Since Claire comes from the line of antideluvians I decided to have them have a more "true" form as they're supposed to be the strongest vampires around and it seemed fitting to have a transformation to access all of that power and stature.
Since Claire comes from the line of antideluvians I decided to have them have a more "true" form as they're supposed to be the strongest vampires around and it seemed fitting to have a transformation to access all of that power and stature.
Nobody is ever prepapred for the death of a loved one. You know it's coming the second your life begins; when one life is born, the other dies. Just the way things were in this world. Gren understood death all too well and eventually, it would come for him. Fables tend to live centuries beyond; he's seen things many mundies wished they could have takne part in. Kneeling on the ground, however, he was never ready for this.
The Ivy leaves crumbled into bits. Vines shrivled in the sun and became nothing but scattered remains on the ground. Gren's eyes, the window to this world, witnessed his wife perish and vanish within seconds. The only person Gren could honestly say he loved and could do no wrong. Emily had always seen Gren how so many refused to acknowledge. His security blanket was pulled away and it revieled traits Gren locked away for certain purposes. Grasping the broken bits, handfuls of dirt and grass, tears dropped into the soil and soaked into the Earth. She was gone. Emily was gone....
From the corner of his side, Ethan, Peter and Georgie run; Ethan and Peter both in human form, nearly trip over their feet, hoping to reach Gren first. Georgie, however, discovering his daughter was dead, pushed through his sons. Eyes blind with tears, Georgie falls to the ground; the dark magic leaving a purple trail of cloud dust immediatly turn into weeping shadows of blacks and red.
"EMILY!" His heart wrentching cries fill the air. "MY EMILY! NO! No, no!"
Georgie falls beside the remains of the Ivy plants. Picking one up, it crumbles in his hands. Ethan and Peter try to comfort their father; Katie and Penelope, followed by Junior and several Elves riding Grendels, stand back and try to comprehend the events that took place. Junior tears a shard from his body and tosses the reflecting item into the air. Several shadows respond, floating above their master's head.
"FIND HER!" Junior hisses, pointing to the forest. "I want her ALIVE, you hear me!? I want that bitch before me, so I can cut her to shreds!"
"Yes sire."
The shadows return to the reflection, enter a spinning portal of sorrow and venture into the woods. The air becomes thick and heavy with vengeance. While Junior sends various states of soilders after Carla, Georgie pushes his son off of his body. He craddles the tiny fragments of the plants. Gren, still unraveling the actions that he witnessed, digs his knees into the dirt. His head, lifted up, glares at all the faces surrounding him.
To the right, his children; Viviana's hair no longer blonde but now a shade of chestnut. All that remained was a single strand of blonde near her right cheek. The magic protecting the ribbon no longer in use, for the material began to deteriorate. Blowing away, Viviana was now a sitting duck for the evil to take her soul back to the Underworld. All four of their lips quivering for the loss of their mother.
Georgie pounds the Earth with his fists. "WHY, Emily!? TAKE ME!" Georgie screams into the heavens. "Fookin' take ME! Ya' hear me!? Give me back my daughter....please....I'm so sorry, Emily. I'm so sorry...."
Gren wondered how many people present that day were wanting to take Emily's place. Gren was the first in line the second her declining soul left her body and into a world he could not venture. Gren collects Georgie in his arms; the former pimp struggles, fights and does his best to remove himself from Gren's grasp. All Gren could picture, however, was Carla. Her devious smile and lies she spun for years. The selfish behavior that cost him and the others their precious emily. Georgie eventually gives in, leans his bare head against Gren's arms and drowns in the sea of anguish. He trembles, reaching his fingers towards the sky.
Still silenced by rage, Gren noticed another missing. Vivian. Nick's expression and Viviana's appearance said it all. Looking over, Gren finally finds the words to say.
"Nick!" Anger mixed with a broken heart. "Where....where is Vivian?"
"She's gone." His words stung against his tongue. "She's gone, Gren. Left right as Emily..." Nick could not finish. "She blamed herself. For not protecting Emily enough. She-"
Gren looks over at the others. "This is not Vivian's fault or any of our fucking faults. I will mourn later. I will come to the conclusion that my wife is fucking dead. The lives of my unborn children..." Gren paused for a moment. "I have four children that need their father to be strong. I WILL have my revenge and Carla will fucking pay with her life. I want her brought to me. I will fucking handle Carla myself!"
Gren faces Dahlia. Waving her arms in a cloud of dust, Nick returns to his form. Shrieking into the sky, Nick slams his boots into the soil, causing all around to shake.
"I'll kill that fuckin' bitch!" Nick heads for Gren. "You and me, Grendel! We go right now and-"
"You can't DO that!" Dahlia grabs Nick's arm. "We need to watch our steps! Carla is very powerful. We've witnessed it and now-"
"My WIFE is dead!" Gren pins Dahlia to a tree. "SHE died, in my arms because of that bitch. Think Nick killing her before I DO is mercy on her, don't you think?"
Dahlia tries to smile. "No....she's not, Grendel."
Gren was stunned. "Wha....what? You're fucking with me!" Gren shoves his elbow into Dahlia's throat. "Why are you fucking with me!?"
"I'd never lie to you but we need to hurry." Dahlia looks over. "I'm going to need you, Grendel."
"You're forgetting the power you have, Gren. The element your mother gave you. Earth. You're more of your mother then you want to believe, Gren. What was the ONE thing she could do..."
Gren stands back, releasing his grip on Dahlia. The missing arm stung against the sun's heat. Peering down in his palm, his eyes dart about.
"Me....I have-"
"Come. We don't have time. We can stop this, Gren. but you must let go and accept. You're an Alpha now and alphas-"
"Protect." Grinning, Gren looks around. He knew what needed to be done.
Business Office
Peter throws his desk over, causing papers and his desk lamp to collide into the wall. Ethan, covering his mouth, shakes his head. His sister was dead and Vivian was nowhere to be found. Carla vanished without a trace; Junior's minons and his many clones surfaced, searching every corner of the city and then some. There was indeed a blanket of sorrow covering the city. All the Fables present that morning could feel it deep inside. Revenge was stronger then ever before.
Ethan watched his brother slowly change into a half beast fueled with anguish. Peter's claws sunk into the cheap plaster along the walls. His chair smashed into bits. The howls escaping his throat caused Ethan to turn his head, cover his ears and cry.
"CARLA!" Peter continues to snap the pieces of furniture in half. "THAT bitch will pay with her life!"
"This will neva' stop..." Ethan shakes his head, the tears pouring from his eyes. "This fookin' bullshit. It will end with Carla but soon, anotha' will come, Peter."
"DON'T" Peter heads over to Ethan and presses his brother to the wall. "DON'T you ever fucking say this to me! We will handle this! We will-"
"Look where it took us, Peter! Look around you! We've 'handled' this shit before but nuthin' like this! Our sister is DEAD because we all thought we could 'handle' it! It will neva' stop, Peter!"
Peter needed to stand back and away from Ethan. All he could picture was Carla and Emily. it happened so quickly. Peter was hoping this was a dream. A hellish dream they were all enduring. He prayed to wake up in his king bed beside his wife; their daughter would scramble inside, grasping Ethan's cat and begging for Elsa shapped pancakes for breakfast. He'd go to work with his brother; Gren would be there, Emily at home with the children and all would ne the way it should be. But that was not the case and this was moe then any of the others could ever take ahold of and control. Carla needed to pay and be held responsible for the actions she caused today.
"It wll stop, Ethan." Peter takes out his ipod and searches vigourously for a tune. "It will all come to an end. I SWEAR to you and this town, my family and friends, I will stop this."
Before Ethan could speak, the doors to the Sheriff's office swings open. Snow White, pale as a sheet, glances over at Peter. In her hands, a single file. The music on Peter's desk begins to play a Guns n' Roses song. She remains hushed, handing the file over into Peter's custody. Peter grabs it, scanning over the few pages.
"What is this, Snow? What-"
"Where is Gren? We need to show him this. Hopefully the Wood Elves are willing to show him but we don't have much time."
The dripping sounds of water nearby caused Vivian to immediatly wake up, search the ground and scan the area. Her surroundings were lighter this time, so she knew the darkness was not going to gt her in the end. But the area smelled and appeared ever so familiar to the angel. The soil under her touch was soft with bits of pebble and coal. There was a thick fog before her. Lifting up, Vivian noticed a murky swamp. There was not a single ounce of plantlife, so she knew Earth was out of the question.
"Emily." Vivian calls out, hoping for an answer. "Emily, are you here?"
Silence. Looking out into the distance, Vivian saw a ferry with a single rider. He wore a long, thick black hooded cloak. The rags blew along with the ride; his bone fingers held a massive pole and pushed the boat up against the banks. This brought Vivian back to the first time she entered the Underworld and knew this time, sadly, she was going to stay. Once more, the rider did not spill words but held out his cold, boney hand. Shaking against the winds, Vivian stares blankly.
"I don't....don't have coins to give you..." He continues holding out his hand. "Look, I know you heard me and I already fucking told you, I DON'T have anything to give you. You already took the one thing that I loved more than anything...."
Vivian falls to the ground and all she could picture was Emily. The battle. Her failure as a Guardian Angel and the ability to protect her assigned soul. Even in death, Vivian was incapable of saving another. Her eyes stung from the tears; her thoughts bounced around to Emily, Gren, the quads and the family. She buries her face against her knees. Darkness. Perhaps this is where she should have stayed all along. Not everyone deserved a second chance and Vivian felt she was one of those people. There was nothing she could do now and this would forever be her final resting place. Vivian no longer cared.
All she wanted was Emily, Nick, the qauds. Anyone that showed the same love Vivian desired. She peers up. The rider was still there, hands out. wiping her nose, Vivian stands. Now, she was furious.
"LEAVE me be, then, you fucking asshole! I don't HAVE anything to fucking give you! You've taken enough from me but I forget-Hades was a greedy God and will eventually take everything! I'm sure that ribbon is off her neck! You'll take her, the others and leave Gren a wretched mess!"
"Emily..." The rider speaks in a raspy voice. "Emily..."
It stung, hearing her name. Vivian grabs his arm and pulls. "EMILY-MY Emily!? Where!? Speak, you miserable fool!"
The rider looks back. "Come. The master awaits thee on the other side...."
Vivian had no other choice. Taking her seat in the boat made of human skulls and bones, the mysterious cloaked figure pushes against the banks and sends the boat down the river. Vivian looked over; so many trapped souls and so few that looked in her direction. Many were there as punishment for all eternity. They'd circle the river but never venture out on land. Others hide along the shadows and watched Vivian with their blank eyes. A few stood along the banks, pointing their finger and moving their pale, broken lips. She could not understand a sigle word and leaned against a long, slender piece of bone.
All Vivian could think about was Emily; whatever punishment awaited her was nothing compared to the misery and heartache she endured not that long ago. The boat carried on until it reached the kingdom of the Underworld. The end of the boat bunked the sand, nearly causing Vivian to tumble into the murky waters. Adjusting her dress, hair and cleaning her face, she steps out and onto the sand. The shrill screams echo in the caves. Hooded figures await along the walls, all their dark, faceless glares staring at the young woman. Normally, Cerberus would be there to greet them; when Vivian did not see Viviana waiting at the doors, she sighed a sigh of relief. Hades had not yet collected the young girl's soul. Looking around, however, things seemed different.
The heavy gates closed behind Vivian, causing her to leap in fear. Grasping her chest, she did not notice the woman with long, jet black hair. Beside her, three fuller female figures. Vivian turned enough to catch glance of Emily. Gasping, Vivian looks around. Covering her mouth, she spins in a circle twice before pausing before Emily once more. The tears returned and before either could utter a word, Vivian was racing towards her. Grabbing on and crumbling to the ground, Vivian wept against Emily's chest.
"Is it you!?" Vivian grabs her face. "My Emily....Oh my God! Emily! You're alive! You'!"
"The fook is 'here' Vivian?" Emily chuckles. "I 'ave no idea where I'm at. Those three won't fookin' talk."
Vivian looks down at her wound. "It healed. Your're.....we are in the Underworld."
"Oh Vivian, how quickly you've forgotten!" One of the judges speaks. "Now, I KNOW you guardian angels are a lot smarter then that. You've been here before, my child you-"
"I know who you are!" Vivian glares over. "I know all too well about you fine young ladies but I will not sit back and let you cast us into the depths of hell or darkness for all eternity. Emily has done nothing, Spare her but leave me."
The middle judge smiles. "You were always a kind soul, Vivian. One of the reasons we assigned you to Emily her. You've done wonderful showing her to the right path. Grendel is a fine young man. Calla did wonderful raising him and he's stronger then ever. She posses the bow. I'm sure you know the story behind that bow, right Emily?"
Emily nods. "The wood was taken' from a tree in the Underworld. Artemis carved it. Gave the bow a special power ta' it. Stronger."
"Exactly. You've carried a piece of the Underworld with you for some time now. You're connected to it. Calla was wise to allow such force into thy hands. Your challenge to protect those you love, hoever, is not complete. It falls onto your husband and children now. Once the time comes, you shall have the ability to seek out vengeance, protect and serve with a purpose. I did not believe the fates, nor Vivian when she came to us. But I could FEEL there was indeed a change coming soon. The winds told me, as did Calla the night she rescued Vivian. With determination as such, we had to grant thee a second chance."
"I failed." Vivian grabs Emily's hand. "I didn't protect her or save. I-"
"Being a guardian is MORE then just protecting, Vivian. You both are about to find out what being a true protector is about."
Emily peers down, the bow still in her hands. "How is this fookin' possible? We're dead. I'm-"
"No, you're not." The final judge speaks. "Thou has very much fight inside. That bow was crafted from the trees of the Underworld; Artemis used it for centuries before it was given to Calla. She was a powerful Enchantress, Emily. Does thou recall her most powerful trait of all?"
"Yes..." Emily turns to face Vivian. "She was able ta' enter the Underworlds. Speak ta' spirits. Leave her own body ta' travel and...." Emily looks up. "Will one of my babies do this?"
"Viviana is the gatekeeper to the Underworld. You know this. Liam, Chloe and Seraphina have bigger plans for themselves but not quite yet. But it's your husband that has this and only he can save thee."
"Gren." Emily smiles, tears streaming down her face. "Grendel. I...I fookin' knew it..."
"Once he learns this, the ending of this war shall take place. Ending with you and him, like it was always meant to be."
The first judge opens the door beside her. "Carla has no idea the powers YOU have on your side."
Any questions, you know the drill. -sigh- Gotta wait for the cable guy. They say between 8-5 but we all know how that works. lol A bit edgy today, too but nothing bad. Nothing some Starbucks and a walk won't help. Might take Emily to the park. It's a nice day today.
I knew it!!! Save her! No more deaths please! Unless if its Carla! >:(
Emily is starting to remind me of Guts from Berserk, complete total badass!
Oh the cable people yeah they'll probably be there next month lol. I've only had Starbucks once, it wasn't that great but I do want to try it again. Hope you have an awesome day man!
Nobody is ever prepapred for the death of a loved one. You know it's coming the second your life begins; when one life is born, the other di… morees. Just the way things were in this world. Gren understood death all too well and eventually, it would come for him. Fables tend to live centuries beyond; he's seen things many mundies wished they could have takne part in. Kneeling on the ground, however, he was never ready for this.
