Oh these two finally made it work, huh? I loved the conversation between Alfred and Gertraud; seemed smooth and very realistic, like other couples would speak like this, you know?
“I had a reaction in the heat of the moment much like you did with that patron. What I said was impulsive and not thought through.”
Oh Gertraud. XD I can feel the pride being kicked around with this one. XD
I noticed the comment you made to Hman about the cold war and all the events that took place. It would be interesting to see it through the eyes of a Fable, who was able to witness all of these things takes place. Looking forward to what you have to offer, my good man.,
Chapter 13: Ja, wir sind an Lieben. December, 13th, 1689.
The next day, I went down stairs to find Gertraud sitting at the bar. She was i… moren her sleeping long tunic. The snowstorm had decreased in intensity and the snow blocking us in was now at my waist height.
Gertraud appeared to be deep in thought, brow furrowed and eyes staring at the wooden platform before her. I walked over to her slowly.
“You needn’t approach me like game, I won’t run.” she joked. “Do sit.”
I took a second to register her words. She seemed so impossibly candid in spite of what happened yesterday.
“I am amazed at your readi-“
“I was actually going to speak to you about that.” she interrupted.
“Were you now?”
“Yes.” she exasperated. “Sit.”
I obliged, sitting to her right. She turned on her stool to face me.
“I would like to apologise for my reaction last night. I take it back.” she said flatly.
This was not what I was expecting. I expecte… [view original content]
Hello extended family! XD
Just a heads up that a lot of your OC's will be appearing in my next story:
* Dragon - Tezoth (side charac… moreter)
* Lupine - Weasel (minor character), Dixa (minor character)
* Pie - Most of your OC's will be main characters, others will be side characters
* JJ - Robert (side character)
* EMMYPESS - Harmony (minor character), Mirah (Possibly side character)
* Stone - Draco (minor character)
* Tetra - Luke - (minor character)
The roles will likely change as the story goes on, but I'm posting this as a reminder that you may be as critical as you like about my portrayal of your OC, as I am aiming to get them spot on...
The next story will be 'never-ending' so to speak, like Pie's story, it keeps going on. I will also be changing up the format of my story by including 2 side projects with it:
1) An OC villain in the story, NYPD Lieutenant Leon Cervantes, will make notes of characters, so I will be pos… [view original content]
This was a interesting read, dark and with that Sin City vibe.
Nick stabbed the knife straight through Noah’s forehead and used the embedded blade to break his neck afterwards, leaving Noah to die in his own blood and piss...
This was a interesting read, dark and with that Sin City vibe.
Nick stabbed the knife straight through Noah’s forehead and used the em… morebedded blade to break his neck afterwards, leaving Noah to die in his own blood and piss...
He got Nicked.
I always like chapters like this where characters can sit and be in peace, reflect on what was happening and still find a way to smile and be happy with all the shit happening around them. Poor Liam though one day he'll come around, he's a smart and tough guy! Oh gosh Mary why would you tell the kids that! XD I think Mary may get a spanking from Emily lol. XD
Yeah it's really hot for some reason when it was really cool this morning, not impressed with the weather XD. Ah that sounds like fun man! Wish I could go to a beach
Emily and Gren, along with the quads, took to Central Park that afternoon. For a moment, the couple wanted to forget about the devestation t… morehat sat upon the shoulder's of Fabletown and the person behind such atrocities. The quads were still uncertain about their training but Gren assured them it was for the best. It fractured his heart knowing his young children were in dnager but it was needed for their own protection.
Thomas and Isaiah came along for the lovely afternoon in hopes a walk around the park would help clear their minds. Only one to not make it was Robert; he said not a single word that afternoon and the second both Hades and Nick left, he did as well. Gren still had questions for both Emily and his brother.
Gren and Emily stopped at a nearby sandwich shop and purchased several large subs, chips, brownies and drinks. Accomodating to his father, Isaiah kept a close eye on Thomas. The elderly made used his cane to tread along… [view original content]
I can't wait for this weekend! I get the biggest room, fool! XD jk But its going to be loads of fun!
Now, onto the story. I used to hate Thomas. Not going to lie, especially after he just 'shows' up and tells Gren about this Alpha bullshit. But I adore him now. You CAN'T hate the man for being honest....plus, he loves those quads and he got a second chance, too. I Isaiah! He's too adorable!
Gremily and their sandwiches! XD I love chicken ones, too, though. Man, that sounds good. HEY, we should get Por o' Subs for lunch! anyways, its nice seeing them TRY and have a normal day with their children. Freaking adore these kids, man! GAH! So cute!
Emily sighs. "We were pregnant not too long ago but that resulted in a miscarriage."
"What's the news, mommy and daddy?" Viviana claps. "Are we getting a puppy?"
"No love. Not a puppy. Well, ya' neva' know. Ya' sister came out lookin' like one."
AWWWWWWWWWWW! How flipping cute!! I just pictured this little furry baby being born and growling at her folks! DAWWW!
"NO, Sera!" Viviana glares at her sister. "Aunt Mary said the baby comes from a daddy's penis!"
OMFG! XD XD It would be Mary that let this kind of stuff spill! LOL Oh and she had the talk with her kids; I wonder how that went and Sheila felt the need to tell her cousins. My cousins did that, actually. XD Like they were proud to have knwn were babies come from! lol
Oh poor Liam. He's jealous of the baby. I think he's worried if its a boy, he'll have both arms and his parents won't love him AS much. Oh Emily is so good to her children!:3
Emily and Gren, along with the quads, took to Central Park that afternoon. For a moment, the couple wanted to forget about the devestation t… morehat sat upon the shoulder's of Fabletown and the person behind such atrocities. The quads were still uncertain about their training but Gren assured them it was for the best. It fractured his heart knowing his young children were in dnager but it was needed for their own protection.
