Whoa there, what you said could make for an interesting twist but I think I have something better in mind. Your theories were unique and thought-out, though, to say the least.
I'm wondering if the mysterious woman is Fayde and we are going back, considering the title is called Secrets. She ran away for a reason and… more I have a feeling we are about to see why. Also, an explanation on the demon attatched to her, too. (Right, it WAS a demon. Oh God let me be right....) lol
I like these new OC's. Daniel is so far my favorite. That knee shattering moment had me laughing, too. Maybe not as much as JJ over there but I enjoyed it very much!
She casually walks into a room filled with various jars. "Fascinating..."
"You... like my collection?"
OMG....I THINK I just figured something out. I honestly think this new girl IS Fayde. And the jars contain the demon! :0 Maybe....OH MY GURD! So much going through my head!!!
Daniel is quite the demanding one, huh? So strict to the point of threatening another's life over his name.
This new girl. Just a small appearence and I am interested in her. Quite the bold one, is she not?
I await the next part with alicrity.
Hell, I'll take whatever you may have in mind for Miss Fayde Everwind and her mysterious BG. Shoot, I'll also take that compliment and run, man! Awesome to know my theories were indeed noticed! I love Fayde!
Whoa there, what you said could make for an interesting twist but I think I have something better in mind. Your theories were unique and thought-out, though, to say the least.
This is indeed the Devil's food and it will be hard to ignore the temptations but you got this, man. Sounds like you're well on your way. You and your pushups, man. Give me that treadmill anyday! XD
Update on my bets:
The exercise is getting easier, and I'm slowly starting to enjoy it; still doing 20 Marine push-ups, sit-ups and squat… mores every morning. Will up the number when they start to become too easy...
The lack of junk food is driving me mad though, I REALLY want a Domino's pizza or some cheesy chips, but I can't. I have lost some weight already (maybe 4-5 pounds) and I can survive...
Just 4 weeks to go
Hell, I'll take whatever you may have in mind for Miss Fayde Everwind and her mysterious BG. Shoot, I'll also take that compliment and run, man! Awesome to know my theories were indeed noticed! I love Fayde!
Damnit. Everyone beats me to the punchline and you know what, I'm cool with it! The reference was already mentioned, so I'll take that and run, so to speak.
I do agree that their romance sees no hurdles and I like that. Something like the war and ongoing trouble should never break a strong relationship. This was a great read before work, I must say. Knowing there is a struggle in Berlin up ahead, well, count my curious and ready!
Chapter 20: Gut Gerbutstag, mein Führer. 20th, April, 1945.
I looked about the Tavern’s main room, my heart heavy in my chest.
The pla… morece was deserted, save for me and Gertraud. Die Stumpfe Klinge had been closed since last week in anticipation of a Soviet attack on the city. The city was buzzing with mobilising units and civilians trying to seek shelter. The bombing on the city had been relentless those few days, reducing much of Berlin to smouldering skeletons of buildings. The war was well and truly lost and the Leader still demanded that we fight against ‘the Red Hoardes’ until the last of us fell. Why he thought we could still prevail was beyond me. Or maybe he just wanted to go down, taking as many people as possible with him?
I jolted as I felt Gertraud’s hand rest on my shoulder. I turned to face her. Her face bore a sweet yet sad smile.
“Remember when you asked if we made the right choice by staying here?” she asked.
I … [view original content]
The lack of junk food is driving me mad though
This is indeed the Devil's food and it will be hard to ignore the temptations but you… more got this, man. Sounds like you're well on your way. You and your pushups, man. Give me that treadmill anyday! XD
If I could draw as fast as you do, I would make a picture of her thanking you right now.
Later this month, I might ask you guys if I should draw a racy photo of her as well. :P
No! Bad Hman! Junkfood is the Devil! (God I sound like my mom now....XD) Think of something else, man. Keep telling yourself all the wonderful accomplishments you've already achieved with this!
I like it a lot. Plus, a stupid excuse for me to goof around while working out; while I do that, JJ can do squats in his Juicy sweatpants. :P
I can see you shoving that Holy Cross in my face and flicking Holy Water at me as well!! XP I'm trying dude! We can't all eat what we want and stay thin like you and Tetra!
Oh man, not the sweatpants again :P Yeah just pop in the headphones and lose yourself to music
No! Bad Hman! Junkfood is the Devil! (God I sound like my mom now....XD) Think of something else, man. Keep telling yourself all the wonderf… moreul accomplishments you've already achieved with this!
I like it a lot. Plus, a stupid excuse for me to goof around while working out; while I do that, JJ can do squats in his Juicy sweatpants. :P
Since I post chapters roughly around 6-7:00 PM, I might just do that and reveal the reserences the following day.
Their relationship shall be tested in these eventful ten days. How can it not be when there is a war happening literally out the front door? The rules of good writing demand it!
Damnit. Everyone beats me to the punchline and you know what, I'm cool with it! The reference was already mentioned, so I'll take that and … morerun, so to speak.
I do agree that their romance sees no hurdles and I like that. Something like the war and ongoing trouble should never break a strong relationship. This was a great read before work, I must say. Knowing there is a struggle in Berlin up ahead, well, count my curious and ready!
I can see you shoving that Holy Cross in my face and flicking Holy Water at me as well!! XP I'm trying dude! We can't all eat what we want a… morend stay thin like you and Tetra!
Oh man, not the sweatpants again :P Yeah just pop in the headphones and lose yourself to music
I'm not around you so I just imagine 'slim Chad' all the time :P Tetra is a specific body type, one that has a very high metabolism. I THINK mine has improved, but the stretch marks say otherwise
I WISH I could eat whatever the fuck I wanted! :0 Shoot! I gain weight, too, after eating junk! Tetra is not from this world....-plays Xfiles' music-
Yes! Embrace the pants! I'll join you with this earbuds and lose myself in various tunes.
Ah, it's one of those clubs. I'm not going to be the odd one out here and say it made me uncomfortable. Instead I'm going to say it's a very unique way to go about your story, especially when it concerns a hulking Grendel such as Robert. :P
Also, it would be interesting to hear some reactions from Fables if they do find out, like Jersey himself or Rose Red. The socially awkward possibilities are endless. XP
Robert masked his face and refused to look anyone in the eye. If word got out that he was in the 'gay' district of Fabletown, word would tra… morevel and he'd be labled. Roberts hated labels. He was who he was and in the the end of the day, this miserable town could continue to ask or guess. Dodging several men, Robert nearly runs into a light pole.
"You alright, Robert?" Frank grabs Robert's shoulder. "You seem tense and nearly ran into that light back there. You know, it helps keeping your eyes forward and-"
"Who all goes to these things, Frank? I mean, any Fables that we ALL know or-"
Robert's words seemed to stun the Jersey look-a-like. He was beginning to wonder if this was a right decision; carefully obsering Robert's few steps, he noticed the tension building along his shoulder and face. Grendels were never meant to feel such raw emotions. Frank knew this and stupidly enough, so did Robert. It created a hostile enviroment for the be… [view original content]
It' is good you're making progress, but you cannot succumb to the taste junk foods after working so hard! (Maybe slip a few without anyone seeing...) Domino's? Well everyone has their choice Good luck.
