The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Why did you perform murder

    I know I did and most of the people on this forum know about it and have even seen it, The reason I'm not banned though it because nobody misses Larry


  • I'm gonna start learning to play the piano again, used to play it at like 8 and stopped, really missed playing it. One of the things I always wanted to be is a multi-instrumentalist.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    What's your second favorite then?

    The Creatures VS Funhaus @TDMshadowCP My first (The Creatures) and my third (Funhaus) favorite channels going against each other.

  • The Derp Crew.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    What's your second favorite then?

  • I loved playing piano. Not that I was ever that great at it or anything, but it's honestly pretty entertaining. Or at least it is when you're not completely frustrated out of your mind.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm gonna start learning to play the piano again, used to play it at like 8 and stopped, really missed playing it. One of the things I always wanted to be is a multi-instrumentalist.

  • You should probably edit your post with a warning for people who get seizures from flashing lights. :P

    Staggering Beauty


    This pissed me off basically RDJ has an obligation in his contract to promote the avengers so was forced to do this interview

    The reporter job is to promote the film in the interview as agreed

    But because it was a news channel the journalist tried to stir up and upset rdj with his past to get a story

    The reporter basically cornered him in a forced interview about the avengers but instead of asking him about the avengers like he was mean't to he chose to upset RDJ about his past on purpose to try to make a story and get attention

    The media nowadays leave the man alone about his past that has nothing to do with the movie

    He done it before trying to wind up people to get a story

    edited April 2015

    Yeah, I remember the hard times xD I guess I'll just take it slow, one of the reasons I do this is to compose songs and play A7X covers.

    Belan posted: »

    I loved playing piano. Not that I was ever that great at it or anything, but it's honestly pretty entertaining. Or at least it is when you're not completely frustrated out of your mind.

  • Just watched it.

    The Creatures VS Funhaus @TDMshadowCP My first (The Creatures) and my third (Funhaus) favorite channels going against each other.

  • Hm, I'm the Fetus, Yearner, and Freefaller.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Which is your sleeping position?

  • (inserts All the ones with positive personality traits)

    log, starfish, freefaller kewl

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    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Which is your sleeping position?

  • Never been to anything actually haunted before until last night O_o Totally going to take video next time I go

  • Ooooooor you will never go again so you don't have to risk your life. :D

    Never been to anything actually haunted before until last night O_o Totally going to take video next time I go

  • Tell me what happened bro :O

    Never been to anything actually haunted before until last night O_o Totally going to take video next time I go

  • First Youtube fame and now paranormal activity? I'm so jealous u little shit

    Never been to anything actually haunted before until last night O_o Totally going to take video next time I go

  • ᕦ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ

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    Lord is the nicest guy on this forum and he always been great for the users of the fotd and other story threads always first to make a character for every story thread he loves them

    He asked me a while ago to enter a character he had this planned for a long time I hope everyone trys to enter a character please

    He has so much experience reading most of the story threads on this forum and has a great enthusiasm so he will make quality stories and do your character justice you will not regret it

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hi guys and gals i made a story

  • Mark........ you are a good friend thank you

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Lord is the nicest guy on this forum and he always been great for the users of the fotd and other story threads always first to make a chara

  • Hmmmm Interesting

    Can't Wait for details :)

    Never been to anything actually haunted before until last night O_o Totally going to take video next time I go

  • I would say something but as Mark said.....

    Lord is the nicest guy on this forum and he always been great for the users of the fotd and other story threads always first to make a character for every story thread he loves them

    He asked me a while ago to enter a character he had this planned for a long time I hope everyone trys to enter a character please
    He has so much experience reading most of the story threads on this forum and has a great enthusiasm so he will make quality stories and do your character justice you will not regret it

    That pretty much sums things up :)

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hi guys and gals i made a story


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    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • You should dress as a spooky ghost and scare people next time

    Never been to anything actually haunted before until last night O_o Totally going to take video next time I go

  • edited April 2015

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    The link above me is a company of the old rare employees they are creating a sorta banjo kazooie sequel like a sequel in spirit but its most likely gonna have the feel of a banjo kazooie game while being a unique adventure

    they said its gonna be called project ukuele

    down below is previews they have displayed on they're twitter

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  • Lol yeah I guess its a glass dome? I am sure other people would run into it as well.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Thank you for your support Coming this means everything to me

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I'll make a character when I get around to it

  • I'll make a character when I get around to it :)

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hi guys and gals i made a story

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Fears Of Whenever I Feel Like Doing One Of These:

    Hoplophobia: The irrational fear of firearms.

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  • At least they would be famous for being the first person killed by a ghost ever.

    blueneon posted: »

    Ooooooor you will never go again so you don't have to risk your life.

  • There's literally nothing special about Poland.

  • Question of the day: What is your favorite movie?

    Mine is Jurassic Park because of so many things. The characters, the plot, the dinosaurs, everything in harmony makes an excellent and fun movie.

    Pocket shark!

    Here's this if you're interested:

  • edited April 2015

    Hmm thats a tough 1 but my fav would have to be...

    I like it because it has alot of good moments and established the harry potter movie trilogy and introduced us to amazing characters such as ron and hagrid and Hermione its the best out of all of the harry potter movies in my opinion

    Alt text

    Question of the day: What is your favorite movie? Mine is Jurassic Park because of so many things. The characters, the plot, the dinosaur

  • Happy gilmore, billy Madison, or grandmas boy. I can't decide.

    Question of the day: What is your favorite movie? Mine is Jurassic Park because of so many things. The characters, the plot, the dinosaur

  • Happy Gilmore is hilarious. Great choice.

    "You suck!"

    Happy gilmore, billy Madison, or grandmas boy. I can't decide.

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