Damn it! I was going to reply with the roses but you already gave the answer to JJ. XD LOL Awesome little refference there, Tetra.
I did like the story, too. Seems like Hman and JJ covered what I picked out but I'll still say my piece and we shall go from there. Glad to see Kieron moving on and trying to look a this world through rose colored glasses. (For the time being) I will agree with Nick and it seems he and Kieron have created a friendship. Almost like a trubute to Nyx, if you will. :') I see Kieron's past of ruling his section of the Wonderland is coming back in a way to either haunt or attempt to bring him back.
I didn't like that shadow peeling off of him like that. Almost as if the prince is watching him or leaving a trail of bread crumbs to find Kieron. I ADORE Claire and Kieron, too! Her conversations reminds me of my own fiancee and the choice of food we can endulge on. XD She's something special and I'm glad she is apart of Kieron's life. They have gone through so much and now with the Prince and Vampires, it will only bring them closer. (Hopefully) Kieron, take her to a blood bank, dude. XD
I love this and look forward to more! Nice little read for my break.
A New World Fool! Finale...
Kieron and Claire came up to the doors of the blood bank. It was not that big, if need be a couple missing Mu… morendies wouldn't be a problem, but Kieron knew they could go with no casualties. They walked up to the front door when Kieron heard a familiar voice, he turned and saw Nick calling his name. Kieron smiled and waved.
"What's up Nick?" He said
Claire looked excited she finally gets to meet this Nick that Kieron talked about. Nick pulls out a cigar and lights it.
"I was just heading home, what are you doing out and-" He began to notice Kierons eyes. "How did you manage to do that?" He said
Kieron pointed at Claire. "You can thank her!" He laughed
Claire introduced herself to Nick.
"So what're you two doing?" He asked
"We're about to hit this bank, gotta feed." Kieron said
Nick could tell Kieron has changed. "Alright but I don't want to see your corpse." Nick said walking away.
Claire… [view original content]
First off, I wanted to let you know I'm here and so are the others. You need to speak up. I'm fed up with fights and no one speaking. We all need to get along and make this place wholesome, fun and enjoyable. I don't want to know what happened but I'm here for you no matter what. We're bros for life and I love you. STOP being so damn stubborn and welcome back, bro. I missed Robert and I could never do what you've created with him. Just stick to what YOU want to write about and not worry about others.
Make motherfucking toast, Gren!
Quote of the year. This made me laugh. I'm on break and there are people looking at me like DAFUQ. lol I love Gren and Robert's interactions. TTG needs to add a sibling for Gren because we'd get comedy gold like this.
This is also another reason why Emily never allows Gren in the kitchen. EVER. Although his description of her was rather touching. I'm assuming this is when the quads are younger, considering RJ and what not. I felt bad for Gren. He was only trying to make you eggs, Robert, although cereal sounds good right now, too.
I liked the part with the steak and eggs for some reason, too. VERY them. I look forward to more, Jacob and welcome home indeed. I missed Robert.
Before I begin I want to apologies for my selfish ways and being so inconsiderate but alas, I had my reasons. I shall not go into detail but… more know that although there are two sides to every story, in the end, I know what I did. Common courtesy, is all I shall say. I've been asked about the Spuerbowl story and I'm no longer going to post that. I've lost interest. Maybe in the future, I'll pick up again and finish the final piece. Until then, I'll return to Robert and tell everyone MY tale of him. I do want to thank two special people for their support and always having my back. They know who they are and withput one of them, I'd be so lost. Thank you. Now, onto writing.
Robert knew his brother had stayed the night. Gren and Carla were having another fight; this one, was turning violent and the mundane cops were called. Sometimes, people need to learn to stay out of certain s… [view original content]
Oh my bad man! XD Glad to see someone has played Castlevania 64!
Kieron finally gets to see what life looks like from a different perspective! It really is like a tribute to Nyx It will haunt him and later on in another chapter of his story, will beckon him to come closer and return
The shadow although not all that bad is Kierons new weapon, by using his own shadow he calls upon old memories sending him insane and letting madness fight for him, this can be good and bad Although the prince has acknowledged Kieron for his strength he is still worried about Claire. That's funny! XD They definitely will become close the farther they go on! Kieron has a bad track record but he seems to be breaking fates chains one by one I see happiness for Kieron for once
Thanks man! Glad I could give you something to read on break!
Damn it! I was going to reply with the roses but you already gave the answer to JJ. XD LOL Awesome little refference there, Tetra.
I did … morelike the story, too. Seems like Hman and JJ covered what I picked out but I'll still say my piece and we shall go from there. Glad to see Kieron moving on and trying to look a this world through rose colored glasses. (For the time being) I will agree with Nick and it seems he and Kieron have created a friendship. Almost like a trubute to Nyx, if you will. :') I see Kieron's past of ruling his section of the Wonderland is coming back in a way to either haunt or attempt to bring him back.
I didn't like that shadow peeling off of him like that. Almost as if the prince is watching him or leaving a trail of bread crumbs to find Kieron. I ADORE Claire and Kieron, too! Her conversations reminds me of my own fiancee and the choice of food we can endulge on. XD She's something special and I'm glad she is apart … [view original content]
Only if he's afflicted with Vampirism or in his devastation mode...
Yep, but unlike devastation mode, he can recognise friends and gesture for them to run away :P
I don't think Lycanthropy affects Nick actually XD
Nah it's cool, man. gotta give you a hard time. -brofist-
OH man! I look forward to that! Knowing it was a little tribute, well, left me with feels.
Well, knowing it can go either way, makes me a bit concerned and pleased at the same time, although I worry someone will figure that out and send the poor guy into a place he'd rather not go....I'm glad Claire is there for him in the end. They need that shoulder to cry on.
Oh my bad man! XD Glad to see someone has played Castlevania 64!
Kieron finally gets to see what life looks like from a different perspe… morective! It really is like a tribute to Nyx It will haunt him and later on in another chapter of his story, will beckon him to come closer and return
The shadow although not all that bad is Kierons new weapon, by using his own shadow he calls upon old memories sending him insane and letting madness fight for him, this can be good and bad Although the prince has acknowledged Kieron for his strength he is still worried about Claire. That's funny! XD They definitely will become close the farther they go on! Kieron has a bad track record but he seems to be breaking fates chains one by one I see happiness for Kieron for once
Thanks man! Glad I could give you something to read on break!
I've only played Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow on the Gameboy (I still do from time to time actually...) So I'm going by the other comments that the white roses painted with blood is the Castlevania reference? On the Nintendo64?
A New World Fool! Finale...
Kieron and Claire came up to the doors of the blood bank. It was not that big, if need be a couple missing Mu… morendies wouldn't be a problem, but Kieron knew they could go with no casualties. They walked up to the front door when Kieron heard a familiar voice, he turned and saw Nick calling his name. Kieron smiled and waved.
"What's up Nick?" He said
Claire looked excited she finally gets to meet this Nick that Kieron talked about. Nick pulls out a cigar and lights it.
"I was just heading home, what are you doing out and-" He began to notice Kierons eyes. "How did you manage to do that?" He said
Kieron pointed at Claire. "You can thank her!" He laughed
Claire introduced herself to Nick.
"So what're you two doing?" He asked
"We're about to hit this bank, gotta feed." Kieron said
Nick could tell Kieron has changed. "Alright but I don't want to see your corpse." Nick said walking away.
Claire… [view original content]
Brofist Lol! XD I'll try and find another refrence somewhere and see if you can get it
I already have an idea for it. But this part of the story will be long before I move onto the next battle for wonderland
It really is a double edged blade! Oh he will be pushed but Kieron for the most part is a new man, and when it comes to friends and family, nothing will stand in this man's way...even fate Claire will be with him until the very end
Nah it's cool, man. gotta give you a hard time. -brofist-
OH man! I look forward to that! Knowing it was a little tribute, well, left me… more with feels.
Well, knowing it can go either way, makes me a bit concerned and pleased at the same time, although I worry someone will figure that out and send the poor guy into a place he'd rather not go....I'm glad Claire is there for him in the end. They need that shoulder to cry on.
Awesome, dude! I can't wait like always!
(Yeah this is late but still)
I've only played Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow on the Gameboy (I still do from time to time actually...) So I… more'm going by the other comments that the white roses painted with blood is the Castlevania reference? On the Nintendo64?
Aria of Sorrow was difficult, I first got the short ending where Soma doesn't become Dracula. I had no idea you needed to use 3 specific skills during your fight with Belmont to become Dracula, so I had to replay the whole game again!! XP
Aria of Sorrow was difficult, I first got the short ending where Soma doesn't become Dracula. I had no idea you needed to use 3 specific skills during your fight with Belmont to become Dracula, so I had to replay the whole game again!! XP
Yes there was a girl that had a flower pot and she would make white roses red. I think her name was Rose actually XD
Yeah Castlevania 64 … morewas a very interesting game to be honest lol it was incredibly difficult but the story was well worth the trouble
The line was long. Jocelyn had been lead to Fabletown all the way from Derek's house by his friend Callum, who never stopped talking for more than ten seconds at a time. She liked listening to the man's voice; somehow, it reassured her that she could still be normal, despite the consequences. He'd just gotten done talking about inflation on the Mundy Black Market when their names were summoned from the end of the hall. A series of grumbles and mumbling came from those around her, and she wondered what kind of creatures these people could be. Were they werewolves too? Did they have the same abilities as Derek? What else could there be? There was so little she knew about this world.
The moment she stepped through the creaky wooden door, she noticed how massive the interior of the office was. This was something she hadn't been expecting, but it was obvious that this wasn't Callum's first visit. His demeanor had changed drastically; going from happy-go-lucky to serious and slightly dark. She didn't know his history with any of this, and probably didn't want to know, either.
"Callum," A man with flowing brown hair said from across the room. His voice was a bit gravelly and it echoed off the bookshelves that were lined in countless rows a ways back behind the desk. There was also a woman with black hair and fair skin, who seemed to be looking down at stacks of paperwork. She must not be a part of this meeting.
The man started walking forward, one hand in his pocket while the other held a lit cigarette. But Jocelyn remembered seeing several signs prohibiting smoking in the building since they'd arrived. Why was he allowed to do it?
"Bigby Wolf." Callum said with mock sincerity. "Tell me, man. How ya' been doin'?"
"Let's cut to the chase," Callum said. He rubbed the back of his stubbly shaven head and turned to face Jocelyn, who hadn't realized it, but she was slightly cowering behind Callum. This man, the one called Bigby, terrified her. It was as if she knew how powerful he really was. It was as if she could sense that he was above her by many tiers.
