"Where is aunt Gina and uncle Hans?" Katie glares at her watch. "They are late."
Lyla looks to the skies. "You know how your aunt and uncle are. Need to make it about THEM, God love those two...."
Standing out in an open field, Lyla, Malcom, Katie, Georgie, John and Jersey stood in anticipation to the final two people that would assist them in finding Carla and anything she was planning to send in either communitie's direction. Peter remaind at the Business Offic, working with Penkle to strum up any information to what Carla may have waiting in the shadows. Peter had a few theories; he noticed several pages missing in the book of spells and after contacting both his brother and Michelle, he was certain they were taken when Carla spent her days working as an intern in the office not that long ago.
This meant for years not, Carla confidentially created a deceitful conspiracy to destroy the very world they knew of. Snow White, although away from the office for years after her marriage and children, still offered her assistance in any way. The way she saw it, this WAS her town. Plus, an excuse to get closer and understand Peter; he reminded her so much of her late husband and this was a wonderful opportunity to get to know the man they called Peter Porgie.
Georgie and John continued to smoke their cigarettes. Both men, one hand in their pockets, examined one another. Not too long ago, John felt hostile towards the former pimp and could not swallow the thought of his youngest daughter connected to him. The man had a reputation from here until the ends of the world; he could never fully understand the motives behind fates and their twisted way of bringing people together but after the battle with the Folker community and Georgie remaining loyal to the cause, John had a new view and respect for the man. Georgie, in return, would do everything he could to protect his family.
What Carla did not know, however, was their own secret method and he was currently smoking a cigarette and layered in tattoos.
Katie and Malcom managed to discover one thing Carla did not get her hands on. Lyla was not too sure; sending her husband into a place he had not been in years was asking for trouble. John and Malcom assured the concerned wife Georgie was safe. Katie demonstrated their plan one night and after some deep, heartfelt conversations with Georgie, she agreed. This was for her family; Emily and Gren were training for the war as it was and that alone caused Lyla nerves and many sleepless nights. They just needed Gina and Hans.
From the distance, a tiny aircraft grew closer to the huddled group. The noise echoed through the fields and skies. Sheilding his eyes, Jersey nods and points to Malcom.
"There they are, big guy. Get ready..."
Malcom takes out two red flags and furiously waves them. The plane circles twice before two figures leap from the plane. Their parachutes a bold orange graces the sky and carefully make their way to the ground. Lyla and Katie make their way over to the twi individuals; the men follow as Jersey takes to the skies. Gina unbuckles the straps to her helmet. Her long, auburn hair pulled back into a tightly compressed bun. Hans, dropping his to the ground, shakes for a few seconds and looks out to all the worried faces. Removing her parachute, Gina glances at her sister.
"Sorry we're late. The pilot took us to the other side of the community."
"Not a problem, Gina." Lyla embraces her sister. "God, its so good to see you."
"See Carla finally joined the bandwagon in the 'Let's murder my family'. Damn. I knew Mary was a nut but not Carla."
"I blame myself for the outcome for your sisters." John tosses his end onto the ground. "I know you and the others assure me they made their own decisions, thus digging their very own graves the moment the joined that side of life. But I can't help but think because of MY beliefs and ways I taught you girls, they took every word to heart and made a promise to fulfill those words one day."
"That's fookin' bullshit." Georgie spits on the ground, nearly hitting a passing bug. "Ya' can't go blamin' ya'self fa' woot those girls went a did. Trust me. It's kick ta' ya' pride but in the end, they knew woot was goin' on..."
"I actually agree with Big Ben over there." Gina chuckles, patting Georgie on the shoulder. "To be honest, dad, I'd stop with the pity party and all come to an agreement that this needs to be dealt with. I've mourned the loss of my sister Mary and although she grew vile and became nothing
but a pimple on this family's back side, she was STILL my sibling. Carla, however, has taken off with no consideration to others. She's after Emily, using her own children as weapons and created a war we had no idea was in the works. She NEEDS to be stopped. Now...."
"I never said she didn't need to be, Gina." John sighs, adjusting his coat. "I'm just having a difficult time knowing two of my children became..."
Lyla holds her father close, gently rubbing his back. "It's okay, daddy. That's enough discussion about that. You and mom were nothing but caring and loving parents. We will take care of this. Together, like a family. Emily and Gren are preparing as we have our own secret weapon Carla did not take into consideration."
John looks up at Georgie. "You...you sure you're alright with this?"
Georgie cracks a smile. "Ya' know it, big guy."
Hans joins his former boss. Hans privately used to look up to Georgie as a stern, father figure. He KNEW the Georgie so little had the chance to see with their own eyes. Wrapping his trunk like arms around Georgie, he lifts the tiny built man into the air and pulls Georgie close.
"Well, Gina and I are prepared for any action and service we may give to you kind folks. Tell us the plan and we'll deliver."
Jersey lands beside his wife; she hands him a folder and the massive cryptid walks over, growls and places the millennium folder in Hans' hands. He flips through the plan, shows Gina and the couple nod.
"Fantastic." Katie points to her car. "Let's get this ball rolling. Who's up for some lunch at my place?"
"FUUUCK!" Gren slams into a nearby tree. The collision causes the ground to move, tree to bend and several boulder to leap into the air. Nick stood his ground, however and prepared for the next move. Like time before, Emily sends an arrow towards the man's neck. The others glanced and casually watched the towering man stick out his hand and snatch the arrow. Like a twig, he snaps the item in his hands. The pieces fall to the ground like a light snow storm drifting across the lands. Vines march his direction, flying from her body and hands alike. Venus plants emrge from the ground; their knife like teeth glare in the sun, their long tongues reaching for their prey and thick stems covered in thorns prepared to stick their enemy. On command, Emily shrieks for the plants to attack Nick and defend Grendel.
Again, Nick remains still and does not move an inch. Meanwhile, Hades, with Isaiah's help, began the teachings on the four Grendel children. Isaiah looked over, however and could not help but feel a bit of sympathy for his brother. Groaning, Gren kneels to the ground and attempts to stand. As the creature struggles to walk on his own feet, Nick extends his hands out and creates a single item. A flute. The item appears normal until Nick clutches it in his mighty hands. Pressing the musical intrusment to his lips, he blows a rather daunting tune that cause Emily's commrades to collaspe, squawking and thrashing into the dirt. Emily scans her fallen soilders and prepares to hit Nick with another arrow. She could feel the anger growing within herself.
Nick tosses the flute into the air and moments later, its gone. "You continue to do this, Emily and you'll recieve the SAME thing. Certainty is what will make your attacks more potent and less noticeable."
"Ya' keep SAYIN' that shit, Nick!" Emily grinds her teeth, black eyes watching Nick. "WOOT do ya' need us to do...stop playin' games 'ere!"
"Who is playing, Emily?" Nick walks in circles slowly around Emily. "There is no time to think. Time is NOT your friend. It changes, like the winds past. But Death...it will always be there and remain as a part of our very lives. When you thought your son was in danger. Grendel just now. Your daughters...you need to take that emotion and bring it in here." He taps Emily's chest. "The mind is a solid instrument but your heart...it will always change, like time. You must listen to these words. Now....again. THINK certainty."
Emily was terrified as Nick stood before her. She was panting heavily. Glancing over, Gren remained in true form. Growing closer to his wife, Emily nods and prepares for the lesson.
"Alright, Nick. Elaborate fa' us...."
Nick looks at Hades. "How are they coming along with their part of the training?"
Gren huffs, lofting above Nick. "WHY are my children participating in this fucking bullshit? They are JUST kids..."
"Your enemy will attack everything and anything. Obviously this one does not care, for she murdered her own sister and possibly her son. Knowing you have valuable possesions in your life, she strike for those first...."
Gren slowly backs into the arms of Emily. She gently strokes his face. "Love, stop. Please..."
Gren pins his lips to Emily's ear. "I don't know about this, Ems." Gren whispers. "I fuckin' don't like the way these assholes are speaking to me OR you..."
"Listen ta' me, Gren. Our fuckin' family is in danger and I don't know when Carla will hit us again. We need ta' learn as much as we fookin' can."
Gren leaves a wet kisses before glancing over at his children. He noticed Isaiah paying close attention to his son; Liam, flustered with his missing arm, carefully open his palm to try and channel his inner powers. Viviana, Chloe and Seraphina were capable of turning on and off like faucets in the bathroom. Each girl had their specific place for this war: they were to stay in a group and not matter what, defend one another from Carla or anyone looking to harm them. Seraphina's plant manipulation was that of her grandmothers.
With a single twing of her finger, the Gren look-alike was able to summon many plants, trees, vines and grass sharp as knives to poke through the ground and obey on her command. Viviana, upon Hades' discovery, had the ability to form Dark Winds. Emily and Gren would later know these were no ordinary winds; they worked with the supernatural, called to the spirits and could deconstruct any weapon or armor. It did not just blow wind like a gust of wind but worked as a vaccum. Hades himself wanted to work on this with Viviana and teach her to use it properly without killing innocent civilians.
With Viviana's powers close to the Underworld and Chloe attatched to her sister, they created a duo among their powers. Chloe used shadows to sneak around undetected and summon the darkness for her soilders. Chloe mimiced the shadows and all that surrounded her. Only problem was, any strand of light caused the little girl severe pain and find the nearest location with black to gain her lost slice of power. Both Nick and Hades wanted her to learn HOW to use the light's resources for her own ability. Liam, however, was having a difficult time with his.
He was able to use water as a sourse of protection. Hades tried to show him methods to controlling the water and creating useful tools and weapons to assist in should the children need to protect. Liam crafted shackles out of water but nothing more. All the other formations created became a blob of water and a mess within seconds.
Frustrated, Liam kicks the mailbox. "What am I doing WRONG, Hades and Nick?"
Nick scratches his chin and examines Liam's arm. "You need to focus more on what you CAN do. Not what you WANT to. It's very easy for someone to get caught up and bask in the glory of their powers but you must not do this, Liam. It can mean life or death in a serious situation. For example, your mother-"
Nick sends a dark cloud at Emily and within seconds, envelops her in a thick blanket of black, ash and whirlwinds. The mysterious black surrounds her entire body; screams of anguish and pity soon fill the air and Gren, prepared as always, glares at Nick, ready to charge. Nick smiles; the beast grunts behind him like a Bull eager to lunge forward and pierce his target with his mighty horns. Gren wanted desperatly to sink his teeth in both Nick and Hades' neck but before a single muscle moves, vines swat away the cloud and bellowing screams. Emily, struggling to move, notices Nick standing a few feet away, beckoning for the young woman to make her move.
"Oh come now, Emily dear. I know you have more fight then this. I witnessed you break a woman's nose just by looking at you the wrong way..."
Emily pulls her arrow back and releases. The bow growing from her palms glows a neon green, casscading off her body and into the flyig object heading in Nick's direction. Thorns and Ivy leaves tangle along the arrow, sending a vine directly into Nick's arm. Although it stung, Nick once more pulls the item out and crushes it with his bare hands.
