Glad you find my intertwining of history to be fascinating.
Yes, I shall be doing WWII (In fact, a few chapters will be done in regard to a certian event) but before that I have much to get through, namely the ascent of National Socialism and the 1936 Summer Olympics.
I always found you're chapters interesting due to the historical accuracy you have! I presume you will do WWII as well? If so that'd be rath… moreer cool. No need to apologize for your absence man, we all get a bit busy!
I look forward to more of your stuff man!
I think it is quite alright to place personal priorities first if you really must. We all have moments in our lives that prevent us from being able to comment on others stories or work on their own for that matter, especially in my case recently.
Brief comment (I promise! I know I can ramble a bit much sometimes.):
I've been absent most of this week again, mostly because of school … moreand responsibilities, and things I've been doing. For one, I went to my Junior Cruise last night, and I'm also working on getting a pic of me in my dress on here (Haha, maybe, if I can gather the confidence once more XD) But I've also seen that there were some...issues? I don't think I should call them that. There's been a problem with commenting, and I said sorry on the PM, but I also want to make a 'public' apology. I've never meant to make anyone feel lesser because I never really reviewed their stories as much as others. To be honest, at this point in my life, I've been so on the run and worn down by the end of the day, I only have the energy to focus on my own stuff. That being said I DO read everyones stuff. I don't comment as often, unless someone REALLY wants feedback. I just can't always do it. I… [view original content]
You say there is no romance between Snigby yet... it's all there, Emily! Snow trying as hard as she can to alienate him, Bigby not caring about her aggressiveness, please; she wants him, he wants her, all it takes is a few days away from their day-jobs and true love blossoms!!! XD
Glad to hear that My worst one for that was always a series where something had to be kept secret, and then they introduce someone from the outside as a new cast member, and they have to get used to EVERYTHING! >:(
I see O.o
I agree that Vampires and Werewolves hate each other, most depictions of the two support this :P
Krav Maga is just brutal; it focuses on speed and precise attacks to the body's natural weak spots (the groin in-particular) and most Special Forces groups use it. It doesn't even require much athleticism on the user's part either, so long as they know what techniques work for them, they should be fine.
Sorry for responding late >.< I was so caught up with stuff, it's crazy! Anyways, yeah, you COULD say it was particularly interesting … moreXD
Alas, no Snigby in this tale I felt that this should take place in the transition period, now that Crane is out and Snow is in his place. So it's not quite yet where they're romantic with each other, but hopefully you enjoyed their interactions Callum is a flirt by nature, he's got a wife so Bigby shouldn't have to be worried I just wanted to show Bigby's jealous side XD
Yeah, it can get petty sometimes watching someone seem so incompetent on things that are considered simple, in the supernatural world. I actually felt that way watching certain characters in the Mortal Instruments Series when they were introduced to the Shadow World (AKA, the supernatural world.). But they tend to learn quickly Callum will be a great tutor for Jocelyn, so it should be no problem
Wolves and Vampires hate e… [view original content]
I feel more and more sorry for Robert with every new chapter JJ posts :P
Oh and I meant does Lyla regret the relationship she had with Robert! Obviously she loves RJ, they have shared custody of him...
I'm the same way. Poor guy has had to be strong and for what?
Oh! I thought that is what youwere asking me. Whew! XD Honestly, in a small way but because she's seen what it's done to him and continues to do.
Sounds like you had one hell of a weekend but a fun one at that. Had a little bump in the road but I'd like to think we passed that over and moved forward. Like any 'normal' family, we have our tiffs but after agreeing and all is said, we move forward. Can't wait to see what you post but never apologies for being 'late' on comments and what not or being able to write. You're busy. We all, sadly, have felt the mistress known as 'life' crawl into our lives but it must be done. Glad to hear you're doing great but perhaps, some much needed down time is in the works.
Can't wait to see what you have in store and nice to see you back. -brofist-
Brief comment (I promise! I know I can ramble a bit much sometimes.):
I've been absent most of this week again, mostly because of school … moreand responsibilities, and things I've been doing. For one, I went to my Junior Cruise last night, and I'm also working on getting a pic of me in my dress on here (Haha, maybe, if I can gather the confidence once more XD) But I've also seen that there were some...issues? I don't think I should call them that. There's been a problem with commenting, and I said sorry on the PM, but I also want to make a 'public' apology. I've never meant to make anyone feel lesser because I never really reviewed their stories as much as others. To be honest, at this point in my life, I've been so on the run and worn down by the end of the day, I only have the energy to focus on my own stuff. That being said I DO read everyones stuff. I don't comment as often, unless someone REALLY wants feedback. I just can't always do it. I… [view original content]
I'll speak for Lyla in this sense. I'm suree JJ will come back with Robert's side as well. Robert and Lyla were best friends with benefits; she was young, wild and care-free. Did not want to be tied down just yet. Robert said he did not mind, however, secretly wanted to make Lyla his own. Lyla was honest and wanted to have fun. She never lied to him about that. At the time, however, there was a lot of drama going on with the Wolf Council and Fables. The wolves did NOT want their own breeding or hanging around Fables. Just the way their world worked at the time....For the safety of Robert, Lyla agreed to never see Robert again. Little did she know she was pregnant with RJ.
Lyla is not that mother. She loves her babies. Ask anyone here and they'll tell you she's nothing but wonderful. At the time, Bigby never saw Peter because the Wolf Council. Yes, Bigby is a Wolf but he's also a Fable and the Council would have killed both Lyla and Peter, if they caught wind of Peter's true background. So, to save his infant son, Bigby stepped back; Georgie loved both his wife and Peter and agreed with Bigby what needed to be done. Lyla and Georgie, however, would sneak Peter to Bigby for visits, so he could watch his son grow up.
Why does she regret it? She has a child because of it
Or is it because this child isn't Georgie's? Then again, what was Bigby like when Peter was young? Did Lyla let him see him or something?
I'll speak for Lyla in this sense. I'm suree JJ will come back with Robert's side as well. Robert and Lyla were best friends with benefits;… more she was young, wild and care-free. Did not want to be tied down just yet. Robert said he did not mind, however, secretly wanted to make Lyla his own. Lyla was honest and wanted to have fun. She never lied to him about that. At the time, however, there was a lot of drama going on with the Wolf Council and Fables. The wolves did NOT want their own breeding or hanging around Fables. Just the way their world worked at the time....For the safety of Robert, Lyla agreed to never see Robert again. Little did she know she was pregnant with RJ.
Lyla is not that mother. She loves her babies. Ask anyone here and they'll tell you she's nothing but wonderful. At the time, Bigby never saw Peter because the Wolf Council. Yes, Bigby is a Wolf but he's also a Fable and the Council would have killed both Lyla and Peter,… [view original content]
Brandy could not tell which was more annoying. Her shivering, blonde companion trying to hide in the toyota or Isaiah Grendel before her. The alley had a lingering smell of oil, sewage and old grease. Brandy was unsure how humans could live in such filth as the ones they created themselves. They were moving backwards in the evolution charts, rather then forward. Barnyard animals, is what Brandy liked to think of mortals.
While Isaiah continued to leap into the air, heading in Brandy's direction, this gave her time to think. Not about the beast heading in her path but the term 'Barnyard'. Farmers. The Vampires that feasted on the blood of animals, rather then human. From what Brandy heard, it's what her dear pal Isaiah did. Poor kid did not have much of a choice. Brandy could relate to this tragic placement in the world and knew all too well of not having a 'choice' in this situation.
Apparently, Isaiah was a Farmer. Brandy tried several times but thethirt quenching taste of warm, human blood could never be replaced by a dirty animal, rolling around in its own mess. Rumor has it, Bear blood gave you just enough, so you did not have to feed for six months. But the blood was putrid to Brandy's taste and she coughed it up everytime she attempted this. Isaiah, living up North, had forests carpeted with Bears and he could easily grab one, feast and continued his wretched life for another six months, before needing to feed again. From what Brandy heard, he grew to 'like' the taste and preferred it. Please.
Brandy takes out a nail file and remains still in the alley. Isaiah's form slowly changing; eyes a solid red, fangs lurching forward and the hisses quickly filling the area. Brandy knew of this poor fella; was turned in the summer of 1974, when all humans and Fables cared about was the Hustle, snorting the 'white line' in the bathroom and never wanting Disco to die. High from the line he'd finished off of the bathroom counter, Isaiah stumbled his way through the club, out into the mean streets and into the waiting arms of his maker. She was well known for seducing human men and feasting from their necks. Poor kid did not see it coming and for a moment, Brandy felt sorry. He was already a Grendel and those things are notorious for causing trouble. Mix several cups of Vampire venom and you have yourself one hell of a fucking Hybrid on your hands.
Brandy was not much for 'mixing' but then again, no choice for this poor sap. Hybrids were unpredictable and you were never too sure what you were going to get. Jack, still sitting in the car, eyes a massive white beast land before Brandy. He yanks at his shirt collar and tries to flag his friend down.
"BRANDY! GO!" Jack waves his arms! "MOVE! He's RIGHT there! Brandy!"
Brandy continues to file down her nails. The heavy breathing of Isaiah pressing against her neck. She smiles. "I got this, Jack. Just sit in the car and leave it running. This won't take long."
"You killed one of my members, Brandy." Isaiah looks deep into her eyes. "You KNOW how I feel about that."