Bigby blew a puff of greyish smoke from his lips, and then squashed the cigarette into a nearby ashtray. He looked sleep deprived and grumpy, and Jocelyn forgot for a moment how to introduce herself.
"You gotta name?" He said, his eyebrow arching. She gulped down the fear and nodded softly.
"Jocelyn. Jocelyn Parks. I- Um..." She trailed off and her eyes went directly to the ground. This seemed to annoy Bigby considerably.
"Listen, kid," His voice wasn't angry, but it wasn't pleasant either. "I have a limited amount of time. I need you to stop acting like your a part of the furniture in here and speak up like you own the goddamn place. I've been informed you're a recently changed; You need to act like you're not. Understood?"
She nodded, a little stronger this time. Bigby lead here to a chair and gestured for her to have a seat.
"I'll just stand," Callum said, when Bigby didn't offer him one. "I don't mind." His expression said otherwise. Bigby rolled his eyes and pulled over a wooden dining chair from the nearby table and handed it to Callum. Callum sat begrudgingly.
"So, I need some more specifics," Bigby said. He had a clipboard in hand, a pencil in the other. He wrote down Jocelyn's name. She gave him her current home address, for the time being. Gave him the people she associates herself with, and other general information.
Then, came the hard part.
"How were you changed?" Bigby asked. He said it so casually, as if someone were to ask how the light changes at a stoplight. She squirmed in her chair a minute, her mind beginning to do that thing where it raced faster than she could process anything.
"I..." She began, but her eyes were wandering. Her mind felt like it was pounding, her heart-rate was increasing. "Well..."
The woman behind the desk across the room from them seemed to notice the struggle. "Bigby, you might want to ask a different question first. She seems like she's not comfortable with that question right now."
Bigby sighed, seemingly unable to argue with the woman. Which was strange, given his capability to do whatever he wanted.
"Alright. Lets do some simpler ones, and you can tells us whenever you're 'comforable', I guess."
Jocelyn nodded, more confidently. She sat up in the chair, folding her legs across one another. The itch to change suddenly surfaced, as if her inner wolf wanted to all of a sudden go frolick in a field and catch some small animals. She shuddered softly, blinked a bit faster, but listened for the next question.
"How long ago were you changed? Can you answer that one, at least?"
She nodded. "A week ago. I think. I don't know exactly..."
"Good enough for me," Bigby muttered to himself. "Do you have any affiliation with other Fables of your kind? Or other kinds?"
Fables. That's what she was now, wasn't she? She didn't really know what a Fable was. She was just familiar with what Derek was, and now what she was. What else was there? She really wanted to ask, and it must have been plain on her eyes as she took a minute to answer.
"I have a fiance," She said slowly. "His name is Derek Sharp."
Bigby narrowed his eyes. "How...long have you known him?"
"Three or so months," She replied, naturally. "We started dating when we met at a...party of sorts."
"Mmhm." Bigby said. He wrote something she said down. He cleared his throat and adjusted himself in the seat he was sat in. "Are you aware of our kind? Our origins, legends, and abilities?"
Thank god it was taking this turn. For once, she shook her head no.
Bigby's eyes looked over at Callum, who'd ages ago gotten bored of sitting and was now touching things he probably shouldn't have been touching, as well as flirting with the woman behind the desk. Jocelyn noticed a pang of jealousy written starkly across Bigby's face, and she felt herself smiling at the notion. She didn't think this man in front of her was capable of such human reactions.
"Callum," Bigby called. "I think our interview together is over. I have all we need, for now. Can you do me a favor and make sure she get's educated? We can't have another incident, can we?"
Callum narrowed his eyes, apparently understanding what Bigby meant. "I'll show her the ropes Big Dawg. She'll be an expert in no time. Right honey?" His smile returned, briefly as he looked in Jocelyn's direction. "While we're in this part of town, wanna see the huntin' grounds?"
Jocelyn's ears perked up at the last two words. Hunting. Her body seemed in a trance as she stood and slowly nodded her head. Yes, hunting. She wanted to hunt. She wanted to find something and prove herself. She smiled.
Derek hissed. He was cornered in an alleyway. How had they found him? He took a fighting stance, looking in all directions and using his senses to his benefit. There had to be at least five.
The first Ghoul attacked at his right. He ducked as the creature's fist came around and then he pulled it's leg out from beneath it. The ghoul shouted in surprise, and then the rest of them were at it, swinging to punch Derek in the face. All of his pent up anger was releasing it self in every blow he delivered. He smiled ruefully as he remembered his training in Krav Maga; an extremely dangerous form of martial arts.
In a good fifteen minutes, all five Ghouls were down for the count. He wiped his hands together, as if wiping off the dust on them.
Magnus was going to have to try harder than that.
He rounded the corner, looking up from in between two apartment buildings. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the air felt fresher than normal, so he took slightly less caution then usual as he walked down the center of the street. It was mostly deserted. Mostly.
Alistair stood on the corner, his hands pocketed in a waist coat fairly out of place for this time period. He was always the archaic sort, and even let his hair go greyer than the average century old vampire. He was like a shadow against the brick building, his head peaking precariously out of the coat's neckline.
"It's about time," His thick English accent cut the silence. Derek reached the corner and looked at his friend, a blank expression forming across his face. Alistair sighed.
"You can't fool me, boy. I know you more than you think. You're upset about....well, I don't have the faintest clue why, really. But you are, I can tell it in the creases of your brow."
Derek silently cursed his inability to mask all emotion yet. He breathed his own sigh, and opened his mouth to speak. "It's Jocelyn."
"What about her? Are you having commitment issues? Realized you won't be spending the rest of your life with her because she's mortal, finally?"
"That's the thing," Derek said uneasily. "She's not mortal. Not anymore."
"You bloody gone and changed now, didn'y-ya?!" Alistair said it shockingly and with a tinge of anger. "What's bloody wrong with you? You know-"
"I didn't change her," Derek said defensively. His eyes narrowed on his friend, and he crossed his arms. "It...she's not a vampire.."
Alistair was speechless. He cleared his throat a bit, looking down the street both ways. "She...what is she then?"
Derek stared at Alistair long and hard. He fought back his emotions as much as he could, but in the end, it was futile. He gave a frustrated sigh, tugging at the neck of his tie-die t-shirt. He noticed a bit of Ghoul blood on it, but shrugged it off. It blended with the colors anyway. "She's been turned into a werewolf. A fucking wolf, for Christ's sake! They could have made her a warlock- or, or a...I don't fucking no! Anything but that..."
Alistair put his hand on Derek's shoulder supportively. The men saw eye to eye on this subject very well.
Vampires and Werewolves didn't mix. It was a natural instinct to hate one another. It was a natural instinct not to be capable of love for one another. And yet, he still loved her, still loved her with all his heart. Why did it even bother him then? Maybe it was the fact that she didn't seem like she felt the same way toward him any longer. Not after the change. And he couldn't blame her. They needed time. Time and healing...
"I think you should talk with her. Set...boundaries....I don't know. I've never been romantic with wolves, but I've seen a rare few who mingled closely. Remember Maxine?"
Derek remembered her very well. She was Alistair's cousin. She'd been turned a vampire when she was young, only a teenager. Derek vaguely remembered her dating a wolf boy, but he didn't ever pay much attention to how they made it work or if it even worked at all. He hadn't seen either of them in years, they could very well be their separate ways or dead, or worse. He shuddered softly.
"Just stay strong, Derek. I know you can get through this. You're the kindest man I know."
"I appreciate it."
"And Derek?" Alistair looked genuinely concerned. "Stay away from these parts. I know Magnus is still after you. I can smell the ghoul blood from here."
"I can manage myself, Alistair. I can-" But he didn't know what else to say. He pulled from under Alistair's grip and turned to head back.
Alistair called back one last time. "Stay safe! Above all, for the sake of yourself and the sake of that girl you've got. She needs you more than you think!"
And with that, Derek disappeared in the shadows, like a blown out flame.
I was busy yesterday, so here's your chapter today ^-^ Hope you like it, I've been reading some of everyone else's, and I have to say, you guys are all doing phenomenal! Keep it up! Any questions, don't hesitate
First off, I wanted to let you know I'm here and so are the others. You need to speak up. I'm fed up with fights and no one speaking. We all… more need to get along and make this place wholesome, fun and enjoyable. I don't want to know what happened but I'm here for you no matter what. We're bros for life and I love you. STOP being so damn stubborn and welcome back, bro. I missed Robert and I could never do what you've created with him. Just stick to what YOU want to write about and not worry about others.
Make motherfucking toast, Gren!
Quote of the year. This made me laugh. I'm on break and there are people looking at me like DAFUQ. lol I love Gren and Robert's interactions. TTG needs to add a sibling for Gren because we'd get comedy gold like this.
This is also another reason why Emily never allows Gren in the kitchen. EVER. Although his description of her was rather touching. I'm assuming this is when the quads are younger, con… [view original content]
Oh Bigby XD You never gain patience do you? But that's why we all love you! XD I really like Callum! He's so cheery and great! Derek really is in a sticky situation, he'll have to try and make this work or will this turn out into a Lycan and Vampire war?
The line was long. Jocelyn had been lead to Fabletown all the way from Derek's house by his friend Callum,… more who never stopped talking for more than ten seconds at a time. She liked listening to the man's voice; somehow, it reassured her that she could still be normal, despite the consequences. He'd just gotten done talking about inflation on the Mundy Black Market when their names were summoned from the end of the hall. A series of grumbles and mumbling came from those around her, and she wondered what kind of creatures these people could be. Were they werewolves too? Did they have the same abilities as Derek? What else could there be? There was so little she knew about this world.
The moment she stepped through the creaky wooden door, she noticed how massive the interior of the office was. This was something she hadn't been expecting, but it was obvious that this wasn't Callum's first visit. His demeanor h… [view original content]
I read this earlier but had to put Emily down for bed time.
Anyways, I love Jocelyn and her naive personality. Wait, naive is a wrong word....'curious' personality about the world she was brought into. I'm in love with her and she's a breath of fresh air to this little situation. Callum is indeed a well thought, cool, calm and collected guy but for how long...Also, I'm not surprised by Bigby's reaction, although he did seem a bit harsh at times but I guess it comes to the territory of a mundy turning into a Vampire. Plus, I love how the seperate creatures mind their own; Vampires over here and Werewolves over there! XD
Derek is in a bit of a jam at the moment; this Maxine sounds like trouble, Alistair too and we all know of Magnus. I can be wrong, though...
