It was the next day and night began to fall, Kieron woke up and saw Claire had her arms wrapped around his chest she rested her head on his. Claire woke up and yawned.
"Morning!" She smiled
Kieron smiled "Good morning."
Claire gave Kieron a kiss and went to take a shower. Kieron drank a cup of blood while she showered, when she got out she got dressed while he showered. When Kieron got out he put on his new outfit. He saw Claire staring at him and smiling, he smiled back. The two went over the plans for their night. Kieron had one more glass of blood before leaving. The two stood at the entrance of the building. Kieron noticed Claire looked scared he hugged her and held her close.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Kieron asked
"I'm scared still." She said
"Everything is going to be okay. I promise." He smiled
She wrapped her hands around him. "What if my father finds you!?" She began to tear up. "I can't go through something like that again..."
"You won't, like you said 'If he finds me I run'" He recalled
"And what if he catches you!? Goddamnit Kieron you won't be able to beat him!" Claire said
"Then I'll do my best to fight him off. At least until you show up. We're a team right?" He said
She looked up at his face. "Right." Her she strengthened her grip. "I love you Kieron, please be safe."
He wiped her tears away. "I love you too, and you know I'm always safe." He smiled
The two released their grips and walked away from each other, Maximillian stood on the roof of the woodlands. He knew exactly where Kieron was going, his daughter will have to wait. Maximillian began to set up a plan.
Nosferatu hideout...
Kieron knew where most of the Nosferatu hid, they normally stayed in the sewers praying on anything that comes down. He saw that the Nosferatu were leaning against the walls, they weren't attacking him...something wasn't right. He walked into the command center, where he saw the boss of the Nosferatu.
"May I speak with you?" Kieron asked
"I don't know kid. There seems to be someone who wants to talk to you." The boss cackled
Kieron felt Maximillian presence until he got caught from behind. Maximillian grabbed Kieron by the neck. "The prince will note your obedience." He said
"Of course kid, just leave us be yeah? Go fight somewhere else." The boss said
Maximillian dragged Kieron outside things were about to get heated quickly...
Tremere hideout...
Claire came upon the mansion. She knocked on the door, she was worried still and couldn't shake an uneasy feeling. A ghoul answered the door.
"Oh wow! It's you! You're Claire! How'd you survive the princes attack huh?" The Ghoul kept going on and on. An older man walked up.
"Please Kyle, go inside and calm down." The man said. "Now Claire what can I do for you?"
"I wish to speak about a terms of alliance against the prince." Claire said
"We accept." The man said
"What!? That fast?" She said
"Yes, that damned prince is getting out of hand, we need someone new and to be honest that's not you but it's all we have. No one else will fight back." The man said
"Gee thanks for the vote of confidence." She said
The old man's looked scared, this in turn horrified Claire "What is it!? What's wrong!?"
"It's...your father, he's-" Claire didn't stick around she began to run as fast as she could to Kierons location...
In the mountains...
Maximillian dropped Kieron, rain began to fall. Kieron caught his breathe and stood.
"So you're Claires father." Kieron said tightening his gloves.
Maximillian built a transparent barrier around them. "I'm giving you a chance to fight, you lose you go to a prison, where you will work and be tortured twice a day and for you I will assign severe treatment."
Kieron summoned his sword. It seems like he had no choice so there was no point for words. He revved his sword as it let out a roar Kieron charged Maximillian who stopped Kierons blade, he threw Kieron back. Maximillian however stood unimpressed, Kieron lifted his left glove and drowned his body in blood, when he snapped his finger his blood magic activated and the blood on him began to glow. Maximillian warhammer shapeshifted into a greatsword. The two began to clash swords at high speeds, Kieron was now fighting for his freedom...
Claire could tell Kieron was fighting her father but she couldn't pin point where exactly. She exhaled...she had to stay calm. She began to look with her mind, it was a trick of the tremere as they were blood magicians but different from Kieron. Claire came to a realization that they were on a mountain. She began to run towards the destination...
With every clash that Kieron and Maximillian got in there were Shockwaves being created. Kieron however was not winning, Maximillian grabbed Kierons blade and snapped the blade in half and threw it aside. Kieron jumped back, his eyes grew large and there was a maniacle smile on his face.
"Don't count me out..." His shadow began to crawl on his body replacing the blood on his skin. "Just yet!" He yelled in a demonic tone.
Maximillian prepared his blade as Kieron began to volt at him with great speeds. Kieron began to throw punches and kicks at high speed, hitting Maximillian multiple times, Kieron forced the greatsword out of Maximillians hand and snapped it. This pissed Maximillian off to be getting beaten by a fledgling. Kieron stood there, waiting for Maximillian to strike. Maximillian charged Kieron and began swinging, Kieron dodged most of the hits but got hit by some, when he got hit you could hear the cracking of Kierons bones. But the shadow set them the bones back into place, Kieron hissed at Maximillian. Maximillian watched as he saw blood emerge through Kierons shadow armor, also out of the corner of his eyes he saw Claire. This gave Maximillian an idea. He charged Kieron at full speed, he grabbed Kieron and began pummeling him, Kieron screeched out. The two began to attack and block each others attacks, Maximillian gaining the upper hand. Claire on the outside stood in horror, she could feel her emotions begin to slip...
"JUST STOP BOTH OF YOU!!!" Tears began streaming down her face.
"You started this young lady." Maximillian said giving Kieron one last punch.
Kieron fell to his knees. Maximillian grabbed the blade of his greatsword, he began to walk towards Kieron...
Maximillian picked Kieron up by the neck and began to stab Kieron although not all the way through. Kierons shadow began to leave his skin and he began to scream in extreme pain. Claire covered her ears and closed her eyes and began to was happening all over again. Maximillian slung Kieron over his shoulder.
"Would you stop crying like a baby. He's not dead...not yet at least." Maximillian said
Kieron still had consciousness although his eyesight was wavering. He saw Claire crying.
"Claire I will always be a part of your life, you can thank your mother for that." Maximillian said
"It had to be done." Maximillian said starting to walking away. He stopped and stared at Claire dominating her "You will not follow me, you will sit and watch as I drag this man to be tortured as punishment."
Claire sat and watched. Kieron began recalling their conversation before all of this. He replayed it over and over in his head, the words I love you and sorry were the most recurring words. He held out his hand slowly, blood falling from his mouth. He mouthed the words.
"I'm sorry...I love you..." His arm fell limp and his eyes slowly closed...
That's it! Any questions or comments let me know! I'll be done my first year of college next week, and for once I actually have high hopes
Summer Knight's Part: Two
It was the next day and night began to fall, Kieron woke up and saw Claire had her arms wrapped around his ches… moret she rested her head on his. Claire woke up and yawned.
"Morning!" She smiled
Kieron smiled "Good morning."
Claire gave Kieron a kiss and went to take a shower. Kieron drank a cup of blood while she showered, when she got out she got dressed while he showered. When Kieron got out he put on his new outfit. He saw Claire staring at him and smiling, he smiled back. The two went over the plans for their night. Kieron had one more glass of blood before leaving. The two stood at the entrance of the building. Kieron noticed Claire looked scared he hugged her and held her close.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Kieron asked
"I'm scared still." She said
"Everything is going to be okay. I promise." He smiled
She wrapped her hands around him. "What if my father finds you!?" She began to tear up. "I can't g… [view original content]
Wow. Max (gonna call him that for short, if you don't mind. Tell me 'fuck no' if you want) XD is a tough son-of-a-btich. I loved the detail of his battle with Kieron. I see he's using his daughter to attack Kieron and I'm not sure if this is smart or foolish. His breaking that sword, though. Kieron needs to be careful for next time, he may not be lucky....
Claire. That poor woman. To see her lover and father battle all for what and is it worth it...Nice chap, dude!
Summer Knight's Part: Two
It was the next day and night began to fall, Kieron woke up and saw Claire had her arms wrapped around his ches… moret she rested her head on his. Claire woke up and yawned.
"Morning!" She smiled
Kieron smiled "Good morning."
Claire gave Kieron a kiss and went to take a shower. Kieron drank a cup of blood while she showered, when she got out she got dressed while he showered. When Kieron got out he put on his new outfit. He saw Claire staring at him and smiling, he smiled back. The two went over the plans for their night. Kieron had one more glass of blood before leaving. The two stood at the entrance of the building. Kieron noticed Claire looked scared he hugged her and held her close.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Kieron asked
"I'm scared still." She said
"Everything is going to be okay. I promise." He smiled
She wrapped her hands around him. "What if my father finds you!?" She began to tear up. "I can't g… [view original content]
The Tremeres are sick of the princes shit, I will go into more details later
Poor Kieron though, that sword took him three years to make! XD
Maximillians strength is simply too overpowering for Kieron even when his shadow takes over He'll find a way, but he has to make it through this vampire prison first.
Tense chapter! :O
Funny how the Tremeres are so ready to overthrow the Prince, I also thought Claire would need to explain it to them for… more longer :P
Maximillian grabbed Kierons blade and snapped the blade in half and threw it aside
SON OF A BITCH! Well, looks like Kieron needs to make a better sword next time around
Maximillion won... Hmm... I'm sure Kieron will get out of this though, and thank god he isn't dead either! XP
I look forward to more from you dude! XD
The Tremeres are sick of the princes shit, I will go into more details later
Poor Kieron though, that sword took him three ye… morears to make! XD
Maximillians strength is simply too overpowering for Kieron even when his shadow takes over He'll find a way, but he has to make it through this vampire prison first.
Thanks man!
You can call him whatever you want man my personal nickname for him is asshole! XP I guess you could say Maximillians actions was both foolish and smart, foolish due to pissing Kieron off more but smart so he could break Claires will and dominate her easily. He certainly does, especially when his shadow comes into play.
Claire had to relive her worst nightmare all over again, and she was powerless to do anything about it
Wow. Max (gonna call him that for short, if you don't mind. Tell me 'fuck no' if you want) XD is a tough son-of-a-btich. I loved the detail … moreof his battle with Kieron. I see he's using his daughter to attack Kieron and I'm not sure if this is smart or foolish. His breaking that sword, though. Kieron needs to be careful for next time, he may not be lucky....
Claire. That poor woman. To see her lover and father battle all for what and is it worth it...Nice chap, dude!
If Kieron thinks he's just about beat, he can call upon his own shadow that bring up past memories and tragedies as it crawls on his skin, this sends him insane giving him a vast amount of strength and speed but it makes him have a reckless nature, the shadow does have access to Kierons blood magic as well, but when Kierons taken enough of a beating the shadow will peel off Kierons body and he will pass out due to injuries.
Nick wouldn't be able to create a sword like that with Black Magic though, at least not in the year of 1992. If it was the year of 2009 onwards, then yes he could
He could do that! XD
If Kieron thinks he's just about beat, he can call upon his own shadow that bring up past memories and tragedies as … moreit crawls on his skin, this sends him insane giving him a vast amount of strength and speed but it makes him have a reckless nature, the shadow does have access to Kierons blood magic as well, but when Kierons taken enough of a beating the shadow will peel off Kierons body and he will pass out due to injuries.
The walk to the Eggman diner was rather interesting but Robert would not have it any other way. Gren made a game the entire way the brothers walked through the crowds. He'd point to a person and you had to either pick yes or no; after you picked one of those, the real question would come. Of course, Robert said no to the wrong ones and yes to questions that would make the pope blush and set Robert on fire.
