The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • "If you're reading this it's too late" - comingsoon

    He can't comment on the forum for some reason ,_,

  • I can't even view my notifications.

    Along with my notifications stuck at 91 for more than half a year now, I'm noticing that I'm not getting notified for some of the replies I

  • Tell him to use an app called Photon Browser on his phone.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    "If you're reading this it's too late" - comingsoon He can't comment on the forum for some reason ,_,

  • It's definitely a good movie if you are into action movies. I'm not much of a comic person, but I really liked The Avengers though.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Apparently I'm going to see a movie with a couple of people from school tomorrow, and I didn't know about it until my friend that has a birt

  • You are right, this IS amazing.

    This is amazing.

  • me too

    I can't even view my notifications.

  • I don't like superhero comics either, but I did like the last one, so I guess it'll be good.

    It's definitely a good movie if you are into action movies. I'm not much of a comic person, but I really liked The Avengers though.

  • Oh, you're seeing the new one? I thought you meant the first Avengers. I still hope to see the second Avengers myself sometime.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I don't like superhero comics either, but I did like the last one, so I guess it'll be good.

  • Just don't let bad teachers ruin your future I'm talking from experience I started learning the answers I got wrong to quizes off by heart then got A+ on all my big tests :)

  • Are you using an Apple product, because I'm having that same issue on my Macbook Pro, iPad, and iPhone as well. I'm currently using my parents Windows laptop, that's how I've been posting lately since I can't do anything on an Apple. I posted a discussion in the support page as well as emailed Telltale, but I haven't heard anything back yet.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Okay...really glad this works on my laptop. For some reason, when I signed out of the forums last night, I couldn't sign back in this mornin

  • Okay...really glad this works on my laptop. For some reason, when I signed out of the forums last night, I couldn't sign back in this morning. When I clicked on "My Account" to log it, it just brought me to a blank account page. I've deleted history, done everything I know to do, but nothing's working. So basically I think it registers me as signed in when I'm actually signed out and it's not fixing.

  • Yes, usually when away from my laptop I use my iPhone. It's really weird because it was working the night before, and it had always worked, and then out of the blue it stopped working. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed.

    Are you using an Apple product, because I'm having that same issue on my Macbook Pro, iPad, and iPhone as well. I'm currently using my paren

  • Yeah my account won't load on my phone either.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yes, usually when away from my laptop I use my iPhone. It's really weird because it was working the night before, and it had always worked, and then out of the blue it stopped working. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed.

  • I'm glad it's not just me, then. Really weird though.

    Yeah my account won't load on my phone either.

  • Same, for most of the day yesterday, all was well, then all of a sudden, it just stops. It seems to be that way for all Apple products, I tried using my friend's iPhone, which I have never used to sign in before, but when I clicked on My Account, it took me to that same loading page. I just hope whatever it is, it's fixed soon, I hate using this laptop, it's so fucking slow.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yes, usually when away from my laptop I use my iPhone. It's really weird because it was working the night before, and it had always worked, and then out of the blue it stopped working. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed.

  • Oh shit, I realized just now that it was also happening to me on my Iphone yesterday. Weird :P

    Are you using an Apple product, because I'm having that same issue on my Macbook Pro, iPad, and iPhone as well. I'm currently using my paren

  • Its happening to me too. Thank goodness for laptop.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Okay...really glad this works on my laptop. For some reason, when I signed out of the forums last night, I couldn't sign back in this mornin

  • Yeah, I guess all we can do is wait it out and see if it is able to be fixed.

    Same, for most of the day yesterday, all was well, then all of a sudden, it just stops. It seems to be that way for all Apple products, I tr

  • Wow, I'm glad it wasn't an individual problem.

    Its happening to me too. Thank goodness for laptop.

  • wow LMAO RIP Eggplant.

  • "BOHOOO! snif BOHOOOO! snif"

    torkahn808 posted: »

    This is Nicolas Cage. He's crying.

  • Come on Telltale, get your shit together with this website issue, it's getting a bit infuriating.

  • What're the problems?

    Come on Telltale, get your shit together with this website issue, it's getting a bit infuriating.

  • Same thing as always, trying to log on using my Macbook and other Apple products and it still doesn't work.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    What're the problems?

  • Alt text

    Weird thing was that I was listening to Boston when I stumbled upon this looking for 'she's right you know' meme...

    Alt text

  • Ah, I'm still using my laptop now. I'm really hoping it's a fixable issue.

    Same thing as always, trying to log on using my Macbook and other Apple products and it still doesn't work.

  • The best (or worst) part is that he's 110% serious in this scene. :P

    ComingSoon posted: »

    "BOHOOO! snif BOHOOOO! snif"

  • Yeah, I read that xD I suppose if it fits his character it's good?

    torkahn808 posted: »

    The best (or worst) part is that he's 110% serious in this scene. :P

  • Aww Thanks man! That means a lot coming form a you : )

    I hope you're happy with her and I wish you a long and happy relationship.

  • Indeed he does dear gentlemen!

    Yeah, as well as it's Michael Jackson's song. Michael Jackson has a lot of great songs on equality and racial issues.

  • I was bored and found this :3

  • Anyone having trouble getting to their profile on mobile?

  • oops. Well I'm glad I'm not the only one

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I just commented that a page back, sounds like 3 or 4 other people are having that trouble as well.

  • I just commented that a page back, sounds like 3 or 4 other people are having that trouble as well.

    Anyone having trouble getting to their profile on mobile?

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