Yeah you can tell we needed to have a little fun! XD He's a character, my brother.
Brandy is indeed a total kick-ass chick with her deadly cigarettes. Basically, the tobacco inside her cigarettes are laced with a very powerful chemical related to Phenol but 10x's more powerful; easily burns your skin, eyes, affects the respiratory tract and is highly toxic. Vampires, especially the females, use it to create nerve deadning agents if they feel like they're in danger. I'll explain more, for you know Jack...always has to ask until he gets what he wants. lol
TBH, I hate Jack but he seems like a VERY annoying little brother sidekick deal for Brandy.
Lol that picture XD
Also holy shit! Brandy is a total badass! Like Jack said what were those cigarettes?
You portrayed Jack really goo… mored! I found myself laughing a lot when his mouth started to yap, and Brandys replies only made it better XD
I can't wait for more man!
Thanks! It's been bottled up for a little while and rolling around in my head itching to get out. Glad you liked it!
Videogames are the best way to get your mind off of taxing school work and other such life stresses. But glad your still on top of homework and studying too!
Oh man this was awesome! The details of everything was awesome and the characters, I like it!
My Thursday was okay, nothing that excitin… moreg went to classes came back to my dorm and played Devil May Cry 4 to practice some combo stuff, and of course studying and homework
Glad we could help you out EMMY!
Thanks! Magnus is supposed to give that sort of feeling, like he might seem totally normal but inside, he's more complicated and dark. Derek's going to be one of the main characters, he's supposed to be really chill and cool.
The only one so far that has already existed was Magnus, but you weren't on the forum when I wrote about him. He's Franklin's father, he ended up going a little crazy toward the end of his life, and got mixed into business that essentially got him killed (by his own son, no less.) Franklin did love his father, but knew it was the only thing he could do. Franklin, by the way, is only half-Vampire, so he can actually go in the sunlight but he still has powers and tendencies of vampires, and he can also eat people food if he wanted or live on blood. He chooses people food, for the sake of his friends and family He's envied by full-vamps because he has more leniency on stuff they can't tolerate (sunlight, food, etc.) so yeah.
Thursday was an active day for me. Nuff said about that :P
Now this is a good first chapter! I'm intrigued by Derek and Magnus, Magnus gi… moreves me the chills though, people who are too calm always give me that bad feeling you know?
I really look forward to what happens next in this story, I have to ask though: Are any of these characters newly made for this story or did they already exist in your previous stories?
I await more from you! XD
Sweet! Moving boxes SUCKS ASS. At least you got it done I'm sure the weather is beautiful in sunny freakin' California; We're lucky it's at least not 30 degrees each morning anymore in NJ XD Today was really chilly, in the 50's AND windy AND cloudy, so it FELT like 30, lol.
I was nonexistent XD I was born in '97, so technically though, I'm still a 90's kid at heart. Glad you liked the chapter so much and the way I wrote it!
Derek indeed knows her, and she knows him. More will be explained as time goes on. He paid the money because he loved her and just wanted to get her back; How it got that way, you'll also find out through the course of the story.
Thanks Feeling definitely better, I'll tell you that much.
I'm reading this on Friday, so my Thursday was wonderful. Moving boxes is stressful but it's all good and we left EARLY this morning and we … morearrived about an hour ago. This weather is beautiful; cloudy with potential rain but no wind thankfully! Had breakfast and now, having a moment to myself before we hit the unpacking again.
Now, to the story. 1994 was indeed a good year. I was five. XD lol I really enjoyed the dscription in this first chapter and Magnus is my favorite so far. I like how devious he was and the interaction he had with Derek as well. Also, that young lady-Jocelyn-was interesting, for the time she had in this chapter.
So, Derek knows her somehow? Hmmm. I noticed she's not a Vampire, right? I noticed Derk was; I wonder why he paid THAT much money for her, unless she's a totally different species, like, Demon or something....:D
I loved this section and look forward to more! You're on a roll with this and glad I could help with lifting those spirits up.
This chapter is kinda short for me, I wrote it in 40 minutes and right before I had to go to work! :P
Isaac is a neutral character... You… more'll see
Yes, NickxJayne will be featured prominently in this tale, you just won't get much, if anything, about Jayne before she got with Nick...
Thank you! XD
OMG! Where the hell was I when you two knuckle heads decided to take this!? You're brother is so hot! Sorry, pie but he is! Those boxers, though! 0.o lol
Anyways, I loved this. Brandy is becoming a woman I'd never want to cross paths with! That moment with the Bikers was well done, as was the interaction she had with the drunk girls. XD I love Jack in this! You're doing well with him and i loved that little wink to Georgie and his connection with Lyla. Cute.
Also, that ending! I can't wait to see where this goes! Great work so far!
Needed break #2 from the unpacking. Guess this is how Pie and his younger brother take breaks these days....XD
Lack of sleep is makin… moreg us do things. 0.0 Anyways, I had time to write another page for the challenge.
Four-leaf Clover club
Brandy was an Alleycat and never stayed in the same place twice. In the dead of night, as the mundies and various Fables slept, she'd creep along the shadows, making her way to the next destination. She came to Fabletown three years ago, after the 'accident' and escaping her hometown. So many refused to ask, fearing the consequences that laid for them. Brandy kept to herself and there was not a soul that knew ALL her secrets. Jack Horner, the guy who thought he could 'bang' her, did all he could. Used every trick in his little book to lure her into his sheets for a nightcap.
But every time, Jack failed. She only hung out with him for both the social and pity. Plus, a cheap Beer and bar food sou… [view original content]
She strokes his face with her slender hands, her wisps of brown hair caked with layers of drying blood. They'd just finished feeding on their last snacks and now it was time to fall gently into a blissful sleep...
Derek was by no means a gentleman. He may have been, back in his day, when manners and socialism were on the rise and money was all that anyone ever cared about. Yes, the world learned it's lesson when the stock market crashed all those years ago, but history tended to repeat itself, and although he didn't forsee another crash, he knew the signs of debt and decay in a civilization. The 90's was no exception from the rule.
Masquerades were something that was hip in the Supernatural world. He liked to attend these 'balls'; they weren't precisely prim in proper like in the olden days, however. Strobe lights glittered the main dance hall, causing fits of bursting energy in all the young (and young at heart) who attended. He himself had adorned a sparkling blue colored mask, one that shined even in dim moonlight, which he'd spied on his way to the party. He was never one to dress up especially for these things, so the mask was really something new to him. For one, it limited his peripheral vision, which really bothered him. But, today of all days, he was determined to act his part, and so the mask stayed on, and he had to blink a little more often than usual as the lights messed with him. He loved this shit.
Vampires, Warlocks, Witches, Faeries, Werewolves; Just about anything you could think of would be plastered in this type of setting. Music ranging from Green Day to the Eurythmics blasted through giant ass speakers set up on a stage full of drunken bastards who thought they owned the place. But these were not what caught Derek's eyes.
It was the young woman, sitting up on the balconies and dangling precariously on it's edge that alarmed him.
"Am I seeing what you're seeing?" A familiar voice sounded in his ears. Despite the volume that the darkened room contained, he could still hear even the faintest whisper as long as it was in a 3 meter radius of his body. He looked up and spotted his good friend, Alistair.
"She's obviously drunk, or high, or both," Derek said with mild concern. "We should go up and make sure she doesn't fall."
"Leave her be," Alistair said. He slurred a bit at the end; He must have been drunk as well. "She's just a mundy. She won't be missed for more than a few years when she goes."
Wasn't that their mindset though? It bothered Derek to hear those words come from such a loyal comrade, but the truth of the matter was that Alistair was right. Who would miss such a low-life person? Someone who goes to raves and pretends like the world doesn't exist when they're hooked to a needle or snuffing the wacky dust?
Still, his heart felt like it was hanging low as he watched her. She'd at least steadied herself, but there was still that immanent danger that she could topple any moment.
"You should get a drink with-" But before Alistair could finish his sentence, Derek was already climbing the stairs to the second floor.
The building used to be an opera house in the thirties; It went out of business fairly quick, because during the Depression, no one could afford to go see someone sing unintelligible loud viking songs or whatever they were. Derek had never been interested in operas in the first place, and knew very little about them, other than rich people seemed to flock to the most boring displays of entertainment. At the top of the steps, he had to avoid a group of younger occults getting ready to mattress slide down the steps. He jumped out of their way - It was a wolfling boy and his faerie companion - just before almost falling down with them. He tossed some red curtains aside and made it to the main balcony. And there she was. Her red hair glowered under the low lights of the second floor. The balcony wasn't as affected by the strobe and glowsticks and glitter. It actually felt quiet peaceful to be up there. Above his head was ceiling windows, and through the panes he could see the moon, a perfect rounded crescent. Had he not been here, he might have been on the roof of his brooklyn apartment, dreaming about the future and what it could hold for him. Dreaming about what could be, and what would be.
"Excuse me," He went the mildly polite route. "I couldn't help but lonely you looked up here."
She didn't move, and it was in that moment that he realized she probably didn't hear him. Derek had a tendencies to forget the limited abilities mundane people possess. He moved to tap her shoulder...
And in the same moment, she'd craned her head, screamed at his presence, and lost her balance. She slipped off of the balcony's ledge.
Derek would be lying if he said his reflexes weren't up to par. His hand had reach for the first thing he saw; A glimmering gold necklace with a white opal around her neck. He grabbed it with his hands, and for a few seconds, she was motionless. Then the chain snapped. Again, his hands reached out and his movements were quick; precise. He grabbed one of her arms, and now she was dangling helplessly, her screams barely penetrating the sea of sound and movement just under her heels.
"H-help me!" She shouted up at him. "Pull me up, please!"
What did it look like he was doing? Ignoring her mundane qualities, he took his other hand and enforced the grip he had on her. Slowly but surely, he lifted her up past the railing, over it and on to the tiled floor. The both of them fell together when she was over, and he could feel every single thump of her heartbeat against his own chest as if it were his own heart beating. That was a feeling he'd come to miss since he was changed.
She rolled off of him as soon as she realized the situation she was in. Derek sat up and crossed his legs, watched as her chest rose with air rapidly. Her red curling hair was sprawled all over the white glittered floor, and he noticed then just how beautiful she really was.
He also noticed the lack of alcohol on her breath. So she hadn't been drunk, and he also doubted she'd drugged up at any point that night. She was far too coherent to be. Far too afraid of her life.
"Are you alright?" He said, a little bit louder, but still quiet enough so that it was only them in this conversation. "You took a bit of a dive there. You were lucky I was around to catch you."
She chuckled, an unpredictable turn of events.
"Yes, but if you hadn't come up in the first place, I suppose I wouldn't have been scared, nor would I have fallen from the balcony's edge."
She spoke with such firmness. Such formality. He secretly wondered where she learned to talk like that, and it must have shown on his bewildered face.
"I'm joking, you know. Yeah, you saved me man. My name's Jocelyn Parks."
"Derek Sharp."
"Pleased to meet you," She said. She was still somewhat catching her breath, and now she was sitting up, and together they faced each other on the sparkling floor.
There was a spark. A flash, a lurch in Derek's heart. He felt for her. He felt something he hadn't felt in many, many years. Not since he'd laid his eyes on his first love, back when he'd still been human. Back before he'd lost her, and then lost all hope in finding another.
And now she was trying to claw his eyes out. Derek lifted his arms up and blocked his face, feeling her sharp nails dig deep into his skin. At least his skin healed quickly, for the effects of his immortality was stitching the skin back together almost quicker than she was making the wounds.
"This is your fault!" She shouted. "All your fault. It's your- It's your-" She seemed to be out of words to say. He was on the ground now, just taking the beating. He would never fight her back. If this was the end of him, so be it. He loved her far too much to ever hurt her.
But did he hurt her anyway? Did he hurt her by letting her get mixed up in this mess they were in? Was it really his fault that she'd been taken from him? Was it his fault that whatever they did to her, whatever reason she was going ballistic on him, he deserved it?
He grabbed her wrists but she still kicked at him on the ground with as much strength as she could. Immediately, he sensed something wrong in her.
