I think it was Robert Graves who said: "There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money, either."
But you sure can make it into a living, just look at spoken-word artists like Shane Koyczan. I think he's practically genius when it comes to poetry and short stories. I've gotten most of my inspiration from him.
Vent: This is probably going to come off as really edgy and whiny, so feel free to scroll right over it. I'm tired of life. Not what we call… more "living", humankind or the planet Earth, I still have faith in all three and I try to be as optimistic as possible for both mine and my friend's sake. I recently cut ties with a majority of my friends for being self-pitying, pessimistic and negative. Selfish, I know, but I can't continue to expose myself to negative vibes and people who claim that life sucks on a daily basis.
No, I'm tired of living this lifestyle, that's the easier way to put it. I'm seventeen and I dropped out of high school right before my 17th birthday. I love school, I love socializing. I just couldn't do it, however, because of the medication that my psychiatrist put me on (Zoloft, in case anyone is wondering). I wanted to do some community service, get a job or something else, but it's been almost four months and the only headw… [view original content]
I'm sure you're just looking at this realistically opposed to wishfully, but in order to have a chance, you sort of have to give yourself on… moree, right? I suppose all you can really do is be patient, keep yourself around her, and hope that you are granted a window of opportunity (obviously this would be different if she didn't have a boyfriend). If nothing ever ends up coming of it, at least you could take pride in the fact that you had tried.
Anyway, you'll probably figure out what's best for yourself here. Good luck with whatever that ends up being.
Although I can't help you much via online, I would like to say that, even if it doesn't seem like it for now, you're life will be better sooner or later. Only luck will tell you when.
Vent: This is probably going to come off as really edgy and whiny, so feel free to scroll right over it. I'm tired of life. Not what we call… more "living", humankind or the planet Earth, I still have faith in all three and I try to be as optimistic as possible for both mine and my friend's sake. I recently cut ties with a majority of my friends for being self-pitying, pessimistic and negative. Selfish, I know, but I can't continue to expose myself to negative vibes and people who claim that life sucks on a daily basis.
No, I'm tired of living this lifestyle, that's the easier way to put it. I'm seventeen and I dropped out of high school right before my 17th birthday. I love school, I love socializing. I just couldn't do it, however, because of the medication that my psychiatrist put me on (Zoloft, in case anyone is wondering). I wanted to do some community service, get a job or something else, but it's been almost four months and the only headw… [view original content]
You manifest what you think and become as your self-worth prescribes you put limits on yourself
By thinking these things you have set yourself for failure before you even try
You have to believe in yourself to stand any chance be confident no one is perfect accept that and do the best with the tools you have been given and I promise one day you will find the right girl and everything will come naturally
I had a crush on this girl last year who wasn't that pretty but was a genius so I found her really attractive and she had a crush on me but I knew she had a boyfriend so I never made a move personally for me once a girl has a boyfriend for me she is off limits I'd never want to be with a cheater and if she would cheat on her boyfriend with you, she would cheat on you with someone else to guaranteed. Plus I'd never want guys going for my girl just common respect I think it's wrong unless she is officially single
Forgive me, father, for I have sinned... well, no, I didn't (not this time, anyway).
But, I do confess. I have a crush. It's a girl in my… more university, to be even more exact, my classmate. I keep thinking about her constantly, not to a point of obsession, but often. It's a strange feeling, to be honest.
Bad thing is, though, she doesn't really care about me (almost nobody does, anyway). We can talk friendly during the classes, joke around and stuff, but other than that, our interaction is limited. Even more, she has a boyfriend with whom she has been for more than 2 years by now, from what I've gathered at least. So, no hope of even trying. I obviously didn't tell her and I'm never going to, to spare myself from both rejection, misunderstanding and likely embarassment.
Makes me realize how really worthless I am. I'm a poor excuse for a man, meaning that I can't do anything right, I'm indecisive, inept and quite shy (even though I don't… [view original content]
Everywhere there are a-holes. I don't know much about you nor about your life, but I recomend you talking to your friends or family on how those pricks are being pricks. They may help.
Maybe your situation will get better sooner then you think.
If you can't avoid them or the school doesn't do anything soon, I reccomend you to add the "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" policy since you said that those two have been doing that [bothering] to others as well. People need friends to fight their foes.
People who endevour to be general pricks have been a plague to me for my entire school life.
