Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • edited April 2015
  • When searching Felix's hideout, go talk to Sasha after doing something that will progress the search for Felix's hidden loot box. Almost every little thing prompts up a new dialogue option. It's quite pointless as it's just filler dialogue about the current situation, but it's something neat. For example: finding the black light gives a unique dialogue branch when talking to Sasha and then looking at the hidden "cold" message will bring up a new dialogue option after that.

  • edited April 2015

    Also, one thing I've noticed during that crazy final scene in ep. 2. The hovering robot sentries that surround both Rhys & Fiona and Vasquez's group seem to be well....stupid. When they first show up, the sentry on the right gets turned around and can't figure out which direction to aim for a bit and then when the other turrets show up to surround Vasquez and his people they start accidently bumping into each other, screwing up their aiming. More than likely this could play a part in how our hero's get out of this bad situation, especially if siding with Fiona over Handsome Jack imo.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    When searching Felix's hideout, go talk to Sasha after doing something that will progress the search for Felix's hidden loot box. Almost eve

  • My god, The crooked Man had Skagskin boots too!

  • Did anyone notice how calmly Sasha was talking to August? Do you think that might play a role in how she survives, if she does?

  • edited April 2015

    I'm sure someone has probably noted some of these before, but after going through all of Episode 2's audio files, there are a few things I discovered that didn't make the final episode, as far as I know:

    • At some point, Rhys was going to try to hack the retinal eye scanner

    • Yvette originally warned Rhys about the moonshots before they started firing

    • As Fiona, there seemed to be a choice to tell Scooter you are a big-shot racer or boast you are a wanted criminal. He seems impressed either way.

    • Fiona points out the Stanger's mask covers his face. The Stranger remarks that that is the literal description of a mask.

    • August was much more desperate for Sasha. He recalls their first meeting, how he doesn't get to meet a lot of girls in his line of work, how he'd make a great boyfriend, and how he hopes Fiona and Felix were just using her relationship with him for a con instead it all being a con. He's also very harsh, outright telling Fiona he will shoot Sasha if she tests him. Fiona does have some harsh words for him too.

    • Jack tells Rhys that in addition to his head hair implants, there was also a rumor that Vasquez had gotten hair implants quote "below the belt." And yes there was an option to ask Vasquez about those too. He will deny them as rumors.

    • There's an option for Rhys to ask Vasquez about plastic surgery???

    • Finch would have said: "I feel I look more like an Everett"

    • Sassy quotes from Loader Bot: "Assesment: Not this unit's problem." "Advised course of action: fix it yourself."

    • Scooter is a goldmine of unused or rarely heard audio. Two of my favorite Scooter stories:

    "You only gotta walk out to a hiding spot in the desert to get your payment three times before you start reassessing your life choices."

    "I remember one time I was standing around with my friend Smitty, and were were staring at stuff like this, and it was one of those times where you're like 'man, sure is awesome to have such good friends you don't have to say a thing at all and it ain't awkward or nothing.' But then I turned to him and he- he died. That was a... that was a tough birthday uh... for me."

  • I assumed she was just being sarcastic/sassy as August still looks pissed at her when he replies.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Did anyone notice how calmly Sasha was talking to August? Do you think that might play a role in how she survives, if she does?

  • Jack tells Rhys that in addition to his head hair implants, there was also a rumor that Vasquez had gotten hair implants quote "below the belt."

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    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I'm sure someone has probably noted some of these before, but after going through all of Episode 2's audio files, there are a few things I d

  • edited April 2015

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    Edit: It would have been even more disturbing if we found out via Rhys' ECHO eye... O_O

    Pipas posted: »

    Jack tells Rhys that in addition to his head hair implants, there was also a rumor that Vasquez had gotten hair implants quote "below the belt."

  • These are seriously GOLD!

    Fiona points out the Stanger's mask covers his face. The Stranger remarks that that is the literal description of a mask.

    I love Sassy Stranger! Now I just have to figure out who's the most sarcastic BL character, to see if it's them...

    He's also very harsh, outright telling Fiona he will shoot Sasha if she tests him.

