So the Vampire God watched Marco and Irene having sex?! Jesus, doesn't he know what privacy means?? Though that comment he doesn't quite finish... cheeky XP
So Marco see's Nisa and the first thing he goes to touch is her breast? This guy must have some serious balls, or just not care
Must warn you, some minor part's are graphic/disturbing..
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 4
Marco awoke again, but this time at Irene's pla… morece, in her bed with her in it sleeping in his shoulder. He fell asleep again, dreaming about his future. That dream is interrupted by an nightmare. This time when he wakes up, he see’s blood. everywhere, the sight of it makes him ridiculously queasy nearly causing him to vomit. He cover his mouth the prepares to remove himself from the bed. One the right side of it, there she was, his girlfriend Irene. Her drapes covered in blood, and showing no signs of life.
He held her in his arms and shed tears which went from clear to bloodshot red. Marco saw his reflection in the Irene’s puddle of blood. A hand reached out of and grabbed Irene’s body and pulled her into the unknown. Marco tried to go after her but failed, as he was too late. She was already gone. Sitting there weeping, the hand appeared again fro… [view original content]
Poor Robert, I understand his pain of not having your true self be accepted, you conform to society to feel normal and feel accepted by others, but your true self is frowned upon, so you hide it away... and it eats you up.
I have friends who self-harm as a means of making the pain of their thoughts go away, and one in particular... her left arm is so scarred I wanted to cry. I want give Robert a hug, tell him it'll be ok and then order him a fucking huge pizza, keep him company until he's better. Because it's not only what he needs, but it's what he deserves!
Though, Robert walking in on Gren watching porn... LMFAO! XP
And for the remainder of the night, well into the morning, that's what Robert and Gren did, unaware that Frank was doing the very thing with his brother, Jersey
Robert could hear the music coming from his apartment. It was not too loud but enough to indicate his brother was up. Hopefully he was alone… more. Gren never brought people over but Robert could only imagine the things he did alone. Finding his keys, Robert made sure to wipe his face clean. Gren would indeed ask questions: the ripped shirt, how the night went and why there was glitter lingering along his sweaty body.
Let him ask, thought Robert, as he turned the key. I honestly don't care anymore....
But as Robert swung the door open, he was merely fooling himself once more. Of course he cared. He managed to find his way into the club, dance with Frank and allow that single moment between the two to happen. If Robert really wanted to, he'd push Frank away and tell him the truth. But even Robert could not fool Frank. The man clearly picked up Robert's secret and wanted to look inside.
Tossing his keys over, Robert heads to the kitchen. The… [view original content]
I love Freddy Krueger and Marco's dream was similar to those in the movies. I loved it! At least Marco did not run into a locker like some of those teens did. That would have been ALL bad. XD Irene involved with the dream was a dirty move against Marco! >:( Plus, you said it to JJ. Gotta' love True Blood. (Blame my girl lol)
There. That works. I know this was after 1994 but still. All I hear now for Marco. If I had done that, my head would be in the toilet, money gone and the bar laughing at me....XD I loved the fight scenes, though. It was just enough for the reader to know what was going on. I sense some trouble with Nisa but that is just me. I could be wrong!
Must warn you, some minor part's are graphic/disturbing..
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 4
Marco awoke again, but this time at Irene's pla… morece, in her bed with her in it sleeping in his shoulder. He fell asleep again, dreaming about his future. That dream is interrupted by an nightmare. This time when he wakes up, he see’s blood. everywhere, the sight of it makes him ridiculously queasy nearly causing him to vomit. He cover his mouth the prepares to remove himself from the bed. One the right side of it, there she was, his girlfriend Irene. Her drapes covered in blood, and showing no signs of life.
He held her in his arms and shed tears which went from clear to bloodshot red. Marco saw his reflection in the Irene’s puddle of blood. A hand reached out of and grabbed Irene’s body and pulled her into the unknown. Marco tried to go after her but failed, as he was too late. She was already gone. Sitting there weeping, the hand appeared again fro… [view original content]
Jesus Christ, Jacob. My feelings are all over the place right now. When you get home, I'm going to kick your ass with love. When you read this, you'll understand again. I cried. I seriously cried and I'm enough to admit this and I'll tell you why:
I'm proud of you for coming out finally and using Robert how YOU wanted to and not what this world wanted. Robert IS you. Confused, alone and feels like no one will understand. You've been locked away, allowing the world to mold and shape you in ways THEY wanted. You lose hope. Feelings and become just a shell. This is what Robert was becoming; he only wanted Lyla or Rose for the comfort and a mask to cover the pain. He loves them like friends but now how one truly loves another.
Gren caught touching himself was funny and then you throw this at me. And you say I do this. You're just as bad. That bathroom scene really did it for me. Just picturing him with those flowers, pulling one petal at a time, hoping they'd say SOMETHING different. His cutting...God, man. And Gren determined to speak to him because he's so connected to Robert, it's scary...That ending, though. Wow. I wonder how Jersey will react to this. Means he's been hiding it, too. Shame, it is. That people MUST hide, just to avoid the negative rections of others. This goes for everything: sexual preference, clothing, style, religion, etc. A fucking shame.....
Love this, dude. Can't wait for more. :') Proud of you.
Robert could hear the music coming from his apartment. It was not too loud but enough to indicate his brother was up. Hopefully he was alone… more. Gren never brought people over but Robert could only imagine the things he did alone. Finding his keys, Robert made sure to wipe his face clean. Gren would indeed ask questions: the ripped shirt, how the night went and why there was glitter lingering along his sweaty body.
Let him ask, thought Robert, as he turned the key. I honestly don't care anymore....
But as Robert swung the door open, he was merely fooling himself once more. Of course he cared. He managed to find his way into the club, dance with Frank and allow that single moment between the two to happen. If Robert really wanted to, he'd push Frank away and tell him the truth. But even Robert could not fool Frank. The man clearly picked up Robert's secret and wanted to look inside.
Tossing his keys over, Robert heads to the kitchen. The… [view original content]
Freddy was in a mortal combat game? o.o When!? BTW, he was a bit silly in the movies. I was laughing, rather then hiding under the covers...… morelol
You know what, never seen that show. (I know, right?) I may give it a whirl, since a lot have recommended it. I honestly thought what you was was the perect amount of battle, description and feels!
I did, dude!
Cool chapter
“This is some Freddy Krugger shit.”
I agree, that was a messed up dream :P
So the Vampire God watched Marco a… morend Irene having sex?! Jesus, doesn't he know what privacy means?? Though that comment he doesn't quite finish... cheeky XP
So Marco see's Nisa and the first thing he goes to touch is her breast? This guy must have some serious balls, or just not care
I await more! XD
I love Freddy Krueger and Marco's dream was similar to those in the movies. I loved it! At least Marco did not run into a locker like some … moreof those teens did. That would have been ALL bad. XD Irene involved with the dream was a dirty move against Marco! >:( Plus, you said it to JJ. Gotta' love True Blood. (Blame my girl lol)
DAMN, Marco! Big pimpin'! Hold on....
Marco's song now
There. That works. I know this was after 1994 but still. All I hear now for Marco. If I had done that, my head would be in the toilet, money gone and the bar laughing at me....XD I loved the fight scenes, though. It was just enough for the reader to know what was going on. I sense some trouble with Nisa but that is just me. I could be wrong!
Claire was floating in the sky. She wondered where she was or what she was doing. She noticed that her and Kieron were standing together hand in hand. It didn't look happy though, neither of them did.
"I'm sorry Claire, you're on your own, I'm not putting my life on the line for you anymore." Kieron said walking away.
The Claire near Kieron reached out. "Kieron...please...PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" She cried out.
Kieron kept walking and began to fade away from sight. The Claire on the ground fell to the ground sobbing.
The real Claire was now afraid of waking up. Was this what was really going to happen? She closed her eyes. And when she opened them she saw another sight. It was Kierons apartment. She looked through the window to see Kieron burning and turning into a skeleton, she saw the prince standing there, the prince began to crush the bones into dust to erase the evidence. Claire was horrified at this sight, was she going to lose everything?
The next night...
Claire flung up in bed and was breathing heavily. She let out a deep breath, everything was somewhat normal, she just had a nightmare. She got out of bed, kissed Kieron on the cheek and hopped in the shower, and got dressed. She checked her wallet for cash and other necessities she may need and left leaving Kieron a note that she was going out for a walk. She began to walk the streets of Fabletown alone, she looked up at the stars and began to think, think about everything. Was this war for the throne worth it? She already lost her father, and now all she has left would be Kieron and they aren't even really family. Not until they formed a blood bond and got married. She walked to the beach. There was a sky full of stars, while the full moon was right in front of her with its reflection in the water. The sight was beautiful. She sat at the end and let her feet hang off the edge. She looked around to see if anyone was around. And then she cracked, her eyes began to flow with tears. She began to hug herself, weeping into the sea...
"Mommy..." She sniffed "Daddy..."
She began to think about her childhood, the days where her mother would play tag and hide and go seek with her, and she could see that sweet smile again. She wanted her mother to be here now to hold her and tell her it was okay. Claire moved her hands to her face. She didn't want to lose Kieron but...also deep down she hated to see him kill her father. What was she going to do? Would Kieron forgive her for thinking that she hated him for protecting himself and fighting to live? He was so kind to her, yet she felt like she was treating him wrong like she wasn't being fair. She began to slam her hands on the pier and let out a scream. She was letting her thoughts get the best of her. She took a deep breath, she looked up at the moon and sighed. She felt like she was running from everything. She stood up and wiped her tears, she felt as if she's cried enough but knew there would be more. She began to walk back to Kierons apartment...
Kierons Apartment...
Kieron woke up to Claire not in bed. He jumped out of bed and rushed into the kitchen. Thoughts of where she could be or what could've happened to her began to buzz through his mind and he didn't like them. He noticed on the table there was a note that Claire had left. He let out a sigh of relief, she was just out for a walk. But then the bad thoughts came back to him. Was she actually going to come back? Was this her way of leaving him? Just leaving? Kieron sat down in a chair. So much has happened these past couple of days, he killed her father, why would she want to stick around a guy like that? Kieron took a deep breath when he heard the doorknob move. He saw Claire walk in, she looked like she had a rough night, and it had only just begun. Kieron walkyd over and put his hands on her shoulders.
"You scared me. I thought you left, I almost went out looking for you. Are you okay?" He asked letting her go.
Claire looked down. "Kieron..." She began to say.
Kierons heart stopped, he could feel it begin to crack yet again.
She looked into his eyes. "Kieron will you still be with me? Will you still spend time with me, will you protect me when I need it?" She asked sadly
Kieron was surprised she was asking this, he grew a smile. "Claire I'll always be with you. Right now I'd do anything I could to spend the rest of my life with you, I will protect you and when we start a family I will fight whatever is trying to hurt us until I no longer breathe." He said
Claire buried her face in his chest. "It's just that. I had a nightmare last night, and I had to ask. You walked away and left me alone. I was so afraid it was going to come true." She said
Kieron held her "It's alright Claire..."
Claire pulled back and gave a faint smile. Kieron gave her a smile back.
"Are you up to going on another walk? My mom asked last night and I wanted to run it by you. If not we can stay here and we can talk about this more." Kieron asked
She kissed Kieron on the lips. "I think a night on the town would be nice." She smiled
"Alright I'll go call her now and let her know." Kieron said walking over to the phone and dialing Rides phone number.
Claire grabbed a glass of blood and sat down. She was set with Kieron but she still felt sad. She wondered if her father's funeral would give her closure and maybe she could smile more than just a faint smile...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! Got my last exam for my first year at college tomorrow! Then it's summer time! Hope you all have a good night!
Gren is just. Lol You and Pie made this character charmingly incredible, hving doingand saying g the funniest things!
Anyway, Robert is arou d good people. He will be accepted regardless of what anyone think. Society is changing no matter what, and I am certain, or at least hopeful that Robert will settle down and finally get his slice of happiness. I can't stop smiling after this chapter, either!
Robert could hear the music coming from his apartment. It was not too loud but enough to indicate his brother was up. Hopefully he was alone… more. Gren never brought people over but Robert could only imagine the things he did alone. Finding his keys, Robert made sure to wipe his face clean. Gren would indeed ask questions: the ripped shirt, how the night went and why there was glitter lingering along his sweaty body.
Let him ask, thought Robert, as he turned the key. I honestly don't care anymore....
But as Robert swung the door open, he was merely fooling himself once more. Of course he cared. He managed to find his way into the club, dance with Frank and allow that single moment between the two to happen. If Robert really wanted to, he'd push Frank away and tell him the truth. But even Robert could not fool Frank. The man clearly picked up Robert's secret and wanted to look inside.