Thomas and Isaiah came along for the lovely afternoon in hopes a walk around the park would help clear their minds. Only one to not make it was Robert; he said not a single word that afternoon and the second both Hades and Nick left, he did as well. Gren still had questions for both Emily and his brother.
Gren and Emily stopped at a nearby sandwich shop and purchased several large subs, chips, brownies and drinks. Accomodating to his father, Isaiah kept a close eye on Thomas. The elderly made used his cane to tread along… [view original content]
I feel sorry for Liam, but in a strange way I understand his isolation (even though I have no siblings of my own) He's afraid that the attention he's currently getting will be diverted onto the newborn and that his Parent's will 'forget' about him. A child his age wouldn't understand, but I'm 20 and if my Parent's (God forbid) had another child, I wouldn't feel so 'special' anymore... Oh well, he'll learn in time
"It wasn't too bad but the wind stopped and now, the sun is just there."
This matches England right now! We've got 23 degrees today and clear sunshine outside (for those that think "That's cooler compared to here" English people ALWAYS think that anything over 20 degrees counts as a boiling hot summer's day :P)
"Hi in there! I hope you're a girl so we can play Barbies and I can show you how to braid hair and paint your toes and fingers."
@JJwolf dude I'm so sorry but I instantly thought of you with baby Emily when I read this Largely cuz of the braiding hair part.
And that whole discussion about sex thanks to Mary had me in total shock! My mouth was wide open the entire time!!!
Emily and Gren, along with the quads, took to Central Park that afternoon. For a moment, the couple wanted to forget about the devestation t… morehat sat upon the shoulder's of Fabletown and the person behind such atrocities. The quads were still uncertain about their training but Gren assured them it was for the best. It fractured his heart knowing his young children were in dnager but it was needed for their own protection.
Thomas and Isaiah came along for the lovely afternoon in hopes a walk around the park would help clear their minds. Only one to not make it was Robert; he said not a single word that afternoon and the second both Hades and Nick left, he did as well. Gren still had questions for both Emily and his brother.
Gren and Emily stopped at a nearby sandwich shop and purchased several large subs, chips, brownies and drinks. Accomodating to his father, Isaiah kept a close eye on Thomas. The elderly made used his cane to tread along… [view original content]
Luke had contacted a friend of his, one who he knew would never say no to a good fight. When he saw the man he noticed his jet black hair, and his long black leather trench coat with velvet hood. The man pulled out a cigar and began to smoke it. Luke could feel the man's strength from where he was standing, it sent chills down his spine. Luke walked up and waved.
"Hey Nick, glad you could show." He said
"Yeah." He blew out smoke. "What the fuck do you need?" He asked
"Nice to see you too." He chuckled. "I have some information that may interest you. I know how you love a good fight and well it just so happens that I'm willing to overlook you going and giving a hand." Luke said
Nick tossed the cigar and crossed his arms. "Go on..." He was all ears.
"There is a hospital not far from here, in there we've heard there are some corrupt scientists. They are currently waging a war over in wonderland. Now one of my inside sources says that one of the commanders is far too strong for the group of people in there. What I need you to do is go in there and take care of him. Interested?" Luke said handing him the information.
Nick smiled. "I can't say no to a good fight. Anything else I should know?"
Luke shook his head and began to walk away. "You didn't hear this from me. I like my job."
Nick put the information in his pocket and began to walk toward the hospital...
In Wonderland, the kings castle...
The king sat on his throne, he heard the throne room doors open to see a man with platinum blonde hair. The king smiled.
"Ah nice to see you could make it Galen." The king said
"Likewise, how is your war going?" He asked
"Not good, that's where you come in. I need your soul swapping ability." The king said
"As much as I love war, I have no interest in participating in this one." Galen said
"Hear me out!" The king said getting desperate.
"I've never thought you'd be one to beg Tyrone." Galen said crossing his arms.
"My childhood friend. Kieron. He is leading a group of his friends and they are taking out my commanders. I have three left." Tyrone said
"That is a shame. Seems you picked the wrong fight Tyrone." Galen said
Tyrone came up with the perfect lie. "Well it also just so happens that your brother Nick is showing up on the battlefield as well. This would be the perfect time to get even right?" Tyrone said with a smile.
"Now I'm interested. But I'm still not going to be a part of your army. I will work from the side." He said
"Fine, as long as you can help me deal with my problem you may work however you want. As payment I will give you a say, when the goddess comes." Tyrone smiled
"And I get a shot at messing with Nick?" He said
"Of course." Tyrone said
"Then it's a deal." Galen said walking out.
Fabletown hospital...
Hans came up to the front desk. The desk worker was annoyed.
"Sir I thought I told you, Alice is not allowed to be seen at this time?" She said
"I don't care, I want to see my wife!" He said
Hans didn't notice it but the desk lady had pressed a button under her desk. She sighed.
"Fine go on. But be quick and then leave." The desk worker said
Hans felt uneasy about her response but he moved on anyways. He noticed how little patients were there. Being here was actually nerve racking, he saw kids here and it made him sad. As he kept walking he then stumbled upon the room where everything was happening. As he began to walk he was taken by surprise and his vision began to go...
Wonderland...the Resistance base.
Days in Wonderland went by fast. Night had already stumbled upon Kieron and his friends. Kieron sat outside alone. He had his earphones on and was listening to some music.
