Well, there goes what was left of my feels after yesterday. I really liked the dialouge Michelle and Dark had. I was pleasently surprised by Dark and his want to make his daughter stronger. At first, I thought this was a trap but he truly did wish to aide Michelle. I don't like the idea that she's going to lose Ethan. I have to go with Hman. I have a feeling Carla is going to kill Ethan and Michelle will have to use his teeth to bring him back. But, she can only do that so many times....wow....I might be wrong but knowing that Ethan is going to die. Or, are we wrong, pie?
I'm very rpoud of my Robert. It must be tough, claiming defeat but Dahlia is right. Calla loved ALL her boys and Robert was so hung up on becoming his father, he forgot family comes with the territory and you never leave family behind. He's grown and I loved seeing this. Isaiah is too fucking adorable and can I take a guess, simply by the bio, too: Is Sheila Porgie his future mate?
That ending, too! Wow! All of them racing towards the home! I wonder if Gremily is with them? What about Carla? And WHERE is Ethan?!
Michelle had to take a moment to sit along the journey to the three fates' home. While Gren spoke to Hades, Nick aides to Michelle's side. H… moreanding her a large glass of water, Nick takes this opportunity to speak tothe young blonde woman. The entire walk, she was silent. Michelle made a few attempts to talk but that was all. Nick watched her pink lips wrap around the edge of the glass. She managed to drink half before cleaning her lips. Behind them, Junior stood and smoked a cigarette. Nick noticed several clouds of ash and smoke lingering around his feet. Digging into his pocket, Nick offers Michelle a cigar as well but with a smile, she declines the offer.
"Horrible habit." Michelle takes another sip. "I've been trying to avoid using that method to calm my nerves."
"It can be." Nick lights his cigar instead. "But these things truly calm yourself down after a long day, battle or just for the fuck of things."
"Agreed." Michelle sighs.… [view original content]
Well, there goes what was left of my feels after yesterday. I really liked the dialouge Michelle and Dark had. I was pleasently surprised by… more Dark and his want to make his daughter stronger. At first, I thought this was a trap but he truly did wish to aide Michelle. I don't like the idea that she's going to lose Ethan. I have to go with Hman. I have a feeling Carla is going to kill Ethan and Michelle will have to use his teeth to bring him back. But, she can only do that so many times....wow....I might be wrong but knowing that Ethan is going to die. Or, are we wrong, pie?
I'm very rpoud of my Robert. It must be tough, claiming defeat but Dahlia is right. Calla loved ALL her boys and Robert was so hung up on becoming his father, he forgot family comes with the territory and you never leave family behind. He's grown and I loved seeing this. Isaiah is too fucking adorable and can I take a guess, simply by the bio, too: Is Sheila Porgie his f… [view original content]
The sun rose high above the buildings and the sleeping world below. Gren and Robert never went to sleep. There was no need. The emotions and conversation that night and well into the day was overdue for both of them. While Robert took a cigarette break, Gren looked back and watched his brother. He use to picture Robert as this tough, undestructive man; little feelings, nothing bothered him and everyone wanted to BE him. Robert was painted by the hands of God and he was a towering beast. Nothing would ever bother him.
Gren never will understand. He'd have to walk a day in Robert's shoes to really know and learn things he never knew. But he could be there now and always, holding his brother's hand, like the many times Robert did for him. Gren listened all night to Robert's heartfelt confessions. Gren had questions, as would anyone who's loved one was finally coming forward.
He, however, could not understand why Robert felt the need to hide from his own brother. Gren was openminded to certain things and allowed certain issues as one like this to 'slide' by. To Gren, love was love. Topics like child molestation, abuse, rape and drugs, well, Gren was there to give a piece of his mind and then some. But this was something Gren could look past. THIS was his brother. Nothing changed that.
Robert returns to the bedroom. His eyes were swollen, puffy and red. Sniffing, Robert reaches for a tissue. He took his seat at the foot of the bed and sat in silence for some time. The honking outside and movement above made it somewhat soothing to the beast. His mind was not left alone to create silly thoughts again.
Gren clears his throat. "So...gay, huh?"
Robert blows his nose. "Yeah."
"When did you....I mean, when did you KNOW you were gay, like....fuck. How did you fucking come across this?"
"It has been with me since the Homelands, Gren. I use to look at the other male Grendels but did not have an answer for it. I assumed I was watching their fucking battles and hoping to be what dad was: built like a tank, quicker then lightning and dominating. But, these feelings that would follow were nothing of 'admiring' but wanting them."
"Did mom or dad ever know of this?"
"Fuck no they didn't!" Robert cleans his nose. "Dad would have killed me back in the day, should he know his first born male son was possibly attracted to men. I'm sure mom would understand but the guilt she'd feel."
"The fuck you mean by guilt, Robert?"
"I wasn't 'normal', Gren. Not what society wanted. I was their different child. The 'gay' one. The clan we were a part of would never have lived it down to either of them. So, I concealed these thoughts and forced myself to look at woman."
"So, no attraction what towards titties and ass, Robert or do you still like to take a peek?"
"Wome are beautiful to this world, Gren. I do look but nothing like you would, for example. Youhave desires to be with one; to love, have sex, create a life with. Always. For me, it felt like a death sentence, for I was lying to them and myself."
Gren leans back into the bed. so many questions..."So, everything you dd with Lyla or Rose? That was fucking bullshit?"
"But....WHY, Robert?"
Robert sits up, looking towards the window. A littl black bird lands on the edge, hopping around. "I had no choice. If I were to be exposed as gay, this world would have torn me apart. They killed hundreds of men, women and children for being black, Native American, different religion, ethnicity. The Jews were exterminated like Rats because they were looked upon as 'evil' in this world. People with disabilities were locked away, kept in secret because no one wanted to address this matter. If ANYONE knew Robert Grendel was a homosexual, I wouldn't be here fucking talking to you, Gren and you know this!"
"So Lyla and Rose were coverups, basically?" It broke Gren's heart to say this. "You never loved them?"
"I love Lyla. she was my best friend and still is to this day. No hostile feelings between me and her. We have a son together, whom I do not regret creating. Rose will always be a huge part to my history because she's been there through my good and ugly days. Did they deserve this bullshit lie? No. Neither of them did but what could I do?"
Gren gets up from the bed and walks around. He rubs his chin and stares at the ground. "So, fuck...can I ask you something else then?"
"Sure. I'm here to answer anything."
"I feel fucking stupid asking this. I mean, I know HOW it's fucking done but-"
"What, Gren? Don't..."
Gren sighs heavily. "The...sex part, Robert. When you and Lyla had sex or when you and Rose did, how did you manage to keep going, if this is not your fucking cup of tea?"
"Picture something you do like."
Gren needed to throwup. Not because of the answers but the truth behind them. Knowing his own brother had to lie all these centuries because the world would have cast him off or forever leave scars of abuse, ridicule and hate. Gren could feel the tears again. He hand not a single word to say but found himself hugging Robert. Gren buries his face into Robert's chest and allows himself to shed tears.
"Gren, why are you crying?"
Gren continues to hide his face. "You're my fucking brother and I love you and can never fucking see myself thinking any less because of this. I wish you had come to me sooner, Robert but...I understand. I love you, no matter what, even if you do like dick and not pussy."
"RJ will hate me...." Robert looks towards the ceiling. "He'll never look at me the same."
"That boy loves you, Robert. Not a single ounce of hate in that little body for you. Fucking tell him when he comes over later. He NEEDS to know, Robert. He'll fucking understand. You're his father. He loves you."
Robert and Gren remain as so for sometime. Gren did not want to remove himself from Robert. He wanted to feel what his brother did. Never allow his brother to suffer alone in a world he had to pretend in. Gren was there now and soon, his son.
"Come on, Robert." Gren peels himself off of Robert. "Let's get some food, alright?"
Holding onto Gren's shoulder, Robert leads the pair out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. For the first time, Robert was free. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The Lucky Pawn
A large vase goes flying across the room, crashing against the wall and breaking to several pieces. Frank covers his head while his brother, the Jersey Devil, trashes the entire room. His fingers dif into the wallpaper and pulls forward, leaving gashes in the material. Thankfully, the front doors were locked; people walking by assumed the place was closed or the employess on break.
Frank notices Jersey lift a massive book and toss in his direction.
"Jersey, fucking stop it, man!" Frank waves his hands. "Please! We need to talk! We need to-"
"You're a fucking fag, Frank!?" Jersey growls against his words. "You mean to fuckin' tell me, my only living brother sleeps with fuckin' dudes!? Dances at those fruity clubs and thinks this is fuckin' alright!?"
"Jersey, please, listen to me!" Frank was nearly begging for his brother's attention. "I wanted to tell you for years but did not know how! This is ME and this makes me happy!"
"You had all those fuckin' girlfriends in the past, Frank! You can't fuckin' tell me you fucked them and sudden;y, turned into this!"
"I've ALWAYS felt like this, Jersey! I only dated women and slept with thembecause I HAD to!"
Jersey tries to grab his brother. Frank, however, leaps over the counter. "The fuck you mean you had to, Frank!?"
"If I ever was caught sleeping with another man and word got back to you-to anyone-I'd be dead and you fuckin' know it! No one accepts me as this, so I have to fuckin' pretend and hide!"
"Then fuckin' keep doing it, Frank! No brother of MINE is going to be labled as a homo, so long as I'm around!"
Frank was stunned by his words. "Are you...ashamed of me, Jersey?"
"Fuck yes I am, Frank!" Jersey stand shis ground. "You fuckin' come to me, in MY fuckin' shop and tell me this shit!? And you expect me to understand and welcome this with open fuckin' arms!? you lost your fuckin' mind, Frank! This is sick!"
"THIS is sick...." Frank walks from behind the counter and stands before Jersey. "MY life is sick....look at you, Jersey! Look at this entire fucked up town! World! People cheat all the fucking time! Create children and abuse them! The government is bleeding us all with their promises to change things. Make the world better. Child molesters roam these street, convicted felons walk about like the world is their oyster. People are being killed because of this shit and you call ME sick?!"
"You're FUCKIN' another dude, Frank! Get that through your fuckin' skull! We fuck pussy! The end! YOU need to fix this little mishap or you can get the fuck outta' here!"
"You are the one who's disgusting." Frank is drawn to tears. "I AM your brother, Jersey! We have history together! You can't do this to me!"
"Yes I can." Jersey unlocks the front door and opens it. "Get the fuck outta' my goddamn shop. When you decide to join the rest of the men, I'll let you back in. But until then, Frank, I don't HAVE a fuckin' brother. You're DEAD to me, ya' hear me?!"
Frank was beyond hurt. Nothing he could say would ever change his brother's heart. Head hung low in shame, Frank leaves the pawn shop with the door slamming behind him. Walking alone down the street, Frank looked for a healthy alternative to fixing his broken heart. A nearby bar was open an a glass of Bourben always cured his woes.
He had work in three hours. His hopes ran high, thinking Robert might stop by after last night and talk. But that would never happen. So, alone once more and broken hearted, Frank places a fake smile and enters the bar, joining in a conversation with two strangers about 'plowing' their wives and what not.
Yup. Just how the world wanted, thought Frank, as he slowly died a little on the inside with every word. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Any questions or comments or something you liked, leave them below!
I think she is because pie stated that only their true love can end their life without removing the weakness. I'll have to go back and read the bio....nice to know I'm not the only one that thinks this! XD
I think she is because pie stated that only their true love can end their life without removing the weakness. I'll have to go back and read the bio....nice to know I'm not the only one that thinks this! XD
Is Sheila Porgie his future mate?
You know, Pie's bio of Isaiah said that only Sheila can kill him with a simple stab to the heart...
In that case, IT MUST BE TRUE!!!! :O
The talk with Gren and Robert went as I expected; I knew Gren would understand (in his own unique way of course) and now Robert can rest easy in the knowledge that Gren does indeed love him for who he is, rather than what the world wants him to be. It is a sad thought that some people have to hide themselves away... I'm not gay, but I'm a very open-minded person, I do wonder if I would be accepted if I turned out gay though
And just like I predicted last chapter, Jersey WAS indeed macho about it!
"You're FUCKIN' another dude, Frank! Get that through your fuckin' skull! We fuck pussy! The end! YOU need to fix this little mishap or you can get the fuck outta' here!"
Fucking hell, you expect your Brother to be just like you, and you hate his guts because he isn't?! :O
"We fuck pussy!"
Fucking get over yourself Jersey... You know I actually liked Jersey more than Georgie, but I don't think I can accept him anymore. Jersey is quite frankly a cunt and he needs to get a serious wake up call on life! It's not about banging the hottest bitch in the club or wishing you were married to Lyla or Emily or Katie etc. It's about WHAT YOU WANT! >:(
Man I want to kill Jersey right now...
I can't wait for more dude, you did an amazing job! XD
The sun rose high above the buildings and the sleeping world below. Gren and Robert never went to sleep. There was no need. The emotions and… more conversation that night and well into the day was overdue for both of them. While Robert took a cigarette break, Gren looked back and watched his brother. He use to picture Robert as this tough, undestructive man; little feelings, nothing bothered him and everyone wanted to BE him. Robert was painted by the hands of God and he was a towering beast. Nothing would ever bother him.