Tossing his keys over, Robert heads to the kitchen. The… [view original content]
Poor Claire, that nightmare she had probably holds some truth, but we'll have to wait and see. Still, why would she choose her estranged Father over the man she loves? Especially when said Father tried to kill said man! XP
And Summer is finally here for you dude! Good luck for tomorrow, hope you do well! Man, your Summer breaks are like 3 months long right? My cousin had a 3 month long Summer break...
Going into Hiding... Part: Three
Claires nightmare...
Claire was floating in the sky. She wondered where she was or what she was doing… more. She noticed that her and Kieron were standing together hand in hand. It didn't look happy though, neither of them did.
"I'm sorry Claire, you're on your own, I'm not putting my life on the line for you anymore." Kieron said walking away.
The Claire near Kieron reached out. "Kieron...please...PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" She cried out.
Kieron kept walking and began to fade away from sight. The Claire on the ground fell to the ground sobbing.
The real Claire was now afraid of waking up. Was this what was really going to happen? She closed her eyes. And when she opened them she saw another sight. It was Kierons apartment. She looked through the window to see Kieron burning and turning into a skeleton, she saw the prince standing there, the prince began to crush the bones into dust to erase t… [view original content]
"Why do you act like everything is okay, Michelle?"
"Because everyday, I have to get up and pretend like nothing is wrong. To be strong for my daughter. She needs me and how selfish would I be, taking a single bullet through the head? I pretend I'm okay when deep down inside, I'm losing grip on reality. I do this to avoid attention to my broken world, so no one feels 'sorry' for little old me. I hide behind a smile. It has become my mask."
Perhaps it was her Wolf sense that caused Lyla to grab Erica and head into the panic room. Georgie had it built during the war between the Wolves and Fables, incase the children would need to hide for sometime. Placing Erica on a cushiond part of the floor, Lyla sniffs the air. It was not Georgie; he stayed back with Robert and Isaiah hoping they'd bring her daughter home. Just thinking about her daughter, slaughtered before her loved oves, caused the tears to return. Carla should count her blessings Lyla was not there. The things she was capable of doing. Carla would be begging for death to take her.
Erica played with a stuffed Hippo while Lyla pressed her ears to the door. Silence. Something Lyla was not too keen on. She continues to sniff, hoping to pick up a scent. It smelled familiar; it did not belong to either of her children, Grendel brother or grandchild. No. It was the stench of anger mixed with Lemons.
Carla. Standing back, Lyla was prepared to fight. She began to change, causing Erica to cower in fear. The little girl tried to crawl away.
"No no, Wolf!" Erica begs Lyla. "Scary! No no!"
"Hush, sweetie and stay right here." Lyla places Erica in a tiny crawl space. "Stay here and be quiet, okay? We're going to play a game...."
"Yes. Winner gets to go to Sonic and get their favorite slushie, alright? And cheese fries with a kit-kat bar."
"Lyla no!" Erica tried to pull out of the space. "Bad lady! No no!"
Her grief stricken words impaled Lyla's mind and heart long enough for her sister to break down the doors and laugh; she stood just a few feet from the grieving child and her sister and could sense both their fears. This pleased Carla and for the first time, she was ahead. No one was around to stop her this time. Lyla would be dealt with, just like she should have been all those years ago...
"Oh my dear, sweet Lyla. Why don't you turn around, baby sister and look me in the eyes before I fucking kill you on the spot."
Lyla did not budge at first. Her life became a vivid painting in her mind and all the glorious thoughts began to pile upon the fear. Smiling, Lyla remembers the day she fell in love with Georgie. Although young, she knew what it was and it was the most remarkable feeling she could have ever felt. Their first sexual encounter. The news of her pregnancy. Wedding day. Birthdays and Holidays. All the wonderful things her sister sadly missed out on, even with her own children. To be so consumed with hate and power, you forget what life was really about. Pushing Erica carefully back into the crawl space, Lyla stands up.
She coul feel the change. Her fingernails becoming claws, fine hair growing along her arms, legs, hands and neck. The sudden need to sink her fangs into Carla's neck, pull apart and feast. Her own sister, the main cause of all the wrong that occured in her life. Her father use to blame Georgie, the Fables....mundanes and the entire time, Carla was the devious one pulling the strings. Facing her sister, Lyla lets out a small growl. Foam began forming around the base of her lips. Stepping ever so carefully, Lyla transforms into a massive Wolf. Amber eyes glaring at her prey, Carla leans aginst the door and chuckles.
"Precious. You'll die like the Dog you are, sister. Sorry but priorities. YOU of all people should know...."
"LEAVE now, Carla or you shall face the consequences."
"What the fuck are you going to do to ME, Lyla? You are but a simple Wolf. I have the power of darkness lingering in these fingertips. Your precious soldier Georgie is nowhere to be found, Gren is gone and that pathertic excuse of a brother of his is currently kissing ass and begging for forgivness. I shall pick you off one by one. Watch you all curl up and die......"
"Why are you doing this, Carla? We're FAMILY! You killed your own sister! Your sons! How can you look in the mirror with a face so hideous as the one you bare before me?"
Carla snickers, opening her palms. "You stand there, mighty and proud, yet you quivering against my name. You, Mary and Gina were always dad's favorites. I was nothing to him..."
"That's not TRUE, Carla! Dad loved you! He-"
"LIAR!" A ball of energy plows into Lyla's paw, causing the beast to yip in agony. "Dad LOVED you three more because you were of Wolf blood, while I, a mere mundane. Dad always sheltered me, while you three had your adventures in this world. You all got to hunt, fish, play rough, seek the Council, while your only 'normal' sister sat back. I WANTED the knowledge! To know of this world, yet dad covered my eyes my entire life. Once I took on the Council's proposition to rid of Fables and Halfers, they allowed me a free pass into their world. TREATED me as one of their own. After I swore to forever live by the laws and rules of the Wolf community, my plan began to set into place."
"Those were different times, Carla!" Lyla tries to sit up. "You know this! Dad protected ALL of us! He loved you, you know this! The world was a cruel place growing up! They almost KILLED mom because she was mundane!"
"This burning desire has turned me into something you all thought was impossible. I BECAME the powerful one and even made our own father, a once member to the Council and Alpha to the pack, crumble to the grounds and BEG me for his life. All of your lives! I'd gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for Katie and her fuck trash children."
Lyla leaps into Carla's chest, knocking the woman into the brick. Lyla presses both massive paws on her ribcage and pins down. "Don't you EVER speak about my children or family like that! You dared to step into the light of the Porgies, hoping to take us down one by one. Use the curse to your own sick, twisted pleasures. How dare you even look me in the eyes right now...."
"Georgie should have died that night, Lyla!" Carla throws another ball of magic into Lyla's eyes. Whimpering, she paws at the wound. "You had no business fucking that piece of shit. I'd have let you live, too but because you decided to sleep with trash, you'll be thrown out like one, too. Allowing that fucking idiot to even release himself in you, making children as such."
Lyla turns, snaps her jaws shut and rips off Carla's arm. Shrieking into the afternoon sun, purple mixed with black and blood pours from the wound. Lyla tosses the dismembered body part to the side, stomps on it and howls into the air. Erica, watching everything unfold, suddenly
had the need to cast her own spell. To fight evil with evil; let her taste her own medicine as she was defeated into the dust and forever lost among the centuries to pass. Carla must have picked up on it; her eyes, glaring over her sister's shoulders, could feel the little girl's presence. The evil Dark was. The VERY thing she needed to get this war going.
Grasping at the wound, Carla charges at her sister. Lyla paws at the ground and heads for Carla. Sister against sister, both eager to destroy the other until nothing was left. Little did Carla know, a mysterious person standing behind her, both hands out and ready to fight.
Lyla and Georgie's home.
The house was shattered. Nothing was standing. His childhood home ruins. A smoldering pile. Sniffing the air, he could still sense his mother's scent. Erica. Looking around, Ethan's heart began to flutter rapidly against his chest. His eyes focused on the task around him. He could feel
the anger growing like fire inside. The fire pricked his skin, sending Ethan into a world so many forgot. He'd protect his family. His own. Cast Carla into the firey pits of hell. He wanted her to taste the fires of hell and beg for all to forgive her for these horrific actions.
"CARLA!" His voice rose over the hill tops themselves. "COME AND FIGHT ME, YA' FOOKIN' CUNT!" Silence. "CARLA!"
God have mercy on me, Ethan thought, as he searched the remains of the home. He wanted to see Carla's demise. Watch his sister and brother-in-law finally end the one person responsible for all that went on in their short lives. The vile thoughts returned; fists, Ethan pounds the soil and continues to scream.
"MOM!" Ethan noticed purple clouds, all with vicious smiles, escape his fingertips. "ERICA! MOM! MOOOOOOOOOOM!"
Peter, running down the path, felt his heart sink to his stomach upon noticing the home. A wave of sadness flashed over his eyes; he nearly tripped over his own feet, running to his brother side and gathering Ethan in his hands.
"ETHAN! What happend!? What did you do!?"
"Carla..." Ethan found it difficult to speak. "She was 'ere! She took Erica! Mom was 'ere, too but I can't fookin' find her, Peter! No....not my Erica....fook..."
Peter looked around. The tears made it difficult to see. To think. His mind was wandering around, trying to grasp everything before him. Still holding his brother, like times before, Peter cried.
Somewhere in the woods...
Georgie and Lyla, along with Erica, found a clearing in the woods. Dipping his shirt into the cool water, Georgie takes the soaking wet item and wraps it around Lyla's paw. She winces and pulls back; the raw flesh stung against the water and the intense stench of burning fur caused her lips to curl back and nostrils to flare. She could sense death the very moment the magic touched her bare paw. The sting and discomfort made it nearly impossible for Lyla to properly battle but she had her mind set on protecting Erica and the very little Carla did not touch or claim. Even if she were to die right there, Lyla could go knowing she did her best to fight. Beauty about markings was, once the other person felt the slightest change, they were on their way.
Georgie caught wind that something was not right. He left Robert and Isaiah to tend to Gren's current empty body; Georgie could not recall running so fast and with a single purpose. His home had been invaded by a woman filled with hate and grief. She was there to seal Lyla's fate but despite being shrewd, so was Georgie. He found Carla preparing to throw her final blast, ending his wife's life. The scream that escaped his mouth. Something Georgie had kept secret for so long. The scream of fear....
As Georgie carefully wraps Lyla's paw up, all he could vision were the horrific things Carla was thinking. Dark magic users were capable of knowing little snips of the other user's thoughts. It happened in spurts and luck was on Georgie's side; Carla was going to shove a ball of magic deep into Lyla's throat, stand back and watch it eat her sister from the inside out. Lyla would not have had a choice. She'd die before anyone had a chance to stop it. Throwing himself in Carla, he did the only thing he knew how: fight dirty.
Carla was not applying rules to her battle and neither would he. Carla was stunned to see the fable before her. Georgie dug deep and accessed his magic through the roots of his past. The raw and negative emotions he was forever plagued with. Creating a circle around his body, Georgie created his most powerful source through fear and negatve emotions. Carla did not have enough time to move from this and Georgie did not have the mind set to stay. All he could think of was Erica and his wife. Limping, Lyla leaves the home but not before the entire thing blows to nothing....
"OW Georgie!" Lyla tries to hold back the tears. "That really stings."
"I need ta' rub this off, love. Just....close ya' eyes."
Georgie uses all he could to clean off Lyla's wound. The remaining magic was burning off her fur, around the knubs of her claws and fingers. His heart was breaking against Lyla's whimpers and anguish howls. Playing near the river, Erica looks over.
"I knew I should've fookin' stayed with ya', love...."
"You had to help Emily." The name pricked at Lyla's heart strings. "Emily...did Gren do it, Georgie?"
"Yes, love. He's lookin' fa' our baby girl and they will finally end this fookin' bullshit."
"No!" Lyla growls, baring her teeth. "I will NOT let another one of our children fight, Georgie! I can't lose them!"
"This is IN Emily's fate, Lyla..." Georgie looks into his wife's eyes. "Ya' fookin' know this. We CAN'T stop it, even if we wanted ta'. Emily has ta' do this, Lyla. she's stronger now, as is Grendel."
Lyla knew Georgie spoke the truth but it was still hard to picture her children being a part of this ongoing circus of chaos. All Lyla could picture were her seven children playing in the living room; half were building wonderous towers out of Legos, while a few played with dolls or board games. Emily was always her outspoken child and could never be tied down. She was her wild one, as Georgie loved to call her. Even as an adult and mother to four beautiful babies, no once could change Emily. You'd tell her to comb her hair, she said some kids don't. Told her not to leave, she did. Lyla pictured her daughter, an identical copy to her adoring husband, sitting on his knee. He always told his children they could be anything and Emily took these words to heart. Tell her life was hard and she'd smile and reply with 'That's alright. I'm tougher.'
Indeed she was. Emily proved it and would continue to do so. Gren WOULD bring her back and they'd finally end this war. BE the protector Emily was always meant to be. A second chance, just like her father. She HAD become the next Georgie Porgie. Erica carefully walks towards Lyla. Georgie holds out his hand and offers his assistance.