"You fookin' prick." Emily wipes her mouth and pulls out another arrow. "Ya' wanna see fookin' pissed, ya' gunna GET pissed...."
Nick chuckles, taunting the young woman. "Then show me, Emily. SHOW us you and Gren can channel those inners feelings and thoughts that will fuel your abilities to phenomenal preportions. I want your enemies to be BEGGING for mercy when they see either of your or the children. Come at me! Right now!"
Emily leaps into the air and sends three more arrows. Although frustrated and tired, this was still not enough for her power to truly shine through. It was not until Nick glanced over at Hades, nodding once and beamed. Without a single word, Hades grabs Viviana's ribbon and pulls. Everyone knew without the ribbon secured around her neck, the little girl's soul was up for the taking. The second the purple material touched the ground, both Emily and Gren were fit to be tied.
Even her own guardian Vivian began to show the two men her powers; a light blue outline of her body appeared beside Emily and began to glow a crimson red. Hades commands Viviana to follow, snatches Chloe and heads for an opened portal. Without a word, Nick takes Seraphina and Liam into his mighty arms. By now, all Fables present that day erupted in a chaotic group: Sunflower chased after Nick, unsure of this mysterious man's plan, Isaiah and Thomas tried desperatly to remain calm; although angry with Gren, Robert was willing to battle these men to protect his neices and nephew and the two guardians, ready for a battle, geared up to use good against evil.
But the two that were seeing red and claiming victorious, were Gren and Emily. Gren charges after Hades and while sitting on his shoulders, weilds her bow. Emily sends three more arrows. This time, the item screeches into the afternoon air and flies past the others. They bury themselves in Hades' arm and Chloe is released and tumbles to the ground. Viviana pauses to collect her sister within her powerful jaws and places Chloe beneath a shady tree.
"Thanks Vivi." Chloe scratches her sister's chin. "That was so cool!"
Seraphina began to plea and call out to her parents. Nick could feel the vexation pouring off of both Emily and Gren's face. Roaring into the heavens, Gren tilts is head back and without another word, Emily leaps forward and sends one final arrow.
"Ya' wanna see PISSED Nick?!" Grinning, Emily releases the arrow. "Well, 'ere ya' go, ya' son-of-a-bitch...."
A wall of roots and vines causes Nick to stop in his tracks. Opening his mouth, Nick releases a green toxic chemical that immediatly penetrate through the wall of plants. He did not, however, take into consideration of who was waiting behind the wall. Nick notices Gren glaring down; a massive clawed hands peels back and slams into Nick's body. Seraphina goes to the right; summoning a tree, the little girl is caught by one of the branches and uses her other hand to call a vine to snatch her brother, now heading for the lake. With Gren's earth powers, his collide with Emily's and the pair begin their final steps. The arrow finally catches Nick in the arm; it burns for a few seconds before wrapping itself around his bicep and torso.
Struggling to free, Nick rolls on the ground to avoid Gren. However, Emily calls several more vines. They grow from the ground and climb around Nick's neck. Gren closes his eyes and camaflouges with the leaves and vines. Sneaking around his wife, Gren opens up both palms and releases a toxic pollen. The clouds of spores surround Nick's face, causing Mushrooms to rapidly grow and cover his body.
"Holy shit, dude..." Isaiah and Robert watch their younger brother take on Nick.
With one final move, Emily encloses Nick in a forest of trees. Panting, Emily kneels to the ground; a slight pool of blood forms from her nostrils, as Gren slowly returns to his human form. He tumbles beside Emily, covering his face and tries to understand what just happend. Emily looks up at Isaiah. Before she said a word, he knew what to do. Sending a fire storm in the forest's direction, he covers Nick's tomb with a golden field and before long, Nick emerges from the green. Dusting himself off, he beams at both Gren ad Emily.
"Well, that wasn't so hard, now was it..."
"Ya' were gunna take my fookin' kids, ya' monsta'! All of ya'!"
"Hades and I were mearely tapping into your parental state of mind. By THINKING we were going to harm your children, both you AND Gren stepped up and used your full potential. It's called Legitimate thinking. This is a biological function you humans are all born with. Its a automatic human instinctive behavior to protect one's child if they feel there is danger. This is what allows us to survive on this planet. It's CERTAINTY. Now, what happened JUST now between you two, needs to happen EVERY time. You must use that behavior an construct your final step: realistic dreaming."
"Oh come on, Nick." Gren sits up. "How the fuck is that going to pull this together?"
"Easy, my swamp friend. Realistic dreaming is when a person experiences a threat mentally and can confront and overcome a real life threat. You both thought your children were in trouble. You both dwelled inside your mind and found the rage needed to confront both me AND Hades to protect your offspring. You THOUGHT they were danger. When you THINK, you act. Combine this with both certainty AND legitimate memory and you got yourself the perfect lighter fluid to get you two going...."
Hades holds up his hand. "That shall be enough for today. Tomorrow, we'll work on it some more with both you two and the children."
Nick and Hades bid fairwell to their onlookersand without a word, enter a nearby portal to their worlds. The children gather around their parents, examing the many vines still escaping their body.
"Mommy...daddy..." Seraphina pokes Gren's arm. "Are...are you two alright?"
Each parent gathers the children into their arms and holds close. "Neva' betta', my babies...mommy and daddy are going ta' be just fine. Say, wanna get cleaned up and go ta' the park?"
All four kids cheer, as Emily pulls Gren up. "Come on, big guy. Ya' too...."
Gren smiles, standing up and dusting himself down. "Damn. That was hot. You looked good all protective annd shit..."
Emily kisses Gren, as the couple head towards their home. "Ya' too, love....Ya' hungry?"
Any questions, you know the drill. Remembered this time, @HazzatheMan XD
Oh did I miss something in regards to Wonderland? Or, is this part of Kieron's vissions sent on by Nyx possibly? I think him taking a job in the mundy world is a risk but latelty, Kieron is coming off as that guy that takesthese sort of risks as a a precaution of sorts. It would be a smart move, blending into the mundane world and all. XD
Makoto is a badass, too and not surprised his son has taken on such a huge roll; wonder how this will play out in the Wonderland dream sequence. Waiting to see how all this ties into Alice ad the current situation, although I still hold onto my theories.
Can't wait for more here and yes: wonder, too, how Kieron will be portrayed in Stone's story.
Days to come...
Many years have passed since the war in wonderland...
Kieron woke up in his room, he got up took a shower and began to… more get dressed. He put on a grey collar shirt with a black tie, he put on black baggy pants, and put on his black leather boots. Last he put on a large black trench coat. He walked out of his room and into his house. He went into his kitchen and checked his messages in his email. He lived in Fabletown, and became a military general for hire, if somebody was willing to pay he'd lead their army to victory no matter the cost, whether it'd be Mundy or Fable army. When he checked his email he saw one for both Mundy and Fable. He took on the Fable job as he liked those wars the best as he liked to fight once in a while. It seemed it was a small revolt taking on a bigger town. He smirked and thought that it was too easy. He cooked breakfast and told the small revolt he'd be there soon. After he ate he slid on his … [view original content]
Wolf community
"Where is aunt Gina and uncle Hans?" Katie glares at her watch. "They are late."
Lyla looks to the skies. "You know how… more your aunt and uncle are. Need to make it about THEM, God love those two...."
Standing out in an open field, Lyla, Malcom, Katie, Georgie, John and Jersey stood in anticipation to the final two people that would assist them in finding Carla and anything she was planning to send in either communitie's direction. Peter remaind at the Business Offic, working with Penkle to strum up any information to what Carla may have waiting in the shadows. Peter had a few theories; he noticed several pages missing in the book of spells and after contacting both his brother and Michelle, he was certain they were taken when Carla spent her days working as an intern in the office not that long ago.
This meant for years not, Carla confidentially created a deceitful conspiracy to destroy the very world they knew of. Sno… [view original content]
Oh no I haven't posted something new about the main story, actually this chapter has no tie to wonderland except for a brief mention of the aftermath of it by Makoto. This was solely written as a notice that the Kieron in Stones story is based off of who Kieron really is after his story is told. I wish it was a vision that Nyx gave him sadly though at this point everything is set in stone for Kieron. Kieron does whatever needs to be done to get to the ultimate goal no matter how harsh he has to be and how risky it would be, so blending in with Mundies so close he will do and he will blend in perfectly.
His son will also have a grand adventure when his time comes! The main story will unfold to show how Kieron went from such a happy man full of life to this cold and harsh Kieron.
Although I won't touch base with this Kieron until I finish his main story, this Kieron will be apart of Stone's Fable Avengers!
Oh did I miss something in regards to Wonderland? Or, is this part of Kieron's vissions sent on by Nyx possibly? I think him taking a job in… more the mundy world is a risk but latelty, Kieron is coming off as that guy that takesthese sort of risks as a a precaution of sorts. It would be a smart move, blending into the mundane world and all. XD
Makoto is a badass, too and not surprised his son has taken on such a huge roll; wonder how this will play out in the Wonderland dream sequence. Waiting to see how all this ties into Alice ad the current situation, although I still hold onto my theories.
Can't wait for more here and yes: wonder, too, how Kieron will be portrayed in Stone's story.
This is a glimpse of the future yes and also how he will act in Stones story
He hardly ever does them, and if he did it'd never be back … moreto back, and the span between them would be a very very long time.
He's a whole new person in the aftermath of his story! Wonder what happened?
Basically Makoto knows what Kieron is capable of and doesn't want to anger him as even Makoto gets chills when Kieron is around. Hey at this point who knows how many men Kieron is responsible for after all those years! XD To him a thousand men is child's play! XD Makoto will punish him of course I just forgot to put those lines in as I was focused on showing Kierons character XD
@HazzatheMan yeah I know! XD Dem Porgie girls are beautiful, yes but the boys....man. Like a buffet going on there, Pie!
@pudding_pie I'd take Gren to the moon and back, tbh. :P I sent you a PM. Think you'll get a kick out of WHAT I'd do. lol
Wow. This was really detailed, intense and had me wanting to participate in training to also destroy Carla! >:D
I loved the beginning for many reasons. I love the idea that EVERYONE-not just hping for Gren and Emily-are coming together as a family to protect not only the time but one another. Knowing Lyla and Georgie are willing to put themselves on the line makes me love them even more. Speaking of Georgie:
What Carla did not know, however, was their own secret method and he was currently smoking a cigarette and layered in tattoos.
This has many questions brewing in my head, considering Georgie does not change into anything and posesses no powers at all. So, I'm wondering if they are wither going to give him something magical that will aide in their defense or there is something you're not telling us about Georgie Porgie that he's had hidden for years. It obviously has to do with his past, considering Lyla worried when he went 'back' there....you know...that awful, awful place? I'm actually looking forward now to this idea!
Hans and Gina too are badass, arriving to their location as such. Can't wait to tap into them, too. They've been in the back for sometime as well.
Now, onto the training session. There are too many wonderful parts to this story, so I won't quote like I normally do, seeing as I'd be retelling the story in my comment. XD I love the way Nick is portrayed in this story and hopefully Hman is, too. That flute was interesting as well. I felt sorry for both Gre and Emily because you can tell they are trying so hard to listen and take in these words of advice.