Gren never will understand. He'd have to walk a day in Robert's shoes to really know and learn things he never knew. But he could be there now and always, holding his brother's hand, like the many times Robert did for him. Gren listened all night to Robert's heartfelt confessions. Gren had questions, as would anyone who's loved one was finally coming forward.
He, however, could not understand why Robert felt the need to hid… [view original content]
I'm so sorry. I really needed to write this. It was difficult, though.
Gren comes off as the guy willing to accept, so long as it does affect him and his own. Like me and pie said countless times: he and Robert may have had issues in the past and in the future but they will always have one another's backs. I really wanted to show that; show that this world is still afraid of difference and they become monsters. They see something 'different' and attack. I know it took my dad a long time to accept it. He still has trouble but is getting better....
Jersey is sadly the majority of the world. He is afraid of something he knows so little of. He attacked. Jersey is devestated, like Robert said he was afraid his parents would be. I'm surprised that you like Jersey more than Georgie. :0 That shocked me, my bad! XD But I promise you, Jersey's mind will change. How? Well, that's for the future chapter to this little tale.
Stop it dude, I can't take this anymore
The talk with Gren and Robert went as I expected; I knew Gren would understand (in his own uniqu… moree way of course) and now Robert can rest easy in the knowledge that Gren does indeed love him for who he is, rather than what the world wants him to be. It is a sad thought that some people have to hide themselves away... I'm not gay, but I'm a very open-minded person, I do wonder if I would be accepted if I turned out gay though
And just like I predicted last chapter, Jersey WAS indeed macho about it!
"You're FUCKIN' another dude, Frank! Get that through your fuckin' skull! We fuck pussy! The end! YOU need to fix this little mishap or you can get the fuck outta' here!"
Fucking hell, you expect your Brother to be just like you, and you hate his guts because he isn't?! :O
"We fuck pussy!"
Fucking get over yourself Jersey... You know I actually liked Jersey more than Georgie,… [view original content]
Parent's grew up in a different era though. I wonder if my Dad would accept me if I was gay? Anyways, Gren strikes me as a pretty understanding guy, and I'm extra happy that he really does care for Robert and has his back
Homophobia is so stupid, at least that's how I see it. I like Jersey more than Georgie cuz Jersey was a badass and a comedian, but also Bigby managed to kick his ass TWICE! Georgie I like less because he was such an unbearable prick all the time and I REALLY WANTED to make him suffer and scream in agony for what he did to everyone around him. I wanted Georgie to fear me and realise that he isn't the toughest motherfucker that ever lived >:(
I'm so sorry. I really needed to write this. It was difficult, though.
Gren comes off as the guy willing to accept, so long as it does a… moreffect him and his own. Like me and pie said countless times: he and Robert may have had issues in the past and in the future but they will always have one another's backs. I really wanted to show that; show that this world is still afraid of difference and they become monsters. They see something 'different' and attack. I know it took my dad a long time to accept it. He still has trouble but is getting better....
Jersey is sadly the majority of the world. He is afraid of something he knows so little of. He attacked. Jersey is devestated, like Robert said he was afraid his parents would be. I'm surprised that you like Jersey more than Georgie. :0 That shocked me, my bad! XD But I promise you, Jersey's mind will change. How? Well, that's for the future chapter to this little tale.
Thanks, dude.
Sounds like he might take it hard if you ever did but you're his son. I'd like to think after some time, he'd some around. Mine did...slowly but surely, he came around. He'll have his back now and always.
It is but that's just me, too. Yeah you made some good points but Jersey creeped me out. XD I remember playing that episode and called Chad, screaming into the phone; he looked like chad's uncle but also had that pervert feeling. Like, those dudes that hang around high schools, 'talking' to the girls. He was pretty funny, though! Kicked his ass real good. >:D XD Georgie came off as this little boy. All bark but not bite. I felt bad but not enough to go 'easy' like Chad did, for example. He cried for Georgie. I rarely see him cry but the tears that day....damn.
I bet it was dude -virtual hug-
Parent's grew up in a different era though. I wonder if my Dad would accept me if I was gay? Anyways, Gr… moreen strikes me as a pretty understanding guy, and I'm extra happy that he really does care for Robert and has his back
Homophobia is so stupid, at least that's how I see it. I like Jersey more than Georgie cuz Jersey was a badass and a comedian, but also Bigby managed to kick his ass TWICE! Georgie I like less because he was such an unbearable prick all the time and I REALLY WANTED to make him suffer and scream in agony for what he did to everyone around him. I wanted Georgie to fear me and realise that he isn't the toughest motherfucker that ever lived >:(
Glad to hear that Jersey will come around though
Can never tell with my Dad, I'm pretty sure he is a homophobe and possibly a racist, he makes the homosexual jokes and the macho bullshit around his mates, but I think he knows that such things aren't acceptable in today's society (he's an estate agent for commercial property so he has to deal with people regularly) But he never enforced such beliefs onto me... still I do wonder if he would look at me the same way
he looked like chad's uncle but also had that pervert feeling
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! XD Oh my God that has made my fucking day!!!! XP
I know too many people like Georgie (Scousers like him are always playing it up like they're mister big-shot) so I just felt like he needed to be a taught a very painful lesson. Sorry to Chad but that's how I feel about him. I like him in Chad's stories, but in the back of my mind I'm still like "Lyla Smith... you fucking wish mate"
Good, I don't need to hate another character from the Fables universe XP
hugs back Thanks, man.
Sounds like he might take it hard if you ever did but you're his son. I'd like to think after some time, he'd some… more around. Mine did...slowly but surely, he came around. He'll have his back now and always.
It is but that's just me, too. Yeah you made some good points but Jersey creeped me out. XD I remember playing that episode and called Chad, screaming into the phone; he looked like chad's uncle but also had that pervert feeling. Like, those dudes that hang around high schools, 'talking' to the girls. He was pretty funny, though! Kicked his ass real good. >:D XD Georgie came off as this little boy. All bark but not bite. I felt bad but not enough to go 'easy' like Chad did, for example. He cried for Georgie. I rarely see him cry but the tears that day....damn.
He will. I promise you this.
Like you stated, your dad was raised in different times and sadly, those upbringings follow until the end. He seems to tolerate but if it ever crossed his own not too sure. I'd like to think he would but you know your dad better then I could. I know mine is still taking his time but it's a learning process for the both of us. Kind of what this story is aiming for.
He does! Sorry, Pie but he does! Jersey looks like your uncle! Scousers, eh? Sounds sexy to me. XD XD I'm sure he understands; he'll stand by that Fable no matter what and that's what a true fan does. Me, well....I have my personal fav. We all do. I was like that the first time I read his stuff. I was like Lyla....really!? But they work.
Can never tell with my Dad, I'm pretty sure he is a homophobe and possibly a racist, he makes the homosexual jokes and the macho bullshit ar… moreound his mates, but I think he knows that such things aren't acceptable in today's society (he's an estate agent for commercial property so he has to deal with people regularly) But he never enforced such beliefs onto me... still I do wonder if he would look at me the same way
he looked like chad's uncle but also had that pervert feeling
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! XD Oh my God that has made my fucking day!!!! XP
I know too many people like Georgie (Scousers like him are always playing it up like they're mister big-shot) so I just felt like he needed to be a taught a very painful lesson. Sorry to Chad but that's how I feel about him. I like him in Chad's stories, but in the back of my mind I'm still like "Lyla Smith... you fucking wish mate"
Good, I don't need to hate another character from the Fables universe XP
It's you putting your own experience into a character, you're a real writer now dude
Scousers are people from Liverpool, Georgie is either from Liverpool or Manchester. And these people love to swear and be the bigger people, I know a few and they can be funny people and/or complete dickheads :P
Georgie and Lyla do work, and I forget that Georgie is so bad when I read Pie's stuff, but afterwards... Georgie is a prick to me.
Like you stated, your dad was raised in different times and sadly, those upbringings follow until the end. He seems to tolerate but if it ev… moreer crossed his own not too sure. I'd like to think he would but you know your dad better then I could. I know mine is still taking his time but it's a learning process for the both of us. Kind of what this story is aiming for.
He does! Sorry, Pie but he does! Jersey looks like your uncle! Scousers, eh? Sounds sexy to me. XD XD I'm sure he understands; he'll stand by that Fable no matter what and that's what a true fan does. Me, well....I have my personal fav. We all do. I was like that the first time I read his stuff. I was like Lyla....really!? But they work.
Outstanding chapter, displayed actual emotions of what someone like Robert and Frank go through. Now I don't know what time this take place but, in our current time those two wouldn't have to worry about any discrimination because of their preferences. It's 2015 people!
Gren is a good brother showing support for his brother, like any brother should.
As for Mr.Jersey, I think wifey needs to give his 70's pornstache a tugging. Doing that to his brother. He is amongst the people who need to wake up!
I foresee a future conflict, but I'm hoping the two get a happy ever after!
The sun rose high above the buildings and the sleeping world below. Gren and Robert never went to sleep. There was no need. The emotions and… more conversation that night and well into the day was overdue for both of them. While Robert took a cigarette break, Gren looked back and watched his brother. He use to picture Robert as this tough, undestructive man; little feelings, nothing bothered him and everyone wanted to BE him. Robert was painted by the hands of God and he was a towering beast. Nothing would ever bother him.
Gren never will understand. He'd have to walk a day in Robert's shoes to really know and learn things he never knew. But he could be there now and always, holding his brother's hand, like the many times Robert did for him. Gren listened all night to Robert's heartfelt confessions. Gren had questions, as would anyone who's loved one was finally coming forward.
He, however, could not understand why Robert felt the need to hid… [view original content]
Thank you, Stone. My tale takes place in 2007. The Porgie clan are still children and Gren is still sadly married to that bitch. Oh, I mean, that wonderful woman. Even during that time, people were unsure but I do agree with you: this is 2015, not the dark ages.
I agree. Having support, especially family, is a wonderful feeling.
Haha although Katie is a child at the moment, she'd STILL do this, knowing how Jersey treated his own brother. There will be conflict but for how long all depends on Jersey.
Outstanding chapter, displayed actual emotions of what someone like Robert and Frank go through. Now I don't know what time this take place … morebut, in our current time those two wouldn't have to worry about any discrimination because of their preferences. It's 2015 people!
Gren is a good brother showing support for his brother, like any brother should.
As for Mr.Jersey, I think wifey needs to give his 70's pornstache a tugging. Doing that to his brother. He is amongst the people who need to wake up!
I foresee a future conflict, but I'm hoping the two get a happy ever after!
Outstanding chapter, displayed actual emotions of what someone like Robert and Frank go through. Now I don't know what time this take place … morebut, in our current time those two wouldn't have to worry about any discrimination because of their preferences. It's 2015 people!
Gren is a good brother showing support for his brother, like any brother should.
As for Mr.Jersey, I think wifey needs to give his 70's pornstache a tugging. Doing that to his brother. He is amongst the people who need to wake up!
I foresee a future conflict, but I'm hoping the two get a happy ever after!
Gren will always be the man. I knew he'd be there for Robert, he always has and always will be! Jersey however, I understand he's afraid but to treat your own brother like that or anyone else like that is unacceptable! >:(
This was fantastic JJ, although it was pulling at my feels after moving a lot of stuff today, I'm glad you are writing what you want man and I can't wait for more man!
The sun rose high above the buildings and the sleeping world below. Gren and Robert never went to sleep. There was no need. The emotions and… more conversation that night and well into the day was overdue for both of them. While Robert took a cigarette break, Gren looked back and watched his brother. He use to picture Robert as this tough, undestructive man; little feelings, nothing bothered him and everyone wanted to BE him. Robert was painted by the hands of God and he was a towering beast. Nothing would ever bother him.
Gren never will understand. He'd have to walk a day in Robert's shoes to really know and learn things he never knew. But he could be there now and always, holding his brother's hand, like the many times Robert did for him. Gren listened all night to Robert's heartfelt confessions. Gren had questions, as would anyone who's loved one was finally coming forward.
He, however, could not understand why Robert felt the need to hid… [view original content]
I'm so sorry for those feels! We must all be negative after the last few days! Between Stone, you and pie and now me....XD
You can't seperate those two and no matter what bullshit comes their way, it will always be those two. Sadly, this reaction Jersey did happens a lot. Guess this story is to SHOW those struggles but no one should ever have to endure this. I agree.
Thanks, man. Hope that test went good today, btw. I'm glad to be writing what I want, too. Felt like I had to do a certain way before, you know? But I can't do that, for they win. Glad you like it so far!
Oh dude man my feels can't take anymore
Gren will always be the man. I knew he'd be there for Robert, he always has and always will be! … moreJersey however, I understand he's afraid but to treat your own brother like that or anyone else like that is unacceptable! >:(
This was fantastic JJ, although it was pulling at my feels after moving a lot of stuff today, I'm glad you are writing what you want man and I can't wait for more man!
That's awesome to hear that Gren and Robert will be pals and brothers for life no matter what! It does and it really doesn't sit well with me, I had to stand up for a guy this morning and I let that bully have it! Can't stand people who make fun of others just because they may be a little different, that person whose a little different is still human! Ugh I could rant and rave about it for days XD
No problem! I actually really fucked up on it, hell I didn't even get to take it I was told the wrong time and now I got a zero on it sadly but I like to think it happened for a reason. Exactly man! You do you, we'll accept you with open arms and soon even more people will as well!