Update on my bets:
The exercise is getting easier, and I'm slowly starting to enjoy it; still doing 20 Marine push-ups, sit-ups and squat… mores every morning. Will up the number when they start to become too easy...
The lack of junk food is driving me mad though, I REALLY want a Domino's pizza or some cheesy chips, but I can't. I have lost some weight already (maybe 4-5 pounds) and I can survive...
Just 4 weeks to go
First, I just wanted to say that picture is the definition of badass. Second, Junior ate a chicken whole? Damn, he must've worked up a bloody hunger, am I right? ;D Third, seems like Ethan is the one of the few final pawns left in Carla's game, hmm.
"Ever wonder what it's like to make the rain?" Michelle follows Gren as they tread through the community of the Underworld. "I… more'd like to keep mine in little jars with fancy labels on them. One for everyday,with different amounts of water. That must be one hell of a job. I thought mine was stressful...."
Gren chuckles, moving through various souls. All paused to glance at the Grendel and his companion. Several pointed and whispered to whom ever they were with or random strangers willing to envelop in some gossip. Gren was beginning to suspect one of two things: either they'd never seen a Grendel and his loyal crew hit the mean streets of the Underworld or they knew WHO Gren and Michelle were. Women avoided Michelle and Gren even noticed a few covering their mouths, as if hiding their teeth. Yeah, Gren thought. The second option.
Gren falls behind to walk beside Michelle. "Sometimes, Michelle." Gren glowers at several people… [view original content]
Thanks, my good man! Viviana-er, I mean Cerberus-is indeed badass. LMFAO! OMG, yes! Junior was that hungry! XD Oh, this made my morning. GREAT way before work! And yes. Ethan is the final piece Carla needed. For what, well, who knows....
First, I just wanted to say that picture is the definition of badass. Second, Junior ate a chicken whole? Damn, he must've worked up a bloody hunger, am I right? ;D Third, seems like Ethan is the one of the few final pawns left in Carla's game, hmm.
Update on my bets:
The exercise is getting easier, and I'm slowly starting to enjoy it; still doing 20 Marine push-ups, sit-ups and squat… mores every morning. Will up the number when they start to become too easy...
The lack of junk food is driving me mad though, I REALLY want a Domino's pizza or some cheesy chips, but I can't. I have lost some weight already (maybe 4-5 pounds) and I can survive...
Just 4 weeks to go
It' is good you're making progress, but you cannot succumb to the taste junk foods after working so hard! (Maybe slip a few without anyone seeing...) Domino's? Well everyone has their choice Good luck.
I can't buy any junk food, and I am forcing myself to not overeat at home.
My breakfast is a cheese toastie (2 slices of toast, buttered with a few slices of cheese in-between) and then just fruit if I really need to eat, then whatever dinner is
Once June 2nd comes, I can officially eat junk food again, though hopefully by that time I will eat it a lot less
You have Domino's in America right? It's a Pizza store...
Must warn you, some minor part's are graphic/disturbing..
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 4
Marco awoke again, but this time at Irene's place, in her bed with her in it sleeping in his shoulder. He fell asleep again, dreaming about his future. That dream is interrupted by an nightmare. This time when he wakes up, he see’s blood. everywhere, the sight of it makes him ridiculously queasy nearly causing him to vomit. He cover his mouth the prepares to remove himself from the bed. One the right side of it, there she was, his girlfriend Irene. Her drapes covered in blood, and showing no signs of life.
He held her in his arms and shed tears which went from clear to bloodshot red. Marco saw his reflection in the Irene’s puddle of blood. A hand reached out of and grabbed Irene’s body and pulled her into the unknown. Marco tried to go after her but failed, as he was too late. She was already gone. Sitting there weeping, the hand appeared again from the bloody pond and afterwards a head began to emerged followed by an body. A young man, roughly the same age as Marco stepped out of the pond of blood to face him. Marco began to began from the horribly sight as this thing drew closer and closer to him.
It’s claws were sharp as a griffon’s talons. It’s body the stature of a god. It’s face cold, dark maleficent, evil. And it’s, oh those eyes, staring into your soul placing ultimate fear into your. Telling you there is no where to run or hide. ‘I you now’. Those eyes were something, they ensured that death will follow if you wronged. The being stood before Marco as he was in a corner. It tilted it’s head the placed it’s monstrous hands on his own neck, then snapped it, falling to the ground seemingly killing himself.
“This is some Freddy Krugger shit.” Marco said looking at the dead body of the being. He got up from the corner and tried to ease away from the being. Only to be startled again having his leg grabbed. The tight grip of creature made Marco scream in agony as it was using him to lift itself up from the floor.
“Lighten up Marco, I’m here to help. The being said snapping it’s bones back into place.
“Who.. what the hell are you..?” Marco said with curiosity and fear both crossed together in the same context.
The creature turn towards Marco, slowly walking toward him, looking into his eyes seeing what he has been going through. It then turns away and vomits disgusting black putrid liquid. It looked like oil mixed with blood. It then wipes his face and faces Marco again.
“Wow, they didn’t tell me I was working with… a bitch.” The demon said grabbing a water bottle, downing the whole thing.
“What the fuck? Did someone seriously slip me something last night? This has to be a dream!” Marco as he attempts to wake himself up from the dream but fails. The creature appeared next to Marco’s side. He offered him a cigarette for his distress then began to explain what the situation was.
“You kiddo, I’m… I’m a vampire god, sent here by those other douchebag’s to help you out. We want to make sure that the council stays balanced and not have another incident like before. But… it will. Which is why they enlisted me to help your sorry ass. Hey, this is the part where you asked questions..” The vampire said.
“Council? I have nothing to do with that, My Uncle takes care of that shit. I want nothing to do with them after Obrecht, that fifth executed my father. Let them burn, I don’t care.” Marco said angrily, huffing the smoke from the burning cigarette.
“I see, but kiddo, you know your Uncle is working with that Obrecht guy? Well by force technically. If he didn't agree to such alliance they would of killed you along with your father.. Anything to say about that?” The vampire said.
Marco was silent.
“I see, well. Obrecht is up to his edgy schemes again. Since your was next into line if anything happened to the count, the title went to you. So yeah, you’re a potential vampire prince, blah blah. That is not the main reason I’m here, I’m here to shape you up, build you, craft you into the little dhampir that you are.” The vampire said raising up and stretching.
“So that what I’m am.. Come to think of it, dhampir sounds better than half-vampire.. Hey wait a minute? Where Irene, what the hell did you do with her?!” Marco said attempting to grab the bloody vampire, only to have him to slip out of his grasp due to the god being composed complete of blood.