The Ivy leaves crumbled into bits. Vines shrivled in the sun and became nothing but scattered remains on the ground. Gren's eyes, the window to this world, witnessed his wife perish and vanish within seconds. The only person Gren could honestly say he loved and could do no wrong. Emily had always seen Gren how so many refused to acknowledge. His security blanket was pulled away and it revieled traits Gren locked away for certain purposes. Grasping the broken bits, handfuls of dirt and grass, tears dropped into the soil an… [view original content]
Got some more done at last, a longer chapter than normal but it's to make up for how short the first one was :P Please enjoy!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 2 - The Darkness Consumes
“So what is it you like about James Bond so much?” Jayne was casually hugging Nick as they rode up the elevator; she shifted herself a little as she replied “I don’t know... I guess he has a gentleman quality that a girl like me would appreciate a lot in her man” She smirked up at Nick, who looked into her eyes “Am I not a gentleman to you?”
Jayne backed away to the wall at a slow pace as a sultry grin graced her beautiful features “You do, but you’re more of a ‘bad guy’ than Bond, he gets the girl and saves the day, you own this girl and make the day as mundane as possible” Jayne continued smirking as Nick walked over to her, making sure to look as intimidating as possible “I don’t much care for your tone, you’re not exactly a Bond girl either, more of a villain”
Jayne’s face turned sour then “You don’t like bad girls? I can be as bad as they come, big boy...” Nick crossed his arms and laughed “Please baby, no one is as bad as me!” Jayne shook her head and ran her hand down the front of her torso, she knew exactly what was going on here, and was loving every second of it “Well then, why don’t you show me how big and bad you can be, Nicky” Nick forced himself onto Jayne and gripped her shoulders, his hot breathe rolling off of her face as he whispered “Don’t call me Nicky” then he kissed her with passion.
The elevator finally stopped and a black mass erupted from it, making a beeline for the penthouse apartment. Nick and Jayne kept stumbling into the walls as they continued their lust-filled kissing, Nick had even un-hooked her bra at some point, and apparently without her noticing... They then entered the apartment.
It was a very spacious penthouse apartment, the ground floor had an big, ornate marble fireplace on the left hand side, next to it was a large TV of the latest model and a 3-seater couch made of the finest leather sat in front of it, it was showing signs of heavy use... On the other side of the room was a large dining table looking out to a large window, where most of the city could be seen from, directly to the right of the table was a big kitchen that had just about everything in the form of kitchen utilities inside it.
Directly to the right of the front door was a spiralling wooden staircase that led up to Nick’s bedroom, close to the rear wall of the kitchen was another door that lead into an equally spacious bathroom. The overall colour scheme was eggshell white, though the marble in the apartment was black. Nick had paid for all of it and also installed most of the place himself, even picking out miscellaneous things like paintings and posters himself.
Nick threw Jayne onto the sofa and practically tore of his coat as Jayne took hers off at a painfully slow pace. She threw herself at Nick and pawed at the fabric of his t-shirt, not quite sure whether to lift it over his head or just rip it apart. Nick stopped her actions and left Jayne pouting as he pulled away “Wine?” Jayne’s face was so annoyed it could’ve made a Drill Sergeant back away in fear, but Nick knew Jayne well enough, and her feistiness was too attractive to him. She flopped back on the sofa “Sure, but you better give me some good loving tonight; I’m not letting this slide...”
Nick walked away grinning to himself, he knew this night was going to be a fun one. Walking into the kitchen, he went to the wine cooler to grab an expensive Pinot Noir, but much to his surprise, it wasn’t there. “What the fuck?” Nick walked back into the main room and over to Jayne, who was causally laying on her front, kicking her legs back and forth slowly, she saw Nick’s face “What’s the matter?” Nick turned to her with a look of utter bewilderment “We didn’t finish that Pinot Noir I bought a few months ago did we?”
Jayne shook her head “I don’t think so...” There was a noise from the bedroom upstairs; Nick’s bedroom was just a second floor that covered a portion of the main room, it was open with no ceiling, it had a glass railing around edge of it for some form of safety. Nick owned a super king size bed with an ebony frame and silky white sheets, the space of the bed was a god-send as Nick and Jayne both liked to starfish when they slept, but it also meant he and Jayne had room to ‘move around’ during their moments.
Nick made his way upstairs, then wished that he hadn’t. “What the fuck are you doing here?!”
O The club from earlier
Having made his way back to his Haven (which was a small apartment in the South side of New York). Isaac felt full enough to go to the club where the unfortunate soul had been picked up by the Casanova, where he would then bring the place down for good. Grabbing a second M1911 pistol of the same style as his other one and holstering it on the back of waist with its twin, Isaac also grabbed two brown leather pouches filled with silver-lined throwing knives and holstered them on his thighs.
He then grabbed a khaki coloured backpack and filled it with other ‘essentials’ he may need: A large trench knife inscribed with a rune that destroyed creatures of the night such as Vampires, a 9mm Uzi packed with the same bullets as his pistols, multiple magazines filled with bullets for both firearms, a pump-action shotgun loaded with silver shrapnel, many handfuls of 12-gauge shrapnel shells, and lastly a number of syringe’s filled with human blood.
He put the backpack on and threw up his hood, leaving the apartment and aiming his sights on the club from earlier.
Isaac walked down to the club in silence; he wasn’t much of a talker and only did so if his body language wasn’t enough to get the message across. He was also a loner by choice, preferring not to get involved with other people; Isaac had a nasty habit in the past of making bonds with Mundy girls who would become Blood Doll’s for him, they received such unimaginable pleasure from Isaac drinking their blood that they never wanted to leave... until one night where Isaac drained one of them completely. He was so stricken with guilt that he vowed to never again use Blood Doll’s.
He tried Banking as a source of nourishment, but that also failed when he had to kill 4 Police Officers whom had tracked him back to his Haven one night, also forcing Isaac to move to a different part of the city. Isaac finally vowed to consume those that would be a problem for him in the future, though he was technically a Footpad, preferring the blood of degenerates and chaff of society, it had a ‘meatiness’ to it that caused him to drink them dry every time.
Isaac needed to feed at least 3 times a week in order to remain at his strongest. He could consume human food, but wasn’t fond of it; the sunlight was annoying to him as well as he found that he burned quite easily if he was out in it for so long. Isaac both loved and hated being a Daywalker...
Finally reaching the club, Isaac could already see Gentry vampires chatting up Mundies, whether they would live or die was the Gentry’s decision, but that was about to come to an end. Isaac walked to the middle of the dance floor, some techno song was blaring around him, and he could feel his chest thump with each beat of the bass. He took out his pistols and scanned the room, most everyone there was a Vampire, it was amazing just how many there were! He could only assume that most of them were Headhunter’s...
He aimed and fired at a rapid pace, dropping 8 or 9 of them within a few seconds with headshots. Just as he stopped firing, the rest of the crowd turned to him and showed their fangs, their eyes turning that same hideous shade of red as the Casanova’s had; Isaac flashed his own fangs as his own eyes turned red. He instantly kicked behind him, knocking one of them down as he fired off the last 6 shots of his pistols.
The whole place went into a frenzy as the music was replaced with shrieks and shrills of Vampires; Isaac moved quickly as he holstered his pistols and engaged his opponents with hand to hand combat. He was swift with his movements as he placed directed attacks to anyone foolish enough to get close to him: throat punches, groin kicks, knee kicks, eye gouges, neck breaking, you name it and Isaac was doing it. After disabling 5 more Vampires with his bare hands, Isaac ripped another in two at the waist and threw the appendages into the crowds.
He pulled out his shotgun and began blasting away, 6 shells later and Isaac was soaked in the blood of his own Kin, but there were still more to be dealt with. He threw the weapon down and engaged 3 more in hand to hand, kicking one of them down he forced another against the wall and punched through its head, Isaac was grabbed from behind as the Vampire he knocked down began to feed on his leg.
Isaac flipped his opponent and bit into his neck, sucking out some blood and spitting it in the Vampires face, causing the creature to let go as Isaac pulled up the one who was biting him and broke it’s spine against his knee.
The Vampire from earlier finally wiped the blood away but was met with a knife to its heart as soon as its vision returned, Isaac turned to the rest, who were still debating whether this fight was a lost cause. He yelled at them “Death to your Prince!” The Vampires became infuriated at such talk of their Master and lunged to attack. Isaac rolled underneath the crowd to the other side and picked up his shotgun, diving behind the bar as some of the crowd opened fire with various weapons.
It went quiet as the last 20 or so Vampires edged forwards to the bar, trying their hardest to ignore the pools of blood scattered about the floor. Isaac hoped the bar all of a sudden and opened fire with his Uzi, he dropped well over 10 of the creatures before his clip ran out. He took out his knife and lunged at the sole Vampire that hadn’t run away, he gripped the Kindred by the throat and held the blade closer to it “Where is the Prince? Where is Algol?”
The Kindred grabbed the blade and dragged it across its own throat; Isaac watched the body melt away like the others had as he collected his weapons and put them back into his bag. He could hear sirens blaring outside, and as the Police walked in to the room, Isaac was already outside.
He walked back to his apartment, remembering that he hadn’t used any of throwing knives yet... in a way this made him smile.
O Back at Nick’s apartment
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Nick yelled as he saw just who was in his bed, for once it wasn’t Damien and Penelope Porgie, this time (and for the first time ever) it was Death and Hope!
Death sat up straight, showing off the sheer absence of body fat he had, which in turn exaggerated his muscles. His dead grey skin was a shimmer in the moonlight as Hope woke up into a lucid consciousness and quickly covered herself with the sheets. She on the other hand was a vision of her namesake: her fair skin emitted a sparkling golden hue, and the lack of a headdress revealed that she had flowing chestnut-brown hair, as well as her lack of golden robes revealing a perfectly curved physique that the Fable women all seemed to share, though she wasn’t the curviest.
Nick felt like he had turned red with the amount of rage he was feeling right now, not that his ‘Father’ had slept with Hope, but because they had done so in his bed. “Why the fuck did you do this here?! In my bed?! Did you drink my wine too?!” Death raised his hands and gestured for Nick to calm down as he spoke “We knew you were out, and to be honest, we didn’t plan on falling asleep...”
Nick began pacing back and forth as Death continued “We never get many moments like this, it’s been nearly a decade since we could do this without the Fates keeping us apart. Besides, you have a nice place, a comfy bed, and some very nice wine-“
Nick pointed at Death aggressively “Why didn’t you use Damien’s bed?! He lives right across from me!” Hope was blushing as she hid under the sheets to re-materialise her golden clothing, Death materialised his pants and stood up “Because it stinks of weed, alcohol and quite frankly, his bed and couch both reek of raw sweat from his nights with Penelope”
Nick marched back downstairs and opened the door, Jayne stayed in place as she knew this was between them and not her “Get out! Get out, get out, get out, GET OUT!” Death smirked as he put his robes back on and Hope joined him “Nick I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you, Son” Nick was fuming “Don’t SON me! You fucked in my bed! God, I don’t even wanna imagine the mess you two left me!...” Death and Hope both grinned evilly as they left the apartment and then vanished into thin air.
Nick shut the door and fell against it, somewhat exhausted from all the yelling. Jayne stood up and went over to Nick, grabbing his head softly and resting it against her abdomen as she stroked his hair. Nick placed a kiss to Jayne’s stomach as he stood up and nodded “I’m ok” Jayne wrapped her arms around Nick and spoke “You wanna see what they left us up there?”
Nick made a noise of disgust and flopped down onto the sofa “Not really. I think I might have to burn those sheets sooner rather than later though...” Jayne looked at him incredulously “Is it really so bad? Damien and Penny have done it in that bed just like we have in their bed!” Nick sat up straight “That’s my Father! Do you even realise how disgusting that concept is? He’s all dead and skinny and... EWW!”
Jayne laughed as she walked over to the mirror, she looked herself over and changed the subject “Do you think I’d look sexy in a sombrero?” Nick perked up “Just the sombrero?” Jayne replied “Yeah” Nick replied back with some enthusiasm “Does a bear shit in the woods?” Jayne looked back with a smile “Haha”
Before she could move however, a voice came from the kitchen “Haha indeed, miss” Nick shot up to standing as Jayne walked over to him, he cautiously spoke towards the darkened kitchen “Who are you?”
The mystery man walked out of the kitchen and into the combined light of the moon and the fireplace. He was a middle-aged man, maybe late 40’s to early 50’s, with pure white hair combed back neatly, standing tall in a black leather garb befitting of a Medieval era, over which he wore a very lavish red cloak made of what appeared to be velvet. He spoke with such formality in his voice it was as though he was a King “Sorry for the intrusion, but are you Death’s Harbinger?”
Nick slowly moved Jayne behind him; Jayne wasn’t weak by any means, but she had no exceptional powers of her own so she was only as good as her bare hands would allow her to be. Nick responded carefully “I am, but that is not my title anymore...” The mystery man chuckled and gave a bow “My name is Algol”
Nick was surprised then “You... you’re the Prince of the Vampyres!” Algol stood up “I am indeed, and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?” Nick walked up to Algol and looked him in the eye “Your curse does not work on me...” Algol smirked, Nick heard a voice behind him “No it doesn’t”
When Nick turned around he saw Algol holding Jayne by the shoulders, he turned back to realise the Vampire had moved faster than his eyes could see. Looking back at Jayne, Nick’s eyes turned yellow “Don’t you fucking hurt her” Algol chuckled again as he bit into Jayne’s neck, but Nick teleported to him just before he could start draining her. Nick dragged Algol to the window and held him against it by his collar “What did you do to her!”
Algol flashed his slightly bloody teeth as Nick pulled him back and threw him through the window, watching the Prince fall to the ground, not that it would be a permanent solution... Nick instantly ran back to Jayne, she felt so cold and lifeless “Jayne? Jayne! Wake up, please baby, wake up, please!”
... Nothing
To be continued...
So yeah, leave your comments and questions below, and I will see you all next time XD Gotta go to work now...
SOOOOOOOOO, so, so sorry for the late reply! XD I hate falling behind! lol I'm impressed with Kieron and his blood magic! He's beoming a lot stronger and different then the man I read about not too long ago.
Claire's story, however, was awful and I felt sorry for the poor dear. Things like that chan change a person for the worse but even though she was in a bad situation, seems like she's trying to make the best of it. She has Kieron. That guard, though! XD So oblivious!
A New World Fool! Part: 2
Claire and Kieron began running down the hall when they hit a dead end. Kieron could hear wind behind the door.… more
"Claire smash it!" He said drawing and revving his sword.
There were two Lycans that had entered the room. They howled and began to charge Kieron, he raised a blood wall. As soon as Kieron stopped revving the sword he dropped the wall and swung with all of his strength, one of the Lycans had caught on fire but the other swatted Kieron to the side, slamming him into a wall. Claire had just broke through the wall, she looked back to see Kieron against the wall. She didn't expect to encounter Lycans here so she didn't have any silver on hand. She then decided that to fight this Lycan and defeat it quickly she'd transform. While doing so Kieron managed to get up but proved to be at a disadvantage as the Lycan bit his side multiple times and began clawing his skin. Claire had grown in size and her skin … [view original content]
I can't kill off my Emily. It can never happen. It all is up to Gren now! Carla WILL get her demise. Trust me.
THINK I saw the movie called 'Golden Eye' and Guts was in there, unless that is a totally different person. Etiher way, the character was still a badass and Emily and I both take that compliment because she is indeed my little ass kicker and refuses to be taken down by a little flesh wound.
I hate waiting for those fools. lol I don't want to leave in case they show up but JJ is here, so we'll see how that pans out. lol I love Starbucks and you should give it another try. My favorite was always the Java Chip Frapp but that's just me. XD My day is great, my good man. Hopefully the same goes to you, too!
I knew it!!! Save her! No more deaths please! Unless if its Carla! >:(
Emily is starting to remind me of Guts from Berserk, complete t… moreotal badass!
