Dude, I would have been her instant snack for sure then! All I had in my backpack was a water bottle, Dasani to be exact. XPPPP
Apart from my luck, I don't listen to bullshit from Jack H. - Rose Red taught me well to ignore him. XD
I saw your thread in Telltale Talk, so I'm assuming the appropriate thing to say about the holiday is LEST WE FORGET?
Your banter between the Hunter and Gertraud always makes me smile, this one in particular being the best chapter regarding the dialogue, I think!
Besides, your chapter taught me something today. I never knew there was a 'Christmas Truce' in-between German and British trenches during WWI. For some, anyway.
Chapter 17: Weihnachten. 25TH of December, 1915.
For the first time in decades, I awoke before Gertraud. I managed to fall into a slumber… more before she could engage in her signature pattern of snoring, loud enough to be heard in Peking or maybe even Jakarta. Because of this, I rarely have an opportunity to fully sleep a healthy amount of time.
Slowly rising, I grabbed my watch from the stool. Easing the hunter case open with as little sound as possible (A tired and cranky Gertraud makes a volcano seem like a 7-star resort). It read nine minutes past seven of the clock.
Her rhythmic breathing ceased. “Merry Christmas, Hunter.” she said voice devoid of any signs of tiredness. I was safe.
“Same to you, Traudl.”
I turned to meet Gertraud, making a beeline for her dresser. I robotically did the same to my dresser. Today, die stumpfe Klinge was closed (as if the war left any patrons to serve) so I decided to not be fussed about my atti… [view original content]
Please let Carla be trapped in a branch cage filled with poison ivy for life, please let Carla be trapped in a branch cage filled with poison ivy for life.
Sorry, I couldn't resist. We'll know her fate soon enough!
Agreed with Tetra, seeing Robert act like this is quite a heartbreaker, even for him, he doesn't deserve to be controlled by C-word Carla. (I think you know all know what I mean by C-word)
When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it ha… mored a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine.”
"Cool." Liam holds up the sword. "I didn't know I could do THIS cool power."
Behind him, an army of trees. Several Bears, Hawks, Gophers, Deer and other creatures stood back and waited. Seraphina pats the horse on the nose. Flames burst from his nostrils and a high pitched neigh errupts from his throat.
"Think your power is like mommy's bow and arrow." Seraphia plucks a flower and gives it to the beast. "This only happens when you feel threatned."
"That is kind of how this works." Nick, back in his body, enters the conversation. "Your brother is experiencing som… [view original content]
Jesus Christ! I'm away from the forum for 15 hours and 44 comments have been posted?! :O
I have a lot of catching up to do today... :P
So how is everyone?
I'm about to play DmC4 for practice and to take a look into Kierons new sword I also have a little work to do and studying of course :P What are you up to man?
Jesus Christ! I'm away from the forum for 15 hours and 44 comments have been posted?! :O
I have a lot of catching up to do today... :P
So how is everyone?
Lmao! I've done that so many times! XD
Indeed you do
I'm about to play DmC4 for practice and to take a look into Kierons new sword I also have a little work to do and studying of course :P What are you up to man?
The rain here in San Fran has made me sad because I wanted to hit the town! :0 I still have one box to unpack and then I'm golden! Going out tonight, though! time to see the night life this place has to offer!!
Jesus Christ! I'm away from the forum for 15 hours and 44 comments have been posted?! :O
I have a lot of catching up to do today... :P
So how is everyone?
The rain here in San Fran has made me sad because I wanted to hit the town! :0 I still have one box to unpack and then I'm golden! Going out tonight, though! time to see the night life this place has to offer!!
How you doing, dude?
Same lol although sometimes I do forget to check XP
You'll make it
I don't have my game case with me just the ones downloaded on my Xbox so sadly I have to wait til summer to play through RE6. Hey that's cool man! I have all day and night to do stuff so I'll be busy at random times XD
I did that once before as well, and I regretted it so bad, it's the reason why I check this site as often as possible everyday :P
Lol, I … morehave like 7 different chapters to read and comment on
I'm still enjoying RE6, though I may play some more Metroid Trilogy later... Atm, I'm a little busy for once, but I should be 'free' in an hours time
"So, Brandy-what is up with the whole 'Rabbit' deal?" Jack leans his head back and howls to the moon. "I mean, it's cute and all but a bit sneaky, don't you think?"
That was the point to it all. Mundies over the centuries pictured Vampires as either seductive, with enormous breasts and luring voice. They mark their prey, play the part and when dear old fool has been trapped into the web, they'd sink their teeth and drain every ounce. Wiping their ruby red lips, they would venture into the night in searchs of their next 'meal'. The male Vampires were Cassanovas with a cold heart but warm smile; always flashing their pearly whites, waving large sums of cash and body molded by the Gods themselves. Stiff arms, thick thighs and washboard abs.
Brandy was always insulted when mundy women wanted this as their 'perfect' male Vampire and secretly prayed he would fly through their
open window and take them as his bride. Those, sadly, were never the Vampires Brandy encountered during her stay in the Immortal suites of Fabletown.
Over the centuries, Vampires hailed these traits and although many found it flattering to say the least, Brandy was the other half that could go another few hundred years without being labled as the 'mistress' of the night or 'Cassanova'. All the Vampires looked like your ordinary mundy and held the same qualitites. Only a fool wishing to commit suicide was vacuous enough to stick out in the crowd. It rarely happened but when it did, that person was dealt with according to the council.
From what Brandy heard, the punishment varied. You were lucky to have them end your life quickly. That occured with liquidfied garlic in the blood. Waving those toxic plants around did nothing but macerated enough with a dash of holy water and you have yourself a neat little way of 'dealing' with trouble makers. If not, you'd be facing the dreaded 'roof top'. Brandy knew this method and perhaps this is how she wished for it to remain.
Basically, it went like this: the one that caused treason was sent to the highest mountain peek of the town. Back then, hanging was the preferred method but times changed, so did their system. The accused would be staked down into the soil and left under the boiling sun. Now, Vampires did not burst into flames, turn to stone or dust if the rays touched their skin. Brandy could walk out anytime she wanted. But there was a price, should she stay out too long.
Crows and Vultures took a liking to Vampire flesh. They were devilish creatures and was not the least bit polite when tearing into your skin, pulling out tissue and nibbling on your eyes. One or two was not a concern but once a group found you and caught wind of the tasty treat, it was only a matter of time. To the birds, Vampire skin smelled heavinly, especially to the carnivirous ones. Slowly, you'd die a horrible, agony filled death. You'd be lucky to have bones left behind but normally, those were crushed after the sentence was carried out. Vampires learned to mask themselves, so to avoid this and being seen by mundies. Taking forms like Rabbits, Pigeons, Dogs, Cats-anything mundies viewed as normal or 'cute'-was acceptable and encouraged, if you wished to live, that is.
