Hey everyone... -sigh- where do I begin with this one?...
I'm thinking, and bear in mind that this is only a thought, of quitting writing altogether. I just don't have the flare for it anymore; when I started last year I was writing something everyday, I couldn't get enough of putting thoughts into words! Then I decided to share these stories on a fanfiction site because fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? If it came up as a load of shit then I knew I wasn't good at writing and I would either have to improve or just stop while I was still ahead...
But The Devil Among Us did well, surprisingly well for someone who had only just started writing. I finished the first Act and then came the second one... that's when my flare began to die out. I still don't know why, maybe I was envious of other stories that had received mountains of attention and mine was gently being pushed aside, maybe that was a silent indicator that my story was a good read the first time round, but that was it. The second Act of that story is still in-progress, and tbh, it was barely a quarter of the way through before I stopped writing regularly...
I have yet to write a new chapter, I posted the latest one on February 28th this year. I joined this forum about a month or 2 before I began writing, I stayed away from this thread because I wasn't checking on here often enough to keep up-to-date. But then back in January I believe, I posted that mysterious bio of Nick, and went to bed thinking that when I checked back the next morning, the '7 regulars' would reply back with "This isn't great" or "Cliché's everywhere" etc. Basically I wasn't expecting a warm welcome, I had it in my head that because I was a newbie, why should I be paid much attention?
But the few of you that did reply said you liked Nick and wanted to know more, so that's when I began writing on here. But now I don't know what to think; I have moments where I don't believe what any of the comments on here say about my work, the criticism I do believe, but the 'want for more' and the 'liking this content' etc. They don't register as God's honest truth in my head. I just don't fathom that people who have been on here for so long, and have written such loved and respected stories filled with a magnitude of interesting characters, can appreciate the work I create.
My OC's are all the same one way or another, my stories are predictable in some ways, and I post so infrequently that you've probably forgotten all about what happened last chapter... I have more than enough time in my day to write, could probably write 2 or 3 chapters a day if I tried, but it just doesn't strike home with me right now.
I don't know if I'll leave the thread, I do like the works that are posted on here, but I'm beginning to see repeats in the things I say and do on here, it's like I'm literally forcing myself to read and review
I don't know what I'll do yet, I'm pretty down atm (never sure why, it comes and goes depending on what has been going on in the day) Hopefully tomorrow I'll look at this and pass it off as a load of bullshit and that I'm just suffering a bad case of Writer's block yet again :P
I don't expect you to reply with deepest sympathies and we're all here for you's, but if it's something that you feel needs to be done, then go ahead. I'll take what I can get and try to believe it as the truth, while trying not to imagine that the person behind the computer screen isn't praying for me to stop with the moaning and just leave.
Hm. I keep coming back to this everytime. You even said it yourself. 'I'd take a bullet anyday for my family...'Hit me hard but in a good way.
You mentioned this to me and I passed it off as writer's block. You're having personal things at the moment and it sounds like you need to get away from the bullshit. (You know what I mean) Hearing you thinking about ending your writing makes me want to throw my computer, not roll my eyes and moan. I've been there with my past writings, too. Do you know how many times I want to quit because I felt like my stories were no good? Or that I made a mistake in having Lyla with Georgie and now everyone will think of pie as only 'that guy' and avoid my stories? Or even just my bad days, when I wanted to throw my hands up and say fuck this.....
Sounds to me that MAYBE you need to either change your OC's or pick a different thing to write about. Jot down some ideas: romance, comedy, drama, etc. Play around until something sounds good or just tweek the OC's you have. You love to write and when we first spoke, you couldn't get enough of it. You're thrown at me several ideas for stories. Try one of THOSE and go from there; leave Nick and the others alone for awhile until something triggers the passion to continue his. We've all done it; left one story open and decided to do something different until I have an idea or WANT to continue it. JJ has done this a fuck tons of times, I've done it and even Emmy, too. We all have those moments, man.
Sleep on it. And don't 'force' yourself to comment. Like it and just let it be. Come back next time. And this thing about you joining late....stop, dude. We love Nick equally as all the other OC's. So what we've been here longer? That does not make our stories any better then your's. WE ARE A FAMILY! We never leave anyone behind and I love Nick. Sure, I've messed up (okay, fucked up) but I'm only human. Does not make me think less of him! I love ALL these OC's! Each one is special in their own way and the stories on here have made me laugh, cry, angry, hungry, etc!
Just, think about. I don't want you to leave but if a break is what YOU think is best, I'll be right there for you, bro. -brofist- Love ya', dude.
Hey everyone... -sigh- where do I begin with this one?...
I'm thinking, and bear in mind that this is only a thought, of quitting writing… more altogether. I just don't have the flare for it anymore; when I started last year I was writing something everyday, I couldn't get enough of putting thoughts into words! Then I decided to share these stories on a fanfiction site because fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? If it came up as a load of shit then I knew I wasn't good at writing and I would either have to improve or just stop while I was still ahead...
But The Devil Among Us did well, surprisingly well for someone who had only just started writing. I finished the first Act and then came the second one... that's when my flare began to die out. I still don't know why, maybe I was envious of other stories that had received mountains of attention and mine was gently being pushed aside, maybe that was a silent indicator that my story was… [view original content]
Well I for one think you shouldn't stop. What you have is great stuff man, although I know what you mean by losing flare, and I can only tell you what sparked my flare again was creating a new story with a new OC entirely and that happened to be Kieron. But that's just me. I hope you will wake up tomorrow and pass this off as bullshit man, whatever is making you feel down also isn't helping either. Plus we wouldn't want you to leave man!
Hey everyone... -sigh- where do I begin with this one?...
I'm thinking, and bear in mind that this is only a thought, of quitting writing… more altogether. I just don't have the flare for it anymore; when I started last year I was writing something everyday, I couldn't get enough of putting thoughts into words! Then I decided to share these stories on a fanfiction site because fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? If it came up as a load of shit then I knew I wasn't good at writing and I would either have to improve or just stop while I was still ahead...
But The Devil Among Us did well, surprisingly well for someone who had only just started writing. I finished the first Act and then came the second one... that's when my flare began to die out. I still don't know why, maybe I was envious of other stories that had received mountains of attention and mine was gently being pushed aside, maybe that was a silent indicator that my story was… [view original content]
I did mean that.I'm so sorry. I just noticed who I freaking put! XD It's been one of those mornings so far. lol I look forward to their side of the story, considering they were there to experience it all .
Life is bringing me down: Learning to drive, applying for a second job, Parent's, and just me. I hope tomorrow I can look past this, but right now I don't know what to think.
I already have 4 on-going stories right now, I don't need a 5th to take up time...
Well I for one think you shouldn't stop. What you have is great stuff man, although I know what you mean by losing flare, and I can only tel… morel you what sparked my flare again was creating a new story with a new OC entirely and that happened to be Kieron. But that's just me. I hope you will wake up tomorrow and pass this off as bullshit man, whatever is making you feel down also isn't helping either. Plus we wouldn't want you to leave man!
Sure, I've messed up (okay, fucked up) but I'm only human
In the past dude, it should remain there.
Thing is is that I don't want to write anything unrelated to the Fables/TWAU universe, my friend suggested I try original fiction (like he does) and it is tempting, but I prefer a solid backdrop to work with as opposed to making everything myself. I need to sleep this off, I'm hoping to start my second job next week (Blenheim Palace... fucking useless management system they have!) so hopefully the extra workload will take my mind off of things and get me back into a writing spirit.
I look at works like yours that have received so much praise and so much want, it is daunting to me to say the least...
We are Family, no matter what
Hm. I keep coming back to this everytime. You even said it yourself. 'I'd take a bullet anyday for my … morefamily...'Hit me hard but in a good way.
You mentioned this to me and I passed it off as writer's block. You're having personal things at the moment and it sounds like you need to get away from the bullshit. (You know what I mean) Hearing you thinking about ending your writing makes me want to throw my computer, not roll my eyes and moan. I've been there with my past writings, too. Do you know how many times I want to quit because I felt like my stories were no good? Or that I made a mistake in having Lyla with Georgie and now everyone will think of pie as only 'that guy' and avoid my stories? Or even just my bad days, when I wanted to throw my hands up and say fuck this.....
Sounds to me that MAYBE you need to either change your OC's or pick a different thing to write about. Jot down some ideas: ro… [view original content]
Then do that if you REALLY want to and I hope for your sake this 2nd job goes through. It will indeed keep your mind busy and away from the thread for awhile. It's something, my good man. It's a start.
-sigh- Guess we are our own worst critics, Hman. Hope you figure it all out. Like I tell the others, I'll be here if you need me.
Sure, I've messed up (okay, fucked up) but I'm only human
In the past dude, it should remain there.
Thing is is that I don't want… more to write anything unrelated to the Fables/TWAU universe, my friend suggested I try original fiction (like he does) and it is tempting, but I prefer a solid backdrop to work with as opposed to making everything myself. I need to sleep this off, I'm hoping to start my second job next week (Blenheim Palace... fucking useless management system they have!) so hopefully the extra workload will take my mind off of things and get me back into a writing spirit.
I look at works like yours that have received so much praise and so much want, it is daunting to me to say the least...
I need time to myself.
This 2nd job has been a week coming, management fucking FORGOT I applied!! >:( Hopefully I get something this week, if I don't then I'm gonna be pissed...
I've been my own worst critic all my life, seems that in spite of everything good, I still see all my faults and stick with them as my defining factors.
