I see.
BTW, partially through act 1 of the Devil among Us. I have noticed one or two inconsistancies but for a first fanfiction I believe… more you fared better than I did when I began the Hunter and the Merchant.
PS. I am finding that the notifications do not show up unless I change/refresh the webpage. That was not the case when I started up. Do you have any advice?
Jonathan stood still, his body shaking from the change. He'd felt it coming for weeks, unable to tell exactly when, but he knew it would be … moresoon.
He hated himself. He wanted so badly to end it all, relieve himself of the pain he's caused to so many people.
Every time he changed, his parents' faces always stared back at him from beneath his eyelids. You killed us. It's your fault we're dead. You killed all those other innocent people. You killed the Rutley daughter. You did it. Why can't you control it?
"I don't know," He said aloud to himself. "I...I don't know how!" It'd escalated to a shout. "God help me! Give me strength! Give... Me.... The power....to overcome!" He shrieked in agony. His body flew forward and he nearly smacked into the inclined ceiling. He was in his attic; He'd been there since before sunrise. In the corner of the room was a sac filled with the debris he'd created in his fight against one of his number one enemi… [view original content]
When I say inconsistancies, I mean those with the Fables lore (I can understand it is an AU). For instance, Bluebeard having been a former pirate and the ease of which Snow and Bigby blossomed into a relationship.
These minor errors put aside, I congratulate you on your great first attempt at fanfiction.
You need to re-read Fables. Bluebeard IS a pirate, it's confirmed in 'The Last Castle' story for a start.
I disagree with you saying they got together too easily, they both loved each other for so long, they were just convinced nothing would happen between each other. All it took was for the barriers to be broken by a kiss and a confession of love...
Remember that the 2 slept together under the influence of that spell in Volume 3? The spell didn't make them sleep together, that was a decision they both consciously made!
When I say inconsistancies, I mean those with the Fables lore (I can understand it is an AU). For instance, Bluebeard having been a former p… moreirate and the ease of which Snow and Bigby blossomed into a relationship.
These minor errors put aside, I congratulate you on your great first attempt at fanfiction.
You need to re-read Fables. Bluebeard IS a pirate, it's confirmed in 'The Last Castle' story for a start.
I disagree with you saying they… more got together too easily, they both loved each other for so long, they were just convinced nothing would happen between each other. All it took was for the barriers to be broken by a kiss and a confession of love...
Remember that the 2 slept together under the influence of that spell in Volume 3? The spell didn't make them sleep together, that was a decision they both consciously made!
Thank you nonetheless...
Oh yes! Werewolves, witches, demons, the actual undead, vampire hunters, and anything else that's bound to get in the way of a vampire can b… moree written in your vampire-exclusive story (if need be).
Keep this in mind as well: @Tetra, @MasterStone, @pudding_pie
Erica's faint whimpers awoke Ethan from his nap. Looking around, he had forgotten the afternoon spent with Michelle. Glancing over, her long golden strands of hair scattered along the carpet; she was covered in a blanket, her breasts exposed as the sun danced along the pale mounds of flesh. Ethan leans forward, kisses the top of her lips and carefully exits their bundle of romance. Stratching his lower back and arching forward, Ethan finds his boxers and pants.
Erica begins to call out for Michelle and even Ethan. He adored that little girl the moment he first saw her image. Even before their introduction, Ethan saw a bubbly, blue eyed girl with bouncing black curls and a radiant smile. Even when he knew of this Erica, the one lost in a world of hurt and confusion, he still saw nothing different.
Entering her bedroom, Erica claps and giggles. Inching towards her body, Erica grabs Ethan's arms and is pressed against his bare chest. The skin contact and warmth from his flesh causes the girl to go limp and feel secure. Placing a hand behind her head, Ethan checks the scar tissue for any signs of swelling or infection. They came close one year when Erica bumped her head into the coffee table; Michelle left the room for a minute to check on dinner and some how, Erica found her way onto the floor ad bumbling around. Ethan received the devestating phone call and for the next twenty four hours, it was touch and go with Erica. Swineheart managed to stop the bleeding in time and the wound healed up nicely but there were days Ethan feared the worse.
"Ice cream, Ethan!" Her blue eyes glance up into Ethan's. "I take nap. Ice Cream."
Ethan chuckles as he makes his way to the bathroom. "You need to try and go to the bathroom first, sweetie, alright?"
"No! No potty, Ethan! Go ice cream!"
"At least try, baby girl." Ethan presses his face against her hair. "Just sit and wait."
Ethan takes the little girl to the bathroom and gently places her on the ground. Standing back, he notices her legs wobble as if she was a newborn Lamb. Looking up, she whimpers and clings to the toilet. Although it broke his heart, he wanted Erica to desperatly gain strength and composure. Erica would have to learn eventually; her speech was improving and her ability to walk alone for a few inches at a time was better compared to two, three years ago.
"C'mon, baby girl. You can do it..."
"My feet." Erica points. "Feet. Owies, Ethan."
"You can do it, Erica." Ethan taps on the toilet seat. "Remember how mommy and I taught you? One foot, two foot, getting on the seat-"
Erica smiles and joins in the song. "-Shuffle this, shuffle that, time to move your feet."
The little girl attempts to move like the song; one leg here, the other there, slide back; shuffle just a bit and sit. But there was a loud bang in the kitchen that caused them both to turn their heads. Ethan immediatly picks up the scent of Old Spice. This was not his smell and who ever it was, just broke into the apartment. Still, Ethan could have sworn he'd picked out this scent before...
"Ethan." Erica tries to jump down. "Mommy. Bad man. Bang."
"Erica, look at me. I'm going to go find mommy. You NEED to stay here and be quiet, understand?"
Ethan did not give the terrified girl a chance to speak, for he was heading towards the noise and increasing stench of spice and man; his nostril flared with every step until he reached the kitchen and found Noah, standing and holding a gun to Michelle's head. She was still naked and began to thrash in his arm. He cocked the gun, causing her to gasp and remain still. He chortled and pressed the weapon against her skull.
"Well, well. Ethan Porgie. I thought I smelled fuck trash..."
"YOU.." Ethan narrowed his glare and grew closer. "What the FUCK are you doing here?"
"I got out of prison, silly goose! I was looking forward to hanging out with you and Peter, maybe tag along with Junior and RJ. Like old times. I was expecting some cake, Beer...balloons would have been nice-"
"WHAT are you doing here?!" Ethan growls, taking another step. "PUT the gun down and let her go..."
"Now, see, Ethan. The funny thing is, I can't just DO that. I have a job to do. I'm here, to put my mother's plan into action. Create a fuck ton of chaos for you and that fun little family you have back there."
Ethan continues further until he sticks a needle into Michelle's neck. Holding the gun out and pointed at Ethan, Noah stands beside the fridge and laughs.
"YOU might want to stay right there, like a good Dog, alright?"
"What did you do to her?" Ethan panics, reaching for Michelle. "Michelle, please! Give me your hand and-"
"God you're stupid. I always figured YOU were the smart twin but I guess not. Same goes for the good and evil, huh? See, the thing about being half darkness is, everything has a weakness. Even someone who thought was so 'powerful' like her father here, couldn't resist the temptation of those pearly whites. Oh and power. Lots and lots of power...."
"Light is one HELL of a way to go, huh Michelle? See, what your precious Michelle here didn't tell is, she has a spell protecting herself from the light. Without it, she literally burns to death. Inhale, Ethan. Can't you just TASTE that lovely, crispy tecture? Nothing like good 'ol charred Fairy skin, eh Michelle?"
"No..." Ethan looks down and notices a patch of black appearing along Michelle's neck, face and hands. "Stop it, Noah! Let her go!"
"GOD, you are so pathetic right now! I was going to say we could take turns fuckin' this little blondie but with you acting like this, I don't think you deserve any of the lemon pie now, Porgie!"
Ethan glares up and without a word, pins his body into Noah, causing him to fly into the counter and bang his head. A vile of purple liquid rolls out of his pant pocket and beside Michelle. Weakly, she pulls herself up and grabs the bottle. Grabbing his head, Noah notices the blood splatter.
"You made me bleed, you cock suckin' piece of shit!"
"Come at me." Ethan beckons to Noah. "You wanna push someone around? Huh? Wanna fight-then let's go, bitch!"
Ethan did not take into consideration the powers Noah was available to. Hidden in his coat pocket, was a vile of pure silver. Ethan did not stand a chance against the liquid and before either he or Michelle could make a peep, it began coarsing through his veins. Ethan's heart beat came to a
slow beat; his breathing shallow, the taste of copper in his mouth and the shrill cries of both Michelle and Erica. His vision became a blur of colors and danced together. Michelle, with one final ounce of strength, calls out Ethan's name and collaspes into the floor. All Ethan remembered was Noah grabbing Erica and running out the door. Crawling, it felt like an out of body experience. Lifting himself against the railing to the stairs, Ethan could feel the change.
There was something happening within him. Grunting and carefully making his way down the stairs, Ethan held back the urge to transform
and hunt his prey down. Upon following the odor of Noah, Ethan noticed ink appearing on his arm. They were tattoos. 'Kiss the Girls' slowly etching into his chest...
"Shut the fuck up, Erica!" Noah ran until he came to the end of an alley. Placing the startled girl on the floor, Noah takes out his phone and dials a phone number. Erica continued to scream and attempt to word 'mommy' and Ethan. Annoyed with her cries and worried someone would hear, Noah lifts his foot and plummets the front into Erica's side. Landing in a puddle of dirty, oily water, Erica's weeps become whimpers and mumbles.
"SHUT up or I swear to GOD you'll end up like your blasted grandmother!" Noah returns to the phone. "Yeah, seriously hurry the fuck up! Yes, she's been dealt with. I took care of Ethan, yes. NO! I don't know, fuck! Go look for yourself!"
Noah did not contemplat the tenderness and brawn Ethan had dwelling in the pit of his stomach, nor did he take into consideration the curse beneath his smile and apperance. As Ethan closed into Noah's location, his aspect drastically changed. His brown hair waves; brow frowned, teeth sharp but both his arms now laced with the same tattoos Georgie wore. The chest tattoo clear as day and the infamous dollar and teardrop on his face. Clawing to find Noah, Ethan's eye glued to his prey. His ears picked up Erica's faint pleas.
"NOAH!" His voice rang through the shadows. "Get the FOOK ova' 'ere, ya' bloody twat...."
"What the hell!? Hold on, Georgie is here. NO! Georgie! I just heard him and-"
Ethan swats Noah into the brick wall. More blood congeals. The intense smell of blood, dirt and vengeance lingers in the air. Noah is taken back by the sudden change in Ethan. He steadily transformed into his father with hair; Ethan's clothes became the very ones his father wore and a bowler hat topped the outfit out with a final laugh from Ethan. Glancing over, he noticed Erica's condition. This was the final straw for what remaind inside of Ethan. Cracking his neck and knuckles, Ethan said not a word as he began heading towards Noah. Cowering, Noah tried to pick up his phone.
"No! No, you're supposed to be dead! How the fuck did you manage to get up!? That was PURE silver! No Werewolf can withstand that! I-"
Ethan pins Noah against the wall and tosses his body into the chainlinked fence. Grabbing at the metal bars, Ethan snatches one of Noah's legs and yanks. The flesh began to tear away from bone; blood poured from the open wound like stuffing to a child's toy. In agony, Noah began to scream and attempt to pull Ethan off.
"NO! OH God stop! My fucking leg! You monster!"
"I'm the monster, huh?" Ethan tosses the dismembered body part and grabs Noah by the throat. "You have NOT seen monster yet..."
"Please, Ethan!" Noah began to choke on blood. His skin turning pale. "I only wanted to scare her! I didn't want this! Please! You gotta believe me! I'm sorry for Erica! Michelle! I-"
"YOU caused Erica great pain. You nearly KILLED Michelle, sent her into a fucking deep, dark place that even I couldn't find. You lived an easy life, while she struggled with herself just because of that little girl over there. She didn't DESERVE this. You don't deserve to live a life you took from them both..."
"OH GOD Ethan!" Noah trembles in Ethan's grasp. "This was her fault! I didn't want Erica OR Michelle! It was my mom! SHE wanted to take all the power but when she found out about the purple pills-"
"-You got Michelle pregnant, hoping Erica would be, what...EVIL?"
"No one knew! This was our little secret but it got so out of hand! Michelle went to you, for help but when she returned I made sure she'd never mention me or anyone of us to you or Peter...."
"What did you do?" Ethan pins Ethan to the wall, crushing his rib cage. "You better fucking start talking, Noah....I'm NOT in the fookin' mood.."
"What's happening to you, Ethan..." Noah struggled to breath. "You're changing....you've become-"
Ethan drops Noah into the ground. Walking towards Erica, Ethan picks up the little girl. Her entire body and dress is soaking wet. She shakes, trying to keep warm along his body. Removing his shirt, Ethan wraps Erica inside the material and forces her to sit up straight and against the wall.
"I'll be right back, love...alright? But ya' gotta turn 'round fa' me."
"Ice Cream, Ethan..."
"Yes baby." Ethan touches her face. "We'll go get mommy and well 'ave lots of ice cream, alright? Do like the song said: one foot, two foot, getting on the seat..."
Erica shuffles against the ground and faces a nearby gutter. Ethan prepares to finish it. The change grew tight around his chest and mind but all he could see was protecting his own. Is this how his father felt all those years ago when Vivian was still alive? The club was being threatned to be torn down, even though this was all he'd known? How his father reacted the day Lyla and the children were almost taken away? Peter? Or Emily...
"Ethan no, please! Have mercy!"
"Mercy...MERCY!? Did ya' show mercy when ya' hit her? HUH! Caused Erica such damage that she's fookin' stuck like that!? Did ya' show MERCY when Michelle begged ya' ta' stop!?" Ethan pulls out a picture of both Erica and Michelle. "I want ya' ta' look at these two, beautiful women and fookin' tell me ya' showed them the same fookin' mercy, ya' be expectin' me ta' give ya'......"
No answer. "That's woot I fookin thought. Did you feel like a man, when you pushed her around? DO you FEEL betta' now, knowin' ya' did that to them both? Here...let me show ya' a REAL man, Noah...."
Grabbing a fallen pipe, Noah's cries were drowning out to the tune of the city and the crunching of Ethan's boots against the dirt below. Ethan stood above Noah's body. Blood pooled under his skull. Bones cracked. Life slipping from his eyes. With one final lift, Ethan slams the end of the pipe against Noah's skull and cracks it like an egg. Ethan only pictured the story Michelle revieled to him not too long ago: the bat crashing into Erica's skull, Noah pushing her down the stairs, nearly killing her. Killing Erica. Attempting to rape her. Abused her.
The fake smile and persona Michelle had to adopt, just to get out of bed in the morning. Ethan lowers his mighty, thick arms, grabs Noah's head and twists. Pulling it clean off the shoulders, Ethan holds up the decapetated head and howls. Joining the honking and bumbling city, Ethan's transformation was complete. Tossing the body into a trashcan, Ethan lights several scattered pieces of paper on fire and throws them into the can. Smoking a cigarette, Ethan watches the flames consume the body; a wave of emotions and thoughts his father once held entered his mind, body and soul.
"Alright, love." Ethan finishes off his cigarette. "Ready ta' go get mommy and some goodies?"
"I love ya' baby girl." Ethan walks down the sidewalk, holding Erica against his chest. Some stopped to stare at the tattooed man with a Bowler hat and child against his shirtless chest.