It was like a nightmare and it's pain for me because nobody wants to die too fast. Remember the day of grief, now it's strange for me I could see your face, I could hear your voice. Remember the day we met and it's pain for me, because no one wants to die too fast. Remember the day we dreamt, now it's strange for me I could see your face, I could hear your voice. Sing for reluctant heroes, oh give me your strength, your lives are too short. Sing for reluctant heroes, I want to be brave like you... The tune played slowly lIke a lullaby.
Kieron stared at the sky. He wondered if his life would be more than just fighting and being experimented on...he heard a door beside him open. He looked to see it was Azaria. He saw her sweet smile and smiled back. He took off his headphones. They both said their hellos and began to talk...
That's it! @HazzatheMan let me know what you think and let me know if things need to be changed. The song Kieron listens to is called Reluctant heroes from attack on titan which is translated and sung in English by LeeandLie on Youtube. Things will pick up fast next chapter Any other questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Thanks, man! I wanted to take a break from all the drama and show Gremily with their children and how they are as a couple. ^.^ Liam is having a tough time right now and is trying to find his place among the other kids and you'll BET Emily is going to have a LOOOOONG talk with Mary. XD
The wind is picking up but that sun, though! XD Thank God Cali is not the only state suffering in the hands of Mr. Sun. lol Yeah we go this weekend to talk to the landlord and then its moving time for us!
I always like chapters like this where characters can sit and be in peace, reflect on what was happening and still find a way to smile and b… moree happy with all the shit happening around them. Poor Liam though one day he'll come around, he's a smart and tough guy! Oh gosh Mary why would you tell the kids that! XD I think Mary may get a spanking from Emily lol. XD
Yeah it's really hot for some reason when it was really cool this morning, not impressed with the weather XD. Ah that sounds like fun man! Wish I could go to a beach
Awesome stuff as usual man!
Thank you, my good man! Like I explained to Tetra, he's still trying to find his place and if the baby IS a boy, he feels as if his parents will love that boy more than him simply because of his condition....I guess being either a single child or a single sex among others can make you feel special; my sister is the only girl and is treated like royalty! XD I know my older brother put me in a box and left me by the mailbox because he didn't want another brother.....lmao
Man I'd go to England right now. It's too damn hot right now for me! XD And JJ would and will, be the very thing you highlighted. He already is....XD XD
Well, Mary is not going to sugar coat when it comes to 'the talk'; her kids are old enough now to understand what sex is and there is no need to lie. Sheila was excited and told her cousins (mine did this, too, when they had the talk) and none of the kids thought it was bad to tell the other. Gren and Emily were just, well, shocked that Viviana said this. XD
Aww such a sweet chapter!
I feel sorry for Liam, but in a strange way I understand his isolation (even though I have no siblings of my o… morewn) He's afraid that the attention he's currently getting will be diverted onto the newborn and that his Parent's will 'forget' about him. A child his age wouldn't understand, but I'm 20 and if my Parent's (God forbid) had another child, I wouldn't feel so 'special' anymore... Oh well, he'll learn in time
"It wasn't too bad but the wind stopped and now, the sun is just there."
This matches England right now! We've got 23 degrees today and clear sunshine outside (for those that think "That's cooler compared to here" English people ALWAYS think that anything over 20 degrees counts as a boiling hot summer's day :P)
"Hi in there! I hope you're a girl so we can play Barbies and I can show you how to braid hair and paint your toes and fingers."
@JJwolf dude I'm so sorry but I instan… [view original content]
Nick and his cigars (SEE Hman! I remembered this time! XD) It's nice to see Luke has friends in higher places that are willing to assist in anyway he can. Would make sense because he does have Death in his heart.
I noticed Galen was speaking to the king about the war and what not; this Tyrone guy seems a bit sneaky and sketchy at the moment and is using everything he can to his advantage. I love seeing sibling rivalry at its finest. I know that may come off as DAFUQ but its true; there is so much tension and raw emotion and it can clearly be seen here as Tyrone mentions Nick aiding to Luke and their cause.
ALSO, Hans is finally stepping into the hospital but at what cost? The desk clerk in the front was suspicious too; I have a feeling this 'hospital' is the same place Kieron was and everyone in it has become a game piece to the scientists and doctors alike. Hopefullyh Hans will be strong enough to pull through and save Alice...Also, Kieron. I feel so bad for this guy. With his music he seems to drown out the world but he forgets your thoughts always managed their way back. But for the time he had, seemed worth it.
I can't wait for more, dude! This is getting very interesting!
The Horsemen Rode Part : Two
Fabletown streets...
Luke had contacted a friend of his, one who he knew would never say no to a good fig… moreht. When he saw the man he noticed his jet black hair, and his long black leather trench coat with velvet hood. The man pulled out a cigar and began to smoke it. Luke could feel the man's strength from where he was standing, it sent chills down his spine. Luke walked up and waved.
"Hey Nick, glad you could show." He said
"Yeah." He blew out smoke. "What the fuck do you need?" He asked
"Nice to see you too." He chuckled. "I have some information that may interest you. I know how you love a good fight and well it just so happens that I'm willing to overlook you going and giving a hand." Luke said
Nick tossed the cigar and crossed his arms. "Go on..." He was all ears.
"There is a hospital not far from here, in there we've heard there are some corrupt scientists. They are currently waging a war… [view original content]
Thanks, man! I wanted to take a break from all the drama and show Gremily with their children and how they are as a couple. ^.^ Liam is havi… moreng a tough time right now and is trying to find his place among the other kids and you'll BET Emily is going to have a LOOOOONG talk with Mary. XD
The wind is picking up but that sun, though! XD Thank God Cali is not the only state suffering in the hands of Mr. Sun. lol Yeah we go this weekend to talk to the landlord and then its moving time for us!