But as Brandy attempted to explain this process with Jack, she could tell his mind and quickly growing buldge was only invisioning one thing: Strip club. Turning into south Willow street, Brandy scanned the area. The Crooked Mile. This place remained under the radar and so few authorities made their routes around here for many years. The Sheriff of Fabletown took it all down not too long ago and cleaned out the majority of the 'businesses' and the clients that lurked the streets, hoping to gain their next excuse or reason to feel 'alive' again.
At times, Brandy felt a pit of disgust for how mundies reacted to sexual themes and the anatomy of the human body. Long ago, these topics were rarely spoken of and if so, behind closed doors and away from prying eyes. People like Jack, now leaping from the passenger seat, are the ones that made topics like sex the 'hot new thing' and suitable to discuss as if you were describing a McDonald's cheeseburger.
Locking the car and trying to catch up to Jack, Brandy looks around. The smell of dried blood and whiskey penetrated her nose. The foul copper caused Brandy to lose her footing and nearly topple to the ground. The glimmering lights of the Pudding n' Pie sign was an eerie welcome to those needing a 'happy' ending to their miserable lives, before treading home to the pathetic worlds they created with paints of lies and brushes of agony. The familiar glows of pinks and blues brought Brandy back to the years she secretly spent around here.
She feasted several times on one dancer in paticular but she was dead now and it broke her heart just thinking about that lost young woman. Georgie often turned the other cheek when Brandy 'ate' but those were times she was sure both were willing to forget in a heartbeat. Brandy enjoyed coming to this place; Georgie never gave her trouble and the two often flirted heavily in the back before he was needed elsewhere. They never had sex but Brandy yearned to taste his blood against her lips; the warmth along her throat, causing the creature to lose all self control and beg for more.
"Hurry up, Brandy!" Jack points to the Bouncer. "We need to HURRY the fuck up! They just opened their doors!"
Brandy shakes her head and quickly follows Jack. The blonde in the white tee shirt and jeans combination, holds up his ID in the Bouncer's face. Crinkling his brow and spitting on the ground, he points into the club.
"Have a nice time."
Taking Jack by the hand, Brandy leads him inside the club. So many things had changed about that place but it was difficult thinking when Jack was yanking away, trying to escape her grasp. He reminded Brandy so much of the children entering an amusment park; so lost and transfixed on the fun and games before them, they lose sight of their surroundings and others that may have joined in for the ride, too. Frustrated, however, Jack kept a decent pace between the two. Club music played loudly in the back; that was something new, for Georgie was never much for loud sounds and ear piercing tunes.
But it did add a different vibe to the place and it left Brandy wanting more and more with each step. The walls were now a soild dark purple paint with posters of various dancers and the nights you could view them. Monday through Wednesday was Wet n' Wild night, all drinks half off after ten; Thursday was 'Imagination' night, which could only mean the most interesting of characters came out. Friday and Saturday was the 'Housebreak' and those entering the club before nine received either one free drink or free fifteen minutes of a dancer to your liking. It was a Friday night.
Jack and Brandy turn to the corner; bar remained on the left side, DJ booth to the right and the infamous stripper pole dead set in the center. Mundies, Fables and other various creatures littered the floors and VIP rooms. Some had ladies sitting on their laps, others with a cold class of alcohol and cigarette nestled between their fingers. Others sat back and viewed the beautiful women on stage. The lights above flickered to different colors as the song continued. The base was deep and each THUMP left Brandy and jack shaking for a few seconds. The smell of fresh blood hit Brandy the moment she found herself sandwiched between several drunk guys and women. Their skin a rainbow and glimmering lights. Licking her lips, it was all Brandy could do and not leap onto a neck. Clearing her mind, Jack snatches her hand and pulls into the dance floor.
"C'mon, Brandy! Dance with me! Let loose...or is this too much for you?"
"WHAT!?" Brandy leans closer to Jack. "I can BARELY hear you! This music is fucking loud-"
"DANCE!" Jack points to himself. "ME. YOU. DANCE. HERE!"
Brandy nods; there was no harm in giving Jack a free bone and she needed this opportunity to let some steam off. Grinding against Jack's pelvis, the two become lost in a sea of colors. The club music changed several times; Hip Hop, Punk rock; Techno for some time, then straight back to Hip hop. Brandy noticed Hans and Georgie in the corner. They looked the same yet had a difference to them as well. Georgie was smiling, which was very rare, even for Brandy to have noticed. At first, she laughed outloud.
Perhaps his time spent at the Farm and this 'mysterious' woman had indeed changed him for the better. Throwing her hands, Brandy takes a cigarette handed to her by Jack. It was laced with Cannibas and as Brandy took several puffs, she looks. A beautiful woman with long, red curls and wide hips took to the stage. Wrapping her legs around the pole, Brandy could not help but become lost in the dancer's movements. She wore black heels and a pink thong lined with feathers and jewels; her perky, bare breasts glimmered under the many colors and lights. She continued to twirl on the pole, eyeing Brandy from the stage. The DJ changes the song to 'Be my Lover' by La Bouche.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for Miss Candy Angel!"
Her eyes, gray like a rainy day, glared deep into Brandy's soul, as if she knew her secret. Licking her lips, Candy climbs the pole, slides down and ends with a split in Brandy's direction.
Jack nudges Brandy, waving his hands around and smoking the 'cigarette.' "HEEEEY, looks like someone wants you, Brandy."
Brandy did indeed want Candy. Oh how she must tastes. The urge began to grow inside Brandy. She had to have her.....
Any questions, you know the drill. Love writing to the sound o rain. All done unpacking! This place looks pretty damn sweet. Still need to install the cable but that won't be until Monday.
Same lol although sometimes I do forget to check XP
You'll make it
I don't have my game case with me just the ones downloaded on my X… morebox so sadly I have to wait til summer to play through RE6. Hey that's cool man! I have all day and night to do stuff so I'll be busy at random times XD
Nice! Mine was average, as I said above.
Thanks! Magnus is supposed to give that sort of feeling, like he might seem totally normal but i… morenside, he's more complicated and dark. Derek's going to be one of the main characters, he's supposed to be really chill and cool.
The only one so far that has already existed was Magnus, but you weren't on the forum when I wrote about him. He's Franklin's father, he ended up going a little crazy toward the end of his life, and got mixed into business that essentially got him killed (by his own son, no less.) Franklin did love his father, but knew it was the only thing he could do. Franklin, by the way, is only half-Vampire, so he can actually go in the sunlight but he still has powers and tendencies of vampires, and he can also eat people food if he wanted or live on blood. He chooses people food, for the sake of his friends and family He's envied by full-vamps because he has more leniency on stuff they can't tolerate (sunlight, food, etc.) so yeah.
Damn! Brandy is indeed something, isn't she!? I really liked the detail and description you gave, especially for that whole bird thing. That is indeed interesting! So, the sun creates a smell for the Vampires that birds seem to love? That is indeed a harsh way to go.