Scary knowing the kids need to prepare as well but it makes sense. I still adore Seraphina but damn: Viviana and Chloe are bad ass little girls! I'm loving Viviana's power, btw. But my poor little Liam. I wanted to craddle him in my arms and tell him its going to be alright. I hope he just shows EVERYONE off and prove to them he is strong! >:D
Oh Robert. I was honestly waiting for him to try and cop a field with Emily...:(
I loved the method Nick and Hades did use to trigger the certainty inside of them both. Also, damn: the way you made Nick describe all that was wonderful and made me wish to know more. I too want to know if you've ever taken any Psychology courses; the realistic dream was very interesting, as was the legitimate one. I can see WHY they'd need to learn these.
I hope these 6 just go to the park and forget Carla for one day....HATE that woman now, pie! >:( This was wonderful and I look forward to more. Also, don't get made but I wanted to ask. I noticed a black binder and this was in it:
What is this!? XD I like it! Again, sorry but I had to!
Wolf community
"Where is aunt Gina and uncle Hans?" Katie glares at her watch. "They are late."
Lyla looks to the skies. "You know how… more your aunt and uncle are. Need to make it about THEM, God love those two...."
Standing out in an open field, Lyla, Malcom, Katie, Georgie, John and Jersey stood in anticipation to the final two people that would assist them in finding Carla and anything she was planning to send in either communitie's direction. Peter remaind at the Business Offic, working with Penkle to strum up any information to what Carla may have waiting in the shadows. Peter had a few theories; he noticed several pages missing in the book of spells and after contacting both his brother and Michelle, he was certain they were taken when Carla spent her days working as an intern in the office not that long ago.
This meant for years not, Carla confidentially created a deceitful conspiracy to destroy the very world they knew of. Sno… [view original content]
Days to come...
Many years have passed since the war in wonderland...
Kieron woke up in his room, he got up took a shower and began to… more get dressed. He put on a grey collar shirt with a black tie, he put on black baggy pants, and put on his black leather boots. Last he put on a large black trench coat. He walked out of his room and into his house. He went into his kitchen and checked his messages in his email. He lived in Fabletown, and became a military general for hire, if somebody was willing to pay he'd lead their army to victory no matter the cost, whether it'd be Mundy or Fable army. When he checked his email he saw one for both Mundy and Fable. He took on the Fable job as he liked those wars the best as he liked to fight once in a while. It seemed it was a small revolt taking on a bigger town. He smirked and thought that it was too easy. He cooked breakfast and told the small revolt he'd be there soon. After he ate he slid on his … [view original content]
You're right on that, Stone! Twilight pretty much did. Twilight also give inspiration for tv shows like The Vampire Diaries, to which I believe nobody really asked for either.
Oh okay! :P I thought this had to do with the Wonderland story and Kieron was having his moment during all the chaos back home. Thank you for the clarification. None the less, this was still and interesting read and you're really giving these characters an outlook on everything.
Oh no I haven't posted something new about the main story, actually this chapter has no tie to wonderland except for a brief mention of the … moreaftermath of it by Makoto. This was solely written as a notice that the Kieron in Stones story is based off of who Kieron really is after his story is told. I wish it was a vision that Nyx gave him sadly though at this point everything is set in stone for Kieron. Kieron does whatever needs to be done to get to the ultimate goal no matter how harsh he has to be and how risky it would be, so blending in with Mundies so close he will do and he will blend in perfectly.
His son will also have a grand adventure when his time comes! The main story will unfold to show how Kieron went from such a happy man full of life to this cold and harsh Kieron.
Although I won't touch base with this Kieron until I finish his main story, this Kieron will be apart of Stone's Fable Avengers!
Oh awesome to hear that, man. I really wanted to detail that part.
Nick comes off as one of those guys that uses a lot of mind game but to his advantage. I took some courses in my Freshman year of college but that was it. The mind fascinates me.
The training session's methods actually are quite believable.
The mental and psycological methods employed by nick do fit into real psycology. I must ask, what knowledge do you have of the science?
I was wondering WTF you were doing with the binder. XD This is something silly I drew for my girl; its set in the 1700's and Lyla is meeting Georgie for the first time, as you can tell.
Glad you liked the story, too. Be prepared for the next one....:(
Wow. This was really detailed, intense and had me wanting to participate in training to also destroy Carla! >:D
I loved the beginning … morefor many reasons. I love the idea that EVERYONE-not just hping for Gren and Emily-are coming together as a family to protect not only the time but one another. Knowing Lyla and Georgie are willing to put themselves on the line makes me love them even more. Speaking of Georgie:
What Carla did not know, however, was their own secret method and he was currently smoking a cigarette and layered in tattoos.
This has many questions brewing in my head, considering Georgie does not change into anything and posesses no powers at all. So, I'm wondering if they are wither going to give him something magical that will aide in their defense or there is something you're not telling us about Georgie Porgie that he's had hidden for years. It obviously has to do with his past, considering Lyla worried when he… [view original content]
Oh awesome to hear that, man. I really wanted to detail that part.
Nick comes off as one of those guys that uses a lot of mind game but to his advantage. I took some courses in my Freshman year of college but that was it. The mind fascinates me.
@HazzatheMan yeah I know! XD Dem Porgie girls are beautiful, yes but the boys....man. Like a buffet going on there, Pie!
@pudding_pie I'd take Gren to the moon and back, tbh. :P I sent you a PM. Think you'll get a kick out of WHAT I'd do. lol
Oh okay! :P I thought this had to do with the Wonderland story and Kieron was having his moment during all the chaos back home. Thank you fo… morer the clarification. None the less, this was still and interesting read and you're really giving these characters an outlook on everything.
My Mum had a friend over with her 2 children (boy and a girl, 13 and 7 respectively) So I was playing with them for a good hour or so, gotta keep em' entertained so it was wrestling all the way! XD
I haven't read the chapter yet! :P
My Mum had a friend over with her 2 children (boy and a girl, 13 and 7 respectively) So I was playing … morewith them for a good hour or so, gotta keep em' entertained so it was wrestling all the way! XD
I will read it before the day is over...
Jonathan stood still, his body shaking from the change. He'd felt it coming for weeks, unable to tell exactly when, but he knew it would be soon.
He hated himself. He wanted so badly to end it all, relieve himself of the pain he's caused to so many people.
Every time he changed, his parents' faces always stared back at him from beneath his eyelids. You killed us. It's your fault we're dead. You killed all those other innocent people. You killed the Rutley daughter. You did it. Why can't you control it?
"I don't know," He said aloud to himself. "I...I don't know how!" It'd escalated to a shout. "God help me! Give me strength! Give... Me.... The power....to overcome!" He shrieked in agony. His body flew forward and he nearly smacked into the inclined ceiling. He was in his attic; He'd been there since before sunrise. In the corner of the room was a sac filled with the debris he'd created in his fight against one of his number one enemies.
Mirah. There was no doubt the vampire would be back tonight - or even today - to fetch his....his Belinda. She was his, wasn't she? There hadn't been enough time to establish a connection. He loved her more than any other person he'd ever met. That much was true. Did she really mean it back though? She must have. She must have.
"Gah!" He shouted. "Make the pain stop!"
No one could hear him. No one but himself. This is what his life was comprised of. Forever, he would be lonely. Forever he would be in pain. Forever he would be an evil being on the inside, and forever that evil would overshadow the good in him. He wept, his body changing from man to beast, a sickly looking dark colored creature with tar for skin, slender legs and arms, black holes for eyes. His teeth were razor sharp, his voice changed from normal to menacing. He was a monster, and nothing less.
He was The Rake.
Belinda had been unconscious for many hours. When she came to, she was in an unfamiliar dank space. The wall behind her was damp and there were no windows. The floor was made of stone, and it was pitch black all around her. She would have thought she was alone, had she not heard the weeping sounds that Sophie was making across the room.
"What...happened?" She said slowly. "Sophie? Sophie, are you okay?"
She didn't articulate. Her sobs were constant and flowing. There was nothing she could say. Belinda's heart rate increased significantly. She couldn't be trapped here, could she?
The ring. The ring. She felt around her ring finger, and it was there. When had it got there? Who put it there?
It was like he knew she'd need it more than he would.
Jonathan. He must have slipped it on before he left in the night. She felt it's metal against her skin, familiar once more, it's pattern of etched swirls on it's rim a reminder of it's magical power. Did Mirah see it? Wasn't this the reason the vampiress wanted her?
She began to shake the shackles that bound her arms. She heard the chains rattling, and tried her best to stay as quiet as possible. She got to her knees hastily, seeing how far she could go before being restricted.
"Sophie-" She began, though nearly stumbled as she shimmied over. "Sophie, you have to listen to me. We probably don't have a long time-" Belinda reached out and felt Sophie's foot, but was immediately kicked off.
"No!" She yelled. "Don't touch me!"
Anguished, Belinda retracted her hand and stood on her knees for a moment, trying to get used to the darkness, but there was not enough light in the room to do so. She sat back some, unable to go any further, and began racking her brain to think of some way she could get out.
If only she remembered the spell phrase that activated the ring. She remembered a number of things the witch had told her about it, and how it only worked for short amounts of time before it 'turned off'.
She thought long and hard, recounting every last word the woman had said to her.
"Be careful with it. Hold it dear to yourself. You've helped me, and this is the favor I repay you with. This ring keeps evil from overcoming you. It helps you when you need it most. The activation phrase is...."
The activation phrase...
The activation phrase...
The cave echoed her words over and over, and at first, she thought that it hadn't worked. That she'd said the words wrong. But no, the ring began to glow like a torch. She caught a gasp in the back of her throat as it lit the area around her enough for her to see. It wasn't so much a cave, but an underground area. Catacombs. She stifled another gasp as she could make out the dozens of human skulls and bones that lined some of the walls, and prayed thanks to God that she hadn't been leaning against one of those walls, but a plain brick one.
Sophie had upturned her head briefly, her face filled with confusion. It was then that Belinda had noticed why her friend was crying; Sophie had a fresh welting scar across her face, splitting diagonal over her nose and cheek. It was nasty and shocking to look at, and Belinda had to do all she could to hold her grief for Sophie in.
"Sophie," She said, with finality in her voice. "Sophie, we need to get out of here. Do you understand? We need to find a way out."
She just nodded. Belinda shook the shackles once more, and dragged her ringed finger over the metal hastily. It melted all around it away, freeing Belinda of her own chains as if it were cutting through butter. The power would only last a short time though, so she had to be quick. She freed Sophie next, and used the remaining light of her ring to guide them to an exit.
"Belinda," Sophie uttered, her first words since their attempt to escape. "We're in Paris. We're in the catacombs. I-" They nearly tripped over stray bones, but the further they walked the brighter things seemed to get. They'd found lit areas, with torchlight and even daylight seeping through. That day light was an afternoon glow, however, which meant that night would envelope it sooner rather than later.