“Easy kiddo, easy. She’s alive and well still in the bed with you in the real world. And I must say, I was quite impressed with your performance last night. Reminded me of my youth.” The vampire said, in a deviant manner.
“What? What the hell are you talking about now? Hold on, did you watch?!” Marco yelling.
“Yeah kiddo, as I said before I’m quite impressed. I myself ..couldn't even eat p-” The vampire god after being interrupted by Marco.
“Okay enough, just put me back so I can take in what I learned just now. God I’m going to need a drink after this..”
“Ha Marco, ‘take in’ you’re quite funny.. Okay just fall asleep and you should wake up in the normal world.. “
So he did, he closed his eyes and he woke up back in the world of living next to his dear Irene. He didn't want to leave her right now, he wanted to stay and cuddle with her a little while longer. But he had business to take care of. He thought about what the vampire god said, he is the potential heir to the council. And knows Obrecht is still after him and as for his uncle, he’ll deal with him later. Right now, he needs to get some alcohol in his system.
As he made his way down the street his is approached by a mysterious woman, with flaming red hair, dressed in leather fabrics, like some kind of mercenary with a phoenix logo on her collar. She was even carrying a sword. Marco looked closely at the woman to make sure he wasn't dreaming again, attempting to touch her breast.
“Touch me, and I’ll take your hand..” The woman said.
Marco quickly removed his hand from her space then back away after realizing that this was all real. The woman began to speak again.
“You must Marcolta. My name is Nisa, I’m a headhunter, or mercenary.. I've been task by your uncle to look over you while he was away.. And as of right now, you’re in danger, we need to move fast..” The woman said taking his hand and pulling him along.
Marco told the woman to wait, but when he turned around he could see a group of shady figures following them, maybe about three or four. It was dark out, was kinda hard to tell.
The two went inside a bar and blended in, ordered something along the way. The woman told Marco to remain calm and continue drinking. They needed to buy some time, and wait at the right moment to ditch their pursuers. They were already inside, searching for them. One got closer to Marco, and began to suspect something.
As the pursuer place his hand on Marco’s shoulder, Nisa began to slowly removed her blade her it’s sheath. Instead of cutting open the pursuer, she noticed something odd about Marco, his eyes, they were glowing red like some kind of demon. He grabbed the pursuer left arm and shattered nearly every bone in it. Causing the man to fall down, hard into the floor, squirming around back and forth yelling, *“MY ARM, MY ARM!” *in a painful but yet hysterical manner.
“It’s time to go, now!” Nisa as she grabs Marco and make her way through the crowds of people without being spotted. They had to move fast, surely more were coming after them..
Yeah.. some parts from this chapter seemed.. creepy I know. But I am picking up the horror genre with the challenge. Please let me know if I go too far!
Must warn you, some minor part's are graphic/disturbing..
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 4
Marco awoke again, but this time at Irene's pla… morece, in her bed with her in it sleeping in his shoulder. He fell asleep again, dreaming about his future. That dream is interrupted by an nightmare. This time when he wakes up, he see’s blood. everywhere, the sight of it makes him ridiculously queasy nearly causing him to vomit. He cover his mouth the prepares to remove himself from the bed. One the right side of it, there she was, his girlfriend Irene. Her drapes covered in blood, and showing no signs of life.
He held her in his arms and shed tears which went from clear to bloodshot red. Marco saw his reflection in the Irene’s puddle of blood. A hand reached out of and grabbed Irene’s body and pulled her into the unknown. Marco tried to go after her but failed, as he was too late. She was already gone. Sitting there weeping, the hand appeared again fro… [view original content]
I can tell by the hint that it may have made you feel so. I promise nothing too out there will happen. But like I stated to the others, I understand if it does make you a bit uneasy and not your cup of tea.
Think Rose Red's reaction will be the best reaction to write about, considering she and Robert have been friends for so long. Awkward possibilities are fun.
Ah, it's one of those clubs. I'm not going to be the odd one out here and say it made me uncomfortable. Instead I'm going to say it's a very… more unique way to go about your story, especially when it concerns a hulking Grendel such as Robert. :P
Also, it would be interesting to hear some reactions from Fables if they do find out, like Jersey himself or Rose Red. The socially awkward possibilities are endless. XP
^^ This, right here, had me laughing so freaking hard. i could just hear the sarcastic tone in his voice! Look me some Freddy, btw. I agree with Tetra, the dream sequence was interesting and dug deeper into the situation. Honestly, the fight scenes were pretty kick ass and I saw nothing too violent about it. We've all seen worse. I actually loved it. Gave the story some edge but just enough to tell the readers what Marco is doing.
I like Nisa'a character so far. Pretty bomb ass that she's the headhunter! And that final scene escalated quickly! I loved it!!!! Can't wait to see what Marco has in store for us and this ongoing battle!
Must warn you, some minor part's are graphic/disturbing..
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 4
Marco awoke again, but this time at Irene's pla… morece, in her bed with her in it sleeping in his shoulder. He fell asleep again, dreaming about his future. That dream is interrupted by an nightmare. This time when he wakes up, he see’s blood. everywhere, the sight of it makes him ridiculously queasy nearly causing him to vomit. He cover his mouth the prepares to remove himself from the bed. One the right side of it, there she was, his girlfriend Irene. Her drapes covered in blood, and showing no signs of life.
He held her in his arms and shed tears which went from clear to bloodshot red. Marco saw his reflection in the Irene’s puddle of blood. A hand reached out of and grabbed Irene’s body and pulled her into the unknown. Marco tried to go after her but failed, as he was too late. She was already gone. Sitting there weeping, the hand appeared again fro… [view original content]
Robert could hear the music coming from his apartment. It was not too loud but enough to indicate his brother was up. Hopefully he was alone. Gren never brought people over but Robert could only imagine the things he did alone. Finding his keys, Robert made sure to wipe his face clean. Gren would indeed ask questions: the ripped shirt, how the night went and why there was glitter lingering along his sweaty body.
Let him ask, thought Robert, as he turned the key. I honestly don't care anymore....
But as Robert swung the door open, he was merely fooling himself once more. Of course he cared. He managed to find his way into the club, dance with Frank and allow that single moment between the two to happen. If Robert really wanted to, he'd push Frank away and tell him the truth. But even Robert could not fool Frank. The man clearly picked up Robert's secret and wanted to look inside.
Tossing his keys over, Robert heads to the kitchen. The muic continued; Gren did not make a sound and Robert was in no hurry to locate his brother either. The longer Robert was alone, the easier his mind could process the night. Pouring himself a glass of milk and adding Nesquik mix, Robert watched the chocolate powder dissolve into the milk.
