the fucker had, was locked away forever in her daughter's eyes. Michelle covers her eyes; the horrible, disgusting thoughts returned to her mind and clouded her vision. Michelle felt ill and the urge to vomit grew with every passing second. She LOVED Erica; there was never a single doubt in her mind or anyone that saw the pair together on the streets. But for some time, Michelle pondered the unthinkable....
But that would be the coward's way out. An unfair advantage to her daughter. She wouldn't have her bright-eyed and intelligent daughter sitting before her right now. Michelle, despite all the odds, knew she did the right thing. Her mother would have been proud. Her mother....
There was a thunderous knock on the door that nearly caused Michelle to tumble from her seat. She was not expecting visitors today; she was off for several days and wanted to stay alone with her daughter and try to find some solitude in this hell. The knocking, however, continued. Michelle's heart came to a hault. Erica turns to face the nosie and chuckled.
"BOOM BOOM BOOM!" Erica claps. "Mommy-"
"Baby, please." Michelle holds out her hand. "Be VERY quiet, baby. We're going to play a game."
It took Erica several seconds before she was able to calm herself down. Michelle slides her hand into a nearby drawer and takes out a bag. Reaching inside, she pulls out a little purple pill.
"I swore to whatever God is listening that I'd never succumb to this fucking shit." Michelle shakes as she speaks. "I'd never turn my back and return to that part of my world but if it means saving us..."
Thankfully, Ethan spoke before Michelle popped the pill into her mouth. She became incased in so many feelings. His voice was like pure honey from the combs kissed by the Bees. Michelle desperatly wanted to open that door and hold him. Never let go.
"Michelle!" Ethan continues to pound the door. "Please, Michelle. Don't make this old Dog beg now."
Michelle chuckles, pressing her body against the wooden door. "Why not?"
"Now YOU'RE being an asshole." Ethan looks around. "You, uh....alone in there?"
"Just me and Erica. Rosie left not too long ago. Was going to put this sticky little thing down for a nap pretty soon."
There was silence. Even through the door between them, Michelle could feel the heat and lust both felt for one another. "So, can I come in, Michelle?"
The door creaks open. Michelle, folding her arms and beaming, allows the massive man access into her apartment. Closing the door, she immediatly heads to the kitchen. Ethan could pick up the smell of pancakes but was not too hungry to chow down on one. Walking around the living room, Michelle took this time to clean Erica up near the sink and into some clean clothes. The little girl squealed with delight when she saw the presence of Ethan.
"Mommy! Ethan here! Ethan here!"
Michelle chuckles, tightly holding her daughter. "Yes baby. Ethan is here. He's going to stay for a bit but you need to be a good girl and take a nap for me, okay?"
"Ice cream, Ethan?"
Ethan ruffles Erica's hair. "Ya' gotta be good for mommy and listen or else Ethan won't take you for ice cream."
Jumping in her arms, Michelle craddles Erica's head and carefully walks to the bedroom. Ten minutes go by and Michelle meets Ethan in the living room.
"Well, that was easier today...."
"Ice cream makes kids do ANYTHING. Trust me. Worked for us growing up."
Michelle rubs her arm and searches the room. Ethan knew what she was attempting to do; avoid the conflict that occured last night but Ethan was not going to let this one alip away.
"Why don't you sit, Michelle? I mean, this is YOUR place and-"
"I'm so sorry, Ethan." Michelle lowers her head and stares at the carpet. "I' sorry..."
Ethan scoots out and stands. "What are you talking about? You didn't do anything and-"
"I've kept everything locked away for so long. When you mentioned your father, I could relate immediatly with that man. Suffering alone sadly becomes a norm for us Fables. You are told to keep your mouth shut. To 'get over' it and move on. So, I did. I took their advice, kept my mouth shut and placed this smile on my face. People tend to approach you more when they think you're alright but mock and abandon you when you're at your worst. I had my daughter to take care of and after her father did those things..."