Then do that if you REALLY want to and I hope for your sake this 2nd job goes through. It will indeed keep your mind busy and away from the … morethread for awhile. It's something, my good man. It's a start.
-sigh- Guess we are our own worst critics, Hman. Hope you figure it all out. Like I tell the others, I'll be here if you need me.
Life is bringing me down: Learning to drive, applying for a second job, Parent's, and just me. I hope tomorrow I can look past this, but rig… moreht now I don't know what to think.
I already have 4 on-going stories right now, I don't need a 5th to take up time...
I just don't know right now...
There have been times when I decided that I was burning out. It began happening last year during my second story I worked on here and somewhere after. (I dont remember. XD)
I felt that I was lacking something in the writing genre I chosen to pertake up. Then dealing with some personal problems I won't bring up because they have been squashed, and squashed for good hopefully. Recently I went back to where it all began on page three and where my first OC was born. Looking through my older story I learned what I did wrong and what I could of done to make it better, which led to me reignite my flame that I slowly losing.
When I joined I wasn't expecting a warm welcome either, I was expecting; "Thhis guy and his overpowered dragon boy, where have I heard this before? "
Did not care one bit, I posted anywway the went about creating my own legend.. And look, my very first story turned out to be a major success for me. To this day I think that one was my best. I wasn't expecting positive reviews but, wow.. Thank you those whk encourage me to stay and write. I see there was also so mm e drama in the past and not to long ago, hopefully that was squashed too and we can all get back to writing!
I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread. Thanks to you, I decided to become a fan fiction writer and I only wish I could pertake in most of your past challenges and put more effort in them. To make up for my past absence, I shall complete this one thoroughly.
Moving on,
Like the others said, you are always welcomed here, but if you truely decide that you need a break fine by mean. Taking a break can be very helpful as a writer if I recall. After would you'lyou'll come back stronger and with a new flame. Pie also covered what I was going to say in my reply. Experiment with different ideas, writing ideas. There'shere's a bunch to choose from, then you might find something that will get you going.
For me I was usually writing about action and adventure, then shifted to mystery/revenge and then back to adventure/action. Now, with te new challenge, I'm working with Horror/Mystery.
Hey everyone... -sigh- where do I begin with this one?...
I'm thinking, and bear in mind that this is only a thought, of quitting writing… more altogether. I just don't have the flare for it anymore; when I started last year I was writing something everyday, I couldn't get enough of putting thoughts into words! Then I decided to share these stories on a fanfiction site because fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? If it came up as a load of shit then I knew I wasn't good at writing and I would either have to improve or just stop while I was still ahead...
But The Devil Among Us did well, surprisingly well for someone who had only just started writing. I finished the first Act and then came the second one... that's when my flare began to die out. I still don't know why, maybe I was envious of other stories that had received mountains of attention and mine was gently being pushed aside, maybe that was a silent indicator that my story was… [view original content]
First of all, stop putting yourself down like this. Being negative isn't necessary for someone who can easily brush this sort of pessimistic bs to the side.
Second, we all love your character Nick, so I don't see the reason why we would dislike him. I also highly doubt anyone's past compliments about him or your story were fake.
Third, don't worry about not posting as frequently as you used to. Everyone here has/had their ups and downs whilst brainstorming ideas. You'll definitely think of something soon enough, you just don't have the right inspiration at the moment.
And finally, smile and be happy! Take a break if you need to - like pie and Stone similarly suggested.
Hey everyone... -sigh- where do I begin with this one?...
I'm thinking, and bear in mind that this is only a thought, of quitting writing… more altogether. I just don't have the flare for it anymore; when I started last year I was writing something everyday, I couldn't get enough of putting thoughts into words! Then I decided to share these stories on a fanfiction site because fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? If it came up as a load of shit then I knew I wasn't good at writing and I would either have to improve or just stop while I was still ahead...
But The Devil Among Us did well, surprisingly well for someone who had only just started writing. I finished the first Act and then came the second one... that's when my flare began to die out. I still don't know why, maybe I was envious of other stories that had received mountains of attention and mine was gently being pushed aside, maybe that was a silent indicator that my story was… [view original content]
It's the anonymous nature of being online getting to me, you never really know if someone or something is real or fake when they have a username to hide behind. I trust all of you, but in my head I thought you were saying things such as "I can't wait for more" simply to be nice, rather than actually wanting more.
I have the ideas in place though, just can't get them down... And the not posting frequently is a big deal, I had to give you a small recap when I posted a new chapter once because of how long it had been in-between.
It's easy enough to tell someone that...
Thanks for the help, but I won't be taking a break. I just need to find that inspiration.
First of all, stop putting yourself down like this. Being negative isn't necessary for someone who can easily brush this sort of pessimistic… more bs to the side.
Second, we all love your character Nick, so I don't see the reason why we would dislike him. I also highly doubt anyone's past compliments about him or your story were fake.
Third, don't worry about not posting as frequently as you used to. Everyone here has/had their ups and downs whilst brainstorming ideas. You'll definitely think of something soon enough, you just don't have the right inspiration at the moment.
And finally, smile and be happy! Take a break if you need to - like pie and Stone similarly suggested.
A slow chapter, but quite informative nonetheless. I don't know much about The Great War besides the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand being the spark that ignited the conflict
Alfred and Gertraud are devoted to that place aren't they? Though I imagine they will have to leave it eventually, nothing lasts forever...
Chapter 18: Der Krieg ist am Ende. 12th of November, 1918.
Those few days had been quite eventful for Germany.
From October 29th to 30… moreth, many within the German Fleet at Wilhelmshaven had chosen to mutiny or completely ignore orders, seeing no reason to risk their lives in what was a doomed struggle. This rebellion by sailors eventually evolved into a revolution throughout Germany, capturing all major coastal cities as well as Munich, Hannover and Brunswick by November 7th. The Emperor had reacted through abdication on the 9th, effectively ending the German Monarchy.
An armistice had been agreed upon during the morning of the 11th at 5:00 am, coming into effect at 11:00 am, ending the war.
Today, die stumpfe Klinge, was again empty. The war had not been kind on us, but we still lived in comfort without worry thanks to our immense savings. The same, however, could not be said for others. Tavish, for example, was an ethnic Scotsman … [view original content]
Isaiah, living up North, had forests carpeted with Bears and he could easily grab one, feast and continued his wretched life for another six months, before needing to feed again
That explains how he can appear 'normal' for so long at least :P
Brandy is something else, she actually scares the shit out of me! Screw her, I'll take the Angel and leave the Brandy where it was!! :O
So Isaiah's weakness is his right eye? I imagined it like in Kill Bill when she pulled that sucker out, though setting it back in place must be a trial in itself surely? Everything has to reconnect inside Isaiah's head...
I have read the Beowulf story, and I know Grendel was a tough bastard, but these Grendel's are like fucking Hulks!!! Only one weakness?! >:(
Challenge pg. 5
Brandy could not tell which was more annoying. Her shivering, blonde companion trying to hide in the toyota or Isaiah Gre… morendel before her. The alley had a lingering smell of oil, sewage and old grease. Brandy was unsure how humans could live in such filth as the ones they created themselves. They were moving backwards in the evolution charts, rather then forward. Barnyard animals, is what Brandy liked to think of mortals.
While Isaiah continued to leap into the air, heading in Brandy's direction, this gave her time to think. Not about the beast heading in her path but the term 'Barnyard'. Farmers. The Vampires that feasted on the blood of animals, rather then human. From what Brandy heard, it's what her dear pal Isaiah did. Poor kid did not have much of a choice. Brandy could relate to this tragic placement in the world and knew all too well of not having a 'choice' in this situation.
Apparently, Isaiah was a Farmer. B… [view original content]
My Grendel thought Robert. The fuck is wrong with him for not correcting Frank?
Please Robert, you know you love it! XP
Interesting (and sad) backstory on Frank, but at least now he can have a shot at happiness after everything he's been through
I've never tried sushi, but my fiction-writing friend over here is always eating it. I'm not big on seafood, so is sushi in general good? Or are specific dishes better than others?
Tokyo Palace was well known for their sushi boats and Sashimi platters. Sitting in a tiny booth near the back, Robert examined the menu. He … morecould hear the chefs in the back and several people clapping hear the Tappanyaki bar. Robert had heard of this style of cooking and according to several Fables, it was dinner and a show. He'd like to try it one day.
Robert, glancing over the menu, watched three groups of mundies. All beaming as the Chef slice through onion, cooked Shripm and scrambled the fried rice together. The onions became a volcano of sorts as fire poured from the opening and cooked the outside. It was a wonderful atmosphere and the cocktail Robert drank was full of flavor.
Placing the menu down, Frank stares at Robert. He tried to avoid eye contact with Frank but Robert could feel those baby blues watching. Finally giving in, he peeks over the top. All smiles.
"Man, there is, uh, so much to choose from...." Robert clears hi… [view original content]
He also tries to mask it, too. Something he's not too proud of, which explains how Gren & Robert have no clue about him.
Brandy is very tough and does not like to be pushed around, although Candy MIGHT be the only one to do so.
Yes. That is his weakness. I love Kill Bill and know exactly which scene you are talking about! It's very painful to have it grow back, not to mention the pesky eyepatch he has to wear for awhile.