The afternoon was a nice one and neither brother wore a jacket. It was odd seeing Gren in a simple white teeshirt but a nice change, in an odd way. He spoke heavily of the evening ahead and the time he would spend with Lyla and Georgie. RJ was coming over in two days but this gave Gren a chance to see his nephew, too. his mentioning of Emily, however, seemed to change things within seconds.
Opening the door to the diner, the hostess led the brothers to a back booth near and open window. They were able to watch mundies and Fables walk by while continuing the conversation. Gren and Robert ordered their meals; Mushroom swiss burger for Robert with onion rings and Chicken strips with seasoned fries for Gren. They each ordered a coke and chocolate milkshakes. Grabbing the ketchup to check the amount, Gren continues to speak.
"That girl is something."
Robert looks over at Gren. "You might want to watch how you speak about Emily, Gren, especially in this town."
"The fuck do you mean?"
"Her family understands the bond and connection. I get it. But if certain ears hear that, you'll have the cops all over you and charging you left and right for child molestation. You'll have to leave Fabletown and-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Gren, angry, leans on the table. "I have NEVER touched children OR Emily! that is fucking sick, Robert! you know me better then that and-"
"I do, Gren. I understand but once again, you need to be careful with how you explain your relationship to Emily. She's only ten and people can get the wrong impression and I'm only looking out for you."
The waitress returns with their sodas and milkshakes. Robert's words stung like a painful sunburn and he knew it, too. Gren was suddenly found in a low point and masked it with coke and chocolate goodness in a tin cup.
Robert sighs. "Gren, I did not mean that at all...."
"I love that girl. I'd do anything to protect her from creeps like that. We just have a stronger connection, Robert. I...I can't explain it but-"
"I get it, Gren." Robert takes a sip and smiles. "I understand. I've seen it. Sometimes, that happens. All the other kids have it, too."
Robert felt horrible. "Gren-"
"Don't worry about it, Robert. I get it. I fucking get it."
"I see it, though. She's always around you. Asking questions. Making conversations."
"She's something special to me..."
Robert nods. Both he and Gren left it at that. In their hearts, that was enough to know. Gren, however, was not through playing 'questions' and had a few for his older brother. The smell of fried food and sauteed onions indicated their meals was coming soon.
"You and Rose. How is that coming along?"
"Stupid. We just hang out, have fun every now and then but its not really what I want anymore."
"If you tell me Lyla, Robert, I'm going to scream right now and-"
"No. This has nothing to do with Lyla." Robert looked annoyed. "I'm just saying, Rose and I have been through a lot but she's not really 'girlfriend' material. She's a sweet girl and a great fuck every know and then but....I don't know..."
Gren was not sure how to answer this. Normally, he had a remark for everything his brother said but not for this. He understood and honestly knew where Robert was coming from. Grendels were creatures that never acted on every feeling or emotion; when one was serious about another living soul, they made sure to mark what was their own. Although he marked Lyla, the feelings were not the same. He'd jump the gun and now, was stuck with this silly little sun symbol that mocked him with every pitiful second his eyes glanced at it.
Robert tried to remove it several times but the process was painful. He wanted to hold onto the 'memories'. For what reason, that was something Gren could never understand. Even though he and Carla were together, there was no connection. She despised him and the feeling was the same but the children is what kept Gren around all this time. He knew Carla slept around and felt pity for the Fable because she felt it was 'needed' to make her look caring. But this was something Robert would have to tackle soon. This alone could drive a beast of his stature to destruction and chaos. Not too long ago, that occured between him and Rose. Luckily, Bigby was willing to make a deal...
The waitress returns with their food. The crispy odor of fries, onion rings and burgers filled their little area. Gren tucks a napkin away on his lap as Robert takes his knife and slices down the middle of his burger. Gren chuckles, taking a fry and diping it into the ketchup.
"What the fuck is so funny, Gren?"
"One, you're cutting your burger with a knife. Two, it's nine in the morning and we both fucking order burgers for breakfast, chocolate shakes and cokes."
Robert chuckles. "We fucking did...Oh man. Typical of us. And to think, we were going to get eggs."
"I'm buying." Gren adds half the ketchup bottle next to his fries. "I owe ya' for that fucking disaster in your apartment."
"Don't worry about it, Gren. Save your money...I'll fix it before that landlord finds out."
"I can tackle it, if you want."
"Nah, don't worry about it. You have enough on your plate." Robert takes a bite. "I wish you'd leave her, Gren. I love having you around. That's not the problem. But I see what it's doing to you."
"I can't leave. The kids-"
"Are old enough to understand, Gren. They notice their father is a fucking mess. Mom is never home. Fighting all the fucking time. No love. Is that how you want them raised?"
Gren glares out the window. "You wanna know something, Robert? Mayeb I'm fucking paranoid or something...."
"What is it, Gren?"
"You ever get the feeling your being lied to but can't prove it? Or, your so afraid of being right, you'd rather turn a fucking blind eye then have to put up with it?"
Robert already knew what Gren was speaking about. "Sometimes, Gren."
Gren continues. "I have these awful, fucking feelings of the kids not even being mine sometimes but...I'm fucking losing it. Right...Robert....?"
"Yeah, bro." Lying through his teeth. "You're paranoid...."
Gren knew it was a lie. Robert was horrible with masking the truth but he didn't have the heart to be the anchor keeping his brother down. Gren seemed to have already picked up on it but this was something sadly Gren had to fight alone. Although robert was ready to charge, take control and remove his brother from Carla, it would never happen. Gren was determined to prove everyone wrong. Maybe it was him, he was trying to prove wrong to. Either way, it was a losing battle with himself.
Robert looks around. The diner was empty; besides them and the employees, three other people sat at the random tables, enjoying their meals. Robert happened to glance over at the cook. A man of average height with red hair, mustache and glasses stood behind the counter, flipping pancakes. Robert knew who the man was. Jersey's brother, one of the few that remained alive. Legend has it, Jersey saved his brother's soul from the fires of hell.
Traded in something valueable and although the first century was a bitch, the guy bounced back and was forever in his brother's debt. He and Jersey rarely spoke but had an understanding. While Jersey worked at the pawn shop, this was his brother's turf. Robert could not recall his name.
He pokes Gren's leg with his shoe. "Hey, you remember the cook's name? One with the orange hair and glasses?"
Gren looks ups. "Jersey's twin? Yeah. His name is, Frank or something....Fuck, I don't know. Why?"
"Nah just wondering...I've seen him around a lot."
"Okay..." Gren looks over Robert's shoulder and at the cook. "He's looking over here, Robert."
"What-" robert gently turns his head. "-The Jersey look alike?"
"No, Barbara fucking Walters. Yes, Jersey cook! He's fucking staring you down...."
Robert returns to his burger. He didn't mean to look. To question. If he was anything like Jersey, looking at him the wrong way sent you six feet and then some into the ground. Stuffing another onion ring into his mouth, Robert secretly wanted the cook to leave and ignore Robert. Must have been break, for the cook was hanging his apron and heading over. The sweat pouring and Robert's heart thumping. He could feel the beatings. The pain.
"Shit." Gren smiles. "Here comes your pal!"
Robert could pick up the axe and grease smell. The cook stood before the brothers. Beaming, hands folded and a smile, the cook glances at Robert. He looked identical to Jersey but slimmer and more well built. This mustache was a tad thicker and a little bit more hair.
"Robert Grendel, right? Frank."
Gren was right. Robert wipes his mouth. "Hey, Frank. I, uh, sorry about looking at you like that earlier. I, uh, thought you looked familar and-"
"Ya' know my brother, right? Fat fuckin' waste of a life?"
How precious, thought Robert. "The Jersey Devil? Yeah, I know him."
"Then you know me." Frank leans against the table. "How's the food, boys?"
"GREAT!" Gren holds a greasy thumbs up. "Fucking delicious!"
Frank continues to smile, grabbing Robert's shoulder. He gently begins to massage. "Ya' boys eat up, now. I'm nothin' like that creep brother of mine. Don't mind ya' lookin', Robert. As a token of my gratitude, breakfast is on me."
Robert was stunned. "Why, Frank? That's very nice but-"
"Nah!" His grips becomes tighter. "Honestly. For Grendel and his good lookin' brother, I don't mind. If you're ever free, we can hang, Robert. Grab a beer or two."
"Okay, sure..." Robert smiles. "I'm free tonight if you'd like to meet up. My kid is visiting his mom and this fool will be gone."
"Perfect." Frank pats Robert on the face. "Stop by before you boys leave. we can exchange information. Enjoy your meal, boys."
Frank winks at Robert, turns and heads back to the bar. Taking another bite, Robert could feel the heat building around his face and neck. The fool was not going to murder him but there was another strange feeling Robert picked up on. Gren did, too, for he was smiles and giggles.
Ignoring his brother, Robert continued to eat. Frank, however, never taking his eyes off of Robert. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,`,
He knew Carla slept around and felt pity for the Fable because she felt it was 'needed' to make her look caring.
Fucking bitch >:(
I forget why Robert and Lyla split up, or was it just a one-night stand like Bigby? Either way, I pity Robert for bearing that mark proving he and Lyla had something in the past. I really wanna know more about what happened between those two! :O Seems to me like Robert is the victim in all of this, while he sits in solitude, Lyla gets to spend her days playing happy families with Georgie Porgie, her husband no less...
And Frank- Wait, no! Is he Robert's.... NO! NO, NO, NO! Robert and Frank?! XP Oh my God!!!!
The walk to the Eggman diner was rather interesting but Robert would not have it any other way. Gren made a game the entire way the brothers… more walked through the crowds. He'd point to a person and you had to either pick yes or no; after you picked one of those, the real question would come. Of course, Robert said no to the wrong ones and yes to questions that would make the pope blush and set Robert on fire.
The afternoon was a nice one and neither brother wore a jacket. It was odd seeing Gren in a simple white teeshirt but a nice change, in an odd way. He spoke heavily of the evening ahead and the time he would spend with Lyla and Georgie. RJ was coming over in two days but this gave Gren a chance to see his nephew, too. his mentioning of Emily, however, seemed to change things within seconds.
Opening the door to the diner, the hostess led the brothers to a back booth near and open window. They were able to watch mundies and Fables walk … [view original content]
I use to be a fan of Carla. Now I'm not. Bitch. >:(
Robert and Lyla were just 'fuck buddies' like he and Rose but robert began to feel for her. his love for her, honestly, is to fill the void of being lonely. He knows Lyla will never love him like that; Georgie has always had her heart and he accepts that but like Gren, was afraid to be alone....Honestly, Robert made his own choices. Lyla moved on, just as he needs to.
LOL >:D Who knows, Hman! We'll have to wait and see! evil laugh
So many things in this chapter!!!!!
He knew Carla slept around and felt pity for the Fable because she felt it was 'needed' to make he… morer look caring.
Fucking bitch >:(
I forget why Robert and Lyla split up, or was it just a one-night stand like Bigby? Either way, I pity Robert for bearing that mark proving he and Lyla had something in the past. I really wanna know more about what happened between those two! :O Seems to me like Robert is the victim in all of this, while he sits in solitude, Lyla gets to spend her days playing happy families with Georgie Porgie, her husband no less...
And Frank- Wait, no! Is he Robert's.... NO! NO, NO, NO! Robert and Frank?! XP Oh my God!!!!
I look forward to more dude!!! XD
You know, much like I did with Noah, I may write my own version of Nick dealing with Carla, after Pie posts her demise of course
Poor Robert... At least he has some kick-ass memories!! XP Still, I feel quite sorry for him, Lyla is an interesting one, basically putting off the inevitable of permanently being with Georgie. How did she and Bigby end up fucking anyways?! I thought Bigby only had eyes for Snow?