"Michelle..." Ethan grabs her and pulls close. Michelle could feel the heat course off his body. "Please. I want to know about you. Don't deal with this alone anymore. I'd never mock, judge or think differetly of you..."
"You have no idea who I truly am, Ethan. What I've dealt with...."
"Tell me and I can help you, Michelle. I love you."
Michelle buries her face into Ethan's chest. "Will you always love me no matter what? Even if all my secrets leave you feeling disgusted and ashamed, will you truly still love me?"
"Yes." No doubt as he spoke. "I love you."
Michelle glares out the window; it was late morning and the sun was beginning to peek the tops of the buildings. The wind gently blew through the city. There were days like this she wanted to crawl in a safe corner and hide from the world. But she'd been in that position, too and it was no better.
"My mother was the Toothfairy, Ethan. You know this. Everyone does."
"Yes, I do." Ethan beams. "I actually remember seeing her one time. She looked just like you, too. Always cheerful...."
Michelle nods. "My mother....was a special person. Loved all the children of both Fable and mundy world, as if they were her own flesh and blood. Guess in a way, they were; she collected the teeth of these children and held onto them. Knew everything about that individual just by a simple tooth. My mother was well known. Many appreciated her company and exuberant personality. She glowed, even in her darkest hours. My mother dreamed of nothing but happiness."
Ethan noticed Michelle wail. She hid her face with delicate fingers in hopes Ethan would allow her to wallow alone. As promised, he did no such thing. Grabbing her waist, he held on.
Michelle continued. "She was foolish, however. Perhaps this is where my faults begin. I too, like to see the good in everything. Even when I've been she was. All those years before my conception."
"What do you mean, Michelle?" He kisses the top of her forehead. "Please..."
Michelle continues. "My mother fell in love with my father. A vile, heartless, powerful man. He caused fear in the hearts of Fable and mundies alike. He crept in the shadows, lurked in nightmares and made friends with devils. His presence sent chills down your spine. My mother, despite all these qualites he possesed, still loved him. Wanted to know more about the man so many feared. Wished to take no part in his schemes or even cross the same paths. He was powerful...compared his abilitites to that of the North Wind..."
Part 1 of 2 to this. I add too much and it cuts off. So stupid. lol Any questions, you know the drill.
Part 2 to story above
Ethan released himself from Michelle and could not mouth a single word; he watched her pace in the living room, a faint smile drawn upon her lips. Michelle continued to face the ground, hoping to avoid showing her tears and anguished pleas. Ethan's mind suddenly raced with the images of Michelle's father. His father told them stories. Even Bigby mentioned the name of the man that tried desperatly to destroy this city.
"No..." Ethan could feel the color melt from his face. ""
"My father's name was Mr. Dark and he and my mother became a couple in the shadows of this very city. He knew the power she held within. Her capability to hold that many teeth. My father collected teeth and created familiars for himself. Strange how magic and powers work. They can either hail for good or bad."
"HOW did your mother become involved with him?"
"My father was a devious man, yes but he did show some remorse when he felt you deserved it. My mother's occupation was the very thing he lust after when his victims became nothing but piles of bone and dust. He'd stalk my mother in the dead of night, hoping she'd cave into his wishes and give all the power to him. But my mother was a fighter and rather then give into my father's request, she made a deal with the devil himself. He was allowed to have the teeth of evil if he promised to give her one simple thing: a child. My mother desperatly wanted a baby. It did not matter boy or girl. I was surprised to know he agreed to such an arragment and months later, she was pregnant with the child you see
before you."
Ethan was baffled and could not comprehend what was said to him. "Oh my God. YOUR the rumored daughter of Mr. Dark?!"
"Yes, Ethan." Michelle continues, as she takes a seat. "I was the daughter of the boogeyman and the Toothfairy. After my birth, though, something happened. My mother did not take into consideration inheritants and I sadly gained my father's dark powers. I did not mean to do it; my mother, like I mentioned, was one to look past all the evil and saw nothing wrong with her newborn baby girl. She raised me to believe I was to collect teeth and give the children gifts. I was too much like my father and stole the teeth to create familiars like he did. I secretly stashed the teeth under my bed and practice the dark magic that coarsed through my veins. When I turned 6, everything changed..."
