Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited April 2015

    Never mind it loaded .

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You need to have a gravatar account linked to the email account you use for these forums.

  • Kek

    Don't you mean that you hella want episode 3?

  • Yeah.

    ClementineTheGirl is that Kanade Tachibana from Angel Beats?

  • Since we got some info,he might tell us what's happening,from beginning like Max is getting a message at night... etc and thingy for there was a theory,since we are in school at night time and it's night time in menu.And then he can show us a video,and release date,just like at panel.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    So... it might only be released between the 20th and the 22nd of May, or the 26th or 27th?

  • Yeah. I guess I was just hoping it would come out sooner. :/

    Well, it might be released on the 22nd, during or at the end of their keynote.

    Since we got some info,he might tell us what's happening,from beginning like Max is getting a message at night... etc and thingy for there w

  • Ms. puzzlebox? :О

    You're here?

    Oh, I know what you love this game very-very too :)

    Me too. My 2-nd favorite!

    1-st "The Walking Dead" - FOREVER ;)

    puzzlebox posted: »

    I've seen enough Rhys/Vaughn fan art to know that people DEFINITELY ship guys too...

  • I know that when you come to Dana in episode 2, is playing this song?

    But I think I've heard that it can play another song. Depending on your decisions?

  • Thanks :)

    torkahn808 posted: »


  • edited May 2015
    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    I know that when you come to Dana in episode 2, is playing this song? But I think I've heard that it can play another song. Depending on

  • edited May 2015

    Hmm.....I don't know what to say about this.

    Alt text

  • edited May 2015

    There is nothing to make of it. It's good to see that person, albeit with another name change, is still slagging off Telltale every chance they get despite 'apparently liking their games', even though they once said a monkey can play their games.

    The person is also kidding themselves when they say choices matter more. There might be more differences than in telltale's stuff, but the developers are on record as saying that everyone will still see the same overall story. They said a better analogy to use rather than branching would be vines, as in 'plenty of vines, but they all lead to the same path'.

    If anything fulfills what people want in terms of interactive stories (I'm discounting other genres like RPGs here, though Alpha Protocol and Witcher 2 are good choices), it's possibly Dreamfall Chapters. From what I remember, a good chunk of book 1 is exclusive, based on a choice. I haven't played all of book 2 however. If visual novels are liked, Cinders might be worth a look at too. I've not completed that however, so my impressions could be wrong. Also, while I've not played all of episode 2 yet for Life is Strange (which is odd and I should rectify that), I don't believe there have been any proper puzzles that might give you pause with the exception of that diner scene. I haven't played that yet, stopping as Max arrives there, but from a playthrough I saw, it didn't seem difficult as far as I remember? And my memory could be faulty. Dreamfall Chapters is certainly a much better choice for puzzles if that's what people want though.

    Anyway, this isn't to slam Life is Strange. It's a good game, but the person shouldn't be listened to. And honestly, the answer to that person's whole argument regarding the wait times is simply 'crap sometimes happens and every company/game is different'. Much like every story is different, where some might be easy to write, yet others are a pain.And I fail to see why the person wants Telltale to change their formula. It's like asking for a writer to not use words or for a movie maker to not rely on pictures as all we're doing is essentially watching a movie/tv show, albeit one where we occasionally walk around and make dialog choices. (Though I can understand people wanting them to make more games like Sam and Max again. In that case, I'd just say to try and find another company. Daedalic, for instance, has quite a lot of adventure titles, though their recent Dark Eye games have moved into the turn based RPG genre.)

    Anyhow, I'm not going to waste more time talking about that person or their posts.

    On another note, Life is Strange episode 3 is due out on Tuesday? At least that's what I read. I don't know if the source is valid or not.

    Hmm.....I don't know what to say about this.

  • What's there to say? Ultron is clearly not a fan of Telltale. And now he fears what will happen in 2017.

    Hmm.....I don't know what to say about this.

