I've decided to sit this one out, I could make a vampire OC easily, but portraying the 90's style isn't really my thing. I just don't feel confident I guess
Though I will say this: Blade IS Nick! XD
Pie - Most of your OC's will be main characters, others will be side characters
JJ - Robert (side character)
EMMYPESS - Harmony (minor character), Mirah (Possibly side character)
Stone - Draco (minor character)
Tetra - Luke - (minor character)
The roles will likely change as the story goes on, but I'm posting this as a reminder that you may be as critical as you like about my portrayal of your OC, as I am aiming to get them spot on...
The next story will be 'never-ending' so to speak, like Pie's story, it keeps going on. I will also be changing up the format of my story by including 2 side projects with it:
1) An OC villain in the story, NYPD Lieutenant Leon Cervantes, will make notes of characters, so I will be posting these case notes of his between chapters to give an insight of what he thinks about everyone and the events taking place. Leon is a Fable btw...
2) My OC Damien will have a side series called the (Mis)Adventures of Damien, wherein the dude will get involved in a number of situations with a number of Fables. The aim is for them to be humorous primarily, but I fear my humour will not be funny or it will be repeated too much...
Haha oh Nick. You don't care about anything but yourself and it works on so many levels. >:D I just love how he could care less myself. lol Kieron is becoming one hell of a leader, too. Fenrir is becoming one hell of a bad guy! He does not play around, this guy!
I also played that stupid Indiana Jones music and pictured Weasel (please don't ask me why) as his little Asian sidekick and Rose being that blonde chick that was always screaming and just there. (It's been some time since I've seen those movies and I'm HORRIBLE with names. XD) But, anyways, that seems like a Tman thing. Taking statues and gold and what not, even with the presence of a boulder! XD I day take it all and return. why the hell not!
Alright! Some Grendel action! Sweet! I love everything about this and look forward to more!
The Trial
[He looks like he’s got ahold of things.]
After Nick finished whooping those guy’s and the Ogre’s ass, he finished offed h… moreis drink and waited for Etan answer.
“So, as I said earlier. The information required, comes with a cost.. What do you have to offer me for such a lofty request?”
“I’ll pay for your drinks” Etan said.
Nick laughed and told him that was kind of Etan but wasn’t enough. So Etan offered Nick a chance to challenge father of wolves, something he expected Nick to not turned down since he loved a good fight. Nick turned another sip of his drink and thought it over.
“Fenrir you say? I think I’ll enjoy pummelling into nothingness. I’ll show where you can find your material, but when the time comes to battle, you’ll know where to find me..* -Burps-*”
“Yeah, if you haven’t been kicked out another tavern..”
Nick hands Tezoth an old map to a temple, he immediately sets of time find the material while … [view original content]
Kieron is turning into a machine of war: he views his existence as expendable... Hopefully Azaria can bring him back to normality
Now… more if you'll excuse me I have to go back to wonderland. I have a friend I must contact to help me with my old friend Kieron." The king said
O.o Is this what I think it means???
I await more dude! XD
Those always tend to be the BEST characters a person can write about; you had one idea, looked at that and said 'You know what, let me add this and change that up....' and WHA-POW! You got this interesting character on paper or computer. I'm sure you'll tweek it around and make him more terrifying and what not.
AH yes...coughFraucough. I see now. AND with that being said, it makes sense with the ring and Belinda's ability to use it....Actually looking forward to learning more about the daughter because I KNOW there is more to it then just her death.
And you, ems, got SOOOO lucky! XD Someone was looking out for you, I tell you what! Man. Gotta love those random fire drills. Every kid's wish to avoid doing anything with presentations.
Well, I have to admit, even I didn't know he'd be the Rake until just recently; Sometimes, I make things up and deal with more specifics lat… moreer, when I'm ready to dive into those. I figured the way I pictured him was very similar to The Rake, and I wanted to gain that sense of creepiness that he should have. When he is The Rake, he is NOT an ally. He is an enemy. So don't hate him when he's able to go human again, just hate the demon within. And hell, maybe I WOULD have chose the chupacabra or however you spell it XD
Definitely. Mirah knows mind games and is willing to play a while. Belinda isn't a witch; But, she has her good graces with one -cough-Frau-cough- So the ring was made to work with Belinda, and whoever she allows to also use it.
More will be talked about the daughter. You'll just have to wait and see.
Glad you liked it! And yeah, procrastination, man XD I never actually got it finished but I had that class today and every… [view original content]
I planned on writing this as soon as I discovered what Noah did to Erica (Michelle as well, but mostly Erica) But I decided to wait for Pie to reveal who the Father was and what he looked like before I wrote it. So here it is.
A Pet Named Noah
“There you go, Erica!” Ethan was helping Erica to walk across the floor of Michelle’s apartment, she was gradually improving. This time she had managed 4 good steps before she had started to wobble.
“4, Ethan! 4!” Erica beams as Ethan picks her up and hugs her; Michelle enters the room with 2 cups of coffee “Here you go” Ethan plops Erica down and takes the cup with a thank you. He and Michelle sit down on her sofa and take sips from the boiling liquid as they watch Erica play with her toys.
Michelle was distant however, Ethan didn’t need his senses to know that much “You ok, Michelle?” Michelle snaps out of her trance and smiles at Ethan “Yeah I’m fine, just fine...” She went back into her glum expression and stared more at the floor than at her precious daughter. Ethan sets his cup down on the coffee table and is about to inquire further when a knock is heard at the door.
Michelle freezes and eyes the door with a trembling suspicion, almost as if whoever was on the other side of it was coming for her. Ethan gets up and moves towards the door slowly, he sniffs the air and his tone changes instantly “It’s only Nick, Michelle” Ethan opens the door to see Nick standing on the other side of it wearing a plain white shirt and jeans.
Nick smiles “Hey man” and embraces Ethan in a brief hug; Michelle sighs deeply and takes a long drink of her coffee afterwards. Nick instantly goes over to Erica; she looms up at the huge man “Nicky here, Nicky here!” Nick crouches and lifts the child like she was just a baby, as he plants an overly dramatic kiss to her cheek, causing Erica to giggle.
He sets her down and walks over to Michelle “No formalities for your old friend, sweetheart?” Michelle smirks as she stands up and gives Nick a brief hug “I hate it when you call me that” Nick pulls away chuckling “Come on, not even a little bit of you thinks it’s cute?” Michelle shakes her head slowly “No, I think it makes you creepy”
Nick backs down like a dog and Michelle gives his shoulder a playful slap “Just messing with you, Nicky” Nick sits down on a nearby chair and mutters to himself “I hate it when she calls me Nicky...”
The time passed as the 3 exchanged conversation about anything; eventually Michelle left the room to go and use the toilet, leaving Ethan and Nick to discuss a more tender topic, Nick speaks “So he gets out tomorrow huh?” Ethan nods “Yep, and if he comes here then I’m gonna stop him”
Nick leans back and laces his fingers together “Don’t make a scene, Ethan, its bad enough that he’s out but you can’t just take matters into your own hands”
Ethan looks at Nick incredulously “Since when did you care about an abuser so much” Nick’s face turns into a scowl “Watch your tone, boy...”
Ethan looks down and tubs his eyes “What if he does come here?” Nick retorts “Send him packing; tell him to bother someone else...”
Michelle walks back into the room “What’re you two talking about?” The two men both look at Michelle simultaneously and then back at each other, replying in unison “Damien”
Michelle flops back down onto the couch next to Ethan and gives out a fake yawn “What has Damien done this time?” Nick chuckles to himself “After that stunt he pulled on Jersey he’s not going to be doing anything stupid for a while let me tell you”
Ethan remembers the event and laughs as well “Can’t believe Damien thought that would work”
O A while later
Nick picks up Erica “I’m going now, sweetie” Erica hangs onto Nick’s neck “No go, Nicky!” Nick chuckles and gives Erica’s cheek a kiss before setting her down. Michelle was practically asleep on the sofa, so he spoke to Ethan instead “tell her I said goodbye yeah?” Ethan nodded and gave Nick a final hug, but Nick whispered into Ethan’s ear “I’ll need to see you tomorrow”
Nick walked away and Ethan went back into the apartment in a state of confusion. As Nick walked down the stairs, he formulated his plan “If that motherfucking piece of shit boyfriend thinks he’s home free then he clearly doesn’t know who the fuck I am!”
Nick walked out of the complex and materialised his trench coat, pulling out a cigar and sparking it up with his thumb afterwards. He walked down the street into a large alley and focused on creating a taxi, with some dumb luck he actually succeeded in creating one, although his head was throbbing “Ugh, I need to practice this more often...”
Nick started the taxi up and drove down to the prison where Noah would be released. Ethan and Michelle had mentioned enough details when they thought Nick wasn’t listening for him to know that this plan was fool-proof, now he just had to wait until midday tomorrow.
O The next day, around 11pm
Nick woke up in a slight shudder, thinking he had missed his chance, thankfully the shit-for-brains wasn’t due to be released for another 20 minutes or so, so Nick decided that a hotdog stand nearby would be suitable for a breakfast. Stacked with onions and mustard, Nick takes a bite out of the item of food and remembers quickly why he cooked his own food, to be honest, the hotdog tasted like shit, the processed kind of shit that was EVERYWHERE in New York it seemed.
Nick soldiered through the hotdog and walked back to his taxi, he didn’t exactly look like your average cab driver, and the one he was driving didn’t have a radio, but at least the meter worked. Then he saw the scumbag in the flesh: Noah.
A big guy at 6 foot tall with a black faux-hawk, tanned skin and blue eyes, you couldn’t miss him, and thankfully he was hailing for cabs. Nick drove up to Noah, who was wearing a white tank shirt under an open black hoodie with dark jeans and a brown sneakers, Nick spoke from the driver’s seat “Where you wanna go, man?”
Noah spoke through the window “Anywhere near Bullfinch Street” Noah jumped in the back of the cab, and Nick mustered every bit of self control he could to not shoot the fucker in his face there and then. Nick drove on the correct road down to Bullfinch Street, but made a sudden turn towards the docks, this caused Noah to get suspicious “Hey, Bullfinch Street is that way”
Nick ignored Noah as he pulled up in front of an old warehouse and got out of the car, Noah got out as well “Hey what the fuck is this shit?” Nick walked up to Noah and punched him across the face, knocking him out cold. He picked up Noah’s body and took it inside the warehouse...
