Vampire Challenge- Chapter 5
Nisa and Marco managed to escape the pursuit of the men, however Nisa felt they weren't giving up so easily … moreso she kept on her guard, like every other mercenary of her standards would. The two took shelter on top of roof somewhere in the Bronx. The moon was full tonight and the silence was broken from a eerie howl coming from the horizon.
While shining her sword with a cloth, Nisa was expecting questions from Marco. It took a minute before he decided to speak, he becoming light headed again.
“Hey, you. Are you okay, don’t black out on me. I still need to get paid..” Nisa as he trying to keep the dhampir awake.
He slips into another sleep and finds himself in the red world that resembled his previous dream, on the very same rooftop he passed out on, all alone. Everything was silent, it’s quite disturbing because the only sound he hear is the sound him breathing and his heart beating. He then hears the s… [view original content]
Chapter 22: Die zwitte Krieg ist am Ende. 2. Mai, 1945.
It was a good thing that we ran a tavern with plentiful supplies; otherwise the Russians might have occupied themselves with us, or more specifically Gertraud, in other ways. Every day, the Russians would help themselves to our storeroom, taking as much as possible. And they had yet to find our stash of money collected throughout the years. This was still a better alternative to the stories we had heard, though. These stories included those of mass killings, gang rapes and many more sickening acts throughout Poland and Germany in a very similar manner to the way the Wehrmacht invaded the USSR.
We remained upstairs as they searched Die Stumpfe Klinge these past few days. No one sought after us as victims for our height. Most of the Red Army stood at 5’9 or 5’10. I and Gertraud were taller than most others and we thus invoked intimidation against the Russians, making them too afraid to try anything.
Hundreds of thousands of others were not so lucky.
We sat on the bed, playing chess. The Russians had managed to find the liquor supply and would not be heard from for a while yet. I could not remember the last we ate or drank and neither could Gertraud. We simply played chess to pass the time and slept once the invaders within our place had left.
Then , for the first time in the days since the battle’s beginning, the loudspeakers in the streets blared.
“Am dreizig April 1945 hat der Führer Selbstmord begangen und damit alle, die ihm Treue geschworen hatten, im Stich gelassen. Gertreu dem Befehl des Führers wart ihr, deutsche Soldaten, bereit, den Kampf um Berlin fortausetzen, obwohl eure Munition zur Neige ging und die Gesamtlage den weiteren Widersrand sinnlos machte. Ich ordne die sofortige Einstellung jeglichen Widerstandes an. Jede Stunde, die ihr weiterkämpft, verlängert die entestzlichen Leiden der Zivibevölkerung Berlins und unserer Verwundeten. Im Einvernehmen mit dem oberkommando der sowjetischen Truppen fodere ich euch auf, sofort den Kampf einzustellen.“
Gertraud and I felt a simultaneous relief wash over ourselves.
“Weidling, ehemagliger Befehlshaber des Verteidigungbereichs Berlin.“ Was the last line the loudspeaker emitted.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Although a call to a ceasefire was issued by the Germans on May 2nd, actual hostilities were not ended until midnight on May, 8th.
Here is the translation for the speech (Had to watch Der Untergang to get the German Text).
"On April 30th, 1945, the Leader committed suicide, thus abandoning all whom followed him to their deaths. You, our German soldiers, followed the Leader’s orders, and were determined to continue the fight for Berlin, despite that our ammunition ran out and that the fight was already lost. I hereby order an immediate ceasefire. Every hour you continue to fight only prolongs the agony of the civilians and our wounded. In agreement with the Russian Supreme Command, I ask that you surrender now.”
“Wielding, former Commander of Berlin’s Defence Area.”
This is indeed a rather short chapter. Honestly, this chapter was actually forced on my part. I simply wanted the world wars done so I can move onto the really fun part: Cold War Berlin. I will bring it up to the current millenium at least before I deviate from, what has been thus far, a pure historical context.
So Max was Claire step father? Well then, I would assume that was a shocker, along with the rest of what the old man said. Then the ending where the old man locked Claire in the room with her and chose to say such words; he's dead. Lol
The Assault... Part: One
In the future...
Kieron stood across Claire. Bodies were all around them near the entrance of the crypt...Cla… moreire drew her sword.
"Stand out of my way" Claire said with Caines voice
Kieron walked towards Claire. "Give Claire back."
Claire began to laugh in Caines voice "You do know she's gone right!?"
Kieron continued to walk He had an angry look on his face. "That's bullshit! She is still there!"
Claire smiled "You're right, she was forced into this wasn't she? In fact I can still hear her voice cry out in despair!" She said in Caines voice.
Kieron inches away from Claire. "For the last time give her ba-" He felt a sharp pain.
He looked down and saw that Claire had stabbed him. He grabbed the blade, he could feel blood come out of his mouth. His shadow itching to crawl up his skin. He started to cry and looked up. " did it come to this? A while ago we were having dinner with my m… [view original content]
He is indeed come of as apathetic for someone who is a being such as himself. He is considered to be looked down upon as the bastard of the vampire deities, has high respect due to past works.
In this story the Lycan's are very territorial, and unfriendly towards strangers, they'll learn how to behave.
As for Obrecht, he is power hungry, he is evil and he will eliminate to gain power. Though he also have one more specific goal in mind.
I am becoming increasingly fond of this Vampire god. He is rather funny, and his blase attitude.
The Lycanthropes are not that friendly o… morer civilised, aren't they? Kick their asses, Marco and Nisa!
I am interested in what Obrecht's actual motives are besides control (if he has any).
I'm sorry man! This thread really has taken a feels direction hasn't it? XD
Claires past is not good, although now that she knows the truth...she may have been better off not knowing it We will have to see how much it will take to bring her back!
Please no more feels. My heart is shattered and this tape is not holding the pieces together. 2015 has become the 'Feels' direction for this… more thread.
OMG. I knew something was up and that twist for Claire was a shocker to me and I would have never guessed. This poor girl has had enough and now this shit...I hope she will figure this out or Kieron can at least guide her towards the right path.
"Rest in Peace whore." He smiled
Sheesh! No more! God please no more feels tonight! :'o I can't wait for more and I hope everything works out in the end!
-brofist- No excuse me while I glue this together again....XD
So Max was Claire step father? Well then, I would assume that was a shocker, along with the rest of what the old man said. Then the ending w… morehere the old man locked Claire in the room with her and chose to say such words; he's dead. Lol
And his 'children', vampires I assume?
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 5
Nisa and Marco managed to escape the pursuit of the men, however Nisa felt they weren't giving up so easily … moreso she kept on her guard, like every other mercenary of her standards would. The two took shelter on top of roof somewhere in the Bronx. The moon was full tonight and the silence was broken from a eerie howl coming from the horizon.
While shining her sword with a cloth, Nisa was expecting questions from Marco. It took a minute before he decided to speak, he becoming light headed again.
“Hey, you. Are you okay, don’t black out on me. I still need to get paid..” Nisa as he trying to keep the dhampir awake.
He slips into another sleep and finds himself in the red world that resembled his previous dream, on the very same rooftop he passed out on, all alone. Everything was silent, it’s quite disturbing because the only sound he hear is the sound him breathing and his heart beating. He then hears the s… [view original content]
"Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it and end up in the place you are supposed to be."
Peter slowly walked through the forest. For the one time in his life, Peter felt a twinge of fear. Unsure of how he'd be able to take what occured with him through life and eventually to the grave. He killed his brother. Ethan gave his life to save them all. The others. Carla used this to her own but was unaware, Ethan did too. He would not allow her to control them any further. Create more chaos for the children. He loved them all.