"This way," Belinda urged. She led Sophie down a long expansing corridor, one then ended with a staircase going upward. They began to sprint, their ragged skirts flowing around their ankles and wind tearing through their hair. She held Sophie's wrist with all her strength, afraid of loosing her in the dust.
But then, Mirah stood at the end of the tunnel. A short gasp escaped both women as they stopped short, trying their best not to run into their captor. Mirah was standing perfectly still, her long flowing hair over both shoulders as she smiled wryly.
"You thought it was that easy, didn't ya?"
Dun dun dun! Again! This is all I can do for now, gotta go places and see things ^-^ Hope you are all having wonderful Sundays! I have to go back to school tomorrow Tis the end of my break. Oh well, it was a very nice break if I do say so myself Part of me actually WANTS to go back to school. But most of me does not XD
-cough- I also gotta go finish my french project before tomorrow >.>
Connor told his father that he seen a giant outside, his father could he was telling the truth so he deciding to investigate outside.
“Stay here son, this won’t take long.” Bigby told his son while leaving out the door. He closed the door and began to observe, using his senses. He couldn't pick up any out of the ordinary smells or hear anyone heartbeats other than his own. But he knew there was something out there, watching him.
“Come on out, now. I’m already pissed, and you aren’t making this better for yourself.”
A small cloud of darkness began to descend down in front of him and a head of a wolf began to form. Bigby scene some strange things in his life but never before have he seen anything like this. A voice began to slowly mumble something in an ominous voice while creeping close to him.
“You would have to do. Consider this payback for what your father did to me, Bigby Wolf.”
The dark began to swirl around Bigby’s creating burning crackling sounds. Bigby tries to get away and blow the cloud away, but the cloud again keeps coming back for more. He then attempts to transform but the cloud of darkness finally consumes him entirely. He tries to escape but is no use, he’s been completely absorb.
From the cloud, a man emerges, not Bigby someone completely different. About six feet tall, dark hair, azure eyes and appears to be in his mid fifties. He observes his new body and begins to crack his knuckles and takes in a long deep breath of air and exhales.
“Ahh yes, all this time I could used you Bigby as my body. If only I knew, but no matter. I need to find my claws, my wrath and my will in order for me to be, effective… I think I should visit Fabletown, maybe I’ll find my claws there.”
As the man, well Fenrir prepares to leaves. He nearly forgets that people will suspect Bigby is gone. By snapping his fingers, he creates an exact replica of him, but under his control. He orders the doppelganger to act and live exactly like Bigby, giving him some of his power so it may be able to transform like the real thing. He now sets off to Fabletown to find, his claws.
Avengers Headquarters
Etan research on his grandfather, Fenrir has gone nicely so far. He learned something new about him and how he was split into four pieces and separated from his soul. He feels confident about finding that material and stopping Fenrir but something seems off to him. Since Fenrir was split into four, why has it taken him so long to put himself back together, it’s all so confusing to him, so he closes the book for now and heads to the war room.
He enters the room and is greeted by Kieron, the general of this small brigade.
“Greetings sir, still no news from your father and uncle on their scouting mission.” Kieron said with walking alongside Etan towards the magic pot where they could see every corner of the Homelands.
“I don’t understand why they taking so long. They are part of him so you would think they would of found him by now. Sheesh. We need to find that material for when the time comes. Kieron, you're in charge until me and Tezoth gets back, I need to visit someone.”
“Yes sir.”
Back at Fabletown
Gremily were making their way home from the movies when their paths was blocked by the man who would appeared to be Fenrir. He to tips his fedora and introduce himself to the pair in a dapper manner.
“Excuse me, sir and madame. You have something of mine, something I longed for centuries.”
“Fuck off freak, before I’ll beat you into the ground.” Gren as he step in front of Emily protecting her from Fenrir.
Fenrir’s burned his hat with blue flames then tossed the ashes aside.
“I wasn’t asking.” while approaching Gren.
Emily see’s Gren transforming, she tries to stop him but is grabbed by something and dragged away.
He watches his beloved Emily disappear, then faces Fenrir and picks him up and begins to strangle him. He places his powerful Grendel hands around him and squeezes tighter and tighter, but instead of him gasping for air Fenrir laughs and grows sharp claws and slashes Gren’s throat. He falls to the ground hounding his neck to keep the blood from spilling out. Fenrir begins to lick his claws and walks away.
“I can feel myself returning to my true self. Two down, two to go.
As Fenrir leaves Gren continues to bleed out on the pavement. All he could think of is Emily his dear sweet Emily. Lucky for him Dixa, a Yeti finds Gren and using her Yeti strength carries him back so that his injury could be treated. It was a good thing it was nightfall, or everyone would of saw a Yeti carrying a Grendel and that would surely create a fuss.
Meanwhile, A Pub somewhere in the Homelands.
Etan and Tezoth arrive at the pub where they will find the man who could help them. They enter the bar and with all the loudness bouncing across their eardrums. Etan looks around and points over towards the big Scottish man by the bar having a few drinks.
“There he is” Etan said, then the two walked over by the bar.
The man noticed them when they entered. He took another drink and slammed his cup down on the counter and ordered up another.
“What you jackasses want?” The man asked.
“Nick right? My name is Etan, this is Tezoth and we came here today for information, that you may harbour.” Etan as he orders up a drink for himself.
Nick turns to Etan and asking him that he know a lot of things, he’s been around for a long time and his information isn't free.
“So you won’t to take out your old man’s old man. That’s.. new. I know a little something about this, Fenrir guy. I won’t bore you with the overly exaggerated history lesson, but I will tell the where you can find the ‘material’ to beat this guy. With a price of course.”
“And what is that price, Nick?”
Suddenly, a group of men with the company of an Ogre surrounds Nick. They looked very angry and pissed at him, they meant business. Nick slightly tilts his head and turns towards the the group of pissed off men with a smirk on his face. He grabs the drink the bartenders slid down and sipped.
“NICK, YOU’RE NOT WORKING HERE NO MORE. NOW GET OUT OR ELSE!” One man said, Nick continued to drink until one brave but foolish man placed their hands on his shoulder and then is thrown into the bar by Nick.
A bar fight breaks out and Nick is left to fighting off the remainder of the men and Ogre.
Tez, asked Etan what they should do next, and the choices echoes through his head.
[Help Nick kick their ass]
[He looks like he’s got a hold of things.]
I actually wanted to post this yesterday, but I fell asleep. Google docs ftw. So far, I'm having Fenrir build himself back to his true self so that he can cause some additional trouble. He was divided into four pieces while his soul wondered. His, body, claws, wrath and will, once he gets those back, you may want to take cover. Questions about this chapter and other things? Ask
They've had rough lives cuz of dickhead men, I will leave it at that... But they're both adorable and strong for their age as well! XP
I will read it soon and let you know
Lol, the girl was freakishly strong... and she bites/scratches! XD
They don't really 'have' me. I just decided that I should supervise them and we started watching Up, I played on the boy's iPad (Temple Run lol) then we started wrestling, cuz me and the boy have known each other since he was like 7, and we used to wrestle then :P
Plus, an excuse to get closer and understand Peter; he reminded her so much of her late husband and this was a wonderful opportunity to get to know the man they called Peter Porgie.
If you have Snow get 'close' with Peter then I will kill you with my bare hands... Snow and Bigby ONLY dude >:D
Now Nick, you portrayed him well in this one, made use of his strength and a fraction of his powers. I also liked how he was in human form the whole time!
I didn't think that flute was necessary though, I expected Nick to just send a fireball or something along those lines in the direction of the vines. Nick does use weapons, but hand to hand is his staple, and magical weapons like that flute aren't really Nick's thing. He would rather use a simple sword or a gun to deal with a problem, rather than, say, the Sword of a Thousand Eyes... thank you @JJwolf for creating that sword
Nick leaving made me sad, I wanted him to stay at the house with them XP
Wolf community
"Where is aunt Gina and uncle Hans?" Katie glares at her watch. "They are late."
Lyla looks to the skies. "You know how… more your aunt and uncle are. Need to make it about THEM, God love those two...."
Standing out in an open field, Lyla, Malcom, Katie, Georgie, John and Jersey stood in anticipation to the final two people that would assist them in finding Carla and anything she was planning to send in either communitie's direction. Peter remaind at the Business Offic, working with Penkle to strum up any information to what Carla may have waiting in the shadows. Peter had a few theories; he noticed several pages missing in the book of spells and after contacting both his brother and Michelle, he was certain they were taken when Carla spent her days working as an intern in the office not that long ago.
This meant for years not, Carla confidentially created a deceitful conspiracy to destroy the very world they knew of. Sno… [view original content]
I actually came up with the sword; JJ just used it because he thought it was cool but we appreciate it either way. I'll make sure to add that next time, for he'll be back. They're not finished yet with the training.
I just threw that flute in there because the greeks used it a lot and seeing how we have emily turning into a goddess I thought why not, you know? But now I know. NO more flutes. lol
Now, the whole thing with Snow and Peter. They are NOT hooking up, I repeat-NOT hooking up. Peter never liked Snow andwith all that has happened, he's slowly warmed up to her; he does have half siblings and it wouldn't be fair to them. she loves him as one of her own.
Nah Nick and Hades be wanting to get out of there before Gremily takes another trip to Erotic city. XD XD
Thanks for the tag I guess :P
Plus, an excuse to get closer and understand Peter; he reminded her so much of her late husb… moreand and this was a wonderful opportunity to get to know the man they called Peter Porgie.
If you have Snow get 'close' with Peter then I will kill you with my bare hands... Snow and Bigby ONLY dude >:D
Now Nick, you portrayed him well in this one, made use of his strength and a fraction of his powers. I also liked how he was in human form the whole time!
I didn't think that flute was necessary though, I expected Nick to just send a fireball or something along those lines in the direction of the vines. Nick does use weapons, but hand to hand is his staple, and magical weapons like that flute aren't really Nick's thing. He would rather use a simple sword or a gun to deal with a problem, rather than, say, the Sword of a Thousand Eyes... thank you @JJwolf for creating that sword
Nick leav… [view original content]
OH SHIT!!! I KNOW WHAT THAT IS!!! You must read Creepypasta's right? The Rake is a scary ass thing, it sits at the end of your bed and stares at you...
For specifics, this is the intro to a film called Nosferatu the Vampyre, it was directed by Werner Herzog and released in 1979. The film is basically a remake of an old silent movie called Nosferatu, and this film's intro has been labelled as one of the scariest scenes in movie history...
Jonathan stood still, his body shaking from the change. He'd felt it coming for weeks, unable to tell exactly when, but he knew it would be … moresoon.
He hated himself. He wanted so badly to end it all, relieve himself of the pain he's caused to so many people.
Every time he changed, his parents' faces always stared back at him from beneath his eyelids. You killed us. It's your fault we're dead. You killed all those other innocent people. You killed the Rutley daughter. You did it. Why can't you control it?