I love the new and improved pudding n' pie!!! Plus, that little BG there between Brandy and Georgie. Again, nice refference to his connection to Lyla. I'm sure is either been conceived or about to be born by this time. I love that song! Brings back my childhood and my mom listening to that a lot. Also, Candy Angel. Nice name!
I can see Brandy has a thing for miss Candy Angel, eh? PLEASE do not skip the seduction phase to this, pie!
I love this! Brandy is becoming a fav of mine! You need to draw her!!!!! (when you have the time, that is)
Challenge part 3
"So, Brandy-what is up with the whole 'Rabbit' deal?" Jack leans his head back and howls to the moon. "I mean, it's cute… more and all but a bit sneaky, don't you think?"
That was the point to it all. Mundies over the centuries pictured Vampires as either seductive, with enormous breasts and luring voice. They mark their prey, play the part and when dear old fool has been trapped into the web, they'd sink their teeth and drain every ounce. Wiping their ruby red lips, they would venture into the night in searchs of their next 'meal'. The male Vampires were Cassanovas with a cold heart but warm smile; always flashing their pearly whites, waving large sums of cash and body molded by the Gods themselves. Stiff arms, thick thighs and washboard abs.
Brandy was always insulted when mundy women wanted this as their 'perfect' male Vampire and secretly prayed he would fly through their
open window and take them as his bride. Those… [view original content]
A day passed after that gruesome battle, our heroes still recovering from their injuries while Etan still suffered from his. He nearly died yesterday, if it weren't for the help of an unlikely new ally. The wolf woke up in his room, and noticed his bloody gash healing. He removed himself from his bed, placed his cat slippers on his feet and looked in the mirror. He didn't see human eye’s, but his own old wolf eye’s before Fenrir stole them from him. He went downstairs and seen his father and Uncle sitting in the living room, with them was Fenrir who Etan was more than surprised to see.
“What the hell is going on here?” He said. Skoll explained then explained everything that happened in the past twenty four hours.
One day ago
Still with the silver dagger in his back, continuing to burn his flesh, Fenrir get’s up and removes quickly and firmly, throwing it to the ground. He look’s at his and his grandson in grief and utter regret of what he just done. He tries to go over but is stop but Skoll.
“Don’t come any closer, you've done enough”
“I can help him, I can heal him before it too late.”
“Why would you do that, you just tried to kill us all?”
“Yes.. I did, my son. What you just witness here and before, wasn't me, and wasn't my true intentions. I let my rage and craving for revenge get the best of me, but I don’t expect you to believe me Skoll.
“I don’t, dad.”
Etan begins to spit up blood and his condition worsen, Skoll witness the scene and thinks clearly through allowing his menacing father to treat the what he nearly killed. I was tough on him, as much as he wanted to destroy his father, he allowed him by. He then began to use something on Etan and slowly regenerate his health. In addition he added some of his power to his grandson restoring all the power he took from him. He slowly avoids death’s cold grip and slowly regains conscious. “I wonder, how many times your son escaped death, Hati.” Fenrir slowly turning away from him.
Fenrir then looked at everyone else, Tezoth, Kieron, Nick, Gren, Dixa . He didn't expect their forgiveness either, but still went on healing what infliction's he dealt to them as well. Taking one finally look at his family he vanishes with the wind, gone from sight.
“The fook is goin on here?” Emily said with Gren running up to her grabbing and swing her around with joy.
After a hard day of work, our heroes decided to retire to a tavern in get in a few drinks while Hati to Etan home so that he could rest.
“Drinks on me maggot’s” Nick said as he pulled salt into his pitcher of Scotch and down every single drop.
Kieron is approached by two gemini elves, with different color hair. They wanted to dance, and try other ‘practices’ later on. The swordsman greatly accepted and followed the elves to the dance floor. And eventually would lead to a visit to the the Marriott.
Tez brought Rose along with him and he discussed his adventure into a temple. He still had the treasure he got from the temple, but wanted to wait fro the right time to give it to her as a gift..
Skoll asked Dixa on date, the old wolf said he grew fond of the yeti and stay sober the whole time to just ask her. She couldn't help but smile at Skoll’s offers.
Gremily left early, they decided to take an early vacation away from this crazy city, driving up state to a resort, spending the nights in a very expensive and exotic hotel. The neighbors knew their name, and the disturbing sounds coming from their room at night.
After sitting through his uncles story, Etan wondered why Fenrir was still here and what was his intentions this time. His wounds were still healing, and the stress and anger he was emitting made them worse so his father tries to calm him down. He slowly sits down on the chair and listen to what his grandfather have to say this time.
“I don’t expect to have your forgiveness, nor do I want it…”
“Right, my mistake Hati. Etan, you're my only grandson, and your cousin Skoll’s daughter is my only granddaughter. It was utterly selfish of me to bring you all into my plot for revenge and including those other fool’s from yesterday. Today, I will return to Asgard, approach the Norse Fable Council, and express my anger and concern. If they greatly antagonize me, I will destroy them and-”
“Father just stop, seriously.”
“Let me finish, Hati. I will make this all right, you have my word. I will earn your trust back as a family. If you still feel a need to not trust, then I will acknowledge that, and gladly remove myself from your life. Etan, you can proceed to curse me out now, if you will”
Etan look’s at the ground and then sighing and then get’s up and walked over grandfather.
“You know, instead starting another war against the council, you can just stay here, settle down, meet a… lady and finally meet your great grandchildren.”
“So you’re not angry with me Etan?”
“Currently, I still am however that is slowly diminishing. I want to get to know my grandfather better, I want my children to know their great grand better. Not as the monster who tried to start a war. By the way, there on the way here.”
“Wait, children? Those little demon’s. Here?”
“I think we’re going to get along fine, grandpa..”
This wraps up my third Fable Avenger's story and also my story arc for Etan. I shall start working on my Vampire challenge shortly. Hope you all enjoy your weekend
A day passed after that gruesome battle, our heroes still recovering from their injuries while Etan still suffere… mored from his. He nearly died yesterday, if it weren't for the help of an unlikely new ally. The wolf woke up in his room, and noticed his bloody gash healing. He removed himself from his bed, placed his cat slippers on his feet and looked in the mirror. He didn't see human eye’s, but his own old wolf eye’s before Fenrir stole them from him. He went downstairs and seen his father and Uncle sitting in the living room, with them was Fenrir who Etan was more than surprised to see.
“What the hell is going on here?” He said. Skoll explained then explained everything that happened in the past twenty four hours.
One day ago
Still with the silver dagger in his back, continuing to burn his flesh, Fenrir get’s up and removes quickly and firmly, throwing it to the ground. He look’s at his and his grandson in g… [view original content]
As I was getting ready to head out the door, I was reading this on my phone. After I did, needed to log in real quick and say what needed to be said. First off, digging those cat slippers, Etan! XD Then, when he went downstairs and noticed Fenrir, I was like 'This can't be good!'