When Noah awoke he noticed that he was in a pitch black room with one light beaming down in him in a wide circle, he was tied to chair with thick, heavy ropes and his hands were cuffed behind his back. His hoodie was missing and his face felt swollen.
He looked around and saw Nick leaning up against a metal table with a revolver and a large knife sitting on it, he was missing his coat and he didn’t look anywhere near happy. “Hey, what the fuck is this huh, what the fuck is this?!” Nick walked over to Noah and slapped him across the face, before shoving a picture of Michelle and Erica in front of him “Do you know what you did to them?”
Noah spat on the picture “Fuck you and fuck them!” Nick took the picture away slammed his fist down onto Noah’s knee, Noah screamed as he felt the bone shatter, and Nick squeezed it hard afterwards. He stopped and slapped Noah again, showing him the picture “Look at them, and tell me what you did!”
Noah sputtered a little before answering “What do you want me to say?!” Nick stood up and spoke “How about I show you instead?” Nick drew his hand back and punched Noah in the head, then he did it again, and again, and again. Eventually Noah blacked out from blunt trauma... then woke up to immense pain as he saw Nick do something to him with black mist “You, you’re a Fable?! What’re you doing to me?!”
Nick pulled away after the wound had healed “I’m healing you, but my healing just reverses what happened, so you have to experience the pain all over again but in reverse” Noah was panting and sweating now “Why?” Nick flashed an evil grin “Because I’m going to make you suffer for what you did”
Nick punched Noah in the stomach so hard that the unexpected happened and Noah began screaming and writhing and choking all at once, Nick was impressed with himself “Did I just rupture your stomach?” Noah was close to blacking out again so Nick went to work on fixing the injury, the screaming was dreadful but Nick had heard worse many times before...
An hour later and Nick had exhausted his pet: broken skull, broken arms, ruptured spleen, even made Noah piss himself with fear at one point. Nick decided to show Ethan what he had done, so he called him on his cell.
Ethan followed Nick’s instructions and found him waiting outside the warehouse, smoking another cigar, but with blood on his hands. “Nick, what is this?” Nick ignored Ethan as he led him inside; he walked Ethan over to the chair and stubbed the cigar out on Noah’s neck, making him squeal in pain.
Ethan was in shock at the sight “What the fuck is this?!” Nick put his hand to Ethan’s shoulder and grinned “Justice” Ethan moved away and yelled “This isn’t justice, this is sick!” Nick shrugged “Since when did you care about an abuser so much...” Ethan growled as Nick went over Noah’s right side and spoke in his ear “What is your name?” Noah replied weakly “Pet”
Nick spoke again “What are you to me?” Noah replied “I am your pet bitch” Nick chuckled and looked at Ethan “What are you in this world?” Noah started to cry “A useless piece of shit who deserves to suffer” Nick patted Noah’s shoulder “Good boy”
Ethan pulled Nick away “Alright, enough is enough, this time it’s gonna be permanent!” Nick was confused “What’re you doing?” Ethan grabbed the revolver and checked to make sure it was loaded “I’m gonna kill him like you should’ve, I’m not gonna say he didn’t deserve what he had coming to him, but this is too much Nick!”
Ethan pushed past Nick, but he grabbed Ethan and threw him aside “He is mine to do with as I please Ethan! I earned that right by claiming him first!” Ethan got up and marched towards Nick “Move out of my way, now” Nick moved forward an inch before Ethan fired 3 shots into his stomach.
Nick fell clutching his gut and groaning while Ethan put the gun to a trembling Noah’s head “This should’ve been done a long time a-“ Nick grabbed Ethan and pulled him into a chokehold, Ethan tried to shoot Nick in the head twice, before firing the last round into Nick’s leg, but it didn’t do much.
Nick let Ethan go and punched him in the face, dropping Ethan to the ground. Ethan spat out some blood and tackled Nick into the table, punching him in the face hard. Nick took the blows and dodged the 4th punch, pinning Ethan against the table. Ethan grabbed the knife and caught Nick in the shoulder with it, Nick stumbled back as he and Ethan glared at each other, Nick growled “He is mine!” Ethan growled back “You’ve done enough ya fookin’ idiot!”
Ethan lunged forward while Nick stepped to the side. Ethan turned around as Nick kicked him in the face and then finished him off with a heavy roundhouse kick. Ethan could feel himself being dragged by his feet as everything went dark.
O A day later
Ethan woke up in a Hospital bed, aching all over, and saw Nick sitting in the chair next to him. Ethan groaned “The fuck do you want?” Nick sat forward and brandished a video camera “You ready?” Ethan gave a very slow nod as Nick clicked play.
The camera showed Ethan outside in the cab as Nick walked back inside the warehouse and picked up the knife, he put it to Noah’s throat and spoke “You will burn for what you did to them, and him” Nick stabbed the knife straight through Noah’s forehead and used the embedded blade to break his neck afterwards, leaving Noah to die in his own blood and piss...
Nick turned off the camera and looked at Ethan, pointing to his chest “You were becoming something in there...” Ethan looked down at his chest to see a very faint formation of ‘Kiss the Girls’ on his chest, Ethan looked at Nick in shock “My curse!” Nick nodded “Yeah, thankfully I knocked you out and healed you just in time, and that will fade away... I hope”
Nick then took a breath “I saw Erica afterwards and tried to treat both hers and Michelle’s injuries...” Ethan looked at Nick intently “And?” Nick paused and walked over to the door, he let in Michelle, she was smiling and holding Erica’s hand, the little girl was walking again...
If you wanna know what Damien did then feel free to ask, it links into that (Mis)Adventures of Damien side story I mentioned earlier on the thread.
Comment however you want, this is a non-canon one-shot...
OMG My precious Erica was adorable calling Nick Nicky! Love how he tries to play it off but both Michelle and Ethan can see through it all. XD
Nick creating that cigarette was pretty neat. Wish I had that ability, man! And Nick possesing the cab driver was a bold move; that stupid idiot Noah had no idea what would be waiting for him and I did like how you made him try to appear bigger and more powerful then he really is. Noah is too much like his mother and bites off WAY more than his mouth can chew.
Damn. And the difference IS indeed there with how you handled Noah compared to me. But everything he got was coming his way. WHICH, I almost forgot: what the hell did Jersey do that Damien did not approve of? XD I can only imagine. lol
I loved that ending. It like your trying to HINT what you'd like to see happy. Nick acts like this tough, macho man but in the end, he's an alright guy with a heart of gold. He managed to heal Erica and she walked right in. No help from either Ethan, Michelle, Rosie or crutches. And Ethan with his 'curse'. You shocked by that, man?
Oh and Damien. From the PM's you sent me, I can't wait to meet this guy in action! I loved this little bit and it was wonderfully done. Too bad we can't do this in real life to those that deserve it....
It was a cigar, Nick only goes for cigarettes if someone offers :P
Nick WAS the cab driver! XD
Long story short, Damien borrowed Jersey's car and trashed it, so when Jersey came looking for a replacement, Damien tried to knock Jersey out by giving him the heaviest headbutt in history... but Damien knocked himself out in doing so :P
I did try and lessen the blow of the curse by having Nick prevent it from taking over Ethan (for now at least)
OMG My precious Erica was adorable calling Nick Nicky! Love how he tries to play it off but both Michelle and Ethan can see through it all.… more XD
Nick creating that cigarette was pretty neat. Wish I had that ability, man! And Nick possesing the cab driver was a bold move; that stupid idiot Noah had no idea what would be waiting for him and I did like how you made him try to appear bigger and more powerful then he really is. Noah is too much like his mother and bites off WAY more than his mouth can chew.
Damn. And the difference IS indeed there with how you handled Noah compared to me. But everything he got was coming his way. WHICH, I almost forgot: what the hell did Jersey do that Damien did not approve of? XD I can only imagine. lol
I loved that ending. It like your trying to HINT what you'd like to see happy. Nick acts like this tough, macho man but in the end, he's an alright guy with a heart of gold. He managed to heal Erica and … [view original content]
Oh...shit! OH....SHIT! (Excuse the next following words) Shit, shit, shit, shit!!!!!
"She's a goddess but only in wonderland. However she doesn't have access to these abilities unless her mind snaps or ifor she is on the brink ofor death." The king said
"But we aren't going to risk killing her right? There's no reason to, we can just-" He was cut off again.
"We'll do whatever the situation calls for. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go back to wonderland. I have a friend I must contact to help me with my old friend Kieron." The king said
Shit, shit, shit, shit!!! I THINK I know what's going on in this Wonderland, WHO the king is going to contact and WHO the goddess was! I don't want to say anything to avoid spoilers! GAH!!!
Nyx, you loveable little Kitten you! I have this theory that Nyx KNEW Kieron in a former life or has been in his dreams previous to all of this shit happening between him, Alice and Azaria. OMG and Lucas, I love you and you're too precious and Georgie, well, I love you no matter what, man! XD XD OH Hans.....
The Horsemen Rode Part: One
On the battlfield...
Tears began to stream down Kierons face...he's never felt so powerless in his life, h… moree wanted to rewind time so none of this would've happened. He fell to his knees. He despised how he was dumb enough not to check and make sure the commander was dead. He screamed in sorrow. Azaria walked over to Kieron.
"Kieron it's all of our faults, we should have been on our guard. You can't take the blame for everything that's happened here." She said
Alice walked over "If it's anyone's fault it's mine for dragging you all into this." She said
Kieron stood he still had a sad look on his face. "Lets...just go and report to Max."
Azaria and Alice looked at each other worried. Og followed Kieron while Alice, Azaria and Nyx trailed behind. Nyxs head dipped
"I tried to show him what would happen, but he was already dreaming before I could reach him." Nyx said
Azaria flicked Nyx "Not you t… [view original content]
Oops did I put cigarette!? So used to doing that....
