Video Game Character(s) you have an emotional connection with
I think Scott Shelby from Heavy Rain had the most tragic back story of all game characters. Seeing all the good he's capable of and his horrible life almost explains what he does. I think he was well written and his turn as the killer was shocking and brought his character into a new light. In the end I let him kill Madison just out of feeling absolutely terrible for him seeing as I couldn't do it myself. Later on Lauren killed him which I thought was the most fitting outcome for him and the story and probably the most merciful (I'm pretty sure he wanted to die by the end of the game)
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But why?
The urban duo.
I don't get as invested into video game characters as I do movie or TV characters. Boromir comes to mind.
The Shrek 2 videogame, released in 2004, follows Shrek as he travels to Far Far Away to meet Fiona's parents. The game has the player go through many trials and tribulations on his journey and heavily features the theme of accshrekptance (acceptance), because Shrek's in-laws don't find him suitable for their daughter. Shrek 2 is an emotional adventure from start to finish, with many tears, laughs, sweat, blood, onion juice, and seminal fluid along the way. With highly cinematic moments and heart-pounding action sequences, it's no wonder Shrek 2 won GOTY for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 respectively.
"It's Shrek" would have sufficed - it's a fine point.
Roxas ~ Kingdom Hearts 2
Yeah Ellie for me too
And the ultimate Bro of all times....Garrus Vakarian!

Roxas got the cute white boy swagger
Since it was mention just now by torkahn808, Roxas diffidently comes mind. So I would list to the trio of Roxas, Xion, Axel.
Their stories in general were just really sad and emotional. And come to think of it, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days was the first game that got me to cry... ;-;
Tali, Clem, Max from Life is Strange...can't think of any I want to survive everything quite as much as those three.
I've blocked out the ending of 358/2 Days from my memory just because of how sad it was.
And it wasn't even that ending that made me so sad... ;~;
I think I might have suppressed that memory too, I haven't even thought about them since I saw your post. ;_;
Kingdom Hearts ~ Making gamers everywhere cry since 2002...
Dog from Half-Life 2.
Everything about Roxas just makes me sad... He just seems so... forgotten ;~;
Sora's cool and all... but... Kingdom Hearts II's opening levels... I'm not sure if I glad or sad I played 358/2 Days before it.
Niko Bellic, most emotional story ever in a GTA game.
I loved Roxas and I wished we could have spent more time as him. The first two hours as Roxas were so serious and emotional and just totally different from Sora's POV.
Then Roxas is gone and we're back to killing shadows with Donald and Goofy as if it never happened. T.T
Lee Everett & Clementine
Joel & Ellie.
and me on madden.... i was sad when i retired..
Clem, Ellie, Ethan (from Heavy Rain)
Well ain't that a surprise?
His story was really good. I'd say it was my favorite in the series.
Agreed the only thing that bothered me was the voice
Already been posted before, but Roxas.
His story to me, was one of the saddest in gaming history. 358/2 days was the first game that got me to cry.
His nose and mouth kinda look like an angry frog...
what have you done
The Boss:
It also kinda looks like a ninja turtle.
It's art, don't try to understand it.
Jill Valentine is the master of unlocking to my heart.
yes b0ss
Outside of any of Telltale's games?
Jill is the definition of sex lol. Master of unlocking... my pants (horrible joke lol)
One of the best video game character everrrr. ;_;