We're goofing. It's what we do. :P
Gotta love the Big Ben's floating around this story and my previous ones.
Jack would honestly answer with a no. lol XD
Rosie and Woody are just that couple, man!
Yes, it was your Nick. The vial was part of the battle plan.
I didn't want to take away fr… moreom the main reason why this battle was taking place. How would you like to see Nick in the next section that he's mentioned because you may not like it then, if this was displeasing.
She strokes his face with her slender hands, her wisps of brown hair caked with layers of drying bl… moreood. They'd just finished feeding on their last snacks and now it was time to fall gently into a blissful sleep...
Derek was by no means a gentleman. He may have been, back in his day, when manners and socialism were on the rise and money was all that anyone ever cared about. Yes, the world learned it's lesson when the stock market crashed all those years ago, but history tended to repeat itself, and although he didn't forsee another crash, he knew the signs of debt and decay in a civilization. The 90's was no exception from the rule.
Masquerades were something that was hip in the Supernatural world. He liked to attend these 'balls'; they weren't precisely prim in proper like in the olden days, however. Strobe lights glittered the main dance hall, causing fits of bursting ene… [view original content]
No no. Like you tell us, I want to know what YOU'D like me to do with Nick. He is your OC and yes, this is my story but I'd hate for you to take Emily, for example and turn her into a whore or something just because it's your story. I'll have to go back to that OC thing we did in the PM and take notes for the next section.
LOL This is why I never include OC's from other people. XD
A New Horror... Part: 2
Night had begun to rise, and it was time for Kieron and Claire to wake up. They got up and showered, Claire threw… more on her clothes and Kieron began to get dressed. Claire looked over at Kieron, there was something about him that made her want to talk to him, she had heard of his story on the streets but she wanted to hear it from him. She also felt safe around him, but she has one goal. To take the throne and rule the masquerade. Kieron put on his trench coat, he then put on his white gloves, he noticed Claire staring at him.
"What's wrong?" He asked
"How do you always wear that? Does it weigh a lot?" She asked
"You get used to it, I know someone who has a bigger trench coat than me." Kieron answered
"Is it your friend from the war?" She said
Kierons face looked gloom. "Yes..."
"Oh I'm sorry, Kieron! I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." Claire said
"It's fine." Kieron said
"Would it help if… [view original content]
The PM was there so I wouldn't have to go into shit-loads of detail all the time...
... I'm sorry for my attitude, but I discovered a revelation about my Parent's today, mainly my Mum, and now I'm pretty sure that a divorce will be had in about 6 years or so....
So forgive me for acting like a complete asshole, but I really didn't need any of this today! >:(
No no. Like you tell us, I want to know what YOU'D like me to do with Nick. He is your OC and yes, this is my story but I'd hate for you to … moretake Emily, for example and turn her into a whore or something just because it's your story. I'll have to go back to that OC thing we did in the PM and take notes for the next section.
LOL This is why I never include OC's from other people. XD
Yeah, I'll have to go back and take notes. The conclusion is nowhere done, if that helps. And I know you'd never do that to her....
Here. I'll send you a PM...I knew something was up because normally, you don't respond as such.
I wouldn't do that with Emily anyways
The PM was there so I wouldn't have to go into shit-loads of detail all the time...
... I'm sor… morery for my attitude, but I discovered a revelation about my Parent's today, mainly my Mum, and now I'm pretty sure that a divorce will be had in about 6 years or so....
So forgive me for acting like a complete asshole, but I really didn't need any of this today! >:(
Kierons mind lives in the past while he wants to live in the present, as you have pointed out he's depressed but looking for a way to be happy. Glad you like Claire man!
It won't be the only one!
Oh yes! Kieron doesn't take shit from anyone, except for people who he knows are stronger than him Until he knows how to beat them!
Kieron has definitely changed, and not for the best it would seem... I like Claire though!!! XD
Nice reference to Nick at the beginning b… moretw
So the infatuation is pretty obvious, Kieron don;t take shit from no Vampire bitch that spits at his feet, this is gonna be good!!!
I can;t wait for more, dude! XD
Kierons mind lives in the past while he wants to live in the present, as you have pointed out he's depressed but looking for a way to be hap… morepy. Glad you like Claire man!
It won't be the only one!
Oh yes! Kieron doesn't take shit from anyone, except for people who he knows are stronger than him Until he knows how to beat them!
Would I be right in thinking that she is based off of Claire Redfield from Resident Evil by any chance?
People like Nick lol. EVERYONE wants to beat Nick cuz he's mister big-shot... He ain't mister big-shot for no reason though :P
Ah, now I actually prefer the New Vergil! He had a much more casual personality whilst still being very formal, he even made jokes with Dante at one point :P
I swear when I read your stories they always bring me back to my days learning History. XD Sorry about the problems, dude....:(
Hunter and Gertraud are the ideal couple. I loved their little interaction, especially the part with the gun. Also, Gertaud is my typs of woman: does not want flowers but the simple pleasures life has to bring and that's alright with me. Their conversations are priceless, too. I love that you describe their actions as well. The piece with their meal of bread and wine was well done, too.
Chapter 17: Weihnachten. 25TH of December, 1915.
For the first time in decades, I awoke before Gertraud. I managed to fall into a slumber… more before she could engage in her signature pattern of snoring, loud enough to be heard in Peking or maybe even Jakarta. Because of this, I rarely have an opportunity to fully sleep a healthy amount of time.
Slowly rising, I grabbed my watch from the stool. Easing the hunter case open with as little sound as possible (A tired and cranky Gertraud makes a volcano seem like a 7-star resort). It read nine minutes past seven of the clock.
Her rhythmic breathing ceased. “Merry Christmas, Hunter.” she said voice devoid of any signs of tiredness. I was safe.
“Same to you, Traudl.”
I turned to meet Gertraud, making a beeline for her dresser. I robotically did the same to my dresser. Today, die stumpfe Klinge was closed (as if the war left any patrons to serve) so I decided to not be fussed about my atti… [view original content]
Nice to see you back! Shame about your problems man
I liked this chapter and it's descriptions (you have a real knack for it) but I felt Gertraud and Alfred's relationship was strained. I get that they're a couple, but they're a very docile couple. Gertraud is feisty, but would it kill her to be more loving to Alfred in private?
Besides that, the rest of it was awesome and filled with History
Chapter 17: Weihnachten. 25TH of December, 1915.
For the first time in decades, I awoke before Gertraud. I managed to fall into a slumber… more before she could engage in her signature pattern of snoring, loud enough to be heard in Peking or maybe even Jakarta. Because of this, I rarely have an opportunity to fully sleep a healthy amount of time.
Slowly rising, I grabbed my watch from the stool. Easing the hunter case open with as little sound as possible (A tired and cranky Gertraud makes a volcano seem like a 7-star resort). It read nine minutes past seven of the clock.
Her rhythmic breathing ceased. “Merry Christmas, Hunter.” she said voice devoid of any signs of tiredness. I was safe.
“Same to you, Traudl.”
I turned to meet Gertraud, making a beeline for her dresser. I robotically did the same to my dresser. Today, die stumpfe Klinge was closed (as if the war left any patrons to serve) so I decided to not be fussed about my atti… [view original content]
Now Nick... I'm gonna say it, you should've discussed this with me beforehand, cuz I don't like what you did to him. Nick would've sensed that attack coming (how else would he be able to fight off opponents from all sides as I stated in his bio? and it's effects wouldn't have lasted that long, Black magic is unstable and doesn't mix well with other magic, it would've made Nick angry and bloodthirsty instead.
