It was four in the morning, Kieron had just remembered that there was a project he wanted to finish. He had to move Claire off of his chest. He got up and went into his workshop. He stood at his bench and examined his sword, it was a single edged blade that was thirty inches long, it's handle however was unique it had a motorcycle like gear shift that when pulled would spray a highly flammable liquid on the sword causing the blade to swing faster, deal more damage, and cause fire to his foes. However most of his tests proved not to work, whenever he revved the motorcycle gear and swung the blade the blade would dull becoming worse. This however was a new material that would hopefully work. He put the sword together piece by piece. The sword was beautiful, the crimson red handle and the way the blade was formed, Kieron was surprised he was able to craft this. He began to revv the handle, and just like it should the highly flammable liquid went onto the blade. He swung the blade, fire following the blades path was astounding. He looked at the sword and it still maintained perfect condition. Kieron was caught by Claire who had come up from behind and hugged him. She went on the tip of her toes to rest her head on his shoulder. She saw the sword and was amazed.
"What little toy is this?" She asked
Kieron smiled "A fire sword." He said
She got down and clapped with excitement "Care to show me big man?" She said
Kieron revved the sword more than once, the sword was now glowing red. when he swung the sword the speed was faster than the human eye and the fire was as hot as rocket fuel. Normally it would catch the room on fire but Kieron made specific modifications so that the gas would only ignite if the sword was swung and when the sword stopped glass would encase the sword putting out the fire. Kieron put the sword down on the bench, and unattached it.
"That's amazing, could you make more of those?" She asked
"No, it took me two years just to make this one, and I certainly don't think I'm going to make some for an army." He said
Claire looked disappointed but she understood. "C'mon I'm tired. It's five in the morning." She said hugging him again.
"Alright, I'm going." He chuckled
The two went to sleep for a bit, it was three in the afternoon when they both woke up. Kieron hopped in the shower, when he got out noticed that Claire had already gotten up and dressed she was on the couch listening to the radio. He got dressed and slid on his gloves, he walked out where Claire was. She smiled
"Hey. I'm thirsty can you get me a drink?" She asked
Since this was Kierons second day as a Vampire so he didn't have any blood but his own. He poured her a glass and handed to her.
"Thanks!" She said smiling.
"Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" He asked
"Maybe I'll try something." She said "But you have to do something for me. And no its not what you're thinking." She said
"What do you want me to do?" He asked
"Tell me your story. In wonderland, I want to hear it from you. Please?" She asked
Kieron sighed, he hasn't told anyone his point of view of the story to anyone. He sat down and began to tell her everything. How Alice had came up to him one day and asked him his name. After that he went to go on about how he met Azaria, and the others. He talked about how he had been experimented on by scientists since he was nine years old and how he came to terms with how his body looked. He then talked about how he fell in love with Azaria, tears began to form in his eyes. He then began to tell how one by one he saw his friends die in front of him tears streaming down his face. And when he got them all back he didn't know who they were due to amnesia, and the rest of them also had more severe amnesia. He then described how empty he feels losing everything he's had, he felt worthless not being able to have helped them, he should have reached out to them. It killed him telling his story...Claire didn't know how to react, this man has gone through so much and has achieved a lot and was rewarded with nothing but anguish. Their story were similar, his and her. But she would never be able to go through what Kieron has gone through. She wanted to tell him that it was okay, and it was alright but...was it her place to say so? Finally she couldn't stand seeing Kieron like this.
"Kieron it's okay, it's over. You don't have to cry anymore. Please stop crying." She said putting her hand ontop of his.
This surprised Kieron. He looked at her and saw that he was upsetting her by crying. He managed to laugh. "You wanted to know. Is there anything else you want to know?" He asked
"No and I won't ask about your past again." She said
Night began to rise, it was almost time for them to meet with the Sabbat. Claire wanted to tell him her story but she decided to wait for another time. Claire changed into a dark blue dress, while Kieron kept his trench coat on. Kieron put together his sword and slung it on his shoulder.
"Couldn't you make that less...noticiable?" Claire asked
Kierons right glove began to glow. The sword then disappeared. "Better?" He asked
She kissed him on the cheek. "Perfect, when we get there you can make it reappear as there will be no mundys there." She said
Kieron nodded and the two of them headed out the door.
At the Sabbat mansion...
The Sabbat was located in a mansion high on the hill. Kieron and Claire took a cab to the front door. Kieron got out first, his right glove began to glow making his sword reappear, he held out his hand to help out Claire from the cab.
"Such a gentleman" She smiled
Kieron smiled back. The two noticed a man walk up.
"Ah Claire you're here! And who is this gentleman with the sword? Surely you don't think we'd try and kill you right?" He asked
"Just in case." Kieron said
"Yes he is needed in this meeting plus you could take us, we're only two vampires." She smiled
"Of course. We'll if you two would come inside and we can discuss what you wanted to talk about." He said
The man brought them to the meeting room where every Sabbat leader was, Kieron stood behind Claires seat with his sword on his shoulder. With that a man began to talk.
"So anarchist what is it?" He said
She smiled mischieviously. "I want your help, in assassinating the prince."
"And why should we help you?" The man asked
"Why? Because I want the throne." She said
"What's in it for us?" They asked
Kieron noticed one of the Sabbat get up. He returned his gaze to the meeting.
"Because tonight you met a woman of antidiluvian decent. And if you don't help me, let's just say your clan may face extinction." She said
"So to gain our trust you think you can spout nonesense!?" The man said
"Oh it is anything but nonsense." She said.
There was an explosion outside. Kieron revved his sword, preparing for a fight, while the Sabbat had grabbed weapons as well.
"What is the meaning of this?" One of the Sabbat leaders said
There were two more explosions followed by gunfire. Kieron had taken the Sabbat by surprise due to them being off balance. The sword had caught several vampires on fire giving them the final death. Claire had popped a few Sabbat with blood boil.
"What do we do?" Kieron asked
"They have a secret basement let's take shelter there!"
The two ran towards the secret entrance. In the aftermath there was a man left standing.
"Sorry brethren but from now on there will be only one leader of the Sabat and it shall be me!" The man said laughing.
The prince had walked in. "Did the plan work? Is the anarchist and her boyfriend dead?" He said
"Not yet sir. But soon they will die." The new Sabbat leader said.
The prince pointed. "They better be! Or this will be a short reign for you." The Prince said leaving.
"Of course your highness!" He replied.
Kieron and Claire were now stuck in the Sabbat basement where horrors beyond the imagination lingered...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Dixa's motorbike jacket does- “You bitch! You! Oh, that bloody makes me fume that does!” -look like leather, but it's fake.
Lol, a 'Pleather' jacket I assume? I have one of those, pretty comfy tbh :P
I felt you captured Peter and Mary just right, Makoto I'm not so sure cuz I haven't properly read any of Tetra's stuff with him in it
So Mary is 8 months pregnant with who's child? And that concept of a Black Mirror, was that your idea or someone else's from earlier on the thread? It's a very good idea either way though!!
And congrats on becoming a video game journalist dude!!! That sounds so cool! Shame you're not getting paid for it though... So what does such a role entail then?
Okay, I may have gone a little over the top with this, but after watching Inception again and a bunch of superhero movies it's all rubbed of… moref. It's fun to write, though. XD Feel free to enjoy!
Chapter Five – There's something about Mary (which we all love)
Unsure of her surroundings, Dixa begins to stand up but gets no further than a crouch when lights spark on and she's momentarily blinded. From the ceiling, naked bulbs dangle down, filaments glowing golden and illuminating the corridor; and Dixa finds that she is not alone.
Standing in front of her is a goat.
“Oh, finally. You've taken your bloody time in arriving.” The goat, not happy at being kept waiting, flares it's nostrils in frustration. Shaking it's head from side to side, curved horns swing through the air and long white fur wafts with it. Speaking with a Welsh accent that lilts melodiously, the animal dives forth into a rant. “Hours! Hours, I've been kept waiting and w… [view original content]
Same. Poor girl didn't ask for anything that's happened to her
Oh he does eventually. You weren't around for the first time that I intro… moreduced him, he's actually Franklin's father, and Franklin kills him in the future. If you want specifics, you can PM me
Can't wait to WRITE more! Plus, I gotta catch up on everyone else's posts, like yours and Hazza's and whoever else started!
Yeah I was a little bummed about it as well...
There are still rules to this thread unfortunately as it can be accessed by anyone of any … moreage :P
Some of the more violent content (like my torture one-shot) I spoiler tagged to 'lessen the blow' of such graphic content. Now if this was solely a fanfiction site, people like me and @pudding_pie would be writing some very shameless smut!! XD
Yeah I had to read 9 chapters today... God that was exhausting, I have to write comments on them as well afterwards so I have to be nice and constructive and... yeeeeaahh I'm knackered :P
It's currently 2am on a Sunday over here (I figured out the time differences: New Jersey is 5 hours behind England, and California is 8 hours behind England) I was a little saddened that you hadn't commented on my Vampire challenge yet, but we're all busy
Oh and I have 3 Werewolves to introduce! These guys were meant to appear in The Devil Among Us on, but I'm using them on this thread first! XD
The previous was the prologue. Kind of like how a book is, you know
I love Jocelyn. Glad you like the descriptions, I tried my hardest.
… more
I like writing both a lot! But yeah, wolves DO have a special place in my heart as well. I have to go and read your story, as well as everyone else's. Probably tomorrow (Or I guess it would be today for you when you're reading this? It's 8 PM on a Saturday here, idk how much of a time difference the UK has compared to Eastern US.)
Thanks! I really appreciated all the kind words and what not from everyone. I'm still sort of thinking about it, I figure it's not on my top priorities though at this point. I have to focus on school, learning to drive, getting ready from my school's dance this Friday, and starting the challenge up on here I've considered writing on DeviantArt; One day, when I figure out how to manage that infernal website, I'll probably post all my stories publicly on it XD It's okay if you fell behind, you'll always have the story saved to your drive if you ever wanna go back and read it It's still not done, but currently 60+ pages long XD It's all good, though. And thanks, Charlottes are the best characters to write XD I love both of my Charlottes
I'm so excited for it, and a little nervous. It'll be the first time I'm spending an extended amount of time away from my family, but they only live a good 30 minutes away from where I'll be all summer, so it'll be okay
Yeah. I'm good for now, but the issues aren't necessarily resolved just yet. It's getting there.