  • edited May 2015
    1. Choices dont matter, as of yet at all. They just dont. They do bring up dialogue a lot more sure but there is no direct effect on where the narrative goes, you still experience all the same scenes. Kate is determinant and now it will be seen how much a role she plays though I'm guessing she will be in hospital for the majority or off camera. I mean Kate can jump even if you've been perfect with her up to that moment or not jump even if you've tret her like crap

    2. The time to complete an episode doesnt matter.Quality over quantity. I have to admit I prefer the telltale game stories to high school simulator 2015

    3. ....Okay....sure. I guess I dont really look at the life is strange output from their team but its not like it takes that long to come out here.

    4. Yeah I loved looking for those bottles, the highlight of my gaming life. Seriously I hate puzzles and its all on your viewpoint

    5. Because there different? Seriously so what if they made their own franchise great you dont have to trash other ones other people make. Also if you think a time rewinding kid is a new idea then it isnt.

    And whats funny is I agree with what he says telltale should interact more and the definatley should be working on making choice matter more but this game doesnt do that either.But I wouldnt trash the game in comparison to other games just itself.

    Lastly wow this person seems bitter

    Hmm.....I don't know what to say about this.

  • edited May 2015

    That's about the only thing they're right about. That Telltale should communicate more. I also agree that choices mattering more would be great. Though I believe it has been said that Telltale don't communicate very well because there was a commotion on the forums quite a while ago? I believe it was a mod who said that, in which case, if it's true . . . it's pretty much some of the 'community's fault', whether past, present, or both.

    And that person isn't just bitter. There are quite a few words that could be used, some quite colorful and french, with more being said.

    * Choices dont matter, as of yet at all. They just dont. They do bring up dialogue a lot more sure but there is no direct effect on where th

  • Thanks! =)

    Music plays a randomly? What determines that it is changing?

    Nope. and the 2nd one

  • And that person isn't just bitter. There are quite a few words that could be used, some quite colorful and french, with more being said.

    Yeah but that doesnt help it is just their view. A biased aggressive view but still. I'm sure I could think of dozens of ways to insult them but that wouldnt help, I'm not angry at them why would I be? Its their opinion on a game

    Rob_K posted: »

    That's about the only thing they're right about. That Telltale should communicate more. I also agree that choices mattering more would be gr

  • Yipes, is it really that hard to just enjoy both games without constantly trash talking one over the other. Let Life is Strange stand on it's own two damn feet instead of comparing it to TT's work or do fans want "Life is Strange" to be referred to as "the game that tried to copy The Walking Dead"? (I'm not insulting LIS, just saying, I see it has the potential to be something good). Also did people forget that there are choose your choice games before TT did it?

    Hmm.....I don't know what to say about this.

  • edited May 2015

    Wish I could say the same, though saying I'm 'angry' wouldn't be correct. I'm pretty unemotional, but I do think the person's an arse. Partly because they have no respect for someone's work when criticisng, if I remember correctly, and because they're . . . well, just a troll, someone who cannot read and I'd be surprised if they have many brain cells, unless english is not their first language. But the main reason is the person has accused me of being a liar in the past and said I stated things I haven't when they themselves have lied. And well, I might be a few things, like stubborn, think I know stuff about a few different topics, but I'm not a liar. (I post there under a different username). Mostly, it just amazes me the amount of hate or whatever you want to call it that people can have towards a game.

    Anyhow, getting off-topic. Sorry. But that person really needs a life. Not that I have one, but I'm not constantly posting hate or, rather, trolling on the internet. They come off as someone who'd walk up to you in a store, as a total stranger, and just start ranting about a product. But then I think that of most who try to shove their opinions off on others as facts and not nicely.

    Edit: Also, you should check out the user's reviews for Borderlands, GoT and Life is Strange. Life is Strange simply gets 'really good game', while GoT and Borderlands are complained about in three or so paragraphs. While I'm glad they were given thumbs up, heaven knows why with those 'reviews'.

    And that person isn't just bitter. There are quite a few words that could be used, some quite colorful and french, with more being said.