I'm so sorry for those feels! We must all be negative after the last few days! Between Stone, you and pie and now me....XD
You can't sep… moreerate those two and no matter what bullshit comes their way, it will always be those two. Sadly, this reaction Jersey did happens a lot. Guess this story is to SHOW those struggles but no one should ever have to endure this. I agree.
Thanks, man. Hope that test went good today, btw. I'm glad to be writing what I want, too. Felt like I had to do a certain way before, you know? But I can't do that, for they win. Glad you like it so far!
Grendel brothers for life. Oh what the fuck is wrong with people!? >:( I'm glad to hear you didn't back down and hopefully next time, you can whack him in the gut! some people, I swear...I never understood because we begin and end the same way.
Oh no! :0 I like to think it did happen for a reason and hopefully this won't hurt you in any way. Thanks man. Glad to know that. :') Means a lot to me.
Its alright man! Just a little bit XD
That's awesome to hear that Gren and Robert will be pals and brothers for life no matter what! It … moredoes and it really doesn't sit well with me, I had to stand up for a guy this morning and I let that bully have it! Can't stand people who make fun of others just because they may be a little different, that person whose a little different is still human! Ugh I could rant and rave about it for days XD
No problem! I actually really fucked up on it, hell I didn't even get to take it I was told the wrong time and now I got a zero on it sadly but I like to think it happened for a reason. Exactly man! You do you, we'll accept you with open arms and soon even more people will as well!
Yes! I wish I knew man But I most certainly will the next time I catch someone bullying another! Hopefully JJ people will learn in time.
Yeah It actually could get me kicked out, which sucks because I've put a lot of hard work and have come a long way but if it does come to that I wouldn't be too mad, I do have a back up plan. Glad I could help man!
Grendel brothers for life. Oh what the fuck is wrong with people!? >:( I'm glad to hear you didn't back down and hopefully next time, yo… moreu can whack him in the gut! some people, I swear...I never understood because we begin and end the same way.
Oh no! :0 I like to think it did happen for a reason and hopefully this won't hurt you in any way. Thanks man. Glad to know that. :') Means a lot to me.
Yes! I wish I knew man But I most certainly will the next time I catch someone bullying another! Hopefully JJ people will learn in time.
… more Yeah It actually could get me kicked out, which sucks because I've put a lot of hard work and have come a long way but if it does come to that I wouldn't be too mad, I do have a back up plan. Glad I could help man!
WTF. I agree with Hman. How is this your fault, if they told you the wrong time? Think THEY need to go back to school. Stupid people everywhere, I swear. Sorry to hear that, man.
Yes! I wish I knew man But I most certainly will the next time I catch someone bullying another! Hopefully JJ people will learn in time.
… more Yeah It actually could get me kicked out, which sucks because I've put a lot of hard work and have come a long way but if it does come to that I wouldn't be too mad, I do have a back up plan. Glad I could help man!
Thanks man, I'll just have to take what I can get and work from there I guess. I tried to protest it but my professor is a brick wall. I'll figure something out, I've come this far I won't let this keep me down!
WTF. I agree with Hman. How is this your fault, if they told you the wrong time? Think THEY need to go back to school. Stupid people everywhere, I swear. Sorry to hear that, man.
This is like watching that one epic scene in a movie everyone wanted to see, incredible!
I pictured Lyla and Crla fight like this:
… more If Carla lives, what would happened next, but... if she lives, will that be the end? I would hope that she would be, but I like to see an alternative route, no matter. Intense chapter.
Oh dude I'm still so sorry and know what its like to have those professors. >:( Stupid. Hopefully this gets worked out because you've improved so much.
Thanks man, I'll just have to take what I can get and work from there I guess. I tried to protest it but my professor is a brick wall. I'll figure something out, I've come this far I won't let this keep me down!
I tried to protest it but my professor is a brick wall
Everything crumbles in time. If he doesn't budge then go to someone higher up like the Head of the Department and tell them the issue instead.
Thanks man, I'll just have to take what I can get and work from there I guess. I tried to protest it but my professor is a brick wall. I'll figure something out, I've come this far I won't let this keep me down!
Kieron, Claire and Ride went walking through the streets of Fabletown...
"So where do you guys want to go?" Ride asked
Kieron shrugged "I don't know, I am a bit hungry. Maybe we could go out to eat?" He asked
Claire nodded "I'm hungry too, could we go to a place that makes steak?" She asked
Ride smiled "Sure, I don't see why not."
Claires mind was buzzing with thoughts. She took a deep breath while Kieron was distracted and tried to calm her nerves. Going out with Kieron and his mom was supposed to be relaxing during this time of peace. Claire held Kierons hand and stayed close to him, she felt like she was safe if she was close to him. Claire wondered when all of this was going to just go away and leave her be, although that's all she's been wondering for the past three days. Claire looked up at Kieron. Sadness began to fill her head again at a what if he died I would be all alone scenario again. She kept looking at Kieron as they walked. Kieron had been through so much, he's lost so much and yet also gained some in return. She began to wonder how he does it, because she was comepletely lost. Kieron looked at her, smiled and kissed her on the forehead. Claire blushed and began to feel butterflies in her stomach. She even cracked a small smile. New thoughts began to fill her head, thoughts of what their future could be. She saw her and Kieron cuddling on the couch watching movies, she saw Kieron and her holding each other and smiling, they even built a house together, and finally she pictured a wedding that she had wanted. Claire began to really smile, she's been thinking so much about the past she became blind of the present and comepletely lost what her future could hold for her. Kieron looked at her as she was staring into the sky.
"Claire? Are you okay?" He asked
Claire had a big smile on her face. "I'm great."
Kieron was confused but was happy for her. "That's awesome to hear, you were just staring at the sky, I just figured I should ask."
They had arrived at their destination. The three walked into the diner, they were seated quickly, the three of them ordered and got their food. Kieron looked at Claire, and wondered what got her into such a bright mood. He began to think if she drank too much blood before they left. Kieron had left the table, Ride looked at Claire and smiled.
"Glad to see the emotional phase of grieving has ended for you." She said
"Wha-How did you know that?" Claire said
"You're not the only one whose been through it, you reminded me of me when I lost Kierons father." She smiled
"It hits you hard, I almost lost sight of reality." Claire said
"Well I'm glad you bounced back, you were really starting to worry Kieron." Ride said
Claire smiled "If he can move on and see his present and future after all he's been through than I can too."
Ride nodded "You're exactly right."
Claire let out a sigh of relief and laughed "I feel like I took off a really heavy backpack!"
While Kieron came back he saw Claire and his mother were both laughing together, he thought either somebody made a good joke or he was in deep trouble. When he sat down Claire kissed him on the cheek, and he noticed her smile was genuine, not vague, and not fake. He smiled, and saw out of the corner of his eye, the Tremere. Kieron stood in front of both Claire and his mother. An older man walked up to Kieron.
"It's okay, we are not here for trouble, we were allies and I intend to keep it that way." The older man said.
"Then what do you want?" Kieron said. He knew something was up.
"We request Claires assistance, she's the only one who can do it." The older man said
Kierons left glove began to glow. "Do what?"
Claire got up "What do you need from me?" She asked
"We need you to find the first vampire, and comeplete a blood transfusion." The older man said
Kieron was shocked. "You don't mean..."
The older man spoke. "Yes, we have found the general location of Caines body, with his blood in her body she can kill the prince and fix what has been broken."
Claire was hesitant. "What's the catch? Will I die?"
"You will be perfectly fine." The old man said
"Where is it?" Kieron asked
"He hid himself away in the Appalachian mountains. But only she may go, you fledgling, must remain here." The older man said.
Ride stood up. "That's nonesense! He's one of you!"
"We cannot have fledgling near the body of Caine. We're sorry." The older man said
Claire nodded "I'll do it."
"Are you sure? We don't know if they could be telling the truth, you could end up dying and-" Claire cut Kieron off.
"I'll be fine, just wait for me." She smiled "We'll build our future from here on out."
Kieron didn't like this, but he had to trust her. He took out his sword and handed it to her. "Just in case your pistol isn't enough."
Claire nodded. "I'll be back. I promise."
Kieron watched her walk out the door. This could go either way but he felt like she was right, she would come back and then they would end this...
That's it! so after a bit of college shenanigans I have packed all day and still have a bit to unpack, which is kind of stupid because I might be getting a job up north for the summer XD but anyways, hope you guys are doing awesome today. Any questions or comments let me know! The next part will be longer as I am very tired from moving stuff around all day and thus I am a very tired Tetra XD
Michelle had to take a moment to sit along the journey to the three fates' home. While Gren spoke to Hades, Nick aides to Michelle's side. H… moreanding her a large glass of water, Nick takes this opportunity to speak tothe young blonde woman. The entire walk, she was silent. Michelle made a few attempts to talk but that was all. Nick watched her pink lips wrap around the edge of the glass. She managed to drink half before cleaning her lips. Behind them, Junior stood and smoked a cigarette. Nick noticed several clouds of ash and smoke lingering around his feet. Digging into his pocket, Nick offers Michelle a cigar as well but with a smile, she declines the offer.
"Horrible habit." Michelle takes another sip. "I've been trying to avoid using that method to calm my nerves."
"It can be." Nick lights his cigar instead. "But these things truly calm yourself down after a long day, battle or just for the fuck of things."
"Agreed." Michelle sighs.… [view original content]
The sun rose high above the buildings and the sleeping world below. Gren and Robert never went to sleep. There was no need. The emotions and… more conversation that night and well into the day was overdue for both of them. While Robert took a cigarette break, Gren looked back and watched his brother. He use to picture Robert as this tough, undestructive man; little feelings, nothing bothered him and everyone wanted to BE him. Robert was painted by the hands of God and he was a towering beast. Nothing would ever bother him.
Gren never will understand. He'd have to walk a day in Robert's shoes to really know and learn things he never knew. But he could be there now and always, holding his brother's hand, like the many times Robert did for him. Gren listened all night to Robert's heartfelt confessions. Gren had questions, as would anyone who's loved one was finally coming forward.
He, however, could not understand why Robert felt the need to hid… [view original content]
Going into Hiding... Finale
Kieron, Claire and Ride went walking through the streets of Fabletown...
"So where do you guys want to go?… more" Ride asked
Kieron shrugged "I don't know, I am a bit hungry. Maybe we could go out to eat?" He asked
Claire nodded "I'm hungry too, could we go to a place that makes steak?" She asked
Ride smiled "Sure, I don't see why not."
Claires mind was buzzing with thoughts. She took a deep breath while Kieron was distracted and tried to calm her nerves. Going out with Kieron and his mom was supposed to be relaxing during this time of peace. Claire held Kierons hand and stayed close to him, she felt like she was safe if she was close to him. Claire wondered when all of this was going to just go away and leave her be, although that's all she's been wondering for the past three days. Claire looked up at Kieron. Sadness began to fill her head again at a what if he died I would be all alone scenario again.… [view original content]
I always like Dark. (I know, me and the baddies XD) So this was fun to write. And I try to use different words then the same ones, so glad to know I've become a walking vocabulary book at times.
Robert will always be loyal to his brother no matter what. The blow hurts but he'll get over it.
By the way, I'll join you in that chant. Holds up voodoo doll
It is nice to know that Dark has something in semblance to redeeming qualities. Also, excellent use of vocabulary. I learnt a new word (Apop… moreletic).
Excellent to see that Robert has come around. I am in anticipation of the next chapter.
Now, If you shall excuse me, I shall return to my chanting.
"Bitte lassen Carla zu sterben, bitte lassen Carla zu sterben, bitte lassen Carla zu sterben........
I always like Dark (I know, me and baddies XD) So this was fun to write. And I try to use different words then the same ones, so glad to know I have become a walking vocabulary book at times.
You and I have a mutual trait in that.
Yes, join. Brings out Louisiana Voodoo for Dummies
I always like Dark. (I know, me and the baddies XD) So this was fun to write. And I try to use different words then the same ones, so glad t… moreo know I've become a walking vocabulary book at times.
Robert will always be loyal to his brother no matter what. The blow hurts but he'll get over it.
By the way, I'll join you in that chant. Holds up voodoo doll
The noise was relentless: gunfire, explosions and air sirens, a constant physical barrage of Russian wrath and a psychological barrage of noise and hopelessness. For the past 8 days, Berlin had been under a constant battering of bombs, artillery and invading Russians. And even now, in spite of the obvious imminent defeat, the Leader demands that we fight with all we have left, our bare hands if necessary, against the nigh three million combatants of the Red Army pouring into Berlin.
I and Gertraud remained within the tavern, avoiding the windows and having as little contact with others on account of our fear that the Glamours might have worn off at last. In preparation for what might happen, we kept our weapons to our side at all times, even at night with our guns under our respective pillows.
We sat at one of the tables, a chessboard between me and Getraud. All that remained on our sides were a pawn and a king each. I wore my suit, the leather overcoat concealing the bulge of the pistol and Gertraud with her own suit, her balisong up her sleeve.
“I believe that is the 25th consecutive stalemate so far.” I said.
“I only counted 24 times.” She joked.
I gave a small laugh. “Should we-“
I was cut off by the booming of our door being busted open. I jumped from my seat, knocking it over, to meet the sound. From outside poured eight men dressed in uniforms; probably from the SS judging by the Sigrunen on their collars and the Totenkopf on an officer’s cap.