Sounds like a sweet method! I was actually considering looking up how to tutor online somewhere, but I think I'll actually meet the kid first (the first session is monday) and get to know him some and see what he needs help with. His dad was nice on the phone, hopefully I do a good jon ^-^
Thanks for the advice I've been reading a TON of books lately, and I have so many that I have to start that I got from Christmas. Currently I've started 4 that I'm still slowly reading, but two are from the school library so I have to read those a little quicker, as I hate having to go back just to renew it when I can just continue reading on my own. So I have to finish those, and THEN I can go back to the ones I own, but part of me doesn't want to finish them because I'm on the LAST book of the Mortal Instrument Series, and I don't wanna see it end X3 Well, technically it's not 'ending'; The author is coming out with another series that extends that one with new characters and a new plot and all these crazy references to all her other books since it's all in the same universe but in different locations ^-^ First book, Lady Midnight, comes out this Fall. So you're gosh darn right I'll be buying it the moment it comes out
Oh I know. Telltale is never taking this forum down, not without my say so XD And thanks It's always a pleasure to talk to you and everyone else too.
Glad to hear you've recovered! I know this is a few days old now but as everyone has said, there's no need to apologise for being busy! The … morefact that you say you're busy and let us know is thoughtful, to be honest. You've probably already made a decision on what to do with Belinda's last few chapters, but regarding your other stories, there is a bit of a writing scene over on Deviant Art if you wanted to share them with more people! I really enjoyed reading your Vampire story - you write very good Charlottes XD - but stopped reading because I got rushed off my feet a little about some things. I apologise for not saying anything at the time, I really should have.
The job at the beach sounds like a dream one! Have a great time. If you get the chance to say hi once in a while or even read a chapter that'd be wonderful, but don't worry - just make sure you enjoy yourself!
The family issues are a sad thing and if things can be resolved soon… [view original content]
I hope that this bringing you back to your days of learning history is a good thing, because we have another revolution, a depression, anoth… moreer world war and a cold war to get through yet
So, Gertrauds your type of woman? I am in the same boat as you.
Jack is such a dick, and Brandy is just a figure of loveliness
Waiting for some lesbian action to happen... and nothing... WHY PIE?! Why… more do you get my hopes up like this?!
Regardless, I like the descriptions of the club, and how Georgie and Hans are 'better' than they were during TWAU.
I look forward to more! XD
That's why they work so well together.
THAT will happen in the next chapter. I'll have to stick a big ol' warning on that post.
Awesome, dude! Gotta love Georgie and Hans....that dynamic duo!
-claps standing up- I have been waiting for this! I'm not the least bit dissapointed. First, love that goat! That made me laugh and it was interesting to read his dialouge. Honestly, they took that random barn animal ligtly because if that was me, I'd be looking for the nearest asylum. lol I did enjoy Matilda; these random characters are adding a touch of humor and a lot of questions.
Mary is pregnant. Hmmmm...I too, wonder who the father is. Makoto and Peter Porgie are indeed a team worth reading about. You nailed Peter perfectly; I love how he always stayed in character and never backed down, even when there was danger. always alert and focused. The ocean part was fantastic too and very clever! I like the idea of the black mirror and it needing sunlight. I look forward to more, Noir and again congrats on the journel writing job. I'm glad you took that leap! Let us know how that works out!! -brofist and virtual hug-
EDIT: OOOOOOOOHHHH I know who her baby daddy is. -slaps forehead- DUH, Pie! XD XD
Okay, I may have gone a little over the top with this, but after watching Inception again and a bunch of superhero movies it's all rubbed of… moref. It's fun to write, though. XD Feel free to enjoy!
Chapter Five – There's something about Mary (which we all love)
Unsure of her surroundings, Dixa begins to stand up but gets no further than a crouch when lights spark on and she's momentarily blinded. From the ceiling, naked bulbs dangle down, filaments glowing golden and illuminating the corridor; and Dixa finds that she is not alone.
Standing in front of her is a goat.
“Oh, finally. You've taken your bloody time in arriving.” The goat, not happy at being kept waiting, flares it's nostrils in frustration. Shaking it's head from side to side, curved horns swing through the air and long white fur wafts with it. Speaking with a Welsh accent that lilts melodiously, the animal dives forth into a rant. “Hours! Hours, I've been kept waiting and w… [view original content]
Oh sure, cuz Jack rubbing himself against her ass totally means 'they work' :P
Not gonna write full-blown smut are ya? I always assumed that any sexual content would get you banned? Have I been led astray?
I like the beginning with the sword, the construction of it, the description, EVERYTHING!! But a 30 inch blade is only 2 and a half feet long... I guess that is a reasonable size though, I suppose I'm focusing too much on Red Queen which has a 3 foot blade, easily :P
Kieron continues to amaze, and Claire certainly is an aspirational one isn't she?
A New Horror... Finale
It was four in the morning, Kieron had just remembered that there was a project he wanted to finish. He had to mov… moree Claire off of his chest. He got up and went into his workshop. He stood at his bench and examined his sword, it was a single edged blade that was thirty inches long, it's handle however was unique it had a motorcycle like gear shift that when pulled would spray a highly flammable liquid on the sword causing the blade to swing faster, deal more damage, and cause fire to his foes. However most of his tests proved not to work, whenever he revved the motorcycle gear and swung the blade the blade would dull becoming worse. This however was a new material that would hopefully work. He put the sword together piece by piece. The sword was beautiful, the crimson red handle and the way the blade was formed, Kieron was surprised he was able to craft this. He began to revv the handle, and just like it should the hi… [view original content]
Heeeey, now this was a cool chapter
I like the beginning with the sword, the construction of it, the description, EVERYTHING!! But a 30 … moreinch blade is only 2 and a half feet long... I guess that is a reasonable size though, I suppose I'm focusing too much on Red Queen which has a 3 foot blade, easily :P
Kieron continues to amaze, and Claire certainly is an aspirational one isn't she?
I await more dude! XD
Jocelyn Parks was a shy girl growing up. She was never popular in school. She never even dated any boys back then. Her first kiss barely counted, as it was an accidental face bump when she reached for the same thing down on the ground at the same time that this dude one Drama Club was reaching for it. He wasn't even cute.
She was sitting in Derek's kitchen, leaning against the white painted cabinets. The fluorescent pink flamingo on the wall created a pink hue on the room, as the overhead light was off. She never liked that flamingo. Derek was in love with the thing, for whatever reason.
Behind her, the moon peaked through the clouds, and just looking at it sent her body into a series of painful transitions. She felt anger where anger shouldn't be. She felt the urge to change, to release a beast that wasn't previously present within. She wanted revenge, she wanted to destroy.
None of these thoughts where even a part of her vocabulary, prior to being bitten.
Her mind was racing like a race car driver in a competition. She kept thinking back to the day she'd been kidnapped. The day her whole word turned before her eyes. The day Derek proposed to her, and hours later came home to find her missing in action.
She bit down so hard on her lip that it drew blood.
There was something new when she looked upon her fiance's face. It was a different sort of rage, something ancient and expected of her. Hatred. Pure, lustless hatred. She wanted to kill herself because of it.
But Derek would never let that happen. When she looked at him, she wanted to hurt him. She felt something in her that said 'Beware!' when she got near him. The feelings disturbed her greater than anything else in the world. She was disturbed by her own nature.
His voice was muffled on the other side of the door. She could hear considerably better than when she was human, but she doubted it was as good as his Vampire senses. He'd told her once that he was able to hear someone's earring drop to the floor in the middle of a Nirvana concert. Front stage.
She only got bits and pieces of his voice.
"...Having a hard time..............Need to come..............Urgent..............She's........Very angry........I don't know what to......."
Sighing, she pulled the folding chair out from under Derek's green card table. Her head hung low as she stared down at the linoleum covering, her fingers twitching. She couldn't sit still. She couldn't stop moving. Her feet shook out of nervousness. What was going to happen to her? Who had Derek called?
The door opened and her heart leaped. He looked concerned and - sad. Keeping his distance. He walked across the uneven kitchen floor and opened the refrigerator. Instantly, a beer was in his and, and he popped the cap and started to practically down the thing in one chug.
"You'll get sick if you do that," She reminded him solemnly. It was a start. Derek took the bottle from his lips, and she winced when she heard him slam it rather hard on the tiled counter.
"Right," He said. The response was calculated. Unnatural. He sounded as if he were holding his own feelings back, and afraid to say certain words to her, for fear of her reaction.
It wasn't before long that a set of headlights danced over the lacy curtains that adorned the kitchen windows. It highlighted the dust shadows over the bare white walls and reminded Jocelyn of an old dusty Victorian house that hadn't held a family in decades. It was too bad that Derek lived in a fairly new standard brick row house on the corner of 8th and 71st.
She shivered. The house felt twenty degrees cooler when a Vampire lived in it. The front door opened, and the sound brought a myriad of unhappy memories through Jocelyn's head. The sound of the door opening when Magnus's goons had come and collected her.
"...Derek? Derek, where ya at, bro?" A deep male voice came from the living room. Whoever it was, they opened the kitchen door, and the man walked in slowly. He had dark skin, a shaved head. The pink lights shined across his skin and he seemed to have to adjust to the odd coloring of the room for a second as he squinted.
"Callum," Derek said, as soon as he'd entered the room.
"Yo man!" Callum smiled, and revealed a set of perfect white teeth. No incisors. He wasn't a Vampire. "This is your place man? It's freakin' sweet! But bare, man. Plain and bare. Man, you gotta get a decorator or whatever the hell to spruce the damn place up. These walls need some funky ass colors!"
Derek physically sighed, as if he were used to the things Callum was saying. "We're not here to talk about my choice of furnishings. We're here to discuss-" He caught his tongue, his eyes grazing over Jocelyn as she made it apparent to look away at all costs. "Our, little issue."
"Right," Callum said, a little disappointed that Derek was in no mood for joking around. "Well, this is her?" He finally acknowledged Jocelyn, and sent a warm smile in her direction. "My name is Callum Dunt. I'm a werewolf, just like you honey. Whataya say? Partners in crime?" And he extended his hand out for a shake.
Jocelyn didn't know how to take him. She was in no mood to be trusting of anyone, and quite frankly, she was intimidated by the fact that she faced another like her. She felt a sense of responsibility to make a good impression, to impress the man before her lest she make a fool of herself. She awkwardly stood from the chair, nearly tipping it over, and extended her slightly sweaty right hand to meet his.
"I'm Jocelyn." Their eyes locked, and she noticed his was a light brown. They also had a bit of a glimmer. She wondered if it was a wolf trait? She hadn't yet looked in a mirror.
"Pleased to meet your beautiful self. Derek, you didn't tell me your girl was smokin' hot! Dayum, baby, you're so hot that I think you burned my hand!" He let out an obnoxious laugh, and then added. "Just kidding, of course. But seriously, you're pretty, honey."
Derek put his hands on his face. "Please, Callum. Don't assault the poor girl."
But Jocelyn was actually amused for once. A shadow of a smile appeared across her face, and she looked away slightly, causing a single curl of hair to fall in her face.
"Now, now," Callum said sternly. "There's no being shy when you're a wolf, honey. You have to be bold, put yourself out there. You gotta act like you're better than the man before you and the one in front of you. Ya hear?"