It had begun....
'My secret side I keep, hidden under lock and key, I keep it caged but I can't control it. Cause if I let him out, he'll tear me up, break me down. So stay away from me, the beast is ugly. I feel the rage and I just can't hold it....'
Any questions, let me know. Ethan's curse has finally begun...the war is finally beginning. UGH! It's so hot today but its all good.
Erica's faint whimpers awoke Ethan from his nap. Looking around, he had forgotten the afternoon spent with Michelle. Glancing over, her long… more golden strands of hair scattered along the carpet; she was covered in a blanket, her breasts exposed as the sun danced along the pale mounds of flesh. Ethan leans forward, kisses the top of her lips and carefully exits their bundle of romance. Stratching his lower back and arching forward, Ethan finds his boxers and pants.
Erica begins to call out for Michelle and even Ethan. He adored that little girl the moment he first saw her image. Even before their introduction, Ethan saw a bubbly, blue eyed girl with bouncing black curls and a radiant smile. Even when he knew of this Erica, the one lost in a world of hurt and confusion, he still saw nothing different.
Entering her bedroom, Erica claps and giggles. Inching towards her body, Erica grabs Ethan's arms and is pressed against his bare chest. The s… [view original content]
Noah is Carla's son. Rosie's brother....and Carla's plan to bring out the curse in Ethan.
Yeah Ethan has become the evil that Georgie once was before his second chance...anguish and Michelle triggered it all, just like Carla had hoped for. >:(
I, guess, I look forward to more...
Not sure how to take this one, tbh....I'll let you do what you want with Noah but I feel like Ethan did enough. He took care of it and protected his two women. The original one was WAY to graphic for this thread...
Noah is the Mundies name, guess what I'm gonna write tonight!!!! XD
I'm confused about Noah though, what is his backstory?
And Ethan..… more. God help him for what he has become...
I, guess, I look forward to more...
(Tbh, while Ethan did pretty good on him, Nick can do much worse. I have also decided that Nick will show Ethan his 'pet'...)
But he's a Mundy? (I know you said he was, but how exactly?)
So what happens to Ethan now?
Too graphic? I didn't think there was a limit on how graphic the violence could be I'll just spoiler tag mine :P
It was the shock of Ethan becoming the next Georgie Porgie that made write the 'I look forward to more' comment...
Well Ethan made it permanent, Nick on the other hand prefers to break his victims before he does anything else >:D Ethan and Nick will come close to a conflict over killing Noah, Nick wants to keep his 'pet' alive so it can suffer, but Ethan thinks Noah will escape somehow so he wants to kill him, but Nick ensures that won't happen.
Noah is Carla's son. Rosie's brother....and Carla's plan to bring out the curse in Ethan.
Yeah Ethan has become the evil that Georgie onc… moree was before his second chance...anguish and Michelle triggered it all, just like Carla had hoped for. >:(
I, guess, I look forward to more...
Not sure how to take this one, tbh....I'll let you do what you want with Noah but I feel like Ethan did enough. He took care of it and protected his two women. The original one was WAY to graphic for this thread...
Why does it always have to start out so nice and within a milisecond everything turns to shit I mean I saw it coming but I felt so bad for Michelle and then Ethan...His curse has started and with that a war. I hope for minimum casualties, but sometimes risks must be taken! Too many emotions with one chapter for me to handle man! XD
Erica's faint whimpers awoke Ethan from his nap. Looking around, he had forgotten the afternoon spent with Michelle. Glancing over, her long… more golden strands of hair scattered along the carpet; she was covered in a blanket, her breasts exposed as the sun danced along the pale mounds of flesh. Ethan leans forward, kisses the top of her lips and carefully exits their bundle of romance. Stratching his lower back and arching forward, Ethan finds his boxers and pants.
Erica begins to call out for Michelle and even Ethan. He adored that little girl the moment he first saw her image. Even before their introduction, Ethan saw a bubbly, blue eyed girl with bouncing black curls and a radiant smile. Even when he knew of this Erica, the one lost in a world of hurt and confusion, he still saw nothing different.
Entering her bedroom, Erica claps and giggles. Inching towards her body, Erica grabs Ethan's arms and is pressed against his bare chest. The s… [view original content]
Carla is a mundy and although Noah's father is Grendel, he took after his mother. HOW Carla will use Ethan in this, well, that will come later. It involves Peter...
And yeah, spoil tag the hell out of it. Just in case.
Ethan's curse will slowly creep in and he'll become what Georgie was. There is only one person that can stop this....It's a shock, yes. I'm having a difficult time with this but as each of the Porgie kids had a curse, this is Ethan's...
Hey, Noah is dead now. Nick can tourture him in death. XD The dynamic duo these two would become! >:D
But he's a Mundy? (I know you said he was, but how exactly?)
So what happens to Ethan now?
Too graphic? I didn't think there was a li… moremit on how graphic the violence could be I'll just spoiler tag mine :P
It was the shock of Ethan becoming the next Georgie Porgie that made write the 'I look forward to more' comment...
Well Ethan made it permanent, Nick on the other hand prefers to break his victims before he does anything else >:D Ethan and Nick will come close to a conflict over killing Noah, Nick wants to keep his 'pet' alive so it can suffer, but Ethan thinks Noah will escape somehow so he wants to kill him, but Nick ensures that won't happen.
I know! I'm sorry! XD It had to be done, though. Who would have thought one mundy could bring so much descruction into the lives of so many...:( Believe it or not, not too many deaths will occur but I'm just getting started with the feels. All I'll say....
Why does it always have to start out so nice and within a milisecond everything turns to shit I mean I saw it coming but I felt so bad for … moreMichelle and then Ethan...His curse has started and with that a war. I hope for minimum casualties, but sometimes risks must be taken! Too many emotions with one chapter for me to handle man! XD
Absolutely phenomenal chapter man!
Carla is a mundy and although Noah's father is Grendel, he took after his mother. HOW Carla will use Ethan in this, well, that will come lat… moreer. It involves Peter...
And yeah, spoil tag the hell out of it. Just in case.
Ethan's curse will slowly creep in and he'll become what Georgie was. There is only one person that can stop this....It's a shock, yes. I'm having a difficult time with this but as each of the Porgie kids had a curse, this is Ethan's...
Hey, Noah is dead now. Nick can tourture him in death. XD The dynamic duo these two would become! >:D
I know! I'm sorry! XD It had to be done, though. Who would have thought one mundy could bring so much descruction into the lives of so many.… more..:( Believe it or not, not too many deaths will occur but I'm just getting started with the feels. All I'll say....
Glad you liked it, man!
Yep, I've read the creepypasta, but assume that the creepypasta is the Mundy version of his story. The real version has been slightly revealed, though Jonathan might explain more into detail later in the future. You basically got the perfect picture to describe his appearance, too.
Mirah looks like a very gorgeous Vampire; She's tall, pale skinned, with light brown hair and a sexual sense of style. She's menacing and misleading, and has an American accent (since she's American, as opposed to her British counterparts.) I'll make her in sims along with a bunch of other characters so you get the gist of it
The intro to the movie was DEFINITELY creepy and I would believe it if it was the scariest intro! I watched it and was like "Eghhh that's....that's creepy." But yeah. Paris has catacombs under it full of bones (I did a project on it once ^-^) And the walls are literally lined with skulls.
If you google it, you'll find tons more. Glad you liked the chapter!
He was The Rake.
OH SHIT!!! I KNOW WHAT THAT IS!!! You must read Creepypasta's right? The Rake is a scary ass thing, it sits at the … moreend of your bed and stares at you...
This is it
I have to ask, what does Mirah look like exactly?
Also that catacomb scene reminded me of this:
Nosferatu the Vampyre
For specifics, this is the intro to a film called Nosferatu the Vampyre, it was directed by Werner Herzog and released in 1979. The film is basically a remake of an old silent movie called Nosferatu, and this film's intro has been labelled as one of the scariest scenes in movie history...
Well, I have to admit, even I didn't know he'd be the Rake until just recently; Sometimes, I make things up and deal with more specifics later, when I'm ready to dive into those. I figured the way I pictured him was very similar to The Rake, and I wanted to gain that sense of creepiness that he should have. When he is The Rake, he is NOT an ally. He is an enemy. So don't hate him when he's able to go human again, just hate the demon within. And hell, maybe I WOULD have chose the chupacabra or however you spell it XD
Definitely. Mirah knows mind games and is willing to play a while. Belinda isn't a witch; But, she has her good graces with one -cough-Frau-cough- So the ring was made to work with Belinda, and whoever she allows to also use it.
More will be talked about the daughter. You'll just have to wait and see.
Glad you liked it! And yeah, procrastination, man XD I never actually got it finished but I had that class today and everyone was presenting BUT THEN WE HAD A FIRE DRILL AND THERE WAS ONLY A FEW MINUTES LEFT OF CLASS AFTER IT SO I NEVER HAD TO PRESENT AND I WAS PROBABLY THE HAPPIEST PERSON (aside from everyone else who hadn't done it like me) IN THE SCHOOL XD
Damn the Rake!? That is NOT who I thought Johnathan was but that's the fun part about these things! I looked it up myself to dust off the ol… mored cobwebs and yeah...there are the nightmares. XD For some reason I thought he was the Chupababra but, you know....lol XD
Mirah is one clever woman, I'll give her that. This scene reminds me of the mic with the cheese; they can smell it, they know its there and they scurry along trying to ind their way out. Mirah is playing games with these women and using it to her advantage. Belinda is a Witch. 0thinks back to the stories- ANNNNNNNND there goes my brain again with the theories. XD XD For some reaso, I feel like the daughter was never killed...again, theory.
This is great! I love this and FINALLY had a chance to read it! Also, I can relate to the procrastination of homework and what not. ^^
Haha, thanks! I try my best to incorporate ACTUAL fairytales and legends and stories to my own, as Willingham does with all the more popular ones, you know?
Yep. Holidays are awesome, until you reach the last day and you're like "Ugh, now I have to be a normal person in society again. This bites."
Also, I've got to catch up in reading your chapters AND commenting; I've read a few but only commented on the first chapter. I have to say, you write very brilliantly, and I LOVE where it's all going.
I was not expecting Jonathan to be a creepypasta let alone the rake. Great twist within a twist,
Also, I can empathise with having to go back to school for I have come to the end of my school holidays here in Australia as well.
After Nick finished whooping those guy’s and the Ogre’s ass, he finished offed his drink and waited for Etan answer.
“So, as I said earlier. The information required, comes with a cost.. What do you have to offer me for such a lofty request?”
“I’ll pay for your drinks” Etan said.
Nick laughed and told him that was kind of Etan but wasn’t enough. So Etan offered Nick a chance to challenge father of wolves, something he expected Nick to not turned down since he loved a good fight. Nick turned another sip of his drink and thought it over.
“Fenrir you say? I think I’ll enjoy pummelling into nothingness. I’ll show where you can find your material, but when the time comes to battle, you’ll know where to find me..* -Burps-*”
“Yeah, if you haven’t been kicked out another tavern..”
Nick hands Tezoth an old map to a temple, he immediately sets of time find the material while Etan returns to the headquarters, hoping to return for some crucial intel on Fenrir’s wearabouts.
Avengers Headquarters
Upon his return, Kieron seeks his audience immediately
“Sir they found him, but.. we have some bad news. The father reported that he has a body now.. Does that mean we’re too late?”
“That is excellent news Kieron. But, he’s getting his power back slowly which is bad for us all. He already has his Body and Claws, which means theres only one more part left..”
“What is that sir?” Kieron asked
“His Wrath, another overpowered feature of my grandfather. But he’ll be gone before he become whole. Anything else Kieron?”
The building began to shake and tremor and the lights flashed. The sound of howling can be heard. Kieron rushes over to the magic pot and stirs the magic liquid around until he can see what was causing this disturbance. He looked closer and could not believe what he seen.
“Yes Kieron?”
“Fenrir is heading in this direction…”
Somewhere in the Homelands
Tezoth lands in front of a old and dusty temple resembling something out of a Indiana Jones movie. He careful makes his way into the temple first walking through the long and totally not boobie-traped hallway and entered the main hall. In the hall there all two huge statues in the very middle of them. He flies up to the one on the left and noticed something strange about it, like it is watching him. He steps back away and continues his mission while being secretly watched by the creepy statue.
“Okay, where to look first..”
He made his way to a chamber full of broken stair cases, he ignored the and flew all the way up to the top where there was an alter with gold doubloons in a red basket, just sitting there while a single beam of sunlight beaming on it.
“This is probably a trap… but they're begging for me to take this…”
He picks up the basket of gold which causes the floor to open up revealing a large bed of spikes. He sprouts wings in just the right moment before falling in and leaves the room returning the main hall.
“I should've seen that coming.”
As he dumps the coins into his coat pocket the same statue that was glaring at him eyes turn bright red and causes a new pathway to open. He casually make his way over towards the dark door and this, is watched the the other statue.
He enters and in this room is a walkway leading downward into darkness. Tezoth carefully places his foot on the first step and sets off another trap. A giant boulder above his head begins to fall. It look liked it was impossible to avoid on foot, so he transformed into his dragon and quick flew down the the stairway. When he got to the very bottom, in view there was a small hole, the size where a human could fit. It was no time to change back the boulder was just behind him.
When he reached the point he quickly blew a bigger hole in the pathway with his fire and safely made it to the protected chamber in one piece. He returns to human and dust himself off while catching an eye on the big pile of dust just laying there in the room.
“This must be it” he thought, as he quickly scooped up as much as he could. Tezoth manage to fill up the pouch with the strange dust and prepared to leave this death trap for god. Making his way back to the main hall, the statues, both their eyes glowing red begins to speak.
Tezoth thought to himself since he made it this far one more challenge couldn’t hurt, but since he was carrying a crucial piece to stopping Fenrir, he was left with two choices.
[Decline the offer of the statue guardians and return back to Etan]
[Face the guardians, claim prize, and return back to Etan]
Managed to squeeze out another chapter, spring beak is over and I need to get back to work 8) As you can see that things are beginning to escalate quickly, and we might see some Grendel's in action soon. #Grendel Squad.
Why does it always have to start out so nice and within a milisecond everything turns to shit I mean I saw it coming but I felt so bad for … moreMichelle and then Ethan...His curse has started and with that a war. I hope for minimum casualties, but sometimes risks must be taken! Too many emotions with one chapter for me to handle man! XD
Absolutely phenomenal chapter man!
"You were awfully quiet Jack, did you have fun?" Mouse asked as the two walked down the streets of Fabletown. Hours had passed as him, Holly, Grendel, Mouse and her girlfriend Helena hung at Holly's bar, playing darts and drinking beer for hours on end. As the night for them ended Helena said she has business elsewhere to attend to and left on her own, leaving him and Mouse to hunt down a cab, they also grabbed a box of donuts since neither of them were a big fan of pickled eggs.
"Yeah, I'm f-"
"You didn't know I was a lesbian, did you."
"Oh no, I-"
Mouse chuckled merrily, she must had been used to this.
"It's alright, Helena tells me I'm too friendly and it sometimes comes off as flirty." Mouse explained as she bit into a powdered lemon jelly donut. White powders coated her lips and was licked away. "You can tell me the truth."
"It did... surprise me." he polished off the last of a Boston cream before scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Had you... always been a lesbian?" he asked.