"What have you done to her," He shouted, angrily. He craned his neck as he laid in pools of his own blood mixed with gunk and whatever else that caked the floor. He saw Magnus out of the corner of his eye, thankful that this wasn't the masquerade night, that he was able to see all things as clear as the light of day. Magnus was walking away, as was his minions. Ghouls, they were. He recognized them by their jerking movements. They were never as human like as the rest of them.
"Don't you dare walk from me! Magnus! MAGNUS!" The sound of the metal front doors slammed shut. Derek cried out with frustration and released his grip. Let her devour him as he seethed with irritation.
She only continued her attack for a solid ten seconds before she let up on him. Maybe it was all a joke? A facade. Slowly, Derek opened his eyes, and she was off of him, standing in the center of the room, pacing and hugging her arms around her self and talking to herself in a hushed, crazed voice. Her hair was frayed and she looked shaken and nervous, and Derek had no idea what to take from this all.
"Jocelyn," His voice came out cracked; He'd damaged his vocal chords from just shouting Magnus's name.
He stood, easier than he should have, had he been mortal. He approached her slowly, heard her muffled cries. "Jocelyn-"
"DON'T!" She said as his hand reached out to her. "Don't - Touch me.." She was full force sobbing now. "Don't touch me....I'm....I'm a monster."
"No, Jocelyn. You're not a monster. You could never BE a monster-"
"BUT I FUCKING AM!" She shouted. The entire room echoed with her voice and sent tremors through Derek's body. He was frozen. Completely frozen.
She wiped her eyes and looked up into his. They were still the same shade of aqua blue as the first day Derek had met her. Her hair still contained the same shining curls of red that he'd grown to love over the past short months. She was the same. She was no monster.
"I was changed," Her voice was hushed now, so low that only Derek could hear her. He leaned in for effect, making her feel as if the words truly were just for him to hear. "They changed me, Derek. I'm a monster. I'm- I'm..."
He was so close that his face was almost touching hers. His nostrils grew wide at her scent. It was the same, except something was different. She was right. They HAD changed her.
She was a werewolf now.
DUN DUN DUN! CHAPTER ONE IS DONE AND IN THE TUB (not really, the tub would ruin the pages.) Hope you guys enjoyed, this is super late because I have to go to bed lol XD Have to wake early tomorrow and do a Beach Cleanup or something like that. Sort of not looking forward to getting up early on a Saturday XD Yep. Goodnight, and sweet dreams, my internet friends!
Night had begun to rise, and it was time for Kieron and Claire to wake up. They got up and showered, Claire threw on her clothes and Kieron began to get dressed. Claire looked over at Kieron, there was something about him that made her want to talk to him, she had heard of his story on the streets but she wanted to hear it from him. She also felt safe around him, but she has one goal. To take the throne and rule the masquerade. Kieron put on his trench coat, he then put on his white gloves, he noticed Claire staring at him.
"What's wrong?" He asked
"How do you always wear that? Does it weigh a lot?" She asked
"You get used to it, I know someone who has a bigger trench coat than me." Kieron answered
"Is it your friend from the war?" She said
Kierons face looked gloom. "Yes..."
"Oh I'm sorry, Kieron! I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." Claire said
"It's fine." Kieron said
"Would it help if I told you what happened to me?" She said
"No, its alright." He said
Claire felt bad, but she didn't want to push him. She needed his help. "Shall we get going then?" She said trying to lighten the mood.
Kieron nodded and they went to spend the night on the town to the anarchists hideout, so she could fill him in on the plan. The two didn't talk much on the way there, Claire felt awkward since she brought up Kierons past and Kieron didn't know how to properly start a conversation. She bumped Kieron. She smiled.
"You know I liked it better when you smile. It's a soothing smile." She said
"Sorry how about this?" He said giving his best smile, but it looked goofy since it was forced. Claire began to laugh
"Now that one looks stupid!" She laughed.
Kieron laughed "I'll be sure to keep that in mind if you need a boost." He said
The two then started to have a good time until a group of vampires walked up.
"The Prince don't like what ya up to, and he hired us ta put you down." One said
Kieron then became serious, he tightened his gloves. He began to analyze his enemies. It was seven on two, three held pocket knives, two held shotguns, and the other two held sub machine guns. Kieron was about to take action when he noticed Claires crimson red eyes beamed red, he looked back over to the hit squad he saw that one began to puff up like a balloon, and then out of nowhere he exploded, while blood went flying Kieron lifted a blood wall and used the blood in the air to form blood daggers to subdue the hit squad. Bullets went flying and some went through the blood wall and struck Kieron and Claire a couple times. Six of them were pinned to the ground. Kieron went over and helped Claire get up.
"Thanks." She said
Kieron looked over. "What should we do?" He asked
"The final death of course." She smiled
The gang began to try and bargain for their lives. "Please! We won't work for the prince anymore! We'll leave! Just let us live!" One said
Claire kneeled the bullet holes on her body began to seal. "Sorry boys but Kieron here doesn't like the way you acted towards us." She said looking over at Kieron.
Kieron took blood from his own body using his enchanted gloves. He made axes out of the blood and dropped them on their necks cutting the head off of the vampires. They burnt to ash leaving only skeletons behind. Kieron looked at Claire.
"What did you do to that one vampire?" He asked
"Oh that was called blood boil. It makes them puff up and then pop! Just like a balloon! It's my favorite thing to do when fighting an enemy." She said with a grin. "And you, what was that?" She said trying to bait him into telling him his story.
"Blood Magic, I can shape and form it into weapons, and armor but...That's all." He said
"That's all? Those are some pretty great abilities." She said
"I guess so, I just wish I could do more. But even with three years of training, it's all I can do." He said
He's still living in the past, poor guy. She thought. "C'mon I'll get someone to hide the bodies. I'd imagine it's not the last time we'll see the princes lackeys." She said
At the Anarchists hideout...
Claire walked in and everybody noticed she was with a fledgling. Some took an interest to this.
"What are you doing hanging out with a low life fledgling Claire?" One said
"Fuck off butterfly." She said raising her hand.
The vampire looked away. Claire brought Kieron into their headquarters. She took out some files.
"Now if we're going to get rid of the king then we need to gather as much people as we can. Starting with the Black Hand." She said
"The Sabbat? But they're against the throne." Kieron said
"I'm...different." Claire said
This interested Kieron. "How?" He asked
"My blood is that of the antediluvians." She said
"Really? Many think they don't exist. What makes you think anyone will believe you?" Kieron said
"If I have to I'll have to rule with force and show them." She said
"I like a woman who takes action." He said
She smiled "You already know that first hand."
"So what do you want me to do?" He asked
"I want you to go with me. You're better than everyone else out there." Claire said
"Okay, when do we leave?" He said
"We start tomorrow night. Our run in with the police hit squad killed a lot of our time. Plus I want to go out." She said
"To a blood club?" Kieron asked.
"No actually, they are shooting fireworks at the docks tonight." She said "And I don't have a date..." She said looking at Kieron.
"Is that you're way of actually properly asking me out on a date instead of persuading me or say biting my neck?" Kieron said
"I could do that, half of the guys out there would die for me to do that to them." She said
Kieron laughed. "Sure, I'll go with you." He said
Claire felt weird. "Are you trying to seduce me?" She said
"I don't know you tell me." Kieron smiled
Claire was surprised this was his first day as a vampire and yet she feels like he could persuade or say anything and she'd do it. Or maybe she just had feelings for him? She shook her head. Normally she didn't harbor feelings for others, she has done that before but it didn't end well. But there was something mysterious about Kieron that pulled her in. Claire didn't take into account that she had been staring at Kieron this whole time.
"Are you okay?" Kieron asked
"Of course, I..I just need to get changed and we can get going!" She said
Kieron watched her walk away. He felt happy that someone else was talking to him, normally he wouldn't care but deep down he hated not talking to people. He stood by the door while a vampire walked by he sneered at Kieron and spat near his feet. Kieron grabbed this man by the throat and closed the office door. When Claire walked out she saw Kieron standing near the door with a skeleton near his body.
"Did he deserve it?" She asked.
"More or less." Kieron shrugged.
"Shall we go then?" She said
The two walked out into the twilight night and watched the fireworks go off. They were near the docks but out of sight. The two laughed and had a great time, Kieron was actually smiling and learning to be social again. He felt happy again, being able to have a conversation with another felt good. Kieron poured both of them a glass of blood.
"To a new Princess." Kieron smiled
"To a new Princess." Claire said.
They drank the blood and continued to talk. When people started leaving, so did they as morning was probably about to show. The two went to Kierons place once again, this time things were different. The door flung open and the two began to kiss, Claire would shove Kieron somewhere and she'd follow him with a seductive and meschievious smile. While she walked over Kieron would take off his trench coat and partly unbutton his collared shirt until Claire met him and tore it off and threw it on the ground along with the trench coat. Kieron lifted her on a table and kissed her neck. She leaned and whispered in Kierons ear.
"Bite." She said taking off her tank top.
Kieron lifted her and brought her to the bed and did as she said. It seemed like there was going to be another night of blood play between the two...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
"We're all living in Amerika, Amerika ist wunderbar. We're all living in Amerika, Amerika, Amerika. We're all living in Amerika, Coca-Cola, Wonderbra, We're all living in Amerika, Amerika, Amerika." - Rammstein, Amerika.
( For any out there reading this, if you could not tell, I am joking. XD )
A New Horror... Part: One
It had been three years since Kieron had fought in the war for Wonderland and those three years did not treat h… moreim well. Most Fables called him a cold and compassionless shell of a man. It suited Kieron fine, he didn't care, he was never good at being very social anyways but when he spoke everyone would listen because it was normally very important. Kierons appearance had changed from the war since nobody would take a man in a jacket very seriously at his job so he decided to get new clothes. He now wore a long black trench coat that reached the floor and was lined with gold, underneath he wore a gray collar shirt with a black tie, he wore black baggy pants with black leather boots and began to wear white gloves. Kieron was very smart, he spent most of his time researching everything and anything. There's only one thing that he doesn't look into and that was black magic, this was due to Nicks advice. Nick was one o… [view original content]
"We're all living in Amerika, Amerika ist wunderbar. We're all living in Amerika, Amerika, Amerika. We're all living in Amerika, Coca-Cola, Wonderbra, We're all living in Amerika, Amerika, Amerika." - Rammstein, Amerika.
( For any out there reading this, if you could not tell, I am joking. XD )
Clever girl... is all I can describe Brandy with at the moment. Hell, even the dark meat and gravy comment towards the biker was hilariously clever too!
Possible sexual innuendos aside - the bikers that she 'killed'? I bet more of them are going to come looking for her eventually, nothing Brandy can't handle however, if such a consequence were to happen. Maybe she can use Jack as a distraction, come to think of it. XD
Judging from the last comment, I'm assuming she's bisexual at times?
Needed break #2 from the unpacking. Guess this is how Pie and his younger brother take breaks these days....XD
Lack of sleep is makin… moreg us do things. 0.0 Anyways, I had time to write another page for the challenge.
Four-leaf Clover club
Brandy was an Alleycat and never stayed in the same place twice. In the dead of night, as the mundies and various Fables slept, she'd creep along the shadows, making her way to the next destination. She came to Fabletown three years ago, after the 'accident' and escaping her hometown. So many refused to ask, fearing the consequences that laid for them. Brandy kept to herself and there was not a soul that knew ALL her secrets. Jack Horner, the guy who thought he could 'bang' her, did all he could. Used every trick in his little book to lure her into his sheets for a nightcap.
But every time, Jack failed. She only hung out with him for both the social and pity. Plus, a cheap Beer and bar food sou… [view original content]
Ah, so the first part was just a prologue of sorts - while the true beginning was waiting to dazzle us!
I found it funny how everyone at the club ignored their little 'get-together' after they both fell off the balcony. Must've been that great of a party, huh? Regardless, the club scene has to be one of my most favorite parts I've read from you so far.
The wacky dust comment made me grin so hard, btw!
Nevertheless, JOCELYN NO!!! Screw you, Magnus! (great job with the scene, though, I wasn't expecting it at all)
I just wonder how they'll make it work? If they make it work, y'know?
She strokes his face with her slender hands, her wisps of brown hair caked with layers of drying bl… moreood. They'd just finished feeding on their last snacks and now it was time to fall gently into a blissful sleep...