"Loud and clear," She said softly. She looked up at him; he was so tall that she might never be able to reach the top of his head, even if she stood on tiptoes. She crossed her arms and backed away just a foot.
"There," He said. His smile was contagious.
She looked away at him, and over at Derek who was observing the scene. "You done flirting, Cal?"
"Yeah, I guess," Callum said, his smile still huge. "It's all good. I got my own girl back at home, we gotta litter on the way you know."
"I know," Derek said, crossing his arms. "And God help you when they're born. Listen, I'm probably gonna need your help to train her. I don't want her alone on Full Moons. Who knows how well she can handle her powers on her own."
Jocelyn felt heat rise to her face. "I'm right here, you know. You can tell me these things, not your buddy Callum."
Derek let out another sigh, pursing his lips together thoughtfully. "You're right, Joce. I...I want you to learn from Cal, and-"
"Bigby." Callum finished Derek's sentence, but there was no humor in his voice like he'd had the rest of the time. In fact, he was no longer smiling, no longer in the joking mood, and Jocelyn found herself backing up just another foot, nearly bumping into the stove.
Derek nodded. "I've known Bigby since the beginning. He's gonna wanna record her as a new Fable, now that she's immortal and whatever. You know how it is. I know you and Bigby were never on good terms-"
"No man, it's alright. I'll take her to him. Tomorrow mornin'."
Derek smiled softly. "I appreciate it man. I would but....the sun. And stuff like that. It's a harsh world, sometimes.
"Indeed it is, man. Indeed it is. Alright! Well, I'll be seein' you all in the morning. I expect some fresh bacon and eggs ready when I arrive, and an escort driver to take us all the way to Bullfinch and back. And, a golden toilet, so I can feel like a king when the breakfast goes down wrong, because you suck at cooking. Haha! Pun not intended!" He drummed on the table for added effect, his obnoxious laugh filling the otherwise silent void.
"Goodnight, Cal. See ya in the morning."
And with that, Callum left.
Derek and Jocelyn stared at one another. The pink flamingo's light flickered and dimmed in the darkness. They were on opposite sides of the kitchen.
"I-" They both said, at the exact same time.
"Goodnight," Derek added as smoothly as he could right after. "I'll uh, sleep on the couch if you want."
He left the room with haste, as if he were afraid she'd hurt him.
Jocelyn's heart hung low as she headed up the steps to the second floor and fell asleep after trying not to cry for a good few hours.
That's it for chapter 2. I'm tired, I got church in the morning. Peace out.
Callum was certainly a cool character! A fellow werewolf for Jocelyn to befriend. Although yet again I feel bad for her, hopefully things smooth out between her and Derek.
Jocelyn Parks was a shy girl growing up. She was never popular in school. She never even dated any… more boys back then. Her first kiss barely counted, as it was an accidental face bump when she reached for the same thing down on the ground at the same time that this dude one Drama Club was reaching for it. He wasn't even cute.
She was sitting in Derek's kitchen, leaning against the white painted cabinets. The fluorescent pink flamingo on the wall created a pink hue on the room, as the overhead light was off. She never liked that flamingo. Derek was in love with the thing, for whatever reason.
Behind her, the moon peaked through the clouds, and just looking at it sent her body into a series of painful transitions. She felt anger where anger shouldn't be. She felt the urge to change, to release a beast that wasn't previously present within. She wanted revenge, she wanted to destroy.
None of these th… [view original content]
Do you guys ever get the feeling someone has a problem with you, but isn't willing to share or talk about what exactly the problem is?
I … morebelieve I'm going through the same scenario, I know this is just the internet but things like this make me feel unwanted.
Do you guys ever get the feeling someone has a problem with you, but isn't willing to share or talk about what exactly the problem is?
I … morebelieve I'm going through the same scenario, I know this is just the internet but things like this make me feel unwanted.
Yeah I've never been a fan of that. I'd hope the person would come and talk to me but sadly, you can't make them.
Hopefully whatever or, whoever it maybe, will eventually speak up to you.
I loved History. I can never get tired of learning about the past.
Glad you and I can agree on that! She's very outspoken with a heart of gold and never afraid to back down from a fight! A VERY fiesty young woman!
This battle has so far reminded me of two other things from other stories.
Nick refering to power at the beggining of the chapter made me think of a quote by Booker from BioShock Infinite. "Give a man a little power and he falls in all kinds of love with himself" - Booker DeWitt, BioShock Infinite (So many memories).
The battle between Emily and Carla reminded me of the duel between Bellatrix Lestrange and Molly Weasley in the Deathly Hallows. "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!"
And the o, so cruel cliffhanger at the end. I await more.
When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it ha… mored a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine.”
"Cool." Liam holds up the sword. "I didn't know I could do THIS cool power."
Behind him, an army of trees. Several Bears, Hawks, Gophers, Deer and other creatures stood back and waited. Seraphina pats the horse on the nose. Flames burst from his nostrils and a high pitched neigh errupts from his throat.
"Think your power is like mommy's bow and arrow." Seraphia plucks a flower and gives it to the beast. "This only happens when you feel threatned."
"That is kind of how this works." Nick, back in his body, enters the conversation. "Your brother is experiencing som… [view original content]
Glad you liked it!
I loved writing that part! Although I thought I got the size right :P oh well I guess it's not that bad since I wasn… more't too far off. XD
She wishes to help Kieron from his pit of depression, at least this is what I think XD
Jocelyn Parks was a shy girl growing up. She was never popular in school. She never even dated any… more boys back then. Her first kiss barely counted, as it was an accidental face bump when she reached for the same thing down on the ground at the same time that this dude one Drama Club was reaching for it. He wasn't even cute.
She was sitting in Derek's kitchen, leaning against the white painted cabinets. The fluorescent pink flamingo on the wall created a pink hue on the room, as the overhead light was off. She never liked that flamingo. Derek was in love with the thing, for whatever reason.
Behind her, the moon peaked through the clouds, and just looking at it sent her body into a series of painful transitions. She felt anger where anger shouldn't be. She felt the urge to change, to release a beast that wasn't previously present within. She wanted revenge, she wanted to destroy.
None of these th… [view original content]
Oh yes, I have experienced this before a few times, and if they're not man enough to talk to me about it then I just ignore them. I won't give them my time if they won't give me theirs...
You're wanted on this thread dude. I hope the issue gets resolved
Do you guys ever get the feeling someone has a problem with you, but isn't willing to share or talk about what exactly the problem is?
I … morebelieve I'm going through the same scenario, I know this is just the internet but things like this make me feel unwanted.
3 feet is considered a broadsword, those things are meant to be heavy... But Kieron is a Fable so no problem :P
I was on about her wanting to take the throne... but helping Kieron is a welcome addition
I've just seen Avengers: Age of Ultron, and good fucking lord was it an amazing film!!!! Any of you here that think the film is going to be awesome, you have no idea how awesome it really is until you watch it! XD
I'm also writing this so I can apologise to @pudding_pie for snapping at him yesterday; my Parent's marriage is once again strained to the point of divorce being thrown around privately by my Mum, and I just wasn't in the right mood to even be on this site... I had to read 9 chapters, I was tired and frustrated when I read them and commented on them, and I suppose my comments could have been longer and a bit nicer if I was in a better mood.
So Pie, I'm sorry for being a dick to you. As for what we discussed, just read through Nick's bio, ask me if you're unsure, and you'll have mastered my OC in no time at all. I know Nick is all powerful and stuff, and I would expect him to be portrayed as no less than that, but he has his own flaws/weaknesses that are unique to his character
Now I'm going to try and continue the Vampire challenge, this time with a longer chapter :P
I don't have a problem with anyone here. Not when I started posting here and still don't, not here for drama or anything of the likes, II'm here to read stories and post my own. Outside of here, well that's another story, some people on this forum seem edgy from time to time.
Do you guys ever get the feeling someone has a problem with you, but isn't willing to share or talk about what exactly the problem is?
I … morebelieve I'm going through the same scenario, I know this is just the internet but things like this make me feel unwanted.
When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.
Gren's entire right side was sliced open. Blood seeped through the wound and although he was slowly losing strength, Gren was not going to give in. The words of his father, along with his sweet, beloved Emily's face, gave him the power to carry on and take his brother's massive blows along the face. Determined to take Gren down, Robert became torn down the middle: on one side, the faint memories of centuries past, when they were close and inseperable. Robert always looked out for his younger brothers but because of Gren's stature and the love their mother had for the runt, Robert swore he'd keep his brother safe.
Then, there was the feeling of betrayl, hurt and defeat. His father assured Robert years ago he'd win the title of Alpha; Gren was weak in the eyes of their father and he'd never be allowed to hold such a proud title to his name. The trouble he caused in the Homelands with Beowulf is the reason so many turned their backs on Gren. Feared him. Watched their every move. Robert became a jealous tin of bottled up emotions, ready to burst at any given moment. Now, standing above his brother, all he could see was an ocean of confusion. Carla made validated points, yet the love Robert had for Gren and his family was unbreakable.
Robert paused to think of the horrific actions he was planning to do to Emily. The idea of Carla's revenge. All Robert could see was the dream both he and Gren were haunted with from time to time in the past few years. Quivering, Robert looks at Gren. His brother, barely standing on his back feet, barrels into Robert's chest and the two brothers continue to fight along the grass and pond.
They land near a rather enormous tree; Gren rolls to one side, jams his shoulder spikes into Robert's skin and yanks out. Screaming in pain, Robert races for the water and tries to pour the cool liquid on his burning wounds.
"Robert, fight this!" Gren kicks robert in the groin. "DON'T fuckin' let her take you!"
"That was MY position!" Robert covers his face. "Dad was supposed to give it to me, not you! Isaiah helps you behind my back! Dad trains YOU, Grendel! Not me! You were ALWAYS their favorite!"
Those very thoughts Gren once possesed floods his mind. Growing up and entering the mundane world, he felt the same way. Robert had always been their father's favorite; Robert was treated as if he was made completly out of gold and crafted by the hands of God himself. Thomas use to hold Robert high on a silver pedastal, surrounded by the finest treasures and gifts only money could ever purchase. Now, he was in the same situation Grendel was haunted with for so many centuries. With one final bash, Gren throws his fist into Robert's head.
As the force sends the beast to the ground, a cloud of red dust exits his mind, blows away in the air and leaves behind the brother Gren had always known growing up. Laying on the ground, their past began to collide. The wounds healing. Worlds connecting. The quads managed
to sneak away from the battle to take a quick peek at their father and uncle.
As the sun rose high to th clouds, Emily and Carla continued to fight away from the others. Wounded but not ready to give in, Carla sends blast after blast of magic. Emily's powers and ability, however, grew with every minute. She felt threatned. Afraid and willing to protect. So much was on the line but all she could invision was her childhood and the lies Carla fed them all. An arrow plummets into Carla's knee, causing the woman to fall into the mud. The black Wolf, standing behind her, growls and barks. Emily is a few feet from Carla, her jet black hair blowing in the wind.