A little Robank for the future? Poor Robert, he bangs Lyla Smith and Rose Red and then he turns gay?! :O
I use to be a fan of Carla. Now I'm not. Bitch. >:(
Robert and Lyla were just 'fuck buddies' like he and Rose but robert began to feel… more for her. his love for her, honestly, is to fill the void of being lonely. He knows Lyla will never love him like that; Georgie has always had her heart and he accepts that but like Gren, was afraid to be alone....Honestly, Robert made his own choices. Lyla moved on, just as he needs to.
LOL >:D Who knows, Hman! We'll have to wait and see! evil laugh
Great, Hman!
Yeah, he does. I love Lyla. She loves Georgie and they work, tbh. I know Lyla and Georgie had a fight, she stayed at bigby's place and they fucked. This is the beauty of fanfiction,, he's slept with other people before Snow, no offense. Yes, he has eyes for Snow but this was before they got together and all that. He'd be the better person to ask....I'm just going by his past stories.
Robank...sounds like a grocery store or something. XD Maybe he's always been a little bicurious and had feelings but masked them.
You know, much like I did with Noah, I may write my own version of Nick dealing with Carla, after Pie posts her demise of course
Poor Ro… morebert... At least he has some kick-ass memories!! XP Still, I feel quite sorry for him, Lyla is an interesting one, basically putting off the inevitable of permanently being with Georgie. How did she and Bigby end up fucking anyways?! I thought Bigby only had eyes for Snow?
A little Robank for the future? Poor Robert, he bangs Lyla Smith and Rose Red and then he turns gay?! :O
plus, he's slept with other people before Snow, no offense
In Pie's fics, Bigby slept with other women before Snow?! I didn't know this... Bigby slept with Sarah Tanaraque in Fables, but that was after the Cubs were born. I guess I just love BigbyxSnow too much to even consider them sleeping with other people Hmmm... who did Bigby sleep with besides Lyla and Snow then? If you know of course.
Robert is an open person, but he's so focused on women! Well, guess he's just been lying to himself all this time XP
Yeah, he does. I love Lyla. She loves Georgie and they work, tbh. I know Lyla and Georgie had a fight, she stayed at bigby's place and the… morey fucked. This is the beauty of fanfiction,, he's slept with other people before Snow, no offense. Yes, he has eyes for Snow but this was before they got together and all that. He'd be the better person to ask....I'm just going by his past stories.
Robank...sounds like a grocery store or something. XD Maybe he's always been a little bicurious and had feelings but masked them.
I love Robert and Grens relationship! Sure they fight but there's this unbreakable bond between the two that keeps them smiling and enjoying each others company!
Carla however needs to die, treating Gren like that! Also poor Robert, from what you told Hazza, it makes me feel bad for Robert. BUT it seems that Frank has an eye on a certain Grendel!
The walk to the Eggman diner was rather interesting but Robert would not have it any other way. Gren made a game the entire way the brothers… more walked through the crowds. He'd point to a person and you had to either pick yes or no; after you picked one of those, the real question would come. Of course, Robert said no to the wrong ones and yes to questions that would make the pope blush and set Robert on fire.
The afternoon was a nice one and neither brother wore a jacket. It was odd seeing Gren in a simple white teeshirt but a nice change, in an odd way. He spoke heavily of the evening ahead and the time he would spend with Lyla and Georgie. RJ was coming over in two days but this gave Gren a chance to see his nephew, too. his mentioning of Emily, however, seemed to change things within seconds.
Opening the door to the diner, the hostess led the brothers to a back booth near and open window. They were able to watch mundies and Fables walk … [view original content]
No, not in pies. I was mentioning Sarah. And Cindy. (But that is just me) Sure, the cubs were born but still....I know what you mean but it happens.
When the world wants you to be a certain way, you have to mask your feelings to avoid being caught. Robert does this. Maybe for himself, too. He'll be able to be himself again, though. A lot of gay club scenes! XD
plus, he's slept with other people before Snow, no offense
In Pie's fics, Bigby slept with other women before Snow?! I didn't know t… morehis... Bigby slept with Sarah Tanaraque in Fables, but that was after the Cubs were born. I guess I just love BigbyxSnow too much to even consider them sleeping with other people Hmmm... who did Bigby sleep with besides Lyla and Snow then? If you know of course.
Robert is an open person, but he's so focused on women! Well, guess he's just been lying to himself all this time XP
Robert and Gren fight. They do. We've witnessed it in mine and pie's story but it's true. They have this bond that will forever keep them close like this.
I agree. Carla must die! She treated Gren like shit but he was afraid of being alone. Bad attention is better then none to Gren.....I feel bad for Robert but he made these decisions. Hopefully, his new 'crush' will help this problem.
Like Hazza said there was a lot of stuff!
I love Robert and Grens relationship! Sure they fight but there's this unbreakable bond between… more the two that keeps them smiling and enjoying each others company!
Carla however needs to die, treating Gren like that! Also poor Robert, from what you told Hazza, it makes me feel bad for Robert. BUT it seems that Frank has an eye on a certain Grendel!
I loved this JJ I shall wait for more!
I doubt Bigby and Cindy fucked tbh. Bigby doesn't mix business with pleasure, and he is Cindy's boss, they're close definitely, but I just don't see it as something that happened, there isn't anything to prove it could've happened...
I see. Hopefully now he can find his true happiness
No, not in pies. I was mentioning Sarah. And Cindy. (But that is just me) Sure, the cubs were born but still....I know what you mean but it … morehappens.
When the world wants you to be a certain way, you have to mask your feelings to avoid being caught. Robert does this. Maybe for himself, too. He'll be able to be himself again, though. A lot of gay club scenes! XD
This was indeed a tense chapter! just got home and man...I love reading about Kieron. Maimillian is a douche. There, I said it. >:( He's using Clarie's love for Kieron to his own sick advantage and hopefully, Kieron will take him down. And get a stronger sword because damn...this guy is not playing around! I like how he's using this to kind of weaken the two. Kieron fights but claire must sit back and watch, unable to do anything. Uh...he screaming at her father like that broke my heart!
Seems like Kieron and Claire got lucky this time but hopefully, I'm wrong when I get these feelings of uneasiness. Great job, my good man! -brofist-
Summer Knight's Part: Two
It was the next day and night began to fall, Kieron woke up and saw Claire had her arms wrapped around his ches… moret she rested her head on his. Claire woke up and yawned.
"Morning!" She smiled
Kieron smiled "Good morning."
Claire gave Kieron a kiss and went to take a shower. Kieron drank a cup of blood while she showered, when she got out she got dressed while he showered. When Kieron got out he put on his new outfit. He saw Claire staring at him and smiling, he smiled back. The two went over the plans for their night. Kieron had one more glass of blood before leaving. The two stood at the entrance of the building. Kieron noticed Claire looked scared he hugged her and held her close.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Kieron asked
"I'm scared still." She said
"Everything is going to be okay. I promise." He smiled
She wrapped her hands around him. "What if my father finds you!?" She began to tear up. "I can't g… [view original content]
I love Robert and he and Gren are always my favorite sibling on this thread, tbh. They have such a connection. I love it.
I hate Carla, too. Always the ones that know you best that like to sneak up and bite ya'. I hope Robert can finally let go. (I honstly thought he did bad) and seems like Frank is the one to do that for him. XD I love how you made him the brother to Jersey. Like, wtf? lol I ship it already. And Gren with Emily. Warms my heart. I look forward to these gay club scenes! XD The Pot o' Gold! XD
The walk to the Eggman diner was rather interesting but Robert would not have it any other way. Gren made a game the entire way the brothers… more walked through the crowds. He'd point to a person and you had to either pick yes or no; after you picked one of those, the real question would come. Of course, Robert said no to the wrong ones and yes to questions that would make the pope blush and set Robert on fire.
The afternoon was a nice one and neither brother wore a jacket. It was odd seeing Gren in a simple white teeshirt but a nice change, in an odd way. He spoke heavily of the evening ahead and the time he would spend with Lyla and Georgie. RJ was coming over in two days but this gave Gren a chance to see his nephew, too. his mentioning of Emily, however, seemed to change things within seconds.
Opening the door to the diner, the hostess led the brothers to a back booth near and open window. They were able to watch mundies and Fables walk … [view original content]
I'm glad you love reading about him because I love writing his stories! Oh he gets worse, like I told JJ I call him an asshole XD Kierons going to be down and out for a bit, and where he's going it's not going to get any easier sadly Maximillian is no joke, it's sad that he has to follow the prince. She has a hate/love relationship with her father, and she had just accepted the fact she was able to move on with Kieron and he was almost taken away from her tore her to pieces, it was definitely hard to write
They certainly did, since Maximillian decided to even give Kieron the chance to fight. He could of outright killed Kieron right there and then. You are right to feel that uneasiness man but keep a little faith that Kieron will achieve his life goal of happiness Thanks man! Brofist
This was indeed a tense chapter! just got home and man...I love reading about Kieron. Maimillian is a douche. There, I said it. >:( He's … moreusing Clarie's love for Kieron to his own sick advantage and hopefully, Kieron will take him down. And get a stronger sword because damn...this guy is not playing around! I like how he's using this to kind of weaken the two. Kieron fights but claire must sit back and watch, unable to do anything. Uh...he screaming at her father like that broke my heart!
Seems like Kieron and Claire got lucky this time but hopefully, I'm wrong when I get these feelings of uneasiness. Great job, my good man! -brofist-
This is something that JJ and I talked about a couple … moreof days ago, he suggested that we do a 10 questions thing! Basically, we can ask 10 questions for any OC we want to know more about, the only rules are that at least 1 OC must be chosen from each of the 8 authors on here, and we can only use each OC once.
So, for example, if me and JJ were to ask Pie 10 questions about Carla, then he would answer whomever asked him first... Ideally, we ask about only 1 OC each, but you can ask about more if you have the questions
You must answer with the truth, although if a question is leaning towards spoilers, then you may be cryptic or simple with your answer, like if I asked if the author knows how their character dies, then they may answer with a simple Yes or No.
So to begin, I have 10 questions for JJ about Robert:
* If Robert's skin is impervious to… [view original content]
This is something that JJ and I talked about a couple … moreof days ago, he suggested that we do a 10 questions thing! Basically, we can ask 10 questions for any OC we want to know more about, the only rules are that at least 1 OC must be chosen from each of the 8 authors on here, and we can only use each OC once.
So, for example, if me and JJ were to ask Pie 10 questions about Carla, then he would answer whomever asked him first... Ideally, we ask about only 1 OC each, but you can ask about more if you have the questions
You must answer with the truth, although if a question is leaning towards spoilers, then you may be cryptic or simple with your answer, like if I asked if the author knows how their character dies, then they may answer with a simple Yes or No.
So to begin, I have 10 questions for JJ about Robert:
* If Robert's skin is impervious to… [view original content]
Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream. XD No but on a serious note, Grendel. Even as a child, she'd do anything to protect him...
Emily loves to eat. Her ultimate go-to food is a huge hamburger with grilled onions, fries, fried mushrooms with ranch and a coke.
She has one fear and it involves her family. Knowing she could lose them, terrifies her, especially after becoming a mother.
Emily thinks they can be better but she gives props to Bigby and Snow for their time spent trying and now, her brothers have taken over the office. Some of the laws are unfair but she can manage.