OH! Oh, oh I thought he did the whole posession thing and what not! XD Either way, stupid Noah. >:(
WTF Jersey be doing lending his car to Damien!? XD LMAO That is too funny to picture! :P And then these two fools try and headbutt and look what happens. XD
Aw man, you're too sweet; Ethan will appreciate the assistance with the curse and knowing someone is worried for him...:)
It was a cigar, Nick only goes for cigarettes if someone offers :P
Nick WAS the cab driver! XD
Long story short, Damien borrowed Jerse… morey's car and trashed it, so when Jersey came looking for a replacement, Damien tried to knock Jersey out by giving him the heaviest headbutt in history... but Damien knocked himself out in doing so :P
I did try and lessen the blow of the curse by having Nick prevent it from taking over Ethan (for now at least)
Yep, Nick can't possess people, that would be too much power :P
Damien needed it to go to Vegas, and then he trashed it by accident. What's better is that he took a run up to Jersey, jumped in the air, grabbed Jersey by the shirt then headbutted him. He thought it worked as Jersey did wobble for a bit, but Damien fell unconscious XD
Course I'm worried! I had Nick heal Michelle's scars as well!!!
Oops did I put cigarette!? So used to doing that....
OH! Oh, oh I thought he did the whole posession thing and what not! XD Either way, s… moretupid Noah. >:(
WTF Jersey be doing lending his car to Damien!? XD LMAO That is too funny to picture! :P And then these two fools try and headbutt and look what happens. XD
Aw man, you're too sweet; Ethan will appreciate the assistance with the curse and knowing someone is worried for him...:)
Lol XD the excessive swearing was rather funny! XD
Ah that's interesting We'll have to see if you are right
Nyx is very loveable Ah but in what way was he apart of Kierons former life? I actually really like writing the parts with Hans and Lucas and I don't really know why XD Georgie is the number one babysitter! Hans has it rough, for now
Oh...shit! OH....SHIT! (Excuse the next following words) Shit, shit, shit, shit!!!!!
"She's a goddess but only in wonderland. However … moreshe doesn't have access to these abilities unless her mind snaps or ifor she is on the brink ofor death." The king said
"But we aren't going to risk killing her right? There's no reason to, we can just-" He was cut off again.
"We'll do whatever the situation calls for. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go back to wonderland. I have a friend I must contact to help me with my old friend Kieron." The king said
Shit, shit, shit, shit!!! I THINK I know what's going on in this Wonderland, WHO the king is going to contact and WHO the goddess was! I don't want to say anything to avoid spoilers! GAH!!!
Nyx, you loveable little Kitten you! I have this theory that Nyx KNEW Kieron in a former life or has been in his dreams previous to all of this shit happening between him, Alice and Azaria.… [view original content]
Nick hasn't done torture much before though, maybe only a handful of times...
Erica deserved to be saved, and let's not forget the pain she had to go through during the healing process! Nick may not have healed her completely given how old the wound was, but walking is apparently something she can do now
This was pretty cool! Noah got exactly what was coming to him! XD If Kieron ever needs a man for torture hell be sure to call Nick! :P
Th… moreat ending was really nice too! Nick reminds me of Shinjiro from Persona 3 he has a tough guy attitude but really he can be a soft teddy bear XD
Maybe he and my Nick need to get together and work out a plan. XD XD
Oh Vegas! Bringing folks hedaches and heartache since, well...forever now! XD Damien would do well in Vegas. You know, this reminds me of an idea...Hmmmm....lol
Don't worry TOO much for Ethan. Michelle and Erica are the ones that deserve to heal and move forward with their lives. Michelle is through pretending sometimes...:(
Yeah JJ did it as well...
Yep, Nick can't possess people, that would be too much power :P
Damien needed it to go to Vegas, and then he… more trashed it by accident. What's better is that he took a run up to Jersey, jumped in the air, grabbed Jersey by the shirt then headbutted him. He thought it worked as Jersey did wobble for a bit, but Damien fell unconscious XD
Course I'm worried! I had Nick heal Michelle's scars as well!!!
AH! I'm so close I can taste the sweet victory of it ALL! XD OH now my wheels are turning...Hans and Lucas are adorable! They remind me a lot of JJ's OC Robert & RJ's relationship. GAH I love Lucas! And Georgie. 'Nuff said! XD
Lol XD the excessive swearing was rather funny! XD
Ah that's interesting We'll have to see if you are right
Nyx is very loveable Ah… more but in what way was he apart of Kierons former life? I actually really like writing the parts with Hans and Lucas and I don't really know why XD Georgie is the number one babysitter! Hans has it rough, for now
Glad you are enjoying the story Pie
Oh there's no question about that, the pain although it must've really sucked was probably worth going through. Nick is a pretty cool dude for doing that (of course he is an absolute badass XD)
Nick hasn't done torture much before though, maybe only a handful of times...
Erica deserved to be saved, and let's not forget the pain s… morehe had to go through during the healing process! Nick may not have healed her completely given how old the wound was, but walking is apparently something she can do now
What a jerk, that JJ. XD (JK love you, man)
Maybe he and my Nick need to get together and work out a plan. XD XD
Oh Vegas! Bringing fo… morelks hedaches and heartache since, well...forever now! XD Damien would do well in Vegas. You know, this reminds me of an idea...Hmmmm....lol
Don't worry TOO much for Ethan. Michelle and Erica are the ones that deserve to heal and move forward with their lives. Michelle is through pretending sometimes...:(
Ah okay! XD
Oh there's no question about that, the pain although it must've really sucked was probably worth going through. Nick is a pretty cool dude for doing that (of course he is an absolute badass XD)
When is he gonna continue that story?! He posts slower than I do! XP
You said your Nick would HATE my Nick... And Nick ain't giving up that body for anyone! :P
Please don't use my idea
I guess so...
I have no idea. Think he's taking a hiatus, too....think he might end it, tbh....
Nick would but it was just a thought. LOL
What? No Vegas gave me an idea for a possible writing idea, should I have the time. XD
Ah for me it was Ben Drowned and Jeff the Killer Slenderman was a factor in my 18th birthday though:
One of my friends is an artist and … moreshe drew Slenderman in the birthday card she gave me, and after I blacked out I started saying "If that's Pete in a Slenderman costume then I'm gonna fuck him up!" I was looking down a clear street under the impression that my mate's older brother was fucking around with me in a Slenderman suit... when he wasn't even present at the time :P
Damien isn't that stupid, he would sleep with Mirah and then leave Plus if she tries to hunt him down, Damien is a fire sorcerer and Nick's best friend...
His other films were meh compared to this one, I guess I just like horror too much XD
I have mentioned my love of Villians in the past. Such is also doubly so for Anti-Heroes (Agent 47 in particular).
I have developed a liking for your OC. I like how his activities are questionable, yet in spite of this very, very brutal and cold demenour. he can have moments of humanity (One of the things I like about agent 47).
Chapter 13: Ja, wir sind an Lieben. December, 13th, 1689.
The next day, I went down stairs to find Gertraud sitting at the bar. She was in her sleeping long tunic. The snowstorm had decreased in intensity and the snow blocking us in was now at my waist height.
Gertraud appeared to be deep in thought, brow furrowed and eyes staring at the wooden platform before her. I walked over to her slowly.
“You needn’t approach me like game, I won’t run.” she joked. “Do sit.”
I took a second to register her words. She seemed so impossibly candid in spite of what happened yesterday.
“I am amazed at your readi-“
“I was actually going to speak to you about that.” she interrupted.
“Were you now?”
“Yes.” she exasperated. “Sit.”
I obliged, sitting to her right. She turned on her stool to face me.
“I would like to apologise for my reaction last night. I take it back.” she said flatly.
This was not what I was expecting. I expected a long lecture on the reasons why she believed we should not become so ‘involved’. I was incredulous. Her to be so earnest about her mistakes was very out of character.
“Why the sudden change of heart?” I asked.
“I had a reaction in the heat of the moment much like you did with that patron. What I said was impulsive and not thought through.”
“And?” I was trying to coax an admission of fault. I was rewarded.
“I was wrong.”
We sat there in silence for ten minutes waiting for the other to speak up and break the unease, for ten minutes nought happened. Again, she was the first to speak.
“I am new to the topic of love, Hunter. It was probably why I was so impulsive.” Her usual sarcasm and condescending tone was not present in her speech. It was all quite sincere. I was surprised.
“I would have imagined you to have had quite a few suitors.”
“I never had one nor was I interested for that matter. Most do not want a wife who has the audacity to say, do and express whatever she feels like and I never had the time or the mentality to contemplate such.”
I took a moment to absorb the information. “So, what does this mean for ‘us’.”
“As I said yesterday, I believe that with all that has happened over these two centuries, we moved beyond friendship a long time ago…….and that I……am willing to accept it as it is.”
This was a far cry from my expectations when this conversation began, but it was an outcome I was very happy with.
“I think the sentiment is mutual.”
She smiled at that. “If that is so, I believe that you wouldn’t mind it if I did this.”
Before I could react she leaned into my face, pressing her lips against mine. I was in a state of shock, not knowing what was happening until she pulled away a second later with a very wide, satisfied and beaming grin.
“If I had a device that could print moments exactly as they are, I would be using it to show you your face.” she said in a sarcastic tone.
“You…..” I was tempted to say something quite profane but held my tongue so as to keep the moment intact.
“I do not think sly dog applies to woman but feel free to call me a ‘sly bitch’ if you wish.”
“You are a sly bitch.”
“I know, and you love me for it.”
She was quite astute. “Well played, Traudl. Well played.”
AUTHOR’S NOTE: The ship’s hull had been tugged into dry dock for fitting last chapter. Now, it is replete with furnishings, masts, rigging and emblazoned sails. All that remains is to christen it.
I should have mentioned this earlier. the 'J' in German is pronounced as a 'Y' in English (Which is why 'Ja' is pronounced 'Ya'). Alfred's surname Jagd is thus actually pronounced Yagd.
The next chapter will involve another time jump, this time to the Napoleonic occupation of the German Kingdoms and States.
I have mentioned my love of Villians in the past. Such is also doubly so for Anti-Heroes (Agent 47 in particular).