"Yup, who could blame me." Mouse finished her donut and fished a chocolate glazed one out of the box she was carrying. "Women are utterly gorgeous."
"So... if you don't mind me asking... had you ever been with a man?" Jack retrieved a sprinkled donut. "I mean... how do you know?"
"How do you know your not gay?" Mouse questioned through a mouthful of donut. "Had you ever been with a man?"
"Point proven, you got me there." Jack chuckled.
"Despite how we had to leave homelands, I sort of like Fabletown just a little bit more." she confessed. "I mean I hate paying an arm and leg to avoid looking like a talking rodent... but it's easier to meet people like me."
"And it wasn't back in homelands?"
"Nope, mind you I'm an actual mouse, kind of hard to get in on the dating screen when a person litters their home with mousetraps, plus you can image my family wasn't too pleased when I hooked up with a cat who then tried to eat me."
"I can image that was a date breaker." Jack laughed.
"You have no idea."
"You are quite the dancer." Scarlett purred as Lyall and her danced about the large round with the others.
"As are you." he said, his arm wrapped around her waist, a hand intwine with hers, a personal favourite song of his played, Howl by Florence and the Machine. Perfect song, perfect scent, and perfect sitting, now if only the circumstances were different. One bring his task to to keep Scarlett busy while his father, Bonnie, and Bradwr did their thing right under everyone's noses, and throw in the fact Scarlett wanted nothing more then to murder him... but set that aside and it was quite the lovely situation. "Where did you learn to dance?"
"Medusa paid for lessons when I was a child, I am knowledgable in ballet, waltzing, tango, salsa, and a bit of hip hop." he dipped her gracefully, a sheer look of blissful delight in her face as he did so. "What about you? Surly you must had spend a fortune to learn such skill that could keep up with mine."
"I'm just making it up as I go." he pulled her up and they waltzed their way around the room for the third time.
"You jest."
"I took an interest and my mother taught me." Now that was no jest, Lyall was well aware of his mother's past working at The pudding and Pie, but Nerissa was knowledgable in many more dances, plus he did admire of art of pole dancing, once one could look pass how sexual it was thought to be it was truly an art, plus it amazed him how women and men alike could perform gymnastic like movements on a simple pole.
"You know we been talking about me for a fair amount of time, as much I adore myself it came to my attention I neglected to ask you about yourself." he twirled her.
"Not much to tell, I work odd jobs and own two lovebirds named Peaches and Cream." he brought her back. "And besides you are a charming women, I could listen to you talk all night."
"As could I my dear friend."
'Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers, starts so soft and sweet then turns them to hunters.'
"Now can I get your name?"
"Must I?"
"I would like to know the name of the stranger's who's hand had been on my waist for the past time."
"In due time my dear."
"'Dear' is it?" she chuckled. "Oh, you are cute."
"That I am."
"Don't push it."
Bonnie laughed as Bradwr got more and more in the persona he had created to not get noticed. In his mask he was a doctor who had the most terrible German accent she had ever heard in her life, he was chatting away to some rich folks making up strange and unrealistic takes about patients he had. Bradwr was so loud and full of life, no wonder the dark and secrecy life he had before made him unhappy. After he finished telling a rich married couple of how he performed a brain transplant he turned back at her and smiled.
"Having fun?" he asked as Bonnie nodded.
"Most fun I had in awhile."
"Good to hear!" Bradwr took two glasses of champagne being offered to them by a butler. Handing one too her his smile widen. "I fucking love this, there is so many people here... it's fucking great!" he gave a careless wave of his hand. "I can fucking talk to these people, no one is fussing about paperwork, or worried about Medusa, I mean yeah they don't know I'm me and not some German doctor... but it's fucking great!"
"I take you really like the word 'Fuck'?"
"Damn fucking right I do." he took a swing of champagne. "Beats being in that office."
"I thought you liked the office?" Bonnie raised an eye brow.
"Oh, don't get me wrong I love speaking to Fables when I get a chance... but..." his smile faded. "You see these Fables come in needing help, and despite how much of an arse I am I respect Snow White for what she does. From what I heard Fables have it better since she took over... But it's depressing as fuck. A family can't avoid their glamour because they have no job, not getting the help they need because they aren't allowed to seek Mundy services. It's a load of bullshit, Fables oughta be free from that shit, bad enough they lost their home once. It's no wonder people like Medusa and Crooked man have these folks wrapped around their finger, we know what we need for these Fables, but no one ain't doing shit!" he clenched his teeth. "Force to live on the fucking farm, no freedom, no home, just clumped together with no way out. How can they afford glamours if they can't get a job to get cash?! We can't treat them like animals-"
"Some of them are animals." Bonnie reminded.
"Not my point, I never fucking had choices in my life, neither do these Fables who get sent to the farm. They can't help being what they are, why are we punishing them for something they can't help?"
"You have some strong options on this..." Bonnie shuffled uncomfortably in her spot. Bradwr never struck her as someone who would get into this issue.
"Damn right I do." he finished his glass of champagne quickly. "Someone has too... I don't want Fables like Romeo to end up victims to cruel people like Medusa."
"You and Romeo... were you two lovers?"
"You're asking me if I enjoy the company of men?" Bradwr asked as a butler took his empty glass, Bonnie barely touched her drink.
"Oh, sorry..." Bonnie bit into her lower lip. "I guess that was a bit too forward."
"I like forward." Bradwr said. "You ask if me and Romeo were lovers, to answers your question, no, no we weren't ever lovers but we were close. More of a brotherly relationship, it was strictly non-romantic. Now if I enjoy other men, yes, yes I do. I am bisexual, I find both men and women attractive, does this make you uncomfortable?" he asked.
"Not at all, door swings both ways for me as well." Bonnie stated.
"Wonderful, guess this makes us bi spies." he laughed as Bonnie finally took a sip from her glass of champagne. Out of the corner of her eye shall the familiar figure of Bigby, it was easy to notice him with his typical posture. Even in a suit that guy could look like he stayed in bed all day, he was making his way up the stairs and onto the top floor.
"Get ready." Bonnie stated.
"For what?"
"Don't know yet... think we should informed Lyall?" Bonnie asked glancing around in search of him, only to see him and Scarlett waltzing around the floor in utterly delight. "For fucks sake..." she swore under her breath watching them, Lyall looked far too comfortable dancing with someone who could murder him in a spilt second,
"I know, whatever happened to guy code? Ain't one of the rules suppose to be not hanging with my ex-wife?" Bradwr muttered.
"Well you did rip her eye out, not to mention try to cover it up by leaving her in a burning building." she reminded.
"I think we already perceived I'm a shitty person." he grumbled.
"Oh quite the contrary, I actually think you are an alright guy, just a dumbass from time to time."
"You know, I think that might be the single nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." his eyes still were locked on Lyall and Scarlett. "So should we informed Lyall now or something?"
"Might as well, remember be quiet so we don't draw any unwanted attention."
"Quiet is my middle name." Bradwr beamed.
"Somehow I doubt that."
"Did you hear something?" Scarlett asked as Lyall spun her around for what seemed like the millionth time.
"Nope, not at all." Damn, so much this being easy. No wonder Scarlett wasn't fond of Bradwr. He dipped her one final time then pulled her back up, releasing his hand from here. "Thank you Scarlett, it has been a pleasure to dance with you."
"Oh the pleasure is all mine." she purred.
"Until he meet again."
"Wait, where are you-" before Scarlett could get another word in Lyall spun on the heels of his feet and sprinted into the endless sea of people, even with his sharp sense of smell its drawback was it was hard to keep track of everything at once. Bonnie carried the smell of buttercups, but her smell was always so faint, his father smelled of cigarette, but so did nearly everyone in Fabletown, Bradwr smelled of rich oak, matching the scent of the tables and chairs, plus the overpowering scent of floral and over priced perfumed wasn't helping, and of course the powerful aroma of Scarlett's vanilla scent, it was all so confusing.
He started to jog, Bradwr and his father's scent was proving useless to track all he could rely on was Bonnie's always faint scent, and damn it was faint. He occasionally got a whiff here and there but it always got lost in the crowds. The third time he got a whiff it led him down the hallway to a closet, most likely one for storing cleaning supplies. He opened the door, expecting to see Bonnie there, hands on her hips and scolding Bradwr at such an ill attempt to get Lyall's attention away from Scarlett. But yet no one was there, he cursed under his breath and smelled the air again, once again he got the smell of buttercups, but it wasn't coming from his friend. His nose led him to a rusty looking sink, in a salmon coloured soap dish stood a almost gone bar of yellow soap.
"Damn it!" he swore, flinging the soap dish against the dull coloured walls. The dish shattered upon impact, he could only hope it didn't draw attention.
"Feisty, I like it." he turned his head away from the shattered soap dish to the dust coated mirror before him. The familiar freckled face of Scarlett faced him. Shit, he forgotten about her mirror jumping powers. She emerged from the mirror rather gracefully, not once breaking eye contact with him. "You didn't really think you were just gonna get away with only a dance, did you?"
Next thing he knew Scarlett pinned him against the wall, a wicked gleam in her good eye as her lips curled into a slick and kinky smile.
"You certainly like to surprise others." Lyall commented as Scarlett leaned in closer, gently grabbing his tie.
"That's me, full of surprises." and with that being said she gave his tie a hard yank, his lips messily met hers, she clawed at his brie hair, not daring to leave him an opening to flee.
Lyall's heart raced with excitement. Perhaps he was getting a tad too into this undercover assignment, but he did say he was going to keep Scarlett busy, and if this wasn't busy he didn't know what busy was... But one thing was for certain... Scarlett was going to be the most pissed she ever been when this was all done and over with.
And end of this chapter, I think for now on I might make shorter chapters, do that way I don't end up posting like once a month.
And yes, Lyall X Scarlett is a thing now What should we call them? Lyllett? Lyett?
And I notice a thing on this forum about commenting and I kind of want to clear something up. I'm extremely shy and have anxiety, (Which is why I haven't been active much) communicating is hard for me. But I had read many stories from various writers on this forum, just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I'm not on here. I am thankful for any comments or likes I get and others writers contributing to this forum.
And since its been so long a sneak "peek" for an upcoming story, the next tale after this one is wrapped up will be starring Bonnie, she deserves a little spotlight, and we're find out about Valora who was mentioned a few chapters ago. (Or if you fallow me on da you might had been spoilers XD)
"You were awfully quiet Jack, did you have fun?" Mouse asked as the two walked down the streets of Fabletown. Hours had passed as him, Holly, Grendel, Mouse and her girlfriend Helena hung at Holly's bar, playing darts and drinking beer for hours on end. As the night for them ended Helena said she has business elsewhere to attend to and left on her own, leaving him and Mouse to hunt down a cab, they also grabbed a box of donuts since neither of them were a big fan of pickled eggs.
"Yeah, I'm f-"
"You didn't know I was a lesbian, did you."
"Oh no, I-"
Mouse chuckled merrily, she must had been used to this.
"It's alright, Helena tells me I'm too friendly and it sometimes comes off as flirty." Mouse explained as she bit into a powdered lemon jelly donut. White powders coated her lips and was licked away. "You can tell me the truth."
"It did... surprise me." he polished off the last of a Boston cream before scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Had you... always been a lesbian?" he asked.
"Yup, who could blame me." Mouse finished her donut and fished a chocolate glazed one out of the box she was carrying. "Women are utterly gorgeous."
"So... if you don't mind me asking... had you ever been with a man?" Jack retrieved a sprinkled donut. "I mean... how do you know?"
"How do you know your not gay?" Mouse questioned through a mouthful of donut. "Had you ever been with a man?"
"Point proven, you got me there." Jack chuckled.
"Despite how we had to leave homelands, I sort of like Fabletown just a little bit more." she confessed. "I mean I hate paying an arm and leg to avoid looking like a talking rodent... but it's easier to meet people like me."
"And it wasn't back in homelands?"
"Nope, mind you I'm an actual mouse, kind of hard to get in on the dating screen when a person litters their home with mousetraps, plus you can image my family wasn't too pleased when I hooked up with a cat who then tried to eat me."
"I can image that was a date breaker." Jack laughed.
"You have no idea."
"You are quite the dancer." Scarlett purred as Lyall and her danced about the large round with the others.
"As are you." he said, his arm wrapped around her waist, a hand intwine with hers, a personal favourite song of his played, Howl by Florence and the Machine. Perfect song, perfect scent, and perfect sitting, now if only the circumstances were different. One bring his task to to keep Scarlett busy while his father, Bonnie, and Bradwr did their thing right under everyone's noses, and throw in the fact Scarlett wanted nothing more then to murder him... but set that aside and it was quite the lovely situation. "Where did you learn to dance?"
"Medusa paid for lessons when I was a child, I am knowledgable in ballet, waltzing, tango, salsa, and a bit of hip hop." he dipped her gracefully, a sheer look of blissful delight in her face as he did so. "What about you? Surly you must had spend a fortune to learn such skill that could keep up with mine."
"I'm just making it up as I go." he pulled her up and they waltzed their way around the room for the third time.
"You jest."
"I took an interest and my mother taught me." Now that was no jest, Lyall was well aware of his mother's past working at The pudding and Pie, but Nerissa was knowledgable in many more dances, plus he did admire of art of pole dancing, once one could look pass how sexual it was thought to be it was truly an art, plus it amazed him how women and men alike could perform gymnastic like movements on a simple pole.
"You know we been talking about me for a fair amount of time, as much I adore myself it came to my attention I neglected to ask you about yourself." he twirled her.
"Not much to tell, I work odd jobs and own two lovebirds named Peaches and Cream." he brought her back. "And besides you are a charming women, I could listen to you talk all night."
"As could I my dear friend."
'Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers, starts so soft and sweet then turns them to hunters.'
"Now can I get your name?"
"Must I?"
"I would like to know the name of the stranger's who's hand had been on my waist for the past time."
"In due time my dear."
"'Dear' is it?" she chuckled. "Oh, you are cute."
"That I am."
"Don't push it."
Bonnie laughed as Bradwr got more and more in the persona he had created to not get noticed. In his mask he was a doctor who had the most terrible German accent she had ever heard in her life, he was chatting away to some rich folks making up strange and unrealistic takes about patients he had. Bradwr was so loud and full of life, no wonder the dark and secrecy life he had before made him unhappy. After he finished telling a rich married couple of how he performed a brain transplant he turned back at her and smiled.
"Having fun?" he asked as Bonnie nodded.
"Most fun I had in awhile."
"Good to hear!" Bradwr took two glasses of champagne being offered to them by a butler. Handing one too her his smile widen. "I fucking love this, there is so many people here... it's fucking great!" he gave a careless wave of his hand. "I can fucking talk to these people, no one is fussing about paperwork, or worried about Medusa, I mean yeah they don't know I'm me and not some German doctor... but it's fucking great!"
"I take you really like the word 'Fuck'?"
"Damn fucking right I do." he took a swing of champagne. "Beats being in that office."
"I thought you liked the office?" Bonnie raised an eye brow.
"Oh, don't get me wrong I love speaking to Fables when I get a chance... but..." his smile faded. "You see these Fables come in needing help, and despite how much of an arse I am I respect Snow White for what she does. From what I heard Fables have it better since she took over... But it's depressing as fuck. A family can't avoid their glamour because they have no job, not getting the help they need because they aren't allowed to seek Mundy services. It's a load of bullshit, Fables oughta be free from that shit, bad enough they lost their home once. It's no wonder people like Medusa and Crooked man have these folks wrapped around their finger, we know what we need for these Fables, but no one ain't doing shit!" he clenched his teeth. "Force to live on the fucking farm, no freedom, no home, just clumped together with no way out. How can they afford glamours if they can't get a job to get cash?! We can't treat them like animals-"
"Some of them are animals." Bonnie reminded.