'Ah fa fook sake...' XD
Defeat. >:D
She had only one boyfriend and if he came back wanting Emily, she'd laugh and walk away.
After I made Lyla, I knew she and Georgie would have kids. A little girl that looked identical to Georgie had to be done. At first, that's what Emily was destined to be as she grew: another Georgie but I wanted more. Her current look slowly developed; I wanted to keep her beautiful face but add some details to make her pop! Also, she was always going to have Georgie's accent because it seemed to fit her and not Junior; that goes for the tattoos and attitude as well. In the end, we have our current Emily.
For your OC Emily;
* What is Emily's favorite color?
* What are some of her most crucial weaknesses?
* What is Emily… more favorite food?
* Doe's she have any fears, if so what are they?
* What is her opinion on Fabletown and their laws?
* If Emily was featured in TWAU Season 2, what would be her first line?
* When she is surrounded by enemies, what is the first thing that come to her mind?
* If Emily had an old boyfriend that wanted her back, what would... she do?
* What are some of the concepts that inspired you to create Emily?
* Would Emily be upset with me if I couldn't come up with a tenth question?
Emily loves to eat. Her ultimate go-to food is a huge hamburger with grilled onions, fries, fried mushrooms with ranch and a coke.
This made me very hungry...
She had only one boyfriend and if he came back wanting Emily, she'd laugh and walk away.
Sounds about right
After I made Lyla, I knew she and Georgie would have kids. A little girl that looked identical to Georgie had to be done. At first, that's what Emily was destined to be as she grew: another Georgie but I wanted more. Her current look slowly developed; I wanted to keep her beautiful face but add some details to make her pop! Also, she was always going to have Georgie's accent because it seemed to fit her and not Junior; that goes for the tattoos and attitude as well. In the end, we have our current Emily.
Interesting, and I think I remember you drawing a picture of her as a child, or was that another Porgies baby?
Oh my precious Emily!
* Emily's favorite color is purple.
* Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream. XD No but on a serious note, Gr… moreendel. Even as a child, she'd do anything to protect him...
* Emily loves to eat. Her ultimate go-to food is a huge hamburger with grilled onions, fries, fried mushrooms with ranch and a coke.
* She has one fear and it involves her family. Knowing she could lose them, terrifies her, especially after becoming a mother.
* Emily thinks they can be better but she gives props to Bigby and Snow for their time spent trying and now, her brothers have taken over the office. Some of the laws are unfair but she can manage.
* 'Ah fa fook sake...' XD
* Defeat. >:D
* She had only one boyfriend and if he came back wanting Emily, she'd laugh and walk away.
* After I made Lyla, I knew she and Georgie would have kids. A little girl that looked identical to Georgie had to be done. At first, that's what Emily was … [view original content]
Emily loves to eat. Her ultimate go-to food is a huge hamburger with grilled onions, fries, fried mushrooms with ranch and a coke.
… moreThis made me very hungry...
She had only one boyfriend and if he came back wanting Emily, she'd laugh and walk away.
Sounds about right
After I made Lyla, I knew she and Georgie would have kids. A little girl that looked identical to Georgie had to be done. At first, that's what Emily was destined to be as she grew: another Georgie but I wanted more. Her current look slowly developed; I wanted to keep her beautiful face but add some details to make her pop! Also, she was always going to have Georgie's accent because it seemed to fit her and not Junior; that goes for the tattoos and attitude as well. In the end, we have our current Emily.
Interesting, and I think I remember you drawing a picture of her as a child, or was that another Porgies baby?
No she'd actually look … [view original content]
Nick will happily drink any kind of alcohol if it has salt in it; his favourite drink besides Scotch however, is Rum
Nick listens to wide variety of music; his favourite genres include various forms of Rock and Metal, along with Classical and some Opera. Nick tends to listen to softer music when he wants to chill out and just relax.
Nick's true arch nemesis is his Brother, Galen, the Harbinger for War. Galen and Nick do share brotherly love, but they hate each other's guts; always secretly imagining the other dead...
Hmmm, he would challenge all 3 of them and hope to emerge the victor. The Demi-God would probably draw with Nick however, and call it even...
Interesting question, glad you asked. Nick and Jayne will eventually marry; I have some ideas for children, but they aren't set in stone, they may have no children at all tbh. Nick already has Lyra from his time with Bloody Mary...
Yes, this will be a major factor in my next story. When Mary cheats on Nick, he breaks up with her, but he becomes heavily depressed as he loved her so much and her cheating on him was so sudden and unexplained... Nick even becomes suicidal and imagines his own reflection talks to him.
Nick understands why the Laws are in place, and he obeys them unless a situation calls for his true nature to be revealed. He lives close to Fabletown, but not in The Woodlands, and has walked freely around the Business Office a few times.
"The Wolf will fear me, or else he will be taught a very hard lesson..." Or something to that effect :P
Nick has watched the Twilight films, he didn't really care for them, and for him, one viewing is more than enough.
To count the number of lives that Nick has taken would be impossible. Nick has been alive for roughly 2,000 years, and he has participated in countless battles both in the Homelands, and in the Mundane world. Even Nick doesn't know the exact number...
For Nick;
* Does he have any other drinks he enjoy other than Scotch?
* What kind of music does he enjoy?
* Who is his … moreTRUE arch nemesis?
* If Nick was every cornered by let's say.. A Demonic Knight, Gargoyle Warlord and a Demi God, how would he dispatch these?
* When will Nick and Jayne marry, and do we expect some overpowered babies in the future?
* Was there ever a time where Nick felt incredible sadness?
* What are his opinions of Fabletown and tier laws?
* If Nick was ever featured in TWAU season 2, what would be his first line?
* If Nick ever watch the movie Twilight? What would be his reaction afterwards?
* How many lives has Nick claimed during his long lived life? How many great battle he participated in?
"You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it." -Unknown
My name is Seraphina Grendel and my daddy is in the middle of a war. My siblings and I were told to stand back and he'll fight to bring mommy home. I miss mommy very much but I know in my heart she'll be alright. Viviana has not said much since our big sissy took us to her apartment. She just sits there on the couch, looking out the window. It's strange seeing her without the blonde. Think she misses Vivian, too. We all do, especially Nicholas. Uncle Peter and Ethan came by to check on us and Nicholas wanted to stay. He's been crying. I wonder what happens to Guardian angels when they die. But, they're already dead... right? Liam and Chloe are trying to make the best of it. They are in the kitchen with Woody and Rosie Posie making cookies. I'd rather be by the window, too. I like to watch the cars go by down below and see all the people. Last week, I saw a lady with a large hat...Rosie tells us to be strong but nobody is as strong as my daddy and I think she knows that, too.
4 days later. Fabletown....
"Gren, are you ready?"
"Yes." Gren scowls at Isaiah. "Let's get this ball rolling so I can fuckin' find her. I want Carla in my hands. I want to take her fuckin' life for what she's done..."
It took several attempts before Gren was capable of producing the power Calla use to have. Isaiah wanted to make sure his brother could channel all his thoughts, anger and fear into one bundle and not scattered; being everywhere could throw off the balance and create chaos in the middle or after the transformation. Luckily, Snow, Peter and Ethan located several pages inregards to Enchantresses and all they could do. There was some vivid material and this was the final piece Gren needed to not only bring emily home but protect. Defend. BE all he was always destined to be. This was Gren's opportunity to save Emily and become more then just the monster who was defeated by Beowulf....
"Okay...." Isaiah nods to Robert, standing beside the fence. Isaiah continues. "It says here that there is Dark magic on your right and White magic on the left. According to these documents and what mom has told me, the dark magic will allow you to defend yourself and effect the the changes Carla may send to you in return. This is some powerful and dangerous stuff, Gren. It draws out malevolent powers and only those strong enough to handle it with courage and certainty can control everything and use it for good."
"What is the white magic for then?"
"Your element. Meaning, you'll be able to do what Seraphina does but think bigger, more powerful and destruction. I'm telling you this because Carla WILL strike and she has no remorse or regard to killing another life. I also know you've lost your way back there when Robert tried to attack Emily. I-"
"WHAT the fuck did you want me to do, Isaiah!? I thought he raped my wife! I was going to stop the fucker before it carried on!"
"I UNDERSTAND this, Grendel but again-certainty. Emily had Robert in control and managed to talk him down into the state in which she took ahold of the power, reversed the spell and used it to HER advantage. Carla may have had control over our brother but Emily has mom in her now, too. That was something she was capable of doing when the bow was in her hands..."
Gren huffs but nods. He knew Isaiah was right...Isaiah continues. "Very good. Now-the good thing about the dark magic, it will stay dormant until needed but be careful. When you begin to feel a panic hysteria, you can lose control. Remember-"
"Certainty." Gren walks to the pond. "I get it, Isaiah."
Michelle steps in. "I know all too well about this. My father used the same material. You need to always remain calm, Gren, even when you think you're losing and-"
"Where was this information earlier?" Grinding his teeth, Gren punches a rock. "I mean, the fuck was this shit at when mom kept telling me about wars and dad wanted to fuckin' train me, huh?"
"I can't answer that, Gren." Isaiah touches his brother's back. "You must not have been ready, is my guess. I can only tell you this now in hopes of bringing her back. Please."
I may not be there but what daddy does not know, is Chloe has a shadow watching and listening to daddy. I can see he wants to cry but my daddy is better then what he was back then. He's stronger now. I know he can save mommy and learn what grandma gave him. There is a reason why my daddy has these special gifts and why grandpa Thomas made him Alpha. I bet that mean lady thought it would be easy to knock daddy down....
Gren faces the pond and began to picture Emily. The first day he held her and the sudden bond they created. Gren often brushed it off. Looking back, there was always something there and he was foolish to ignore it. Allowed Carla to control his existence and all that dwelled within. Gren had always loved Emily; even before her conception and beyond, there was always something there. He was determined to bring back what was rightfully his. Carla would not take this away from him.
Lifting his hands and closing his eyes, Gren allowed the magic to flow through his body. Robert, Isaiah and the others stood back and observed their brother's final transformation into the world Gren wanted to wish never happen. Gren was back in the Homelands for a moment; the glades, swamps and hills of his childhood home tugged along the strands of memories left in his brain. His battle with Beowulf. The sacrifice his mother made to keep Gren alive. The time he spent in the mundane world, up until the exact moment of the battle. Gren was in a whirlpool of thoughts but not a single one broke the foundation. Sturdy like the mountains, he remained whole.
Isaiah covers his mouth and cries. "He's doing it...oh my God. He's actually doing it..."
Robert, proud of his younger brother, silently cheered Gren into his transformation. Despite the anguish still there for not keeping the title, in the end, it always belonged to Grendel. Both brothers got to witness the very powers their mother once possesed and passed along to their brother. Gren was able to transform his entire body into spiritual energy. This allowed a piece of Gren to remain behind while he ventured into the Underworld. No harm would come to Gren.
Calla was able to use this special gift to enter the spirit world and bring back news to loved ones or 'watch' over those that passed so soon. Like Calla, Gren was now able create, shape and manipulate the spiritual powers and use them for good and visit the Underworld. The place that held his beloved Emily...
Gren's body was still near the edge of the pond; floating beside, however, was his spirit. Locked around his wedding band, was a single droplet of Gren's spirit that would ensure he'd return unharmed. Isaiah, still taken back by the beauty, touches Gren's spirit. It looked identical to his brother but with a blue and green tint to his skin. His eyes a solid white, black circles under each and fangs petruding from his mouth. Five orbs annulus around Gren's head and torso. Each one a distinct color: Green, Yellow, Silver, Red and Brown.