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    Seriously, that's downright terrifying... I wonder if TT removed it because they thought it might cause everyone to choose Fiona over Jack?

    Finch would have said: "I feel I look more like an Everett"


    Please post more if you find any other interesting tidbits! I keep meaning to go through them, but there's just so many!

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I'm sure someone has probably noted some of these before, but after going through all of Episode 2's audio files, there are a few things I d

  • Vasquez can also say something along the lines of "I have more hair on my happy trail than you have on your entire body you prick."

    Edit: It would have been even more disturbing if we found out via Rhys' ECHO eye... O_O

  • Ahaha, I didn't think it was physically possible for me to love him more, but there we go!

    He's such delightful douchebag...

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Vasquez can also say something along the lines of "I have more hair on my happy trail than you have on your entire body you prick."

  • There was also a bunch of Episode 2 unused audio files that might spoil the first few minutes of Episode 3, since it seems like Episode 2 was supposed to be slightly longer than it was.

    • Depending on who you trust, the Stranger has a different response. For Trust Fiona: "Huh? 'No one lives forever?'" For Trust Jack: "So rather that trusting Fiona, you put your faith in... Handsome Jack?"

    • Gortys is a robot. Rhys and August have reactions to this, not expecting it to be a robot. Rhys admits he thought Gortys was going to be a map.

    • From what I can tell, Gortys uses "she" pronouns, and does talk, referring to Rhys and Fiona as "technicians". Gortys' purpose is to lead them to the vault of the Traveller.

    • Again, from what I can tell, Rhys still plans on using Gortys as a bargaining chip to get Vaughn and Sasha back or lead them out. He even threatens to drop her off the ledge if they weren't let go.

    • From what I remember It sounds like they had a run-in with August who demands they hand over Gortys.

  • Another sassy Stranger quote (don't know what he's talking about though):

    "Maybe it protects me. Maybe I just think it looks cool. Maybe I'm just crazy. Lots of possibilities there."

    And one from Handsome Jack I think you'll appreciate:

    "Oh god, what I wouldn't give for hands. Real, real hands to squeeze this guy's throat right now."

    These are seriously GOLD! Fiona points out the Stanger's mask covers his face. The Stranger remarks that that is the literal descripti

  • Finch would have said: "I feel I look more like an Everett"

    Why Telltale, why would you take this out, this would have been comedic gold.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I'm sure someone has probably noted some of these before, but after going through all of Episode 2's audio files, there are a few things I d

  • "I remember one time I was standing around with my friend Smitty, and were were staring at stuff like this, and it was one of those times where you're like 'man, sure is awesome to have such good friends you don't have to say a thing at all and it ain't awkward or nothing.' But then I turned to him and he- he died. That was a... that was a tough birthday uh... for me."

    This is still in the game. If you wait long enough at the catch-a-ride customization you'll hear him say it.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I'm sure someone has probably noted some of these before, but after going through all of Episode 2's audio files, there are a few things I d

  • Maybe I'm just crazy.


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    Also, I think he's talking about the mask?

    And I'm so glad Jack didn't lose his strangle-lust during the AI process - Nakayama did a really good job!

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Another sassy Stranger quote (don't know what he's talking about though): "Maybe it protects me. Maybe I just think it looks cool. May

  • Haha, woah. And here I was actually feeling sympathetic towards August! Thought he was a pretty okay dude as far as Pandorans go. That deleted dialog makes him sound a lot more unstable/creepy, though.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I'm sure someone has probably noted some of these before, but after going through all of Episode 2's audio files, there are a few things I d

  • From what I can tell, Gortys uses "she" pronouns, and does talk, referring to Rhys and Fiona as "technicians". Gortys' purpose is to lead them to the vault of the Traveller.

    I'm gonna laugh my ass off if Claptrap ends up meeting "her" and falls in love. xD

  • For some reason I always suspected Gortys would be female... ^_^

  • Yeah that's why I also said "rarely heard"because I wasn't sure. Thanks!