I love that book; there is also one called 'Grendel' and it's the monster point of view after the fight. That sucker was strong and took YEARS before Beowulf figured out how to take him down....They are something else and I've grown to love these swamp dwelling bastards.
Cool chapter
Isaiah, living up North, had forests carpeted with Bears and he could easily grab one, feast and continued his wretched … morelife for another six months, before needing to feed again
That explains how he can appear 'normal' for so long at least :P
Brandy is something else, she actually scares the shit out of me! Screw her, I'll take the Angel and leave the Brandy where it was!! :O
So Isaiah's weakness is his right eye? I imagined it like in Kill Bill when she pulled that sucker out, though setting it back in place must be a trial in itself surely? Everything has to reconnect inside Isaiah's head...
I have read the Beowulf story, and I know Grendel was a tough bastard, but these Grendel's are like fucking Hulks!!! Only one weakness?! >:(
I await more! XD
When a smoking hot babe is giving you a lap-dance and will quite possibly do anything with you at the end of the night, you WILL let her push your buttons!!!! XP
I can imagine
I do recall Beowulf managing to cause some superficial wounds against Grendel before he ripped his arm off though (I haven't read that book in over 10 years mind you) Now the fight against Grendel's Mother was brutal, and she did receive proper injuries...
I think one of the reasons I don't like the Grendels that you and JJ created (this isn't hate, I love all of them, the part I don't like is a lack of weaknesses) is because there is only one way to hurt them, I still haven't gotten on board with it yet. I imagine these Grendel's surviving Nuclear bombs because of their weakness not being exploited... Just doesn't seem right to me, but whatever, not my OC's :P
Awesome, bro.
He also tries to mask it, too. Something he's not too proud of, which explains how Gren & Robert have no clue about hi… morem.
Brandy is very tough and does not like to be pushed around, although Candy MIGHT be the only one to do so.
Yes. That is his weakness. I love Kill Bill and know exactly which scene you are talking about! It's very painful to have it grow back, not to mention the pesky eyepatch he has to wear for awhile.
I love that book; there is also one called 'Grendel' and it's the monster point of view after the fight. That sucker was strong and took YEARS before Beowulf figured out how to take him down....They are something else and I've grown to love these swamp dwelling bastards.
Awesome, dude. -brofist-
Kieron had almost fell asleep when he heard screams and collapses from outside. One of his arms wasn't fully healed, so he had to use one hand to help himself stand, when he went to his cell door it had swung open. He began to walk the halls and free the others while he was there. Although most families weren't keen on leaving as they would rather be killed instead...Kieron began to make his way to the surface...
Outside the Prison...
When Kieron got outside he saw that the walls had been torn down there were Lycans fighting the prison guards along with the Tremeres. He began to think of what was going on. He saw Makoto fighting alongside some others. His eyes began to wander, he was not only tired but the pain of his bones going back into place was quite painful. The vampires he had freed began to run past him and knocking him over in the process of trying to get out of the hell hole. Claire was holding her own quite well as her revolver would set vampires on fire giving them the final death. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kieron on his knees, he was about to fall unconscious, there were welts, bruises and burn marks all over his body. She began to run over to Kieron, holding him upright.
"Kieron? Kieron look! It's me! We're here to get you out of here!" Claire said smiling.
Kieron was still feeling pain and his vision was still blurry, but he knew who was in front of him. There was a smile on his face. "You...came...thanks..." He said closing his eyes.
Claire began to shake him. "No, no, no, no! Now is not the time Kieron!"
Makoto ran over. "What's he doing!?"
"He's passed out, he's taken too much pain!" Claire said
"We gotta wake him up!" Makoto said.
"I know that!" She said
Claire put her head down. "Sorry but I have to do this..." She raised her hand and pulled back and gave him a good wake up call slap. Kierons eyes were wide.
"Shit! What the hell!?" Kieron said rubbing his cheek.
Claire tried to give him a apologetic smile "I'm sorry Kieron but we need you awake."
Kieron smiled "Alright." He stood.
Claire handed him his gloves and his sword. Kieron put on his gloves and revved his sword, he didn't have a lot of energy but it should be enough...
In the Princes Office...
The prince had gotten a call from the prison and explained how they were under attack by a rebellion. The Prince glared at Maximillian.
"I thought you took CARE of this problem MAXIMILLIAN!" The Prince was furious.
"I'm sorry sir I had no idea my daughter could raise such an army, I will go and deal with this. You activate the super warriors that we got from that abandoned hospital and go into hiding." Maximillian said grabbing his sword.
The prince nodded and made the call. Maximillian left the building in a blink of an eye...
At the Prison...
Claires rebellion had finished off the rest of the guards. Kieron and the others began to evacuate the other prisoners, until Maximillian showed up and threw Kieron to the side.
"You're becoming a thorn in my side." Maximillian said drawing his sword.
Kieron stood. He didn't want to talk to this monster, he drew his sword and revved it. Maximillian drew his. Claire began to run over but Kieron shook his head.
"Help Bigby and Makoto evacuate the others, come back when you've done that!" Kieron said smiling.
"Kieron you'll die! You couldn't beat him the first time please!" Claire said trying to reason with him.
"Do it! I'll be fine!" Kieron said
Claires head fell. She knew this wouldn't end well...
Maximillian smiled "Very noble of you Kieron, but is it worth the risk? She was right you couldn't even hold your own that we'll the first time."
Kieron didn't speak, he drenched his body in blood and snapped his finger activating the blood and charged. Their swords made a Soundwave Kieron overpowered Maxs sword throwing him off balance. Kierons blood magic had reinvigorated him. He took the chance to grab him and throw him to the ground. Kieron revved the sword and swung, but it was to slow and they were back where they started. Kieron took the blood and raised other swords. Maximillian summoned blood and deflected the sword, in turn Maximillian began to attack Kieron with blood darts. Kieron dodged but was cut by one in the process, he used this to his advantage. Slamming his sword into the ground he began to concentrate and use his blood magic to its full potential. Using the blood from his gloves and his wounds he began to make the blood float in the air and take form of hands. Opening his eyes the blood hands began to follow the movements of Kierons arms. He charged Maximillian at full speed and when they collided there was a Shockwave creating a crater beneath them. Maximillian was being overpowered and in turn he began to get angry, his power began to change and take a more offensive turn. Kieron jumped back coated himself in blood again and began to go on the defensive. Maximillian and Kieron clashed swords they stood on equal grounds but the two were beginning to get tired, Kieron had hit Maximillian many times and caused him to lose some blood, but so has Maximillian. Kieron went on the offensive again giving Maximillian very little room to do anything. Kieron cut him right down the middle, Kieron kicked Maximillian sending him into the ground. Maximillian has had enough and began to transform. Maximillian grew taller, and his fangs were longer than Claires when she transformed, and in turn he gained more strength and speed. Kieron stood his ground. Maximillian charged Kieron appearing in the blink of an eye and bunched Kieron sending him flying back, Max met him half way and slammed Kieron in the ground, over and over again. Kieron layed there, his shadow began to take over. He grew a maniacle smile, his eyes glowed through the smile. Kieron jumped out of the ground at lightning speed and kicked Maximillian back to the prison grounds, Kieron met him there and punched Max up in the air. Kieron, hissed he summoned blood blades and placed them as a trap. Maximillian landed but not on Kierons trap, he began to attack Kieron but his shadow dodged every attack, Kieron threw a counter attack straight to Maximillians gut, he followed up with a haymaker, Kieron grabbed the blade and threw the blade, when he threw the blade there was a Soundwave, Maximillian had begun to lose blood, and it was here Maximillian had lost the battle. Kieron wrapped Max in blood, since this was Antediluvians blood it was stronger than most blood on the planet. Kieron dragged Maximillian over, Kieron peered into Maximillians eyes and let out another hiss. Kieron raised Maximillian over his trap and slowly dropped him into the trap, Maximillian began to scream out in pain. Kieron then slowly began to lift Maximillian off of the trap, Kieron brought Maximillian closer. Kieron lifted his hand, Maximillians body felt weird. Kieron clenched his hand into a fist, Maximillians body was filled with spikes, Maximillian began to burn to ash and fell as a skeleton. Kieron saw Claire running towards him, he let out a loud screech and his shadow began to peel off of him. Claire caught Kieron before he fell.
"You...you actually killed him." Claire said
"I'm sorry...if I upset you...by killing him...then you can leave me here..." Kieron said fighting to stay conscious.
"No its fine, he was a monster that needed to be stopped." She wrapped her hands around Kieron "I love you Kieron."
Kieron tried to do the same but they wouldn't cooperate. Instead he said "Love...you..too..." He said losing consciousness.
Claire picked him up, and walked away to get Kieron healed. The Prince won't like this.
Somewhere else...
The Prince slammed his fists down. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S BEEN KILLED!!!"
"I-I'm sorry sir it was-" The Vampire had been killed by the prince.
The prince put his hands on the back of his head and began to cry. Maximillians family line had been protecting his family line for generations. The prince began to weep in his chambers as he had lost a dear friend...He swore to kill Kieron and that wretch Claire even if he had to do it on his own.
The war had just begun...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! I apologize for the HUGE wall of text but it was a major fight and I had the most badass music to listen to while I wrote it so ideas and other shit was flowing in my head! If you are wondering what the song was it is called Aldnoah.Zero MKALieZ which I will link here: MKAlieZ and I'd like to take a second to tell you guys how grateful I am to have stumbled upon this wonderful place, I honestly don't know where I'd be since I was literally worse than a walking corpse everyday waiting to leave the world in some fashion. You guys have shown me that there is more to life even when you've been sent to the ground by bullies and other nonsense, you just have to hold on and smile stay awesome guys I love you all and I'll see you next time!
