Robert masked his face and refused to look anyone in the eye. If word got out that he was in the 'gay' district of Fabletown, word would travel and he'd be labled. Roberts hated labels. He was who he was and in the the end of the day, this miserable town could continue to ask or guess. Dodging several men, Robert nearly runs into a light pole.
"You alright, Robert?" Frank grabs Robert's shoulder. "You seem tense and nearly ran into that light back there. You know, it helps keeping your eyes forward and-"
"Who all goes to these things, Frank? I mean, any Fables that we ALL know or-"
Robert's words seemed to stun the Jersey look-a-like. He was beginning to wonder if this was a right decision; carefully obsering Robert's few steps, he noticed the tension building along his shoulder and face. Grendels were never meant to feel such raw emotions. Frank knew this and stupidly enough, so did Robert. It created a hostile enviroment for the beasts and it was as if you had them pinned against a corner. Frank finally pulls robert to the side.
"Hey, can I ask you some questions before we continue tonight?"
"Okay...." Robert looks around. ".....Go for it, Frank."
"Are you, at all in any shape or form, gay or possibly bisexual?"
"ME!?" Robert laughs nervously. "NO! Please, Frank. I like...pussy..."
"You say that with so much confidence, Robert." Frank folds his arms. "I'm not trying to call you out but I've seen straight men-and I'm talking straight as a motherfucking pole-come in here with either their gay relatives, friends or just needed a quick bite before hitting the town. We DO have these killer garlic cheese fries and wings."
"Alright." robert hesitated to say too much. "And the point of this would be..."
Frank sighs. "You're looking around, as ifyou don't want people to see the REAL Robert Grendel lurking this side of town, for it will ruin your macho ego or whatever you male Grendels seem to be caught up in."
"I'm not avoiding anything, Frank! I just, you know....never been to this side of town and I'm just looking around and-"
"While covering your face, Robert? Look, if you'd rather go somewhere else and hang, I know a straight bar just down the block. We can try there and-"
"No! No, no, we are here. Lets just make the best of this night and have fun. I have not been to a club for some time and this place seems legite for fun and food."
"Alright, Robby. If you really begin to feel uncomfortable, just let me know."
"I will." Robert and Frank continue towards the neon lights and booming noise. "I promise I will."
"Good. Oh and before we go in, you never answered my question."
"What is that?"
The men are greeted by a large bouncer in the front. After paying for their stay, he pulls back the red curtains. Robert was lost in a world of vast colorsand purple carpet. Down the hall and to the right, he was greeted with a large dance floor. Five stairs on each side dipped into a pool ofeager, dancing Fables, Mundies, Wolves and other creatures, all in glamours. Frank again grabs Robert's arm and pulls closer.
"Gay or bi, Robert?"
"I know who I am, Frank." Robert looks around. "That's all you need to know."
"Fair enough. Come dance with me, silly."
Being led into the crowd by Frank, Robert pauses to look at all the many men lined around the railing and bars. He noticed their cocktails and after dancing a few songs, he'd be willing to try one for himself. Robert had heard nothing but positive things when it came to cocktails mixed by gay men and perhaps tonight, he'd cross another thing off of his list.
Groups huddled near the DJ booth and stairs glanced in Frank and Robert's direction. Several stared and waved at Robert. Returning the favor, Robert wiggles his fingers in a friendly gesture and attempted to dance. The music was a mix of Techno, Jamaican, Hiphop and House; the current song was Mr. Boombastic by Shaggy and as the song continued, Robert laughed. Curious for the sudden emotion, Frank turns to face Robert.
"What is so funny, Robby?"
"Whoever knows what the fuck this man is saying right now deserves a medal."
"The DJ has a special place for this song. We can always tell who is in control just by the music. For the majority of the time, it's not bad."
"WHAT!?" Robert leans forward. "What did you say, Frank?"
"DANCE!" Smiling, Frank grabs Robert's hands. "HAVE FUN! LET LOOSE, MR. GRENDEL!"
Robert was indeed enjoying himself. He seemed to be the main attraction; a lot of the guests were hanging around the railing and bar stools, watching the mysterious, smooth moving stranger with the broad shoulders, black shoulder length hair and thick arms. A blonde haired man with frost tips, green shirt and dark jeans heads over to Frank, taps on the shoulder and talks.
Robert was curious as to what the man was asking Frank. Why, he had no idea. These WRE Frank's people and Robert was just here to wet his whistle and clear his head. Forget work for once. The problems that still haunted his relationships. The ongoing questions Robert had with himself, even to this day. Tossing his head back and basking in the sea of lights, Robert was loose for the first time in awhile. A small group of men eagerly made their way to Robert, surround the Fable and dance.
The song continued as as the chorus repeated, a young man grows closer towards Robert's groin area and dances. Normally, Robert would head the opposite direction but something felt 'right' at that moment. He smiled, nods to the young fella and continues to throw his hands in the air. Robert picked up the scent of Goblin; the others around were regualr Fables, Wolves and one un-dead, although he did a fantastic job masking his true identity.
Robert slides back over to Frank's side. "Who was that!?" Robert sways around to the beat. "If you don't mind me asking?"
"None at all, Robert." Frank smiles. "He wanted to know who you were and how a stud as yourself is caught with a ghoul as myself."
"You're not a ghoul, Frank." Robert chuckles. "Fuck them, right?"
"You're sweet, Robert." Frank gets closer to Robert.
"What did you tell me inregards to me, though?"
"A friend. Just a friend."
The music paused for the time being; the base continued, causing the floors to rumble. Fog machines were set off, covering the dance floor with a thick, heavy mist. The sound of Thunder and rain errupted from the speakers and within seconds, the club was a roaring see of men. Robert giggles, looking at all the growing grins in the room.
"What the fuck is going on, Frank?"
"Oh I KNOW you know this song, Robby!" Frank points up.
Several bird cages fall from the ceiling, each containing a dancing man. Glitter falls as well, landing in Robert's hair. Shaking furiously, he did know this song. It's raining men.No wonder the club was now a orgy of sweat, glitter and drinks. Robert shrugs and continues to dance in the middle. Little did he take into consideration, the men in the bird cages were not the only 'treat' for their eyes.
The dance floor was empty except for one man: Robert Grendel. Not giving a single fuck at that moment, Robert gives the crowd exactly what they want. Tossing his head back, gyrating his hips and pointing to the melting crowd, Robert tears off his shirt. His broad pecs and abs glisten with neon lights and sweat droplets. The crowd goes wild, cheering, whistling and begging for more. The music drowns out the final ounce of issues lingering in Robert's head; nothing that he ever encountered was there for the moment and Robert was finally himself.
No judgements. No problems. No one there to make issues for him. No Rose, Lyla, Georgie, Fabletwon, his brother's ongoing issues or questioning eyes. Just himself, the crowd and lights. More clouds of Fog surround Robert and he had a sudden rush of euphoria. Frank returns to the dance floor, wraps his left arm around Robert and dances with the swamp beast.
He leans closer to Robert. He was nothing but smiles. Frank was pleased to see Robert letting himself go and capable of being himself. This was not a place of judgement but fun and thrills. The dance floor was a ocean of dancing, smiling men of all backgrounds. Robert and Frank, however, were lost in their own world. Robert did not take the time to question his motives; Frank's lips found themselves on Robert's. Closing his eyes, Robert felt the rush. The emotions and need he was dying to partake in.
Robert pulls Frank closer and as the song continued to the end, Robert remained embraced with Frank. Nothing felt 'wrong' to Robert at this moment. It was....right and soon, Frank's question returned. The very thing Robert battled with for so long. Noticing his actions, however, Robert returned to reality. Pulling away from Frank, he scans the area. In a state of panic, Robert runs from Frank, the dancers and up the stairs.
"ROBERT!" He did not look back. He had to leave. "ROBERT, WAIT! ROBERT!"
Running down the hall, Robert was blinded with tears. He had no business being here. What would the others think? His brother? His son? Would RJ still love his father, knowing the secret Robert held inside? Pushing through the crowds, Robert runs until he finds a nearby alley. The cool air feels crisp against his skin; the glitter stuck to his skin glistens under the light and a million thoughts ran through Robert's mind. He KISSED Frank and LIKED it. No. LOVED it. Robert loved it and was left in the dark wanting more.
"Robert." Frank found him hear the dumpster. "Hey, why did you run off, silly? You okay?"
"I need to go, Frank." Robert refuses to look. "I need to go home. Like, right now...."
"Okay, Robby. I'll walk you home. We can try tomorrow and-"
"No!" Robert's voice roars into the night. "No! No more. I can't....we can't see eachother anymore, Frank. I appreciate everything tonight but this won't work. I'm...I'm so sorry...
"Just....stay away from me, Frank. Please. I....I have to go now...."
"Robert, no! Wait!"