    "I remember one time I was standing around with my friend Smitty, and were were staring at stuff like this, and it was one of those times wh

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    That could be the reason they took it out. I just love unused dialog because they do show a lot of interesting plans for some characters.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Haha, woah. And here I was actually feeling sympathetic towards August! Thought he was a pretty okay dude as far as Pandorans go. That deleted dialog makes him sound a lot more unstable/creepy, though.

  • Omg, someone should teach him how to flirt without sounding like an old pervet. xD

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Vasquez can also say something along the lines of "I have more hair on my happy trail than you have on your entire body you prick."

  • Crooked Man is Rhys's father then? Rhys confirmed half-fable. :v Wow.

  • Hey, quick question... is there a peice of dialogue with Sasha and Rhys where she talks about the Atlas Silver? I'm sure i've seen it before...

  • Yes, but it only happens if you didn't grab Rhys' boot as Fiona I believe. In my game, since I didn't grab his boot, when I went over to talk to Fiona and Sasha, I asked her about the Atlas Silver. Skip to 6:15

    Click here

    Hey, quick question... is there a peice of dialogue with Sasha and Rhys where she talks about the Atlas Silver? I'm sure i've seen it before...

  • Thanks! :)

    Yes, but it only happens if you didn't grab Rhys' boot as Fiona I believe. In my game, since I didn't grab his boot, when I went over to talk to Fiona and Sasha, I asked her about the Atlas Silver. Skip to 6:15 Click here

  • I've only just found out that this scene plays out if you refuse to race for Scooter;

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    Sasha got GAME!

  • Yeah, I got this in my first playthrough, I took some screenshots:

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    I've only just found out that this scene plays out if you refuse to race for Scooter; Sasha got GAME!

  • Here's a detail I didn't expect: according to the photos in the caravan, young Felix was really, really effing hot.

  • I'm not sure if this has been said, nor if it means anything, but it seems like a possible hint at what might happen in the future. If you decide to go to Hollow Point and tell The Stranger "I wanted my team's loyalty," Fiona will say, "As evidence by your former boss trying to kill you." So could this mean that Rhys will end up leaving Hyperion, or Vasquez being killed at some point between now and when they get captured.

  • edited May 2015

    Well I kinda guess that the moment Rhys and Vaughn came down to Pandora they were already kinda "fired"

    I'm not sure if this has been said, nor if it means anything, but it seems like a possible hint at what might happen in the future. If you d

  • But aren't they still technically "Hyperion property?" If they were fired, I doubt Hyperion would be trying so hard to kill them.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well I kinda guess that the moment Rhys and Vaughn came down to Pandora they were already kinda "fired"

  • I guess, but apparently Vasquez knows that Rhys has "Something in his head." Which would be why he wants them. Also because they need them for the Gortys cores

    But aren't they still technically "Hyperion property?" If they were fired, I doubt Hyperion would be trying so hard to kill them.

  • They intended to return until the money blew up, and even if you tell Vaughn about Jack, Rhys says 'This could save our careers."

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well I kinda guess that the moment Rhys and Vaughn came down to Pandora they were already kinda "fired"

  • edited May 2015

    If you(as Rhys) chose to go to Old Haven, instead of Hollow Point, then Fiona and Sasha'll have extra dialogue with Janey Springs and Athena.

  • Old,and too late.;-;

    If you(as Rhys) chose to go to Old Haven, instead of Hollow Point, then Fiona and Sasha'll have extra dialogue with Janey Springs and Athena.

  • Details that people might forget

    Old,and too late.;-;

  • I'm pretty sure Rhys says that it's because of his loyalty that he's been able to "move up through the ranks at Hyperion fairly quickly", so I don't think he's left - it's probably that something happened to Vasquez or Rhys just got promoted higher than him.

    I'm not sure if this has been said, nor if it means anything, but it seems like a possible hint at what might happen in the future. If you d

  • Unused Jack lines from episode 2! (for some reason doesn't play in Chrome, though)

    Most interesting part is this mentioning of Nakayama which sheds a bit of light on the Jack AI. Which pretty much confirms what I already thought; not just some program like how it started off as in TPS. He was straight up copying Jack's brain, memories and all.

    "That clown was collecting my brain activity for some reason. Capturing my essence or not... I don't know what the hell."

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