Hands down, amen, I totally agree with you! After all this, she NEEDS that happy ending.
He caused damage and the fight was indeed fair and something I always looked forward to. His mother was FIERCE and God bless that woman. I was in high school when I read and think I was the only way going No WAY in the back. XD
I can understand. It can be frustrating dealing with a character with little or no weaknesses. But JJ and I can agree we did not like the way Gren was portrayed in the game. I guess we all have that one person we root for in the crowd and hope for the best. But that's what makes FABLES a fun little universe to write and be a part of.
I wonder if they'll ever find out he is a Hybrid?
When a smoking hot babe is giving you a lap-dance and will quite possibly do anything w… moreith you at the end of the night, you WILL let her push your buttons!!!! XP
I can imagine
I do recall Beowulf managing to cause some superficial wounds against Grendel before he ripped his arm off though (I haven't read that book in over 10 years mind you) Now the fight against Grendel's Mother was brutal, and she did receive proper injuries...
I think one of the reasons I don't like the Grendels that you and JJ created (this isn't hate, I love all of them, the part I don't like is a lack of weaknesses) is because there is only one way to hurt them, I still haven't gotten on board with it yet. I imagine these Grendel's surviving Nuclear bombs because of their weakness not being exploited... Just doesn't seem right to me, but whatever, not my OC's :P
Now that that is out of the way: -epic brofist-
Claire put her head down. "Sorry but I have to do this..." She raised her hand and pulled back and gave him a good wake up call slap
Now that was funny to picture!! Though when it gets done to you in real life, it really does work :P
That fight with Maximillion was badass! Kieron learned from his mistakes and emerged the victor, now there is just the Prince left, and if he required a bodyguard such as Maximillion to keep him safe, then his death should come easily right?
Going into Hiding... Part: One
Inside the Prison...
Kieron had almost fell asleep when he heard screams and collapses from outside. On… moree of his arms wasn't fully healed, so he had to use one hand to help himself stand, when he went to his cell door it had swung open. He began to walk the halls and free the others while he was there. Although most families weren't keen on leaving as they would rather be killed instead...Kieron began to make his way to the surface...
Outside the Prison...
When Kieron got outside he saw that the walls had been torn down there were Lycans fighting the prison guards along with the Tremeres. He began to think of what was going on. He saw Makoto fighting alongside some others. His eyes began to wander, he was not only tired but the pain of his bones going back into place was quite painful. The vampires he had freed began to run past him and knocking him over in the process of trying to get out of the hell… [view original content]
I think it is quite alright to place personal priorities first if you really must. We all have moments in our lives that prevent us from bei… moreng able to comment on others stories or work on their own for that matter, especially in my case recently.
There is no need to apologise in this manner
Yep, basically XD And yeah, it seems so. Glad everything is on track now, though! I've just got so much going on, that I can barely focus on stuff like this sometimes XP It's all good though!
Sounds like you had one hell of a weekend but a fun one at that. Had a little bump in the road but I'd like to think we passed that over an… mored moved forward. Like any 'normal' family, we have our tiffs but after agreeing and all is said, we move forward. Can't wait to see what you post but never apologies for being 'late' on comments and what not or being able to write. You're busy. We all, sadly, have felt the mistress known as 'life' crawl into our lives but it must be done. Glad to hear you're doing great but perhaps, some much needed down time is in the works.
Can't wait to see what you have in store and nice to see you back. -brofist-
I've seen your recent comment in the message and no need to worry about it anymore, Snow. We forgive you!
Regarding comments, however, I… more know that some people would appreciate your feedback on some of their stories. Try thinking back on chapters you wouldn't normally have commented on in the past.
Yep At least I come on to see what's going on every now and again! Life IS good; It's just also crazy hectic XD I guess I'm in that transitional phase of "I was a kid yesterday, but now I'm feeling more and more responsible and grown up as the days go by". So slowly but surely, I'm getting used to it. I had an AWESOME time at Junior Cruise; I'll post pictures either tonight or later in the week. Probably later in the week. I was busy practicing my driving ALL DAY today, because my test is at the end of the month. Hopefully I pass!
There is no need to make apology speeches. We all are a family and we had our moments. I know we've all become busy and that's cool and a p… moreart of life. Lurking about still counts and glad to know although busy, life is going pretty freaking sweet for you. Hope you had fun on that Junior's cruise! Sounded like a blast!!! Can't wait to see what you have planned.
It really was something; I know JJ and you weren't impressed with his fight against Bigby, but the majority of the damage was done to Gren's right shoulder where the scar was, plus Fables treats them all like humans in that anything can harm them, it just depends on the attack
I can work with their weaknesses tbh, Nick has his fair share but he can't die... so I guess I backed myself into a corner with him
Hmmm....maybe? XD
Hands down, amen, I totally agree with you! After all this, she NEEDS that happy ending.
He caused damage and the f… moreight was indeed fair and something I always looked forward to. His mother was FIERCE and God bless that woman. I was in high school when I read and think I was the only way going No WAY in the back. XD
I can understand. It can be frustrating dealing with a character with little or no weaknesses. But JJ and I can agree we did not like the way Gren was portrayed in the game. I guess we all have that one person we root for in the crowd and hope for the best. But that's what makes FABLES a fun little universe to write and be a part of.
Sounds good to be, bro. -brofist-
Awesome stuff!
Claire put her head down. "Sorry but I have to do this..." She raised her hand and pulled back and gave him a good wak… moree up call slap
Now that was funny to picture!! Though when it gets done to you in real life, it really does work :P
That fight with Maximillion was badass! Kieron learned from his mistakes and emerged the victor, now there is just the Prince left, and if he required a bodyguard such as Maximillion to keep him safe, then his death should come easily right?
I await more dude! XD
I hear ya, man. I really do. I've been through periods where I think everything I write is absolute crap. I also understand you feeling as if comments craving for more seem almost hollow, and meaningless. I've felt that way on occasion, thinking "Are they truly feeling this way, or is it just to make me feel better about myself?"
Well, I'm here to tell you that I have NEVER done this to anyone. When I've told you I absolutely loved the chapters I've read, I meant every word of it. It's good to take a break though as a writer, because too much writing for extended periods of time can wear anybody down. I've felt it before. Hell, I've been feeling it NOW. Just hang in there man.
I just don't fathom that people who have been on here for so long, and have written such loved and respected stories filled with a magnitude of interesting characters, can appreciate the work I create.
This is the literal same feeling I get. I'm just a 17 year old girl. I don't go to any fancy private school, and I've never taken any classes on writing. But I discovered that it was something I enjoyed doing, and wanted to put somewhere. Luckily, I found this place, with so many other people, normal working people, who also felt the same way, or similarly as I did. Don't make yourself to be any lesser than we are, man. On this site, we're all equal, and we all have different talents in different forms of writing. Personally, I LOVE the scenes you create with Nick; He's one of my favorite OC's on this forum. If you need to take a break, that's totally understandable. But don't give up!
Hey everyone... -sigh- where do I begin with this one?...
I'm thinking, and bear in mind that this is only a thought, of quitting writing… more altogether. I just don't have the flare for it anymore; when I started last year I was writing something everyday, I couldn't get enough of putting thoughts into words! Then I decided to share these stories on a fanfiction site because fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? If it came up as a load of shit then I knew I wasn't good at writing and I would either have to improve or just stop while I was still ahead...
But The Devil Among Us did well, surprisingly well for someone who had only just started writing. I finished the first Act and then came the second one... that's when my flare began to die out. I still don't know why, maybe I was envious of other stories that had received mountains of attention and mine was gently being pushed aside, maybe that was a silent indicator that my story was… [view original content]
I keep seeing Death being thrown about and I have to remind myself that my Death is a Horseman and my OC, whereas your Death is the traditional one :P
A slow chapter, but quite informative nonetheless. I don't know much about The Great War besides the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand being … morethe spark that ignited the conflict
Alfred and Gertraud are devoted to that place aren't they? Though I imagine they will have to leave it eventually, nothing lasts forever...
I await more! XD
If you do not have the flare for it anymore, then I see no reason for you to not cease writing. When people lose their artistic interest in their work, it finishes at a lower quality than otherwise. No need to force yourself to do something like this if you have no interest.
That being said, I quite enjoy your works and wish that you do continue.
If you were to continue, maybe go on a hiatus thus allowing your mind time to recharge and acquire inspiration. I found that happening for me when I was absent from this forum.
Whatever you choose, I have confidence it shall be what is right.
Hey everyone... -sigh- where do I begin with this one?...
I'm thinking, and bear in mind that this is only a thought, of quitting writing… more altogether. I just don't have the flare for it anymore; when I started last year I was writing something everyday, I couldn't get enough of putting thoughts into words! Then I decided to share these stories on a fanfiction site because fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? If it came up as a load of shit then I knew I wasn't good at writing and I would either have to improve or just stop while I was still ahead...
But The Devil Among Us did well, surprisingly well for someone who had only just started writing. I finished the first Act and then came the second one... that's when my flare began to die out. I still don't know why, maybe I was envious of other stories that had received mountains of attention and mine was gently being pushed aside, maybe that was a silent indicator that my story was… [view original content]
Claire's little 'wake up call, was hilarious! I found myself bawling in chortles.