I also hope that the massive crow that ball of light went into wasn't Nick as a Crow, you can't possess the Harbinger's, their Masters are always watching them...
I'm sorry for bursting your bubble like this... You'll just have to continue on with what has taken place it would seem
When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it ha… mored a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine.”
"Cool." Liam holds up the sword. "I didn't know I could do THIS cool power."
Behind him, an army of trees. Several Bears, Hawks, Gophers, Deer and other creatures stood back and waited. Seraphina pats the horse on the nose. Flames burst from his nostrils and a high pitched neigh errupts from his throat.
"Think your power is like mommy's bow and arrow." Seraphia plucks a flower and gives it to the beast. "This only happens when you feel threatned."
"That is kind of how this works." Nick, back in his body, enters the conversation. "Your brother is experiencing som… [view original content]
I hope that this bringing you back to your days of learning history is a good thing, because we have another revolution, a depression, another world war and a cold war to get through yet
So, Gertrauds your type of woman? I am in the same boat as you.
I swear when I read your stories they always bring me back to my days learning History. XD Sorry about the problems, dude....:(
Hunter an… mored Gertraud are the ideal couple. I loved their little interaction, especially the part with the gun. Also, Gertaud is my typs of woman: does not want flowers but the simple pleasures life has to bring and that's alright with me. Their conversations are priceless, too. I love that you describe their actions as well. The piece with their meal of bread and wine was well done, too.
As for them being 'docile', I am trying to be careful as writing romance is still relatively new territory for me. This is just a starting point, though. Give it some time and I may become more confident and more bold (Before you get your hopes up, there will be no smut for a long time yet and that is if it happens).
Nice to see you back! Shame about your problems man
I liked this chapter and it's descriptions (you have a real knack for it) but I felt… more Gertraud and Alfred's relationship was strained. I get that they're a couple, but they're a very docile couple. Gertraud is feisty, but would it kill her to be more loving to Alfred in private?
Besides that, the rest of it was awesome and filled with History
I look forward to more dude! XD
Challenge part 3
"So, Brandy-what is up with the whole 'Rabbit' deal?" Jack leans his head back and howls to the moon. "I mean, it's cute… more and all but a bit sneaky, don't you think?"
That was the point to it all. Mundies over the centuries pictured Vampires as either seductive, with enormous breasts and luring voice. They mark their prey, play the part and when dear old fool has been trapped into the web, they'd sink their teeth and drain every ounce. Wiping their ruby red lips, they would venture into the night in searchs of their next 'meal'. The male Vampires were Cassanovas with a cold heart but warm smile; always flashing their pearly whites, waving large sums of cash and body molded by the Gods themselves. Stiff arms, thick thighs and washboard abs.
Brandy was always insulted when mundy women wanted this as their 'perfect' male Vampire and secretly prayed he would fly through their
open window and take them as his bride. Those… [view original content]
Alfred and Gertraud are meant to be quite dry and sarcastic towards each other. It is fun to write as it is read, I must admit. They know each other well enough to tell when the other is joking or being serious, even on the most risqué or daring of topics.
I saw your thread in Telltale Talk, so I'm assuming the appropriate thing to say about the holiday is LEST WE FORGET?
Your banter between… more the Hunter and Gertraud always makes me smile, this one in particular being the best chapter regarding the dialogue, I think!
Besides, your chapter taught me something today. I never knew there was a 'Christmas Truce' in-between German and British trenches during WWI. For some, anyway.
I know
I see, well I look forward to when they become more open!
You can't write smut on this thread... Can't even spoiler tag it, you'll get banned You can write suggestive stuff, but not proper sex...
Poor Nick though, in the end he winds up with just a pitcher of salted scotch. No lady, no cigar, not even a friend... I was a little surprised at his maggot comment as well, it was fine in Fable High cuz he was meant to be that sort of person, but here it seemed a little out of place. Regardless, Nick will be fine I'm sure
I look forward to your Vampire challenge and whatever story you come up with next dude! XD
A day passed after that gruesome battle, our heroes still recovering from their injuries while Etan still suffere… mored from his. He nearly died yesterday, if it weren't for the help of an unlikely new ally. The wolf woke up in his room, and noticed his bloody gash healing. He removed himself from his bed, placed his cat slippers on his feet and looked in the mirror. He didn't see human eye’s, but his own old wolf eye’s before Fenrir stole them from him. He went downstairs and seen his father and Uncle sitting in the living room, with them was Fenrir who Etan was more than surprised to see.
“What the hell is going on here?” He said. Skoll explained then explained everything that happened in the past twenty four hours.
One day ago
Still with the silver dagger in his back, continuing to burn his flesh, Fenrir get’s up and removes quickly and firmly, throwing it to the ground. He look’s at his and his grandson in g… [view original content]
I do try with the descriptions XD.
As for them being 'docile', I am trying to be careful as writing romance is still relatively new terri… moretory for me. This is just a starting point, though. Give it some time and I may become more confident and more bold (Before you get your hopes up, there will be no smut for a long time yet and that is if it happens).
There are still rules to this thread unfortunately as it can be accessed by anyone of any age :P
Some of the more violent content (like my torture one-shot) I spoiler tagged to 'lessen the blow' of such graphic content. Now if this was solely a fanfiction site, people like me and @pudding_pie would be writing some very shameless smut!! XD
Okay, I may have gone a little over the top with this, but after watching Inception again and a bunch of superhero movies it's all rubbed off. It's fun to write, though. XD Feel free to enjoy!
Chapter Five – There's something about Mary (which we all love)
Unsure of her surroundings, Dixa begins to stand up but gets no further than a crouch when lights spark on and she's momentarily blinded. Fromthe ceiling, naked bulbs dangle down, filaments glowing golden and illuminating the corridor; and Dixa finds that she is not alone.
Standing in front of her is a goat.
“Oh, finally. You've taken your bloody time in arriving.” The goat, not happy at being kept waiting, flares it's nostrils in frustration. Shaking it's head from side to side, curved horns swing through the air and long white fur wafts with it. Speaking with a Welsh accent that lilts melodiously, the animal dives forth into a rant. “Hours! Hours, I've been kept waiting and where were you, hmm? Swanning about, no doubt, while muggins here has to stand around and be patient. Well, love, my patience ran out an hour ago!”
Dixa, who less than two minutes ago escaped from a falling lift into this glowing corridor, is keenly aware that the goat has taken a dislike towards her. It's ears are point spear-straight upwards.
“Well, I'm putting my hoof down!” (The goat taps the green carpet). “I'm not waiting a moment longer. You're to--” As the goat leans closer to Dixa and sees past it's own ire, he notices something he has previously not. “You – is that – Facking hell! You're wearing leather!” Dixa's motorbike jacket does- “You bitch! You! Oh, that bloody makes me fume that does!” -look like leather, but it's fake. The goat doesn't realise this; he turns around and walks off down the corridor, casting expletives against the leather industry into the air.
Dixa simply remains still, very unsure of what's occurring. She can't even tell whether that hangover is still with her or if it went down with the lift. Thanks to the angry goat no longer taking all of her attention, however, she's free to look about and get her bearings.
The walls are decorated: the top a dark blue, patterned with red and yellow stripes and triangles, which end half way down to be replaced by a wooden paneling. The floor is a plush, emerald carpet that stretches the length of the corridor in front of her, past rows of dark doors on either side. Looking at the doors next to her, Dixa is puzzled by the absence of number plaques. This must still be The Woodlands, Dixa reasons, but it is definitely no part of The Woodlands she's been in before.
And what on earth did that goat want? It just kept bleating at her – had it been trying to tell her something?