But he never did. Running towards his apartment, all Robert could think over and over again was the question. His feelings during dinner and even late into their dancing session. Still fighting back tears, Robert leaves behind a world he fought so hard to avoid. To pretend. A block from his house, Robert finds a shadowed off area, covers his face and cries. All he could see was Frank. Their tender, warm embrace. The kiss.
"Yes..." He whispered to himself, hoping someone would hear. "...I am...." ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Any questions or comments, leave them below! Oh my darling are something else. :P
Michelle and Gren are a dynamic duo of potential destruction :P It's a shame Michelle has those urges to take the teeth and create Familiars, but she seems to have a good handle on it so far
Junior spits out a feather. Wiping his mouth with his arm
DAFUQ?! Junior ate a chicken... alive? What, how, why... :O
And Ethan, poor Ethan, I feel so sorry for both him and Georgie, and i hope he doesn't do anything to stupid, attacking Peter like that is bad enough...
And dude, where is Nick? The group was 6 people, not 5. Or did I miss something last chapter?...
"Ever wonder what it's like to make the rain?" Michelle follows Gren as they tread through the community of the Underworld. "I… more'd like to keep mine in little jars with fancy labels on them. One for everyday,with different amounts of water. That must be one hell of a job. I thought mine was stressful...."
Gren chuckles, moving through various souls. All paused to glance at the Grendel and his companion. Several pointed and whispered to whom ever they were with or random strangers willing to envelop in some gossip. Gren was beginning to suspect one of two things: either they'd never seen a Grendel and his loyal crew hit the mean streets of the Underworld or they knew WHO Gren and Michelle were. Women avoided Michelle and Gren even noticed a few covering their mouths, as if hiding their teeth. Yeah, Gren thought. The second option.
Gren falls behind to walk beside Michelle. "Sometimes, Michelle." Gren glowers at several people… [view original content]
A little something I was writing for a bit, figured I'd share what I have currently done and split the upcoming rest into later parts. This … moreis a short one as well. Enjoy regardless, though!
Chapter 11, Part 1: Secrets
Bull Island, Ireland:
"Daniel, we've got another one. One of ours caught her hangin' by the dune stacks from the shore."
Daniel scratches his chin, looking at him.
"Any Mundy spot you... apprehending our new guest?"
"Nah, the lot of them are either finishing up the course, drinking at the bar, or having a bite at the dining room - all of which was convenient for me. Anyway, I put her in the basement with the others."
"Good, good. Can't wait to see what 'treasures' they'll have in store for my collection. In the meantime, you can go back to ye game."
He tips his golfers' hat. "Thanks, Danny."
He puts his left hand on his shoulder, his grip a little tight. "What did I say about calling me that? Hmm? It'… [view original content]
Is it really that awkward for you to write a romance scene? You could've wrote (at least) a kissing moment and be done with it. :P Was it Ge… morertraud's and the Hunter's first time having sex after all these centuries, too?
By the way, I also wanted to say that other people in here would appreciate your comments on their stories. The other ones you still haven't commented on yet.
I knew YOU would appreciate that particular scene being left entirely to your imagination.
I was looking forward to writing in the semi-modern era, where I have much more material than otherwise. (WWII, Cold War, reuinification). I am glad that I have been educational and entertaining.
I love the dialouge between Alfred and Gertraud. Seems like Gertraud was able to silence and comfort Alfred long enough for a little rumble … morein the jungle. Too damn bad we can't get away with smut on this thread but my imaginaton did run wild and I liked it.
Anyways, WWII is what I've been waiting for. I thought this period in time was interesting; the genocide was nothing to laugh about and the countless lives lost is tragic but in the end, Hitler was an intelligent man to target specific 'traits' and 'qualities' a person had and pull hundreds and thousands into his corner. Use them as puppets to do his dirty work.
The little side note was a great source of information as well. I again learned something that either lew over my head or the professors never taught. Great work, my good man!
Intriguing as always. Mixing strong part of history into your story with your own. It seemed to be difficult, but you seemed to pull it off very well. Entertaining scene with Alfred and Gertraud also. XD
I await your next part!
Tokyo Palace was well known for their sushi boats and Sashimi platters. Sitting in a tiny booth near the back, Robert examined the menu. He … morecould hear the chefs in the back and several people clapping hear the Tappanyaki bar. Robert had heard of this style of cooking and according to several Fables, it was dinner and a show. He'd like to try it one day.
Robert, glancing over the menu, watched three groups of mundies. All beaming as the Chef slice through onion, cooked Shripm and scrambled the fried rice together. The onions became a volcano of sorts as fire poured from the opening and cooked the outside. It was a wonderful atmosphere and the cocktail Robert drank was full of flavor.
Placing the menu down, Frank stares at Robert. He tried to avoid eye contact with Frank but Robert could feel those baby blues watching. Finally giving in, he peeks over the top. All smiles.
"Man, there is, uh, so much to choose from...." Robert clears hi… [view original content]
Oh wow this was a rather funny and interesting chapter! It was nice seeing Robert smiling and such! He even kissed the guy! Robert if you do not go and date Frank again I will be upset man! XD Or maybe Frank might not be the one...
Every time you end the chapter I always feel so bad for Robert!
Robert masked his face and refused to look anyone in the eye. If word got out that he was in the 'gay' district of Fabletown, word would tra… morevel and he'd be labled. Roberts hated labels. He was who he was and in the the end of the day, this miserable town could continue to ask or guess. Dodging several men, Robert nearly runs into a light pole.
"You alright, Robert?" Frank grabs Robert's shoulder. "You seem tense and nearly ran into that light back there. You know, it helps keeping your eyes forward and-"
"Who all goes to these things, Frank? I mean, any Fables that we ALL know or-"
Robert's words seemed to stun the Jersey look-a-like. He was beginning to wonder if this was a right decision; carefully obsering Robert's few steps, he noticed the tension building along his shoulder and face. Grendels were never meant to feel such raw emotions. Frank knew this and stupidly enough, so did Robert. It created a hostile enviroment for the be… [view original content]
Awesome to know, dude! Although the music did not help, at least it set some sort of mood for the scene. hopefully you're open minded when it comes to certain things because that's how my stories seem to be rolling these days.
I apoogise for the lateness of this.
This chapter was nicely paced. I was in the middle of listening to a melodic, sad tune when I read a… morebout Frank's death, so I found it rather moving.
This is an intriguing angle and I am interested to see were this might go.
I am not much for History myself but when someone such as yourself is, it makes the reading more enjoyable and takes you back and really appreciate things for what they are. The Holocaust was something that struck me hard because my grandfather is Jewish and had stories out the ass, according to my father.
I guess I can undersatns why you'd be weary about a romance scene but there is no harm in writing some kissing. But that's just me. Picturing it helps, too and we all have different takes on the topic. You do what you feel comfortable in writing about. Gertraud and Alfred are quite the pair, although it would seem that current situation is a bit touch and go at this point. By any chance, are they soilders of sorts or just Fables living by by day?
Chapter 19: Kristallnacht. November, 9th, 1938.
Walking out of what was originally Tavish’s tailoring shop. I adjusted the newly purchase… mored trilby atop my crown before turning to face Gertraud, partly to examine her new outfit in the outside light and partly to avoid the blinding sunset.
Gertraud and I had decided to go on an errand to update our anarchronistic fashion. I was starting to see the appeal in personal fashion choices at around that point in time and slowly started to visit the tailors more often.
Gertrauds new costume was that of a woman’s suit. The skirt and jacket were of dark grey tweed. Below was a dull red blouse. In her formal boots she stood taller than most men, I, of course not counting among them. She wore her hair in a voluminous fashion, extending to her shoulder but going no further. Her jewellery, however, had not changed at all. She still wore that wristwatch she brought at the end of the previous century.
… [view original content]
I always worry because I'm not sure how everyone is or views this never ending battle inregards to same-sex. I held off writing this because of those reasons. If anything ever becomes TOO uncomfortable, just let me know! I won't be offended! But I guess what you said is the reason why I'm doing this: To see Robert smile. Well, knowing their ship is sailing slowly, I'm pleased.
I try not to do so but he's so lost in the world that wants him one way and his own little place he's created where he can be HIM for once.
Glad you like it, Tetra and can't wait TO write more!
Oh wow this was a rather funny and interesting chapter! It was nice seeing Robert smiling and such! He even kissed the guy! Robert if you d… moreo not go and date Frank again I will be upset man! XD Or maybe Frank might not be the one...
Every time you end the chapter I always feel so bad for Robert!
Awesome stuff man! I look forward to more!