As for the 'wall of text', you are excused. I found myself doing similar things to what you described in your little author's note when I writ my earlier action scenes and sometimes made paragraphs unnecessarily long.
'The war had just begun.' And let the climax Rrrrrrrise!
Going into Hiding... Part: One
Inside the Prison...
Kieron had almost fell asleep when he heard screams and collapses from outside. On… moree of his arms wasn't fully healed, so he had to use one hand to help himself stand, when he went to his cell door it had swung open. He began to walk the halls and free the others while he was there. Although most families weren't keen on leaving as they would rather be killed instead...Kieron began to make his way to the surface...
Outside the Prison...
When Kieron got outside he saw that the walls had been torn down there were Lycans fighting the prison guards along with the Tremeres. He began to think of what was going on. He saw Makoto fighting alongside some others. His eyes began to wander, he was not only tired but the pain of his bones going back into place was quite painful. The vampires he had freed began to run past him and knocking him over in the process of trying to get out of the hell… [view original content]
If you do not have the flare for it anymore, then I see no reason for you to not cease writing. When people lose their artistic interest in … moretheir work, it finishes at a lower quality than otherwise. No need to force yourself to do something like this if you have no interest.
That being said, I quite enjoy your works and wish that you do continue.
If you were to continue, maybe go on a hiatus thus allowing your mind time to recharge and acquire inspiration. I found that happening for me when I was absent from this forum.
Whatever you choose, I have confidence it shall be what is right.
I know this chapter was slow, but keep in mind that there are calms between storms, and there is one helluva storm brewing.
They are VERY… more proud of their home. Only when the place has withered into splinters held together by gravity and friction shall they consider leaving.
As for the next chapter, I shall either be setting it in the 1936 Olympic Games or the Kristallnacht.
I hear ya, man. I really do. I've been through periods where I think everything I write is absolute crap. I also understand you feeling as i… moref comments craving for more seem almost hollow, and meaningless. I've felt that way on occasion, thinking "Are they truly feeling this way, or is it just to make me feel better about myself?"
Well, I'm here to tell you that I have NEVER done this to anyone. When I've told you I absolutely loved the chapters I've read, I meant every word of it. It's good to take a break though as a writer, because too much writing for extended periods of time can wear anybody down. I've felt it before. Hell, I've been feeling it NOW. Just hang in there man.
I just don't fathom that people who have been on here for so long, and have written such loved and respected stories filled with a magnitude of interesting characters, can appreciate the work I create.
This is the literal same feeling I get. I'm just a … [view original content]
The wake up call is effective, just hope that whoever you wake up doesn't retaliate :P My friend did it to me once to 'make sure I was actually asleep' so I slapped him back afterwards!
Walking out of what was originally Tavish’s tailoring shop. I adjusted the newly purchased trilby atop my crown before turning to face Gertraud, partly to examine her new outfit in the outside light and partly to avoid the blinding sunset.
Gertraud and I had decided to go on an errand to update our anarchronistic fashion. I was starting to see the appeal in personal fashion choices at around that point in time and slowly started to visit the tailors more often.
Gertrauds new costume was that of a woman’s suit. The skirt and jacket were of dark grey tweed. Below was a dull red blouse. In her formal boots she stood taller than most men, I, of course not counting among them. She wore her hair in a voluminous fashion, extending to her shoulder but going no further. Her jewellery, however, had not changed at all. She still wore that wristwatch she brought at the end of the previous century.
I wore a suit myself: Grey, like hers but of cotton instead. The trousers were pleated on the front and back, my initials embroiled into the right back pocket. The suit jacket just covered my bottocks, leaving the rest of my trousers exposed. I wore a matching vest of a high-V cut, so as to hold my watch and assist in concealing my pistol holster. The tie was patterned in red and yellow in art-deco striping. The trilby was made to match the suit, which was mostly hidden by my overcoat. In order to accommodate the hat, I had my hair completely slicked back in a horizontal fashion.
“Why do you hide in that overcoat all the time?” Gertraud inquired. “You do take it off inside, but you insist on wearing it outside, EVEN in summer.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “I do not know, I just like it.”
“It just appears odd, that is all.”
“Says the 6 ft. tall woman.”
“Says the 6.6 ft. man.”
“Alright, you win.” I raised my gloved hands in surrender.
Gertraud shot me a cheeky grin before she borderline jogged across the street towards our tavern. I followed after her. We entered, greeted by the dim light of the gas lanterns.
“You seemed rather hasty just then.” I commented.
She turned to face me, a devious smile and a rather seductive pair of eyes upon her expression. “That, my dear Alfred, is because I am in great anticipation of tonight.”
What? “Excuse me?”
“It has been a while. Has it not?” she continued, still holding her expression.
My mind was hit with sudden realisation. “Oh…I see.” I said in feigned shock.
My expression changed into a perfect copy of her own. “I nigh forgot our arrangements.”
We lay in each others arms, asleep and exhausted.
It was around midnight that the shattering of glass woke us and caused us to jump out of each other’s slumbering embrace, sitting up in our bed.
“Get your knife and pistol” I whispered.
Without a word, she and I silently walked to our dressers, in the midst of shouting outside. I retrieved my Mauser, retracting the bolt as I heard the cocking of Gertraud’s pocket revolver and the clanking of her balisong opening. I hid by the window sill, slowly looking around into the street below.
The tailoring shop once owned by Tavish had its display window shattered. The shop was being ransacked and looted of the current owners personal possessions by a multitude of men, dressed in civilian clothing yet bearing the Hakenkreuz armband. Books, silverware and sewing machines were but some of the things they looted.
That shop, where I and Gertraud had purchased our clothes for the last 38 years was being looted by these fanatics of the leader. I felt nothing but sorrow and lowness as I watched the owner being dragged out of the shop, still in his nightwear. I spotted a fire in the distance against the silhouette of the Reichstag’s glass cupola. I looked to my left to find Gertraud staring out the window towards the fire, an expression of worry on her face.
“That is the synagogue.” She spoke in a saddened tone. “They are targeting the Jews.”
So it had come to this? The Leader had begun his purge of what he called the ‘Jewish question’?
“Let’s return to bed. They are not targeting us, Traudl.” I suggested.
“Is that all you have to say about this?” Gertrud’s tone had returned to its usual one.
“What do you want me to say? This is unfortunate and I resent it but we have no power over what is happening.”
She stood quite, taken aback. She closed her knife before placing her pistols hammer forward and walking to her dresser. I went to my own dresser, placing the pistol back into the drawer and closing it. I found Gertraud simply standing by her dresser with head hung. In an effort to comfort her I approached her and pulled her into an embrace. She tensed for a second before relaxing and returning the hug.
We stood that way for an amount of time before returning to bed.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: From the 9th to the 10th of November. Members of the SA and non-Jewish civilians raided, ransacked, vandalised and burned Jewish owned businesses, communities and Synagogues throughout Nazi Germany and annexed Austria in a massive Nazi Pogrom. More than 30,000 Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps as a result of this event now known as Kristallnacht (crystal night), so named after the broken glass from the Jewish-owned properties that lined the streets. It served as a major launching pad for the greater part of the Holocaust
The extremist ways of the Nazi's and the Third Reich have always left a bad taste in my mouth, I cannot comprehend such acts of brutality. Yet in spite of everything, it cannot be denied that Adolf Hitler was indeed a great leader, to be able to inspire so much into the people of Germany...
Now that that is said. I thought it was hilarious that Gertraud had to remind Alfred that sex was on the list tonight! XP Clearly 400 years with Gertraud has not completely changed the loneliness that Alfred has always been used to.
I wonder if Alfred will fight in WW2? He could potentially meet Bigby if he did
Chapter 19: Kristallnacht. November, 9th, 1938.
Walking out of what was originally Tavish’s tailoring shop. I adjusted the newly purchase… mored trilby atop my crown before turning to face Gertraud, partly to examine her new outfit in the outside light and partly to avoid the blinding sunset.
Gertraud and I had decided to go on an errand to update our anarchronistic fashion. I was starting to see the appeal in personal fashion choices at around that point in time and slowly started to visit the tailors more often.
Gertrauds new costume was that of a woman’s suit. The skirt and jacket were of dark grey tweed. Below was a dull red blouse. In her formal boots she stood taller than most men, I, of course not counting among them. She wore her hair in a voluminous fashion, extending to her shoulder but going no further. Her jewellery, however, had not changed at all. She still wore that wristwatch she brought at the end of the previous century.
… [view original content]
Hey everyone... -sigh- where do I begin with this one?...
I'm thinking, and bear in mind that this is only a thought, of quitting writing altogether. I just don't have the flare for it anymore; when I started last year I was writing something everyday, I couldn't get enough of putting thoughts into words! Then I decided to share these stories on a fanfiction site because fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? If it came up as a load of shit then I knew I wasn't good at writing and I would either have to improve or just stop while I was still ahead...
But The Devil Among Us did well, surprisingly well for someone who had only just started writing. I finished the first Act and then came the second one... that's when my flare began to die out. I still don't know why, maybe I was envious of other stories that had received mountains of attention and mine was gently being pushed aside, maybe that was a silent indicator that my story was a good read the first time round, but that was it. The second Act of that story is still in-progress, and tbh, it was barely a quarter of the way through before I stopped writing regularly...