“Hey, Mak! Petey!” Bloody Mary walks along the corridor towards them and is particularly chipper this morning. (And by all accounts so was Peter, until just been called 'Petey'.)
Standing outside apartment thirty-two on the eighth floor of The Woodlands, the two men – who had been chatting pleasantly – turn to greet Mary, one of the three Sheriffs of Fabletown (Peter and Bigby being the two). “Good morning, Mary,” is Peter's polite reply. Makoto raises his hand and gives a quiet “Hi”, which Mary responds to by giving him a friendly punch on the shoulder.
“So, what have you really dragged this pregnant lady out of bed for? 'Cause I thought for a minute there you were being serious about a time-travelling weasel.”
“I was being serious about a time-travelling weasel.” But curiously, the more times he says the phrase 'time-travelling weasel' aloud, the far less serious Peter feels.
This isn't what Mary wanted to hear: her expression clouds like a summer storm and she marches up to Peter. “You fucking thought it was worth calling me and getting me up here for some time-travelling stoat?! I'm eight months pregnant, you ass!”
Peter tries to take a step back but finds he's right up against the door, while Makoto shuffles to the side and decides it's probably best for his health to not point out to Mary that weasels and stoats are actually two separate species. She probably knows that really, he figures.
“Hey!” Peter says defensively. “I know you're pregnant but I didn't want a repeat of what happened that one time I forgot to keep you informed, when we brought that perp' in. You remember what you did? Hmm, Mary?! Do you remember what you did with that cow!”
Mary remains close to Peter, holding her gaze despite the wisp of crimson hair that's tangling into her eyelashes. Until a crooked smile breaks up her face, that is. “Ahh, relax. I'm just razzing you, Petey!”
There are few things that can give Peter Porgie the urge to run off down a corridor in a state of wild confusion and broken patience, screaming and waving his arms, but Mary has found one this morning.
“Don't remember the cow, though. What was that?” Mary asks while moving the strand of hair behind her ear.
Peter lets out an exasperated sigh before speaking. “It was last year, one night, before I'd moved in with Holly.”
Makoto, who's feeling invisible to the other two in the corridor (and rather glad about it), can tell by Peter's tone he's already regretting going into the matter.
“We'd been out to celebrate closing the case; I'd had a few drinks and was pretty drunk. I get back to my apartment, it's dark but everything feels normal so I just get undressed and slide into bed TO FIND A FUCKING 2,000 POUND COW IN THERE!” Peter shouts the last part because, frankly, he's still pretty annoyed about it.
Mary sparks up at the recollection. “Ohhh, yeah! Matilda! Should have seen me getting her through that mirror; wonder how she is. And 2,000 pounds is a little steep: she's not that big.”
“Mary, I just… I don't care. Let's get this done with. We're going to have a look in Cinderella and Weasel's apartment to see if there's any clue to this time-travel business.”
“Oh, I've already had a look in there.” Mary's smile is as sweet as can be. Peter simply stares at her in disbelief.
“When you rung and said what's happened I decided to take a peek in the mirrors on my way over. Looks quite normal! If you can call whatever their style is normal, but Cindy did grow up in a pauper's house, so, y'know.”
After almost a year and a half Peter thought he'd be used to things like this, but, no. He is not used to Bloody Mary. And in all honesty he can't tell if it's pregnancy hormones or just Mary being quite contrary that's making her seem so awkward today. Should he be angry, or resign himself to this way of working? It's exhausting, truly, but if--
“For goodness sake!” Peter and Mary turn their heads in complete synchronisation and surprise to look at Makoto. Perhaps normally he'd have left them to their bickering and listened to some oh-so-sweet tunes from his ubiquitous headphones, but right now Makoto simply wants the pair to finish so he can find somewhere to nap. “You're like children, do you know that? Just open the door.” He gives the final command to Peter (who feels the rebuke is a tad unfair seeing as how Mary started it).
“Fine, fine, I'm opening it.” Peter turns around whilst mumbling to himself about not getting so caught up with Mary's antics in the future; Holly had made him promise not to but some days it was easier said than done.
Placing his hand on the brass handle, Peter opens the door and Makoto and Mary peer round him into the room. What they see is unexpected. (But let's face it, dear reader, you were probably expecting something along those lines by now).
Still peeking round, Mary speaks first: “it did not look like this five minutes ago”; and Makoto second: “it didn't look like this yesterday when I brought Ella to see Cindy.” Peter says nothing, instead keenly casting his eyes over it all while letting his nose and ears scope the room out.
Lights built into the turquoise ceiling automatically glowed on when the door opened and all but the opposite wall of the spacious apartment is now bathed in a cool light, an artificial daylight, that's reflected by the predominantly marble-white coloured furniture and fittings.
“Shall we have a look around?” Asks Mary, her usual self-confidence wary of this sudden change.
“Sure,” Peter answers slowly, pushing the door till it's flat against the inner wall. He couldn't sense anyone else present, which was expected given that he'd asked Cinderella to wait in the Business Office, but what on earth is going on?
“This is bizarre,” comments Makoto as they all walk in, pivoting their heads about to get a good look.
Everything inside is minimalist, curved and bright: the two sofas, a cabinet by the doorway, a low table standing on a rug in the lounge area. The only corners are upon the walls, where patterns of large squares in bold colours are stamped like a digital code. Peter moves over the soft carpet to the wall on his right and towards one of two doors that are fitted seamlessly; even these have curved edges. There's no handle but a slightly raised bump in what could be the wood or metal door. He tries to push it without success.
Makoto goes into the kitchenette to the left and stands behind a counter that's a single piece, starting on the floor and curving up and then flat to form a semi-circle, before arching back down into the ground. He looks at the few utensils that hang on the wall, made of what looks like an expensive plastic; and above are rows of cupboards that would be impossible to differentiate if not for the varying block of single-tone primary colour on each one. It's strange, he thinks. It's like Cindy and Weasel but different. To him it feels very post-modern.
Mary, meanwhile, has walked past the furniture to the opposite end of the room where the wall is still cast in darkness; as she gets within a few feet of it small lights above her bloom on and she notices that there's a curtain drawn across the long wall. Walking to her left she finds the end of it against the adjoining wall and taking a handful starts pulling the material along. With a compelling curiosity she looks at what's been uncovered and simply finds her wide-eyed reflection staring back; it's dark outside the glass. Wondering whether or not to ask Makoto or Peter if there's a light-switch near them - there doesn't seem to be one near her - Mary decides to pull the curtain all the way back first and does so, meeting up with Peter at the end of the right-hand wall.
“There's something very wrong about all this,” Peter says with a knitted brow. You'd never be given a reason for calling Sheriff Porgie a coward when he's faced with something unknown, and now is no different. He can sense that there isn't any active danger here, nothing lurking behind one of the doors ready to spring out with deadly intent, but the air they're breathing feels wrong – not toxic, but like something his lungs have never quite had in them before. Plus, he can feel a sort of pressure, as if something heavy is pressing down upon the room. It's entirely disconcerting.
“I wouldn't say there's something wrong as such, but it's very unusual,” replies Mary. “Anyway, can you see a light-switch anywhere? I want to see what's through this window.”
Peter glances about and shrugs.
“Hey, Makot --” The lights above begin to dim. “Oh, never mind!” Mary yells with excitement as Makoto makes his way over and the darkness becomes complete. “Is that?” She leans so close to the glass that her nose barely gets away without leaving a mark as she walks along the wall that's a window. Then lights come on outside and she staggers to a stop. Peter's eyes widen instantly and Makoto's breath is simply taken away. Outside the window is water.
Not the view of a golden beach lapped by waves.
Not beads of rain against the pane.