Thank god Kieron took down that prick! I'm sorry but I never liked him. I know SOME bad guys you can tolerate and deal with, maybe even like them to a point but not this creep. I too am concerned for Claire at the moment. She seems 'stuck', you know and does not know which way to go. I hope she finds out soo, for he took so much from her....:'(
There is going to be a Vampire war and the Prince will be conducting this little mess but this is nothing for Kieron! He's handled worse in the past and hopefully Claire can pull herself together and defeat this little problem! Maybe he can use that fancy new pistol Claire gave him or even his blood magic! >:D
And I'm glad to hear we could help! Never let anyone hold you down, Tetra! Get back up and smile. Mistakes are a part of life but you just have to keep going. We're all here for you and glad to help in any way! Your wonderful, love ya' to bits and can't wait for more! Put those tradmark headphones of yours on and strut, dude, with your middle finger high!
Going into Hiding... Part: One
Inside the Prison...
Kieron had almost fell asleep when he heard screams and collapses from outside. On… moree of his arms wasn't fully healed, so he had to use one hand to help himself stand, when he went to his cell door it had swung open. He began to walk the halls and free the others while he was there. Although most families weren't keen on leaving as they would rather be killed instead...Kieron began to make his way to the surface...
Outside the Prison...
When Kieron got outside he saw that the walls had been torn down there were Lycans fighting the prison guards along with the Tremeres. He began to think of what was going on. He saw Makoto fighting alongside some others. His eyes began to wander, he was not only tired but the pain of his bones going back into place was quite painful. The vampires he had freed began to run past him and knocking him over in the process of trying to get out of the hell… [view original content]
I am not much for History myself but when someone such as yourself is, it makes the reading more enjoyable and takes you back and really app… morereciate things for what they are. The Holocaust was something that struck me hard because my grandfather is Jewish and had stories out the ass, according to my father.
I guess I can undersatns why you'd be weary about a romance scene but there is no harm in writing some kissing. But that's just me. Picturing it helps, too and we all have different takes on the topic. You do what you feel comfortable in writing about. Gertraud and Alfred are quite the pair, although it would seem that current situation is a bit touch and go at this point. By any chance, are they soilders of sorts or just Fables living by by day?
I always worry because I'm not sure how everyone is or views this never ending battle inregards to same-sex. I held off writing this because… more of those reasons. If anything ever becomes TOO uncomfortable, just let me know! I won't be offended! But I guess what you said is the reason why I'm doing this: To see Robert smile. Well, knowing their ship is sailing slowly, I'm pleased.
I try not to do so but he's so lost in the world that wants him one way and his own little place he's created where he can be HIM for once.
Glad you like it, Tetra and can't wait TO write more!
The club scenes sound like they're from your own personal experiences, in which case a gay club sounds like a perfect place to let off steam and just lose yourself to the action!
"ME!?" Robert laughs nervously. "NO! Pleae, Frank. I like...pussy..."
Correction: You USED to like pussy, now you want the big D... in various places >:D
Robert tearing his shirt off... Really? That sounds like something Robert would do, but in real life whoever does that is a poser :P Not saying Robert is a poser btw.
And the kiss! IT HAPPENED!!! And now Robert has to come to terms with his own harsh truth's and realities... I really hope he see's Frank again
Robert masked his face and refused to look anyone in the eye. If word got out that he was in the 'gay' district of Fabletown, word would tra… morevel and he'd be labled. Roberts hated labels. He was who he was and in the the end of the day, this miserable town could continue to ask or guess. Dodging several men, Robert nearly runs into a light pole.
"You alright, Robert?" Frank grabs Robert's shoulder. "You seem tense and nearly ran into that light back there. You know, it helps keeping your eyes forward and-"
"Who all goes to these things, Frank? I mean, any Fables that we ALL know or-"
Robert's words seemed to stun the Jersey look-a-like. He was beginning to wonder if this was a right decision; carefully obsering Robert's few steps, he noticed the tension building along his shoulder and face. Grendels were never meant to feel such raw emotions. Frank knew this and stupidly enough, so did Robert. It created a hostile enviroment for the be… [view original content]
I finally have a chance to write my part in this!
Thank god Kieron took down that prick! I'm sorry but I never liked him. I know SOME bad… more guys you can tolerate and deal with, maybe even like them to a point but not this creep. I too am concerned for Claire at the moment. She seems 'stuck', you know and does not know which way to go. I hope she finds out soo, for he took so much from her....:'(
There is going to be a Vampire war and the Prince will be conducting this little mess but this is nothing for Kieron! He's handled worse in the past and hopefully Claire can pull herself together and defeat this little problem! Maybe he can use that fancy new pistol Claire gave him or even his blood magic! >:D
And I'm glad to hear we could help! Never let anyone hold you down, Tetra! Get back up and smile. Mistakes are a part of life but you just have to keep going. We're all here for you and glad to help in any way! Your wonderful, love ya'… [view original content]
They are from places I've been to, yes. They say when writing certain things or whatever, its good to have some experience. Makes it feel so real, you know?
Robert still likes the female body but he also, like you said, wants the D. XD
Yes I know. Robert tore his shirt off. This the Seemed like a Robert move but I see what you mean. :P Guess he could lost in the world of sweat, colors and fun. XD WANT them to see one another? :'0 Excuse me for a moment....goes off to cry I'm so happy right now. Who knows what will come of Robert and Frank.
This chapter.. wow :O
The club scenes sound like they're from your own personal experiences, in which case a gay club sounds like a perfe… morect place to let off steam and just lose yourself to the action!
"ME!?" Robert laughs nervously. "NO! Pleae, Frank. I like...pussy..."
Correction: You USED to like pussy, now you want the big D... in various places >:D
Robert tearing his shirt off... Really? That sounds like something Robert would do, but in real life whoever does that is a poser :P Not saying Robert is a poser btw.
And the kiss! IT HAPPENED!!! And now Robert has to come to terms with his own harsh truth's and realities... I really hope he see's Frank again
I look forward to more dude! XD
Oh a bunch of new OCs! I like Daniel already, but it seems like he's in a bit of trouble by this mystery woman! The dude with his kneecap shattered man I'd hate to be that guy! XD
I look forward to more of this man!
And welcome to the 'real' JJ. XD
They are from places I've been to, yes. They say when writing certain things or whatever, its good to ha… moreve some experience. Makes it feel so real, you know?
Robert still likes the female body but he also, like you said, wants the D. XD
Yes I know. Robert tore his shirt off. This the Seemed like a Robert move but I see what you mean. :P Guess he could lost in the world of sweat, colors and fun. XD WANT them to see one another? :'0 Excuse me for a moment....goes off to cry I'm so happy right now. Who knows what will come of Robert and Frank.
Awesome to hear, Hman! Can't wait!
You're somewhat on the right track. I can tell you this, however, that Fayde leaving Ireland wasn't because of Daniel or his gang. And to correct you again, Daniel wasn't wearing the golf hat. Chris -his henchman who brought him news in the beginning- was the one that was wearing it. XD
"Like my collection"
I have a feeling I know why Fayde left in such a hurry now. Or, maybe I'm once again, jumping this gun and the… morere was no need to pull the trigger so soon. I like Daniel because he has fight in him and I can't say no to a man in a golf hat. XD This mysterious woman is interesting, too. I wonder if she knows Fayde? I laughed waaaaaaaaaaay more then I should have with the broken knee-cap scene, too. :P
You're somewhat on the right track. I can tell you this, however, that Fayde leaving Ireland wasn't because of Daniel or his gang. And to co… morerrect you again, Daniel wasn't wearing the golf hat. Chris -his henchman who brought him news in the beginning- was the one that was wearing it. XD
I don't know what to say, I don't know if these OC's are new or what
Daniel sounds pretty intimidating, especially if he broke a guy's k… morenee just for shouting...
I wonder if Abby knows what he really does? And I also hope that girl gets a good hit to Daniel's balls before anything else
I look forward to more! XD
If you didn't read my reply to Stone, I mentioned to him that they are indeed new OC's.
Daniel didn't break the guy's knee for shouting, he broke his knee after he basically told him to fuck off.
She probably will, hehe. >;)
I'll take you and we'll see if you can keep up with the 'real' Jacob. XD
And yes, Robert saying 'I am' at the end was him admiting to himself that he is gay and I'll explain more in the chapters. you see that a lot around the clubs and I agree with you. What a waste but he did it....XD
Oh don't you worry! It WILL happen! I want my Robert to be happy.
Pfft, I'll go to a club with the 'real' JJ, and then I'll agree with you :P
I understand that, experience is what makes some works flouri… moresh
So Robert saying "I am" at the end wasn't him saying he's gay? He's actually Bi?
That's ridiculous, you waste a good shirt to show off that you work out? Big fucking deal
Yes, I want true love to happen with these two!! XD You better make it happen, or so help me God...
I'll take you and we'll see if you can keep up with the 'real' Jacob. XD
And yes, Robert saying 'I am' at the end was him admiting to him… moreself that he is gay and I'll explain more in the chapters. you see that a lot around the clubs and I agree with you. What a waste but he did it....XD
Oh don't you worry! It WILL happen! I want my Robert to be happy.