"Got going, Georgie." Erica takes babysteps. "I go walk. See. I can. No help."
"You're doing wonderful, love." Georgie still holds out his hand. "But ya' papa Georgie is 'ere ta' catch ya', should ya' need me. Sometimes, it's alright ta' need help..."
Lyla licks Georgie's cheek and nestles closer to his neck. Her massive head tucks perfectly under his jawline. "She's something, isn't she Georgie?"
"She is, love. Such personality in her eyes. Strong, too. Like her mother..."
"I'm happy Ethan and Michelle have managed to look past everything and work through this all. He needs someone, as does she. Michelle is a wonderful lady."
Still holding out his hand, Georgie leans down and kisses Lyla's paw. The cool, fresh water was aiding her healing process rather nicely. One of the many perks to being a Wolf. Erica finally made her way over to Georgie and Lyla. Her attention was soon on a passing Ladybug. Squealing with delight, she points.
"It's a Ladybug, Erica." Lyla titls her head forward. "did you know the also come in yellos and oranges, too?"
"Blue, Lyla? Blue buggy?"
"I don't think so, baby but maybe one day, if you close your eyes and REALLY picture a blue Ladybug, it will come true."
"Yay!" Erica throws her hands up. "Blue buggy, blue buggy!"
Lyla pulls Erica closer. "Will she find us here, Georgie?"
"Nah, love. TRUST me. I got this thing shield off. She can look all she wants. We'll head out once ya' paw heals all the way."
Lyla takes a deep breath and sighs. "I hope Gren found our baby. I miss her. I just want all this to be over with, Georgie. Have our family again."
Georgie scratches Lyla's ears. "He'll get her back, Lyla. I promise ya'. Gren has surprised me, too. I neva' thought he'd see the bigger pircture. REALLY be woot he was meant ta' be. Everything that had ta' do with our Emily, though, he was always there. He's come a long way from where he began. His love fa' Emily is beyond words and the two of them ta'gether has created a force everyone in Fabletown has noticed. That bond will never be broken or lost."
They both held onto Erica, as their minds wandered into the past. Wrapping his arms around Lyla, Georgie leans his head into her neck. Erica continues to follow the Ladybug with her eyes. Nothing but smiles. From all three of them.
Great chapter dude
Poor Claire, that nightmare she had probably holds some truth, but we'll have to wait and see. Still, why would she c… morehoose her estranged Father over the man she loves? Especially when said Father tried to kill said man! XP
And Summer is finally here for you dude! Good luck for tomorrow, hope you do well! Man, your Summer breaks are like 3 months long right? My cousin had a 3 month long Summer break...
I look forward to more! XD
That must be tough. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her dream was heart breaking and I know all to well what she's going through. I can feel her heart breaking, especially the moment when she wakes up. Seems like the dream is meant for her to pick and choose what is more important. Kieron or her family....
I'd love to see her smile more, too and hopefully Kieron can do that for her but shit. This porr woman.
Man! Summer time 2015! Good luck with those exams! My graduation is in two weeks! I look forward to the summer, although the heat is no joke. XD Congrats on your 1st year, man! -brofist-
Going into Hiding... Part: Three
Claires nightmare...
Claire was floating in the sky. She wondered where she was or what she was doing… more. She noticed that her and Kieron were standing together hand in hand. It didn't look happy though, neither of them did.
"I'm sorry Claire, you're on your own, I'm not putting my life on the line for you anymore." Kieron said walking away.
The Claire near Kieron reached out. "Kieron...please...PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" She cried out.
Kieron kept walking and began to fade away from sight. The Claire on the ground fell to the ground sobbing.
The real Claire was now afraid of waking up. Was this what was really going to happen? She closed her eyes. And when she opened them she saw another sight. It was Kierons apartment. She looked through the window to see Kieron burning and turning into a skeleton, she saw the prince standing there, the prince began to crush the bones into dust to erase t… [view original content]
Oh man all these past memories lyla is remembering is really playing strings with my feels, and my feels have been wrecked enough today XD
Go Lyla! You tear that bitches arm off! Next time you get a chance try and grab the head! >:D Georgie is right Gren will come back with Emily and then together they will finish Carla off and put all of this behind them. The part with Ethan and Peter makes me sad even more, hopefully Ethan will find out that both Lyla and Erica are both safe
This was awesome man and I can't wait for more! Brofist
"Why do you act like everything is okay, Michelle?"
"Because everyday, I have to get up and pretend like nothing is wrong. To be strong f… moreor my daughter. She needs me and how selfish would I be, taking a single bullet through the head? I pretend I'm okay when deep down inside, I'm losing grip on reality. I do this to avoid attention to my broken world, so no one feels 'sorry' for little old me. I hide behind a smile. It has become my mask."
Perhaps it was her Wolf sense that caused Lyla to grab Erica and head into the panic room. Georgie had it built during the war between the Wolves and Fables, incase the children would need to hide for sometime. Placing Erica on a cushiond part of the floor, Lyla sniffs the air. It was not Georgie; he stayed back with Robert and Isaiah hoping they'd bring her daughter home. Just thinking about her daughter, slaughtered before her loved oves, caused the tears to return. Carla should count her blessing… [view original content]
She really is stuck right now, she's fighting for Kieron yet her past keeps calling her to go back to get lost and lose reality. Maybe When all is said and done she will be able to breathe and come to terms with her emotions.
Kieron will have to do so for now, but he will pave the way and help her see the brighter things, just like she did for him
It's finally here! Thanks man! I've been preparing for a while now! That's awesome man! Wish we could all be there to celebrate with you! The heat is really bad here as well, and the humidity doesn't help either! XD Thanks man, it was rough but I'm glad I made it! Brofist
That must be tough. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her dream was heart breaking and I know all to well what she's going through. I c… morean feel her heart breaking, especially the moment when she wakes up. Seems like the dream is meant for her to pick and choose what is more important. Kieron or her family....
I'd love to see her smile more, too and hopefully Kieron can do that for her but shit. This porr woman.
Man! Summer time 2015! Good luck with those exams! My graduation is in two weeks! I look forward to the summer, although the heat is no joke. XD Congrats on your 1st year, man! -brofist-
It's really is. I've had to do the very thing he's gone through....
I'm sorry about your friend and hopefully, she gets the help she needs. Those are always warnings. Cries for help. Anyways, Robert will take all the above from you. :') He's in a tough situation right now. He has his brother. Now and always.
Yeah and poor Gren. Caught. XD The stuff he must have been viewing....o.o COUGHbigbootygirlswithtattoosCOUGH Oh excuse me. Shit.
It hit me hard, too. think Frank understands and hopefully, Jersey will be just as accepting but who knows.
Oh my God... this chapter
Poor Robert, I understand his pain of not having your true self be accepted, you conform to society to feel no… morermal and feel accepted by others, but your true self is frowned upon, so you hide it away... and it eats you up.
I have friends who self-harm as a means of making the pain of their thoughts go away, and one in particular... her left arm is so scarred I wanted to cry. I want give Robert a hug, tell him it'll be ok and then order him a fucking huge pizza, keep him company until he's better. Because it's not only what he needs, but it's what he deserves!
Though, Robert walking in on Gren watching porn... LMFAO! XP
And for the remainder of the night, well into the morning, that's what Robert and Gren did, unaware that Frank was doing the very thing with his brother, Jersey
This hit me so hard T_T
I can't wait for what comes next, JJ! XD
I love Freddy Krueger and Marco's dream was similar to those in the movies. I loved it! At least Marco did not run into a locker like some … moreof those teens did. That would have been ALL bad. XD Irene involved with the dream was a dirty move against Marco! >:( Plus, you said it to JJ. Gotta' love True Blood. (Blame my girl lol)
DAMN, Marco! Big pimpin'! Hold on....
Marco's song now
There. That works. I know this was after 1994 but still. All I hear now for Marco. If I had done that, my head would be in the toilet, money gone and the bar laughing at me....XD I loved the fight scenes, though. It was just enough for the reader to know what was going on. I sense some trouble with Nisa but that is just me. I could be wrong!
Claire's dreams struck me and I can understand. Although her father is a dick and trying to kill them at the moment, you find yourself looking at the good days and being stuck, as the others have stated. I hope she can cross this bridge and should follow with what her heart really wants. Even if she did choose her father, he's an evil man and would do this again in a heart beat.
Glad to see Kieron is there for her no matter what. Always until the bitter end and I like that. Hopefully they can figure out what to do with the Prince and everything this asshole has planned for them.
Good luck on that test and congrats to your first year of college! You deserve a celebration! Ugh, I'm not a fan of Summer and where you are at, bet the heat is a muthafucka'! XD
Going into Hiding... Part: Three
Claires nightmare...
Claire was floating in the sky. She wondered where she was or what she was doing… more. She noticed that her and Kieron were standing together hand in hand. It didn't look happy though, neither of them did.
"I'm sorry Claire, you're on your own, I'm not putting my life on the line for you anymore." Kieron said walking away.
The Claire near Kieron reached out. "Kieron...please...PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" She cried out.
Kieron kept walking and began to fade away from sight. The Claire on the ground fell to the ground sobbing.
The real Claire was now afraid of waking up. Was this what was really going to happen? She closed her eyes. And when she opened them she saw another sight. It was Kierons apartment. She looked through the window to see Kieron burning and turning into a skeleton, she saw the prince standing there, the prince began to crush the bones into dust to erase t… [view original content]
"Why do you act like everything is okay, Michelle?"
"Because everyday, I have to get up and pretend like nothing is wrong. To be strong f… moreor my daughter. She needs me and how selfish would I be, taking a single bullet through the head? I pretend I'm okay when deep down inside, I'm losing grip on reality. I do this to avoid attention to my broken world, so no one feels 'sorry' for little old me. I hide behind a smile. It has become my mask."
Perhaps it was her Wolf sense that caused Lyla to grab Erica and head into the panic room. Georgie had it built during the war between the Wolves and Fables, incase the children would need to hide for sometime. Placing Erica on a cushiond part of the floor, Lyla sniffs the air. It was not Georgie; he stayed back with Robert and Isaiah hoping they'd bring her daughter home. Just thinking about her daughter, slaughtered before her loved oves, caused the tears to return. Carla should count her blessing… [view original content]
One day she will be able to get unstuck and follow what she wants. But for now she needs to learn how. You're exactly right JJ, He would do exactly that and would probably kill her too >:(
Thanks man I appreciate it! Man I wish Lol! Yeah the only thing I've liked about the summer was the break from classes and such, I'm more of an autumn kind of guy Oh yes, it's absolutely unbearable sometimes, especially when the humidity hits! XD Hopefully I can work up north for the summer and not have to deal with the heat that much! XR
Awesome chapter, man!
Claire's dreams struck me and I can understand. Although her father is a dick and trying to kill them at the momen… moret, you find yourself looking at the good days and being stuck, as the others have stated. I hope she can cross this bridge and should follow with what her heart really wants. Even if she did choose her father, he's an evil man and would do this again in a heart beat.
Glad to see Kieron is there for her no matter what. Always until the bitter end and I like that. Hopefully they can figure out what to do with the Prince and everything this asshole has planned for them.
Good luck on that test and congrats to your first year of college! You deserve a celebration! Ugh, I'm not a fan of Summer and where you are at, bet the heat is a muthafucka'! XD
The manner of which this 'vampire god' spoke is not what I would expect from one such as he. I must say, It is a welcome break from the typical and cliché high register speech you get from most vampire stories. He was genuinely humorous.
Touch me and I'll take your hand."
This sounds exactly like my own Gertraud, and she does not beat about the bush does she? Very brief explanation; too brief for me to take in.
Must warn you, some minor part's are graphic/disturbing..
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 4
Marco awoke again, but this time at Irene's pla… morece, in her bed with her in it sleeping in his shoulder. He fell asleep again, dreaming about his future. That dream is interrupted by an nightmare. This time when he wakes up, he see’s blood. everywhere, the sight of it makes him ridiculously queasy nearly causing him to vomit. He cover his mouth the prepares to remove himself from the bed. One the right side of it, there she was, his girlfriend Irene. Her drapes covered in blood, and showing no signs of life.
He held her in his arms and shed tears which went from clear to bloodshot red. Marco saw his reflection in the Irene’s puddle of blood. A hand reached out of and grabbed Irene’s body and pulled her into the unknown. Marco tried to go after her but failed, as he was too late. She was already gone. Sitting there weeping, the hand appeared again fro… [view original content]
This was overall a very emotional chapter. I can understand feeling as if others shan't accept you for you (apparently, my nickname is 'Nazi' because of my enthusiasm in German culture, language and history). All was well put together. I nearly shed a tear towards the end.
