When i go to bed at night, i pray to my favorite lord that we would get some news the next day. I am dissapointed each day. My borderlands faith needs to be stronger.
When i go to bed at night, i pray to my favorite lord that we would get some news the next day. I am dissapointed each day. My borderlands faith needs to be stronger.
No news. I have set out to find episode 3 many moons ago, i pray to the lords above to give me insight on when it will grace my hands, but they only know the word soon. I cry myself to sleep. The gods of Tales are silent while the war of ships rages on. I pull out of picture of my family, Rhys and the group smiling, with me in the middle. I smile and put it away. It keeps me going as i cry my self to sleep, dreaming of the perfect world where all episodes are released. I have gotten a few updates. My friends who speak for the characters had spoken, they grace me with the small updates. Soon i will write to you, telling you when i have played it. I found another one of fathers letters, but it will have to wait till next time.
Dairy entry No. 4
Dear Dairy,
No news. I have set out to find episode 3 many moons ago, i pray to the lords above to give me i… morensight on when it will grace my hands, but they only know the word soon. I cry myself to sleep. The gods of Tales are silent while the war of ships rages on. I pull out of picture of my family, Rhys and the group smiling, with me in the middle. I smile and put it away. It keeps me going as i cry my self to sleep, dreaming of the perfect world where all episodes are released. I have gotten a few updates. My friends who speak for the characters had spoken, they grace me with the small updates. Soon i will write to you, telling you when i have played it. I found another one of fathers letters, but it will have to wait till next time.
Trust nobody, not even yourself,
Heh, I wouldn't be too happy about M12 actually, since I'll be away to attend a 3-day conference at that time, so I'd only be able to play it come the weekend anyway and I'd be late to the party... Still, the weekend would be closer than M26, so, eh, I dunno. Would sure be nice if it was M5 tho...
I've just started the pre-sequel to keep myself entertained, but I managed to slice off half of the fingertip on my right thumb today and it's messing with my aim.
When i go to bed at night, i pray to my favorite lord that we would get some news the next day. I am dissapointed each day. My borderlands faith needs to be stronger.
Heh, I wouldn't be too happy about M12 actually, since I'll be away to attend a 3-day conference at that time, so I'd only be able to play i… moret come the weekend anyway and I'd be late to the party... Still, the weekend would be closer than M26, so, eh, I dunno. Would sure be nice if it was M5 tho...
I've just started the pre-sequel to keep myself entertained, but I managed to slice off half of the fingertip on my right thumb today and it's messing with my aim.
Can I get a professional opinion on BL1, is it common to find this many legendary(yellow/orange) guns in your first playthrough, or is the game being nice to me.
Can I get a professional opinion on BL1, is it common to find this many legendary(yellow/orange) guns in your first playthrough, or is the game being nice to me.
Ugh... So I was rewatching the trailers and I've noticed this part.
It's the first time I've seen this pic and idk if it was already noticed, so yeah... have a nice day.
Ugh... So I was rewatching the trailers and I've noticed this part.
It's the first time I've seen this pic and idk if it was already noticed, so yeah... have a nice day.
This appears in the game. In Episode 1, if you tell The Stranger "We calmly discusses an alliance," Fiona tells him that this is how it happened. Skip to 15:00
Ugh... So I was rewatching the trailers and I've noticed this part.
It's the first time I've seen this pic and idk if it was already noticed, so yeah... have a nice day.
My puns are very good, I hope I don't punish you too much with them!
I cant take all this punishment. Darn you Crips!
Slow down, puncaces. It's was a joke
What does a suicidal man do after finishing talking on a phone?
I have knowingly kept it for the future :Р
I am honored to get that title
TBH I'm expecting a M19 release, it would be such a nice pre-birthday gift.
It's best if you trust me and will not hope that it will be so close, and then disappoint a lot more
When i go to bed at night, i pray to my favorite lord that we would get some news the next day. I am dissapointed each day. My borderlands faith needs to be stronger.
Hush hush now, pray a little more and I'm sure the news will come soon.
Updated to Steam again !
So many updates. So little news.
brb crying
Dont worry, Ep3 will be out the 19th for sure
You probably made him cry even more xD
Where did you get that from?
TFTB's Steam Database
Dairy entry No. 4
Dear Dairy,
No news. I have set out to find episode 3 many moons ago, i pray to the lords above to give me insight on when it will grace my hands, but they only know the word soon. I cry myself to sleep. The gods of Tales are silent while the war of ships rages on. I pull out of picture of my family, Rhys and the group smiling, with me in the middle. I smile and put it away. It keeps me going as i cry my self to sleep, dreaming of the perfect world where all episodes are released. I have gotten a few updates. My friends who speak for the characters had spoken, they grace me with the small updates. Soon i will write to you, telling you when i have played it. I found another one of fathers letters, but it will have to wait till next time.
Trust nobody, not even yourself,
Still making the same typo, Nazi Grammars had all commited suicide while reading your diary XDDDDDD
Come on. There's no need to....
Cry, Wolf.
That was an awesome pun!
I have Faith in you Carley 8)
I didn't mean to do it... i mean, i didn't mean for them to kill themselves.
well you did
but be happy
youll be a main character of a creepypasta
puts on glasses
Will it have been 7 weeks since Ep2 launched this coming Tuesday? If so, then I figure a May 12th release date is still very likely
Heh, I wouldn't be too happy about M12 actually, since I'll be away to attend a 3-day conference at that time, so I'd only be able to play it come the weekend anyway and I'd be late to the party... Still, the weekend would be closer than M26, so, eh, I dunno. Would sure be nice if it was M5 tho...
I've just started the pre-sequel to keep myself entertained, but I managed to slice off half of the fingertip on my right thumb today and it's messing with my aim.
You don't need to be a better shot, you just need to shoot more bullets!
Can I get a professional opinion on BL1, is it common to find this many legendary(yellow/orange) guns in your first playthrough, or is the game being nice to me.
Ugh... So I was rewatching the trailers and I've noticed this part.

It's the first time I've seen this pic and idk if it was already noticed, so yeah... have a nice day.
Yeah, that's one of the decisions you can make if you tell the kidnapper "We discussed an alliance".
Okay, wow I didn't take that option. Thanks for quick answer, I'm gonna go and replay the episode.
This appears in the game. In Episode 1, if you tell The Stranger "We calmly discusses an alliance," Fiona tells him that this is how it happened. Skip to 15:00
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