Carla tries to avoid her eyes. "You mock me with your apperance, yet you stand there with no trouble on your kind. You should have died all those years ago, Emily! You dispicable, loathsome woman with so much of your father trapped inside your mind. You look like him, act like him; the way you stand is that horrible man, right down to your toes, fingers and smile. I always pictured you to be the smarter one of the children,
Emily! I always had high hopes for you..."
"Yet ya' wanted me ta' die in the gutters...." Emily stomps on Carla's foot. "How fookin' sweet are ya', Carla. Should'a put that shit in one of my birthday cards. Maybe I'd gotten the hint."
Carla glances up, blood and mud caked on her face. "You were never meant to have that bow...I WAS the one who sacrificed her life, to 'love' the man and pretend to be a loving and caring wife. Gren had no goddamn business giving YOU that bow. It was meant for his mate-"
"-Which was not ya', Carla. It was NEVA' ya', ya' stupid fookin' bitch..."
Carla ventures at an angle to throw another cloud of dark magic at Emily. "You should have just stuck to that club, Emily!"
"Not my fate, Carla." Emily beams. "Ya' of all people know 'bout fates and woot they mean ta' us Fables..."
Carla snickers, lifting her right eyebrow. "Hm. I know all too well about 'fates', Emily Porgie. I know your mother was tied to your father and she was meant to save him. Our father made the stupid mistake of allowing his feelings to get in the way. If that had been my daughter, I'd do everything possible to keep ol' Porgie out of the picture."
"He would have died if my mother neva' saved him." Emily began grinding her teeth, vines rapidly growing along her body. "He would have put a single bullet ta' the head and my mother would have grown ta' hate her life. Her kids. The man she was 'supposed' ta' marry."
"That's LIFE, Emily." Carla leans against the tree, spitting up blood. "But its neither here nor there. You kids happened and we were THIS close to making it official with you Fables and Halfers but dear old mommy and daddy had to play the part and keep the rules as such. We as the Wolf community crumbled because of your mother. Your grandfather and the fucking choices they made to be friendly to this side. Not me. They turned their backs on their own kind and the Wolves suffered because of this."
"Katie and Malcom are rebuilding it, Carla!" Emily leaps just as Carla sends another wave. "Ya' seen the fookin' shit they've done ta' that place!"
"Oh of course, how SILLY of me. Katie and Malcom are rescuing the poor strays and giving them all seconds chances. The end....fuck that shit, Emily! It should have BEEN like this: Decimus was supposed to keep you Fables away from our own kind. Any children born or conceived within this time frame had two options: join or perish in the fires. We'd cleanse this city and all that were inside. But Decimus failed and allowed Malcom to defeat him. He had ONE job. One fucking job and he still failed. Same with Remus and Romulus. All they had to do was assist Echidna in killing Jersey, Katie and their little brats; your grandfather's soul was to stay in Pandora's box, unable to help anyone in this. Peter was supposed to become our own dangerous little weapon. Ethan to join but perish like the rest should he decline and we'd spare you, considering all you wanted to do was snort cocaine and look at titties all day in that club. Oh, so cute. JUST like daddy. He must be so proud of his little girl..."
"Piss off, Carla!" A flash of light leaves the bow and plows into Carla's stomach. "My father was a good man who made poor choices. He loved his wife, his children and did his best ta' prove he was a betta' man! I have no hate fa' him..."
"Course you don't. But Gren sure as hell did. He wanted to be the FIRST ones to take your father out. Has he ever told you this, Emily?"
Emily was stunned to hear this. She knew Gren deplored Georgie but to ever think of killing him? Carla looks out; Robert and Gren were running in their direction, still in Grendel form. She continues.
"Yeah....real shame, Emily. You had no idea, did you?" Carla chuckles. "Oh the things Grendel would say about your father...."
"Ya' fookin' bitch...." Emily peers up. "Don't ya' EVEN try ta' bring me down."
Emily knew the tatics Carla was taking to make her weak and vulnerable. She would try ever attempt to bring Emily down. Not this time. Nick and Hades taught her certainty and thoughts were another topic they brought up during their course of training. They could make a person feel capable of conquering the world with a simple grin and fist thrown into the air. But you were to ever turn your back for one second-even to think twice about the decisions you have made-they would eventually catch up to you and bring a person down.
Emily could not allow Carla this chance to do so. Emily was aware that her father was not the most well liked Fable in this city; even to this day, a few still avoided the man and the children he took part in creating. Lifting her head up, glancing into Carla's eyes and beaming widly, Emily was able to enter the world of certainty. Nick was right; it opened up a different sense to the world and the vast opportunities. Standing, Emily holds the bow tigtly in her hands. Several more vines layered with thorns pop through her skin and curls around the object. The plants hiss, shake and extend towards Carla.
Emily could feel the abundent of magic Calla once used. The strength and without a word, shot arrow after arrow into Carla's legs. The woman howls with pain; Hecate, not too far from Carla, begins creating a weapon to defend her mistress against Emily. The witch noticed Gren and Robert; both were fighting off random soilders, being chased away by several of Jersey's daughters and Georgie. The purple magic swallowed them whole and left piles of death and dust.
"Mistress!" Hecate holds up a dagger! "HERE, my lady! I have created thee a-"
"That's nice!" Carla waves her right hand, screaming at the witch. "Hurry the fuck up before this little skank finishes me!"
Carla was certain Gren's hate for Georgie would make Emily sick, distraught and lose all hope for her husband and this war. But it it only fueld the fight inside of her spirit and Carla had once chance to take her down. Not too far from Emily, Vivian and Nick teamed to fight off the foul demons and soilders from hell. Waving her staff about, Vivian causes the shadows and demons to shrill before disappearing into the cracks and darkness left by Carla. Taking out a bottle, Vivian opens the top. Several blue angels, dressed in simple white clothing, fly like swarms of Bees around the heads of the soilders.
Holy water and a single Olive branch was placed along their foreheads and within seconds, their flesh seared and crumbled like wet paper. Above Nick, an orb of various colors kept the shadows away, as his sword plummets into their belly and wipes them away. Looking around, however, Vivian became nauseas and still. The need to vomit was growing with every passing second; her hands shake, causing the golden staff to fall. The glow immediatly ceased, causing Vivian to trample over several piles of bone and fall into the grass. More blood. The portrayl of Emily's demise painted once more along the walls of Vivian's mind. Coughing, Vivian faces Emily, now chasing after Carla. Although wounded severly, Carla was a woman to never give up. In her hands, a single crooked dagger.
"Em...Emily..." The guardian whispers, spitting up blood. "Nick...Em....Emily...Emily..."
Nick perceives Vivian, collecting her in his arms. "Viv, what is it? Why-"
Jumping high against the clouds, Nick skims the edges of the world in search for Emily. Along the edge of the cliff, Emily continues to launch arrows into Carla's body, unaware of Carla's final attempt to finish of Emily.
"Ya' have no reason ta' be alive, ya' cunt! All the fookin' shit ya' did ta' this family..."
"Your mother should have stuck to her own KIND, Emily. Perhaps none of this would be occuring now, would it?"
"If there is one thing fate has taught me, is it will happen because ya' wanted it ta' happen, Carla!"
Carla smiles. "Very good, Emily. But, it would not have cost your family and friends their lives....or your children. I hear you're expecting. Congrats on allowing Gren access into your womb..."
Emily fires several more arrows. The Ivy and vines creep along the edges and surround her body and follow Carla. Grasping the weapon, Carla eyes Emily's stomach. With one single inhale, Carla lunges forward.
The world came to a stand still: Gren, seeing Carla's intentions, sends a painful scream into the air. Tears building in his eyes, as he slowly changes into his human form. A nearby soilder snags the golden arm and rips it off. Robert roars and tosses the demon away, allowing Gren the chance to run. Run. Run ever so fast but he seemed to not be going a single inch closer to Emily. Georgie gradually turns and faces his daughter. The quads, aware of the current issue, begin screaming and racing towards their mother. Even Emily's siblings paused, their hearts still and minds erased. As Emily prepares for the final arrow, hoping to send it deep into Carla's neck, the dagger falls into her stomach, ripping the woman open and causing the bow to vanish.
Emily, eyes wide and mouth agap, tumbles into the long grass, grasps her wound and falls into the dirt. Blood rushes from her wound, tears streaming from her eyes. Gren bellows; he does not care who was in his path and charges through the crowd in hopes of reachng Emily. The dagger drops; Hecate collects Carla, noticing the plan to take the bow failed. It was no where to be found. Georgie, the Wolves and the others were quickly chasing down Carla. Hecate waves her arms and creates a escape route.
"This way, mistress....hurry!"
For a moment, Carla stands to look at her dying neice. Grabbing her wound, Emily stares into the sky. Vivian not too far, crying and begging. Nick, lost for words, sees Vivian slowly begins to turn a pale color and vanishing.
"NO! No, Vivian! What-"
"I failed her, Nick...." Vivian glares at the ground, blood spewing from her eyes and nose. "I was supposed to keep her safe. I failed...I failed again,"
Nick reaches for Vivian but it was too late. All that remained of Vivian were the piles of rags and armor. Nick, blind with tears, looks up. Gren, falling to the ground, crawls to Emily's side. His face burned from the sun, fight with Robert and tears. Dirt was caked along his clothes and hair but this did not seem to bother Emily. Lifting her hand, she strokes Gren's face. He attempts to cover the wound. Noticing where, he howls with anguish.
"NO! No, no, no, no....Emily! Sweetie, look at me! Emily!"
Emily, eyes half closed, trembles along Gren's touch. All Gren could see now was his past. Not his days spent in the Homelands or his lonely, miserable place in the mundane world. No-the life he made with Emily the second their worlds connected. The inccident at the Pudding n' Pie. The news of Emily's birth and the first time Gren held her in his arms. The invisible link that held the two as one. His many days and nights, spending time at the Porgie home and fixing various appliances for Georgie and Lyla. Emily always there, wanting to be by his side and assist in the work. Her first broken heart and Gren's comfort with Chinese food, their favorite Disney movie, two liter of pop and candy. The broken, misplaced life she led for many years. Gren's true feelings; their first sexual encounter in his apartment and the day he received the news of becoming a father once more. His children...his precious, loving Emily.
"Gren..." Emily smiles as she tries to speak. "It's alright, love. I...I'll be alright...."
"We're going to get you help, baby." Gren looks around. "We'll, we'll fix this, alright? I'm going to fuckin' make this better, you'll see! Emily...."
"I love ya', Gren." Emily's hand falls to the ground. "I'll see ya' again, love...."
Emily's head falls to the side; there is a bright light and soon, Gren holds a bundle of vines and Ivy leaves. Dropping each one, Gren becomes lost. For the first time, he truly was alone. Gren stares out into the open. His name being called several times but never once did he respond.