Luke feels extremely awful awful for Hans and Alice since he and Bigby admitted Alice to that hospital so Luke reached out to his contacts and has decided to give Nick the go ahead to help
Tyrone is on his last legs, he has three commanders left and would like to make sure he has secured victory over his childhood friend. Little does he know the lie he made up of Galens brother Nick will come to bite him in the ass . I actually think that's normal as they can provide the best fights XD.
Hans is beginning to find out what is going on with his own eyes, but he will do his best to save Alice with the hope that both of them will survive. Kieron for the time being is trying to fight the depression he's feeling inside him, like you said music does help, but thoughts always find their way back. Hopefully the others will help Kieron out before this war ends
Nick and his cigars (SEE Hman! I remembered this time! XD) It's nice to see Luke has friends in higher places that are willing to assist in … moreanyway he can. Would make sense because he does have Death in his heart.
I noticed Galen was speaking to the king about the war and what not; this Tyrone guy seems a bit sneaky and sketchy at the moment and is using everything he can to his advantage. I love seeing sibling rivalry at its finest. I know that may come off as DAFUQ but its true; there is so much tension and raw emotion and it can clearly be seen here as Tyrone mentions Nick aiding to Luke and their cause.
ALSO, Hans is finally stepping into the hospital but at what cost? The desk clerk in the front was suspicious too; I have a feeling this 'hospital' is the same place Kieron was and everyone in it has become a game piece to the scientists and doctors alike. Hopefullyh Hans will be strong enough to pull through and save Alice...Also, K… [view original content]
England id so plain compared to Cali though! Especially where I live Lol JJ, love that man
Bloody Mary should defo be a sex education teacher in a High-School!!! She'd be like "Ok class, we're not gonna watch a sex ed video, cuz everything you need to know is on this website..." XD
Thank you, my good man! Like I explained to Tetra, he's still trying to find his place and if the baby IS a boy, he feels as if his parents… more will love that boy more than him simply because of his condition....I guess being either a single child or a single sex among others can make you feel special; my sister is the only girl and is treated like royalty! XD I know my older brother put me in a box and left me by the mailbox because he didn't want another brother.....lmao
Man I'd go to England right now. It's too damn hot right now for me! XD And JJ would and will, be the very thing you highlighted. He already is....XD XD
Well, Mary is not going to sugar coat when it comes to 'the talk'; her kids are old enough now to understand what sex is and there is no need to lie. Sheila was excited and told her cousins (mine did this, too, when they had the talk) and none of the kids thought it was bad to tell the other. Gren and Emily were just, well, shocked that Viviana said this. XD
Gertrauds pride is one of her main characteristics. It felt interesting at least to have it 'dragged through the street.'
The events of Cold War Berlin will not come for a while yet (I still have a century and a bit of history to write about), but when it does come about, I shall be able to get at least five chapters out of that.
Oh these two finally made it work, huh? I loved the conversation between Alfred and Gertraud; seemed smooth and very realistic, like other c… moreouples would speak like this, you know?
“I had a reaction in the heat of the moment much like you did with that patron. What I said was impulsive and not thought through.”
Oh Gertraud. XD I can feel the pride being kicked around with this one. XD
I noticed the comment you made to Hman about the cold war and all the events that took place. It would be interesting to see it through the eyes of a Fable, who was able to witness all of these things takes place. Looking forward to what you have to offer, my good man.,
But I'm also surprised: you got my least shown OC right and Nick slightly wrong.
"What the fuck do you need?" He asked
That's a bit strong...
Nick seemed a little edgy in this chapter, just tone him down a bit, make him calmer and you should be golden
Now Galen was perfect, you captured that 'superiority complex' of his, but also his attitude! The soul swapping ability IS a power the Harbinger's could learn, but for their 'line of work' it would be pointless......... but for Galen? He likes to think ahead >:D
The Horsemen Rode Part : Two
Fabletown streets...
Luke had contacted a friend of his, one who he knew would never say no to a good fig… moreht. When he saw the man he noticed his jet black hair, and his long black leather trench coat with velvet hood. The man pulled out a cigar and began to smoke it. Luke could feel the man's strength from where he was standing, it sent chills down his spine. Luke walked up and waved.
"Hey Nick, glad you could show." He said
"Yeah." He blew out smoke. "What the fuck do you need?" He asked
"Nice to see you too." He chuckled. "I have some information that may interest you. I know how you love a good fight and well it just so happens that I'm willing to overlook you going and giving a hand." Luke said
Nick tossed the cigar and crossed his arms. "Go on..." He was all ears.
"There is a hospital not far from here, in there we've heard there are some corrupt scientists. They are currently waging a war… [view original content]
Nick and his cigars (SEE Hman! I remembered this time! XD) It's nice to see Luke has friends in higher places that are willing to assist in … moreanyway he can. Would make sense because he does have Death in his heart.
I noticed Galen was speaking to the king about the war and what not; this Tyrone guy seems a bit sneaky and sketchy at the moment and is using everything he can to his advantage. I love seeing sibling rivalry at its finest. I know that may come off as DAFUQ but its true; there is so much tension and raw emotion and it can clearly be seen here as Tyrone mentions Nick aiding to Luke and their cause.
ALSO, Hans is finally stepping into the hospital but at what cost? The desk clerk in the front was suspicious too; I have a feeling this 'hospital' is the same place Kieron was and everyone in it has become a game piece to the scientists and doctors alike. Hopefullyh Hans will be strong enough to pull through and save Alice...Also, K… [view original content]
Erica's faint whimpers awoke Ethan from his nap. Looking around, he had forgotten the afternoon spent with Michelle. Glancing over, her long… more golden strands of hair scattered along the carpet; she was covered in a blanket, her breasts exposed as the sun danced along the pale mounds of flesh. Ethan leans forward, kisses the top of her lips and carefully exits their bundle of romance. Stratching his lower back and arching forward, Ethan finds his boxers and pants.