Not just a drop.
A whole ocean.
The enormous array of bulbs outside the window shoot shafts of light through it all, refracting and dancing in the dark blue. Sparkling further out, more lights come on till before them the scene glows in aquatic glory, shimmering like a half remembered dream. There are no other structures visible; a whale of gigantic proportions swims slowly along in the distance.
Mary looks down and sees a rocky promontory covered in swaying plants, colourful fish darting between the fronds. “It's… It's beautiful. But what the fuck is going on?”
Makoto and Peter limply walk up next to her, bands of light playing along each of their faces and the floor of the otherwise dark and silent room. “I've no idea,” Peter answers truthfully. “And call me crazy, but I think this is in the fut --”
“What was that?” Peter didn't like that sound at all.
“What was what?” Asks Makoto, still gazing unblinkingly in front of him.
snap crack snap
“We have to leave, now.” Peter speaks with an urgency that breaks Mary and Makoto's trance.
“Why?” Mary demands. “Can't we just take a minute to look at THIS?”
“No, we have to leave!”
“Shit. What was that?” Mary looks around, panicked.
Jets of water burst through tiny fissures the glass to their left, while rivulets begin to drip from the right.
“Run!” Shouts Peter. He doesn't need to say it twice as water streams in.
“Where's the door?!” Makoto shouts as they sprint through the gloomy apartment; when the lights inside had started to dim, the door had begun to slowly close as per it's normal functioning in the room.
“Over here!” Answers Peter, who's spotted the thin slit of light that shines in from The Woodlands corridor. Wishing he hadn't worked quite so hard at the gym last week Peter scrapes through the gap and hits the opposite wall with the momentum. Next, Makoto slips through with more ease as the sound of more glass breaking can be heard from inside the room. Water gushes into the corridor.
“Mary!” Shouts Peter through the gap. “MARY!” He pushes hard against the door, growling, veins rising on his skin but to no avail: it keeps it's closing pace despite being the door looking the exact same as when they entered.
“I'm here!” Mary flings her arm through the gap. “The gap's too narrow, I can't fucking fit!”
Peter redoubles his efforts, almost howling, but whatever is powering the door is inexplicably stronger.
“Mary, you need a mirror!” Makoto's wide awake and thinking quickly. “Have you got one?”
“No! Shit! Oh, I don't want to die sleeping with the fishes!” Mary shouts. “And I don't want that stupid fucking line to be the last thing I say!”
Peter pounces on an idea. “Makoto,” he cries, “push this door!” It might make no difference but trying's better than not. He then tightly holds Mary's hand in his and reaches into his pocket with his free one, grabbing at his thin smart-phone. “Mary, go in here.”
Looking through the narrowing gap Mary sees him holding the device up. “That's a fucking Black Mirror, Porgie!”
“I know, Mary! Trust me!” He's firmly squeezing Mary's hand yet she has to pull her arm in, the pressure from the door becoming too painful. Hearing a groaning, Mary glances back to see a line race from one side of the glistening glass to the other, offshoots snapping along it as the weight of the water becomes too much. She has no choice. Peter, keeping a tight hold on it, slides the phone through the gap; Mary musters herself and, head first, dives in.
“Pull that door!” Peter bellows and Makoto changes his exertion right as the glass gives way and a thundering roar blasts towards them. From the force, Makoto's pulling and the door going that way in the first place, the thing snaps shut with a last gush of water coming through.
Peter and Makoto pant for a second before Peter runs down the corridor towards a window. Makoto shouts after him. “Where are you going?”
“A Black Mirror,” Peter yells with no let-up of pace, “needs direct sunlight. It's the only way Mary can get out!” He reaches the sill and puts the phone in the centre of a yellow beam. The screen snaps in tiny lines just as the window-wall did and Mary's hand gropes out; Peter grabs it and hauls Mary up.
“Fucking hate those things!” Inside a Black Mirror, Mary cannot journey to any other; she'd be trapped in that dark world forever if not for the sun. She's entirely grateful Peter had his phone on him, however; hugging him tight she whispers in his ear. “Thank you.”
Makoto had started to follow Peter but has come to a stop by the elevator. Dixa should have been out of there by now, he realises, and the door to number thrity-two must have been open the whole time they were inside. Could she have gone in there without them knowing? He panics and looks at the analogue arrow above to see which floor the lift is on; yet it isn't on any. The arrow lies inert in one corner. Makoto taps at the buttons to bring the lift to life and there's nothing.
“What's wrong?” Peter asks while making his way over, leaving Mary rejoicing being in the sunshine.
“Dixa was in this when I got out on six - she said she was going to get off at this floor and come to the apartment. But now it seems to be broken.”
Makoto looks at Peter and Peter looks at Makoto.
“Everything alright?” Mary calls out.
Neither of the men answer aloud, yet they both know: there is definitely something not alright in The Woodlands.
Where's Dixa ended up? Why was a Welsh goat waiting for her? Will we ever see Matilda the Cow in a future chapter? And how come the glass broke? All of these questions will probably be answered soon-ish!
@Tetra@EMMYPESS@pudding_pie Would love to hear what you think of Makoto, Mary and Peter! Any issues, suggestions - anything at all, if you have the time. And if you don't have the time, no worries.
Been very busy and tired of late; each time I catch up I've fallen behind, but soon I'll move onto the Vampire tales! Hope you're all doing good in the best possible way at the moment. I'm now officially an (unpaid) video games journalist! virtual hugs
Glad to hear you've recovered! I know this is a few days old now but as everyone has said, there's no need to apologise for being busy! The fact that you say you're busy and let us know is thoughtful, to be honest. You've probably already made a decision on what to do with Belinda's last few chapters, but regarding your other stories, there is a bit of a writing scene over on Deviant Art if you wanted to share them with more people! I really enjoyed reading your Vampire story - you write very good Charlottes XD - but stopped reading because I got rushed off my feet a little about some things. I apologise for not saying anything at the time, I really should have.
The job at the beach sounds like a dream one! Have a great time. If you get the chance to say hi once in a while or even read a chapter that'd be wonderful, but don't worry - just make sure you enjoy yourself!
The family issues are a sad thing and if things can be resolved soon I hope they are. You'll all get through it.
The Junior Cruise should be fun! And as for the tutoring, even though you're no doubt better than you think, there's always the method of writing down what the student needs to learn in some sort of story format and getting them to read it. Don't actually know if that works at all (has anyone ever tried?) but you'd be great at it if it does!
If there's nothing immediate that you're really finding exciting - which might be because of some stress - you could always think to your future and consider where all this hard work is going to take you, but think big. Where do you want it to take you that's going to make you happy. It might help!
The thread won't be going anywhere soon; whatever chance you do get to be on it, it's always a pleasure to talk to you.
Hey Guys! - Part 2
Yeah, I know, I made another message a few days ago. Not sick anymore - that's a plus! But I'm here sort of talking ab… moreout something else. I've kind of lost interest in writing the particular tale I'm stuck on, with Belinda and Friends. I'm just having trouble planning the last chapter or two out, and it really frustrates me because I want to make them to the best of my ability, but nothing I've written satisfies me enough to share with you guys. So I've been holding off entirely on posting on here, and I haven't been as active as I usually am, so I'm sorry about that. I'm still considering finishing up my story, but idk if I have the motivation to do so. Part of me would rather just explain what I planned on happening just to get it over with, because I'm really, really itching to start something new. I want to do the new challenge as soon as possible (for another reason I have yet to address) and I also want to write ab… [view original content]
A fitting end to a grand tale
Poor Nick though, in the end he winds up with just a pitcher of salted scotch. No lady, no cigar, not even… more a friend... I was a little surprised at his maggot comment as well, it was fine in Fable High cuz he was meant to be that sort of person, but here it seemed a little out of place. Regardless, Nick will be fine I'm sure
I look forward to your Vampire challenge and whatever story you come up with next dude! XD
Dude this was absolutely phenomenal! I am worried about Dixa however, although I don't know whether to trust the goat or not.