I have developed a lik… moreing for your OC. I like how his activities are questionable, yet in spite of this very, very brutal and cold demenour. he can have moments of humanity (One of the things I like about agent 47).
Now this was a good start to my day; the confession was perfect, and to hear it from Gertraud was even sweeter, especially as she was the one who turned him down beforehand...
I'm looking forward to what comes next for AlfredxGertraud! XD
Chapter 13: Ja, wir sind an Lieben. December, 13th, 1689.
The next day, I went down stairs to find Gertraud sitting at the bar. She was i… moren her sleeping long tunic. The snowstorm had decreased in intensity and the snow blocking us in was now at my waist height.
Gertraud appeared to be deep in thought, brow furrowed and eyes staring at the wooden platform before her. I walked over to her slowly.
“You needn’t approach me like game, I won’t run.” she joked. “Do sit.”
I took a second to register her words. She seemed so impossibly candid in spite of what happened yesterday.
“I am amazed at your readi-“
“I was actually going to speak to you about that.” she interrupted.
“Were you now?”
“Yes.” she exasperated. “Sit.”
I obliged, sitting to her right. She turned on her stool to face me.
“I would like to apologise for my reaction last night. I take it back.” she said flatly.
This was not what I was expecting. I expecte… [view original content]
Traudl is always there to provide an answer. Here she has provided an answer to whom shall make the first move. always an answer for everything. Always.
Now the real fun for me begins! We shall have them during Napoleon's occupation of Germany then the Revolutions of 1848 followed by life in Imperial Germany, WWI, the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic's Deutschmark, National Socialist Germany and the Cold War.
Now this was a good start to my day; the confession was perfect, and to hear it from Gertraud was even sweete… morer, especially as she was the one who turned him down beforehand...
I'm looking forward to what comes next for AlfredxGertraud! XD
And it only took 189 years. XD
Traudl is always there to provide an answer. Here she has provided an answer to whom shall make the first … moremove. always an answer for everything. Always.
Now the real fun for me begins! We shall have them during Napoleon's occupation of Germany then the Revolutions of 1848 followed by life in Imperial Germany, WWI, the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic's Deutschmark, National Socialist Germany and the Cold War.
I have so much writing ahead of me!
(Why you no Like my kind comment?)
Oh man I had to do a history paper on the Deutschmark... How do you write 2 pages worth of stuff about the Deutschmark?! In the end I got a D...
Sorry. I forgot to like your comment (I WILL and DO forget things if I get distracted by a certain cat XD).
I can think of many things to… more include in a history paper for such a historic coin, but two pages does seem quite steep.
EDIT- I was thinking of the pre WWI mark. Nevermind.
Haha, thanks! I try my best to incorporate ACTUAL fairytales and legends and stories to my own, as Willingham does with all the more popular… more ones, you know?
Yep. Holidays are awesome, until you reach the last day and you're like "Ugh, now I have to be a normal person in society again. This bites."
Also, I've got to catch up in reading your chapters AND commenting; I've read a few but only commented on the first chapter. I have to say, you write very brilliantly, and I LOVE where it's all going.
Emily and Gren, along with the quads, took to Central Park that afternoon. For a moment, the couple wanted to forget about the devestation that sat upon the shoulder's of Fabletown and the person behind such atrocities. The quads were still uncertain about their training but Gren assured them it was for the best. It fractured his heart knowing his young children were in dnager but it was needed for their own protection.
Thomas and Isaiah came along for the lovely afternoon in hopes a walk around the park would help clear their minds. Only one to not make it was Robert; he said not a single word that afternoon and the second both Hades and Nick left, he did as well. Gren still had questions for both Emily and his brother.
Gren and Emily stopped at a nearby sandwich shop and purchased several large subs, chips, brownies and drinks. Accomodating to his father, Isaiah kept a close eye on Thomas. The elderly made used his cane to tread along the sidewalk and grass; the quads, careful of their movements, attempted to play and hold conversations with their ailing grandfather. Setting up a picnic area with a blanket, Gren, Emily and Isaiah sat under a shaded area and watched Thomas walk around, with four turbulent children behind him. Isaiah takes out a Turkey sandwich, slices it down the middle and laughs.
"Those kids have so much energy." Isaiah leans against the tree and eats. "I mean, look at them-even dad has made that comment before, too. They're great kids, Gren. Emily."
"Thanks Isaiah." Gren opens a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips. "They love that man and its going to break their heart when he...you know....fuck, man."
"Do they know or-"
"They do." Gren stares out towards his kids. "Emily and I have sat down with them but, no matter how many times you explain or word it for THEM to understand, its never easy. No matter what age..."
"Yeah." Isaiah had nothing more to say. Carefully taking bits of his sandwich, his eyes joined Gren's as the two observed Thomas slowly pushing Viviana and Chloe simultaneously on the swing. Seraphina and Liam were not too far behind and began a game of Pirates. The play area in the middle of the park was their ship. Several other children their age participated in the play and joined the brother and sister. Giggles from the two girls, with the occasional higher could be heard. Emily beams.
"Ya' little monsters need ta' come and eat soon."
Seraphina pokes her head out from under the slide. "We are not hungry yet, mommy. Can we play for just a little bit longer?"
"Ya' have twenty minutes then, alright? I'll call ya' when its time ta' eat lunch."
Liam hangs upside down on a pole, using a stick for a sword. "What are we having for lunch again, mommy?"
"Sandwiches, love." She holds her's up to show Liam. "Ya' don't have ta' wait fa' ya' sisters if ya' want ta' eat, love."
"No I'm good, mommy." Liam flips up and chases after another boy. "We're playing Pirates!"
Emily and Gren take notice of Thomas' behavior. He grabs his lower back and begins to rub it gently. Isaiah, aware of his current situation, wipes his hands with a napkin and runs out towards the swings. Switching places with his father, Isaiah pushes the girls in the swing. Thomas returns to the shaded area, takes Isaiah's spot and closes his eyes. Gren hands him a water bottle.
"You alright, dad? They can be exhausting, I know."
Thomas chuckles. "I had forgotten how much energy a child has. I have not had little ones like that since you and your brothers." Thomas pauses to open the top of the water. "Oh those were some interesting days but I'd do it all again."
Gren nods. "You hungry, dad or-"
"Nah, Grendel. I'm fine right now. This water and shade will do for the moment. I will, however, take one of those chip bags."
"Which kind?" Emily opens the picnic basket. "We 'ave BBQ flavored, Cool Ranch Doritos, Salt n' Vinegar, Regular Lays or that new Wasabi and Ginger flavor."
"Oh I'll take that last one." Emily tosses Thomas the chip bag. "Oh I hear this tastes like you're about to eat sushi. Mmm. I love this stuff."
"They do." Emily leans against Gren, finishing her Chicken sandwich. "I love ta' eat those when I'm craving Sushi, especially now."
Gren rubs her stomach. "Yeah, we don't want to take chances now."
Thomas smiles, watching the couple interact with one another. They did indeed remind him of those younger days back in the Homelands and when his wife Calla was alive. The two, despite their tribes' views on the other, remained loyal and as one until the bitter end. He observed his youngest son kiss and talk to Emily's stomach; although still in the early stages, Thomas believed the child could hear every emotion and word the parents spoke and did. He was proud of his son.
"Congragulations, you two." Thomas tilts forward, taking another drink. "Have you told the quads yet or are we waiting?"
"We're going to tell them when they eat today." Gren places his arm around Emily's torso. "Me and Ems here are so excited and, well, not that you WANT to hear this but we've been trying for some time now."
Emily sighs. "We were pregnant not too long ago but that resulted in a miscarriage."
Thomas pats Emily's knee. "Oh sweetie. These things happen. Calla suffered four before she became pregnant with Grendel and his brothers. Its nothing you did, nor is it punishment. These things happen. I'm happy to know this one took and you're going to have either a single baby or multiples."
"I was shocked when Swineheart told me there were four the fisrt bloody time."
"Well, you do have Wolf in you. Those she-Wolves tend to have more then just ONE baby at a time."
Emily chuckles. "Tell me 'bout it. My sister Katherine and her husband Jersey had thirteen: first litter had four, second five and the last four more."
Before Thomas could respond, all four of the quads run towards the blanket. Seraphina and Viviana collaspe near Emily's feet and pant furiously. Liam lies beside Gren, as Chloe snatches a water bottle, opens the top and pours a handful of water to her face.
"Having fun out there?" Gren pats Liam on the bottom. "Man, I guess so!"
"It's...so...HOT!" Viviana flings her arms around. "It wasn't too bad but the wind stopped and now, the sun is just there."
Emily chuckles. "Well, just relax and when ya' little Rugrats are ready, 'ere is ya' lunches: I know Viviana wanted Tuna, Seraphina got a Turkey and Roast Beef; Chloe wanted the Meatball sub with extra parmasean cheese and my little Liam got the Chicken with swiss cheese. There are the chips ova' there, drinks here and mommy got brownies but ya' need ta' eat first."
Chlow takes her food and unwraps. "There are no tomatos in here, right mommy?"
"There shouldn't be, my love but check JUST in case. Liam should be the only one with tomatos."
After inspecting their meals, selecting their chips and drinks, the quads gathered around their parents. They knew there was a surprise and both Gren and Emily wanted to speak to them together. Chloe and Viviana thought a puppy was in the making or a new Dollhouse. Seraphina wanted a pool, since summer was around the corner and Liam thought a vacation to Orlando Florida during their summer break. Holding hands, Gren speaks to the children first.
"So, you all know mommy and daddy have something to tell you." All four of them nod, grins growing across their lips. "Alright, well, we wanted to wait and make sure but now, we can tell you the good news."
"What's the news, mommy and daddy?" Viviana claps. "Are we getting a puppy?"
"No love. Not a puppy. Well, ya' neva' know. Ya' sister came out lookin' like one."
The children all stared at one another and looked confused. "What....what do you mean, mommy?"
"Kids, mommy is pregnant. Ya' all are going ta' get another brother or sister ta' play with."
The girls squeal with delight and collect around their mother's belly. Viviana shoves her entire face near Emily's belly button, while Chloe and Seraphina pressed their lips to the skin and planted kisses.