But then I read more and found out he was connected to Etan. THAT was an interesting twist! Tman and Rose gunna do more then just looking for shiny things in that temple, if ya' know what I mean. Nick calling everyone maggots made me laugh. And of course, his damn alcohol. What, no cigar, Nick!? lol Kieron is freaking big pimpin' now! Damn! Got himself TWO young ladies to join him in the hotel. SPEAKING of hotel:
Gremily left early, they decided to take an early vacation away from this crazy city, driving up state to a resort, spending the nights in a very expensive and exotic hotel. The neighbors knew their name, and the disturbing sounds coming from their room at night.
This is so them, I laughed. Showed my fiancee, too and she 'bout lost it because she KNOWS how Gremily works. XD Oh the things those poor folks heard...lol
Also, Dixa & Skoll! NICE! I ship this!
Etan has been through enough and its nice to see he and his family can move past Fenrir going bonkers and trying to destroy the Earth. I liked this alot and look forward to you part of the challenge now. My weeked has been hectic! Leaving right now to head into town and get some things for dinner tonight. Hope your weekend is going pretty damn good, too!
A day passed after that gruesome battle, our heroes still recovering from their injuries while Etan still suffere… mored from his. He nearly died yesterday, if it weren't for the help of an unlikely new ally. The wolf woke up in his room, and noticed his bloody gash healing. He removed himself from his bed, placed his cat slippers on his feet and looked in the mirror. He didn't see human eye’s, but his own old wolf eye’s before Fenrir stole them from him. He went downstairs and seen his father and Uncle sitting in the living room, with them was Fenrir who Etan was more than surprised to see.
“What the hell is going on here?” He said. Skoll explained then explained everything that happened in the past twenty four hours.
One day ago
Still with the silver dagger in his back, continuing to burn his flesh, Fenrir get’s up and removes quickly and firmly, throwing it to the ground. He look’s at his and his grandson in g… [view original content]
'When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on… more it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.'
Valeo carefully followed Hades into the deepest crevice the Underworld had to offer. So very many were able to trot through the darkness and those that managed to surpass it all never fully invisioned what was befroe them, lurking in the shadows. The madness and power Hades kept locked with a golden seal and key rarely saw the light of day. But there was a war among the living and both he and Nick agreed something needed to be done. The guardians of both Emily and Peter were sensing a change in the air and both suddenly became prepared for their heavenly duties. It was clear of what needed to be done during the process of battle.
Reaching inside the golden case, Hades brings ou… [view original content]
The club scene is supposed to kind of highlight the mindset of some of the people Derek tends to deal with. Ones that don't care, or don't notice that sort of stuff. Maybe a few onlookers gasped, but the only help around was really Derek. I love the club scene too
Yeah XD Is it sad that I had to look up slang terms for cocaine?
Definitely a twist. Magnus is an ass. A clever ass. They might make it work...but you'll have to see as I write more.
Ah, so the first part was just a prologue of sorts - while the true beginning was waiting to dazzle us!
I found it funny how everyone at… more the club ignored their little 'get-together' after they both fell off the balcony. Must've been that great of a party, huh? Regardless, the club scene has to be one of my most favorite parts I've read from you so far.
The wacky dust comment made me grin so hard, btw!
Nevertheless, JOCELYN NO!!! Screw you, Magnus! (great job with the scene, though, I wasn't expecting it at all)
I just wonder how they'll make it work? If they make it work, y'know?
Part 2...
Rosie, working beside Woody, took out another group of dead soilders.
Crumbling to the ground, the couple celebrate with… more a kiss. Punching another soilder in the face, their tumble continues. Seraphina summons plants, trees and vines; Emily notices her children participate in the battle and the growing need to protect stronger with every passing intake of air. Her lungs felt like boiling water, mind clouded with broken visions and skin tingling with anticipation. The Ivy plants grew quickly along her body. Aiming the bow, Emily was ready.
Another roar from Gren and this sent Emily into the air and releasing her arrows. Each one burned through the soilders and sent them spinning into a vortex of darkness. Nick glances over at Hades; the God was creating tiny minons to aide with Viviana and Chloe's defense. Nodding to the God, Nick rolls on the ground, lifts up and begins his transformation. In his hand, he holds a clear v… [view original content]
Hm, I am always caught with the twists you place in your stories and chapters. I was not expecting that.
Poor Derek. His first love in god knows how long and this happens.
Do continue the twists. You proverbially nail them.
Thanks XD I wanted to reference his vampire nature by using the last name 'Sharp' like his teeth, haha, get it? Glad the scene was painted well I was really striving for something special.
Yeah. It's still unknown (at least for you) how she was changed and how significant everything that's happening really is. Magnus is as evil as Mirah, and yes, he's been mentioned before. He's actually Franklin's father, if you can remember back to when he was introduced ^-^ Magnus was killed by Frankie eventually, and then they moved on from there. The Ghouls are interesting souls, they'll be described in more detail as I go on
I look forward to writing the next chapter! Glad you loved it!
I'm really digging that name.Derek Sharp. Just thought I'd let you know that. XD It seems to fit perfectly with this tle; the description of… more the club and Derek's encounter with Jocelyn was painted beautifully on screen and in my head. I enjoyed his little flashbacks and how things 'use' t work before the go-go feeling of the 90's.
So, Jocelyn WAS mundy but was changed into a Werewolf? Hmm, that will be interesting to see, due to him being a Vampire and all. Also, Magnus! >:D #Team Magnus Huh....have you used him before? Magnus sounds awfully familiar, now that I see his name and do the whole # thing. XD Either way, I know he's an ass but you can't but love the bad guys sometimes. :P Also, the Ghouls have got to be the best thing, too!
The ending was heartbreaking and I look forward to more!
JJ is right! Brandy is something. So many details, and the bird process was really interesting!
And like JJ said there was nice background story between Georgie and Brandy. And will Brandy be seducing Miss Candy Angel? This shall be interesting XD
Challenge part 3
"So, Brandy-what is up with the whole 'Rabbit' deal?" Jack leans his head back and howls to the moon. "I mean, it's cute… more and all but a bit sneaky, don't you think?"
That was the point to it all. Mundies over the centuries pictured Vampires as either seductive, with enormous breasts and luring voice. They mark their prey, play the part and when dear old fool has been trapped into the web, they'd sink their teeth and drain every ounce. Wiping their ruby red lips, they would venture into the night in searchs of their next 'meal'. The male Vampires were Cassanovas with a cold heart but warm smile; always flashing their pearly whites, waving large sums of cash and body molded by the Gods themselves. Stiff arms, thick thighs and washboard abs.