Robert could hear the music coming from his apartment. It was not too loud but enough to indicate his brother was up. Hopefully he was alone… more. Gren never brought people over but Robert could only imagine the things he did alone. Finding his keys, Robert made sure to wipe his face clean. Gren would indeed ask questions: the ripped shirt, how the night went and why there was glitter lingering along his sweaty body.
Let him ask, thought Robert, as he turned the key. I honestly don't care anymore....
But as Robert swung the door open, he was merely fooling himself once more. Of course he cared. He managed to find his way into the club, dance with Frank and allow that single moment between the two to happen. If Robert really wanted to, he'd push Frank away and tell him the truth. But even Robert could not fool Frank. The man clearly picked up Robert's secret and wanted to look inside.
Tossing his keys over, Robert heads to the kitchen. The… [view original content]
Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die.....
"Why do you act like everything is okay, Michelle?"
"Because everyday, I have to get up and pretend like nothing is wrong. To be strong f… moreor my daughter. She needs me and how selfish would I be, taking a single bullet through the head? I pretend I'm okay when deep down inside, I'm losing grip on reality. I do this to avoid attention to my broken world, so no one feels 'sorry' for little old me. I hide behind a smile. It has become my mask."
Perhaps it was her Wolf sense that caused Lyla to grab Erica and head into the panic room. Georgie had it built during the war between the Wolves and Fables, incase the children would need to hide for sometime. Placing Erica on a cushiond part of the floor, Lyla sniffs the air. It was not Georgie; he stayed back with Robert and Isaiah hoping they'd bring her daughter home. Just thinking about her daughter, slaughtered before her loved oves, caused the tears to return. Carla should count her blessing… [view original content]
-virtual brohug- It's ok dude, you don't have to worry anymore
I have multiple friends who have done so, but she is the worst case for cutting. They do take medication for depression, but it doesn't always work sadly
Getting caught... it's the worst thing ever!!! XP
I hope Jersey understands his Brother, but for some reason I see him being kinda 'macho' about it
It's really is. I've had to do the very thing he's gone through....
I'm sorry about your friend and hopefully, she gets the he… morelp she needs. Those are always warnings. Cries for help. Anyways, Robert will take all the above from you. :') He's in a tough situation right now. He has his brother. Now and always.
Yeah and poor Gren. Caught. XD The stuff he must have been viewing....o.o COUGHbigbootygirlswithtattoosCOUGH Oh excuse me. Shit.
It hit me hard, too. think Frank understands and hopefully, Jersey will be just as accepting but who knows.
Thanks, man! Can't wait to write it!
First that fight with Lyla and Carla was tense! I did feel a slight amount of remorse when Carla expressed that she felt like the unloved child the whole time, but then her motives came back to me, so I don't care anymore :P
Georgie Porgie... Maybe I will come to like the man in the end. He and Lyla really are something together aren't they?
And Erica can use Magic?! That's a detail I either forgot or missed out completely
"Why do you act like everything is okay, Michelle?"
"Because everyday, I have to get up and pretend like nothing is wrong. To be strong f… moreor my daughter. She needs me and how selfish would I be, taking a single bullet through the head? I pretend I'm okay when deep down inside, I'm losing grip on reality. I do this to avoid attention to my broken world, so no one feels 'sorry' for little old me. I hide behind a smile. It has become my mask."
Perhaps it was her Wolf sense that caused Lyla to grab Erica and head into the panic room. Georgie had it built during the war between the Wolves and Fables, incase the children would need to hide for sometime. Placing Erica on a cushiond part of the floor, Lyla sniffs the air. It was not Georgie; he stayed back with Robert and Isaiah hoping they'd bring her daughter home. Just thinking about her daughter, slaughtered before her loved oves, caused the tears to return. Carla should count her blessing… [view original content]
I'm so sorry for wrecking the last bit of feels, my good man! Even during the darkest hours, Lyla tries to see the good....:'(
She was blinded for the moment and grabbed the nearest thing she could. Hopefully Gremily get back in time! And Peter and Ethan....they are both about to know just what Carla can do and what must be one of them.....
Oh man all these past memories lyla is remembering is really playing strings with my feels, and my feels have been wrecked enough today XD
… more Go Lyla! You tear that bitches arm off! Next time you get a chance try and grab the head! >:D Georgie is right Gren will come back with Emily and then together they will finish Carla off and put all of this behind them. The part with Ethan and Peter makes me sad even more, hopefully Ethan will find out that both Lyla and Erica are both safe
This was awesome man and I can't wait for more! Brofist
It is sad because John did protect carla for this reason but to murder your own and the town? But then again, we all handle rejection differently...:( But Lyla, no matter, will always defend the innocent ones like Erica.
I'd like to think at the end of this all, Georgis leaves something everyone's heart. I love that guy and feel like he deserves his story told. He and Lyla are indeed something together. He loves that woman, as she does Georgie to no end.
No one knew Erica could use magic. It will make more sense in the next couple of chapters.....and what triggers it.
Wow! :O
First that fight with Lyla and Carla was tense! I did feel a slight amount of remorse when Carla expressed that she felt like the… more unloved child the whole time, but then her motives came back to me, so I don't care anymore :P
Georgie Porgie... Maybe I will come to like the man in the end. He and Lyla really are something together aren't they?
And Erica can use Magic?! That's a detail I either forgot or missed out completely
I look forward to more, man! XD
It is sad because John did protect carla for this reason but to murder your own and the town? But then again, we all handle rejection differ… moreently...:( But Lyla, no matter, will always defend the innocent ones like Erica.
I'd like to think at the end of this all, Georgis leaves something everyone's heart. I love that guy and feel like he deserves his story told. He and Lyla are indeed something together. He loves that woman, as she does Georgie to no end.
No one knew Erica could use magic. It will make more sense in the next couple of chapters.....and what triggers it.
Awesome, man!
I'm fine with it, my good man. People read my story and appreciate Georgie HERE but can't get over who he was in the game and I'm fine with it. Guess I was the only one that truly felt sorry and understood why he did it....But Lyorgie are indeed awesome and love them to bits!
I'll say this: It's who will trigger it that causes Erica to finally use her magic like Michelle can.
Lyla and her heart of gold
I'm always gonna be on the fence with Georgie, just can't forget what a prick he was in TWAU... I'm sorry dude, Lyorgie is awesome! XD
Oh dear :O I'm gonna assume that extreme sadness triggers it...
She does and it shows everyday of her life.
I'm fine with it, my good man. People read my story and appreciate Georgie HERE but can't ge… moret over who he was in the game and I'm fine with it. Guess I was the only one that truly felt sorry and understood why he did it....But Lyorgie are indeed awesome and love them to bits!
I'll say this: It's who will trigger it that causes Erica to finally use her magic like Michelle can.
I'm so sorry for wrecking the last bit of feels, my good man! Even during the darkest hours, Lyla tries to see the good....:'(
She was bl… moreinded for the moment and grabbed the nearest thing she could. Hopefully Gremily get back in time! And Peter and Ethan....they are both about to know just what Carla can do and what must be one of them.....
Thanks my good man! -brofist-
Michelle had to take a moment to sit along the journey to the three fates' home. While Gren spoke to Hades, Nick aides to Michelle's side. Handing her a large glass of water, Nick takes this opportunity to speak tothe young blonde woman. The entire walk, she was silent. Michelle made a few attempts to talk but that was all. Nick watched her pink lips wrap around the edge of the glass. She managed to drink half before cleaning her lips. Behind them, Junior stood and smoked a cigarette. Nick noticed several clouds of ash and smoke lingering around his feet. Digging into his pocket, Nick offers Michelle a cigar as well but with a smile, she declines the offer.
"Horrible habit." Michelle takes another sip. "I've been trying to avoid using that method to calm my nerves."
"It can be." Nick lights his cigar instead. "But these things truly calm yourself down after a long day, battle or just for the fuck of things."
"Agreed." Michelle sighs. "Is Gren and the others ready?"
"We're waiting on you, Michelle. I noticed you've been slowing down. Your mind seems lost. What's going on?"
"I'm fine. Honestly." Michelle tries to smile. "Just, my head hurts and my feet. I want to see Emily again. Gren is a very tough Fable, yes but the love he has with Emily is the very thing that keeps that man going. If that had been me and I witnessed my love one be taken down without warning, I'd be in the fetal postion somewhere right about now."
"Persistence is a trait so little have, Michelle. Grendel was blessed to have been born with this. I have respect for a man willing to look past the odds and protect what is his. Never give into this cruel world's miserable hands, fall in a corner as you say and wait."
"Guess I was the unlucky one, then." Michelle finishes off her drink. "I was never one to be 'determined'."
"That's a lie, Michelle. You are. I heard about Noah and the fucking things he did to you. My deepest apologies goes to you and your daughter. You, however, were determined to protect her. Ethan. That says alot, young lady."
Michelle did not have the sudden strength to respond; before she could answer Nick, her head became heavy. Thick amounts of black clouds enveloped her mind. Last she heard was Nick; Gren ran to her side and Junior was attempting to ask Hades what was taking place. This had nothing to do with Hades. Like Gren, Michelle was finally accepting her true fate. One, like Gren, was locked away for centuries. Something she refused to acknowledge.
Understand. Accept. Standing alone in the dark, she had a pleasing sense of belonging. Like this was always created just for her.
"Welcome home, my child." Michelle turns to face the dark. The voice continues. "I was wondering when you'd return to me."
"Dad?" Michelle backed away from the voice. " is this possible. You're dead. The North Wind had-"
"Funny thing about thoughts, my daughter, is they seem to bring the deceased back in full images. Keeps me going, you thinking of me. Trying to hide from the truth. Why must you ignore me, as if I never existed so?"
"Please leave me alone! I don't want anything to do with you! You MADE me kill my own mother. You 'loved' her simply for the idea of all those teeth you could claim as your own someday. You did not give me attention unless I 'became' you."
"I loved you, my child. Your mother was indeed a pawn in my schemes, yes but it was harmless. I learned to 'care' for the Toothfairy and even 'loved' her at one point. When you were born, I could feel the very power inside and I was proud. I attempted to love you, Michelle but I'm a wicked entity. Mysterious and extremely powerful. If a box they contained me in for centuries could not stop me, then neither could the affection your mother to keep me in. All I wanted was to control."
"You're still doing it with me, dad." Michelle spits on his shoes and scowls. "You have no idea the shit I dealt with. STILL deal with. My daughter is the only fucking thing keeping me going. No one adopted me, dad. I was alone for so long. Wanted to kill myself. I had to have purple pills made for ME only because I wanted to be nothing like you!"
Dark grins, tapping his slender, gray fingers against one another. "But my darling, Michelle, you ARE half of your mother and she was pure, bless her soul. You can hold back the Lion before releasing it into the crowd, so to speak. "
"I don't WANT to, dad." Michelle looks around. "Release me at once! Now! I have things to do...."
"Ah yes. The Porgie child. I was pleasently surprised to know Mr. Georgie Porgie created offspring as such. The curse attatched to his name is indeed fascinating and I'm quite enthralled by it all. Knowing anguish and fear as such can create the power within one's self. The source of this is indeed something I relate to. I'm sure you know this, my daughter. But tell me: Emily Porgie and her place in this world. Along with that pitiful husband. Grendel was always weak in my eyes but I'm secretly pleased to see he's risen to the top of things. I know of his mother. Beautiful and potent young woman. Very respected in the spirit world..."
"WHAT are you trying to get at, dad? I do not have time for you 'pity' so if you excuse me, I need to move forward and return to the Underworld."
"There is a reason why you're seeing me, Michelle. Do not run from me. I can help."
"YOU help ME!?" Apopletic, Michelle swivels to face her father. "YOU will never 'help' me again! I'm not you! I want nothing to do with you, dad! Leave me be!"
"This has to do with Ethan, Michelle." The name causes the young woman to stop. "I know how dear he's become to you. To Erica. You'd be devestated if you ever lost him."
"What are you saying, dad?" Drak had her full attention. "WHAT about Ethan?"
"I thought I was vile and powerful but this mundy has surprised me with her ability to learn something such as Dark magic for evil .I fear she will become something as I use to be. This can be catostrophic to you all. She's using Ethan as her last plan to take Emily and Fabletown down. A trap. Using his soul as her own soldier. You'll lose him, Michelle. I need to prepare you for this, my daughter. Loss is the most evil and cruel thing that can occur."
Michelle falls to the ground. "What are you telling me, dad? I going to LOSE Ethan Porgie!?"
"You never fully lose him, Michelle." Dark lifts his daughter up and points to her chest, then stomach. "You'll always have a piece of him to keep yourself going. Truly losing a person all falls into the memories. The moments you had. The very thing that remains. But I wish to give you a lesson before you return. Death is always certain. You can not escape it. There is more to Ethan's curse then just the memories he inheritied from his father. THINK long and hard of the Porgies, the one thing they all had."
"The curse...." Michelle wipes her eyes. "But, they all overcame it! Ethan's curse was to look like Georgie."