Ethan kneels before Michelle. He clasps her hand, trying to force Michelle to look into his eyes. "Don't stop, Michelle. I told you. I want to know everything about you..."
"I became the very thing my father prayed for. Little did myself or mother know his true intentions with me. I was his secret weapon to bring my mother down. He was going to keep all the teeth and create an army of brain-dead children to do his bidding and assist with his final plan in taking over Fabletown and the mundane world as that. He was going to destroy the North Wind and uphold all the powers to himself. As a reward for being his loyal daughter, I was to gain free reign of his newly darkened kingdom. So, like a good little girl, I obeyed my father and....and..."
Michelle leans forward and weeps. "I mother..."
Ethan was stunned. This beautiful, joyous woman sitting before him was twisted and dark. For a moment, as Michelle revisited her youth, Ethan began to understand why Michelle never voiced these things. There was a sudden difference in her voice....
"What...what happened, Michelle?"
Michelle takes out the little purple pill. "My father tested my loyality and when I listened to his every whem, I was able to live to see another day. But the blood shed and the teeth collected from my mother's rotten corpse sent me into a world I was not ready for. He eventually passed on when North took him that day...away for good. I became an orphan and was until I turned 18. I left that dusty old place and faced Fabletown alone. Just as I entered the world, it was a devious and lonely place full of broken dreams with a blanket made of tears to tuck me in at night. I suffered alone, lived alone. I always thought I'd be like my mother and it eventually came true when Erica's father and I tried to make a relationship but two broken people are incapable of feelings. Understanding another person's emotions and take that into consideration before making rash decisions. I never told ANYONE this but...I wanted to 'take care' of Erica when I found out."
"Michelle! No...."
" promised-"
"I'm not-" Ethan carefully thought it through before speaking. "-I just, had no idea..."
"I did't WANT to but I was scared and alone. He was abusive and I didn't WANT that for my child. To live in darkness like I had done. But when he tried to kill me, pushed me down the stairs and laughed as I lay bleeding...I knew what had to be done. To save what little part I had inside. Erica has been my sunshine and saving grace. That little girl has brought more joy into my life then anything I've ever encountered. She has my mother's smile and even now, after all the shit we've been through, I can honsetly say I'd do it again, knowing what I have with me now."
"Are you ever going to tell me who the father is or-"
"I can't do that, Ethan...."
Ethan watched Michelle slowly fall to the ground, lean against the chair and wail. Her face became stained with tears. Ethan could only do what was needed-be beside her. Michelle was prepared to watch Ethan leave, like all the others before him. She was willing to accept her fate and forever marinate in depression and anguish for all eternity. But, unlike the others, Ethan remaind beside her; grasping Michelle's hand, Ethan tightly held on and refused to let go.
Taken back, Michelle took her other hand and touches Ethan's chest. The build reminded her of sculptures created by the hands of marvelous individuals; they were the eyes of God as these men created art and to Michelle, that's what he was. Ethan tilts foreward and plants his lips against her own; he could no longer hold back the love he felt for Michelle or pretend. Pinning her against the carpet, he felt her delicate fingers fumble with his belt.
"Love me always, Ethan." She practically begged. " me-"
Ethan's tongue dances in her mouth. Playing roughly with her hair, Ethan's body was the response Michelle needed to hear. To know. To feel. Grasping at his shirt, she began to peel the layer of clothing from his body. Standing up, Michelle positions herself in Ethan's lap and tucks her face into his messy brown locks. He did, however, notice the many scars and bruises around her breasts, stomach and hips. Tracing a finger along the tissue, he gently kisses Michelle's neck.
"Thoseare hideous." Michelle rubs her cheek against Ethan's hair. "I don't like those...."
"I do. They're beautiful."
Michelle begins to cry. "Have you always loved me, Ethan, the way I have towards you.."