Sighing heavily, he takes he cold glass, finds his spot on the sofa and sits. Rubbing his forehead, Robert tries to put off the evening. Was it really worth it, he thought, as he took a sip. Who was I trying to prove tonight, him or me? Frank did not follow as Robert ran into the night, To be perfectly honest, Robert did not expect to see Frank chasing after him. He no longer wanted to even think or speak of Frank. Robert wanted tonight to end; tomorrow was a fresh start and he'd go back to 'pretending' like his life was perfect. No worries or problems.
Finishing off the milk, Robert sniffs himself. He needed a shower and fast. Peeling off the couch, he heads towards the bathroom. The light to his bedroom was on; the music grew louder as Robert inched closer to the door. His brother was in there for sure. Robert could hear nice and fuck quite a bit. Robert counted at least ten times since standing there.
Opening the door, Robert was stunned to see Gren. Sitting on his bed, naked and looking at the laptop, was Gren. Robert immediatly knew what his brother was doing and the only reaction Robert could mouth would follow in thre, two, one:
"AHHHHH FUCK!" Robert covers his eyes. "WHY, Gren!?"
"FUCK Robert, knock!" Gren reaches for his pants. "I mean, fuck!"
"This IS my bedroom, Gren! Are you...." Robert looks again. "Are you mas-oh God, you are. REALLY, GREN!?"
"I didn't know you'd be fucking home so early, Robert!" Gren points. "What the hell happened to you? You look like something out of a Lady Gaga video."
"Don't even change the subject, Gren. I'll....shit, just, get your clothes on and finish up...if you need. I'll...be in the shower and-"
"No no, I'm down." Gren sighs, shutting down the computer. "Fucking TRUST me. I'm done."
Robert leaves the room fairly quickly and heads back to the living room. He had yet another think that would haunt his mind for the evening. Great. As if his world was not full enough. It took Gren two minutes before he joined his brother. Gren refused to look Robert in the eyes. Robert could not blame him; things like that were secret to Grendels and if anyone caught you doing so, shame was brought upon you like the wrath of God. They did not know why. Just the sick, twisted ways of Grendels he assumed.
Clearing his throat, Robert tries to look at his brother. "So, ummm...have a nice evening, Gren?"
"Yes.: His voice was shaky. "It was alright."
"What did you, um, do?"
"I ordered some food, watched some crappy mundy show. Took a shower and decided to look at some things...."
"Alright." Robert rubs his neck, looking around. "At what, Gren?"
"What are you my mother now? Don't fucking worry about it, Robert!"
"Fine fine. I was just...wondering...."
"Why are you asking me about tonight? I should be fucking asking you. So, how was it? It's barely eleven thirty. I thought you'd be gone later...."
"No, I came home. It was nice. We had dinner, talked, went to a club and I came home. Getting tired."
Gren looks at the clock. "You don't have work for two days. You said you wanted to-"
"I got tired, alright Gren!?" Robert's sudden eruption sent Gren digging deeper into the couch. "I mean, fuck. Sorry. Just....tired."
"Alright.." Gren knew his brother was lying. "So, is Frank a cool dude or-"
"He's fine, Gren. Just....I'll handle him if he calls, alright?"
"Did something happen, Robert?" That was the one thing robert could never do, even as children. Hide from Gren. He always knew when Robert was lying. "You know, you can tell me."
Robert sighs heavily. "Gren, hypothetically, what would you do if you found something about another person but it was not a little secret. It was pretty fucking huge."
"Like what? Did this person murder someone or-"
"No. It's more about them personally. They've had this secret for years. Centuries, actually but they are not sure how to word it to other people."
"What the fuck, Robert? What are to talking about?"
"Like this, Gren. For example, you like Scotch, right?"
"Alright. You swear up and down that Scotch is your favorite drink. You've been drinking it for YEARS because people told you it was good and you drank it, agreeing with them. NOW, lets just say that Jack Daniels comes along and people tell you it's disgusting and you need to stay away. It's no good for you and those that drink Scotch will turn away if they SEE you drinking Jack."
"Robert, where is this going..."
Robert continues. "So, you get the nerve to one day try Jack for yourself and you find that they were wrong. You like Jack....you actually LOVE Jack but people have been telling you for years that you like THIS and not that. You love Scotch. But now, you really love Jack...."
"Robert, are you talking about liquor or is this fucking something else?"
Robert couldn't do it. He could feel the tears build up once more. Who was he fooling? He could tell the world he was happy and content but this world would never allow it. Robert would always have to hide and pretend. Just how the world wanted. Cookie cutters of men, women and children. Like a good boy, Robert would behave.
"I gotta go to bed, Gren. I'm...exhausted."
"Alright, Robert." Gren watches his brother leave. "We'll talk in the morning, alright?"
"Sure Gren. Good night..."
Robert closes the bathroom door behind him. Locking it, Robert stands before it for some time. Sliding to the side, he turns the water on. Steam immediatly fills the tiny room; wiping the mist off of the mirror, Robert looks at himself in the mirror. He hated what he saw. No one would ever understand. He felt horrible for even considering this. To even think he could be 'loved' and the world would accept it.
The Fables kept certain things like that to themselves and even then, it was looked down upon. Robert did not understand but it was how life worked. There was a vase beside the toothbrush holder; Robert knew Gren had placed those there to add some 'light' into the bathroom. Robert took one of the dasies out and yanked off the petals.
"He loves me, he loves me not...." Like a five year old, Robert leans against the wall, repeating this silly song. "...Loves me, loves me not. He loves me..."
"Robert did not want to hear this. No, he thought outloud, you CAN'T love me! Robert continues. "He loves me, he loves you not...." Each petal falls to the floor, covering his toes. "....Loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not. He loves me...."
Robert kept pulling them until the petal said what he wanted. Robert could have picked an entire field of dasies but they'd say the same thing. Tossing the stems aside, Robert removes his pants and enters the shower.
"Go away...." Robert begged against the water. "Please! GO AWAY, FRANK! GO!"
Robert pictured the evening; dinner was lovely, he and Frank had a wonderful conversation and the club was superb. Robert was himself for once and he LOVED it. But this world did not. He would never be himself. Ever. After a cleanup, Robert exits the shower and prepares to dry himself off. Walking back to the sink, he looks over; there, in the medicine cabinet, was a blade. A single sharp blade. Robert picks the shiny item up and holds it against his wrist. The only thing he knew HOW to avoid thinking of the pain.
Slowly, he slides the blade against his wrist. Robert turns the radio on to Chop Suey by System of a Down. The song would drown out his whimpers and grunts. The blood trickled down his wrist and arm, dropping to the ground. The image of Frank burning in his mind. The reaction both Gren and RJ would give him, should they know. Fabletown. Lyla. Everyone.
"Leave me alone, Frank!" Little did Robert know Gren was outside the door. "LEAVE me alone! Please....go away...."