  • I aprove of this i was seriously let down by telltale with s2 of walking dead and i really feel life is strange is just as good (better in some ways worst in others ) as TWD S1 but LIS id defenitly light years ahead of TWD S2. In LIS i feel like my choices really matter even if just small dialogue i feel rewarded when something nice i did is brought up later in telltale's games this stuff doesnt exist . And yes the bottle puzzle wasnt the best but thats just because there was this one bottle was impossible to find besides that searching trough that open area and interacting with things was amazing as were all the other puzzles.TT had pretty much zero puzzles in S2 of the walking dead and from what ive seen the same goes for GOT. I just hope s3 of the walking dead is good or telltale will be in trouble with alot of fans and i know some of you liked the more simple aproach to season 2 but alot of us didnt and we want puzzles and hubs back in our games.

    Hmm.....I don't know what to say about this.

  • He could have wrote his points without sounding so bitter.

    In my opinion, there are no superiors. I play both Telltale Games and Life is Strange. Why can't we enjoy both games?

    Hmm.....I don't know what to say about this.

  • Not to mention that grammar and punctuation barely exists in his post. Seriously. It's not that hard.

    He could have wrote his points without sounding so bitter. In my opinion, there are no superiors. I play both Telltale Games and Life is Strange. Why can't we enjoy both games?

  • Well fuck you too Ultron. Aren't you supposed to fight with Avengers or something?

    Hmm.....I don't know what to say about this.

  • Life Is Strange> TWD S1> TWD S2

    In my opinion atleast. I love Both but I just love the feel of LIS more. It feels more realistic(besides the time powers xD)

  • Amazing job @torkahn808 :)

    You have a talant ;)

    Alt text

  • What'd I do? :P??

    Those look great btw.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Amazing job @torkahn808 You have a talant

  • Sorry :)

    I thought it was you :D

    Alt text

    torkahn808 posted: »

    What'd I do? :P?? Those look great btw.

  • high school simulator 2015

    I always preferred Hipster Simulator 2015, but that works too. And I agree with everything you said, especially with the choices and puzzles.

    Also, @Rob_K, is this the person who I think it is?

    * Choices dont matter, as of yet at all. They just dont. They do bring up dialogue a lot more sure but there is no direct effect on where th

  • It looks good, but the only problem I have with this picture, is that Warren is supposed to have a black eye on his right eye.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Sorry I thought it was you

  • Lol, I wish.,.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Sorry I thought it was you

  • Soon...

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Any word on episode 3?

  • Any word on episode 3?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Apparently there might be some information during the NG15 conference from May 20th-22nd.

    As a bonus, Guilbert will also reveal details about the highly anticipated Episode 3: Chaos Theory of Life Is Strange, which will very likely be released during the conference.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Any word on episode 3?

  • I'm going to guess that it might be released on the 22nd, since their keynote is on that day.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Apparently there might be some information during the NG15 conference from May 20th-22nd.

  • 22nd? More like May 26th imo. If that's true, it'll make for a very interesting May if -

    Tales Ep3 - May 12th

    Thrones Ep4 - May 19th

    Life is Strange Ep3 - May 26th

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm going to guess that it might be released on the 22nd, since their keynote is on that day.

  • Hipster Simulator 2015

    Thats just perfect

    high school simulator 2015 I always preferred Hipster Simulator 2015, but that works too. And I agree with everything you said, especially with the choices and puzzles. Also, @Rob_K, is this the person who I think it is?

  • The only thing that makes me think May 22nd could be it, is the:

    will very likely be released during the conference.

    But yeah, May is looking like it'll be a great month for episodic games. Too bad June will probably be a dry month.

    22nd? More like May 26th imo. If that's true, it'll make for a very interesting May if - Tales Ep3 - May 12th Thrones Ep4 - May 19th Life is Strange Ep3 - May 26th

  • edited May 2015

    There will be #E3 :)

    And Telltale show us something ;)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    The only thing that makes me think May 22nd could be it, is the: will very likely be released during the conference. But yeah, May is looking like it'll be a great month for episodic games. Too bad June will probably be a dry month.

  • edited May 2015


    If you're meaning me, I'm David on there. Just a pen name this.

    If you're meaning the person I love, then 'Blow Place Down'. Went by at least one other name as well. Jackal, 'I think'.

    high school simulator 2015 I always preferred Hipster Simulator 2015, but that works too. And I agree with everything you said, especially with the choices and puzzles. Also, @Rob_K, is this the person who I think it is?

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