I have yet to write a new chapter, I posted the latest one on February 28th this year. I joined this forum about a month or 2 before I began writing, I stayed away from this thread because I wasn't checking on here often enough to keep up-to-date. But then back in January I believe, I posted that mysterious bio of Nick, and went to bed thinking that when I checked back the next morning, the '7 regulars' would reply back with "This isn't great" or "Cliché's everywhere" etc. Basically I wasn't expecting a warm welcome, I had it in my head that because I was a newbie, why should I be paid much attention?
But the few of you that did reply said you liked Nick and wanted to know more, so that's when I began writing on here. But now I don't know what to think; I have moments where I don't believe what any of the comments on here say about my work, the criticism I do believe, but the 'want for more' and the 'liking this content' etc. They don't register as God's honest truth in my head. I just don't fathom that people who have been on here for so long, and have written such loved and respected stories filled with a magnitude of interesting characters, can appreciate the work I create.
My OC's are all the same one way or another, my stories are predictable in some ways, and I post so infrequently that you've probably forgotten all about what happened last chapter... I have more than enough time in my day to write, could probably write 2 or 3 chapters a day if I tried, but it just doesn't strike home with me right now.
I don't know if I'll leave the thread, I do like the works that are posted on here, but I'm beginning to see repeats in the things I say and do on here, it's like I'm literally forcing myself to read and review
I don't know what I'll do yet, I'm pretty down atm (never sure why, it comes and goes depending on what has been going on in the day) Hopefully tomorrow I'll look at this and pass it off as a load of bullshit and that I'm just suffering a bad case of Writer's block yet again :P
I don't expect you to reply with deepest sympathies and we're all here for you's, but if it's something that you feel needs to be done, then go ahead. I'll take what I can get and try to believe it as the truth, while trying not to imagine that the person behind the computer screen isn't praying for me to stop with the moaning and just leave.
Hm. I keep coming back to this everytime. You even said it yourself. 'I'd take a bullet anyday for my family...'Hit me hard but in a good way.
You mentioned this to me and I passed it off as writer's block. You're having personal things at the moment and it sounds like you need to get away from the bullshit. (You know what I mean) Hearing you thinking about ending your writing makes me want to throw my computer, not roll my eyes and moan. I've been there with my past writings, too. Do you know how many times I want to quit because I felt like my stories were no good? Or that I made a mistake in having Lyla with Georgie and now everyone will think of pie as only 'that guy' and avoid my stories? Or even just my bad days, when I wanted to throw my hands up and say fuck this.....
Sounds to me that MAYBE you need to either change your OC's or pick a different thing to write about. Jot down some ideas: romance, comedy, drama, etc. Play around until something sounds good or just tweek the OC's you have. You love to write and when we first spoke, you couldn't get enough of it. You're thrown at me several ideas for stories. Try one of THOSE and go from there; leave Nick and the others alone for awhile until something triggers the passion to continue his. We've all done it; left one story open and decided to do something different until I have an idea or WANT to continue it. JJ has done this a fuck tons of times, I've done it and even Emmy, too. We all have those moments, man.
Sleep on it. And don't 'force' yourself to comment. Like it and just let it be. Come back next time. And this thing about you joining late....stop, dude. We love Nick equally as all the other OC's. So what we've been here longer? That does not make our stories any better then your's. WE ARE A FAMILY! We never leave anyone behind and I love Nick. Sure, I've messed up (okay, fucked up) but I'm only human. Does not make me think less of him! I love ALL these OC's! Each one is special in their own way and the stories on here have made me laugh, cry, angry, hungry, etc!
Just, think about. I don't want you to leave but if a break is what YOU think is best, I'll be right there for you, bro. -brofist- Love ya', dude.
Well I for one think you shouldn't stop. What you have is great stuff man, although I know what you mean by losing flare, and I can only tell you what sparked my flare again was creating a new story with a new OC entirely and that happened to be Kieron. But that's just me. I hope you will wake up tomorrow and pass this off as bullshit man, whatever is making you feel down also isn't helping either. Plus we wouldn't want you to leave man!
No need to be so apologetic.
Life is bringing me down: Learning to drive, applying for a second job, Parent's, and just me. I hope tomorrow I can look past this, but right now I don't know what to think.
I already have 4 on-going stories right now, I don't need a 5th to take up time...
I just don't know right now...
In the past dude, it should remain there.
Thing is is that I don't want to write anything unrelated to the Fables/TWAU universe, my friend suggested I try original fiction (like he does) and it is tempting, but I prefer a solid backdrop to work with as opposed to making everything myself. I need to sleep this off, I'm hoping to start my second job next week (Blenheim Palace... fucking useless management system they have!) so hopefully the extra workload will take my mind off of things and get me back into a writing spirit.
I look at works like yours that have received so much praise and so much want, it is daunting to me to say the least...
I need time to myself.
Then do that if you REALLY want to and I hope for your sake this 2nd job goes through. It will indeed keep your mind busy and away from the thread for awhile. It's something, my good man. It's a start.
-sigh- Guess we are our own worst critics, Hman. Hope you figure it all out.
Like I tell the others, I'll be here if you need me.
This 2nd job has been a week coming, management fucking FORGOT I applied!! >:( Hopefully I get something this week, if I don't then I'm gonna be pissed...
I've been my own worst critic all my life, seems that in spite of everything good, I still see all my faults and stick with them as my defining factors.
Hey man we'll be right here man, ready to help however we can.
There have been times when I decided that I was burning out. It began happening last year during my second story I worked on here and somewhere after. (I dont remember. XD)
I felt that I was lacking something in the writing genre I chosen to pertake up. Then dealing with some personal problems I won't bring up because they have been squashed, and squashed for good hopefully. Recently I went back to where it all began on page three and where my first OC was born. Looking through my older story I learned what I did wrong and what I could of done to make it better, which led to me reignite my flame that I slowly losing.
When I joined I wasn't expecting a warm welcome either, I was expecting; "Thhis guy and his overpowered dragon boy, where have I heard this before? "
Did not care one bit, I posted anywway the went about creating my own legend.. And look, my very first story turned out to be a major success for me. To this day I think that one was my best. I wasn't expecting positive reviews but, wow.. Thank you those whk encourage me to stay and write. I see there was also so mm e drama in the past and not to long ago, hopefully that was squashed too and we can all get back to writing!
I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread. Thanks to you, I decided to become a fan fiction writer and I only wish I could pertake in most of your past challenges and put more effort in them. To make up for my past absence, I shall complete this one thoroughly.
Moving on,
Like the others said, you are always welcomed here, but if you truely decide that you need a break fine by mean. Taking a break can be very helpful as a writer if I recall. After would you'lyou'll come back stronger and with a new flame. Pie also covered what I was going to say in my reply. Experiment with different ideas, writing ideas. There'shere's a bunch to choose from, then you might find something that will get you going.
For me I was usually writing about action and adventure, then shifted to mystery/revenge and then back to adventure/action. Now, with te new challenge, I'm working with Horror/Mystery.
I appreciate that.
First of all, stop putting yourself down like this. Being negative isn't necessary for someone who can easily brush this sort of pessimistic bs to the side.
Second, we all love your character Nick, so I don't see the reason why we would dislike him. I also highly doubt anyone's past compliments about him or your story were fake.
Third, don't worry about not posting as frequently as you used to. Everyone here has/had their ups and downs whilst brainstorming ideas. You'll definitely think of something soon enough, you just don't have the right inspiration at the moment.
And finally, smile and be happy!
Take a break if you need to - like pie and Stone similarly suggested.
It isn't always easy, Dragon...
It's the anonymous nature of being online getting to me, you never really know if someone or something is real or fake when they have a username to hide behind. I trust all of you, but in my head I thought you were saying things such as "I can't wait for more" simply to be nice, rather than actually wanting more.
I have the ideas in place though, just can't get them down... And the not posting frequently is a big deal, I had to give you a small recap when I posted a new chapter once because of how long it had been in-between.
It's easy enough to tell someone that...
Thanks for the help, but I won't be taking a break. I just need to find that inspiration.
A slow chapter, but quite informative nonetheless. I don't know much about The Great War besides the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand being the spark that ignited the conflict
Alfred and Gertraud are devoted to that place aren't they? Though I imagine they will have to leave it eventually, nothing lasts forever...
I await more! XD
Cool chapter
That explains how he can appear 'normal' for so long at least :P
Brandy is something else, she actually scares the shit out of me! Screw her, I'll take the Angel and leave the Brandy where it was!! :O
So Isaiah's weakness is his right eye? I imagined it like in Kill Bill when she pulled that sucker out, though setting it back in place must be a trial in itself surely? Everything has to reconnect inside Isaiah's head...
I have read the Beowulf story, and I know Grendel was a tough bastard, but these Grendel's are like fucking Hulks!!! Only one weakness?! >:(
I await more! XD
Nice chapter!
Please Robert, you know you love it! XP
Interesting (and sad) backstory on Frank, but at least now he can have a shot at happiness after everything he's been through
I've never tried sushi, but my fiction-writing friend over here is always eating it. I'm not big on seafood, so is sushi in general good? Or are specific dishes better than others?
I look forward to more! XD
Awesome, bro.
He also tries to mask it, too. Something he's not too proud of, which explains how Gren & Robert have no clue about him.
Brandy is very tough and does not like to be pushed around, although Candy MIGHT be the only one to do so.
Yes. That is his weakness. I love Kill Bill and know exactly which scene you are talking about!