Three of them went up the stairs and another three searched the storeroom.
The officer in the group turned to me and Gertraud. “Warum seid ihr da? Ihr sollte gegen die Russen kämpfen (Why are you here? You both should be fighting the Russians.)
“Alles ist verloren. Der Krieg ist am Ende (All is lost. The war is at its end).” I explained.
“Ach! Sprache der Feiglinge! (Oh! The language of cowards). Ihr seid widerlich Feglinge. (You both are gross cowards.)” He spat with a loathing venom.
“Spree, Heimer! Bringt ihr diese Überläufer zu den Straβe! (Spree, Heimer! Take these deserters onto the street!). He commanded to the two behind him.
One went for Getraud while another went for me. I had a plan, but for now I decided to play along.
Gertraud was not so obliging. “Fasst mich nicht, Schwanzkopf! (Don’t touch me, Dickhead!).” Eventually the other two came to help in restraining the taller woman as she started to tire the other.
We were dragged outside onto the street. The sight was horrendous. The buildings around us had been, for the most part, reduced to frames and shells of their former selves. The street was littered in debris and the cowering groups of civilians whom lacked shelter. The smoke was so saturated that I could taste it with my heightened senses.
We were forced into a kneeling position by the four attending to us, holding us by the arms with Gertraud to my right. Out of the corner of my left eye stood the officer.
“Deutschen aus Berlin! Shaut auf hier! So zu dem Feiglinge! (Germans of Berlin! Look upon here! Thus to cowards!).“
Turning on his heel, he walked pass me to Gertraud, Walther in hand. I took this as my opportunity.
Using my left elbow, I swung it back into the soldier’s testicles, causing him to release my arm and fall back in pain. Before the officer or the other two could register what was happening, I sprung up and charged at the officer’s gun, which was level with Gertraud’s brow. I grabbed the pistol’s barrel and pulled the gun towards the one at Gertraud’s left as it went off. I heard a sickening cry of sudden agony escape Gertraud’s mouth as the bullet made contact with her left shoulder.
I temporarily looked away to see her shouting at the top of her lungs, bent over in pain. My mind was then consumed in sorrow, giving the officer an opportunity to meet my cheek with his free hand. I landed on my hands and knees with a thud, before reaching into my coat and drawing my pistol, using the momentum of the draw to spin around and meet the officer’s aim before he could react.
The bullet met his forehead with a fulfilling crunch of bone and mashing of brain matter. I turned my aim to the other two whom had released Gertraud and were fumbling with their rifles. I managed to put one down just as the other’s fired.
His aim was thrown off balance as he fired. Upon his calf was Gertraud with her balisong in hand. They screamed in pain as her shoulder was worked and his leg was punctured. She continued to stab up his body as he collapsed to the ground. Even as his cries died out into gurgles, she brought the knife up the torso in consecutive punctures until meeting his face. She collapsed in exhaustion and pain by her victim’s side.
In the meantime the remaining six spewed out from the tavern as I gifted them with multiple gunshots from my pistol before any of them could raise their weapons. All of them were conveniently lined up for a quick job.
All was silent; save for the distant fighting and Gertraud’s laboured breathing.
“Traudl!” I yelled, running to her side and kneeling.
“You are welcome.” She breathed. Even then, she was sarcastic.
I returned my pistol to its place beneath my armpit before directing my attention to her shoulder. The bullet had gone right through, Thank god. I brought my left hand to the wound as I noticed the absence of an appendage on it. The ring finger had been shot off when I grabbed the barrel of the officer’s pistol.
The finger could wait. I ripped from the hem of her skirt a makeshift sling
“Use your own bloody clothes next time.”
Ignoring her remark, I tended to her shoulder. I place the cloth over her neck and bringing it under her left arm.
“There. Can you walk?” I asked.
“It is my shoulder, not a kneecap.” She joked.
“Come, let us get you off the street.” I said, hoisting her to her feet.
She walked back on her own accord, insisting she was fine.
(Later that evening……………………)
We once again sat in the main room, silent, waiting the hours away.
A foreign language caught our ear. It sounded Slavic and guttural.
I approached the door, stepping over the soldiers I had shot before. Walking down the street were several foreign soldiers, all armed with some kind of submachine gun and being followed up by a tank with Cyrillic script and a red star on its side.
The Russians were here.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: During the Battle of Berlin and that of many other German cities, the Griefkommando (usually recruited civilian fanatics or scattered SS) would go around, round up people that were not fighting and executed them as traitors and deserters: usually the elderly and young boys. This was meant to scare people into fighting to the last minute.
Sigrunen = Sig runes
Totenkopf = Literally: Dead Head. Aproximately in English: Skull and Crossbones.
"Oh were, oh were could my baby be? The lord took her away from me. She's gone to heaven so I gotta be good so I can see my baby when I leave this world..."
Georgie and Lyla's home.
There was no longer a need to run. To fight. Ethan could feel it all deep inside. Carla was going to use him. The curse that was last bestowed upon Ethan. She'd never end. Although Emily was well on her way, there were others in harm's way. Carla was not afraid to make her point very clear. She'd gone as far as to murder her own sister and son in cold blood. He was no better. The blood of Noah was forever stained on his fingers. That was the trigger she wanted him to pull. Now, Ethan could not stop. He'd done it for a purpose but it did not matter to her.
Ethan began to picture everything that occured in his life. His parents; Georgie and Lyla struggled for years and the kids knew of this. They observed their mother figh twith the Wolf Council and begging to leave them alone. The Wolf unleashed the mother Bear inside and she would defend until the end. Georgie had to battle many things; himself for one and Ethan could still hear his father's sorrows and prayers at night. Ethan would never mention this but as a young boy, he caught his father sitting outside, under the moon and praying.
Ethan could not remember the last time his father bowed his head to pray. Georgie was classified when it came to certain emotions and that night, Ethan understood.
Georgie would now and always blame himself for the outcome of his children. Ethan, along with his siblings and many loved ones, did not see that. Neither of them blamed their father for the things that occured in their lives. It was not fair. He, nor their mother, asked for this to be placed into their lives. He begged that night for forgiveness; Ethan counted twenty times and the many tears Georgie would shed. To watch over
his family, friends and the town. Despite some not ready to welcome the new Georgie, he was not bitter and understood.
In his hands, jaded colored Rosary beads. A gift his grandmother Nancy gave to his father. They were blessed, according to Nancy and each bead held a prayer. But even through all the hardships, Ethan could honestly say his childhood was wonderful. Full of love, memories and lifetime lessons he'll always treasure. His parents were indeed in love and Ethan could only hope for that...
Walking around the broken pieces of his past and as Peter searched the area, Ethan's thoughts continued to rewind. All those years Carla played pretend, as if she even had the slightest feeling for them. Her phony smile towards the family. The sick plot she was cooking up, even long before their birth. The places she gave to each of them, hoping they'd do her 'dirty' work and fall apart. Using Gren's trust and broken heart to her supremacy. Placing the poor soul on top, while the entire time, Carla was prepared to blow the mountain away with dynamite. Lying. Schemes. Greed.
The more he thought, the hatred prolonged in his senses. Ethan knew there was only one way to truly end this. They all knew Emily was destined to take Carla down. She and Gren were to become protectors. Warriors. Not Ethan. He knew his place. So many could blame Georgie, his upbringing. Michelle or Erica but Ethan's oppinion was the only thing that matters. Looking at his brother, Ethan knew it had to be done before it was too late.
He'd do it all over again, kmowing they'd have normal lives. Peter, Penny, Emily, Junior, RJ, Katie....all had their own lives, families and friends. He was tired of seeing his parents suffer.
"Peter..." Ethan held the object in his right hand. "Come ova' here, please..."
"Yes, Ethan?" Peter pats his hands clean. "Did you find anything in regards to mom or Erica? Their scent was here but it's not very strong. I picked up dad's smell, too. I think he was here and they are somewhere in the woods. Carla's nasty odor was picked up as well but it's on the move. We need to get back to Gren and Emily's and-"
Ethan holds out a knife. "Ya' have ta' do it, Peter..."
"....Do what, Ethan?" Peter backed away. "What the fuck is going on, Ethan?"
"Carla has been usin' me too, Peter. I can feel it. I can no longa' control it and I'm afraid she's gunna' use me fa' the battle. I will not fight beside her. I will not harm Emily OR Grendel."
"We can FIX this!" Peter knew what Ethan was asking of. "....You, you can't DO this, Ethan! We...we can still hold on! Gren is getting Emily back and we....Ethan....no...."
Ethan continues to hold up the knife. "The curse will fookin' end with me, Peter. I can't. Carla will take over me and I'll be nuthin' but a puppet ta' her. Sure, she'll be defeated but that leaves the curse ta' the others. Katie and Jersey's little girls. Your daughter. Emily and Gren's children. Josiah. Junior's bunch. Erica...."
"No, Ethan please..." Peter cries, grabbing Ethan's shoulders. "No. I can't DO this! Why....why me?"
"How it all began, Peter." Ethan smiles, tears flowing from his eyes. "How it all began fa' dad. Fa' us...Ya' be the only one that can Stop ME, Peter. Do it before it's too late."
Ethan hands Peter the knife. The mighty young Wolf trembles against the wind. Peter could not comprehend this sudden task. He always knew there was a chance; they each had a specific curse and now, Peter understood Ethan's. He was to become the very thing Georgie use to be; it would start off slow but someone like Carla-as the Crooked Man had done years ago-was controlling. All thoughts gone and the puppet began obeying to the pull of the strings. Ethan would become Carla's personal 'goon' and fight beside her. Grasping the knife, Peter understood now what had to be done.
Ethan stands back. The wind continues to blow around the brothers. The sun was in Peter's eyes but the tears were the very thing causing the Wolf to become blind in emotions.
"Ethan...." Peter found it difficult to speak. "No. Please....wait...." Peter knew this was impossible.... "No, don't. We...we can fix this..."
"And it begins now, Peter. I will become a monster. I have ta' save ya' all from what I'll become. I will not fight my own sister. Michelle....I love her too much and know she'd become the very thing she hates, too, just ta' defend me. Carla would use this ta' her own sick way, too and I will not do that. Erica needs her mother. I want our world ta' be carefree, Peter. Nothing my neices and nephews will eva' have ta' see fa' themselves. They can be free....."
Peter inhales, holds the knife steady and aims the tip at Ethan's stomach. The very scene years ago, when Bigby tore open Georgie in the Crooked Man's Lair. The night it changed forever for Georgie and his family to follow. For those around the former pimp. Fables that were connected in ways they had no idea of yet. Jersey. Holly. Bloody Mary. Johann....Gren. And now, Michelle.
"I love ya', Peter." Ethan touches his brother's face. "This is my fate. Neva' look back on this and blame ya'self. It has ta' be done, Peter. For all of ya'."
"I love you too, Ethan." Peter prepares to fall forward. "I...I'll see you again one day, alright? We'll have a Beer in heaven and catch up. Alright....?"
Ethan smiles. "Sounds good ta' me, Peter. I'll save ya' a seat at the bar..."
Nodding, Peter aims for Ethan's stomach, closes his eyes and plunges the knife. The sharp edge slices through Ethan's belly with no hesitation; Ethan gasps, eyes wide and tumbles to the ground. Peter releases his grip on the handle and watches his brother slowly slip away. Blood poured out, leaving red on the soil and in Peter's hands. Peter pulls the knife out, holds Ethan close and watches the life slip away. Touching Peter with a bloody hand, Ethan continues to smile.
"Give....give Carla hell fa' me, alright? Fa' Michelle....fa' the both of us. Ya' know the bitch deserves it. Tell mum and dad I love them. The others. Emily...she'll do something good fa' this town."
"I will, Ethan..." Tears fall on Ethan's face. He could feel Ethan's body go limp. "I promise you. Love you..."
Ethan smiled before Peter could finish his words. Eyes closed, his brother was gone. The wind suddenly came to a halt. Placing his brother on the ground, Peter turns to walk away but before he could, a bright light shines through. There in his place, a blue Ladybug. Peter finds a mason jar among the mess, collects the bug and beams. Craddling the bug in his hands, Peter sniffs out the scent to locate his parents.
Not another word from Peter, as he walks through the forest. He'd see to it his brother's sacrifice did not go without notice.
Now, it was personal for the wolf.
Agda tosses a newt into a boiling cauldron of God knows what. It smelled horrible to Emily and made her throw up three times. Or, perhaps it was the babies. The odor reminded Emily of feet and dirty laundry. Better yet, Gren's old apartment. Yup. There it was. Shuddering to the mere thought, Emily looks over at the three fates. Jacomina was fishing around for a wooden spoon while Nadia tossed a sprinkle of leaves into the mixture. Vivian was still beside the young woman, stroking her belly. With every touch, the children tossed around. Emily grunted several time against the pain but chuckled. The bow still glowing brightly beside her.
"So, ya' can't tell me then, huh?"
"You'll know soon, my dear. TRUST us."
In the past few hours, Emily's stomach had grown twice. She appeared near her eighth month of pregnancy. It was difficult for Emily to sit for too long; Vivian would follow her as Emily walked around the little hut. The dirt beneath her felt was cool and coarse. This made walking somewhat easier. The babies seemed to like the texture and were still while Emily walked around. Agda smiled at the very pregnant woman.