"Not my point, I never fucking had choices in my life, neither do these Fables who get sent to the farm. They can't help being what they are, why are we punishing them for something they can't help?"
"You have some strong options on this..." Bonnie shuffled uncomfortably in her spot. Bradwr never struck her as someone who would get into this issue.
"Damn right I do." he finished his glass of champagne quickly. "Someone has too... I don't want Fables like Romeo to end up victims to cruel people like Medusa."
"You and Romeo... were you two lovers?"
"You're asking me if I enjoy the company of men?" Bradwr asked as a butler took his empty glass, Bonnie barely touched her drink.
"Oh, sorry..." Bonnie bit into her lower lip. "I guess that was a bit too forward."
"I like forward." Bradwr said. "You ask if me and Romeo were lovers, to answers your question, no, no we weren't ever lovers but we were close. More of a brotherly relationship, it was strictly non-romantic. Now if I enjoy other men, yes, yes I do. I am bisexual, I find both men and women attractive, does this make you uncomfortable?" he asked.
"Not at all, door swings both ways for me as well." Bonnie stated.
"Wonderful, guess this makes us bi spies." he laughed as Bonnie finally took a sip from her glass of champagne. Out of the corner of her eye shall the familiar figure of Bigby, it was easy to notice him with his typical posture. Even in a suit that guy could look like he stayed in bed all day, he was making his way up the stairs and onto the top floor.
"Get ready." Bonnie stated.
"For what?"
"Don't know yet... think we should informed Lyall?" Bonnie asked glancing around in search of him, only to see him and Scarlett waltzing around the floor in utterly delight. "For fucks sake..." she swore under her breath watching them, Lyall looked far too comfortable dancing with someone who could murder him in a spilt second,
"I know, whatever happened to guy code? Ain't one of the rules suppose to be not hanging with my ex-wife?" Bradwr muttered.
"Well you did rip her eye out, not to mention try to cover it up by leaving her in a burning building." she reminded.
"I think we already perceived I'm a shitty person." he grumbled.
"Oh quite the contrary, I actually think you are an alright guy, just a dumbass from time to time."
"You know, I think that might be the single nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." his eyes still were locked on Lyall and Scarlett. "So should we informed Lyall now or something?"
"Might as well, remember be quiet so we don't draw any unwanted attention."
"Quiet is my middle name." Bradwr beamed.
"Somehow I doubt that."
"Did you hear something?" Scarlett asked as Lyall spun her around for what seemed like the millionth time.
"Nope, not at all." Damn, so much this being easy. No wonder Scarlett wasn't fond of Bradwr. He dipped her one final time then pulled her back up, releasing his hand from here. "Thank you Scarlett, it has been a pleasure to dance with you."
"Oh the pleasure is all mine." she purred.
"Until he meet again."
"Wait, where are you-" before Scarlett could get another word in Lyall spun on the heels of his feet and sprinted into the endless sea of people, even with his sharp sense of smell its drawback was it was hard to keep track of everything at once. Bonnie carried the smell of buttercups, but her smell was always so faint, his father smelled of cigarette, but so did nearly everyone in Fabletown, Bradwr smelled of rich oak, matching the scent of the tables and chairs, plus the overpowering scent of floral and over priced perfumed wasn't helping, and of course the powerful aroma of Scarlett's vanilla scent, it was all so confusing.
He started to jog, Bradwr and his father's scent was proving useless to track all he could rely on was Bonnie's always faint scent, and damn it was faint. He occasionally got a whiff here and there but it always got lost in the crowds. The third time he got a whiff it led him down the hallway to a closet, most likely one for storing cleaning supplies. He opened the door, expecting to see Bonnie there, hands on her hips and scolding Bradwr at such an ill attempt to get Lyall's attention away from Scarlett. But yet no one was there, he cursed under his breath and smelled the air again, once again he got the smell of buttercups, but it wasn't coming from his friend. His nose led him to a rusty looking sink, in a salmon coloured soap dish stood a almost gone bar of yellow soap.
"Damn it!" he swore, flinging the soap dish against the dull coloured walls. The dish shattered upon impact, he could only hope it didn't draw attention.
"Feisty, I like it." he turned his head away from the shattered soap dish to the dust coated mirror before him. The familiar freckled face of Scarlett faced him. Shit, he forgotten about her mirror jumping powers. She emerged from the mirror rather gracefully, not once breaking eye contact with him. "You didn't really think you were just gonna get away with only a dance, did you?"
Next thing he knew Scarlett pinned him against the wall, a wicked gleam in her good eye as her lips curled into a slick and kinky smile.
"You certainly like to surprise others." Lyall commented as Scarlett leaned in closer, gently grabbing his tie.
"That's me, full of surprises." and with that being said she gave his tie a hard yank, his lips messily met hers, she clawed at his brie hair, not daring to leave him an opening to flee.
Lyall's heart raced with excitement. Perhaps he was getting a tad too into this undercover assignment, but he did say he was going to keep Scarlett busy, and if this wasn't busy he didn't know what busy was... But one thing was for certain... Scarlett was going to be the most pissed she ever been when this was all done and over with.
And end of this chapter, I think for now on I might make shorter chapters, do that way I don't end up posting like once a month.
And yes, Lyall X Scarlett is a thing now What should we call them? Lyllett? Lyett?
And I notice a thing on this forum about commenting and I kind of want to clear something up. I'm extremely shy and have anxiety, communicating is hard for me. But I had read many stories from various writers on this forum, just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I'm not on here. I am thankful for any comments or likes I get and others writers contributing to this forum.
And since its been so long a sneak "peek" for an upcoming story, the next tale after this one is wrapped up will be starring Bonnie, she deserves a little spotlight, and we're find out about Valora who was mentioned a few chapters ago. (Or if you fallow me on da you might had been spoilers XD)
I just liked both posts XD Good job, by the way! I don't have time to go into detail right now, but this chapter was pretty good! I liked Mouse and Jack's little conversation XD
Tears began to stream down Kierons face...he's never felt so powerless in his life, he wanted to rewind time so none of this would've happened. He fell to his knees. He despised how he was dumb enough not to check and make sure the commander was dead. He screamed in sorrow. Azaria walked over to Kieron.
"Kieron it's all of our faults, we should have been on our guard. You can't take the blame for everything that's happened here." She said
Alice walked over "If it's anyone's fault it's mine for dragging you all into this." She said
Kieron stood he still had a sad look on his face. "Lets...just go and report to Max."
Azaria and Alice looked at each other worried. Og followed Kieron while Alice, Azaria and Nyx trailed behind. Nyxs head dipped
"I tried to show him what would happen, but he was already dreaming before I could reach him." Nyx said
Azaria flicked Nyx "Not you too, brighten up. We have three more commanders to go! And then the King." She said
"You're right!" Nyx purred. "Although turning to a serious matter you need to help Kieron. If he keeps acting like this who knows how his life will be." He said
"What do you mean? You can't see his future?" She said
Nyx turned his head. "It changes everyday sometimes I see Kieron so happy and full of life, but I see him becoming a very cold and compassionless man more than I wish." He said sadly
"How do we change it?" Alice asked
"I don't know, try spending time with him. Fill his mind with happy thoughts anything. In all honesty I wish we could comepletely pull him from this war. Although I know he would never do so." He said
"Who's to say it won't work?" Azaria asked
"He may say he hates war, that he hates to kill. But he's lieing, he loves fighting, for him it makes him feel like he has something to live for. His mind is not a happy place." Nyx said
"So he'll stay here till we win or he dies in a fight?" Alice said
"Exactly. He feels as if this is normal life. It's what he was born to do. Fight and win, or fight and die." Nyx said
"You guys are really close huh?" Alice said
"It's weird, we have formed such a strong bond in such a short amount of time. I feel as if we've been friends for a long time..." Nyx said beginning to ponder.
"You feel a lot of things don't you?" Azaria chuckled
Kieron looked at Og.
"I'm...I'm really sorry for causing this...I hope you'll continue working with us. If not then I understand comepletely." Kieron said
Og smiled and patted him on the back. He mouthed the words. "I will fight with you until the end Kieron, for Johns sake."
Kieron had felt a bit happier and gave a small smile and nod.
In the real world. Experimental lab.
"Sir! Kierons mental state has dropped slightly, Azarias however has become normal, Alices mental state is slipping little by little. It's starting to destroy wonderland." A scientist said
"As long as Alice resides in wonderland when her mind snaps and there is a person still alive she will give the survivor a choice, however only one other person has been able to do that. And whoever that man or woman is has been long forgotten." The king said
"What? So she's-" the scientist was interrupted.
"She's a goddess but only in wonderland. However she doesn't have access to these abilities unless her mind snaps or ifor she is on the brink ofor death." The king said
"But we aren't going to risk killing her right? There's no reason to, we can just-" He was cut off again.
"We'll do whatever the situation calls for. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go back to wonderland. I have a friend I must contact to help me with my old friend Kieron." The king said
At the business office
Luke and Bigby sat at their desk, Luke was still upset at Bigby for not helping out with the war in wonderland. He said they should let it be, and when it's over they'll have to try and cover up whatever is going on in the hospital. But Luke had an idea of who could help, although should he ask Bigby? He got up, he knew where to find him anyways.
"Where are you going?" Bigby asked
"On break. See you in a bit Bigby." He said walking out the door before Bigby could answer.
Hans house...
"Aw dad can't I help you?" Lucas asked
"No, it's going to be dangerous. Plus don't you want to hangout with Uncle Georgie?" Hans smiled.
"I guess so..." Lucas said
Georgie poked around the corner
"Oh yeah? Ol' Georgie ran his course did he?" He said crossing his arms
Lucas ran and gave him a hug. "No, I'm just scared that dad won't come back." He said
"Ya father is a big man Lucas not even the big bad wolf can stop this man!" Georgie said
Hans laughed "That's right, I have to go now. You be good alright?" Hans said "When I get back so will mom and she's going to give you a big hug too if you're extra good."
Lucas began to tear up. "Okay dad...I love you!" He tried to smile.
Hans smiled and closed the door. He kept reminding himself he needed to be strong, he will come back with Alice...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! Next couple of chapters will have a guest appearance of @HazzatheMan OC Nick and Galen
Haha yes and you know what? I'm going to take that and run with it when Nick shows Viviana how to communicate with the dead, enter their wor… moreld and come back with Bigby.
I thought it was indeed super sweet but that tree's face, though. XD That was me in my high school years. XD XD I be like 'I just saw two people doing it....lol'
I was going to make a remark but....let's not GO there, Chad. XD
The Trial
[He looks like he’s got ahold of things.]
After Nick finished whooping those guy’s and the Ogre’s ass, he finished offed h… moreis drink and waited for Etan answer.
“So, as I said earlier. The information required, comes with a cost.. What do you have to offer me for such a lofty request?”
“I’ll pay for your drinks” Etan said.
Nick laughed and told him that was kind of Etan but wasn’t enough. So Etan offered Nick a chance to challenge father of wolves, something he expected Nick to not turned down since he loved a good fight. Nick turned another sip of his drink and thought it over.
“Fenrir you say? I think I’ll enjoy pummelling into nothingness. I’ll show where you can find your material, but when the time comes to battle, you’ll know where to find me..* -Burps-*”
“Yeah, if you haven’t been kicked out another tavern..”
Nick hands Tezoth an old map to a temple, he immediately sets of time find the material while … [view original content]
Wow...I already guessed it would be Noah but I still can't believe it. I DID have a question, now that everyone knows this fucker did it. Does Rosie KNOW she's Erica's aunt? Will Michelle tell her or is this something that will remain a secret, simply to spare everyone's feelings at the moment? Carla is a major bitch. I'm sorry. Excuse the language but she is: to use your OWN sons as weapons and pawns in your pathetic life, all to ruin others along the way? Selfish, inconsiderate bitch. I hope she gets what is coming to her. I know Georgie is going to assist in this and to be honest, I hope he and Emily team the fuck up and just DESTROY that bitch! >:D
I loved the beginning and agree with everyone. You took my feels again, man! Dem feels! I always hate when they call either of the Porgie kids Fuck Trash; it sounds horrible and so disrespectful and I want to hug them when this is said. Noah is an asshole. Joey was a dick and Carla is a bitch. WHAT happened to these people, man? They are so mousy that they can't even back away and let Carla play with her own bullshit?! >:0 GOD I hate her so much!
I thought Ethan died. Like, not even kidding! XD I was yelling and getting ready to call your ass up! lol UGH and Noah kicked his own child!? Honestly, I'm glad Ethan did all that to Noah: the pipe, riping his foot off. Bashing his skull in. Setting his body on fire. He did not need to do that to either Erica Or Michelle but now it seemed bitter sweet he did all that. He TURNED into Georgie because of the spilled blood and vengeance. I see what you did there: Georgie killed those women to protect himself, Vivian and the club. ETHAN kills Noah to protect himself, michelle, Erica and his family....Wow...
I see the reason behind this picture now:
I read your comment to Hman and noticed only Peter can stop Ethan now....I have an idea HOW but shit, pie. Those feels again. And Carla mentioned using Ethan in her plan....shit. As if Robert was not enough for her! I really like where this is going and I hope to GOD nothing happens to either of the quads or Porgies or Gren, Robert....any of them!
Erica's faint whimpers awoke Ethan from his nap. Looking around, he had forgotten the afternoon spent with Michelle. Glancing over, her long… more golden strands of hair scattered along the carpet; she was covered in a blanket, her breasts exposed as the sun danced along the pale mounds of flesh. Ethan leans forward, kisses the top of her lips and carefully exits their bundle of romance. Stratching his lower back and arching forward, Ethan finds his boxers and pants.
Erica begins to call out for Michelle and even Ethan. He adored that little girl the moment he first saw her image. Even before their introduction, Ethan saw a bubbly, blue eyed girl with bouncing black curls and a radiant smile. Even when he knew of this Erica, the one lost in a world of hurt and confusion, he still saw nothing different.
Entering her bedroom, Erica claps and giggles. Inching towards her body, Erica grabs Ethan's arms and is pressed against his bare chest. The s… [view original content]
I love how Nick was like 'whatev' after kicking some ass and drank the rest of his Whiskey. lol I think Pie or Hman (can't remember) made the comment of Kieron becoming the Nick Fury to the Fables head quarter. Also, I pictured Tman dressed like Indy, the music played in my head and everything and I loved it!
I'd say take on the guardians, claim yo' statue and return to Etan! I FINALLY caught up to the other chapters and I must say you have something wonderful happening here! Also: #Grendel Sqaud indeed!
The Trial
[He looks like he’s got ahold of things.]
After Nick finished whooping those guy’s and the Ogre’s ass, he finished offed h… moreis drink and waited for Etan answer.
“So, as I said earlier. The information required, comes with a cost.. What do you have to offer me for such a lofty request?”
“I’ll pay for your drinks” Etan said.
Nick laughed and told him that was kind of Etan but wasn’t enough. So Etan offered Nick a chance to challenge father of wolves, something he expected Nick to not turned down since he loved a good fight. Nick turned another sip of his drink and thought it over.