"It will always be there, the curse, Michelle. It will pass on to the children but there is one way to end it all and save the others. Let me take you for awhile and teach you some things. Embrace WHO you are. I wish to show you how to summon the spirits of the fallen by the very thing that sent me head overheals in affection for your mother...I want to see you succeed, my daughter. Come."
"Why are you telling me this, dad? Why help me?"
Dark walks away. Who was this creature that he felt love for? He felt sorrow for Michelle and knew the struggles she suffered. Michelle glanced up at the man that use to send chills along her spine. Mr. Drak longed to make this world his own and sadly, so did Michelle. Everything she loved was in danger: Ethan, her daughter. The city. Dark could feel Michelle struggling against everything.
"I do not have the answers you wish to hear. But this is a unholy demon you are dealing with. She has caused blood to spill in the city. She can lie to herself and all those that worked for her but she can never run from the very thing that will bring her down. I want to make your soul strong, for things shall change. I do not want to see you weak like your mother. Lock those away and bring me out. I want you prepared, for you, my child, IS Ethan's curse and you will have to be strong and know fate happens in mysterious ways. You have two that need you the most...."
"Two? Two what, dad...."
"Come, Michelle. It is time to finally walk in my shadow..."
Gren & Emily's home
Robert stood beside his brother's body and glared into the pond. So many colors reflected along the ripples. The remaining Elves and Grendels scout the grounds, looking around. The air was murky and heavy; Carla's wretched soul could be felt in the wind as it blew through the branches and blades of grass. Dahlia, looking at her nephew, carefully approaches Robert.
"You've done wonderful watching over Grendel, Robert."
"I don't deserve his love and devotion sometimes. I use to blame him for so long, turned my back when he needed me the most and yet, he's willing to forgive me. Why?"
"Even after your birth, you and Gren were always closer. You watched over him. You can lie to yourself, Robert but you'll never escape the loving eyes of your mother. The very eyes that saw potential in you all."
"Gren was always her favorite, though..."
"No. you chose to be beside your father. Anywhere he went, you were there. Jason and Daniel worked in mysterious ways and Isaiah would rather explore this world alone. Gren was the runt. Normally, they never live past their first year. Times were different. They normally drowned the runts. Those that were weak. But even your father knew there was something special about Grendel. You all have something special inside...."
"Then what is mine, aunt Dahlia? If I was not meant to be Alpha, what am I then?"
"Perhaps the best thing you CAN be, is a believer to your brother. Protect him, like you did as children. Lift them over those large and dangerous rocks until he's strong enough to climb alone. Be there to grab his hand. Support him as the centuries you both shall live on this Earth. Know that he loves you and always has, just like you did, too. Being 'strong' does not mean you can't feel, Robert. Remember that...."
"Mom told me the same thing, aunt Dahlia. The night she came to me..."
"She loved you boys and would sacrifice everything again, just to protect you three."
Isaiah looked through the kitchen window. It was a wonderful feeling and picture to witness. The hostile feelings, for once, were slowly melting away. He and Gren would always have their issues but they were all connected to eachother in a circle that would never end. They all lost
something that day and by blaming Gren, they were no better.
Isaiah, however, did not notice the little girl standing beside him. Dressed in blue jeans, black shirt and Air Force ones, Sheila carefully taps on his leg. Isaiah was lost in thought and did not notice her. Peering down he was surprised to see her there. Isaiah kneels before Sheila. She looked identical to Mary but had the Porgie 'look' and Junior's eyes.
"Sheila, what are you doing here? You need to go home. There is a war and-"
"I know this, Isaiah. I'm here to help. We ALL are. Rosie and the others should be here in any moment and-"
"Whoa, what!?" Isaiah stands up and heads for the living room. "What the fuck do you MEAN Rosie is heading this way?! She's supposed to be with the quads and-"
"They too are heading this way. Pretty pissed off, if you ask me but you can never tell Seraphina what to do or Liam. Or, any of them actually. So we-"
"No, Sheila! You have to stop them! They are in danger! You-"
"It's too late, Isaiah. They have the taste of revenge in their mouth. You know this. Just listen for their arrival. Pretty freaking sweet, if you ask me."
"What...what are you saying, Sheila?"
But the sound could be heard before either Sheila or Isaiah could speak. He should have known better. They all should have the right to be a part of this. Isaiah faces the window and notices Georgie riding Lyla's back. In his arms, craddled closly to his chest, was Erica. Behind Lyla was Peter. In his mouth, a mason jar. Following behind him, however, were the quads and Rosie.
A trail of Elves and Grendels treading beside the children. Seraphina rode several vines layered in thorns. Chloe, in her shadow form, sat on Viviana's back. The young girl was in her Cerberus form. Liam, riding a horse made of bone and flames, held up a single sword. Upon his head, the Helm of Darkness. 'Ring of Fire' played as the group approached the house.
Isaiah, however, beamed. Shiela folds her arms and nods.
"...The taste, of love is sweet. Whe hearts, like ours meet. I fell for you like a child. Oh but the fire went wild. "I fell into a burning rng of fire. I went down, down, down and the fire went higher. And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire...."
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before work. Ugh. Feel like shit still but gotta make that $$$. Going to the doctor tomorrow, though. Hate being sick.
Going into Hiding... Part: Three
Claires nightmare...
Claire was floating in the sky. She wondered where she was or what she was doing… more. She noticed that her and Kieron were standing together hand in hand. It didn't look happy though, neither of them did.
"I'm sorry Claire, you're on your own, I'm not putting my life on the line for you anymore." Kieron said walking away.
The Claire near Kieron reached out. "Kieron...please...PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" She cried out.
Kieron kept walking and began to fade away from sight. The Claire on the ground fell to the ground sobbing.
The real Claire was now afraid of waking up. Was this what was really going to happen? She closed her eyes. And when she opened them she saw another sight. It was Kierons apartment. She looked through the window to see Kieron burning and turning into a skeleton, she saw the prince standing there, the prince began to crush the bones into dust to erase t… [view original content]
Great chapter dude! And sorry to hear that you're sick, that always sucks
Nick is a good man for giving Michelle that much needed encouragement
Now Michelle and Mr Dark was... informative. I'm trying to figure out what will happen, but my guess is Michelle will have to make Ethan a Familiar if she wants him to be around ever again, cuz I guess that Ethan will die. I'm probably wrong though :P
Apopletic, Michelle swivels to face her father.
I had to look up that word Apoplectic, it means to be very angry or very excited XP
Robert finally knows what his place was, and I hope he does look after Grendel now and forever :') And that scene at the end was something!! :O
Michelle had to take a moment to sit along the journey to the three fates' home. While Gren spoke to Hades, Nick aides to Michelle's side. H… moreanding her a large glass of water, Nick takes this opportunity to speak tothe young blonde woman. The entire walk, she was silent. Michelle made a few attempts to talk but that was all. Nick watched her pink lips wrap around the edge of the glass. She managed to drink half before cleaning her lips. Behind them, Junior stood and smoked a cigarette. Nick noticed several clouds of ash and smoke lingering around his feet. Digging into his pocket, Nick offers Michelle a cigar as well but with a smile, she declines the offer.
"Horrible habit." Michelle takes another sip. "I've been trying to avoid using that method to calm my nerves."
"It can be." Nick lights his cigar instead. "But these things truly calm yourself down after a long day, battle or just for the fuck of things."
"Agreed." Michelle sighs.… [view original content]
This is like watching that one epic scene in a movie everyone wanted to see, incredible!
I pictured Lyla and Crla fight like this:
If Carla lives, what would happened next, but... if she lives, will that be the end? I would hope that she would be, but I like to see an alternative route, no matter. Intense chapter.
"Why do you act like everything is okay, Michelle?"
"Because everyday, I have to get up and pretend like nothing is wrong. To be strong f… moreor my daughter. She needs me and how selfish would I be, taking a single bullet through the head? I pretend I'm okay when deep down inside, I'm losing grip on reality. I do this to avoid attention to my broken world, so no one feels 'sorry' for little old me. I hide behind a smile. It has become my mask."
Perhaps it was her Wolf sense that caused Lyla to grab Erica and head into the panic room. Georgie had it built during the war between the Wolves and Fables, incase the children would need to hide for sometime. Placing Erica on a cushiond part of the floor, Lyla sniffs the air. It was not Georgie; he stayed back with Robert and Isaiah hoping they'd bring her daughter home. Just thinking about her daughter, slaughtered before her loved oves, caused the tears to return. Carla should count her blessing… [view original content]
I like how Nick was there to give Michelle a bit of help and a bit of hope. It's alright Michelle, Mr.Dark will help it may seem sketchy but I think he's really there to help this time.
Oh yeah! It's time for the quads and everyone else to get in on the action!
This was awesome! I hope you feel better soon as well! Brofist
Michelle had to take a moment to sit along the journey to the three fates' home. While Gren spoke to Hades, Nick aides to Michelle's side. H… moreanding her a large glass of water, Nick takes this opportunity to speak tothe young blonde woman. The entire walk, she was silent. Michelle made a few attempts to talk but that was all. Nick watched her pink lips wrap around the edge of the glass. She managed to drink half before cleaning her lips. Behind them, Junior stood and smoked a cigarette. Nick noticed several clouds of ash and smoke lingering around his feet. Digging into his pocket, Nick offers Michelle a cigar as well but with a smile, she declines the offer.
"Horrible habit." Michelle takes another sip. "I've been trying to avoid using that method to calm my nerves."
"It can be." Nick lights his cigar instead. "But these things truly calm yourself down after a long day, battle or just for the fuck of things."
"Agreed." Michelle sighs.… [view original content]
This is like watching that one epic scene in a movie everyone wanted to see, incredible!
I pictured Lyla and Crla fight like this:
… more If Carla lives, what would happened next, but... if she lives, will that be the end? I would hope that she would be, but I like to see an alternative route, no matter. Intense chapter.
Cool chapter
I agree, that was a messed up dream :P
So the Vampire God watched Marco and Irene having sex?! Jesus, doesn't he know what privacy means?? Though that comment he doesn't quite finish... cheeky XP
So Marco see's Nisa and the first thing he goes to touch is her breast? This guy must have some serious balls, or just not care
I await more! XD
Oh my God... this chapter
Poor Robert, I understand his pain of not having your true self be accepted, you conform to society to feel normal and feel accepted by others, but your true self is frowned upon, so you hide it away... and it eats you up.
I have friends who self-harm as a means of making the pain of their thoughts go away, and one in particular... her left arm is so scarred I wanted to cry. I want give Robert a hug, tell him it'll be ok and then order him a fucking huge pizza, keep him company until he's better. Because it's not only what he needs, but it's what he deserves!
Though, Robert walking in on Gren watching porn... LMFAO! XP
This hit me so hard T_T
I can't wait for what comes next, JJ! XD
I love Freddy Krueger and Marco's dream was similar to those in the movies. I loved it!
At least Marco did not run into a locker like some of those teens did. That would have been ALL bad. XD Irene involved with the dream was a dirty move against Marco! >:( Plus, you said it to JJ. Gotta' love True Blood.
(Blame my girl lol)
DAMN, Marco! Big pimpin'! Hold on....
Marco's song now
There. That works. I know this was after 1994 but still. All I hear now for Marco.
If I had done that, my head would be in the toilet, money gone and the bar laughing at me....XD I loved the fight scenes, though. It was just enough for the reader to know what was going on. I sense some trouble with Nisa but that is just me. I could be wrong!
Jesus Christ, Jacob. My feelings are all over the place right now. When you get home, I'm going to kick your ass with love. When you read this, you'll understand again. I cried. I seriously cried and I'm enough to admit this and I'll tell you why:
I'm proud of you for coming out finally and using Robert how YOU wanted to and not what this world wanted. Robert IS you. Confused, alone and feels like no one will understand. You've been locked away, allowing the world to mold and shape you in ways THEY wanted. You lose hope. Feelings and become just a shell. This is what Robert was becoming; he only wanted Lyla or Rose for the comfort and a mask to cover the pain. He loves them like friends but now how one truly loves another.
Gren caught touching himself was funny and then you throw this at me. And you say I do this. You're just as bad. That bathroom scene really did it for me. Just picturing him with those flowers, pulling one petal at a time, hoping they'd say SOMETHING different. His cutting...God, man.
And Gren determined to speak to him because he's so connected to Robert, it's scary...That ending, though. Wow. I wonder how Jersey will react to this. Means he's been hiding it, too. Shame, it is. That people MUST hide, just to avoid the negative rections of others. This goes for everything: sexual preference, clothing, style, religion, etc. A fucking shame.....
Love this, dude. Can't wait for more. :') Proud of you.
He was in Mortal Kombat 2011, and now Jason is in the current one, MKX. It's ridiculous. XD
Yeah, he is very cheeky, I can't think of a better word to describe him.
When you just wake up from a dream like that, you probably can't tell what's real or not.