Derek was by no means a gentleman. He may have been, back in his day, when manners and socialism were on the rise and money was all that anyone ever cared about. Yes, the world learned it's lesson when the stock market crashed all those years ago, but history tended to repeat itself, and although he didn't forsee another crash, he knew the signs of debt and decay in a civilization. The 90's was no exception from the rule.
Masquerades were something that was hip in the Supernatural world. He liked to attend these 'balls'; they weren't precisely prim in proper like in the olden days, however. Strobe lights glittered the main dance hall, causing fits of bursting ene… [view original content]
All of this is escalating so quickly! First date and everything! A part of me feels like Claire has bigger 'plans' for Kieron. Nonetheless, she sexy! XD
Interesting twist to hear that the vampires they fought were a police hit squad as well. Nothing that won't 'bite' them in the ass later on, correct? :P
A New Horror... Part: 2
Night had begun to rise, and it was time for Kieron and Claire to wake up. They got up and showered, Claire threw… more on her clothes and Kieron began to get dressed. Claire looked over at Kieron, there was something about him that made her want to talk to him, she had heard of his story on the streets but she wanted to hear it from him. She also felt safe around him, but she has one goal. To take the throne and rule the masquerade. Kieron put on his trench coat, he then put on his white gloves, he noticed Claire staring at him.
"What's wrong?" He asked
"How do you always wear that? Does it weigh a lot?" She asked
"You get used to it, I know someone who has a bigger trench coat than me." Kieron answered
"Is it your friend from the war?" She said
Kierons face looked gloom. "Yes..."
"Oh I'm sorry, Kieron! I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." Claire said
"It's fine." Kieron said
"Would it help if… [view original content]
She strokes his face with her slender hands, her wisps of brown hair caked with layers of drying bl… moreood. They'd just finished feeding on their last snacks and now it was time to fall gently into a blissful sleep...
Derek was by no means a gentleman. He may have been, back in his day, when manners and socialism were on the rise and money was all that anyone ever cared about. Yes, the world learned it's lesson when the stock market crashed all those years ago, but history tended to repeat itself, and although he didn't forsee another crash, he knew the signs of debt and decay in a civilization. The 90's was no exception from the rule.
Masquerades were something that was hip in the Supernatural world. He liked to attend these 'balls'; they weren't precisely prim in proper like in the olden days, however. Strobe lights glittered the main dance hall, causing fits of bursting ene… [view original content]
You're right! Can't believe I haven't noticed it before, jeez. Sounds like something that would've been played in Wolfenstein: The New Order, come to think of it.
For the first time in decades, I awoke before Gertraud. I managed to fall into a slumber before she could engage in her signature pattern of snoring, loud enough to be heard in Peking or maybe even Jakarta. Because of this, I rarely have an opportunity to fully sleep a healthy amount of time.
Slowly rising, I grabbed my watch from the stool. Easing the hunter case open with as little sound as possible (A tired and cranky Gertraud makes a volcano seem like a 7-star resort). It read nine minutes past seven of the clock.
Her rhythmic breathing ceased. “Merry Christmas, Hunter.” she said voice devoid of any signs of tiredness. I was safe.
“Same to you, Traudl.”
I turned to meet Gertraud, making a beeline for her dresser. I robotically did the same to my dresser. Today, die stumpfe Klinge was closed (as if the war left any patrons to serve) so I decided to not be fussed about my attire. I donned a pair of trousers, a shirt and my leather over coat. Gertraud followed the very same philosophy and wore a mere petticoat and stockings, her hair unkempt, like mine, from sleeping. She also carried a small box the size of a cat.
“Your gift.” she mocked in a posh Prussian accent.
I searched the pockets of my coat, finding the piece of metal I desired.
“And yours.” I said, bringing out the object from my pocket. “They call this a Balisong knife.”
Traudl approached to take the knife from my hands as she passed the box to my free hand. As she inspected the device, I opened the simple box before me, finding within a set of straps and a holster for my pistol. The holster bore an eagle, embroiled in golden lace against the brown leather and carrying a capitol ‘H’. I set the box down on my dresser, pulling from it the piece of leather. As I looked over the Belt, I became more and more confused. It was shaped and sown in a way that did not permit wearing from the waist. I stood there for an amount of time before an epiphany struck me. This was meant to go over your shoulders and hold the pistol over your armpit under a coat; out of sight. I removed my coat, placing it over the dresser, before pulling the holster over my shoulders like a modern schoolbag. As I searched my top drawer for my gun, the distinct sound of swiftly clanking metal came from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to inspect the source of the sound.
Gertraud was standing still, the balisong being flung open and closed in a diverse amount of ways between her fingers. The metal seemed to float and weave in and out of her fingers with little visible effort.
“Might I ask how you can do that yet not fight off the five soldiers whom attempted to kill you when we met?” I asked, Incredulous.
“Having deft fingers is not enough to take on a group of armed and armoured men.” She deadpanned, still not taking her eyes of the knife. “Why a knife?”
“I decided to get you something that was not bread related this time.”
“Why not flowers?” she said in a forced pout.
I scoffed. “You are NOT the type for flowers, that much is evident from a mile away.”
“Very astute, Hunter.” She sounded satisfied. “Oh, and before you ask, I got you that as your hip holster is not exactly well hidden even under your coat.”
“Were did you get this in times like this?” I asked.
“I paid Tavish unearthly sums of money” she flatly replied. “A thousand Reich-marks to be precise.”
“You will deplete our savings if you keep doing this.” I sighed.
“I don’t think it CAN be depleted at such a size.” she returned, still opening and closing the knife.
I returned to searching for my Mauser. “Whatever.”
I found its wooden case beneath my suit. The case was of polished Mahogany, the Mauser brand inlaid on the lock, of which the key was situated in. I unlocked and opened the box to find within the pistol, lying on red velvet linings. The pistol was a polished and waxed blue-steel as I first got it. The sliding bolt, however, was replaced with one of silver, the back of it with a gothic ‘A.J.’ engraved. On the magazine port was gold inlay, spelling out ‘A.J.’ in the same gothic script. The grip was of Ivory from one of the German colonies in Africa, grooved with a crosshatch pattern to allow ergonomic function. I placed the gun in my new holster before turning to find Gertraud gone. She had most likely gone down stairs to prepare bread for us both I deduced. After all, it was standard routine. I grabbed my coat and went to meet her, still pulling on the heavy leather coat when I reached the stairs. She was sitting at the table, bread set out across the table for us to eat.
I was impressed. “You did this quite swiftly.”
She smiled. “You were too busy admiring your pistol.”
I sat next to her. “Ah, yet ‘tis a firearm of much beauty, no?”
“More beautiful than I?” she growled, a false death-scowl on her face. She was playing; I could tell from the amount of visible tension in her face muscles. I simply responded by pecking her lips with a brief kiss.
“I take that as a yes. You prefer a pistol over women.” she joked.
“Hmmm, something that MIGHT kill me or something that WILL kill me? What should I choose?” I joked in return. This was met with a playful shove to which I gave a small laugh
”So, do you like your present?” It was an obvious question, yes. But I decided to initiate some small talk to fill in time.
“Why, yes!” she exclaimed, flicked her wrist above the table. Out of it came the balisong, which she swiftly began opening and closing again. “What of your gift?” she asked, still using the knife.
“It is more comfortable.” I said.
“And incognito.” she added.
“That too. Yes, I like it.”
I reached into my coat, retrieving the weapon and drawing it before my face.
“But....” I continued. “It will not be easy to access with the coat buttoned up”
“It is but one drawback.” She said in its defence.
“I still like it, though. Good choice.”
I felt puckered lips meet my cheek. “You are welcome”
For the next few hours, we sat there. We would engage in conversations over politics, the war, bread and, occasionally, the merits of fashion. Plate by plate, the bread disappeared. Hour by hour, we sunk deeper into the wine. It was not until the sunset had approached that we finally thought to clean up. It was a messy process on account of our drunkenness. The cleaning took a full half-hour before we were done.
We slowly made our way up the steps to the hallway, careful not to trip. Upon reaching the top, I saw that in spite of our condition, Gertraud had made it to the end of the hall already, clumsily working the lock on the door. She managed to open the door as I met the half-way point of the hallway, nearly collapsing as she pushed the multi-century old door open. She did, however collapse on the bed upon reaching it, still in her daywear. I followed by example. We entered a slumber within a matter of seconds.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Sorry for my lateness on this chapter. I am having re-occurring issues on this side so I am not always going to be on this forum or have time to write for that matter.
It should also be worth mentioning that today is ANZAC day. ANZAC day commemorates the landings on the Gallipoli Peninsula conducted by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps during WWI. Today is particular as it is the 100th anniversary. I started a thread in the general discussion section in commemoration of this. It is also not purely for AUS/NZ. Anyone can post.
You're right! Can't believe I haven't noticed it before, jeez. Sounds like something that would've been played in Wolfenstein: The New Order, come to think of it.
Chapter 17: Weihnachten. 25TH of December, 1915.
For the first time in decades, I awoke before Gertraud. I managed to fall into a slumber… more before she could engage in her signature pattern of snoring, loud enough to be heard in Peking or maybe even Jakarta. Because of this, I rarely have an opportunity to fully sleep a healthy amount of time.
Slowly rising, I grabbed my watch from the stool. Easing the hunter case open with as little sound as possible (A tired and cranky Gertraud makes a volcano seem like a 7-star resort). It read nine minutes past seven of the clock.
Her rhythmic breathing ceased. “Merry Christmas, Hunter.” she said voice devoid of any signs of tiredness. I was safe.
“Same to you, Traudl.”
I turned to meet Gertraud, making a beeline for her dresser. I robotically did the same to my dresser. Today, die stumpfe Klinge was closed (as if the war left any patrons to serve) so I decided to not be fussed about my atti… [view original content]
Brandy is indeed a clever young woman and I'm glad you all have taken notice of that.
Those Bikers will be back and ready to 'teach' this fine young Vampire a lesson. But she'll be ready. Poor Jack MAY he involved with this plan she'll have for whomever dares step before her. :P Jack does not mind, for he's hoping for a little something in the end. XD
Clever girl... is all I can describe Brandy with at the moment. Hell, even the dark meat and gravy comment towards the biker was hilariously… more clever too!
Possible sexual innuendos aside - the bikers that she 'killed'? I bet more of them are going to come looking for her eventually, nothing Brandy can't handle however, if such a consequence were to happen. Maybe she can use Jack as a distraction, come to think of it. XD
Judging from the last comment, I'm assuming she's bisexual at times?
I'm really digging that name.Derek Sharp. Just thought I'd let you know that. XD It seems to fit perfectly with this tle; the description of the club and Derek's encounter with Jocelyn was painted beautifully on screen and in my head. I enjoyed his little flashbacks and how things 'use' t work before the go-go feeling of the 90's.
So, Jocelyn WAS mundy but was changed into a Werewolf? Hmm, that will be interesting to see, due to him being a Vampire and all. Also, Magnus! >:D #Team Magnus Huh....have you used him before? Magnus sounds awfully familiar, now that I see his name and do the whole # thing. XD Either way, I know he's an ass but you can't but love the bad guys sometimes. :P Also, the Ghouls have got to be the best thing, too!
The ending was heartbreaking and I look forward to more!
She strokes his face with her slender hands, her wisps of brown hair caked with layers of drying bl… moreood. They'd just finished feeding on their last snacks and now it was time to fall gently into a blissful sleep...
Derek was by no means a gentleman. He may have been, back in his day, when manners and socialism were on the rise and money was all that anyone ever cared about. Yes, the world learned it's lesson when the stock market crashed all those years ago, but history tended to repeat itself, and although he didn't forsee another crash, he knew the signs of debt and decay in a civilization. The 90's was no exception from the rule.
Masquerades were something that was hip in the Supernatural world. He liked to attend these 'balls'; they weren't precisely prim in proper like in the olden days, however. Strobe lights glittered the main dance hall, causing fits of bursting ene… [view original content]
When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine.”
"Cool." Liam holds up the sword. "I didn't know I could do THIS cool power."
Behind him, an army of trees. Several Bears, Hawks, Gophers, Deer and other creatures stood back and waited. Seraphina pats the horse on the nose. Flames burst from his nostrils and a high pitched neigh errupts from his throat.
