The Vent/Help Thread



  • Preach.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    without it he could barely function in the classroom. How did kids in the 80s/90s handle it. I think we just did. We rolled up our

  • Consistent. And I'm not overly trusting of doctors either. Most are only interested in pushing pills.

    Well at least you're ( Forgot the word. Oops) straight [Random guess] with your views.

  • Watch this and enjoy yourself. Leave the idiocy behind for a while.

    I'm actually upset. A week or so ago, I made a joke about my friend's hair because it was a little messy. Now I made sure she knew it was

  • Welp, It's time to Vent.

    The Final FNaF game is coming soon, I recently had a talk with Scott cawthon, and I respect him and his game so much more, The problem is, Everyone on these Forums, on Youtube, and every-fucking-where else are Making such Bold and Stupid Accusations about the game AND it's fan base, Calling them Retarded, Stupid, and Childish.

    First of all, He didn't make the damn game in 5 seconds, He started making it Late 2012, He put them on steam in 2014, so He had time, He was planning each game. He finished 3 on June 1st, 2014. He worked very hard and He politely disagrees with the Insults, But it's still fucking stupid.

    Second of all, We don't love the game for the Jumpscares, or The Youtubers to play it, or Because we're kids, We appriciate it for the fantastic and Complex story, The lore is deep, It's Like Silent Hill type Story telling, It's Dark, Mysterious, and Intense. and The best part is, YOU have to put the story together. It's fantastic.

    and Third, Just because you don't like it, or think it's stupid, doesn't mean you have to be a giant dick to the game, the creator, and the fanbase. You don't have to call all of them horrible Names like you're a christian at a Gay Pride Parade.

    Rant Fucking Over.

  • I'm so sorry this is Happening to you, This has happened way too many times to me, and I would never want another it to happen to another person. I hope something good goes your way, talk to me if you need to.

    I'm actually upset. A week or so ago, I made a joke about my friend's hair because it was a little messy. Now I made sure she knew it was

  • Well... I'm back again. I honestly can't stand people who make fun of others. I know someone who does this who I don't call a friend but more-so someone whom I'm forced to hangout with. They call anything anyone else does, "Stupid" ex: I really like this (insert anything they don't like) Him: That's stupid. I call them out constantly but they keep doing it. They try way to hard to be cool and can't appreciate diversity, I constantly call them a Try-hard. Honestly I can't wait until next year I'm moving to a different school were I never have to see them again.
    Rant Done.

  • Thank you, that's the word.

    Consistent. And I'm not overly trusting of doctors either. Most are only interested in pushing pills.

  • Ima bad bad boy


  • Pugs are cute. Pugs are love. Pugs are life.

    They are Pugs.

    Pugs are legion.

    They do not forgive.

    The do not forget.

    Expect them.

  • okay so today i have a rant about...

    wait i dont


  • Alt text

    okay so today i have a rant about... wait i dont fuck

  • my bad

    That probably gets annoying i bet. Srry.

    blueneon posted: »

    Sis*. :P

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited May 2015

    She hid it in her room, with no intent to share it with anyone. People keep diaries and write notes, it was her on personal privacy that her brother invaded and then shared with everyone. So no, she didn't "bring it on herself".

    There is no such thing as privacy living at home underage. When you are out on your own then you can have all the privacy in the world.

    She hid it in her room, with no intent to share it with anyone. People keep diaries and write notes, it was her on personal privacy that her brother invaded and then shared with everyone. So no, she didn't "bring it on herself".

  • Nah, it's fine, don't worry. ^-^

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    my bad That probably gets annoying i bet. Srry.

  • but you don't do that shit to your own blood.

    He should of just told his parents.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Tattletales are annoying, but you don't do that shit to your own blood.

  • Really? You can't think of one other thing i might do? Try to imagine my crazy mind, dive in.

    Most people can't handle my intensity.

    It's the most obvious implication...

  • Everything's temporary when it comes to school, hope it won't drive you crazy until you can move away.

    noblue22 posted: »

    Well... I'm back again. I honestly can't stand people who make fun of others. I know someone who does this who I don't call a friend but mor

  • Why do you care?

    noblue22 posted: »

    Well... I'm back again. I honestly can't stand people who make fun of others. I know someone who does this who I don't call a friend but mor

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited May 2015

    AM i the only person that likes to cause mischief around his neighborhood? Them Trashcans been looking Mighty Tempting I dream of hitting them with my truck. Its the only thing that makes me happy atm. I'm going to plan a heist and take out the Vander's black Rubbermaid.