Never been clubbing before so go easy yeah? And if it's too much for me, please don't make me stay...
I see. I just don't think you need to advertise like that, makes you look 'desperate' I guess
Don't we all?! XD
Kieron woke up to hear someone sniffing like they were still crying and a woman he's never seen before. He tried to lean up it was hard and probably bad for him since some of his ribs were still broken. The woman stood up in shock, she had a red cloak and blue eyes she ran up and gave him a hug.
"Kieron you're awake!" The woman said
Kieron grunted out in pain. He looked to his left and saw Claire curled in a ball crying on a chair. Kieron shifted his body, he withstood the pain and stood. The woman was still holding him. He pat her back and then took her off of his sholder, he walked over to Claire. He touched her shoulder.
"Claire..." He began to say.
She looked up at him, he saw sadness in her eyes. He felt like she thought he was a monster and it killed him inside, it was like a spear straight through his heart.
"Claire I'm so sorry, believe it or not I didn't want to kill him. I wanted to drag him back and seal him away but my has a mind of its own." Kieron fell to his knees he began to tear up at the fact that he could lose her for his actions. He grabbed her legs as he became desperate. "Do anything! Hit me, yell at me, just do something, or tell me how I can make things right! I feel like I'm going to lose you and I don't want that!"
Claire wiped her tears, she lifted Kieron and held him close. "Stop talking like that, I just need some space for now. I may have hated that man but he was my father." She slapped Kieron "And I'm not leaving you Kieron I'd never do that, we've come this far together so we're moving on together." She said.
Kieron rubbed his face. "I just..." Claire stopped him and pointed to the woman who awkwardly stood there.
"You have a visitor." Claire said and kissed him "We'll work through this later promise."
Kieron still didn't know how to take this whole conversation. He just had to hope that he wouldn't lose Claire. He put on a smile and walked towards the woman.
"Hey, I'm Kieron. Do I know you?" He asked
"So you really don't remember...Claire told me everything you've been through. I'm your mother Red riding Hood." She smiled
This hit Kieron in the gut. "Mom..."
Ride hugged him "Yes, it's me! The doctors at the hospital had told us you died in an experiment."
Kieron hugged her back. "Well I almost did."
Ride let go and crossed her arms. "Why didn't you contact me, or any of your friends!?"
Just a couple minutes in and he's already being yelled at. He explained how Nick told him what happened and said that he didn't contact his friends because he didn't want them to have the burden of remembering what happened and that he would rather carry the burden alone. As for her he simply didn't know how to contact her.
"That's not how you deal with stuff! You can't always do things alone Kieron!" Ride said
"I know mom, I have been working on it." Kieron smiled
Ride smiled "I'm glad I finally got to see you again. All grown up as well!"
Kierons chest began to hurt, his ribs had just went back into place. "Same, I've always wanted to meet you in person." Kieron smiled
Makoto walked in. "Hey, you shouldn't be up right now." He said
Kieron smiled "I'm fine, but thanks."
Makoto shook his head "If you say so. Look what're we going to do with Maximillians remains?" He asked
Kieron walked over to Claire. "Hey, do you want to have a funeral...or cremate him? Makoto needs to know."
Claire looked down. "I don't know people would be angry if we gave him anything..."
Kieron smiled "We'll make it private then. We can dump him down the witching well."
Claire nodded and had a faint smile, it was something. Kieron walked over. "Can you gather his bones to be put down the witching well?"
Makoto nodded "I'll see to it!"
"So, dinner at our place?" Kieron asked Ride
"I'd love too. As long as Claire is alright withen it of course." She smiled
Kieron walked over to Claire "Is that alright?" He asked
Claire got up. "Yeah, although I'll head to bed early after."
Kieron nodded "Of course."
Kieron although swineheart advised him to stay in bed, check out and went to his apartment with Ride and Claire...
Kierons Apartment...
Claire seemed to lighten up a little bit she chatted with Ride while Kieron prepared dinner...
"So how did you guys meet?" Ride asked
Claire was straightforward. "We'll at the time he wasn't a vampire and I used the excuse of needing him for my revolt to ask him out on a date."
Kieron laughed "Oh so biting my neck giving me the kiss, and then having sex with me is a way of asking?"
Claire still only had a faint smile. "Well you were cute and you didn't care about anything so when you were going to walk away I had to do something."
Ride was shocked. "You know as a mother I should probably say how wrong that is. But it seems you two have really bonded. There must be more."
"Well we went on a couple dates from there. You know regular relationship stuff but with blood." Claire said
Kieron laughed again. "I wouldn't say 'regular' relationship stuff."
Ride giggled "You two seem perfect. I'm jealous."
Claires face turned red. "Thanks..."
Kieron set the food on the table. "What about you?"
It was Rides turn for her face to turn red. "Actually I have my eyes set on FlyCatcher."
Kieron was surprised "Oh yeah? Thats nice. The guy could use someone like you bright, and nice."
Ride nodded "I hope so."
The three continued to talk until Claire finished her meal and went to bed. Then Kieron and Ride stayed up for a bit longer...
"I'm scared mom..." Kieron said
Ride placed her hand on Kierons shoulder. "Just give her some space, and some time. I was the same when I lost your father, plus I think she may be even more afraid due to you being the only 'family' she has left." Ride said
Kieron looked at the bedroom door. "I just...I've lost so much...I can't go through it again."
Ride held him close. "She loves you Kieron, there's always rough patches in relationships, just remember to fix the house instead of throwing it out and looking for a new one."
Kieron held his mom close "Thanks."
Ride let go. "Do you guys want to go out tomorrow night?" She asked
Kieron sat back. "I'll see what Claire wants to do."
"Alright!" She said kissing Kieron on the cheek. "Here's my number so we can keep in touch from now on."
Kieron smiled "Gotcha I'll call tomorrow then."
Kieron waved and when Ride left he went to sleep...
The Princes hiding place...
An engineer walked in. "Sir. The super soldiers should be ready beginning next week."
The prince slammed his fist. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NEXT WEEK!? I NEED THEM NOW!"
"Sir if they're going to properly function then we need more time." The engineer spoke.
"Fine! But try and work efficiently and fucking quick!" The Prince said trying to maintain his emotions.
"Understood Dracula sir." The engineer said
The prince snatched the engineer "You speak my name again and you're dead!" Dracula said
The engineer scared. "Y-yes sir! I'm sorry!"
Dracula flung the engineer out the door, he got up and closed his door. He began to plan to take out Kieron and Claire...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! There were some complications with this chapter, One I am not too keen on how Rides personality is. When I looked it up it said she was nice and good natured, but she also got mad at fly for not taking revenge, so if I have this wrong please let me know. Also I don't know if vampires are considered Fables so I don't know if they can go down the witching well XD so please correct me if I'm wrong just not too harshly please! XD
Of course and I'm never make anyone do something they don't. Not a good feeling. We'll grab burgers, a coke and go to another place.
I agree. looks at Robert See!? Egotistical Grendels, I swear. XD
I can see where the others are saying perhaps a kissing scene next time but as far as the actual sex, somethimes its nice to leave that part up to the readers.
Oh the Coldwar. That will be a good one to write about and read, coming from my point. Your writings do come off as such but in a good way. So much information!
I knew YOU would appreciate that particular scene being left entirely to your imagination.
I was looking forward to writing in the semi-m… moreodern era, where I have much more material than otherwise. (WWII, Cold War, reuinification). I am glad that I have been educational and entertaining.
I'd like to cross over soon and cover Michelle before the battle, just to give a bit more on her sad story. She tries so hard to forget her past, that when it comes back, she's fighting herself. Gren is a tank at this moment and is only looking for one thing: pussy, er I mean, Emily. XD
Yes. Junior just ate a live Chicken. Why? Well, he was hungry and since taking mary's place, has adopted some very demonic traits since then.
I feel for these guys, too. So many horrible memories and Carla uses them to her own sick advantage. He won't do anything stupid but he's about to learn what true love is all about. All I'll say.
........mother fucker.....I knew there was something odd about this chap. -sigh- It's been a long day. XD I'll make sure he's in the next one when Gren and the others are around. My bad, man.
Awesome chapter!
Michelle and Gren are a dynamic duo of potential destruction :P It's a shame Michelle has those urges to take the teeth … moreand create Familiars, but she seems to have a good handle on it so far
Junior spits out a feather. Wiping his mouth with his arm
DAFUQ?! Junior ate a chicken... alive? What, how, why... :O
And Ethan, poor Ethan, I feel so sorry for both him and Georgie, and i hope he doesn't do anything to stupid, attacking Peter like that is bad enough...
And dude, where is Nick? The group was 6 people, not 5. Or did I miss something last chapter?...
I await more! XD
I do, too! I just really enjoy anything with mythology, really!