Brandy was always insulted when mundy women wanted this as their 'perfect' male Vampire and secretly prayed he would fly through their
open window and take them as his bride. Those… [view original content]
Jesus Christ! I'm away from the forum for 15 hours and 44 comments have been posted?! :O
I have a lot of catching up to do today... :P
So how is everyone?
Needed break #2 from the unpacking. Guess this is how Pie and his younger brother take breaks these days....XD
Lack of sleep is makin… moreg us do things. 0.0 Anyways, I had time to write another page for the challenge.
Four-leaf Clover club
Brandy was an Alleycat and never stayed in the same place twice. In the dead of night, as the mundies and various Fables slept, she'd creep along the shadows, making her way to the next destination. She came to Fabletown three years ago, after the 'accident' and escaping her hometown. So many refused to ask, fearing the consequences that laid for them. Brandy kept to herself and there was not a soul that knew ALL her secrets. Jack Horner, the guy who thought he could 'bang' her, did all he could. Used every trick in his little book to lure her into his sheets for a nightcap.
But every time, Jack failed. She only hung out with him for both the social and pity. Plus, a cheap Beer and bar food sou… [view original content]
Yes, it was your Nick. The vial was part of the battle plan.
I didn't want to take away from the main reason why this battle was taking place. How would you like to see Nick in the next section that he's mentioned because you may not like it then, if this was displeasing.
Short but sweet
I like how Rosie and Woody stop for a brief kiss as well :P
Now I'm gonna assume that the Nick in this segment was my… more Nick... Why is he carrying that vial around with him?
I must admit that if this is my Nick, your portrayal of him in combat is extremely different to mine. But I can roll with it I guess...
That picture... So your younger brother spends his breaks in his underwear with a flag wrapped around his shoulders? Whatever man...
Bran… moredy is so awesome! That 'Big Ben' reference... Oh dude...
Jack and his constant need for a lady's sexual attention, doesn't he ever have a normal day? :P
I look forward to more! XD
Yeah. It's still unknown (at least for you) how she was changed
Wait...did I miss something from the previous story? 0.0 YES! That's right! I THOUGHT he sounded familiar! OH that brings me back! I do recall Franklin killing his father but I'm still on the dude's side. lol He's such an evil man, you can't help but love him!
Thanks XD I wanted to reference his vampire nature by using the last name 'Sharp' like his teeth, haha, get it? Glad the scene was painted w… moreell I was really striving for something special.
Yeah. It's still unknown (at least for you) how she was changed and how significant everything that's happening really is. Magnus is as evil as Mirah, and yes, he's been mentioned before. He's actually Franklin's father, if you can remember back to when he was introduced ^-^ Magnus was killed by Frankie eventually, and then they moved on from there. The Ghouls are interesting souls, they'll be described in more detail as I go on
I look forward to writing the next chapter! Glad you loved it!
I've tried to make it go out with a bang, and succeeded Glad you like what I did with your foxy mama Emily! And as for Dixa and Skoll... that is something I will save for the future...
It's still chilly here in Maryland, had a storm the other day, then it was very warm the other day... The weather here is strange this time around, but when the summer comes along it's scorching By that time I'll be traveling down south to the beaches
As I was getting ready to head out the door, I was reading this on my phone. After I did, needed to log in real quick and say what needed to… more be said. First off, digging those cat slippers, Etan! XD Then, when he went downstairs and noticed Fenrir, I was like 'This can't be good!'
But then I read more and found out he was connected to Etan. THAT was an interesting twist! Tman and Rose gunna do more then just looking for shiny things in that temple, if ya' know what I mean. Nick calling everyone maggots made me laugh. And of course, his damn alcohol. What, no cigar, Nick!? lol Kieron is freaking big pimpin' now! Damn! Got himself TWO young ladies to join him in the hotel. SPEAKING of hotel:
Gremily left early, they decided to take an early vacation away from this crazy city, driving up state to a resort, spending the nights in a very expensive and exotic hotel. The neighbors knew their name, and the disturbing sounds coming from their… [view original content]
Oh man so Fenrir was pretty much taken over by rage and revenge get the best of him? Dang poor guy XP.
Oh gosh Kieron what has happened t… moreo you? You slept with one girl twice and here you are Lmao! XD That was funny to read! XD
Good to know Etan can make up with Fenrir
This was awesome! And I can't wait to see you're vampire story!
I'm catching up on what I missed yesterday (it sucks so hard that my time-zone is 5-8 hours ahead of most of you guys on here) I've had an interesting day...
Did you like my first Vampire challenge chapter btw?
44 isn't so bad. I got home from school yesterday and it said 70 new comments XD Yeah, everyone's been more active than usual, that's for sure!
I'm doing well Hanging with friends and stuff. It is what it is.
She strokes his face with her slender hands, her wisps of brown hair caked with layers of drying bl… moreood. They'd just finished feeding on their last snacks and now it was time to fall gently into a blissful sleep...
Derek was by no means a gentleman. He may have been, back in his day, when manners and socialism were on the rise and money was all that anyone ever cared about. Yes, the world learned it's lesson when the stock market crashed all those years ago, but history tended to repeat itself, and although he didn't forsee another crash, he knew the signs of debt and decay in a civilization. The 90's was no exception from the rule.
Masquerades were something that was hip in the Supernatural world. He liked to attend these 'balls'; they weren't precisely prim in proper like in the olden days, however. Strobe lights glittered the main dance hall, causing fits of bursting ene… [view original content]
Hopefully Brandy is thirsty from her 'nightly' adventures and won't resort to nibbling on ya' as a snack. No one would ever suspect the Rabbit. XD XD
Rose is a wise woman and you, too, are wise in taking her words to heart and knowing just WHO Jack is AND can be.
I saw your thread in Telltale Talk, so I'm assuming the appropriate thing to say about the holiday is LEST WE FORGET?
Your banter between the Hunter and Gertraud always makes me smile, this one in particular being the best chapter regarding the dialogue, I think!
Besides, your chapter taught me something today. I never knew there was a 'Christmas Truce' in-between German and British trenches during WWI. For some, anyway.
Please let Carla be trapped in a branch cage filled with poison ivy for life, please let Carla be trapped in a branch cage filled with poison ivy for life.
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
We'll know her fate soon enough!
Agreed with Tetra, seeing Robert act like this is quite a heartbreaker, even for him, he doesn't deserve to be controlled by C-word Carla. (I think you know all know what I mean by C-word)
A large, single edged sword equipped with an ignition system that douses the blade in a highly flammable liquid? SWEET!!
Nor can I!! XD
You just reminded me of the Shishkebab sword from Fallout 3.
Jesus Christ! I'm away from the forum for 15 hours and 44 comments have been posted?! :O
I have a lot of catching up to do today... :P
So how is everyone?
That's pretty cool actually!
This is the sword we're on about:
No idea who he is. I just thought it would be the perfect response gif.
Thank you!