Jason Voorhees AND The Predator!!! XD
True was a good show, Lafayette and Sookie were my favorites.
And I never understood why they thought a locker would protect them?

I haven't heard that song and I while, and I think that is is better fit for him, thanks for that!
Going into Hiding... Part: Three
Claires nightmare...
Claire was floating in the sky. She wondered where she was or what she was doing. She noticed that her and Kieron were standing together hand in hand. It didn't look happy though, neither of them did.
"I'm sorry Claire, you're on your own, I'm not putting my life on the line for you anymore." Kieron said walking away.
The Claire near Kieron reached out. "Kieron...please...PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" She cried out.
Kieron kept walking and began to fade away from sight. The Claire on the ground fell to the ground sobbing.
The real Claire was now afraid of waking up. Was this what was really going to happen? She closed her eyes. And when she opened them she saw another sight. It was Kierons apartment. She looked through the window to see Kieron burning and turning into a skeleton, she saw the prince standing there, the prince began to crush the bones into dust to erase the evidence. Claire was horrified at this sight, was she going to lose everything?
The next night...
Claire flung up in bed and was breathing heavily. She let out a deep breath, everything was somewhat normal, she just had a nightmare. She got out of bed, kissed Kieron on the cheek and hopped in the shower, and got dressed. She checked her wallet for cash and other necessities she may need and left leaving Kieron a note that she was going out for a walk. She began to walk the streets of Fabletown alone, she looked up at the stars and began to think, think about everything. Was this war for the throne worth it? She already lost her father, and now all she has left would be Kieron and they aren't even really family. Not until they formed a blood bond and got married. She walked to the beach. There was a sky full of stars, while the full moon was right in front of her with its reflection in the water. The sight was beautiful. She sat at the end and let her feet hang off the edge. She looked around to see if anyone was around. And then she cracked, her eyes began to flow with tears. She began to hug herself, weeping into the sea...
"Mommy..." She sniffed "Daddy..."
She began to think about her childhood, the days where her mother would play tag and hide and go seek with her, and she could see that sweet smile again. She wanted her mother to be here now to hold her and tell her it was okay. Claire moved her hands to her face. She didn't want to lose Kieron but...also deep down she hated to see him kill her father. What was she going to do? Would Kieron forgive her for thinking that she hated him for protecting himself and fighting to live? He was so kind to her, yet she felt like she was treating him wrong like she wasn't being fair. She began to slam her hands on the pier and let out a scream. She was letting her thoughts get the best of her. She took a deep breath, she looked up at the moon and sighed. She felt like she was running from everything. She stood up and wiped her tears, she felt as if she's cried enough but knew there would be more. She began to walk back to Kierons apartment...
Kierons Apartment...
Kieron woke up to Claire not in bed. He jumped out of bed and rushed into the kitchen. Thoughts of where she could be or what could've happened to her began to buzz through his mind and he didn't like them. He noticed on the table there was a note that Claire had left. He let out a sigh of relief, she was just out for a walk. But then the bad thoughts came back to him. Was she actually going to come back? Was this her way of leaving him? Just leaving? Kieron sat down in a chair. So much has happened these past couple of days, he killed her father, why would she want to stick around a guy like that? Kieron took a deep breath when he heard the doorknob move. He saw Claire walk in, she looked like she had a rough night, and it had only just begun. Kieron walkyd over and put his hands on her shoulders.
"You scared me. I thought you left, I almost went out looking for you. Are you okay?" He asked letting her go.
Claire looked down. "Kieron..." She began to say.
Kierons heart stopped, he could feel it begin to crack yet again.
She looked into his eyes. "Kieron will you still be with me? Will you still spend time with me, will you protect me when I need it?" She asked sadly
Kieron was surprised she was asking this, he grew a smile. "Claire I'll always be with you. Right now I'd do anything I could to spend the rest of my life with you, I will protect you and when we start a family I will fight whatever is trying to hurt us until I no longer breathe." He said
Claire buried her face in his chest. "It's just that. I had a nightmare last night, and I had to ask. You walked away and left me alone. I was so afraid it was going to come true." She said
Kieron held her "It's alright Claire..."
Claire pulled back and gave a faint smile. Kieron gave her a smile back.
"Are you up to going on another walk? My mom asked last night and I wanted to run it by you. If not we can stay here and we can talk about this more." Kieron asked
She kissed Kieron on the lips. "I think a night on the town would be nice." She smiled
"Alright I'll go call her now and let her know." Kieron said walking over to the phone and dialing Rides phone number.
Claire grabbed a glass of blood and sat down. She was set with Kieron but she still felt sad. She wondered if her father's funeral would give her closure and maybe she could smile more than just a faint smile...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Got my last exam for my first year at college tomorrow! Then it's summer time!
Hope you all have a good night!
XD The begging.
Gren is just. Lol You and Pie made this character charmingly incredible, hving doingand saying g the funniest things!
Anyway, Robert is arou d good people. He will be accepted regardless of what anyone think. Society is changing no matter what, and I am certain, or at least hopeful that Robert will settle down and finally get his slice of happiness. I can't stop smiling after this chapter, either!
Keep up the good work!
Great chapter dude
Poor Claire, that nightmare she had probably holds some truth, but we'll have to wait and see. Still, why would she choose her estranged Father over the man she loves? Especially when said Father tried to kill said man! XP
And Summer is finally here for you dude! Good luck for tomorrow, hope you do well! Man, your Summer breaks are like 3 months long right? My cousin had a 3 month long Summer break...
I look forward to more! XD
"Why do you act like everything is okay, Michelle?"
"Because everyday, I have to get up and pretend like nothing is wrong. To be strong for my daughter. She needs me and how selfish would I be, taking a single bullet through the head? I pretend I'm okay when deep down inside, I'm losing grip on reality. I do this to avoid attention to my broken world, so no one feels 'sorry' for little old me. I hide behind a smile. It has become my mask."
Perhaps it was her Wolf sense that caused Lyla to grab Erica and head into the panic room. Georgie had it built during the war between the Wolves and Fables, incase the children would need to hide for sometime. Placing Erica on a cushiond part of the floor, Lyla sniffs the air. It was not Georgie; he stayed back with Robert and Isaiah hoping they'd bring her daughter home. Just thinking about her daughter, slaughtered before her loved oves, caused the tears to return. Carla should count her blessings Lyla was not there. The things she was capable of doing. Carla would be begging for death to take her.
Erica played with a stuffed Hippo while Lyla pressed her ears to the door. Silence. Something Lyla was not too keen on. She continues to sniff, hoping to pick up a scent. It smelled familiar; it did not belong to either of her children, Grendel brother or grandchild. No. It was the stench of anger mixed with Lemons.
Carla. Standing back, Lyla was prepared to fight. She began to change, causing Erica to cower in fear. The little girl tried to crawl away.
"No no, Wolf!" Erica begs Lyla. "Scary! No no!"
"Hush, sweetie and stay right here." Lyla places Erica in a tiny crawl space. "Stay here and be quiet, okay? We're going to play a game...."
"Yes. Winner gets to go to Sonic and get their favorite slushie, alright? And cheese fries with a kit-kat bar."
"Lyla no!" Erica tried to pull out of the space. "Bad lady! No no!"
Her grief stricken words impaled Lyla's mind and heart long enough for her sister to break down the doors and laugh; she stood just a few feet from the grieving child and her sister and could sense both their fears. This pleased Carla and for the first time, she was ahead. No one was around to stop her this time. Lyla would be dealt with, just like she should have been all those years ago...
"Oh my dear, sweet Lyla. Why don't you turn around, baby sister and look me in the eyes before I fucking kill you on the spot."
Lyla did not budge at first. Her life became a vivid painting in her mind and all the glorious thoughts began to pile upon the fear. Smiling, Lyla remembers the day she fell in love with Georgie. Although young, she knew what it was and it was the most remarkable feeling she could have ever felt. Their first sexual encounter. The news of her pregnancy. Wedding day. Birthdays and Holidays. All the wonderful things her sister sadly missed out on, even with her own children. To be so consumed with hate and power, you forget what life was really about. Pushing Erica carefully back into the crawl space, Lyla stands up.
She coul feel the change. Her fingernails becoming claws, fine hair growing along her arms, legs, hands and neck. The sudden need to sink her fangs into Carla's neck, pull apart and feast. Her own sister, the main cause of all the wrong that occured in her life. Her father use to blame Georgie, the Fables....mundanes and the entire time, Carla was the devious one pulling the strings. Facing her sister, Lyla lets out a small growl. Foam began forming around the base of her lips. Stepping ever so carefully, Lyla transforms into a massive Wolf. Amber eyes glaring at her prey, Carla leans aginst the door and chuckles.
"Precious. You'll die like the Dog you are, sister. Sorry but priorities. YOU of all people should know...."
"LEAVE now, Carla or you shall face the consequences."
"What the fuck are you going to do to ME, Lyla? You are but a simple Wolf. I have the power of darkness lingering in these fingertips. Your precious soldier Georgie is nowhere to be found, Gren is gone and that pathertic excuse of a brother of his is currently kissing ass and begging for forgivness. I shall pick you off one by one. Watch you all curl up and die......"
"Why are you doing this, Carla? We're FAMILY! You killed your own sister! Your sons! How can you look in the mirror with a face so hideous as the one you bare before me?"
Carla snickers, opening her palms. "You stand there, mighty and proud, yet you quivering against my name. You, Mary and Gina were always dad's favorites. I was nothing to him..."
"That's not TRUE, Carla! Dad loved you! He-"
"LIAR!" A ball of energy plows into Lyla's paw, causing the beast to yip in agony. "Dad LOVED you three more because you were of Wolf blood, while I, a mere mundane. Dad always sheltered me, while you three had your adventures in this world. You all got to hunt, fish, play rough, seek the Council, while your only 'normal' sister sat back. I WANTED the knowledge! To know of this world, yet dad covered my eyes my entire life. Once I took on the Council's proposition to rid of Fables and Halfers, they allowed me a free pass into their world. TREATED me as one of their own. After I swore to forever live by the laws and rules of the Wolf community, my plan began to set into place."
"Those were different times, Carla!" Lyla tries to sit up. "You know this! Dad protected ALL of us! He loved you, you know this! The world was a cruel place growing up! They almost KILLED mom because she was mundane!"
"This burning desire has turned me into something you all thought was impossible. I BECAME the powerful one and even made our own father, a once member to the Council and Alpha to the pack, crumble to the grounds and BEG me for his life. All of your lives! I'd gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for Katie and her fuck trash children."
Lyla leaps into Carla's chest, knocking the woman into the brick. Lyla presses both massive paws on her ribcage and pins down. "Don't you EVER speak about my children or family like that! You dared to step into the light of the Porgies, hoping to take us down one by one. Use the curse to your own sick, twisted pleasures. How dare you even look me in the eyes right now...."
"Georgie should have died that night, Lyla!" Carla throws another ball of magic into Lyla's eyes. Whimpering, she paws at the wound. "You had no business fucking that piece of shit. I'd have let you live, too but because you decided to sleep with trash, you'll be thrown out like one, too. Allowing that fucking idiot to even release himself in you, making children as such."
Lyla turns, snaps her jaws shut and rips off Carla's arm. Shrieking into the afternoon sun, purple mixed with black and blood pours from the wound. Lyla tosses the dismembered body part to the side, stomps on it and howls into the air. Erica, watching everything unfold, suddenly
had the need to cast her own spell. To fight evil with evil; let her taste her own medicine as she was defeated into the dust and forever lost among the centuries to pass. Carla must have picked up on it; her eyes, glaring over her sister's shoulders, could feel the little girl's presence. The evil Dark was. The VERY thing she needed to get this war going.
Grasping at the wound, Carla charges at her sister. Lyla paws at the ground and heads for Carla. Sister against sister, both eager to destroy the other until nothing was left. Little did Carla know, a mysterious person standing behind her, both hands out and ready to fight.
Lyla and Georgie's home.
The house was shattered. Nothing was standing. His childhood home ruins. A smoldering pile. Sniffing the air, he could still sense his mother's scent. Erica. Looking around, Ethan's heart began to flutter rapidly against his chest. His eyes focused on the task around him. He could feel
the anger growing like fire inside. The fire pricked his skin, sending Ethan into a world so many forgot. He'd protect his family. His own. Cast Carla into the firey pits of hell. He wanted her to taste the fires of hell and beg for all to forgive her for these horrific actions.
"CARLA!" His voice rose over the hill tops themselves. "COME AND FIGHT ME, YA' FOOKIN' CUNT!" Silence. "CARLA!"
God have mercy on me, Ethan thought, as he searched the remains of the home. He wanted to see Carla's demise. Watch his sister and brother-in-law finally end the one person responsible for all that went on in their short lives. The vile thoughts returned; fists, Ethan pounds the soil and continues to scream.