“Fenrir you say? I think I’ll enjoy pummelling into nothingness. I’ll show where you can find your material, but when the time comes to battle, you’ll know where to find me..* -Burps-*”
“Yeah, if you haven’t been kicked out another tavern..”
Nick hands Tezoth an old map to a temple, he immediately sets of time find the material while … [view original content]
I just liked both posts XD Good job, by the way! I don't have time to go into detail right now, but this chapter was pretty good! I liked Mouse and Jack's little conversation XD
She learned magic from her summer spent in the Business Office. She gained their trust but no one knew what her true intentions were.
Damn. That would have been neat to see. Well, either way have at it, Nick my good man! >:D
I love how Nick was like 'whatev' after kicking some ass and drank the rest of his Whiskey. lol I think Pie or Hman (can't remember) made th… moree comment of Kieron becoming the Nick Fury to the Fables head quarter. Also, I pictured Tman dressed like Indy, the music played in my head and everything and I loved it!
I'd say take on the guardians, claim yo' statue and return to Etan! I FINALLY caught up to the other chapters and I must say you have something wonderful happening here! Also: #Grendel Sqaud indeed!
Can't wait for the next chapter, Stone!
I stopped reading Creepypastas in general cuz I kept thinking they would come for me in the night :P
You mentioned Mirah Collins in the Archive message... Now I want my OC Damien to meet her! He would NOT stop trying to chat her up! XD
It's a good movie imo. Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski made several films together, all notorious for having difficult production periods (largely cuz Kinski was a fucking pain to work with) I just remembered the catacombs of Paris! That is creepy as hell...
Yep, I've read the creepypasta, but assume that the creepypasta is the Mundy version of his story. The real version has been slightly reveal… moreed, though Jonathan might explain more into detail later in the future. You basically got the perfect picture to describe his appearance, too.
Mirah looks like a very gorgeous Vampire; She's tall, pale skinned, with light brown hair and a sexual sense of style. She's menacing and misleading, and has an American accent (since she's American, as opposed to her British counterparts.) I'll make her in sims along with a bunch of other characters so you get the gist of it
The intro to the movie was DEFINITELY creepy and I would believe it if it was the scariest intro! I watched it and was like "Eghhh that's....that's creepy." But yeah. Paris has catacombs under it full of bones (I did a project on it once ^-^) And the walls are literally lined with skulls.
If you google it, you'll find tons more. Glad you liked the chapter!
I stopped reading Creepypastas in general cuz I kept thinking they would come for me in the night :P
You mentioned Mirah Collins in the A… morerchive message... Now I want my OC Damien to meet her! He would NOT stop trying to chat her up! XD
It's a good movie imo. Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski made several films together, all notorious for having difficult production periods (largely cuz Kinski was a fucking pain to work with) I just remembered the catacombs of Paris! That is creepy as hell...
I've decided to sit this one out, I could make a vampire OC easily, but portraying the 90's style isn't really my thing. I just don't feel confident I guess
Challenge Preparation: Step 2
@pudding_pie, @Tetra, @MasterStone, @EMMYPESS
After you four have shown your complete approval of my ide… morea in the first step, it's time to move onto the second!
For this particular step, I would like for each of you to watch the following videos of movie scenes, songs, tv shows, and video game clips. Keep in mind that these are what I believe are crucial for your complete immersion of the 90's vampire world. Anything else that's similar you are welcome to reference as well.
I would also recommend watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix or through any other means if you can!
Now that you have watched the videos, he… [view original content]
Ah for me it was Ben Drowned and Jeff the Killer Slenderman was a factor in my 18th birthday though:
One of my friends is an artist and she drew Slenderman in the birthday card she gave me, and after I blacked out I started saying "If that's Pete in a Slenderman costume then I'm gonna fuck him up!" I was looking down a clear street under the impression that my mate's older brother was fucking around with me in a Slenderman suit... when he wasn't even present at the time :P
Damien isn't that stupid, he would sleep with Mirah and then leave Plus if she tries to hunt him down, Damien is a fire sorcerer and Nick's best friend...
His other films were meh compared to this one, I guess I just like horror too much XD
Same! It was the Russian Sleep Experiment that did me in though....shudders.
Haha XD I'd like to see that XD She's a hard to get one, tho… moreugh. She'll manipulate the hell out of Damien if he lets her.
Yeah, it looked good! I should watch it some day. I'm sure my dad probably has, he's into that stuff XD
The Trial
[He looks like he’s got ahold of things.]
After Nick finished whooping those guy’s and the Ogre’s ass, he finished offed h… moreis drink and waited for Etan answer.
“So, as I said earlier. The information required, comes with a cost.. What do you have to offer me for such a lofty request?”
“I’ll pay for your drinks” Etan said.
Nick laughed and told him that was kind of Etan but wasn’t enough. So Etan offered Nick a chance to challenge father of wolves, something he expected Nick to not turned down since he loved a good fight. Nick turned another sip of his drink and thought it over.
“Fenrir you say? I think I’ll enjoy pummelling into nothingness. I’ll show where you can find your material, but when the time comes to battle, you’ll know where to find me..* -Burps-*”
“Yeah, if you haven’t been kicked out another tavern..”
Nick hands Tezoth an old map to a temple, he immediately sets of time find the material while … [view original content]
Yay! Nick kicked their asses
I thought there were 2 parts of Fenrir left? Wrath and Will
I don't think the treasure would be worth the risk, we don't even know what it is. So I say Face the statues!!!! XD
The Horsemen Rode Part: One
On the battlfield...
Tears began to stream down Kierons face...he's never felt so powerless in his life, h… moree wanted to rewind time so none of this would've happened. He fell to his knees. He despised how he was dumb enough not to check and make sure the commander was dead. He screamed in sorrow. Azaria walked over to Kieron.
"Kieron it's all of our faults, we should have been on our guard. You can't take the blame for everything that's happened here." She said
Alice walked over "If it's anyone's fault it's mine for dragging you all into this." She said
Kieron stood he still had a sad look on his face. "Lets...just go and report to Max."
Azaria and Alice looked at each other worried. Og followed Kieron while Alice, Azaria and Nyx trailed behind. Nyxs head dipped
"I tried to show him what would happen, but he was already dreaming before I could reach him." Nyx said
Azaria flicked Nyx "Not you t… [view original content]
Inconsistencies? Do tell
I have to refresh the page as well :P I can't help you there...
I was not expecting Jonathan to be a creepypasta let alone the rake. Great twist within a twist,
Also, I can empathise with having to go back to school for I have come to the end of my school holidays here in Australia as well.
When I say inconsistancies, I mean those with the Fables lore (I can understand it is an AU). For instance, Bluebeard having been a former pirate and the ease of which Snow and Bigby blossomed into a relationship.
These minor errors put aside, I congratulate you on your great first attempt at fanfiction.
You need to re-read Fables. Bluebeard IS a pirate, it's confirmed in 'The Last Castle' story for a start.
I disagree with you saying they got together too easily, they both loved each other for so long, they were just convinced nothing would happen between each other. All it took was for the barriers to be broken by a kiss and a confession of love...
Remember that the 2 slept together under the influence of that spell in Volume 3? The spell didn't make them sleep together, that was a decision they both consciously made!
Thank you nonetheless...
I missed The detail of Bluebeard being a pirate. I feel low now XD (joke).
I might as well fill in the time waiting for Fables 150 by catching back up.
Oh sweet we can have all kinds of creatures in this. Man, I have more to add to my idea now that you mentioned this! Looking forward more and more!
Erica's faint whimpers awoke Ethan from his nap. Looking around, he had forgotten the afternoon spent with Michelle. Glancing over, her long golden strands of hair scattered along the carpet; she was covered in a blanket, her breasts exposed as the sun danced along the pale mounds of flesh. Ethan leans forward, kisses the top of her lips and carefully exits their bundle of romance. Stratching his lower back and arching forward, Ethan finds his boxers and pants.
Erica begins to call out for Michelle and even Ethan. He adored that little girl the moment he first saw her image. Even before their introduction, Ethan saw a bubbly, blue eyed girl with bouncing black curls and a radiant smile. Even when he knew of this Erica, the one lost in a world of hurt and confusion, he still saw nothing different.
Entering her bedroom, Erica claps and giggles. Inching towards her body, Erica grabs Ethan's arms and is pressed against his bare chest. The skin contact and warmth from his flesh causes the girl to go limp and feel secure. Placing a hand behind her head, Ethan checks the scar tissue for any signs of swelling or infection. They came close one year when Erica bumped her head into the coffee table; Michelle left the room for a minute to check on dinner and some how, Erica found her way onto the floor ad bumbling around. Ethan received the devestating phone call and for the next twenty four hours, it was touch and go with Erica. Swineheart managed to stop the bleeding in time and the wound healed up nicely but there were days Ethan feared the worse.
"Ice cream, Ethan!" Her blue eyes glance up into Ethan's. "I take nap. Ice Cream."
Ethan chuckles as he makes his way to the bathroom. "You need to try and go to the bathroom first, sweetie, alright?"
"No! No potty, Ethan! Go ice cream!"
"At least try, baby girl." Ethan presses his face against her hair. "Just sit and wait."
Ethan takes the little girl to the bathroom and gently places her on the ground. Standing back, he notices her legs wobble as if she was a newborn Lamb. Looking up, she whimpers and clings to the toilet. Although it broke his heart, he wanted Erica to desperatly gain strength and composure. Erica would have to learn eventually; her speech was improving and her ability to walk alone for a few inches at a time was better compared to two, three years ago.
"C'mon, baby girl. You can do it..."
"My feet." Erica points. "Feet. Owies, Ethan."
"You can do it, Erica." Ethan taps on the toilet seat. "Remember how mommy and I taught you? One foot, two foot, getting on the seat-"
Erica smiles and joins in the song. "-Shuffle this, shuffle that, time to move your feet."
The little girl attempts to move like the song; one leg here, the other there, slide back; shuffle just a bit and sit. But there was a loud bang in the kitchen that caused them both to turn their heads. Ethan immediatly picks up the scent of Old Spice. This was not his smell and who ever it was, just broke into the apartment. Still, Ethan could have sworn he'd picked out this scent before...
"Ethan." Erica tries to jump down. "Mommy. Bad man. Bang."
"Erica, look at me. I'm going to go find mommy. You NEED to stay here and be quiet, understand?"
Ethan did not give the terrified girl a chance to speak, for he was heading towards the noise and increasing stench of spice and man; his nostril flared with every step until he reached the kitchen and found Noah, standing and holding a gun to Michelle's head. She was still naked and began to thrash in his arm. He cocked the gun, causing her to gasp and remain still. He chortled and pressed the weapon against her skull.
"Well, well. Ethan Porgie. I thought I smelled fuck trash..."
"YOU.." Ethan narrowed his glare and grew closer. "What the FUCK are you doing here?"
"I got out of prison, silly goose! I was looking forward to hanging out with you and Peter, maybe tag along with Junior and RJ. Like old times. I was expecting some cake, Beer...balloons would have been nice-"
"WHAT are you doing here?!" Ethan growls, taking another step. "PUT the gun down and let her go..."
"Now, see, Ethan. The funny thing is, I can't just DO that. I have a job to do. I'm here, to put my mother's plan into action. Create a fuck ton of chaos for you and that fun little family you have back there."
Ethan continues further until he sticks a needle into Michelle's neck. Holding the gun out and pointed at Ethan, Noah stands beside the fridge and laughs.
"YOU might want to stay right there, like a good Dog, alright?"
"What did you do to her?" Ethan panics, reaching for Michelle. "Michelle, please! Give me your hand and-"
"God you're stupid. I always figured YOU were the smart twin but I guess not. Same goes for the good and evil, huh? See, the thing about being half darkness is, everything has a weakness. Even someone who thought was so 'powerful' like her father here, couldn't resist the temptation of those pearly whites. Oh and power. Lots and lots of power...."
"Light is one HELL of a way to go, huh Michelle? See, what your precious Michelle here didn't tell is, she has a spell protecting herself from the light. Without it, she literally burns to death. Inhale, Ethan. Can't you just TASTE that lovely, crispy tecture? Nothing like good 'ol charred Fairy skin, eh Michelle?"
"No..." Ethan looks down and notices a patch of black appearing along Michelle's neck, face and hands. "Stop it, Noah! Let her go!"
"GOD, you are so pathetic right now! I was going to say we could take turns fuckin' this little blondie but with you acting like this, I don't think you deserve any of the lemon pie now, Porgie!"
Ethan glares up and without a word, pins his body into Noah, causing him to fly into the counter and bang his head. A vile of purple liquid rolls out of his pant pocket and beside Michelle. Weakly, she pulls herself up and grabs the bottle. Grabbing his head, Noah notices the blood splatter.
"You made me bleed, you cock suckin' piece of shit!"
"Come at me." Ethan beckons to Noah. "You wanna push someone around? Huh? Wanna fight-then let's go, bitch!"
Ethan did not take into consideration the powers Noah was available to. Hidden in his coat pocket, was a vile of pure silver. Ethan did not stand a chance against the liquid and before either he or Michelle could make a peep, it began coarsing through his veins. Ethan's heart beat came to a
slow beat; his breathing shallow, the taste of copper in his mouth and the shrill cries of both Michelle and Erica. His vision became a blur of colors and danced together. Michelle, with one final ounce of strength, calls out Ethan's name and collaspes into the floor. All Ethan remembered was Noah grabbing Erica and running out the door. Crawling, it felt like an out of body experience. Lifting himself against the railing to the stairs, Ethan could feel the change.
There was something happening within him. Grunting and carefully making his way down the stairs, Ethan held back the urge to transform
and hunt his prey down. Upon following the odor of Noah, Ethan noticed ink appearing on his arm. They were tattoos. 'Kiss the Girls' slowly etching into his chest...
"Shut the fuck up, Erica!" Noah ran until he came to the end of an alley. Placing the startled girl on the floor, Noah takes out his phone and dials a phone number. Erica continued to scream and attempt to word 'mommy' and Ethan. Annoyed with her cries and worried someone would hear, Noah lifts his foot and plummets the front into Erica's side. Landing in a puddle of dirty, oily water, Erica's weeps become whimpers and mumbles.
"SHUT up or I swear to GOD you'll end up like your blasted grandmother!" Noah returns to the phone. "Yeah, seriously hurry the fuck up! Yes, she's been dealt with. I took care of Ethan, yes. NO! I don't know, fuck! Go look for yourself!"
Noah did not contemplat the tenderness and brawn Ethan had dwelling in the pit of his stomach, nor did he take into consideration the curse beneath his smile and apperance. As Ethan closed into Noah's location, his aspect drastically changed. His brown hair waves; brow frowned, teeth sharp but both his arms now laced with the same tattoos Georgie wore. The chest tattoo clear as day and the infamous dollar and teardrop on his face. Clawing to find Noah, Ethan's eye glued to his prey. His ears picked up Erica's faint pleas.
"NOAH!" His voice rang through the shadows. "Get the FOOK ova' 'ere, ya' bloody twat...."
"What the hell!? Hold on, Georgie is here. NO! Georgie! I just heard him and-"
Ethan swats Noah into the brick wall. More blood congeals. The intense smell of blood, dirt and vengeance lingers in the air. Noah is taken back by the sudden change in Ethan. He steadily transformed into his father with hair; Ethan's clothes became the very ones his father wore and a bowler hat topped the outfit out with a final laugh from Ethan. Glancing over, he noticed Erica's condition. This was the final straw for what remaind inside of Ethan. Cracking his neck and knuckles, Ethan said not a word as he began heading towards Noah. Cowering, Noah tried to pick up his phone.
