Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • I love that game! And mostly because I can understand whenever they speak Chinese! :D

    And yeah, Hong Kong is wonderful. And yeah, Hong Kong can't really be called a part of China, but for simplicity's sake, I usually tell my friends I am headed to China.

  • Your post has just made me feel positive. Thank you! Also, it is not that I hate to play the episode in Hong Kong. It is just...The internet connection.

    Or...Completely lack thereof. I had to stand in the middle of a Shopping Center filled with people in order to get free WIFI and download The Wolf Among Us episode 5.

  • I really hope it doesn't take that long :'(

    After my comment about PAX, I realised that E3 is coming up in June and Telltale will be showing there, so possible trailer reveal then? I know that's a lot later than people are currently anticipating, but hey, it's better than August!

  • edited April 2015

    If it makes you feel any better, it's likely the episode will come out some time in May! I'm actually thinking May 19th. They did, however, mention they were still doing previz for a fight scene a little earlier, so maybe May 26th depending.

    I honestly don't think Telltale will make us wait 14 weeks for episode 3 just to release a trailer at E3. Especially not after the 16 week wait for episode 2. If they did, I believe this would be the worst wait in between episodes that they've ever had. The Wolf Among Us, which had a similar lengthy delay between episodes 1 and 2, eventually released episode 3 after a nine week wait. I'm banking on something similar happening here.

    I'm a big proponent of "release it when it's ready", but everyone has their limits and Telltale does know that (especially since their FAQ still says 4-6 weeks). There's always more than can be done, but how long is too long? Four months between each? Six?

    So fingers crossed for May! Early June at the very worst. I could of course be wrong, but here's to hoping!

    I'm trying to get hyped for a release date soonish, but something keeps holding me back...

  • Yey! My t-shirt arrived in the mail while waiting for episode 3! ^^

    Alt text

  • edited April 2015

    So now, that makes you one of the bad guys in the story!

    Yey! My t-shirt arrived in the mail while waiting for episode 3! ^^

  • Is that from the Gearbox store? (I'm super jelly!)

    Yey! My t-shirt arrived in the mail while waiting for episode 3! ^^

  • Guess I am! ;3

    CarL_J posted: »

    So now, that makes you one of the bad guys in the story!

  • 16 weeks? Was it that long? Damn...

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    If it makes you feel any better, it's likely the episode will come out some time in May! I'm actually thinking May 19th. They did, however,

  • It's actually from Redbubble. ^w^

    Is that from the Gearbox store? (I'm super jelly!)

  • Does that mean..

    Alt text

    Guess I am! ;3

  • edited April 2015

    Well, I do often fail when trying to be a badass and I'm a bit of a wuss... xD

    CarL_J posted: »

    Does that mean..

  • Aww hell, I really want that shirt now... though I'm already getting a lot of flak from friends for wearing Decepticon logos...

    Yey! My t-shirt arrived in the mail while waiting for episode 3! ^^

  • edited April 2015

    Don't worry I'm the same, there isn't a very large gaming community where I live so anytime I wear gaming themed t-shirts I get criticised from friends. But, wear what ever you want... Flaunt it, bro! x3

    Aww hell, I really want that shirt now... though I'm already getting a lot of flak from friends for wearing Decepticon logos...

  • such good art carl

    CarL_J posted: »

    Does that mean..

  • edited April 2015

    Ha, I have the same issue with gaming stuff, but the Decepticon shunning is actually because they're fraggin' Autobot supporters... ;P
    But no worries, I shall not falter! (Hail Lord Megatron! They also can't actually complain about my style, cause I'm a damn hipster and actually more fashionable than them, pfft)

    Don't worry I'm the same, there isn't a very large gaming community where I live so anytime I wear gaming themed t-shirts I get criticised from friends. But, wear what ever you want... Flaunt it, bro! x3

  • Oh, I definitely don't think TT would ever deliberately delay something just so it could be released at an event, but I also know that they're taking their time with Tales. If they rewrote/changed things in ep 2 because of the reaction to ep 1, then it could be said that the same thing could happen for ep 3 (especially because ep 2 seemed to get an even better reaction!). So I'm just prepared for it taking a little bit longer, but obviously the earlier the better!