Oh the cable people yeah they'll probably be there next month lol. I've only had Starbucks once, it wasn't that great but I do want to try it again. Hope you have an awesome day man!
Gren can do it! and good she needs to absolutely go! XD
I think I know who you are talking about, but the one I am talking about is from a comic book series called Berserk, I'd explain back story but it is really dark, sad, and edgiest stories I've ever read! O.o That's good! I picture Emily raising her bow and saying 'it's but a flesh wound!!! XD
They are indeed rediculous lol and oh boy XD you got this JJ! That's what my mother, sister and brother get so I do think I will try that, I forget what I had the other time but it was okay. XD So many papers to write, but other than that it should be fantastic!
I can't kill off my Emily. It can never happen. It all is up to Gren now! Carla WILL get her demise. Trust me.
THINK I saw the movie c… morealled 'Golden Eye' and Guts was in there, unless that is a totally different person. Etiher way, the character was still a badass and Emily and I both take that compliment because she is indeed my little ass kicker and refuses to be taken down by a little flesh wound.
I hate waiting for those fools. lol I don't want to leave in case they show up but JJ is here, so we'll see how that pans out. lol I love Starbucks and you should give it another try. My favorite was always the Java Chip Frapp but that's just me. XD My day is great, my good man. Hopefully the same goes to you, too!
SOOOOOOOOO, so, so sorry for the late reply! XD I hate falling behind! lol I'm impressed with Kieron and his blood magic! He's beoming a lot… more stronger and different then the man I read about not too long ago.
Claire's story, however, was awful and I felt sorry for the poor dear. Things like that chan change a person for the worse but even though she was in a bad situation, seems like she's trying to make the best of it. She has Kieron. That guard, though! XD So oblivious!
I look forward to more, dude!
Oh gosh sounds like a night of "blood play" with Kieron and Claire that first part XD. I think with that second part Isaac has become a favorite of mine! I like the way he works and goes about things. That third part though! I'm getting flashbacks of Vivian and Nick XD. Also this man Algol I love his evilness but man not Jayne! This is the first we see her and now she's been vamped or killed! Nick is so going to mess that guy up!
Got some more done at last, a longer chapter than normal but it's to make up for how short the first one was :P Please enjoy!
Vampire Cha… morellenge Chapter 2 - The Darkness Consumes
“So what is it you like about James Bond so much?” Jayne was casually hugging Nick as they rode up the elevator; she shifted herself a little as she replied “I don’t know... I guess he has a gentleman quality that a girl like me would appreciate a lot in her man” She smirked up at Nick, who looked into her eyes “Am I not a gentleman to you?”
Jayne backed away to the wall at a slow pace as a sultry grin graced her beautiful features “You do, but you’re more of a ‘bad guy’ than Bond, he gets the girl and saves the day, you own this girl and make the day as mundane as possible” Jayne continued smirking as Nick walked over to her, making sure to look as intimidating as possible “I don’t much care for your tone, you’re not exactly a Bond girl either, more of a vil… [view original content]
Got some more done at last, a longer chapter than normal but it's to make up for how short the first one was :P Please enjoy!
Vampire Cha… morellenge Chapter 2 - The Darkness Consumes
“So what is it you like about James Bond so much?” Jayne was casually hugging Nick as they rode up the elevator; she shifted herself a little as she replied “I don’t know... I guess he has a gentleman quality that a girl like me would appreciate a lot in her man” She smirked up at Nick, who looked into her eyes “Am I not a gentleman to you?”
Jayne backed away to the wall at a slow pace as a sultry grin graced her beautiful features “You do, but you’re more of a ‘bad guy’ than Bond, he gets the girl and saves the day, you own this girl and make the day as mundane as possible” Jayne continued smirking as Nick walked over to her, making sure to look as intimidating as possible “I don’t much care for your tone, you’re not exactly a Bond girl either, more of a vil… [view original content]
I knew it!!! Save her! No more deaths please! Unless if its Carla! >:(
Emily is starting to remind me of Guts from Berserk, complete t… moreotal badass!
Oh the cable people yeah they'll probably be there next month lol. I've only had Starbucks once, it wasn't that great but I do want to try it again. Hope you have an awesome day man!
Kieron woke up in a white open area, there was no sky and no ground. Kieron began to call out Claires name but she didn't respond. Kieron began to walk the endless plain...was he dead? Was his first question that he thought.
"No you aren't dumbass." A voice similar to his sounded.
Kieron turned around and noticed that it really was him but his body had a shadow aura around him and had yellow eyes. The shadow smirked and laughed.
"You surprised? I'm not surprised, after all I am you..." He said with a mischievous smile.
Kieron didn't buy into it. "So who are you really?" He asked
"Like I said I am you, and you are me." Shadow Kieron said
"You remind me of Alice." Kieron said folding his arms.
"Oh poor Alice! You hate her don't you? You FUCKING HATE her...don't you?" He said teleporting to Kieron and leaned onto his shoulder.
"That's not true, it's not her fault that wonderland went to shit." Kieron said
"BUT she dragged you there and made you participate. Where you lost EVERYTHING! twice...over!" Shadow Kieron said making exaggerating gestures.
Kieron gripped his shadow self. "You watch what you say..."
"Oh I'm sorry...what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sounds of your dead friends screaming in agony!" Shadow Kieron said with a smirk.
"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Kieron began to raise his voice.
Shadow Kieron pulled himself closer. "What if I told you that oh so sweet Claire bit the bullet? That she has joined your dead friends but miraculously lived! You always do, and THAT is what you HATE MOST! You just want it to end! To end your suffering!!! But you know that no matter will always suffer, Fate has you by the ALWAYS WILL!" Shadow Kieron said
Everything was true...he hated that he always miraculously lived when his friends perished, he wished it was him instead of his friends. But he knew of one thing and that was that Claire wasn't dead. He threw his Shadow self on the ground. Kierons face became gloom.
"Just aren't me, you may have my thoughts but I've changed..." Kieron said
Shadow Kieron began to laugh. "That's right! I'm not you anymore! I'm something more!" He drew his sword. Kieron noticed there was a silhouette behind the shadow. He raised his sword and Kieron noticed one by one his friends rise from the ground. Alice raised her shadow and began to attack Kieron.
Kieron dodged the shadow. "Alice what are you doing?" He said
Alice smirked and charged Kieron. Kieron was confused why were they here. He noticed that shadow Kieron had a maniacle smile and a crown on his head. I'm sorry Alice, he thought to himself and punched Alice with all his might. She flew back and faded into dust. There was a bright light. When Kieron opened his eyes he saw the real Alice, she ran over and hugged him.
"Kieron! You're okay!" She said excitedly.
Kieron was surprised but he hugged her back. "I'm fine." He smiled
"Back in Wonderland we were so worried about how you'd turn out after the war, so we tried our best to make sure you kept smiling and being happy!" She said
"What?" He said
"Nyx told us you were going to become like this, and we tried our best to stop it. I guess we didn't do a good job huh?" She smiled
"You did fine, this is all my-" He began to say.
"No more blaming yourself Kieron, it's time to smile, it's time to live. No more living like this, you are only making things worse." She said tears beginning to fall.
"I'm sorry for dragging you into that war Kieron, my real self may not remember now but deep down she does, and it hurts her everyday." She said
"I'll...I'll be sure to do that then." Kieron said.
Alice nodded, and a bright light began to show. When Kieron opened his eyes he saw Og and John charging him. He drew his sword and began to fight them. Kieron dispatched of John quickly, and Og was not that much of a hassle although he was slowly losing breath. They began to approach Kieron.
"Hey man." John smiled while Og waved
"Hey." Kieron smiled
"I always knew you were a bright spirited guy, right as I layed eyes on you. Keep giving people hope and smile Goddamnit." John laughed.
"Thanks guys." Kieron smiled.
There was a bright light. All that remained was Azaria and Nyx. Kieron thought they were going to be hard to beat but it seemed that they didn't want to fight. They approached Kieron. Nyx transformed into a human and talked to Kieron first.
"Hey little guy" Nyx laughed
"How are you Nyx?" Kieron smiled
"Well the afterlife is very cozy thank you." Nyx smiled
Kieron hugged Nyx. "I'm sorry, Nyx. I want you to know that what happened to me is not your fault. Alright?"
Nyx began to cry. "Thank you Kieron. You were always such a nice kid. You made my final days alive much better, and when I finally drifted away, I wasn't scared like I was before meeting you. Things may have been rough, and it did hit you hard, but as you've noticed they've been getting better so keep smiling alright?"
"Right, no more tears!" Kieron said laughing but crying.
Nyx waved and faded away going back to the afterlife. All that was left was Azaria...she walked up to him, she gave him that sweet smile he's always known.
"Here let me wipe away those tears for you." She said laughing.
"Thanks." Kieron smiled "Azaria I-" He was cut off
"I don't want to hear it Kieron!" Azaria said "It's alright, what you did was necessary. That woman was right, I'd rather be dead than trying to be saved." She kissed him on the cheek. "It's time to start new, Kieron. No more hatred, no more hating yourself. We all want you to finally smile and enjoy what life has to offer. And now you can." She said beginning to cry.
Kieron nodded He hugged Azaria. "I'll be okay. You guys sure are persuasive aren't you?" He laughed.
"You know deep down I'm always with you right?" Azaria said
Kieron nodded. Azaria began to walk away. "Then I'll see you around." She smiled fading into the afterlife...Shadow Kieron sat on his throne. He was a bit mad but Kieron walked up to him and smiled.
"You are right, you are me. And now it's time for both of us to change." Kieron said holding out his hand.
The shadow nodded and took Kierons hand. The shadow faded into Kieron...there was a bright light...
In Kierons apartment...
Claire had fallen asleep on the couch. Kieron smiled and thought of something sneaky. He leaned up but shouted in pain. Claire jumped and looked over to see Kieron had woken up. Kieron smiled at her. She noticed that he had tears going down his face.
"Are you okay?" She said
Kieron still smiling. "I feel great actually."
Claire was confused, what had happened to him. "Are you sure?" She said
"Just had a wake up call is all." He said getting up.
"Hey! You still need to rest! It hasn't even been a full day yet!" Claire said in a worried voice.
Kieron used some of his blood magic to bring her close. "You were really worried huh?" He said
"Only because I need your help! We need to take the throne right?" Claire said
Kieron kissed her passionately "You're full of shit you know that?" He smiled
Claires face became red. "You're an asshole you know that?" She said
"Yeah yeah yeah." Kieron said letting go and throwing on his trench coat. "Wanna do something fun? Forget about the throne for one night?" He said
Claire looked interested. "And that involves putting clothes on?" She laughed
"Clothes come off later, first we need to stock up on blood. I'm thirsty." Kieron smiled and laughed.
Claire walked seductively back over to Kieron. "Now sir, blood bank heisting is illegal, for that...there are some...consequences." She smiled meschieviously.
"And I'm ready to serve whatever sentence you give me." Kieron smiled.
"You're lucky, we need food mister." Claire said kissing him on the lips.
Kieron threw on his gloves. "You ready?" He asked
Claire nodded. The two went outside and called a cab and payed the driver to go to the nearest blood bank...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Gren can and will! @MasterStone Yes! >:D That shall be the ending! Finish her! lol
OH! Oh okay! Forgive me, Senpai! XD I recall reading those comics and the dude was nothing to mess around with. Emily does come off as that and I will indeed add something like that for her return and the things she'll deal out to Carla. >:D
I do suggest trying that. The only thing I ever get. lmao And I hear ya' on those papers! Good luck, soilder and fight the never ending battle of homework!
Gren can do it! and good she needs to absolutely go! XD
I think I know who you are talking about, but the one I am talking about is from… more a comic book series called Berserk, I'd explain back story but it is really dark, sad, and edgiest stories I've ever read! O.o That's good! I picture Emily raising her bow and saying 'it's but a flesh wound!!! XD
They are indeed rediculous lol and oh boy XD you got this JJ! That's what my mother, sister and brother get so I do think I will try that, I forget what I had the other time but it was okay. XD So many papers to write, but other than that it should be fantastic!
Gren can and will! @MasterStone Yes! >:D That shall be the ending! Finish her! lol
OH! Oh okay! Forgive me, Senpai! XD I recall readin… moreg those comics and the dude was nothing to mess around with. Emily does come off as that and I will indeed add something like that for her return and the things she'll deal out to Carla. >:D
I do suggest trying that. The only thing I ever get. lmao And I hear ya' on those papers! Good luck, soilder and fight the never ending battle of homework!
I was waiting and hoping for Nick and Jayne just to DO it in the elevator. The entire way back to their apartment was major sexual tension but Nick sure knows how to play cool but Jayne, though. She's one hot mama and willing to do anything to get a taste of Nick. Nice choice of wine there, btw. And Nick....stop lying. You like them bad girls! >:D Who wouldn't like a frisky, in-your-face girl from time to time?
Damn, Isaac! All that shit in his backpack makes it sound like he's hunting Werewolves or something else! XD I did like, however, the 'Blood Dolls' and found those interesting. The idea of mundy girls willing to basically trade their soul for a ride on the Vampire wagon is a lot to swallow but that's what makes these things interesting. I love Isaac.
Now, onto this little moment that occured in Nick's apartment. WTF, Death and Hope!? I thought Nick & Vivian were bad about the whole sting in Gremily's bed. I love how Nick throws Damien under the bus like that; like, 'you know he lives right there, use his bed' but the description of his, um, living conditions made me chuckles and remember an old buddy of mine. XD Oh and I loved how Nick FIRST thought it was Penny and Damine up there. XD XD
No shame, Hope & Death. I had a feeling these two would shack up but that was just something I kicked around until I saw it myself. lol This Algol must be the mysterious man from the first one. I wonder what he did to Jayne? I do love, once again, the emtotions you give both Nick & Death.
This is interesting and can't wait for more! Hey, work is work in the end, though.
Got some more done at last, a longer chapter than normal but it's to make up for how short the first one was :P Please enjoy!
Vampire Cha… morellenge Chapter 2 - The Darkness Consumes
“So what is it you like about James Bond so much?” Jayne was casually hugging Nick as they rode up the elevator; she shifted herself a little as she replied “I don’t know... I guess he has a gentleman quality that a girl like me would appreciate a lot in her man” She smirked up at Nick, who looked into her eyes “Am I not a gentleman to you?”
Jayne backed away to the wall at a slow pace as a sultry grin graced her beautiful features “You do, but you’re more of a ‘bad guy’ than Bond, he gets the girl and saves the day, you own this girl and make the day as mundane as possible” Jayne continued smirking as Nick walked over to her, making sure to look as intimidating as possible “I don’t much care for your tone, you’re not exactly a Bond girl either, more of a vil… [view original content]
Candy Angel tossed her head back, hair hugging her shoulders and long, pale neck. Those eyes never left Brandy's side. The lust inside of Brandy grew with each passing second. Her smell was intoxicating and causing Brandy to thinm immoral thoughts of this fine young woman.
Her breasts bounced with every twirl she created on the pole, long legs grasping the pole. Candy created several splits on the stage, now carpeted with single dollar bills. Crawling on all fours, Candy inches closer towards Brandy, who was now inches from the dancer's face.
Inhaling, Brandy could smell strawberry lipgloss and her sweet perfume. Candy's eyes burned into Brandy, previewing her possible client eager to lay her hands upon Candy's soft flesh.
Sliding to the right, Candy gently licks her upper lip, bites the bottem and sticks out her right hand. Pulling Brandy closer, the Vampire's skin crawled like a millon ants roaming down the beaten path. Candy's warm and wet lips pressed against Brandy's ear. She could feel and hear the breathing, which nearly sent the creature into a wild fit and avoid feasting right there in the open.