"Hi baby!" Chloe and Seraphina spoke to Emily's stomach. "Hi in there! I hope you're a girl so we can play Barbies and I can show you how to braid hair and paint your toes and fingers."
Gren noticed Liam's fickleness to the news. He did not seem upset or excited; he sat in his same spot, continuing to chew on his sandwich and chips.
"Liam, did you hear that? You're going to get a baby brother or sister."
"No." Liam shakes his head. "I don't WANT anymore sisters or brothers."
Liam stands up and walks back to the swingset. He passes Isaiah along the way. Turning to call his nephew's name, Liam ignores it and finds an empty swing. Sitting, everyone watches Liam endeavor it. Upon failing to push himself, Liam switches with a nearby little girl and takes a seat in the tire swing instead. Isaiah joins the others on the blanket.
"Uh-" He points with his finger. "-What, uh, what happened there?"
"We told them about the pregnancy and he, well, didn't TAKE the news very well."
Emily rubs her stomach. "I didn't think he'd be this bloody upset, love."
"He'll be fine, Ems." Gren kisses her hand. "Trust me. He'll come around. Just let him think about it. Give him some space..."
Seraphina looks up and beams. "How did the baby get in here, mommy?"
Both Thomas and Isaiah chuckle. The color on both Gren and Emily's face said it all. Gren looks at his daughter.
"Wha....what was that, baby girl?"
"The baby." Seraphina pokes Emily's belly. "How did it get in there? Did mommy eat a seed and water it, so now its growing?"
"NO, Sera!" Viviana glares at her sister. "Aunt Mary said the baby comes from a daddy's penis!"
Gren nearly chokes on his food. Shocked to hear her daughter say this, Emily grabs Viviana. "WHEN the bloddy 'ell did ya' aunt Mary tell ya' this!?"
"I don't know, mommy but Sheila said that aunt Mary talked to the kids because she wanted to know and Sheila told me that, um, mommy and daddy's have this special hug called sex and they, um, hug for a REALLY long time and the daddy gets REALLY happy and he puts this stuff called sperm into the mommy and the mommy has eggs and this stuff goes inside and it, um, like, goes into the egg and the baby grows and when the baby is ready, the mommy pushes the baby through her vagina and then there is a baby."
Emily was stunned. "..Oh...my...God. I'm gunna kill her. Ya' gunna lose an aunt Mary ta'day when I call her."
Seraphina was nauseated. "Eww....mommy, that's not HOW it happens, is it?"
Emily nods. "Its...its true, love. I can't believe we are having this bloody conversation NOW but, yes-mommy and daddy have this special hug called sex and that's how we made ya' and your sisters and brother. How we made, well, the baby inside, too."
"But...Viviana said aunt Mary told them the daddy has this stuff called 'sperm'. How does daddy PUT the sperm inside of you to make the baby grow? Is it like nana when she's in the garden and papa Georgie puts this stuff and it makes the flowers and vegetables grow?"
As Emily tries to find the proper words to explain sex to her five year olds, Gren begins to clean up; his face was a bright red color now and sweat formed around his brow and eyes.
"ALRIGHT! I think its time to go home! It's hot! Clean up and we can talk about this back home! HERE, dad-let me get that for you!"
While Gren, Isaiah and the girls cleaned the picnic area, Emily heads for the tire swing. Laying on his back, Liam glances up towards the sky and hums to himself. The steps Emily took caused the little boy to look over. When he saw who it was, he covered his face and tried avoiding his mother. Emily tuffles with Liam's hair and scoops the boy in her arms. Neither said a word; Liam presses his face into Emily's neck and sighs heavily. Emily wanted to assure her son that no matter what, she loved him unconditionally.
She knew there was the reason; she could recall being a tad jealous when her mother was pregnant with Peter and Ethan. Penelope cried and for two days, Junior was quiet and avoided Lyla.
"I love you, my big boy." Emily stroked Liam's back. "You know that..."
"I do, mommy." Liam continues to hide his face. "I love you, too..."
"Ya' can talk ta' daddy and I when we get back home, alright baby?"
But like Emily did, he'd learn to understand.
Any questions, you know the drill. So.....fucking....hot....today! XD Go away, sun for like, 24 hours and then you can come back! lol Going to San Fran this weekend and I hear its been NICE! Looking forward to it all!
More about which part?
You mentioned about there being only two parts of Fenrir left. There are, but with a slight complication.. that will be revealed.
You know what, screw it!
Dragon, I will partake in this challenge! For better or worse I will give it a try! XD
Go for it, my good man.
I'm all down! 
Hello extended family! XD
Just a heads up that a lot of your OC's will be appearing in my next story:
The roles will likely change as the story goes on, but I'm posting this as a reminder that you may be as critical as you like about my portrayal of your OC, as I am aiming to get them spot on...
The next story will be 'never-ending' so to speak, like Pie's story, it keeps going on. I will also be changing up the format of my story by including 2 side projects with it:
1) An OC villain in the story, NYPD Lieutenant Leon Cervantes, will make notes of characters, so I will be posting these case notes of his between chapters to give an insight of what he thinks about everyone and the events taking place. Leon is a Fable btw...
2) My OC Damien will have a side series called the (Mis)Adventures of Damien, wherein the dude will get involved in a number of situations with a number of Fables. The aim is for them to be humorous primarily, but I fear my humour will not be funny or it will be repeated too much...
I don't know why I posted this at all...
Haha oh Nick. You don't care about anything but yourself and it works on so many levels. >:D I just love how he could care less myself. lol Kieron is becoming one hell of a leader, too. Fenrir is becoming one hell of a bad guy! He does not play around, this guy!
I also played that stupid Indiana Jones music and pictured Weasel (please don't ask me why) as his little Asian sidekick and Rose being that blonde chick that was always screaming and just there. (It's been some time since I've seen those movies and I'm HORRIBLE with names. XD) But, anyways, that seems like a Tman thing. Taking statues and gold and what not, even with the presence of a boulder! XD I day take it all and return.
why the hell not!
Alright! Some Grendel action! Sweet! I love everything about this and look forward to more!
Ok, I'm gonna get started
This is amazing news indeed!
I'm going to send you and the others a PM with the final step of the challenge in due time.
Hopefully so! Along with some others
Yeah man!
Luke is about give Kieron some reinforcements and The King is gaining an ally! 
Those always tend to be the BEST characters a person can write about; you had one idea, looked at that and said 'You know what, let me add this and change that up....' and WHA-POW! You got this interesting character on paper or computer.
I'm sure you'll tweek it around and make him more terrifying and what not.
AH yes...coughFraucough. I see now. AND with that being said, it makes sense with the ring and Belinda's ability to use it....Actually looking forward to learning more about the daughter because I KNOW there is more to it then just her death.
And you, ems, got SOOOO lucky! XD Someone was looking out for you, I tell you what! Man. Gotta love those random fire drills. Every kid's wish to avoid doing anything with presentations.
I already have 3 Werewolf OC's so I may as well give it a go :P
I planned on writing this as soon as I discovered what Noah did to Erica (Michelle as well, but mostly Erica) But I decided to wait for Pie to reveal who the Father was and what he looked like before I wrote it. So here it is.
A Pet Named Noah
“There you go, Erica!” Ethan was helping Erica to walk across the floor of Michelle’s apartment, she was gradually improving. This time she had managed 4 good steps before she had started to wobble.
“4, Ethan! 4!” Erica beams as Ethan picks her up and hugs her; Michelle enters the room with 2 cups of coffee “Here you go” Ethan plops Erica down and takes the cup with a thank you. He and Michelle sit down on her sofa and take sips from the boiling liquid as they watch Erica play with her toys.
Michelle was distant however, Ethan didn’t need his senses to know that much “You ok, Michelle?” Michelle snaps out of her trance and smiles at Ethan “Yeah I’m fine, just fine...” She went back into her glum expression and stared more at the floor than at her precious daughter. Ethan sets his cup down on the coffee table and is about to inquire further when a knock is heard at the door.
Michelle freezes and eyes the door with a trembling suspicion, almost as if whoever was on the other side of it was coming for her. Ethan gets up and moves towards the door slowly, he sniffs the air and his tone changes instantly “It’s only Nick, Michelle” Ethan opens the door to see Nick standing on the other side of it wearing a plain white shirt and jeans.
Nick smiles “Hey man” and embraces Ethan in a brief hug; Michelle sighs deeply and takes a long drink of her coffee afterwards. Nick instantly goes over to Erica; she looms up at the huge man “Nicky here, Nicky here!” Nick crouches and lifts the child like she was just a baby, as he plants an overly dramatic kiss to her cheek, causing Erica to giggle.
He sets her down and walks over to Michelle “No formalities for your old friend, sweetheart?” Michelle smirks as she stands up and gives Nick a brief hug “I hate it when you call me that” Nick pulls away chuckling “Come on, not even a little bit of you thinks it’s cute?” Michelle shakes her head slowly “No, I think it makes you creepy”
Nick backs down like a dog and Michelle gives his shoulder a playful slap “Just messing with you, Nicky” Nick sits down on a nearby chair and mutters to himself “I hate it when she calls me Nicky...”
The time passed as the 3 exchanged conversation about anything; eventually Michelle left the room to go and use the toilet, leaving Ethan and Nick to discuss a more tender topic, Nick speaks “So he gets out tomorrow huh?” Ethan nods “Yep, and if he comes here then I’m gonna stop him”
Nick leans back and laces his fingers together “Don’t make a scene, Ethan, its bad enough that he’s out but you can’t just take matters into your own hands”
Ethan looks at Nick incredulously “Since when did you care about an abuser so much” Nick’s face turns into a scowl “Watch your tone, boy...”
Ethan looks down and tubs his eyes “What if he does come here?” Nick retorts “Send him packing; tell him to bother someone else...”