"Think your power is like mommy's bow and arrow." Seraphia plucks a flower and gives it to the beast. "This only happens when you feel threatned."
"That is kind of how this works." Nick, back in his body, enters the conversation. "Your brother is experiencing something so little get a chance to see for themselves. He is in control of any living soul you see out there but choose wisely, Liam. This sword has been held by so few men, yet the power bestowed upon them caused many to lose sight of what was REALLY important to them."
"I will, sir." Liam again swings the sword. "I promise, I-"
A piercing, yellow light shines through Nick, entraping the Fable in a glass box. Holding the item is Carla; she hands Nick over to Hecate, who turns the man into a Vulture. Picking at the dried bones and bits of meat, he shrieks one last time before hopping along the grass and morning dew. The quads carefully walk back, all prepared to fight.
"AW how precious are YOU four!" Carla tries to grab Chloe. "My my, how you four have just become a pain in my ass, yes you have!"
"Back off, Carla!" Thorns petrude through the ground and circle the woman. "I promise you this much, your ending will not be a quick one. We have heard of you and although you may still consider yourself family, I assure you are far from it. My siblings and I shall pick you one by one
until there is nothing left. Our parents will smit thee back into the ground and darkness of hell were my sisters will tormente you day and night and my brother's sword shall penetrate the very small shred of sanity you have within yourself."
Carla claps. "Wow. Well DONE, miss Seraphina. You've learned so much, my dear. Too bad you'll never live long enough to put those into-"
The ground begins to shake; Liam's army of animals split into two seperate sides and allows several carniverous plants trail through and stand behind Seraphina. Riding the back of an enormous Flytrap is Sunflower; he weilds a large dagger, points it at Carla and shrieks. The Flytrap lifts the mighty roots and vines it used for the feet and charges at Carla. The other plants and animals follow; riding the back of a massive black Deer, Liam's sword charges to a white glow and he sends a piercing line towards Carla. The woman, however, continues to smile and not move an inch.
Nick, still picking at the bones, turns his head to witness the children partake in the mini battle with Carla. Several animals burst into dusty clouds as Carla swings her hand around and casts dark magic onto the creatures. The plants take several more steps before blowing away in the wind, catching fire and leaving tiny bits of debris along the beaten path. Panting, Seraphina and Liam glare over at Carla. Cackling, she opens her palms and prepares to turn the children into piles of ash.
"Ah, quite powerful you little monsters have become but always remember one thing-your grandmother is DEAD for a fucking reason and I hope she has plenty of candy because you four are about to meet her!"
Before Carla could release the spell, an arrow penetrates her shoulder and another lodges into her neck. Hecate immediatly pulls out the object just as Emily emerges from the shadows. Emily prepares another arrow, pulling the string back and aiming it at Carla's neck.
"Get the fook away from my babies, ya' bloody cunt..."
Carla snickers, walking towards Emily. "My my, Emily. Such foul language for a woman of your class. Although, I'm not surprised-your father was always trash and you know what they say when you leave trash laying around for too long-"
Another arrow is sent, nearly missing Carla's throat. It lands on the ground. "NEXT time, ya' bitch....I WON'T miss. That was ya' fookin warnin'. NOW-step away from my children!"
"You are indeed pathetic, Emily. THIS right here-THIS, is what it takes for me to take that away from you? So be it. You never should have received that bow. That was supposed to be MY bow! Instead, that fucking pathetic excuse of a man gave it to you and-"
Another arrow peels past the others and into Carla's palm. The woman shrills in agony, running away from Emily and attempting to pull the object out. It sears her skin and burns away the tissue. The rotting smell of burned flesh fills Emily's nose and triggers more within. Leaping into the blood morning sky, Emily lands in front of an injured Carla, still trying to avoid another arrow.
"You fucking bitch!" Carla hisses, holding up her hand. "You're going to PAY for making me bleed, you wretched Cow!"
Emily, motioning with her fingers, smiles. "Come at me, ya' fookin' bitch."
Opening her palms, clouds of purple and black circle Carla's plams and fingers. She sends several waves at Emily but the moment the spells touched the air, many vines, trees and roots were there to sheild the threat. The leaves crumbled along the spell but allowed Emily chances to send the arrows in Carla's direction. Several more fly into Carla's body. Panicing, Carla jumps out of the way just as a vine sweeps across the ground, hoping to grasp her. Gren, not too far, sees Carla making a dashing escape to avoid Emily.
Before he could charge in her direction, several more of the shadow soilders tackle, climb and try to pin the beast down. Growling and roaring, Gren lifts up and tears the soilders off. The mirrors surrounding the Fable begin to shake and glow. Junior continues to throw shards of glass;
hissing, he looks around at the battle, smiles and points a bloody claw in Gren's direction.
Without a single word, a wave of shadows rises from the darkness, circles the soilders and takes them down. Each of Junior's minons took to a soul, ripped them away and devoured them in darkness and vile thoughts. Lifting his mighty head, Gren nods to Junior and runs after Carla. He could sense Emily and the pair were not too far behind. Running, Gren takes notice of Viviana, now as a Cerberus and fighting alongside Chloe and Georgie. Tiny shadow minions summoned by Chloe and Georgie took control of the spirits Carla called to the surface. Gren finds Carla and Emily along a cliff....
Emily did not have to think through. The sound of breaking twigs, growling and the apperance of Robert made her pause. Carla was laughing but for those mere moments, Emily did not take notice. Carla plants herself on Robert's shoulders, kicks her legs playfully and speaks.
"What ever is the matter, Emily? You act like you've never seen a male Grendel in heat before...I'm SURE Gren looked like this but then again, it never worked for me, so....have at it, Robert. She's fair game, now!"
Slapping the back of his head, Carla jumps down, lands on the ground and watches Robert run full speed towards Emily. He was grunting, foaming at the mouth and determined to mount her. Emily could sense the power heading in her direction; she had heard Gren tell stories of the 'mating' season and the faculty these beasts carried inside. Scanning her body up and down. Robert licks his lips and sends three clawed fingers into the ground.
Kicking up shrubs and dirt, Emily jumps into a nearby tree; she swings over the trunk, lands on a thick branch and aims her arrow at Robert. Although he was trying to have his way, Emily knew in her spirit this was not the Robert she'd grown to love. Even as she stared deep into the milky texture, there was no fear. No doubt.
"EMILY!" Gren jumps over a large boulder. "EMILY! Where are you!?"
"Gren!" Emily pulls the arrow back and watches it enter Robert's arm. "I'm comin' love! Hold on!"
Carla continues to laugh. For awhile, the world seemed to stop; Emily takes off into the air and avoids another swing from Robert's massive arms. All the spikes were pertruding through his flesh and shining in the sun like a brand new penny. Tumbling into the dirt, Emily could hear his heavy breathing and lustful grunts. Even though Grendels were enormous beasts, they were quick on their feet. Emily did not stand a chance, especially one blinded by a single action on his mind.
Fingers like Snakes, Emily grabs the nearest branch but could feel the mighty grasp of Robert on her leg. He began pulling; teeth gleaming, drool dripping from his lips and the warmth escaping from his sudden erection. Placing himself between her legs, Robert pins Emily's arms back into the dirt.
"Robert, stop!" Emily glares into his eyes. "LOOK at me, Robert! Fight it! Fight her! You don't DO this!"
Robert shakes his head. Emily's voice and pleas seemed to have triggered something. "Emily..."
"That's right, Robert." Emily beams. "Just...slowly back up and listen ta' me. Ya' don't have ta' do this, alright?"
Gren clears a section and watches as his brother lifts up from Emily and continues to grunt in agony. Emily holds out her hand.
"WAIT, Gren! Just-"
Gren looks at Emily and notices the torn frabric. "You...fucking....ASSHOLE!" Gren crashes into Robert's chest. "YOU MONSTER!"
The brothers make their way to the cliff. Beyond the fields, the battle continued. Georgie, Hades, Viviana and Chloe fought a large section of demons. Junior duels with the shadows and the screams causing his mind to fog and become a blur. Vivian and Nick, blowing against the wind and evil, send majestic arrows and light into the darkness, causing them to scream and vanquish. Gren peers over; his children and family were all in danger and before he could speak, Robert slams his knuckles into Gren's spine and presses his brother into the ground.
"I SHOULD have been Alpha, you miserable fuck!" Robert kicks Gren in the stomach, causing Gren to cough violently. "YOU were never meant to take dad's place...he felt sympathy for the weakest boy. He-"
Gren, against the blinding pain, plows into Robert, knocking the beast into the mud. Screaming, Gren claws at Robert's face and neck. Blood pours from the gaping wounds, causing the rage filled lust inside of Robert's mind to flare. Grumbling, Robert peers into Gren's eyes. A flash of light and suddenly, Robert was back in the Homelands.
For a transient moment, Robert was home. He was in the glades, watching his brothers swim, splash and play in the thick grass. His father, mighty and proud, observed his five sons playing. Calla, hair golden like the sun, sat along the banks. Robert's eyes immediatly filled with tears. Calla, beaming with delight, holds out her arms.
"My Robert." Her voice sent chills along his spine. "Come, my big boy. Play in the water with the others..."
Robert could recall being close to Gren and looking after his younger brother. Being the runt, Grendel was often left behind and never allowed to participate in any games. Their brother, Jason, was the worst one and always had a negative comment to speak of. Robert saw his younger self lift Gren up, carry him to the boulder and allow his youngest brother to play. Smiling...always smiling.
Calla's voice once more; it seemed to pierce through the hold Carla had on his mind and soul. She knew her oldest son was faithful and wanted to aide his brother in the war. He never wanted to hurt either him or Emily. Robert was loyal to Grendel. Even in their darkest hours, the brothers were always as one.
"Robert. My sweet, genrerous Robert. It's not too late, baby. in the water with Gren..."
"WHAT are you doing to me!?" Gren stood back, horrifid with his brother's sudden outbursts. "STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!"
Calla grabs Robert's face and holds against her own. "Come, my baby boy. Play in the water with the others...protect Gren. He needs his big brother...."
Carla, sitting nearby, was curious as to why Gren's head was not rolling as a bloody ball along the grass. "WHAT are you waiting for, Robert!? KILL him! Kill-"
Emily slaps Carla, knocking the woman into the dirt. Looking up, Carla detects the change in the wind. The battle. Emily's wardrobe becomes vines, Ivy plants and thorns. They entwine along her torso, arms, legs, breasts and neck. Eyes a solid black, Emily tilts her head back and soon, a massive Horse made entirely of vines positions between her legs, neighs and paws at the dirt. A swirl of light and wind creates several Rose bushes, mighty trees, and rows of Calla Lilies.
The white flowers tremble with each step the Horse makes. It leaves a trail of grass and Tulips. Pointing the arrows, Emily speaks.
"Ya' have crossed the line, Carla. Ya' hurt my family, threaten my children and now....ya' be usin' Gren's brotha' ta' ya' own advantage. Now...this is between ya' and me, bitch. NO one else...."
Four balls of light appear beside Emily. They fly around for some time before each take a host: one enters the body of a Deer, another into a black Wolf; the third finds a large, massive Crow and the final into a nearby Weeping willow.
"You want to fight, Emily. So be it...I'll SHOW you power!"
Up the hill, Emily chases after Carla. Before Gren could follow, Robert jumps before his brother.
"We're not THROUGH yet, Grendel...."
Any questions, you know the drill. Rain....we have rain! I love waking up to that sound. Forgot where I was this morning, to be honest. XD I love this place already. More unpacking, then heading into town later. Might do a bit more of the challenge if I have time.
Man, Kieron! Not too long ago you were battling all that in Wonderland and now, here you are with Claire and her plans for yu and this 'blood play' action in the bedroom! XD Sweet....
All in all, Kieron deserves to have this moment to shine and try to live a 'normal' life with Claire. I do, however, enjoy her sexy, seductive moments. I love the details you are using for this story; something from describing the 6 daggers, to Kieron watching claire. Hell, even the first paragraph was executed with some fine detail.