"Meet me in 5." Candy crawls backward, slinks back against the pole and smiles. "See ya'..."
The house music bounced through the walls of the club, making Brandy's thoughts collide with one another. She had never seen anything more radiant or majestic then the dancer before her. Brandy tried to detect just what creature this elegant beauty was but the smell had been masked by a mix of her perfume and another unknown material. Normally, creatures did this to avoid being caught or detected. Either way, Brandy was determined to sink her fangs into the beautiful neck of her next meal. Her object was to bring pleasure and no harm to the fine young woman.
Jack, drenching in sweat and smelling of cheap alcohol, took to the center of the dance floor; his arms were waving among the sea of bodies, flashing lights and glow sticks. Brandy made her way through the crowd, hoping to reach Georgie. Passing several people, Brandy made her way to the bar and found both Hans and Georgie leaning against a table. Both seemed pleased to see a full house tonight but Brandy had other thoughts and desires on her mind. Grabbing Georgie's hand, the club owner seemed surprised to see Brandy.
"Fa fook sakes, Hans. Look at woot we got 'ere!" Georgie embraces Brandy. "My God, Brandy. Did not know ya' were hear ta'night. When-"
"Cut the bullshit, Georgie Porgie." Brandy playfully punches the owner in the arm. "I know you saw me come in with Jack Horner over there. The one inbetween those two girls there..."
Brandy points to a section where two attractive blondes and a pathetically dancing Jack attempted to keep up with the tempo of the song.
Georgie chuckles. "Huh. I honestly did not think the little twit was gunna come out 'ere anymore."
Brandy lights a cigarette. There was no need for small talk. "I want that dancer. The redhaired one. Candy Angel."
Georgie whistles, pulls his hat off and scratches his head. "Wow, love. That IS a pricey one, that Candy Angel. She's one of me special shows."
"Again, HOW much, Porgie?"
Georgie folds his arms. "Why? Ya' not gunna 'feed' ta'night in me club, Brandy. I don't play that shit anymore."
"Relax, Georgie." Brandy kicks his foot. "I'm not going to 'feed' on her. I liked the way she moved up on stage. I want to try her out alone..."
Georgie sighs. "She'll cost ya' two thousand for thirty minutes. Anything longa', it adds up."
Brandy digs into her pocket and pulls out a wad of cash. Licking the tip of her index finger, she counts out the money until she reaches two thousand. Handing Georgie the lump of one hundred dollar bills, she cocks her hips and beams. Clearing his throat, Georgie nods to Hans. Excusing himself from the others, Hans goes in search for the dancer. Georgie leads brandy to the VIP room. Pulling the purple curtains back, Brandy looks out to the dance floor. Jack was now in the corner, taking a possible piss or receiving a special 'thank you' from one of his ladies.
Either way, that was somehting Jack would have to deal with once Georgie took notice. Brandy, however, was more interested in her lady. Taking a seat on a soft booth like seat, she extends her arms to the side and sinks deeper into the cushions. Georgie looks around and takes out a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Brandy shakes her head no, nearly causing the club owner to drop the items.
"No?" Georgie cocks an eyebrow. "Not even a little-"
"No, Georgie. I'm not here for the bubbly. I'll have all I will ever need once she gets here."
Georgie nods and does not stay much longer. As he exits, Brandy speaks.
"Congrats on everything, Porgie. Place looks great and I heard about your 'lady.' She must be a lucky thing."
"She's precious." Georgie looks back and smiles. "Miss Lyla Smith is a beautiful baby. Well, see ya' round. Have fun."
Brandy was confused. Did he just say baby? But before the theories blasted her mind, Candy enters the room. She was even more appealing upclose. Brandy sits back and watches the woman stand before her. Candy lifts her right leg and places the tip of her high heel on the cushion. She arches her back, expanding her buttocks and thighs. Candy remained topless as she roughly played with her long red hair. Her delicate fingers slowly slide down her neck, shoulders and along her breasts. She cups each one, eyes Brandy and smiles.
"Any requests, sugar?"
"Please me." Brandy flashes her fangs. "Make me beg by the end of this fucking night."
"Oh, a Vampire." Candy sways her large hips, inching closer to Brandy. "I've always been fans of the immortal beings that hide in the shadows and feast on the living. Odd seing one here, willing to show me so quickly..."
Brandy pats her lap, never letting her eyes wander. "I've have a sweet tooth and I hear Candy Angel can cure what ails me."
"Cute." Candy stradles Brandy's lap, shoving her breasts into her face. "I hope you're in the mood for some sticky sweet love, sugar dumpling."
Candy grinds into Brandy's groin, causing the Vampire to moan, hiss and grasp the cushion. Her teeth immediatly stick out, causing the fangs to press her lips and cut open. Candy beams, noticing the fresh blood dripping from the cut. Brandy hisses once more, gently pushing Candy off her lap. The young dancer tosses her hair around, creating fire storms of hair in every direction. Candy bends forward and gives Brandy a firm and seductive lap dance. Brandy's eyes focus on the woman's buttocks, watching the hills of pale flesh bounce against the fabric of her pants. The purple lights above give Candy a tasteful and alluring feeling to her dance.
It was taking every ounce of energy she had not to pounce upon the dancer like a Lion in the African plains, stalking down its next meal and lunging through the tall, yellow grass. She could feel her teeth sinking into the warm, fresh neck; blood pouring from the gaps, allowing the sweet nectar to fill her mouth and seep down her throat. Candy did notice her restraint and dipped her buttocks deeper into Brandy's lap.
"Vampire...." Candy turns back and beams. "I've read about your kind in books. Seen the movies. My mother dated a Vampire after the divorce from my father when I was ten. She didn't know it but I picked up the familiar traits he had that you do, too."
Brandy huffs. "You know nothing of this world. You're a mere mortal, looking for an excuse to join this. You don't want to BE on this side of the fence. It's a dirty world, Candy."
"Then why are you here?" Candy leaps into Brandy's lap, leaning forward. "I mean, if it's SO bad, that is...."
"I didn't have a choice..." Brandy's nose touches Candy's, as her fingers slip between the straps of her thong. "I was saved, as you may say, many years ago. I wished he'd left me there but the soul himself must have known what it was like to not have a choice and this be your only way out...."
"Who was he?" Candy whispers, her lips gently touching the Brandy's chin. "The man that saved you?"
"Don't worry about it." Brandy yanks Candy close to her chest. "Right now, however, I paid good money for you, so let me enjoy this moment with a fine piece such as yourself."
Candy nods, tilts her head back and allows Brandy the opportunity to taste her flesh. She traches her tongue along the crevice of her collar bone and muscle along the flesh. This sent Candy into a squealing fit, causing Brandy's grip to tighten on the dancer's wrist. Moaning and sighing faintly, Candy continues to grind herself along Brandy's hips. One by one, the fangs began to seep through. Swarming her neck with the fondling of her points, Brandy brushes them along the skin. The mixture of sweet and sweat caused Brandy to hiss; she could feel her eyes slowly changing and with a final thrust, pulled Candy closer. Brandy's hands cupped each of the dancer's buttcheeks, grasping pummeling with her fingers. Candy gasps one final time, secretly hoping Brandy would feast upon her succulent flesh and ripe blood now pumping ardently along her veins.
Before Brandy could take such a leap of action, Jack Horner tears through the drapes and finds Brandy sitting on the couch. He grabs her arm, nearly causing Candy to tumble and smack her head against the table.
"HEY!" Brandy hisses, nearly scratching Jack. "The fuck are you doing back here!? Go! Get out, Jack! I-"
"We need to GO, Brandy! Now! Hurry the fuck up and-"
"Why?" Brandy stands, assisting Candy to her feet. "I thought you wanted to-"
"Your friends from the bar, you know-those Bikers? Yeah, ummm, see the thing KILLED their leader and I guess he was Vampire too, so they are after you."
"Christ!" Brandy pulls the curtains back and notices three larger men. "How did they find me here!?"
"Guess our old pal Fred led them here. We need to scat and skidaddle, if you want to live!"
Jack turns and immediatly heads for the alley. Before Brandy follows, Candy desperatly grabs her hand.
"WAIT! Will I ever see you again?"
Brandy beams, pulling away. "Nah, baby girl. I'm an Alleycat and we only stay in one place for so long. I suggest you go back out and shake that booty.Damn, you're fine as hell...."
Following Jack, the two skid across the black top and nearly run into the crowds waiting outside. Brandy could hear Georgie's voice and glasses crashing; the three men, running back from the front, spot Jack and Brandy. Jumping into the Toyota, Brandy peels away and onto the busy streets of Fabletown. Jack kicks the dashboard, rolls the window dows and hoots.
"MAN! Up your's, you filthy flying weseals! We-"
But it was far from over or that easy. Taking out her cigarette, Brandy lights and prepares for their next action. Pulling into an alley, she'd hoped for a few minutes to collect her thoughts but that got them nowhere way too fast, for the headlights of her car showed a different options. A young man with slicked back hair, green eyes and facial hair under his lip, stood back and smiled; the silence said a lot, as Brandy stood out of her vehicle. They were smoking the exact cigarettes. Chuckling, the man looks around.
"Why, hello Brandy. Small world we live in..."
"What you want, Isaiah? Santa's workshop run out of toys for you to build?"
"Cute." Isaiah spits on the ground. "It's my off season, Brandy. YOU know this. Wonderful time to visit and feed. Looks like I have my next meal..."
Jumping into the air, Isaiah heads for Brandy. Spitting on the ground, Brandy smiles. "This should be easy...."
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time for the challenge. Getting ready to head to the park. San Fran has so many beautiful spots to take your kids and Dogs, too.
She slams down a seven foot, four hundred pound sword, dude that would be so awesome!
You are forgiven this time! X3 The dude is invulne… morerable! XD That would be so awesome!
Gotcha I'll have to get that then! I'll try my best man! I also gotta call up a place for a job interview next week ugh lol! XD
Another exciting moment with Nick and Jayne. Jaynic? Nickayne? I can't come up with a name for this ship. lol
A lot happened in this, and… more I noticed you referenced another Soul Calibur character, who deserved to get worse for what he done to Jayne.
I await more.
Oh gosh sounds like a night of "blood play" with Kieron and Claire that first part XD. I think with that second part Isaac has become a favo… morerite of mine! I like the way he works and goes about things. That third part though! I'm getting flashbacks of Vivian and Nick XD. Also this man Algol I love his evilness but man not Jayne! This is the first we see her and now she's been vamped or killed! Nick is so going to mess that guy up!
They MAY do it in the elevator at some point, sometimes they just can't wait :P Jayne is a feisty one, and Nick LOVES it when she gets angry with him, he likes his women edgy
I actually had to call my Mum and ask her what expensive wines would be available in 1995 (the year I was born) I have no knowledge of wines! XP
I haven't fleshed everything out with Isaac yet, he's still something of an enigma to me Yeah Isaac had a thing for making Blood Doll's, but after that one incident he decided that enough was enough. Glad you like him though.
Yep, Death and Hope, they've done the deed before, but they haven't got the time to do it much, no thanks to the Fates. Penny and Damien have done it in Nick's bed, usually cuz Damien has a spare key to Nick's place and Nick has a collection of expensive alcohol as well as a large and comfy bed :P Nick and Jayne have done it in Damien's bed as well, always as a punishment for Damien using their bed...
Algol is the Prince. We will see a lot more of him soon...
I was waiting and hoping for Nick and Jayne just to DO it in the elevator. The entire way back to their apartment was major sexual tension b… moreut Nick sure knows how to play cool but Jayne, though. She's one hot mama and willing to do anything to get a taste of Nick. Nice choice of wine there, btw. And Nick....stop lying. You like them bad girls! >:D Who wouldn't like a frisky, in-your-face girl from time to time?
Damn, Isaac! All that shit in his backpack makes it sound like he's hunting Werewolves or something else! XD I did like, however, the 'Blood Dolls' and found those interesting. The idea of mundy girls willing to basically trade their soul for a ride on the Vampire wagon is a lot to swallow but that's what makes these things interesting. I love Isaac.
Now, onto this little moment that occured in Nick's apartment. WTF, Death and Hope!? I thought Nick & Vivian were bad about the whole sting in Gremily's bed. I love how Nick … [view original content]
This was an interesting chapter! Very detailed as well! Jack being a stupid around the club was hilarious, and Georgie is always cool to see! This Isaiah character though...I don't know why but I think he is a bit more dangerous than Brandy leads on...
Challenge pg. 4
Candy Angel tossed her head back, hair hugging her shoulders and long, pale neck. Those eyes never left Brandy's side. Th… moree lust inside of Brandy grew with each passing second. Her smell was intoxicating and causing Brandy to thinm immoral thoughts of this fine young woman.
Her breasts bounced with every twirl she created on the pole, long legs grasping the pole. Candy created several splits on the stage, now carpeted with single dollar bills. Crawling on all fours, Candy inches closer towards Brandy, who was now inches from the dancer's face.
Inhaling, Brandy could smell strawberry lipgloss and her sweet perfume. Candy's eyes burned into Brandy, previewing her possible client eager to lay her hands upon Candy's soft flesh.
Sliding to the right, Candy gently licks her upper lip, bites the bottem and sticks out her right hand. Pulling Brandy closer, the Vampire's skin crawled like a millon ants roaming down the beaten … [view original content]
Thanks man!
Nick and Jayne have done some kinky stuff before, but blood is never involved :P
Isaac, I'm not sure what I'm doing with h… moreim really. He's like Blade but not like Blade...
I did take some inspiration from VivianxNick getting caught tbh
Jayne... Well... Wait.
Only weird to someone that hasn't tried it ;P
I like my OC's to have a clear role and purpose before I use them, Isaac I still haven't decided yet
I don't want to say anything about Jayne...
I was heartbroken reading how Georgie reacted to Emily's death, if Vivian broke his heart in TWAU, then Emily would crush him... But there is hope! God-damn Pie you sure know how to make emotions run high on this thread!! XP
Waving her arms in a cloud of dust, Nick returns to his form.
Dahlia changes him back? .... Ok then...
I'm actually going to say that having to tell which Nick is which is getting difficult for me :P Maybe my Nick needs a nickname to differentiate, or people could just call your Nick: Nicholas, like Vivian does???
Emily and Vivian are going to be fine, and Nick is back to normal, so I can go to bed happy
Nobody is ever prepapred for the death of a loved one. You know it's coming the second your life begins; when one life is born, the other di… morees. Just the way things were in this world. Gren understood death all too well and eventually, it would come for him. Fables tend to live centuries beyond; he's seen things many mundies wished they could have takne part in. Kneeling on the ground, however, he was never ready for this.
The Ivy leaves crumbled into bits. Vines shrivled in the sun and became nothing but scattered remains on the ground. Gren's eyes, the window to this world, witnessed his wife perish and vanish within seconds. The only person Gren could honestly say he loved and could do no wrong. Emily had always seen Gren how so many refused to acknowledge. His security blanket was pulled away and it revieled traits Gren locked away for certain purposes. Grasping the broken bits, handfuls of dirt and grass, tears dropped into the soil an… [view original content]
Apparently it's what I'm good at and honestly, do not even mean to. If there was no hope for Emily, this probably would have been it for Georgie. He loves all his children but because of what emily went through, he understands and still blames himself...
No. I really need to word my sentences better sometimes. He came back by himself; Dahlia was just there, observing and waved her arms to avoid the mysterious dust. I would! XD lol
It's so difficult calling my nick Nicholas. Only Vivian does that but it might have to happen that way because I can see where the confusion is. XD
Least I put a smile on your face. Works for me, man.