The line was long. Jocelyn had been lead to Fabletown all the way from Derek's house by his friend Callum,… more who never stopped talking for more than ten seconds at a time. She liked listening to the man's voice; somehow, it reassured her that she could still be normal, despite the consequences. He'd just gotten done talking about inflation on the Mundy Black Market when their names were summoned from the end of the hall. A series of grumbles and mumbling came from those around her, and she wondered what kind of creatures these people could be. Were they werewolves too? Did they have the same abilities as Derek? What else could there be? There was so little she knew about this world.
The moment she stepped through the creaky wooden door, she noticed how massive the interior of the office was. This was something she hadn't been expecting, but it was obvious that this wasn't Callum's first visit. His demeanor h… [view original content]
Bigby being gruff as always, I was hoping that he and Snow would already be a thing in this Challenge, alas no such luck. But you stay away from Snowbunny Callum! She ain't got the eyes for YOUR hairy ass anyways...
I don't normally like reading or watching stuff where normal people are introduced to a supernatural world, cuz I expect everyone to already know what's going on :P But at least Bigby has made Callum Jocelyn's tutor, so I bet she'll be well educated about the Fable world soon enough.
Though, if Wolves and Vampires don't mix, then maybe Jocelyn's little crush on Callum is more than just a crush Poor Derek if this turns out to be true...
Oh and Derek with his Krav Maga, that was awesome! An Israeli self-defence art that focuses on using speed and attacking weak points to incapacitate opponents, usually with repeated attacks to the groin Man I wouldn't want to get on Derek's bad side! XP
The line was long. Jocelyn had been lead to Fabletown all the way from Derek's house by his friend Callum,… more who never stopped talking for more than ten seconds at a time. She liked listening to the man's voice; somehow, it reassured her that she could still be normal, despite the consequences. He'd just gotten done talking about inflation on the Mundy Black Market when their names were summoned from the end of the hall. A series of grumbles and mumbling came from those around her, and she wondered what kind of creatures these people could be. Were they werewolves too? Did they have the same abilities as Derek? What else could there be? There was so little she knew about this world.
The moment she stepped through the creaky wooden door, she noticed how massive the interior of the office was. This was something she hadn't been expecting, but it was obvious that this wasn't Callum's first visit. His demeanor h… [view original content]
You do! Oh, being in Celeste's bad-books is definitely not a good thing!
I look forward to hearing! All it takes is practice (hopefully) XD At the moment there roughly at least one post a day from me; I don't mind if you don't have them time to read them or anything, I appreciate you reading the first one.
Oh gosh hopefully Dixa will be okay XD
We silent people have our perks! I'm sure if Makoto let Mary swim with the fishes Celeste would d… moreo something to him far worse than that XD
I'll let you know when I get all the equipment ready and stuff! Thanks man! I would not be very good at it then XD No problem man, let me know when you post another one!
Well, if it's as confusing as Infinite's ending then at least it's all out confusing and not just a little. XD As things are, it's unlikely anything from that future will feature much in the rest of the story, so it's not too important.
There's maybe about five or six of us but we can choose what we want to do; some of them have kids and things so there are times they're not free, and I've been trying to cover those.
I think I get it, but the explanation alone was probably how I felt back when people tried to summarize Bioshock Infinite's ending for the m… moreasses. XD So it's debatable.
Did you have a choice on which game you could make an article for, or did they give you no choice in the matter - as you had to make an article for Black Ops 3 at the moment?
The three judges were named Minos, Rhadamanthus and Aeacus some time ago during the times of the Greeks and Romans. Over the years, however, the three brothers were replaced by their oldest daughters Agda, Nadia and Jacomina. Each represented something of the past, present and future and judged those based apon their actions in their previous life once they entered the Underworld.
Today, however, the women led Vivian and Emily into a small Temple just beyond the gates of the Underworld Kingdom. Surprisingly, the location was not a pit full of fire and brinstone; each soul that was granted access to the Underworld lived in small communities. Above the city, however, was the Castle to Hades and his loyal companion, Valeo. The ladies snickered, passing by the iron gates.
"Hades lives up there, my ladies but I'm sure thee has known of this before."
"Is he here now?" Emily taps the gates with her fist. "I have not seen him since the war and-"
"No more speaking!" Nadia faces Emily. "We shall speak of him only when needed. Hades has his own mission in this world and we shall not intervine with his and-"
"WOOT fookin' mission!?" Emily's crossbow glims against the fire. "Ya' ain't taken my Viviana or any of the other children! Ya' fookin' hear me!?"
The three women laugh. Agda pulls the arrow down. "Does thou not trust the fates thy sees before her own eyes? I assure thee that Hades shall not bring harm to miss Viviana, for she is the key to this Underworld. Thy daughter is the gatekeeper. Obedient friend to Hades, loyal to her position and shall become the mistress thy seeks to rule this kingdom."
"My Viviana is...." Emily stands against a beam. "No. But...he has a wife and-"
"HAD a wife." Agada holds up her finger. "Hades HAD a wife and she was the most beautiful soul we'd ever seen grace the presence of this land. So many wished to be in her position. To roam free among the dead, while thee slumbers in the tears and sorrows of those punished souls. She was the most radiant and loving person to ever cross paths with a God such as Hades. He was greedy, conniving and ready to strike thee down with a single gleam in his eye."
"Woot happened ta' her?" Emily and Vivian continue to follow the women into a run down hut. "I always thought he was-"
"Nope." Jacomina locks the heavy wooden doors. "Persephone was distracted by the power. She allowed her heart and soul to be consumed with so much knowledge and the power. She was pleased with every outcome and many began to FEAR the woman, rather then appreciate and respect. Before long, Persephone made a deal with the Devil himself to forever be the ultimate source of power and forever live among the mortals for all eternity. She nearly took this kingdom from Hades until he came to his senses and sadly sent the women into the pits of grief, where she has become nothing but shreds of what she once was."
"Fa fook sakes, man!" Emily glares at the women. "My fookin' daughter will NOT be his, if this is her fookin' outcome! I won't allow it!"
Agda shakes her head. Removing her right eye, the object floats in front of Emily and Vivian. It shows the world above, just as Emily left it; the war was still continuing, as they searched high and low for any signs of Carla. The images fade to black, then it returns with Gren. Although there was anguish in his eyes, he remained strong, as an Alpha should. Emily noticed Dahlia and the quads; beside them, Nick and Hades each took their turn explaining something to Gren. Each time they spoke, he would nod.
"Woot are they doin?" Emily points to her husband and children. "I don't want them ta' fight anymore. Please. Can't ya' stop this...."
"We can't." Jacomina grabs the eye and holds it over her head. "We are the fates that see into the future. Absorb the wisdom. Knowledge and distribute little by little to those that wish to know some but just enough. I can only tell you this, Emily. Your husband has more to him then just the beast from Beowulf. His background is rich with power and strength. He can and will be able to defend and protect. Once he's proven himself a TRUE Alpha, then you shall be free and once again roam the Earth with your husband and children. But that is all on Grendel now."
"But....my children." Emily touches her belly. "The pregnancy is foreva' gone now. I-"
"Who said!?" Nadia pokes Emily's stomach. "They're in there alright! Those little angels are something. Have both you AND Grendel to think for that."
"They!?" Emily covers her face. "OH MY-Vivian! Did ya' hear that!? My babies are alive AND there is more then one!" Emily grabs Nadia's dress. "Woot are they? Do ya' know?"
"We all do but that is something we'd like for you and Gren to discover. TRUST me. He'll have his babies soon enough. Time down here goes a lot faster then up there. Why, look at you now, Emily."
Emily peers down. Her stomach was now petruding enough to show she was either four or five months pregnant. Vivian kneels, presses her ear against Emily's stomach and hears the turning and moving of the children.
"What the hell is this?" Vivian looks over. "She was barely a month when we left Fabletown. What is this?"
"Again, time is a lot quicker here if you're not dead. You stay the same but certain actions speed up. Almost like, we're fast forwarding THEIR time. We can not control living souls. That is against our rules, so they are sort of taking control right now of their own until their daddy comes to rescue you all."
"And Vivian? Woot happens ta' her? She-"
Jacomina takes an Apple, bites down and chews loudly. A little green worm pokes his head out. "I'll tell thee this, my lady. Vivian is FOREVER your guardian angel. Until the day thee passes on, she is there. Vivian is here because you're here. She is still protecting, still guiding and will forever be there for thee."
Vivan gleamed with delight. "I'm.....I'm not losing my Emily or title? But, I failed-"
"No, you never failed, Vivian. Sometimes as guardians, you must sit back and watch your assigned soul tumble, fall but dust themselves off. Emily has now dusted herself and we carry on from there."
Emily grasps upon her quickly growing babies. "When will Gren get here?"
Agda smiles, leaning over a boiling pot. Grabbing the eye, she cracks a crooked smile. "When he has accepted the truth, you shall be set free once more. There is STILL one person that he needs to hear from the most."
"I'm so sorry, Gren." Robert lays his hand on Gren's shoulder. "I...I had no idea she was-"
Gren, shirtless and siting on a chair, winces with every jab of the needle. Isaiah did his best to sew the arm back to Gren's body. The gold was slowly fading; if he managed to snap it back and in time, the power within would remain and Gren could continue to use it. Drinking an ice cold Dr. Pepper, Gren stares deeply at his brother. The quads, all sitting on the foot of the stairs, watched their father. Viviana and Chloe held one another tightly, as Seraphina chewed on her thumb and Liam remained silent. He was feeling the exact remorse as his father. He had Carla. They all did and allowed fear to creep in and take their power down. wiping his eyes, Liam kicks the wall and continues to listen.
Gren and Robert's eyes never met. He could not look at his brother. He knew Carla was crafty but not enough to mask Robert's true feelings as such. He'd become a monster out in the fields. Agian, Robert attempts to contact his brother. Gren was lost and focused on what needed to be
done. He still had a chance. Hope, in bringing his Emily home.
"Sorry Gren." Isaiah continues to sew. "Just a few more inches on your skin and this thing will be good as new."
"Stupid, if you ask me." Gren takes a sip. "I mean, do I REALLY need this motherfuckin' thing to take down that bitch?"
Isaiah rolls his eyes. "Yes, Gren. You need this arm. It's a part of you and what the final piece requires of you. Mom would NOT have come to me in a dream to make this for you, if it was not needed."
Robert clears his throat. "I didn't know, Gren. I-"
Gren stands up, knocking both Isaiah and the chair down. He restrains Robert along the walls, eyes focused.