Two pricks at my school are pestering me wit… moreh references to my proficiency in German, telling me to "stop swearing in German" and calling me a "Nazi" when I doing my work as they should yet don't due to their dim wits. I do not even swear that much in English let alone German. Also, if I was born in a Nazi-occupied territory, I would be 'euthanised' for bearing the traits of a so called sub-human (malformed nose).
And to add salt to the injury, the school is either not doing anything about it, saying that it is being dealt with or they are too stupid to realise that their tactics do not work on these people. These two have been doing this to others as well and landed in trouble, yet still they have if anything regressed. I also do not know what the school is doing because they are obliged to keep it a secret in line with privacy laws.
Back wh… [view original content]
You manifest what you think and become as your self-worth prescribes you put limits on yourself
By thinking these things you have set you… morerself for failure before you even try
You have to believe in yourself to stand any chance be confident no one is perfect accept that and do the best with the tools you have been given and I promise one day you will find the right girl and everything will come naturally
I had a crush on this girl last year who wasn't that pretty but was a genius so I found her really attractive and she had a crush on me but I knew she had a boyfriend so I never made a move personally for me once a girl has a boyfriend for me she is off limits I'd never want to be with a cheater and if she would cheat on her boyfriend with you, she would cheat on you with someone else to guaranteed. Plus I'd never want guys going for my girl just common respect I think it's wrong unless she is officially single
Vent: This is probably going to come off as really edgy and whiny, so feel free to scroll right over it. I'm tired of life. Not what we call… more "living", humankind or the planet Earth, I still have faith in all three and I try to be as optimistic as possible for both mine and my friend's sake. I recently cut ties with a majority of my friends for being self-pitying, pessimistic and negative. Selfish, I know, but I can't continue to expose myself to negative vibes and people who claim that life sucks on a daily basis.
No, I'm tired of living this lifestyle, that's the easier way to put it. I'm seventeen and I dropped out of high school right before my 17th birthday. I love school, I love socializing. I just couldn't do it, however, because of the medication that my psychiatrist put me on (Zoloft, in case anyone is wondering). I wanted to do some community service, get a job or something else, but it's been almost four months and the only headw… [view original content]
Ultra controlling girls like that I would never go out with my phone is off limits it's either trust me or get out
Plus the rude text wtf
That guy needs to stop being such a pushover
I'm sorry you experienced that and I feel even worse for that guy his girlfriend doesn't trust him and wants complete control of his life get out of there
I hate when my friends don't understand my pain. Today I was texting my friend because I was feeling lonely and unwanted and his girlfriend took his phone and said "No one cares. Stop texting him" and turned his phone off.
I've been left out of things all my life, people I thought were my friends always ended up ditching me in favor of doing/seeing something/so… moremeone else. It happened with my closest friends in elementary and it still happens through high-school (less, but it hurts more when you;re more emotionally invested into your friends). I absolutely hate it, and it keeps happening. I feel like I'm worthless. People around me give me the feeling that if I would die, they wouldn't feel like anything had changed, it's one of the most horrible feelings in the world.
I just wish I was someone's first choice. I wish I wouldn't spend every waking second contemplating what else can go wrong, who's going to leave me out of something next, when I'm going to have to sweep my heart under the carpet and let everyone run over it, acting like I don't give a shit. I do.
Vent: This is probably going to come off as really edgy and whiny, so feel free to scroll right over it. I'm tired of life. Not what we call… more "living", humankind or the planet Earth, I still have faith in all three and I try to be as optimistic as possible for both mine and my friend's sake. I recently cut ties with a majority of my friends for being self-pitying, pessimistic and negative. Selfish, I know, but I can't continue to expose myself to negative vibes and people who claim that life sucks on a daily basis.
No, I'm tired of living this lifestyle, that's the easier way to put it. I'm seventeen and I dropped out of high school right before my 17th birthday. I love school, I love socializing. I just couldn't do it, however, because of the medication that my psychiatrist put me on (Zoloft, in case anyone is wondering). I wanted to do some community service, get a job or something else, but it's been almost four months and the only headw… [view original content]
PE was great fun for me. Get a relaxing and fun hour or so out of class, playing football with your mates, having a laugh. Majority of people enjoyed it, PE may be the only exercise some kids get in this day and age, it most certainly is good for them. If you're unfit and "don't like exercising", you're the one with the problem, not the class.
Prepare for a rant.