Oh but Gren shall wreck something very soon. Gotta build up to all that, my good man. REALLY get his blood boiling!
Carla is always a problem and she's using Ethan to her own advantage again. Hopefully soon, all will be dealt with and Emily returns to finish it off. I know he was an ass but I liked Dark. Have asoft spot for those baddies, I guess. Michelle tries not to be her father because of what he was. Sadly, you become the very thing you hate sometimes.
Now that I look at it, they do. Gotta love Super Mario, though!
The drawing of Cerberus, YES! I love that three headed doge.
Anyway, Gren seemed to be doing great in Hades, not assuming he wouldn't, I … morewas expecting him to wreck something personally.personally. Lol.
Thank goodness he was set on the right place to Emily, that is one problem solved hopefully, but now, there's Carla and now Etan? This is going to be explosive!
Mr. Dark seemed to have made many children. Good see most of them aren't as sinister >_>
And those two flower things with the teeth remind me of Super Mario for some reason.
Great chapter Pie.
It's Junior's clone I just remembered, oh well, he was hungry :P
I can't wait
I'm not going to hold this against you, although yes, you are a motherfucker for forgetting to put an entire character into a chapter. Man, getting the OC wrong is one thing, but forgetting him entirely?! >:(
I'd like to cross over soon and cover Michelle before the battle, just to give a bit more on her sad story. She tries so hard to forget her … morepast, that when it comes back, she's fighting herself. Gren is a tank at this moment and is only looking for one thing: pussy, er I mean, Emily. XD
Yes. Junior just ate a live Chicken. Why? Well, he was hungry and since taking mary's place, has adopted some very demonic traits since then.
I feel for these guys, too. So many horrible memories and Carla uses them to her own sick advantage. He won't do anything stupid but he's about to learn what true love is all about. All I'll say.
........mother fucker.....I knew there was something odd about this chap. -sigh- It's been a long day. XD I'll make sure he's in the next one when Gren and the others are around. My bad, man.
Gren has come a long way since that drunk, loveable oaf we all learned from the game. He has a higher purpose and truly sees now what his calling has always been. Right now, all he wants is his Emily back....Ethan will learn the true value of love and friendship during the battle. All I can say.
Awesome pictures man!
Gren keeps surprising me with his epic behavior man, and he still has his wits too! You keep fighting Gren, fight … moreto protect your family! Although I'm worried about Michelle too. And poor Ethan That man is going through a lot, hopefully he too will be able to help!
Awesome stuff man! Brofist
True to that. XD Michelle is a never ending battle with a smile to mask her pain. Sadly, this is how she likes it.
True to that!
I'm not going to hold this against you, although yes, you are a motherfucker for forgetting to put an entire character into a chapter. Man, getting the OC wrong is one thing, but forgetting him entirely?! >:(
My bad, man. Slipped my mind. I'm so use to writing just my own. Honest mistake. My mind has been elsewhere.
Emily=pussy, so same thing! XP Poor Michelle...
It's Junior's clone I just remembered, oh well, he was hungry :P
I can't wait
I'm … morenot going to hold this against you, although yes, you are a motherfucker for forgetting to put an entire character into a chapter. Man, getting the OC wrong is one thing, but forgetting him entirely?! >:(
I'm wondering if the mysterious woman is Fayde and we are going back, considering the title is called Secrets. She ran away for a reason and I have a feeling we are about to see why. Also, an explanation on the demon attatched to her, too. (Right, it WAS a demon. Oh God let me be right....) lol
I like these new OC's. Daniel is so far my favorite. That knee shattering moment had me laughing, too. Maybe not as much as JJ over there but I enjoyed it very much!
She casually walks into a room filled with various jars. "Fascinating..."
"You... like my collection?"
OMG....I THINK I just figured something out. I honestly think this new girl IS Fayde. And the jars contain the demon! :0 Maybe....OH MY GURD! So much going through my head!!!
A little something I was writing for a bit, figured I'd share what I have currently done and split the upcoming rest into later parts. This … moreis a short one as well. Enjoy regardless, though!
Chapter 11, Part 1: Secrets
Bull Island, Ireland:
"Daniel, we've got another one. One of ours caught her hangin' by the dune stacks from the shore."
Daniel scratches his chin, looking at him.
"Any Mundy spot you... apprehending our new guest?"
"Nah, the lot of them are either finishing up the course, drinking at the bar, or having a bite at the dining room - all of which was convenient for me. Anyway, I put her in the basement with the others."
"Good, good. Can't wait to see what 'treasures' they'll have in store for my collection. In the meantime, you can go back to ye game."
He tips his golfers' hat. "Thanks, Danny."
He puts his left hand on his shoulder, his grip a little tight. "What did I say about calling me that? Hmm? It'… [view original content]
True to that. XD Michelle is a never ending battle with a smile to mask her pain. Sadly, this is how she likes it.
True to that!
I'… morem not going to hold this against you, although yes, you are a motherfucker for forgetting to put an entire character into a chapter. Man, getting the OC wrong is one thing, but forgetting him entirely?! >:(
My bad, man. Slipped my mind. I'm so use to writing just my own. Honest mistake. My mind has been elsewhere.
An emotional beginning, glad everything turned out fine with Kieron. And Red Riding Hood is his mother? :O Wow this was nice to learn about, and I'm glad the family is strong in this upcoming war.
Now about the prince and his super soldiers, they'rhey'reire too or something else?
Going into Hiding... Part: Two
In the Fable hospital...
Kieron woke up to hear someone sniffing like they were still crying and a woma… moren he's never seen before. He tried to lean up it was hard and probably bad for him since some of his ribs were still broken. The woman stood up in shock, she had a red cloak and blue eyes she ran up and gave him a hug.
"Kieron you're awake!" The woman said
Kieron grunted out in pain. He looked to his left and saw Claire curled in a ball crying on a chair. Kieron shifted his body, he withstood the pain and stood. The woman was still holding him. He pat her back and then took her off of his sholder, he walked over to Claire. He touched her shoulder.
"Claire..." He began to say.
She looked up at him, he saw sadness in her eyes. He felt like she thought he was a monster and it killed him inside, it was like a spear straight through his heart.
"Claire I'm so sorry, believe it or not I didn't wan… [view original content]
Oh yes! And this is only the beginning! There will be more emotional moments as well. Yup Ride is his mother, they got separated when he was nine years old! They'll strike back at the prince stronger than ever!
They will be a mix of vampires, and another species
Thanks man! It was hard to follow up, like I said I barely knew Rides personality and I'm not very good at emotional stuff so I'm glad you liked it!
An emotional beginning, glad everything turned out fine with Kieron. And Red Riding Hood is his mother? :O Wow this was nice to learn about,… more and I'm glad the family is strong in this upcoming war.
Now about the prince and his super soldiers, they'rhey'reire too or something else?
Great chapter!
Robert masked his face and refused to look anyone in the eye. If word got out that he was in the 'gay' district of Fabletown, word would tra… morevel and he'd be labled. Roberts hated labels. He was who he was and in the the end of the day, this miserable town could continue to ask or guess. Dodging several men, Robert nearly runs into a light pole.
"You alright, Robert?" Frank grabs Robert's shoulder. "You seem tense and nearly ran into that light back there. You know, it helps keeping your eyes forward and-"
"Who all goes to these things, Frank? I mean, any Fables that we ALL know or-"
Robert's words seemed to stun the Jersey look-a-like. He was beginning to wonder if this was a right decision; carefully obsering Robert's few steps, he noticed the tension building along his shoulder and face. Grendels were never meant to feel such raw emotions. Frank knew this and stupidly enough, so did Robert. It created a hostile enviroment for the be… [view original content]
Robert masked his face and refused to look anyone in the eye. If word got out that he was in the 'gay' district of Fabletown, word would travel and he'd be labled. Roberts hated labels. He was who he was and in the the end of the day, this miserable town could continue to ask or guess. Dodging several men, Robert nearly runs into a light pole.
"You alright, Robert?" Frank grabs Robert's shoulder. "You seem tense and nearly ran into that light back there. You know, it helps keeping your eyes forward and-"
"Who all goes to these things, Frank? I mean, any Fables that we ALL know or-"
Robert's words seemed to stun the Jersey look-a-like. He was beginning to wonder if this was a right decision; carefully obsering Robert's few steps, he noticed the tension building along his shoulder and face. Grendels were never meant to feel such raw emotions. Frank knew this and stupidly enough, so did Robert. It created a hostile enviroment for the beasts and it was as if you had them pinned against a corner. Frank finally pulls robert to the side.
"Hey, can I ask you some questions before we continue tonight?"
"Okay...." Robert looks around. ".....Go for it, Frank."
"Are you, at all in any shape or form, gay or possibly bisexual?"
"ME!?" Robert laughs nervously. "NO! Please, Frank. I like...pussy..."