Erica begins to call out for Michelle and even Ethan. He adored that little girl the moment he first saw her image. Even before their introduction, Ethan saw a bubbly, blue eyed girl with bouncing black curls and a radiant smile. Even when he knew of this Erica, the one lost in a world of hurt and confusion, he still saw nothing different.
Entering her bedroom, Erica claps and giggles. Inching towards her body, Erica grabs Ethan's arms and is pressed against his bare chest. The s… [view original content]
Oh man you've gotta be kidding me XD When I first wrote this (my stupid headphone wires made the page go back and I had to rewrite this -.-) I had him simply say what do you need, but instead of going with my gut instinct I changed it to what the fuck do you want. I really need to learn that my gut instinct is right most of the time XD
Alright so keep him calm I'll remember to do so
Writing Galen was like writing future Kieron so dialogue for him came quite easily Galen will try and mess up not only Kieron but Nick as well I think you'll like it, also I gave Nick a little bit more to do as well if that is alright
Will Hans be able to pull through what the scientists have planned?
I'm impressed dude! XD
But I'm also surprised: you got my least shown OC right and Nick slightly wrong.
"What the fuck do you need?… more" He asked
That's a bit strong...
Nick seemed a little edgy in this chapter, just tone him down a bit, make him calmer and you should be golden
Now Galen was perfect, you captured that 'superiority complex' of his, but also his attitude! The soul swapping ability IS a power the Harbinger's could learn, but for their 'line of work' it would be pointless......... but for Galen? He likes to think ahead >:D
And Hans! NOOO!!! I hope he's ok... :O
I look forward to more dude! XD
You must've been a baby to fit in a mailbox...
England id so plain compared to Cali though! Especially where I live Lol JJ, love that m… morean
Bloody Mary should defo be a sex education teacher in a High-School!!! She'd be like "Ok class, we're not gonna watch a sex ed video, cuz everything you need to know is on this website..." XD
Oh man you've gotta be kidding me XD When I first wrote this (my stupid headphone wires made the page go back and I had to rewrite this -.-)… more I had him simply say what do you need, but instead of going with my gut instinct I changed it to what the fuck do you want. I really need to learn that my gut instinct is right most of the time XD
Alright so keep him calm I'll remember to do so
Writing Galen was like writing future Kieron so dialogue for him came quite easily Galen will try and mess up not only Kieron but Nick as well I think you'll like it, also I gave Nick a little bit more to do as well if that is alright
Will Hans be able to pull through what the scientists have planned?
No I was in the box. XD The left it by the mailbox and wnated the mail carrier to take me back to the hospital. lol I was, what....maybe fou… morer?
Yeah we have our moments but after awhile, I need an escape from the 'go-go' life Cali has to offer. 'Plain' sounds good right about now, tbh. XD
OMG! XD I can see Mary putting on the most raunchiest video and teaching about sex THIS way to those high school students. Oh Mary....XD
No I'm being serious. He left me in a box. The mail carrier saw, went up to the door and called for my mom. She took me back inside but gave my brother a whooping. XD We laugh now because we were just kids.
Oh man, you do!? Shit maybe Tams and I need to go over there for a bit. Get away from this city life for awhile.
LMAO Oh my god, yes! XD That would be a class I'd take. No lie.
I don't know if you're trying to make it sound like a joke or if it was serious
I live in a village, PRETTY quiet round these parts :P
… more I imagine her putting on some softcore porn video and casually teaching them about fertilization at the end of it with no qualms whatsoever!! XD
No I'm being serious. He left me in a box. The mail carrier saw, went up to the door and called for my mom. She took me back inside but gave… more my brother a whooping. XD We laugh now because we were just kids.
Oh man, you do!? Shit maybe Tams and I need to go over there for a bit. Get away from this city life for awhile.
LMAO Oh my god, yes! XD That would be a class I'd take. No lie.
Aww such a sweet chapter!
I feel sorry for Liam, but in a strange way I understand his isolation (even though I have no siblings of my o… morewn) He's afraid that the attention he's currently getting will be diverted onto the newborn and that his Parent's will 'forget' about him. A child his age wouldn't understand, but I'm 20 and if my Parent's (God forbid) had another child, I wouldn't feel so 'special' anymore... Oh well, he'll learn in time
"It wasn't too bad but the wind stopped and now, the sun is just there."
This matches England right now! We've got 23 degrees today and clear sunshine outside (for those that think "That's cooler compared to here" English people ALWAYS think that anything over 20 degrees counts as a boiling hot summer's day :P)
"Hi in there! I hope you're a girl so we can play Barbies and I can show you how to braid hair and paint your toes and fingers."
@JJwolf dude I'm so sorry but I instan… [view original content]
You really gonna challenge Hman to Frozen lyrics?...
"I am one with the wind and skyyy. Let it go, let it go, you'll never see me cryyyy!" XD
Ok JJ, I say it's a boy, you say it's a girl, may the best man win
snaps fingers Ah hell to the no, Hman! >:D
It's on, alright! I say Katherine and you say Georgie! Loser has to record themselves singing a Lady Gaga song for twenty seconds! lol
I have an excuse now to never stop watching Disney movies!
I don't like her, either but it would be funny just to picture one of us trying to see that crap. lol
An excuse!? Oh Hman, please-I AM the excuse for Disney being fabulous! XD I'll never tire of those cheesy songs and story plots! I just have (hopefully) two more that agree with me.