I fucking hate PE its so stupid, some dumb people think it promotes physical activity but if you dont like exercising… more it does the opposite. Its created so many issues, i was never uncomfortable with my body before PE I never had anxiety attacks. I used to love playing outside and hiking before I had to be in PE. The fact I have to deal with it for another year is fucking dumb and if any of you actually think PE is good for everyone you are fooling yourself. its such a flawed class.
PE was great fun for me. Get a relaxing and fun hour or so out of class, playing football with your mates, having a laugh. Majority of peopl… moree enjoyed it, PE may be the only exercise some kids get in this day and age, it most certainly is good for them. If you're unfit and "don't like exercising", you're the one with the problem, not the class.
While reaching the 300th comment milestone in this thread (and nearly with 2K views), I'm happily announcing out loud that the TellTaleGames Community is one of the most helpful and nicest online communities I have ever participated in. Not only that there is trust in one another, but there are users willing to help others for no "big" reward for doing so. Users reached out for help in their emotions and problems and they were greeted with a humble reply as help.
While reaching the 300th comment milestone in this thread (and nearly with 2K views), I'm happily announcing out loud that the TellTaleGames… more Community is one of the most helpful and nicest online communities I have ever participated in. Not only that there is trust in one another, but there are users willing to help others for no "big" reward for doing so. Users reached out for help in their emotions and problems and they were greeted with a humble reply as help.
Thanks, you're great.
Ok so sometimes we all need to have a good bitch...right? Anyway here you can do that just...bitch about it things like school your job ect I'll go first
Today we got like loads of fucking homework and all the teachers are like in bitch mode plus I had a headache for the whole day
While reaching the 300th comment milestone in this thread (and nearly with 2K views), I'm happily announcing out loud that the TellTaleGames… more Community is one of the most helpful and nicest online communities I have ever participated in. Not only that there is trust in one another, but there are users willing to help others for no "big" reward for doing so. Users reached out for help in their emotions and problems and they were greeted with a humble reply as help.
Thanks, you're great.
i dont really like to whine or complain but ive been thinking about posting something on this thread and i now i felt like it...
I know that there are people who are dealing with much tougher and heavier shit than me and they have it worse than me but i still feel like i dont lead the most glamorous life and its not easy for me...
my dad died when i was 9 years old from cancer... he wasnt a great man but, i dunno... he was still my dad and i kinda miss him...
people used to tease me and make fun of me all the time in school, and to this day i dont know why, maybe because i was different than them, i saw the world in a different way, i didnt talk much, i liked to be alone, i had trouble with my walk and my feet... they liked to provoke me until i got mad and i would get in a fight... some of that shit still happens but ive learnt to live with it and ignore most of it...
recently there was i girl i liked but she was with another guy... he apperently made her to send him her nude photos and then he sent it to some other guys and soon the whole school knew about it... i supported her, i defended her, i was nice to her when not many people were... we were good friends and we were starting to get real close (or so i thought) but when she got in some trouble, to get out of it she lied her ass of to her dad and even made up that i look at her and touch her... it was found out that she lied and we made up but we never hung out again and the only reason we still see eachother is because her dad and my older sister are getting married...
except my family, i dont interact with people anymore except on this forum and im okay with it...
also i am prone to self harm and i punish myself a lot, even though i have full control of my mind and body...
like this,aftermath of one of my activities after a shitty day:
i guess thats why i invest myself so much in these games is because i like great stories so i can escape from my own fucking pathetic life story...
i am just 15 yrs old and maybe i just didnt learn to appreciate life but so far my thoughts are: life sucks and life is unfair!
i dont really like to whine or complain but ive been thinking about posting something on this thread and i now i felt like it...
I know t… morehat there are people who are dealing with much tougher and heavier shit than me and they have it worse than me but i still feel like i dont lead the most glamorous life and its not easy for me...
my dad died when i was 9 years old from cancer... he wasnt a great man but, i dunno... he was still my dad and i kinda miss him...
people used to tease me and make fun of me all the time in school, and to this day i dont know why, maybe because i was different than them, i saw the world in a different way, i didnt talk much, i liked to be alone, i had trouble with my walk and my feet... they liked to provoke me until i got mad and i would get in a fight... some of that shit still happens but ive learnt to live with it and ignore most of it...
recently there was i girl i liked but she was with another guy… [view original content]
I dont have trouble talking to people and believe it or not im actually very wise and interesting to conversate with (if that makes any sense)... but to me 95% of people in my life are garbage, so sometimes im happier alone...
i dont think i really need big help... im sane, im aware what i do, i just sometimes need to get shit out of my system and sometimes it happens to be the day im mad at myself...
the only time i have caused myself big harm was when i actidentally hurt someone i care about... one time i actidentally closed my little nieces fingers with a trunk door, i didnt see her... luckily nothing was broken and she was alright couple hours later but i didnt know that at the time and i gave myself a bruise near my eye...