"He grabbed my ass and was saying such horrible things to me Isaiah." Brandy tries not to laugh. "I was merely defending myself."
"Not what I heard. Hear you were the cause of the problem."
Brandy pauses, holds out her nail file and sighs. "Oh. Poor little Vamp girl. What will I EVER do, Isaiah?"
Brandy knew how to really dig beneath Isaiah's skin. No matter how hard the poor guy tried, he could not deny it for too long. Brandy knew who his brother was; she use to hang out in the Trip Trap during the earlier part of the 90's, played some pool and drank until neither could function correctly. When Gren mentioned his brother Isaiah, Brandy immediatly knew. She did not think either of his brothers knew the truth. but she DID know the truth of how to irk the Grendel brothers: being sarcastic. Gren, Robert and Isaiah were three men you never played sarcastic with. Boilde their blood and left them angrier then Hornets when the nest is shaken.
"You bitch..." Isaiah moves forward. "I outta wipe that fucking smile off your face."
Jack turns and sees his old pals from the club return. Each well over six feet tall, towering build and gleaming smiles.
"Uh, Brandy." Jack tries again to gain her attention. "Uh, um, Brandy. We have comapny, so-"
Brandy jumps backwards, leaps over the three men and lands beside the Toyota. Flipping her hair back, she stands. Beckoning for the men to attack, all three charge in her direction. Brandy remains still, while Jack cowers in the passenger seat. Shielding his eyes, all he could hears was a loud thud and the side of the car violently shaking. Brandy had tossed on of the men into the car's side, leaving a large dint.
"Get her!" Isaiah shrills into the night. "I want your fucking HEAD above my fireplace!"
Brandy wanted to laugh; Isaiah tried to act tough but he was nothing more then a tiny Dog with a large bark. No bite. She'd leave him for last. These men were putting up quite the fight and Brandy needed to release some stress. Or built up pressure. All she could think about was candy Angel and if she had the right genitals, she'd be pitching a tent right now.
Kicking another in the knee, Brandy takes her nail file and stabs the man in the leg. He immediatly shrieks, thrashes on the ground and turns into dust. The other two, unsure of what took place, climb the walls and prepare to attack mid air. Both of their fangs out, drool seeping from their gums and lips. Brandy leans into the car.
"Come at me, bitch." She smiles, preparing to fight. "I'm ready to be double-teamed!"
The men chuckle, jump off the wall and land between Brandy. The one before her attempts to sink his fangs into her neck; he could smell the fresh blood and could hear her heart beating. Both were famished and female Vampire blood was like drinking straight sugar water. Neither could resist but Brandy refused to have a straw shoved into her body and allow these fools to drink as if they were on a beach somewhere in the Bahamas and she was the coconut.
"Brandy!" Seriously, Jack, she thought. "Hurry the fuck up, man! Hurry-"
Jack did not notice Isaiah sitting in the car. He turned to find the keys but instead, was greeted with a firm grip on his wrist. Screaming in terror, Isaiah pulls out a knife and traces Jack's neck.
"Jack Horner. My, it's been awhile...."
"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Easy there! I don't want any trouble now, you hear me? Look, can't we just forget about all this and start new. HWY! I know your brother! Maybe we can get the hookups on drinks and-"
Isaiah pins Jack into the seat. "I don't WANT to negotiate with you, Jack. All I want, is for you to sit in the corner like a good boy and keep your mouth shut. My boys are hungry and although you look and smell tempting, I'd rather not spoil my appetite."
"HEY I taste good!" Jack licks his arm. "See!? Shit, I'd eat myself if I was one of you. I-"
"Do you ever stop, Jack?" Isaiah's fangs pull out, causing Jack to tremble. "You talk too much. You really do....I-"
Before Isaiah could finish, both men were tossed into the walls. One manages to stand up, pull out his daggers and run back towards Brandy.
"DIE, BITCH!" His screams filled the air. "I want you DEAD!"
Brandy refuses to move. Only smiling once, the man jumps, points his daggers and prepares to finish Brandy off. Each dagger contained poison. Hight concentrated holy water covered the blades like wax to fruit. One drop and you were sick dor days. Too much and you'd be lucky enough to die within seconds. The feeling was described like hot, boiling oil dripping down your throat but what did they know.
Brandy simply stands her ground. No need to move. Before he could plung the knife into her neck, Brandy simply takes her nail file and jabs it into the man's chest. Like previously with his pal, this one attempts to crawl away but becomes dust before reaching halfway in the alley. Seeing this happen for the second time, the other man takes off into the city and disappears.
Annoyed, Isaiah leaves Jack behind to deal with Brandy.
"I should have known. You want something done right, you need to do it yourself!"
Looking at Isaiah, Brandy tried to recall what it was that stopped him. Gren had his arm torn off, for Robert it was his right big toe and for Isaiah, it had to be somewhere visible. Scanning all around, he had to have a soft spot. All Grendels did. It was the matter of locating it....
Isaiah punches Brandy in the throat, causing her to fly into the chainlinked fence. Pinning her against the metal bar, he wraps his massive fingers around her neck.
"I should POP your head off right now, bitch! You think you're so clever..."
Brandy continues to smile. "Oh but I am, Isaiah..." Brandy reaches over and grabs Isaiah's face. "I'm WAY ahead of you...."
Grabbing his right eye, Brandy yanks it from the socket. Screaming in agony, Isaiah crumbles to the ground; he returns to his human form, kicking and thrashing against the dirt. Brandy holds the eyeball in her hand; kneeling before him, she takes out her nail file and holds the front against the body part.
"NO! Don't!" Begging, Isaiah reaches out a bloody hand. "Don't, alright!? I'm sorry! I-"
Brandy shoves her fingers into the wound, causing Isaiah to yell in pain. "I'll give this back to you on several conditions: one, don't you EVER do that again. Two, never make Jack piss himself like that again. Three, you come with me, work beside me and I'll let you keep this thing and your life. Four, help me locate the clan, who's leader I killed. I know YOU'RE not it. so, take me to who you work with, I'll deal with this issue and we can all go about our miserable lives. Deal?"
"YES! For fuck sakes, man! Stop! I'm sorry, Brandy!"
Brandy pulls out her fingers, takes a taste and cringes. "Bleh! you fucking taste like Bear. Farmer...clean yourself up, meet me in the car and we'll grab some drinks before heading out. Bitch..."
Walking back to the car, Jack was stunned and could not speak a single word. Taking out her cigarettes, Brandy patiently waited for Isaiah to finish his moment. After thinking about it, Brandy chuckles to herself. She too, was a Farmer. Mundies rolled around in their own filth they created. Perhaps she was no different then the poor soul, now slowly making his way to her car.
Nah, she thought. I'm better.
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time for a challenge post this morning.
You need to be a History teacher or something. If my past professors told History like you, maybe I wouldn't have 'ditched' as much. XD Anyways, moving on. lol I love the dialouge between Gertraud and Traudl. All jokes aside, she's a very tough individual with her own mind set on the world. Neat that they were around to see the first WW. Knowing this, I'm sure they'll have tales to speak of in the future of this.
Do not worry about the absence. We all get busy. Look forward to more!
Chapter 18: Der Krieg ist am Ende. 12th of November, 1918.
Those few days had been quite eventful for Germany.
From October 29th to 30… moreth, many within the German Fleet at Wilhelmshaven had chosen to mutiny or completely ignore orders, seeing no reason to risk their lives in what was a doomed struggle. This rebellion by sailors eventually evolved into a revolution throughout Germany, capturing all major coastal cities as well as Munich, Hannover and Brunswick by November 7th. The Emperor had reacted through abdication on the 9th, effectively ending the German Monarchy.
An armistice had been agreed upon during the morning of the 11th at 5:00 am, coming into effect at 11:00 am, ending the war.
Today, die stumpfe Klinge, was again empty. The war had not been kind on us, but we still lived in comfort without worry thanks to our immense savings. The same, however, could not be said for others. Tavish, for example, was an ethnic Scotsman … [view original content]
Oh Gren! XD
The shadow returned to Rosie's apartment while she and Woody made lunch for us. It slipped past the windows, along the kitche… moren and back into Chloe's hand. Those things are awesome but creepy at the same time. This one smiles a lot, though. Not like uncle Junior's shadows. Those are nice but I don't like looking at their faces for too long. Her shadow told us daddy, Michelle and one of uncle Junior's clones left to the Underworld with Hades. Viviana can feel it. Although she no longer has Vivian around, she still senses certain things. The world has become a lote quieter since the shadow came back. But we're not afraid. We're both mommy and daddy.
"Just now, Chloe?" All stare at Chloe, watching the shadow wave and vanish. "Daddy left now?"
"Yes. I suggest we do this while everyone is concentrating on daddy, Michelle and uncle Junior. I saw a mirror in Rosie's bedroom. We'll need that."
"We can't go in there, Chloe!" Lia… [view original content]
You need to be a History teacher or something. If my past professors told History like you, maybe I wouldn't have 'ditched' as much. XD Anyw… moreays, moving on. lol I love the dialouge between Gertraud and Traudl. All jokes aside, she's a very tough individual with her own mind set on the world. Neat that they were around to see the first WW. Knowing this, I'm sure they'll have tales to speak of in the future of this.