A New Horror... Part: 2
Night had begun to rise, and it was time for Kieron and Claire to wake up. They got up and showered, Claire threw… more on her clothes and Kieron began to get dressed. Claire looked over at Kieron, there was something about him that made her want to talk to him, she had heard of his story on the streets but she wanted to hear it from him. She also felt safe around him, but she has one goal. To take the throne and rule the masquerade. Kieron put on his trench coat, he then put on his white gloves, he noticed Claire staring at him.
"What's wrong?" He asked
"How do you always wear that? Does it weigh a lot?" She asked
"You get used to it, I know someone who has a bigger trench coat than me." Kieron answered
"Is it your friend from the war?" She said
Kierons face looked gloom. "Yes..."
"Oh I'm sorry, Kieron! I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." Claire said
"It's fine." Kieron said
"Would it help if… [view original content]
I forgot to mention this in the story but his Job while he lives in Fabletown was an army general for hire, this is one of the reason Claire has taken interest in him.
I've only caught rare glimpses when my mother and sister watched it. Sometimes you've gotta go sonic fast! XD
So Kieron is now part of an anarchistic rebellion? Me gusta.I like the direction this is taking already.
the seduction was much swifter t… morehan I am used to in other stories of this nature (Then again, I rarely read/watch Vampire stories. What do I know? XD)
This first chapter has me hooked. I look forward to more.
Oh yes! But things will slow down at some point As to assassinate the prince of the masquerade takes a lot of time and effort. Love seems to have really sparked between those two, but Kieron is known for disaster Glad you like her character!
Oh no of course not! XD The prince will send more strength next time
All of this is escalating so quickly! First date and everything! A part of me feels like Claire has bigger 'plans' for Kieron. Nonetheless, … moreshe sexy! XD
Interesting twist to hear that the vampires they fought were a police hit squad as well. Nothing that won't 'bite' them in the ass later on, correct? :P
He certainly has moved up the ladder quickly hasn't he? XD
I think so as well as I've put him through too much...for now Thanks Pie! I've been trying to use more details but also keep dialogue since that is probably my favorite part of writing
Man, Kieron! Not too long ago you were battling all that in Wonderland and now, here you are with Claire and her plans for yu and this 'bloo… mored play' action in the bedroom! XD Sweet....
All in all, Kieron deserves to have this moment to shine and try to live a 'normal' life with Claire. I do, however, enjoy her sexy, seductive moments. I love the details you are using for this story; something from describing the 6 daggers, to Kieron watching claire. Hell, even the first paragraph was executed with some fine detail.
Look forward to more, my good man:)
Oh man thigs are really heating up now! Carla is so awesomely evil but she needs to go, in a mortal kombat X fatality esque way XD. Go Liam and Seraphina! Go help your mother be an absolute badass!
I hope Robert snaps out of it soon, I hate seeing him fight Gren
Sorry I didn't write on the other ones but they and along with this one of course was fantastic as always!
When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it ha… mored a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine.”
"Cool." Liam holds up the sword. "I didn't know I could do THIS cool power."
Behind him, an army of trees. Several Bears, Hawks, Gophers, Deer and other creatures stood back and waited. Seraphina pats the horse on the nose. Flames burst from his nostrils and a high pitched neigh errupts from his throat.
"Think your power is like mommy's bow and arrow." Seraphia plucks a flower and gives it to the beast. "This only happens when you feel threatned."
"That is kind of how this works." Nick, back in his body, enters the conversation. "Your brother is experiencing som… [view original content]
Oh yes! But things will slow down at some point As to assassinate the prince of the masquerade takes a lot of time and effort. Love seems t… moreo have really sparked between those two, but Kieron is known for disaster Glad you like her character!
Oh no of course not! XD The prince will send more strength next time
Man, Kieron! Not too long ago you were battling all that in Wonderland and now, here you are with Claire and her plans for yu and this 'bloo… mored play' action in the bedroom! XD Sweet....
All in all, Kieron deserves to have this moment to shine and try to live a 'normal' life with Claire. I do, however, enjoy her sexy, seductive moments. I love the details you are using for this story; something from describing the 6 daggers, to Kieron watching claire. Hell, even the first paragraph was executed with some fine detail.
Look forward to more, my good man:)
Brandy is indeed a clever young woman and I'm glad you all have taken notice of that.
Those Bikers will be back and ready to 'teach' thi… mores fine young Vampire a lesson. But she'll be ready. Poor Jack MAY he involved with this plan she'll have for whomever dares step before her. :P Jack does not mind, for he's hoping for a little something in the end. XD
And yes, Brandy is bisexual.
Think you'll be good, so long as you don't make any 'smart' remarks. If it DOES come back, hopefully you'll have cheap Beer and cheese sticks with you. XD Oh-and watch for her cigarettes. Hear those things are something but you know Jack and his 'wild' stories. XD
Nice to see someone who enjoys the best of both worlds, eh? Me likey.
Btw, I saw a rabbit when I was walking to my car from college last night. Could've sworn it was Brandy stalking me. XD
Agree 100%, my good man.
Think you'll be good, so long as you don't make any 'smart' remarks. If it DOES come back, hopefully you'll hav… moree cheap Beer and cheese sticks with you. XD Oh-and watch for her cigarettes. Hear those things are something but you know Jack and his 'wild' stories. XD
Sibling power! Carla is an evil bitch; I'd hate to think of what will come of her but she's had her fun and hopefully, she'll receive the mortal kombat treatment. >:D
Oh Robert....I hop so, too. He's so torn but he loves his brother.
NP, my good man. We've all been busy and this challenge has taken us all by the hand and we're not looking back. lol
Oh man thigs are really heating up now! Carla is so awesomely evil but she needs to go, in a mortal kombat X fatality esque way XD. Go Liam … moreand Seraphina! Go help your mother be an absolute badass!
I hope Robert snaps out of it soon, I hate seeing him fight Gren
Sorry I didn't write on the other ones but they and along with this one of course was fantastic as always!
Yeah you can tell we needed to have a little fun! XD He's a character, my brother.
Brandy is indeed a total kick-ass chick with her deadly cigarettes. Basically, the tobacco inside her cigarettes are laced with a very powerful chemical related to Phenol but 10x's more powerful; easily burns your skin, eyes, affects the respiratory tract and is highly toxic. Vampires, especially the females, use it to create nerve deadning agents if they feel like they're in danger. I'll explain more, for you know Jack...always has to ask until he gets what he wants. lol
TBH, I hate Jack but he seems like a VERY annoying little brother sidekick deal for Brandy.
Awesome, man! Glad ya' like it so far.
Thanks! It's been bottled up for a little while and rolling around in my head itching to get out. Glad you liked it!
Videogames are the best way to get your mind off of taxing school work and other such life stresses. But glad your still on top of homework and studying too!
Nice! Mine was average, as I said above.
Thanks! Magnus is supposed to give that sort of feeling, like he might seem totally normal but inside, he's more complicated and dark. Derek's going to be one of the main characters, he's supposed to be really chill and cool.
The only one so far that has already existed was Magnus, but you weren't on the forum when I wrote about him. He's Franklin's father, he ended up going a little crazy toward the end of his life, and got mixed into business that essentially got him killed (by his own son, no less.) Franklin did love his father, but knew it was the only thing he could do. Franklin, by the way, is only half-Vampire, so he can actually go in the sunlight but he still has powers and tendencies of vampires, and he can also eat people food if he wanted or live on blood. He chooses people food, for the sake of his friends and family
He's envied by full-vamps because he has more leniency on stuff they can't tolerate (sunlight, food, etc.) so yeah.
Sweet! Moving boxes SUCKS ASS. At least you got it done
I'm sure the weather is beautiful in sunny freakin' California; We're lucky it's at least not 30 degrees each morning anymore in NJ XD Today was really chilly, in the 50's AND windy AND cloudy, so it FELT like 30, lol.
I was nonexistent XD I was born in '97, so technically though, I'm still a 90's kid at heart. Glad you liked the chapter so much and the way I wrote it!
Derek indeed knows her, and she knows him. More will be explained as time goes on. He paid the money because he loved her and just wanted to get her back; How it got that way, you'll also find out through the course of the story.
Feeling definitely better, I'll tell you that much.
Neutral eh, verywell. I await his character development and remiander of your story
Can't get any more 'Murican than this, though.
OMG! Where the hell was I when you two knuckle heads decided to take this!? You're brother is so hot!
Sorry, pie but he is! Those boxers, though! 0.o lol
Anyways, I loved this. Brandy is becoming a woman I'd never want to cross paths with! That moment with the Bikers was well done, as was the interaction she had with the drunk girls. XD I love Jack in this! You're doing well with him and i loved that little wink to Georgie and his connection with Lyla.
Also, that ending! I can't wait to see where this goes! Great work so far!
She strokes his face with her slender hands, her wisps of brown hair caked with layers of drying blood. They'd just finished feeding on their last snacks and now it was time to fall gently into a blissful sleep...
Derek was by no means a gentleman. He may have been, back in his day, when manners and socialism were on the rise and money was all that anyone ever cared about. Yes, the world learned it's lesson when the stock market crashed all those years ago, but history tended to repeat itself, and although he didn't forsee another crash, he knew the signs of debt and decay in a civilization. The 90's was no exception from the rule.
Masquerades were something that was hip in the Supernatural world. He liked to attend these 'balls'; they weren't precisely prim in proper like in the olden days, however. Strobe lights glittered the main dance hall, causing fits of bursting energy in all the young (and young at heart) who attended. He himself had adorned a sparkling blue colored mask, one that shined even in dim moonlight, which he'd spied on his way to the party. He was never one to dress up especially for these things, so the mask was really something new to him. For one, it limited his peripheral vision, which really bothered him. But, today of all days, he was determined to act his part, and so the mask stayed on, and he had to blink a little more often than usual as the lights messed with him. He loved this shit.
Vampires, Warlocks, Witches, Faeries, Werewolves; Just about anything you could think of would be plastered in this type of setting. Music ranging from Green Day to the Eurythmics blasted through giant ass speakers set up on a stage full of drunken bastards who thought they owned the place. But these were not what caught Derek's eyes.
It was the young woman, sitting up on the balconies and dangling precariously on it's edge that alarmed him.
"Am I seeing what you're seeing?" A familiar voice sounded in his ears. Despite the volume that the darkened room contained, he could still hear even the faintest whisper as long as it was in a 3 meter radius of his body. He looked up and spotted his good friend, Alistair.
"She's obviously drunk, or high, or both," Derek said with mild concern. "We should go up and make sure she doesn't fall."
"Leave her be," Alistair said. He slurred a bit at the end; He must have been drunk as well. "She's just a mundy. She won't be missed for more than a few years when she goes."
Wasn't that their mindset though? It bothered Derek to hear those words come from such a loyal comrade, but the truth of the matter was that Alistair was right. Who would miss such a low-life person? Someone who goes to raves and pretends like the world doesn't exist when they're hooked to a needle or snuffing the wacky dust?
Still, his heart felt like it was hanging low as he watched her. She'd at least steadied herself, but there was still that immanent danger that she could topple any moment.
"You should get a drink with-" But before Alistair could finish his sentence, Derek was already climbing the stairs to the second floor.
The building used to be an opera house in the thirties; It went out of business fairly quick, because during the Depression, no one could afford to go see someone sing unintelligible loud viking songs or whatever they were. Derek had never been interested in operas in the first place, and knew very little about them, other than rich people seemed to flock to the most boring displays of entertainment. At the top of the steps, he had to avoid a group of younger occults getting ready to mattress slide down the steps. He jumped out of their way - It was a wolfling boy and his faerie companion - just before almost falling down with them. He tossed some red curtains aside and made it to the main balcony. And there she was. Her red hair glowered under the low lights of the second floor. The balcony wasn't as affected by the strobe and glowsticks and glitter. It actually felt quiet peaceful to be up there. Above his head was ceiling windows, and through the panes he could see the moon, a perfect rounded crescent. Had he not been here, he might have been on the roof of his brooklyn apartment, dreaming about the future and what it could hold for him. Dreaming about what could be, and what would be.
"Excuse me," He went the mildly polite route. "I couldn't help but lonely you looked up here."
She didn't move, and it was in that moment that he realized she probably didn't hear him. Derek had a tendencies to forget the limited abilities mundane people possess. He moved to tap her shoulder...