Michelle walks back into the room “What’re you two talking about?” The two men both look at Michelle simultaneously and then back at each other, replying in unison “Damien”
Michelle flops back down onto the couch next to Ethan and gives out a fake yawn “What has Damien done this time?” Nick chuckles to himself “After that stunt he pulled on Jersey he’s not going to be doing anything stupid for a while let me tell you”
Ethan remembers the event and laughs as well “Can’t believe Damien thought that would work”
O A while later
Nick picks up Erica “I’m going now, sweetie” Erica hangs onto Nick’s neck “No go, Nicky!” Nick chuckles and gives Erica’s cheek a kiss before setting her down. Michelle was practically asleep on the sofa, so he spoke to Ethan instead “tell her I said goodbye yeah?” Ethan nodded and gave Nick a final hug, but Nick whispered into Ethan’s ear “I’ll need to see you tomorrow”
Nick walked away and Ethan went back into the apartment in a state of confusion. As Nick walked down the stairs, he formulated his plan “If that motherfucking piece of shit boyfriend thinks he’s home free then he clearly doesn’t know who the fuck I am!”
Nick walked out of the complex and materialised his trench coat, pulling out a cigar and sparking it up with his thumb afterwards. He walked down the street into a large alley and focused on creating a taxi, with some dumb luck he actually succeeded in creating one, although his head was throbbing “Ugh, I need to practice this more often...”
Nick started the taxi up and drove down to the prison where Noah would be released. Ethan and Michelle had mentioned enough details when they thought Nick wasn’t listening for him to know that this plan was fool-proof, now he just had to wait until midday tomorrow.
O The next day, around 11pm
Nick woke up in a slight shudder, thinking he had missed his chance, thankfully the shit-for-brains wasn’t due to be released for another 20 minutes or so, so Nick decided that a hotdog stand nearby would be suitable for a breakfast. Stacked with onions and mustard, Nick takes a bite out of the item of food and remembers quickly why he cooked his own food, to be honest, the hotdog tasted like shit, the processed kind of shit that was EVERYWHERE in New York it seemed.
Nick soldiered through the hotdog and walked back to his taxi, he didn’t exactly look like your average cab driver, and the one he was driving didn’t have a radio, but at least the meter worked. Then he saw the scumbag in the flesh: Noah.
A big guy at 6 foot tall with a black faux-hawk, tanned skin and blue eyes, you couldn’t miss him, and thankfully he was hailing for cabs. Nick drove up to Noah, who was wearing a white tank shirt under an open black hoodie with dark jeans and a brown sneakers, Nick spoke from the driver’s seat “Where you wanna go, man?”
Noah spoke through the window “Anywhere near Bullfinch Street” Noah jumped in the back of the cab, and Nick mustered every bit of self control he could to not shoot the fucker in his face there and then. Nick drove on the correct road down to Bullfinch Street, but made a sudden turn towards the docks, this caused Noah to get suspicious “Hey, Bullfinch Street is that way”
Nick ignored Noah as he pulled up in front of an old warehouse and got out of the car, Noah got out as well “Hey what the fuck is this shit?” Nick walked up to Noah and punched him across the face, knocking him out cold. He picked up Noah’s body and took it inside the warehouse...
When Noah awoke he noticed that he was in a pitch black room with one light beaming down in him in a wide circle, he was tied to chair with thick, heavy ropes and his hands were cuffed behind his back. His hoodie was missing and his face felt swollen.
He looked around and saw Nick leaning up against a metal table with a revolver and a large knife sitting on it, he was missing his coat and he didn’t look anywhere near happy. “Hey, what the fuck is this huh, what the fuck is this?!” Nick walked over to Noah and slapped him across the face, before shoving a picture of Michelle and Erica in front of him “Do you know what you did to them?”
Noah spat on the picture “Fuck you and fuck them!” Nick took the picture away slammed his fist down onto Noah’s knee, Noah screamed as he felt the bone shatter, and Nick squeezed it hard afterwards. He stopped and slapped Noah again, showing him the picture “Look at them, and tell me what you did!”
Noah sputtered a little before answering “What do you want me to say?!” Nick stood up and spoke “How about I show you instead?” Nick drew his hand back and punched Noah in the head, then he did it again, and again, and again. Eventually Noah blacked out from blunt trauma... then woke up to immense pain as he saw Nick do something to him with black mist “You, you’re a Fable?! What’re you doing to me?!”
Nick pulled away after the wound had healed “I’m healing you, but my healing just reverses what happened, so you have to experience the pain all over again but in reverse” Noah was panting and sweating now “Why?” Nick flashed an evil grin “Because I’m going to make you suffer for what you did”
Nick punched Noah in the stomach so hard that the unexpected happened and Noah began screaming and writhing and choking all at once, Nick was impressed with himself “Did I just rupture your stomach?” Noah was close to blacking out again so Nick went to work on fixing the injury, the screaming was dreadful but Nick had heard worse many times before...
An hour later and Nick had exhausted his pet: broken skull, broken arms, ruptured spleen, even made Noah piss himself with fear at one point. Nick decided to show Ethan what he had done, so he called him on his cell.
Ethan followed Nick’s instructions and found him waiting outside the warehouse, smoking another cigar, but with blood on his hands. “Nick, what is this?” Nick ignored Ethan as he led him inside; he walked Ethan over to the chair and stubbed the cigar out on Noah’s neck, making him squeal in pain.
Ethan was in shock at the sight “What the fuck is this?!” Nick put his hand to Ethan’s shoulder and grinned “Justice” Ethan moved away and yelled “This isn’t justice, this is sick!” Nick shrugged “Since when did you care about an abuser so much...” Ethan growled as Nick went over Noah’s right side and spoke in his ear “What is your name?” Noah replied weakly “Pet”
Nick spoke again “What are you to me?” Noah replied “I am your pet bitch” Nick chuckled and looked at Ethan “What are you in this world?” Noah started to cry “A useless piece of shit who deserves to suffer” Nick patted Noah’s shoulder “Good boy”
Ethan pulled Nick away “Alright, enough is enough, this time it’s gonna be permanent!” Nick was confused “What’re you doing?” Ethan grabbed the revolver and checked to make sure it was loaded “I’m gonna kill him like you should’ve, I’m not gonna say he didn’t deserve what he had coming to him, but this is too much Nick!”
Ethan pushed past Nick, but he grabbed Ethan and threw him aside “He is mine to do with as I please Ethan! I earned that right by claiming him first!” Ethan got up and marched towards Nick “Move out of my way, now” Nick moved forward an inch before Ethan fired 3 shots into his stomach.
Nick fell clutching his gut and groaning while Ethan put the gun to a trembling Noah’s head “This should’ve been done a long time a-“ Nick grabbed Ethan and pulled him into a chokehold, Ethan tried to shoot Nick in the head twice, before firing the last round into Nick’s leg, but it didn’t do much.
Nick let Ethan go and punched him in the face, dropping Ethan to the ground. Ethan spat out some blood and tackled Nick into the table, punching him in the face hard. Nick took the blows and dodged the 4th punch, pinning Ethan against the table. Ethan grabbed the knife and caught Nick in the shoulder with it, Nick stumbled back as he and Ethan glared at each other, Nick growled “He is mine!” Ethan growled back “You’ve done enough ya fookin’ idiot!”
Ethan lunged forward while Nick stepped to the side. Ethan turned around as Nick kicked him in the face and then finished him off with a heavy roundhouse kick. Ethan could feel himself being dragged by his feet as everything went dark.
O A day later
Ethan woke up in a Hospital bed, aching all over, and saw Nick sitting in the chair next to him. Ethan groaned “The fuck do you want?” Nick sat forward and brandished a video camera “You ready?” Ethan gave a very slow nod as Nick clicked play.
The camera showed Ethan outside in the cab as Nick walked back inside the warehouse and picked up the knife, he put it to Noah’s throat and spoke “You will burn for what you did to them, and him” Nick stabbed the knife straight through Noah’s forehead and used the embedded blade to break his neck afterwards, leaving Noah to die in his own blood and piss...
Nick turned off the camera and looked at Ethan, pointing to his chest “You were becoming something in there...” Ethan looked down at his chest to see a very faint formation of ‘Kiss the Girls’ on his chest, Ethan looked at Nick in shock “My curse!” Nick nodded “Yeah, thankfully I knocked you out and healed you just in time, and that will fade away... I hope”
Nick then took a breath “I saw Erica afterwards and tried to treat both hers and Michelle’s injuries...” Ethan looked at Nick intently “And?” Nick paused and walked over to the door, he let in Michelle, she was smiling and holding Erica’s hand, the little girl was walking again...
If you wanna know what Damien did then feel free to ask, it links into that (Mis)Adventures of Damien side story I mentioned earlier on the thread.
Comment however you want, this is a non-canon one-shot...
OMG My precious Erica was adorable calling Nick Nicky!
Love how he tries to play it off but both Michelle and Ethan can see through it all. XD
Nick creating that cigarette was pretty neat. Wish I had that ability, man! And Nick possesing the cab driver was a bold move; that stupid idiot Noah had no idea what would be waiting for him and I did like how you made him try to appear bigger and more powerful then he really is. Noah is too much like his mother and bites off WAY more than his mouth can chew.
Damn. And the difference IS indeed there with how you handled Noah compared to me. But everything he got was coming his way. WHICH, I almost forgot: what the hell did Jersey do that Damien did not approve of? XD I can only imagine. lol
I loved that ending. It like your trying to HINT what you'd like to see happy.
Nick acts like this tough, macho man but in the end, he's an alright guy with a heart of gold. He managed to heal Erica and she walked right in. No help from either Ethan, Michelle, Rosie or crutches. And Ethan with his 'curse'. You shocked by that, man?
Oh and Damien. From the PM's you sent me, I can't wait to meet this guy in action!
I loved this little bit and it was wonderfully done. Too bad we can't do this in real life to those that deserve it....
It was a cigar, Nick only goes for cigarettes if someone offers :P
Nick WAS the cab driver! XD
Long story short, Damien borrowed Jersey's car and trashed it, so when Jersey came looking for a replacement, Damien tried to knock Jersey out by giving him the heaviest headbutt in history... but Damien knocked himself out in doing so :P
I did try and lessen the blow of the curse by having Nick prevent it from taking over Ethan (for now at least)
Oh...shit! OH....SHIT! (Excuse the next following words) Shit, shit, shit, shit!!!!!