"YOU have so much hate in your heart, you fuckin' stand there and tell ME I'm not meant to have father's place. You allowed that bitch to take you over! You wanted to RAPE my wife. You fucking bastard...I could have SAVED her but you decided to play soldier...."
"Gren-" Robert struggles against his brother's grip. "Don't...I'm sorry! I did not think she would fucking DO that to me! I was fine I-"
Gren pushes Robert into the wall. "You say an Alpha. Protector...FATHER is about strength. I've learned a great deal in this fuckin' short amount of time then I ever could in the years spent on his planet. I have and always will be, the one you bow down to. I'm not the man either of you wanted me to fuckin' be. Your upset because you allowed someone like Carla to take control of you. FUCK off, Robert. Sorry will never cover the damage done today! Sorry will NOT bring back my wife or erase the minds of my children or those that witnessed a battle that fuckin' bitch created under our fuckin' noses. You are my brother but I will NEVER be afraid of you."
Robert's laughter roars in the kitchen. "ME, afraid of you, Grendel? That will never fucking happen! What you advertised today was nothing more then fluffing your feathers and looking for trouble. None of this WOULD be happening, if this fucking town did their job in keeping us safe. But you-you will NEVER be what dad was! You won't have the same respect as he did, for I'm not sorry about Carla. I'm sorry Emily had to PAY for your mistakes! I'm-"
Gren did not allow Robert to finish. His left fist slammed into Robert's cheek. Several droplets of blood soaked Gren's fist and few landed on the floor.
"STOP!" Isaiah places himself before his brothers. The smell of the blood making his vision blurry. "Just...STOP! You both need to put this bullshit beside you and come to an agreement-we NEED to save Emily and take Carla down. I'm no better. I've had my moments with you both and kept my distance. We've all made mistakes. But I WILL not lose either of you to this bullshit! This is why we became estranged for so long. NEITHER of us want to admit...."
"Admit WHAT, Isaiah!?" Robert's teeth now rows of fangs, his skin a light gray. "What are you saying?"
"Admit that this foolish bullshit needs to end and we move forward from here. No more past. No more Homelands. Nothing like that. I'm tired of hiding. Tired of running. I can no longer stand by and watch you pull one another apart! Dad is not here, Robert, so stop trying to fill his shoes. We all need to pull together and work through this! We need to stop Carla and bring back Emily before it's too late."
Robert sighs heavily, rubbing his neck. "Fine, Isaiah. You're right." He looks over at Gren. "I'm....I'm so sorry, Gren. For everything..."
"It's fine, Robert." Gren scratches his face, glancing at the children. "I'm through fuckin' fightin' with you. I just want this to be over with."
"Yeah. Me too...."
Isaiah claps. "Well then. We need to get a move on. Aunt Dahlia will tell you the rest. Snow White and twins found some documents on the power you'll need in order to find Emily. I'm going to need Junior and Michelle, too."
"What is Junior and Michelle going to do for me?"
"Michelle will assist you with the Dark magic and Junior is capable of cloning himself. His shadows will guide you as well. He's the one that knows more about lurking then any of us."
"And the children?" Gren peers over; all four huddled together in anticipation. "What about them?"
"Rosie will watch them. We can't risk them, especially Viviana. We need to go NOW, Gren. There is not much time. You need to accept this. CERTAINTY. Remember that...."
Gren nods, heading over to his children. He picks them up one by one; Viviana tries to fly but immediatly drops against the floor. Tears pour from her eyes. Gren scoops his distraught daughter into his arms and rocks all four. It broke his heart to hear their whimpers and feel their tears dripping against his face, neck and chest. Leaning against the wall, Gren wanted to join them and drown in sorrow but he needed to be strong for them. He'd get Emily back for all of them. He was Alpha. Stronger then ever before. He always was.
Chloe looks up, touching Gren's arm. "Daddy, is mommy coming back or is she gone like grandpa Thomas?"
Gren inhales. "I'm going to go get mommy, you hear me? All of you! I promise I'll bring mommy home."
"We can help, daddy!" Beaming, Liam raises his hand. "We can all help you! We-"
"No!" Gren's thundering voice caused all the children and those around to pause. "I will not lose either of you, too! I want you to listen and stay with Rosie and Woody until daddy can fix this and bring mommy home! The bad lady will be punished for what she did, do you four understand me? STAY with Rosie. Don't leave the apartment! That is an order."
Gren knew that must have pricked. The girls seemed devestated and all Liam could do was stare into Gren's eyes. Although he wanted to brush their worries and tears away, he knew what needed to be done. He could not risk losing his children. No more deaths except for Carla's in his own hands. Gren could taste her fears and the pleas she'd send him. Gren no longer cared. Carla would perish under the weight of her own mess, topped with a fuming Grendel and city of Fables waiting to take a whack. Kissing each of the quads on the head, Gren hands them off to
Although she wished to participate in the battle, her younger siblings needed to hide until the dust settled. Woody promised to keep them safe and in return, offered his beloved axe to Gren. Handing the item over, Gren tried pushing it back. He knew how much that silly item meant to
Woody but there was no room for the answer being no; Woody placed the object on the table and embraced Gren.
"We're in this together, Gren." Woody pats Gren on the chest. "I'm here for you, now and always. Fucking take that with you. She needs a good killing. Give one for us."
Gren takes the axe, holds it tightly and smiles. "You know I will, Woody. Thanks...."
Walking out the door, Rosie, Woody and the children head to the vehicle. So many worried faces. Each Elf and Grendel mourned beyond the hills and walls of the home. Georgie, on the phone with Lyla, remained on his knees near the spot Emily perished in. Rosie had to turn the quads away from this; it broke Rosie's spirit to hear Georgie mourn and beg for God to take him instead. Lyla must have been doing the same thing.
Katie and the Wolves were gone. Rosie was sure they were hunting Carla down along the outskirts of town and nearby woods. Junior had every shadow and figure searching the grounds, returning every five minutes with some form of news. Michelle, standing near the mailbox, said not a single word. Her eyes glued to the distant city, fists clutched tightly and breathing shallow. Rosie knew that look; she'd read stories and legends on Dark himself and Michelle had the identical look of determination. Something no man would ever take away.
Driving off, Rosie did her best to comfort the children. All but one cried; Viviana peered out the window and watched every living soul pass her by. Rosie was nervous, for she had the exact look Emily did when she was lost in thought.
Any questions, you know the drill. Wanted to get a chap down before work. Emily had me up early but I don't mind. Was super busy yesterday! Cable guy showed up around 1 and got everything hooked up. I'm in love with this city, can I tell you what! Graduate in four weeks!! Thank God the professor understood and although the drive will be tough, we'll make it work! Also, got my classes for the fall here at the Art Institute. Will attempt to post another chapter for the challenge this weekend if I can. Hope your weeks are going pretty well, too! -brofist-
So, my 2 bets officially begin tomorrow and don't end until June 1st; I cannot buy ANYTHING from SubWay, and I cannot buy any junk food from anywhere. The exception to this rule is if we go out for a meal, then I can have what I like, but I will still try and make 'healthier' decisions like no dessert.
I've been trying out these bets since last week, the lack of food is giving me the munchies, but it's not too bad tbh. The real killer is the exercise I do every morning! 20 Marine push-ups, 20 sit-ups and 20 squats, the push-ups alone tire me out...
A Marine push-up (for those that don't know) is done by keeping your palms as close to your chest as possible, it makes your triceps and pectorals work a lot harder to push you back up, and I have to take a quick breather after just 10!
Wish me luck guys, I'll keep you posted from week to week :P
I love you mucho grande, Chad. I already told you my plan, so there is no need to repeat.
I missed my Robert, Grendel and all the wonderful adventures these two will have.
Marine push-ups are great for working core strength, I do weights and swimming at the gym as well, though I really should get on a treadmill for once :P
I'm treating myself to a big Domino's pizza right now, one last taste of junk before I start
Good luck, my good man! Those Marine pushups are something I could never do. Give me a treadmill and weights any day. :P It all sounds difficult but you can do this! Can't wait to hear what happens week by week!
Good luck, my good man! Those Marine pushups are something I could never do. Give me a treadmill and weights any day. :P It all sounds difficult but you can do this! Can't wait to hear what happens week by week!
Hey everyone!
So, my 2 bets officially begin tomorrow and don't end until June 1st; I cannot buy ANYTHING from SubWay, and I cannot buy a… moreny junk food from anywhere. The exception to this rule is if we go out for a meal, then I can have what I like, but I will still try and make 'healthier' decisions like no dessert.
I've been trying out these bets since last week, the lack of food is giving me the munchies, but it's not too bad tbh. The real killer is the exercise I do every morning! 20 Marine push-ups, 20 sit-ups and 20 squats, the push-ups alone tire me out...
A Marine push-up (for those that don't know) is done by keeping your palms as close to your chest as possible, it makes your triceps and pectorals work a lot harder to push you back up, and I have to take a quick breather after just 10!
Wish me luck guys, I'll keep you posted from week to week :P
Marine push-ups are great for working core strength, I do weights and swimming at the gym as well, though I really should get on a treadmill for once :P
I'm treating myself to a big Domino's pizza right now, one last taste of junk before I start
I love swimming; a lot of people don't consider that a workput but it really does work on your legs, arms and muscles along the stomach.
… more And damn you. Before I leave work, too. That sounds good now. I know what I want for dinner tonight...lol Great choice, man! I love Domino's!
She will. XD
You do! Oh, being in Celeste's bad-books is definitely not a good thing!
I look forward to hearing! All it takes is pra… morectice (hopefully) XD At the moment there roughly at least one post a day from me; I don't mind if you don't have them time to read them or anything, I appreciate you reading the first one.
Hey man this will be no sweat, you got this! I've been doing marine push ups since I was young, and yes they are very very rough! But I just find a rhythm and they get a little less rough! Good luck man! :P
Hey everyone!
So, my 2 bets officially begin tomorrow and don't end until June 1st; I cannot buy ANYTHING from SubWay, and I cannot buy a… moreny junk food from anywhere. The exception to this rule is if we go out for a meal, then I can have what I like, but I will still try and make 'healthier' decisions like no dessert.
I've been trying out these bets since last week, the lack of food is giving me the munchies, but it's not too bad tbh. The real killer is the exercise I do every morning! 20 Marine push-ups, 20 sit-ups and 20 squats, the push-ups alone tire me out...
A Marine push-up (for those that don't know) is done by keeping your palms as close to your chest as possible, it makes your triceps and pectorals work a lot harder to push you back up, and I have to take a quick breather after just 10!