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    If it makes you feel any better, it's likely the episode will come out some time in May! I'm actually thinking May 19th. They did, however,

  • Yeah. I kinda have a love hate relationship with waiting for telltale episodes. I had season 1 of walking dead after all the episodes came out and played 1 ep a day. Then waited live for wolf and season 2 of walking dead and now Tales of GoT. I like waiting per episode because then it doesn't just end, but at the same time, I don't want to wait >_<

    You guys have so much faith! Why am I so old/crotchety/bitter? It's not like I'm a TT veteran whose been wronged too many times (Tales is

  • Nice! I got mine a week ago and I wear mine as pajamas. You just gotta love the vinegar smell when you first get shirts.

    Yey! My t-shirt arrived in the mail while waiting for episode 3! ^^

  • Thanks! Think I'm going to wear it as PJs as well, It's a bit big. ^^

    Dapnee posted: »

    Nice! I got mine a week ago and I wear mine as pajamas. You just gotta love the vinegar smell when you first get shirts.

  • Apparently... I'm so curious now.

    Has to be TFTB, right? https://twitter.com/kevbru/status/593124179412561920

  • please be TFTB

    Alt text

    Has to be TFTB, right? https://twitter.com/kevbru/status/593124179412561920

  • This tweet from Kevin is probably regarding Tales (I have a hard time believing that there will be a Jay-Z reference in Game of Thrones, but ya never know). Anyway, if this means if staff members are playing through the episode the release is close. I'm thinking May 12th, it's extremely likely imo.

    Alt text

  • There's still no Australian classification, which usually comes out 2 weeks before the episode. I think late May at this rate is more likely.

    Then again, you never know...

    This tweet from Kevin is probably regarding Tales (I have a hard time believing that there will be a Jay-Z reference in Game of Thrones, but

  • When do Australian Classifications usually release? If there's no specific day, then maybe it could come this week which means May 12th is still in the picture. Idk for sure, I'm just throwing out some logical guesses.

    buntingsir posted: »

    There's still no Australian classification, which usually comes out 2 weeks before the episode. I think late May at this rate is more likely. Then again, you never know...

  • Well for the first episode it came out on 11/11 I think?

    And the second episode got it on 2/3, so there isn't any specific pattern.

    When do Australian Classifications usually release? If there's no specific day, then maybe it could come this week which means May 12th is still in the picture. Idk for sure, I'm just throwing out some logical guesses.

  • February 3rd? I figure than that means there is no specific pattern, so May 12th may still be in the picture.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Well for the first episode it came out on 11/11 I think? And the second episode got it on 2/3, so there isn't any specific pattern.

  • No, it was March 2nd. It's just in my country we write dates differently. :)

    February 3rd? I figure than that means there is no specific pattern, so May 12th may still be in the picture.

  • Ah I see, my bad. Then I guess 14 days is true which means May 12th seems less likely right now

    buntingsir posted: »

    No, it was March 2nd. It's just in my country we write dates differently.

  • Whoops I've been saying May 18th this whole time. So yeah, maybe the classification doesn't have the much of a factor and it's just been a coincidence, but if not than May 19th (happy early bday!) seems to be the more logical one now

  • edited April 2015

    Thanks and it's OK, there's about 25 other people on these forums with it :P

    Nice new avatar, Shubba. Though I am gonna miss your Rodrik avatar.

  • Nice new avatar, Shubba. Though I am gonna miss your Rodrik avatar.

    When do Australian Classifications usually release? If there's no specific day, then maybe it could come this week which means May 12th is still in the picture. Idk for sure, I'm just throwing out some logical guesses.

  • Welp, May 18th is the day after my sister's birthday, so that would be good for her.
    Normally I'm the only one who plays games, but to help with the wait I managed to get her to play it and get excited for ep 3 :D yay

    She chose Fiona ;(

  • Alt text

    Ehh, there's probably no ne-


    Well, it's better than silence.

  • Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Ehh, there's probably no ne- Oh. Well, it's better than silence.

  • F17 HYPE

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Believe in M12 Hope is the one thing none of this can take from us.

  • Believe in


    Hope is the one thing none of this can take from us.

  • (?) Silence is a valid option.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    F17 HYPE

  • I think TellTale's E3 showcase will feature one or a combination of the following: Minecraft: Story Mode, The Walking Dead: Season 3, or one of the super show concepts.

    After my comment about PAX, I realised that E3 is coming up in June and Telltale will be showing there, so possible trailer reveal then? I know that's a lot later than people are currently anticipating, but hey, it's better than August!

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