Do not worry about the absence. We all get busy. Look forward to more!
History teaching has been my goal since year 2. I just hope for the sake of my soul that I do not become a Headmaster XD.
Also, I think you mean 'between Gertraud and Alfred' and not between 'Gertraud and Traudl'. Traudl is her nickname as Hunter is for Alfred. As for their tales to tell, they shall have some very harrowing ones come the next few chapters.
You need to be a History teacher or something. If my past professors told History like you, maybe I wouldn't have 'ditched' as much. XD Anyw… moreays, moving on. lol I love the dialouge between Gertraud and Traudl. All jokes aside, she's a very tough individual with her own mind set on the world. Neat that they were around to see the first WW. Knowing this, I'm sure they'll have tales to speak of in the future of this.
Do not worry about the absence. We all get busy. Look forward to more!
You know, I'm kind of with Gren on this one. All of this is strongly suggesting this may be a date, or a 'get-together' with very strong similarities to that of a date. XP
Overall, I'm interested to see what's up with Jersey's so-called brother, Frank. Speaking of which, I was surprised when you introduced him back in last chapter!
Robert had nothing to say once he and Gren left the restaurant. Frank, good on his word, paid for their meal. Gren had the largest smile and… more as a vistory, smoked three cigarettes back towards Robert's apartment. Robert, however, was a bit confused. Not just by the generous offer Frank made them but his suddenly 'friendly' feelings towards the Fable. He and Frank rarely spoke; they crossed paths from time to time, like all Fables did but neither actually spoke or knew of their background.
Robert just knew he was Jersey's brother. Now, he worked at a diner as a cook. That was it. Perhaps this is indeed what Robert needed. He'd been locked away with work and his own personal demons, Frank may have been the ticket to opening up and experiencing a whole new world. Robert was strung on Lyla and that would never happen. He had his moment in the sun. The better man won. Rose was a wonderful woman but not 'dating' material to Robert.
He had his … [view original content]
LOL His voice is deep but no accent. If it helps you, by all means, do so.
I like to picture the Grendel brothers fighting, getting all dirty, bloody and sweaty from time to time but moments like brotherly love is fun to write about, too.
I read the conversation between you and pie and I agree with everything he said. Robert has choosen to hold onto Lyla and be 'stuck' in the past. She voiced her feelings and it was never meant to go anywhere. Robert stupidly agreed, so its his fault. Lyla loves him but in a friend way and because they share a son together.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa....whoa. Robert's the bitch. XD XD
(I read this aloud, and I think my voice and accent are perfect for Robert! XP Course, deep voice and British accent aren't what you imagine… more Robert having, but it worked for me )
This was a really nice chapter, it's great to see Gren and Robert have that Brotherly banter without fists flying and cussing being thrown about maliciously
Robert hoped and prayed a divorce was soon in the making.
Don't we all...
I don't think Lyla wants to be reminded EVERY morning of WHO RJ's father is
This actually broke my heart a little, does Lyla regret what she had with Robert? :O
Frank and Robert: Have a nice meal, hit the town, get drunk, stumble to a cheap motel, and then decide who's gonna be the bitch that gets the big D!! >:D
I look forward to more dude! XD
I've seen your recent comment in the message and no need to worry about it anymore, Snow. We forgive you!
Regarding comments, however, I know that some people would appreciate your feedback on some of their stories. Try thinking back on chapters you wouldn't normally have commented on in the past.
Brief comment (I promise! I know I can ramble a bit much sometimes.):
I've been absent most of this week again, mostly because of school … moreand responsibilities, and things I've been doing. For one, I went to my Junior Cruise last night, and I'm also working on getting a pic of me in my dress on here (Haha, maybe, if I can gather the confidence once more XD) But I've also seen that there were some...issues? I don't think I should call them that. There's been a problem with commenting, and I said sorry on the PM, but I also want to make a 'public' apology. I've never meant to make anyone feel lesser because I never really reviewed their stories as much as others. To be honest, at this point in my life, I've been so on the run and worn down by the end of the day, I only have the energy to focus on my own stuff. That being said I DO read everyones stuff. I don't comment as often, unless someone REALLY wants feedback. I just can't always do it. I… [view original content]
There is no need to make apology speeches. We all are a family and we had our moments. I know we've all become busy and that's cool and a part of life. Lurking about still counts and glad to know although busy, life is going pretty freaking sweet for you. Hope you had fun on that Junior's cruise! Sounded like a blast!!! Can't wait to see what you have planned.
Brief comment (I promise! I know I can ramble a bit much sometimes.):
I've been absent most of this week again, mostly because of school … moreand responsibilities, and things I've been doing. For one, I went to my Junior Cruise last night, and I'm also working on getting a pic of me in my dress on here (Haha, maybe, if I can gather the confidence once more XD) But I've also seen that there were some...issues? I don't think I should call them that. There's been a problem with commenting, and I said sorry on the PM, but I also want to make a 'public' apology. I've never meant to make anyone feel lesser because I never really reviewed their stories as much as others. To be honest, at this point in my life, I've been so on the run and worn down by the end of the day, I only have the energy to focus on my own stuff. That being said I DO read everyones stuff. I don't comment as often, unless someone REALLY wants feedback. I just can't always do it. I… [view original content]
Challenge pg. 5
Brandy could not tell which was more annoying. Her shivering, blonde companion trying to hide in the toyota or Isaiah Gre… morendel before her. The alley had a lingering smell of oil, sewage and old grease. Brandy was unsure how humans could live in such filth as the ones they created themselves. They were moving backwards in the evolution charts, rather then forward. Barnyard animals, is what Brandy liked to think of mortals.
While Isaiah continued to leap into the air, heading in Brandy's direction, this gave her time to think. Not about the beast heading in her path but the term 'Barnyard'. Farmers. The Vampires that feasted on the blood of animals, rather then human. From what Brandy heard, it's what her dear pal Isaiah did. Poor kid did not have much of a choice. Brandy could relate to this tragic placement in the world and knew all too well of not having a 'choice' in this situation.
Apparently, Isaiah was a Farmer. B… [view original content]
Gren and Robert are the duo of comedy, the banter between them reminded me of and my brothers
Now you and Pie must be having a good tim… moree in Sanny Fran. I heard they have some interesting hangout spots there, expensive there too.
Great chapter!
You know, I'm kind of with Gren on this one. All of this is strongly suggesting this may be a date, or a 'get-together' with very strong sim… moreilarities to that of a date. XP
Overall, I'm interested to see what's up with Jersey's so-called brother, Frank. Speaking of which, I was surprised when you introduced him back in last chapter!
It wasn't helping me, I just decided to try it out I mimicked Gren pretty good though!
I like to picture the Grendel brothers fighting, getting all dirty, bloody and sweaty from time to time but moments like brotherly love is fun to write about, too
When me and Chad want a rush, we write smut. YOU picture two manly men having a proper wrestle, then calling it even at some point... Each to their own I guess :P
I see. I do feel for Robert, but at least Lyla doesn't hold anything against him
Robert's the bitch
Why do the manlier ones always want to be the bitch? Maybe the lack of power over their partner is exciting? XD
LOL His voice is deep but no accent. If it helps you, by all means, do so.
I like to picture the Grendel brothers fighting, getting all … moredirty, bloody and sweaty from time to time but moments like brotherly love is fun to write about, too.
I read the conversation between you and pie and I agree with everything he said. Robert has choosen to hold onto Lyla and be 'stuck' in the past. She voiced her feelings and it was never meant to go anywhere. Robert stupidly agreed, so its his fault. Lyla loves him but in a friend way and because they share a son together.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa....whoa. Robert's the bitch. XD XD
I always hear Gren's voice in my head when I write about him and it's funny. Until someone comes arund the corner and sees you laughing to do it, too. :P lol
LMFAO! You guys are your smut but I'll take that thing you said with me as a compliment. I've done more then just pictured proper wrestling but that's a whole different topic not suitable to discuss on a public forum. lol
Pretty much. Robert has a secret thing about being controlled and someone else taking charge for a couple of hours. Gives him a rush.
It wasn't helping me, I just decided to try it out I mimicked Gren pretty good though!
I like to picture the Grendel brothers fightin… moreg, getting all dirty, bloody and sweaty from time to time but moments like brotherly love is fun to write about, too
When me and Chad want a rush, we write smut. YOU picture two manly men having a proper wrestle, then calling it even at some point... Each to their own I guess :P
I see. I do feel for Robert, but at least Lyla doesn't hold anything against him
Robert's the bitch
Why do the manlier ones always want to be the bitch? Maybe the lack of power over their partner is exciting? XD
I always hear Gren's voice in my head when I write about him and it's funny. Until someone comes arund the corner and sees you laughing to y… do it, too. :P lol
LMFAO! You guys are your smut but I'll take that thing you said with me as a compliment. I've done more then just pictured proper wrestling but that's a whole different topic not suitable to discuss on a public forum. lol
Pretty much. Robert has a secret thing about being controlled and someone else taking charge for a couple of hours. Gives him a rush.
Brandy is badass and I want to hang with her one day! And Isaiah! :P Freaking thought he could be 'tough' and take her down. XD Psh! I love the nail file thing. So, what's in there that makes them die? That liquid garlic, right?