I was heartbroken reading how Georgie reacted to Emily's death, if Vivian broke his heart in TWAU, then Emily would crush him... But there i… mores hope! God-damn Pie you sure know how to make emotions run high on this thread!! XP
Waving her arms in a cloud of dust, Nick returns to his form.
Dahlia changes him back? .... Ok then...
I'm actually going to say that having to tell which Nick is which is getting difficult for me :P Maybe my Nick needs a nickname to differentiate, or people could just call your Nick: Nicholas, like Vivian does???
Emily and Vivian are going to be fine, and Nick is back to normal, so I can go to bed happy
I look forward to more dude! XD
Kieron can finally accept what has happened and move on... It's always a big thing in movies for characters to come to terms with their sins as it makes them like, 10x stronger!! :P
You should've had Nick appear as a shadow and be like "Stop being a whiny bitch and move on" Lol, he wouldn't do that to Kieron
A New World Fool! Part: Three
Kierons mind...
Kieron woke up in a white open area, there was no sky and no ground. Kieron began to cal… morel out Claires name but she didn't respond. Kieron began to walk the endless plain...was he dead? Was his first question that he thought.
"No you aren't dumbass." A voice similar to his sounded.
Kieron turned around and noticed that it really was him but his body had a shadow aura around him and had yellow eyes. The shadow smirked and laughed.
"You surprised? I'm not surprised, after all I am you..." He said with a mischievous smile.
Kieron didn't buy into it. "So who are you really?" He asked
"Like I said I am you, and you are me." Shadow Kieron said
"You remind me of Alice." Kieron said folding his arms.
"Oh poor Alice! You hate her don't you? You FUCKING HATE her...don't you?" He said teleporting to Kieron and leaned onto his shoulder.
"That's not true, it's not her fault that wo… [view original content]
All he needed was to hear it from his lost friends I wouldn't say this experience will make him that strong but he does have something new to work with that I've cooked up!
I did think of that! But Kieron probably would have died with that whole exchange, and like you said Nick wouldn't do that to him they're bros!
Kieron can finally accept what has happened and move on... It's always a big thing in movies for characters to come to terms with their sins… more as it makes them like, 10x stronger!! :P
You should've had Nick appear as a shadow and be like "Stop being a whiny bitch and move on" Lol, he wouldn't do that to Kieron
I look forward to more dude! XD
Oh thank God. XP I was worried it was a bit but I thought it was okay. Seduction! XD Jack would be awesome to hit the clubs with and I adore Georgie. Isaiah is someone to becareful with. He's always been the shy and quiet one but when it comes down to it, you always have to watch yourself around those Grendel brothers.
This was an interesting chapter! Very detailed as well! Jack being a stupid around the club was hilarious, and Georgie is always cool to see… more! This Isaiah character though...I don't know why but I think he is a bit more dangerous than Brandy leads on...
Awesome as always man!
Nah man you could've done way worse!, you should've seen the blood play I wrote for Kieron and Claire too weird man lol XD. Jack most certainly would, although I think I'd go just to hang with Georgie to be honest...okay maybe I'd hang with the girls too XD Yes you do! They are fierce creatures to be fighting with indeed hopefully the damage isn't too much!
Oh thank God. XP I was worried it was a bit but I thought it was okay. Seduction! XD Jack would be awesome to hit the clubs with and I ador… moree Georgie. Isaiah is someone to becareful with. He's always been the shy and quiet one but when it comes down to it, you always have to watch yourself around those Grendel brothers.
Awesome, my good man!
Oh tbh, that was not that bad. I can myself hanging out with Georgie and we'd enjoy those girls, although OUR girls would not be too happy about that. XD Nah, Brandy is a toughie. To her, it's child's play. lol
Nah man you could've done way worse!, you should've seen the blood play I wrote for Kieron and Claire too weird man lol XD. Jack most certai… morenly would, although I think I'd go just to hang with Georgie to be honest...okay maybe I'd hang with the girls too XD Yes you do! They are fierce creatures to be fighting with indeed hopefully the damage isn't too much!
Challenge pg. 4
Candy Angel tossed her head back, hair hugging her shoulders and long, pale neck. Those eyes never left Brandy's side. Th… moree lust inside of Brandy grew with each passing second. Her smell was intoxicating and causing Brandy to thinm immoral thoughts of this fine young woman.
Her breasts bounced with every twirl she created on the pole, long legs grasping the pole. Candy created several splits on the stage, now carpeted with single dollar bills. Crawling on all fours, Candy inches closer towards Brandy, who was now inches from the dancer's face.
Inhaling, Brandy could smell strawberry lipgloss and her sweet perfume. Candy's eyes burned into Brandy, previewing her possible client eager to lay her hands upon Candy's soft flesh.
Sliding to the right, Candy gently licks her upper lip, bites the bottem and sticks out her right hand. Pulling Brandy closer, the Vampire's skin crawled like a millon ants roaming down the beaten … [view original content]
I hinted at it but there was no way I was putting what actually happened behind the doors, just saying there was blood play was enough! let's just say cuts and bites make for interesting bed time activities and that's as far as I'm going to go lol XD Ah well then I feel bad for Isaiah then XP
Oh tbh, that was not that bad. I can myself hanging out with Georgie and we'd enjoy those girls, although OUR girls would not be too happy about that. XD Nah, Brandy is a toughie. To her, it's child's play. lol
Apparently it's what I'm good at and honestly, do not even mean to. If there was no hope for Emily, this probably would have been it for Geo… morergie. He loves all his children but because of what emily went through, he understands and still blames himself...
No. I really need to word my sentences better sometimes. He came back by himself; Dahlia was just there, observing and waved her arms to avoid the mysterious dust. I would! XD lol
It's so difficult calling my nick Nicholas. Only Vivian does that but it might have to happen that way because I can see where the confusion is. XD
Least I put a smile on your face. Works for me, man.
Oh man, where do I go in Cali to find a stripper as hot and willing as Candy Angel?! XD Damn I wish she was right in front of me...
Anywa… moreys, now we know that Brandy is an Alleycat, and either Bisexual or just a Lesbian, but those details don't matter right now :P
Isaiah confused me, cuz that's Grendel's Brother, but in this he seems to be a Vampire
Regardless, I look forward to more dude! XD
Since Claire comes from the line of antideluvians I decided to have them have a more "true" form as they're supposed to be the strongest vampires around and it seemed fitting to have a transformation to access all of that power and stature.
I can only imagine what that'll look like, and man - it terrifies me. XD
Yeah lol same here, I remember picturing it in my head and thought "Oh boy I just created some Cthulu monstrosity" Lol XD
Nobody is ever prepapred for the death of a loved one. You know it's coming the second your life begins; when one life is born, the other dies. Just the way things were in this world. Gren understood death all too well and eventually, it would come for him. Fables tend to live centuries beyond; he's seen things many mundies wished they could have takne part in. Kneeling on the ground, however, he was never ready for this.
The Ivy leaves crumbled into bits. Vines shrivled in the sun and became nothing but scattered remains on the ground. Gren's eyes, the window to this world, witnessed his wife perish and vanish within seconds. The only person Gren could honestly say he loved and could do no wrong. Emily had always seen Gren how so many refused to acknowledge. His security blanket was pulled away and it revieled traits Gren locked away for certain purposes. Grasping the broken bits, handfuls of dirt and grass, tears dropped into the soil and soaked into the Earth. She was gone. Emily was gone....
From the corner of his side, Ethan, Peter and Georgie run; Ethan and Peter both in human form, nearly trip over their feet, hoping to reach Gren first. Georgie, however, discovering his daughter was dead, pushed through his sons. Eyes blind with tears, Georgie falls to the ground; the dark magic leaving a purple trail of cloud dust immediatly turn into weeping shadows of blacks and red.
"EMILY!" His heart wrentching cries fill the air. "MY EMILY! NO! No, no!"
Georgie falls beside the remains of the Ivy plants. Picking one up, it crumbles in his hands. Ethan and Peter try to comfort their father; Katie and Penelope, followed by Junior and several Elves riding Grendels, stand back and try to comprehend the events that took place. Junior tears a shard from his body and tosses the reflecting item into the air. Several shadows respond, floating above their master's head.
"FIND HER!" Junior hisses, pointing to the forest. "I want her ALIVE, you hear me!? I want that bitch before me, so I can cut her to shreds!"
"Yes sire."
The shadows return to the reflection, enter a spinning portal of sorrow and venture into the woods. The air becomes thick and heavy with vengeance. While Junior sends various states of soilders after Carla, Georgie pushes his son off of his body. He craddles the tiny fragments of the plants. Gren, still unraveling the actions that he witnessed, digs his knees into the dirt. His head, lifted up, glares at all the faces surrounding him.
To the right, his children; Viviana's hair no longer blonde but now a shade of chestnut. All that remained was a single strand of blonde near her right cheek. The magic protecting the ribbon no longer in use, for the material began to deteriorate. Blowing away, Viviana was now a sitting duck for the evil to take her soul back to the Underworld. All four of their lips quivering for the loss of their mother.
Georgie pounds the Earth with his fists. "WHY, Emily!? TAKE ME!" Georgie screams into the heavens. "Fookin' take ME! Ya' hear me!? Give me back my daughter....please....I'm so sorry, Emily. I'm so sorry...."
Gren wondered how many people present that day were wanting to take Emily's place. Gren was the first in line the second her declining soul left her body and into a world he could not venture. Gren collects Georgie in his arms; the former pimp struggles, fights and does his best to remove himself from Gren's grasp. All Gren could picture, however, was Carla. Her devious smile and lies she spun for years. The selfish behavior that cost him and the others their precious emily. Georgie eventually gives in, leans his bare head against Gren's arms and drowns in the sea of anguish. He trembles, reaching his fingers towards the sky.
Still silenced by rage, Gren noticed another missing. Vivian. Nick's expression and Viviana's appearance said it all. Looking over, Gren finally finds the words to say.
"Nick!" Anger mixed with a broken heart. "Where....where is Vivian?"
"She's gone." His words stung against his tongue. "She's gone, Gren. Left right as Emily..." Nick could not finish. "She blamed herself. For not protecting Emily enough. She-"
Gren looks over at the others. "This is not Vivian's fault or any of our fucking faults. I will mourn later. I will come to the conclusion that my wife is fucking dead. The lives of my unborn children..." Gren paused for a moment. "I have four children that need their father to be strong. I WILL have my revenge and Carla will fucking pay with her life. I want her brought to me. I will fucking handle Carla myself!"
Gren faces Dahlia. Waving her arms in a cloud of dust, Nick returns to his form. Shrieking into the sky, Nick slams his boots into the soil, causing all around to shake.
"I'll kill that fuckin' bitch!" Nick heads for Gren. "You and me, Grendel! We go right now and-"
"You can't DO that!" Dahlia grabs Nick's arm. "We need to watch our steps! Carla is very powerful. We've witnessed it and now-"
"My WIFE is dead!" Gren pins Dahlia to a tree. "SHE died, in my arms because of that bitch. Think Nick killing her before I DO is mercy on her, don't you think?"
Dahlia tries to smile. "No....she's not, Grendel."
Gren was stunned. "Wha....what? You're fucking with me!" Gren shoves his elbow into Dahlia's throat. "Why are you fucking with me!?"
"I'd never lie to you but we need to hurry." Dahlia looks over. "I'm going to need you, Grendel."
"You're forgetting the power you have, Gren. The element your mother gave you. Earth. You're more of your mother then you want to believe, Gren. What was the ONE thing she could do..."
Gren stands back, releasing his grip on Dahlia. The missing arm stung against the sun's heat. Peering down in his palm, his eyes dart about.
"Me....I have-"
"Come. We don't have time. We can stop this, Gren. but you must let go and accept. You're an Alpha now and alphas-"
"Protect." Grinning, Gren looks around. He knew what needed to be done.
Business Office
Peter throws his desk over, causing papers and his desk lamp to collide into the wall. Ethan, covering his mouth, shakes his head. His sister was dead and Vivian was nowhere to be found. Carla vanished without a trace; Junior's minons and his many clones surfaced, searching every corner of the city and then some. There was indeed a blanket of sorrow covering the city. All the Fables present that morning could feel it deep inside. Revenge was stronger then ever before.
Ethan watched his brother slowly change into a half beast fueled with anguish. Peter's claws sunk into the cheap plaster along the walls. His chair smashed into bits. The howls escaping his throat caused Ethan to turn his head, cover his ears and cry.
"CARLA!" Peter continues to snap the pieces of furniture in half. "THAT bitch will pay with her life!"
"This will neva' stop..." Ethan shakes his head, the tears pouring from his eyes. "This fookin' bullshit. It will end with Carla but soon, anotha' will come, Peter."
"DON'T" Peter heads over to Ethan and presses his brother to the wall. "DON'T you ever fucking say this to me! We will handle this! We will-"
"Look where it took us, Peter! Look around you! We've 'handled' this shit before but nuthin' like this! Our sister is DEAD because we all thought we could 'handle' it! It will neva' stop, Peter!"
Peter needed to stand back and away from Ethan. All he could picture was Carla and Emily. it happened so quickly. Peter was hoping this was a dream. A hellish dream they were all enduring. He prayed to wake up in his king bed beside his wife; their daughter would scramble inside, grasping Ethan's cat and begging for Elsa shapped pancakes for breakfast. He'd go to work with his brother; Gren would be there, Emily at home with the children and all would ne the way it should be. But that was not the case and this was moe then any of the others could ever take ahold of and control. Carla needed to pay and be held responsible for the actions she caused today.
"It wll stop, Ethan." Peter takes out his ipod and searches vigourously for a tune. "It will all come to an end. I SWEAR to you and this town, my family and friends, I will stop this."
Before Ethan could speak, the doors to the Sheriff's office swings open. Snow White, pale as a sheet, glances over at Peter. In her hands, a single file. The music on Peter's desk begins to play a Guns n' Roses song. She remains hushed, handing the file over into Peter's custody. Peter grabs it, scanning over the few pages.
"What is this, Snow? What-"
"Where is Gren? We need to show him this. Hopefully the Wood Elves are willing to show him but we don't have much time."
The dripping sounds of water nearby caused Vivian to immediatly wake up, search the ground and scan the area. Her surroundings were lighter this time, so she knew the darkness was not going to gt her in the end. But the area smelled and appeared ever so familiar to the angel. The soil under her touch was soft with bits of pebble and coal. There was a thick fog before her. Lifting up, Vivian noticed a murky swamp. There was not a single ounce of plantlife, so she knew Earth was out of the question.
"Emily." Vivian calls out, hoping for an answer. "Emily, are you here?"
Silence. Looking out into the distance, Vivian saw a ferry with a single rider. He wore a long, thick black hooded cloak. The rags blew along with the ride; his bone fingers held a massive pole and pushed the boat up against the banks. This brought Vivian back to the first time she entered the Underworld and knew this time, sadly, she was going to stay. Once more, the rider did not spill words but held out his cold, boney hand. Shaking against the winds, Vivian stares blankly.
"I don't....don't have coins to give you..." He continues holding out his hand. "Look, I know you heard me and I already fucking told you, I DON'T have anything to give you. You already took the one thing that I loved more than anything...."
Vivian falls to the ground and all she could picture was Emily. The battle. Her failure as a Guardian Angel and the ability to protect her assigned soul. Even in death, Vivian was incapable of saving another. Her eyes stung from the tears; her thoughts bounced around to Emily, Gren, the quads and the family. She buries her face against her knees. Darkness. Perhaps this is where she should have stayed all along. Not everyone deserved a second chance and Vivian felt she was one of those people. There was nothing she could do now and this would forever be her final resting place. Vivian no longer cared.