Clutching the mason jar, Peter treads through the darkness. He was picking up the smell of his father. What was he doing way out here? Was this a trick, though? The forest was thick with darkness and Georgie refused to step foot into anything his eyes could not see. Peter was hesitant at first.
He nearly felt the urge to give in and let Carla take what was left of his soul. She stripped away his other half. Best friend and loyal companion. Their bond was shattered and lost. Leaning against a tree, Peter closes his eyes to weep. his mind could only focus on the inccident that happened minutes prior. The creature that was left behind. A blue Ladybug. Peter glances at the creature; his little legs move along the glassy bottom, expanding his wings and grooming his face.
"You...." Peter hisses at the bug. "You're NOT my fucking brother!" Peter tosses the jar. He looks around the forest. "What are you waiting for, huh!? What the FUCK are you waiting for!? Come and fight me, Carla! You are a fucking coward! I won't fall for this! That THING is not my brother! He's not Ethan....Ethan..."
Peter falls into the soil, grabs a handful of dirt and cries heavily. "....Give me back my brother. Please. I can't do this without him."
Stillness around the Wolf. Little whispers of wind blew through the trees and grass. The nearby pond bubbled and was teamed with Birds. High above Peter, the mysterious Heavens that claimed his brother's soul. The sun peeked through the branches, creating some light against the dark. He did not care anymore. There was something lurking in the shadows and Peter no longer had the desire to fight. The mason jar not too far from his body began to shake and glow. Peter looks up, unsure of the bug's change.
"What the fuck..."
Peter crawls over to the blue Ladybug. It was still alive and looking deep into Peter's eyes. His tiny, orbed eyes never removing from its stare. He closes his eyes, clings to the jar and continues to the cry. The bug stands against the glass. The sudden feeling of comfort rushed over Peter. He could not escape the eyes of fate. They had power and control over his soul; they only gave hints and sections and to Peter, this bug must have been for him as well, too. This world worked in mysterious ways. This creature could prove use to Peter.....
The wind ponderously blows around Peter. The sound of wind chimes. These noises caused the beast to pause and look around. He was suddely calm and no longer angry but still left with an empty feeling. Guilt.
"Someone there?" Peter clutches the jar. "Hello..."
Clearly, there was. Before Peter, three balls of light. Peter hesitated to move or speak. He was waiting to be struck. This must have been Carla trapping him and here to finish them off one by one. This was like a worm to a Fish; she'd dangle these 'feelings' around and wait for Peter to bite. But those passed the second the balls turned into figures. Each one dressed in white robes and smiling. Always smiling. One was a blonde Elf woman with twinkling green eyes and pale skin. The other was Thomas, and beside him, his brother.
"Ethan..." Smiling, Peter inches closer. "Is it really you? But,'re dead?"
"You're losing hope, Peter." He spoke like before. "You are forgetting who you are. WHAT made you and the capability you can achieve."
"How can I move forward, knowing what I did, Ethan? I don't deserve to live and you perish. I SHOULD be the one to die! You're a Porgie. I'm not...."
"Do not speak with such tongue, Peter Porgie." Calla spoke, reaching out her welcoming hands. "Your father loves you. He cherishes you and for the rest of you life, you don't have to think twice about that. From the depths of his soul, you ARE his son. Loved like all the others."
"Why are you here?" Peter sits on the ground before the three spirits. "ARE you real right now or is this my imagination?"
"We are what your heart wants, Peter. Comfort. To know everything is going to alright." Calla touches Peter's face. "Such love you have in your soul. You're a beautiful young man, Peter. Ethan was right about you. Sturdy like the Big Bad Wolf himelf, yet mysterious as the man who raised you..."
Ethan nods. "You were always the strongest one out of me and you, Peter. Do not give up. If you do, she wins. Carla needs to be taught a lesson. I need to you deliver that bug to a special young lady. I want both my girls to know I'll always be there love them from here until the ends of the world and beyond."
"Is mom and dad alright?"
Thomas nods. "They are in the forest, Peter. Run. Go find your family. They were right about you, too. Remind me of your grandfather, The North Wind. powerful young wolf you are."
Peter falls forward and cries. "Ethan, I can't do this alone without you. We're a fucking team. Please..."
Ethan floats before his brother and kisses his forehead. "I'll be alright, Peter. I did this for you. For everyone. We'd be on repeat and I can not see my family lost in this mess any longer. I'd sacrifice myself over and over again just to see you all smile and be happy. Free. Do not weep for me. Teach the others to appreciate life for what it's worth. Love your daughter and Holly. Be an uncle to the other monsters. BE the pack leader. Walk beside our sister and Gren. Watch over with them."
"I miss you...."
"I miss you but know I love you. If you ever need me, look to Erica and Michelle. The precious gift I left for them. For you all. Listen to the winds around you, the green in the grass. The love between the family. I'm there now and always, Peter. We're family and nothing will ever take that away. Carla thinks she won but she has no idea the TRUE power. It's not dark magic or spells. But love. Hope. Determination."
Thomas takes his right hand and touches Peter's face. He could feel everything: the sun, wind and earth. The memories of his grandfather's past flood his mind and gives Peter the needed uplift. The strength Georgie now carried on his shoulders sat in Peter's heart. Bigby's mind and every wish locked away in his thoughts. Ethan's loyalty resting in his hands and lingering in the words Peter spoke.
Thomas nods. "You are forever the leader among your pack. Their voice. They'll look to you, Peter, for answers. Emily the protector, my son the sword and you the sheild. No harm will ever come to you or the others."
"Emily..." Peter looks to Ethan. "Is she....alright?"
"She and Gren are well on their way, Peter. You, too, need to get a move on. Our time here is over and we must return to our world."
The brothers embrace one final time before he and the others blow away through the winds and return to the heavens.
"See ya', Ethan...." Peter tries to hold back the tears. "Love you and we'll see eachother again some day...."
Looking into the jar, Peter notices the blue Ladybug. Running down the path, Peter's spirit was charged and ready.
"Georgie, what is it?" Lyla perks her ears up. "What do you hear?"
"footsteps." Georgie opens his palms. "Wooteva' is there, will regret comin' this way...."
Lyla sniffs the air and notices the familiar smell of her offspring. "Georgie, wait! It's...Peter! It's our baby! PETER!"
Lyla leaps over Georgie and runs to her son. Georgie, however, was not too certain at first; Calra was crafty and proved this numerous times. Holding Erica against his hip, Georgie chases after his wife. Erica, meanwhile, thought this was a game of sorts and clapped.
"LYLA!" His heart began to thump. "LYLA! STOP, LOVE! NO!"
Lyla knew this was her baby. A mother knows her child's scent and sure enough, pulling through the tall grass, was Peter. In his hands, a single mason jar was a very rare insect. Lyla rubs her mighty face against Peter's cheeks and forehead; her tail wagging rapidly and kicking up dirt. Georgie stood several feet and was brought to tears.
"PETER!? Is it ya', son? My Peter!"
Erica claps! "Wolfy Peter! GRRRRR!"
Peter chuckles. "That's right, little lady. You're Wolf is on target again."
While Georgie and Peter embrace, Lyla looks around. There was something missing. "Peter, where is your brother?" Silence. "Peter, where is Ethan?"
Removing himself from Georgie, Peter takes Erica in his arms. This mason jar containing the bug was supposed to be for Erica. Georgie and Lyla stood back and watched their son walk with Erica to a clearing. He held the jar to the little girl's face. She stared inside and was taken back by the little blue bug. She thought really hard and asked for it and here was her blue Ladybug. Erica looks at Georgie.
"Georgie! Blue buggy! Blue buggy!"