I wanted Jack to die, too. lol I can't believe, out of all the Fables you could have picked, you got him. :P It works but...why!? I love the BG to Isaiah, too and how he became a Hybrid. So, Gren and Robert don't know? You mentioned in your last post with Gremily sometime back that the smell of blood made him sick. Gren and Robert were fighting....just so I know. The eye thing, too. Damn!!
Challenge pg. 5
Brandy could not tell which was more annoying. Her shivering, blonde companion trying to hide in the toyota or Isaiah Gre… morendel before her. The alley had a lingering smell of oil, sewage and old grease. Brandy was unsure how humans could live in such filth as the ones they created themselves. They were moving backwards in the evolution charts, rather then forward. Barnyard animals, is what Brandy liked to think of mortals.
While Isaiah continued to leap into the air, heading in Brandy's direction, this gave her time to think. Not about the beast heading in her path but the term 'Barnyard'. Farmers. The Vampires that feasted on the blood of animals, rather then human. From what Brandy heard, it's what her dear pal Isaiah did. Poor kid did not have much of a choice. Brandy could relate to this tragic placement in the world and knew all too well of not having a 'choice' in this situation.
Apparently, Isaiah was a Farmer. B… [view original content]
Oh man Brandy is definitely badass and I love it! C'mon Jack can't you be useful for once XD. Brandy reminds me of Shanoa from Castlevania Order of Ecclesia which is rather awesome!
This was awesome man, and I shall wait for more! Brofist
Challenge pg. 5
Brandy could not tell which was more annoying. Her shivering, blonde companion trying to hide in the toyota or Isaiah Gre… morendel before her. The alley had a lingering smell of oil, sewage and old grease. Brandy was unsure how humans could live in such filth as the ones they created themselves. They were moving backwards in the evolution charts, rather then forward. Barnyard animals, is what Brandy liked to think of mortals.
While Isaiah continued to leap into the air, heading in Brandy's direction, this gave her time to think. Not about the beast heading in her path but the term 'Barnyard'. Farmers. The Vampires that feasted on the blood of animals, rather then human. From what Brandy heard, it's what her dear pal Isaiah did. Poor kid did not have much of a choice. Brandy could relate to this tragic placement in the world and knew all too well of not having a 'choice' in this situation.
Apparently, Isaiah was a Farmer. B… [view original content]
Tokyo Palace was well known for their sushi boats and Sashimi platters. Sitting in a tiny booth near the back, Robert examined the menu. He could hear the chefs in the back and several people clapping hear the Tappanyaki bar. Robert had heard of this style of cooking and according to several Fables, it was dinner and a show. He'd like to try it one day.
Robert, glancing over the menu, watched three groups of mundies. All beaming as the Chef slice through onion, cooked Shripm and scrambled the fried rice together. The onions became a volcano of sorts as fire poured from the opening and cooked the outside. It was a wonderful atmosphere and the cocktail Robert drank was full of flavor.
Placing the menu down, Frank stares at Robert. He tried to avoid eye contact with Frank but Robert could feel those baby blues watching. Finally giving in, he peeks over the top. All smiles.
"Man, there is, uh, so much to choose from...." Robert clears his throat, trying to make conversation. "I'm not sure what I want. you know what you want, Frank?"
Why the hell was he nervous? It was Frank. A dude he just met not too long ago, who just happens to be friendly and willing to take a chance with Robert in the friendship department. Or, so Robert thought this is what Frank was itching for. The grin on his lips, however, may have been the indication Robert needed to officially call this a date. But Frank would have said that. Right, he thought.
"I do, Robert." Frank opens his menu. "I want to have the soft shelled crab as a side dish, followed by three sushi rolls: Nuclear roll, Unagi and finally, the Lori roll."
"Huh." Robert looks at Frank's choices. "What's in the Nuclear roll? Sounds...spicy."
"It is." Frank closes the menu and folds his hands. "I like spicy food. The burn is painful but the flavors are worth the many cups of Milk needed to put the burn out. The special sauce, cucumber and avocado helps ease the burn, too. There is Shrimp, Scallop and Crab in it."
"Sounds....painful, Frank." Robert tries to laugh. "Even with all that. Those sound good, though."
"Get what you want. My treat. I'm paying and-"
"Oh, no, no." Robert shakes his head. "You covered my meal AND Gren's this morning. Let me cover dinner and-"
"I got this, Robert." Frank reaches out a hand and touche's Robert's fingers. "Don't worry your stubborn Grendel ass off and let me take care of this. Pick anything. My treat."
"Oh." Robert was taken back by the gesture. "Okay, Frank. That sounds....lovely."
Frank began to rub Robert's fingers. Why was he not pulling away? Asking Frank to stop? Perhaps the warm and gentle embrace was welcoming to the beast. It had been awhile since he felt such a genuine touch. Sure, there was Rose but even during their hours tangled in the sheets, it felt forced. Same with Lyla. Forced on THEIR parts, he thought or has it been Robert this whole entire time?
Returning to the menu, Frank pulls back. Robert scans the menu one last time, closes it and places it to the side.
"Alright. Got mine."
"And, what shall my Grendel be ordering tonight?"
My Grendel thought Robert. The fuck is wrong with him for not correcting Frank?
"I'm going to get the Kabuki roll, Ika roll and Sunset roll. MAYBE a Unagi and California roll."
"Excellent choices, Robert. Need to feed. Eat a nice meal. Hear Grendels get really edgy when they're hungry."
"We can be." The waitress returns to take their order. "But after a good meal, we're the sweetest creatures."
After placing their order and getting two more drinks, the men sat in silence for awhile. It felt odd to Robert, as if they'd been friends for centuries and this was acceptable. It had been a long time since Robert had 'friends'; he'd rather be alone and even then, that grew tiresome at times. When the urge to be in contact with another living soul rose, he called Gren. With his 'issues' inregards to Carla, the man never left and claimed the sofa as his own for the time. Once that itch was scratched, Robert was content to being just himself and RJ. There were days, however, he'd love to have that company that would be there, no matter what.
Finally, Robert found some courage at the bottom of the barrel and decided to speak.
"So, Frank. How long have you been a cook?"
"For about a century now. I was the head Chef during the second World War and traveled to Vietnam when the troops were sent out. I lived in Paris for ten years and worked at the best restaurants money could ever buy. Was in Italy for three and China for a year. I moved back to the states after I heard my dear brother fund himself in hot water with the Crooked Man. I knew my brother liked to roll the dice and play a few games but to use the lives as others for collateral? I had to step in."
"Yeah, those were some dark days and following. I recall for months, Fables were afraid to leave or do anything."
"He's learned, my brother. According to him, his life changes for the better soon. How, I'm not too sure but he seems to be doing better. We rarely talk now but there is an understanding between us."
"So, that 'curse' thing that he has." Robert took a sip from his cocktail. "Is that true?"
"Sadly, yes. My mother was a Witch and after having twelve children, she cursed number thirteen, should she have another. A year later, my brother was born. His real name was Phillip but Jersey seems fitting, considering what he became."
"What about you? I've, uh, heard rumors that he saved your life and as payment, you had to become what he was."
"This is true." Frank paused and looked at the drink. "I attempted suicide in the early 1800's. I was going through some hard times. Had no one and my final attempt left me hanging on by a sheer thread. Death told me he'd give me my 'wretched' life back but in a form I'll always remember. One to prove life is not always meant for people and I was lucky. Like my brother, I change into a hideous beast but I look more like a dead horse laying in the pasture with broken wings, hooves, claws and this God awful tail...."
"Wow. Uh.." Robert takes a drink. "I had no idea. I-"
"You did, Robby but it's alright. not a lot of Fables speak to me because they associate me with Jersey. I try not to be my brother if I can handle it."
Did he just call me Robby? Huh....
"Any kids, Frank?"
"No, none. How about you, Robert?"
"I have one son. RJ. Here-I have a picture of him." Robert fishes inside his wallet and finds one. "This is me and him last week on our yearly fishing trip. That kid loves the outdoors. Too much like his mother."
Frank smiles. "He's very handsome like his father. Looks just like you. His mother must be Wolf. I can see it in the eyes."
Robert takes the picture back and places inside of his wallet. "Yeah, his mother is. I'm sure you know of Lyla Smith. Daughter to John and Nancy Smith. He's a very well respected, admired and powerful Wolf. Use to be a part of the Council. Alpha to his pack."
"Ah yes, now I know who you're speaking of. I've crossed his path sevral times when he and Sheriff Bigby Wolf tread these mean streets. Isn't Lyla married to that British fellow? Oh what was his name?"
Robert sighs. "Georgie Porgie?"
"Georgie! Thank you, yes! I hear they married and had children, too. May I ask was it a relationship you two had or a fling?"
"Neither. Just two really good friends having fun and the ending resulted in a pregnancy. But I love my son and have no regrets."
"Well, that's good to know, Robert." The waitress returns with their food. "I know of some men and women who's past relationships did not pan out and sadly, the children suffer. Either they get blamed or neglected because they 'look' like that person. Tragic, it is."
Robert positions his chopsticks and picks up a roll. "I'd never do that and neither does Lyla. Even if he came out looking just like her, I'd never turn my back. It was never RJ's fault. Why should he pick up our mess when we both created it?"
Chewing, Frank once again reaches out his hand and touched Robert's. "I couldn't agree more with you, Robert. I bet he's a fine young man and I'm looking forward to meeting him."