"I don't know," He said aloud to himself. "I...I don't know how!" It'd escalated to a shout. "God help me! Give me strength! Give... Me.... The power....to overcome!" He shrieked in agony. His body flew forward and he nearly smacked into the inclined ceiling. He was in his attic; He'd been there since before sunrise. In the corner of the room was a sac filled with the debris he'd created in his fight against one of his number one enemi… [view original content]
Damn the Rake!? That is NOT who I thought Johnathan was but that's the fun part about these things! I looked it up myself to dust off the old cobwebs and yeah...there are the nightmares. XD For some reason I thought he was the Chupababra but, you know....lol XD
Mirah is one clever woman, I'll give her that. This scene reminds me of the mic with the cheese; they can smell it, they know its there and they scurry along trying to ind their way out. Mirah is playing games with these women and using it to her advantage. Belinda is a Witch. 0thinks back to the stories- ANNNNNNNND there goes my brain again with the theories. XD XD For some reaso, I feel like the daughter was never killed...again, theory.
This is great! I love this and FINALLY had a chance to read it! Also, I can relate to the procrastination of homework and what not. ^^
Jonathan stood still, his body shaking from the change. He'd felt it coming for weeks, unable to tell exactly when, but he knew it would be … moresoon.
He hated himself. He wanted so badly to end it all, relieve himself of the pain he's caused to so many people.
Every time he changed, his parents' faces always stared back at him from beneath his eyelids. You killed us. It's your fault we're dead. You killed all those other innocent people. You killed the Rutley daughter. You did it. Why can't you control it?
"I don't know," He said aloud to himself. "I...I don't know how!" It'd escalated to a shout. "God help me! Give me strength! Give... Me.... The power....to overcome!" He shrieked in agony. His body flew forward and he nearly smacked into the inclined ceiling. He was in his attic; He'd been there since before sunrise. In the corner of the room was a sac filled with the debris he'd created in his fight against one of his number one enemi… [view original content]
[Tell what you seen]
The Body and Claws of Fenrir
Connor told his father that he seen a giant outside, his father could he was telling… more the truth so he deciding to investigate outside.
“Stay here son, this won’t take long.” Bigby told his son while leaving out the door. He closed the door and began to observe, using his senses. He couldn't pick up any out of the ordinary smells or hear anyone heartbeats other than his own. But he knew there was something out there, watching him.
“Come on out, now. I’m already pissed, and you aren’t making this better for yourself.”
A small cloud of darkness began to descend down in front of him and a head of a wolf began to form. Bigby scene some strange things in his life but never before have he seen anything like this. A voice began to slowly mumble something in an ominous voice while creeping close to him.
“You would have to do. Consider this payback for what your father did to me, Bigby … [view original content]
LOL Man, I can't do nothing right these days. lol
I actually came up with the sword; JJ just used it because he thought it was cool but w… moree appreciate it either way. I'll make sure to add that next time, for he'll be back. They're not finished yet with the training.
I just threw that flute in there because the greeks used it a lot and seeing how we have emily turning into a goddess I thought why not, you know? But now I know. NO more flutes. lol
Now, the whole thing with Snow and Peter. They are NOT hooking up, I repeat-NOT hooking up. Peter never liked Snow andwith all that has happened, he's slowly warmed up to her; he does have half siblings and it wouldn't be fair to them. she loves him as one of her own.
Nah Nick and Hades be wanting to get out of there before Gremily takes another trip to Erotic city. XD XD
Thanks, man.
Well, Fenrir you evil man you...that escalated quickly! Bigby was gone just like that; Kieorn has become the Nick Fury to this tale and WTF just happened with Emily!? -falls to ground- NOOOOOO! NOT GREMILY!! Least Dixa was there to find Gren and carry him back. Gremily owe Dixa a cookie, @LupineNoir XD
T man and Etan should help Nick kick some ass! >:D Wanna see everyone in action, man! Fenrir needs an ass whoopin' now!
[Tell what you seen]
The Body and Claws of Fenrir
Connor told his father that he seen a giant outside, his father could he was telling… more the truth so he deciding to investigate outside.
“Stay here son, this won’t take long.” Bigby told his son while leaving out the door. He closed the door and began to observe, using his senses. He couldn't pick up any out of the ordinary smells or hear anyone heartbeats other than his own. But he knew there was something out there, watching him.
“Come on out, now. I’m already pissed, and you aren’t making this better for yourself.”
A small cloud of darkness began to descend down in front of him and a head of a wolf began to form. Bigby scene some strange things in his life but never before have he seen anything like this. A voice began to slowly mumble something in an ominous voice while creeping close to him.
“You would have to do. Consider this payback for what your father did to me, Bigby … [view original content]
Haha, JJ! -sticks out tongue- JK JK It was pretty awesome. I too want one of those swords. I'll make sure to have THAT when he encounters Gremily again. And viviana...
Nick is going to teach Viviana a little 'trick' and she's going to bring him back for the War. This will give Peter and Bigby a better chance to grow together as father and son because Bigby is going to teach Peter a hard lesson about family....
Oh Nick! XD Gremily are going to need to check the shadows now for you. lol
Don't be so hard on yourself
Ok then @pudding_pie thank you for creating that sword, @JJwolf your creative license on that sword has bee… moren revoked...
Lol, it was a cool flute don't get me wrong :P
Good... So when were you gonna resurrect Bigby? XD
Nick would watch them in the shadows... You know... O.o
I think you mean all Winter XD.
If you do not get it, I live in the Southern Hemisphere.
Bad joke, I know
I know you would...I believe you....Freakin throw Gren in there, too! XD XD
These comments of a sexy nature have caught my attention.
All I need now is to find the popcorn and sit back.
Wolf community
"Where is aunt Gina and uncle Hans?" Katie glares at her watch. "They are late."
Lyla looks to the skies. "You know how your aunt and uncle are. Need to make it about THEM, God love those two...."
Standing out in an open field, Lyla, Malcom, Katie, Georgie, John and Jersey stood in anticipation to the final two people that would assist them in finding Carla and anything she was planning to send in either communitie's direction. Peter remaind at the Business Offic, working with Penkle to strum up any information to what Carla may have waiting in the shadows. Peter had a few theories; he noticed several pages missing in the book of spells and after contacting both his brother and Michelle, he was certain they were taken when Carla spent her days working as an intern in the office not that long ago.
This meant for years not, Carla confidentially created a deceitful conspiracy to destroy the very world they knew of. Snow White, although away from the office for years after her marriage and children, still offered her assistance in any way. The way she saw it, this WAS her town. Plus, an excuse to get closer and understand Peter; he reminded her so much of her late husband and this was a wonderful opportunity to get to know the man they called Peter Porgie.
Georgie and John continued to smoke their cigarettes. Both men, one hand in their pockets, examined one another. Not too long ago, John felt hostile towards the former pimp and could not swallow the thought of his youngest daughter connected to him. The man had a reputation from here until the ends of the world; he could never fully understand the motives behind fates and their twisted way of bringing people together but after the battle with the Folker community and Georgie remaining loyal to the cause, John had a new view and respect for the man. Georgie, in return, would do everything he could to protect his family.
What Carla did not know, however, was their own secret method and he was currently smoking a cigarette and layered in tattoos.
Katie and Malcom managed to discover one thing Carla did not get her hands on. Lyla was not too sure; sending her husband into a place he had not been in years was asking for trouble. John and Malcom assured the concerned wife Georgie was safe. Katie demonstrated their plan one night and after some deep, heartfelt conversations with Georgie, she agreed. This was for her family; Emily and Gren were training for the war as it was and that alone caused Lyla nerves and many sleepless nights. They just needed Gina and Hans.
From the distance, a tiny aircraft grew closer to the huddled group. The noise echoed through the fields and skies. Sheilding his eyes, Jersey nods and points to Malcom.
"There they are, big guy. Get ready..."
Malcom takes out two red flags and furiously waves them. The plane circles twice before two figures leap from the plane. Their parachutes a bold orange graces the sky and carefully make their way to the ground. Lyla and Katie make their way over to the twi individuals; the men follow as Jersey takes to the skies. Gina unbuckles the straps to her helmet. Her long, auburn hair pulled back into a tightly compressed bun. Hans, dropping his to the ground, shakes for a few seconds and looks out to all the worried faces. Removing her parachute, Gina glances at her sister.
"Sorry we're late. The pilot took us to the other side of the community."
"Not a problem, Gina." Lyla embraces her sister. "God, its so good to see you."
"See Carla finally joined the bandwagon in the 'Let's murder my family'. Damn. I knew Mary was a nut but not Carla."
"I blame myself for the outcome for your sisters." John tosses his end onto the ground. "I know you and the others assure me they made their own decisions, thus digging their very own graves the moment the joined that side of life. But I can't help but think because of MY beliefs and ways I taught you girls, they took every word to heart and made a promise to fulfill those words one day."
"That's fookin' bullshit." Georgie spits on the ground, nearly hitting a passing bug. "Ya' can't go blamin' ya'self fa' woot those girls went a did. Trust me. It's kick ta' ya' pride but in the end, they knew woot was goin' on..."
"I actually agree with Big Ben over there." Gina chuckles, patting Georgie on the shoulder. "To be honest, dad, I'd stop with the pity party and all come to an agreement that this needs to be dealt with. I've mourned the loss of my sister Mary and although she grew vile and became nothing
but a pimple on this family's back side, she was STILL my sibling. Carla, however, has taken off with no consideration to others. She's after Emily, using her own children as weapons and created a war we had no idea was in the works. She NEEDS to be stopped. Now...."
"I never said she didn't need to be, Gina." John sighs, adjusting his coat. "I'm just having a difficult time knowing two of my children became..."
Lyla holds her father close, gently rubbing his back. "It's okay, daddy. That's enough discussion about that. You and mom were nothing but caring and loving parents. We will take care of this. Together, like a family. Emily and Gren are preparing as we have our own secret weapon Carla did not take into consideration."
John looks up at Georgie. "You...you sure you're alright with this?"
Georgie cracks a smile. "Ya' know it, big guy."
Hans joins his former boss. Hans privately used to look up to Georgie as a stern, father figure. He KNEW the Georgie so little had the chance to see with their own eyes. Wrapping his trunk like arms around Georgie, he lifts the tiny built man into the air and pulls Georgie close.
"Well, Gina and I are prepared for any action and service we may give to you kind folks. Tell us the plan and we'll deliver."
Jersey lands beside his wife; she hands him a folder and the massive cryptid walks over, growls and places the millennium folder in Hans' hands. He flips through the plan, shows Gina and the couple nod.
"Fantastic." Katie points to her car. "Let's get this ball rolling. Who's up for some lunch at my place?"
"FUUUCK!" Gren slams into a nearby tree. The collision causes the ground to move, tree to bend and several boulder to leap into the air. Nick stood his ground, however and prepared for the next move. Like time before, Emily sends an arrow towards the man's neck. The others glanced and casually watched the towering man stick out his hand and snatch the arrow. Like a twig, he snaps the item in his hands. The pieces fall to the ground like a light snow storm drifting across the lands. Vines march his direction, flying from her body and hands alike. Venus plants emrge from the ground; their knife like teeth glare in the sun, their long tongues reaching for their prey and thick stems covered in thorns prepared to stick their enemy. On command, Emily shrieks for the plants to attack Nick and defend Grendel.