  • lol people are bitching about fnaf, and taunting the fanbase and calling/generalizing the fans as children.
    lolwut m8, you being a dumbass, douche and a prick just makes it crystal clear who the real dumb shits are.

    FNAF is on it's final chapter (the 4th game this OCT. 2015) and then you shit and rub on people's faces that this game is garbage for only having jumpscares and only staying in one spot. Why are you making a big deal of this? Is this game harassing you? Is this game annoying you?

    Well then, don't be a straight-up dickhead and intentionally taunt users whom are fanatics on this game and then be like "k, get rekt m8" then please go fuck a duck, and leave.

    Comparing COD to FNAF is just some dumb bullshit. Since when is an FPS comparable to a horror game?

    Five Nights at Freddy's is a 2.5D game, a compilation of images into one game, and is using Clickteam Fusion 2.5. Also being made by one guy.

    Call of Duty is a 3D game, models with HQ textures slapped on them, and is using a IW engine. Being made by multiple devs.

    And then you bitch why 3 games launch in a year, 2.5 =/= 3D

    Get your facts straight bitch. Your immaturity does not belong here.

  • According to my parents; if I cannot manage straight As every-single-dang-time, I might as well flush all my hopes and aspirations down the crapper, 'cause apparently, I'm never gonna achieve them. How nice.

  • I'm just going to add my personal feelings...first off, I dislike the games, I find them over hyped and over rated. I don't hate the fan base but it confuses me how people can like the game.

    I don't really think the first game had a story till it was made and people started speculating with it and Scott just rolled with it. Honestly, for how much I dislike the game and the fan made lore and stuff is pretty good. The whole murder thing at least, I could care less about the modern junk. The songs people create with it too are pretty amazing.

    I don't insult the fan base but I do sometimes insult the game as i feel they come out way too fast and for how similar they are.

    Its a whatever though.

    Welp, It's time to Vent. The Final FNaF game is coming soon, I recently had a talk with Scott cawthon, and I respect him and his game so

  • please go fuck a duck

    Dese insults are too much pls

    lol people are bitching about fnaf, and taunting the fanbase and calling/generalizing the fans as children. lolwut m8, you being a dumbass,

  • When I vent, I release what I REALLY feel.

    please go fuck a duck Dese insults are too much pls

  • don't really think the first game had a story till it was made and people started speculating with it and Scott just rolled with it.

    As I said above though, Scott started making them in Late 2012, and finished the 3rd one in June 2014. So he obviously Knew of a story.

    But other than That, I'm not pissed off with people Like you who calmly disagree. (Which I respect you so very much for doing) I'm pissy with people who state their opinions as fact, Use horrible language, insult the game, creator, AND people who play, and Be completely Immature about it.

    I'm just going to add my personal feelings...first off, I dislike the games, I find them over hyped and over rated. I don't hate the fan bas

  • Guess you wanted someone to fuck a duck then ;_;

    When I vent, I release what I REALLY feel.

  • That was an expression.

    But if a person were to go anal with an Anas Platyrhynchos, then let them.

    Guess you wanted someone to fuck a duck then ;_;

  • Alt text

    That was an expression. But if a person were to go anal with an Anas Platyrhynchos, then let them.

  • edited May 2015

    Alt text

    When you go to a profile and click on a link to a comment and you're sent to the discussion and the page scrolls down to where the comment is, but then you realize that the entire thread was marked with a Spoiler tag, so you have to scroll back up and click "Reveal Discussion" and find the comment again.

  • I hate it when I go to someone's profile and there's a spoiler for an episode I hadn't seen yet.

    When you go to a profile and click on a link to a comment and you're sent to the discussion and the page scrolls down to where the comment i

  • You know they are wrong, right? Just the fact that you tried proves that you are a very worthy person and no matter how good your grades are, if you don't have drive, it doesn't really matter. Don't listen to them, I can tell that you are a great person and as long as you don't push yourself too much or too little, then you are going to do great in the future. I have faith in you.

    Grayosin posted: »

    According to my parents; if I cannot manage straight As every-single-dang-time, I might as well flush all my hopes and aspirations down the crapper, 'cause apparently, I'm never gonna achieve them. How nice.