All she wanted was Emily, Nick, the qauds. Anyone that showed the same love Vivian desired. She peers up. The rider was still there, hands out. wiping her nose, Vivian stands. Now, she was furious.
"LEAVE me be, then, you fucking asshole! I don't HAVE anything to fucking give you! You've taken enough from me but I forget-Hades was a greedy God and will eventually take everything! I'm sure that ribbon is off her neck! You'll take her, the others and leave Gren a wretched mess!"
"Emily..." The rider speaks in a raspy voice. "Emily..."
It stung, hearing her name. Vivian grabs his arm and pulls. "EMILY-MY Emily!? Where!? Speak, you miserable fool!"
The rider looks back. "Come. The master awaits thee on the other side...."
Vivian had no other choice. Taking her seat in the boat made of human skulls and bones, the mysterious cloaked figure pushes against the banks and sends the boat down the river. Vivian looked over; so many trapped souls and so few that looked in her direction. Many were there as punishment for all eternity. They'd circle the river but never venture out on land. Others hide along the shadows and watched Vivian with their blank eyes. A few stood along the banks, pointing their finger and moving their pale, broken lips. She could not understand a sigle word and leaned against a long, slender piece of bone.
All Vivian could think about was Emily; whatever punishment awaited her was nothing compared to the misery and heartache she endured not that long ago. The boat carried on until it reached the kingdom of the Underworld. The end of the boat bunked the sand, nearly causing Vivian to tumble into the murky waters. Adjusting her dress, hair and cleaning her face, she steps out and onto the sand. The shrill screams echo in the caves. Hooded figures await along the walls, all their dark, faceless glares staring at the young woman. Normally, Cerberus would be there to greet them; when Vivian did not see Viviana waiting at the doors, she sighed a sigh of relief. Hades had not yet collected the young girl's soul. Looking around, however, things seemed different.
The heavy gates closed behind Vivian, causing her to leap in fear. Grasping her chest, she did not notice the woman with long, jet black hair. Beside her, three fuller female figures. Vivian turned enough to catch glance of Emily. Gasping, Vivian looks around. Covering her mouth, she spins in a circle twice before pausing before Emily once more. The tears returned and before either could utter a word, Vivian was racing towards her. Grabbing on and crumbling to the ground, Vivian wept against Emily's chest.
"Is it you!?" Vivian grabs her face. "My Emily....Oh my God! Emily! You're alive! You'!"
"The fook is 'here' Vivian?" Emily chuckles. "I 'ave no idea where I'm at. Those three won't fookin' talk."
Vivian looks down at her wound. "It healed. Your're.....we are in the Underworld."
"Oh Vivian, how quickly you've forgotten!" One of the judges speaks. "Now, I KNOW you guardian angels are a lot smarter then that. You've been here before, my child you-"
"I know who you are!" Vivian glares over. "I know all too well about you fine young ladies but I will not sit back and let you cast us into the depths of hell or darkness for all eternity. Emily has done nothing, Spare her but leave me."
The middle judge smiles. "You were always a kind soul, Vivian. One of the reasons we assigned you to Emily her. You've done wonderful showing her to the right path. Grendel is a fine young man. Calla did wonderful raising him and he's stronger then ever. She posses the bow. I'm sure you know the story behind that bow, right Emily?"
Emily nods. "The wood was taken' from a tree in the Underworld. Artemis carved it. Gave the bow a special power ta' it. Stronger."
"Exactly. You've carried a piece of the Underworld with you for some time now. You're connected to it. Calla was wise to allow such force into thy hands. Your challenge to protect those you love, hoever, is not complete. It falls onto your husband and children now. Once the time comes, you shall have the ability to seek out vengeance, protect and serve with a purpose. I did not believe the fates, nor Vivian when she came to us. But I could FEEL there was indeed a change coming soon. The winds told me, as did Calla the night she rescued Vivian. With determination as such, we had to grant thee a second chance."
"I failed." Vivian grabs Emily's hand. "I didn't protect her or save. I-"
"Being a guardian is MORE then just protecting, Vivian. You both are about to find out what being a true protector is about."
Emily peers down, the bow still in her hands. "How is this fookin' possible? We're dead. I'm-"
"No, you're not." The final judge speaks. "Thou has very much fight inside. That bow was crafted from the trees of the Underworld; Artemis used it for centuries before it was given to Calla. She was a powerful Enchantress, Emily. Does thou recall her most powerful trait of all?"
"Yes..." Emily turns to face Vivian. "She was able ta' enter the Underworlds. Speak ta' spirits. Leave her own body ta' travel and...." Emily looks up. "Will one of my babies do this?"
"Viviana is the gatekeeper to the Underworld. You know this. Liam, Chloe and Seraphina have bigger plans for themselves but not quite yet. But it's your husband that has this and only he can save thee."
"Gren." Emily smiles, tears streaming down her face. "Grendel. I...I fookin' knew it..."
"Once he learns this, the ending of this war shall take place. Ending with you and him, like it was always meant to be."
The first judge opens the door beside her. "Carla has no idea the powers YOU have on your side."
Any questions, you know the drill.
-sigh- Gotta wait for the cable guy. They say between 8-5 but we all know how that works. lol A bit edgy today, too but nothing bad. Nothing some Starbucks and a walk won't help. Might take Emily to the park. It's a nice day today.
I knew it!!! Save her! No more deaths please! Unless if its Carla! >:(
Emily is starting to remind me of Guts from Berserk, complete total badass!
Oh the cable people
yeah they'll probably be there next month lol. I've only had Starbucks once, it wasn't that great but I do want to try it again. Hope you have an awesome day man! 
Got some more done at last, a longer chapter than normal but it's to make up for how short the first one was :P Please enjoy!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 2 - The Darkness Consumes
“So what is it you like about James Bond so much?” Jayne was casually hugging Nick as they rode up the elevator; she shifted herself a little as she replied “I don’t know... I guess he has a gentleman quality that a girl like me would appreciate a lot in her man” She smirked up at Nick, who looked into her eyes “Am I not a gentleman to you?”
Jayne backed away to the wall at a slow pace as a sultry grin graced her beautiful features “You do, but you’re more of a ‘bad guy’ than Bond, he gets the girl and saves the day, you own this girl and make the day as mundane as possible” Jayne continued smirking as Nick walked over to her, making sure to look as intimidating as possible “I don’t much care for your tone, you’re not exactly a Bond girl either, more of a villain”
Jayne’s face turned sour then “You don’t like bad girls? I can be as bad as they come, big boy...” Nick crossed his arms and laughed “Please baby, no one is as bad as me!” Jayne shook her head and ran her hand down the front of her torso, she knew exactly what was going on here, and was loving every second of it “Well then, why don’t you show me how big and bad you can be, Nicky” Nick forced himself onto Jayne and gripped her shoulders, his hot breathe rolling off of her face as he whispered “Don’t call me Nicky” then he kissed her with passion.
The elevator finally stopped and a black mass erupted from it, making a beeline for the penthouse apartment. Nick and Jayne kept stumbling into the walls as they continued their lust-filled kissing, Nick had even un-hooked her bra at some point, and apparently without her noticing... They then entered the apartment.
It was a very spacious penthouse apartment, the ground floor had an big, ornate marble fireplace on the left hand side, next to it was a large TV of the latest model and a 3-seater couch made of the finest leather sat in front of it, it was showing signs of heavy use... On the other side of the room was a large dining table looking out to a large window, where most of the city could be seen from, directly to the right of the table was a big kitchen that had just about everything in the form of kitchen utilities inside it.
Directly to the right of the front door was a spiralling wooden staircase that led up to Nick’s bedroom, close to the rear wall of the kitchen was another door that lead into an equally spacious bathroom. The overall colour scheme was eggshell white, though the marble in the apartment was black. Nick had paid for all of it and also installed most of the place himself, even picking out miscellaneous things like paintings and posters himself.
Nick threw Jayne onto the sofa and practically tore of his coat as Jayne took hers off at a painfully slow pace. She threw herself at Nick and pawed at the fabric of his t-shirt, not quite sure whether to lift it over his head or just rip it apart. Nick stopped her actions and left Jayne pouting as he pulled away “Wine?” Jayne’s face was so annoyed it could’ve made a Drill Sergeant back away in fear, but Nick knew Jayne well enough, and her feistiness was too attractive to him. She flopped back on the sofa “Sure, but you better give me some good loving tonight; I’m not letting this slide...”
Nick walked away grinning to himself, he knew this night was going to be a fun one. Walking into the kitchen, he went to the wine cooler to grab an expensive Pinot Noir, but much to his surprise, it wasn’t there. “What the fuck?” Nick walked back into the main room and over to Jayne, who was causally laying on her front, kicking her legs back and forth slowly, she saw Nick’s face “What’s the matter?” Nick turned to her with a look of utter bewilderment “We didn’t finish that Pinot Noir I bought a few months ago did we?”
Jayne shook her head “I don’t think so...” There was a noise from the bedroom upstairs; Nick’s bedroom was just a second floor that covered a portion of the main room, it was open with no ceiling, it had a glass railing around edge of it for some form of safety. Nick owned a super king size bed with an ebony frame and silky white sheets, the space of the bed was a god-send as Nick and Jayne both liked to starfish when they slept, but it also meant he and Jayne had room to ‘move around’ during their moments.
Nick made his way upstairs, then wished that he hadn’t. “What the fuck are you doing here?!”
O The club from earlier
Having made his way back to his Haven (which was a small apartment in the South side of New York). Isaac felt full enough to go to the club where the unfortunate soul had been picked up by the Casanova, where he would then bring the place down for good. Grabbing a second M1911 pistol of the same style as his other one and holstering it on the back of waist with its twin, Isaac also grabbed two brown leather pouches filled with silver-lined throwing knives and holstered them on his thighs.
He then grabbed a khaki coloured backpack and filled it with other ‘essentials’ he may need: A large trench knife inscribed with a rune that destroyed creatures of the night such as Vampires, a 9mm Uzi packed with the same bullets as his pistols, multiple magazines filled with bullets for both firearms, a pump-action shotgun loaded with silver shrapnel, many handfuls of 12-gauge shrapnel shells, and lastly a number of syringe’s filled with human blood.
He put the backpack on and threw up his hood, leaving the apartment and aiming his sights on the club from earlier.
Isaac walked down to the club in silence; he wasn’t much of a talker and only did so if his body language wasn’t enough to get the message across. He was also a loner by choice, preferring not to get involved with other people; Isaac had a nasty habit in the past of making bonds with Mundy girls who would become Blood Doll’s for him, they received such unimaginable pleasure from Isaac drinking their blood that they never wanted to leave... until one night where Isaac drained one of them completely. He was so stricken with guilt that he vowed to never again use Blood Doll’s.
He tried Banking as a source of nourishment, but that also failed when he had to kill 4 Police Officers whom had tracked him back to his Haven one night, also forcing Isaac to move to a different part of the city. Isaac finally vowed to consume those that would be a problem for him in the future, though he was technically a Footpad, preferring the blood of degenerates and chaff of society, it had a ‘meatiness’ to it that caused him to drink them dry every time.
Isaac needed to feed at least 3 times a week in order to remain at his strongest. He could consume human food, but wasn’t fond of it; the sunlight was annoying to him as well as he found that he burned quite easily if he was out in it for so long. Isaac both loved and hated being a Daywalker...
Finally reaching the club, Isaac could already see Gentry vampires chatting up Mundies, whether they would live or die was the Gentry’s decision, but that was about to come to an end. Isaac walked to the middle of the dance floor, some techno song was blaring around him, and he could feel his chest thump with each beat of the bass. He took out his pistols and scanned the room, most everyone there was a Vampire, it was amazing just how many there were! He could only assume that most of them were Headhunter’s...
He aimed and fired at a rapid pace, dropping 8 or 9 of them within a few seconds with headshots. Just as he stopped firing, the rest of the crowd turned to him and showed their fangs, their eyes turning that same hideous shade of red as the Casanova’s had; Isaac flashed his own fangs as his own eyes turned red. He instantly kicked behind him, knocking one of them down as he fired off the last 6 shots of his pistols.
The whole place went into a frenzy as the music was replaced with shrieks and shrills of Vampires; Isaac moved quickly as he holstered his pistols and engaged his opponents with hand to hand combat. He was swift with his movements as he placed directed attacks to anyone foolish enough to get close to him: throat punches, groin kicks, knee kicks, eye gouges, neck breaking, you name it and Isaac was doing it. After disabling 5 more Vampires with his bare hands, Isaac ripped another in two at the waist and threw the appendages into the crowds.
He pulled out his shotgun and began blasting away, 6 shells later and Isaac was soaked in the blood of his own Kin, but there were still more to be dealt with. He threw the weapon down and engaged 3 more in hand to hand, kicking one of them down he forced another against the wall and punched through its head, Isaac was grabbed from behind as the Vampire he knocked down began to feed on his leg.
Isaac flipped his opponent and bit into his neck, sucking out some blood and spitting it in the Vampires face, causing the creature to let go as Isaac pulled up the one who was biting him and broke it’s spine against his knee.
The Vampire from earlier finally wiped the blood away but was met with a knife to its heart as soon as its vision returned, Isaac turned to the rest, who were still debating whether this fight was a lost cause. He yelled at them “Death to your Prince!” The Vampires became infuriated at such talk of their Master and lunged to attack. Isaac rolled underneath the crowd to the other side and picked up his shotgun, diving behind the bar as some of the crowd opened fire with various weapons.
It went quiet as the last 20 or so Vampires edged forwards to the bar, trying their hardest to ignore the pools of blood scattered about the floor. Isaac hoped the bar all of a sudden and opened fire with his Uzi, he dropped well over 10 of the creatures before his clip ran out. He took out his knife and lunged at the sole Vampire that hadn’t run away, he gripped the Kindred by the throat and held the blade closer to it “Where is the Prince? Where is Algol?”
The Kindred grabbed the blade and dragged it across its own throat; Isaac watched the body melt away like the others had as he collected his weapons and put them back into his bag. He could hear sirens blaring outside, and as the Police walked in to the room, Isaac was already outside.
He walked back to his apartment, remembering that he hadn’t used any of throwing knives yet... in a way this made him smile.
O Back at Nick’s apartment
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Nick yelled as he saw just who was in his bed, for once it wasn’t Damien and Penelope Porgie, this time (and for the first time ever) it was Death and Hope!
Death sat up straight, showing off the sheer absence of body fat he had, which in turn exaggerated his muscles. His dead grey skin was a shimmer in the moonlight as Hope woke up into a lucid consciousness and quickly covered herself with the sheets. She on the other hand was a vision of her namesake: her fair skin emitted a sparkling golden hue, and the lack of a headdress revealed that she had flowing chestnut-brown hair, as well as her lack of golden robes revealing a perfectly curved physique that the Fable women all seemed to share, though she wasn’t the curviest.
Nick felt like he had turned red with the amount of rage he was feeling right now, not that his ‘Father’ had slept with Hope, but because they had done so in his bed. “Why the fuck did you do this here?! In my bed?! Did you drink my wine too?!” Death raised his hands and gestured for Nick to calm down as he spoke “We knew you were out, and to be honest, we didn’t plan on falling asleep...”