And in the same moment, she'd craned her head, screamed at his presence, and lost her balance. She slipped off of the balcony's ledge.
Derek would be lying if he said his reflexes weren't up to par. His hand had reach for the first thing he saw; A glimmering gold necklace with a white opal around her neck. He grabbed it with his hands, and for a few seconds, she was motionless. Then the chain snapped. Again, his hands reached out and his movements were quick; precise. He grabbed one of her arms, and now she was dangling helplessly, her screams barely penetrating the sea of sound and movement just under her heels.
"H-help me!" She shouted up at him. "Pull me up, please!"
What did it look like he was doing? Ignoring her mundane qualities, he took his other hand and enforced the grip he had on her. Slowly but surely, he lifted her up past the railing, over it and on to the tiled floor. The both of them fell together when she was over, and he could feel every single thump of her heartbeat against his own chest as if it were his own heart beating. That was a feeling he'd come to miss since he was changed.
She rolled off of him as soon as she realized the situation she was in. Derek sat up and crossed his legs, watched as her chest rose with air rapidly. Her red curling hair was sprawled all over the white glittered floor, and he noticed then just how beautiful she really was.
He also noticed the lack of alcohol on her breath. So she hadn't been drunk, and he also doubted she'd drugged up at any point that night. She was far too coherent to be. Far too afraid of her life.
"Are you alright?" He said, a little bit louder, but still quiet enough so that it was only them in this conversation. "You took a bit of a dive there. You were lucky I was around to catch you."
She chuckled, an unpredictable turn of events.
"Yes, but if you hadn't come up in the first place, I suppose I wouldn't have been scared, nor would I have fallen from the balcony's edge."
She spoke with such firmness. Such formality. He secretly wondered where she learned to talk like that, and it must have shown on his bewildered face.
"I'm joking, you know. Yeah, you saved me man. My name's Jocelyn Parks."
"Derek Sharp."
"Pleased to meet you," She said. She was still somewhat catching her breath, and now she was sitting up, and together they faced each other on the sparkling floor.
There was a spark. A flash, a lurch in Derek's heart. He felt for her. He felt something he hadn't felt in many, many years. Not since he'd laid his eyes on his first love, back when he'd still been human. Back before he'd lost her, and then lost all hope in finding another.
And now she was trying to claw his eyes out. Derek lifted his arms up and blocked his face, feeling her sharp nails dig deep into his skin. At least his skin healed quickly, for the effects of his immortality was stitching the skin back together almost quicker than she was making the wounds.
"This is your fault!" She shouted. "All your fault. It's your- It's your-" She seemed to be out of words to say. He was on the ground now, just taking the beating. He would never fight her back. If this was the end of him, so be it. He loved her far too much to ever hurt her.
But did he hurt her anyway? Did he hurt her by letting her get mixed up in this mess they were in? Was it really his fault that she'd been taken from him? Was it his fault that whatever they did to her, whatever reason she was going ballistic on him, he deserved it?
He grabbed her wrists but she still kicked at him on the ground with as much strength as she could. Immediately, he sensed something wrong in her.
"What have you done to her," He shouted, angrily. He craned his neck as he laid in pools of his own blood mixed with gunk and whatever else that caked the floor. He saw Magnus out of the corner of his eye, thankful that this wasn't the masquerade night, that he was able to see all things as clear as the light of day. Magnus was walking away, as was his minions. Ghouls, they were. He recognized them by their jerking movements. They were never as human like as the rest of them.
"Don't you dare walk from me! Magnus! MAGNUS!" The sound of the metal front doors slammed shut. Derek cried out with frustration and released his grip. Let her devour him as he seethed with irritation.
She only continued her attack for a solid ten seconds before she let up on him. Maybe it was all a joke? A facade. Slowly, Derek opened his eyes, and she was off of him, standing in the center of the room, pacing and hugging her arms around her self and talking to herself in a hushed, crazed voice. Her hair was frayed and she looked shaken and nervous, and Derek had no idea what to take from this all.
"Jocelyn," His voice came out cracked; He'd damaged his vocal chords from just shouting Magnus's name.
He stood, easier than he should have, had he been mortal. He approached her slowly, heard her muffled cries. "Jocelyn-"
"DON'T!" She said as his hand reached out to her. "Don't - Touch me.." She was full force sobbing now. "Don't touch me....I'm....I'm a monster."
"No, Jocelyn. You're not a monster. You could never BE a monster-"
"BUT I FUCKING AM!" She shouted. The entire room echoed with her voice and sent tremors through Derek's body. He was frozen. Completely frozen.
She wiped her eyes and looked up into his. They were still the same shade of aqua blue as the first day Derek had met her. Her hair still contained the same shining curls of red that he'd grown to love over the past short months. She was the same. She was no monster.
"I was changed," Her voice was hushed now, so low that only Derek could hear her. He leaned in for effect, making her feel as if the words truly were just for him to hear. "They changed me, Derek. I'm a monster. I'm- I'm..."
He was so close that his face was almost touching hers. His nostrils grew wide at her scent. It was the same, except something was different. She was right. They HAD changed her.
She was a werewolf now.
DUN DUN DUN! CHAPTER ONE IS DONE AND IN THE TUB (not really, the tub would ruin the pages.) Hope you guys enjoyed, this is super late because I have to go to bed lol XD Have to wake early tomorrow and do a Beach Cleanup or something like that. Sort of not looking forward to getting up early on a Saturday XD Yep. Goodnight, and sweet dreams, my internet friends!
You really can't! That's like, if you could choose one picture (er, gif?) to describe the country, this does the job perfectly XD
A New Horror... Part: 2
Night had begun to rise, and it was time for Kieron and Claire to wake up. They got up and showered, Claire threw on her clothes and Kieron began to get dressed. Claire looked over at Kieron, there was something about him that made her want to talk to him, she had heard of his story on the streets but she wanted to hear it from him. She also felt safe around him, but she has one goal. To take the throne and rule the masquerade. Kieron put on his trench coat, he then put on his white gloves, he noticed Claire staring at him.
"What's wrong?" He asked
"How do you always wear that? Does it weigh a lot?" She asked
"You get used to it, I know someone who has a bigger trench coat than me." Kieron answered
"Is it your friend from the war?" She said
Kierons face looked gloom. "Yes..."
"Oh I'm sorry, Kieron! I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." Claire said
"It's fine." Kieron said
"Would it help if I told you what happened to me?" She said
"No, its alright." He said
Claire felt bad, but she didn't want to push him. She needed his help. "Shall we get going then?" She said trying to lighten the mood.
Kieron nodded and they went to spend the night on the town to the anarchists hideout, so she could fill him in on the plan. The two didn't talk much on the way there, Claire felt awkward since she brought up Kierons past and Kieron didn't know how to properly start a conversation. She bumped Kieron. She smiled.
"You know I liked it better when you smile. It's a soothing smile." She said
"Sorry how about this?" He said giving his best smile, but it looked goofy since it was forced. Claire began to laugh
"Now that one looks stupid!" She laughed.
Kieron laughed "I'll be sure to keep that in mind if you need a boost." He said
The two then started to have a good time until a group of vampires walked up.
"The Prince don't like what ya up to, and he hired us ta put you down." One said
Kieron then became serious, he tightened his gloves. He began to analyze his enemies. It was seven on two, three held pocket knives, two held shotguns, and the other two held sub machine guns. Kieron was about to take action when he noticed Claires crimson red eyes beamed red, he looked back over to the hit squad he saw that one began to puff up like a balloon, and then out of nowhere he exploded, while blood went flying Kieron lifted a blood wall and used the blood in the air to form blood daggers to subdue the hit squad. Bullets went flying and some went through the blood wall and struck Kieron and Claire a couple times. Six of them were pinned to the ground. Kieron went over and helped Claire get up.
"Thanks." She said
Kieron looked over. "What should we do?" He asked
"The final death of course." She smiled
The gang began to try and bargain for their lives. "Please! We won't work for the prince anymore! We'll leave! Just let us live!" One said
Claire kneeled the bullet holes on her body began to seal. "Sorry boys but Kieron here doesn't like the way you acted towards us." She said looking over at Kieron.
Kieron took blood from his own body using his enchanted gloves. He made axes out of the blood and dropped them on their necks cutting the head off of the vampires. They burnt to ash leaving only skeletons behind. Kieron looked at Claire.
"What did you do to that one vampire?" He asked
"Oh that was called blood boil. It makes them puff up and then pop! Just like a balloon! It's my favorite thing to do when fighting an enemy." She said with a grin. "And you, what was that?" She said trying to bait him into telling him his story.
"Blood Magic, I can shape and form it into weapons, and armor but...That's all." He said
"That's all? Those are some pretty great abilities." She said
"I guess so, I just wish I could do more. But even with three years of training, it's all I can do." He said
He's still living in the past, poor guy. She thought. "C'mon I'll get someone to hide the bodies. I'd imagine it's not the last time we'll see the princes lackeys." She said
At the Anarchists hideout...
Claire walked in and everybody noticed she was with a fledgling. Some took an interest to this.
"What are you doing hanging out with a low life fledgling Claire?" One said
"Fuck off butterfly." She said raising her hand.
The vampire looked away. Claire brought Kieron into their headquarters. She took out some files.
"Now if we're going to get rid of the king then we need to gather as much people as we can. Starting with the Black Hand." She said
"The Sabbat? But they're against the throne." Kieron said
"I'm...different." Claire said
This interested Kieron. "How?" He asked
"My blood is that of the antediluvians." She said
"Really? Many think they don't exist. What makes you think anyone will believe you?" Kieron said
"If I have to I'll have to rule with force and show them." She said
"I like a woman who takes action." He said
She smiled "You already know that first hand."
"So what do you want me to do?" He asked
"I want you to go with me. You're better than everyone else out there." Claire said
"Okay, when do we leave?" He said
"We start tomorrow night. Our run in with the police hit squad killed a lot of our time. Plus I want to go out." She said
"To a blood club?" Kieron asked.
"No actually, they are shooting fireworks at the docks tonight." She said "And I don't have a date..." She said looking at Kieron.
"Is that you're way of actually properly asking me out on a date instead of persuading me or say biting my neck?" Kieron said
"I could do that, half of the guys out there would die for me to do that to them." She said
Kieron laughed. "Sure, I'll go with you." He said
Claire felt weird. "Are you trying to seduce me?" She said
"I don't know you tell me." Kieron smiled
Claire was surprised this was his first day as a vampire and yet she feels like he could persuade or say anything and she'd do it. Or maybe she just had feelings for him? She shook her head. Normally she didn't harbor feelings for others, she has done that before but it didn't end well. But there was something mysterious about Kieron that pulled her in. Claire didn't take into account that she had been staring at Kieron this whole time.
"Are you okay?" Kieron asked
"Of course, I..I just need to get changed and we can get going!" She said
Kieron watched her walk away. He felt happy that someone else was talking to him, normally he wouldn't care but deep down he hated not talking to people. He stood by the door while a vampire walked by he sneered at Kieron and spat near his feet. Kieron grabbed this man by the throat and closed the office door. When Claire walked out she saw Kieron standing near the door with a skeleton near his body.
"Did he deserve it?" She asked.
"More or less." Kieron shrugged.
"Shall we go then?" She said
The two walked out into the twilight night and watched the fireworks go off. They were near the docks but out of sight. The two laughed and had a great time, Kieron was actually smiling and learning to be social again. He felt happy again, being able to have a conversation with another felt good. Kieron poured both of them a glass of blood.
"To a new Princess." Kieron smiled
"To a new Princess." Claire said.
They drank the blood and continued to talk. When people started leaving, so did they as morning was probably about to show. The two went to Kierons place once again, this time things were different. The door flung open and the two began to kiss, Claire would shove Kieron somewhere and she'd follow him with a seductive and meschievious smile. While she walked over Kieron would take off his trench coat and partly unbutton his collared shirt until Claire met him and tore it off and threw it on the ground along with the trench coat. Kieron lifted her on a table and kissed her neck. She leaned and whispered in Kierons ear.
"Bite." She said taking off her tank top.
Kieron lifted her and brought her to the bed and did as she said. It seemed like there was going to be another night of blood play between the two...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
"We're all living in Amerika, Amerika ist wunderbar. We're all living in Amerika, Amerika, Amerika. We're all living in Amerika, Coca-Cola, Wonderbra, We're all living in Amerika, Amerika, Amerika." - Rammstein, Amerika.