  • Alt text

    The new messed up comments thing where everytime I comment on a thread it gets unfollowed by me >:I SO ANNOYING

    When you go to a profile and click on a link to a comment and you're sent to the discussion and the page scrolls down to where the comment i

  • edited May 2015

    This is really pissing me off so I'm going to rant it

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    My country is having a vote to allow Gay Marriage or not this month I honestly think their shouldn't be a vote they should just allow gay marriage straight away this is the 21st century this is bs... anyway

    (Sorry for the picture quality of the signs I took them myself on my touchphone)

    These are up everywhere around Ireland

    Let's see the arguments for no

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    XD what does that even mean? and with a nice picture of a happy husband and loving wife well isn't that nice with an emphasize on ONE sounds empowering to us straight citizens doesn't it? so simple yet to the point

    What a load of BS I cannot understand any argument provided here to debate it sounds like an uneducated angry toddler to me trying to fight logic with nonsense

    Me: Your opinion on Gay Marriage?

    Toddler: ONE MAN, ONE WOMAN

    Me: why explain?

    Toddler: NO!! MAN, WOMAN

    Me: what....what does that even mean? GO TO BED your tired

    Alt text

    pff ok what is the argument here we have given you this(civil Partnerships) now don't be selfish stfu and be happy with what your given and all I have to say to this is

    Now last picture I took pissed me off the most because the vote is about GAY MARRIAGE but they twisted the agenda making it seems like same-sex parents type thing who I think make great parents but a very sneaky move by the no campaign it's about gay marriage STOP LYING

    Alt text

    Lets take the argument for what it is even though it has no connection to the gay marriage issue like it's suppose to.

    No I strongly disagree anyone can be a parent they deserve more then that, that's not enough never will be, what children really deserve is caring and loving parents, every child deserves to be loved and cared for I couldn't care less what genitalia the parents have what matters is how well that child is looked after that's what truly matters at the end of the day

    I had a friend with two lesbian mothers NOT one person in my school years ago nobody mocked him we were all actually jealous of him they spoiled him so much going to his house was like going to disneyland to us he always had the lastest technology, dvd's, games the best of everything every time we went over there.

    He was a top student to and the nicest person you will ever meet so when I read this sign it sounds just plain insane to me

    Do another example convo to show how stupid I see this logic is

    Guy 1: Who do you think has better parents?

    Guy 2: You are a heroine addict who is homeless living on the streets your parents sold you for drug money when you were a baby

    Guy 1: So?

    Guy 2: I'm a top Harvard student with loving parents who supported and cared for me since the day they adopted me are you insane? my parents are perfect

    Guy 1: Yes...But one of parents has a penis and the other has a vagina

    Guy 2: well sheet ok you win

    That to me is the logic they have ^ XD

    I have not seen one yes vote poster anywhere turned out the homophobia people ripped down all the Yes vote posters everywhere their dirt a GOT quote comes to mind

    When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say

    Anyway that's my rant about this I needed that :)

  • Your GPA only matters 'til then next school you attend, and then 'til your first job. After that, nobody cares about it anymore. Do your best to learn what's important in life, and that's what really matters.

    Grayosin posted: »

    According to my parents; if I cannot manage straight As every-single-dang-time, I might as well flush all my hopes and aspirations down the crapper, 'cause apparently, I'm never gonna achieve them. How nice.

  • This is awesome! Yeah, screw the people against it. It doesn't affect their lives. I'll never forget the expression on my aunts' faces when gay marriage was legalized in NJ and they were FINALLY able to get married.

    I know a couple gay parents with kids. One couple has their daughter off to an ambitious state college. And no, being raised by gay parents does not "turn their kid gay".

    Markd4547 posted: »

    This is really pissing me off so I'm going to rant it My country is having a vote to allow Gay Marriage or not this month I honestly

  • You hit the nail on the head, Mark. We're going through the same issues here in the US (albeit less successfully). The best thing we can do is make sure our voices are heard.

    Here's hoping the Irish public makes the right decision.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    This is really pissing me off so I'm going to rant it My country is having a vote to allow Gay Marriage or not this month I honestly

  • This is awesome! Yeah, screw the people against it. It doesn't affect their lives. I'll never forget the expression on my aunts' faces when gay marriage was legalized in NJ and they were FINALLY able to get married.

    When I read this I saw 'expression on my aunt's face when gay marriage was legalized in NJ' I thought it was gonna be a bad thing for her, but I saw the rest. lol

    This is awesome! Yeah, screw the people against it. It doesn't affect their lives. I'll never forget the expression on my aunts' faces when

  • When I was a teen I would take things from someone's yard and put them in thier neighbor's yard. I confess.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    AM i the only person that likes to cause mischief around his neighborhood? Them Trashcans been looking Mighty Tempting I dream of hitting t

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