Alright! It's a deal! Hoping for a girl C'mon, Pie's sperm! Give me a girl!!!! XD
You needed an excuse to love Disney at 26? Dude, there was a woman in Japan who divorced her husband PURELY because he didn't like Frozen!!! XP
You're on 'virtual handshake' (Please let it be a boy, please, please, PLEASE let it be a boy!) XD
An excuse!? Oh Hman, please-I AM the excuse for Disney being fabulous! XD I'll never tire of those cheesy songs and story plots! I just have… more (hopefully) two more that agree with me.
Alright! It's a deal! Hoping for a girl C'mon, Pie's sperm! Give me a girl!!!! XD
OMG and you say me and Hman's conversations are random. Lady Gaga? LMAO XD I'd love to see that! I hope to lose, JJ, just so I can see you perform that song!
Sorry I had to do this! XD I see this happening between Robert and Nick a lot. :P
OMG and you say me and Hman's conversations are random. Lady Gaga? LMAO XD I'd love to see that! I hope to lose, JJ, just so I can see you perform that song!
Sorry I had to do this! XD I see this happening between Robert and Nick a lot. :P
Oh these two finally made it work, huh? I loved the conversation between Alfred and Gertraud; seemed smooth and very realistic, like other couples would speak like this, you know?
Oh Gertraud. XD I can feel the pride being kicked around with this one. XD
I noticed the comment you made to Hman about the cold war and all the events that took place. It would be interesting to see it through the eyes of a Fable, who was able to witness all of these things takes place. Looking forward to what you have to offer, my good man.,
I like the name Cervantes.
I got it from a player in the Soul Calibur series, he's an un-dead pirate called Cervantes De Leon, I really like the name so... XD XD
This was a interesting read, dark and with that Sin City vibe.
He got Nicked.
I never considered the Sin City vibe tbh :P
Oh man, Nick's signature move XD
I always like chapters like this where characters can sit and be in peace, reflect on what was happening and still find a way to smile and be happy with all the shit happening around them. Poor Liam though one day he'll come around, he's a smart and tough guy!
Oh gosh Mary why would you tell the kids that! XD I think Mary may get a spanking from Emily lol. XD
Yeah it's really hot for some reason when it was really cool this morning, not impressed with the weather XD. Ah that sounds like fun man! Wish I could go to a beach
Awesome stuff as usual man!
I can't wait for this weekend!
I get the biggest room, fool! XD jk But its going to be loads of fun!
Now, onto the story. I used to hate Thomas. Not going to lie, especially after he just 'shows' up and tells Gren about this Alpha bullshit. But I adore him now. You CAN'T hate the man for being honest....plus, he loves those quads and he got a second chance, too.
Isaiah! He's too adorable! 
Gremily and their sandwiches! XD I love chicken ones, too, though. Man, that sounds good. HEY, we should get Por o' Subs for lunch!
anyways, its nice seeing them TRY and have a normal day with their children. Freaking adore these kids, man! GAH! So cute!
AWWWWWWWWWWW! How flipping cute!! I just pictured this little furry baby being born and growling at her folks!

OMFG! XD XD It would be Mary that let this kind of stuff spill! LOL Oh and she had the talk with her kids; I wonder how that went and Sheila felt the need to tell her cousins. My cousins did that, actually. XD Like they were proud to have knwn were babies come from! lol
Oh poor Liam.
He's jealous of the baby. I think he's worried if its a boy, he'll have both arms and his parents won't love him AS much. Oh Emily is so good to her children!:3
GREAT little chap, man! Can't wait for more!
Aww such a sweet chapter!
I feel sorry for Liam, but in a strange way I understand his isolation (even though I have no siblings of my own) He's afraid that the attention he's currently getting will be diverted onto the newborn and that his Parent's will 'forget' about him. A child his age wouldn't understand, but I'm 20 and if my Parent's (God forbid) had another child, I wouldn't feel so 'special' anymore... Oh well, he'll learn in time
This matches England right now! We've got 23 degrees today and clear sunshine outside (for those that think "That's cooler compared to here" English people ALWAYS think that anything over 20 degrees counts as a boiling hot summer's day :P)
@JJwolf dude I'm so sorry but I instantly thought of you with baby Emily when I read this
Largely cuz of the braiding hair part.
And that whole discussion about sex thanks to Mary had me in total shock! My mouth was wide open the entire time!!!
I await more from you dude! XD
The Horsemen Rode Part : Two
Fabletown streets...
Luke had contacted a friend of his, one who he knew would never say no to a good fight. When he saw the man he noticed his jet black hair, and his long black leather trench coat with velvet hood. The man pulled out a cigar and began to smoke it. Luke could feel the man's strength from where he was standing, it sent chills down his spine. Luke walked up and waved.
"Hey Nick, glad you could show." He said
"Yeah." He blew out smoke. "What the fuck do you need?" He asked
"Nice to see you too." He chuckled. "I have some information that may interest you. I know how you love a good fight and well it just so happens that I'm willing to overlook you going and giving a hand." Luke said
Nick tossed the cigar and crossed his arms. "Go on..." He was all ears.
"There is a hospital not far from here, in there we've heard there are some corrupt scientists. They are currently waging a war over in wonderland. Now one of my inside sources says that one of the commanders is far too strong for the group of people in there. What I need you to do is go in there and take care of him. Interested?" Luke said handing him the information.
Nick smiled. "I can't say no to a good fight. Anything else I should know?"
Luke shook his head and began to walk away. "You didn't hear this from me. I like my job."
Nick put the information in his pocket and began to walk toward the hospital...