Robert beams. "So, you still wish to hang around this old Grendel, eh? I must warn you, Gren lurks about and-"
"Grendel is not my concern. I'm focused on you and I look forward to continuing this relationship. See where this goes." Frank strokes Robert's hand. "You're a good man, Robert. I can tell the minute I first saw you."
Unsure of how to answer, Robert nods and smiles. Enjoying their meal, none of that seemed strange to Robert. It felt....right.
"So, where to after this?"
"Not home, that's for sure." Frank laughs. "I thought we could hit the club life. The Pot o' Gold has a wild theme tonight and hear it's all the rage!"
"Pot o' Gold, eh?" Fabletown's number choice for man-on-man loving. "Sure. Dancing sounds good."
"Splendid." Frank dips his roll into some sauce, eats and smiles. "Then it's a date."
Yeah, thought Robert. A date. Maybe Gren was right for once but it did not matter. Robert would question more later as the night carried on. It was barely a little after nine. The night was still young.
This was a really relaxing chapter, I've never had sushi before but it seems to be everyone's go to thing these days. I actually like Frank and ship him with Robert! That bit with Frank and Death hit me hard though, poor Frank, Death though is right sometimes life isn't meant for everyone. The next bit should be entertaining though! XD
Tokyo Palace was well known for their sushi boats and Sashimi platters. Sitting in a tiny booth near the back, Robert examined the menu. He … morecould hear the chefs in the back and several people clapping hear the Tappanyaki bar. Robert had heard of this style of cooking and according to several Fables, it was dinner and a show. He'd like to try it one day.
Robert, glancing over the menu, watched three groups of mundies. All beaming as the Chef slice through onion, cooked Shripm and scrambled the fried rice together. The onions became a volcano of sorts as fire poured from the opening and cooked the outside. It was a wonderful atmosphere and the cocktail Robert drank was full of flavor.
Placing the menu down, Frank stares at Robert. He tried to avoid eye contact with Frank but Robert could feel those baby blues watching. Finally giving in, he peeks over the top. All smiles.
"Man, there is, uh, so much to choose from...." Robert clears hi… [view original content]
It took me awhile to try it myself but once you ask around and try it for yourself, it's delicious. Not all of it is raw, which puts people off on attempting it. Hopefully one day you will be among the many that have said 'I've tried it and I liked or hated it!' Oh yay! another ship has left the harbor! Death is surprising us all these days, isn't he? I think you ALL will enjoy the next bit. I'm going to have fun writing it! XD
This was a really relaxing chapter, I've never had sushi before but it seems to be everyone's go to thing these days. I actually like Frank … moreand ship him with Robert! That bit with Frank and Death hit me hard though, poor Frank, Death though is right sometimes life isn't meant for everyone. The next bit should be entertaining though! XD
I look forward to more!
New things seems to be in order for my life at the moment so I will definitely have to try it sometime this summer! We need to make Death go back to his usual point and move kinda guy, the dude keeps hitting me with feels XD Awesome, now I'm even more hyped to read the next chapter
It took me awhile to try it myself but once you ask around and try it for yourself, it's delicious. Not all of it is raw, which puts people … moreoff on attempting it. Hopefully one day you will be among the many that have said 'I've tried it and I liked or hated it!' Oh yay! another ship has left the harbor! Death is surprising us all these days, isn't he? I think you ALL will enjoy the next bit. I'm going to have fun writing it! XD
Thanks, dude!!
Try sushi and a Java chip from Starbucks! Summer of endless adventuresv or Tetra! It's characters like Death, Georgie, Bigby, etc that normally are 'dicks' but have a side to them no one knows of and when you find it, the feels! So many feels! :0 I like it. Glad to know the hype is there!!!!
New things seems to be in order for my life at the moment so I will definitely have to try it sometime this summer! We need to make Death g… moreo back to his usual point and move kinda guy, the dude keeps hitting me with feels XD Awesome, now I'm even more hyped to read the next chapter
Try sushi and a Java chip from Starbucks! Summer of endless adventuresv or Tetra! It's characters like Death, Georgie, Bigby, etc that norm… moreally are 'dicks' but have a side to them no one knows of and when you find it, the feels! So many feels! :0 I like it. Glad to know the hype is there!!!!
:O Are those yoga pants I see on Emily?
Chloe's and Sera's encounter with Rosie was hilarious, looks like the internal needs of the body made Rosie win this 'battle' with Em's children!
As much as I knew Jack had to live for the sake of 'canon'. I was quite annoyed to see him still alive.
Brandy is relatively calm and col… morelected in this situation. I like it. It may be a cliche in relation to badassery, but it is one of great merit.
I did mean that.I'm so sorry. I just noticed who I freaking put! XD It's been one of those mornings so far. lol I look forward to their side of the story, considering they were there to experience it all .
"You need to be a History teacher or something."
History teaching has been my goal since year 2. I just hope for the sake of my soul that… more I do not become a Headmaster XD.
Also, I think you mean 'between Gertraud and Alfred' and not between 'Gertraud and Traudl'. Traudl is her nickname as Hunter is for Alfred. As for their tales to tell, they shall have some very harrowing ones come the next few chapters.
All Jack is good for is messing things up. :P Thankfully, Brandy has enough badass for both of them. OMG yes! She even had the long, black hair and attitude and everything! -gasp- Her outfits were always badass, too! And I'll never forget that quote: 'I am the blade to banish all evil and I've come to see you annihilated.' Yeah. All that stuff. Let's make that happen!
Thanks, my good man! Glad you liked it and I'm going to die a happy man. :') -brofist- You remembered! lol
Oh man Brandy is definitely badass and I love it! C'mon Jack can't you be useful for once XD. Brandy reminds me of Shanoa from Castlevania Order of Ecclesia which is rather awesome!
This was awesome man, and I shall wait for more! Brofist
For once, Gren makes sense. :P What is the world coming to....:o
Loveable Frank. Gotta have some of that Jersey twang thrown in the mix. You were surprised? How so?
All Jack is good for is messing things up. :P Thankfully, Brandy has enough badass for both of them. OMG yes! She even had the long, black h… moreair and attitude and everything! -gasp- Her outfits were always badass, too! And I'll never forget that quote: 'I am the blade to banish all evil and I've come to see you annihilated.' Yeah. All that stuff. Let's make that happen!
Thanks, my good man! Glad you liked it and I'm going to die a happy man. :') -brofist- You remembered! lol
OMG can we say sexual tenssion or what!? Shhesh! From BOTH of them! Robert, just take Frank back to your place; I'm sure Gren will either be drunk or asleep, take him to your king bed and just do it. Just have nasty monster sex and call it good and....-sudden vivions enter pie's mind-
Huh...excuse me....
JK! XD I look forward to seeing the Pot o' Gold scene myself! Frank's BG is a bit depressing but it makes you see just how precious life itself is. Phillip. Jersey's real name is Phillip. Nice! BTW, Sushi is da' bomb!!!
Tokyo Palace was well known for their sushi boats and Sashimi platters. Sitting in a tiny booth near the back, Robert examined the menu. He … morecould hear the chefs in the back and several people clapping hear the Tappanyaki bar. Robert had heard of this style of cooking and according to several Fables, it was dinner and a show. He'd like to try it one day.
Robert, glancing over the menu, watched three groups of mundies. All beaming as the Chef slice through onion, cooked Shripm and scrambled the fried rice together. The onions became a volcano of sorts as fire poured from the opening and cooked the outside. It was a wonderful atmosphere and the cocktail Robert drank was full of flavor.
Placing the menu down, Frank stares at Robert. He tried to avoid eye contact with Frank but Robert could feel those baby blues watching. Finally giving in, he peeks over the top. All smiles.
"Man, there is, uh, so much to choose from...." Robert clears hi… [view original content]
LOL His voice is deep but no accent. If it helps you, by all means, do so.
I like to picture the Grendel brothers fighting, getting all … moredirty, bloody and sweaty from time to time but moments like brotherly love is fun to write about, too.
I read the conversation between you and pie and I agree with everything he said. Robert has choosen to hold onto Lyla and be 'stuck' in the past. She voiced her feelings and it was never meant to go anywhere. Robert stupidly agreed, so its his fault. Lyla loves him but in a friend way and because they share a son together.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa....whoa. Robert's the bitch. XD XD
Glad you find my intertwining of history to be fascinating.
Yes, I shall be doing WWII (In fact, a few chapters will be done in regard to a certian event) but before that I have much to get through, namely the ascent of National Socialism and the 1936 Summer Olympics.
And again, I am glad you enjoy it.
I think it is quite alright to place personal priorities first if you really must. We all have moments in our lives that prevent us from being able to comment on others stories or work on their own for that matter, especially in my case recently.
There is no need to apologise in this manner
I forgot that Callum was married :P Sorry!
You say there is no romance between Snigby yet... it's all there, Emily! Snow trying as hard as she can to alienate him, Bigby not caring about her aggressiveness, please; she wants him, he wants her, all it takes is a few days away from their day-jobs and true love blossoms!!! XD
Glad to hear that
My worst one for that was always a series where something had to be kept secret, and then they introduce someone from the outside as a new cast member, and they have to get used to EVERYTHING! >:(
I see O.o
I agree that Vampires and Werewolves hate each other, most depictions of the two support this :P
Krav Maga is just brutal; it focuses on speed and precise attacks to the body's natural weak spots (the groin in-particular) and most Special Forces groups use it. It doesn't even require much athleticism on the user's part either, so long as they know what techniques work for them, they should be fine.