Shit, shit, shit, shit!!! I THINK I know what's going on in this Wonderland, WHO the king is going to contact and WHO the goddess was! I don't want to say anything to avoid spoilers! GAH!!!
Nyx, you loveable little Kitten you!
I have this theory that Nyx KNEW Kieron in a former life or has been in his dreams previous to all of this shit happening between him, Alice and Azaria. OMG and Lucas, I love you and you're too precious and Georgie, well, I love you no matter what, man! XD XD OH Hans.....
I love this, man! Can't wait for more!

This was pretty cool! Noah got exactly what was coming to him! XD If Kieron ever needs a man for torture hell be sure to call Nick! :P
That ending was really nice too! Nick reminds me of Shinjiro from Persona 3 he has a tough guy attitude but really he can be a soft teddy bear XD
Oops did I put cigarette!? So used to doing that....
OH! Oh, oh I thought he did the whole posession thing and what not! XD Either way, stupid Noah. >:(
WTF Jersey be doing lending his car to Damien!? XD LMAO That is too funny to picture! :P And then these two fools try and headbutt and look what happens. XD
Aw man, you're too sweet; Ethan will appreciate the assistance with the curse and knowing someone is worried for him...:)
Yeah JJ did it as well...
Yep, Nick can't possess people, that would be too much power :P
Damien needed it to go to Vegas, and then he trashed it by accident. What's better is that he took a run up to Jersey, jumped in the air, grabbed Jersey by the shirt then headbutted him. He thought it worked as Jersey did wobble for a bit, but Damien fell unconscious XD
Course I'm worried! I had Nick heal Michelle's scars as well!!!
Lol XD the excessive swearing was rather funny! XD
Ah that's interesting
We'll have to see if you are right 
Nyx is very loveable
Ah but in what way was he apart of Kierons former life?
I actually really like writing the parts with Hans and Lucas and I don't really know why XD Georgie is the number one babysitter!
Hans has it rough, for now 
Glad you are enjoying the story Pie
Nick hasn't done torture much before though, maybe only a handful of times...
Erica deserved to be saved, and let's not forget the pain she had to go through during the healing process! Nick may not have healed her completely given how old the wound was, but walking is apparently something she can do now
What a jerk, that JJ. XD (JK love you, man)
Maybe he and my Nick need to get together and work out a plan. XD XD
Oh Vegas! Bringing folks hedaches and heartache since, well...forever now! XD Damien would do well in Vegas. You know, this reminds me of an idea...Hmmmm....lol
Don't worry TOO much for Ethan. Michelle and Erica are the ones that deserve to heal and move forward with their lives. Michelle is through pretending sometimes...:(
Gad you found the humor in it, bro!
AH! I'm so close I can taste the sweet victory of it ALL! XD OH now my wheels are turning...Hans and Lucas are adorable! They remind me a lot of JJ's OC Robert & RJ's relationship. GAH I love Lucas! And Georgie. 'Nuff said! XD
I do! Can't wait for more, man!
Ah okay! XD
Oh there's no question about that, the pain although it must've really sucked was probably worth going through. Nick is a pretty cool dude for doing that
(of course he is an absolute badass XD)
When is he gonna continue that story?! He posts slower than I do! XP
You said your Nick would HATE my Nick... And Nick ain't giving up that body for anyone! :P
Please don't use my idea
I guess so...
Nick wouldn't have liked hearing Erica scream when he was healing her, she'd be reliving the pain of the bat striking her head...
Michelle's scars would've been worse... How did Nick not get reported for supposed domestic abuse? XP
I have no idea. Think he's taking a hiatus, too....think he might end it, tbh....
Nick would but it was just a thought. LOL
What? No Vegas gave me an idea for a possible writing idea, should I have the time. XD
Oh man! It was going so well! :'O
Fair enough
Mr Widemouth kept me up at night. I was convinced he was coming after me (even though I simultaniously knew he wasn't) XD.
I have mentioned my love of Villians in the past. Such is also doubly so for Anti-Heroes (Agent 47 in particular).
I have developed a liking for your OC. I like how his activities are questionable, yet in spite of this very, very brutal and cold demenour. he can have moments of humanity (One of the things I like about agent 47).
Chapter 13: Ja, wir sind an Lieben. December, 13th, 1689.
The next day, I went down stairs to find Gertraud sitting at the bar. She was in her sleeping long tunic. The snowstorm had decreased in intensity and the snow blocking us in was now at my waist height.
Gertraud appeared to be deep in thought, brow furrowed and eyes staring at the wooden platform before her. I walked over to her slowly.
“You needn’t approach me like game, I won’t run.” she joked. “Do sit.”
I took a second to register her words. She seemed so impossibly candid in spite of what happened yesterday.
“I am amazed at your readi-“
“I was actually going to speak to you about that.” she interrupted.
“Were you now?”
“Yes.” she exasperated. “Sit.”
I obliged, sitting to her right. She turned on her stool to face me.
“I would like to apologise for my reaction last night. I take it back.” she said flatly.
This was not what I was expecting. I expected a long lecture on the reasons why she believed we should not become so ‘involved’. I was incredulous. Her to be so earnest about her mistakes was very out of character.
“Why the sudden change of heart?” I asked.
“I had a reaction in the heat of the moment much like you did with that patron. What I said was impulsive and not thought through.”
“And?” I was trying to coax an admission of fault. I was rewarded.
“I was wrong.”
We sat there in silence for ten minutes waiting for the other to speak up and break the unease, for ten minutes nought happened. Again, she was the first to speak.
“I am new to the topic of love, Hunter. It was probably why I was so impulsive.” Her usual sarcasm and condescending tone was not present in her speech. It was all quite sincere. I was surprised.
“I would have imagined you to have had quite a few suitors.”
“I never had one nor was I interested for that matter. Most do not want a wife who has the audacity to say, do and express whatever she feels like and I never had the time or the mentality to contemplate such.”
I took a moment to absorb the information. “So, what does this mean for ‘us’.”
“As I said yesterday, I believe that with all that has happened over these two centuries, we moved beyond friendship a long time ago…….and that I……am willing to accept it as it is.”
This was a far cry from my expectations when this conversation began, but it was an outcome I was very happy with.
“I think the sentiment is mutual.”
She smiled at that. “If that is so, I believe that you wouldn’t mind it if I did this.”
Before I could react she leaned into my face, pressing her lips against mine. I was in a state of shock, not knowing what was happening until she pulled away a second later with a very wide, satisfied and beaming grin.
“If I had a device that could print moments exactly as they are, I would be using it to show you your face.” she said in a sarcastic tone.
“You…..” I was tempted to say something quite profane but held my tongue so as to keep the moment intact.
“I do not think sly dog applies to woman but feel free to call me a ‘sly bitch’ if you wish.”
“You are a sly bitch.”
“I know, and you love me for it.”
She was quite astute. “Well played, Traudl. Well played.”
AUTHOR’S NOTE: The ship’s hull had been tugged into dry dock for fitting last chapter. Now, it is replete with furnishings, masts, rigging and emblazoned sails. All that remains is to christen it.
I should have mentioned this earlier. the 'J' in German is pronounced as a 'Y' in English (Which is why 'Ja' is pronounced 'Ya'). Alfred's surname Jagd is thus actually pronounced Yagd.
The next chapter will involve another time jump, this time to the Napoleonic occupation of the German Kingdoms and States.
I haven't heard of Mr Widemouth O.o
The only Creepypasta that didn't scare me was Jane the Killer. She was hot! XD
Nick is an anti-hero unfortunately, but he IS trying...
I figured you would like Nick for anything besides his moral compass tbh :P
Or you would criticise him for being so OP!
Now this was a good start to my day; the confession was perfect, and to hear it from Gertraud was even sweeter, especially as she was the one who turned him down beforehand...
I'm looking forward to what comes next for AlfredxGertraud! XD
And it only took 189 years. XD
Traudl is always there to provide an answer. Here she has provided an answer to whom shall make the first move. always an answer for everything. Always.
Now the real fun for me begins! We shall have them during Napoleon's occupation of Germany then the Revolutions of 1848 followed by life in Imperial Germany, WWI, the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic's Deutschmark, National Socialist Germany and the Cold War.
I have so much writing ahead of me!
(Why you no Like my kind comment?)
Oh man I had to do a history paper on the Deutschmark... How do you write 2 pages worth of stuff about the Deutschmark?! In the end I got a D...
Sorry. I forgot to like your comment (I WILL and DO forget things if I get distracted by a certain cat XD).
I can think of many things to include in a history paper for such a historic coin, but two pages does seem quite steep.
EDIT- I was thinking of the pre WWI mark. Nevermind.
Lol it's fine
I got half a page done...
Oh sorry, I was thinking of the Rentenmark! :P
Gramercy for the kind words regarding my story.
The beginning was quite rough in my opinion, but I have everything back on the proverbial track.
Emily and Gren, along with the quads, took to Central Park that afternoon. For a moment, the couple wanted to forget about the devestation that sat upon the shoulder's of Fabletown and the person behind such atrocities. The quads were still uncertain about their training but Gren assured them it was for the best. It fractured his heart knowing his young children were in dnager but it was needed for their own protection.
Thomas and Isaiah came along for the lovely afternoon in hopes a walk around the park would help clear their minds. Only one to not make it was Robert; he said not a single word that afternoon and the second both Hades and Nick left, he did as well. Gren still had questions for both Emily and his brother.
Gren and Emily stopped at a nearby sandwich shop and purchased several large subs, chips, brownies and drinks. Accomodating to his father, Isaiah kept a close eye on Thomas. The elderly made used his cane to tread along the sidewalk and grass; the quads, careful of their movements, attempted to play and hold conversations with their ailing grandfather. Setting up a picnic area with a blanket, Gren, Emily and Isaiah sat under a shaded area and watched Thomas walk around, with four turbulent children behind him. Isaiah takes out a Turkey sandwich, slices it down the middle and laughs.
"Those kids have so much energy." Isaiah leans against the tree and eats. "I mean, look at them-even dad has made that comment before, too. They're great kids, Gren. Emily."