"No! No, you're supposed to be dead! How the fuck did you manage to get up!? That was PURE silver! No Werewolf can withstand that! I-"
Ethan pins Noah against the wall and tosses his body into the chainlinked fence. Grabbing at the metal bars, Ethan snatches one of Noah's legs and yanks. The flesh began to tear away from bone; blood poured from the open wound like stuffing to a child's toy. In agony, Noah began to scream and attempt to pull Ethan off.
"NO! OH God stop! My fucking leg! You monster!"
"I'm the monster, huh?" Ethan tosses the dismembered body part and grabs Noah by the throat. "You have NOT seen monster yet..."
"Please, Ethan!" Noah began to choke on blood. His skin turning pale. "I only wanted to scare her! I didn't want this! Please! You gotta believe me! I'm sorry for Erica! Michelle! I-"
"YOU caused Erica great pain. You nearly KILLED Michelle, sent her into a fucking deep, dark place that even I couldn't find. You lived an easy life, while she struggled with herself just because of that little girl over there. She didn't DESERVE this. You don't deserve to live a life you took from them both..."
"OH GOD Ethan!" Noah trembles in Ethan's grasp. "This was her fault! I didn't want Erica OR Michelle! It was my mom! SHE wanted to take all the power but when she found out about the purple pills-"
"-You got Michelle pregnant, hoping Erica would be, what...EVIL?"
"No one knew! This was our little secret but it got so out of hand! Michelle went to you, for help but when she returned I made sure she'd never mention me or anyone of us to you or Peter...."
"What did you do?" Ethan pins Ethan to the wall, crushing his rib cage. "You better fucking start talking, Noah....I'm NOT in the fookin' mood.."
"What's happening to you, Ethan..." Noah struggled to breath. "You're changing....you've become-"
Ethan drops Noah into the ground. Walking towards Erica, Ethan picks up the little girl. Her entire body and dress is soaking wet. She shakes, trying to keep warm along his body. Removing his shirt, Ethan wraps Erica inside the material and forces her to sit up straight and against the wall.
"I'll be right back, love...alright? But ya' gotta turn 'round fa' me."
"Ice Cream, Ethan..."
"Yes baby." Ethan touches her face. "We'll go get mommy and well 'ave lots of ice cream, alright? Do like the song said: one foot, two foot, getting on the seat..."
Erica shuffles against the ground and faces a nearby gutter. Ethan prepares to finish it. The change grew tight around his chest and mind but all he could see was protecting his own. Is this how his father felt all those years ago when Vivian was still alive? The club was being threatned to be torn down, even though this was all he'd known? How his father reacted the day Lyla and the children were almost taken away? Peter? Or Emily...
"Ethan no, please! Have mercy!"
"Mercy...MERCY!? Did ya' show mercy when ya' hit her? HUH! Caused Erica such damage that she's fookin' stuck like that!? Did ya' show MERCY when Michelle begged ya' ta' stop!?" Ethan pulls out a picture of both Erica and Michelle. "I want ya' ta' look at these two, beautiful women and fookin' tell me ya' showed them the same fookin' mercy, ya' be expectin' me ta' give ya'......"
No answer. "That's woot I fookin thought. Did you feel like a man, when you pushed her around? DO you FEEL betta' now, knowin' ya' did that to them both? Here...let me show ya' a REAL man, Noah...."
Grabbing a fallen pipe, Noah's cries were drowning out to the tune of the city and the crunching of Ethan's boots against the dirt below. Ethan stood above Noah's body. Blood pooled under his skull. Bones cracked. Life slipping from his eyes. With one final lift, Ethan slams the end of the pipe against Noah's skull and cracks it like an egg. Ethan only pictured the story Michelle revieled to him not too long ago: the bat crashing into Erica's skull, Noah pushing her down the stairs, nearly killing her. Killing Erica. Attempting to rape her. Abused her.
The fake smile and persona Michelle had to adopt, just to get out of bed in the morning. Ethan lowers his mighty, thick arms, grabs Noah's head and twists. Pulling it clean off the shoulders, Ethan holds up the decapetated head and howls. Joining the honking and bumbling city, Ethan's transformation was complete. Tossing the body into a trashcan, Ethan lights several scattered pieces of paper on fire and throws them into the can. Smoking a cigarette, Ethan watches the flames consume the body; a wave of emotions and thoughts his father once held entered his mind, body and soul.
"Alright, love." Ethan finishes off his cigarette. "Ready ta' go get mommy and some goodies?"
"Ethan..." Erica pokes Ethan's throat. "What this?"
"I love ya' baby girl." Ethan walks down the sidewalk, holding Erica against his chest. Some stopped to stare at the tattooed man with a Bowler hat and child against his shirtless chest.
It had begun....
'My secret side I keep, hidden under lock and key, I keep it caged but I can't control it. Cause if I let him out, he'll tear me up, break me down. So stay away from me, the beast is ugly. I feel the rage and I just can't hold it....'
Any questions, let me know.
Ethan's curse has finally begun...the war is finally beginning. UGH! It's so hot today but its all good. 
Noah is the Mundies name, guess what I'm gonna write tonight!!!! XD
I'm confused about Noah though, what is his backstory?
And Ethan... God help him for what he has become...
I, guess, I look forward to more...
(Tbh, while Ethan did pretty good on him, Nick can do much worse. I have also decided that Nick will show Ethan his 'pet'...)
Noah is Carla's son. Rosie's brother....and Carla's plan to bring out the curse in Ethan.
Yeah Ethan has become the evil that Georgie once was before his second chance...anguish and Michelle triggered it all, just like Carla had hoped for. >:(
Not sure how to take this one, tbh....I'll let you do what you want with Noah but I feel like Ethan did enough. He took care of it and protected his two women.
The original one was WAY to graphic for this thread...
But he's a Mundy? (I know you said he was, but how exactly?)
So what happens to Ethan now?
Too graphic? I didn't think there was a limit on how graphic the violence could be
I'll just spoiler tag mine :P
It was the shock of Ethan becoming the next Georgie Porgie that made write the 'I look forward to more' comment...
Well Ethan made it permanent, Nick on the other hand prefers to break his victims before he does anything else >:D Ethan and Nick will come close to a conflict over killing Noah, Nick wants to keep his 'pet' alive so it can suffer, but Ethan thinks Noah will escape somehow so he wants to kill him, but Nick ensures that won't happen.
Why does it always have to start out so nice and within a milisecond everything turns to shit
I mean I saw it coming but I felt so bad for Michelle and then Ethan...His curse has started and with that a war. I hope for minimum casualties, but sometimes risks must be taken! Too many emotions with one chapter for me to handle man! XD
Absolutely phenomenal chapter man!
Carla is a mundy and although Noah's father is Grendel, he took after his mother. HOW Carla will use Ethan in this, well, that will come later. It involves Peter...
And yeah, spoil tag the hell out of it. Just in case.
Ethan's curse will slowly creep in and he'll become what Georgie was. There is only one person that can stop this....It's a shock, yes. I'm having a difficult time with this but as each of the Porgie kids had a curse, this is Ethan's...
Hey, Noah is dead now. Nick can tourture him in death. XD The dynamic duo these two would become! >:D
I know! I'm sorry! XD It had to be done, though. Who would have thought one mundy could bring so much descruction into the lives of so many...:( Believe it or not, not too many deaths will occur but I'm just getting started with the feels. All I'll say....
Glad you liked it, man!
But Carla can use magic... Fables lore confuses me :P
Oh boy :O
Nick can't torture a soul unfortunately
She learned magic from her summer spent in the Business Office. She gained their trust but no one knew what her true intentions were.
Damn. That would have been neat to see. Well, either way have at it, Nick my good man! >:D
Maybe Luke had the right idea of getting rid of them all XD You know its good that there wouldn't be many casualties but I fear the feels man XD
Yep, I've read the creepypasta, but assume that the creepypasta is the Mundy version of his story. The real version has been slightly revealed, though Jonathan might explain more into detail later in the future. You basically got the perfect picture to describe his appearance, too.
Mirah looks like a very gorgeous Vampire; She's tall, pale skinned, with light brown hair and a sexual sense of style. She's menacing and misleading, and has an American accent (since she's American, as opposed to her British counterparts.) I'll make her in sims along with a bunch of other characters so you get the gist of it
The intro to the movie was DEFINITELY creepy and I would believe it if it was the scariest intro! I watched it and was like "Eghhh that's....that's creepy." But yeah. Paris has catacombs under it full of bones (I did a project on it once ^-^) And the walls are literally lined with skulls.
If you google it, you'll find tons more. Glad you liked the chapter!
Well, I have to admit, even I didn't know he'd be the Rake until just recently; Sometimes, I make things up and deal with more specifics later, when I'm ready to dive into those. I figured the way I pictured him was very similar to The Rake, and I wanted to gain that sense of creepiness that he should have. When he is The Rake, he is NOT an ally. He is an enemy. So don't hate him when he's able to go human again, just hate the demon within. And hell, maybe I WOULD have chose the chupacabra or however you spell it XD
Definitely. Mirah knows mind games and is willing to play a while. Belinda isn't a witch; But, she has her good graces with one -cough-Frau-cough- So the ring was made to work with Belinda, and whoever she allows to also use it.
More will be talked about the daughter. You'll just have to wait and see.
Glad you liked it! And yeah, procrastination, man XD I never actually got it finished but I had that class today and everyone was presenting BUT THEN WE HAD A FIRE DRILL AND THERE WAS ONLY A FEW MINUTES LEFT OF CLASS AFTER IT SO I NEVER HAD TO PRESENT AND I WAS PROBABLY THE HAPPIEST PERSON (aside from everyone else who hadn't done it like me) IN THE SCHOOL XD
Haha, thanks! I try my best to incorporate ACTUAL fairytales and legends and stories to my own, as Willingham does with all the more popular ones, you know?
Yep. Holidays are awesome, until you reach the last day and you're like "Ugh, now I have to be a normal person in society again. This bites."
Also, I've got to catch up in reading your chapters AND commenting; I've read a few but only commented on the first chapter. I have to say, you write very brilliantly, and I LOVE where it's all going.
The Trial
[He looks like he’s got ahold of things.]
After Nick finished whooping those guy’s and the Ogre’s ass, he finished offed his drink and waited for Etan answer.
“So, as I said earlier. The information required, comes with a cost.. What do you have to offer me for such a lofty request?”
“I’ll pay for your drinks” Etan said.
Nick laughed and told him that was kind of Etan but wasn’t enough. So Etan offered Nick a chance to challenge father of wolves, something he expected Nick to not turned down since he loved a good fight. Nick turned another sip of his drink and thought it over.
“Fenrir you say? I think I’ll enjoy pummelling into nothingness. I’ll show where you can find your material, but when the time comes to battle, you’ll know where to find me..* -Burps-*”
“Yeah, if you haven’t been kicked out another tavern..”
Nick hands Tezoth an old map to a temple, he immediately sets of time find the material while Etan returns to the headquarters, hoping to return for some crucial intel on Fenrir’s wearabouts.
Avengers Headquarters
Upon his return, Kieron seeks his audience immediately
“Sir they found him, but.. we have some bad news. The father reported that he has a body now.. Does that mean we’re too late?”
“That is excellent news Kieron. But, he’s getting his power back slowly which is bad for us all. He already has his Body and Claws, which means theres only one more part left..”
“What is that sir?” Kieron asked
“His Wrath, another overpowered feature of my grandfather. But he’ll be gone before he become whole. Anything else Kieron?”
The building began to shake and tremor and the lights flashed. The sound of howling can be heard. Kieron rushes over to the magic pot and stirs the magic liquid around until he can see what was causing this disturbance. He looked closer and could not believe what he seen.
“Yes Kieron?”
“Fenrir is heading in this direction…”
Somewhere in the Homelands
Tezoth lands in front of a old and dusty temple resembling something out of a Indiana Jones movie. He careful makes his way into the temple first walking through the long and totally not boobie-traped hallway and entered the main hall. In the hall there all two huge statues in the very middle of them. He flies up to the one on the left and noticed something strange about it, like it is watching him. He steps back away and continues his mission while being secretly watched by the creepy statue.
“Okay, where to look first..”
He made his way to a chamber full of broken stair cases, he ignored the and flew all the way up to the top where there was an alter with gold doubloons in a red basket, just sitting there while a single beam of sunlight beaming on it.
“This is probably a trap… but they're begging for me to take this…”
He picks up the basket of gold which causes the floor to open up revealing a large bed of spikes. He sprouts wings in just the right moment before falling in and leaves the room returning the main hall.
“I should've seen that coming.”
As he dumps the coins into his coat pocket the same statue that was glaring at him eyes turn bright red and causes a new pathway to open. He casually make his way over towards the dark door and this, is watched the the other statue.
He enters and in this room is a walkway leading downward into darkness. Tezoth carefully places his foot on the first step and sets off another trap. A giant boulder above his head begins to fall. It look liked it was impossible to avoid on foot, so he transformed into his dragon and quick flew down the the stairway. When he got to the very bottom, in view there was a small hole, the size where a human could fit. It was no time to change back the boulder was just behind him.
When he reached the point he quickly blew a bigger hole in the pathway with his fire and safely made it to the protected chamber in one piece. He returns to human and dust himself off while catching an eye on the big pile of dust just laying there in the room.
“This must be it” he thought, as he quickly scooped up as much as he could. Tezoth manage to fill up the pouch with the strange dust and prepared to leave this death trap for god. Making his way back to the main hall, the statues, both their eyes glowing red begins to speak.
Tezoth thought to himself since he made it this far one more challenge couldn’t hurt, but since he was carrying a crucial piece to stopping Fenrir, he was left with two choices.
[Decline the offer of the statue guardians and return back to Etan]
[Face the guardians, claim prize, and return back to Etan]
Managed to squeeze out another chapter, spring beak is over and I need to get back to work 8) As you can see that things are beginning to escalate quickly, and we might see some Grendel's in action soon. #Grendel Squad.
I know, I was thinking the same thing lol
Next chapter, of Cat and Mouse. Enjoy.
Part 6
Puzzle pieces
"You were awfully quiet Jack, did you have fun?" Mouse asked as the two walked down the streets of Fabletown. Hours had passed as him, Holly, Grendel, Mouse and her girlfriend Helena hung at Holly's bar, playing darts and drinking beer for hours on end. As the night for them ended Helena said she has business elsewhere to attend to and left on her own, leaving him and Mouse to hunt down a cab, they also grabbed a box of donuts since neither of them were a big fan of pickled eggs.
"Yeah, I'm f-"
"You didn't know I was a lesbian, did you."
"Oh no, I-"
Mouse chuckled merrily, she must had been used to this.
"It's alright, Helena tells me I'm too friendly and it sometimes comes off as flirty." Mouse explained as she bit into a powdered lemon jelly donut. White powders coated her lips and was licked away. "You can tell me the truth."
"It did... surprise me." he polished off the last of a Boston cream before scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Had you... always been a lesbian?" he asked.
"Yup, who could blame me." Mouse finished her donut and fished a chocolate glazed one out of the box she was carrying. "Women are utterly gorgeous."