Robert was there for awhile before he found the courage to leave the solitude of the bathroom. The apartment was quiet. No Gren. Nothing. It was nice. Robert made sure all traces of blood were gone and his slashes were covered. He'd blame shaving. How, well, he'd figure that out in time. Closing the light, Robert heads to his bedroom. What he was not expecting again was Gren. This time, he had his clothes on but a concerned look.
He pats the side beside him. "come on, Robert. Stop fucking around. Come talk..."
"We DID Gren." Robert looks at the carpet. "I just want to sleep."
"And you will." Gren notices the bandaids and tries to hold back the urge to cry and vomit. "Please. I wanna fucking talk to you, Robert. You have something on your head. I'm not fucking stupid. Now. Come and sit. Talk to me..."
"Gren..." Robert wanted to cry. He NEEDED to cry. "Please, Gren. Not now..."
"No. Now. Come on, Robert. Talk."
And for the remainder of the night, well into the morning, that's what Robert and Gren did, unaware that Frank was doing the very thing with his brother, Jersey. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,`
Any questions or comments, leave them below. This was hard for me to write. Brough back a lot but I feel Robert is my way of expressing the struggles we DO go through.
Nightmare on Elm Street was crazy. I'm not even going to go in it. XD
I even remember Freddy being in a mortal combat game, he wasn't as goofy in it, like the movies though.
The dream scene with the vampire was inspired from a scene from true blood. There was more I wanted to add but I felt I might of overdid, so I tone it done.
“This is some Freddy Krugger shit.” Marco said
^^ This, right here, had me laughing so freaking hard. i could just hear the sarcasti… morec tone in his voice! Look me some Freddy, btw. I agree with Tetra, the dream sequence was interesting and dug deeper into the situation. Honestly, the fight scenes were pretty kick ass and I saw nothing too violent about it. We've all seen worse. I actually loved it. Gave the story some edge but just enough to tell the readers what Marco is doing.
I like Nisa'a character so far. Pretty bomb ass that she's the headhunter! And that final scene escalated quickly! I loved it!!!! Can't wait to see what Marco has in store for us and this ongoing battle!
Dang man...I will cry for Robert, I will give this man a hug. Just so he doesn't do THAT. This is why I'm always nice to people, this is why I give people high fives and wave, so they can smile and not do THAT. I seriously hope Gren can talk some sense into Robert man or he'll I'll jump in and do it lol XD. Although I know exactly how Robert feels, how he feels that the world won't accept him
Robert could hear the music coming from his apartment. It was not too loud but enough to indicate his brother was up. Hopefully he was alone… more. Gren never brought people over but Robert could only imagine the things he did alone. Finding his keys, Robert made sure to wipe his face clean. Gren would indeed ask questions: the ripped shirt, how the night went and why there was glitter lingering along his sweaty body.
Let him ask, thought Robert, as he turned the key. I honestly don't care anymore....
But as Robert swung the door open, he was merely fooling himself once more. Of course he cared. He managed to find his way into the club, dance with Frank and allow that single moment between the two to happen. If Robert really wanted to, he'd push Frank away and tell him the truth. But even Robert could not fool Frank. The man clearly picked up Robert's secret and wanted to look inside.
Tossing his keys over, Robert heads to the kitchen. The… [view original content]
Robert will make this. Another bump is all. I agree with you. I try to be as nice as possible because you don't know what people are fighting when they are alone. Gren loves his brother and will do anything. Even if he has to drag Frank back to the apartment. But we shall wait and see what Gren and Robert do. This world is an ugly place but I try to smile, even though the world does not want me to.
Dang man...I will cry for Robert, I will give this man a hug. Just so he doesn't do THAT. This is why I'm always nice to people, this is wh… morey I give people high fives and wave, so they can smile and not do THAT. I seriously hope Gren can talk some sense into Robert man or he'll I'll jump in and do it lol XD. Although I know exactly how Robert feels, how he feels that the world won't accept him
This was a fantastic chapter man!
Freddy was in a mortal combat game? o.o When!? BTW, he was a bit silly in the movies. I was laughing, rather then hiding under the covers...lol
You know what, never seen that show. (I know, right?) I may give it a whirl, since a lot have recommended it. I honestly thought what you was was the perect amount of battle, description and feels!
Nightmare on Elm Street was crazy. I'm not even going to go in it. XD
I even remember Freddy being in a mortal combat game, he wasn't as… more goofy in it, like the movies though.
The dream scene with the vampire was inspired from a scene from true blood. There was more I wanted to add but I felt I might of overdid, so I tone it done.
Glad you liked it anyway
I'll be rooting for Robert! It's true man, and sometimes that one action you do can go a long way! Gren is the man, I'm sure he'll help Robert in some way! That is true, we just have to learn how!
Robert will make this. Another bump is all. I agree with you. I try to be as nice as possible because you don't know what people are fighti… moreng when they are alone. Gren loves his brother and will do anything. Even if he has to drag Frank back to the apartment. But we shall wait and see what Gren and Robert do. This world is an ugly place but I try to smile, even though the world does not want me to.
Thank you, Tetra. I've been enjoying this change.
Fuck you.
I was joking. Sorry.
Forgiven forgotten
Whoa there, what you said could make for an interesting twist but I think I have something better in mind. Your theories were unique and thought-out, though, to say the least.
Yeah, he's the first OC of mine I'm trying to make seem intimidating early on. Everyone else seems to enjoy his character so far.
You can count me among them.
Hell, I'll take whatever you may have in mind for Miss Fayde Everwind and her mysterious BG.
Shoot, I'll also take that compliment and run, man! Awesome to know my theories were indeed noticed! I love Fayde!
This is indeed the Devil's food and it will be hard to ignore the temptations but you got this, man. Sounds like you're well on your way.
You and your pushups, man. Give me that treadmill anyday! XD
If I could draw as fast as you do, I would make a picture of her thanking you right now.
Later this month, I might ask you guys if I should draw a racy photo of her as well. :P
Damnit. Everyone beats me to the punchline and you know what, I'm cool with it!
The reference was already mentioned, so I'll take that and run, so to speak.
I do agree that their romance sees no hurdles and I like that. Something like the war and ongoing trouble should never break a strong relationship. This was a great read before work, I must say. Knowing there is a struggle in Berlin up ahead, well, count my curious and ready!
I want junk food...
I need to get on a treadmill at some point :P
I've been on 'slow' this month with the drawings but I'll make an image in my head of her saying 'Thank you' and in each hand, some cold ones!
Yes. My vote is already yes. Shit, I've done it! Time for Fayde!
No! Bad Hman! Junkfood is the Devil! (God I sound like my mom now....XD) Think of something else, man. Keep telling yourself all the wonderful accomplishments you've already achieved with this!
I like it a lot. Plus, a stupid excuse for me to goof around while working out; while I do that, JJ can do squats in his Juicy sweatpants. :P
I can see you shoving that Holy Cross in my face and flicking Holy Water at me as well!! XP I'm trying dude! We can't all eat what we want and stay thin like you and Tetra!