"I've always loved you." Ethan whispers into her ear. "Nothing will ever change that..."
"Even after all of this? Knowing I have a daughter with special needs? My mother...."
"I love you more for these reasons. I adore Erica and what your parents did does not make who you are."
Passionatly kissing, the couple lay on the carpet and allow their walls to crash to the ground; shackles of their past releasing their chained-bond feet and all emotions washing away any remaining doubt. Nothing could ever change how he felt about Michelle.
Little did both know, their love would be tested, for it waited with patience at the door of Michelle's apartment.
Any questions, let me know. Also, wanted to share some wonderful news:
That's right. We are expecting baby #2! We are 2 weeks and 5 days pregnant! This has been one hell of a year; now I'm REALLY going to be busy: new job, school, move, Emily, wedding and now another baby! We're so excited! We both want a large family and names have been picked out: if we're blessed with another girl, either Katherine or Vivian and if it's a boy, well, you all know THAT one. XD My little Georgie.
Alright @JJWolf You can celebrate now. XD XD
Jesus Christ, JJ. XD
I can actually empathise with Ethan and Michele.
My mother was unfortunate enough to have met my father (I will not elaborate as to what happened out of respect for her). I for a long time after I, my brother and my Mother left, I was kept in the dark about what transpired exactly. She has opened up to me since then. The things that happened to her where truely sickening. it rocked me to my core to know that the man I had loved and called Dad was this sub-human monster, not worthy of the effort I put into a single tap of this keyboard. He is tantemount to a sperm doner in my eyes.
I apologise for this monologue, but it is lifting to be able to share this to the world anonymously without my Father ever finding out.
On the story, I have the proverbial feels. It even brought me to the brink of crying (the good sort, not the bad). I look forward to part two with alacity.
My mood has peaked! The first part of this chapter left me emotional, the second part's ending lifted my spirit and now this! You have in the space of a few minutes taken me from a low right to a high!
Do you enjoy messing with my emotions? (<That was a joke XD)
Good work with this split chapter. And again, congratulations!
Wow. This part hit me hard because you're right. You don't really know what people are going though and sadly, they suffer alone sometimes....
I really liked the beginning quote. Is that a song? It sounds very familiar to me. Anyways, Holly reminds me of a den mother. Always looking out for others and taking care of everything. I think it's too cute when she calls Ethan 'kiddo.' And little Lily.
I was surprised to see Rosie leave but I understand where Michelle is coming from. That was very sweet of rosie, too, when she declined that money. She is indeed very opposite of her mother and it breaks my heart reading sections like that, just because of what Carla has become.
Shit, Pie. This was a very tough pill to swallow but I can understand where Michelle is coming from. I knew a girl who's mother felt the same way about her 2nd daughter; the father apparently left during the pregnancy and when that little girl was born, looked identical to the father. I guess for some time the mother neglected the infant because of this reason. People forget its not the child's fault he or she was born looking similar to one parent. That's tough, especially the bullshit Michelle went through with this jerk. >:(
Loved this part.
Good for you, Michelle. Despite the odds, you did good.
0.0 WTF...what is this 'purple pill' and why would it take her 'back' to that part of her world?
OMG!!! ETHAN! -fangirls- He came back to her! Michelle, you better open that door! That Dog bit was pretty hilarious, too. :P
Screams at computer Tell him! TELL HIM!!!
Oh shit! I'm going to pull an Emmy here but shit, shit, shit! WHO is her father, pie!?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :0 No, no, no, no! Say it isn't so! UGH! I need to read the 2nd part now to see if my question is right!
I love this, pie! Stop with these feels! And yeah I think that whole cutting off this is BS, too but what can you do? :P
First off! FINALLY! Ugh, dude you have no idea how hard it's been for me to keep my mouth shut! XD congrats again to the both of you! YAY! A little brother or sister for Emily. I just noticed she'll barely be a year when this other baby is born. :P I hope for a little Vivian, TBH but a Georgie would be wonderful, too! eeither way, Chad! Congrats again, man! When we go to San Fran next weekend, we need to celebrate!!!!