"You say that with so much confidence, Robert." Frank folds his arms. "I'm not trying to call you out but I've seen straight men-and I'm talking straight as a motherfucking pole-come in here with either their gay relatives, friends or just needed a quick bite before hitting the town. We DO have these killer garlic cheese fries and wings."
"Alright." robert hesitated to say too much. "And the point of this would be..."
Frank sighs. "You're looking around, as ifyou don't want people to see the REAL Robert Grendel lurking this side of town, for it will ruin your macho ego or whatever you male Grendels seem to be caught up in."
"I'm not avoiding anything, Frank! I just, you know....never been to this side of town and I'm just looking around and-"
"While covering your face, Robert? Look, if you'd rather go somewhere else and hang, I know a straight bar just down the block. We can try there and-"
"No! No, no, we are here. Lets just make the best of this night and have fun. I have not been to a club for some time and this place seems legite for fun and food."
"Alright, Robby. If you really begin to feel uncomfortable, just let me know."
"I will." Robert and Frank continue towards the neon lights and booming noise. "I promise I will."
"Good. Oh and before we go in, you never answered my question."
"What is that?"
The men are greeted by a large bouncer in the front. After paying for their stay, he pulls back the red curtains. Robert was lost in a world of vast colorsand purple carpet. Down the hall and to the right, he was greeted with a large dance floor. Five stairs on each side dipped into a pool ofeager, dancing Fables, Mundies, Wolves and other creatures, all in glamours. Frank again grabs Robert's arm and pulls closer.
"Gay or bi, Robert?"
"I know who I am, Frank." Robert looks around. "That's all you need to know."
"Fair enough. Come dance with me, silly."
Being led into the crowd by Frank, Robert pauses to look at all the many men lined around the railing and bars. He noticed their cocktails and after dancing a few songs, he'd be willing to try one for himself. Robert had heard nothing but positive things when it came to cocktails mixed by gay men and perhaps tonight, he'd cross another thing off of his list.
Groups huddled near the DJ booth and stairs glanced in Frank and Robert's direction. Several stared and waved at Robert. Returning the favor, Robert wiggles his fingers in a friendly gesture and attempted to dance. The music was a mix of Techno, Jamaican, Hiphop and House; the current song was Mr. Boombastic by Shaggy and as the song continued, Robert laughed. Curious for the sudden emotion, Frank turns to face Robert.
"What is so funny, Robby?"
"Whoever knows what the fuck this man is saying right now deserves a medal."
"The DJ has a special place for this song. We can always tell who is in control just by the music. For the majority of the time, it's not bad."
"WHAT!?" Robert leans forward. "What did you say, Frank?"
"DANCE!" Smiling, Frank grabs Robert's hands. "HAVE FUN! LET LOOSE, MR. GRENDEL!"
Robert was indeed enjoying himself. He seemed to be the main attraction; a lot of the guests were hanging around the railing and bar stools, watching the mysterious, smooth moving stranger with the broad shoulders, black shoulder length hair and thick arms. A blonde haired man with frost tips, green shirt and dark jeans heads over to Frank, taps on the shoulder and talks.
Robert was curious as to what the man was asking Frank. Why, he had no idea. These WRE Frank's people and Robert was just here to wet his whistle and clear his head. Forget work for once. The problems that still haunted his relationships. The ongoing questions Robert had with himself, even to this day. Tossing his head back and basking in the sea of lights, Robert was loose for the first time in awhile. A small group of men eagerly made their way to Robert, surround the Fable and dance.
The song continued as as the chorus repeated, a young man grows closer towards Robert's groin area and dances. Normally, Robert would head the opposite direction but something felt 'right' at that moment. He smiled, nods to the young fella and continues to throw his hands in the air. Robert picked up the scent of Goblin; the others around were regualr Fables, Wolves and one un-dead, although he did a fantastic job masking his true identity.
Robert slides back over to Frank's side. "Who was that!?" Robert sways around to the beat. "If you don't mind me asking?"
"None at all, Robert." Frank smiles. "He wanted to know who you were and how a stud as yourself is caught with a ghoul as myself."
"You're not a ghoul, Frank." Robert chuckles. "Fuck them, right?"
"You're sweet, Robert." Frank gets closer to Robert.
"What did you tell me inregards to me, though?"
"A friend. Just a friend."
The music paused for the time being; the base continued, causing the floors to rumble. Fog machines were set off, covering the dance floor with a thick, heavy mist. The sound of Thunder and rain errupted from the speakers and within seconds, the club was a roaring see of men. Robert giggles, looking at all the growing grins in the room.
"What the fuck is going on, Frank?"
"Oh I KNOW you know this song, Robby!" Frank points up.
Several bird cages fall from the ceiling, each containing a dancing man. Glitter falls as well, landing in Robert's hair. Shaking furiously, he did know this song. It's raining men.No wonder the club was now a orgy of sweat, glitter and drinks. Robert shrugs and continues to dance in the middle. Little did he take into consideration, the men in the bird cages were not the only 'treat' for their eyes.
The dance floor was empty except for one man: Robert Grendel. Not giving a single fuck at that moment, Robert gives the crowd exactly what they want. Tossing his head back, gyrating his hips and pointing to the melting crowd, Robert tears off his shirt. His broad pecs and abs glisten with neon lights and sweat droplets. The crowd goes wild, cheering, whistling and begging for more. The music drowns out the final ounce of issues lingering in Robert's head; nothing that he ever encountered was there for the moment and Robert was finally himself.
No judgements. No problems. No one there to make issues for him. No Rose, Lyla, Georgie, Fabletwon, his brother's ongoing issues or questioning eyes. Just himself, the crowd and lights. More clouds of Fog surround Robert and he had a sudden rush of euphoria. Frank returns to the dance floor, wraps his left arm around Robert and dances with the swamp beast.
He leans closer to Robert. He was nothing but smiles. Frank was pleased to see Robert letting himself go and capable of being himself. This was not a place of judgement but fun and thrills. The dance floor was a ocean of dancing, smiling men of all backgrounds. Robert and Frank, however, were lost in their own world. Robert did not take the time to question his motives; Frank's lips found themselves on Robert's. Closing his eyes, Robert felt the rush. The emotions and need he was dying to partake in.
Robert pulls Frank closer and as the song continued to the end, Robert remained embraced with Frank. Nothing felt 'wrong' to Robert at this moment. It was....right and soon, Frank's question returned. The very thing Robert battled with for so long. Noticing his actions, however, Robert returned to reality. Pulling away from Frank, he scans the area. In a state of panic, Robert runs from Frank, the dancers and up the stairs.
"ROBERT!" He did not look back. He had to leave. "ROBERT, WAIT! ROBERT!"
Running down the hall, Robert was blinded with tears. He had no business being here. What would the others think? His brother? His son? Would RJ still love his father, knowing the secret Robert held inside? Pushing through the crowds, Robert runs until he finds a nearby alley. The cool air feels crisp against his skin; the glitter stuck to his skin glistens under the light and a million thoughts ran through Robert's mind. He KISSED Frank and LIKED it. No. LOVED it. Robert loved it and was left in the dark wanting more.
"Robert." Frank found him hear the dumpster. "Hey, why did you run off, silly? You okay?"
"I need to go, Frank." Robert refuses to look. "I need to go home. Like, right now...."
"Okay, Robby. I'll walk you home. We can try tomorrow and-"
"No!" Robert's voice roars into the night. "No! No more. I can't....we can't see eachother anymore, Frank. I appreciate everything tonight but this won't work. I'm...I'm so sorry...
"Won't work?" Devestation. "But Robby, why not? We're friends. We-"
"Just....stay away from me, Frank. Please. I....I have to go now...."
"Robert, no! Wait!"
But he never did. Running towards his apartment, all Robert could think over and over again was the question. His feelings during dinner and even late into their dancing session. Still fighting back tears, Robert leaves behind a world he fought so hard to avoid. To pretend. A block from his house, Robert finds a shadowed off area, covers his face and cries. All he could see was Frank. Their tender, warm embrace. The kiss.
"Yes..." He whispered to himself, hoping someone would hear. "...I am...."
Any questions or comments, leave them below! Oh my darling are something else. :P
Awesome chapter!
Michelle and Gren are a dynamic duo of potential destruction :P It's a shame Michelle has those urges to take the teeth and create Familiars, but she seems to have a good handle on it so far
DAFUQ?! Junior ate a chicken... alive? What, how, why... :O
And Ethan, poor Ethan, I feel so sorry for both him and Georgie, and i hope he doesn't do anything to stupid, attacking Peter like that is bad enough...
And dude, where is Nick? The group was 6 people, not 5. Or did I miss something last chapter?...
I await more! XD
I don't know what to say, I don't know if these OC's are new or what
Daniel sounds pretty intimidating, especially if he broke a guy's knee just for shouting...