"What are these things, Isaiah?" Gren tries to catch one. "They look fucking hilarious."
"They are the five elements we all posses, Gren. Fire, Metal, Wood, Earth and Water. Mine is there, along with yours and Robert's; even our deceased brothers, Jason and Daniel, are there beside you. To guide. Now and always. We're on your side, Gren...until the bitter end. Go get her, Gren."
Gren's bottom lip quivers; he could feel the burning tears developing in his eyes. Although he and his brothers had problems in the past, Gren could always count on them. Their love was forever bound by their troubles, past and issues each one faced alone. Hugging Isaiah, then pulling in Robert, he was certain they all knew of this. Patting Gren on the back, Robert began to cry.
"God....fuck..." Robert leans back, cleaning his eyes. "Stupid fucking Gren. Get the hell out of here."
Gren chuckles, wiping his eyes as well. "I'll be back. With my wife and Carla's head tucked under my fucking arms..."
To his right side, Michelle. Ethan was worried the darkness would envelop his love but she assured him this was nothing. After that comment, Ethan wandered how many times she practiced this before officially 'ending' that chapter in her life. To the left, one of Georgie Junior's
clones.Georgie was determined to journey with Gren but the risk was too great. If he perished there, that was the end for Georgie. The clone would stand fr his place and right beside Gren and Michelle. Georgie grabs Gren's arm and pulls back; the look of hatred, fear and loss circled his brown eyes but a smile slowly grew on his lips.
"Go get 'er, Gren. Find my baby. Bring our Emily home....Give one fa' me. Lyla....all of us."
"I promise, Georgie. She WILL come home, I'll sound the trumpets of war and we'll finish this all. Carla will pay. Come on. Let's fucking do this...."
Georgie releases his grip on Gren's arm, waves to the others and stands between Robert and Isaiah. Nick floats beside his once assigned soul and prayed Vivian was still attatched to Emily. Waving his arms, Gren summons a portal within the waters. Walking behind, Valeo follows along with Nick. Hades peers into the portal and nods. Hades knew the risk he was taking; the urge to bring Viviana's soul grew with every passing moment but he fought back and knew what needed to be done to end all of this once and for all. He, Nick and Valeo went first, followed by Michelle, Junior's clone and finally, Gren.
"Good luck, Gren." Isaiah held Robert's hand. He could feel his older brother shake. "You can do this, Gren. WE believe in you...."
The world all around Gren grew darker as he passed by various worlds and portals; they entered a space like area with many stars, numerous moons and lights. Continuing forward, however, their surroundings vanished and switched to a more unfortunate area with fire, misery and ambivalence. They reached the kingdom of the Underworld, prepared to search for Emily and Vivian.
"Let's do this fuckin' thing. Find my wife..." Gren points to the others, nodding in agreement. "FIND my wife and let ME deal with Carla when I see her...."
The sound of trumpets echo in the kingdom and make their way to the others on earth; trembling against the eerie music, the Grendel brothers and others felt a change in the air as all life seemed to stop and wait for their next move.
....But that mean lady is wrong. Oh so very wrong....
Any questions, you know the drill. So...tired. I have not had time to post. Busy, busy, busy. If I'm free this weekend, catch up on the challenge and Gremily's tale. Gotta do what ya' gotta do, though. Need to make that $$$$. San Fran is a lovely place and I'm so glad to be here!
This was so awesome! And Gren is a goddamn beast, white and dark magic at his side, this man must be a tank! I loved little Seraphinas side notes! Poor Georgie it always brings a tear to my eye everytime, that poor bastard.
I know that feeling man, in fact I might take a nap since today is reading day. Cash is nice to have around That's good that you like it there man!
"You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it." -Unknown
My name is Seraphina Grendel and my daddy is in the middle… more of a war. My siblings and I were told to stand back and he'll fight to bring mommy home. I miss mommy very much but I know in my heart she'll be alright. Viviana has not said much since our big sissy took us to her apartment. She just sits there on the couch, looking out the window. It's strange seeing her without the blonde. Think she misses Vivian, too. We all do, especially Nicholas. Uncle Peter and Ethan came by to check on us and Nicholas wanted to stay. He's been crying. I wonder what happens to Guardian angels when they die. But, they're already dead... right? Liam and Chloe are trying to make the best of it. They are in the kitchen with Woody and Rosie Posie making cookies. I'd rather be by the window, too. I like to watch the cars go by down below and see all the people. Last week, I saw a lady … [view original content]
* Nick will happily drink any kind of alcohol if it has salt in it; his favourite drink besides Scotch however, is Rum
* Nick listens to… more wide variety of music; his favourite genres include various forms of Rock and Metal, along with Classical and some Opera. Nick tends to listen to softer music when he wants to chill out and just relax.
* Nick's true arch nemesis is his Brother, Galen, the Harbinger for War. Galen and Nick do share brotherly love, but they hate each other's guts; always secretly imagining the other dead...
* Hmmm, he would challenge all 3 of them and hope to emerge the victor. The Demi-God would probably draw with Nick however, and call it even...
* Interesting question, glad you asked. Nick and Jayne will eventually marry; I have some ideas for children, but they aren't set in stone, they may have no children at all tbh. Nick already has Lyra from his time with Bloody Mary...
* Yes, this will be a major facto… [view original content]
Gren has become something no one thought was possible and he's more determined then anything now to kick ass! He's one to not piss off now! Calla gave him her specialty and he's the Alpha. Ticking time bomb of madness and destruction! evil laugh JK! XD I wanted to add the kid's point of view in all this as well. Seraphina is the speaker o the four and Georgie. Gone through so much, yet remains strong in the end.
Take that nap, my good man. Relax! It's a Friday! Amen to that and I am, too. Feel like a tourist everyday until I get use to it all.
Gren you've come so far! Just one last push man!
This was so awesome! And Gren is a goddamn beast, white and dark magic at his side, this… more man must be a tank! I loved little Seraphinas side notes! Poor Georgie it always brings a tear to my eye everytime, that poor bastard.
I know that feeling man, in fact I might take a nap since today is reading day. Cash is nice to have around That's good that you like it there man!
This was awesome man! I wait for more Brofist
Nick is devoted to her... The reason for her cheating on him will be revealed in the next story, and it may surprise you. Nick has friends for support, but even they get pushed to the limit sometimes.
Nick has a number of close calls, 2 of them quite bad: 1 he stabs himself in the heart just as Lyla and Emily walk through the door. He starts blubbering about how much it hurts while Lyla cradles him and tells him it'll be ok, while Emily frantically calls Swineheart.
The second time his own reflection tells him to O.D on pills that will stop his heart, and he nearly does take them, but because he is babysitting Gremily's quads, he crushes the bottle instead.
Nick is a damaged being in my next story, you see a side of him that you never thought he would have. He's frightened, lonely, suicidal, anti-social, and above all else, he isn't as confident in himself...
Viviana has not said much since our big sissy took us to her apartment. She just sits there on the couch, looking out the window. It's strange seeing her without the blonde.
So Seraphina is still referring to Viviana, yes? Viviana's hair isn't blonde anymore, right? (I don't remember that detail if it happened :P)
Gren, Junior's clone, Michelle, Valeo, Hades and my Nick (? It's confusing as to which Nick is which)). An excellent team! I fear what they could accomplish down there...
I look forward to the showdown, and whatever happens afterwards
"You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it." -Unknown
My name is Seraphina Grendel and my daddy is in the middle… more of a war. My siblings and I were told to stand back and he'll fight to bring mommy home. I miss mommy very much but I know in my heart she'll be alright. Viviana has not said much since our big sissy took us to her apartment. She just sits there on the couch, looking out the window. It's strange seeing her without the blonde. Think she misses Vivian, too. We all do, especially Nicholas. Uncle Peter and Ethan came by to check on us and Nicholas wanted to stay. He's been crying. I wonder what happens to Guardian angels when they die. But, they're already dead... right? Liam and Chloe are trying to make the best of it. They are in the kitchen with Woody and Rosie Posie making cookies. I'd rather be by the window, too. I like to watch the cars go by down below and see all the people. Last week, I saw a lady … [view original content]
Flying as a dragon. He's grown quite accustomed to it, actually! In fact, he still plans on letting Rose teach him to drive someday.
Rose Red, although he may have a few other Fables in mind... (wink wink) He won't reveal his other secrets, disappointingly. And the reasons why is because of the amazing elevator make-out/sex!
Probably never, unless they're thinking on colonizing the moon.
Wooden sword.
He loves Ferris Bueller's Day Off, it reminds him of himself.
He would've spent it on booze, lockpicks, gifts for barmaids (who are willing to go 'home' with him), and food for needy children.
Okay, these ten questions are going to be for @DragonButter's Fayde Everwind! Tried to make most a bit general to try and avoid spoilers. :P… more
EDIT: JJ got there two minutes before me. XD Will change them to Tez inside.
* What's his favourite mode of transport? Can be anything - private jet, teleporting, a skateboard. Or just flying as a dragon.
* If Tezoth was trapped in an elevator, who would he most like to be trapped with and why?
* Where would hemost like to go on vacation?
* And would he go into space?
* Android or Apple?
* What was his favourite childhood toy?
* What's Tez's most treasured story? It could be from a book or a movie or the like.
* If Tez hadn't have been spotted when stealing the dragon's treasure, what would he have done with it?
* Favourite animal?
* What would his number 1 rule be in a zombie apocalypse?
Yeah, me too
Summer Knight's Part: Two
It was the next day and night began to fall, Kieron woke up and saw Claire had her arms wrapped around his chest she rested her head on his. Claire woke up and yawned.
"Morning!" She smiled
Kieron smiled "Good morning."
Claire gave Kieron a kiss and went to take a shower. Kieron drank a cup of blood while she showered, when she got out she got dressed while he showered. When Kieron got out he put on his new outfit. He saw Claire staring at him and smiling, he smiled back. The two went over the plans for their night. Kieron had one more glass of blood before leaving. The two stood at the entrance of the building. Kieron noticed Claire looked scared he hugged her and held her close.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Kieron asked
"I'm scared still." She said
"Everything is going to be okay. I promise." He smiled
She wrapped her hands around him. "What if my father finds you!?" She began to tear up. "I can't go through something like that again..."
"You won't, like you said 'If he finds me I run'" He recalled
"And what if he catches you!? Goddamnit Kieron you won't be able to beat him!" Claire said
"Then I'll do my best to fight him off. At least until you show up. We're a team right?" He said
She looked up at his face. "Right." Her she strengthened her grip. "I love you Kieron, please be safe."
He wiped her tears away. "I love you too, and you know I'm always safe." He smiled
The two released their grips and walked away from each other, Maximillian stood on the roof of the woodlands. He knew exactly where Kieron was going, his daughter will have to wait. Maximillian began to set up a plan.
Nosferatu hideout...
Kieron knew where most of the Nosferatu hid, they normally stayed in the sewers praying on anything that comes down. He saw that the Nosferatu were leaning against the walls, they weren't attacking him...something wasn't right. He walked into the command center, where he saw the boss of the Nosferatu.
"May I speak with you?" Kieron asked
"I don't know kid. There seems to be someone who wants to talk to you." The boss cackled
Kieron felt Maximillian presence until he got caught from behind. Maximillian grabbed Kieron by the neck. "The prince will note your obedience." He said
"Of course kid, just leave us be yeah? Go fight somewhere else." The boss said
Maximillian dragged Kieron outside things were about to get heated quickly...