Besides my current mood, I have lots of homework I didn't start, so I have to finish that shit eventually.
Ugh, I hate Gary Barlow...
Oh man I remember homework, hated it, good luck on that dude
Lmao! I've done that so many times! XD
Indeed you do
I'm about to play DmC4 for practice and to take a look into Kierons new sword
I also have a little work to do and studying of course :P What are you up to man?
He was a singer in a popular British band called Take That...
I did that once before as well, and I regretted it so bad, it's the reason why I check this site as often as possible everyday :P
Lol, I have like 7 different chapters to read and comment on
I'm still enjoying RE6, though I may play some more Metroid Trilogy later... Atm, I'm a little busy for once, but I should be 'free' in an hours time
Good for him, I guess. I don't care enough to actually look into his background, anyway. :P
It's not worth looking into. I applaud you more for NOT bothering
The rain here in San Fran has made me sad because I wanted to hit the town! :0 I still have one box to unpack and then I'm golden!
Going out tonight, though! time to see the night life this place has to offer!! 
How you doing, dude?
Sucks about the weather but at least all the unpacking is nearly done!
Enjoy yourself dude!!!
I've had a long and somewhat tedious morning, but it's calming down now, I'll be better when I can relax and catch up on these chapters!! XD
Same lol although sometimes I do forget to check XP
You'll make it
I don't have my game case with me just the ones downloaded on my Xbox so sadly I have to wait til summer to play through RE6. Hey that's cool man! I have all day and night to do stuff so I'll be busy at random times XD
Challenge part 3
"So, Brandy-what is up with the whole 'Rabbit' deal?" Jack leans his head back and howls to the moon. "I mean, it's cute and all but a bit sneaky, don't you think?"
That was the point to it all. Mundies over the centuries pictured Vampires as either seductive, with enormous breasts and luring voice. They mark their prey, play the part and when dear old fool has been trapped into the web, they'd sink their teeth and drain every ounce. Wiping their ruby red lips, they would venture into the night in searchs of their next 'meal'. The male Vampires were Cassanovas with a cold heart but warm smile; always flashing their pearly whites, waving large sums of cash and body molded by the Gods themselves. Stiff arms, thick thighs and washboard abs.
Brandy was always insulted when mundy women wanted this as their 'perfect' male Vampire and secretly prayed he would fly through their
open window and take them as his bride. Those, sadly, were never the Vampires Brandy encountered during her stay in the Immortal suites of Fabletown.
Over the centuries, Vampires hailed these traits and although many found it flattering to say the least, Brandy was the other half that could go another few hundred years without being labled as the 'mistress' of the night or 'Cassanova'. All the Vampires looked like your ordinary mundy and held the same qualitites. Only a fool wishing to commit suicide was vacuous enough to stick out in the crowd. It rarely happened but when it did, that person was dealt with according to the council.
From what Brandy heard, the punishment varied. You were lucky to have them end your life quickly. That occured with liquidfied garlic in the blood. Waving those toxic plants around did nothing but macerated enough with a dash of holy water and you have yourself a neat little way of 'dealing' with trouble makers. If not, you'd be facing the dreaded 'roof top'. Brandy knew this method and perhaps this is how she wished for it to remain.
Basically, it went like this: the one that caused treason was sent to the highest mountain peek of the town. Back then, hanging was the preferred method but times changed, so did their system. The accused would be staked down into the soil and left under the boiling sun. Now, Vampires did not burst into flames, turn to stone or dust if the rays touched their skin. Brandy could walk out anytime she wanted. But there was a price, should she stay out too long.
Crows and Vultures took a liking to Vampire flesh. They were devilish creatures and was not the least bit polite when tearing into your skin, pulling out tissue and nibbling on your eyes. One or two was not a concern but once a group found you and caught wind of the tasty treat, it was only a matter of time. To the birds, Vampire skin smelled heavinly, especially to the carnivirous ones. Slowly, you'd die a horrible, agony filled death. You'd be lucky to have bones left behind but normally, those were crushed after the sentence was carried out. Vampires learned to mask themselves, so to avoid this and being seen by mundies. Taking forms like Rabbits, Pigeons, Dogs, Cats-anything mundies viewed as normal or 'cute'-was acceptable and encouraged, if you wished to live, that is.
But as Brandy attempted to explain this process with Jack, she could tell his mind and quickly growing buldge was only invisioning one thing: Strip club. Turning into south Willow street, Brandy scanned the area. The Crooked Mile. This place remained under the radar and so few authorities made their routes around here for many years. The Sheriff of Fabletown took it all down not too long ago and cleaned out the majority of the 'businesses' and the clients that lurked the streets, hoping to gain their next excuse or reason to feel 'alive' again.
At times, Brandy felt a pit of disgust for how mundies reacted to sexual themes and the anatomy of the human body. Long ago, these topics were rarely spoken of and if so, behind closed doors and away from prying eyes. People like Jack, now leaping from the passenger seat, are the ones that made topics like sex the 'hot new thing' and suitable to discuss as if you were describing a McDonald's cheeseburger.
Locking the car and trying to catch up to Jack, Brandy looks around. The smell of dried blood and whiskey penetrated her nose. The foul copper caused Brandy to lose her footing and nearly topple to the ground. The glimmering lights of the Pudding n' Pie sign was an eerie welcome to those needing a 'happy' ending to their miserable lives, before treading home to the pathetic worlds they created with paints of lies and brushes of agony. The familiar glows of pinks and blues brought Brandy back to the years she secretly spent around here.
She feasted several times on one dancer in paticular but she was dead now and it broke her heart just thinking about that lost young woman. Georgie often turned the other cheek when Brandy 'ate' but those were times she was sure both were willing to forget in a heartbeat. Brandy enjoyed coming to this place; Georgie never gave her trouble and the two often flirted heavily in the back before he was needed elsewhere. They never had sex but Brandy yearned to taste his blood against her lips; the warmth along her throat, causing the creature to lose all self control and beg for more.
"Hurry up, Brandy!" Jack points to the Bouncer. "We need to HURRY the fuck up! They just opened their doors!"
Brandy shakes her head and quickly follows Jack. The blonde in the white tee shirt and jeans combination, holds up his ID in the Bouncer's face. Crinkling his brow and spitting on the ground, he points into the club.
"Have a nice time."
Taking Jack by the hand, Brandy leads him inside the club. So many things had changed about that place but it was difficult thinking when Jack was yanking away, trying to escape her grasp. He reminded Brandy so much of the children entering an amusment park; so lost and transfixed on the fun and games before them, they lose sight of their surroundings and others that may have joined in for the ride, too. Frustrated, however, Jack kept a decent pace between the two. Club music played loudly in the back; that was something new, for Georgie was never much for loud sounds and ear piercing tunes.