"They are precious." Agda stirs the pot. "Very precious. Every life is, though."
Emily stretches her back. "So, not even a little hint of their apperance ta' me? Or, gender?"
Nadia and Jacomina glance over, both fates beaming. "You are not one to easily keep quiet, are you, Emily?"
"No ma'ams." Emily scratches her belly. "Just ask Vivian...."
"It's true." Vivan places her hand beside Emily's back to assist. "Even as a child. Emily WANTED answers. No was never an option."
"I told you!" Nadia punches Agda in the arm, knocking the eys from her socket. "She has Calla within her very soul! She was a woman to never mess with!"
"I'd love ta' have met her." Emily rubs her stomach. "Gren talks a lot about her now...."
"And he should. His mother was a rather large part in his life. And now, she is a part of you. We-"
Jacomina crawls around the ground, searching for the eye. Vivian and Emily noticed it glowed white like the fresh fallen snow on mountain tops. Dusting it off, it floats into the air. Vivian and Emily stand back, while the three fates gather around. They wave their bony fingers around, trying to pull the incoming image through.
"Woot is it?" Emily glares closer to the blurry image. "That looks like...." Her heart nearly stopped. "...No, it can't be. My father!?"
"No, it's not thy father." Nadia holds up her finger. "Hush, child. Hmmm...it FEELS like a Porgie but it's not Georgie. It's-"
"Ethan." Emily exits the hut and enters the open space of the Underworld. "Ethan....Ethan...."
Looking around, Emily notices her brother. his stomach was cut open; blood poured from the inside and covered his hands and clothes. Emily runs to her brother with open arms. Beaming, Ethan heads in his sister's direction.
"ETHAN!" Emily was blind with tears but a smile on her lips. "Oh my fookin' God! Ethan! You are here!"
"Emily!" Ethan was pleased to see his sister. "Oh fa' fook sakes! Ya' be alright!"
The siblings embrace. As they reunite, Vivian was horrified by his image. Ethan looked identical to the last night of Vivian's life in Fabletown. The very apperance Georgie had before John and Bigby saved him. Gave Georgie his second chance. Sadly, Ethan would not receive the same treatment. His luck was long gone. Vivian covers her mouth in trepidation. The fates stand behind the angel.
"Astounding thing, offering the life of another to save many. Ethan proved he was more then just a name. A face. He gave his family hope, Vivian. Emily defends, Ethan provides a new beginning."
Vivian nods. She understood. All four carefully observed Ethan rub Emily's stomach.
"Woot is this, Emily? Ya' look like ya' be eight months."
"Things grow rapidly down 'ere if they are alive...." Emily touches Ethan's wound. "Why are ya' 'ere, Ethan? Woot happened?"
"HE told me I have time to say my goodbyes ta' ya', Emily. I wanted ya' ta' know I'm proud ta' be a Porgie. Ta' be ya' brother. Know I'll always be around ya' all. Don't weep fa' me, fa' I've lived long enough ta' experience it all. Love, heartache, friendship, greed, devestation and more."
"HE? Who is HE, Ethan?"
Ethan smiles, holding out his hand. "Come, Emily. Let's take one last walk before ya' leave."
"Are we gunna' be alright, Ethan?" Emily cleans her eyes with her hand. "All of us..."
Vivian and the fates watched as brother and sister made their way down the path of the Underworld one last time.
"Ya' and Grendel will were put on this earth ta achieve ya' greatest selves ta'gether, Emily. To live out your purposes and do it courageously."
Holding her brother's hand one final time, Emily knew what her Ethan meant. At that moment, it was alright to say goodbye.
Any questions, you know the drill. Work here in an hour but luckily, short day for me. Have a doctor's appointment later today. Hate being sick...
Ride is precious and you are doing a wonderful job with her, especially for a character we know so little of. And the info we do know, well, youre doing one hell of a job. I always feel bad for claire when you write about her. She's so lost and confused, yet looks for the positive at times.
Kieron has gone through so much, I agree and maybe he's trying too hard to forget and erase but he's willing to move on. This situation is no better but he has two beautiful women on his side: Claire ad his mother.
So, Claire is the one thing that can bring the Prince down? I know he said to trust him but tht seemed to easy and she has to go to the appalachian mountains now? Hopefully I'm wrong about all this....
Hope all is going well with you, Tetra and you get all the unpacking done! What is your summer job up north, if you don't mind me asking? Great chap and can't wait for more.
Going into Hiding... Finale
Kieron, Claire and Ride went walking through the streets of Fabletown...
"So where do you guys want to go?… more" Ride asked
Kieron shrugged "I don't know, I am a bit hungry. Maybe we could go out to eat?" He asked
Claire nodded "I'm hungry too, could we go to a place that makes steak?" She asked
Ride smiled "Sure, I don't see why not."
Claires mind was buzzing with thoughts. She took a deep breath while Kieron was distracted and tried to calm her nerves. Going out with Kieron and his mom was supposed to be relaxing during this time of peace. Claire held Kierons hand and stayed close to him, she felt like she was safe if she was close to him. Claire wondered when all of this was going to just go away and leave her be, although that's all she's been wondering for the past three days. Claire looked up at Kieron. Sadness began to fill her head again at a what if he died I would be all alone scenario again.… [view original content]
Wow this was intense! :0 i love their little joking for a moment in the tavern before Gertraud and Alfred were taken to the streets. The vivid images I painted with this description was awesome; atories like this and History books are the only ways we can truly appreciate and understand all the bullshit that went down before and I like to picture myself there. Your stories never fail to deliver that.
Then the language was beautiful. I like to see that in stories, too. I don't speak German but its nice to read. Alfred is a madman with the soilders and has a lot of fight with hm. Even the bullet through the head was well done, too. I was reading your side notes there and had no idea about the men or young boys. Wow....
Now, the Russians are here and Getraud and Alfred are among the chaos in the streets. Can't wait to see what happens to these two!
Chapter 21: Griefkommando. 28th, April, 1945.
The noise was relentless: gunfire, explosions and air sirens, a constant physical barrage o… moref Russian wrath and a psychological barrage of noise and hopelessness. For the past 8 days, Berlin had been under a constant battering of bombs, artillery and invading Russians. And even now, in spite of the obvious imminent defeat, the Leader demands that we fight with all we have left, our bare hands if necessary, against the nigh three million combatants of the Red Army pouring into Berlin.
I and Gertraud remained within the tavern, avoiding the windows and having as little contact with others on account of our fear that the Glamours might have worn off at last. In preparation for what might happen, we kept our weapons to our side at all times, even at night with our guns under our respective pillows.
We sat at one of the tables, a chessboard between me and Getraud. All that remained on our sides… [view original content]
I try to keep it somewhat authentic through the use of German (it helps that I can speak some and it serves as good practice).
Your damn right Alfred is a madman. He had his finger shot off and only untill he stopped for long enough did he notice.
The Greifkommando are not that well heard of. I thought that I could introduce them in this chapter and thus educate.
The Russians commited their fair share of atrocities during the war as well: particularly on German soil and especially in Berlin. I might incorporate some of this.
Wow this was intense! :0 i love their little joking for a moment in the tavern before Gertraud and Alfred were taken to the streets. The viv… moreid images I painted with this description was awesome; atories like this and History books are the only ways we can truly appreciate and understand all the bullshit that went down before and I like to picture myself there. Your stories never fail to deliver that.
Then the language was beautiful. I like to see that in stories, too. I don't speak German but its nice to read. Alfred is a madman with the soilders and has a lot of fight with hm. Even the bullet through the head was well done, too. I was reading your side notes there and had no idea about the men or young boys. Wow....
Now, the Russians are here and Getraud and Alfred are among the chaos in the streets. Can't wait to see what happens to these two!
I agree. Red Riding hood is in the comics but I like her here in your story. She's so loving and kind to her son. I too feel bad for Claire. She's stuck and confused. That dream did not help the situation and I hope something clears her mind of this. Kieron is there like always and always supporting her.
I agree with pie. This seems like a trap for claire. Suddenly, she is the key? This does not add up or smell right to me but I'll have to sit back and wait....
Going into Hiding... Finale
Kieron, Claire and Ride went walking through the streets of Fabletown...
"So where do you guys want to go?… more" Ride asked
Kieron shrugged "I don't know, I am a bit hungry. Maybe we could go out to eat?" He asked
Claire nodded "I'm hungry too, could we go to a place that makes steak?" She asked
Ride smiled "Sure, I don't see why not."
Claires mind was buzzing with thoughts. She took a deep breath while Kieron was distracted and tried to calm her nerves. Going out with Kieron and his mom was supposed to be relaxing during this time of peace. Claire held Kierons hand and stayed close to him, she felt like she was safe if she was close to him. Claire wondered when all of this was going to just go away and leave her be, although that's all she's been wondering for the past three days. Claire looked up at Kieron. Sadness began to fill her head again at a what if he died I would be all alone scenario again.… [view original content]
Well, there goes what was left of my feels after yesterday. I really liked the dialouge Michelle and Dark had. I was pleasently surprised by Dark and his want to make his daughter stronger. At first, I thought this was a trap but he truly did wish to aide Michelle. I don't like the idea that she's going to lose Ethan. I have to go with Hman. I have a feeling Carla is going to kill Ethan and Michelle will have to use his teeth to bring him back. But, she can only do that so many times....wow....I might be wrong but knowing that Ethan is going to die. Or, are we wrong, pie?
I'm very rpoud of my Robert. It must be tough, claiming defeat but Dahlia is right. Calla loved ALL her boys and Robert was so hung up on becoming his father, he forgot family comes with the territory and you never leave family behind.
He's grown and I loved seeing this. Isaiah is too fucking adorable and can I take a guess, simply by the bio, too: Is Sheila Porgie his future mate? 
That ending, too! Wow! All of them racing towards the home! I wonder if Gremily is with them? What about Carla? And WHERE is Ethan?!
Can't wait for more as always, dude!
You know, Pie's bio of Isaiah said that only Sheila can kill him with a simple stab to the heart...
In that case, IT MUST BE TRUE!!!! :O
The sun rose high above the buildings and the sleeping world below. Gren and Robert never went to sleep. There was no need. The emotions and conversation that night and well into the day was overdue for both of them. While Robert took a cigarette break, Gren looked back and watched his brother. He use to picture Robert as this tough, undestructive man; little feelings, nothing bothered him and everyone wanted to BE him. Robert was painted by the hands of God and he was a towering beast. Nothing would ever bother him.
Gren never will understand. He'd have to walk a day in Robert's shoes to really know and learn things he never knew. But he could be there now and always, holding his brother's hand, like the many times Robert did for him. Gren listened all night to Robert's heartfelt confessions. Gren had questions, as would anyone who's loved one was finally coming forward.
He, however, could not understand why Robert felt the need to hide from his own brother. Gren was openminded to certain things and allowed certain issues as one like this to 'slide' by. To Gren, love was love. Topics like child molestation, abuse, rape and drugs, well, Gren was there to give a piece of his mind and then some. But this was something Gren could look past. THIS was his brother. Nothing changed that.
Robert returns to the bedroom. His eyes were swollen, puffy and red. Sniffing, Robert reaches for a tissue. He took his seat at the foot of the bed and sat in silence for some time. The honking outside and movement above made it somewhat soothing to the beast. His mind was not left alone to create silly thoughts again.
Gren clears his throat. "So...gay, huh?"
Robert blows his nose. "Yeah."
"When did you....I mean, when did you KNOW you were gay, like....fuck. How did you fucking come across this?"
"It has been with me since the Homelands, Gren. I use to look at the other male Grendels but did not have an answer for it. I assumed I was watching their fucking battles and hoping to be what dad was: built like a tank, quicker then lightning and dominating. But, these feelings that would follow were nothing of 'admiring' but wanting them."
"Did mom or dad ever know of this?"
"Fuck no they didn't!" Robert cleans his nose. "Dad would have killed me back in the day, should he know his first born male son was possibly attracted to men. I'm sure mom would understand but the guilt she'd feel."
"The fuck you mean by guilt, Robert?"
"I wasn't 'normal', Gren. Not what society wanted. I was their different child. The 'gay' one. The clan we were a part of would never have lived it down to either of them. So, I concealed these thoughts and forced myself to look at woman."
"So, no attraction what towards titties and ass, Robert or do you still like to take a peek?"
"Wome are beautiful to this world, Gren. I do look but nothing like you would, for example. Youhave desires to be with one; to love, have sex, create a life with. Always. For me, it felt like a death sentence, for I was lying to them and myself."
Gren leans back into the bed. so many questions..."So, everything you dd with Lyla or Rose? That was fucking bullshit?"
"But....WHY, Robert?"
Robert sits up, looking towards the window. A littl black bird lands on the edge, hopping around. "I had no choice. If I were to be exposed as gay, this world would have torn me apart. They killed hundreds of men, women and children for being black, Native American, different religion, ethnicity. The Jews were exterminated like Rats because they were looked upon as 'evil' in this world. People with disabilities were locked away, kept in secret because no one wanted to address this matter. If ANYONE knew Robert Grendel was a homosexual, I wouldn't be here fucking talking to you, Gren and you know this!"
"So Lyla and Rose were coverups, basically?" It broke Gren's heart to say this. "You never loved them?"