"Thanks Isaiah." Gren opens a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips. "They love that man and its going to break their heart when he...you know....fuck, man."
"Do they know or-"
"They do." Gren stares out towards his kids. "Emily and I have sat down with them but, no matter how many times you explain or word it for THEM to understand, its never easy. No matter what age..."
"Yeah." Isaiah had nothing more to say. Carefully taking bits of his sandwich, his eyes joined Gren's as the two observed Thomas slowly pushing Viviana and Chloe simultaneously on the swing. Seraphina and Liam were not too far behind and began a game of Pirates. The play area in the middle of the park was their ship. Several other children their age participated in the play and joined the brother and sister. Giggles from the two girls, with the occasional higher could be heard. Emily beams.
"Ya' little monsters need ta' come and eat soon."
Seraphina pokes her head out from under the slide. "We are not hungry yet, mommy. Can we play for just a little bit longer?"
"Ya' have twenty minutes then, alright? I'll call ya' when its time ta' eat lunch."
Liam hangs upside down on a pole, using a stick for a sword. "What are we having for lunch again, mommy?"
"Sandwiches, love." She holds her's up to show Liam. "Ya' don't have ta' wait fa' ya' sisters if ya' want ta' eat, love."
"No I'm good, mommy." Liam flips up and chases after another boy. "We're playing Pirates!"
Emily and Gren take notice of Thomas' behavior. He grabs his lower back and begins to rub it gently. Isaiah, aware of his current situation, wipes his hands with a napkin and runs out towards the swings. Switching places with his father, Isaiah pushes the girls in the swing. Thomas returns to the shaded area, takes Isaiah's spot and closes his eyes. Gren hands him a water bottle.
"You alright, dad? They can be exhausting, I know."
Thomas chuckles. "I had forgotten how much energy a child has. I have not had little ones like that since you and your brothers." Thomas pauses to open the top of the water. "Oh those were some interesting days but I'd do it all again."
Gren nods. "You hungry, dad or-"
"Nah, Grendel. I'm fine right now. This water and shade will do for the moment. I will, however, take one of those chip bags."
"Which kind?" Emily opens the picnic basket. "We 'ave BBQ flavored, Cool Ranch Doritos, Salt n' Vinegar, Regular Lays or that new Wasabi and Ginger flavor."
"Oh I'll take that last one." Emily tosses Thomas the chip bag. "Oh I hear this tastes like you're about to eat sushi. Mmm. I love this stuff."
"They do." Emily leans against Gren, finishing her Chicken sandwich. "I love ta' eat those when I'm craving Sushi, especially now."
Gren rubs her stomach. "Yeah, we don't want to take chances now."
Thomas smiles, watching the couple interact with one another. They did indeed remind him of those younger days back in the Homelands and when his wife Calla was alive. The two, despite their tribes' views on the other, remained loyal and as one until the bitter end. He observed his youngest son kiss and talk to Emily's stomach; although still in the early stages, Thomas believed the child could hear every emotion and word the parents spoke and did. He was proud of his son.
"Congragulations, you two." Thomas tilts forward, taking another drink. "Have you told the quads yet or are we waiting?"
"We're going to tell them when they eat today." Gren places his arm around Emily's torso. "Me and Ems here are so excited and, well, not that you WANT to hear this but we've been trying for some time now."
Emily sighs. "We were pregnant not too long ago but that resulted in a miscarriage."
Thomas pats Emily's knee. "Oh sweetie. These things happen. Calla suffered four before she became pregnant with Grendel and his brothers. Its nothing you did, nor is it punishment. These things happen. I'm happy to know this one took and you're going to have either a single baby or multiples."
"I was shocked when Swineheart told me there were four the fisrt bloody time."
"Well, you do have Wolf in you. Those she-Wolves tend to have more then just ONE baby at a time."
Emily chuckles. "Tell me 'bout it. My sister Katherine and her husband Jersey had thirteen: first litter had four, second five and the last four more."
Before Thomas could respond, all four of the quads run towards the blanket. Seraphina and Viviana collaspe near Emily's feet and pant furiously. Liam lies beside Gren, as Chloe snatches a water bottle, opens the top and pours a handful of water to her face.
"Having fun out there?" Gren pats Liam on the bottom. "Man, I guess so!"
"It's...so...HOT!" Viviana flings her arms around. "It wasn't too bad but the wind stopped and now, the sun is just there."
Emily chuckles. "Well, just relax and when ya' little Rugrats are ready, 'ere is ya' lunches: I know Viviana wanted Tuna, Seraphina got a Turkey and Roast Beef; Chloe wanted the Meatball sub with extra parmasean cheese and my little Liam got the Chicken with swiss cheese. There are the chips ova' there, drinks here and mommy got brownies but ya' need ta' eat first."
Chlow takes her food and unwraps. "There are no tomatos in here, right mommy?"
"There shouldn't be, my love but check JUST in case. Liam should be the only one with tomatos."
After inspecting their meals, selecting their chips and drinks, the quads gathered around their parents. They knew there was a surprise and both Gren and Emily wanted to speak to them together. Chloe and Viviana thought a puppy was in the making or a new Dollhouse. Seraphina wanted a pool, since summer was around the corner and Liam thought a vacation to Orlando Florida during their summer break. Holding hands, Gren speaks to the children first.
"So, you all know mommy and daddy have something to tell you." All four of them nod, grins growing across their lips. "Alright, well, we wanted to wait and make sure but now, we can tell you the good news."
"What's the news, mommy and daddy?" Viviana claps. "Are we getting a puppy?"
"No love. Not a puppy. Well, ya' neva' know. Ya' sister came out lookin' like one."
The children all stared at one another and looked confused. "What....what do you mean, mommy?"
"Kids, mommy is pregnant. Ya' all are going ta' get another brother or sister ta' play with."
The girls squeal with delight and collect around their mother's belly. Viviana shoves her entire face near Emily's belly button, while Chloe and Seraphina pressed their lips to the skin and planted kisses.
"Hi baby!" Chloe and Seraphina spoke to Emily's stomach. "Hi in there! I hope you're a girl so we can play Barbies and I can show you how to braid hair and paint your toes and fingers."
Gren noticed Liam's fickleness to the news. He did not seem upset or excited; he sat in his same spot, continuing to chew on his sandwich and chips.
"Liam, did you hear that? You're going to get a baby brother or sister."
"No." Liam shakes his head. "I don't WANT anymore sisters or brothers."
Liam stands up and walks back to the swingset. He passes Isaiah along the way. Turning to call his nephew's name, Liam ignores it and finds an empty swing. Sitting, everyone watches Liam endeavor it. Upon failing to push himself, Liam switches with a nearby little girl and takes a seat in the tire swing instead. Isaiah joins the others on the blanket.
"Uh-" He points with his finger. "-What, uh, what happened there?"
"We told them about the pregnancy and he, well, didn't TAKE the news very well."
Emily rubs her stomach. "I didn't think he'd be this bloody upset, love."
"He'll be fine, Ems." Gren kisses her hand. "Trust me. He'll come around. Just let him think about it. Give him some space..."
Seraphina looks up and beams. "How did the baby get in here, mommy?"
Both Thomas and Isaiah chuckle. The color on both Gren and Emily's face said it all. Gren looks at his daughter.
"Wha....what was that, baby girl?"
"The baby." Seraphina pokes Emily's belly. "How did it get in there? Did mommy eat a seed and water it, so now its growing?"
"NO, Sera!" Viviana glares at her sister. "Aunt Mary said the baby comes from a daddy's penis!"
Gren nearly chokes on his food. Shocked to hear her daughter say this, Emily grabs Viviana. "WHEN the bloddy 'ell did ya' aunt Mary tell ya' this!?"
"I don't know, mommy but Sheila said that aunt Mary talked to the kids because she wanted to know and Sheila told me that, um, mommy and daddy's have this special hug called sex and they, um, hug for a REALLY long time and the daddy gets REALLY happy and he puts this stuff called sperm into the mommy and the mommy has eggs and this stuff goes inside and it, um, like, goes into the egg and the baby grows and when the baby is ready, the mommy pushes the baby through her vagina and then there is a baby."
Emily was stunned. "..Oh...my...God. I'm gunna kill her. Ya' gunna lose an aunt Mary ta'day when I call her."
Seraphina was nauseated. "Eww....mommy, that's not HOW it happens, is it?"
Emily nods. "Its...its true, love. I can't believe we are having this bloody conversation NOW but, yes-mommy and daddy have this special hug called sex and that's how we made ya' and your sisters and brother. How we made, well, the baby inside, too."
"But...Viviana said aunt Mary told them the daddy has this stuff called 'sperm'. How does daddy PUT the sperm inside of you to make the baby grow? Is it like nana when she's in the garden and papa Georgie puts this stuff and it makes the flowers and vegetables grow?"
As Emily tries to find the proper words to explain sex to her five year olds, Gren begins to clean up; his face was a bright red color now and sweat formed around his brow and eyes.
"ALRIGHT! I think its time to go home! It's hot! Clean up and we can talk about this back home! HERE, dad-let me get that for you!"
While Gren, Isaiah and the girls cleaned the picnic area, Emily heads for the tire swing. Laying on his back, Liam glances up towards the sky and hums to himself. The steps Emily took caused the little boy to look over. When he saw who it was, he covered his face and tried avoiding his mother. Emily tuffles with Liam's hair and scoops the boy in her arms. Neither said a word; Liam presses his face into Emily's neck and sighs heavily. Emily wanted to assure her son that no matter what, she loved him unconditionally.
She knew there was the reason; she could recall being a tad jealous when her mother was pregnant with Peter and Ethan. Penelope cried and for two days, Junior was quiet and avoided Lyla.
"I love you, my big boy." Emily stroked Liam's back. "You know that..."
"I do, mommy." Liam continues to hide his face. "I love you, too..."
"Ya' can talk ta' daddy and I when we get back home, alright baby?"
But like Emily did, he'd learn to understand.
Any questions, you know the drill. So.....fucking....hot....today! XD Go away, sun for like, 24 hours and then you can come back! lol Going to San Fran this weekend and I hear its been NICE! Looking forward to it all!