Oh man, not the sweatpants again :P Yeah just pop in the headphones and lose yourself to music
Since I post chapters roughly around 6-7:00 PM, I might just do that and reveal the reserences the following day.
Their relationship shall be tested in these eventful ten days. How can it not be when there is a war happening literally out the front door? The rules of good writing demand it!
I WISH I could eat whatever the fuck I wanted! :0 Shoot! I gain weight, too, after eating junk! Tetra is not from this world....-plays Xfiles' music-
Yes! Embrace the pants! I'll join you with this earbuds and lose myself in various tunes.
I'm not around you so I just imagine 'slim Chad' all the time :P Tetra is a specific body type, one that has a very high metabolism. I THINK mine has improved, but the stretch marks say otherwise
Embrace Jacob... oh wait, don't open that door :O
I'll join you at the gym! XD
Ah, it's one of those clubs. I'm not going to be the odd one out here and say it made me uncomfortable. Instead I'm going to say it's a very unique way to go about your story, especially when it concerns a hulking Grendel such as Robert. :P
Also, it would be interesting to hear some reactions from Fables if they do find out, like Jersey himself or Rose Red. The socially awkward possibilities are endless. XP
It' is good you're making progress, but you cannot succumb to the taste junk foods after working so hard! (Maybe slip a few without anyone seeing...) Domino's? Well everyone has their choice
Good luck.
First, I just wanted to say that picture is the definition of badass. Second, Junior ate a chicken whole? Damn, he must've worked up a bloody hunger, am I right? ;D Third, seems like Ethan is the one of the few final pawns left in Carla's game, hmm.
Thanks, my good man! Viviana-er, I mean Cerberus-is indeed badass.
LMFAO! OMG, yes! Junior was that hungry! XD Oh, this made my morning. GREAT way before work! And yes. Ethan is the final piece Carla needed. For what, well, who knows....
What are you eating for alternative healthy foods (besides possible fruits and vegetables), if I may ask?
Once June 2nd comes, I can officially eat junk food again, though hopefully by that time I will eat it a lot less
You have Domino's in America right? It's a Pizza store...
I can't buy any junk food, and I am forcing myself to not overeat at home.
My breakfast is a cheese toastie (2 slices of toast, buttered with a few slices of cheese in-between) and then just fruit if I really need to eat, then whatever dinner is
Yeah, but we have much better Pizzeria's. lol
I usually eat at this Italian place, called Mama Cita's or Little Ceasers
I see
Must warn you, some minor part's are graphic/disturbing..
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 4
Marco awoke again, but this time at Irene's place, in her bed with her in it sleeping in his shoulder. He fell asleep again, dreaming about his future. That dream is interrupted by an nightmare. This time when he wakes up, he see’s blood. everywhere, the sight of it makes him ridiculously queasy nearly causing him to vomit. He cover his mouth the prepares to remove himself from the bed. One the right side of it, there she was, his girlfriend Irene. Her drapes covered in blood, and showing no signs of life.
He held her in his arms and shed tears which went from clear to bloodshot red. Marco saw his reflection in the Irene’s puddle of blood. A hand reached out of and grabbed Irene’s body and pulled her into the unknown. Marco tried to go after her but failed, as he was too late. She was already gone. Sitting there weeping, the hand appeared again from the bloody pond and afterwards a head began to emerged followed by an body. A young man, roughly the same age as Marco stepped out of the pond of blood to face him. Marco began to began from the horribly sight as this thing drew closer and closer to him.
It’s claws were sharp as a griffon’s talons. It’s body the stature of a god. It’s face cold, dark maleficent, evil. And it’s, oh those eyes, staring into your soul placing ultimate fear into your. Telling you there is no where to run or hide. ‘I you now’. Those eyes were something, they ensured that death will follow if you wronged. The being stood before Marco as he was in a corner. It tilted it’s head the placed it’s monstrous hands on his own neck, then snapped it, falling to the ground seemingly killing himself.
“This is some Freddy Krugger shit.” Marco said looking at the dead body of the being. He got up from the corner and tried to ease away from the being. Only to be startled again having his leg grabbed. The tight grip of creature made Marco scream in agony as it was using him to lift itself up from the floor.
“Lighten up Marco, I’m here to help. The being said snapping it’s bones back into place.
“Who.. what the hell are you..?” Marco said with curiosity and fear both crossed together in the same context.
The creature turn towards Marco, slowly walking toward him, looking into his eyes seeing what he has been going through. It then turns away and vomits disgusting black putrid liquid. It looked like oil mixed with blood. It then wipes his face and faces Marco again.
“Wow, they didn’t tell me I was working with… a bitch.” The demon said grabbing a water bottle, downing the whole thing.
“What the fuck? Did someone seriously slip me something last night? This has to be a dream!” Marco as he attempts to wake himself up from the dream but fails. The creature appeared next to Marco’s side. He offered him a cigarette for his distress then began to explain what the situation was.
“You kiddo, I’m… I’m a vampire god, sent here by those other douchebag’s to help you out. We want to make sure that the council stays balanced and not have another incident like before. But… it will. Which is why they enlisted me to help your sorry ass. Hey, this is the part where you asked questions..” The vampire said.
“Council? I have nothing to do with that, My Uncle takes care of that shit. I want nothing to do with them after Obrecht, that fifth executed my father. Let them burn, I don’t care.” Marco said angrily, huffing the smoke from the burning cigarette.
“I see, but kiddo, you know your Uncle is working with that Obrecht guy? Well by force technically. If he didn't agree to such alliance they would of killed you along with your father.. Anything to say about that?” The vampire said.
Marco was silent.
“I see, well. Obrecht is up to his edgy schemes again. Since your was next into line if anything happened to the count, the title went to you. So yeah, you’re a potential vampire prince, blah blah. That is not the main reason I’m here, I’m here to shape you up, build you, craft you into the little dhampir that you are.” The vampire said raising up and stretching.
“So that what I’m am.. Come to think of it, dhampir sounds better than half-vampire.. Hey wait a minute? Where Irene, what the hell did you do with her?!” Marco said attempting to grab the bloody vampire, only to have him to slip out of his grasp due to the god being composed complete of blood.
“Easy kiddo, easy. She’s alive and well still in the bed with you in the real world. And I must say, I was quite impressed with your performance last night. Reminded me of my youth.” The vampire said, in a deviant manner.
“What? What the hell are you talking about now? Hold on, did you watch?!” Marco yelling.
“Yeah kiddo, as I said before I’m quite impressed. I myself ..couldn't even eat p-” The vampire god after being interrupted by Marco.
“Okay enough, just put me back so I can take in what I learned just now. God I’m going to need a drink after this..”