Wish me luck guys, I'll keep you posted from week to week :P
Hey man this will be no sweat, you got this! I've been doing marine push ups since I was young, and yes they are very very rough! But I just find a rhythm and they get a little less rough! Good luck man! :P
This was so good! The underworld part was very interesting, like Emily I too hope Viviana doesn't go to Hades. And the feels hit again, Gren man you have become so strong my good man. The fight between Robert and Gren hurt but they seem like they have worked it out for now, and when Gren spoke to his children I too was shocked but it had to be done
The three judges were named Minos, Rhadamanthus and Aeacus some time ago during the times of the Greeks and Romans. Over the years, however,… more the three brothers were replaced by their oldest daughters Agda, Nadia and Jacomina. Each represented something of the past, present and future and judged those based apon their actions in their previous life once they entered the Underworld.
Today, however, the women led Vivian and Emily into a small Temple just beyond the gates of the Underworld Kingdom. Surprisingly, the location was not a pit full of fire and brinstone; each soul that was granted access to the Underworld lived in small communities. Above the city, however, was the Castle to Hades and his loyal companion, Valeo. The ladies snickered, passing by the iron gates.
"Hades lives up there, my ladies but I'm sure thee has known of this before."
"Is he here now?" Emily taps the gates with her fist. "I have not seen him since the war a… [view original content]
I also wanted to apologies to you, EMMY for my selfish ways and know that I have read and liked your stories. No need to explain. Just take it and run.
Jocelyn is indeed in a world she did not ask for and honestly, Bigby may have been a bit much but for his own damn good reasons. I'm assuming Jocelyn liked Callum. He's the Vampire, right? I know she just turned into a Werewolf and they seem to be hostile towards one another, so I also wonder how this will play out with the two seperate creatures. So Magnus is the ghoul? Wasn't he a Vampire, too or am I thinking of something else?
I don't trust Alistair. Something is telling me he's playing Derek and the others as fools. Pawns to Magnus' plans but I've done that before. Accused someone of something and it turns out, not even close. Well, either way I look forward to more.
The line was long. Jocelyn had been lead to Fabletown all the way from Derek's house by his friend Callum,… more who never stopped talking for more than ten seconds at a time. She liked listening to the man's voice; somehow, it reassured her that she could still be normal, despite the consequences. He'd just gotten done talking about inflation on the Mundy Black Market when their names were summoned from the end of the hall. A series of grumbles and mumbling came from those around her, and she wondered what kind of creatures these people could be. Were they werewolves too? Did they have the same abilities as Derek? What else could there be? There was so little she knew about this world.
The moment she stepped through the creaky wooden door, she noticed how massive the interior of the office was. This was something she hadn't been expecting, but it was obvious that this wasn't Callum's first visit. His demeanor h… [view original content]
That's funny, cuz I'm watching Kill Bill Vol.2 atm and learning to punch through inches thick wood is quite a thing in this movie :P
My strength comes through weight lifting though, and I'm of a mesomorphic build anyways
This was a wonderful chapter to read before me and little miss Emily hit the road and go grocery shopping. I found the Underwolrd to be interesting, too. It has communities. Are those for the lost souls and those that remain behind? So, is this like 'limbo' for certain people, Fables included?
Man. Isaiah is the peace keeper between his brothers. Almost like Calla. That moment between Gren and Robert was intense. Both are so powerful in their own ways, that when they collide, this happens. I was screaming for Robert to stop, stand back and let Gren BE the Alpha. Those words Gren spoke were hard to swallow but he's right. Poor Liam, though. He blames himself.....:(
I adore Rosie and I have this feeling she and the quads are going to do something, especially since Viviana seems to be secretly thinking of a plan. And Woody. That was noble of him. Gren's speech to the kids was hard, too but I can understand where he's coming from. He lost Emily and THINKS the unborn babies (so excited! There is more then one!!!!) so he has to protect what he's got. And Michelle. I have a bad feeling about this....:(
Georgie, on the phone with Lyla, remained on his knees near the spot Emily perished in. Rosie had to turn the quads away from this; it broke Rosie's spirit to hear Georgie mourn and beg for God to take him instead. Lyla must have been doing the same thing.
Jesus, pie...:'( That hit me hard. And so early in the morning. Shit....Georgie and Lyla have gone through so much shit, together and alone, yet they always remain whole and strong.
Go get 'em, Gren! BRING our Emily back!!! Awesome, dude, as always!
The three judges were named Minos, Rhadamanthus and Aeacus some time ago during the times of the Greeks and Romans. Over the years, however,… more the three brothers were replaced by their oldest daughters Agda, Nadia and Jacomina. Each represented something of the past, present and future and judged those based apon their actions in their previous life once they entered the Underworld.
Today, however, the women led Vivian and Emily into a small Temple just beyond the gates of the Underworld Kingdom. Surprisingly, the location was not a pit full of fire and brinstone; each soul that was granted access to the Underworld lived in small communities. Above the city, however, was the Castle to Hades and his loyal companion, Valeo. The ladies snickered, passing by the iron gates.
"Hades lives up there, my ladies but I'm sure thee has known of this before."
"Is he here now?" Emily taps the gates with her fist. "I have not seen him since the war a… [view original content]
Hey good luck, Hman! I love sit-ups and squats! The pushups, not so much. I wish for the best and I know it will be hard at first but stay focused, believe and you'll make it!
Hey everyone!
So, my 2 bets officially begin tomorrow and don't end until June 1st; I cannot buy ANYTHING from SubWay, and I cannot buy a… moreny junk food from anywhere. The exception to this rule is if we go out for a meal, then I can have what I like, but I will still try and make 'healthier' decisions like no dessert.
I've been trying out these bets since last week, the lack of food is giving me the munchies, but it's not too bad tbh. The real killer is the exercise I do every morning! 20 Marine push-ups, 20 sit-ups and 20 squats, the push-ups alone tire me out...
A Marine push-up (for those that don't know) is done by keeping your palms as close to your chest as possible, it makes your triceps and pectorals work a lot harder to push you back up, and I have to take a quick breather after just 10!
Wish me luck guys, I'll keep you posted from week to week :P
Hey good luck, Hman! I love sit-ups and squats! The pushups, not so much. I wish for the best and I know it will be hard at first but stay focused, believe and you'll make it!
Not the pain! Please, I go to the gym to look cute doing my squats in my sweatpants that say 'juicy' on the butt and my PINK shirt from Victoria Secrets. XD
Damn it! I was going to reply with the roses but you already gave the answer to JJ. XD LOL Awesome little refference there, Tetra.
I did like the story, too. Seems like Hman and JJ covered what I picked out but I'll still say my piece and we shall go from there. Glad to see Kieron moving on and trying to look a this world through rose colored glasses. (For the time being) I will agree with Nick and it seems he and Kieron have created a friendship. Almost like a trubute to Nyx, if you will. :') I see Kieron's past of ruling his section of the Wonderland is coming back in a way to either haunt or attempt to bring him back.
I didn't like that shadow peeling off of him like that. Almost as if the prince is watching him or leaving a trail of bread crumbs to find Kieron. I ADORE Claire and Kieron, too! Her conversations reminds me of my own fiancee and the choice of food we can endulge on. XD She's something special and I'm glad she is apart of Kieron's life. They have gone through so much and now with the Prince and Vampires, it will only bring them closer. (Hopefully) Kieron, take her to a blood bank, dude. XD
I love this and look forward to more! Nice little read for my break.
Only if he's afflicted with Vampirism or in his devastation mode...
Yep, but unlike devastation mode, he can recognise friends and gesture for them to run away :P
I don't think Lycanthropy affects Nick actually XD
First off, I wanted to let you know I'm here and so are the others. You need to speak up. I'm fed up with fights and no one speaking. We all need to get along and make this place wholesome, fun and enjoyable. I don't want to know what happened but I'm here for you no matter what. We're bros for life and I love you. STOP being so damn stubborn and welcome back, bro. I missed Robert and I could never do what you've created with him. Just stick to what YOU want to write about and not worry about others.
Quote of the year. This made me laugh. I'm on break and there are people looking at me like DAFUQ. lol I love Gren and Robert's interactions. TTG needs to add a sibling for Gren because we'd get comedy gold like this.
This is also another reason why Emily never allows Gren in the kitchen. EVER. Although his description of her was rather touching. I'm assuming this is when the quads are younger, considering RJ and what not. I felt bad for Gren. He was only trying to make you eggs, Robert, although cereal sounds good right now, too.
I liked the part with the steak and eggs for some reason, too. VERY them. I look forward to more, Jacob and welcome home indeed. I missed Robert.
Oh my bad man! XD Glad to see someone has played Castlevania 64!
Kieron finally gets to see what life looks like from a different perspective!
It really is like a tribute to Nyx
It will haunt him and later on in another chapter of his story, will beckon him to come closer and return 
The shadow although not all that bad is Kierons new weapon, by using his own shadow he calls upon old memories sending him insane and letting madness fight for him, this can be good and bad
Although the prince has acknowledged Kieron for his strength he is still worried about Claire.
That's funny! XD They definitely will become close the farther they go on!
Kieron has a bad track record but he seems to be breaking fates chains one by one I see happiness for Kieron for once 
Thanks man!
Glad I could give you something to read on break! 
Oh okay!
At least he has some control of his mind to help his friends
Aw! Lol XD
Nah it's cool, man. gotta give you a hard time.
OH man! I look forward to that! Knowing it was a little tribute, well, left me with feels.
Well, knowing it can go either way, makes me a bit concerned and pleased at the same time, although I worry someone will figure that out and send the poor guy into a place he'd rather not go....I'm glad Claire is there for him in the end. They need that shoulder to cry on.
Awesome, dude! I can't wait like always!
(Yeah this is late but still)
I've only played Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow on the Gameboy (I still do from time to time actually...) So I'm going by the other comments that the white roses painted with blood is the Castlevania reference? On the Nintendo64?
I need to find more weaknesses for Nick :P
Some is the best word I think
I'm sure I'll think of something, maybe silver just affects him the same way that freshwater does? I guess that works
Brofist Lol! XD I'll try and find another refrence somewhere and see if you can get it
I already have an idea for it. But this part of the story will be long before I move onto the next battle for wonderland
It really is a double edged blade! Oh he will be pushed but Kieron for the most part is a new man, and when it comes to friends and family, nothing will stand in this man's way...even fate
Claire will be with him until the very end 
Additional Brofist Glad to hear man!