"Emily..." Tears continue. "Emily...." Gren covers his face. ""
Any questions, you know the drill. Might write more later. Maybe. Jacob, the misses and I, along with baby Emily, want to take some strolls around here. The rain eased up, so we'll see what today brings. Hope yur weekends have been nothing but wonderful. Start my new job in 2 weeks! YAY!
Nah man. It's fine. I already explained in the PM sent earlier. I hope all ressolves itself for the time being. I want to see that film! Glad to know it was really good!!
How is everyone today then?
I've just seen Avengers: Age of Ultron, and good fucking lord was it an amazing film!!!! Any of you here that… more think the film is going to be awesome, you have no idea how awesome it really is until you watch it! XD
I'm also writing this so I can apologise to @pudding_pie for snapping at him yesterday; my Parent's marriage is once again strained to the point of divorce being thrown around privately by my Mum, and I just wasn't in the right mood to even be on this site... I had to read 9 chapters, I was tired and frustrated when I read them and commented on them, and I suppose my comments could have been longer and a bit nicer if I was in a better mood.
So Pie, I'm sorry for being a dick to you. As for what we discussed, just read through Nick's bio, ask me if you're unsure, and you'll have mastered my OC in no time at all. I know Nick is all powerful and stuff, and I would expect him to be portrayed as no le… [view original content]
I'm loving Callum, tbh. He comes off as that smart ass that always has to either make a joke or the tension to not be so, well....tense anymore. lol My brother does that all the time and it made me laugh, especially when he was making sure Jocelyn knew she was 'hot'. Dayum! XD Now, I wonder why he and Derek are not the same creatures with the same last names. Hmmm...
I wonder how Bigby will react to this. Can't wait to see what he has to say. I feel bad for Jocelyn, though. Poor thing has been brought into a world she did not want and it caught in the middle at the current moment. I look forward to more!!
Jocelyn Parks was a shy girl growing up. She was never popular in school. She never even dated any… more boys back then. Her first kiss barely counted, as it was an accidental face bump when she reached for the same thing down on the ground at the same time that this dude one Drama Club was reaching for it. He wasn't even cute.
She was sitting in Derek's kitchen, leaning against the white painted cabinets. The fluorescent pink flamingo on the wall created a pink hue on the room, as the overhead light was off. She never liked that flamingo. Derek was in love with the thing, for whatever reason.
Behind her, the moon peaked through the clouds, and just looking at it sent her body into a series of painful transitions. She felt anger where anger shouldn't be. She felt the urge to change, to release a beast that wasn't previously present within. She wanted revenge, she wanted to destroy.
None of these th… [view original content]
Nah man. It's fine. I already explained in the PM sent earlier. I hope all ressolves itself for the time being. I want to see that film! Glad to know it was really good!!
Oh shit...what the fuck? She's not really? Oh don't deserve this man, and Vivian too!? Oh C'mon Pie this early in the morning! XD Dude Carla got Emily!? I'm still in comeplete shock of what has just transpired here! It seemed like it was going so well, despite Grens injuries...but THIS happened!? Emily can't be dead like that! She said I'll see ya' again, love so she's gonna come back right? Right! And Vivians reactions before she dissapeared was heartbreaking! Oh man...excuse me while I go cry in the shower now
When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; a… morend he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.
Gren's entire right side was sliced open. Blood seeped through the wound and although he was slowly losing strength, Gren was not going to give in. The words of his father, along with his sweet, beloved Emily's face, gave him the power to carry on and take his brother's massive blows along the face. Determined to take Gren down, Robert became torn down the middle: on one side, the faint memories of centuries past, when they were close and inseperable. Robert always looked out for his younger brothers but because of Gren's stature and the love their mother had for the runt, Robert swor… [view original content]
When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; a… morend he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.
Gren's entire right side was sliced open. Blood seeped through the wound and although he was slowly losing strength, Gren was not going to give in. The words of his father, along with his sweet, beloved Emily's face, gave him the power to carry on and take his brother's massive blows along the face. Determined to take Gren down, Robert became torn down the middle: on one side, the faint memories of centuries past, when they were close and inseperable. Robert always looked out for his younger brothers but because of Gren's stature and the love their mother had for the runt, Robert swor… [view original content]
A New Horror... Finale
It was four in the morning, Kieron had just remembered that there was a project he wanted to finish. He had to move Claire off of his chest. He got up and went into his workshop. He stood at his bench and examined his sword, it was a single edged blade that was thirty inches long, it's handle however was unique it had a motorcycle like gear shift that when pulled would spray a highly flammable liquid on the sword causing the blade to swing faster, deal more damage, and cause fire to his foes. However most of his tests proved not to work, whenever he revved the motorcycle gear and swung the blade the blade would dull becoming worse. This however was a new material that would hopefully work. He put the sword together piece by piece. The sword was beautiful, the crimson red handle and the way the blade was formed, Kieron was surprised he was able to craft this. He began to revv the handle, and just like it should the highly flammable liquid went onto the blade. He swung the blade, fire following the blades path was astounding. He looked at the sword and it still maintained perfect condition. Kieron was caught by Claire who had come up from behind and hugged him. She went on the tip of her toes to rest her head on his shoulder. She saw the sword and was amazed.
"What little toy is this?" She asked
Kieron smiled "A fire sword." He said
She got down and clapped with excitement "Care to show me big man?" She said
Kieron revved the sword more than once, the sword was now glowing red. when he swung the sword the speed was faster than the human eye and the fire was as hot as rocket fuel. Normally it would catch the room on fire but Kieron made specific modifications so that the gas would only ignite if the sword was swung and when the sword stopped glass would encase the sword putting out the fire. Kieron put the sword down on the bench, and unattached it.
"That's amazing, could you make more of those?" She asked
"No, it took me two years just to make this one, and I certainly don't think I'm going to make some for an army." He said
Claire looked disappointed but she understood. "C'mon I'm tired. It's five in the morning." She said hugging him again.
"Alright, I'm going." He chuckled
The two went to sleep for a bit, it was three in the afternoon when they both woke up. Kieron hopped in the shower, when he got out noticed that Claire had already gotten up and dressed she was on the couch listening to the radio. He got dressed and slid on his gloves, he walked out where Claire was. She smiled
"Hey. I'm thirsty can you get me a drink?" She asked
Since this was Kierons second day as a Vampire so he didn't have any blood but his own. He poured her a glass and handed to her.
"Thanks!" She said smiling.
"Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" He asked
"Maybe I'll try something." She said "But you have to do something for me. And no its not what you're thinking." She said
"What do you want me to do?" He asked
"Tell me your story. In wonderland, I want to hear it from you. Please?" She asked
Kieron sighed, he hasn't told anyone his point of view of the story to anyone. He sat down and began to tell her everything. How Alice had came up to him one day and asked him his name. After that he went to go on about how he met Azaria, and the others. He talked about how he had been experimented on by scientists since he was nine years old and how he came to terms with how his body looked. He then talked about how he fell in love with Azaria, tears began to form in his eyes. He then began to tell how one by one he saw his friends die in front of him tears streaming down his face. And when he got them all back he didn't know who they were due to amnesia, and the rest of them also had more severe amnesia. He then described how empty he feels losing everything he's had, he felt worthless not being able to have helped them, he should have reached out to them. It killed him telling his story...Claire didn't know how to react, this man has gone through so much and has achieved a lot and was rewarded with nothing but anguish. Their story were similar, his and her. But she would never be able to go through what Kieron has gone through. She wanted to tell him that it was okay, and it was alright but...was it her place to say so? Finally she couldn't stand seeing Kieron like this.
"Kieron it's okay, it's over. You don't have to cry anymore. Please stop crying." She said putting her hand ontop of his.
This surprised Kieron. He looked at her and saw that he was upsetting her by crying. He managed to laugh. "You wanted to know. Is there anything else you want to know?" He asked
"No and I won't ask about your past again." She said
Night began to rise, it was almost time for them to meet with the Sabbat. Claire wanted to tell him her story but she decided to wait for another time. Claire changed into a dark blue dress, while Kieron kept his trench coat on. Kieron put together his sword and slung it on his shoulder.
"Couldn't you make that less...noticiable?" Claire asked
Kierons right glove began to glow. The sword then disappeared. "Better?" He asked
She kissed him on the cheek. "Perfect, when we get there you can make it reappear as there will be no mundys there." She said
Kieron nodded and the two of them headed out the door.
At the Sabbat mansion...
The Sabbat was located in a mansion high on the hill. Kieron and Claire took a cab to the front door. Kieron got out first, his right glove began to glow making his sword reappear, he held out his hand to help out Claire from the cab.
"Such a gentleman" She smiled
Kieron smiled back. The two noticed a man walk up.
"Ah Claire you're here! And who is this gentleman with the sword? Surely you don't think we'd try and kill you right?" He asked
"Just in case." Kieron said
"Yes he is needed in this meeting plus you could take us, we're only two vampires." She smiled
"Of course. We'll if you two would come inside and we can discuss what you wanted to talk about." He said
The man brought them to the meeting room where every Sabbat leader was, Kieron stood behind Claires seat with his sword on his shoulder. With that a man began to talk.
"So anarchist what is it?" He said
She smiled mischieviously. "I want your help, in assassinating the prince."
"And why should we help you?" The man asked
"Why? Because I want the throne." She said
"What's in it for us?" They asked
Kieron noticed one of the Sabbat get up. He returned his gaze to the meeting.
"Because tonight you met a woman of antidiluvian decent. And if you don't help me, let's just say your clan may face extinction." She said
"So to gain our trust you think you can spout nonesense!?" The man said
"Oh it is anything but nonsense." She said.
There was an explosion outside. Kieron revved his sword, preparing for a fight, while the Sabbat had grabbed weapons as well.
"What is the meaning of this?" One of the Sabbat leaders said
There were two more explosions followed by gunfire. Kieron had taken the Sabbat by surprise due to them being off balance. The sword had caught several vampires on fire giving them the final death. Claire had popped a few Sabbat with blood boil.
"What do we do?" Kieron asked
"They have a secret basement let's take shelter there!"
The two ran towards the secret entrance. In the aftermath there was a man left standing.
"Sorry brethren but from now on there will be only one leader of the Sabat and it shall be me!" The man said laughing.
The prince had walked in. "Did the plan work? Is the anarchist and her boyfriend dead?" He said
"Not yet sir. But soon they will die." The new Sabbat leader said.
The prince pointed. "They better be! Or this will be a short reign for you." The Prince said leaving.
"Of course your highness!" He replied.