Nick began pacing back and forth as Death continued “We never get many moments like this, it’s been nearly a decade since we could do this without the Fates keeping us apart. Besides, you have a nice place, a comfy bed, and some very nice wine-“
Nick pointed at Death aggressively “Why didn’t you use Damien’s bed?! He lives right across from me!” Hope was blushing as she hid under the sheets to re-materialise her golden clothing, Death materialised his pants and stood up “Because it stinks of weed, alcohol and quite frankly, his bed and couch both reek of raw sweat from his nights with Penelope”
Nick marched back downstairs and opened the door, Jayne stayed in place as she knew this was between them and not her “Get out! Get out, get out, get out, GET OUT!” Death smirked as he put his robes back on and Hope joined him “Nick I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you, Son” Nick was fuming “Don’t SON me! You fucked in my bed! God, I don’t even wanna imagine the mess you two left me!...” Death and Hope both grinned evilly as they left the apartment and then vanished into thin air.
Nick shut the door and fell against it, somewhat exhausted from all the yelling. Jayne stood up and went over to Nick, grabbing his head softly and resting it against her abdomen as she stroked his hair. Nick placed a kiss to Jayne’s stomach as he stood up and nodded “I’m ok” Jayne wrapped her arms around Nick and spoke “You wanna see what they left us up there?”
Nick made a noise of disgust and flopped down onto the sofa “Not really. I think I might have to burn those sheets sooner rather than later though...” Jayne looked at him incredulously “Is it really so bad? Damien and Penny have done it in that bed just like we have in their bed!” Nick sat up straight “That’s my Father! Do you even realise how disgusting that concept is? He’s all dead and skinny and... EWW!”
Jayne laughed as she walked over to the mirror, she looked herself over and changed the subject “Do you think I’d look sexy in a sombrero?” Nick perked up “Just the sombrero?” Jayne replied “Yeah” Nick replied back with some enthusiasm “Does a bear shit in the woods?” Jayne looked back with a smile “Haha”
Before she could move however, a voice came from the kitchen “Haha indeed, miss” Nick shot up to standing as Jayne walked over to him, he cautiously spoke towards the darkened kitchen “Who are you?”
The mystery man walked out of the kitchen and into the combined light of the moon and the fireplace. He was a middle-aged man, maybe late 40’s to early 50’s, with pure white hair combed back neatly, standing tall in a black leather garb befitting of a Medieval era, over which he wore a very lavish red cloak made of what appeared to be velvet. He spoke with such formality in his voice it was as though he was a King “Sorry for the intrusion, but are you Death’s Harbinger?”
Nick slowly moved Jayne behind him; Jayne wasn’t weak by any means, but she had no exceptional powers of her own so she was only as good as her bare hands would allow her to be. Nick responded carefully “I am, but that is not my title anymore...” The mystery man chuckled and gave a bow “My name is Algol”
Nick was surprised then “You... you’re the Prince of the Vampyres!” Algol stood up “I am indeed, and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?” Nick walked up to Algol and looked him in the eye “Your curse does not work on me...” Algol smirked, Nick heard a voice behind him “No it doesn’t”
When Nick turned around he saw Algol holding Jayne by the shoulders, he turned back to realise the Vampire had moved faster than his eyes could see. Looking back at Jayne, Nick’s eyes turned yellow “Don’t you fucking hurt her” Algol chuckled again as he bit into Jayne’s neck, but Nick teleported to him just before he could start draining her. Nick dragged Algol to the window and held him against it by his collar “What did you do to her!”
Algol flashed his slightly bloody teeth as Nick pulled him back and threw him through the window, watching the Prince fall to the ground, not that it would be a permanent solution... Nick instantly ran back to Jayne, she felt so cold and lifeless “Jayne? Jayne! Wake up, please baby, wake up, please!”
... Nothing
To be continued...
So yeah, leave your comments and questions below, and I will see you all next time XD Gotta go to work now...
SOOOOOOOOO, so, so sorry for the late reply! XD I hate falling behind! lol I'm impressed with Kieron and his blood magic! He's beoming a lot stronger and different then the man I read about not too long ago.
Claire's story, however, was awful and I felt sorry for the poor dear. Things like that chan change a person for the worse but even though she was in a bad situation, seems like she's trying to make the best of it. She has Kieron.
That guard, though! XD So oblivious!
I look forward to more, dude!
I can't kill off my Emily.
It can never happen. It all is up to Gren now!
Carla WILL get her demise. Trust me. 
THINK I saw the movie called 'Golden Eye' and Guts was in there, unless that is a totally different person. Etiher way, the character was still a badass and Emily and I both take that compliment because she is indeed my little ass kicker and refuses to be taken down by a little flesh wound.
I hate waiting for those fools. lol I don't want to leave in case they show up but JJ is here, so we'll see how that pans out. lol I love Starbucks and you should give it another try. My favorite was always the Java Chip Frapp but that's just me. XD My day is great, my good man. Hopefully the same goes to you, too!
Gren can do it!
and good she needs to absolutely go! XD
I think I know who you are talking about, but the one I am talking about is from a comic book series called Berserk, I'd explain back story but it is really dark, sad, and edgiest stories I've ever read! O.o That's good! I picture Emily raising her bow and saying 'it's but a flesh wound!!! XD
They are indeed rediculous lol and oh boy XD you got this JJ! That's what my mother, sister and brother get so I do think I will try that, I forget what I had the other time but it was okay. XD So many papers to write, but other than that it should be fantastic!
It's all good man! XD He has changed and finally I think for the better!
Her story is sad, so naturally she seems like a perfect fit for Kieron!
lol! He'll be a big part of the story as well! 
Oh gosh sounds like a night of "blood play" with Kieron and Claire that first part XD. I think with that second part Isaac has become a favorite of mine!
I like the way he works and goes about things. That third part though! I'm getting flashbacks of Vivian and Nick XD. Also this man Algol I love his evilness but man not Jayne! This is the first we see her and now she's been vamped or killed! Nick is so going to mess that guy up!
Another exciting moment with Nick and Jayne. Jaynic? Nickayne? I can't come up with a name for this ship. lol
A lot happened in this, and I noticed you referenced another Soul Calibur character, who deserved to get worse for what he done to Jayne.
I await more.
He is ridiculously strong.
A New World Fool! Part: Three
Kierons mind...
Kieron woke up in a white open area, there was no sky and no ground. Kieron began to call out Claires name but she didn't respond. Kieron began to walk the endless plain...was he dead? Was his first question that he thought.
"No you aren't dumbass." A voice similar to his sounded.
Kieron turned around and noticed that it really was him but his body had a shadow aura around him and had yellow eyes. The shadow smirked and laughed.
"You surprised? I'm not surprised, after all I am you..." He said with a mischievous smile.
Kieron didn't buy into it. "So who are you really?" He asked
"Like I said I am you, and you are me." Shadow Kieron said
"You remind me of Alice." Kieron said folding his arms.
"Oh poor Alice! You hate her don't you? You FUCKING HATE her...don't you?" He said teleporting to Kieron and leaned onto his shoulder.
"That's not true, it's not her fault that wonderland went to shit." Kieron said
"BUT she dragged you there and made you participate. Where you lost EVERYTHING! twice...over!" Shadow Kieron said making exaggerating gestures.
Kieron gripped his shadow self. "You watch what you say..."
"Oh I'm sorry...what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sounds of your dead friends screaming in agony!" Shadow Kieron said with a smirk.
"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Kieron began to raise his voice.
Shadow Kieron pulled himself closer. "What if I told you that oh so sweet Claire bit the bullet? That she has joined your dead friends but miraculously lived! You always do, and THAT is what you HATE MOST! You just want it to end! To end your suffering!!! But you know that no matter will always suffer, Fate has you by the ALWAYS WILL!" Shadow Kieron said
Everything was true...he hated that he always miraculously lived when his friends perished, he wished it was him instead of his friends. But he knew of one thing and that was that Claire wasn't dead. He threw his Shadow self on the ground. Kierons face became gloom.
"Just aren't me, you may have my thoughts but I've changed..." Kieron said
Shadow Kieron began to laugh. "That's right! I'm not you anymore! I'm something more!" He drew his sword. Kieron noticed there was a silhouette behind the shadow. He raised his sword and Kieron noticed one by one his friends rise from the ground. Alice raised her shadow and began to attack Kieron.
Kieron dodged the shadow. "Alice what are you doing?" He said
Alice smirked and charged Kieron. Kieron was confused why were they here. He noticed that shadow Kieron had a maniacle smile and a crown on his head. I'm sorry Alice, he thought to himself and punched Alice with all his might. She flew back and faded into dust. There was a bright light. When Kieron opened his eyes he saw the real Alice, she ran over and hugged him.
"Kieron! You're okay!" She said excitedly.
Kieron was surprised but he hugged her back. "I'm fine." He smiled
"Back in Wonderland we were so worried about how you'd turn out after the war, so we tried our best to make sure you kept smiling and being happy!" She said
"What?" He said
"Nyx told us you were going to become like this, and we tried our best to stop it. I guess we didn't do a good job huh?" She smiled
"You did fine, this is all my-" He began to say.
"No more blaming yourself Kieron, it's time to smile, it's time to live. No more living like this, you are only making things worse." She said tears beginning to fall.
"I'm sorry for dragging you into that war Kieron, my real self may not remember now but deep down she does, and it hurts her everyday." She said
"I'll...I'll be sure to do that then." Kieron said.
Alice nodded, and a bright light began to show. When Kieron opened his eyes he saw Og and John charging him. He drew his sword and began to fight them. Kieron dispatched of John quickly, and Og was not that much of a hassle although he was slowly losing breath. They began to approach Kieron.
"Hey man." John smiled while Og waved
"Hey." Kieron smiled
"I always knew you were a bright spirited guy, right as I layed eyes on you. Keep giving people hope and smile Goddamnit." John laughed.
"Thanks guys." Kieron smiled.
There was a bright light. All that remained was Azaria and Nyx. Kieron thought they were going to be hard to beat but it seemed that they didn't want to fight. They approached Kieron. Nyx transformed into a human and talked to Kieron first.
"Hey little guy" Nyx laughed
"How are you Nyx?" Kieron smiled
"Well the afterlife is very cozy thank you." Nyx smiled
Kieron hugged Nyx. "I'm sorry, Nyx. I want you to know that what happened to me is not your fault. Alright?"
Nyx began to cry. "Thank you Kieron. You were always such a nice kid. You made my final days alive much better, and when I finally drifted away, I wasn't scared like I was before meeting you. Things may have been rough, and it did hit you hard, but as you've noticed they've been getting better so keep smiling alright?"
"Right, no more tears!" Kieron said laughing but crying.
Nyx waved and faded away going back to the afterlife. All that was left was Azaria...she walked up to him, she gave him that sweet smile he's always known.
"Here let me wipe away those tears for you." She said laughing.
"Thanks." Kieron smiled "Azaria I-" He was cut off
"I don't want to hear it Kieron!" Azaria said "It's alright, what you did was necessary. That woman was right, I'd rather be dead than trying to be saved." She kissed him on the cheek. "It's time to start new, Kieron. No more hatred, no more hating yourself. We all want you to finally smile and enjoy what life has to offer. And now you can." She said beginning to cry.
Kieron nodded He hugged Azaria. "I'll be okay. You guys sure are persuasive aren't you?" He laughed.
"You know deep down I'm always with you right?" Azaria said
Kieron nodded. Azaria began to walk away. "Then I'll see you around." She smiled fading into the afterlife...Shadow Kieron sat on his throne. He was a bit mad but Kieron walked up to him and smiled.
"You are right, you are me. And now it's time for both of us to change." Kieron said holding out his hand.
The shadow nodded and took Kierons hand. The shadow faded into Kieron...there was a bright light...
In Kierons apartment...
Claire had fallen asleep on the couch. Kieron smiled and thought of something sneaky. He leaned up but shouted in pain. Claire jumped and looked over to see Kieron had woken up. Kieron smiled at her. She noticed that he had tears going down his face.
"Are you okay?" She said
Kieron still smiling. "I feel great actually."
Claire was confused, what had happened to him. "Are you sure?" She said
"Just had a wake up call is all." He said getting up.
"Hey! You still need to rest! It hasn't even been a full day yet!" Claire said in a worried voice.
Kieron used some of his blood magic to bring her close. "You were really worried huh?" He said
"Only because I need your help! We need to take the throne right?" Claire said
Kieron kissed her passionately "You're full of shit you know that?" He smiled
Claires face became red. "You're an asshole you know that?" She said
"Yeah yeah yeah." Kieron said letting go and throwing on his trench coat. "Wanna do something fun? Forget about the throne for one night?" He said
Claire looked interested. "And that involves putting clothes on?" She laughed
"Clothes come off later, first we need to stock up on blood. I'm thirsty." Kieron smiled and laughed.
Claire walked seductively back over to Kieron. "Now sir, blood bank heisting is illegal, for that...there are some...consequences." She smiled meschieviously.
"And I'm ready to serve whatever sentence you give me." Kieron smiled.
"You're lucky, we need food mister." Claire said kissing him on the lips.
Kieron threw on his gloves. "You ready?" He asked
Claire nodded. The two went outside and called a cab and payed the driver to go to the nearest blood bank...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
He's so awesome but I've never felt bad for a character like I have Guts.
Gren can and will! @MasterStone Yes! >:D That shall be the ending! Finish her! lol
OH! Oh okay! Forgive me, Senpai! XD I recall reading those comics and the dude was nothing to mess around with. Emily does come off as that and I will indeed add something like that for her return and the things she'll deal out to Carla. >:D
I do suggest trying that.
The only thing I ever get. lmao And I hear ya' on those papers! Good luck, soilder and fight the never ending battle of homework!
She slams down a seven foot, four hundred pound sword, dude that would be so awesome!
You are forgiven this time! X3 The dude is invulnerable! XD That would be so awesome!
Gotcha I'll have to get that then! I'll try my best man! I also gotta call up a place for a job interview next week ugh lol! XD
I was waiting and hoping for Nick and Jayne just to DO it in the elevator. The entire way back to their apartment was major sexual tension but Nick sure knows how to play cool but Jayne, though. She's one hot mama and willing to do anything to get a taste of Nick.
Nice choice of wine there, btw. And Nick....stop lying. You like them bad girls! >:D Who wouldn't like a frisky, in-your-face girl from time to time?
Damn, Isaac! All that shit in his backpack makes it sound like he's hunting Werewolves or something else! XD I did like, however, the 'Blood Dolls' and found those interesting. The idea of mundy girls willing to basically trade their soul for a ride on the Vampire wagon is a lot to swallow but that's what makes these things interesting. I love Isaac.
Now, onto this little moment that occured in Nick's apartment. WTF, Death and Hope!? I thought Nick & Vivian were bad about the whole sting in Gremily's bed. I love how Nick throws Damien under the bus like that; like, 'you know he lives right there, use his bed' but the description of his, um, living conditions made me chuckles and remember an old buddy of mine. XD Oh and I loved how Nick FIRST thought it was Penny and Damine up there. XD XD
No shame, Hope & Death. I had a feeling these two would shack up but that was just something I kicked around until I saw it myself. lol This Algol must be the mysterious man from the first one. I wonder what he did to Jayne? I do love, once again, the emtotions you give both Nick & Death.
This is interesting and can't wait for more! Hey, work is work in the end, though.
Challenge pg. 4
Candy Angel tossed her head back, hair hugging her shoulders and long, pale neck. Those eyes never left Brandy's side. The lust inside of Brandy grew with each passing second. Her smell was intoxicating and causing Brandy to thinm immoral thoughts of this fine young woman.
Her breasts bounced with every twirl she created on the pole, long legs grasping the pole. Candy created several splits on the stage, now carpeted with single dollar bills. Crawling on all fours, Candy inches closer towards Brandy, who was now inches from the dancer's face.
Inhaling, Brandy could smell strawberry lipgloss and her sweet perfume. Candy's eyes burned into Brandy, previewing her possible client eager to lay her hands upon Candy's soft flesh.