In Wonderland, the kings castle...
The king sat on his throne, he heard the throne room doors open to see a man with platinum blonde hair. The king smiled.
"Ah nice to see you could make it Galen." The king said
"Likewise, how is your war going?" He asked
"Not good, that's where you come in. I need your soul swapping ability." The king said
"As much as I love war, I have no interest in participating in this one." Galen said
"Hear me out!" The king said getting desperate.
"I've never thought you'd be one to beg Tyrone." Galen said crossing his arms.
"My childhood friend. Kieron. He is leading a group of his friends and they are taking out my commanders. I have three left." Tyrone said
"That is a shame. Seems you picked the wrong fight Tyrone." Galen said
Tyrone came up with the perfect lie. "Well it also just so happens that your brother Nick is showing up on the battlefield as well. This would be the perfect time to get even right?" Tyrone said with a smile.
"Now I'm interested. But I'm still not going to be a part of your army. I will work from the side." He said
"Fine, as long as you can help me deal with my problem you may work however you want. As payment I will give you a say, when the goddess comes." Tyrone smiled
"And I get a shot at messing with Nick?" He said
"Of course." Tyrone said
"Then it's a deal." Galen said walking out.
Fabletown hospital...
Hans came up to the front desk. The desk worker was annoyed.
"Sir I thought I told you, Alice is not allowed to be seen at this time?" She said
"I don't care, I want to see my wife!" He said
Hans didn't notice it but the desk lady had pressed a button under her desk. She sighed.
"Fine go on. But be quick and then leave." The desk worker said
Hans felt uneasy about her response but he moved on anyways. He noticed how little patients were there. Being here was actually nerve racking, he saw kids here and it made him sad. As he kept walking he then stumbled upon the room where everything was happening. As he began to walk he was taken by surprise and his vision began to go...
Wonderland...the Resistance base.
Days in Wonderland went by fast. Night had already stumbled upon Kieron and his friends. Kieron sat outside alone. He had his earphones on and was listening to some music.
It was like a nightmare and it's pain for me because nobody wants to die too fast. Remember the day of grief, now it's strange for me I could see your face, I could hear your voice. Remember the day we met and it's pain for me, because no one wants to die too fast. Remember the day we dreamt, now it's strange for me I could see your face, I could hear your voice. Sing for reluctant heroes, oh give me your strength, your lives are too short. Sing for reluctant heroes, I want to be brave like you... The tune played slowly lIke a lullaby.
Kieron stared at the sky. He wondered if his life would be more than just fighting and being experimented on...he heard a door beside him open. He looked to see it was Azaria. He saw her sweet smile and smiled back. He took off his headphones. They both said their hellos and began to talk...
That's it! @HazzatheMan let me know what you think and let me know if things need to be changed. The song Kieron listens to is called Reluctant heroes from attack on titan which is translated and sung in English by LeeandLie on Youtube. Things will pick up fast next chapter
Any other questions or comments or anything else let me know! 
Thanks, man! I wanted to take a break from all the drama and show Gremily with their children and how they are as a couple. ^.^ Liam is having a tough time right now and is trying to find his place among the other kids and you'll BET Emily is going to have a LOOOOONG talk with Mary. XD
The wind is picking up but that sun, though! XD Thank God Cali is not the only state suffering in the hands of Mr. Sun. lol Yeah we go this weekend to talk to the landlord and then its moving time for us!
Thank you, my good man!
Like I explained to Tetra, he's still trying to find his place and if the baby IS a boy, he feels as if his parents will love that boy more than him simply because of his condition....I guess being either a single child or a single sex among others can make you feel special; my sister is the only girl and is treated like royalty! XD I know my older brother put me in a box and left me by the mailbox because he didn't want another brother.....lmao
Man I'd go to England right now. It's too damn hot right now for me! XD And JJ would and will, be the very thing you highlighted. He already is....XD XD
Well, Mary is not going to sugar coat when it comes to 'the talk'; her kids are old enough now to understand what sex is and there is no need to lie. Sheila was excited and told her cousins (mine did this, too, when they had the talk) and none of the kids thought it was bad to tell the other. Gren and Emily were just, well, shocked that Viviana said this. XD
Nick and his cigars (SEE Hman! I remembered this time! XD) It's nice to see Luke has friends in higher places that are willing to assist in anyway he can. Would make sense because he does have Death in his heart.
I noticed Galen was speaking to the king about the war and what not; this Tyrone guy seems a bit sneaky and sketchy at the moment and is using everything he can to his advantage. I love seeing sibling rivalry at its finest. I know that may come off as DAFUQ but its true; there is so much tension and raw emotion and it can clearly be seen here as Tyrone mentions Nick aiding to Luke and their cause.
ALSO, Hans is finally stepping into the hospital but at what cost? The desk clerk in the front was suspicious too; I have a feeling this 'hospital' is the same place Kieron was and everyone in it has become a game piece to the scientists and doctors alike.
Hopefullyh Hans will be strong enough to pull through and save Alice...Also, Kieron. I feel so bad for this guy.
With his music he seems to drown out the world but he forgets your thoughts always managed their way back. But for the time he had, seemed worth it. 
I can't wait for more, dude! This is getting very interesting!
I have faith in Liam!
Oh gosh now this is something I look forward to! XD
Yeah the sun is brutal and right now the wind is pretty calm! That's awesome man! Although moving really sucks I'm sure it's worth the time!
Luke feels extremely awful awful for Hans and Alice since he and Bigby admitted Alice to that hospital so Luke reached out to his contacts and has decided to give Nick the go ahead to help
Tyrone is on his last legs, he has three commanders left and would like to make sure he has secured victory over his childhood friend. Little does he know the lie he made up of Galens brother Nick will come to bite him in the ass
. I actually think that's normal as they can provide the best fights XD.