As for Makoto you...wrote him so well! I loved him in this!
Can't wait to see what you do with the vampire story, and if you need any catching up in my story just ask I'll send you a PM or post it on here . I've been doing good! Hope the same to you man. Woah really! That's awesome man! Although I bet you wish there was some pay. You'll have to send me to your articles or something!
Okay, I may have gone a little over the top with this, but after watching Inception again and a bunch of superhero movies it's all rubbed of… moref. It's fun to write, though. XD Feel free to enjoy!
Chapter Five – There's something about Mary (which we all love)
Unsure of her surroundings, Dixa begins to stand up but gets no further than a crouch when lights spark on and she's momentarily blinded. From the ceiling, naked bulbs dangle down, filaments glowing golden and illuminating the corridor; and Dixa finds that she is not alone.
Standing in front of her is a goat.
“Oh, finally. You've taken your bloody time in arriving.” The goat, not happy at being kept waiting, flares it's nostrils in frustration. Shaking it's head from side to side, curved horns swing through the air and long white fur wafts with it. Speaking with a Welsh accent that lilts melodiously, the animal dives forth into a rant. “Hours! Hours, I've been kept waiting and w… [view original content]
A day passed after that gruesome battle, our heroes still recovering from their injuries while Etan still suffere… mored from his. He nearly died yesterday, if it weren't for the help of an unlikely new ally. The wolf woke up in his room, and noticed his bloody gash healing. He removed himself from his bed, placed his cat slippers on his feet and looked in the mirror. He didn't see human eye’s, but his own old wolf eye’s before Fenrir stole them from him. He went downstairs and seen his father and Uncle sitting in the living room, with them was Fenrir who Etan was more than surprised to see.
“What the hell is going on here?” He said. Skoll explained then explained everything that happened in the past twenty four hours.
One day ago
Still with the silver dagger in his back, continuing to burn his flesh, Fenrir get’s up and removes quickly and firmly, throwing it to the ground. He look’s at his and his grandson in g… [view original content]
Amazing news about getting a job as a game journalist, man! Which website or Youtube channel are you a part of? If you don't mind sharing?
Also, I'm pretty confused with what's happened after Dixa's confrontation with the goat. Did Mary, Peter, and Makoto step in an apartment that happened to be in another place or time? And that they had to escape when water suddenly started to submerge the place?
Okay, I may have gone a little over the top with this, but after watching Inception again and a bunch of superhero movies it's all rubbed of… moref. It's fun to write, though. XD Feel free to enjoy!
Chapter Five – There's something about Mary (which we all love)
Unsure of her surroundings, Dixa begins to stand up but gets no further than a crouch when lights spark on and she's momentarily blinded. From the ceiling, naked bulbs dangle down, filaments glowing golden and illuminating the corridor; and Dixa finds that she is not alone.
Standing in front of her is a goat.
“Oh, finally. You've taken your bloody time in arriving.” The goat, not happy at being kept waiting, flares it's nostrils in frustration. Shaking it's head from side to side, curved horns swing through the air and long white fur wafts with it. Speaking with a Welsh accent that lilts melodiously, the animal dives forth into a rant. “Hours! Hours, I've been kept waiting and w… [view original content]
That's my Tez! Waiting for the right moment to give Rose the ever-so-special temple prize! What was it again, exactly?
The ending was ju… morest as I expected - loving, sex, and booze, all of which are wonderful things to happen in a celebration like this.
The club scene is supposed to kind of highlight the mindset of some of the people Derek tends to deal with. Ones that don't care, or… more don't notice that sort of stuff. Maybe a few onlookers gasped, but the only help around was really Derek. I love the club scene too
Yeah XD Is it sad that I had to look up slang terms for cocaine?
Definitely a twist. Magnus is an ass. A clever ass. They might make it work...but you'll have to see as I write more.
Sorry if that sounded off was incredibly moody earlier, what I meant to say was, It was never mentioned, it was just something shiny that I never bothered mentioning, so it could of been anything. Lol
The previous was the prologue. Kind of like how a book is, you know
I love Jocelyn. Glad you like the descriptions, I tried my hardest.
I like writing both a lot! But yeah, wolves DO have a special place in my heart as well. I have to go and read your story, as well as everyone else's. Probably tomorrow (Or I guess it would be today for you when you're reading this? It's 8 PM on a Saturday here, idk how much of a time difference the UK has compared to Eastern US.)
If this is Chapter 1 then what was the previous segment you posted?
I liked this a lot though! Great descriptions, and Jocelyn is certai… morenly a handful!!! XP
Werewolves are more fun to write than Vampires I say (maybe cuz we have Bigby for reference) but I really did like this!
I look forward to more from you! XD
Same. Poor girl didn't ask for anything that's happened to her
Oh he does eventually. You weren't around for the first time that I introduced him, he's actually Franklin's father, and Franklin kills him in the future. If you want specifics, you can PM me
Can't wait to WRITE more! Plus, I gotta catch up on everyone else's posts, like yours and Hazza's and whoever else started!
Ah okay so everything has come full circle. I feel bad for Jocelyn.
That asshole Magnus though I hope he gets what's coming to him. >:D
Awesome follow up! Can't wait to read more!
Goofing?! :O Well my visit to Cali is gonna be packed full of surprises then!...
True :P
It's so sweet! XD
I see.
I'm not quite sure what you're asking me... But it's your story... Do what you have to...
Ah okay so everything has come full circle. I feel bad for Jocelyn.
That asshole Magnus though I hope he gets what's coming to him. >:D
Awesome follow up! Can't wait to read more!
No no. Like you tell us, I want to know what YOU'D like me to do with Nick. He is your OC and yes, this is my story but I'd hate for you to take Emily, for example and turn her into a whore or something just because it's your story. I'll have to go back to that OC thing we did in the PM and take notes for the next section.
LOL This is why I never include OC's from other people. XD
Kieron has definitely changed, and not for the best it would seem... I like Claire though!!! XD
Nice reference to Nick at the beginning btw
So the infatuation is pretty obvious, Kieron don;t take shit from no Vampire bitch that spits at his feet, this is gonna be good!!!
I can;t wait for more, dude! XD
I wouldn't do that with Emily anyways
The PM was there so I wouldn't have to go into shit-loads of detail all the time...
... I'm sorry for my attitude, but I discovered a revelation about my Parent's today, mainly my Mum, and now I'm pretty sure that a divorce will be had in about 6 years or so....
So forgive me for acting like a complete asshole, but I really didn't need any of this today! >:(
I'm sorry...
Yeah, I'll have to go back and take notes. The conclusion is nowhere done, if that helps. And I know you'd never do that to her....
Here. I'll send you a PM...I knew something was up because normally, you don't respond as such.
Kierons mind lives in the past while he wants to live in the present, as you have pointed out he's depressed but looking for a way to be happy. Glad you like Claire man!
It won't be the only one!
Oh yes! Kieron doesn't take shit from anyone, except for people who he knows are stronger than him Until he knows how to beat them!
-brofist- Dude, you know me better then that. We cool.
Would I be right in thinking that she is based off of Claire Redfield from Resident Evil by any chance?
People like Nick lol. EVERYONE wants to beat Nick cuz he's mister big-shot... He ain't mister big-shot for no reason though :P
For the most part yes! The only thing that is different is she doesn't blurt out emotionally.