Again, Nick remains still and does not move an inch. Meanwhile, Hades, with Isaiah's help, began the teachings on the four Grendel children. Isaiah looked over, however and could not help but feel a bit of sympathy for his brother. Groaning, Gren kneels to the ground and attempts to stand. As the creature struggles to walk on his own feet, Nick extends his hands out and creates a single item. A flute. The item appears normal until Nick clutches it in his mighty hands. Pressing the musical intrusment to his lips, he blows a rather daunting tune that cause Emily's commrades to collaspe, squawking and thrashing into the dirt. Emily scans her fallen soilders and prepares to hit Nick with another arrow. She could feel the anger growing within herself.
Nick tosses the flute into the air and moments later, its gone. "You continue to do this, Emily and you'll recieve the SAME thing. Certainty is what will make your attacks more potent and less noticeable."
"Ya' keep SAYIN' that shit, Nick!" Emily grinds her teeth, black eyes watching Nick. "WOOT do ya' need us to do...stop playin' games 'ere!"
"Who is playing, Emily?" Nick walks in circles slowly around Emily. "There is no time to think. Time is NOT your friend. It changes, like the winds past. But Death...it will always be there and remain as a part of our very lives. When you thought your son was in danger. Grendel just now. Your daughters...you need to take that emotion and bring it in here." He taps Emily's chest. "The mind is a solid instrument but your heart...it will always change, like time. You must listen to these words. Now....again. THINK certainty."
Emily was terrified as Nick stood before her. She was panting heavily. Glancing over, Gren remained in true form. Growing closer to his wife, Emily nods and prepares for the lesson.
"Alright, Nick. Elaborate fa' us...."
Nick looks at Hades. "How are they coming along with their part of the training?"
Gren huffs, lofting above Nick. "WHY are my children participating in this fucking bullshit? They are JUST kids..."
"Your enemy will attack everything and anything. Obviously this one does not care, for she murdered her own sister and possibly her son. Knowing you have valuable possesions in your life, she strike for those first...."
Gren slowly backs into the arms of Emily. She gently strokes his face. "Love, stop. Please..."
Gren pins his lips to Emily's ear. "I don't know about this, Ems." Gren whispers. "I fuckin' don't like the way these assholes are speaking to me OR you..."
"Listen ta' me, Gren. Our fuckin' family is in danger and I don't know when Carla will hit us again. We need ta' learn as much as we fookin' can."
Gren leaves a wet kisses before glancing over at his children. He noticed Isaiah paying close attention to his son; Liam, flustered with his missing arm, carefully open his palm to try and channel his inner powers. Viviana, Chloe and Seraphina were capable of turning on and off like faucets in the bathroom. Each girl had their specific place for this war: they were to stay in a group and not matter what, defend one another from Carla or anyone looking to harm them. Seraphina's plant manipulation was that of her grandmothers.
With a single twing of her finger, the Gren look-alike was able to summon many plants, trees, vines and grass sharp as knives to poke through the ground and obey on her command. Viviana, upon Hades' discovery, had the ability to form Dark Winds. Emily and Gren would later know these were no ordinary winds; they worked with the supernatural, called to the spirits and could deconstruct any weapon or armor. It did not just blow wind like a gust of wind but worked as a vaccum. Hades himself wanted to work on this with Viviana and teach her to use it properly without killing innocent civilians.
With Viviana's powers close to the Underworld and Chloe attatched to her sister, they created a duo among their powers. Chloe used shadows to sneak around undetected and summon the darkness for her soilders. Chloe mimiced the shadows and all that surrounded her. Only problem was, any strand of light caused the little girl severe pain and find the nearest location with black to gain her lost slice of power. Both Nick and Hades wanted her to learn HOW to use the light's resources for her own ability. Liam, however, was having a difficult time with his.
He was able to use water as a sourse of protection. Hades tried to show him methods to controlling the water and creating useful tools and weapons to assist in should the children need to protect. Liam crafted shackles out of water but nothing more. All the other formations created became a blob of water and a mess within seconds.
Frustrated, Liam kicks the mailbox. "What am I doing WRONG, Hades and Nick?"
Nick scratches his chin and examines Liam's arm. "You need to focus more on what you CAN do. Not what you WANT to. It's very easy for someone to get caught up and bask in the glory of their powers but you must not do this, Liam. It can mean life or death in a serious situation. For example, your mother-"
Nick sends a dark cloud at Emily and within seconds, envelops her in a thick blanket of black, ash and whirlwinds. The mysterious black surrounds her entire body; screams of anguish and pity soon fill the air and Gren, prepared as always, glares at Nick, ready to charge. Nick smiles; the beast grunts behind him like a Bull eager to lunge forward and pierce his target with his mighty horns. Gren wanted desperatly to sink his teeth in both Nick and Hades' neck but before a single muscle moves, vines swat away the cloud and bellowing screams. Emily, struggling to move, notices Nick standing a few feet away, beckoning for the young woman to make her move.
"Oh come now, Emily dear. I know you have more fight then this. I witnessed you break a woman's nose just by looking at you the wrong way..."
Emily pulls her arrow back and releases. The bow growing from her palms glows a neon green, casscading off her body and into the flyig object heading in Nick's direction. Thorns and Ivy leaves tangle along the arrow, sending a vine directly into Nick's arm. Although it stung, Nick once more pulls the item out and crushes it with his bare hands.
"You fookin' prick." Emily wipes her mouth and pulls out another arrow. "Ya' wanna see fookin' pissed, ya' gunna GET pissed...."
Nick chuckles, taunting the young woman. "Then show me, Emily. SHOW us you and Gren can channel those inners feelings and thoughts that will fuel your abilities to phenomenal preportions. I want your enemies to be BEGGING for mercy when they see either of your or the children. Come at me! Right now!"
Emily leaps into the air and sends three more arrows. Although frustrated and tired, this was still not enough for her power to truly shine through. It was not until Nick glanced over at Hades, nodding once and beamed. Without a single word, Hades grabs Viviana's ribbon and pulls. Everyone knew without the ribbon secured around her neck, the little girl's soul was up for the taking. The second the purple material touched the ground, both Emily and Gren were fit to be tied.
Even her own guardian Vivian began to show the two men her powers; a light blue outline of her body appeared beside Emily and began to glow a crimson red. Hades commands Viviana to follow, snatches Chloe and heads for an opened portal. Without a word, Nick takes Seraphina and Liam into his mighty arms. By now, all Fables present that day erupted in a chaotic group: Sunflower chased after Nick, unsure of this mysterious man's plan, Isaiah and Thomas tried desperatly to remain calm; although angry with Gren, Robert was willing to battle these men to protect his neices and nephew and the two guardians, ready for a battle, geared up to use good against evil.
But the two that were seeing red and claiming victorious, were Gren and Emily. Gren charges after Hades and while sitting on his shoulders, weilds her bow. Emily sends three more arrows. This time, the item screeches into the afternoon air and flies past the others. They bury themselves in Hades' arm and Chloe is released and tumbles to the ground. Viviana pauses to collect her sister within her powerful jaws and places Chloe beneath a shady tree.
"Thanks Vivi." Chloe scratches her sister's chin. "That was so cool!"
Seraphina began to plea and call out to her parents. Nick could feel the vexation pouring off of both Emily and Gren's face. Roaring into the heavens, Gren tilts is head back and without another word, Emily leaps forward and sends one final arrow.
"Ya' wanna see PISSED Nick?!" Grinning, Emily releases the arrow. "Well, 'ere ya' go, ya' son-of-a-bitch...."
A wall of roots and vines causes Nick to stop in his tracks. Opening his mouth, Nick releases a green toxic chemical that immediatly penetrate through the wall of plants. He did not, however, take into consideration of who was waiting behind the wall. Nick notices Gren glaring down; a massive clawed hands peels back and slams into Nick's body. Seraphina goes to the right; summoning a tree, the little girl is caught by one of the branches and uses her other hand to call a vine to snatch her brother, now heading for the lake. With Gren's earth powers, his collide with Emily's and the pair begin their final steps. The arrow finally catches Nick in the arm; it burns for a few seconds before wrapping itself around his bicep and torso.
Struggling to free, Nick rolls on the ground to avoid Gren. However, Emily calls several more vines. They grow from the ground and climb around Nick's neck. Gren closes his eyes and camaflouges with the leaves and vines. Sneaking around his wife, Gren opens up both palms and releases a toxic pollen. The clouds of spores surround Nick's face, causing Mushrooms to rapidly grow and cover his body.
"Holy shit, dude..." Isaiah and Robert watch their younger brother take on Nick.
With one final move, Emily encloses Nick in a forest of trees. Panting, Emily kneels to the ground; a slight pool of blood forms from her nostrils, as Gren slowly returns to his human form. He tumbles beside Emily, covering his face and tries to understand what just happend. Emily looks up at Isaiah. Before she said a word, he knew what to do. Sending a fire storm in the forest's direction, he covers Nick's tomb with a golden field and before long, Nick emerges from the green. Dusting himself off, he beams at both Gren ad Emily.
"Well, that wasn't so hard, now was it..."
"Ya' were gunna take my fookin' kids, ya' monsta'! All of ya'!"
"Hades and I were mearely tapping into your parental state of mind. By THINKING we were going to harm your children, both you AND Gren stepped up and used your full potential. It's called Legitimate thinking. This is a biological function you humans are all born with. Its a automatic human instinctive behavior to protect one's child if they feel there is danger. This is what allows us to survive on this planet. It's CERTAINTY. Now, what happened JUST now between you two, needs to happen EVERY time. You must use that behavior an construct your final step: realistic dreaming."
"Oh come on, Nick." Gren sits up. "How the fuck is that going to pull this together?"
"Easy, my swamp friend. Realistic dreaming is when a person experiences a threat mentally and can confront and overcome a real life threat. You both thought your children were in trouble. You both dwelled inside your mind and found the rage needed to confront both me AND Hades to protect your offspring. You THOUGHT they were danger. When you THINK, you act. Combine this with both certainty AND legitimate memory and you got yourself the perfect lighter fluid to get you two going...."
Hades holds up his hand. "That shall be enough for today. Tomorrow, we'll work on it some more with both you two and the children."
Nick and Hades bid fairwell to their onlookersand without a word, enter a nearby portal to their worlds. The children gather around their parents, examing the many vines still escaping their body.
"Mommy...daddy..." Seraphina pokes Gren's arm. "Are...are you two alright?"
Each parent gathers the children into their arms and holds close. "Neva' betta', my babies...mommy and daddy are going ta' be just fine. Say, wanna get cleaned up and go ta' the park?"
All four kids cheer, as Emily pulls Gren up. "Come on, big guy. Ya' too...."
Gren smiles, standing up and dusting himself down. "Damn. That was hot. You looked good all protective annd shit..."
Emily kisses Gren, as the couple head towards their home. "Ya' too, love....Ya' hungry?"