Kieron and Claire were now stuck in the Sabbat basement where horrors beyond the imagination lingered...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Now this was a chapter worth waiting for!! :O
Lol, a 'Pleather' jacket I assume? I have one of those, pretty comfy tbh :P
I felt you captured Peter and Mary just right, Makoto I'm not so sure cuz I haven't properly read any of Tetra's stuff with him in it
So Mary is 8 months pregnant with who's child? And that concept of a Black Mirror, was that your idea or someone else's from earlier on the thread? It's a very good idea either way though!!
And congrats on becoming a video game journalist dude!!! That sounds so cool! Shame you're not getting paid for it though... So what does such a role entail then?
I await more with bated breathe! XD
That's true.
Ah good!
Good to know this asshat is dead! 
I bet!
If you need me to I can send you a PM and sum up everything if you need me to 
I'd be so graphic, ya'll would look at me
Oh I see!
They're very good
Yeah I had to read 9 chapters today... God that was exhausting, I have to write comments on them as well afterwards so I have to be nice and constructive and... yeeeeaahh I'm knackered :P
It's currently 2am on a Sunday over here (I figured out the time differences: New Jersey is 5 hours behind England, and California is 8 hours behind England) I was a little saddened that you hadn't commented on my Vampire challenge yet, but we're all busy
Oh and I have 3 Werewolves to introduce! These guys were meant to appear in The Devil Among Us on, but I'm using them on this thread first! XD
Thanks! I really appreciated all the kind words and what not from everyone. I'm still sort of thinking about it, I figure it's not on my top priorities though at this point. I have to focus on school, learning to drive, getting ready from my school's dance this Friday, and starting the challenge up on here
I've considered writing on DeviantArt; One day, when I figure out how to manage that infernal website, I'll probably post all my stories publicly on it XD It's okay if you fell behind, you'll always have the story saved to your drive if you ever wanna go back and read it
It's still not done, but currently 60+ pages long XD It's all good, though. And thanks, Charlottes are the best characters to write XD I love both of my Charlottes 
I'm so excited for it, and a little nervous. It'll be the first time I'm spending an extended amount of time away from my family, but they only live a good 30 minutes away from where I'll be all summer, so it'll be okay
Yeah. I'm good for now, but the issues aren't necessarily resolved just yet. It's getting there.
Sounds like a sweet method! I was actually considering looking up how to tutor online somewhere, but I think I'll actually meet the kid first (the first session is monday) and get to know him some and see what he needs help with. His dad was nice on the phone, hopefully I do a good jon ^-^
Thanks for the advice
I've been reading a TON of books lately, and I have so many that I have to start that I got from Christmas. Currently I've started 4 that I'm still slowly reading, but two are from the school library so I have to read those a little quicker, as I hate having to go back just to renew it when I can just continue reading on my own. So I have to finish those, and THEN I can go back to the ones I own, but part of me doesn't want to finish them because I'm on the LAST book of the Mortal Instrument Series, and I don't wanna see it end X3 Well, technically it's not 'ending'; The author is coming out with another series that extends that one with new characters and a new plot and all these crazy references to all her other books since it's all in the same universe but in different locations ^-^ First book, Lady Midnight, comes out this Fall. So you're gosh darn right I'll be buying it the moment it comes out 
Oh I know. Telltale is never taking this forum down, not without my say so XD And thanks
It's always a pleasure to talk to you and everyone else too.
I loved History. I can never get tired of learning about the past.
Glad you and I can agree on that!
She's very outspoken with a heart of gold and never afraid to back down from a fight! A VERY fiesty young woman!
I wouldn't judge, my first ever smut scene would make people look at Bigby and Snow a little differently as well :P
That's why they work so well together.
THAT will happen in the next chapter. I'll have to stick a big ol' warning on that post.
Awesome, dude!
Gotta love Georgie and Hans....that dynamic duo! 
Oh sure, cuz Jack rubbing himself against her ass totally means 'they work' :P
Not gonna write full-blown smut are ya? I always assumed that any sexual content would get you banned? Have I been led astray?
-claps standing up- I have been waiting for this! I'm not the least bit dissapointed. First, love that goat! That made me laugh and it was interesting to read his dialouge. Honestly, they took that random barn animal ligtly because if that was me, I'd be looking for the nearest asylum. lol I did enjoy Matilda; these random characters are adding a touch of humor and a lot of questions.
Mary is pregnant. Hmmmm...I too, wonder who the father is.
Makoto and Peter Porgie are indeed a team worth reading about. You nailed Peter perfectly; I love how he always stayed in character and never backed down, even when there was danger. always alert and focused. The ocean part was fantastic too and very clever!
I like the idea of the black mirror and it needing sunlight.
I look forward to more, Noir and again congrats on the journel writing job.
I'm glad you took that leap!
Let us know how that works out!! -brofist and virtual hug-
EDIT: OOOOOOOOHHHH I know who her baby daddy is. -slaps forehead- DUH, Pie! XD XD
No it's all about seduction and that's what Brandy will do. Enough to get those motors running but just so we all get the picture.
That makes a lot more sense tbh :P
Heeeey, now this was a cool chapter
I like the beginning with the sword, the construction of it, the description, EVERYTHING!! But a 30 inch blade is only 2 and a half feet long... I guess that is a reasonable size though, I suppose I'm focusing too much on Red Queen which has a 3 foot blade, easily :P
Kieron continues to amaze, and Claire certainly is an aspirational one isn't she?
I await more dude! XD
Glad you liked it!
I loved writing that part!
Although I thought I got the size right :P oh well I guess it's not that bad since I wasn't too far off. XD
She wishes to help Kieron from his pit of depression, at least this is what I think XD
I'd put Shrek in it.
Jocelyn Parks was a shy girl growing up. She was never popular in school. She never even dated any boys back then. Her first kiss barely counted, as it was an accidental face bump when she reached for the same thing down on the ground at the same time that this dude one Drama Club was reaching for it. He wasn't even cute.
She was sitting in Derek's kitchen, leaning against the white painted cabinets. The fluorescent pink flamingo on the wall created a pink hue on the room, as the overhead light was off. She never liked that flamingo. Derek was in love with the thing, for whatever reason.
Behind her, the moon peaked through the clouds, and just looking at it sent her body into a series of painful transitions. She felt anger where anger shouldn't be. She felt the urge to change, to release a beast that wasn't previously present within. She wanted revenge, she wanted to destroy.
None of these thoughts where even a part of her vocabulary, prior to being bitten.
Her mind was racing like a race car driver in a competition. She kept thinking back to the day she'd been kidnapped. The day her whole word turned before her eyes. The day Derek proposed to her, and hours later came home to find her missing in action.
She bit down so hard on her lip that it drew blood.
There was something new when she looked upon her fiance's face. It was a different sort of rage, something ancient and expected of her. Hatred. Pure, lustless hatred. She wanted to kill herself because of it.
But Derek would never let that happen. When she looked at him, she wanted to hurt him. She felt something in her that said 'Beware!' when she got near him. The feelings disturbed her greater than anything else in the world. She was disturbed by her own nature.
His voice was muffled on the other side of the door. She could hear considerably better than when she was human, but she doubted it was as good as his Vampire senses. He'd told her once that he was able to hear someone's earring drop to the floor in the middle of a Nirvana concert. Front stage.
She only got bits and pieces of his voice.
"...Having a hard time..............Need to come..............Urgent..............She's........Very angry........I don't know what to......."
Sighing, she pulled the folding chair out from under Derek's green card table. Her head hung low as she stared down at the linoleum covering, her fingers twitching. She couldn't sit still. She couldn't stop moving. Her feet shook out of nervousness. What was going to happen to her? Who had Derek called?
The door opened and her heart leaped. He looked concerned and - sad. Keeping his distance. He walked across the uneven kitchen floor and opened the refrigerator. Instantly, a beer was in his and, and he popped the cap and started to practically down the thing in one chug.
"You'll get sick if you do that," She reminded him solemnly. It was a start. Derek took the bottle from his lips, and she winced when she heard him slam it rather hard on the tiled counter.
"Right," He said. The response was calculated. Unnatural. He sounded as if he were holding his own feelings back, and afraid to say certain words to her, for fear of her reaction.
It wasn't before long that a set of headlights danced over the lacy curtains that adorned the kitchen windows. It highlighted the dust shadows over the bare white walls and reminded Jocelyn of an old dusty Victorian house that hadn't held a family in decades. It was too bad that Derek lived in a fairly new standard brick row house on the corner of 8th and 71st.
She shivered. The house felt twenty degrees cooler when a Vampire lived in it. The front door opened, and the sound brought a myriad of unhappy memories through Jocelyn's head. The sound of the door opening when Magnus's goons had come and collected her.
"...Derek? Derek, where ya at, bro?" A deep male voice came from the living room. Whoever it was, they opened the kitchen door, and the man walked in slowly. He had dark skin, a shaved head. The pink lights shined across his skin and he seemed to have to adjust to the odd coloring of the room for a second as he squinted.
"Callum," Derek said, as soon as he'd entered the room.
"Yo man!" Callum smiled, and revealed a set of perfect white teeth. No incisors. He wasn't a Vampire. "This is your place man? It's freakin' sweet! But bare, man. Plain and bare. Man, you gotta get a decorator or whatever the hell to spruce the damn place up. These walls need some funky ass colors!"
Derek physically sighed, as if he were used to the things Callum was saying. "We're not here to talk about my choice of furnishings. We're here to discuss-" He caught his tongue, his eyes grazing over Jocelyn as she made it apparent to look away at all costs. "Our, little issue."
"Right," Callum said, a little disappointed that Derek was in no mood for joking around. "Well, this is her?" He finally acknowledged Jocelyn, and sent a warm smile in her direction. "My name is Callum Dunt. I'm a werewolf, just like you honey. Whataya say? Partners in crime?" And he extended his hand out for a shake.
Jocelyn didn't know how to take him. She was in no mood to be trusting of anyone, and quite frankly, she was intimidated by the fact that she faced another like her. She felt a sense of responsibility to make a good impression, to impress the man before her lest she make a fool of herself. She awkwardly stood from the chair, nearly tipping it over, and extended her slightly sweaty right hand to meet his.
"I'm Jocelyn." Their eyes locked, and she noticed his was a light brown. They also had a bit of a glimmer. She wondered if it was a wolf trait? She hadn't yet looked in a mirror.
"Pleased to meet your beautiful self. Derek, you didn't tell me your girl was smokin' hot! Dayum, baby, you're so hot that I think you burned my hand!" He let out an obnoxious laugh, and then added. "Just kidding, of course. But seriously, you're pretty, honey."
Derek put his hands on his face. "Please, Callum. Don't assault the poor girl."
But Jocelyn was actually amused for once. A shadow of a smile appeared across her face, and she looked away slightly, causing a single curl of hair to fall in her face.
"Now, now," Callum said sternly. "There's no being shy when you're a wolf, honey. You have to be bold, put yourself out there. You gotta act like you're better than the man before you and the one in front of you. Ya hear?"