Georgie knew at that moment what this was. A heavy heart, he watched Peter hand Erica the jar. He removes the top and places the bug into her hands. It crawls around before stopping in the middle of her palms. A sudden burst of light envelops Erica's body. All three present that day
stand back and become momentarily blinded by the light. There was the sound of chimes, whispers and water. Erica twirls in the air for a moment but gently floats back to the ground. Peter, Lyla and Georgie look on; she cups the little bug and looks up. She looked different to Peter.
"Peter? What is going on, Peter?" Erica was speaking.
Lyla and Georgie were astounded. "She....she can talk? Peter..."
Peter collects the little girl and feels the back of her head. No scars. No hurt. Peter now understood what his brother had done. By sacrificing his life, he gave Erica a second chance. Like Calla had done for Gren. Georgie and John. Himself...
Erica holds up the ladybug. "I wanted one of these, Peter. And I prayed really hard and look. I got one."
"You did, baby girl." Peter strokes her face. "He's a wonderful bug, alright. You have to protect him always. He's a special gift just for you, alright?"
"I know." Erica hugs Peter. "Daddy told me....I'm not afraid anymore, Peter...."
Peter holds onto the little girl his brother loved more then anything in this world. Standing up, he faces Georgie and Lyla. Both already knew what this was about.
"I need to tell you all about Ethan before we head out....and the message he has for you all...."
From the distance, the final trumpet....
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before work. Thank God for medication and hot tea. :P Feeling a little bit better but still sick but have to make that $$$. XD Short day, so it shouldn't be too bad. Leave tomorrow morning to head back to our old hometown. Mother's Day this weekend.
Chapter 22: Die zwitte Krieg ist am Ende. 2. Mai, 1945.
It was a good thing that we ran a tavern with plentiful supplies; otherwise the R… moreussians might have occupied themselves with us, or more specifically Gertraud, in other ways. Every day, the Russians would help themselves to our storeroom, taking as much as possible. And they had yet to find our stash of money collected throughout the years. This was still a better alternative to the stories we had heard, though. These stories included those of mass killings, gang rapes and many more sickening acts throughout Poland and Germany in a very similar manner to the way the Wehrmacht invaded the USSR.
We remained upstairs as they searched Die Stumpfe Klinge these past few days. No one sought after us as victims for our height. Most of the Red Army stood at 5’9 or 5’10. I and Gertraud were taller than most others and we thus invoked intimidation against the Russians, making them too afraid … [view original content]
This Vampire god is a smart ass and I love it! XD I felt like I laughed way more but it was worth it!
Man! The werewolves are indeed very different and mysterious in your tale but it works. They remind me of Dogs when you first approach them. Hesitant, cautious and baring teeth but one you gain thier trust, loyal as hell. These Werewolves come off as so.
TeamObrecht Yes. I just went there. XD I'm loving the evil, too, this thread is creating. Between the feels, Obrecht is an evil, powerful man and I look forward to more of him. I wonder what his motives are, for it can't JUST be control....
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 5
Nisa and Marco managed to escape the pursuit of the men, however Nisa felt they weren't giving up so easily … moreso she kept on her guard, like every other mercenary of her standards would. The two took shelter on top of roof somewhere in the Bronx. The moon was full tonight and the silence was broken from a eerie howl coming from the horizon.
While shining her sword with a cloth, Nisa was expecting questions from Marco. It took a minute before he decided to speak, he becoming light headed again.
“Hey, you. Are you okay, don’t black out on me. I still need to get paid..” Nisa as he trying to keep the dhampir awake.
He slips into another sleep and finds himself in the red world that resembled his previous dream, on the very same rooftop he passed out on, all alone. Everything was silent, it’s quite disturbing because the only sound he hear is the sound him breathing and his heart beating. He then hears the s… [view original content]
Short, sweet and to the point. I like! Always fun seeing the world through the very eyes of the characters in the story and you did wonderful doing so with Alfred and his companion I loved that little speech at the end, in both english and German. Once again, learned a few things.
I look forward to the Cold War. That was always my favorite, too.
Chapter 22: Die zwitte Krieg ist am Ende. 2. Mai, 1945.
It was a good thing that we ran a tavern with plentiful supplies; otherwise the R… moreussians might have occupied themselves with us, or more specifically Gertraud, in other ways. Every day, the Russians would help themselves to our storeroom, taking as much as possible. And they had yet to find our stash of money collected throughout the years. This was still a better alternative to the stories we had heard, though. These stories included those of mass killings, gang rapes and many more sickening acts throughout Poland and Germany in a very similar manner to the way the Wehrmacht invaded the USSR.
We remained upstairs as they searched Die Stumpfe Klinge these past few days. No one sought after us as victims for our height. Most of the Red Army stood at 5’9 or 5’10. I and Gertraud were taller than most others and we thus invoked intimidation against the Russians, making them too afraid … [view original content]
Hey guys, remember me? I have posted one part of my first fiction ever here, but I think it's already buried. Well, if I've done that, might as well try to post the second one, right? I hope you'll enjoy it, and forgive me for any grammar mistakes. if you want to read the first part, it's on My name is the same there as it is here.
Elevator door opened to the Bigby's floor. The sheriff stepped out, still carrying Nerissa with him. He heard shouting and screaming coming from the first floor, however he was too tired to pay any real attention to it. After all, what's it matter? He was the Big Bad Wolf, he heard his share of screams already.
Bigby approached his apartment's door, where he stopped. 'Nerissa, I hope you can stand. I need to get my keys from the pocket.' he said, putting her down on her feet. She was visibly shaking but she stood on her feet surely enough. Bigby searched his pocket for a bit before fishing the keys in there, pulling them out and unlocking the door before him. Stepping in, he invited Nerissa 'Come inside, it's ok.' She hesitated a bit before taking a step inside.
'It's not Swineheart's office, but it'll do.' said Bigby, closing the door. 'Will do for w-what?' asked Nerissa, starting to shake more. 'Don't worry, I'll just take a look at your wounds if you have any. Also, I have a few questions. But we'll talk about it later. Sit.'
Nerissa remained standing, looking around shyly but with some curiosity too. 'You really have the smallest apartment in the Woodlands.' she even managed a little smile before taking a seat on the edge of Bigby's chair. 'Yeah, seems like everyone notices it first when they visit.' Bigby said while searching the cabinet in his bathroom. He found some bandages and plaster, but nothing else. 'Damn it.' Bigby silently cursed. Whether he uses it often or not, he should keep some more medical supplies in here.
Bigby returned from the bathroom to find Nerissa sitting and still throwing glances around his apartment. It caused Bigby to feel a bit uncomfortable. 'Look, I know it's not much, but…' he didn't even get to finish when Nerissa interrupted him hastily 'Oh no, no. It's perfectly good. It's just that… uhh, nevermind.' She seemed like she was a bit embarrassed by the unfinished thought.
Bigby decided to pay it no mind and pulled another chair in front of her. 'Did that asshole hurt you?' he asked quietly. That question seemed to bring out this very fresh experience for her outside again. She started trembling again, and it took some time for her to answer. 'I-I think he left me some bruises on my arm wh-when he was dragging me here…' 'Which arm?' 'The l-left one.'
Bigby didn't hesitate for a moment – he took Nerissa's hand into hers, stretched it and checked it for the damage. Surely enough, he found it – just above the elbow Dee's fingers had left the mark. 'Is there anything else?' Again, it took some time for her to answer it. 'No, no… I don't think so.'
Bigby stood up and went to the bathroom again. He put the bandages and plaster back into the cabinet where they belonged, then he went to the sink, took an empty glass and filled it with the coldest water he could produce of that tap. He walked back and handed the cup to Nerissa. 'Keep it on the bruises, it should help. Not much else we can do about it.'