Any questions, you know the drill. Remembered this time, @HazzatheMan XD
Oh did I miss something in regards to Wonderland? Or, is this part of Kieron's vissions sent on by Nyx possibly? I think him taking a job in the mundy world is a risk but latelty, Kieron is coming off as that guy that takesthese sort of risks as a a precaution of sorts. It would be a smart move, blending into the mundane world and all. XD
Makoto is a badass, too and not surprised his son has taken on such a huge roll; wonder how this will play out in the Wonderland dream sequence. Waiting to see how all this ties into Alice ad the current situation, although I still hold onto my theories.
Can't wait for more here and yes: wonder, too, how Kieron will be portrayed in Stone's story.
The training session's methods actually are quite believable.
The mental and psycological methods employed by nick do fit into real psycology. I must ask, what knowledge do you have of the science?
Oh no I haven't posted something new about the main story, actually this chapter has no tie to wonderland except for a brief mention of the aftermath of it by Makoto. This was solely written as a notice that the Kieron in Stones story is based off of who Kieron really is after his story is told.
I wish it was a vision that Nyx gave him sadly though at this point everything is set in stone for Kieron.
Kieron does whatever needs to be done to get to the ultimate goal no matter how harsh he has to be and how risky it would be, so blending in with Mundies so close he will do and he will blend in perfectly. 
His son will also have a grand adventure when his time comes! The main story will unfold to show how Kieron went from such a happy man full of life to this cold and harsh Kieron.
Although I won't touch base with this Kieron until I finish his main story, this Kieron will be apart of Stone's Fable Avengers!
@HazzatheMan yeah I know! XD Dem Porgie girls are beautiful, yes but the boys....man. Like a buffet going on there, Pie!
@pudding_pie I'd take Gren to the moon and back, tbh. :P I sent you a PM. Think you'll get a kick out of WHAT I'd do. lol
By Stones story, you mean Fable Avengers right?
We'll find out what happened won't we!! XP
Fair enough...
When Pie finishes my Nick pic (lol) you can decide who your go-to man is XD
Wow. This was really detailed, intense and had me wanting to participate in training to also destroy Carla! >:D
I loved the beginning for many reasons. I love the idea that EVERYONE-not just hping for Gren and Emily-are coming together as a family to protect not only the time but one another. Knowing Lyla and Georgie are willing to put themselves on the line makes me love them even more. Speaking of Georgie:
This has many questions brewing in my head, considering Georgie does not change into anything and posesses no powers at all. So, I'm wondering if they are wither going to give him something magical that will aide in their defense or there is something you're not telling us about Georgie Porgie that he's had hidden for years. It obviously has to do with his past, considering Lyla worried when he went 'back' there....you know...that awful, awful place?
I'm actually looking forward now to this idea!
Hans and Gina too are badass, arriving to their location as such.
Can't wait to tap into them, too. They've been in the back for sometime as well.
Now, onto the training session. There are too many wonderful parts to this story, so I won't quote like I normally do, seeing as I'd be retelling the story in my comment. XD I love the way Nick is portrayed in this story and hopefully Hman is, too. That flute was interesting as well. I felt sorry for both Gre and Emily because you can tell they are trying so hard to listen and take in these words of advice.
Scary knowing the kids need to prepare as well but it makes sense. I still adore Seraphina but damn: Viviana and Chloe are bad ass little girls! I'm loving Viviana's power, btw. But my poor little Liam.
I wanted to craddle him in my arms and tell him its going to be alright. I hope he just shows EVERYONE off and prove to them he is strong! >:D
Oh Robert. I was honestly waiting for him to try and cop a field with Emily...:(
I loved the method Nick and Hades did use to trigger the certainty inside of them both. Also, damn: the way you made Nick describe all that was wonderful and made me wish to know more. I too want to know if you've ever taken any Psychology courses; the realistic dream was very interesting, as was the legitimate one. I can see WHY they'd need to learn these.
I hope these 6 just go to the park and forget Carla for one day....HATE that woman now, pie! >:( This was wonderful and I look forward to more. Also, don't get made but I wanted to ask. I noticed a black binder and this was in it:
What is this!? XD I like it! Again, sorry but I had to!
Although it won't be particularly good.
Also I'm glad you said no sparkly ones, not tryinv to bash Twilight, but they made a mockery of the vampire name!
Excellent example of Kieron's leadership. He will be the ideal general in Etan's small army.
Lol, she's was nothing like her , though there was a time she was in severe doubt of herself.
You're right on that, Stone! Twilight pretty much did. Twilight also give inspiration for tv shows like The Vampire Diaries, to which I believe nobody really asked for either.
Tell another bad joke again and you will perish!
(kidding, kidding XD)
I'm right there with ya, JJ! Both make me melt just looking at them!
Oh okay! :P I thought this had to do with the Wonderland story and Kieron was having his moment during all the chaos back home. Thank you for the clarification. None the less, this was still and interesting read and you're really giving these characters an outlook on everything.
Oh awesome to hear that, man. I really wanted to detail that part.
Nick comes off as one of those guys that uses a lot of mind game but to his advantage. I took some courses in my Freshman year of college but that was it.
The mind fascinates me.
I was wondering WTF you were doing with the binder. XD This is something silly I drew for my girl; its set in the 1700's and Lyla is meeting Georgie for the first time, as you can tell.
Glad you liked the story, too. Be prepared for the next one....:(
... Yeah I guess so :P
I read that PM, JJ. EWW! XD LOL And what a GREAT message to read early in the morning! lol
Oh dear God what have I done! XD You and Emmy are too adorable right now with your boy talks! XP
No problem man! Glad you liked it! Maybe I'll do something like this with Azaria and Alice when the main story is finished
Oh shit was I right?! Just by reading and how you've described him, Nick does come off as that way!
I haven't read the chapter yet! :P
My Mum had a friend over with her 2 children (boy and a girl, 13 and 7 respectively) So I was playing with them for a good hour or so, gotta keep em' entertained so it was wrestling all the way! XD
I will read it before the day is over...
Oh of course, man! Gotta keep them buggers happy and out of trouble! XD
I think I did a bit better this time with Nick.
They've had rough lives cuz of dickhead men, I will leave it at that... But they're both adorable and strong for their age as well! XP
I will read it soon and let you know
Jonathan stood still, his body shaking from the change. He'd felt it coming for weeks, unable to tell exactly when, but he knew it would be soon.
He hated himself. He wanted so badly to end it all, relieve himself of the pain he's caused to so many people.
Every time he changed, his parents' faces always stared back at him from beneath his eyelids. You killed us. It's your fault we're dead. You killed all those other innocent people. You killed the Rutley daughter. You did it. Why can't you control it?
"I don't know," He said aloud to himself. "I...I don't know how!" It'd escalated to a shout. "God help me! Give me strength! Give... Me.... The power....to overcome!" He shrieked in agony. His body flew forward and he nearly smacked into the inclined ceiling. He was in his attic; He'd been there since before sunrise. In the corner of the room was a sac filled with the debris he'd created in his fight against one of his number one enemies.
Mirah. There was no doubt the vampire would be back tonight - or even today - to fetch his....his Belinda. She was his, wasn't she? There hadn't been enough time to establish a connection. He loved her more than any other person he'd ever met. That much was true. Did she really mean it back though? She must have. She must have.
"Gah!" He shouted. "Make the pain stop!"
No one could hear him. No one but himself. This is what his life was comprised of. Forever, he would be lonely. Forever he would be in pain. Forever he would be an evil being on the inside, and forever that evil would overshadow the good in him. He wept, his body changing from man to beast, a sickly looking dark colored creature with tar for skin, slender legs and arms, black holes for eyes. His teeth were razor sharp, his voice changed from normal to menacing. He was a monster, and nothing less.
He was The Rake.
Belinda had been unconscious for many hours. When she came to, she was in an unfamiliar dank space. The wall behind her was damp and there were no windows. The floor was made of stone, and it was pitch black all around her. She would have thought she was alone, had she not heard the weeping sounds that Sophie was making across the room.
"What...happened?" She said slowly. "Sophie? Sophie, are you okay?"
She didn't articulate. Her sobs were constant and flowing. There was nothing she could say. Belinda's heart rate increased significantly. She couldn't be trapped here, could she?
The ring. The ring. She felt around her ring finger, and it was there. When had it got there? Who put it there?
It was like he knew she'd need it more than he would.
Jonathan. He must have slipped it on before he left in the night. She felt it's metal against her skin, familiar once more, it's pattern of etched swirls on it's rim a reminder of it's magical power. Did Mirah see it? Wasn't this the reason the vampiress wanted her?
She began to shake the shackles that bound her arms. She heard the chains rattling, and tried her best to stay as quiet as possible. She got to her knees hastily, seeing how far she could go before being restricted.
"Sophie-" She began, though nearly stumbled as she shimmied over. "Sophie, you have to listen to me. We probably don't have a long time-" Belinda reached out and felt Sophie's foot, but was immediately kicked off.
"No!" She yelled. "Don't touch me!"
Anguished, Belinda retracted her hand and stood on her knees for a moment, trying to get used to the darkness, but there was not enough light in the room to do so. She sat back some, unable to go any further, and began racking her brain to think of some way she could get out.
If only she remembered the spell phrase that activated the ring. She remembered a number of things the witch had told her about it, and how it only worked for short amounts of time before it 'turned off'.
She thought long and hard, recounting every last word the woman had said to her.
"Be careful with it. Hold it dear to yourself. You've helped me, and this is the favor I repay you with. This ring keeps evil from overcoming you. It helps you when you need it most. The activation phrase is...."
The activation phrase...
The activation phrase...
The cave echoed her words over and over, and at first, she thought that it hadn't worked. That she'd said the words wrong. But no, the ring began to glow like a torch. She caught a gasp in the back of her throat as it lit the area around her enough for her to see. It wasn't so much a cave, but an underground area. Catacombs. She stifled another gasp as she could make out the dozens of human skulls and bones that lined some of the walls, and prayed thanks to God that she hadn't been leaning against one of those walls, but a plain brick one.
Sophie had upturned her head briefly, her face filled with confusion. It was then that Belinda had noticed why her friend was crying; Sophie had a fresh welting scar across her face, splitting diagonal over her nose and cheek. It was nasty and shocking to look at, and Belinda had to do all she could to hold her grief for Sophie in.
"Sophie," She said, with finality in her voice. "Sophie, we need to get out of here. Do you understand? We need to find a way out."
She just nodded. Belinda shook the shackles once more, and dragged her ringed finger over the metal hastily. It melted all around it away, freeing Belinda of her own chains as if it were cutting through butter. The power would only last a short time though, so she had to be quick. She freed Sophie next, and used the remaining light of her ring to guide them to an exit.
"Belinda," Sophie uttered, her first words since their attempt to escape. "We're in Paris. We're in the catacombs. I-" They nearly tripped over stray bones, but the further they walked the brighter things seemed to get. They'd found lit areas, with torchlight and even daylight seeping through. That day light was an afternoon glow, however, which meant that night would envelope it sooner rather than later.