"I love Lyla. she was my best friend and still is to this day. No hostile feelings between me and her. We have a son together, whom I do not regret creating. Rose will always be a huge part to my history because she's been there through my good and ugly days. Did they deserve this bullshit lie? No. Neither of them did but what could I do?"
Gren gets up from the bed and walks around. He rubs his chin and stares at the ground. "So, fuck...can I ask you something else then?"
"Sure. I'm here to answer anything."
"I feel fucking stupid asking this. I mean, I know HOW it's fucking done but-"
"What, Gren? Don't..."
Gren sighs heavily. "The...sex part, Robert. When you and Lyla had sex or when you and Rose did, how did you manage to keep going, if this is not your fucking cup of tea?"
"Picture something you do like."
Gren needed to throwup. Not because of the answers but the truth behind them. Knowing his own brother had to lie all these centuries because the world would have cast him off or forever leave scars of abuse, ridicule and hate. Gren could feel the tears again. He hand not a single word to say but found himself hugging Robert. Gren buries his face into Robert's chest and allows himself to shed tears.
"Gren, why are you crying?"
Gren continues to hide his face. "You're my fucking brother and I love you and can never fucking see myself thinking any less because of this. I wish you had come to me sooner, Robert but...I understand. I love you, no matter what, even if you do like dick and not pussy."
"RJ will hate me...." Robert looks towards the ceiling. "He'll never look at me the same."
"That boy loves you, Robert. Not a single ounce of hate in that little body for you. Fucking tell him when he comes over later. He NEEDS to know, Robert. He'll fucking understand. You're his father. He loves you."
Robert and Gren remain as so for sometime. Gren did not want to remove himself from Robert. He wanted to feel what his brother did. Never allow his brother to suffer alone in a world he had to pretend in. Gren was there now and soon, his son.
"Come on, Robert." Gren peels himself off of Robert. "Let's get some food, alright?"
Holding onto Gren's shoulder, Robert leads the pair out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. For the first time, Robert was free.
The Lucky Pawn
A large vase goes flying across the room, crashing against the wall and breaking to several pieces. Frank covers his head while his brother, the Jersey Devil, trashes the entire room. His fingers dif into the wallpaper and pulls forward, leaving gashes in the material. Thankfully, the front doors were locked; people walking by assumed the place was closed or the employess on break.
Frank notices Jersey lift a massive book and toss in his direction.
"Jersey, fucking stop it, man!" Frank waves his hands. "Please! We need to talk! We need to-"
"You're a fucking fag, Frank!?" Jersey growls against his words. "You mean to fuckin' tell me, my only living brother sleeps with fuckin' dudes!? Dances at those fruity clubs and thinks this is fuckin' alright!?"
"Jersey, please, listen to me!" Frank was nearly begging for his brother's attention. "I wanted to tell you for years but did not know how! This is ME and this makes me happy!"
"You had all those fuckin' girlfriends in the past, Frank! You can't fuckin' tell me you fucked them and sudden;y, turned into this!"
"I've ALWAYS felt like this, Jersey! I only dated women and slept with thembecause I HAD to!"
Jersey tries to grab his brother. Frank, however, leaps over the counter. "The fuck you mean you had to, Frank!?"
"If I ever was caught sleeping with another man and word got back to you-to anyone-I'd be dead and you fuckin' know it! No one accepts me as this, so I have to fuckin' pretend and hide!"
"Then fuckin' keep doing it, Frank! No brother of MINE is going to be labled as a homo, so long as I'm around!"
Frank was stunned by his words. "Are you...ashamed of me, Jersey?"
"Fuck yes I am, Frank!" Jersey stand shis ground. "You fuckin' come to me, in MY fuckin' shop and tell me this shit!? And you expect me to understand and welcome this with open fuckin' arms!? you lost your fuckin' mind, Frank! This is sick!"
"THIS is sick...." Frank walks from behind the counter and stands before Jersey. "MY life is sick....look at you, Jersey! Look at this entire fucked up town! World! People cheat all the fucking time! Create children and abuse them! The government is bleeding us all with their promises to change things. Make the world better. Child molesters roam these street, convicted felons walk about like the world is their oyster. People are being killed because of this shit and you call ME sick?!"
"You're FUCKIN' another dude, Frank! Get that through your fuckin' skull! We fuck pussy! The end! YOU need to fix this little mishap or you can get the fuck outta' here!"
"You are the one who's disgusting." Frank is drawn to tears. "I AM your brother, Jersey! We have history together! You can't do this to me!"
"Yes I can." Jersey unlocks the front door and opens it. "Get the fuck outta' my goddamn shop. When you decide to join the rest of the men, I'll let you back in. But until then, Frank, I don't HAVE a fuckin' brother. You're DEAD to me, ya' hear me?!"
Frank was beyond hurt. Nothing he could say would ever change his brother's heart. Head hung low in shame, Frank leaves the pawn shop with the door slamming behind him. Walking alone down the street, Frank looked for a healthy alternative to fixing his broken heart. A nearby bar was open an a glass of Bourben always cured his woes.
He had work in three hours. His hopes ran high, thinking Robert might stop by after last night and talk. But that would never happen. So, alone once more and broken hearted, Frank places a fake smile and enters the bar, joining in a conversation with two strangers about 'plowing' their wives and what not.
Yup. Just how the world wanted, thought Frank, as he slowly died a little on the inside with every word.
,Any questions or comments or something you liked, leave them below!
Well the hints are all there so it has to be true!!! XD
Wow, never thought I'd dig so deep into a fanfiction before :P
I think she is because pie stated that only their true love can end their life without removing the weakness. I'll have to go back and read the bio....nice to know I'm not the only one that thinks this! XD
Stop it dude, I can't take this anymore
The talk with Gren and Robert went as I expected; I knew Gren would understand (in his own unique way of course) and now Robert can rest easy in the knowledge that Gren does indeed love him for who he is, rather than what the world wants him to be. It is a sad thought that some people have to hide themselves away... I'm not gay, but I'm a very open-minded person, I do wonder if I would be accepted if I turned out gay though
And just like I predicted last chapter, Jersey WAS indeed macho about it!
Fucking hell, you expect your Brother to be just like you, and you hate his guts because he isn't?! :O
Fucking get over yourself Jersey... You know I actually liked Jersey more than Georgie, but I don't think I can accept him anymore. Jersey is quite frankly a cunt and he needs to get a serious wake up call on life! It's not about banging the hottest bitch in the club or wishing you were married to Lyla or Emily or Katie etc. It's about WHAT YOU WANT! >:(
Man I want to kill Jersey right now...
I can't wait for more dude, you did an amazing job! XD
I'm so sorry.
I really needed to write this. It was difficult, though.
Gren comes off as the guy willing to accept, so long as it does affect him and his own. Like me and pie said countless times: he and Robert may have had issues in the past and in the future but they will always have one another's backs. I really wanted to show that; show that this world is still afraid of difference and they become monsters. They see something 'different' and attack. I know it took my dad a long time to accept it. He still has trouble but is getting better....
Jersey is sadly the majority of the world. He is afraid of something he knows so little of. He attacked. Jersey is devestated, like Robert said he was afraid his parents would be. I'm surprised that you like Jersey more than Georgie. :0 That shocked me, my bad! XD But I promise you, Jersey's mind will change. How? Well, that's for the future chapter to this little tale.
Thanks, dude.
I bet it was dude -virtual hug-
Parent's grew up in a different era though. I wonder if my Dad would accept me if I was gay?
Anyways, Gren strikes me as a pretty understanding guy, and I'm extra happy that he really does care for Robert and has his back 
Homophobia is so stupid, at least that's how I see it. I like Jersey more than Georgie cuz Jersey was a badass and a comedian, but also Bigby managed to kick his ass TWICE! Georgie I like less because he was such an unbearable prick all the time and I REALLY WANTED to make him suffer and scream in agony for what he did to everyone around him. I wanted Georgie to fear me and realise that he isn't the toughest motherfucker that ever lived >:(
Glad to hear that Jersey will come around though
hugs back Thanks, man.
Sounds like he might take it hard if you ever did but you're his son. I'd like to think after some time, he'd some around. Mine did...slowly but surely, he came around. He'll have his back now and always.
It is but that's just me, too. Yeah you made some good points but Jersey creeped me out. XD I remember playing that episode and called Chad, screaming into the phone; he looked like chad's uncle but also had that pervert feeling. Like, those dudes that hang around high schools, 'talking' to the girls. He was pretty funny, though! Kicked his ass real good. >:D XD Georgie came off as this little boy. All bark but not bite. I felt bad but not enough to go 'easy' like Chad did, for example. He cried for Georgie. I rarely see him cry but the tears that day....damn.
He will. I promise you this.
Can never tell with my Dad, I'm pretty sure he is a homophobe and possibly a racist, he makes the homosexual jokes and the macho bullshit around his mates, but I think he knows that such things aren't acceptable in today's society (he's an estate agent for commercial property so he has to deal with people regularly) But he never enforced such beliefs onto me... still I do wonder if he would look at me the same way
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! XD Oh my God that has made my fucking day!!!! XP
I know too many people like Georgie (Scousers like him are always playing it up like they're mister big-shot) so I just felt like he needed to be a taught a very painful lesson. Sorry to Chad but that's how I feel about him. I like him in Chad's stories, but in the back of my mind I'm still like "Lyla Smith... you fucking wish mate"
Good, I don't need to hate another character from the Fables universe XP
Like you stated, your dad was raised in different times and sadly, those upbringings follow until the end. He seems to tolerate but if it ever crossed his own not too sure. I'd like to think he would but you know your dad better then I could. I know mine is still taking his time but it's a learning process for the both of us. Kind of what this story is aiming for.
He does! Sorry, Pie but he does! Jersey looks like your uncle! Scousers, eh? Sounds sexy to me. XD XD I'm sure he understands; he'll stand by that Fable no matter what and that's what a true fan does.
Me, well....I have my personal fav. We all do.
I was like that the first time I read his stuff. I was like Lyla....really!?
But they work. 
It's you putting your own experience into a character, you're a real writer now dude
Scousers are people from Liverpool, Georgie is either from Liverpool or Manchester. And these people love to swear and be the bigger people, I know a few and they can be funny people and/or complete dickheads :P
Georgie and Lyla do work, and I forget that Georgie is so bad when I read Pie's stuff, but afterwards... Georgie is a prick to me.
Outstanding chapter, displayed actual emotions of what someone like Robert and Frank go through. Now I don't know what time this take place but, in our current time those two wouldn't have to worry about any discrimination because of their preferences. It's 2015 people!
Gren is a good brother showing support for his brother, like any brother should.
As for Mr.Jersey, I think wifey needs to give his 70's pornstache a tugging. Doing that to his brother. He is amongst the people who need to wake up!
I foresee a future conflict, but I'm hoping the two get a happy ever after!
Thank you, Stone. My tale takes place in 2007. The Porgie clan are still children and Gren is still sadly married to that bitch. Oh, I mean, that wonderful woman. Even during that time, people were unsure but I do agree with you: this is 2015, not the dark ages.
I agree. Having support, especially family, is a wonderful feeling.
Haha although Katie is a child at the moment, she'd STILL do this, knowing how Jersey treated his own brother. There will be conflict but for how long all depends on Jersey.
Hehehehehehe... :P
Oh dude man my feels can't take anymore
Gren will always be the man. I knew he'd be there for Robert, he always has and always will be! Jersey however, I understand he's afraid but to treat your own brother like that or anyone else like that is unacceptable! >:(
This was fantastic JJ, although it was pulling at my feels after moving a lot of stuff today, I'm glad you are writing what you want man and I can't wait for more man!
I'm so sorry for those feels! We must all be negative after the last few days!
Between Stone, you and pie and now me....XD
You can't seperate those two and no matter what bullshit comes their way, it will always be those two.
Sadly, this reaction Jersey did happens a lot. Guess this story is to SHOW those struggles but no one should ever have to endure this. I agree.
Thanks, man. Hope that test went good today, btw.
I'm glad to be writing what I want, too. Felt like I had to do a certain way before, you know? But I can't do that, for they win.
Glad you like it so far!
Its alright man! Just a little bit XD
That's awesome to hear that Gren and Robert will be pals and brothers for life no matter what!
It does and it really doesn't sit well with me, I had to stand up for a guy this morning and I let that bully have it! Can't stand people who make fun of others just because they may be a little different, that person whose a little different is still human! Ugh I could rant and rave about it for days XD
No problem! I actually really fucked up on it, hell I didn't even get to take it
I was told the wrong time and now I got a zero on it sadly
but I like to think it happened for a reason. Exactly man! You do you, we'll accept you with open arms and soon even more people will as well! 
Grendel brothers for life.
Oh what the fuck is wrong with people!? >:( I'm glad to hear you didn't back down and hopefully next time, you can whack him in the gut! some people, I swear...I never understood because we begin and end the same way.
Oh no! :0 I like to think it did happen for a reason and hopefully this won't hurt you in any way. Thanks man. Glad to know that. :') Means a lot to me.
I wish I knew man
But I most certainly will the next time I catch someone bullying another! Hopefully JJ people will learn in time.
It actually could get me kicked out, which sucks because I've put a lot of hard work and have come a long way but if it does come to that I wouldn't be too mad, I do have a back up plan.
Glad I could help man! 
They told you the wrong time so they fucked up, it's not your fault...