At least you haven't caused yourself more harm than what's in this picture, right?
Get help, talk to someone. If no one wants to talk, talk to me. I'll do my best if you want :C
I was alright with the exercising, but the actual games and social aspect I dreaded. I'm not physically a very pushy person, and definitely not aggressive enough to do well in any of these games. Add that to nobody wanting to be my partner and people screaming at me for not acting like it's the Olympics, and you got my middle school and high school gym experience.
Prepare for a rant.
I fucking hate PE its so stupid, some dumb people think it promotes physical activity but if you dont like exercising… more it does the opposite. Its created so many issues, i was never uncomfortable with my body before PE I never had anxiety attacks. I used to love playing outside and hiking before I had to be in PE. The fact I have to deal with it for another year is fucking dumb and if any of you actually think PE is good for everyone you are fooling yourself. its such a flawed class.
i dont really like to whine or complain but ive been thinking about posting something on this thread and i now i felt like it...
I know t… morehat there are people who are dealing with much tougher and heavier shit than me and they have it worse than me but i still feel like i dont lead the most glamorous life and its not easy for me...
my dad died when i was 9 years old from cancer... he wasnt a great man but, i dunno... he was still my dad and i kinda miss him...
people used to tease me and make fun of me all the time in school, and to this day i dont know why, maybe because i was different than them, i saw the world in a different way, i didnt talk much, i liked to be alone, i had trouble with my walk and my feet... they liked to provoke me until i got mad and i would get in a fight... some of that shit still happens but ive learnt to live with it and ignore most of it...
recently there was i girl i liked but she was with another guy… [view original content]
I don't really see the point of this thread.
I mean, emotions are emotions, but sometimes a person must "vent" something really personal. Would it be wise to leave it for a whole bunch of anonymous users to read?
I think it was Robert Graves who said: "There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money, either."
But you sure can make it into a living, just look at spoken-word artists like Shane Koyczan. I think he's practically genius when it comes to poetry and short stories. I've gotten most of my inspiration from him.
Most important thing in that situation is to have an escape plan. Sounds like you have one. Good luck!
Yeah, if there's a possibility of anything happening, I should use it. Whether I will and won't fuck it up is a whole another story.
Heh, I wish I could.
Although I can't help you much via online, I would like to say that, even if it doesn't seem like it for now, you're life will be better sooner or later. Only luck will tell you when.
You manifest what you think and become as your self-worth prescribes you put limits on yourself
By thinking these things you have set yourself for failure before you even try
You have to believe in yourself to stand any chance be confident no one is perfect accept that and do the best with the tools you have been given and I promise one day you will find the right girl and everything will come naturally
I had a crush on this girl last year who wasn't that pretty but was a genius so I found her really attractive and she had a crush on me but I knew she had a boyfriend so I never made a move personally for me once a girl has a boyfriend for me she is off limits I'd never want to be with a cheater and if she would cheat on her boyfriend with you, she would cheat on you with someone else to guaranteed. Plus I'd never want guys going for my girl just common respect I think it's wrong unless she is officially single
Everywhere there are a-holes. I don't know much about you nor about your life, but I recomend you talking to your friends or family on how those pricks are being pricks. They may help.
Maybe your situation will get better sooner then you think.
If you can't avoid them or the school doesn't do anything soon, I reccomend you to add the "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" policy since you said that those two have been doing that [bothering] to others as well. People need friends to fight their foes.
I see. Thanks for the insight, Mark.
Not really, I'm just winging it. We'll see where it takes me.
Do you?
At least you got the Internet.
Ultra controlling girls like that I would never go out with my phone is off limits it's either trust me or get out
Plus the rude text wtf
That guy needs to stop being such a pushover
I'm sorry you experienced that and I feel even worse for that guy his girlfriend doesn't trust him and wants complete control of his life get out of there
True that.
Yeah, same here. Let me know if you find a solution. I'll go ahead and rule out drugs and alcohol for you, tried them both and they don't work.
Go back to school. Legally a GED is the same thing as a diploma, but in the eyes of everyone that will ever hire you, it isn't.