"MOM!" Ethan noticed purple clouds, all with vicious smiles, escape his fingertips. "ERICA! MOM! MOOOOOOOOOOM!"
Peter, running down the path, felt his heart sink to his stomach upon noticing the home. A wave of sadness flashed over his eyes; he nearly tripped over his own feet, running to his brother side and gathering Ethan in his hands.
"ETHAN! What happend!? What did you do!?"
"Carla..." Ethan found it difficult to speak. "She was 'ere! She took Erica! Mom was 'ere, too but I can't fookin' find her, Peter! No....not my Erica....fook..."
Peter looked around. The tears made it difficult to see. To think. His mind was wandering around, trying to grasp everything before him. Still holding his brother, like times before, Peter cried.
Somewhere in the woods...
Georgie and Lyla, along with Erica, found a clearing in the woods. Dipping his shirt into the cool water, Georgie takes the soaking wet item and wraps it around Lyla's paw. She winces and pulls back; the raw flesh stung against the water and the intense stench of burning fur caused her lips to curl back and nostrils to flare. She could sense death the very moment the magic touched her bare paw. The sting and discomfort made it nearly impossible for Lyla to properly battle but she had her mind set on protecting Erica and the very little Carla did not touch or claim. Even if she were to die right there, Lyla could go knowing she did her best to fight. Beauty about markings was, once the other person felt the slightest change, they were on their way.
Georgie caught wind that something was not right. He left Robert and Isaiah to tend to Gren's current empty body; Georgie could not recall running so fast and with a single purpose. His home had been invaded by a woman filled with hate and grief. She was there to seal Lyla's fate but despite being shrewd, so was Georgie. He found Carla preparing to throw her final blast, ending his wife's life. The scream that escaped his mouth. Something Georgie had kept secret for so long. The scream of fear....
As Georgie carefully wraps Lyla's paw up, all he could vision were the horrific things Carla was thinking. Dark magic users were capable of knowing little snips of the other user's thoughts. It happened in spurts and luck was on Georgie's side; Carla was going to shove a ball of magic deep into Lyla's throat, stand back and watch it eat her sister from the inside out. Lyla would not have had a choice. She'd die before anyone had a chance to stop it. Throwing himself in Carla, he did the only thing he knew how: fight dirty.
Carla was not applying rules to her battle and neither would he. Carla was stunned to see the fable before her. Georgie dug deep and accessed his magic through the roots of his past. The raw and negative emotions he was forever plagued with. Creating a circle around his body, Georgie created his most powerful source through fear and negatve emotions. Carla did not have enough time to move from this and Georgie did not have the mind set to stay. All he could think of was Erica and his wife. Limping, Lyla leaves the home but not before the entire thing blows to nothing....
"OW Georgie!" Lyla tries to hold back the tears. "That really stings."
"I need ta' rub this off, love. Just....close ya' eyes."
Georgie uses all he could to clean off Lyla's wound. The remaining magic was burning off her fur, around the knubs of her claws and fingers. His heart was breaking against Lyla's whimpers and anguish howls. Playing near the river, Erica looks over.
"I knew I should've fookin' stayed with ya', love...."
"You had to help Emily." The name pricked at Lyla's heart strings. "Emily...did Gren do it, Georgie?"
"Yes, love. He's lookin' fa' our baby girl and they will finally end this fookin' bullshit."
"No!" Lyla growls, baring her teeth. "I will NOT let another one of our children fight, Georgie! I can't lose them!"
"This is IN Emily's fate, Lyla..." Georgie looks into his wife's eyes. "Ya' fookin' know this. We CAN'T stop it, even if we wanted ta'. Emily has ta' do this, Lyla. she's stronger now, as is Grendel."
Lyla knew Georgie spoke the truth but it was still hard to picture her children being a part of this ongoing circus of chaos. All Lyla could picture were her seven children playing in the living room; half were building wonderous towers out of Legos, while a few played with dolls or board games. Emily was always her outspoken child and could never be tied down. She was her wild one, as Georgie loved to call her. Even as an adult and mother to four beautiful babies, no once could change Emily. You'd tell her to comb her hair, she said some kids don't. Told her not to leave, she did. Lyla pictured her daughter, an identical copy to her adoring husband, sitting on his knee. He always told his children they could be anything and Emily took these words to heart. Tell her life was hard and she'd smile and reply with 'That's alright. I'm tougher.'
Indeed she was. Emily proved it and would continue to do so. Gren WOULD bring her back and they'd finally end this war. BE the protector Emily was always meant to be. A second chance, just like her father. She HAD become the next Georgie Porgie. Erica carefully walks towards Lyla. Georgie holds out his hand and offers his assistance.
"Got going, Georgie." Erica takes babysteps. "I go walk. See. I can. No help."
"You're doing wonderful, love." Georgie still holds out his hand. "But ya' papa Georgie is 'ere ta' catch ya', should ya' need me. Sometimes, it's alright ta' need help..."
Lyla licks Georgie's cheek and nestles closer to his neck. Her massive head tucks perfectly under his jawline. "She's something, isn't she Georgie?"
"She is, love. Such personality in her eyes. Strong, too. Like her mother..."
"I'm happy Ethan and Michelle have managed to look past everything and work through this all. He needs someone, as does she. Michelle is a wonderful lady."
Still holding out his hand, Georgie leans down and kisses Lyla's paw. The cool, fresh water was aiding her healing process rather nicely. One of the many perks to being a Wolf. Erica finally made her way over to Georgie and Lyla. Her attention was soon on a passing Ladybug. Squealing with delight, she points.
"Georgie, Lyla pretty!" Erica claps. "Pretty buggy!"
"It's a Ladybug, Erica." Lyla titls her head forward. "did you know the also come in yellos and oranges, too?"
"Blue, Lyla? Blue buggy?"
"I don't think so, baby but maybe one day, if you close your eyes and REALLY picture a blue Ladybug, it will come true."
"Yay!" Erica throws her hands up. "Blue buggy, blue buggy!"
Lyla pulls Erica closer. "Will she find us here, Georgie?"
"Nah, love. TRUST me. I got this thing shield off. She can look all she wants. We'll head out once ya' paw heals all the way."
Lyla takes a deep breath and sighs. "I hope Gren found our baby. I miss her. I just want all this to be over with, Georgie. Have our family again."
Georgie scratches Lyla's ears. "He'll get her back, Lyla. I promise ya'. Gren has surprised me, too. I neva' thought he'd see the bigger pircture. REALLY be woot he was meant ta' be. Everything that had ta' do with our Emily, though, he was always there. He's come a long way from where he began. His love fa' Emily is beyond words and the two of them ta'gether has created a force everyone in Fabletown has noticed. That bond will never be broken or lost."
They both held onto Erica, as their minds wandered into the past. Wrapping his arms around Lyla, Georgie leans his head into her neck. Erica continues to follow the Ladybug with her eyes. Nothing but smiles. From all three of them.
Any questions, you know the drill.
Thanks man!
I hope it doesn't! o.o Well she's been caught in a whole swirl of emotions, so she, for the most part, is not thinking clearly.
Yeah man!
I hope so too, especially since I've been studying! XD Yup then it's back to the grind again XD
Awesome man!
That must be tough. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her dream was heart breaking and I know all to well what she's going through. I can feel her heart breaking, especially the moment when she wakes up. Seems like the dream is meant for her to pick and choose what is more important. Kieron or her family....
I'd love to see her smile more, too and hopefully Kieron can do that for her but shit. This porr woman.
Man! Summer time 2015! Good luck with those exams! My graduation is in two weeks!
I look forward to the summer, although the heat is no joke. XD Congrats on your 1st year, man! -brofist-
Oh man all these past memories lyla is remembering is really playing strings with my feels, and my feels have been wrecked enough today XD
Go Lyla! You tear that bitches arm off! Next time you get a chance try and grab the head! >:D Georgie is right Gren will come back with Emily and then together they will finish Carla off and put all of this behind them. The part with Ethan and Peter makes me sad even more, hopefully Ethan will find out that both Lyla and Erica are both safe
This was awesome man and I can't wait for more!
She really is stuck right now, she's fighting for Kieron yet her past keeps calling her to go back to get lost and lose reality. Maybe When all is said and done she will be able to breathe and come to terms with her emotions.
Kieron will have to do so for now, but he will pave the way and help her see the brighter things, just like she did for him
It's finally here!
Thanks man! I've been preparing for a while now! That's awesome man! Wish we could all be there to celebrate with you!
The heat is really bad here as well, and the humidity doesn't help either! XD Thanks man, it was rough but I'm glad I made it!
It's really is. I've had to do the very thing he's gone through....
I'm sorry about your friend and hopefully, she gets the help she needs.
Those are always warnings. Cries for help. Anyways, Robert will take all the above from you. :') He's in a tough situation right now. He has his brother. Now and always.
Yeah and poor Gren. Caught. XD The stuff he must have been viewing....o.o COUGHbigbootygirlswithtattoosCOUGH Oh excuse me. Shit.
It hit me hard, too. think Frank understands and hopefully, Jersey will be just as accepting but who knows.
Thanks, man! Can't wait to write it!
OMG no way! o.o I need to get this for myself now!!
This song is the shit!
Awesome chapter, man!
Claire's dreams struck me and I can understand. Although her father is a dick and trying to kill them at the moment, you find yourself looking at the good days and being stuck, as the others have stated. I hope she can cross this bridge and should follow with what her heart really wants. Even if she did choose her father, he's an evil man and would do this again in a heart beat.
Glad to see Kieron is there for her no matter what. Always until the bitter end and I like that. Hopefully they can figure out what to do with the Prince and everything this asshole has planned for them.
Good luck on that test and congrats to your first year of college! You deserve a celebration! Ugh, I'm not a fan of Summer and where you are at, bet the heat is a muthafucka'! XD
Thanks man!
One day she will be able to get unstuck and follow what she wants. But for now she needs to learn how.
You're exactly right JJ, He would do exactly that and would probably kill her too >:(
Thanks man I appreciate it!
Man I wish Lol! Yeah the only thing I've liked about the summer was the break from classes and such, I'm more of an autumn kind of guy
Oh yes, it's absolutely unbearable sometimes, especially when the humidity hits! XD Hopefully I can work up north for the summer and not have to deal with the heat that much! XR
The manner of which this 'vampire god' spoke is not what I would expect from one such as he. I must say, It is a welcome break from the typical and cliché high register speech you get from most vampire stories. He was genuinely humorous.
This sounds exactly like my own Gertraud, and she does not beat about the bush does she? Very brief explanation; too brief for me to take in.
I await more from ye.
That first part. I have no words.
First I was like.
Then I broke into a fit of laughter.
This was overall a very emotional chapter. I can understand feeling as if others shan't accept you for you (apparently, my nickname is 'Nazi' because of my enthusiasm in German culture, language and history). All was well put together. I nearly shed a tear towards the end.
Great work as always.
Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die, Please let Carla die.....
-virtual brohug- It's ok dude, you don't have to worry anymore
I have multiple friends who have done so, but she is the worst case for cutting. They do take medication for depression, but it doesn't always work sadly
Getting caught... it's the worst thing ever!!! XP
I hope Jersey understands his Brother, but for some reason I see him being kinda 'macho' about it
Cool
Wow! :O
First that fight with Lyla and Carla was tense! I did feel a slight amount of remorse when Carla expressed that she felt like the unloved child the whole time, but then her motives came back to me, so I don't care anymore :P
Georgie Porgie... Maybe I will come to like the man in the end. He and Lyla really are something together aren't they?
And Erica can use Magic?! That's a detail I either forgot or missed out completely
I look forward to more, man! XD
I'm so sorry for wrecking the last bit of feels, my good man! Even during the darkest hours, Lyla tries to see the good....:'(
She was blinded for the moment and grabbed the nearest thing she could.
Hopefully Gremily get back in time!
And Peter and Ethan....they are both about to know just what Carla can do and what must be one of them.....
Thanks my good man! -brofist-
It is sad because John did protect carla for this reason but to murder your own and the town? But then again, we all handle rejection differently...:( But Lyla, no matter, will always defend the innocent ones like Erica.
I'd like to think at the end of this all, Georgis leaves something everyone's heart. I love that guy and feel like he deserves his story told. He and Lyla are indeed something together. He loves that woman, as she does Georgie to no end.
No one knew Erica could use magic. It will make more sense in the next couple of chapters.....and what triggers it.
Awesome, man!
Lyla and her heart of gold
I'm always gonna be on the fence with Georgie, just can't forget what a prick he was in TWAU... I'm sorry dude, Lyorgie is awesome! XD
Oh dear :O I'm gonna assume that extreme sadness triggers it...
She does and it shows everyday of her life.
I'm fine with it, my good man. People read my story and appreciate Georgie HERE but can't get over who he was in the game and I'm fine with it. Guess I was the only one that truly felt sorry and understood why he did it....But Lyorgie are indeed awesome and love them to bits!