Sliding to the right, Candy gently licks her upper lip, bites the bottem and sticks out her right hand. Pulling Brandy closer, the Vampire's skin crawled like a millon ants roaming down the beaten path. Candy's warm and wet lips pressed against Brandy's ear. She could feel and hear the breathing, which nearly sent the creature into a wild fit and avoid feasting right there in the open.
"Meet me in 5." Candy crawls backward, slinks back against the pole and smiles. "See ya'..."
The house music bounced through the walls of the club, making Brandy's thoughts collide with one another. She had never seen anything more radiant or majestic then the dancer before her. Brandy tried to detect just what creature this elegant beauty was but the smell had been masked by a mix of her perfume and another unknown material. Normally, creatures did this to avoid being caught or detected. Either way, Brandy was determined to sink her fangs into the beautiful neck of her next meal. Her object was to bring pleasure and no harm to the fine young woman.
Jack, drenching in sweat and smelling of cheap alcohol, took to the center of the dance floor; his arms were waving among the sea of bodies, flashing lights and glow sticks. Brandy made her way through the crowd, hoping to reach Georgie. Passing several people, Brandy made her way to the bar and found both Hans and Georgie leaning against a table. Both seemed pleased to see a full house tonight but Brandy had other thoughts and desires on her mind. Grabbing Georgie's hand, the club owner seemed surprised to see Brandy.
"Fa fook sakes, Hans. Look at woot we got 'ere!" Georgie embraces Brandy. "My God, Brandy. Did not know ya' were hear ta'night. When-"
"Cut the bullshit, Georgie Porgie." Brandy playfully punches the owner in the arm. "I know you saw me come in with Jack Horner over there. The one inbetween those two girls there..."
Brandy points to a section where two attractive blondes and a pathetically dancing Jack attempted to keep up with the tempo of the song.
Georgie chuckles. "Huh. I honestly did not think the little twit was gunna come out 'ere anymore."
Brandy lights a cigarette. There was no need for small talk. "I want that dancer. The redhaired one. Candy Angel."
Georgie whistles, pulls his hat off and scratches his head. "Wow, love. That IS a pricey one, that Candy Angel. She's one of me special shows."
"Again, HOW much, Porgie?"
Georgie folds his arms. "Why? Ya' not gunna 'feed' ta'night in me club, Brandy. I don't play that shit anymore."
"Relax, Georgie." Brandy kicks his foot. "I'm not going to 'feed' on her. I liked the way she moved up on stage. I want to try her out alone..."
Georgie sighs. "She'll cost ya' two thousand for thirty minutes. Anything longa', it adds up."
Brandy digs into her pocket and pulls out a wad of cash. Licking the tip of her index finger, she counts out the money until she reaches two thousand. Handing Georgie the lump of one hundred dollar bills, she cocks her hips and beams. Clearing his throat, Georgie nods to Hans. Excusing himself from the others, Hans goes in search for the dancer. Georgie leads brandy to the VIP room. Pulling the purple curtains back, Brandy looks out to the dance floor. Jack was now in the corner, taking a possible piss or receiving a special 'thank you' from one of his ladies.
Either way, that was somehting Jack would have to deal with once Georgie took notice. Brandy, however, was more interested in her lady. Taking a seat on a soft booth like seat, she extends her arms to the side and sinks deeper into the cushions. Georgie looks around and takes out a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Brandy shakes her head no, nearly causing the club owner to drop the items.
"No?" Georgie cocks an eyebrow. "Not even a little-"
"No, Georgie. I'm not here for the bubbly. I'll have all I will ever need once she gets here."
Georgie nods and does not stay much longer. As he exits, Brandy speaks.
"Congrats on everything, Porgie. Place looks great and I heard about your 'lady.' She must be a lucky thing."
"She's precious." Georgie looks back and smiles. "Miss Lyla Smith is a beautiful baby. Well, see ya' round. Have fun."
Brandy was confused. Did he just say baby? But before the theories blasted her mind, Candy enters the room. She was even more appealing upclose. Brandy sits back and watches the woman stand before her. Candy lifts her right leg and places the tip of her high heel on the cushion. She arches her back, expanding her buttocks and thighs. Candy remained topless as she roughly played with her long red hair. Her delicate fingers slowly slide down her neck, shoulders and along her breasts. She cups each one, eyes Brandy and smiles.
"Any requests, sugar?"
"Please me." Brandy flashes her fangs. "Make me beg by the end of this fucking night."
"Oh, a Vampire." Candy sways her large hips, inching closer to Brandy. "I've always been fans of the immortal beings that hide in the shadows and feast on the living. Odd seing one here, willing to show me so quickly..."
Brandy pats her lap, never letting her eyes wander. "I've have a sweet tooth and I hear Candy Angel can cure what ails me."
"Cute." Candy stradles Brandy's lap, shoving her breasts into her face. "I hope you're in the mood for some sticky sweet love, sugar dumpling."
Candy grinds into Brandy's groin, causing the Vampire to moan, hiss and grasp the cushion. Her teeth immediatly stick out, causing the fangs to press her lips and cut open. Candy beams, noticing the fresh blood dripping from the cut. Brandy hisses once more, gently pushing Candy off her lap. The young dancer tosses her hair around, creating fire storms of hair in every direction. Candy bends forward and gives Brandy a firm and seductive lap dance. Brandy's eyes focus on the woman's buttocks, watching the hills of pale flesh bounce against the fabric of her pants. The purple lights above give Candy a tasteful and alluring feeling to her dance.
It was taking every ounce of energy she had not to pounce upon the dancer like a Lion in the African plains, stalking down its next meal and lunging through the tall, yellow grass. She could feel her teeth sinking into the warm, fresh neck; blood pouring from the gaps, allowing the sweet nectar to fill her mouth and seep down her throat. Candy did notice her restraint and dipped her buttocks deeper into Brandy's lap.
"Vampire...." Candy turns back and beams. "I've read about your kind in books. Seen the movies. My mother dated a Vampire after the divorce from my father when I was ten. She didn't know it but I picked up the familiar traits he had that you do, too."
Brandy huffs. "You know nothing of this world. You're a mere mortal, looking for an excuse to join this. You don't want to BE on this side of the fence. It's a dirty world, Candy."
"Then why are you here?" Candy leaps into Brandy's lap, leaning forward. "I mean, if it's SO bad, that is...."
"I didn't have a choice..." Brandy's nose touches Candy's, as her fingers slip between the straps of her thong. "I was saved, as you may say, many years ago. I wished he'd left me there but the soul himself must have known what it was like to not have a choice and this be your only way out...."
"Who was he?" Candy whispers, her lips gently touching the Brandy's chin. "The man that saved you?"
"Don't worry about it." Brandy yanks Candy close to her chest. "Right now, however, I paid good money for you, so let me enjoy this moment with a fine piece such as yourself."
Candy nods, tilts her head back and allows Brandy the opportunity to taste her flesh. She traches her tongue along the crevice of her collar bone and muscle along the flesh. This sent Candy into a squealing fit, causing Brandy's grip to tighten on the dancer's wrist. Moaning and sighing faintly, Candy continues to grind herself along Brandy's hips. One by one, the fangs began to seep through. Swarming her neck with the fondling of her points, Brandy brushes them along the skin. The mixture of sweet and sweat caused Brandy to hiss; she could feel her eyes slowly changing and with a final thrust, pulled Candy closer. Brandy's hands cupped each of the dancer's buttcheeks, grasping pummeling with her fingers. Candy gasps one final time, secretly hoping Brandy would feast upon her succulent flesh and ripe blood now pumping ardently along her veins.
Before Brandy could take such a leap of action, Jack Horner tears through the drapes and finds Brandy sitting on the couch. He grabs her arm, nearly causing Candy to tumble and smack her head against the table.
"HEY!" Brandy hisses, nearly scratching Jack. "The fuck are you doing back here!? Go! Get out, Jack! I-"
"We need to GO, Brandy! Now! Hurry the fuck up and-"
"Why?" Brandy stands, assisting Candy to her feet. "I thought you wanted to-"
"Your friends from the bar, you know-those Bikers? Yeah, ummm, see the thing KILLED their leader and I guess he was Vampire too, so they are after you."
"Christ!" Brandy pulls the curtains back and notices three larger men. "How did they find me here!?"
"Guess our old pal Fred led them here. We need to scat and skidaddle, if you want to live!"
Jack turns and immediatly heads for the alley. Before Brandy follows, Candy desperatly grabs her hand.
"WAIT! Will I ever see you again?"
Brandy beams, pulling away. "Nah, baby girl. I'm an Alleycat and we only stay in one place for so long. I suggest you go back out and shake that booty.Damn, you're fine as hell...."
Following Jack, the two skid across the black top and nearly run into the crowds waiting outside. Brandy could hear Georgie's voice and glasses crashing; the three men, running back from the front, spot Jack and Brandy. Jumping into the Toyota, Brandy peels away and onto the busy streets of Fabletown. Jack kicks the dashboard, rolls the window dows and hoots.
"MAN! Up your's, you filthy flying weseals! We-"
But it was far from over or that easy. Taking out her cigarette, Brandy lights and prepares for their next action. Pulling into an alley, she'd hoped for a few minutes to collect her thoughts but that got them nowhere way too fast, for the headlights of her car showed a different options. A young man with slicked back hair, green eyes and facial hair under his lip, stood back and smiled; the silence said a lot, as Brandy stood out of her vehicle. They were smoking the exact cigarettes. Chuckling, the man looks around.
"Why, hello Brandy. Small world we live in..."
"What you want, Isaiah? Santa's workshop run out of toys for you to build?"
"Cute." Isaiah spits on the ground. "It's my off season, Brandy. YOU know this. Wonderful time to visit and feed. Looks like I have my next meal..."
Jumping into the air, Isaiah heads for Brandy. Spitting on the ground, Brandy smiles. "This should be easy...."
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time for the challenge. Getting ready to head to the park.
San Fran has so many beautiful spots to take your kids and Dogs, too.
-looks over- I'm going to have to do that for Emily. Hmm..Carla thinks she's so smart with her Dark Magic.
Yes! I have been forgiven......for now! 0.0 lol
Hey man, that is awesome! Congrats and we all need that extra $$$ for God knows what! Good luck!
I like Jaynick very much!!!! XD Thnx man!!
Nice spot with the Soul Calibur reference
Thanks man!
Nick and Jayne have done some kinky stuff before, but blood is never involved :P
Isaac, I'm not sure what I'm doing with him really. He's like Blade but not like Blade...
I did take some inspiration from VivianxNick getting caught tbh
Jayne... Well... Wait.
They MAY do it in the elevator at some point, sometimes they just can't wait :P Jayne is a feisty one, and Nick LOVES it when she gets angry with him, he likes his women edgy
I actually had to call my Mum and ask her what expensive wines would be available in 1995 (the year I was born) I have no knowledge of wines! XP
I haven't fleshed everything out with Isaac yet, he's still something of an enigma to me
Yeah Isaac had a thing for making Blood Doll's, but after that one incident he decided that enough was enough. Glad you like him though.
Yep, Death and Hope, they've done the deed before, but they haven't got the time to do it much, no thanks to the Fates. Penny and Damien have done it in Nick's bed, usually cuz Damien has a spare key to Nick's place and Nick has a collection of expensive alcohol as well as a large and comfy bed :P Nick and Jayne have done it in Damien's bed as well, always as a punishment for Damien using their bed...
Algol is the Prince. We will see a lot more of him soon...
Work sucked tbh, but I'm glad you want more! XD
This was an interesting chapter! Very detailed as well! Jack being a stupid around the club was hilarious, and Georgie is always cool to see! This Isaiah character though...I don't know why but I think he is a bit more dangerous than Brandy leads on...
Awesome as always man!
Yeah I hope not lol its weird o.o
Sounds like me with Kieron I just sort of push him along lol
That's neat!
Oh man...
Only weird to someone that hasn't tried it ;P
I like my OC's to have a clear role and purpose before I use them, Isaac I still haven't decided yet
I don't want to say anything about Jayne...
Oh its weird trust me, I've tried to write it XD
You'll think of something XD
Oh boy this is going to be rough, luckily this is non canon XD
Well yeah, it's weird to write it... :P
I know.
I was heartbroken reading how Georgie reacted to Emily's death, if Vivian broke his heart in TWAU, then Emily would crush him... But there is hope! God-damn Pie you sure know how to make emotions run high on this thread!! XP
Dahlia changes him back? .... Ok then...
I'm actually going to say that having to tell which Nick is which is getting difficult for me :P Maybe my Nick needs a nickname to differentiate, or people could just call your Nick: Nicholas, like Vivian does???
Emily and Vivian are going to be fine, and Nick is back to normal, so I can go to bed happy
I look forward to more dude! XD
Apparently it's what I'm good at and honestly, do not even mean to. If there was no hope for Emily, this probably would have been it for Georgie.
He loves all his children but because of what emily went through, he understands and still blames himself...
No. I really need to word my sentences better sometimes. He came back by himself; Dahlia was just there, observing and waved her arms to avoid the mysterious dust.
I would! XD lol
It's so difficult calling my nick Nicholas. Only Vivian does that but it might have to happen that way because I can see where the confusion is. XD
Least I put a smile on your face.
Works for me, man.
Kieron can finally accept what has happened and move on... It's always a big thing in movies for characters to come to terms with their sins as it makes them like, 10x stronger!! :P
You should've had Nick appear as a shadow and be like "Stop being a whiny bitch and move on" Lol, he wouldn't do that to Kieron
I look forward to more dude! XD
All he needed was to hear it from his lost friends
I wouldn't say this experience will make him that strong but he does have something new to work with that I've cooked up! 
I did think of that! But Kieron probably would have died with that whole exchange, and like you said Nick wouldn't do that to him they're bros!
Oh thank God. XP I was worried it was a bit but I thought it was okay.
Seduction! XD Jack would be awesome to hit the clubs with and I adore Georgie. Isaiah is someone to becareful with. He's always been the shy and quiet one but when it comes down to it, you always have to watch yourself around those Grendel brothers. 
Awesome, my good man!
Nah man you could've done way worse!, you should've seen the blood play I wrote for Kieron and Claire too weird man lol XD. Jack most certainly would, although I think I'd go just to hang with Georgie to be honest...okay maybe I'd hang with the girls too XD Yes you do! They are fierce creatures to be fighting with indeed hopefully the damage isn't too much!
Oh tbh, that was not that bad.
I can myself hanging out with Georgie and we'd enjoy those girls, although OUR girls would not be too happy about that. XD Nah, Brandy is a toughie.
To her, it's child's play. lol
Oh man, where do I go in Cali to find a stripper as hot and willing as Candy Angel?! XD Damn I wish she was right in front of me...
Anyways, now we know that Brandy is an Alleycat, and either Bisexual or just a Lesbian, but those details don't matter right now :P
Isaiah confused me, cuz that's Grendel's Brother, but in this he seems to be a Vampire
Regardless, I look forward to more dude! XD
I hinted at it but there was no way I was putting what actually happened behind the doors, just saying there was blood play was enough! let's just say cuts and bites make for interesting bed time activities and that's as far as I'm going to go lol XD Ah well then I feel bad for Isaiah then XP
I get it, but Georgie has suffered enough
Oh I see!!! Sorry dude! :P
Maybe I should just give Nick a surname at last?
When you come down, Tammy and I will have to take you to a club and hope there is a Candy Angel just for Hman!
Yes; she does not stay in one place too long and she's a bisexual Vampire but like yousaid, that does not matter! XD
Why would Isaiah confuse you? There are a lot of secrets people tend to hide from others, especially loved ones. I'll explain more.
Awesome, my good man.