It's very painful to have it grow back, not to mention the pesky eyepatch he has to wear for awhile.
I love that book; there is also one called 'Grendel' and it's the monster point of view after the fight. That sucker was strong and took YEARS before Beowulf figured out how to take him down....They are something else and I've grown to love these swamp dwelling bastards.
Awesome, dude. -brofist-
I wonder if they'll ever find out he is a Hybrid?
When a smoking hot babe is giving you a lap-dance and will quite possibly do anything with you at the end of the night, you WILL let her push your buttons!!!! XP
I can imagine
I do recall Beowulf managing to cause some superficial wounds against Grendel before he ripped his arm off though (I haven't read that book in over 10 years mind you) Now the fight against Grendel's Mother was brutal, and she did receive proper injuries...
I think one of the reasons I don't like the Grendels that you and JJ created (this isn't hate, I love all of them, the part I don't like is a lack of weaknesses) is because there is only one way to hurt them, I still haven't gotten on board with it yet. I imagine these Grendel's surviving Nuclear bombs because of their weakness not being exploited... Just doesn't seem right to me, but whatever, not my OC's :P
Now that that is out of the way: -epic brofist-
Going into Hiding... Part: One
Inside the Prison...
Kieron had almost fell asleep when he heard screams and collapses from outside. One of his arms wasn't fully healed, so he had to use one hand to help himself stand, when he went to his cell door it had swung open. He began to walk the halls and free the others while he was there. Although most families weren't keen on leaving as they would rather be killed instead...Kieron began to make his way to the surface...
Outside the Prison...
When Kieron got outside he saw that the walls had been torn down there were Lycans fighting the prison guards along with the Tremeres. He began to think of what was going on. He saw Makoto fighting alongside some others. His eyes began to wander, he was not only tired but the pain of his bones going back into place was quite painful. The vampires he had freed began to run past him and knocking him over in the process of trying to get out of the hell hole. Claire was holding her own quite well as her revolver would set vampires on fire giving them the final death. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kieron on his knees, he was about to fall unconscious, there were welts, bruises and burn marks all over his body. She began to run over to Kieron, holding him upright.
"Kieron? Kieron look! It's me! We're here to get you out of here!" Claire said smiling.
Kieron was still feeling pain and his vision was still blurry, but he knew who was in front of him. There was a smile on his face. "You...came...thanks..." He said closing his eyes.
Claire began to shake him. "No, no, no, no! Now is not the time Kieron!"
Makoto ran over. "What's he doing!?"
"He's passed out, he's taken too much pain!" Claire said
"We gotta wake him up!" Makoto said.
"I know that!" She said
Claire put her head down. "Sorry but I have to do this..." She raised her hand and pulled back and gave him a good wake up call slap. Kierons eyes were wide.
"Shit! What the hell!?" Kieron said rubbing his cheek.
Claire tried to give him a apologetic smile "I'm sorry Kieron but we need you awake."
Kieron smiled "Alright." He stood.
Claire handed him his gloves and his sword. Kieron put on his gloves and revved his sword, he didn't have a lot of energy but it should be enough...
In the Princes Office...
The prince had gotten a call from the prison and explained how they were under attack by a rebellion. The Prince glared at Maximillian.
"I thought you took CARE of this problem MAXIMILLIAN!" The Prince was furious.
"I'm sorry sir I had no idea my daughter could raise such an army, I will go and deal with this. You activate the super warriors that we got from that abandoned hospital and go into hiding." Maximillian said grabbing his sword.
The prince nodded and made the call. Maximillian left the building in a blink of an eye...
At the Prison...
Claires rebellion had finished off the rest of the guards. Kieron and the others began to evacuate the other prisoners, until Maximillian showed up and threw Kieron to the side.
"You're becoming a thorn in my side." Maximillian said drawing his sword.
Kieron stood. He didn't want to talk to this monster, he drew his sword and revved it. Maximillian drew his. Claire began to run over but Kieron shook his head.
"Help Bigby and Makoto evacuate the others, come back when you've done that!" Kieron said smiling.
"Kieron you'll die! You couldn't beat him the first time please!" Claire said trying to reason with him.
"Do it! I'll be fine!" Kieron said
Claires head fell. She knew this wouldn't end well...
Maximillian smiled "Very noble of you Kieron, but is it worth the risk? She was right you couldn't even hold your own that we'll the first time."
Kieron didn't speak, he drenched his body in blood and snapped his finger activating the blood and charged. Their swords made a Soundwave Kieron overpowered Maxs sword throwing him off balance. Kierons blood magic had reinvigorated him. He took the chance to grab him and throw him to the ground. Kieron revved the sword and swung, but it was to slow and they were back where they started. Kieron took the blood and raised other swords. Maximillian summoned blood and deflected the sword, in turn Maximillian began to attack Kieron with blood darts. Kieron dodged but was cut by one in the process, he used this to his advantage. Slamming his sword into the ground he began to concentrate and use his blood magic to its full potential. Using the blood from his gloves and his wounds he began to make the blood float in the air and take form of hands. Opening his eyes the blood hands began to follow the movements of Kierons arms. He charged Maximillian at full speed and when they collided there was a Shockwave creating a crater beneath them. Maximillian was being overpowered and in turn he began to get angry, his power began to change and take a more offensive turn. Kieron jumped back coated himself in blood again and began to go on the defensive. Maximillian and Kieron clashed swords they stood on equal grounds but the two were beginning to get tired, Kieron had hit Maximillian many times and caused him to lose some blood, but so has Maximillian. Kieron went on the offensive again giving Maximillian very little room to do anything. Kieron cut him right down the middle, Kieron kicked Maximillian sending him into the ground. Maximillian has had enough and began to transform. Maximillian grew taller, and his fangs were longer than Claires when she transformed, and in turn he gained more strength and speed. Kieron stood his ground. Maximillian charged Kieron appearing in the blink of an eye and bunched Kieron sending him flying back, Max met him half way and slammed Kieron in the ground, over and over again. Kieron layed there, his shadow began to take over. He grew a maniacle smile, his eyes glowed through the smile. Kieron jumped out of the ground at lightning speed and kicked Maximillian back to the prison grounds, Kieron met him there and punched Max up in the air. Kieron, hissed he summoned blood blades and placed them as a trap. Maximillian landed but not on Kierons trap, he began to attack Kieron but his shadow dodged every attack, Kieron threw a counter attack straight to Maximillians gut, he followed up with a haymaker, Kieron grabbed the blade and threw the blade, when he threw the blade there was a Soundwave, Maximillian had begun to lose blood, and it was here Maximillian had lost the battle. Kieron wrapped Max in blood, since this was Antediluvians blood it was stronger than most blood on the planet. Kieron dragged Maximillian over, Kieron peered into Maximillians eyes and let out another hiss. Kieron raised Maximillian over his trap and slowly dropped him into the trap, Maximillian began to scream out in pain. Kieron then slowly began to lift Maximillian off of the trap, Kieron brought Maximillian closer. Kieron lifted his hand, Maximillians body felt weird. Kieron clenched his hand into a fist, Maximillians body was filled with spikes, Maximillian began to burn to ash and fell as a skeleton. Kieron saw Claire running towards him, he let out a loud screech and his shadow began to peel off of him. Claire caught Kieron before he fell.
"You...you actually killed him." Claire said
"I'm sorry...if I upset you...by killing him...then you can leave me here..." Kieron said fighting to stay conscious.
"No its fine, he was a monster that needed to be stopped." She wrapped her hands around Kieron "I love you Kieron."
Kieron tried to do the same but they wouldn't cooperate. Instead he said "Love...you..too..." He said losing consciousness.
Claire picked him up, and walked away to get Kieron healed. The Prince won't like this.
Somewhere else...
The Prince slammed his fists down. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S BEEN KILLED!!!"
"I-I'm sorry sir it was-" The Vampire had been killed by the prince.
The prince put his hands on the back of his head and began to cry. Maximillians family line had been protecting his family line for generations. The prince began to weep in his chambers as he had lost a dear friend...He swore to kill Kieron and that wretch Claire even if he had to do it on his own.
The war had just begun...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
I apologize for the HUGE wall of text but it was a major fight and I had the most badass music to listen to while I wrote it so ideas and other shit was flowing in my head! If you are wondering what the song was it is called Aldnoah.Zero MKALieZ which I will link here: MKAlieZ and I'd like to take a second to tell you guys how grateful I am to have stumbled upon this wonderful place, I honestly don't know where I'd be since I was literally worse than a walking corpse everyday waiting to leave the world in some fashion. You guys have shown me that there is more to life even when you've been sent to the ground by bullies and other nonsense, you just have to hold on and smile
stay awesome guys I love you all and I'll see you next time! 
Hmmm....maybe? XD
Hands down, amen, I totally agree with you! After all this, she NEEDS that happy ending.
He caused damage and the fight was indeed fair and something I always looked forward to. His mother was FIERCE and God bless that woman. I was in high school when I read and think I was the only way going No WAY in the back. XD
I can understand. It can be frustrating dealing with a character with little or no weaknesses. But JJ and I can agree we did not like the way Gren was portrayed in the game. I guess we all have that one person we root for in the crowd and hope for the best.
But that's what makes FABLES a fun little universe to write and be a part of. 
Sounds good to be, bro. -brofist-
Awesome stuff!