Now, to the story!
BTW, is it weird I think about that song by Ellie Goulding 'Love me like you do' when I read about these two....:P
OMG! STFU! :0 NO! OMG! This makes perfect sense!! The Toothfairy. He took teeth! OMG! OMG OMG OMG OMG!! So, back to that little purple pill from the 1st story. Does it BLOCK these evil thoughts Dark had or does she TURN into what he was because she said 'I'd never return to that world unless it meant saving us....' Holy shit, Pie! Mr. Dark is her father?! This is genius!
That reason, though. I mean, yes she WANTED a baby but the Toothfairy MUST have loved Dark at some point, if she allowed him some teeth.
Oh God. Here comes those feels again. If we could change our names, I'd make you do something like 'Makes_people_cry or Demfeels or hell..Kick_2_dem_balls' would suit you. XD jk jk So Michelle was JUST like her father in the end? Shit....
Yes you can! SHUTUP!!! >:0
Do him....DO HIM! grabs screen DO....HIM...MICHELLE...
These feels!!!!
Oh God that poor woman.
Ethan is here now! All is better! YAY! That was beautiful, though. Shit, pie. STOP with these feels! (no don't
NO! No, no, no, no! Go AWAY! I almost said his name! XD XD lol I love this so much! OH its all coming together so well! Great, man! I look forward like always to your next post! Again, congrats dude!!!!
Oh man that's awesome Pie!
You are seriously going to have your hands full! Congrats on the baby man! 
Now story stuff I'll put both my part 1 and 2 thoughts here.
Like JJ said Holly being a den mother to Ethan was cool to see because she cares. Lily is also adorable when she's trying to get him to stay
Poor Michelle...she wants to do what's right and save her family, good thing Ethan showed up and knocked on the door and kept her from ta king that pill. Erica is so cute haha! Hey Michelle is right kids will do anything for ice cream! I used to help my mom with her daycare when I was younger and they would all sat and ate when they heard ice cream was being served XD The rest is just a huge emotional roller-coaster that words cannot describe! And that little snippet at the end...I really really hope that's not the ex boyfriend...
In any case this was really awesome Pie!
Later on today, I will be starting another conversation in this thread pertaining to the monthly story challenges I've been meaning to bring back. Except that this one, may be available throughout the summer to view instead of me having it posted for only one month. Hopefully you guys will like my idea, and I'll probably do further 'research' on it if gets popular say too!
Thanks man!
Its going to be hectic but well worth it. 
Holly comes off as that woman that will tend to ANYONE just to see them happy. Lily is too damn precious; Ethan is Michelle's white knight on the Horse because she needed him and he arrived in time....I was the same way growing up because any kid loves ice cream and when there is a possibility for some, watch out! XD XD And sadly, her ex has returned and is the one outside her door....:(
Thanks man!
LOL Yes, as I mentioned to Tetra, Holly comes off as that person who will give you the shirt off her back and help you in any way. She loves Ethan and is worried about him. Yes, Mr. Dark is Michelle's father; I was debating for the longest time but it did make sense, seeing as she was the Tootfairy and what not. I'll explain bits in future chaps but that will be it; if you have further questions, PM me and I'll answer them.
Between this post and last, I got a good laugh. The purple pill triggers her inner darkness and she does this only to protect herself and Erica. Reason why she never used it towards the ex, well....YOU know why but for the others, there was some powerful magic protecting that man....
Ethan does come back and they made up but for how long, well, you'll see.
OH! Kinda like we have time to post whenever we please deal or there shall be many ideas to one challenge? Either way, I look forward to seeing what will be asked of us and what our fellow contributers will post.
My favorite is and will always be, the vacation challenge we did last June. Oh poor Georgie and his fear of Seagulls....XD XD
Ah I am curious to see what it is!
So far it's the "whenever you please" scenario. However, as time progresses, ideas will come to me as they usually do.