But it did add a different vibe to the place and it left Brandy wanting more and more with each step. The walls were now a soild dark purple paint with posters of various dancers and the nights you could view them. Monday through Wednesday was Wet n' Wild night, all drinks half off after ten; Thursday was 'Imagination' night, which could only mean the most interesting of characters came out. Friday and Saturday was the 'Housebreak' and those entering the club before nine received either one free drink or free fifteen minutes of a dancer to your liking. It was a Friday night.
Jack and Brandy turn to the corner; bar remained on the left side, DJ booth to the right and the infamous stripper pole dead set in the center. Mundies, Fables and other various creatures littered the floors and VIP rooms. Some had ladies sitting on their laps, others with a cold class of alcohol and cigarette nestled between their fingers. Others sat back and viewed the beautiful women on stage. The lights above flickered to different colors as the song continued. The base was deep and each THUMP left Brandy and jack shaking for a few seconds. The smell of fresh blood hit Brandy the moment she found herself sandwiched between several drunk guys and women. Their skin a rainbow and glimmering lights. Licking her lips, it was all Brandy could do and not leap onto a neck. Clearing her mind, Jack snatches her hand and pulls into the dance floor.
"C'mon, Brandy! Dance with me! Let loose...or is this too much for you?"
"WHAT!?" Brandy leans closer to Jack. "I can BARELY hear you! This music is fucking loud-"
"DANCE!" Jack points to himself. "ME. YOU. DANCE. HERE!"
Brandy nods; there was no harm in giving Jack a free bone and she needed this opportunity to let some steam off. Grinding against Jack's pelvis, the two become lost in a sea of colors. The club music changed several times; Hip Hop, Punk rock; Techno for some time, then straight back to Hip hop. Brandy noticed Hans and Georgie in the corner. They looked the same yet had a difference to them as well. Georgie was smiling, which was very rare, even for Brandy to have noticed. At first, she laughed outloud.
Perhaps his time spent at the Farm and this 'mysterious' woman had indeed changed him for the better. Throwing her hands, Brandy takes a cigarette handed to her by Jack. It was laced with Cannibas and as Brandy took several puffs, she looks. A beautiful woman with long, red curls and wide hips took to the stage. Wrapping her legs around the pole, Brandy could not help but become lost in the dancer's movements. She wore black heels and a pink thong lined with feathers and jewels; her perky, bare breasts glimmered under the many colors and lights. She continued to twirl on the pole, eyeing Brandy from the stage. The DJ changes the song to 'Be my Lover' by La Bouche.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for Miss Candy Angel!"
Her eyes, gray like a rainy day, glared deep into Brandy's soul, as if she knew her secret. Licking her lips, Candy climbs the pole, slides down and ends with a split in Brandy's direction.
Jack nudges Brandy, waving his hands around and smoking the 'cigarette.' "HEEEEY, looks like someone wants you, Brandy."
Brandy did indeed want Candy. Oh how she must tastes. The urge began to grow inside Brandy. She had to have her.....
Any questions, you know the drill.
Love writing to the sound o rain.
All done unpacking! This place looks pretty damn sweet. Still need to install the cable but that won't be until Monday. 
I keep my laptop on and by my side as often as possible :P
I know...
So is Franklin a Daywalker of sorts then?
Also, will Mirah Collins appear in this at some point?
Damn! Brandy is indeed something, isn't she!? I really liked the detail and description you gave, especially for that whole bird thing. That is indeed interesting! So, the sun creates a smell for the Vampires that birds seem to love? That is indeed a harsh way to go.
I love the new and improved pudding n' pie!!!
Plus, that little BG there between Brandy and Georgie. Again, nice refference to his connection to Lyla. I'm sure is either been conceived or about to be born by this time.
I love that song! Brings back my childhood and my mom listening to that a lot. Also, Candy Angel. Nice name! 
I can see Brandy has a thing for miss Candy Angel, eh? PLEASE do not skip the seduction phase to this, pie!
I love this! Brandy is becoming a fav of mine! You need to draw her!!!!! (when you have the time, that is)
A day passed after that gruesome battle, our heroes still recovering from their injuries while Etan still suffered from his. He nearly died yesterday, if it weren't for the help of an unlikely new ally. The wolf woke up in his room, and noticed his bloody gash healing. He removed himself from his bed, placed his cat slippers on his feet and looked in the mirror. He didn't see human eye’s, but his own old wolf eye’s before Fenrir stole them from him. He went downstairs and seen his father and Uncle sitting in the living room, with them was Fenrir who Etan was more than surprised to see.
“What the hell is going on here?” He said. Skoll explained then explained everything that happened in the past twenty four hours.
One day ago
Still with the silver dagger in his back, continuing to burn his flesh, Fenrir get’s up and removes quickly and firmly, throwing it to the ground. He look’s at his and his grandson in grief and utter regret of what he just done. He tries to go over but is stop but Skoll.
“Don’t come any closer, you've done enough”
“I can help him, I can heal him before it too late.”
“Why would you do that, you just tried to kill us all?”
“Yes.. I did, my son. What you just witness here and before, wasn't me, and wasn't my true intentions. I let my rage and craving for revenge get the best of me, but I don’t expect you to believe me Skoll.
“I don’t, dad.”
Etan begins to spit up blood and his condition worsen, Skoll witness the scene and thinks clearly through allowing his menacing father to treat the what he nearly killed. I was tough on him, as much as he wanted to destroy his father, he allowed him by. He then began to use something on Etan and slowly regenerate his health. In addition he added some of his power to his grandson restoring all the power he took from him. He slowly avoids death’s cold grip and slowly regains conscious. “I wonder, how many times your son escaped death, Hati.” Fenrir slowly turning away from him.
Fenrir then looked at everyone else, Tezoth, Kieron, Nick, Gren, Dixa . He didn't expect their forgiveness either, but still went on healing what infliction's he dealt to them as well. Taking one finally look at his family he vanishes with the wind, gone from sight.
“The fook is goin on here?” Emily said with Gren running up to her grabbing and swing her around with joy.
After a hard day of work, our heroes decided to retire to a tavern in get in a few drinks while Hati to Etan home so that he could rest.
“Drinks on me maggot’s” Nick said as he pulled salt into his pitcher of Scotch and down every single drop.
Kieron is approached by two gemini elves, with different color hair. They wanted to dance, and try other ‘practices’ later on. The swordsman greatly accepted and followed the elves to the dance floor. And eventually would lead to a visit to the the Marriott.
Tez brought Rose along with him and he discussed his adventure into a temple. He still had the treasure he got from the temple, but wanted to wait fro the right time to give it to her as a gift..
Skoll asked Dixa on date, the old wolf said he grew fond of the yeti and stay sober the whole time to just ask her. She couldn't help but smile at Skoll’s offers.
Gremily left early, they decided to take an early vacation away from this crazy city, driving up state to a resort, spending the nights in a very expensive and exotic hotel. The neighbors knew their name, and the disturbing sounds coming from their room at night.