WTF. I agree with Hman. How is this your fault, if they told you the wrong time? Think THEY need to go back to school. Stupid people everywhere, I swear. Sorry to hear that, man.
Thanks man, I'll just have to take what I can get and work from there I guess. I tried to protest it but my professor is a brick wall. I'll figure something out, I've come this far I won't let this keep me down!
YES! >:D I pictured Lyla as the black one DESTROYING Carla! Love this!
Oh dude I'm still so sorry and know what its like to have those professors. >:( Stupid. Hopefully this gets worked out because you've improved so much.
This would be my next action!
Everything crumbles in time. If he doesn't budge then go to someone higher up like the Head of the Department and tell them the issue instead.
Smart idea
Going into Hiding... Finale
Kieron, Claire and Ride went walking through the streets of Fabletown...
"So where do you guys want to go?" Ride asked
Kieron shrugged "I don't know, I am a bit hungry. Maybe we could go out to eat?" He asked
Claire nodded "I'm hungry too, could we go to a place that makes steak?" She asked
Ride smiled "Sure, I don't see why not."
Claires mind was buzzing with thoughts. She took a deep breath while Kieron was distracted and tried to calm her nerves. Going out with Kieron and his mom was supposed to be relaxing during this time of peace. Claire held Kierons hand and stayed close to him, she felt like she was safe if she was close to him. Claire wondered when all of this was going to just go away and leave her be, although that's all she's been wondering for the past three days. Claire looked up at Kieron. Sadness began to fill her head again at a what if he died I would be all alone scenario again. She kept looking at Kieron as they walked. Kieron had been through so much, he's lost so much and yet also gained some in return. She began to wonder how he does it, because she was comepletely lost. Kieron looked at her, smiled and kissed her on the forehead. Claire blushed and began to feel butterflies in her stomach. She even cracked a small smile. New thoughts began to fill her head, thoughts of what their future could be. She saw her and Kieron cuddling on the couch watching movies, she saw Kieron and her holding each other and smiling, they even built a house together, and finally she pictured a wedding that she had wanted. Claire began to really smile, she's been thinking so much about the past she became blind of the present and comepletely lost what her future could hold for her. Kieron looked at her as she was staring into the sky.
"Claire? Are you okay?" He asked
Claire had a big smile on her face. "I'm great."
Kieron was confused but was happy for her. "That's awesome to hear, you were just staring at the sky, I just figured I should ask."
They had arrived at their destination. The three walked into the diner, they were seated quickly, the three of them ordered and got their food. Kieron looked at Claire, and wondered what got her into such a bright mood. He began to think if she drank too much blood before they left. Kieron had left the table, Ride looked at Claire and smiled.
"Glad to see the emotional phase of grieving has ended for you." She said
"Wha-How did you know that?" Claire said
"You're not the only one whose been through it, you reminded me of me when I lost Kierons father." She smiled
"It hits you hard, I almost lost sight of reality." Claire said
"Well I'm glad you bounced back, you were really starting to worry Kieron." Ride said
Claire smiled "If he can move on and see his present and future after all he's been through than I can too."
Ride nodded "You're exactly right."
Claire let out a sigh of relief and laughed "I feel like I took off a really heavy backpack!"
While Kieron came back he saw Claire and his mother were both laughing together, he thought either somebody made a good joke or he was in deep trouble. When he sat down Claire kissed him on the cheek, and he noticed her smile was genuine, not vague, and not fake. He smiled, and saw out of the corner of his eye, the Tremere. Kieron stood in front of both Claire and his mother. An older man walked up to Kieron.
"It's okay, we are not here for trouble, we were allies and I intend to keep it that way." The older man said.
"Then what do you want?" Kieron said. He knew something was up.
"We request Claires assistance, she's the only one who can do it." The older man said
Kierons left glove began to glow. "Do what?"
Claire got up "What do you need from me?" She asked
"We need you to find the first vampire, and comeplete a blood transfusion." The older man said
Kieron was shocked. "You don't mean..."
The older man spoke. "Yes, we have found the general location of Caines body, with his blood in her body she can kill the prince and fix what has been broken."
Claire was hesitant. "What's the catch? Will I die?"
"You will be perfectly fine." The old man said
"Where is it?" Kieron asked
"He hid himself away in the Appalachian mountains. But only she may go, you fledgling, must remain here." The older man said.
Ride stood up. "That's nonesense! He's one of you!"
"We cannot have fledgling near the body of Caine. We're sorry." The older man said
Claire nodded "I'll do it."
"Are you sure? We don't know if they could be telling the truth, you could end up dying and-" Claire cut Kieron off.
"I'll be fine, just wait for me." She smiled "We'll build our future from here on out."
Kieron didn't like this, but he had to trust her. He took out his sword and handed it to her. "Just in case your pistol isn't enough."
Claire nodded. "I'll be back. I promise."
Kieron watched her walk out the door. This could go either way but he felt like she was right, she would come back and then they would end this...
That's it!
so after a bit of college shenanigans I have packed all day and still have a bit to unpack, which is kind of stupid because I might be getting a job up north for the summer XD but anyways, hope you guys are doing awesome today. Any questions or comments let me know!
The next part will be longer as I am very tired from moving stuff around all day and thus I am a very tired Tetra XD
It is nice to know that Dark has something in semblance to redeeming qualities. Also, excellent use of vocabulary. I learnt a new word (Apopletic).
Excellent to see that Robert has come around. I am in anticipation of the next chapter.
Now, If you shall excuse me, I shall return to my chanting.
"Bitte lassen Carla zu sterben, bitte lassen Carla zu sterben, bitte lassen Carla zu sterben........
I felt my heart warm up with that happening between Gren and Robert. Then Jersey did THAT. Ach, Jersey: Why u so rude? I hope Jersey comes about.
And those final two paragraphs. I felt my heart become heavy with that final line.
Brilliant work as always.
And so all is roses for that brief moment, and now this comes up. I wonder what Claire shall encounter along the way?
I always like Dark. (I know, me and the baddies XD) So this was fun to write. And I try to use different words then the same ones, so glad to know I've become a walking vocabulary book at times.
Robert will always be loyal to his brother no matter what. The blow hurts but he'll get over it.
By the way, I'll join you in that chant. Holds up voodoo doll
You and I have a mutual trait in that.
Yes, join. Brings out Louisiana Voodoo for Dummies
Chapter 21: Griefkommando. 28th, April, 1945.
The noise was relentless: gunfire, explosions and air sirens, a constant physical barrage of Russian wrath and a psychological barrage of noise and hopelessness. For the past 8 days, Berlin had been under a constant battering of bombs, artillery and invading Russians. And even now, in spite of the obvious imminent defeat, the Leader demands that we fight with all we have left, our bare hands if necessary, against the nigh three million combatants of the Red Army pouring into Berlin.
I and Gertraud remained within the tavern, avoiding the windows and having as little contact with others on account of our fear that the Glamours might have worn off at last. In preparation for what might happen, we kept our weapons to our side at all times, even at night with our guns under our respective pillows.
We sat at one of the tables, a chessboard between me and Getraud. All that remained on our sides were a pawn and a king each. I wore my suit, the leather overcoat concealing the bulge of the pistol and Gertraud with her own suit, her balisong up her sleeve.
“I believe that is the 25th consecutive stalemate so far.” I said.
“I only counted 24 times.” She joked.
I gave a small laugh. “Should we-“
I was cut off by the booming of our door being busted open. I jumped from my seat, knocking it over, to meet the sound. From outside poured eight men dressed in uniforms; probably from the SS judging by the Sigrunen on their collars and the Totenkopf on an officer’s cap.
Three of them went up the stairs and another three searched the storeroom.
The officer in the group turned to me and Gertraud. “Warum seid ihr da? Ihr sollte gegen die Russen kämpfen (Why are you here? You both should be fighting the Russians.)
“Alles ist verloren. Der Krieg ist am Ende (All is lost. The war is at its end).” I explained.
“Ach! Sprache der Feiglinge! (Oh! The language of cowards). Ihr seid widerlich Feglinge. (You both are gross cowards.)” He spat with a loathing venom.
“Spree, Heimer! Bringt ihr diese Überläufer zu den Straβe! (Spree, Heimer! Take these deserters onto the street!). He commanded to the two behind him.
One went for Getraud while another went for me. I had a plan, but for now I decided to play along.
Gertraud was not so obliging. “Fasst mich nicht, Schwanzkopf! (Don’t touch me, Dickhead!).” Eventually the other two came to help in restraining the taller woman as she started to tire the other.
We were dragged outside onto the street. The sight was horrendous. The buildings around us had been, for the most part, reduced to frames and shells of their former selves. The street was littered in debris and the cowering groups of civilians whom lacked shelter. The smoke was so saturated that I could taste it with my heightened senses.
We were forced into a kneeling position by the four attending to us, holding us by the arms with Gertraud to my right. Out of the corner of my left eye stood the officer.
“Deutschen aus Berlin! Shaut auf hier! So zu dem Feiglinge! (Germans of Berlin! Look upon here! Thus to cowards!).“
Turning on his heel, he walked pass me to Gertraud, Walther in hand. I took this as my opportunity.
Using my left elbow, I swung it back into the soldier’s testicles, causing him to release my arm and fall back in pain. Before the officer or the other two could register what was happening, I sprung up and charged at the officer’s gun, which was level with Gertraud’s brow. I grabbed the pistol’s barrel and pulled the gun towards the one at Gertraud’s left as it went off. I heard a sickening cry of sudden agony escape Gertraud’s mouth as the bullet made contact with her left shoulder.
I temporarily looked away to see her shouting at the top of her lungs, bent over in pain. My mind was then consumed in sorrow, giving the officer an opportunity to meet my cheek with his free hand. I landed on my hands and knees with a thud, before reaching into my coat and drawing my pistol, using the momentum of the draw to spin around and meet the officer’s aim before he could react.
The bullet met his forehead with a fulfilling crunch of bone and mashing of brain matter. I turned my aim to the other two whom had released Gertraud and were fumbling with their rifles. I managed to put one down just as the other’s fired.
His aim was thrown off balance as he fired. Upon his calf was Gertraud with her balisong in hand. They screamed in pain as her shoulder was worked and his leg was punctured. She continued to stab up his body as he collapsed to the ground. Even as his cries died out into gurgles, she brought the knife up the torso in consecutive punctures until meeting his face. She collapsed in exhaustion and pain by her victim’s side.
In the meantime the remaining six spewed out from the tavern as I gifted them with multiple gunshots from my pistol before any of them could raise their weapons. All of them were conveniently lined up for a quick job.
All was silent; save for the distant fighting and Gertraud’s laboured breathing.
“Traudl!” I yelled, running to her side and kneeling.
“You are welcome.” She breathed. Even then, she was sarcastic.
I returned my pistol to its place beneath my armpit before directing my attention to her shoulder. The bullet had gone right through, Thank god. I brought my left hand to the wound as I noticed the absence of an appendage on it. The ring finger had been shot off when I grabbed the barrel of the officer’s pistol.
The finger could wait. I ripped from the hem of her skirt a makeshift sling
“Use your own bloody clothes next time.”
Ignoring her remark, I tended to her shoulder. I place the cloth over her neck and bringing it under her left arm.
“There. Can you walk?” I asked.
“It is my shoulder, not a kneecap.” She joked.
“Come, let us get you off the street.” I said, hoisting her to her feet.
She walked back on her own accord, insisting she was fine.
(Later that evening……………………)
We once again sat in the main room, silent, waiting the hours away.
A foreign language caught our ear. It sounded Slavic and guttural.
I approached the door, stepping over the soldiers I had shot before. Walking down the street were several foreign soldiers, all armed with some kind of submachine gun and being followed up by a tank with Cyrillic script and a red star on its side.
The Russians were here.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: During the Battle of Berlin and that of many other German cities, the Griefkommando (usually recruited civilian fanatics or scattered SS) would go around, round up people that were not fighting and executed them as traitors and deserters: usually the elderly and young boys. This was meant to scare people into fighting to the last minute.
Sigrunen = Sig runes
Totenkopf = Literally: Dead Head. Aproximately in English: Skull and Crossbones.
Earlier....Part 1
"Oh were, oh were could my baby be? The lord took her away from me. She's gone to heaven so I gotta be good so I can see my baby when I leave this world..."
Georgie and Lyla's home.
There was no longer a need to run. To fight. Ethan could feel it all deep inside. Carla was going to use him. The curse that was last bestowed upon Ethan. She'd never end. Although Emily was well on her way, there were others in harm's way. Carla was not afraid to make her point very clear. She'd gone as far as to murder her own sister and son in cold blood. He was no better. The blood of Noah was forever stained on his fingers. That was the trigger she wanted him to pull. Now, Ethan could not stop. He'd done it for a purpose but it did not matter to her.
Ethan began to picture everything that occured in his life. His parents; Georgie and Lyla struggled for years and the kids knew of this. They observed their mother figh twith the Wolf Council and begging to leave them alone. The Wolf unleashed the mother Bear inside and she would defend until the end. Georgie had to battle many things; himself for one and Ethan could still hear his father's sorrows and prayers at night. Ethan would never mention this but as a young boy, he caught his father sitting outside, under the moon and praying.
Ethan could not remember the last time his father bowed his head to pray. Georgie was classified when it came to certain emotions and that night, Ethan understood.