Ah yes, the vacation challenge. I believe it was the first one I have ever created as well! Another one the others seemed to have liked was the November challenge I did, the one for Thanksgiving and the Fall journal entries! Anyway, glad you liked that one! Maybe I might include it as a sub objective for the challenge I have yet to announce.
Finally I can do one of the challenges!!
I almost did the last one (the one that only JJ really did) but I backed out at the last minute...
I had it planned out (kinda) but it wasn't making much sense and the humour wasn't all that great...
I need to find the archive with the OC's. It's buried somewhere in my feed..
Number two? Starting a Porgie Clan lol?
Anyway congratulations Pie on your next kid, your hands are full!
Thank you my good man.
I can relate to your tale of having a 'father'; mine was shit and glad he's no longer a part of my life. He knocked my mom around, cheated and sent me to the hospital once. I thank you for trusting in me to reveal this. Sorry this happened and just be better then that ass.
LOL Looks that way, huh? XD
Thanks man. Big family is what I stride for!
I can help you with that! I got the link saved in a document - expect a PM in a few.
It's okay! Hopefully you'll consider doing this one - especially since I will have it available all summer.
It really is such a lovely gift. XD Wish I could have been at that party just for you as Georgie with that bat. XD It certainly goes well with the doll.
I'm being utterly, utterly terrible with my time management at the moment because things are happening and I'm so far behind, but I saw this picture and wanted to give my congratulations!
Best wishes to Tammy, all the best to yourself, and may Emily be excited for her new sister/brother! 
Like I said to Hazza, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I love it
Same, Ellie. Same. (Love that game!)
There will be more about his demon side as I write, so you shouldn't be disappointed in that regard. The next chapter will be soon, and I'm glad you're enjoying it 
Oh god I haven't even read the chapter yet because I saw the pic and shat my pants XD Congrats again, man! I'm sure the missus is cursing you out "Stop getting my pregnant, man!" though, I'm glad you're happy about it and I hope Emily is willing to share her toys XD I was close in age like that to my sister, so be ready for the double tantrums and hissy fights XD Are you gonna be getting married before baby 2 or after? I know you've been planning it for some time (congrats again on that, BTW! I wish we could all attend ^-^) Oh, this is too exciting for me to comprehend XD I hope it's another girl, because I love the name Katherine and Emily and Katherine just seem to go together ^-^ But, if it's a boy, of course I would love him equally as much. I'll read the chapter later, when I have time
Sweet! Can't wait!
Enter Skoll & Hati
Etan’s Castle
Hati and his brother Skoll went to visit Etan before going to the council meeting in Fabletown, and knowing that he would try to deal with Fenrir himself, they hoped to be able to reason with him and talk to sense into him. Even though it was utterly futile knowing the behavior of Hati’s son.
They knock on the door, once then again with a louder knock. Awaiting patiently for someone to answer. The brothers engage in a little banter until that time comes, as if they were still children again.
“Skoll, do you really have to carry the bottle of Vodka around like that? We’re going around kids you know.”Hati yanks the bottle out of his brother hands and drinks the rest before crushing it to tiny pieces and dust. Skoll let’s out a small burp reminding Hati, that his drunkenness eases out the nonsense then proceeds to be bang on the door again.
Finally the door opens, revealing Etan and the voices of other people, maybe about twenty or more conversating in the backroom. He is not surprised to see his father and uncle. He knew they would show up eventually. He steps out and closes the door behind him and wasted no time arguing with them.
“Dad, Uncle.. I know why you’re here. I already have a plan, and me and the Avenger's are taking down Fenrir, tonight. Nothing you say can stop us, so just and around and-”
Skoll interrupts Etan with a burp and continues to drink more. He finally stops and give his two cents on the whole situation.
“Hati… Etan, both of you… are jackasses. I’m not trying to say this is your fault, bro but if we destroyed Fenrir while he was still captured. NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED,‘hiccup’”
“Skoll, I believed father could've been saved. Am I wrong for wanting to save our father?”