Good thing Nick is Kierons friend though XD
I sure hope I do:P
But I feel like an ass though, like I deserve a smack for being so direct with you...
Oh come on dude, give Claire a chance! XP
Bro's dude, bro's and friends are very different
Lol but this Claire is supposed to be calm and collected, like old Vergil XD
Oh okay, I will refer to them as such then XD
Ah, now I actually prefer the New Vergil! He had a much more casual personality whilst still being very formal, he even made jokes with Dante at one point :P
It's a bromance for the ages! XD
I swear when I read your stories they always bring me back to my days learning History. XD Sorry about the problems, dude....:(
Hunter and Gertraud are the ideal couple. I loved their little interaction, especially the part with the gun. Also, Gertaud is my typs of woman: does not want flowers but the simple pleasures life has to bring and that's alright with me.
Their conversations are priceless, too. I love that you describe their actions as well. The piece with their meal of bread and wine was well done, too.
Nice to see you back! Shame about your problems man
I liked this chapter and it's descriptions (you have a real knack for it) but I felt Gertraud and Alfred's relationship was strained. I get that they're a couple, but they're a very docile couple. Gertraud is feisty, but would it kill her to be more loving to Alfred in private?
Besides that, the rest of it was awesome and filled with History
I look forward to more dude! XD
Oh man this was tense!!!
Robert nearly raping Emily had me in shock :O
Now Nick... I'm gonna say it, you should've discussed this with me beforehand, cuz I don't like what you did to him. Nick would've sensed that attack coming (how else would he be able to fight off opponents from all sides as I stated in his bio? and it's effects wouldn't have lasted that long, Black magic is unstable and doesn't mix well with other magic, it would've made Nick angry and bloodthirsty instead.
I also hope that the massive crow that ball of light went into wasn't Nick as a Crow, you can't possess the Harbinger's, their Masters are always watching them...
I'm sorry for bursting your bubble like this... You'll just have to continue on with what has taken place it would seem
I hope that this bringing you back to your days of learning history is a good thing, because we have another revolution, a depression, another world war and a cold war to get through yet
So, Gertrauds your type of woman? I am in the same boat as you.
I do try with the descriptions XD.
As for them being 'docile', I am trying to be careful as writing romance is still relatively new territory for me. This is just a starting point, though. Give it some time and I may become more confident and more bold (Before you get your hopes up, there will be no smut for a long time yet and that is if it happens).
Jack is such a dick, and Brandy is just a figure of loveliness
Waiting for some lesbian action to happen... and nothing... WHY PIE?! Why do you get my hopes up like this?!
Regardless, I like the descriptions of the club, and how Georgie and Hans are 'better' than they were during TWAU.
I look forward to more! XD
Alfred and Gertraud are meant to be quite dry and sarcastic towards each other. It is fun to write as it is read, I must admit. They know each other well enough to tell when the other is joking or being serious, even on the most risqué or daring of topics.
Good to know.
A fitting end to a grand tale
Poor Nick though, in the end he winds up with just a pitcher of salted scotch. No lady, no cigar, not even a friend... I was a little surprised at his maggot comment as well, it was fine in Fable High cuz he was meant to be that sort of person, but here it seemed a little out of place. Regardless, Nick will be fine I'm sure
I look forward to your Vampire challenge and whatever story you come up with next dude! XD
I know
I see, well I look forward to when they become more open!
You can't write smut on this thread... Can't even spoiler tag it, you'll get banned
You can write suggestive stuff, but not proper sex...
Yeah I was a little bummed about it as well...
There are still rules to this thread unfortunately as it can be accessed by anyone of any age :P
Some of the more violent content (like my torture one-shot) I spoiler tagged to 'lessen the blow' of such graphic content. Now if this was solely a fanfiction site, people like me and @pudding_pie would be writing some very shameless smut!! XD
Okay, I may have gone a little over the top with this, but after watching Inception again and a bunch of superhero movies it's all rubbed off. It's fun to write, though. XD Feel free to enjoy!
Chapter Five – There's something about Mary (which we all love)
Unsure of her surroundings, Dixa begins to stand up but gets no further than a crouch when lights spark on and she's momentarily blinded. From the ceiling, naked bulbs dangle down, filaments glowing golden and illuminating the corridor; and Dixa finds that she is not alone.
Standing in front of her is a goat.
“Oh, finally. You've taken your bloody time in arriving.” The goat, not happy at being kept waiting, flares it's nostrils in frustration. Shaking it's head from side to side, curved horns swing through the air and long white fur wafts with it. Speaking with a Welsh accent that lilts melodiously, the animal dives forth into a rant. “Hours! Hours, I've been kept waiting and where were you, hmm? Swanning about, no doubt, while muggins here has to stand around and be patient. Well, love, my patience ran out an hour ago!”
Dixa, who less than two minutes ago escaped from a falling lift into this glowing corridor, is keenly aware that the goat has taken a dislike towards her. It's ears are point spear-straight upwards.
“Well, I'm putting my hoof down!” (The goat taps the green carpet). “I'm not waiting a moment longer. You're to--” As the goat leans closer to Dixa and sees past it's own ire, he notices something he has previously not. “You – is that – Facking hell! You're wearing leather!” Dixa's motorbike jacket does- “You bitch! You! Oh, that bloody makes me fume that does!” -look like leather, but it's fake. The goat doesn't realise this; he turns around and walks off down the corridor, casting expletives against the leather industry into the air.
Dixa simply remains still, very unsure of what's occurring. She can't even tell whether that hangover is still with her or if it went down with the lift. Thanks to the angry goat no longer taking all of her attention, however, she's free to look about and get her bearings.
The walls are decorated: the top a dark blue, patterned with red and yellow stripes and triangles, which end half way down to be replaced by a wooden paneling. The floor is a plush, emerald carpet that stretches the length of the corridor in front of her, past rows of dark doors on either side. Looking at the doors next to her, Dixa is puzzled by the absence of number plaques. This must still be The Woodlands, Dixa reasons, but it is definitely no part of The Woodlands she's been in before.
And what on earth did that goat want? It just kept bleating at her – had it been trying to tell her something?
“Hey, Mak! Petey!” Bloody Mary walks along the corridor towards them and is particularly chipper this morning. (And by all accounts so was Peter, until just been called 'Petey'.)
Standing outside apartment thirty-two on the eighth floor of The Woodlands, the two men – who had been chatting pleasantly – turn to greet Mary, one of the three Sheriffs of Fabletown (Peter and Bigby being the two). “Good morning, Mary,” is Peter's polite reply. Makoto raises his hand and gives a quiet “Hi”, which Mary responds to by giving him a friendly punch on the shoulder.
“So, what have you really dragged this pregnant lady out of bed for? 'Cause I thought for a minute there you were being serious about a time-travelling weasel.”
“I was being serious about a time-travelling weasel.” But curiously, the more times he says the phrase 'time-travelling weasel' aloud, the far less serious Peter feels.
This isn't what Mary wanted to hear: her expression clouds like a summer storm and she marches up to Peter. “You fucking thought it was worth calling me and getting me up here for some time-travelling stoat?! I'm eight months pregnant, you ass!”
Peter tries to take a step back but finds he's right up against the door, while Makoto shuffles to the side and decides it's probably best for his health to not point out to Mary that weasels and stoats are actually two separate species. She probably knows that really, he figures.
“Hey!” Peter says defensively. “I know you're pregnant but I didn't want a repeat of what happened that one time I forgot to keep you informed, when we brought that perp' in. You remember what you did? Hmm, Mary?! Do you remember what you did with that cow!”