"This way," Belinda urged. She led Sophie down a long expansing corridor, one then ended with a staircase going upward. They began to sprint, their ragged skirts flowing around their ankles and wind tearing through their hair. She held Sophie's wrist with all her strength, afraid of loosing her in the dust.
But then, Mirah stood at the end of the tunnel. A short gasp escaped both women as they stopped short, trying their best not to run into their captor. Mirah was standing perfectly still, her long flowing hair over both shoulders as she smiled wryly.
"You thought it was that easy, didn't ya?"
Dun dun dun! Again! This is all I can do for now, gotta go places and see things ^-^ Hope you are all having wonderful Sundays! I have to go back to school tomorrow
Tis the end of my break. Oh well, it was a very nice break if I do say so myself
Part of me actually WANTS to go back to school. But most of me does not XD
-cough- I also gotta go finish my french project before tomorrow >.>
[Tell what you seen]
The Body and Claws of Fenrir
Connor told his father that he seen a giant outside, his father could he was telling the truth so he deciding to investigate outside.
“Stay here son, this won’t take long.” Bigby told his son while leaving out the door. He closed the door and began to observe, using his senses. He couldn't pick up any out of the ordinary smells or hear anyone heartbeats other than his own. But he knew there was something out there, watching him.
“Come on out, now. I’m already pissed, and you aren’t making this better for yourself.”
A small cloud of darkness began to descend down in front of him and a head of a wolf began to form. Bigby scene some strange things in his life but never before have he seen anything like this. A voice began to slowly mumble something in an ominous voice while creeping close to him.
“You would have to do. Consider this payback for what your father did to me, Bigby Wolf.”
The dark began to swirl around Bigby’s creating burning crackling sounds. Bigby tries to get away and blow the cloud away, but the cloud again keeps coming back for more. He then attempts to transform but the cloud of darkness finally consumes him entirely. He tries to escape but is no use, he’s been completely absorb.
From the cloud, a man emerges, not Bigby someone completely different. About six feet tall, dark hair, azure eyes and appears to be in his mid fifties. He observes his new body and begins to crack his knuckles and takes in a long deep breath of air and exhales.
“Ahh yes, all this time I could used you Bigby as my body. If only I knew, but no matter. I need to find my claws, my wrath and my will in order for me to be, effective… I think I should visit Fabletown, maybe I’ll find my claws there.”
As the man, well Fenrir prepares to leaves. He nearly forgets that people will suspect Bigby is gone. By snapping his fingers, he creates an exact replica of him, but under his control. He orders the doppelganger to act and live exactly like Bigby, giving him some of his power so it may be able to transform like the real thing. He now sets off to Fabletown to find, his claws.
Avengers Headquarters
Etan research on his grandfather, Fenrir has gone nicely so far. He learned something new about him and how he was split into four pieces and separated from his soul. He feels confident about finding that material and stopping Fenrir but something seems off to him. Since Fenrir was split into four, why has it taken him so long to put himself back together, it’s all so confusing to him, so he closes the book for now and heads to the war room.
He enters the room and is greeted by Kieron, the general of this small brigade.
“Greetings sir, still no news from your father and uncle on their scouting mission.” Kieron said with walking alongside Etan towards the magic pot where they could see every corner of the Homelands.
“I don’t understand why they taking so long. They are part of him so you would think they would of found him by now. Sheesh. We need to find that material for when the time comes. Kieron, you're in charge until me and Tezoth gets back, I need to visit someone.”
“Yes sir.”
Back at Fabletown
Gremily were making their way home from the movies when their paths was blocked by the man who would appeared to be Fenrir. He to tips his fedora and introduce himself to the pair in a dapper manner.
“Excuse me, sir and madame. You have something of mine, something I longed for centuries.”
“Fuck off freak, before I’ll beat you into the ground.” Gren as he step in front of Emily protecting her from Fenrir.
Fenrir’s burned his hat with blue flames then tossed the ashes aside.
“I wasn’t asking.” while approaching Gren.
Emily see’s Gren transforming, she tries to stop him but is grabbed by something and dragged away.
He watches his beloved Emily disappear, then faces Fenrir and picks him up and begins to strangle him. He places his powerful Grendel hands around him and squeezes tighter and tighter, but instead of him gasping for air Fenrir laughs and grows sharp claws and slashes Gren’s throat. He falls to the ground hounding his neck to keep the blood from spilling out. Fenrir begins to lick his claws and walks away.
“I can feel myself returning to my true self. Two down, two to go.
As Fenrir leaves Gren continues to bleed out on the pavement. All he could think of is Emily his dear sweet Emily. Lucky for him Dixa, a Yeti finds Gren and using her Yeti strength carries him back so that his injury could be treated. It was a good thing it was nightfall, or everyone would of saw a Yeti carrying a Grendel and that would surely create a fuss.
Meanwhile, A Pub somewhere in the Homelands.
Etan and Tezoth arrive at the pub where they will find the man who could help them. They enter the bar and with all the loudness bouncing across their eardrums. Etan looks around and points over towards the big Scottish man by the bar having a few drinks.
“There he is” Etan said, then the two walked over by the bar.
The man noticed them when they entered. He took another drink and slammed his cup down on the counter and ordered up another.
“What you jackasses want?” The man asked.
“Nick right? My name is Etan, this is Tezoth and we came here today for information, that you may harbour.” Etan as he orders up a drink for himself.
Nick turns to Etan and asking him that he know a lot of things, he’s been around for a long time and his information isn't free.
“So you won’t to take out your old man’s old man. That’s.. new. I know a little something about this, Fenrir guy. I won’t bore you with the overly exaggerated history lesson, but I will tell the where you can find the ‘material’ to beat this guy. With a price of course.”
“And what is that price, Nick?”
Suddenly, a group of men with the company of an Ogre surrounds Nick. They looked very angry and pissed at him, they meant business. Nick slightly tilts his head and turns towards the the group of pissed off men with a smirk on his face. He grabs the drink the bartenders slid down and sipped.
“NICK, YOU’RE NOT WORKING HERE NO MORE. NOW GET OUT OR ELSE!” One man said, Nick continued to drink until one brave but foolish man placed their hands on his shoulder and then is thrown into the bar by Nick.
A bar fight breaks out and Nick is left to fighting off the remainder of the men and Ogre.
Tez, asked Etan what they should do next, and the choices echoes through his head.
[Help Nick kick their ass]
[He looks like he’s got a hold of things.]
I actually wanted to post this yesterday, but I fell asleep. Google docs ftw. So far, I'm having Fenrir build himself back to his true self so that he can cause some additional trouble. He was divided into four pieces while his soul wondered. His, body, claws, wrath and will, once he gets those back, you may want to take cover. Questions about this chapter and other things? Ask
Oh those poor babies.
I can relate. Glad to know they have you, at least.
Sounds good, man.
Lol, the girl was freakishly strong... and she bites/scratches! XD
They don't really 'have' me. I just decided that I should supervise them and we started watching Up, I played on the boy's iPad (Temple Run lol) then we started wrestling, cuz me and the boy have known each other since he was like 7, and we used to wrestle then :P
Thanks for the tag I guess :P
If you have Snow get 'close' with Peter then I will kill you with my bare hands... Snow and Bigby ONLY dude >:D
Now Nick, you portrayed him well in this one, made use of his strength and a fraction of his powers. I also liked how he was in human form the whole time!
I didn't think that flute was necessary though, I expected Nick to just send a fireball or something along those lines in the direction of the vines. Nick does use weapons, but hand to hand is his staple, and magical weapons like that flute aren't really Nick's thing. He would rather use a simple sword or a gun to deal with a problem, rather than, say, the Sword of a Thousand Eyes... thank you @JJwolf for creating that sword
Nick leaving made me sad, I wanted him to stay at the house with them XP
I look forward to more dude! XD
LOL Man, I can't do nothing right these days. lol
I actually came up with the sword; JJ just used it because he thought it was cool but we appreciate it either way. I'll make sure to add that next time, for he'll be back. They're not finished yet with the training.
I just threw that flute in there because the greeks used it a lot and seeing how we have emily turning into a goddess I thought why not, you know? But now I know. NO more flutes. lol
Now, the whole thing with Snow and Peter. They are NOT hooking up, I repeat-NOT hooking up. Peter never liked Snow andwith all that has happened, he's slowly warmed up to her; he does have half siblings and it wouldn't be fair to them. she loves him as one of her own.
Nah Nick and Hades be wanting to get out of there before Gremily takes another trip to Erotic city. XD XD
Thanks, man.
OH SHIT!!! I KNOW WHAT THAT IS!!! You must read Creepypasta's right? The Rake is a scary ass thing, it sits at the end of your bed and stares at you...
I have to ask, what does Mirah look like exactly?
Also that catacomb scene reminded me of this:
Nosferatu the Vampyre
For specifics, this is the intro to a film called Nosferatu the Vampyre, it was directed by Werner Herzog and released in 1979. The film is basically a remake of an old silent movie called Nosferatu, and this film's intro has been labelled as one of the scariest scenes in movie history...
Damn the Rake!? That is NOT who I thought Johnathan was but that's the fun part about these things! I looked it up myself to dust off the old cobwebs and yeah...there are the nightmares. XD For some reason I thought he was the Chupababra but, you know....lol XD
Mirah is one clever woman, I'll give her that. This scene reminds me of the mic with the cheese; they can smell it, they know its there and they scurry along trying to ind their way out. Mirah is playing games with these women and using it to her advantage. Belinda is a Witch. 0thinks back to the stories- ANNNNNNNND there goes my brain again with the theories. XD XD For some reaso, I feel like the daughter was never killed...again, theory.
This is great! I love this and FINALLY had a chance to read it!
Also, I can relate to the procrastination of homework and what not. ^^
My first question is are Bigby and Emily still alive?! :O
Lol, conspiracy theorists everywhere :P
Nick had a cool intro...
My choice is that Nick can handle this himself, easily
I await more! XD
Don't be so hard on yourself
Ok then @pudding_pie thank you for creating that sword, @JJwolf your creative license on that sword has been revoked...
Lol, it was a cool flute don't get me wrong :P
Good... So when were you gonna resurrect Bigby? XD
Nick would watch them in the shadows... You know... O.o
Well, Fenrir you evil man you...that escalated quickly! Bigby was gone just like that; Kieorn has become the Nick Fury to this tale and WTF just happened with Emily!? -falls to ground- NOOOOOO! NOT GREMILY!! Least Dixa was there to find Gren and carry him back. Gremily owe Dixa a cookie, @LupineNoir XD
T man and Etan should help Nick kick some ass! >:D Wanna see everyone in action, man! Fenrir needs an ass whoopin' now!
I'd say Help Nick kick ass >:D
LOL you know me. XD
Haha, JJ! -sticks out tongue- JK JK It was pretty awesome. I too want one of those swords. I'll make sure to have THAT when he encounters Gremily again. And viviana...
Nick is going to teach Viviana a little 'trick' and she's going to bring him back for the War. This will give Peter and Bigby a better chance to grow together as father and son because Bigby is going to teach Peter a hard lesson about family....
Oh Nick! XD Gremily are going to need to check the shadows now for you. lol