Tremere hideout...
Claire came upon the mansion. She knocked on the door, she was worried still and couldn't shake an uneasy feeling. A ghoul answered the door.
"Oh wow! It's you! You're Claire! How'd you survive the princes attack huh?" The Ghoul kept going on and on. An older man walked up.
"Please Kyle, go inside and calm down." The man said. "Now Claire what can I do for you?"
"I wish to speak about a terms of alliance against the prince." Claire said
"We accept." The man said
"What!? That fast?" She said
"Yes, that damned prince is getting out of hand, we need someone new and to be honest that's not you but it's all we have. No one else will fight back." The man said
"Gee thanks for the vote of confidence." She said
The old man's looked scared, this in turn horrified Claire "What is it!? What's wrong!?"
"It's...your father, he's-" Claire didn't stick around she began to run as fast as she could to Kierons location...
In the mountains...
Maximillian dropped Kieron, rain began to fall. Kieron caught his breathe and stood.
"So you're Claires father." Kieron said tightening his gloves.
Maximillian built a transparent barrier around them. "I'm giving you a chance to fight, you lose you go to a prison, where you will work and be tortured twice a day and for you I will assign severe treatment."
Kieron summoned his sword. It seems like he had no choice so there was no point for words. He revved his sword as it let out a roar Kieron charged Maximillian who stopped Kierons blade, he threw Kieron back. Maximillian however stood unimpressed, Kieron lifted his left glove and drowned his body in blood, when he snapped his finger his blood magic activated and the blood on him began to glow. Maximillian warhammer shapeshifted into a greatsword. The two began to clash swords at high speeds, Kieron was now fighting for his freedom...
Claire could tell Kieron was fighting her father but she couldn't pin point where exactly. She exhaled...she had to stay calm. She began to look with her mind, it was a trick of the tremere as they were blood magicians but different from Kieron. Claire came to a realization that they were on a mountain. She began to run towards the destination...
With every clash that Kieron and Maximillian got in there were Shockwaves being created. Kieron however was not winning, Maximillian grabbed Kierons blade and snapped the blade in half and threw it aside. Kieron jumped back, his eyes grew large and there was a maniacle smile on his face.
"Don't count me out..." His shadow began to crawl on his body replacing the blood on his skin. "Just yet!" He yelled in a demonic tone.
Maximillian prepared his blade as Kieron began to volt at him with great speeds. Kieron began to throw punches and kicks at high speed, hitting Maximillian multiple times, Kieron forced the greatsword out of Maximillians hand and snapped it. This pissed Maximillian off to be getting beaten by a fledgling. Kieron stood there, waiting for Maximillian to strike. Maximillian charged Kieron and began swinging, Kieron dodged most of the hits but got hit by some, when he got hit you could hear the cracking of Kierons bones. But the shadow set them the bones back into place, Kieron hissed at Maximillian. Maximillian watched as he saw blood emerge through Kierons shadow armor, also out of the corner of his eyes he saw Claire. This gave Maximillian an idea. He charged Kieron at full speed, he grabbed Kieron and began pummeling him, Kieron screeched out. The two began to attack and block each others attacks, Maximillian gaining the upper hand. Claire on the outside stood in horror, she could feel her emotions begin to slip...
"JUST STOP BOTH OF YOU!!!" Tears began streaming down her face.
"You started this young lady." Maximillian said giving Kieron one last punch.
Kieron fell to his knees. Maximillian grabbed the blade of his greatsword, he began to walk towards Kieron...
Maximillian picked Kieron up by the neck and began to stab Kieron although not all the way through. Kierons shadow began to leave his skin and he began to scream in extreme pain. Claire covered her ears and closed her eyes and began to was happening all over again. Maximillian slung Kieron over his shoulder.
"Would you stop crying like a baby. He's not dead...not yet at least." Maximillian said
Kieron still had consciousness although his eyesight was wavering. He saw Claire crying.
"Claire I will always be a part of your life, you can thank your mother for that." Maximillian said
"It had to be done." Maximillian said starting to walking away. He stopped and stared at Claire dominating her "You will not follow me, you will sit and watch as I drag this man to be tortured as punishment."
Claire sat and watched. Kieron began recalling their conversation before all of this. He replayed it over and over in his head, the words I love you and sorry were the most recurring words. He held out his hand slowly, blood falling from his mouth. He mouthed the words.
"I'm sorry...I love you..." His arm fell limp and his eyes slowly closed...
That's it! Any questions or comments let me know!
I'll be done my first year of college next week, and for once I actually have high hopes 
Tense chapter! :O
Funny how the Tremeres are so ready to overthrow the Prince, I also thought Claire would need to explain it to them for longer :P
SON OF A BITCH! Well, looks like Kieron needs to make a better sword next time around
Maximillion won... Hmm... I'm sure Kieron will get out of this though, and thank god he isn't dead either! XP
I look forward to more from you dude! XD
Wow. Max (gonna call him that for short, if you don't mind. Tell me 'fuck no' if you want) XD is a tough son-of-a-btich. I loved the detail of his battle with Kieron. I see he's using his daughter to attack Kieron and I'm not sure if this is smart or foolish. His breaking that sword, though. Kieron needs to be careful for next time, he may not be lucky....
Claire. That poor woman.
To see her lover and father battle all for what and is it worth it...Nice chap, dude!
The Tremeres are sick of the princes shit, I will go into more details later
Poor Kieron though, that sword took him three years to make! XD
Maximillians strength is simply too overpowering for Kieron even when his shadow takes over
He'll find a way, but he has to make it through this vampire prison first. 
Thanks man!
Ok then.
Just get Nick to make him a new one! XP
How does that 'shadow' form work for Kieron anyways?
You can call him whatever you want man
my personal nickname for him is asshole! XP I guess you could say Maximillians actions was both foolish and smart, foolish due to pissing Kieron off more but smart so he could break Claires will and dominate her easily. He certainly does, especially when his shadow comes into play.
Claire had to relive her worst nightmare all over again, and she was powerless to do anything about it
Thanks man!
He could do that! XD
If Kieron thinks he's just about beat, he can call upon his own shadow that bring up past memories and tragedies as it crawls on his skin, this sends him insane giving him a vast amount of strength and speed but it makes him have a reckless nature, the shadow does have access to Kierons blood magic as well, but when Kierons taken enough of a beating the shadow will peel off Kierons body and he will pass out due to injuries.
Nick wouldn't be able to create a sword like that with Black Magic though, at least not in the year of 1992. If it was the year of 2009 onwards, then yes he could
Interesting... XD
The walk to the Eggman diner was rather interesting but Robert would not have it any other way. Gren made a game the entire way the brothers walked through the crowds. He'd point to a person and you had to either pick yes or no; after you picked one of those, the real question would come. Of course, Robert said no to the wrong ones and yes to questions that would make the pope blush and set Robert on fire.
The afternoon was a nice one and neither brother wore a jacket. It was odd seeing Gren in a simple white teeshirt but a nice change, in an odd way. He spoke heavily of the evening ahead and the time he would spend with Lyla and Georgie. RJ was coming over in two days but this gave Gren a chance to see his nephew, too. his mentioning of Emily, however, seemed to change things within seconds.
Opening the door to the diner, the hostess led the brothers to a back booth near and open window. They were able to watch mundies and Fables walk by while continuing the conversation. Gren and Robert ordered their meals; Mushroom swiss burger for Robert with onion rings and Chicken strips with seasoned fries for Gren. They each ordered a coke and chocolate milkshakes. Grabbing the ketchup to check the amount, Gren continues to speak.
"That girl is something."
Robert looks over at Gren. "You might want to watch how you speak about Emily, Gren, especially in this town."
"The fuck do you mean?"
"Her family understands the bond and connection. I get it. But if certain ears hear that, you'll have the cops all over you and charging you left and right for child molestation. You'll have to leave Fabletown and-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Gren, angry, leans on the table. "I have NEVER touched children OR Emily! that is fucking sick, Robert! you know me better then that and-"
"I do, Gren. I understand but once again, you need to be careful with how you explain your relationship to Emily. She's only ten and people can get the wrong impression and I'm only looking out for you."
The waitress returns with their sodas and milkshakes. Robert's words stung like a painful sunburn and he knew it, too. Gren was suddenly found in a low point and masked it with coke and chocolate goodness in a tin cup.
Robert sighs. "Gren, I did not mean that at all...."
"I love that girl. I'd do anything to protect her from creeps like that. We just have a stronger connection, Robert. I...I can't explain it but-"
"I get it, Gren." Robert takes a sip and smiles. "I understand. I've seen it. Sometimes, that happens. All the other kids have it, too."
Robert felt horrible. "Gren-"
"Don't worry about it, Robert. I get it. I fucking get it."
"I see it, though. She's always around you. Asking questions. Making conversations."
"She's something special to me..."
Robert nods. Both he and Gren left it at that. In their hearts, that was enough to know. Gren, however, was not through playing 'questions' and had a few for his older brother. The smell of fried food and sauteed onions indicated their meals was coming soon.
"You and Rose. How is that coming along?"
"Stupid. We just hang out, have fun every now and then but its not really what I want anymore."
"If you tell me Lyla, Robert, I'm going to scream right now and-"
"No. This has nothing to do with Lyla." Robert looked annoyed. "I'm just saying, Rose and I have been through a lot but she's not really 'girlfriend' material. She's a sweet girl and a great fuck every know and then but....I don't know..."
Gren was not sure how to answer this. Normally, he had a remark for everything his brother said but not for this. He understood and honestly knew where Robert was coming from. Grendels were creatures that never acted on every feeling or emotion; when one was serious about another living soul, they made sure to mark what was their own. Although he marked Lyla, the feelings were not the same. He'd jump the gun and now, was stuck with this silly little sun symbol that mocked him with every pitiful second his eyes glanced at it.
Robert tried to remove it several times but the process was painful. He wanted to hold onto the 'memories'. For what reason, that was something Gren could never understand. Even though he and Carla were together, there was no connection. She despised him and the feeling was the same but the children is what kept Gren around all this time. He knew Carla slept around and felt pity for the Fable because she felt it was 'needed' to make her look caring. But this was something Robert would have to tackle soon. This alone could drive a beast of his stature to destruction and chaos. Not too long ago, that occured between him and Rose. Luckily, Bigby was willing to make a deal...
The waitress returns with their food. The crispy odor of fries, onion rings and burgers filled their little area. Gren tucks a napkin away on his lap as Robert takes his knife and slices down the middle of his burger. Gren chuckles, taking a fry and diping it into the ketchup.
"What the fuck is so funny, Gren?"
"One, you're cutting your burger with a knife. Two, it's nine in the morning and we both fucking order burgers for breakfast, chocolate shakes and cokes."
Robert chuckles. "We fucking did...Oh man. Typical of us. And to think, we were going to get eggs."
"I'm buying." Gren adds half the ketchup bottle next to his fries. "I owe ya' for that fucking disaster in your apartment."
"Don't worry about it, Gren. Save your money...I'll fix it before that landlord finds out."
"I can tackle it, if you want."
"Nah, don't worry about it. You have enough on your plate." Robert takes a bite. "I wish you'd leave her, Gren. I love having you around. That's not the problem. But I see what it's doing to you."
"I can't leave. The kids-"
"Are old enough to understand, Gren. They notice their father is a fucking mess. Mom is never home. Fighting all the fucking time. No love. Is that how you want them raised?"
Gren glares out the window. "You wanna know something, Robert? Mayeb I'm fucking paranoid or something...."