Nerissa pressed the cup to the bruises on her arm and sighed with relief. 'Yes, it's really helping. Thanks Bigby.' she cracked an unexpected little smile towards him. Bigby felt a surge of heat in his chest, which surprised him greatly. 'You're welcome.' he didn't think of anything else to say.
A few minutes passed in silence. Seemed like both of them grew accustomed to it. Finally Nerissa broke the silence. 'Umm, you mentioned… some questions earlier?' Bigby snapped out of it too. 'Yes, I have. You don't mind if I give them to you now?' Nerissa shaked her head slightly. 'Ok then, first – how did he get a hold of you?'
Nerissa sighed before answering. 'I was just walking down the street when he grabbed me out of nowhere. Yesterday, when we said our goodbyes, I decided to stay here for one more day. Visit all the places I've had fond memories of, even though there wasn't a lot of them. However, the evening took me by surprise, and I decided to head to my apartment. I felt somewhat… somewhat disappointed that I haven't left this place already. There was nothing else for me here, and I knew it. Despite that, I still stayed.' She took a deep breath before continuing.
'He snatched me right in the middle of the street. It was empty, I was walking to the station, and out of nowhere he jumped out. He rammed the barrel of his gun into my back and told me to walk to the Woodlands. All the way, he was… saying things…lots of them…' Nerissa stopped and started sobbing.
Bigby felt very uncomfortable again. He didn't have a napkin or anything like that, so all he thought of was pulling out a cigarette and offering it to Nerissa. She had her face in her palms, however when Bigby offered her a cigarette, she raised her eyes a bit and took it.
'Thank you.' she muttered quietly. Bigby didn't answer, all he did was pull out a lighter and light her cigarette. She inhaled deeply and seemed to calm down a bit. 'Thanks.' she said again. 'It's nothing. Do you mind if we continue?' Nerissa waited a bit and then nodded, still holding the cigarette. 'Let's finish it.'
'So, secondly – I get that you probably don't have any ideas about it, but maybe you know where can I find Jersey Devil? He is the last untied knot in this pile of shit.' Nerissa's eyes widened a bit before answering. 'The one with glasses?' Bigby nodded. 'Yes, I know where to find him – Dee mentioned something about him while walking! I think it was something about unsold goods or something like that.'
Bigby started to think actively. Unsold goods? About what was he talking about… 'The Lucky Pawn!' he said loudky, startling Nerissa a bit. 'Sorry. It's just that I know where that place is. Thank you, Nerissa. You made finding him a lot easier for me.' Bigby managed to crack a little smile and felt happy when he received an answer. 'I'm very happy to help you, Bigby. It's the least I can do after all you've done for me.' They shared a moment. However…
'Bigby…' Nerissa said, while looking at him. 'You… seriously need to take a shower.' She smiled a bigger smile, and Bigby was so surprised by the joke that he even chuckled. He looked down at his clothes, which were all soaked in blood. All the fun seeped out.
'Nerissa, I know you saw what I did. I'm sorry. I lost control.' Bigby apologized, realizing he will repeat these words to all the other Fables atleast a thousand times. 'I-I shouldn't have done that…' Bigby fell silent as he watched Nerissa's reaction to it. To his another big surprise, she wasn't shocked or terrified at him. 'Bigby, I'll be honest with you. It was horrible to watch, but Dee… Sometimes he used Pudding & Pie's services. I am lucky that he never chose me to please him. All the girls which had 'an appointment' with him came back beaten and bruised.' Nerissa took a deep breath. 'He was a complete asshole and so was his brother. He deserved what came to him as much as the Crooked Man.'
Bigby sat in silence, contemplating what he just heard. He never thought Nerissa could carry so much bitterness and fury inside her. However, he figured that he shouldn't be surprised – after going such things as Nerissa did anyone can become filled with anger. 'Thanks Nerissa. I think you're probably the only one who doesn't judge me for what I did.' Nerissa smiled. 'They don't know anything Bigby. You're doing a great job as a sheriff.' Bigby smiled right back at her, but then he realized he was tired as a dog and he still needed to take a shower.
'Hey, if you want you can stay the night. You went through lots of shit today and you can leave in the morning. After all, I'll probably spend my night in the office.' Bigby offered. Nerissa was taken aback by the words Bigby said, but then managed to get a hold of herself. 'I guess I can. My apartment is quite far away from here, and I don't have a lot of money to spare for the taxi. Thank you Bigby.' She flashed him another quick smile which made Bigby feel something strange in his chest again. 'I hope you don't mind if I use the shower first? I need to get out of my now ruined clothes.' 'No, it's okay Bigby. I'll wait.'
Bigby dove straight into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. There he threw all of his clothes off and stepped into the shower. He needed to be quick about this…
'That… that animal must be tamed!' Bluebeard shouted. 'Look at what he's done, for fuck's sake! He is a savage beast!' He started walking around Business Office, muttering to himself about Bigby's insanity.
Snow was sitting in a chair. Just a minute ago she was standing, but she couldn't take any more of Bluebeard's hysterical screams. She had to take a seat to calm herself down a bit. 'Please, Bluebear, listen…' 'A FUCKING savage, that's what he is!' Snow was interrupted once again and this time she just snapped. 'BLUEBEARD!' Snow screamed at him, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. 'Could you stop. Just for a minute. Stop. And. Shut up.' Snow said through clenched teeth. 'Oh, I'm sorry, am I making this harder for you? Well then I might as well leave.' Bluebeard was furious beyond measures. After all, it was his party that Bigby crashed, so to say. However, Snow really wasn't in the mood for this.
'I guess you can.' And before Bluebeard could answer her, she added. 'Good night.' The man was speechless. Nevertheless, he managed to fumble out a few words. 'I'll see in the morning, MISS White.' And then finally he stormed out.
Snow didn't like how he put the emphasis on the word Miss. She didn't like how he couldn't control his temper. She didn't like him one bit. Too bad she was forced to deal with many things that she didn't like since she became the head of this Office. And now…
Now she had one more concern – Bigby Wolf. She thought the time when people were terrified of him was over, but she was so, so wrong. After this lash-out, Bigby was THE danger again. People would again run from him, hide from him, avoid him. It made Snow so desperate she almost started crying.
At the last second though, she stopped herself. 'No, I can't be weak. Not now.' she said to herself. She needed a plan, a plan of how to handle things now. But as she sat there, no clever mind came to her head, except one – visit Bigby. Even if he was a monster again, she needed to speak with him, and most urgently, before anything else happened.
Snow stood up, stretched and looked around. Suddenly, she heard a flapping of wings. Few seconds passed and Bufkin landed on the table in front of her. She could clearly see that he was quite drunk, but she didn't say anything to him about it. It was a celebration night, after all. Until it wasn't anymore…
'Miss Snow, may I ask?' Bufkin addressed Snow. 'Yes, Bufkin, what is it?' Snow was tired, but she couldn't just deny the little flying monkey without a good reason. 'Will Mr. Bigby will be thrown in jail now?' Bufkin hiccupped right after he finished his sentence. Snow could clearly see that he will pass out any moment now. 'I don't know, Bufkin. I don't know. We shall see.' It was all Snow could say at that moment. 'Well, I-I hope he won't go to jail… Jail is for baddies, and Mr… Mr. Bigby isn't a baddie… I think. Maybe.'
Those were the last words Bufkin said before passing out right there on the table. Snow just sighed before wishing good night to now fast-asleep Bufkin and leaving Business Office. She still needed to visit Bigby and talk to him. The sooner the better.