Yes there was a girl that had a flower pot and she would make white roses red. I think her name was Rose actually XD
Yeah Castlevania 64 was a very interesting game to be honest lol it was incredibly difficult but the story was well worth the trouble
Yeah that sounds about right XD Castlevania games like those things! XD
Aria of Sorrow was difficult, I first got the short ending where Soma doesn't become Dracula. I had no idea you needed to use 3 specific skills during your fight with Belmont to become Dracula, so I had to replay the whole game again!! XP
The line was long. Jocelyn had been lead to Fabletown all the way from Derek's house by his friend Callum, who never stopped talking for more than ten seconds at a time. She liked listening to the man's voice; somehow, it reassured her that she could still be normal, despite the consequences. He'd just gotten done talking about inflation on the Mundy Black Market when their names were summoned from the end of the hall. A series of grumbles and mumbling came from those around her, and she wondered what kind of creatures these people could be. Were they werewolves too? Did they have the same abilities as Derek? What else could there be? There was so little she knew about this world.
The moment she stepped through the creaky wooden door, she noticed how massive the interior of the office was. This was something she hadn't been expecting, but it was obvious that this wasn't Callum's first visit. His demeanor had changed drastically; going from happy-go-lucky to serious and slightly dark. She didn't know his history with any of this, and probably didn't want to know, either.
"Callum," A man with flowing brown hair said from across the room. His voice was a bit gravelly and it echoed off the bookshelves that were lined in countless rows a ways back behind the desk. There was also a woman with black hair and fair skin, who seemed to be looking down at stacks of paperwork. She must not be a part of this meeting.
The man started walking forward, one hand in his pocket while the other held a lit cigarette. But Jocelyn remembered seeing several signs prohibiting smoking in the building since they'd arrived. Why was he allowed to do it?
"Bigby Wolf." Callum said with mock sincerity. "Tell me, man. How ya' been doin'?"
"Alright, alright. You?" Bigby didn't actually seem genuinely interested either.
"Let's cut to the chase," Callum said. He rubbed the back of his stubbly shaven head and turned to face Jocelyn, who hadn't realized it, but she was slightly cowering behind Callum. This man, the one called Bigby, terrified her. It was as if she knew how powerful he really was. It was as if she could sense that he was above her by many tiers.
Bigby blew a puff of greyish smoke from his lips, and then squashed the cigarette into a nearby ashtray. He looked sleep deprived and grumpy, and Jocelyn forgot for a moment how to introduce herself.
"You gotta name?" He said, his eyebrow arching. She gulped down the fear and nodded softly.
"Jocelyn. Jocelyn Parks. I- Um..." She trailed off and her eyes went directly to the ground. This seemed to annoy Bigby considerably.
"Listen, kid," His voice wasn't angry, but it wasn't pleasant either. "I have a limited amount of time. I need you to stop acting like your a part of the furniture in here and speak up like you own the goddamn place. I've been informed you're a recently changed; You need to act like you're not. Understood?"
She nodded, a little stronger this time. Bigby lead here to a chair and gestured for her to have a seat.
"I'll just stand," Callum said, when Bigby didn't offer him one. "I don't mind." His expression said otherwise. Bigby rolled his eyes and pulled over a wooden dining chair from the nearby table and handed it to Callum. Callum sat begrudgingly.
"So, I need some more specifics," Bigby said. He had a clipboard in hand, a pencil in the other. He wrote down Jocelyn's name. She gave him her current home address, for the time being. Gave him the people she associates herself with, and other general information.
Then, came the hard part.
"How were you changed?" Bigby asked. He said it so casually, as if someone were to ask how the light changes at a stoplight. She squirmed in her chair a minute, her mind beginning to do that thing where it raced faster than she could process anything.
"I..." She began, but her eyes were wandering. Her mind felt like it was pounding, her heart-rate was increasing. "Well..."
The woman behind the desk across the room from them seemed to notice the struggle. "Bigby, you might want to ask a different question first. She seems like she's not comfortable with that question right now."
Bigby sighed, seemingly unable to argue with the woman. Which was strange, given his capability to do whatever he wanted.
"Alright. Lets do some simpler ones, and you can tells us whenever you're 'comforable', I guess."
Jocelyn nodded, more confidently. She sat up in the chair, folding her legs across one another. The itch to change suddenly surfaced, as if her inner wolf wanted to all of a sudden go frolick in a field and catch some small animals. She shuddered softly, blinked a bit faster, but listened for the next question.
"How long ago were you changed? Can you answer that one, at least?"
She nodded. "A week ago. I think. I don't know exactly..."
"Good enough for me," Bigby muttered to himself. "Do you have any affiliation with other Fables of your kind? Or other kinds?"
Fables. That's what she was now, wasn't she? She didn't really know what a Fable was. She was just familiar with what Derek was, and now what she was. What else was there? She really wanted to ask, and it must have been plain on her eyes as she took a minute to answer.
"I have a fiance," She said slowly. "His name is Derek Sharp."
Bigby narrowed his eyes. "How...long have you known him?"
"Three or so months," She replied, naturally. "We started dating when we met at a...party of sorts."
"Mmhm." Bigby said. He wrote something she said down. He cleared his throat and adjusted himself in the seat he was sat in. "Are you aware of our kind? Our origins, legends, and abilities?"
Thank god it was taking this turn. For once, she shook her head no.
Bigby's eyes looked over at Callum, who'd ages ago gotten bored of sitting and was now touching things he probably shouldn't have been touching, as well as flirting with the woman behind the desk. Jocelyn noticed a pang of jealousy written starkly across Bigby's face, and she felt herself smiling at the notion. She didn't think this man in front of her was capable of such human reactions.
"Callum," Bigby called. "I think our interview together is over. I have all we need, for now. Can you do me a favor and make sure she get's educated? We can't have another incident, can we?"
Callum narrowed his eyes, apparently understanding what Bigby meant. "I'll show her the ropes Big Dawg. She'll be an expert in no time. Right honey?" His smile returned, briefly as he looked in Jocelyn's direction. "While we're in this part of town, wanna see the huntin' grounds?"
Jocelyn's ears perked up at the last two words. Hunting. Her body seemed in a trance as she stood and slowly nodded her head. Yes, hunting. She wanted to hunt. She wanted to find something and prove herself. She smiled.
Derek hissed. He was cornered in an alleyway. How had they found him? He took a fighting stance, looking in all directions and using his senses to his benefit. There had to be at least five.
The first Ghoul attacked at his right. He ducked as the creature's fist came around and then he pulled it's leg out from beneath it. The ghoul shouted in surprise, and then the rest of them were at it, swinging to punch Derek in the face. All of his pent up anger was releasing it self in every blow he delivered. He smiled ruefully as he remembered his training in Krav Maga; an extremely dangerous form of martial arts.
In a good fifteen minutes, all five Ghouls were down for the count. He wiped his hands together, as if wiping off the dust on them.
Magnus was going to have to try harder than that.
He rounded the corner, looking up from in between two apartment buildings. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the air felt fresher than normal, so he took slightly less caution then usual as he walked down the center of the street. It was mostly deserted. Mostly.
Alistair stood on the corner, his hands pocketed in a waist coat fairly out of place for this time period. He was always the archaic sort, and even let his hair go greyer than the average century old vampire. He was like a shadow against the brick building, his head peaking precariously out of the coat's neckline.
"It's about time," His thick English accent cut the silence. Derek reached the corner and looked at his friend, a blank expression forming across his face. Alistair sighed.
"You can't fool me, boy. I know you more than you think. You're upset about....well, I don't have the faintest clue why, really. But you are, I can tell it in the creases of your brow."
Derek silently cursed his inability to mask all emotion yet. He breathed his own sigh, and opened his mouth to speak. "It's Jocelyn."
"What about her? Are you having commitment issues? Realized you won't be spending the rest of your life with her because she's mortal, finally?"
"That's the thing," Derek said uneasily. "She's not mortal. Not anymore."
"You bloody gone and changed now, didn'y-ya?!" Alistair said it shockingly and with a tinge of anger. "What's bloody wrong with you? You know-"
"I didn't change her," Derek said defensively. His eyes narrowed on his friend, and he crossed his arms. "It...she's not a vampire.."
Alistair was speechless. He cleared his throat a bit, looking down the street both ways. "She...what is she then?"
Derek stared at Alistair long and hard. He fought back his emotions as much as he could, but in the end, it was futile. He gave a frustrated sigh, tugging at the neck of his tie-die t-shirt. He noticed a bit of Ghoul blood on it, but shrugged it off. It blended with the colors anyway. "She's been turned into a werewolf. A fucking wolf, for Christ's sake! They could have made her a warlock- or, or a...I don't fucking no! Anything but that..."
Alistair put his hand on Derek's shoulder supportively. The men saw eye to eye on this subject very well.
Vampires and Werewolves didn't mix. It was a natural instinct to hate one another. It was a natural instinct not to be capable of love for one another. And yet, he still loved her, still loved her with all his heart. Why did it even bother him then? Maybe it was the fact that she didn't seem like she felt the same way toward him any longer. Not after the change. And he couldn't blame her. They needed time. Time and healing...
"I think you should talk with her. Set...boundaries....I don't know. I've never been romantic with wolves, but I've seen a rare few who mingled closely. Remember Maxine?"
Derek remembered her very well. She was Alistair's cousin. She'd been turned a vampire when she was young, only a teenager. Derek vaguely remembered her dating a wolf boy, but he didn't ever pay much attention to how they made it work or if it even worked at all. He hadn't seen either of them in years, they could very well be their separate ways or dead, or worse. He shuddered softly.
"Just stay strong, Derek. I know you can get through this. You're the kindest man I know."
"I appreciate it."
"And Derek?" Alistair looked genuinely concerned. "Stay away from these parts. I know Magnus is still after you. I can smell the ghoul blood from here."
"I can manage myself, Alistair. I can-" But he didn't know what else to say. He pulled from under Alistair's grip and turned to head back.
Alistair called back one last time. "Stay safe! Above all, for the sake of yourself and the sake of that girl you've got. She needs you more than you think!"
And with that, Derek disappeared in the shadows, like a blown out flame.
I was busy yesterday, so here's your chapter today ^-^ Hope you like it, I've been reading some of everyone else's, and I have to say, you guys are all doing phenomenal! Keep it up! Any questions, don't hesitate
I love you mucho grande, Chad. I already told you my plan, so there is no need to repeat.
I missed my Robert, Grendel and all the wonderful adventures these two will have.
Oh Bigby XD You never gain patience do you? But that's why we all love you! XD I really like Callum! He's so cheery and great!
Derek really is in a sticky situation, he'll have to try and make this work or will this turn out into a Lycan and Vampire war?