"What is it, Gren?"
"You ever get the feeling your being lied to but can't prove it? Or, your so afraid of being right, you'd rather turn a fucking blind eye then have to put up with it?"
Robert already knew what Gren was speaking about. "Sometimes, Gren."
Gren continues. "I have these awful, fucking feelings of the kids not even being mine sometimes but...I'm fucking losing it. Right...Robert....?"
"Yeah, bro." Lying through his teeth. "You're paranoid...."
Gren knew it was a lie. Robert was horrible with masking the truth but he didn't have the heart to be the anchor keeping his brother down. Gren seemed to have already picked up on it but this was something sadly Gren had to fight alone. Although robert was ready to charge, take control and remove his brother from Carla, it would never happen. Gren was determined to prove everyone wrong. Maybe it was him, he was trying to prove wrong to. Either way, it was a losing battle with himself.
Robert looks around. The diner was empty; besides them and the employees, three other people sat at the random tables, enjoying their meals. Robert happened to glance over at the cook. A man of average height with red hair, mustache and glasses stood behind the counter, flipping pancakes. Robert knew who the man was. Jersey's brother, one of the few that remained alive. Legend has it, Jersey saved his brother's soul from the fires of hell.
Traded in something valueable and although the first century was a bitch, the guy bounced back and was forever in his brother's debt. He and Jersey rarely spoke but had an understanding. While Jersey worked at the pawn shop, this was his brother's turf. Robert could not recall his name.
He pokes Gren's leg with his shoe. "Hey, you remember the cook's name? One with the orange hair and glasses?"
Gren looks ups. "Jersey's twin? Yeah. His name is, Frank or something....Fuck, I don't know. Why?"
"Nah just wondering...I've seen him around a lot."
"Okay..." Gren looks over Robert's shoulder and at the cook. "He's looking over here, Robert."
"What-" robert gently turns his head. "-The Jersey look alike?"
"No, Barbara fucking Walters. Yes, Jersey cook! He's fucking staring you down...."
Robert returns to his burger. He didn't mean to look. To question. If he was anything like Jersey, looking at him the wrong way sent you six feet and then some into the ground. Stuffing another onion ring into his mouth, Robert secretly wanted the cook to leave and ignore Robert. Must have been break, for the cook was hanging his apron and heading over. The sweat pouring and Robert's heart thumping. He could feel the beatings. The pain.
"Shit." Gren smiles. "Here comes your pal!"
Robert could pick up the axe and grease smell. The cook stood before the brothers. Beaming, hands folded and a smile, the cook glances at Robert. He looked identical to Jersey but slimmer and more well built. This mustache was a tad thicker and a little bit more hair.
"Robert Grendel, right? Frank."
Gren was right. Robert wipes his mouth. "Hey, Frank. I, uh, sorry about looking at you like that earlier. I, uh, thought you looked familar and-"
"Ya' know my brother, right? Fat fuckin' waste of a life?"
How precious, thought Robert. "The Jersey Devil? Yeah, I know him."
"Then you know me." Frank leans against the table. "How's the food, boys?"
"GREAT!" Gren holds a greasy thumbs up. "Fucking delicious!"
Frank continues to smile, grabbing Robert's shoulder. He gently begins to massage. "Ya' boys eat up, now. I'm nothin' like that creep brother of mine. Don't mind ya' lookin', Robert. As a token of my gratitude, breakfast is on me."
Robert was stunned. "Why, Frank? That's very nice but-"
"Nah!" His grips becomes tighter. "Honestly. For Grendel and his good lookin' brother, I don't mind. If you're ever free, we can hang, Robert. Grab a beer or two."
"Okay, sure..." Robert smiles. "I'm free tonight if you'd like to meet up. My kid is visiting his mom and this fool will be gone."
"Perfect." Frank pats Robert on the face. "Stop by before you boys leave. we can exchange information. Enjoy your meal, boys."
Frank winks at Robert, turns and heads back to the bar. Taking another bite, Robert could feel the heat building around his face and neck. The fool was not going to murder him but there was another strange feeling Robert picked up on. Gren did, too, for he was smiles and giggles.
Ignoring his brother, Robert continued to eat. Frank, however, never taking his eyes off of Robert.
,`,Any questions or comments, leave them below.
So many things in this chapter!!!!!
Fucking bitch >:(
I forget why Robert and Lyla split up, or was it just a one-night stand like Bigby? Either way, I pity Robert for bearing that mark proving he and Lyla had something in the past. I really wanna know more about what happened between those two! :O Seems to me like Robert is the victim in all of this, while he sits in solitude, Lyla gets to spend her days playing happy families with Georgie Porgie, her husband no less...
And Frank- Wait, no! Is he Robert's.... NO! NO, NO, NO! Robert and Frank?! XP Oh my God!!!!
I look forward to more dude!!! XD
I check this thread for the first time in a few days and guess what I find. "345 new comments."
I use to be a fan of Carla. Now I'm not. Bitch. >:(
Robert and Lyla were just 'fuck buddies' like he and Rose but robert began to feel for her. his love for her, honestly, is to fill the void of being lonely. He knows Lyla will never love him like that; Georgie has always had her heart and he accepts that but like Gren, was afraid to be alone....Honestly, Robert made his own choices. Lyla moved on, just as he needs to.
LOL >:D Who knows, Hman! We'll have to wait and see! evil laugh
Great, Hman!
Sucks to be you :P
You know, much like I did with Noah, I may write my own version of Nick dealing with Carla, after Pie posts her demise of course
Poor Robert... At least he has some kick-ass memories!! XP Still, I feel quite sorry for him, Lyla is an interesting one, basically putting off the inevitable of permanently being with Georgie. How did she and Bigby end up fucking anyways?! I thought Bigby only had eyes for Snow?
A little Robank for the future? Poor Robert, he bangs Lyla Smith and Rose Red and then he turns gay?! :O
Yeah, he does.
I love Lyla.
She loves Georgie and they work, tbh. I know Lyla and Georgie had a fight, she stayed at bigby's place and they fucked. This is the beauty of fanfiction,, he's slept with other people before Snow, no offense. Yes, he has eyes for Snow but this was before they got together and all that. He'd be the better person to ask....I'm just going by his past stories.
Robank...sounds like a grocery store or something. XD Maybe he's always been a little bicurious and had feelings but masked them.
It happens to us all man! XD
In Pie's fics, Bigby slept with other women before Snow?! I didn't know this... Bigby slept with Sarah Tanaraque in Fables, but that was after the Cubs were born. I guess I just love BigbyxSnow too much to even consider them sleeping with other people
Hmmm... who did Bigby sleep with besides Lyla and Snow then? If you know of course.
Robert is an open person, but he's so focused on women! Well, guess he's just been lying to himself all this time XP
Like Hazza said there was a lot of stuff!
I love Robert and Grens relationship! Sure they fight but there's this unbreakable bond between the two that keeps them smiling and enjoying each others company!
Carla however needs to die, treating Gren like that!
Also poor Robert, from what you told Hazza, it makes me feel bad for Robert. BUT it seems that Frank has an eye on a certain Grendel! 
I loved this JJ
I shall wait for more!
No, not in pies. I was mentioning Sarah. And Cindy. (But that is just me) Sure, the cubs were born but still....I know what you mean but it happens.
When the world wants you to be a certain way, you have to mask your feelings to avoid being caught. Robert does this. Maybe for himself, too. He'll be able to be himself again, though. A lot of gay club scenes! XD
Robert and Gren fight. They do. We've witnessed it in mine and pie's story but it's true. They have this bond that will forever keep them close like this.
I agree. Carla must die!
She treated Gren like shit but he was afraid of being alone. Bad attention is better then none to Gren.....I feel bad for Robert but he made these decisions. Hopefully, his new 'crush' will help this problem.
YAY Tetra! Sounds good, dude!
I doubt Bigby and Cindy fucked tbh. Bigby doesn't mix business with pleasure, and he is Cindy's boss, they're close definitely, but I just don't see it as something that happened, there isn't anything to prove it could've happened...
I see. Hopefully now he can find his true happiness
This was indeed a tense chapter! just got home and man...I love reading about Kieron. Maimillian is a douche. There, I said it. >:( He's using Clarie's love for Kieron to his own sick advantage and hopefully, Kieron will take him down. And get a stronger sword because damn...this guy is not playing around! I like how he's using this to kind of weaken the two. Kieron fights but claire must sit back and watch, unable to do anything. Uh...he screaming at her father like that broke my heart!
Seems like Kieron and Claire got lucky this time but hopefully, I'm wrong when I get these feelings of uneasiness.
Great job, my good man! -brofist-
I love Robert and he and Gren are always my favorite sibling on this thread, tbh. They have such a connection. I love it.
I hate Carla, too. Always the ones that know you best that like to sneak up and bite ya'.
I hope Robert can finally let go. (I honstly thought he did bad) and seems like Frank is the one to do that for him. XD I love how you made him the brother to Jersey. Like, wtf? lol I ship it already. And Gren with Emily. Warms my heart. I look forward to these gay club scenes! XD The Pot o' Gold! XD
I'm glad you love reading about him because I love writing his stories! Oh he gets worse, like I told JJ I call him an asshole XD Kierons going to be down and out for a bit, and where he's going it's not going to get any easier sadly
Maximillian is no joke, it's sad that he has to follow the prince. She has a hate/love relationship with her father, and she had just accepted the fact she was able to move on with Kieron and he was almost taken away from her tore her to pieces, it was definitely hard to write 
They certainly did, since Maximillian decided to even give Kieron the chance to fight. He could of outright killed Kieron right there and then.
You are right to feel that uneasiness man but keep a little faith that Kieron will achieve his life goal of happiness
Thanks man!
For your OC Emily;
For Nick;
Oh my precious Emily!

This made me very hungry...
Sounds about right
Interesting, and I think I remember you drawing a picture of her as a child, or was that another Porgies baby?
I finally have a 10th question:
If she could have one power, what would it be?
Hmmm. If she could have one power. Let me go get her:
5 minutes later
Paralysis shock. Your enemy would never see it coming...:)
Nick will happily drink any kind of alcohol if it has salt in it; his favourite drink besides Scotch however, is Rum
Nick listens to wide variety of music; his favourite genres include various forms of Rock and Metal, along with Classical and some Opera. Nick tends to listen to softer music when he wants to chill out and just relax.
Nick's true arch nemesis is his Brother, Galen, the Harbinger for War. Galen and Nick do share brotherly love, but they hate each other's guts; always secretly imagining the other dead...
Hmmm, he would challenge all 3 of them and hope to emerge the victor. The Demi-God would probably draw with Nick however, and call it even...
Interesting question, glad you asked. Nick and Jayne will eventually marry; I have some ideas for children, but they aren't set in stone, they may have no children at all tbh. Nick already has Lyra from his time with Bloody Mary...
Yes, this will be a major factor in my next story. When Mary cheats on Nick, he breaks up with her, but he becomes heavily depressed as he loved her so much and her cheating on him was so sudden and unexplained... Nick even becomes suicidal and imagines his own reflection talks to him.
Nick understands why the Laws are in place, and he obeys them unless a situation calls for his true nature to be revealed. He lives close to Fabletown, but not in The Woodlands, and has walked freely around the Business Office a few times.
"The Wolf will fear me, or else he will be taught a very hard lesson..." Or something to that effect :P
Nick has watched the Twilight films, he didn't really care for them, and for him, one viewing is more than enough.