Walking in a fast pace, she quickly approached the elevator, pushed the button to open the door and entered it. She ascended to Bigby's floor quickly enough, but as she got closer to it, she felt more and more nervous. So many ifs floating… But she had to talk to him, now. About this evening. About the future.
An unexpected thought popped into her head – she cared for him. However, she pushed it aside without giving it much attention – she had more important matters right now.
Snow approached the door to Bigby's apartment, took a deep breath, silently knocked and opened the door.
The first thing that greeted her was Nerissa, sleeping in Bigby's chair. The first thing she heard was shower noise from the bathroom. The first thing she felt was her heart falling to her heels.
Snow didn't even bother. She closed the door and turned around to the elevator. She practically ran to it, and while going to her own apartment, she was trying to calm her racing mind.
'Did Bigby sleep with her?' 'What is she doing there?' 'Why is she there?' 'What's going on there?' such questions were flying through Snow's mind. She felt so confused. Bigby, the lone wolf, always working by himself, never looking for company. However, now she finds a whore in his room, sleeping, and him in the shower?
As crazy as that sounded, she felt betrayed. They never were anything more than friends and co-workers. Why did it feel like a betrayal? Is it because it was so utterly unexpected? Or is it because she just witnessed Bigby tear Dee apart like a true savage and now she found a scene like this?
The only thing Snow knew for sure, was that they needed to talk about a lot of things. And as of now, she needed to think about a lot of things.
The shower was one of the best Bigby has ever had. It felt so good to feel the water running down his body, washing away all the blood. Too bad he couldn't continue it for long.
Stepping out of it, Bigby felt like a new person. The shower helped him relax, washed away his tiredness and made him ready for what was coming.
He quickly found another set of his typical clothes – white shirt with black pants. While putting them on, he was thinking of Nerissa – how close she came to dying today. That fat fuck, Dee, would've shot her. She meant nothing to him. It's good that he was so revenge-driven that he didn't even think of using her as a human shield.
Bigby realized he felt no remorse for killing Dee. The man did nothing good for the world or Fabletown, and Nerissa just confirmed his suspicions that it was always like that. He couldn't help but feel optimistic – Crooked Man's empire is in ruins, now there's only one man left to hunt down. And he knew exactly where to look for him.
Walking out of the bathroom to the door, he noticed the mermaid was already sleeping. He smiled to himself and quietly exited the apartment, closing the door as silently as possible. However, while heading to the elevators, he caught a scent of Snow. She was here? How comes he didn't hear her? Why didn't she call for him?
All those thoughts were circling in Bigby's head as he was descending into the first floor. There, he went out to the night and disregarded all of them. He had another purpose for the night.
Jersey Devil. He knew where to find him, and there was no time to waste. The bastard could've escaped already, however, knowing his nature, it made more sense that he would stay the night in the Lucky Pawn. If he was doing that, then it was an unlucky night for him.
Bigby smelled the air. The scent of Dee's blood has reached him even there, standing outside. He quickly took out a cigarette and lit it.
Hey guys, remember me? I have posted one part of my first fiction ever here, but I think it's already buried. Well, if I've done that, migh… moret as well try to post the second one, right? I hope you'll enjoy it, and forgive me for any grammar mistakes. if you want to read the first part, it's on My name is the same there as it is here.
Elevator door opened to the Bigby's floor. The sheriff stepped out, still carrying Nerissa with him. He heard shouting and screaming coming from the first floor, however he was too tired to pay any real attention to it. After all, what's it matter? He was the Big Bad Wolf, he heard his share of screams already.
Bigby approached his apartment's door, where he stopped. 'Nerissa, I hope you can stand. I need to get my keys from the pocket.' he said, putting her down on her feet. She was visibly shaking but she stood on her feet surely enough. Bigby searched his pocket for a bit before fishing t… [view original content]
Pie man look we need to have a talk, dude why must you make me cry! X'D Ethan is literally the P3 protagonist, they just died a different way. Ethan was literally the sign of hope for his family and the people around him and gave Erica a second chance. Just as the P3 protagonist brought hope to his team and gave Aigis and the world a second chance. Pie these feels man, you have broken me comepletely
Pie this was a beautiful man just please next time, give me a warning! Glad you're doing better, and thank you for reminding me I almost forgot about mother's day! Now excuse me while I now keep listening to memories of you and crying in the corner for now Ethan Porgie and Makoto Yuki X')
Earlier part 2
"Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it and end up in the place you a… morere supposed to be."
Peter slowly walked through the forest. For the one time in his life, Peter felt a twinge of fear. Unsure of how he'd be able to take what occured with him through life and eventually to the grave. He killed his brother. Ethan gave his life to save them all. The others. Carla used this to her own but was unaware, Ethan did too. He would not allow her to control them any further. Create more chaos for the children. He loved them all.
Clutching the mason jar, Peter treads through the darkness. He was picking up the smell of his father. What was he doing way out here? Was this a trick, though? The forest was thick with darkness and Georgie refused to step foot into anything his eyes could not see. Peter was hesitant at first.
He nearly felt the urge to give in and let Carla take … [view original content]
Yup, her original bloodline was with Caine, the first vampire. For Claire? Oh yes, she's not happy. And yes that old man is screwed
Yup, his fellow tremere. It would be a shame if they got caught in the crossfire wouldn't it?
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 5
Nisa and Marco managed to escape the pursuit of the men, however Nisa felt they weren't giving up so easily … moreso she kept on her guard, like every other mercenary of her standards would. The two took shelter on top of roof somewhere in the Bronx. The moon was full tonight and the silence was broken from a eerie howl coming from the horizon.
While shining her sword with a cloth, Nisa was expecting questions from Marco. It took a minute before he decided to speak, he becoming light headed again.
“Hey, you. Are you okay, don’t black out on me. I still need to get paid..” Nisa as he trying to keep the dhampir awake.
He slips into another sleep and finds himself in the red world that resembled his previous dream, on the very same rooftop he passed out on, all alone. Everything was silent, it’s quite disturbing because the only sound he hear is the sound him breathing and his heart beating. He then hears the s… [view original content]
A little wink for Gren and that stupid arm he has. :P
Pretty much. Frank is in hiding at the moment and Robert is slowly making his way back up to the top. As far as Jersey, well, he'll come around eventually....
"Fuck, you're going to pull my goddamn arm off."
Was that intentional on your part?
So Frank has entered a recluse, has he? I don… more't blame him after the verbal abuse he recieved from Jersey. I hope that both come around. Thankfully, Robert appears to be doing much better.
Chapter 22: Die zwitte Krieg ist am Ende. 2. Mai, 1945.
It was a good thing that we ran a tavern with plentiful supplies; otherwise the R… moreussians might have occupied themselves with us, or more specifically Gertraud, in other ways. Every day, the Russians would help themselves to our storeroom, taking as much as possible. And they had yet to find our stash of money collected throughout the years. This was still a better alternative to the stories we had heard, though. These stories included those of mass killings, gang rapes and many more sickening acts throughout Poland and Germany in a very similar manner to the way the Wehrmacht invaded the USSR.
We remained upstairs as they searched Die Stumpfe Klinge these past few days. No one sought after us as victims for our height. Most of the Red Army stood at 5’9 or 5’10. I and Gertraud were taller than most others and we thus invoked intimidation against the Russians, making them too afraid … [view original content]
Robert will find these next few days tough; he told his brother and now, has his son and ex to tell. Frank's situation, however, is different. All HE has is Jersey and right now, he's reacting how most do. 'It' will happen to these two, i'll make sure of that but when? Who knows with me! XD
I'd like to think its a little of both. According to pie, these two were close and no one thought anything different.