I await your extra-long comments!!!! XD
I'm the same way. Poor guy has had to be strong and for what?
Oh! I thought that is what youwere asking me. Whew! XD Honestly, in a small way but because she's seen what it's done to him and continues to do.
Why does she regret it? She has a child because of it
Or is it because this child isn't Georgie's? Then again, what was Bigby like when Peter was young? Did Lyla let him see him or something?
Sounds like you had one hell of a weekend but a fun one at that.
Had a little bump in the road but I'd like to think we passed that over and moved forward.
Like any 'normal' family, we have our tiffs but after agreeing and all is said, we move forward. Can't wait to see what you post but never apologies for being 'late' on comments and what not or being able to write. You're busy. We all, sadly, have felt the mistress known as 'life' crawl into our lives but it must be done. Glad to hear you're doing great but perhaps, some much needed down time is in the works. 
Can't wait to see what you have in store and nice to see you back. -brofist-
I'll speak for Lyla in this sense. I'm suree JJ will come back with Robert's side as well.
Robert and Lyla were best friends with benefits; she was young, wild and care-free. Did not want to be tied down just yet. Robert said he did not mind, however, secretly wanted to make Lyla his own. Lyla was honest and wanted to have fun. She never lied to him about that. At the time, however, there was a lot of drama going on with the Wolf Council and Fables. The wolves did NOT want their own breeding or hanging around Fables. Just the way their world worked at the time....For the safety of Robert, Lyla agreed to never see Robert again. Little did she know she was pregnant with RJ.
Lyla is not that mother. She loves her babies. Ask anyone here and they'll tell you she's nothing but wonderful. At the time, Bigby never saw Peter because the Wolf Council. Yes, Bigby is a Wolf but he's also a Fable and the Council would have killed both Lyla and Peter, if they caught wind of Peter's true background. So, to save his infant son, Bigby stepped back; Georgie loved both his wife and Peter and agreed with Bigby what needed to be done. Lyla and Georgie, however, would sneak Peter to Bigby for visits, so he could watch his son grow up.
I understand now
Oh and I wouldn't question Lyla's parentage, I can tell from what I've read that she is a wonderful Mother
Poor Robert, and poor Bigby in a way!
Challenge pg. 5
Brandy could not tell which was more annoying. Her shivering, blonde companion trying to hide in the toyota or Isaiah Grendel before her. The alley had a lingering smell of oil, sewage and old grease. Brandy was unsure how humans could live in such filth as the ones they created themselves. They were moving backwards in the evolution charts, rather then forward. Barnyard animals, is what Brandy liked to think of mortals.
While Isaiah continued to leap into the air, heading in Brandy's direction, this gave her time to think. Not about the beast heading in her path but the term 'Barnyard'. Farmers. The Vampires that feasted on the blood of animals, rather then human. From what Brandy heard, it's what her dear pal Isaiah did. Poor kid did not have much of a choice. Brandy could relate to this tragic placement in the world and knew all too well of not having a 'choice' in this situation.
Apparently, Isaiah was a Farmer. Brandy tried several times but thethirt quenching taste of warm, human blood could never be replaced by a dirty animal, rolling around in its own mess. Rumor has it, Bear blood gave you just enough, so you did not have to feed for six months. But the blood was putrid to Brandy's taste and she coughed it up everytime she attempted this. Isaiah, living up North, had forests carpeted with Bears and he could easily grab one, feast and continued his wretched life for another six months, before needing to feed again. From what Brandy heard, he grew to 'like' the taste and preferred it. Please.
Brandy takes out a nail file and remains still in the alley. Isaiah's form slowly changing; eyes a solid red, fangs lurching forward and the hisses quickly filling the area. Brandy knew of this poor fella; was turned in the summer of 1974, when all humans and Fables cared about was the Hustle, snorting the 'white line' in the bathroom and never wanting Disco to die. High from the line he'd finished off of the bathroom counter, Isaiah stumbled his way through the club, out into the mean streets and into the waiting arms of his maker. She was well known for seducing human men and feasting from their necks. Poor kid did not see it coming and for a moment, Brandy felt sorry. He was already a Grendel and those things are notorious for causing trouble. Mix several cups of Vampire venom and you have yourself one hell of a fucking Hybrid on your hands.
Brandy was not much for 'mixing' but then again, no choice for this poor sap. Hybrids were unpredictable and you were never too sure what you were going to get. Jack, still sitting in the car, eyes a massive white beast land before Brandy. He yanks at his shirt collar and tries to flag his friend down.
"BRANDY! GO!" Jack waves his arms! "MOVE! He's RIGHT there! Brandy!"
Brandy continues to file down her nails. The heavy breathing of Isaiah pressing against her neck. She smiles. "I got this, Jack. Just sit in the car and leave it running. This won't take long."
"You killed one of my members, Brandy." Isaiah looks deep into her eyes. "You KNOW how I feel about that."
"He grabbed my ass and was saying such horrible things to me Isaiah." Brandy tries not to laugh. "I was merely defending myself."
"Not what I heard. Hear you were the cause of the problem."
Brandy pauses, holds out her nail file and sighs. "Oh. Poor little Vamp girl. What will I EVER do, Isaiah?"
Brandy knew how to really dig beneath Isaiah's skin. No matter how hard the poor guy tried, he could not deny it for too long. Brandy knew who his brother was; she use to hang out in the Trip Trap during the earlier part of the 90's, played some pool and drank until neither could function correctly. When Gren mentioned his brother Isaiah, Brandy immediatly knew. She did not think either of his brothers knew the truth. but she DID know the truth of how to irk the Grendel brothers: being sarcastic. Gren, Robert and Isaiah were three men you never played sarcastic with. Boilde their blood and left them angrier then Hornets when the nest is shaken.
"You bitch..." Isaiah moves forward. "I outta wipe that fucking smile off your face."
Jack turns and sees his old pals from the club return. Each well over six feet tall, towering build and gleaming smiles.
"Uh, Brandy." Jack tries again to gain her attention. "Uh, um, Brandy. We have comapny, so-"
Brandy jumps backwards, leaps over the three men and lands beside the Toyota. Flipping her hair back, she stands. Beckoning for the men to attack, all three charge in her direction. Brandy remains still, while Jack cowers in the passenger seat. Shielding his eyes, all he could hears was a loud thud and the side of the car violently shaking. Brandy had tossed on of the men into the car's side, leaving a large dint.
"Get her!" Isaiah shrills into the night. "I want your fucking HEAD above my fireplace!"
Brandy wanted to laugh; Isaiah tried to act tough but he was nothing more then a tiny Dog with a large bark. No bite. She'd leave him for last. These men were putting up quite the fight and Brandy needed to release some stress. Or built up pressure. All she could think about was candy Angel and if she had the right genitals, she'd be pitching a tent right now.
Kicking another in the knee, Brandy takes her nail file and stabs the man in the leg. He immediatly shrieks, thrashes on the ground and turns into dust. The other two, unsure of what took place, climb the walls and prepare to attack mid air. Both of their fangs out, drool seeping from their gums and lips. Brandy leans into the car.
"Come at me, bitch." She smiles, preparing to fight. "I'm ready to be double-teamed!"
The men chuckle, jump off the wall and land between Brandy. The one before her attempts to sink his fangs into her neck; he could smell the fresh blood and could hear her heart beating. Both were famished and female Vampire blood was like drinking straight sugar water. Neither could resist but Brandy refused to have a straw shoved into her body and allow these fools to drink as if they were on a beach somewhere in the Bahamas and she was the coconut.
"Brandy!" Seriously, Jack, she thought. "Hurry the fuck up, man! Hurry-"
Jack did not notice Isaiah sitting in the car. He turned to find the keys but instead, was greeted with a firm grip on his wrist. Screaming in terror, Isaiah pulls out a knife and traces Jack's neck.
"Jack Horner. My, it's been awhile...."
"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Easy there! I don't want any trouble now, you hear me? Look, can't we just forget about all this and start new. HWY! I know your brother! Maybe we can get the hookups on drinks and-"
Isaiah pins Jack into the seat. "I don't WANT to negotiate with you, Jack. All I want, is for you to sit in the corner like a good boy and keep your mouth shut. My boys are hungry and although you look and smell tempting, I'd rather not spoil my appetite."
"HEY I taste good!" Jack licks his arm. "See!? Shit, I'd eat myself if I was one of you. I-"
"Do you ever stop, Jack?" Isaiah's fangs pull out, causing Jack to tremble. "You talk too much. You really do....I-"
Before Isaiah could finish, both men were tossed into the walls. One manages to stand up, pull out his daggers and run back towards Brandy.
"DIE, BITCH!" His screams filled the air. "I want you DEAD!"
Brandy refuses to move. Only smiling once, the man jumps, points his daggers and prepares to finish Brandy off. Each dagger contained poison. Hight concentrated holy water covered the blades like wax to fruit. One drop and you were sick dor days. Too much and you'd be lucky enough to die within seconds. The feeling was described like hot, boiling oil dripping down your throat but what did they know.