I'll say this: It's who will trigger it that causes Erica to finally use her magic like Michelle can.
Glad to hear it
I am warming up to him, but I never will completely I'm afraid
I adore them! XD
I'm guessing Ethan just because...
It's alright, I forgive you XD In a time like that, that's all you can do
Lyla is awesome
I hope so man!
Oh I don't like the sound of that at all! 
No problem man!
Michelle had to take a moment to sit along the journey to the three fates' home. While Gren spoke to Hades, Nick aides to Michelle's side. Handing her a large glass of water, Nick takes this opportunity to speak tothe young blonde woman. The entire walk, she was silent. Michelle made a few attempts to talk but that was all. Nick watched her pink lips wrap around the edge of the glass. She managed to drink half before cleaning her lips. Behind them, Junior stood and smoked a cigarette. Nick noticed several clouds of ash and smoke lingering around his feet. Digging into his pocket, Nick offers Michelle a cigar as well but with a smile, she declines the offer.
"Horrible habit." Michelle takes another sip. "I've been trying to avoid using that method to calm my nerves."
"It can be." Nick lights his cigar instead. "But these things truly calm yourself down after a long day, battle or just for the fuck of things."
"Agreed." Michelle sighs. "Is Gren and the others ready?"
"We're waiting on you, Michelle. I noticed you've been slowing down. Your mind seems lost. What's going on?"
"I'm fine. Honestly." Michelle tries to smile. "Just, my head hurts and my feet. I want to see Emily again. Gren is a very tough Fable, yes but the love he has with Emily is the very thing that keeps that man going. If that had been me and I witnessed my love one be taken down without warning, I'd be in the fetal postion somewhere right about now."
"Persistence is a trait so little have, Michelle. Grendel was blessed to have been born with this. I have respect for a man willing to look past the odds and protect what is his. Never give into this cruel world's miserable hands, fall in a corner as you say and wait."
"Guess I was the unlucky one, then." Michelle finishes off her drink. "I was never one to be 'determined'."
"That's a lie, Michelle. You are. I heard about Noah and the fucking things he did to you. My deepest apologies goes to you and your daughter. You, however, were determined to protect her. Ethan. That says alot, young lady."
Michelle did not have the sudden strength to respond; before she could answer Nick, her head became heavy. Thick amounts of black clouds enveloped her mind. Last she heard was Nick; Gren ran to her side and Junior was attempting to ask Hades what was taking place. This had nothing to do with Hades. Like Gren, Michelle was finally accepting her true fate. One, like Gren, was locked away for centuries. Something she refused to acknowledge.
Understand. Accept. Standing alone in the dark, she had a pleasing sense of belonging. Like this was always created just for her.
"Welcome home, my child." Michelle turns to face the dark. The voice continues. "I was wondering when you'd return to me."
"Dad?" Michelle backed away from the voice. " is this possible. You're dead. The North Wind had-"
"Funny thing about thoughts, my daughter, is they seem to bring the deceased back in full images. Keeps me going, you thinking of me. Trying to hide from the truth. Why must you ignore me, as if I never existed so?"
"Please leave me alone! I don't want anything to do with you! You MADE me kill my own mother. You 'loved' her simply for the idea of all those teeth you could claim as your own someday. You did not give me attention unless I 'became' you."
"I loved you, my child. Your mother was indeed a pawn in my schemes, yes but it was harmless. I learned to 'care' for the Toothfairy and even 'loved' her at one point. When you were born, I could feel the very power inside and I was proud. I attempted to love you, Michelle but I'm a wicked entity. Mysterious and extremely powerful. If a box they contained me in for centuries could not stop me, then neither could the affection your mother to keep me in. All I wanted was to control."
"You're still doing it with me, dad." Michelle spits on his shoes and scowls. "You have no idea the shit I dealt with. STILL deal with. My daughter is the only fucking thing keeping me going. No one adopted me, dad. I was alone for so long. Wanted to kill myself. I had to have purple pills made for ME only because I wanted to be nothing like you!"
Dark grins, tapping his slender, gray fingers against one another. "But my darling, Michelle, you ARE half of your mother and she was pure, bless her soul. You can hold back the Lion before releasing it into the crowd, so to speak. "
"I don't WANT to, dad." Michelle looks around. "Release me at once! Now! I have things to do...."
"Ah yes. The Porgie child. I was pleasently surprised to know Mr. Georgie Porgie created offspring as such. The curse attatched to his name is indeed fascinating and I'm quite enthralled by it all. Knowing anguish and fear as such can create the power within one's self. The source of this is indeed something I relate to. I'm sure you know this, my daughter. But tell me: Emily Porgie and her place in this world. Along with that pitiful husband. Grendel was always weak in my eyes but I'm secretly pleased to see he's risen to the top of things. I know of his mother. Beautiful and potent young woman. Very respected in the spirit world..."
"WHAT are you trying to get at, dad? I do not have time for you 'pity' so if you excuse me, I need to move forward and return to the Underworld."
"There is a reason why you're seeing me, Michelle. Do not run from me. I can help."
"YOU help ME!?" Apopletic, Michelle swivels to face her father. "YOU will never 'help' me again! I'm not you! I want nothing to do with you, dad! Leave me be!"
"This has to do with Ethan, Michelle." The name causes the young woman to stop. "I know how dear he's become to you. To Erica. You'd be devestated if you ever lost him."
"What are you saying, dad?" Drak had her full attention. "WHAT about Ethan?"
"I thought I was vile and powerful but this mundy has surprised me with her ability to learn something such as Dark magic for evil .I fear she will become something as I use to be. This can be catostrophic to you all. She's using Ethan as her last plan to take Emily and Fabletown down. A trap. Using his soul as her own soldier. You'll lose him, Michelle. I need to prepare you for this, my daughter. Loss is the most evil and cruel thing that can occur."
Michelle falls to the ground. "What are you telling me, dad? I going to LOSE Ethan Porgie!?"
"You never fully lose him, Michelle." Dark lifts his daughter up and points to her chest, then stomach. "You'll always have a piece of him to keep yourself going. Truly losing a person all falls into the memories. The moments you had. The very thing that remains. But I wish to give you a lesson before you return. Death is always certain. You can not escape it. There is more to Ethan's curse then just the memories he inheritied from his father. THINK long and hard of the Porgies, the one thing they all had."
"The curse...." Michelle wipes her eyes. "But, they all overcame it! Ethan's curse was to look like Georgie."
"It will always be there, the curse, Michelle. It will pass on to the children but there is one way to end it all and save the others. Let me take you for awhile and teach you some things. Embrace WHO you are. I wish to show you how to summon the spirits of the fallen by the very thing that sent me head overheals in affection for your mother...I want to see you succeed, my daughter. Come."
"Why are you telling me this, dad? Why help me?"
Dark walks away. Who was this creature that he felt love for? He felt sorrow for Michelle and knew the struggles she suffered. Michelle glanced up at the man that use to send chills along her spine. Mr. Drak longed to make this world his own and sadly, so did Michelle. Everything she loved was in danger: Ethan, her daughter. The city. Dark could feel Michelle struggling against everything.
"I do not have the answers you wish to hear. But this is a unholy demon you are dealing with. She has caused blood to spill in the city. She can lie to herself and all those that worked for her but she can never run from the very thing that will bring her down. I want to make your soul strong, for things shall change. I do not want to see you weak like your mother. Lock those away and bring me out. I want you prepared, for you, my child, IS Ethan's curse and you will have to be strong and know fate happens in mysterious ways. You have two that need you the most...."
"Two? Two what, dad...."
"Come, Michelle. It is time to finally walk in my shadow..."
Gren & Emily's home
Robert stood beside his brother's body and glared into the pond. So many colors reflected along the ripples. The remaining Elves and Grendels scout the grounds, looking around. The air was murky and heavy; Carla's wretched soul could be felt in the wind as it blew through the branches and blades of grass. Dahlia, looking at her nephew, carefully approaches Robert.
"You've done wonderful watching over Grendel, Robert."
"I don't deserve his love and devotion sometimes. I use to blame him for so long, turned my back when he needed me the most and yet, he's willing to forgive me. Why?"
"Even after your birth, you and Gren were always closer. You watched over him. You can lie to yourself, Robert but you'll never escape the loving eyes of your mother. The very eyes that saw potential in you all."
"Gren was always her favorite, though..."
"No. you chose to be beside your father. Anywhere he went, you were there. Jason and Daniel worked in mysterious ways and Isaiah would rather explore this world alone. Gren was the runt. Normally, they never live past their first year. Times were different. They normally drowned the runts. Those that were weak. But even your father knew there was something special about Grendel. You all have something special inside...."
"Then what is mine, aunt Dahlia? If I was not meant to be Alpha, what am I then?"
"Perhaps the best thing you CAN be, is a believer to your brother. Protect him, like you did as children. Lift them over those large and dangerous rocks until he's strong enough to climb alone. Be there to grab his hand. Support him as the centuries you both shall live on this Earth. Know that he loves you and always has, just like you did, too. Being 'strong' does not mean you can't feel, Robert. Remember that...."
"Mom told me the same thing, aunt Dahlia. The night she came to me..."
"She loved you boys and would sacrifice everything again, just to protect you three."
Isaiah looked through the kitchen window. It was a wonderful feeling and picture to witness. The hostile feelings, for once, were slowly melting away. He and Gren would always have their issues but they were all connected to eachother in a circle that would never end. They all lost
something that day and by blaming Gren, they were no better.
Isaiah, however, did not notice the little girl standing beside him. Dressed in blue jeans, black shirt and Air Force ones, Sheila carefully taps on his leg. Isaiah was lost in thought and did not notice her. Peering down he was surprised to see her there. Isaiah kneels before Sheila. She looked identical to Mary but had the Porgie 'look' and Junior's eyes.
"Sheila, what are you doing here? You need to go home. There is a war and-"
"I know this, Isaiah. I'm here to help. We ALL are. Rosie and the others should be here in any moment and-"
"Whoa, what!?" Isaiah stands up and heads for the living room. "What the fuck do you MEAN Rosie is heading this way?! She's supposed to be with the quads and-"
"They too are heading this way. Pretty pissed off, if you ask me but you can never tell Seraphina what to do or Liam. Or, any of them actually. So we-"
"No, Sheila! You have to stop them! They are in danger! You-"
"It's too late, Isaiah. They have the taste of revenge in their mouth. You know this. Just listen for their arrival. Pretty freaking sweet, if you ask me."
"What...what are you saying, Sheila?"
But the sound could be heard before either Sheila or Isaiah could speak. He should have known better. They all should have the right to be a part of this. Isaiah faces the window and notices Georgie riding Lyla's back. In his arms, craddled closly to his chest, was Erica. Behind Lyla was Peter. In his mouth, a mason jar. Following behind him, however, were the quads and Rosie.
A trail of Elves and Grendels treading beside the children. Seraphina rode several vines layered in thorns. Chloe, in her shadow form, sat on Viviana's back. The young girl was in her Cerberus form. Liam, riding a horse made of bone and flames, held up a single sword. Upon his head, the Helm of Darkness. 'Ring of Fire' played as the group approached the house.
Isaiah, however, beamed. Shiela folds her arms and nods.
"...The taste, of love is sweet. Whe hearts, like ours meet. I fell for you like a child. Oh but the fire went wild. "I fell into a burning rng of fire. I went down, down, down and the fire went higher. And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire...."
Any questions, you know the drill.
Had time before work. Ugh. Feel like shit still but gotta make that $$$. Going to the doctor tomorrow, though.
Hate being sick.
For moment there I got scared for Kieron, thank god! The dream could've been worse!
I think when this over they could use a vacation or something.
Great chapter dude! And sorry to hear that you're sick, that always sucks
Nick is a good man for giving Michelle that much needed encouragement
Now Michelle and Mr Dark was... informative. I'm trying to figure out what will happen, but my guess is Michelle will have to make Ethan a Familiar if she wants him to be around ever again, cuz I guess that Ethan will die. I'm probably wrong though :P
I had to look up that word Apoplectic, it means to be very angry or very excited XP
Robert finally knows what his place was, and I hope he does look after Grendel now and forever :') And that scene at the end was something!! :O
Gotta love Johnny Cash as well.
I can't wait for more dude! XD
This is like watching that one epic scene in a movie everyone wanted to see, incredible!
I pictured Lyla and Crla fight like this:
If Carla lives, what would happened next, but... if she lives, will that be the end? I would hope that she would be, but I like to see an alternative route, no matter. Intense chapter.
Excellent chapter man!
I like how Nick was there to give Michelle a bit of help and a bit of hope. It's alright Michelle, Mr.Dark will help it may seem sketchy but I think he's really there to help this time.
Oh yeah! It's time for the quads and everyone else to get in on the action!
This was awesome! I hope you feel better soon as well!
Kieron is a okay! For the moment at least
They will definitely have to have some sort of vacation! XD
^^^OMG perfect! Yes!