"So... if you don't mind me asking... had you ever been with a man?" Jack retrieved a sprinkled donut. "I mean... how do you know?"
"How do you know your not gay?" Mouse questioned through a mouthful of donut. "Had you ever been with a man?"
"Point proven, you got me there." Jack chuckled.
"Despite how we had to leave homelands, I sort of like Fabletown just a little bit more." she confessed. "I mean I hate paying an arm and leg to avoid looking like a talking rodent... but it's easier to meet people like me."
"And it wasn't back in homelands?"
"Nope, mind you I'm an actual mouse, kind of hard to get in on the dating screen when a person litters their home with mousetraps, plus you can image my family wasn't too pleased when I hooked up with a cat who then tried to eat me."
"I can image that was a date breaker." Jack laughed.
"You have no idea."
"You are quite the dancer." Scarlett purred as Lyall and her danced about the large round with the others.
"As are you." he said, his arm wrapped around her waist, a hand intwine with hers, a personal favourite song of his played, Howl by Florence and the Machine. Perfect song, perfect scent, and perfect sitting, now if only the circumstances were different. One bring his task to to keep Scarlett busy while his father, Bonnie, and Bradwr did their thing right under everyone's noses, and throw in the fact Scarlett wanted nothing more then to murder him... but set that aside and it was quite the lovely situation. "Where did you learn to dance?"
"Medusa paid for lessons when I was a child, I am knowledgable in ballet, waltzing, tango, salsa, and a bit of hip hop." he dipped her gracefully, a sheer look of blissful delight in her face as he did so. "What about you? Surly you must had spend a fortune to learn such skill that could keep up with mine."
"I'm just making it up as I go." he pulled her up and they waltzed their way around the room for the third time.
"You jest."
"I took an interest and my mother taught me." Now that was no jest, Lyall was well aware of his mother's past working at The pudding and Pie, but Nerissa was knowledgable in many more dances, plus he did admire of art of pole dancing, once one could look pass how sexual it was thought to be it was truly an art, plus it amazed him how women and men alike could perform gymnastic like movements on a simple pole.
"You know we been talking about me for a fair amount of time, as much I adore myself it came to my attention I neglected to ask you about yourself." he twirled her.
"Not much to tell, I work odd jobs and own two lovebirds named Peaches and Cream." he brought her back. "And besides you are a charming women, I could listen to you talk all night."
"As could I my dear friend."
'Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers, starts so soft and sweet then turns them to hunters.'
"Now can I get your name?"
"Must I?"
"I would like to know the name of the stranger's who's hand had been on my waist for the past time."
"In due time my dear."
"'Dear' is it?" she chuckled. "Oh, you are cute."
"That I am."
"Don't push it."
Bonnie laughed as Bradwr got more and more in the persona he had created to not get noticed. In his mask he was a doctor who had the most terrible German accent she had ever heard in her life, he was chatting away to some rich folks making up strange and unrealistic takes about patients he had. Bradwr was so loud and full of life, no wonder the dark and secrecy life he had before made him unhappy. After he finished telling a rich married couple of how he performed a brain transplant he turned back at her and smiled.
"Having fun?" he asked as Bonnie nodded.
"Most fun I had in awhile."
"Good to hear!" Bradwr took two glasses of champagne being offered to them by a butler. Handing one too her his smile widen. "I fucking love this, there is so many people here... it's fucking great!" he gave a careless wave of his hand. "I can fucking talk to these people, no one is fussing about paperwork, or worried about Medusa, I mean yeah they don't know I'm me and not some German doctor... but it's fucking great!"
"I take you really like the word 'Fuck'?"
"Damn fucking right I do." he took a swing of champagne. "Beats being in that office."
"I thought you liked the office?" Bonnie raised an eye brow.
"Oh, don't get me wrong I love speaking to Fables when I get a chance... but..." his smile faded. "You see these Fables come in needing help, and despite how much of an arse I am I respect Snow White for what she does. From what I heard Fables have it better since she took over... But it's depressing as fuck. A family can't avoid their glamour because they have no job, not getting the help they need because they aren't allowed to seek Mundy services. It's a load of bullshit, Fables oughta be free from that shit, bad enough they lost their home once. It's no wonder people like Medusa and Crooked man have these folks wrapped around their finger, we know what we need for these Fables, but no one ain't doing shit!" he clenched his teeth. "Force to live on the fucking farm, no freedom, no home, just clumped together with no way out. How can they afford glamours if they can't get a job to get cash?! We can't treat them like animals-"
"Some of them are animals." Bonnie reminded.
"Not my point, I never fucking had choices in my life, neither do these Fables who get sent to the farm. They can't help being what they are, why are we punishing them for something they can't help?"
"You have some strong options on this..." Bonnie shuffled uncomfortably in her spot. Bradwr never struck her as someone who would get into this issue.
"Damn right I do." he finished his glass of champagne quickly. "Someone has too... I don't want Fables like Romeo to end up victims to cruel people like Medusa."
"You and Romeo... were you two lovers?"
"You're asking me if I enjoy the company of men?" Bradwr asked as a butler took his empty glass, Bonnie barely touched her drink.
"Oh, sorry..." Bonnie bit into her lower lip. "I guess that was a bit too forward."
"I like forward." Bradwr said. "You ask if me and Romeo were lovers, to answers your question, no, no we weren't ever lovers but we were close. More of a brotherly relationship, it was strictly non-romantic. Now if I enjoy other men, yes, yes I do. I am bisexual, I find both men and women attractive, does this make you uncomfortable?" he asked.
"Not at all, door swings both ways for me as well." Bonnie stated.
"Wonderful, guess this makes us bi spies." he laughed as Bonnie finally took a sip from her glass of champagne. Out of the corner of her eye shall the familiar figure of Bigby, it was easy to notice him with his typical posture. Even in a suit that guy could look like he stayed in bed all day, he was making his way up the stairs and onto the top floor.
"Get ready." Bonnie stated.
"For what?"
"Don't know yet... think we should informed Lyall?" Bonnie asked glancing around in search of him, only to see him and Scarlett waltzing around the floor in utterly delight. "For fucks sake..." she swore under her breath watching them, Lyall looked far too comfortable dancing with someone who could murder him in a spilt second,
"I know, whatever happened to guy code? Ain't one of the rules suppose to be not hanging with my ex-wife?" Bradwr muttered.
"Well you did rip her eye out, not to mention try to cover it up by leaving her in a burning building." she reminded.
"I think we already perceived I'm a shitty person." he grumbled.
"Oh quite the contrary, I actually think you are an alright guy, just a dumbass from time to time."
"You know, I think that might be the single nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." his eyes still were locked on Lyall and Scarlett. "So should we informed Lyall now or something?"
"Might as well, remember be quiet so we don't draw any unwanted attention."
"Quiet is my middle name." Bradwr beamed.
"Somehow I doubt that."
"Did you hear something?" Scarlett asked as Lyall spun her around for what seemed like the millionth time.
"Nope, not at all." Damn, so much this being easy. No wonder Scarlett wasn't fond of Bradwr. He dipped her one final time then pulled her back up, releasing his hand from here. "Thank you Scarlett, it has been a pleasure to dance with you."
"Oh the pleasure is all mine." she purred.
"Until he meet again."
"Wait, where are you-" before Scarlett could get another word in Lyall spun on the heels of his feet and sprinted into the endless sea of people, even with his sharp sense of smell its drawback was it was hard to keep track of everything at once. Bonnie carried the smell of buttercups, but her smell was always so faint, his father smelled of cigarette, but so did nearly everyone in Fabletown, Bradwr smelled of rich oak, matching the scent of the tables and chairs, plus the overpowering scent of floral and over priced perfumed wasn't helping, and of course the powerful aroma of Scarlett's vanilla scent, it was all so confusing.
He started to jog, Bradwr and his father's scent was proving useless to track all he could rely on was Bonnie's always faint scent, and damn it was faint. He occasionally got a whiff here and there but it always got lost in the crowds. The third time he got a whiff it led him down the hallway to a closet, most likely one for storing cleaning supplies. He opened the door, expecting to see Bonnie there, hands on her hips and scolding Bradwr at such an ill attempt to get Lyall's attention away from Scarlett. But yet no one was there, he cursed under his breath and smelled the air again, once again he got the smell of buttercups, but it wasn't coming from his friend. His nose led him to a rusty looking sink, in a salmon coloured soap dish stood a almost gone bar of yellow soap.
"Damn it!" he swore, flinging the soap dish against the dull coloured walls. The dish shattered upon impact, he could only hope it didn't draw attention.
"Feisty, I like it." he turned his head away from the shattered soap dish to the dust coated mirror before him. The familiar freckled face of Scarlett faced him. Shit, he forgotten about her mirror jumping powers. She emerged from the mirror rather gracefully, not once breaking eye contact with him. "You didn't really think you were just gonna get away with only a dance, did you?"
Next thing he knew Scarlett pinned him against the wall, a wicked gleam in her good eye as her lips curled into a slick and kinky smile.
"You certainly like to surprise others." Lyall commented as Scarlett leaned in closer, gently grabbing his tie.
"That's me, full of surprises." and with that being said she gave his tie a hard yank, his lips messily met hers, she clawed at his brie hair, not daring to leave him an opening to flee.
Lyall's heart raced with excitement. Perhaps he was getting a tad too into this undercover assignment, but he did say he was going to keep Scarlett busy, and if this wasn't busy he didn't know what busy was... But one thing was for certain... Scarlett was going to be the most pissed she ever been when this was all done and over with.
And end of this chapter, I think for now on I might make shorter chapters, do that way I don't end up posting like once a month.
And yes, Lyall X Scarlett is a thing now
What should we call them? Lyllett? Lyett?
And I notice a thing on this forum about commenting and I kind of want to clear something up. I'm extremely shy and have anxiety, (Which is why I haven't been active much) communicating is hard for me. But I had read many stories from various writers on this forum, just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I'm not on here. I am thankful for any comments or likes I get and others writers contributing to this forum.
And since its been so long a sneak "peek" for an upcoming story, the next tale after this one is wrapped up will be starring Bonnie, she deserves a little spotlight, and we're find out about Valora who was mentioned a few chapters ago. (Or if you fallow me on da you might had been spoilers XD)
Next chapter, of Cat and Mouse. Enjoy.
Part 6
Puzzle pieces
"You were awfully quiet Jack, did you have fun?" Mouse asked as the two walked down the streets of Fabletown. Hours had passed as him, Holly, Grendel, Mouse and her girlfriend Helena hung at Holly's bar, playing darts and drinking beer for hours on end. As the night for them ended Helena said she has business elsewhere to attend to and left on her own, leaving him and Mouse to hunt down a cab, they also grabbed a box of donuts since neither of them were a big fan of pickled eggs.
"Yeah, I'm f-"
"You didn't know I was a lesbian, did you."
"Oh no, I-"
Mouse chuckled merrily, she must had been used to this.
"It's alright, Helena tells me I'm too friendly and it sometimes comes off as flirty." Mouse explained as she bit into a powdered lemon jelly donut. White powders coated her lips and was licked away. "You can tell me the truth."
"It did... surprise me." he polished off the last of a Boston cream before scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Had you... always been a lesbian?" he asked.
"Yup, who could blame me." Mouse finished her donut and fished a chocolate glazed one out of the box she was carrying. "Women are utterly gorgeous."
"So... if you don't mind me asking... had you ever been with a man?" Jack retrieved a sprinkled donut. "I mean... how do you know?"
"How do you know your not gay?" Mouse questioned through a mouthful of donut. "Had you ever been with a man?"
"Point proven, you got me there." Jack chuckled.
"Despite how we had to leave homelands, I sort of like Fabletown just a little bit more." she confessed. "I mean I hate paying an arm and leg to avoid looking like a talking rodent... but it's easier to meet people like me."
"And it wasn't back in homelands?"
"Nope, mind you I'm an actual mouse, kind of hard to get in on the dating screen when a person litters their home with mousetraps, plus you can image my family wasn't too pleased when I hooked up with a cat who then tried to eat me."
"I can image that was a date breaker." Jack laughed.
"You have no idea."
"You are quite the dancer." Scarlett purred as Lyall and her danced about the large round with the others.
"As are you." he said, his arm wrapped around her waist, a hand intwine with hers, a personal favourite song of his played, Howl by Florence and the Machine. Perfect song, perfect scent, and perfect sitting, now if only the circumstances were different. One bring his task to to keep Scarlett busy while his father, Bonnie, and Bradwr did their thing right under everyone's noses, and throw in the fact Scarlett wanted nothing more then to murder him... but set that aside and it was quite the lovely situation. "Where did you learn to dance?"
"Medusa paid for lessons when I was a child, I am knowledgable in ballet, waltzing, tango, salsa, and a bit of hip hop." he dipped her gracefully, a sheer look of blissful delight in her face as he did so. "What about you? Surly you must had spend a fortune to learn such skill that could keep up with mine."
"I'm just making it up as I go." he pulled her up and they waltzed their way around the room for the third time.
"You jest."
"I took an interest and my mother taught me." Now that was no jest, Lyall was well aware of his mother's past working at The pudding and Pie, but Nerissa was knowledgable in many more dances, plus he did admire of art of pole dancing, once one could look pass how sexual it was thought to be it was truly an art, plus it amazed him how women and men alike could perform gymnastic like movements on a simple pole.
"You know we been talking about me for a fair amount of time, as much I adore myself it came to my attention I neglected to ask you about yourself." he twirled her.
"Not much to tell, I work odd jobs and own two lovebirds named Peaches and Cream." he brought her back. "And besides you are a charming women, I could listen to you talk all night."
"As could I my dear friend."
'Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers, starts so soft and sweet then turns them to hunters.'
"Now can I get your name?"
"Must I?"
"I would like to know the name of the stranger's who's hand had been on my waist for the past time."
"In due time my dear."
"'Dear' is it?" she chuckled. "Oh, you are cute."
"That I am."
"Don't push it."
Bonnie laughed as Bradwr got more and more in the persona he had created to not get noticed. In his mask he was a doctor who had the most terrible German accent she had ever heard in her life, he was chatting away to some rich folks making up strange and unrealistic takes about patients he had. Bradwr was so loud and full of life, no wonder the dark and secrecy life he had before made him unhappy. After he finished telling a rich married couple of how he performed a brain transplant he turned back at her and smiled.
"Having fun?" he asked as Bonnie nodded.
"Most fun I had in awhile."
"Good to hear!" Bradwr took two glasses of champagne being offered to them by a butler. Handing one too her his smile widen. "I fucking love this, there is so many people here... it's fucking great!" he gave a careless wave of his hand. "I can fucking talk to these people, no one is fussing about paperwork, or worried about Medusa, I mean yeah they don't know I'm me and not some German doctor... but it's fucking great!"
"I take you really like the word 'Fuck'?"
"Damn fucking right I do." he took a swing of champagne. "Beats being in that office."
"I thought you liked the office?" Bonnie raised an eye brow.
"Oh, don't get me wrong I love speaking to Fables when I get a chance... but..." his smile faded. "You see these Fables come in needing help, and despite how much of an arse I am I respect Snow White for what she does. From what I heard Fables have it better since she took over... But it's depressing as fuck. A family can't avoid their glamour because they have no job, not getting the help they need because they aren't allowed to seek Mundy services. It's a load of bullshit, Fables oughta be free from that shit, bad enough they lost their home once. It's no wonder people like Medusa and Crooked man have these folks wrapped around their finger, we know what we need for these Fables, but no one ain't doing shit!" he clenched his teeth. "Force to live on the fucking farm, no freedom, no home, just clumped together with no way out. How can they afford glamours if they can't get a job to get cash?! We can't treat them like animals-"
"Some of them are animals." Bonnie reminded.