Mary remains close to Peter, holding her gaze despite the wisp of crimson hair that's tangling into her eyelashes. Until a crooked smile breaks up her face, that is. “Ahh, relax. I'm just razzing you, Petey!”
There are few things that can give Peter Porgie the urge to run off down a corridor in a state of wild confusion and broken patience, screaming and waving his arms, but Mary has found one this morning.
“Don't remember the cow, though. What was that?” Mary asks while moving the strand of hair behind her ear.
Peter lets out an exasperated sigh before speaking. “It was last year, one night, before I'd moved in with Holly.”
Makoto, who's feeling invisible to the other two in the corridor (and rather glad about it), can tell by Peter's tone he's already regretting going into the matter.
“We'd been out to celebrate closing the case; I'd had a few drinks and was pretty drunk. I get back to my apartment, it's dark but everything feels normal so I just get undressed and slide into bed TO FIND A FUCKING 2,000 POUND COW IN THERE!” Peter shouts the last part because, frankly, he's still pretty annoyed about it.
Mary sparks up at the recollection. “Ohhh, yeah! Matilda! Should have seen me getting her through that mirror; wonder how she is. And 2,000 pounds is a little steep: she's not that big.”
“Mary, I just… I don't care. Let's get this done with. We're going to have a look in Cinderella and Weasel's apartment to see if there's any clue to this time-travel business.”
“Oh, I've already had a look in there.” Mary's smile is as sweet as can be. Peter simply stares at her in disbelief.
“When you rung and said what's happened I decided to take a peek in the mirrors on my way over. Looks quite normal! If you can call whatever their style is normal, but Cindy did grow up in a pauper's house, so, y'know.”
After almost a year and a half Peter thought he'd be used to things like this, but, no. He is not used to Bloody Mary. And in all honesty he can't tell if it's pregnancy hormones or just Mary being quite contrary that's making her seem so awkward today. Should he be angry, or resign himself to this way of working? It's exhausting, truly, but if--
“For goodness sake!” Peter and Mary turn their heads in complete synchronisation and surprise to look at Makoto. Perhaps normally he'd have left them to their bickering and listened to some oh-so-sweet tunes from his ubiquitous headphones, but right now Makoto simply wants the pair to finish so he can find somewhere to nap. “You're like children, do you know that? Just open the door.” He gives the final command to Peter (who feels the rebuke is a tad unfair seeing as how Mary started it).
“Fine, fine, I'm opening it.” Peter turns around whilst mumbling to himself about not getting so caught up with Mary's antics in the future; Holly had made him promise not to but some days it was easier said than done.
Placing his hand on the brass handle, Peter opens the door and Makoto and Mary peer round him into the room. What they see is unexpected. (But let's face it, dear reader, you were probably expecting something along those lines by now).
Still peeking round, Mary speaks first: “it did not look like this five minutes ago”; and Makoto second: “it didn't look like this yesterday when I brought Ella to see Cindy.” Peter says nothing, instead keenly casting his eyes over it all while letting his nose and ears scope the room out.
Lights built into the turquoise ceiling automatically glowed on when the door opened and all but the opposite wall of the spacious apartment is now bathed in a cool light, an artificial daylight, that's reflected by the predominantly marble-white coloured furniture and fittings.
“Shall we have a look around?” Asks Mary, her usual self-confidence wary of this sudden change.
“Sure,” Peter answers slowly, pushing the door till it's flat against the inner wall. He couldn't sense anyone else present, which was expected given that he'd asked Cinderella to wait in the Business Office, but what on earth is going on?
“This is bizarre,” comments Makoto as they all walk in, pivoting their heads about to get a good look.
Everything inside is minimalist, curved and bright: the two sofas, a cabinet by the doorway, a low table standing on a rug in the lounge area. The only corners are upon the walls, where patterns of large squares in bold colours are stamped like a digital code. Peter moves over the soft carpet to the wall on his right and towards one of two doors that are fitted seamlessly; even these have curved edges. There's no handle but a slightly raised bump in what could be the wood or metal door. He tries to push it without success.
Makoto goes into the kitchenette to the left and stands behind a counter that's a single piece, starting on the floor and curving up and then flat to form a semi-circle, before arching back down into the ground. He looks at the few utensils that hang on the wall, made of what looks like an expensive plastic; and above are rows of cupboards that would be impossible to differentiate if not for the varying block of single-tone primary colour on each one. It's strange, he thinks. It's like Cindy and Weasel but different. To him it feels very post-modern.
Mary, meanwhile, has walked past the furniture to the opposite end of the room where the wall is still cast in darkness; as she gets within a few feet of it small lights above her bloom on and she notices that there's a curtain drawn across the long wall. Walking to her left she finds the end of it against the adjoining wall and taking a handful starts pulling the material along. With a compelling curiosity she looks at what's been uncovered and simply finds her wide-eyed reflection staring back; it's dark outside the glass. Wondering whether or not to ask Makoto or Peter if there's a light-switch near them - there doesn't seem to be one near her - Mary decides to pull the curtain all the way back first and does so, meeting up with Peter at the end of the right-hand wall.
“There's something very wrong about all this,” Peter says with a knitted brow. You'd never be given a reason for calling Sheriff Porgie a coward when he's faced with something unknown, and now is no different. He can sense that there isn't any active danger here, nothing lurking behind one of the doors ready to spring out with deadly intent, but the air they're breathing feels wrong – not toxic, but like something his lungs have never quite had in them before. Plus, he can feel a sort of pressure, as if something heavy is pressing down upon the room. It's entirely disconcerting.
“I wouldn't say there's something wrong as such, but it's very unusual,” replies Mary. “Anyway, can you see a light-switch anywhere? I want to see what's through this window.”
Peter glances about and shrugs.
“Hey, Makot --” The lights above begin to dim. “Oh, never mind!” Mary yells with excitement as Makoto makes his way over and the darkness becomes complete. “Is that?” She leans so close to the glass that her nose barely gets away without leaving a mark as she walks along the wall that's a window. Then lights come on outside and she staggers to a stop. Peter's eyes widen instantly and Makoto's breath is simply taken away. Outside the window is water.
Not the view of a golden beach lapped by waves.
Not beads of rain against the pane.
Not just a drop.
A whole ocean.
The enormous array of bulbs outside the window shoot shafts of light through it all, refracting and dancing in the dark blue. Sparkling further out, more lights come on till before them the scene glows in aquatic glory, shimmering like a half remembered dream. There are no other structures visible; a whale of gigantic proportions swims slowly along in the distance.
Mary looks down and sees a rocky promontory covered in swaying plants, colourful fish darting between the fronds. “It's… It's beautiful. But what the fuck is going on?”
Makoto and Peter limply walk up next to her, bands of light playing along each of their faces and the floor of the otherwise dark and silent room. “I've no idea,” Peter answers truthfully. “And call me crazy, but I think this is in the fut --”
“What was that?” Peter didn't like that sound at all.
“What was what?” Asks Makoto, still gazing unblinkingly in front of him.
snap crack snap
“We have to leave, now.” Peter speaks with an urgency that breaks Mary and Makoto's trance.
“Why?” Mary demands. “Can't we just take a minute to look at THIS?”
“No, we have to leave!”
“Shit. What was that?” Mary looks around, panicked.
Jets of water burst through tiny fissures the glass to their left, while rivulets begin to drip from the right.
“Run!” Shouts Peter. He doesn't need to say it twice as water streams in.
“Where's the door?!” Makoto shouts as they sprint through the gloomy apartment; when the lights inside had started to dim, the door had begun to slowly close as per it's normal functioning in the room.