Now that was funny to picture!! Though when it gets done to you in real life, it really does work :P
That fight with Maximillion was badass! Kieron learned from his mistakes and emerged the victor, now there is just the Prince left, and if he required a bodyguard such as Maximillion to keep him safe, then his death should come easily right?
I await more dude! XD
Thanks man
I wish I'd have more time to read, but you know how it is.
Yep, basically XD And yeah, it seems so. Glad everything is on track now, though! I've just got so much going on, that I can barely focus on stuff like this sometimes XP It's all good though!
-brofist back- Same, man, same.
Oh, I blush XD Thanks anyway, though!
I definitely will, once I get more time to myself
There are so many talented people on here, and I can't just ignore it.
At least I come on to see what's going on every now and again! Life IS good; It's just also crazy hectic XD I guess I'm in that transitional phase of "I was a kid yesterday, but now I'm feeling more and more responsible and grown up as the days go by". So slowly but surely, I'm getting used to it. I had an AWESOME time at Junior Cruise; I'll post pictures either tonight or later in the week. Probably later in the week. I was busy practicing my driving ALL DAY today, because my test is at the end of the month. Hopefully I pass!
Hints. I like it
We ALL need that happy ending!!! XD
It really was something; I know JJ and you weren't impressed with his fight against Bigby, but the majority of the damage was done to Gren's right shoulder where the scar was, plus Fables treats them all like humans in that anything can harm them, it just depends on the attack
I can work with their weaknesses tbh, Nick has his fair share but he can't die... so I guess I backed myself into a corner with him
It does! I have experienced it XD
Thanks man!
Oh I wouldn't throw the prince out yet 
Awesome man!
I hear ya, man. I really do. I've been through periods where I think everything I write is absolute crap. I also understand you feeling as if comments craving for more seem almost hollow, and meaningless. I've felt that way on occasion, thinking "Are they truly feeling this way, or is it just to make me feel better about myself?"
Well, I'm here to tell you that I have NEVER done this to anyone. When I've told you I absolutely loved the chapters I've read, I meant every word of it. It's good to take a break though as a writer, because too much writing for extended periods of time can wear anybody down. I've felt it before. Hell, I've been feeling it NOW. Just hang in there man.
This is the literal same feeling I get. I'm just a 17 year old girl. I don't go to any fancy private school, and I've never taken any classes on writing. But I discovered that it was something I enjoyed doing, and wanted to put somewhere. Luckily, I found this place, with so many other people, normal working people, who also felt the same way, or similarly as I did. Don't make yourself to be any lesser than we are, man. On this site, we're all equal, and we all have different talents in different forms of writing. Personally, I LOVE the scenes you create with Nick; He's one of my favorite OC's on this forum. If you need to take a break, that's totally understandable. But don't give up!
I'd hate to see you give up.
Seriously man.
Yes it is the traditional one and not your OC.
I know this chapter was slow, but keep in mind that there are calms between storms, and there is one helluva storm brewing.
They are VERY proud of their home. Only when the place has withered into splinters held together by gravity and friction shall they consider leaving.
As for the next chapter, I shall either be setting it in the 1936 Olympic Games or the Kristallnacht.
If you do not have the flare for it anymore, then I see no reason for you to not cease writing. When people lose their artistic interest in their work, it finishes at a lower quality than otherwise. No need to force yourself to do something like this if you have no interest.
That being said, I quite enjoy your works and wish that you do continue.
If you were to continue, maybe go on a hiatus thus allowing your mind time to recharge and acquire inspiration. I found that happening for me when I was absent from this forum.
Whatever you choose, I have confidence it shall be what is right.
Claire's little 'wake up call, was hilarious! I found myself bawling in chortles.
As for the 'wall of text', you are excused. I found myself doing similar things to what you described in your little author's note when I writ my earlier action scenes and sometimes made paragraphs unnecessarily long.
'The war had just begun.' And let the climax Rrrrrrrise!
My Death looks like the traditional OC, I love 'that' look with the cloak and the scythe and the bone etc. :P
I thank you for your support, but I have to finish this Vampire challenge...
Fair enough :P
Nice use of Physics there
The Night of Broken Glass would be a good one! XD
I'm not giving up, I just need to find that inspiration.
Thank you, Emily
The wake up call is effective, just hope that whoever you wake up doesn't retaliate :P My friend did it to me once to 'make sure I was actually asleep' so I slapped him back afterwards!
Ok then...
Chapter 19: Kristallnacht. November, 9th, 1938.
Walking out of what was originally Tavish’s tailoring shop. I adjusted the newly purchased trilby atop my crown before turning to face Gertraud, partly to examine her new outfit in the outside light and partly to avoid the blinding sunset.
Gertraud and I had decided to go on an errand to update our anarchronistic fashion. I was starting to see the appeal in personal fashion choices at around that point in time and slowly started to visit the tailors more often.
Gertrauds new costume was that of a woman’s suit. The skirt and jacket were of dark grey tweed. Below was a dull red blouse. In her formal boots she stood taller than most men, I, of course not counting among them. She wore her hair in a voluminous fashion, extending to her shoulder but going no further. Her jewellery, however, had not changed at all. She still wore that wristwatch she brought at the end of the previous century.
I wore a suit myself: Grey, like hers but of cotton instead. The trousers were pleated on the front and back, my initials embroiled into the right back pocket. The suit jacket just covered my bottocks, leaving the rest of my trousers exposed. I wore a matching vest of a high-V cut, so as to hold my watch and assist in concealing my pistol holster. The tie was patterned in red and yellow in art-deco striping. The trilby was made to match the suit, which was mostly hidden by my overcoat. In order to accommodate the hat, I had my hair completely slicked back in a horizontal fashion.
“Why do you hide in that overcoat all the time?” Gertraud inquired. “You do take it off inside, but you insist on wearing it outside, EVEN in summer.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “I do not know, I just like it.”
“It just appears odd, that is all.”
“Says the 6 ft. tall woman.”
“Says the 6.6 ft. man.”
“Alright, you win.” I raised my gloved hands in surrender.
Gertraud shot me a cheeky grin before she borderline jogged across the street towards our tavern. I followed after her. We entered, greeted by the dim light of the gas lanterns.
“You seemed rather hasty just then.” I commented.
She turned to face me, a devious smile and a rather seductive pair of eyes upon her expression. “That, my dear Alfred, is because I am in great anticipation of tonight.”
What? “Excuse me?”
“It has been a while. Has it not?” she continued, still holding her expression.
My mind was hit with sudden realisation. “Oh…I see.” I said in feigned shock.
My expression changed into a perfect copy of her own. “I nigh forgot our arrangements.”
We lay in each others arms, asleep and exhausted.
It was around midnight that the shattering of glass woke us and caused us to jump out of each other’s slumbering embrace, sitting up in our bed.
“Get your knife and pistol” I whispered.
Without a word, she and I silently walked to our dressers, in the midst of shouting outside. I retrieved my Mauser, retracting the bolt as I heard the cocking of Gertraud’s pocket revolver and the clanking of her balisong opening. I hid by the window sill, slowly looking around into the street below.
The tailoring shop once owned by Tavish had its display window shattered. The shop was being ransacked and looted of the current owners personal possessions by a multitude of men, dressed in civilian clothing yet bearing the Hakenkreuz armband. Books, silverware and sewing machines were but some of the things they looted.
That shop, where I and Gertraud had purchased our clothes for the last 38 years was being looted by these fanatics of the leader. I felt nothing but sorrow and lowness as I watched the owner being dragged out of the shop, still in his nightwear. I spotted a fire in the distance against the silhouette of the Reichstag’s glass cupola. I looked to my left to find Gertraud staring out the window towards the fire, an expression of worry on her face.
“That is the synagogue.” She spoke in a saddened tone. “They are targeting the Jews.”
So it had come to this? The Leader had begun his purge of what he called the ‘Jewish question’?
“Let’s return to bed. They are not targeting us, Traudl.” I suggested.
“Is that all you have to say about this?” Gertrud’s tone had returned to its usual one.
“What do you want me to say? This is unfortunate and I resent it but we have no power over what is happening.”
She stood quite, taken aback. She closed her knife before placing her pistols hammer forward and walking to her dresser. I went to my own dresser, placing the pistol back into the drawer and closing it. I found Gertraud simply standing by her dresser with head hung. In an effort to comfort her I approached her and pulled her into an embrace. She tensed for a second before relaxing and returning the hug.
We stood that way for an amount of time before returning to bed.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: From the 9th to the 10th of November. Members of the SA and non-Jewish civilians raided, ransacked, vandalised and burned Jewish owned businesses, communities and Synagogues throughout Nazi Germany and annexed Austria in a massive Nazi Pogrom. More than 30,000 Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps as a result of this event now known as Kristallnacht (crystal night), so named after the broken glass from the Jewish-owned properties that lined the streets. It served as a major launching pad for the greater part of the Holocaust
Ah, good to know you are doing that.
The extremist ways of the Nazi's and the Third Reich have always left a bad taste in my mouth, I cannot comprehend such acts of brutality. Yet in spite of everything, it cannot be denied that Adolf Hitler was indeed a great leader, to be able to inspire so much into the people of Germany...
Now that that is said. I thought it was hilarious that Gertraud had to remind Alfred that sex was on the list tonight! XP Clearly 400 years with Gertraud has not completely changed the loneliness that Alfred has always been used to.
I wonder if Alfred will fight in WW2? He could potentially meet Bigby if he did
I look forward to more! XD