Hans is beginning to find out what is going on with his own eyes, but he will do his best to save Alice with the hope that both of them will survive. Kieron for the time being is trying to fight the depression he's feeling inside him, like you said music does help, but thoughts always find their way back. Hopefully the others will help Kieron out before this war ends
You must've been a baby to fit in a mailbox...
England id so plain compared to Cali though! Especially where I live
Lol JJ, love that man 
Bloody Mary should defo be a sex education teacher in a High-School!!! She'd be like "Ok class, we're not gonna watch a sex ed video, cuz everything you need to know is on this website..." XD
Gertrauds pride is one of her main characteristics. It felt interesting at least to have it 'dragged through the street.'
The events of Cold War Berlin will not come for a while yet (I still have a century and a bit of history to write about), but when it does come about, I shall be able to get at least five chapters out of that.
I'm impressed dude! XD
But I'm also surprised: you got my least shown OC right and Nick slightly wrong.
That's a bit strong...
Nick seemed a little edgy in this chapter, just tone him down a bit, make him calmer and you should be golden
Now Galen was perfect, you captured that 'superiority complex' of his, but also his attitude! The soul swapping ability IS a power the Harbinger's could learn, but for their 'line of work' it would be pointless......... but for Galen? He likes to think ahead >:D
And Hans! NOOO!!! I hope he's ok... :O
I look forward to more dude! XD
Well it was written down, so it doesn't count!!!! XP XP XP
I felt satisfied with the manner in which Ethan had killed Noah. I felt little sympathy in spite of his snivelling.
Ethan's curse is rather.......interesting. I am curious to see how this will shape the story.
I look forward to more.
Oh man you've gotta be kidding me XD When I first wrote this (my stupid headphone wires made the page go back and I had to rewrite this -.-) I had him simply say what do you need, but instead of going with my gut instinct I changed it to what the fuck do you want. I really need to learn that my gut instinct is right most of the time XD
Alright so keep him calm I'll remember to do so
Writing Galen was like writing future Kieron so dialogue for him came quite easily
Galen will try and mess up not only Kieron but Nick as well I think you'll like it, also I gave Nick a little bit more to do as well if that is alright 
Will Hans be able to pull through what the scientists have planned?
Don't take my victory away from me! :0 LOL XD
No I was in the box. XD The left it by the mailbox and wnated the mail carrier to take me back to the hospital. lol I was, what....maybe four?
Yeah we have our moments but after awhile, I need an escape from the 'go-go' life Cali has to offer. 'Plain' sounds good right about now, tbh. XD
OMG! XD I can see Mary putting on the most raunchiest video and teaching about sex THIS way to those high school students. Oh Mary....XD
Gut instinct is like a fortune teller that works :P
Giving Nick more to do is fine by me!
Yes, he's Clever Hans
Fine, you can have it this one time :P
I don't know if you're trying to make it sound like a joke or if it was serious
I live in a village, PRETTY quiet round these parts :P
I imagine her putting on some softcore porn video and casually teaching them about fertilization at the end of it with no qualms whatsoever!! XD
No I'm being serious. He left me in a box. The mail carrier saw, went up to the door and called for my mom. She took me back inside but gave my brother a whooping. XD We laugh now because we were just kids.
Oh man, you do!? Shit maybe Tams and I need to go over there for a bit. Get away from this city life for awhile.
LMAO Oh my god, yes! XD That would be a class I'd take. No lie.
Your bro is a harsh man :P
Yep, I live next to a city though (about 10 miles away) so I'm close enough to one at least
I would aspire for the highest possibly grade in that class!!! XD
LOL I do that all the time with Emily and I HOPE the 2nd baby, too!
That's right, Pie. I want a Katherine! XD BTW Pie Daniel was a jerk to you! lol
I say it's a Georgie
No! Katherine! :0 I want to do their hair, nails and watch Disney movies!! *'Let it go, let it go!' *
You really gonna challenge Hman to Frozen lyrics?...
"I am one with the wind and skyyy. Let it go, let it go, you'll never see me cryyyy!" XD
Ok JJ, I say it's a boy, you say it's a girl, may the best man win
snaps fingers Ah hell to the no, Hman! >:D
It's on, alright! I say Katherine and you say Georgie! Loser has to record themselves singing a Lady Gaga song for twenty seconds! lol
I love Disney, that will never change :P
I don't like Lady Gaga though!!!
I have an excuse now to never stop watching Disney movies!
I don't like her, either but it would be funny just to picture one of us trying to see that crap. lol
You needed an excuse to love Disney at 26? Dude, there was a woman in Japan who divorced her husband PURELY because he didn't like Frozen!!! XP
You're on 'virtual handshake' (Please let it be a boy, please, please, PLEASE let it be a boy!) XD
An excuse!? Oh Hman, please-I AM the excuse for Disney being fabulous! XD I'll never tire of those cheesy songs and story plots! I just have (hopefully) two more that agree with me.
Alright! It's a deal! Hoping for a girl C'mon, Pie's sperm! Give me a girl!!!! XD
We shall see
I've decided my losing song will be Paparazzi, it's the only Lady Gaga song I can stand to listen to for the whole thing...
OMG and you say me and Hman's conversations are random. Lady Gaga? LMAO XD I'd love to see that! I hope to lose, JJ, just so I can see you perform that song!
Sorry I had to do this! XD I see this happening between Robert and Nick a lot. :P
Is that meant to be my Nick?! :O
He looks so much like Joel from The Last Of Us!!!! XP