I like Fiona and Rhys more, for Fiona, probably because she kinda represent me a little. She's tough, taking care of her sister before anything else, she wants whats best for her sister and such. As for Rhys, he's smart but not that smart, I am too xD
I don't know Borderlands except TFTB, so I guess Fiona. Protective, observant, direct, daring (lol think about the eye), but also kind and always in for a joke/good laugh!
Probably Rhys because despite how hard he tries to be like Jack, he isn't like that and will do thing different with Atlas on Pandora. He is a nice guy who is not smooth. "Cool moves Rhys, Cool moves. " and his motives are in the right place. Or Loader Bot. Willing to give or do anything for his friends only to be betrayed. Then he can act like a cynical asshole but his motives are pure, he just wants the truth of why did his friends betray him either on purpose or not.
Janey. Fairly nice, and sometimes helpful to a fault.
So, after I answered this question, I asked my husband who he thought I was like....
He said Tannis. Maybe he's right...
I told him he's like Scooter.
I like Fiona and Rhys more, for Fiona, probably because she kinda represent me a little. She's tough, taking care of her sister before anything else, she wants whats best for her sister and such. As for Rhys, he's smart but not that smart, I am too xD
I'd like to say that I'm like Maya or Athena...polite, focused, and generally the more approachable member of the team.
...but I'm probably more like Rhys, who is turning out to be a generally nice guy who tends to be an oaf.
Vaughn without that bod.
I don't know Borderlands except TFTB, so I guess Fiona. Protective, observant, direct, daring (lol think about the eye), but also kind and always in for a joke/good laugh!
hard question.. i have no idea, i guess a combination of jack krieg tomothi athena and brick, if il take some characteristics from each.
"Nothing is more badass than treating a women with respect!"
My Senpai
I'd say Janey, I guess if all future plans don't go as I wanted I can always go to the moon and become a lesbian junk dealer.
All my friends tell me I'm like Handsome Jack but without the killing.
Wow, HJ without the killing really is like Gary Oak...
I mean, if I were to rank video game villains it would definitely go:
Yvette. I LIVE for a good lunch! And if someone else is paying, doubly so!
Probably Rhys because despite how hard he tries to be like Jack, he isn't like that and will do thing different with Atlas on Pandora. He is a nice guy who is not smooth. "Cool moves Rhys, Cool moves. " and his motives are in the right place. Or Loader Bot. Willing to give or do anything for his friends only to be betrayed. Then he can act like a cynical asshole but his motives are pure, he just wants the truth of why did his friends betray him either on purpose or not.
The Badass Accountant.
lol what the fuck
Scooter, minus the incest shit and Tina.
Torgue is hubby material
Yes, I'm a nerdy looking guy who likes helping people.
Random hyperion npc
Handsome Jack
Oh I'm definitely Rhys. Great motivator but not really good at anything in particular... That's me.
Oh and I'm also part robot