RJ is 12 right now and I know....I rarely covered him but this is my time to focus on him as well. I hope RJ understands, too, Hman. I was going to have Robert tell her right there but I'm saving that because Lyla needs to be sitting for things like this. You nailed Robert's reason on the head pretty well there, Hman. This is why and sadly, it happens a lot....:(
Nice chapter (This was lovely to read after Pie's chapter btw...)
I feel so bad for Robert, he's pretty much come out (or at least comin… moreg out of) his shell and telling those around him that he is gay. But Frank feels so rejected that life is just a burden on his shoulders, poor guy, I hope he comes around though. I won't be satisfied until those 2 wake up one morning and realise that 'it' finally happened
Emily CRIES now because she does not want him to go. Can you believe that."
Yep, I sure can, whether she has grown used to his company or has an understanding of wanting to be with him already is only for Emily to know, but I'd like to think it's a nice mixture of both :P
How old is RJ anyways? I know so little about him...
I hope RJ understands; he sounds quite young, and youngsters can be funny when told the truth, they don't always accept it
Tbh, I was expecting Robert to tell Lyla while she was there! Then ag… [view original content]
Hopefully RJ will understands. Kids, especially a 12 year old, may not get it right away. But he may surprise us all and be like' alright...and?' This is a conflict still going on, sadly. Jersey is beyond furious and Frank knows this. In time, they will mend but it all falls to Jersey now. Jersey comes off as that stubborn as a mule character. lol
It's going to be a tough conversation RJ, but I'm certain this not affect their relationship. He will find it in his to accept his father f… moreor what he is just as he uncle did. As for Frank, is his brother still pissed at him, is that conflict between them still going on or has it settled down? When will Mr. Jersey grow up?!
Anyway, I await what happens next.
Oh man, this vampire god is definitely a favorite right now! XD This guy's attitude is simply hilarious!
And Lycans...can't live with em,… more can't live without em. Tetra shrugs Marco and Nesa should have this!
I don't like Obrecht...Ademar was pretty cool and he was just about to kill him
Poor (I'm saying this a lot recently!) Peter, he misses his Brother so much, but now he can rest knowing that Ethan will always be there, ready to give him the comfort he needs, I just hope Michelle is ready for the truth
Erica is healed?! :O YAY!!!! Carla thinks her dickhead son could ruin that girl? Think again bitch... think a-fucking-gain
I can't wait for more dude! XD And glad to hear you're feeling just a little bit better. Mother's Day should be fun for you at least :P
Earlier part 2
"Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it and end up in the place you a… morere supposed to be."
Peter slowly walked through the forest. For the one time in his life, Peter felt a twinge of fear. Unsure of how he'd be able to take what occured with him through life and eventually to the grave. He killed his brother. Ethan gave his life to save them all. The others. Carla used this to her own but was unaware, Ethan did too. He would not allow her to control them any further. Create more chaos for the children. He loved them all.
Clutching the mason jar, Peter treads through the darkness. He was picking up the smell of his father. What was he doing way out here? Was this a trick, though? The forest was thick with darkness and Georgie refused to step foot into anything his eyes could not see. Peter was hesitant at first.
He nearly felt the urge to give in and let Carla take … [view original content]
I am glad that everyone find him to likable a not a moron. XD
These wolves are hostile towards Marco and his kind, not because of the species past but because of territory affairs. Also, one of the vampires in the city was cought in an act of promiscuous with several women from the Lynan's clan.. Lol
Oh god Pie, you just love the villians! By the way, whose your favorite supervillain? (Off topic)
This Vampire god is a smart ass and I love it! XD I felt like I laughed way more but it was worth it!
Man! The werewolves are indeed ver… morey different and mysterious in your tale but it works. They remind me of Dogs when you first approach them. Hesitant, cautious and baring teeth but one you gain thier trust, loyal as hell. These Werewolves come off as so.
TeamObrecht Yes. I just went there. XD I'm loving the evil, too, this thread is creating. Between the feels, Obrecht is an evil, powerful man and I look forward to more of him. I wonder what his motives are, for it can't JUST be control....
SMH...Claire's past really was not a good one, was it? I mean, we know what she went through but this shit is like a slap in the face, while being kicked to the ground.
Yeah, act like a tough motherfucker but when Kieron get's his hands on you, you won't be laughing and cracking jokes. >:( I hope this gets better soon and Kieron can step up and protect what is his; the prince, Caine, Max and all his friends can go back to hell and leave but that would be too easy. Knowing it only gets worse breaks me. Between you and pie more feels, you two! Stop with these feels!!!
The Assault... Part: One
In the future...
Kieron stood across Claire. Bodies were all around them near the entrance of the crypt...Cla… moreire drew her sword.
"Stand out of my way" Claire said with Caines voice
Kieron walked towards Claire. "Give Claire back."
Claire began to laugh in Caines voice "You do know she's gone right!?"
Kieron continued to walk He had an angry look on his face. "That's bullshit! She is still there!"
Claire smiled "You're right, she was forced into this wasn't she? In fact I can still hear her voice cry out in despair!" She said in Caines voice.
Kieron inches away from Claire. "For the last time give her ba-" He felt a sharp pain.
He looked down and saw that Claire had stabbed him. He grabbed the blade, he could feel blood come out of his mouth. His shadow itching to crawl up his skin. He started to cry and looked up. " did it come to this? A while ago we were having dinner with my m… [view original content]
Yeah that was a tough pill to swallow....
Robert will find these next few days tough; he told his brother and now, has his son and ex to … moretell. Frank's situation, however, is different. All HE has is Jersey and right now, he's reacting how most do. 'It' will happen to these two, i'll make sure of that but when? Who knows with me! XD
I'd like to think its a little of both. According to pie, these two were close and no one thought anything different.
RJ is 12 right now and I know....I rarely covered him but this is my time to focus on him as well. I hope RJ understands, too, Hman. I was going to have Robert tell her right there but I'm saving that because Lyla needs to be sitting for things like this. You nailed Robert's reason on the head pretty well there, Hman. This is why and sadly, it happens a lot....:(
Kieron will shut that old man's mouth real quick! Kieron will do his best, but sometimes it's just not enough...sometimes Pie absolutely broke me with his most recent chapter, still have tears actually I wish you good luck on that adventure my friend I hope you fair better than I did because I feel like I could cry for a while
SMH...Claire's past really was not a good one, was it? I mean, we know what she went through but this shit is like a slap in the face, while… more being kicked to the ground.
Yeah, act like a tough motherfucker but when Kieron get's his hands on you, you won't be laughing and cracking jokes. >:( I hope this gets better soon and Kieron can step up and protect what is his; the prince, Caine, Max and all his friends can go back to hell and leave but that would be too easy. Knowing it only gets worse breaks me. Between you and pie more feels, you two! Stop with these feels!!!
^^STOP it, Kieron and Claire!
Cool chapter dude!!
That Vampire God is a freaking dude, he's hilarious!!
eating a bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup … moreand a single cherry.
Ohhhh man, I want one of those so bad right now
I like Nisa, she's a determined one and dedicated to the job
And Ademar and Obrecht... only a coward would attack a man from behind like that
I can't wait for more! XD
Please....crawls up from the floor...No more feels. No more from you or anyone else. OMG Peter! I wanted to hug him and tell him it was going to be alright. That moment where he tossed the jar...God, man!
And Ethan gave Erica another chance at life?
"I know." Erica hugs Peter. "Daddy told me....I'm not afraid anymore, Peter...."
OMG....I'm dead. You're going to come home and find a corpse. Cause of death...too many feels on the 'create a fable' thread. I can't wait for more! GOD I want Carla dead, Emily's hot ass to kick butt, Gren's sexy ass to also kick but and Michelle to have her revenge.