I wonder if Abby knows what he really does? And I also hope that girl gets a good hit to Daniel's balls before anything else
I look forward to more! XD
On the first note, I really did not know how to portray it.
As for other peoples stories, thanks for the reminder. I did fall a bit behind.
I knew YOU would appreciate that particular scene being left entirely to your imagination.
I was looking forward to writing in the semi-modern era, where I have much more material than otherwise. (WWII, Cold War, reuinification). I am glad that I have been educational and entertaining.
I try to include a historical event is not too hard. You just need to include plot and your done.
I am not sure about which scene you speak of out of the two, but thank you anyway.
I apoogise for the lateness of this.
This chapter was nicely paced. I was in the middle of listening to a melodic, sad tune when I read about Frank's death, so I found it rather moving.
This is an intriguing angle and I am interested to see were this might go.
Oh wow this was a rather funny and interesting chapter! It was nice seeing Robert smiling and such!
He even kissed the guy! Robert if you do not go and date Frank again I will be upset man! XD Or maybe Frank might not be the one...
Every time you end the chapter I always feel so bad for Robert!
Awesome stuff man! I look forward to more!
Never apologies, man. I owe you one myself....:)
Awesome to know, dude!
Although the music did not help, at least it set some sort of mood for the scene. hopefully you're open minded when it comes to certain things because that's how my stories seem to be rolling these days. 
I am not much for History myself but when someone such as yourself is, it makes the reading more enjoyable and takes you back and really appreciate things for what they are. The Holocaust was something that struck me hard because my grandfather is Jewish and had stories out the ass, according to my father.
I guess I can undersatns why you'd be weary about a romance scene but there is no harm in writing some kissing.
But that's just me. Picturing it helps, too and we all have different takes on the topic. You do what you feel comfortable in writing about. Gertraud and Alfred are quite the pair, although it would seem that current situation is a bit touch and go at this point. By any chance, are they soilders of sorts or just Fables living by by day?
I always worry because I'm not sure how everyone is or views this never ending battle inregards to same-sex. I held off writing this because of those reasons. If anything ever becomes TOO uncomfortable, just let me know! I won't be offended! But I guess what you said is the reason why I'm doing this: To see Robert smile.
Well, knowing their ship is sailing slowly, I'm pleased. 
I try not to do so but he's so lost in the world that wants him one way and his own little place he's created where he can be HIM for once.
Glad you like it, Tetra and can't wait TO write more!
I finally have a chance to write my part in this!
Thank god Kieron took down that prick! I'm sorry but I never liked him. I know SOME bad guys you can tolerate and deal with, maybe even like them to a point but not this creep. I too am concerned for Claire at the moment. She seems 'stuck', you know and does not know which way to go. I hope she finds out soo, for he took so much from her....:'(
There is going to be a Vampire war and the Prince will be conducting this little mess but this is nothing for Kieron! He's handled worse in the past and hopefully Claire can pull herself together and defeat this little problem! Maybe he can use that fancy new pistol Claire gave him or even his blood magic! >:D
And I'm glad to hear we could help! Never let anyone hold you down, Tetra! Get back up and smile. Mistakes are a part of life but you just have to keep going. We're all here for you and glad to help in any way! Your wonderful, love ya' to bits and can't wait for more! Put those tradmark headphones of yours on and strut, dude, with your middle finger high!
Is that so? God rest his soul.
I never thought about the kissing when I was writting this. Dragon mentioned this as well. I will have to keep note for the future.
The two at the moment are mere Fables going at it, day by day. That can change though later on.
It would take a lot to offend me man don't worry! XD But if anything did I'll be sure to let you know man!
Slowly but surely my friend!
Oh man that's super sad man!
I'm glad to hear it man!
This chapter.. wow :O
The club scenes sound like they're from your own personal experiences, in which case a gay club sounds like a perfect place to let off steam and just lose yourself to the action!
Correction: You USED to like pussy, now you want the big D... in various places >:D
Robert tearing his shirt off... Really? That sounds like something Robert would do, but in real life whoever does that is a poser :P Not saying Robert is a poser btw.
And the kiss! IT HAPPENED!!! And now Robert has to come to terms with his own harsh truth's and realities... I really hope he see's Frank again
I look forward to more dude! XD
Oh yeah Kieron put that asshole in his place! >:D She will find her way but for now like you said she's a bit torn
Kieron will be ready! And like you said hopefully when Claire gets fixed herself she will be able to back Kieron up!
Tetra wipes a tear from his eye Thanks man you have no idea how much it means to me, I'll do just that!
And welcome to the 'real' JJ. XD
They are from places I've been to, yes. They say when writing certain things or whatever, its good to have some experience. Makes it feel so real, you know?
Robert still likes the female body but he also, like you said, wants the D. XD
Yes I know. Robert tore his shirt off. This the Seemed like a Robert move but I see what you mean. :P Guess he could lost in the world of sweat, colors and fun. XD WANT them to see one another? :'0 Excuse me for a moment....goes off to cry I'm so happy right now. Who knows what will come of Robert and Frank.
Awesome to hear, Hman! Can't wait!
You like Daniel regardless of him threatening one of his henchmen and shattering the guy's knee? ...Alright then. ;P
Pfft, I'll go to a club with the 'real' JJ, and then I'll agree with you :P
I understand that, experience is what makes some works flourish
So Robert saying "I am" at the end wasn't him saying he's gay? He's actually Bi?
That's ridiculous, you waste a good shirt to show off that you work out? Big fucking deal
Yes, I want true love to happen with these two!! XD You better make it happen, or so help me God...
You're somewhat on the right track. I can tell you this, however, that Fayde leaving Ireland wasn't because of Daniel or his gang. And to correct you again, Daniel wasn't wearing the golf hat. Chris -his henchman who brought him news in the beginning- was the one that was wearing it. XD
Jesus fucking Christ you are right. :P Either way, I'll take the Golf hat! XD
Knowing I'm sort of on the right path wipes it clean and I start on a clean slate.
Now its going to boggle my
If you didn't read my reply to Stone, I mentioned to him that they are indeed new OC's.
Daniel didn't break the guy's knee for shouting, he broke his knee after he basically told him to fuck off.
She probably will, hehe. >;)
I glanced over Stone's reply, but I didn't read your reply to his comment
Whoops, well that's still extreme, but better justified :P
I'll take you and we'll see if you can keep up with the 'real' Jacob. XD
And yes, Robert saying 'I am' at the end was him admiting to himself that he is gay and I'll explain more in the chapters. you see that a lot around the clubs and I agree with you. What a waste but he did it....XD
Oh don't you worry! It WILL happen! I want my Robert to be happy.
Never been clubbing before so go easy yeah?
And if it's too much for me, please don't make me stay...
I see. I just don't think you need to advertise like that, makes you look 'desperate' I guess
Don't we all?! XD
Of course and I'm never make anyone do something they don't. Not a good feeling. We'll grab burgers, a coke and go to another place.
I agree. looks at Robert See!? Egotistical Grendels, I swear. XD
Going into Hiding... Part: Two
In the Fable hospital...
Kieron woke up to hear someone sniffing like they were still crying and a woman he's never seen before. He tried to lean up it was hard and probably bad for him since some of his ribs were still broken. The woman stood up in shock, she had a red cloak and blue eyes she ran up and gave him a hug.
"Kieron you're awake!" The woman said
Kieron grunted out in pain. He looked to his left and saw Claire curled in a ball crying on a chair. Kieron shifted his body, he withstood the pain and stood. The woman was still holding him. He pat her back and then took her off of his sholder, he walked over to Claire. He touched her shoulder.
"Claire..." He began to say.
She looked up at him, he saw sadness in her eyes. He felt like she thought he was a monster and it killed him inside, it was like a spear straight through his heart.
"Claire I'm so sorry, believe it or not I didn't want to kill him. I wanted to drag him back and seal him away but my has a mind of its own." Kieron fell to his knees he began to tear up at the fact that he could lose her for his actions. He grabbed her legs as he became desperate. "Do anything! Hit me, yell at me, just do something, or tell me how I can make things right! I feel like I'm going to lose you and I don't want that!"
Claire wiped her tears, she lifted Kieron and held him close. "Stop talking like that, I just need some space for now. I may have hated that man but he was my father." She slapped Kieron "And I'm not leaving you Kieron I'd never do that, we've come this far together so we're moving on together." She said.
Kieron rubbed his face. "I just..." Claire stopped him and pointed to the woman who awkwardly stood there.
"You have a visitor." Claire said and kissed him "We'll work through this later promise."
Kieron still didn't know how to take this whole conversation. He just had to hope that he wouldn't lose Claire. He put on a smile and walked towards the woman.
"Hey, I'm Kieron. Do I know you?" He asked
"So you really don't remember...Claire told me everything you've been through. I'm your mother Red riding Hood." She smiled
This hit Kieron in the gut. "Mom..."