“Over here!” Answers Peter, who's spotted the thin slit of light that shines in from The Woodlands corridor. Wishing he hadn't worked quite so hard at the gym last week Peter scrapes through the gap and hits the opposite wall with the momentum. Next, Makoto slips through with more ease as the sound of more glass breaking can be heard from inside the room. Water gushes into the corridor.
“Mary!” Shouts Peter through the gap. “MARY!” He pushes hard against the door, growling, veins rising on his skin but to no avail: it keeps it's closing pace despite being the door looking the exact same as when they entered.
“I'm here!” Mary flings her arm through the gap. “The gap's too narrow, I can't fucking fit!”
Peter redoubles his efforts, almost howling, but whatever is powering the door is inexplicably stronger.
“Mary, you need a mirror!” Makoto's wide awake and thinking quickly. “Have you got one?”
“No! Shit! Oh, I don't want to die sleeping with the fishes!” Mary shouts. “And I don't want that stupid fucking line to be the last thing I say!”
Peter pounces on an idea. “Makoto,” he cries, “push this door!” It might make no difference but trying's better than not. He then tightly holds Mary's hand in his and reaches into his pocket with his free one, grabbing at his thin smart-phone. “Mary, go in here.”
Looking through the narrowing gap Mary sees him holding the device up. “That's a fucking Black Mirror, Porgie!”
“I know, Mary! Trust me!” He's firmly squeezing Mary's hand yet she has to pull her arm in, the pressure from the door becoming too painful. Hearing a groaning, Mary glances back to see a line race from one side of the glistening glass to the other, offshoots snapping along it as the weight of the water becomes too much. She has no choice. Peter, keeping a tight hold on it, slides the phone through the gap; Mary musters herself and, head first, dives in.
“Pull that door!” Peter bellows and Makoto changes his exertion right as the glass gives way and a thundering roar blasts towards them. From the force, Makoto's pulling and the door going that way in the first place, the thing snaps shut with a last gush of water coming through.
Peter and Makoto pant for a second before Peter runs down the corridor towards a window. Makoto shouts after him. “Where are you going?”
“A Black Mirror,” Peter yells with no let-up of pace, “needs direct sunlight. It's the only way Mary can get out!” He reaches the sill and puts the phone in the centre of a yellow beam. The screen snaps in tiny lines just as the window-wall did and Mary's hand gropes out; Peter grabs it and hauls Mary up.
“Fucking hate those things!” Inside a Black Mirror, Mary cannot journey to any other; she'd be trapped in that dark world forever if not for the sun. She's entirely grateful Peter had his phone on him, however; hugging him tight she whispers in his ear. “Thank you.”
Makoto had started to follow Peter but has come to a stop by the elevator. Dixa should have been out of there by now, he realises, and the door to number thrity-two must have been open the whole time they were inside. Could she have gone in there without them knowing? He panics and looks at the analogue arrow above to see which floor the lift is on; yet it isn't on any. The arrow lies inert in one corner. Makoto taps at the buttons to bring the lift to life and there's nothing.
“What's wrong?” Peter asks while making his way over, leaving Mary rejoicing being in the sunshine.
“Dixa was in this when I got out on six - she said she was going to get off at this floor and come to the apartment. But now it seems to be broken.”
Makoto looks at Peter and Peter looks at Makoto.
“Everything alright?” Mary calls out.
Neither of the men answer aloud, yet they both know: there is definitely something not alright in The Woodlands.
Where's Dixa ended up? Why was a Welsh goat waiting for her? Will we ever see Matilda the Cow in a future chapter? And how come the glass broke? All of these questions will probably be answered soon-ish!
@Tetra @EMMYPESS @pudding_pie Would love to hear what you think of Makoto, Mary and Peter! Any issues, suggestions - anything at all, if you have the time. And if you don't have the time, no worries.
Been very busy and tired of late; each time I catch up I've fallen behind, but soon I'll move onto the Vampire tales!
Hope you're all doing good in the best possible way at the moment. I'm now officially an (unpaid) video games journalist! virtual hugs
Glad to hear you've recovered! I know this is a few days old now but as everyone has said, there's no need to apologise for being busy! The fact that you say you're busy and let us know is thoughtful, to be honest. You've probably already made a decision on what to do with Belinda's last few chapters, but regarding your other stories, there is a bit of a writing scene over on Deviant Art if you wanted to share them with more people! I really enjoyed reading your Vampire story - you write very good Charlottes XD - but stopped reading because I got rushed off my feet a little about some things. I apologise for not saying anything at the time, I really should have.
The job at the beach sounds like a dream one! Have a great time.
If you get the chance to say hi once in a while or even read a chapter that'd be wonderful, but don't worry - just make sure you enjoy yourself!
The family issues are a sad thing and if things can be resolved soon I hope they are. You'll all get through it.
The Junior Cruise should be fun! And as for the tutoring, even though you're no doubt better than you think, there's always the method of writing down what the student needs to learn in some sort of story format and getting them to read it. Don't actually know if that works at all (has anyone ever tried?) but you'd be great at it if it does!
If there's nothing immediate that you're really finding exciting - which might be because of some stress - you could always think to your future and consider where all this hard work is going to take you, but think big. Where do you want it to take you that's going to make you happy. It might help!
The thread won't be going anywhere soon; whatever chance you do get to be on it, it's always a pleasure to talk to you.
Thank you, and does Nick has someone, his Bond Girl
Lol Jayne :P
Dude this was absolutely phenomenal! I am worried about Dixa however, although I don't know whether to trust the goat or not.
As for Makoto you...wrote him so well! I loved him in this!
Can't wait to see what you do with the vampire story, and if you need any catching up in my story just ask I'll send you a PM or post it on here
. I've been doing good! Hope the same to you man. Woah really! That's awesome man! Although I bet you wish there was some pay.
You'll have to send me to your articles or something! 
That's my Tez! Waiting for the right moment to give Rose the ever-so-special temple prize!
What was it again, exactly?
The ending was just as I expected - loving, sex, and booze, all of which are wonderful things to happen in a celebration like this.
Amazing news about getting a job as a game journalist, man!
Which website or Youtube channel are you a part of? If you don't mind sharing?
Also, I'm pretty confused with what's happened after Dixa's confrontation with the goat. Did Mary, Peter, and Makoto step in an apartment that happened to be in another place or time? And that they had to escape when water suddenly started to submerge the place?
It was, something shiny, I didn't quite mention exactly what it was..
Not sad at all, you do what you have to do in order to make your tale authentic as possible.
From what I remember, I know exactly what you're talking about. I should've expected as much from a vamp like him, too. (sigh) XP
My bad, can't remember everything.
Why are you so serious every time I comment on your stuff?
Sorry if that sounded off was incredibly moody earlier, what I meant to say was, It was never mentioned, it was just something shiny that I never bothered mentioning, so it could of been anything. Lol
The previous was the prologue. Kind of like how a book is, you know
I love Jocelyn. Glad you like the descriptions, I tried my hardest.
I like writing both a lot! But yeah, wolves DO have a special place in my heart as well. I have to go and read your story, as well as everyone else's. Probably tomorrow (Or I guess it would be today for you when you're reading this? It's 8 PM on a Saturday here, idk how much of a time difference the UK has compared to Eastern US.)
Same. Poor girl didn't ask for anything that's happened to her
Oh he does eventually. You weren't around for the first time that I introduced him, he's actually Franklin's father, and Franklin kills him in the future. If you want specifics, you can PM me
Can't wait to WRITE more! Plus, I gotta catch up on everyone else's posts, like yours and Hazza's and whoever else started!