Steam paid mods..THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!
WELL fuck this. Now on steam you can make your mod cost money! this is soooo stupid! People can just steal other codes from other mods and sell it on steam. What a fucking pile of horse shit! After this update I really lost respect for valve. People are literally making their mods $20 for a game under $20. Other people arent liking this either. I need this to change. The awesomeness about pc is the mods and how they are free and so awesome. Why Valve? So you can make an extra buck? Btw valve gets 85% of the money made of the mod. That fucking sucks! I am ashamed of you valve
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Why, should people who mod games - ie create content - not be paid for their work? What about a game that is extremely buggy and somebody comes in, fixes it, and improves performance? Should they not receive compensation? Or they mod it to the point where it is practically another game? As long as the mods have the legal right to mod the game, I don't see why they shouldn't be able to charge for it. If you don't like it, don't buy it.
Well they should have a donate button. We arent forcing them to make the mod. If they get mad that nobody is donating after they made a big mod its their own dang fault
Around 8:00 he hits the nail on the head. You have these massive distributors (and youtube counts here too), which have become so huge they're effectively dominating the market, and as a result they can exorbant percentages from the creator. You technically can go somewhere else, so it's not subject to antitrust, but then you're not going to be out there as much and people will have limited access...
Honestly, I see these things as a matter of industry regulation - it's only recently that companies were even allowed to get this high a percent of market share. Standard Oil was broken up, AT&T was broken up (and is now re-forming)... There's talk of breaking up the banks, but they're not going to do it (I doubt), and just wait until Comcast and Time Warner merge...
Nobody is forcing you to buy it either. Why shouldn't they charge? If you go to a movie, do you just walk in the theatre, walk out, and if you liked it donate money? No. You pay the ticket price, and if you like it, you like it, if you don't, you don't.
People have gotten far too spoiled with free content that they now expect it... Game developpers need to eat too you know.
The system is messed up. You have no clue what your buying! You could just be buying a mod you Think is the mod shown but it could just be nothing. A scam
Well there is already a mod that cost money that uses code from another mod. So people are getting paid for other peoples work I guess
Well I guess I'm sticking to Nexus for my modding needs from here on in.
I do not see the problem here.
Some mods really are pretty impressive from what i've seen. Also at the end of the day you could just find the mod elsewhere. It would probably only be huge mods, I mean some mods are better than actual games
There were a lot of commercial mods that weren't created by the original developer that were released in the past for things like Doom and Quake (a lot of them were total conversions, but some of them weren't, since they used the assets from the base game, so they required the original game to play), and some of them were quite good. This really isn't a new concept, it's just the way it's being implemented through Steam that's new.
Although, I definitely agree that measures need to be taken to prevent people from abusing the system, and the percentage split for creator vs. content owner and distributor is definitely way out of proportion.
I only ever use Nexusmods anyway (which already has donations, where the money goes to the author, not 85% to Valve or such bullshit) but the problem with this, is that mod authors might slowly stop uploading their things to the Nexus because they can get paid for it elsewhere. I really see this as hurting the community.
The thing that makes PC gaming so special is having all this stuff at your fingertips. It's a wonderful feeling loading up Skyrim on the PC for the first time and looking at the thousands and thousands of mods available to you. Now that might all get buried behind pay walls.
Here's an idea, just don't use the workshop. Problem solved.
Anybody call me?
Can't wait to pay for anime skyrim and boob expansion mods!
Some sites make you pay for mods, modders do deserve more then credit for their work lol
i think totalbiscuit is missing the fact that his content is free, it seems like he is mainly just justifying why people should get paid for their work (which is fair) but missing the point that even though he gets paid for his work, i don't have to pay money to enjoy it, he does mention that perhaps payment should be optional (which i would say is the best idea) but i really think he is just justifying his own wage rather than really critically looking at the problem.
anyway, i think optional payment would be fine, but this DLC/microtransaction type of thing for mods is just bullsh*t
I support modders making money for their work if they wish, but Valve really did fuck up the implementation. The revenue split aside, introducing monetization into an active community without rules for dependencies is a recipe for disaster. This part of the FAQ is ridiculous:
So basically, if your mod has dependencies, have fun sorting it out with the other modders. If you want to keep your mod free, but it depends on mods that are now paid, too bad. It would have been better if they had started with a new game, but that would have meant waiting longer for the money to roll in.
You do realise Valve gets more than half the profit for the mod?
I'm not to familiar with this, but is valve completely okay with this? What kind of games get modded that you have to pay for? Do the devs of the video game that is getting modded get a cut? Or is it like the system youtube has for videos on video games?
Bethesda now lets you sell mods for Skyrim through Valve's Steam Workshop. That's the only company that allows mods to be sold so far (outside of things like hats for Team Fortress 2). Valve and Bethesda get 75% of the profit together for mods sold. This is the biggest flaw of the program, in my opinion, since the percentage is skewered way out of favor of the mod creator, and is the likely reason why some of the mods on Steam right now are overpriced, since the creators wouldn't see much if the mod was priced at a lower level.
Not really, seeing as a lot of mod authors on the Nexus are likely going to move to this seeing as they can make money from it. If this catches on there likely won't be much of an option anymore.
Long live the Nexus!
Wow. The price to pay for some unique fun I guess. As with most situations like these if it gets enough attention, a business model will eventually develop into something the modding community can live by.
It still encourages people to buy Skyrim because they need the game to play the mod , so why wouldn't they support it. It makes the most business sense imo.
Well I am pissed because 75% of the money goes to valve even though valve didnt even make Skyrim. Those greedy shits
Gabe has to get his Whopper Money Somehow. Give him a break bro,
Think about this. You know they charge 33 percent for every game they sell, that is the fee. So if they sell a 60 dollar game about a little over 1/3 goes to valve.
Actually, the 75% is split between both Valve and Bethesda. It hasn't been revealed how the split works between the two companies. It's possible Valve is still only taking their usual 30% cut, and Bethesda's taking the rest. Either way, the 75% cut is definitely way too high, since a 25% share of profits makes this a pretty unattractive platform for content creators, and for consumers alike, as the prices will almost always be skewed on the high side to compensate.
Here is a less-screamy version which is more informative
Thread: Regarding Steam's new purchasable mods
Why dont you just steal $20 codes and sell them for $10, your putting your middle finger up at the system and making money at the same time
That guy needs to settle down, he is going ot have a heart attack.
It's just an act, actually.
He knows and there asking him questions on reddit hopefully they sort it
It was bound to happen .. And of course people are greedy.