“Idiotic is more of an answer...BRO. Now, hundreds of years later, our DAD is floating around picking up randoms wolves doing god knows what. ‘Hiccup’ Eventually he did managed to escape from… YOUR son, my dear nephew Etan, and rinse and repeat… ‘Hiccup’”
“Yeah, BRO?”
“Please, please fall silent, you liquored up imbecile.”
Hati and Skoll prepares for a brawl but Etan steps in and breaks them up. Everything goes dark as the moon begins to block out the sun. An eclipse has occured, covering most of the lands in this part of the Homelands, it is unknown if the rest are affected. Skoll insist that this wasn't him and his brother doing, but Etan had a clue.
“Dad, Uncle. It’s happening. I’m going to move my family to Daren’s place where they will be safe. Afterwards I’m going to assemble the team and hunt down Fenrir, with or without you two.”
“Whoa, hold on youngling. You have a plan? ‘hiccup’” Skoll continuing to drink.
“I remember my father telling me of a man knowing the location to a special material. The same material used to craft the box Northwind used to capture Fenrir. If we could find that man, get the location of the material, make the box, box Fenrir and make it home in one piece in time for dinner, that would surely be a record in the books.”
“Hati, your son is just as foolish as yourself..‘Hiccup’”
Hati then smack the second bottle of Vodka out of his brother hands then thinks this plan over. “It could possibly work or fail miserably. But we are running out of options, and we already tired the Norse Fabletown advice… This is all we have.” He looks at his son walk over to him and give him his approval.
“Alright son, we’ll do it your way. Me and Skoll hunt down Fenrir and stay close by him awaiting your oders, but if things get awry, which I am almost certain it will. You and your ‘Fable Avengers’ pull out immediately.You’re dealing with something more menacing than Gargoth. You’re my only, son and I can't lose you like I did your mother.”
“Dad I’m two hundred and thirty three years old and GROWN, I can handle myself. The Avengers are tough as onyx. We’re composed of all kinds of overpowered Fables.. We defeated a god, with the help of a mundy. We’ll be fine.”
Hati takes one last look at his son with a sign of slight doubt and then a smile signifying approvement and proudness , before turning into his Moon Wolf form and calls his brother to come along and they set out to find Fenrir. The words of the brothers banter can be heard as they fly away.
“Hati, if you smack another body of Vodka out of my hand, I will kick you into the sun… ‘hiccup’”
“Shut up Skoll..”
Elsewhere in the Mundy world. Wolf Manor
One of bigby’s son’s, Connor here’s scratching on the door. He seems to be the only one who can hear it as the rest of his family are in the family room watching TV. He begins to approach the door, but his brother Ghost warns him not to… Connor does so anyway, placing his tiny hand on the handle and slowly turning it.. He could hear the sound of howling then see’s a large wolf figure from the window of the door, glowing evil eyes glared at him waiting for the door to open.
Bigby walks in and see’s Connor nervous, he ask his trembling son what the problem was and the choices echoed through his head.
[Tell what you seen]
[Nothing I’m fine]
Uhh, this was the first chapter. OC's will show up next chapter and will have important roles for whats to come.. Also I'm doing this story in a Telltale format, choices we make will determine the outcome of the story ;p
Challenge Idea: Step 1
So! Vampires. No, I don't mean the ones who sparkle. I'm talking about the ones you knew were badasses the moment you laid eyes on them - in other words, anything that isn't a part or related to Twilight. For May through August, challenge participants will be tasked on creating a separate story of their Fable vampire(s) in 1990's Fabletown/New York. Stories must include scenes of seduction, manipulation, betrayal, sexual tension, and anything else you think would be fitting for your vampire tale.
Plus, if you have previously created a Fable vampire in the past - you are allowed to include him or her for this 4 month story challenge.
So, what do you guys think? Do you guys agree that this is a good idea for a writing challenge? If most of you say yes, I will be taking another step to further prepare you guys for this challenge.