“Ha Marco, ‘take in’ you’re quite funny.. Okay just fall asleep and you should wake up in the normal world.. “
So he did, he closed his eyes and he woke up back in the world of living next to his dear Irene. He didn't want to leave her right now, he wanted to stay and cuddle with her a little while longer. But he had business to take care of. He thought about what the vampire god said, he is the potential heir to the council. And knows Obrecht is still after him and as for his uncle, he’ll deal with him later. Right now, he needs to get some alcohol in his system.
As he made his way down the street his is approached by a mysterious woman, with flaming red hair, dressed in leather fabrics, like some kind of mercenary with a phoenix logo on her collar. She was even carrying a sword. Marco looked closely at the woman to make sure he wasn't dreaming again, attempting to touch her breast.
“Touch me, and I’ll take your hand..” The woman said.
Marco quickly removed his hand from her space then back away after realizing that this was all real. The woman began to speak again.
“You must Marcolta. My name is Nisa, I’m a headhunter, or mercenary.. I've been task by your uncle to look over you while he was away.. And as of right now, you’re in danger, we need to move fast..” The woman said taking his hand and pulling him along.
Marco told the woman to wait, but when he turned around he could see a group of shady figures following them, maybe about three or four. It was dark out, was kinda hard to tell.
The two went inside a bar and blended in, ordered something along the way. The woman told Marco to remain calm and continue drinking. They needed to buy some time, and wait at the right moment to ditch their pursuers. They were already inside, searching for them. One got closer to Marco, and began to suspect something.
As the pursuer place his hand on Marco’s shoulder, Nisa began to slowly removed her blade her it’s sheath. Instead of cutting open the pursuer, she noticed something odd about Marco, his eyes, they were glowing red like some kind of demon. He grabbed the pursuer left arm and shattered nearly every bone in it. Causing the man to fall down, hard into the floor, squirming around back and forth yelling, *“MY ARM, MY ARM!” *in a painful but yet hysterical manner.
“It’s time to go, now!” Nisa as she grabs Marco and make her way through the crowds of people without being spotted. They had to move fast, surely more were coming after them..
Yeah.. some parts from this chapter seemed.. creepy I know. But I am picking up the horror genre with the challenge. Please let me know if I go too far!
Dude this chapter was really interesting! I like the dream sequence as well! I look forward to more of the horror!
I can tell by the hint that it may have made you feel so. I promise nothing too out there will happen. But like I stated to the others, I understand if it does make you a bit uneasy and not your cup of tea.
Think Rose Red's reaction will be the best reaction to write about, considering she and Robert have been friends for so long. Awkward possibilities are fun.
^^ This, right here, had me laughing so freaking hard. i could just hear the sarcastic tone in his voice! Look me some Freddy, btw. I agree with Tetra, the dream sequence was interesting and dug deeper into the situation. Honestly, the fight scenes were pretty kick ass and I saw nothing too violent about it. We've all seen worse.
I actually loved it. Gave the story some edge but just enough to tell the readers what Marco is doing.
I like Nisa'a character so far. Pretty bomb ass that she's the headhunter!
And that final scene escalated quickly! I loved it!!!! Can't wait to see what Marco has in store for us and this ongoing battle!
Robert could hear the music coming from his apartment. It was not too loud but enough to indicate his brother was up. Hopefully he was alone. Gren never brought people over but Robert could only imagine the things he did alone. Finding his keys, Robert made sure to wipe his face clean. Gren would indeed ask questions: the ripped shirt, how the night went and why there was glitter lingering along his sweaty body.
Let him ask, thought Robert, as he turned the key. I honestly don't care anymore....
But as Robert swung the door open, he was merely fooling himself once more. Of course he cared. He managed to find his way into the club, dance with Frank and allow that single moment between the two to happen. If Robert really wanted to, he'd push Frank away and tell him the truth. But even Robert could not fool Frank. The man clearly picked up Robert's secret and wanted to look inside.
Tossing his keys over, Robert heads to the kitchen. The muic continued; Gren did not make a sound and Robert was in no hurry to locate his brother either. The longer Robert was alone, the easier his mind could process the night. Pouring himself a glass of milk and adding Nesquik mix, Robert watched the chocolate powder dissolve into the milk.
Sighing heavily, he takes he cold glass, finds his spot on the sofa and sits. Rubbing his forehead, Robert tries to put off the evening. Was it really worth it, he thought, as he took a sip. Who was I trying to prove tonight, him or me? Frank did not follow as Robert ran into the night, To be perfectly honest, Robert did not expect to see Frank chasing after him. He no longer wanted to even think or speak of Frank. Robert wanted tonight to end; tomorrow was a fresh start and he'd go back to 'pretending' like his life was perfect. No worries or problems.
Finishing off the milk, Robert sniffs himself. He needed a shower and fast. Peeling off the couch, he heads towards the bathroom. The light to his bedroom was on; the music grew louder as Robert inched closer to the door. His brother was in there for sure. Robert could hear nice and fuck quite a bit. Robert counted at least ten times since standing there.
Opening the door, Robert was stunned to see Gren. Sitting on his bed, naked and looking at the laptop, was Gren. Robert immediatly knew what his brother was doing and the only reaction Robert could mouth would follow in thre, two, one:
"AHHHHH FUCK!" Robert covers his eyes. "WHY, Gren!?"
"FUCK Robert, knock!" Gren reaches for his pants. "I mean, fuck!"
"This IS my bedroom, Gren! Are you...." Robert looks again. "Are you mas-oh God, you are. REALLY, GREN!?"
"I didn't know you'd be fucking home so early, Robert!" Gren points. "What the hell happened to you? You look like something out of a Lady Gaga video."
"Don't even change the subject, Gren. I'll....shit, just, get your clothes on and finish up...if you need. I'll...be in the shower and-"
"No no, I'm down." Gren sighs, shutting down the computer. "Fucking TRUST me. I'm done."
Robert leaves the room fairly quickly and heads back to the living room. He had yet another think that would haunt his mind for the evening. Great. As if his world was not full enough. It took Gren two minutes before he joined his brother. Gren refused to look Robert in the eyes. Robert could not blame him; things like that were secret to Grendels and if anyone caught you doing so, shame was brought upon you like the wrath of God. They did not know why. Just the sick, twisted ways of Grendels he assumed.
Clearing his throat, Robert tries to look at his brother. "So, ummm...have a nice evening, Gren?"
"Yes.: His voice was shaky. "It was alright."
"What did you, um, do?"
"I ordered some food, watched some crappy mundy show. Took a shower and decided to look at some things...."
"Alright." Robert rubs his neck, looking around. "At what, Gren?"
"What are you my mother now? Don't fucking worry about it, Robert!"
"Fine fine. I was just...wondering...."
"Why are you asking me about tonight? I should be fucking asking you. So, how was it? It's barely eleven thirty. I thought you'd be gone later...."
"No, I came home. It was nice. We had dinner, talked, went to a club and I came home. Getting tired."
Gren looks at the clock. "You don't have work for two days. You said you wanted to-"
"I got tired, alright Gren!?" Robert's sudden eruption sent Gren digging deeper into the couch. "I mean, fuck. Sorry. Just....tired."