I'm not going for a GED. I'm going back to school in the fall. I plan to finish my last two years, I assure you.
Sometimes just winging it is the best option, especially when carefully laid out plans fall through.
Thanks, I wasn't really into drugs and alcohol either way
PE was great fun for me. Get a relaxing and fun hour or so out of class, playing football with your mates, having a laugh. Majority of people enjoyed it, PE may be the only exercise some kids get in this day and age, it most certainly is good for them. If you're unfit and "don't like exercising", you're the one with the problem, not the class.
While reaching the 300th comment milestone in this thread (and nearly with 2K views), I'm happily announcing out loud that the TellTaleGames Community is one of the most helpful and nicest online communities I have ever participated in. Not only that there is trust in one another, but there are users willing to help others for no "big" reward for doing so. Users reached out for help in their emotions and problems and they were greeted with a humble reply as help.
Thanks, you're great.
Truth. That's why I joined last year and keep coming back. Stay awesome guys.
Ok so sometimes we all need to have a good bitch...right? Anyway here you can do that just...bitch about it things like school your job ect I'll go first
Today we got like loads of fucking homework and all the teachers are like in bitch mode plus I had a headache for the whole day
Your turn!
Ahem. We actually have such a thread:
Well now I guess we have another one
( I didn't see it on the page)
Don't worry I'm pretty sure the mods will merge it. Probably
Let's bitch about that.
God dammit, we already have one of these threads!
You're right
i dont really like to whine or complain but ive been thinking about posting something on this thread and i now i felt like it...
I know that there are people who are dealing with much tougher and heavier shit than me and they have it worse than me but i still feel like i dont lead the most glamorous life and its not easy for me...
my dad died when i was 9 years old from cancer... he wasnt a great man but, i dunno... he was still my dad and i kinda miss him...
people used to tease me and make fun of me all the time in school, and to this day i dont know why, maybe because i was different than them, i saw the world in a different way, i didnt talk much, i liked to be alone, i had trouble with my walk and my feet... they liked to provoke me until i got mad and i would get in a fight... some of that shit still happens but ive learnt to live with it and ignore most of it...
recently there was i girl i liked but she was with another guy... he apperently made her to send him her nude photos and then he sent it to some other guys and soon the whole school knew about it... i supported her, i defended her, i was nice to her when not many people were... we were good friends and we were starting to get real close (or so i thought) but when she got in some trouble, to get out of it she lied her ass of to her dad and even made up that i look at her and touch her... it was found out that she lied and we made up but we never hung out again and the only reason we still see eachother is because her dad and my older sister are getting married...
except my family, i dont interact with people anymore except on this forum and im okay with it...
also i am prone to self harm and i punish myself a lot, even though i have full control of my mind and body...
like this,aftermath of one of my activities after a shitty day:
i guess thats why i invest myself so much in these games is because i like great stories so i can escape from my own fucking pathetic life story...
i am just 15 yrs old and maybe i just didnt learn to appreciate life but so far my thoughts are: life sucks and life is unfair!
At least you haven't caused yourself more harm than what's in this picture, right?
Get help, talk to someone. If no one wants to talk, talk to me. I'll do my best if you want :C
I dont have trouble talking to people and believe it or not im actually very wise and interesting to conversate with (if that makes any sense)... but to me 95% of people in my life are garbage, so sometimes im happier alone...
i dont think i really need big help... im sane, im aware what i do, i just sometimes need to get shit out of my system and sometimes it happens to be the day im mad at myself...
the only time i have caused myself big harm was when i actidentally hurt someone i care about... one time i actidentally closed my little nieces fingers with a trunk door, i didnt see her... luckily nothing was broken and she was alright couple hours later but i didnt know that at the time and i gave myself a bruise near my eye...
i also apreaciate you worrying about me
I was alright with the exercising, but the actual games and social aspect I dreaded. I'm not physically a very pushy person, and definitely not aggressive enough to do well in any of these games. Add that to nobody wanting to be my partner and people screaming at me for not acting like it's the Olympics, and you got my middle school and high school gym experience.
What is the pictures of the hands showing?
I think this a pretty beneficial thread. And like you said, we're all anonymous to some degree so who cares?
I KNOW ;_______________;
ur a disgrace of a humun bean
You need the pick of destiny bruh
To find the pick of destiny on a journey you must go
Lol, I've forgotten that I've actually commented on here before.
And I agree.