Earlier part 2
"Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it and end up in the place you a… morere supposed to be."
Peter slowly walked through the forest. For the one time in his life, Peter felt a twinge of fear. Unsure of how he'd be able to take what occured with him through life and eventually to the grave. He killed his brother. Ethan gave his life to save them all. The others. Carla used this to her own but was unaware, Ethan did too. He would not allow her to control them any further. Create more chaos for the children. He loved them all.
Clutching the mason jar, Peter treads through the darkness. He was picking up the smell of his father. What was he doing way out here? Was this a trick, though? The forest was thick with darkness and Georgie refused to step foot into anything his eyes could not see. Peter was hesitant at first.
He nearly felt the urge to give in and let Carla take … [view original content]
I think I could use one myself.. That made my taste jump while writing.
As a mercenary, she's in for the money. Nisa can somet… moreimes come off rash or even bitchy, but she has a heart. Her sister is the same way.
Oh that was nothing compared to what is to next. He is going to set the definition of low
Ooooooh the Vampire God acts like a guardian angel to Vampires!? I like that little slip in there, although I could feel the sarcasm just melt from Marco's body. XD lol
That ice cream scene was so random and hilarious! XD This Vampire God might have a screaming fan over here! fangirls Although,. I do agree, Obrecht is something else, too. Seems like he's the deliciously evil person needed for this story and his intentions are indeed vile, cruel and power hungry! I away more!!
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 5
Nisa and Marco managed to escape the pursuit of the men, however Nisa felt they weren't giving up so easily … moreso she kept on her guard, like every other mercenary of her standards would. The two took shelter on top of roof somewhere in the Bronx. The moon was full tonight and the silence was broken from a eerie howl coming from the horizon.
While shining her sword with a cloth, Nisa was expecting questions from Marco. It took a minute before he decided to speak, he becoming light headed again.
“Hey, you. Are you okay, don’t black out on me. I still need to get paid..” Nisa as he trying to keep the dhampir awake.
He slips into another sleep and finds himself in the red world that resembled his previous dream, on the very same rooftop he passed out on, all alone. Everything was silent, it’s quite disturbing because the only sound he hear is the sound him breathing and his heart beating. He then hears the s… [view original content]
Robert, RJ and Gren sat outside. Robert picked at his burger, unsatisfied with the morning. He was dreading telling his son and if Gren kicked his knee one last time, frenchfries were heading straigh for his nose. He knew what Gren was trying to do; grab his attention and pull it towards his son but robert had fear. That's all he could picture.
RJ not understanding, leaving the table and storming all the way back to his mother's home. Screaming he didn't want a 'gay' dad and that Georgie was his only dad. React like everyone else. Scream, leave, point and ridicule. Lose his only son for his selfish ways of suddenly 'needing' to be truthful with everyone.
But Gren surprised his brother last night; he was expecting Gren to do the exact same things, yet he welcomed Robert with open arms. Listened and loved his brother, despite the words coming from his mouth. Robert sighs. He looks over at his son, now chowing down on his third Whopper. The kid indeed had a Grendel appetite and mixed with the Wolf blood, he was a bottomless pit. Dipping the fries into the ketchup, RJ looked up at Robert.
He loved his son and at that moment, he knew it had to be done. RJ stared at his ather with those deep, amber eyes. The same color as Lyla. Looking longer at his son's face, he began to picture himself back at the Homelands. Strong cheek bones, curious smile and hair for days. According to Lyla, he wanted to keep it the same length and style as his father. She allowed it, simply for it made 'him happy.' Made him happy, thought Robert, as he took another sip. Sounds familiar.
RJ points to Robert's burger. "You going to eat that, dad?"
"You still hungry, kiddo? I can get you something else, if you want."
"Can I?" RJ glances at the menu. "I wanted to try that Firecracker burger."
"Damn, RJ." Gren takes an onion ring ans shoves it in his mouth. "That's a pretty spicy burger there. Ghost chili sauce, pepper jack cheese, sliced Jalapenos AND Jalapeno poppers ontop of that!"
"That's ALL Lyla wanted when she was pregnant with this kid. Spicy foods."
RJ smiles. "Mommy said I'm lucy I didn't come out as a chili."
Robert takes out his wallet and hands RJ a five. "But, before you SO go get that burger, we need to talk...."
"Am I in trouble? I knew this was a setup! I'm doing good in class, dad and my grades are good and-"
"Whoa, Tiger. Slow down. No one said anything about you being in trouble, although I'm proud you're keeping up in your school work."
RJ takes the money but sits back down. He looks over to Gren, who was nothing but smiles. It was good. Gren never smiled when there was bad news and RJ had picked up the signals alone just by his uncle.
"Alright, dad. What is it?"
Robert inhales. It was time. "Son, how do you feel about homosexuality?"
"You mean gay people, dad?"
"Well, yes but I'd rather you use the proper terminology, RJ."
"Okay. Homosexuality. What about it?"
"How do you feel about it and do you understand what it is?"
"I guess its whatever, dad. Mom told me that sometimes, when people are born, they see things differently and feel things people like me don't. She told me about her uncle Edward and that he is a homosexual and has a boyfriend and I asked mommy how that's possible because I thought only men liked woman but then she told me that some boys like other boys and that girls sometimes like other girls OR they can like both, which is called bisexual."
"Wow." Robert looks over at Gren, who shrugs his shoulders. "When did you and mommy have this talk?"
"Three weeks ago because a kid in my class has two dads. They came to school to drop off his lunch and one of my friends asked who the other man was and he explained."
"How did you and the other kids feel about this, though?"
"I guess we were whatever because we just ate lunch and talked about stuff like video games and junk."
Robert rubs his forehead. "Alright, RJ. Did mommy explain how two men or two women can, you know-"
"Have sex, dad?" RJ smiles. "You can say it, dad. Sex."
Robert forgot how open his son was. Too much like Lyla in that department and to be honest, he was glad RJ inherited that.
" Did....did she explain it....or....."
"Kind of. It got confusing at first, so she said when you two sit down on Friday, she wanted to talk to you about it. I'm cool with it. I mean, love is love to me, so long as their are happy people. I don't like to see sadness."
Now was his time. Gren grabs Robert's hand, causing RJ to cock up his eyebrow. "Son, I have to ask you one final question now. How would you feel if dad was a homosexual?"
"I don't know. Kinda weird because you and mom were together and I know Rose Red was your girlfriend for awhile....would you be bisexual, then?"
"What if I told you your dad was gay but had to pretend for a long time, so to avoid getting questions, dad had to date women like your mother and Rose Red? Would you be alright with it?"
"Why can't you just date dudes, then? Why pretend? That seems....stupid."
"I agree with the kid." Gren takes another bite of his onion ring. "RJ, you're a bright kid and I think he gets it...ROBERT...I don't think you have to wrroy about it....ROBERT!"
"You okay uncle Gren? You're saying my dad's name weird and junk...."
Robert inhales and looks over at RJ. "Sometimes people are afraid of what they don't know and rather then ask questions, they push it away. Not a lot of people are comfortable with homosexuals and rather then ask, they mock or make fun of. Avoid them like they are diseased or something..."
"That's stupid and mean. I'd never do that!" Robert wanted to cry. "People are people. You and mom, even daddy Georgie, nana and papa....everyone has taught me to love all that is different and I don't care, dad, if you were a homosexual or green colored or lost your foot or anything like that. You're my dad and I love you."
Now was the time. "RJ, daddy needs to tell you something. I'm...I'm gay, RJ. Your father is a homosexual."