Georgie would now and always blame himself for the outcome of his children. Ethan, along with his siblings and many loved ones, did not see that. Neither of them blamed their father for the things that occured in their lives. It was not fair. He, nor their mother, asked for this to be placed into their lives. He begged that night for forgiveness; Ethan counted twenty times and the many tears Georgie would shed. To watch over
his family, friends and the town. Despite some not ready to welcome the new Georgie, he was not bitter and understood.
In his hands, jaded colored Rosary beads. A gift his grandmother Nancy gave to his father. They were blessed, according to Nancy and each bead held a prayer. But even through all the hardships, Ethan could honestly say his childhood was wonderful. Full of love, memories and lifetime lessons he'll always treasure. His parents were indeed in love and Ethan could only hope for that...
Walking around the broken pieces of his past and as Peter searched the area, Ethan's thoughts continued to rewind. All those years Carla played pretend, as if she even had the slightest feeling for them. Her phony smile towards the family. The sick plot she was cooking up, even long before their birth. The places she gave to each of them, hoping they'd do her 'dirty' work and fall apart. Using Gren's trust and broken heart to her supremacy. Placing the poor soul on top, while the entire time, Carla was prepared to blow the mountain away with dynamite. Lying. Schemes. Greed.
The more he thought, the hatred prolonged in his senses. Ethan knew there was only one way to truly end this. They all knew Emily was destined to take Carla down. She and Gren were to become protectors. Warriors. Not Ethan. He knew his place. So many could blame Georgie, his upbringing. Michelle or Erica but Ethan's oppinion was the only thing that matters. Looking at his brother, Ethan knew it had to be done before it was too late.
He'd do it all over again, kmowing they'd have normal lives. Peter, Penny, Emily, Junior, RJ, Katie....all had their own lives, families and friends. He was tired of seeing his parents suffer.
"Peter..." Ethan held the object in his right hand. "Come ova' here, please..."
"Yes, Ethan?" Peter pats his hands clean. "Did you find anything in regards to mom or Erica? Their scent was here but it's not very strong. I picked up dad's smell, too. I think he was here and they are somewhere in the woods. Carla's nasty odor was picked up as well but it's on the move. We need to get back to Gren and Emily's and-"
Ethan holds out a knife. "Ya' have ta' do it, Peter..."
"....Do what, Ethan?" Peter backed away. "What the fuck is going on, Ethan?"
"Carla has been usin' me too, Peter. I can feel it. I can no longa' control it and I'm afraid she's gunna' use me fa' the battle. I will not fight beside her. I will not harm Emily OR Grendel."
"We can FIX this!" Peter knew what Ethan was asking of. "....You, you can't DO this, Ethan! We...we can still hold on! Gren is getting Emily back and we....Ethan....no...."
Ethan continues to hold up the knife. "The curse will fookin' end with me, Peter. I can't. Carla will take over me and I'll be nuthin' but a puppet ta' her. Sure, she'll be defeated but that leaves the curse ta' the others. Katie and Jersey's little girls. Your daughter. Emily and Gren's children. Josiah. Junior's bunch. Erica...."
"No, Ethan please..." Peter cries, grabbing Ethan's shoulders. "No. I can't DO this! Why....why me?"
"How it all began, Peter." Ethan smiles, tears flowing from his eyes. "How it all began fa' dad. Fa' us...Ya' be the only one that can Stop ME, Peter. Do it before it's too late."
Ethan hands Peter the knife. The mighty young Wolf trembles against the wind. Peter could not comprehend this sudden task. He always knew there was a chance; they each had a specific curse and now, Peter understood Ethan's. He was to become the very thing Georgie use to be; it would start off slow but someone like Carla-as the Crooked Man had done years ago-was controlling. All thoughts gone and the puppet began obeying to the pull of the strings. Ethan would become Carla's personal 'goon' and fight beside her. Grasping the knife, Peter understood now what had to be done.
Ethan stands back. The wind continues to blow around the brothers. The sun was in Peter's eyes but the tears were the very thing causing the Wolf to become blind in emotions.
"Ethan...." Peter found it difficult to speak. "No. Please....wait...." Peter knew this was impossible.... "No, don't. We...we can fix this..."
"And it begins now, Peter. I will become a monster. I have ta' save ya' all from what I'll become. I will not fight my own sister. Michelle....I love her too much and know she'd become the very thing she hates, too, just ta' defend me. Carla would use this ta' her own sick way, too and I will not do that. Erica needs her mother. I want our world ta' be carefree, Peter. Nothing my neices and nephews will eva' have ta' see fa' themselves. They can be free....."
Peter inhales, holds the knife steady and aims the tip at Ethan's stomach. The very scene years ago, when Bigby tore open Georgie in the Crooked Man's Lair. The night it changed forever for Georgie and his family to follow. For those around the former pimp. Fables that were connected in ways they had no idea of yet. Jersey. Holly. Bloody Mary. Johann....Gren. And now, Michelle.
"I love ya', Peter." Ethan touches his brother's face. "This is my fate. Neva' look back on this and blame ya'self. It has ta' be done, Peter. For all of ya'."
"I love you too, Ethan." Peter prepares to fall forward. "I...I'll see you again one day, alright? We'll have a Beer in heaven and catch up. Alright....?"
Ethan smiles. "Sounds good ta' me, Peter. I'll save ya' a seat at the bar..."
Nodding, Peter aims for Ethan's stomach, closes his eyes and plunges the knife. The sharp edge slices through Ethan's belly with no hesitation; Ethan gasps, eyes wide and tumbles to the ground. Peter releases his grip on the handle and watches his brother slowly slip away. Blood poured out, leaving red on the soil and in Peter's hands. Peter pulls the knife out, holds Ethan close and watches the life slip away. Touching Peter with a bloody hand, Ethan continues to smile.
"Give....give Carla hell fa' me, alright? Fa' Michelle....fa' the both of us. Ya' know the bitch deserves it. Tell mum and dad I love them. The others. Emily...she'll do something good fa' this town."
"I will, Ethan..." Tears fall on Ethan's face. He could feel Ethan's body go limp. "I promise you. Love you..."
Ethan smiled before Peter could finish his words. Eyes closed, his brother was gone. The wind suddenly came to a halt. Placing his brother on the ground, Peter turns to walk away but before he could, a bright light shines through. There in his place, a blue Ladybug. Peter finds a mason jar among the mess, collects the bug and beams. Craddling the bug in his hands, Peter sniffs out the scent to locate his parents.
Not another word from Peter, as he walks through the forest. He'd see to it his brother's sacrifice did not go without notice.
Now, it was personal for the wolf.
Agda tosses a newt into a boiling cauldron of God knows what. It smelled horrible to Emily and made her throw up three times. Or, perhaps it was the babies. The odor reminded Emily of feet and dirty laundry. Better yet, Gren's old apartment. Yup. There it was. Shuddering to the mere thought, Emily looks over at the three fates. Jacomina was fishing around for a wooden spoon while Nadia tossed a sprinkle of leaves into the mixture. Vivian was still beside the young woman, stroking her belly. With every touch, the children tossed around. Emily grunted several time against the pain but chuckled. The bow still glowing brightly beside her.
"So, ya' can't tell me then, huh?"
"You'll know soon, my dear. TRUST us."
In the past few hours, Emily's stomach had grown twice. She appeared near her eighth month of pregnancy. It was difficult for Emily to sit for too long; Vivian would follow her as Emily walked around the little hut. The dirt beneath her felt was cool and coarse. This made walking somewhat easier. The babies seemed to like the texture and were still while Emily walked around. Agda smiled at the very pregnant woman.
"They are precious." Agda stirs the pot. "Very precious. Every life is, though."
Emily stretches her back. "So, not even a little hint of their apperance ta' me? Or, gender?"
Nadia and Jacomina glance over, both fates beaming. "You are not one to easily keep quiet, are you, Emily?"
"No ma'ams." Emily scratches her belly. "Just ask Vivian...."
"It's true." Vivan places her hand beside Emily's back to assist. "Even as a child. Emily WANTED answers. No was never an option."
"I told you!" Nadia punches Agda in the arm, knocking the eys from her socket. "She has Calla within her very soul! She was a woman to never mess with!"
"I'd love ta' have met her." Emily rubs her stomach. "Gren talks a lot about her now...."
"And he should. His mother was a rather large part in his life. And now, she is a part of you. We-"
Jacomina crawls around the ground, searching for the eye. Vivian and Emily noticed it glowed white like the fresh fallen snow on mountain tops. Dusting it off, it floats into the air. Vivian and Emily stand back, while the three fates gather around. They wave their bony fingers around, trying to pull the incoming image through.
"Woot is it?" Emily glares closer to the blurry image. "That looks like...." Her heart nearly stopped. "...No, it can't be. My father!?"
"No, it's not thy father." Nadia holds up her finger. "Hush, child. Hmmm...it FEELS like a Porgie but it's not Georgie. It's-"
"Ethan." Emily exits the hut and enters the open space of the Underworld. "Ethan....Ethan...."
Looking around, Emily notices her brother. his stomach was cut open; blood poured from the inside and covered his hands and clothes. Emily runs to her brother with open arms. Beaming, Ethan heads in his sister's direction.
"ETHAN!" Emily was blind with tears but a smile on her lips. "Oh my fookin' God! Ethan! You are here!"
"Emily!" Ethan was pleased to see his sister. "Oh fa' fook sakes! Ya' be alright!"
The siblings embrace. As they reunite, Vivian was horrified by his image. Ethan looked identical to the last night of Vivian's life in Fabletown. The very apperance Georgie had before John and Bigby saved him. Gave Georgie his second chance. Sadly, Ethan would not receive the same treatment. His luck was long gone. Vivian covers her mouth in trepidation. The fates stand behind the angel.
"He's dead, isn't he?" Vivian refuses to look behind her. "Her brother. He's....dead, right?"
"Astounding thing, offering the life of another to save many. Ethan proved he was more then just a name. A face. He gave his family hope, Vivian. Emily defends, Ethan provides a new beginning."
Vivian nods. She understood. All four carefully observed Ethan rub Emily's stomach.
"Woot is this, Emily? Ya' look like ya' be eight months."
"Things grow rapidly down 'ere if they are alive...." Emily touches Ethan's wound. "Why are ya' 'ere, Ethan? Woot happened?"
"HE told me I have time to say my goodbyes ta' ya', Emily. I wanted ya' ta' know I'm proud ta' be a Porgie. Ta' be ya' brother. Know I'll always be around ya' all. Don't weep fa' me, fa' I've lived long enough ta' experience it all. Love, heartache, friendship, greed, devestation and more."
"HE? Who is HE, Ethan?"
Ethan smiles, holding out his hand. "Come, Emily. Let's take one last walk before ya' leave."
"Are we gunna' be alright, Ethan?" Emily cleans her eyes with her hand. "All of us..."
Vivian and the fates watched as brother and sister made their way down the path of the Underworld one last time.
"Ya' and Grendel will were put on this earth ta achieve ya' greatest selves ta'gether, Emily. To live out your purposes and do it courageously."
Holding her brother's hand one final time, Emily knew what her Ethan meant. At that moment, it was alright to say goodbye.
Any questions, you know the drill. Work here in an hour but luckily, short day for me. Have a doctor's appointment later today.
Hate being sick...
Ride is precious and you are doing a wonderful job with her, especially for a character we know so little of. And the info we do know, well, youre doing one hell of a job.
I always feel bad for claire when you write about her. She's so lost and confused, yet looks for the positive at times.
Kieron has gone through so much, I agree and maybe he's trying too hard to forget and erase but he's willing to move on. This situation is no better but he has two beautiful women on his side: Claire ad his mother.
So, Claire is the one thing that can bring the Prince down? I know he said to trust him but tht seemed to easy and she has to go to the appalachian mountains now? Hopefully I'm wrong about all this....
Hope all is going well with you, Tetra and you get all the unpacking done! What is your summer job up north, if you don't mind me asking? Great chap and can't wait for more.
Wow this was intense! :0 i love their little joking for a moment in the tavern before Gertraud and Alfred were taken to the streets. The vivid images I painted with this description was awesome; atories like this and History books are the only ways we can truly appreciate and understand all the bullshit that went down before and I like to picture myself there. Your stories never fail to deliver that.
Then the language was beautiful. I like to see that in stories, too. I don't speak German but its nice to read. Alfred is a madman with the soilders and has a lot of fight with hm. Even the bullet through the head was well done, too. I was reading your side notes there and had no idea about the men or young boys. Wow....
Now, the Russians are here and Getraud and Alfred are among the chaos in the streets. Can't wait to see what happens to these two!
I try to keep it somewhat authentic through the use of German (it helps that I can speak some and it serves as good practice).
Your damn right Alfred is a madman. He had his finger shot off and only untill he stopped for long enough did he notice.
The Greifkommando are not that well heard of. I thought that I could introduce them in this chapter and thus educate.
The Russians commited their fair share of atrocities during the war as well: particularly on German soil and especially in Berlin. I might incorporate some of this.
I agree. Red Riding hood is in the comics but I like her here in your story. She's so loving and kind to her son.
I too feel bad for Claire. She's stuck and confused. That dream did not help the situation and I hope something clears her mind of this. Kieron is there like always and always supporting her. 
I agree with pie. This seems like a trap for claire. Suddenly, she is the key? This does not add up or smell right to me but I'll have to sit back and wait....