"Loud and clear," She said softly. She looked up at him; he was so tall that she might never be able to reach the top of his head, even if she stood on tiptoes. She crossed her arms and backed away just a foot.
"There," He said. His smile was contagious.
She looked away at him, and over at Derek who was observing the scene. "You done flirting, Cal?"
"Yeah, I guess," Callum said, his smile still huge. "It's all good. I got my own girl back at home, we gotta litter on the way you know."
"I know," Derek said, crossing his arms. "And God help you when they're born. Listen, I'm probably gonna need your help to train her. I don't want her alone on Full Moons. Who knows how well she can handle her powers on her own."
Jocelyn felt heat rise to her face. "I'm right here, you know. You can tell me these things, not your buddy Callum."
Derek let out another sigh, pursing his lips together thoughtfully. "You're right, Joce. I...I want you to learn from Cal, and-"
"Bigby." Callum finished Derek's sentence, but there was no humor in his voice like he'd had the rest of the time. In fact, he was no longer smiling, no longer in the joking mood, and Jocelyn found herself backing up just another foot, nearly bumping into the stove.
Derek nodded. "I've known Bigby since the beginning. He's gonna wanna record her as a new Fable, now that she's immortal and whatever. You know how it is. I know you and Bigby were never on good terms-"
"No man, it's alright. I'll take her to him. Tomorrow mornin'."
Derek smiled softly. "I appreciate it man. I would but....the sun. And stuff like that. It's a harsh world, sometimes.
"Indeed it is, man. Indeed it is. Alright! Well, I'll be seein' you all in the morning. I expect some fresh bacon and eggs ready when I arrive, and an escort driver to take us all the way to Bullfinch and back. And, a golden toilet, so I can feel like a king when the breakfast goes down wrong, because you suck at cooking. Haha! Pun not intended!" He drummed on the table for added effect, his obnoxious laugh filling the otherwise silent void.
"Goodnight, Cal. See ya in the morning."
And with that, Callum left.
Derek and Jocelyn stared at one another. The pink flamingo's light flickered and dimmed in the darkness. They were on opposite sides of the kitchen.
"I-" They both said, at the exact same time.
"Goodnight," Derek added as smoothly as he could right after. "I'll uh, sleep on the couch if you want."
He left the room with haste, as if he were afraid she'd hurt him.
Jocelyn's heart hung low as she headed up the steps to the second floor and fell asleep after trying not to cry for a good few hours.
That's it for chapter 2. I'm tired, I got church in the morning. Peace out.
Callum was certainly a cool character! A fellow werewolf for Jocelyn to befriend. Although yet again I feel bad for her, hopefully things smooth out between her and Derek.
Do you guys ever get the feeling someone has a problem with you, but isn't willing to share or talk about what exactly the problem is?
I believe I'm going through the same scenario, I know this is just the internet but things like this make me feel unwanted.
Yeah I've never been a fan of that. I'd hope the person would come and talk to me but sadly, you can't make them.
Hopefully whatever or, whoever it maybe, will eventually speak up to you.
Can't say that I do, I'd probably ask them about it if I felt like they did.
I don't know who it could be, you're a pretty likable guy man!
I may speak up to a couple of people on here, I think it's about time I do so - instead of merely expecting results to happen.
No problem man glad I could help!
Hopefully it gets worked out 
Thanks man, I think I need to change in terms of actually speaking my mind towards some on here.
Young by the Standards of a Nordenlander anyway....
Alfred: 2,973
Gertraud: 2,560
This battle has so far reminded me of two other things from other stories.
Nick refering to power at the beggining of the chapter made me think of a quote by Booker from BioShock Infinite. "Give a man a little power and he falls in all kinds of love with himself" - Booker DeWitt, BioShock Infinite (So many memories).
The battle between Emily and Carla reminded me of the duel between Bellatrix Lestrange and Molly Weasley in the Deathly Hallows. "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!"
And the o, so cruel cliffhanger at the end. I await more.
3 feet is considered a broadsword, those things are meant to be heavy... But Kieron is a Fable so no problem :P
I was on about her wanting to take the throne... but helping Kieron is a welcome addition
Callum is such a cool dude! I would hang with that guy as often as possible XP
So Bigby has to be informed... I wonder how he'll react to a Mundy being turned into a Werewolf???
I await more from you! XD
Oh yes, I have experienced this before a few times, and if they're not man enough to talk to me about it then I just ignore them. I won't give them my time if they won't give me theirs...
You're wanted on this thread dude. I hope the issue gets resolved
Especially if he used blood magic to boost his strength.
Ah now I feel dumb Lmao XD
There is that as well!
Lol don't worry about it dude :P
Hopefully it gets ressolved and they are able to either explain themselves or just leave you alone. No need for the drama.
How is everyone today then?
I've just seen Avengers: Age of Ultron, and good fucking lord was it an amazing film!!!! Any of you here that think the film is going to be awesome, you have no idea how awesome it really is until you watch it! XD
I'm also writing this so I can apologise to @pudding_pie for snapping at him yesterday; my Parent's marriage is once again strained to the point of divorce being thrown around privately by my Mum, and I just wasn't in the right mood to even be on this site... I had to read 9 chapters, I was tired and frustrated when I read them and commented on them, and I suppose my comments could have been longer and a bit nicer if I was in a better mood.
So Pie, I'm sorry for being a dick to you. As for what we discussed, just read through Nick's bio, ask me if you're unsure, and you'll have mastered my OC in no time at all. I know Nick is all powerful and stuff, and I would expect him to be portrayed as no less than that, but he has his own flaws/weaknesses that are unique to his character
Now I'm going to try and continue the Vampire challenge, this time with a longer chapter :P
I don't have a problem with anyone here. Not when I started posting here and still don't, not here for drama or anything of the likes, II'm here to read stories and post my own. Outside of here, well that's another story, some people on this forum seem edgy from time to time.
When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.
Gren's entire right side was sliced open. Blood seeped through the wound and although he was slowly losing strength, Gren was not going to give in. The words of his father, along with his sweet, beloved Emily's face, gave him the power to carry on and take his brother's massive blows along the face. Determined to take Gren down, Robert became torn down the middle: on one side, the faint memories of centuries past, when they were close and inseperable. Robert always looked out for his younger brothers but because of Gren's stature and the love their mother had for the runt, Robert swore he'd keep his brother safe.
Then, there was the feeling of betrayl, hurt and defeat. His father assured Robert years ago he'd win the title of Alpha; Gren was weak in the eyes of their father and he'd never be allowed to hold such a proud title to his name. The trouble he caused in the Homelands with Beowulf is the reason so many turned their backs on Gren. Feared him. Watched their every move. Robert became a jealous tin of bottled up emotions, ready to burst at any given moment. Now, standing above his brother, all he could see was an ocean of confusion. Carla made validated points, yet the love Robert had for Gren and his family was unbreakable.
Robert paused to think of the horrific actions he was planning to do to Emily. The idea of Carla's revenge. All Robert could see was the dream both he and Gren were haunted with from time to time in the past few years. Quivering, Robert looks at Gren. His brother, barely standing on his back feet, barrels into Robert's chest and the two brothers continue to fight along the grass and pond.
They land near a rather enormous tree; Gren rolls to one side, jams his shoulder spikes into Robert's skin and yanks out. Screaming in pain, Robert races for the water and tries to pour the cool liquid on his burning wounds.
"Robert, fight this!" Gren kicks robert in the groin. "DON'T fuckin' let her take you!"
"That was MY position!" Robert covers his face. "Dad was supposed to give it to me, not you! Isaiah helps you behind my back! Dad trains YOU, Grendel! Not me! You were ALWAYS their favorite!"
Those very thoughts Gren once possesed floods his mind. Growing up and entering the mundane world, he felt the same way. Robert had always been their father's favorite; Robert was treated as if he was made completly out of gold and crafted by the hands of God himself. Thomas use to hold Robert high on a silver pedastal, surrounded by the finest treasures and gifts only money could ever purchase. Now, he was in the same situation Grendel was haunted with for so many centuries. With one final bash, Gren throws his fist into Robert's head.
As the force sends the beast to the ground, a cloud of red dust exits his mind, blows away in the air and leaves behind the brother Gren had always known growing up. Laying on the ground, their past began to collide. The wounds healing. Worlds connecting. The quads managed
to sneak away from the battle to take a quick peek at their father and uncle.
As the sun rose high to th clouds, Emily and Carla continued to fight away from the others. Wounded but not ready to give in, Carla sends blast after blast of magic. Emily's powers and ability, however, grew with every minute. She felt threatned. Afraid and willing to protect. So much was on the line but all she could invision was her childhood and the lies Carla fed them all. An arrow plummets into Carla's knee, causing the woman to fall into the mud. The black Wolf, standing behind her, growls and barks. Emily is a few feet from Carla, her jet black hair blowing in the wind.
Carla tries to avoid her eyes. "You mock me with your apperance, yet you stand there with no trouble on your kind. You should have died all those years ago, Emily! You dispicable, loathsome woman with so much of your father trapped inside your mind. You look like him, act like him; the way you stand is that horrible man, right down to your toes, fingers and smile. I always pictured you to be the smarter one of the children,
Emily! I always had high hopes for you..."
"Yet ya' wanted me ta' die in the gutters...." Emily stomps on Carla's foot. "How fookin' sweet are ya', Carla. Should'a put that shit in one of my birthday cards. Maybe I'd gotten the hint."
Carla glances up, blood and mud caked on her face. "You were never meant to have that bow...I WAS the one who sacrificed her life, to 'love' the man and pretend to be a loving and caring wife. Gren had no goddamn business giving YOU that bow. It was meant for his mate-"
"-Which was not ya', Carla. It was NEVA' ya', ya' stupid fookin' bitch..."
Carla ventures at an angle to throw another cloud of dark magic at Emily. "You should have just stuck to that club, Emily!"
"Not my fate, Carla." Emily beams. "Ya' of all people know 'bout fates and woot they mean ta' us Fables..."
Carla snickers, lifting her right eyebrow. "Hm. I know all too well about 'fates', Emily Porgie. I know your mother was tied to your father and she was meant to save him. Our father made the stupid mistake of allowing his feelings to get in the way. If that had been my daughter, I'd do everything possible to keep ol' Porgie out of the picture."
"He would have died if my mother neva' saved him." Emily began grinding her teeth, vines rapidly growing along her body. "He would have put a single bullet ta' the head and my mother would have grown ta' hate her life. Her kids. The man she was 'supposed' ta' marry."
"That's LIFE, Emily." Carla leans against the tree, spitting up blood. "But its neither here nor there. You kids happened and we were THIS close to making it official with you Fables and Halfers but dear old mommy and daddy had to play the part and keep the rules as such. We as the Wolf community crumbled because of your mother. Your grandfather and the fucking choices they made to be friendly to this side. Not me. They turned their backs on their own kind and the Wolves suffered because of this."