I can't wait for more!
I read this earlier but had to put Emily down for bed time.
Anyways, I love Jocelyn and her naive personality. Wait, naive is a wrong word....'curious' personality about the world she was brought into. I'm in love with her and she's a breath of fresh air to this little situation.
Callum is indeed a well thought, cool, calm and collected guy but for how long...Also, I'm not surprised by Bigby's reaction, although he did seem a bit harsh at times but I guess it comes to the territory of a mundy turning into a Vampire. Plus, I love how the seperate creatures mind their own; Vampires over here and Werewolves over there! XD
Derek is in a bit of a jam at the moment; this Maxine sounds like trouble, Alistair too and we all know of Magnus. I can be wrong, though...
I look forward to more!
This was an interesting chapter.
Bigby being gruff as always, I was hoping that he and Snow would already be a thing in this Challenge, alas no such luck. But you stay away from Snowbunny Callum! She ain't got the eyes for YOUR hairy ass anyways...
I don't normally like reading or watching stuff where normal people are introduced to a supernatural world, cuz I expect everyone to already know what's going on :P But at least Bigby has made Callum Jocelyn's tutor, so I bet she'll be well educated about the Fable world soon enough.
Though, if Wolves and Vampires don't mix, then maybe Jocelyn's little crush on Callum is more than just a crush
Poor Derek if this turns out to be true...
Oh and Derek with his Krav Maga, that was awesome! An Israeli self-defence art that focuses on using speed and attacking weak points to incapacitate opponents, usually with repeated attacks to the groin
Man I wouldn't want to get on Derek's bad side! XP
I look forward to more! XD
She will. XD
You do!
Oh, being in Celeste's bad-books is definitely not a good thing!
I look forward to hearing!
All it takes is practice (hopefully) XD At the moment there roughly at least one post a day from me; I don't mind if you don't have them time to read them or anything, I appreciate you reading the first one. 
Well, if it's as confusing as Infinite's ending then at least it's all out confusing and not just a little. XD As things are, it's unlikely anything from that future will feature much in the rest of the story, so it's not too important.
There's maybe about five or six of us but we can choose what we want to do; some of them have kids and things so there are times they're not free, and I've been trying to cover those.
The three judges were named Minos, Rhadamanthus and Aeacus some time ago during the times of the Greeks and Romans. Over the years, however, the three brothers were replaced by their oldest daughters Agda, Nadia and Jacomina. Each represented something of the past, present and future and judged those based apon their actions in their previous life once they entered the Underworld.
Today, however, the women led Vivian and Emily into a small Temple just beyond the gates of the Underworld Kingdom. Surprisingly, the location was not a pit full of fire and brinstone; each soul that was granted access to the Underworld lived in small communities. Above the city, however, was the Castle to Hades and his loyal companion, Valeo. The ladies snickered, passing by the iron gates.
"Hades lives up there, my ladies but I'm sure thee has known of this before."
"Is he here now?" Emily taps the gates with her fist. "I have not seen him since the war and-"
"No more speaking!" Nadia faces Emily. "We shall speak of him only when needed. Hades has his own mission in this world and we shall not intervine with his and-"
"WOOT fookin' mission!?" Emily's crossbow glims against the fire. "Ya' ain't taken my Viviana or any of the other children! Ya' fookin' hear me!?"
The three women laugh. Agda pulls the arrow down. "Does thou not trust the fates thy sees before her own eyes? I assure thee that Hades shall not bring harm to miss Viviana, for she is the key to this Underworld. Thy daughter is the gatekeeper. Obedient friend to Hades, loyal to her position and shall become the mistress thy seeks to rule this kingdom."
"My Viviana is...." Emily stands against a beam. "No. But...he has a wife and-"
"HAD a wife." Agada holds up her finger. "Hades HAD a wife and she was the most beautiful soul we'd ever seen grace the presence of this land. So many wished to be in her position. To roam free among the dead, while thee slumbers in the tears and sorrows of those punished souls. She was the most radiant and loving person to ever cross paths with a God such as Hades. He was greedy, conniving and ready to strike thee down with a single gleam in his eye."
"Woot happened ta' her?" Emily and Vivian continue to follow the women into a run down hut. "I always thought he was-"
"Nope." Jacomina locks the heavy wooden doors. "Persephone was distracted by the power. She allowed her heart and soul to be consumed with so much knowledge and the power. She was pleased with every outcome and many began to FEAR the woman, rather then appreciate and respect. Before long, Persephone made a deal with the Devil himself to forever be the ultimate source of power and forever live among the mortals for all eternity. She nearly took this kingdom from Hades until he came to his senses and sadly sent the women into the pits of grief, where she has become nothing but shreds of what she once was."
"Fa fook sakes, man!" Emily glares at the women. "My fookin' daughter will NOT be his, if this is her fookin' outcome! I won't allow it!"
Agda shakes her head. Removing her right eye, the object floats in front of Emily and Vivian. It shows the world above, just as Emily left it; the war was still continuing, as they searched high and low for any signs of Carla. The images fade to black, then it returns with Gren. Although there was anguish in his eyes, he remained strong, as an Alpha should. Emily noticed Dahlia and the quads; beside them, Nick and Hades each took their turn explaining something to Gren. Each time they spoke, he would nod.
"Woot are they doin?" Emily points to her husband and children. "I don't want them ta' fight anymore. Please. Can't ya' stop this...."
"We can't." Jacomina grabs the eye and holds it over her head. "We are the fates that see into the future. Absorb the wisdom. Knowledge and distribute little by little to those that wish to know some but just enough. I can only tell you this, Emily. Your husband has more to him then just the beast from Beowulf. His background is rich with power and strength. He can and will be able to defend and protect. Once he's proven himself a TRUE Alpha, then you shall be free and once again roam the Earth with your husband and children. But that is all on Grendel now."
"But....my children." Emily touches her belly. "The pregnancy is foreva' gone now. I-"
"Who said!?" Nadia pokes Emily's stomach. "They're in there alright! Those little angels are something. Have both you AND Grendel to think for that."
"They!?" Emily covers her face. "OH MY-Vivian! Did ya' hear that!? My babies are alive AND there is more then one!" Emily grabs Nadia's dress. "Woot are they? Do ya' know?"
"We all do but that is something we'd like for you and Gren to discover. TRUST me. He'll have his babies soon enough. Time down here goes a lot faster then up there. Why, look at you now, Emily."
Emily peers down. Her stomach was now petruding enough to show she was either four or five months pregnant. Vivian kneels, presses her ear against Emily's stomach and hears the turning and moving of the children.
"What the hell is this?" Vivian looks over. "She was barely a month when we left Fabletown. What is this?"
"Again, time is a lot quicker here if you're not dead. You stay the same but certain actions speed up. Almost like, we're fast forwarding THEIR time. We can not control living souls. That is against our rules, so they are sort of taking control right now of their own until their daddy comes to rescue you all."
"And Vivian? Woot happens ta' her? She-"
Jacomina takes an Apple, bites down and chews loudly. A little green worm pokes his head out. "I'll tell thee this, my lady. Vivian is FOREVER your guardian angel. Until the day thee passes on, she is there. Vivian is here because you're here. She is still protecting, still guiding and will forever be there for thee."
Vivan gleamed with delight. "I'm.....I'm not losing my Emily or title? But, I failed-"
"No, you never failed, Vivian. Sometimes as guardians, you must sit back and watch your assigned soul tumble, fall but dust themselves off. Emily has now dusted herself and we carry on from there."
Emily grasps upon her quickly growing babies. "When will Gren get here?"
Agda smiles, leaning over a boiling pot. Grabbing the eye, she cracks a crooked smile. "When he has accepted the truth, you shall be set free once more. There is STILL one person that he needs to hear from the most."
"I'm so sorry, Gren." Robert lays his hand on Gren's shoulder. "I...I had no idea she was-"
Gren, shirtless and siting on a chair, winces with every jab of the needle. Isaiah did his best to sew the arm back to Gren's body. The gold was slowly fading; if he managed to snap it back and in time, the power within would remain and Gren could continue to use it. Drinking an ice cold Dr. Pepper, Gren stares deeply at his brother. The quads, all sitting on the foot of the stairs, watched their father. Viviana and Chloe held one another tightly, as Seraphina chewed on her thumb and Liam remained silent. He was feeling the exact remorse as his father. He had Carla. They all did and allowed fear to creep in and take their power down. wiping his eyes, Liam kicks the wall and continues to listen.
Gren and Robert's eyes never met. He could not look at his brother. He knew Carla was crafty but not enough to mask Robert's true feelings as such. He'd become a monster out in the fields. Agian, Robert attempts to contact his brother. Gren was lost and focused on what needed to be
done. He still had a chance. Hope, in bringing his Emily home.
"OW! Fuck Isaiah. Easy." Gren curls his lips. "That shit hurts..."
"Sorry Gren." Isaiah continues to sew. "Just a few more inches on your skin and this thing will be good as new."
"Stupid, if you ask me." Gren takes a sip. "I mean, do I REALLY need this motherfuckin' thing to take down that bitch?"
Isaiah rolls his eyes. "Yes, Gren. You need this arm. It's a part of you and what the final piece requires of you. Mom would NOT have come to me in a dream to make this for you, if it was not needed."
Robert clears his throat. "I didn't know, Gren. I-"
Gren stands up, knocking both Isaiah and the chair down. He restrains Robert along the walls, eyes focused.
"YOU have so much hate in your heart, you fuckin' stand there and tell ME I'm not meant to have father's place. You allowed that bitch to take you over! You wanted to RAPE my wife. You fucking bastard...I could have SAVED her but you decided to play soldier...."
"Gren-" Robert struggles against his brother's grip. "Don't...I'm sorry! I did not think she would fucking DO that to me! I was fine I-"
Gren pushes Robert into the wall. "You say an Alpha. Protector...FATHER is about strength. I've learned a great deal in this fuckin' short amount of time then I ever could in the years spent on his planet. I have and always will be, the one you bow down to. I'm not the man either of you wanted me to fuckin' be. Your upset because you allowed someone like Carla to take control of you. FUCK off, Robert. Sorry will never cover the damage done today! Sorry will NOT bring back my wife or erase the minds of my children or those that witnessed a battle that fuckin' bitch created under our fuckin' noses. You are my brother but I will NEVER be afraid of you."