To count the number of lives that Nick has taken would be impossible. Nick has been alive for roughly 2,000 years, and he has participated in countless battles both in the Homelands, and in the Mundane world. Even Nick doesn't know the exact number...
So how was this?
"You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it." -Unknown
My name is Seraphina Grendel and my daddy is in the middle of a war. My siblings and I were told to stand back and he'll fight to bring mommy home. I miss mommy very much but I know in my heart she'll be alright. Viviana has not said much since our big sissy took us to her apartment. She just sits there on the couch, looking out the window. It's strange seeing her without the blonde. Think she misses Vivian, too. We all do, especially Nicholas. Uncle Peter and Ethan came by to check on us and Nicholas wanted to stay. He's been crying. I wonder what happens to Guardian angels when they die. But, they're already dead... right? Liam and Chloe are trying to make the best of it. They are in the kitchen with Woody and Rosie Posie making cookies. I'd rather be by the window, too. I like to watch the cars go by down below and see all the people. Last week, I saw a lady with a large hat...Rosie tells us to be strong but nobody is as strong as my daddy and I think she knows that, too.
4 days later. Fabletown....
"Gren, are you ready?"
"Yes." Gren scowls at Isaiah. "Let's get this ball rolling so I can fuckin' find her. I want Carla in my hands. I want to take her fuckin' life for what she's done..."
It took several attempts before Gren was capable of producing the power Calla use to have. Isaiah wanted to make sure his brother could channel all his thoughts, anger and fear into one bundle and not scattered; being everywhere could throw off the balance and create chaos in the middle or after the transformation. Luckily, Snow, Peter and Ethan located several pages inregards to Enchantresses and all they could do. There was some vivid material and this was the final piece Gren needed to not only bring emily home but protect. Defend. BE all he was always destined to be. This was Gren's opportunity to save Emily and become more then just the monster who was defeated by Beowulf....
"Okay...." Isaiah nods to Robert, standing beside the fence. Isaiah continues. "It says here that there is Dark magic on your right and White magic on the left. According to these documents and what mom has told me, the dark magic will allow you to defend yourself and effect the the changes Carla may send to you in return. This is some powerful and dangerous stuff, Gren. It draws out malevolent powers and only those strong enough to handle it with courage and certainty can control everything and use it for good."
"What is the white magic for then?"
"Your element. Meaning, you'll be able to do what Seraphina does but think bigger, more powerful and destruction. I'm telling you this because Carla WILL strike and she has no remorse or regard to killing another life. I also know you've lost your way back there when Robert tried to attack Emily. I-"
"WHAT the fuck did you want me to do, Isaiah!? I thought he raped my wife! I was going to stop the fucker before it carried on!"
"I UNDERSTAND this, Grendel but again-certainty. Emily had Robert in control and managed to talk him down into the state in which she took ahold of the power, reversed the spell and used it to HER advantage. Carla may have had control over our brother but Emily has mom in her now, too. That was something she was capable of doing when the bow was in her hands..."
Gren huffs but nods. He knew Isaiah was right...Isaiah continues. "Very good. Now-the good thing about the dark magic, it will stay dormant until needed but be careful. When you begin to feel a panic hysteria, you can lose control. Remember-"
"Certainty." Gren walks to the pond. "I get it, Isaiah."
Michelle steps in. "I know all too well about this. My father used the same material. You need to always remain calm, Gren, even when you think you're losing and-"
"Where was this information earlier?" Grinding his teeth, Gren punches a rock. "I mean, the fuck was this shit at when mom kept telling me about wars and dad wanted to fuckin' train me, huh?"
"I can't answer that, Gren." Isaiah touches his brother's back. "You must not have been ready, is my guess. I can only tell you this now in hopes of bringing her back. Please."
I may not be there but what daddy does not know, is Chloe has a shadow watching and listening to daddy. I can see he wants to cry but my daddy is better then what he was back then. He's stronger now. I know he can save mommy and learn what grandma gave him. There is a reason why my daddy has these special gifts and why grandpa Thomas made him Alpha. I bet that mean lady thought it would be easy to knock daddy down....
Gren faces the pond and began to picture Emily. The first day he held her and the sudden bond they created. Gren often brushed it off. Looking back, there was always something there and he was foolish to ignore it. Allowed Carla to control his existence and all that dwelled within. Gren had always loved Emily; even before her conception and beyond, there was always something there. He was determined to bring back what was rightfully his. Carla would not take this away from him.
Lifting his hands and closing his eyes, Gren allowed the magic to flow through his body. Robert, Isaiah and the others stood back and observed their brother's final transformation into the world Gren wanted to wish never happen. Gren was back in the Homelands for a moment; the glades, swamps and hills of his childhood home tugged along the strands of memories left in his brain. His battle with Beowulf. The sacrifice his mother made to keep Gren alive. The time he spent in the mundane world, up until the exact moment of the battle. Gren was in a whirlpool of thoughts but not a single one broke the foundation. Sturdy like the mountains, he remained whole.
Isaiah covers his mouth and cries. "He's doing it...oh my God. He's actually doing it..."
Robert, proud of his younger brother, silently cheered Gren into his transformation. Despite the anguish still there for not keeping the title, in the end, it always belonged to Grendel. Both brothers got to witness the very powers their mother once possesed and passed along to their brother. Gren was able to transform his entire body into spiritual energy. This allowed a piece of Gren to remain behind while he ventured into the Underworld. No harm would come to Gren.
Calla was able to use this special gift to enter the spirit world and bring back news to loved ones or 'watch' over those that passed so soon. Like Calla, Gren was now able create, shape and manipulate the spiritual powers and use them for good and visit the Underworld. The place that held his beloved Emily...
Gren's body was still near the edge of the pond; floating beside, however, was his spirit. Locked around his wedding band, was a single droplet of Gren's spirit that would ensure he'd return unharmed. Isaiah, still taken back by the beauty, touches Gren's spirit. It looked identical to his brother but with a blue and green tint to his skin. His eyes a solid white, black circles under each and fangs petruding from his mouth. Five orbs annulus around Gren's head and torso. Each one a distinct color: Green, Yellow, Silver, Red and Brown.
"What are these things, Isaiah?" Gren tries to catch one. "They look fucking hilarious."
"They are the five elements we all posses, Gren. Fire, Metal, Wood, Earth and Water. Mine is there, along with yours and Robert's; even our deceased brothers, Jason and Daniel, are there beside you. To guide. Now and always. We're on your side, Gren...until the bitter end. Go get her, Gren."
Gren's bottom lip quivers; he could feel the burning tears developing in his eyes. Although he and his brothers had problems in the past, Gren could always count on them. Their love was forever bound by their troubles, past and issues each one faced alone. Hugging Isaiah, then pulling in Robert, he was certain they all knew of this. Patting Gren on the back, Robert began to cry.
"God....fuck..." Robert leans back, cleaning his eyes. "Stupid fucking Gren. Get the hell out of here."
Gren chuckles, wiping his eyes as well. "I'll be back. With my wife and Carla's head tucked under my fucking arms..."
To his right side, Michelle. Ethan was worried the darkness would envelop his love but she assured him this was nothing. After that comment, Ethan wandered how many times she practiced this before officially 'ending' that chapter in her life. To the left, one of Georgie Junior's
clones.Georgie was determined to journey with Gren but the risk was too great. If he perished there, that was the end for Georgie. The clone would stand fr his place and right beside Gren and Michelle. Georgie grabs Gren's arm and pulls back; the look of hatred, fear and loss circled his brown eyes but a smile slowly grew on his lips.
"Go get 'er, Gren. Find my baby. Bring our Emily home....Give one fa' me. Lyla....all of us."
"I promise, Georgie. She WILL come home, I'll sound the trumpets of war and we'll finish this all. Carla will pay. Come on. Let's fucking do this...."
Georgie releases his grip on Gren's arm, waves to the others and stands between Robert and Isaiah. Nick floats beside his once assigned soul and prayed Vivian was still attatched to Emily. Waving his arms, Gren summons a portal within the waters. Walking behind, Valeo follows along with Nick. Hades peers into the portal and nods. Hades knew the risk he was taking; the urge to bring Viviana's soul grew with every passing moment but he fought back and knew what needed to be done to end all of this once and for all. He, Nick and Valeo went first, followed by Michelle, Junior's clone and finally, Gren.
"Good luck, Gren." Isaiah held Robert's hand. He could feel his older brother shake. "You can do this, Gren. WE believe in you...."
The world all around Gren grew darker as he passed by various worlds and portals; they entered a space like area with many stars, numerous moons and lights. Continuing forward, however, their surroundings vanished and switched to a more unfortunate area with fire, misery and ambivalence. They reached the kingdom of the Underworld, prepared to search for Emily and Vivian.
"Let's do this fuckin' thing. Find my wife..." Gren points to the others, nodding in agreement. "FIND my wife and let ME deal with Carla when I see her...."
The sound of trumpets echo in the kingdom and make their way to the others on earth; trembling against the eerie music, the Grendel brothers and others felt a change in the air as all life seemed to stop and wait for their next move.
....But that mean lady is wrong. Oh so very wrong....
Any questions, you know the drill. So...tired. I have not had time to post. Busy, busy, busy. If I'm free this weekend, catch up on the challenge and Gremily's tale.
Gotta do what ya' gotta do, though. Need to make that $$$$.
San Fran is a lovely place and I'm so glad to be here!
Gren you've come so far! Just one last push man!
This was so awesome! And Gren is a goddamn beast, white and dark magic at his side, this man must be a tank!
I loved little Seraphinas side notes!
Poor Georgie it always brings a tear to my eye everytime, that poor bastard. 
I know that feeling man, in fact I might take a nap since today is reading day. Cash is nice to have around
That's good that you like it there man! 
This was awesome man! I wait for more
I learned alot more about Nick from these. Number six got to me.
I can only wonder what she'll do with that power when Gren makes her mad :O
Gren has become something no one thought was possible and he's more determined then anything now to kick ass! He's one to not piss off now!
Calla gave him her specialty and he's the Alpha. Ticking time bomb of madness and destruction! evil laugh JK! XD I wanted to add the kid's point of view in all this as well. Seraphina is the speaker o the four and Georgie. Gone through so much, yet remains strong in the end. 
Take that nap, my good man. Relax! It's a Friday!
Amen to that and I am, too. Feel like a tourist everyday until I get use to it all. 
Thanks, my good man! Glad ya' liked it! -brofist-
Nick is devoted to her... The reason for her cheating on him will be revealed in the next story, and it may surprise you. Nick has friends for support, but even they get pushed to the limit sometimes.
Nick has a number of close calls, 2 of them quite bad: 1 he stabs himself in the heart just as Lyla and Emily walk through the door. He starts blubbering about how much it hurts while Lyla cradles him and tells him it'll be ok, while Emily frantically calls Swineheart.
The second time his own reflection tells him to O.D on pills that will stop his heart, and he nearly does take them, but because he is babysitting Gremily's quads, he crushes the bottle instead.
Nick is a damaged being in my next story, you see a side of him that you never thought he would have. He's frightened, lonely, suicidal, anti-social, and above all else, he isn't as confident in himself...
Great chapter
So Seraphina is still referring to Viviana, yes? Viviana's hair isn't blonde anymore, right? (I don't remember that detail if it happened :P)
Gren, Junior's clone, Michelle, Valeo, Hades and my Nick (? It's confusing as to which Nick is which)). An excellent team! I fear what they could accomplish down there...
I look forward to the showdown, and whatever happens afterwards
I await more dude! XD