( For any out there reading this, if you could not tell, I am joking. XD )
So Kieron is now part of an anarchistic rebellion? Me gusta.I like the direction this is taking already.
the seduction was much swifter than I am used to in other stories of this nature (Then again, I rarely read/watch Vampire stories. What do I know? XD)
This first chapter has me hooked. I look forward to more.
And here is Australia....
........Whenever there is time off.
Fantastic song, I have to admit. XD Does he really say Coca-Cola and Wonderbra, through?
Clever girl... is all I can describe Brandy with at the moment. Hell, even the dark meat and gravy comment towards the biker was hilariously clever too!
Possible sexual innuendos aside - the bikers that she 'killed'? I bet more of them are going to come looking for her eventually, nothing Brandy can't handle however, if such a consequence were to happen. Maybe she can use Jack as a distraction, come to think of it. XD
Judging from the last comment, I'm assuming she's bisexual at times?
Ah, so the first part was just a prologue of sorts - while the true beginning was waiting to dazzle us!
I found it funny how everyone at the club ignored their little 'get-together' after they both fell off the balcony. Must've been that great of a party, huh? Regardless, the club scene has to be one of my most favorite parts I've read from you so far.
The wacky dust comment made me grin so hard, btw!
Nevertheless, JOCELYN NO!!! Screw you, Magnus! (great job with the scene, though, I wasn't expecting it at all)
I just wonder how they'll make it work? If they make it work, y'know?
It is one of my personal favourite songs
He says "Coca-Cola, Wonderbra" at roughly 2:13.
All of this is escalating so quickly! First date and everything! A part of me feels like Claire has bigger 'plans' for Kieron. Nonetheless, she sexy! XD
Interesting twist to hear that the vampires they fought were a police hit squad as well. Nothing that won't 'bite' them in the ass later on, correct? :P
Hm, I am always caught with the twists you place in your stories and chapters. I was not expecting that.
Poor Derek. His first love in god knows how long and this happens.
Do continue the twists. You proverbially nail them.
You're right! Can't believe I haven't noticed it before, jeez. Sounds like something that would've been played in Wolfenstein: The New Order, come to think of it.
Chapter 17: Weihnachten. 25TH of December, 1915.
For the first time in decades, I awoke before Gertraud. I managed to fall into a slumber before she could engage in her signature pattern of snoring, loud enough to be heard in Peking or maybe even Jakarta. Because of this, I rarely have an opportunity to fully sleep a healthy amount of time.
Slowly rising, I grabbed my watch from the stool. Easing the hunter case open with as little sound as possible (A tired and cranky Gertraud makes a volcano seem like a 7-star resort). It read nine minutes past seven of the clock.
Her rhythmic breathing ceased. “Merry Christmas, Hunter.” she said voice devoid of any signs of tiredness. I was safe.
“Same to you, Traudl.”
I turned to meet Gertraud, making a beeline for her dresser. I robotically did the same to my dresser. Today, die stumpfe Klinge was closed (as if the war left any patrons to serve) so I decided to not be fussed about my attire. I donned a pair of trousers, a shirt and my leather over coat. Gertraud followed the very same philosophy and wore a mere petticoat and stockings, her hair unkempt, like mine, from sleeping. She also carried a small box the size of a cat.
“Your gift.” she mocked in a posh Prussian accent.
I searched the pockets of my coat, finding the piece of metal I desired.
“And yours.” I said, bringing out the object from my pocket. “They call this a Balisong knife.”
Traudl approached to take the knife from my hands as she passed the box to my free hand. As she inspected the device, I opened the simple box before me, finding within a set of straps and a holster for my pistol. The holster bore an eagle, embroiled in golden lace against the brown leather and carrying a capitol ‘H’. I set the box down on my dresser, pulling from it the piece of leather. As I looked over the Belt, I became more and more confused. It was shaped and sown in a way that did not permit wearing from the waist. I stood there for an amount of time before an epiphany struck me. This was meant to go over your shoulders and hold the pistol over your armpit under a coat; out of sight. I removed my coat, placing it over the dresser, before pulling the holster over my shoulders like a modern schoolbag. As I searched my top drawer for my gun, the distinct sound of swiftly clanking metal came from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to inspect the source of the sound.
Gertraud was standing still, the balisong being flung open and closed in a diverse amount of ways between her fingers. The metal seemed to float and weave in and out of her fingers with little visible effort.
“Might I ask how you can do that yet not fight off the five soldiers whom attempted to kill you when we met?” I asked, Incredulous.
“Having deft fingers is not enough to take on a group of armed and armoured men.” She deadpanned, still not taking her eyes of the knife. “Why a knife?”
“I decided to get you something that was not bread related this time.”
“Why not flowers?” she said in a forced pout.
I scoffed. “You are NOT the type for flowers, that much is evident from a mile away.”
“Very astute, Hunter.” She sounded satisfied. “Oh, and before you ask, I got you that as your hip holster is not exactly well hidden even under your coat.”
“Were did you get this in times like this?” I asked.
“I paid Tavish unearthly sums of money” she flatly replied. “A thousand Reich-marks to be precise.”
“You will deplete our savings if you keep doing this.” I sighed.
“I don’t think it CAN be depleted at such a size.” she returned, still opening and closing the knife.
I returned to searching for my Mauser. “Whatever.”
I found its wooden case beneath my suit. The case was of polished Mahogany, the Mauser brand inlaid on the lock, of which the key was situated in. I unlocked and opened the box to find within the pistol, lying on red velvet linings. The pistol was a polished and waxed blue-steel as I first got it. The sliding bolt, however, was replaced with one of silver, the back of it with a gothic ‘A.J.’ engraved. On the magazine port was gold inlay, spelling out ‘A.J.’ in the same gothic script. The grip was of Ivory from one of the German colonies in Africa, grooved with a crosshatch pattern to allow ergonomic function. I placed the gun in my new holster before turning to find Gertraud gone. She had most likely gone down stairs to prepare bread for us both I deduced. After all, it was standard routine. I grabbed my coat and went to meet her, still pulling on the heavy leather coat when I reached the stairs. She was sitting at the table, bread set out across the table for us to eat.
I was impressed. “You did this quite swiftly.”
She smiled. “You were too busy admiring your pistol.”
I sat next to her. “Ah, yet ‘tis a firearm of much beauty, no?”
“More beautiful than I?” she growled, a false death-scowl on her face. She was playing; I could tell from the amount of visible tension in her face muscles. I simply responded by pecking her lips with a brief kiss.
“I take that as a yes. You prefer a pistol over women.” she joked.
“Hmmm, something that MIGHT kill me or something that WILL kill me? What should I choose?” I joked in return. This was met with a playful shove to which I gave a small laugh
”So, do you like your present?” It was an obvious question, yes. But I decided to initiate some small talk to fill in time.
“Why, yes!” she exclaimed, flicked her wrist above the table. Out of it came the balisong, which she swiftly began opening and closing again. “What of your gift?” she asked, still using the knife.
“It is more comfortable.” I said.
“And incognito.” she added.
“That too. Yes, I like it.”
I reached into my coat, retrieving the weapon and drawing it before my face.
“But....” I continued. “It will not be easy to access with the coat buttoned up”
“It is but one drawback.” She said in its defence.
“I still like it, though. Good choice.”
I felt puckered lips meet my cheek. “You are welcome”
For the next few hours, we sat there. We would engage in conversations over politics, the war, bread and, occasionally, the merits of fashion. Plate by plate, the bread disappeared. Hour by hour, we sunk deeper into the wine. It was not until the sunset had approached that we finally thought to clean up. It was a messy process on account of our drunkenness. The cleaning took a full half-hour before we were done.
We slowly made our way up the steps to the hallway, careful not to trip. Upon reaching the top, I saw that in spite of our condition, Gertraud had made it to the end of the hall already, clumsily working the lock on the door. She managed to open the door as I met the half-way point of the hallway, nearly collapsing as she pushed the multi-century old door open. She did, however collapse on the bed upon reaching it, still in her daywear. I followed by example. We entered a slumber within a matter of seconds.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Sorry for my lateness on this chapter. I am having re-occurring issues on this side so I am not always going to be on this forum or have time to write for that matter.
It should also be worth mentioning that today is ANZAC day. ANZAC day commemorates the landings on the Gallipoli Peninsula conducted by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps during WWI. Today is particular as it is the 100th anniversary. I started a thread in the general discussion section in commemoration of this. It is also not purely for AUS/NZ. Anyone can post.
Mond, Mond, ja, ja. Heute Gehort uns die Galaxie!
Never mind this comment. I have fixed the authors note.
Shoot, that's been me almost every time I get off of work. XD
Brandy is indeed a clever young woman and I'm glad you all have taken notice of that.
Those Bikers will be back and ready to 'teach' this fine young Vampire a lesson. But she'll be ready. Poor Jack MAY he involved with this plan she'll have for whomever dares step before her. :P Jack does not mind, for he's hoping for a little something in the end. XD
And yes, Brandy is bisexual.
I'm really digging that name.Derek Sharp. Just thought I'd let you know that. XD It seems to fit perfectly with this tle; the description of the club and Derek's encounter with Jocelyn was painted beautifully on screen and in my head. I enjoyed his little flashbacks and how things 'use' t work before the go-go feeling of the 90's.
So, Jocelyn WAS mundy but was changed into a Werewolf? Hmm, that will be interesting to see, due to him being a Vampire and all. Also, Magnus! >:D #Team Magnus Huh....have you used him before? Magnus sounds awfully familiar, now that I see his name and do the whole # thing. XD Either way, I know he's an ass but you can't but love the bad guys sometimes. :P Also, the Ghouls have got to be the best thing, too!
The ending was heartbreaking and I look forward to more!
When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine.”
"Cool." Liam holds up the sword. "I didn't know I could do THIS cool power."
Behind him, an army of trees. Several Bears, Hawks, Gophers, Deer and other creatures stood back and waited. Seraphina pats the horse on the nose. Flames burst from his nostrils and a high pitched neigh errupts from his throat.
"Think your power is like mommy's bow and arrow." Seraphia plucks a flower and gives it to the beast. "This only happens when you feel threatned."
"That is kind of how this works." Nick, back in his body, enters the conversation. "Your brother is experiencing something so little get a chance to see for themselves. He is in control of any living soul you see out there but choose wisely, Liam. This sword has been held by so few men, yet the power bestowed upon them caused many to lose sight of what was REALLY important to them."
"I will, sir." Liam again swings the sword. "I promise, I-"
A piercing, yellow light shines through Nick, entraping the Fable in a glass box. Holding the item is Carla; she hands Nick over to Hecate, who turns the man into a Vulture. Picking at the dried bones and bits of meat, he shrieks one last time before hopping along the grass and morning dew. The quads carefully walk back, all prepared to fight.
"AW how precious are YOU four!" Carla tries to grab Chloe. "My my, how you four have just become a pain in my ass, yes you have!"
"Back off, Carla!" Thorns petrude through the ground and circle the woman. "I promise you this much, your ending will not be a quick one. We have heard of you and although you may still consider yourself family, I assure you are far from it. My siblings and I shall pick you one by one
until there is nothing left. Our parents will smit thee back into the ground and darkness of hell were my sisters will tormente you day and night and my brother's sword shall penetrate the very small shred of sanity you have within yourself."
Carla claps. "Wow. Well DONE, miss Seraphina. You've learned so much, my dear. Too bad you'll never live long enough to put those into-"
The ground begins to shake; Liam's army of animals split into two seperate sides and allows several carniverous plants trail through and stand behind Seraphina. Riding the back of an enormous Flytrap is Sunflower; he weilds a large dagger, points it at Carla and shrieks. The Flytrap lifts the mighty roots and vines it used for the feet and charges at Carla. The other plants and animals follow; riding the back of a massive black Deer, Liam's sword charges to a white glow and he sends a piercing line towards Carla. The woman, however, continues to smile and not move an inch.
