The Unfortunate General Pollux

What do you think happened to him?

Did the stasis fail and he was already dead before episode 2? If so, why no decomposition?

Did he die from being sporked (such as from infection, shock...)? If so, do you think he was conscious during it but simply unable to move?

Or... is he still alive, and did he find out about Fiona and the others somehow? Would he still play a role in the story because of this world-shatteringly important information? Would he even be able to get out of that Atlas base, wounded and alone?


  • Well, he was probably alive at first, but he might be dead now.

    I wouldnt be surprised if he ends up being the stranger though.

  • I think he was alive throughout the whole ordeal, and will probably wake up one day and be completely blind.

  • After the revelation that he was alive during the surgery I kinda expected him to wake up and scream in agony.

    So yeah, I think he's still alive.

  • I'm pretty sure he was dead when they opened the chamber. Gouging his eyes out had to produce SOME physiological reaction, like a twitch or something, even if he was in a deep coma. I also think his eye sockets would've bled way more. You can see his eyeless face after Fiona's done, and the only real mess on his face is when she crushed the first eyeball. Either the system malfunctioned or Athena got to him and pulled his life support, causing him to die, and then the sealed chamber prevented his body from decomposing.

  • Lol Idk. Maybe I don't even want to XD

  • Him being the Stranger is an interesting theory -- though the Stranger's cadence and laconic way of speaking don't seem all that similar to the video we saw. Then again, getting your eyes gouged out with a spork in stasis will probably do things to a man...

    If he's not the Stranger, I hope he's still in stasis not feeling the 1 empty socket and the other with spork-punctured eye ball... Can't imagine that's fun

  • The Ballad of General Pollux.

  • this is all a load of pollux


  • edited April 2015

    Strongly disagree.

    There are actually people that, after taking ambien, have slept through incredibly serious (almost fatal) injuries. I'm sure that a futuristic sleeping chamber would be able to keep him sleeping through that.

    I'm pretty sure he was dead when they opened the chamber. Gouging his eyes out had to produce SOME physiological reaction, like a twitch or

  • edited April 2015

    The biggest problem I have with the "Pollux is the Stranger" theory is the way the Stanger acts in the present. He doesn't even mention anything when Fiona describes digging his eyes out, or treat her any worse or differently because of it. I don't know about you, but I'd probably hold a grudge against the person who made me blind for life and left me for dead.

  • Even if he was that comatose, there's still the significant lack of bleeding. If blood was circulating through his veins, his eyes should've been pouring out red. Corpses don't bleed. In addition, it is still possible for an injury to produce a physiological reaction (twitch, jerk, movement, etc.) to an unconscious person and still not wake up the person. If a body doesn't produce any reaction to having a spork stuck in both eyes, then that body isn't working.

    Piggs posted: »

    Strongly disagree. There are actually people that, after taking ambien, have slept through incredibly serious (almost fatal) injuries. I'm sure that a futuristic sleeping chamber would be able to keep him sleeping through that.

  • I would certainly hope he was dead when we gouged his eyes out. 8U; That scene was pretty gross by itself, if he was alive it would be much worse.

  • edited April 2015

    Fair point, but maybe he wants to make sure she has no idea who he is and is restraining himself otherwise. He probably had a hay-day when he kidnapped her in the first place.
    Assuming Pollux is the stranger, of course.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    The biggest problem I have with the "Pollux is the Stranger" theory is the way the Stanger acts in the present. He doesn't even mention anyt

  • Let's keep in mind; this isn't the walking dead. There's a liiiittle suspension of disbelief; some people can take multiple bullets in this game without even needing a shield.

    And I'll call back to what I said before; this is the future. Maybe there's a futuristic compound in that that slows down his bloodflow for whatever reason and prevented bleeding in that situation.

    Even if he was that comatose, there's still the significant lack of bleeding. If blood was circulating through his veins, his eyes should've

  • True, that's one bit I have more difficulty with, since he actually seems to treat Fiona a little nicer than Rhys (he lets her punch him, for instance). Unless he's just really good at biding his time.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    The biggest problem I have with the "Pollux is the Stranger" theory is the way the Stanger acts in the present. He doesn't even mention anyt

  • Well, unless that stasis chamber malfunctioned (and the distinct lack of decomposition suggests it didn't) then Pollux was 100% alive when we mutilated the poor bastard. I just hope he wasn't actually AWARE. God, that would be awful......

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I would certainly hope he was dead when we gouged his eyes out. 8U; That scene was pretty gross by itself, if he was alive it would be much worse.

  • I can't argue against futuristic technology; maybe Pollux took some weird sci-fi compound? But even if he was alive when the chamber was opened, I'm not sure how he would survive the gouging of the eyes, especially if he was just left there eyeless and bleeding extremely slowly (unless someone found him soon after that). But, hey, this is Borderlands. Things like Sirens and digistructing exist.

    Piggs posted: »

    Let's keep in mind; this isn't the walking dead. There's a liiiittle suspension of disbelief; some people can take multiple bullets in this

  • We were seeing it from his perspective. That must be proof enough he saw what happened to him, maybe he was just unable to move a muscle

  • When Fiona, Vaughn, and Sasha release him, he's in the stasis chamber. They don't put him back in so he'll eventually come out of stasis, blind because they removed his eyes (well, destroyed one and removed the other, but details, details).

    Fiona does mention that the bandits will eventually return to the area, which is one of the reasons why they leave the Death Race so quickly (besides moonshots). So, it is possible that he was killed by parents or some other phenomenon on Pandora such as skags, rakks, etc.

    Or, if he is alive, he could have had his eyes replaced with cybernetics. Best examples are Wilhelm the Enforcer (from Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel) and Rhys. Then again, that wouldn't exactly explain why his reaction would be so tamed when Fiona mentions gouging his eyes out with his own spork.

  • Well, he didn't see eye-to-eye with Athena and he needed some shut-eye. Of course i'm just eyeballing this, but i think he's closed his eyes for the final time now :p

    Seriously, i did my best Handsome Jack laugh impression when it was revealed that general Eyeball was still alive during the impromptu surgery. Such a borderlands moment. That's what you get for locking away important messages behind a retinal scanner, dum-dum :p

  • I hope he is dead, because I shudder at the thought that he will wake up in pain and completely blind.

    I wonder though, the facility was getting hit by moonshots, so it might be that he got buried alive.

  • Ha, that is just terrible! Eye disapprove! :D

    Well, he didn't see eye-to-eye with Athena and he needed some shut-eye. Of course i'm just eyeballing this, but i think he's closed his eyes

  • Jeez, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse for the poor guy.

    I hope he is dead, because I shudder at the thought that he will wake up in pain and completely blind. I wonder though, the facility was getting hit by moonshots, so it might be that he got buried alive.

  • For some reason I think he will be back with a pair of scary ciborg eyes or something , still the guy was stupid enough to leaving the destiny of humanity and his own life in hands of whoever he thought was finally coming to that Atlas base, which obviously was not the one expected xD saying all of that with a smile in his face while eating some sort of cake? I hope it has been chocolate flavored at least

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