"Not my point, I never fucking had choices in my life, neither do these Fables who get sent to the farm. They can't help being what they are, why are we punishing them for something they can't help?"
"You have some strong options on this..." Bonnie shuffled uncomfortably in her spot. Bradwr never struck her as someone who would get into this issue.
"Damn right I do." he finished his glass of champagne quickly. "Someone has too... I don't want Fables like Romeo to end up victims to cruel people like Medusa."
"You and Romeo... were you two lovers?"
"You're asking me if I enjoy the company of men?" Bradwr asked as a butler took his empty glass, Bonnie barely touched her drink.
"Oh, sorry..." Bonnie bit into her lower lip. "I guess that was a bit too forward."
"I like forward." Bradwr said. "You ask if me and Romeo were lovers, to answers your question, no, no we weren't ever lovers but we were close. More of a brotherly relationship, it was strictly non-romantic. Now if I enjoy other men, yes, yes I do. I am bisexual, I find both men and women attractive, does this make you uncomfortable?" he asked.
"Not at all, door swings both ways for me as well." Bonnie stated.
"Wonderful, guess this makes us bi spies." he laughed as Bonnie finally took a sip from her glass of champagne. Out of the corner of her eye shall the familiar figure of Bigby, it was easy to notice him with his typical posture. Even in a suit that guy could look like he stayed in bed all day, he was making his way up the stairs and onto the top floor.
"Get ready." Bonnie stated.
"For what?"
"Don't know yet... think we should informed Lyall?" Bonnie asked glancing around in search of him, only to see him and Scarlett waltzing around the floor in utterly delight. "For fucks sake..." she swore under her breath watching them, Lyall looked far too comfortable dancing with someone who could murder him in a spilt second,
"I know, whatever happened to guy code? Ain't one of the rules suppose to be not hanging with my ex-wife?" Bradwr muttered.
"Well you did rip her eye out, not to mention try to cover it up by leaving her in a burning building." she reminded.
"I think we already perceived I'm a shitty person." he grumbled.
"Oh quite the contrary, I actually think you are an alright guy, just a dumbass from time to time."
"You know, I think that might be the single nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." his eyes still were locked on Lyall and Scarlett. "So should we informed Lyall now or something?"
"Might as well, remember be quiet so we don't draw any unwanted attention."
"Quiet is my middle name." Bradwr beamed.
"Somehow I doubt that."
"Did you hear something?" Scarlett asked as Lyall spun her around for what seemed like the millionth time.
"Nope, not at all." Damn, so much this being easy. No wonder Scarlett wasn't fond of Bradwr. He dipped her one final time then pulled her back up, releasing his hand from here. "Thank you Scarlett, it has been a pleasure to dance with you."
"Oh the pleasure is all mine." she purred.
"Until he meet again."
"Wait, where are you-" before Scarlett could get another word in Lyall spun on the heels of his feet and sprinted into the endless sea of people, even with his sharp sense of smell its drawback was it was hard to keep track of everything at once. Bonnie carried the smell of buttercups, but her smell was always so faint, his father smelled of cigarette, but so did nearly everyone in Fabletown, Bradwr smelled of rich oak, matching the scent of the tables and chairs, plus the overpowering scent of floral and over priced perfumed wasn't helping, and of course the powerful aroma of Scarlett's vanilla scent, it was all so confusing.
He started to jog, Bradwr and his father's scent was proving useless to track all he could rely on was Bonnie's always faint scent, and damn it was faint. He occasionally got a whiff here and there but it always got lost in the crowds. The third time he got a whiff it led him down the hallway to a closet, most likely one for storing cleaning supplies. He opened the door, expecting to see Bonnie there, hands on her hips and scolding Bradwr at such an ill attempt to get Lyall's attention away from Scarlett. But yet no one was there, he cursed under his breath and smelled the air again, once again he got the smell of buttercups, but it wasn't coming from his friend. His nose led him to a rusty looking sink, in a salmon coloured soap dish stood a almost gone bar of yellow soap.
"Damn it!" he swore, flinging the soap dish against the dull coloured walls. The dish shattered upon impact, he could only hope it didn't draw attention.
"Feisty, I like it." he turned his head away from the shattered soap dish to the dust coated mirror before him. The familiar freckled face of Scarlett faced him. Shit, he forgotten about her mirror jumping powers. She emerged from the mirror rather gracefully, not once breaking eye contact with him. "You didn't really think you were just gonna get away with only a dance, did you?"
Next thing he knew Scarlett pinned him against the wall, a wicked gleam in her good eye as her lips curled into a slick and kinky smile.
"You certainly like to surprise others." Lyall commented as Scarlett leaned in closer, gently grabbing his tie.
"That's me, full of surprises." and with that being said she gave his tie a hard yank, his lips messily met hers, she clawed at his brie hair, not daring to leave him an opening to flee.
Lyall's heart raced with excitement. Perhaps he was getting a tad too into this undercover assignment, but he did say he was going to keep Scarlett busy, and if this wasn't busy he didn't know what busy was... But one thing was for certain... Scarlett was going to be the most pissed she ever been when this was all done and over with.
And end of this chapter, I think for now on I might make shorter chapters, do that way I don't end up posting like once a month.
And yes, Lyall X Scarlett is a thing now
What should we call them? Lyllett? Lyett?
And I notice a thing on this forum about commenting and I kind of want to clear something up. I'm extremely shy and have anxiety, communicating is hard for me. But I had read many stories from various writers on this forum, just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I'm not on here. I am thankful for any comments or likes I get and others writers contributing to this forum.
And since its been so long a sneak "peek" for an upcoming story, the next tale after this one is wrapped up will be starring Bonnie, she deserves a little spotlight, and we're find out about Valora who was mentioned a few chapters ago. (Or if you fallow me on da you might had been spoilers XD)
Did it really just double post DX Darn Ipod. Sorry bout that -.-'
I just liked both posts XD Good job, by the way! I don't have time to go into detail right now, but this chapter was pretty good! I liked Mouse and Jack's little conversation XD
The Horsemen Rode Part: One
On the battlfield...
Tears began to stream down Kierons face...he's never felt so powerless in his life, he wanted to rewind time so none of this would've happened. He fell to his knees. He despised how he was dumb enough not to check and make sure the commander was dead. He screamed in sorrow. Azaria walked over to Kieron.
"Kieron it's all of our faults, we should have been on our guard. You can't take the blame for everything that's happened here." She said
Alice walked over "If it's anyone's fault it's mine for dragging you all into this." She said
Kieron stood he still had a sad look on his face. "Lets...just go and report to Max."
Azaria and Alice looked at each other worried. Og followed Kieron while Alice, Azaria and Nyx trailed behind. Nyxs head dipped
"I tried to show him what would happen, but he was already dreaming before I could reach him." Nyx said
Azaria flicked Nyx "Not you too, brighten up. We have three more commanders to go! And then the King." She said
"You're right!" Nyx purred. "Although turning to a serious matter you need to help Kieron. If he keeps acting like this who knows how his life will be." He said
"What do you mean? You can't see his future?" She said
Nyx turned his head. "It changes everyday sometimes I see Kieron so happy and full of life, but I see him becoming a very cold and compassionless man more than I wish." He said sadly
"How do we change it?" Alice asked
"I don't know, try spending time with him. Fill his mind with happy thoughts anything. In all honesty I wish we could comepletely pull him from this war. Although I know he would never do so." He said
"Who's to say it won't work?" Azaria asked
"He may say he hates war, that he hates to kill. But he's lieing, he loves fighting, for him it makes him feel like he has something to live for. His mind is not a happy place." Nyx said
"So he'll stay here till we win or he dies in a fight?" Alice said
"Exactly. He feels as if this is normal life. It's what he was born to do. Fight and win, or fight and die." Nyx said
"You guys are really close huh?" Alice said
"It's weird, we have formed such a strong bond in such a short amount of time. I feel as if we've been friends for a long time..." Nyx said beginning to ponder.
"You feel a lot of things don't you?" Azaria chuckled
Kieron looked at Og.
"I'm...I'm really sorry for causing this...I hope you'll continue working with us. If not then I understand comepletely." Kieron said
Og smiled and patted him on the back. He mouthed the words. "I will fight with you until the end Kieron, for Johns sake."
Kieron had felt a bit happier and gave a small smile and nod.
In the real world. Experimental lab.
"Sir! Kierons mental state has dropped slightly, Azarias however has become normal, Alices mental state is slipping little by little. It's starting to destroy wonderland." A scientist said
"As long as Alice resides in wonderland when her mind snaps and there is a person still alive she will give the survivor a choice, however only one other person has been able to do that. And whoever that man or woman is has been long forgotten." The king said
"What? So she's-" the scientist was interrupted.
"She's a goddess but only in wonderland. However she doesn't have access to these abilities unless her mind snaps or ifor she is on the brink ofor death." The king said
"But we aren't going to risk killing her right? There's no reason to, we can just-" He was cut off again.
"We'll do whatever the situation calls for. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go back to wonderland. I have a friend I must contact to help me with my old friend Kieron." The king said
At the business office
Luke and Bigby sat at their desk, Luke was still upset at Bigby for not helping out with the war in wonderland. He said they should let it be, and when it's over they'll have to try and cover up whatever is going on in the hospital. But Luke had an idea of who could help, although should he ask Bigby? He got up, he knew where to find him anyways.
"Where are you going?" Bigby asked
"On break. See you in a bit Bigby." He said walking out the door before Bigby could answer.
Hans house...
"Aw dad can't I help you?" Lucas asked
"No, it's going to be dangerous. Plus don't you want to hangout with Uncle Georgie?" Hans smiled.
"I guess so..." Lucas said
Georgie poked around the corner
"Oh yeah? Ol' Georgie ran his course did he?" He said crossing his arms
Lucas ran and gave him a hug. "No, I'm just scared that dad won't come back." He said
"Ya father is a big man Lucas not even the big bad wolf can stop this man!" Georgie said
Hans laughed "That's right, I have to go now. You be good alright?" Hans said "When I get back so will mom and she's going to give you a big hug too if you're extra good."
Lucas began to tear up. "Okay dad...I love you!" He tried to smile.
Hans smiled and closed the door. He kept reminding himself he needed to be strong, he will come back with Alice...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Next couple of chapters will have a guest appearance of @HazzatheMan OC Nick and Galen 
You and Hman have the most interesting convos sometimes! I get on here and this is what I see...Gren's meat. Nick's meat. Comparing! XD
BTW, I did love that Thousand eyes sword.
Excellent next part Stone!
Tezs adventure in the temple was awesome and quite funny lol XD
I say he should fight the guardians and claim the prize!
Wow...I already guessed it would be Noah but I still can't believe it. I DID have a question, now that everyone knows this fucker did it. Does Rosie KNOW she's Erica's aunt? Will Michelle tell her or is this something that will remain a secret, simply to spare everyone's feelings at the moment? Carla is a major bitch. I'm sorry. Excuse the language but she is: to use your OWN sons as weapons and pawns in your pathetic life, all to ruin others along the way? Selfish, inconsiderate bitch. I hope she gets what is coming to her. I know Georgie is going to assist in this and to be honest, I hope he and Emily team the fuck up and just DESTROY that bitch! >:D
I loved the beginning and agree with everyone. You took my feels again, man! Dem feels! I always hate when they call either of the Porgie kids Fuck Trash; it sounds horrible and so disrespectful and I want to hug them when this is said. Noah is an asshole. Joey was a dick and Carla is a bitch. WHAT happened to these people, man? They are so mousy that they can't even back away and let Carla play with her own bullshit?! >:0 GOD I hate her so much!
I thought Ethan died. Like, not even kidding! XD I was yelling and getting ready to call your ass up! lol UGH and Noah kicked his own child!? Honestly, I'm glad Ethan did all that to Noah: the pipe, riping his foot off. Bashing his skull in. Setting his body on fire. He did not need to do that to either Erica Or Michelle but now it seemed bitter sweet he did all that. He TURNED into Georgie because of the spilled blood and vengeance. I see what you did there: Georgie killed those women to protect himself, Vivian and the club. ETHAN kills Noah to protect himself, michelle, Erica and his family....Wow...
I see the reason behind this picture now:
I read your comment to Hman and noticed only Peter can stop Ethan now....I have an idea HOW but shit, pie. Those feels again.
And Carla mentioned using Ethan in her plan....shit. As if Robert was not enough for her! I really like where this is going and I hope to GOD nothing happens to either of the quads or Porgies or Gren, Robert....any of them!
I love how Nick was like 'whatev' after kicking some ass and drank the rest of his Whiskey. lol I think Pie or Hman (can't remember) made the comment of Kieron becoming the Nick Fury to the Fables head quarter.
Also, I pictured Tman dressed like Indy, the music played in my head and everything and I loved it! 
I'd say take on the guardians, claim yo' statue and return to Etan!
I FINALLY caught up to the other chapters and I must say you have something wonderful happening here! Also: #Grendel Sqaud indeed! 
Can't wait for the next chapter, Stone!
Thanks, I enjoy writing diverse characters
so it was fun to write Jack snd Mouse's conversation
Ethan will be present in this one-shot btw... I hope you don't mind a little fight between him and Nick?
Ethan won't die obviously.
Pie made the Nick Fury comment :P
I stopped reading Creepypastas in general cuz I kept thinking they would come for me in the night :P
You mentioned Mirah Collins in the Archive message... Now I want my OC Damien to meet her! He would NOT stop trying to chat her up! XD
It's a good movie imo. Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski made several films together, all notorious for having difficult production periods (largely cuz Kinski was a fucking pain to work with) I just remembered the catacombs of Paris! That is creepy as hell...
Same! It was the Russian Sleep Experiment that did me in though....shudders.
Haha XD I'd like to see that XD She's a hard to get one, though. She'll manipulate the hell out of Damien if he lets her.
Yeah, it looked good! I should watch it some day. I'm sure my dad probably has, he's into that stuff XD
I've decided to sit this one out, I could make a vampire OC easily, but portraying the 90's style isn't really my thing. I just don't feel confident I guess
Though I will say this: Blade IS Nick! XD
Ah for me it was Ben Drowned and Jeff the Killer
Slenderman was a factor in my 18th birthday though:
One of my friends is an artist and she drew Slenderman in the birthday card she gave me, and after I blacked out I started saying "If that's Pete in a Slenderman costume then I'm gonna fuck him up!" I was looking down a clear street under the impression that my mate's older brother was fucking around with me in a Slenderman suit... when he wasn't even present at the time :P
Damien isn't that stupid, he would sleep with Mirah and then leave
Plus if she tries to hunt him down, Damien is a fire sorcerer and Nick's best friend...
His other films were meh compared to this one, I guess I just like horror too much XD
Yay! Nick kicked their asses
I thought there were 2 parts of Fenrir left? Wrath and Will
I don't think the treasure would be worth the risk, we don't even know what it is. So I say Face the statues!!!! XD
You'll find about more about that later coming
Kieron is turning into a machine of war: he views his existence as expendable... Hopefully Azaria can bring him back to normality
O.o Is this what I think it means???
I await more dude! XD