Nick, still picking at the bones, turns his head to witness the children partake in the mini battle with Carla. Several animals burst into dusty clouds as Carla swings her hand around and casts dark magic onto the creatures. The plants take several more steps before blowing away in the wind, catching fire and leaving tiny bits of debris along the beaten path. Panting, Seraphina and Liam glare over at Carla. Cackling, she opens her palms and prepares to turn the children into piles of ash.
"Ah, quite powerful you little monsters have become but always remember one thing-your grandmother is DEAD for a fucking reason and I hope she has plenty of candy because you four are about to meet her!"
Before Carla could release the spell, an arrow penetrates her shoulder and another lodges into her neck. Hecate immediatly pulls out the object just as Emily emerges from the shadows. Emily prepares another arrow, pulling the string back and aiming it at Carla's neck.
"Get the fook away from my babies, ya' bloody cunt..."
Carla snickers, walking towards Emily. "My my, Emily. Such foul language for a woman of your class. Although, I'm not surprised-your father was always trash and you know what they say when you leave trash laying around for too long-"
Another arrow is sent, nearly missing Carla's throat. It lands on the ground. "NEXT time, ya' bitch....I WON'T miss. That was ya' fookin warnin'. NOW-step away from my children!"
"You are indeed pathetic, Emily. THIS right here-THIS, is what it takes for me to take that away from you? So be it. You never should have received that bow. That was supposed to be MY bow! Instead, that fucking pathetic excuse of a man gave it to you and-"
Another arrow peels past the others and into Carla's palm. The woman shrills in agony, running away from Emily and attempting to pull the object out. It sears her skin and burns away the tissue. The rotting smell of burned flesh fills Emily's nose and triggers more within. Leaping into the blood morning sky, Emily lands in front of an injured Carla, still trying to avoid another arrow.
"You fucking bitch!" Carla hisses, holding up her hand. "You're going to PAY for making me bleed, you wretched Cow!"
Emily, motioning with her fingers, smiles. "Come at me, ya' fookin' bitch."
Opening her palms, clouds of purple and black circle Carla's plams and fingers. She sends several waves at Emily but the moment the spells touched the air, many vines, trees and roots were there to sheild the threat. The leaves crumbled along the spell but allowed Emily chances to send the arrows in Carla's direction. Several more fly into Carla's body. Panicing, Carla jumps out of the way just as a vine sweeps across the ground, hoping to grasp her. Gren, not too far, sees Carla making a dashing escape to avoid Emily.
Before he could charge in her direction, several more of the shadow soilders tackle, climb and try to pin the beast down. Growling and roaring, Gren lifts up and tears the soilders off. The mirrors surrounding the Fable begin to shake and glow. Junior continues to throw shards of glass;
hissing, he looks around at the battle, smiles and points a bloody claw in Gren's direction.
Without a single word, a wave of shadows rises from the darkness, circles the soilders and takes them down. Each of Junior's minons took to a soul, ripped them away and devoured them in darkness and vile thoughts. Lifting his mighty head, Gren nods to Junior and runs after Carla. He could sense Emily and the pair were not too far behind. Running, Gren takes notice of Viviana, now as a Cerberus and fighting alongside Chloe and Georgie. Tiny shadow minions summoned by Chloe and Georgie took control of the spirits Carla called to the surface. Gren finds Carla and Emily along a cliff....
Emily did not have to think through. The sound of breaking twigs, growling and the apperance of Robert made her pause. Carla was laughing but for those mere moments, Emily did not take notice. Carla plants herself on Robert's shoulders, kicks her legs playfully and speaks.
"What ever is the matter, Emily? You act like you've never seen a male Grendel in heat before...I'm SURE Gren looked like this but then again, it never worked for me, so....have at it, Robert. She's fair game, now!"
Slapping the back of his head, Carla jumps down, lands on the ground and watches Robert run full speed towards Emily. He was grunting, foaming at the mouth and determined to mount her. Emily could sense the power heading in her direction; she had heard Gren tell stories of the 'mating' season and the faculty these beasts carried inside. Scanning her body up and down. Robert licks his lips and sends three clawed fingers into the ground.
Kicking up shrubs and dirt, Emily jumps into a nearby tree; she swings over the trunk, lands on a thick branch and aims her arrow at Robert. Although he was trying to have his way, Emily knew in her spirit this was not the Robert she'd grown to love. Even as she stared deep into the milky texture, there was no fear. No doubt.
"EMILY!" Gren jumps over a large boulder. "EMILY! Where are you!?"
"Gren!" Emily pulls the arrow back and watches it enter Robert's arm. "I'm comin' love! Hold on!"
Carla continues to laugh. For awhile, the world seemed to stop; Emily takes off into the air and avoids another swing from Robert's massive arms. All the spikes were pertruding through his flesh and shining in the sun like a brand new penny. Tumbling into the dirt, Emily could hear his heavy breathing and lustful grunts. Even though Grendels were enormous beasts, they were quick on their feet. Emily did not stand a chance, especially one blinded by a single action on his mind.
Fingers like Snakes, Emily grabs the nearest branch but could feel the mighty grasp of Robert on her leg. He began pulling; teeth gleaming, drool dripping from his lips and the warmth escaping from his sudden erection. Placing himself between her legs, Robert pins Emily's arms back into the dirt.
"Robert, stop!" Emily glares into his eyes. "LOOK at me, Robert! Fight it! Fight her! You don't DO this!"
Robert shakes his head. Emily's voice and pleas seemed to have triggered something. "Emily..."
"That's right, Robert." Emily beams. "Just...slowly back up and listen ta' me. Ya' don't have ta' do this, alright?"
Gren clears a section and watches as his brother lifts up from Emily and continues to grunt in agony. Emily holds out her hand.
"WAIT, Gren! Just-"
Gren looks at Emily and notices the torn frabric. "You...fucking....ASSHOLE!" Gren crashes into Robert's chest. "YOU MONSTER!"
The brothers make their way to the cliff. Beyond the fields, the battle continued. Georgie, Hades, Viviana and Chloe fought a large section of demons. Junior duels with the shadows and the screams causing his mind to fog and become a blur. Vivian and Nick, blowing against the wind and evil, send majestic arrows and light into the darkness, causing them to scream and vanquish. Gren peers over; his children and family were all in danger and before he could speak, Robert slams his knuckles into Gren's spine and presses his brother into the ground.
"I SHOULD have been Alpha, you miserable fuck!" Robert kicks Gren in the stomach, causing Gren to cough violently. "YOU were never meant to take dad's place...he felt sympathy for the weakest boy. He-"
Gren, against the blinding pain, plows into Robert, knocking the beast into the mud. Screaming, Gren claws at Robert's face and neck. Blood pours from the gaping wounds, causing the rage filled lust inside of Robert's mind to flare. Grumbling, Robert peers into Gren's eyes. A flash of light and suddenly, Robert was back in the Homelands.
For a transient moment, Robert was home. He was in the glades, watching his brothers swim, splash and play in the thick grass. His father, mighty and proud, observed his five sons playing. Calla, hair golden like the sun, sat along the banks. Robert's eyes immediatly filled with tears. Calla, beaming with delight, holds out her arms.
"My Robert." Her voice sent chills along his spine. "Come, my big boy. Play in the water with the others..."
Robert could recall being close to Gren and looking after his younger brother. Being the runt, Grendel was often left behind and never allowed to participate in any games. Their brother, Jason, was the worst one and always had a negative comment to speak of. Robert saw his younger self lift Gren up, carry him to the boulder and allow his youngest brother to play. Smiling...always smiling.
Calla's voice once more; it seemed to pierce through the hold Carla had on his mind and soul. She knew her oldest son was faithful and wanted to aide his brother in the war. He never wanted to hurt either him or Emily. Robert was loyal to Grendel. Even in their darkest hours, the brothers were always as one.
"Robert. My sweet, genrerous Robert. It's not too late, baby. in the water with Gren..."
"WHAT are you doing to me!?" Gren stood back, horrifid with his brother's sudden outbursts. "STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!"
Calla grabs Robert's face and holds against her own. "Come, my baby boy. Play in the water with the others...protect Gren. He needs his big brother...."
Carla, sitting nearby, was curious as to why Gren's head was not rolling as a bloody ball along the grass. "WHAT are you waiting for, Robert!? KILL him! Kill-"
Emily slaps Carla, knocking the woman into the dirt. Looking up, Carla detects the change in the wind. The battle. Emily's wardrobe becomes vines, Ivy plants and thorns. They entwine along her torso, arms, legs, breasts and neck. Eyes a solid black, Emily tilts her head back and soon, a massive Horse made entirely of vines positions between her legs, neighs and paws at the dirt. A swirl of light and wind creates several Rose bushes, mighty trees, and rows of Calla Lilies.
The white flowers tremble with each step the Horse makes. It leaves a trail of grass and Tulips. Pointing the arrows, Emily speaks.
"Ya' have crossed the line, Carla. Ya' hurt my family, threaten my children and now....ya' be usin' Gren's brotha' ta' ya' own advantage. Now...this is between ya' and me, bitch. NO one else...."
Four balls of light appear beside Emily. They fly around for some time before each take a host: one enters the body of a Deer, another into a black Wolf; the third finds a large, massive Crow and the final into a nearby Weeping willow.
"You want to fight, Emily. So be it...I'll SHOW you power!"
Up the hill, Emily chases after Carla. Before Gren could follow, Robert jumps before his brother.
"We're not THROUGH yet, Grendel...."
Any questions, you know the drill. Rain....we have rain!
I love waking up to that sound. Forgot where I was this morning, to be honest. XD I love this place already.
More unpacking, then heading into town later. Might do a bit more of the challenge if I have time.
Man, Kieron! Not too long ago you were battling all that in Wonderland and now, here you are with Claire and her plans for yu and this 'blood play' action in the bedroom! XD Sweet....
All in all, Kieron deserves to have this moment to shine and try to live a 'normal' life with Claire. I do, however, enjoy her sexy, seductive moments. I love the details you are using for this story; something from describing the 6 daggers, to Kieron watching claire. Hell, even the first paragraph was executed with some fine detail.
Look forward to more, my good man:)
I forgot to mention this in the story but his Job while he lives in Fabletown was an army general for hire, this is one of the reason Claire has taken interest in him.
I've only caught rare glimpses when my mother and sister watched it. Sometimes you've gotta go sonic fast! XD
Glad to hear it man!
Oh yes! But things will slow down at some point
As to assassinate the prince of the masquerade takes a lot of time and effort. Love seems to have really sparked between those two, but Kieron is known for disaster
Glad you like her character!
Oh no of course not! XD The prince will send more strength next time
He certainly has moved up the ladder quickly hasn't he? XD
I think so as well as I've put him through too much...for now
Thanks Pie! I've been trying to use more details but also keep dialogue since that is probably my favorite part of writing 
Glad to hear it man!
Oh man thigs are really heating up now! Carla is so awesomely evil but she needs to go, in a mortal kombat X fatality esque way XD. Go Liam and Seraphina! Go help your mother be an absolute badass!
I hope Robert snaps out of it soon, I hate seeing him fight Gren
Sorry I didn't write on the other ones but they and along with this one of course was fantastic as always!
I still find her sudden love for him suspicious... but that's just me. XD
Don't you mean 'my good man'? Silly goose.
Nice to see someone who enjoys the best of both worlds, eh? Me likey.
Btw, I saw a rabbit when I was walking to my car from college last night. Could've sworn it was Brandy stalking me. XD
looks at previous comment -sigh- This phone...excuse me.....
Agree 100%, my good man.
Think you'll be good, so long as you don't make any 'smart' remarks. If it DOES come back, hopefully you'll have cheap Beer and cheese sticks with you. XD Oh-and watch for her cigarettes. Hear those things are something but you know Jack and his 'wild' stories. XD
Dude, I would have been her instant snack for sure then! All I had in my backpack was a water bottle, Dasani to be exact. XPPPP
Apart from my luck, I don't listen to bullshit from Jack H. - Rose Red taught me well to ignore him. XD
Sibling power!
Carla is an evil bitch; I'd hate to think of what will come of her but she's had her fun and hopefully, she'll receive the mortal kombat treatment. >:D
Oh Robert....I hop so, too. He's so torn but he loves his brother.
NP, my good man.
We've all been busy and this challenge has taken us all by the hand and we're not looking back. lol