Robert's laughter roars in the kitchen. "ME, afraid of you, Grendel? That will never fucking happen! What you advertised today was nothing more then fluffing your feathers and looking for trouble. None of this WOULD be happening, if this fucking town did their job in keeping us safe. But you-you will NEVER be what dad was! You won't have the same respect as he did, for I'm not sorry about Carla. I'm sorry Emily had to PAY for your mistakes! I'm-"
Gren did not allow Robert to finish. His left fist slammed into Robert's cheek. Several droplets of blood soaked Gren's fist and few landed on the floor.
"STOP!" Isaiah places himself before his brothers. The smell of the blood making his vision blurry. "Just...STOP! You both need to put this bullshit beside you and come to an agreement-we NEED to save Emily and take Carla down. I'm no better. I've had my moments with you both and kept my distance. We've all made mistakes. But I WILL not lose either of you to this bullshit! This is why we became estranged for so long. NEITHER of us want to admit...."
"Admit WHAT, Isaiah!?" Robert's teeth now rows of fangs, his skin a light gray. "What are you saying?"
"Admit that this foolish bullshit needs to end and we move forward from here. No more past. No more Homelands. Nothing like that. I'm tired of hiding. Tired of running. I can no longer stand by and watch you pull one another apart! Dad is not here, Robert, so stop trying to fill his shoes. We all need to pull together and work through this! We need to stop Carla and bring back Emily before it's too late."
Robert sighs heavily, rubbing his neck. "Fine, Isaiah. You're right." He looks over at Gren. "I'm....I'm so sorry, Gren. For everything..."
"It's fine, Robert." Gren scratches his face, glancing at the children. "I'm through fuckin' fightin' with you. I just want this to be over with."
"Yeah. Me too...."
Isaiah claps. "Well then. We need to get a move on. Aunt Dahlia will tell you the rest. Snow White and twins found some documents on the power you'll need in order to find Emily. I'm going to need Junior and Michelle, too."
"What is Junior and Michelle going to do for me?"
"Michelle will assist you with the Dark magic and Junior is capable of cloning himself. His shadows will guide you as well. He's the one that knows more about lurking then any of us."
"And the children?" Gren peers over; all four huddled together in anticipation. "What about them?"
"Rosie will watch them. We can't risk them, especially Viviana. We need to go NOW, Gren. There is not much time. You need to accept this. CERTAINTY. Remember that...."
Gren nods, heading over to his children. He picks them up one by one; Viviana tries to fly but immediatly drops against the floor. Tears pour from her eyes. Gren scoops his distraught daughter into his arms and rocks all four. It broke his heart to hear their whimpers and feel their tears dripping against his face, neck and chest. Leaning against the wall, Gren wanted to join them and drown in sorrow but he needed to be strong for them. He'd get Emily back for all of them. He was Alpha. Stronger then ever before. He always was.
Chloe looks up, touching Gren's arm. "Daddy, is mommy coming back or is she gone like grandpa Thomas?"
Gren inhales. "I'm going to go get mommy, you hear me? All of you! I promise I'll bring mommy home."
"We can help, daddy!" Beaming, Liam raises his hand. "We can all help you! We-"
"No!" Gren's thundering voice caused all the children and those around to pause. "I will not lose either of you, too! I want you to listen and stay with Rosie and Woody until daddy can fix this and bring mommy home! The bad lady will be punished for what she did, do you four understand me? STAY with Rosie. Don't leave the apartment! That is an order."
Gren knew that must have pricked. The girls seemed devestated and all Liam could do was stare into Gren's eyes. Although he wanted to brush their worries and tears away, he knew what needed to be done. He could not risk losing his children. No more deaths except for Carla's in his own hands. Gren could taste her fears and the pleas she'd send him. Gren no longer cared. Carla would perish under the weight of her own mess, topped with a fuming Grendel and city of Fables waiting to take a whack. Kissing each of the quads on the head, Gren hands them off to
Although she wished to participate in the battle, her younger siblings needed to hide until the dust settled. Woody promised to keep them safe and in return, offered his beloved axe to Gren. Handing the item over, Gren tried pushing it back. He knew how much that silly item meant to
Woody but there was no room for the answer being no; Woody placed the object on the table and embraced Gren.
"We're in this together, Gren." Woody pats Gren on the chest. "I'm here for you, now and always. Fucking take that with you. She needs a good killing. Give one for us."
Gren takes the axe, holds it tightly and smiles. "You know I will, Woody. Thanks...."
Walking out the door, Rosie, Woody and the children head to the vehicle. So many worried faces. Each Elf and Grendel mourned beyond the hills and walls of the home. Georgie, on the phone with Lyla, remained on his knees near the spot Emily perished in. Rosie had to turn the quads away from this; it broke Rosie's spirit to hear Georgie mourn and beg for God to take him instead. Lyla must have been doing the same thing.
Katie and the Wolves were gone. Rosie was sure they were hunting Carla down along the outskirts of town and nearby woods. Junior had every shadow and figure searching the grounds, returning every five minutes with some form of news. Michelle, standing near the mailbox, said not a single word. Her eyes glued to the distant city, fists clutched tightly and breathing shallow. Rosie knew that look; she'd read stories and legends on Dark himself and Michelle had the identical look of determination. Something no man would ever take away.
Driving off, Rosie did her best to comfort the children. All but one cried; Viviana peered out the window and watched every living soul pass her by. Rosie was nervous, for she had the exact look Emily did when she was lost in thought.
Any questions, you know the drill. Wanted to get a chap down before work. Emily had me up early but I don't mind.
Was super busy yesterday! Cable guy showed up around 1 and got everything hooked up. I'm in love with this city, can I tell you what! Graduate in four weeks!! Thank God the professor understood and although the drive will be tough, we'll make it work! Also, got my classes for the fall here at the Art Institute. Will attempt to post another chapter for the challenge this weekend if I can. Hope your weeks are going pretty well, too!
Hey everyone!
So, my 2 bets officially begin tomorrow and don't end until June 1st; I cannot buy ANYTHING from SubWay, and I cannot buy any junk food from anywhere. The exception to this rule is if we go out for a meal, then I can have what I like, but I will still try and make 'healthier' decisions like no dessert.
I've been trying out these bets since last week, the lack of food is giving me the munchies, but it's not too bad tbh. The real killer is the exercise I do every morning! 20 Marine push-ups, 20 sit-ups and 20 squats, the push-ups alone tire me out...
A Marine push-up (for those that don't know) is done by keeping your palms as close to your chest as possible, it makes your triceps and pectorals work a lot harder to push you back up, and I have to take a quick breather after just 10!
Wish me luck guys, I'll keep you posted from week to week :P
Marine push-ups are great for working core strength, I do weights and swimming at the gym as well, though I really should get on a treadmill for once :P
I'm treating myself to a big Domino's pizza right now, one last taste of junk before I start
Good luck, my good man! Those Marine pushups are something I could never do. Give me a treadmill and weights any day. :P It all sounds difficult but you can do this!
Can't wait to hear what happens week by week!
I love swimming; a lot of people don't consider that a workput but it really does work on your legs, arms and muscles along the stomach.
And damn you. Before I leave work, too. That sounds good now. I know what I want for dinner tonight...lol Great choice, man! I love Domino's!
I LOVE swimming, anything involving water is fun to me :P
I'm gonna be sick after I eat this... XD
Celeste although not like Claire can be quite bad when it comes to punishments XD
I can't wait to start
I've been keeping up! They give you some pretty good titles, especially the most recent one XD that one looked funny! XD
Hey man this will be no sweat, you got this! I've been doing marine push ups since I was young, and yes they are very very rough! But I just find a rhythm and they get a little less rough! Good luck man! :P
You doing Marine push-ups explains why when YOU hit someone, they don't get back up quickly! XP
Thnx for the vote of confidence dude
This was so good! The underworld part was very interesting, like Emily I too hope Viviana doesn't go to Hades. And the feels hit again, Gren man you have become so strong my good man. The fight between Robert and Gren hurt but they seem like they have worked it out for now, and when Gren spoke to his children I too was shocked but it had to be done
This was awesome as usual man!
I have my grandpa to thank for that
That dude punches holes in walls no problem XD
No problem man!
That's funny, cuz I'm watching Kill Bill Vol.2 atm and learning to punch through inches thick wood is quite a thing in this movie :P
My strength comes through weight lifting though, and I'm of a mesomorphic build anyways
You're a dork and I love you for it! See you when you get home, man!
I also wanted to apologies to you, EMMY for my selfish ways and know that I have read and liked your stories. No need to explain. Just take it and run.
Jocelyn is indeed in a world she did not ask for and honestly, Bigby may have been a bit much but for his own damn good reasons. I'm assuming Jocelyn liked Callum. He's the Vampire, right? I know she just turned into a Werewolf and they seem to be hostile towards one another, so I also wonder how this will play out with the two seperate creatures. So Magnus is the ghoul? Wasn't he a Vampire, too or am I thinking of something else?
I don't trust Alistair. Something is telling me he's playing Derek and the others as fools. Pawns to Magnus' plans but I've done that before. Accused someone of something and it turns out, not even close. Well, either way I look forward to more.
Oh yeah XD I remember those movies now that you mention them XP
Ah that's interesting, I don't know what build I have XD
This was a wonderful chapter to read before me and little miss Emily hit the road and go grocery shopping.
I found the Underwolrd to be interesting, too. It has communities. Are those for the lost souls and those that remain behind? So, is this like 'limbo' for certain people, Fables included?
Man. Isaiah is the peace keeper between his brothers. Almost like Calla.
That moment between Gren and Robert was intense. Both are so powerful in their own ways, that when they collide, this happens. I was screaming for Robert to stop, stand back and let Gren BE the Alpha. Those words Gren spoke were hard to swallow but he's right. Poor Liam, though. He blames himself.....:(
I adore Rosie and I have this feeling she and the quads are going to do something, especially since Viviana seems to be secretly thinking of a plan. And Woody. That was noble of him.
Gren's speech to the kids was hard, too but I can understand where he's coming from. He lost Emily and THINKS the unborn babies (so excited! There is more then one!!!!) so he has to protect what he's got. And Michelle. I have a bad feeling about this....:(
Jesus, pie...:'( That hit me hard. And so early in the morning. Shit....Georgie and Lyla have gone through so much shit, together and alone, yet they always remain whole and strong.
Go get 'em, Gren! BRING our Emily back!!! Awesome, dude, as always!
Hey good luck, Hman! I love sit-ups and squats! The pushups, not so much. I wish for the best and I know it will be hard at first but stay focused, believe and you'll make it!
Not the pain! Please, I go to the gym to look cute doing my squats in my sweatpants that say 'juicy' on the butt and my PINK shirt from Victoria Secrets. XD