"Alright.." Gren knew his brother was lying. "So, is Frank a cool dude or-"
"He's fine, Gren. Just....I'll handle him if he calls, alright?"
"Did something happen, Robert?" That was the one thing robert could never do, even as children. Hide from Gren. He always knew when Robert was lying. "You know, you can tell me."
Robert sighs heavily. "Gren, hypothetically, what would you do if you found something about another person but it was not a little secret. It was pretty fucking huge."
"Like what? Did this person murder someone or-"
"No. It's more about them personally. They've had this secret for years. Centuries, actually but they are not sure how to word it to other people."
"What the fuck, Robert? What are to talking about?"
"Like this, Gren. For example, you like Scotch, right?"
"Alright. You swear up and down that Scotch is your favorite drink. You've been drinking it for YEARS because people told you it was good and you drank it, agreeing with them. NOW, lets just say that Jack Daniels comes along and people tell you it's disgusting and you need to stay away. It's no good for you and those that drink Scotch will turn away if they SEE you drinking Jack."
"Robert, where is this going..."
Robert continues. "So, you get the nerve to one day try Jack for yourself and you find that they were wrong. You like Jack....you actually LOVE Jack but people have been telling you for years that you like THIS and not that. You love Scotch. But now, you really love Jack...."
"Robert, are you talking about liquor or is this fucking something else?"
Robert couldn't do it. He could feel the tears build up once more. Who was he fooling? He could tell the world he was happy and content but this world would never allow it. Robert would always have to hide and pretend. Just how the world wanted. Cookie cutters of men, women and children. Like a good boy, Robert would behave.
"I gotta go to bed, Gren. I'm...exhausted."
"Alright, Robert." Gren watches his brother leave. "We'll talk in the morning, alright?"
"Sure Gren. Good night..."
Robert closes the bathroom door behind him. Locking it, Robert stands before it for some time. Sliding to the side, he turns the water on. Steam immediatly fills the tiny room; wiping the mist off of the mirror, Robert looks at himself in the mirror. He hated what he saw. No one would ever understand. He felt horrible for even considering this. To even think he could be 'loved' and the world would accept it.
The Fables kept certain things like that to themselves and even then, it was looked down upon. Robert did not understand but it was how life worked. There was a vase beside the toothbrush holder; Robert knew Gren had placed those there to add some 'light' into the bathroom. Robert took one of the dasies out and yanked off the petals.
"He loves me, he loves me not...." Like a five year old, Robert leans against the wall, repeating this silly song. "...Loves me, loves me not. He loves me..."
"Robert did not want to hear this. No, he thought outloud, you CAN'T love me! Robert continues. "He loves me, he loves you not...." Each petal falls to the floor, covering his toes. "....Loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not. He loves me...."
Robert kept pulling them until the petal said what he wanted. Robert could have picked an entire field of dasies but they'd say the same thing. Tossing the stems aside, Robert removes his pants and enters the shower.
"Go away...." Robert begged against the water. "Please! GO AWAY, FRANK! GO!"
Robert pictured the evening; dinner was lovely, he and Frank had a wonderful conversation and the club was superb. Robert was himself for once and he LOVED it. But this world did not. He would never be himself. Ever. After a cleanup, Robert exits the shower and prepares to dry himself off. Walking back to the sink, he looks over; there, in the medicine cabinet, was a blade. A single sharp blade. Robert picks the shiny item up and holds it against his wrist. The only thing he knew HOW to avoid thinking of the pain.
Slowly, he slides the blade against his wrist. Robert turns the radio on to Chop Suey by System of a Down. The song would drown out his whimpers and grunts. The blood trickled down his wrist and arm, dropping to the ground. The image of Frank burning in his mind. The reaction both Gren and RJ would give him, should they know. Fabletown. Lyla. Everyone.
"Leave me alone, Frank!" Little did Robert know Gren was outside the door. "LEAVE me alone! Please....go away...."
Robert was there for awhile before he found the courage to leave the solitude of the bathroom. The apartment was quiet. No Gren. Nothing. It was nice. Robert made sure all traces of blood were gone and his slashes were covered. He'd blame shaving. How, well, he'd figure that out in time. Closing the light, Robert heads to his bedroom. What he was not expecting again was Gren. This time, he had his clothes on but a concerned look.
He pats the side beside him. "come on, Robert. Stop fucking around. Come talk..."
"We DID Gren." Robert looks at the carpet. "I just want to sleep."
"And you will." Gren notices the bandaids and tries to hold back the urge to cry and vomit. "Please. I wanna fucking talk to you, Robert. You have something on your head. I'm not fucking stupid. Now. Come and sit. Talk to me..."
"Gren..." Robert wanted to cry. He NEEDED to cry. "Please, Gren. Not now..."
"No. Now. Come on, Robert. Talk."
And for the remainder of the night, well into the morning, that's what Robert and Gren did, unaware that Frank was doing the very thing with his brother, Jersey.
,`Any questions or comments, leave them below. This was hard for me to write. Brough back a lot but I feel Robert is my way of expressing the struggles we DO go through.
Thanks, I original planned it to be much more.. spooky than it currently is, so I decided to save for later parts.
You'll be in for a treat.
Nightmare on Elm Street was crazy. I'm not even going to go in it. XD
I even remember Freddy being in a mortal combat game, he wasn't as goofy in it, like the movies though.
The dream scene with the vampire was inspired from a scene from true blood. There was more I wanted to add but I felt I might of overdid, so I tone it done.
Glad you liked it anyway
Dang man...I will cry for Robert, I will give this man a hug. Just so he doesn't do THAT.
This is why I'm always nice to people, this is why I give people high fives and wave, so they can smile and not do THAT.
I seriously hope Gren can talk some sense into Robert man or he'll I'll jump in and do it lol XD. Although I know exactly how Robert feels, how he feels that the world won't accept him 
This was a fantastic chapter man!
Cool! I always love spooky stuff!
Robert will make this. Another bump is all.
I agree with you. I try to be as nice as possible because you don't know what people are fighting when they are alone.
Gren loves his brother and will do anything. Even if he has to drag Frank back to the apartment. But we shall wait and see what Gren and Robert do. This world is an ugly place but I try to smile, even though the world does not want me to.
Thank you, Tetra. I've been enjoying this change.
Freddy was in a mortal combat game? o.o When!? BTW, he was a bit silly in the movies. I was laughing, rather then hiding under the covers...lol
You know what, never seen that show. (I know, right?) I may give it a whirl, since a lot have recommended it. I honestly thought what you was was the perect amount of battle, description and feels!
I did, dude!
I'll be rooting for Robert!
It's true man, and sometimes that one action you do can go a long way! Gren is the man, I'm sure he'll help Robert in some way!
That is true, we just have to learn how! 
No problem man!