Brandy simply stands her ground. No need to move. Before he could plung the knife into her neck, Brandy simply takes her nail file and jabs it into the man's chest. Like previously with his pal, this one attempts to crawl away but becomes dust before reaching halfway in the alley. Seeing this happen for the second time, the other man takes off into the city and disappears.
Annoyed, Isaiah leaves Jack behind to deal with Brandy.
"I should have known. You want something done right, you need to do it yourself!"
Looking at Isaiah, Brandy tried to recall what it was that stopped him. Gren had his arm torn off, for Robert it was his right big toe and for Isaiah, it had to be somewhere visible. Scanning all around, he had to have a soft spot. All Grendels did. It was the matter of locating it....
Isaiah punches Brandy in the throat, causing her to fly into the chainlinked fence. Pinning her against the metal bar, he wraps his massive fingers around her neck.
"I should POP your head off right now, bitch! You think you're so clever..."
Brandy continues to smile. "Oh but I am, Isaiah..." Brandy reaches over and grabs Isaiah's face. "I'm WAY ahead of you...."
Grabbing his right eye, Brandy yanks it from the socket. Screaming in agony, Isaiah crumbles to the ground; he returns to his human form, kicking and thrashing against the dirt. Brandy holds the eyeball in her hand; kneeling before him, she takes out her nail file and holds the front against the body part.
"NO! Don't!" Begging, Isaiah reaches out a bloody hand. "Don't, alright!? I'm sorry! I-"
Brandy shoves her fingers into the wound, causing Isaiah to yell in pain. "I'll give this back to you on several conditions: one, don't you EVER do that again. Two, never make Jack piss himself like that again. Three, you come with me, work beside me and I'll let you keep this thing and your life. Four, help me locate the clan, who's leader I killed. I know YOU'RE not it. so, take me to who you work with, I'll deal with this issue and we can all go about our miserable lives. Deal?"
"YES! For fuck sakes, man! Stop! I'm sorry, Brandy!"
Brandy pulls out her fingers, takes a taste and cringes. "Bleh! you fucking taste like Bear. Farmer...clean yourself up, meet me in the car and we'll grab some drinks before heading out. Bitch..."
Walking back to the car, Jack was stunned and could not speak a single word. Taking out her cigarettes, Brandy patiently waited for Isaiah to finish his moment. After thinking about it, Brandy chuckles to herself. She too, was a Farmer. Mundies rolled around in their own filth they created. Perhaps she was no different then the poor soul, now slowly making his way to her car.
Nah, she thought. I'm better.
Any questions, you know the drill.
Had time for a challenge post this morning.
You need to be a History teacher or something. If my past professors told History like you, maybe I wouldn't have 'ditched' as much. XD Anyways, moving on. lol I love the dialouge between Gertraud and Traudl. All jokes aside, she's a very tough individual with her own mind set on the world. Neat that they were around to see the first WW. Knowing this, I'm sure they'll have tales to speak of in the future of this.
Do not worry about the absence. We all get busy.
Look forward to more!
:O Are those yoga pants I see on Emily?
Chloe's and Sera's encounter with Rosie was hilarious, looks like the internal needs of the body made Rosie win this 'battle' with Em's children!
Ramm told me he wants to be a History teacher, so question answered :P
"You need to be a History teacher or something."
History teaching has been my goal since year 2. I just hope for the sake of my soul that I do not become a Headmaster XD.
Also, I think you mean 'between Gertraud and Alfred' and not between 'Gertraud and Traudl'. Traudl is her nickname as Hunter is for Alfred. As for their tales to tell, they shall have some very harrowing ones come the next few chapters.
You know, I'm kind of with Gren on this one. All of this is strongly suggesting this may be a date, or a 'get-together' with very strong similarities to that of a date. XP
Overall, I'm interested to see what's up with Jersey's so-called brother, Frank. Speaking of which, I was surprised when you introduced him back in last chapter!
LOL His voice is deep but no accent. If it helps you, by all means, do so.
I like to picture the Grendel brothers fighting, getting all dirty, bloody and sweaty from time to time but moments like brotherly love is fun to write about, too.
I read the conversation between you and pie and I agree with everything he said. Robert has choosen to hold onto Lyla and be 'stuck' in the past. She voiced her feelings and it was never meant to go anywhere. Robert stupidly agreed, so its his fault. Lyla loves him but in a friend way and because they share a son together.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa....whoa. Robert's the bitch. XD XD
I've seen your recent comment in the message and no need to worry about it anymore, Snow. We forgive you!
Regarding comments, however, I know that some people would appreciate your feedback on some of their stories. Try thinking back on chapters you wouldn't normally have commented on in the past.
There is no need to make apology speeches. We all are a family and we had our moments.
I know we've all become busy and that's cool and a part of life.
Lurking about still counts and glad to know although busy, life is going pretty freaking sweet for you. Hope you had fun on that Junior's cruise! Sounded like a blast!!! Can't wait to see what you have planned. 
As much as I knew Jack had to live for the sake of 'canon'. I was quite annoyed to see him still alive.
Brandy is relatively calm and collected in this situation. I like it. It may be a cliche in relation to badassery, but it is one of great merit.
If I could write just ONE episode for TWAU, Robert and Gren would be it.
My brother and I do the same thing, so I can relate to you. XD
I love San Fran! It is pretty expensive but there is so much to see and do. I prefer the night life around here.
Thanks, dude!
For once, Gren makes sense. :P What is the world coming to....:o
Loveable Frank.
Gotta have some of that Jersey twang thrown in the mix. You were surprised? How so? 
It wasn't helping me, I just decided to try it out
I mimicked Gren pretty good though!
When me and Chad want a rush, we write smut. YOU picture two manly men having a proper wrestle, then calling it even at some point... Each to their own I guess :P
I see. I do feel for Robert, but at least Lyla doesn't hold anything against him
Why do the manlier ones always want to be the bitch? Maybe the lack of power over their partner is exciting? XD
I always hear Gren's voice in my head when I write about him and it's funny. Until someone comes arund the corner and sees you laughing to do it, too. :P lol
LMFAO! You guys are your smut but I'll take that thing you said with me as a compliment. I've done more then just pictured proper wrestling but that's a whole different topic not suitable to discuss on a public forum. lol
Pretty much. Robert has a secret thing about being controlled and someone else taking charge for a couple of hours. Gives him a rush.
Lol, that's amazing! XP
I dread to think :P I haven't written proper smut in a while actually...
Well then, Frank's the big boss!! XD
Brandy is badass and I want to hang with her one day!
And Isaiah! :P Freaking thought he could be 'tough' and take her down. XD Psh! I love the nail file thing. So, what's in there that makes them die? That liquid garlic, right?
I wanted Jack to die, too. lol I can't believe, out of all the Fables you could have picked, you got him. :P It works but...why!? I love the BG to Isaiah, too and how he became a Hybrid. So, Gren and Robert don't know? You mentioned in your last post with Gremily sometime back that the smell of blood made him sick. Gren and Robert were fighting....just so I know.
The eye thing, too. Damn!!
I liked the last line, too. Can't wait for more!
Oh man Brandy is definitely badass and I love it! C'mon Jack can't you be useful for once XD. Brandy reminds me of Shanoa from Castlevania Order of Ecclesia which is rather awesome!
This was awesome man, and I shall wait for more!
Tokyo Palace was well known for their sushi boats and Sashimi platters. Sitting in a tiny booth near the back, Robert examined the menu. He could hear the chefs in the back and several people clapping hear the Tappanyaki bar. Robert had heard of this style of cooking and according to several Fables, it was dinner and a show. He'd like to try it one day.
Robert, glancing over the menu, watched three groups of mundies. All beaming as the Chef slice through onion, cooked Shripm and scrambled the fried rice together. The onions became a volcano of sorts as fire poured from the opening and cooked the outside. It was a wonderful atmosphere and the cocktail Robert drank was full of flavor.
Placing the menu down, Frank stares at Robert. He tried to avoid eye contact with Frank but Robert could feel those baby blues watching. Finally giving in, he peeks over the top. All smiles.
"Man, there is, uh, so much to choose from...." Robert clears his throat, trying to make conversation. "I'm not sure what I want. you know what you want, Frank?"
Why the hell was he nervous? It was Frank. A dude he just met not too long ago, who just happens to be friendly and willing to take a chance with Robert in the friendship department. Or, so Robert thought this is what Frank was itching for. The grin on his lips, however, may have been the indication Robert needed to officially call this a date. But Frank would have said that. Right, he thought.
"I do, Robert." Frank opens his menu. "I want to have the soft shelled crab as a side dish, followed by three sushi rolls: Nuclear roll, Unagi and finally, the Lori roll."
"Huh." Robert looks at Frank's choices. "What's in the Nuclear roll? Sounds...spicy."
"It is." Frank closes the menu and folds his hands. "I like spicy food. The burn is painful but the flavors are worth the many cups of Milk needed to put the burn out. The special sauce, cucumber and avocado helps ease the burn, too. There is Shrimp, Scallop and Crab in it."
"Sounds....painful, Frank." Robert tries to laugh. "Even with all that. Those sound good, though."
"Get what you want. My treat. I'm paying and-"
"Oh, no, no." Robert shakes his head. "You covered my meal AND Gren's this morning. Let me cover dinner and-"
"I got this, Robert." Frank reaches out a hand and touche's Robert's fingers. "Don't worry your stubborn Grendel ass off and let me take care of this. Pick anything. My treat."