Ride hugged him "Yes, it's me! The doctors at the hospital had told us you died in an experiment."
Kieron hugged her back. "Well I almost did."
Ride let go and crossed her arms. "Why didn't you contact me, or any of your friends!?"
Just a couple minutes in and he's already being yelled at. He explained how Nick told him what happened and said that he didn't contact his friends because he didn't want them to have the burden of remembering what happened and that he would rather carry the burden alone. As for her he simply didn't know how to contact her.
"That's not how you deal with stuff! You can't always do things alone Kieron!" Ride said
"I know mom, I have been working on it." Kieron smiled
Ride smiled "I'm glad I finally got to see you again. All grown up as well!"
Kierons chest began to hurt, his ribs had just went back into place. "Same, I've always wanted to meet you in person." Kieron smiled
Makoto walked in. "Hey, you shouldn't be up right now." He said
Kieron smiled "I'm fine, but thanks."
Makoto shook his head "If you say so. Look what're we going to do with Maximillians remains?" He asked
Kieron walked over to Claire. "Hey, do you want to have a funeral...or cremate him? Makoto needs to know."
Claire looked down. "I don't know people would be angry if we gave him anything..."
Kieron smiled "We'll make it private then. We can dump him down the witching well."
Claire nodded and had a faint smile, it was something. Kieron walked over. "Can you gather his bones to be put down the witching well?"
Makoto nodded "I'll see to it!"
"So, dinner at our place?" Kieron asked Ride
"I'd love too. As long as Claire is alright withen it of course." She smiled
Kieron walked over to Claire "Is that alright?" He asked
Claire got up. "Yeah, although I'll head to bed early after."
Kieron nodded "Of course."
Kieron although swineheart advised him to stay in bed, check out and went to his apartment with Ride and Claire...
Kierons Apartment...
Claire seemed to lighten up a little bit she chatted with Ride while Kieron prepared dinner...
"So how did you guys meet?" Ride asked
Claire was straightforward. "We'll at the time he wasn't a vampire and I used the excuse of needing him for my revolt to ask him out on a date."
Kieron laughed "Oh so biting my neck giving me the kiss, and then having sex with me is a way of asking?"
Claire still only had a faint smile. "Well you were cute and you didn't care about anything so when you were going to walk away I had to do something."
Ride was shocked. "You know as a mother I should probably say how wrong that is. But it seems you two have really bonded. There must be more."
"Well we went on a couple dates from there. You know regular relationship stuff but with blood." Claire said
Kieron laughed again. "I wouldn't say 'regular' relationship stuff."
Ride giggled "You two seem perfect. I'm jealous."
Claires face turned red. "Thanks..."
Kieron set the food on the table. "What about you?"
It was Rides turn for her face to turn red. "Actually I have my eyes set on FlyCatcher."
Kieron was surprised "Oh yeah? Thats nice. The guy could use someone like you bright, and nice."
Ride nodded "I hope so."
The three continued to talk until Claire finished her meal and went to bed. Then Kieron and Ride stayed up for a bit longer...
"I'm scared mom..." Kieron said
Ride placed her hand on Kierons shoulder. "Just give her some space, and some time. I was the same when I lost your father, plus I think she may be even more afraid due to you being the only 'family' she has left." Ride said
Kieron looked at the bedroom door. "I just...I've lost so much...I can't go through it again."
Ride held him close. "She loves you Kieron, there's always rough patches in relationships, just remember to fix the house instead of throwing it out and looking for a new one."
Kieron held his mom close "Thanks."
Ride let go. "Do you guys want to go out tomorrow night?" She asked
Kieron sat back. "I'll see what Claire wants to do."
"Alright!" She said kissing Kieron on the cheek. "Here's my number so we can keep in touch from now on."
Kieron smiled "Gotcha I'll call tomorrow then."
Kieron waved and when Ride left he went to sleep...
The Princes hiding place...
An engineer walked in. "Sir. The super soldiers should be ready beginning next week."
The prince slammed his fist. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NEXT WEEK!? I NEED THEM NOW!"
"Sir if they're going to properly function then we need more time." The engineer spoke.
"Fine! But try and work efficiently and fucking quick!" The Prince said trying to maintain his emotions.
"Understood Dracula sir." The engineer said
The prince snatched the engineer "You speak my name again and you're dead!" Dracula said
The engineer scared. "Y-yes sir! I'm sorry!"
Dracula flung the engineer out the door, he got up and closed his door. He began to plan to take out Kieron and Claire...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
There were some complications with this chapter, One I am not too keen on how Rides personality is. When I looked it up it said she was nice and good natured, but she also got mad at fly for not taking revenge, so if I have this wrong please let me know. Also I don't know if vampires are considered Fables so I don't know if they can go down the witching well XD so please correct me if I'm wrong just not too harshly please! XD
I always like the evil dudes, don't ask why because I don't know either XD
Now that sounds like an awesome plan
Lol, Robert was just enjoying himself, he gets let off the hook just this once :P
I can see where the others are saying perhaps a kissing scene next time but as far as the actual sex, somethimes its nice to leave that part up to the readers.
Oh the Coldwar. That will be a good one to write about and read, coming from my point. Your writings do come off as such but in a good way. So much information!
I'd like to cross over soon and cover Michelle before the battle, just to give a bit more on her sad story. She tries so hard to forget her past, that when it comes back, she's fighting herself. Gren is a tank at this moment and is only looking for one thing: pussy, er I mean, Emily. XD
Yes. Junior just ate a live Chicken. Why? Well, he was hungry and since taking mary's place, has adopted some very demonic traits since then.
I feel for these guys, too. So many horrible memories and Carla uses them to her own sick advantage. He won't do anything stupid but he's about to learn what true love is all about. All I'll say.
........mother fucker.....I knew there was something odd about this chap. -sigh- It's been a long day. XD I'll make sure he's in the next one when Gren and the others are around. My bad, man.
I do, too! I just really enjoy anything with mythology, really!
Oh but Gren shall wreck something very soon. Gotta build up to all that, my good man. REALLY get his blood boiling!
Carla is always a problem and she's using Ethan to her own advantage again. Hopefully soon, all will be dealt with and Emily returns to finish it off. I know he was an ass but I liked Dark.
Have asoft spot for those baddies, I guess. Michelle tries not to be her father because of what he was. Sadly, you become the very thing you hate sometimes. 
Now that I look at it, they do. Gotta love Super Mario, though!
Thanks, my good man! -brofist-
Emily=pussy, so same thing! XP Poor Michelle...
It's Junior's clone I just remembered, oh well, he was hungry :P
I can't wait
I'm not going to hold this against you, although yes, you are a motherfucker for forgetting to put an entire character into a chapter. Man, getting the OC wrong is one thing, but forgetting him entirely?! >:(
Thank you, my good man! -brofist-
Gren has come a long way since that drunk, loveable oaf we all learned from the game. He has a higher purpose and truly sees now what his calling has always been. Right now, all he wants is his Emily back....Ethan will learn the true value of love and friendship during the battle. All I can say.
Thanks, man! Glad you like it!
True to that. XD Michelle is a never ending battle with a smile to mask her pain. Sadly, this is how she likes it.
True to that!
My bad, man. Slipped my mind. I'm so use to writing just my own. Honest mistake. My mind has been elsewhere.
I'm wondering if the mysterious woman is Fayde and we are going back, considering the title is called Secrets. She ran away for a reason and I have a feeling we are about to see why. Also, an explanation on the demon attatched to her, too. (Right, it WAS a demon. Oh God let me be right....) lol
I like these new OC's. Daniel is so far my favorite. That knee shattering moment had me laughing, too. Maybe not as much as JJ over there but I enjoyed it very much!
OMG....I THINK I just figured something out. I honestly think this new girl IS Fayde. And the jars contain the demon! :0 Maybe....OH MY GURD! So much going through my head!!!
I see...
I'll let you off the hook, but believe me when I say I'm trying not to rage at you right now. The next chapter can explain his absence I hope.
An emotional beginning, glad everything turned out fine with Kieron. And Red Riding Hood is his mother? :O Wow this was nice to learn about, and I'm glad the family is strong in this upcoming war.
Now about the prince and his super soldiers, they'rhey'reire too or something else?
Great chapter!
Oh yes! And this is only the beginning! There will be more emotional moments as well. Yup Ride is his mother, they got separated when he was nine years old! They'll strike back at the prince stronger than ever!
They will be a mix of vampires, and another species
Thanks man! It was hard to follow up, like I said I barely knew Rides personality and I'm not very good at emotional stuff so I'm glad you liked it!
Lol. JJ, this was hilarious!
Again Frank and Robert's dialog makes my day and when they go club and gets on down on the dance floor. Yep.
I didn't find this uncomfortable, you did a fine job regardless. And is notice to see something different!
I await for your next.