"Katie and Malcom are rebuilding it, Carla!" Emily leaps just as Carla sends another wave. "Ya' seen the fookin' shit they've done ta' that place!"
"Oh of course, how SILLY of me. Katie and Malcom are rescuing the poor strays and giving them all seconds chances. The end....fuck that shit, Emily! It should have BEEN like this: Decimus was supposed to keep you Fables away from our own kind. Any children born or conceived within this time frame had two options: join or perish in the fires. We'd cleanse this city and all that were inside. But Decimus failed and allowed Malcom to defeat him. He had ONE job. One fucking job and he still failed. Same with Remus and Romulus. All they had to do was assist Echidna in killing Jersey, Katie and their little brats; your grandfather's soul was to stay in Pandora's box, unable to help anyone in this. Peter was supposed to become our own dangerous little weapon. Ethan to join but perish like the rest should he decline and we'd spare you, considering all you wanted to do was snort cocaine and look at titties all day in that club. Oh, so cute. JUST like daddy. He must be so proud of his little girl..."
"Piss off, Carla!" A flash of light leaves the bow and plows into Carla's stomach. "My father was a good man who made poor choices. He loved his wife, his children and did his best ta' prove he was a betta' man! I have no hate fa' him..."
"Course you don't. But Gren sure as hell did. He wanted to be the FIRST ones to take your father out. Has he ever told you this, Emily?"
Emily was stunned to hear this. She knew Gren deplored Georgie but to ever think of killing him? Carla looks out; Robert and Gren were running in their direction, still in Grendel form. She continues.
"Yeah....real shame, Emily. You had no idea, did you?" Carla chuckles. "Oh the things Grendel would say about your father...."
"Ya' fookin' bitch...." Emily peers up. "Don't ya' EVEN try ta' bring me down."
Emily knew the tatics Carla was taking to make her weak and vulnerable. She would try ever attempt to bring Emily down. Not this time. Nick and Hades taught her certainty and thoughts were another topic they brought up during their course of training. They could make a person feel capable of conquering the world with a simple grin and fist thrown into the air. But you were to ever turn your back for one second-even to think twice about the decisions you have made-they would eventually catch up to you and bring a person down.
Emily could not allow Carla this chance to do so. Emily was aware that her father was not the most well liked Fable in this city; even to this day, a few still avoided the man and the children he took part in creating. Lifting her head up, glancing into Carla's eyes and beaming widly, Emily was able to enter the world of certainty. Nick was right; it opened up a different sense to the world and the vast opportunities. Standing, Emily holds the bow tigtly in her hands. Several more vines layered with thorns pop through her skin and curls around the object. The plants hiss, shake and extend towards Carla.
Emily could feel the abundent of magic Calla once used. The strength and without a word, shot arrow after arrow into Carla's legs. The woman howls with pain; Hecate, not too far from Carla, begins creating a weapon to defend her mistress against Emily. The witch noticed Gren and Robert; both were fighting off random soilders, being chased away by several of Jersey's daughters and Georgie. The purple magic swallowed them whole and left piles of death and dust.
"Mistress!" Hecate holds up a dagger! "HERE, my lady! I have created thee a-"
"That's nice!" Carla waves her right hand, screaming at the witch. "Hurry the fuck up before this little skank finishes me!"
Carla was certain Gren's hate for Georgie would make Emily sick, distraught and lose all hope for her husband and this war. But it it only fueld the fight inside of her spirit and Carla had once chance to take her down. Not too far from Emily, Vivian and Nick teamed to fight off the foul demons and soilders from hell. Waving her staff about, Vivian causes the shadows and demons to shrill before disappearing into the cracks and darkness left by Carla. Taking out a bottle, Vivian opens the top. Several blue angels, dressed in simple white clothing, fly like swarms of Bees around the heads of the soilders.
Holy water and a single Olive branch was placed along their foreheads and within seconds, their flesh seared and crumbled like wet paper. Above Nick, an orb of various colors kept the shadows away, as his sword plummets into their belly and wipes them away. Looking around, however, Vivian became nauseas and still. The need to vomit was growing with every passing second; her hands shake, causing the golden staff to fall. The glow immediatly ceased, causing Vivian to trample over several piles of bone and fall into the grass. More blood. The portrayl of Emily's demise painted once more along the walls of Vivian's mind. Coughing, Vivian faces Emily, now chasing after Carla. Although wounded severly, Carla was a woman to never give up. In her hands, a single crooked dagger.
"Em...Emily..." The guardian whispers, spitting up blood. "Nick...Em....Emily...Emily..."
Nick perceives Vivian, collecting her in his arms. "Viv, what is it? Why-"
Vivian points. "Emily...I can't....lose her, Nick. I...can't..."
Jumping high against the clouds, Nick skims the edges of the world in search for Emily. Along the edge of the cliff, Emily continues to launch arrows into Carla's body, unaware of Carla's final attempt to finish of Emily.
"Ya' have no reason ta' be alive, ya' cunt! All the fookin' shit ya' did ta' this family..."
"Your mother should have stuck to her own KIND, Emily. Perhaps none of this would be occuring now, would it?"
"If there is one thing fate has taught me, is it will happen because ya' wanted it ta' happen, Carla!"
Carla smiles. "Very good, Emily. But, it would not have cost your family and friends their lives....or your children. I hear you're expecting. Congrats on allowing Gren access into your womb..."
Emily fires several more arrows. The Ivy and vines creep along the edges and surround her body and follow Carla. Grasping the weapon, Carla eyes Emily's stomach. With one single inhale, Carla lunges forward.
The world came to a stand still: Gren, seeing Carla's intentions, sends a painful scream into the air. Tears building in his eyes, as he slowly changes into his human form. A nearby soilder snags the golden arm and rips it off. Robert roars and tosses the demon away, allowing Gren the chance to run. Run. Run ever so fast but he seemed to not be going a single inch closer to Emily. Georgie gradually turns and faces his daughter. The quads, aware of the current issue, begin screaming and racing towards their mother. Even Emily's siblings paused, their hearts still and minds erased. As Emily prepares for the final arrow, hoping to send it deep into Carla's neck, the dagger falls into her stomach, ripping the woman open and causing the bow to vanish.
Emily, eyes wide and mouth agap, tumbles into the long grass, grasps her wound and falls into the dirt. Blood rushes from her wound, tears streaming from her eyes. Gren bellows; he does not care who was in his path and charges through the crowd in hopes of reachng Emily. The dagger drops; Hecate collects Carla, noticing the plan to take the bow failed. It was no where to be found. Georgie, the Wolves and the others were quickly chasing down Carla. Hecate waves her arms and creates a escape route.
"This way, mistress....hurry!"
For a moment, Carla stands to look at her dying neice. Grabbing her wound, Emily stares into the sky. Vivian not too far, crying and begging. Nick, lost for words, sees Vivian slowly begins to turn a pale color and vanishing.
"NO! No, Vivian! What-"
"I failed her, Nick...." Vivian glares at the ground, blood spewing from her eyes and nose. "I was supposed to keep her safe. I failed...I failed again,"
Nick reaches for Vivian but it was too late. All that remained of Vivian were the piles of rags and armor. Nick, blind with tears, looks up. Gren, falling to the ground, crawls to Emily's side. His face burned from the sun, fight with Robert and tears. Dirt was caked along his clothes and hair but this did not seem to bother Emily. Lifting her hand, she strokes Gren's face. He attempts to cover the wound. Noticing where, he howls with anguish.
"NO! No, no, no, no....Emily! Sweetie, look at me! Emily!"
Emily, eyes half closed, trembles along Gren's touch. All Gren could see now was his past. Not his days spent in the Homelands or his lonely, miserable place in the mundane world. No-the life he made with Emily the second their worlds connected. The inccident at the Pudding n' Pie. The news of Emily's birth and the first time Gren held her in his arms. The invisible link that held the two as one. His many days and nights, spending time at the Porgie home and fixing various appliances for Georgie and Lyla. Emily always there, wanting to be by his side and assist in the work. Her first broken heart and Gren's comfort with Chinese food, their favorite Disney movie, two liter of pop and candy. The broken, misplaced life she led for many years. Gren's true feelings; their first sexual encounter in his apartment and the day he received the news of becoming a father once more. His children...his precious, loving Emily.
"Gren..." Emily smiles as she tries to speak. "It's alright, love. I...I'll be alright...."
"We're going to get you help, baby." Gren looks around. "We'll, we'll fix this, alright? I'm going to fuckin' make this better, you'll see! Emily...."
"I love ya', Gren." Emily's hand falls to the ground. "I'll see ya' again, love...."
Emily's head falls to the side; there is a bright light and soon, Gren holds a bundle of vines and Ivy leaves. Dropping each one, Gren becomes lost. For the first time, he truly was alone. Gren stares out into the open. His name being called several times but never once did he respond.
"Emily..." Tears continue. "Emily...." Gren covers his face. ""
Any questions, you know the drill.
Might write more later. Maybe. Jacob, the misses and I, along with baby Emily, want to take some strolls around here. The rain eased up, so we'll see what today brings.
Hope yur weekends have been nothing but wonderful.
Start my new job in 2 weeks! YAY! 
Nah man. It's fine. I already explained in the PM sent earlier. I hope all ressolves itself for the time being. I want to see that film!
Glad to know it was really good!!
I'm loving Callum, tbh. He comes off as that smart ass that always has to either make a joke or the tension to not be so, well....tense anymore. lol My brother does that all the time and it made me laugh, especially when he was making sure Jocelyn knew she was 'hot'. Dayum! XD Now, I wonder why he and Derek are not the same creatures with the same last names. Hmmm...
I wonder how Bigby will react to this. Can't wait to see what he has to say. I feel bad for Jocelyn, though. Poor thing has been brought into a world she did not want and it caught in the middle at the current moment. I look forward to more!!
The film is excellent! XD
Oh shit...what the fuck? She's not really? Oh don't deserve this man, and Vivian too!? Oh C'mon Pie this early in the morning! XD Dude Carla got Emily!? I'm still in comeplete shock of what has just transpired here! It seemed like it was going so well, despite Grens injuries...but THIS happened!? Emily can't be dead like that! She said I'll see ya' again, love so she's gonna come back right? Right! And Vivians reactions before she dissapeared was heartbreaking! Oh man...excuse me while I go cry in the shower now
This was awesome man!
You WILL write more later!!! :O
Hole fucking shit! I apologise for my foul language, but my heart probably just skipped a beat or 3!!
Vivian and Emily... Gone?
No, it can't be, it can't fucking be true, I ONLY JUST GOT TO KNOW THESE 4 AS COUPLES FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!
On a side note, I'm glad that Robert finally came to his senses, just took one good kick to a Grendel-in-heats big D and he's down for the count :P
... I'm still furious that Nick got turned into a crow, biggest insult you could give to both me and him... >:(
I await more from you dude! XD