After sitting through his uncles story, Etan wondered why Fenrir was still here and what was his intentions this time. His wounds were still healing, and the stress and anger he was emitting made them worse so his father tries to calm him down. He slowly sits down on the chair and listen to what his grandfather have to say this time.
“I don’t expect to have your forgiveness, nor do I want it…”
“Right, my mistake Hati. Etan, you're my only grandson, and your cousin Skoll’s daughter is my only granddaughter. It was utterly selfish of me to bring you all into my plot for revenge and including those other fool’s from yesterday. Today, I will return to Asgard, approach the Norse Fable Council, and express my anger and concern. If they greatly antagonize me, I will destroy them and-”
“Father just stop, seriously.”
“Let me finish, Hati. I will make this all right, you have my word. I will earn your trust back as a family. If you still feel a need to not trust, then I will acknowledge that, and gladly remove myself from your life. Etan, you can proceed to curse me out now, if you will”
Etan look’s at the ground and then sighing and then get’s up and walked over grandfather.
“You know, instead starting another war against the council, you can just stay here, settle down, meet a… lady and finally meet your great grandchildren.”
“So you’re not angry with me Etan?”
“Currently, I still am however that is slowly diminishing. I want to get to know my grandfather better, I want my children to know their great grand better. Not as the monster who tried to start a war. By the way, there on the way here.”
“Wait, children? Those little demon’s. Here?”
“I think we’re going to get along fine, grandpa..”
This wraps up my third Fable Avenger's story and also my story arc for Etan. I shall start working on my Vampire challenge shortly. Hope you all enjoy your weekend
Oh man so Fenrir was pretty much taken over by rage and revenge get the best of him? Dang poor guy XP.
Oh gosh Kieron what has happened to you? You slept with one girl twice and here you are Lmao! XD That was funny to read! XD
Good to know Etan can make up with Fenrir
This was awesome! And I can't wait to see you're vampire story!
As I was getting ready to head out the door, I was reading this on my phone. After I did, needed to log in real quick and say what needed to be said. First off, digging those cat slippers, Etan! XD Then, when he went downstairs and noticed Fenrir, I was like 'This can't be good!'
But then I read more and found out he was connected to Etan. THAT was an interesting twist! Tman and Rose gunna do more then just looking for shiny things in that temple, if ya' know what I mean.
Nick calling everyone maggots made me laugh. And of course, his damn alcohol. What, no cigar, Nick!? lol Kieron is freaking big pimpin' now! Damn! Got himself TWO young ladies to join him in the hotel. SPEAKING of hotel:
This is so them, I laughed. Showed my fiancee, too and she 'bout lost it because she KNOWS how Gremily works. XD Oh the things those poor folks heard...lol
Also, Dixa & Skoll!
NICE! I ship this!
Etan has been through enough and its nice to see he and his family can move past Fenrir going bonkers and trying to destroy the Earth. I liked this alot and look forward to you part of the challenge now. My weeked has been hectic! Leaving right now to head into town and get some things for dinner tonight.
Hope your weekend is going pretty damn good, too! 
So it begins...
I'm loving your description of the fight! I haven't read part 2 yet so forgive for saying this but, what happened to Hades and Nick?
I shall read the next chapter immediately! XD
The club scene is supposed to kind of highlight the mindset of some of the people Derek tends to deal with. Ones that don't care, or don't notice that sort of stuff. Maybe a few onlookers gasped, but the only help around was really Derek. I love the club scene too
Yeah XD Is it sad that I had to look up slang terms for cocaine?
Definitely a twist. Magnus is an ass. A clever ass. They might make it work...but you'll have to see as I write more.
Short but sweet
I like how Rosie and Woody stop for a brief kiss as well :P
Now I'm gonna assume that the Nick in this segment was my Nick... Why is he carrying that vial around with him?
I must admit that if this is my Nick, your portrayal of him in combat is extremely different to mine. But I can roll with it I guess...
That's a good thing! Glad you're liking them!
Something might happen, though. Who knows? Maybe they'll make it work out? Maybe..
Will do. Hopefully I'll get a few more good ones in throughout the course of this tale.
Thanks XD I wanted to reference his vampire nature by using the last name 'Sharp' like his teeth, haha, get it? Glad the scene was painted well
I was really striving for something special.
Yeah. It's still unknown (at least for you) how she was changed and how significant everything that's happening really is. Magnus is as evil as Mirah, and yes, he's been mentioned before. He's actually Franklin's father, if you can remember back to when he was introduced ^-^ Magnus was killed by Frankie eventually, and then they moved on from there. The Ghouls are interesting souls, they'll be described in more detail as I go on
I look forward to writing the next chapter! Glad you loved it!
JJ is right! Brandy is something. So many details, and the bird process was really interesting!
And like JJ said there was nice background story between Georgie and Brandy. And will Brandy be seducing Miss Candy Angel? This shall be interesting XD
Awesome as always man!
44 isn't so bad. I got home from school yesterday and it said 70 new comments XD Yeah, everyone's been more active than usual, that's for sure!
I'm doing well
Hanging with friends and stuff. It is what it is.
That picture... So your younger brother spends his breaks in his underwear with a flag wrapped around his shoulders? Whatever man...
Brandy is so awesome! That 'Big Ben' reference... Oh dude...
Jack and his constant need for a lady's sexual attention, doesn't he ever have a normal day? :P
I look forward to more! XD
Rosie and Woody are just that couple, man!
Yes, it was your Nick. The vial was part of the battle plan.
I didn't want to take away from the main reason why this battle was taking place. How would you like to see Nick in the next section that he's mentioned because you may not like it then, if this was displeasing.
We're goofing. It's what we do. :P
Gotta love the Big Ben's floating around this story and my previous ones.
Jack would honestly answer with a no. lol XD
Wait...did I miss something from the previous story? 0.0 YES! That's right! I THOUGHT he sounded familiar! OH that brings me back! I do recall Franklin killing his father but I'm still on the dude's side. lol He's such an evil man, you can't help but love him!
I've tried to make it go out with a bang, and succeeded
Glad you like what I did with your foxy mama Emily! And as for Dixa and Skoll... that is something I will save for the future...
It's still chilly here in Maryland, had a storm the other day, then it was very warm the other day... The weather here is strange this time around, but when the summer comes along it's scorching By that time I'll be traveling down south to the beaches
Being a swordsman with blood magic has it's charms!
I'm catching up on what I missed yesterday (it sucks so hard that my time-zone is 5-8 hours ahead of most of you guys on here) I've had an interesting day...
Did you like my first Vampire challenge chapter btw?
If this is Chapter 1 then what was the previous segment you posted?
I liked this a lot though! Great descriptions, and Jocelyn is certainly a handful!!! XP
Werewolves are more fun to write than Vampires I say (maybe cuz we have Bigby for reference) but I really did like this!
I look forward to more from you! XD