"Oh." Robert was taken back by the gesture. "Okay, Frank. That sounds....lovely."
Frank began to rub Robert's fingers. Why was he not pulling away? Asking Frank to stop? Perhaps the warm and gentle embrace was welcoming to the beast. It had been awhile since he felt such a genuine touch. Sure, there was Rose but even during their hours tangled in the sheets, it felt forced. Same with Lyla. Forced on THEIR parts, he thought or has it been Robert this whole entire time?
Returning to the menu, Frank pulls back. Robert scans the menu one last time, closes it and places it to the side.
"Alright. Got mine."
"And, what shall my Grendel be ordering tonight?"
My Grendel thought Robert. The fuck is wrong with him for not correcting Frank?
"I'm going to get the Kabuki roll, Ika roll and Sunset roll. MAYBE a Unagi and California roll."
"Excellent choices, Robert. Need to feed. Eat a nice meal. Hear Grendels get really edgy when they're hungry."
"We can be." The waitress returns to take their order. "But after a good meal, we're the sweetest creatures."
After placing their order and getting two more drinks, the men sat in silence for awhile. It felt odd to Robert, as if they'd been friends for centuries and this was acceptable. It had been a long time since Robert had 'friends'; he'd rather be alone and even then, that grew tiresome at times. When the urge to be in contact with another living soul rose, he called Gren. With his 'issues' inregards to Carla, the man never left and claimed the sofa as his own for the time. Once that itch was scratched, Robert was content to being just himself and RJ. There were days, however, he'd love to have that company that would be there, no matter what.
Finally, Robert found some courage at the bottom of the barrel and decided to speak.
"So, Frank. How long have you been a cook?"
"For about a century now. I was the head Chef during the second World War and traveled to Vietnam when the troops were sent out. I lived in Paris for ten years and worked at the best restaurants money could ever buy. Was in Italy for three and China for a year. I moved back to the states after I heard my dear brother fund himself in hot water with the Crooked Man. I knew my brother liked to roll the dice and play a few games but to use the lives as others for collateral? I had to step in."
"Yeah, those were some dark days and following. I recall for months, Fables were afraid to leave or do anything."
"He's learned, my brother. According to him, his life changes for the better soon. How, I'm not too sure but he seems to be doing better. We rarely talk now but there is an understanding between us."
"So, that 'curse' thing that he has." Robert took a sip from his cocktail. "Is that true?"
"Sadly, yes. My mother was a Witch and after having twelve children, she cursed number thirteen, should she have another. A year later, my brother was born. His real name was Phillip but Jersey seems fitting, considering what he became."
"What about you? I've, uh, heard rumors that he saved your life and as payment, you had to become what he was."
"This is true." Frank paused and looked at the drink. "I attempted suicide in the early 1800's. I was going through some hard times. Had no one and my final attempt left me hanging on by a sheer thread. Death told me he'd give me my 'wretched' life back but in a form I'll always remember. One to prove life is not always meant for people and I was lucky. Like my brother, I change into a hideous beast but I look more like a dead horse laying in the pasture with broken wings, hooves, claws and this God awful tail...."
"Wow. Uh.." Robert takes a drink. "I had no idea. I-"
"You did, Robby but it's alright. not a lot of Fables speak to me because they associate me with Jersey. I try not to be my brother if I can handle it."
Did he just call me Robby? Huh....
"Any kids, Frank?"
"No, none. How about you, Robert?"
"I have one son. RJ. Here-I have a picture of him." Robert fishes inside his wallet and finds one. "This is me and him last week on our yearly fishing trip. That kid loves the outdoors. Too much like his mother."
Frank smiles. "He's very handsome like his father. Looks just like you. His mother must be Wolf. I can see it in the eyes."
Robert takes the picture back and places inside of his wallet. "Yeah, his mother is. I'm sure you know of Lyla Smith. Daughter to John and Nancy Smith. He's a very well respected, admired and powerful Wolf. Use to be a part of the Council. Alpha to his pack."
"Ah yes, now I know who you're speaking of. I've crossed his path sevral times when he and Sheriff Bigby Wolf tread these mean streets. Isn't Lyla married to that British fellow? Oh what was his name?"
Robert sighs. "Georgie Porgie?"
"Georgie! Thank you, yes! I hear they married and had children, too. May I ask was it a relationship you two had or a fling?"
"Neither. Just two really good friends having fun and the ending resulted in a pregnancy. But I love my son and have no regrets."
"Well, that's good to know, Robert." The waitress returns with their food. "I know of some men and women who's past relationships did not pan out and sadly, the children suffer. Either they get blamed or neglected because they 'look' like that person. Tragic, it is."
Robert positions his chopsticks and picks up a roll. "I'd never do that and neither does Lyla. Even if he came out looking just like her, I'd never turn my back. It was never RJ's fault. Why should he pick up our mess when we both created it?"
Chewing, Frank once again reaches out his hand and touched Robert's. "I couldn't agree more with you, Robert. I bet he's a fine young man and I'm looking forward to meeting him."
Robert beams. "So, you still wish to hang around this old Grendel, eh? I must warn you, Gren lurks about and-"
"Grendel is not my concern. I'm focused on you and I look forward to continuing this relationship. See where this goes." Frank strokes Robert's hand. "You're a good man, Robert. I can tell the minute I first saw you."
Unsure of how to answer, Robert nods and smiles. Enjoying their meal, none of that seemed strange to Robert. It felt....right.
"So, where to after this?"
"Not home, that's for sure." Frank laughs. "I thought we could hit the club life. The Pot o' Gold has a wild theme tonight and hear it's all the rage!"
"Pot o' Gold, eh?" Fabletown's number choice for man-on-man loving. "Sure. Dancing sounds good."
"Splendid." Frank dips his roll into some sauce, eats and smiles. "Then it's a date."
Yeah, thought Robert. A date. Maybe Gren was right for once but it did not matter. Robert would question more later as the night carried on. It was barely a little after nine. The night was still young.
,`Any questions or comments, leave them below!!
This was a really relaxing chapter, I've never had sushi before but it seems to be everyone's go to thing these days. I actually like Frank and ship him with Robert!
That bit with Frank and Death hit me hard though, poor Frank, Death though is right sometimes life isn't meant for everyone. The next bit should be entertaining though! XD
I look forward to more!
It took me awhile to try it myself but once you ask around and try it for yourself, it's delicious. Not all of it is raw, which puts people off on attempting it. Hopefully one day you will be among the many that have said 'I've tried it and I liked or hated it!'
Oh yay! another ship has left the harbor!
Death is surprising us all these days, isn't he? I think you ALL will enjoy the next bit. I'm going to have fun writing it! XD
Thanks, dude!!
New things seems to be in order for my life at the moment so I will definitely have to try it sometime this summer!
We need to make Death go back to his usual point and move kinda guy, the dude keeps hitting me with feels XD Awesome, now I'm even more hyped to read the next chapter 
Try sushi and a Java chip from Starbucks!
Summer of endless adventuresv or Tetra! It's characters like Death, Georgie, Bigby, etc that normally are 'dicks' but have a side to them no one knows of and when you find it, the feels! So many feels! :0 I like it.
Glad to know the hype is there!!!! 
I keep seeing Death being thrown about and I have to remind myself that my Death is a Horseman and my OC, whereas your Death is the traditional one :P
Freaking hell yes!
If it was not for the whole bathroom scenerio, we'd still be standing there...Rosie got lucky. For now.
You and me both. I don't like Jack at all but he seems to fit perfectly with this paticular character.
She'd rather not make a big fuss over something she can clearly handle.
I did mean that.I'm so sorry. I just noticed who I freaking put! XD It's been one of those mornings so far. lol I look forward to their side of the story, considering they were there to experience it all .
All Jack is good for is messing things up. :P Thankfully, Brandy has enough badass for both of them. OMG yes! She even had the long, black hair and attitude and everything! -gasp- Her outfits were always badass, too! And I'll never forget that quote: 'I am the blade to banish all evil and I've come to see you annihilated.' Yeah. All that stuff. Let's make that happen!
Thanks, my good man! Glad you liked it and I'm going to die a happy man. :') -brofist- You remembered!
I just didn't see Jersey having a brother until you made it into a thing - which caught me totally by surprise, that's all.
Mmm, this dragon likes. They might as well be the best thing ever created, ya dig?
I figured the two would both still be staring down Rosie, and Rosie in return to them. XD
This is true lol. Oh yes! Brandy must become Shanoa!
Order of Ecclesia was my favorite Castlevania game how she got her powers was so interesting!
How could I forget!
I did owe you! XD
OMG can we say sexual tenssion or what!? Shhesh! From BOTH of them! Robert, just take Frank back to your place; I'm sure Gren will either be drunk or asleep, take him to your king bed and just do it. Just have nasty monster sex and call it good and....-sudden vivions enter pie's mind-
Huh...excuse me....
JK! XD I look forward to seeing the Pot o' Gold scene myself!
Frank's BG is a bit depressing but it makes you see just how precious life itself is. Phillip. Jersey's real name is Phillip.
Nice! BTW, Sushi is da' bomb!!!
And you say I'm bad. XD