"Oh." Robert was unsure of his son's words. RJ was silent for a minute. Longest minute of Robert's life. "So, you like men now or-"
"I've always liked men but like dad said earlier, had to pretend. no one would understand."
"Does uncle Gren know or is he finding out now, too?"
"Your dad told me last night." Gren glares up. "Wish he'd told me sooner, though."
"Does mommy know?"
"No." Robert shakes his head. "And I will tell her, alright RJ? do you feel now, son, about me?"
"Are you, like, going to have a boyfriend now?"
"Huh." RJ looks at the money. "Well, you're happy dad and I love you. So, if you're happy, then I'm happy. You're a person too, dad and I don't want to see you sad or have to pretend anymore. You can love another guy. I'm cool."
"'re fine with this, RJ?" Robert could feel the tears. "Really, you're....okay with your dad being gay and-"
"Homosexual, dad." RJ smiles, stretching out his legs, then embracing Robert. "And yes, I'm fine with it. Now, excuse me for a moment. That burger is calling my name. I want to ask you some questions, though."
"Of course son." Robert kisses RJ on the head. "Go...go get your butt-burning burger and when you come back, I'll answer anything you want."
RJ smiles, pockets the money and walks towards the door. "To be honest, dad, I thought you were going to tell me you and uncle Gren were secret lovers just by the way you were holding his hand. That happens too, you know and-"
"Smartass." Gren tosses a wad of mapkins at him. "Go get your burger!"
RJ laughs, enters the restaurant and heads for the front. Robert was brought to tears as the world slowly looked different.
Frank needed to clear his head. Make an excuse to feel 'normal' again. The guys at the bar were heading to a strip joint and they invited their new friend, who's look was still stuck in the 70's. Frank, trying to smile, joined in the fun.
The entire ride to the club, he 'told' stories of his adventures with 'many' ladies. Little did these guys know, it was a lie but after one explained the 'fags' needed to fuck off and burn in hell, Frank sealed his lips and remained one of the 'guys'. The man's brother, who's name was Tom, explained he'd like to hang them all and bash their skulls in.
Frank felt bile rising in his throat. He wanted to vomit and run away. Find Robert and hope for the best but after their encounter at the club, Frank knew he'd never see the Fable again but it broke his heart....
They arrive at the "OYSTER BAR" in downtown New York and the booming base inside made Frank sick to his stomach again. The guys, all with their wallets out, rush to the front. A beautiful brunette woman in nothing but fishnets and pink thong, performed a dance for her eager customers. Frank sat more towards the back and looked around. What was he doing here? This was not for him but to keep apperance, Frank played the part. He was 'straight' for the guys. No one would ever know...
The woman began to dance for Frank; while he sat back in horror, his friend cheered him on. 'Touch her! YEAH! Go FRANK! You're the man!' One went as far as to 'apy' for Frank to have fun with the woman in the back but Frank declined. Said his 'wife' would no approve and the guys all understood. So, beneath the neon lights, cheap cigarettes and music, Frank played 'normal' and 'pretend' for the second time that morning.
All he could think about was Robert....
Any questions, comments or something you liked, leave below! Heading to the park here in a bit with my lovely lady, miss Emily! BEAUTIFUL day today!!!
Again, I have lots of catching up to do with these reads. I blame my math final for making me having to learn/study all this shit in which I will most likely forget later in life.
Oh well, hope you all are having a good day today, it's Friday after all!
Again, I have lots of catching up to do with these reads. I blame my math final for making me having to learn/study all this shit in which I… more will most likely forget later in life.
Oh well, hope you all are having a good day today, it's Friday after all!
I am becoming increasingly fond of this Vampire god. He is rather funny, and his blase attitude.
The Lycanthropes are not that friendly or civilised, aren't they? Kick their asses, Marco and Nisa!
I am interested in what Obrecht's actual motives are besides control (if he has any).
Chapter 22: Die zwitte Krieg ist am Ende. 2. Mai, 1945.
It was a good thing that we ran a tavern with plentiful supplies; otherwise the Russians might have occupied themselves with us, or more specifically Gertraud, in other ways. Every day, the Russians would help themselves to our storeroom, taking as much as possible. And they had yet to find our stash of money collected throughout the years. This was still a better alternative to the stories we had heard, though. These stories included those of mass killings, gang rapes and many more sickening acts throughout Poland and Germany in a very similar manner to the way the Wehrmacht invaded the USSR.
We remained upstairs as they searched Die Stumpfe Klinge these past few days. No one sought after us as victims for our height. Most of the Red Army stood at 5’9 or 5’10. I and Gertraud were taller than most others and we thus invoked intimidation against the Russians, making them too afraid to try anything.
Hundreds of thousands of others were not so lucky.
We sat on the bed, playing chess. The Russians had managed to find the liquor supply and would not be heard from for a while yet. I could not remember the last we ate or drank and neither could Gertraud. We simply played chess to pass the time and slept once the invaders within our place had left.
Then , for the first time in the days since the battle’s beginning, the loudspeakers in the streets blared.
“Am dreizig April 1945 hat der Führer Selbstmord begangen und damit alle, die ihm Treue geschworen hatten, im Stich gelassen. Gertreu dem Befehl des Führers wart ihr, deutsche Soldaten, bereit, den Kampf um Berlin fortausetzen, obwohl eure Munition zur Neige ging und die Gesamtlage den weiteren Widersrand sinnlos machte. Ich ordne die sofortige Einstellung jeglichen Widerstandes an. Jede Stunde, die ihr weiterkämpft, verlängert die entestzlichen Leiden der Zivibevölkerung Berlins und unserer Verwundeten. Im Einvernehmen mit dem oberkommando der sowjetischen Truppen fodere ich euch auf, sofort den Kampf einzustellen.“
Gertraud and I felt a simultaneous relief wash over ourselves.
“Weidling, ehemagliger Befehlshaber des Verteidigungbereichs Berlin.“ Was the last line the loudspeaker emitted.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Although a call to a ceasefire was issued by the Germans on May 2nd, actual hostilities were not ended until midnight on May, 8th.
Here is the translation for the speech (Had to watch Der Untergang to get the German Text).
"On April 30th, 1945, the Leader committed suicide, thus abandoning all whom followed him to their deaths. You, our German soldiers, followed the Leader’s orders, and were determined to continue the fight for Berlin, despite that our ammunition ran out and that the fight was already lost. I hereby order an immediate ceasefire. Every hour you continue to fight only prolongs the agony of the civilians and our wounded. In agreement with the Russian Supreme Command, I ask that you surrender now.”
“Wielding, former Commander of Berlin’s Defence Area.”
This is indeed a rather short chapter. Honestly, this chapter was actually forced on my part. I simply wanted the world wars done so I can move onto the really fun part: Cold War Berlin. I will bring it up to the current millenium at least before I deviate from, what has been thus far, a pure historical context.
Dude, you just replied to my comment, not Tetra's post :P
I was half asleep. lol
So Max was Claire step father? Well then, I would assume that was a shocker, along with the rest of what the old man said. Then the ending where the old man locked Claire in the room with her and chose to say such words; he's dead. Lol
And his 'children', vampires I assume?
He is indeed come of as apathetic for someone who is a being such as himself. He is considered to be looked down upon as the bastard of the vampire deities, has high respect due to past works.
In this story the Lycan's are very territorial, and unfriendly towards strangers, they'll learn how to behave.
As for Obrecht, he is power hungry, he is evil and he will eliminate to gain power. Though he also have one more specific goal in mind.
I'm sorry man!
This thread really has taken a feels direction hasn't it? XD
Claires past is not good, although now that she knows the truth...she may have been better off not knowing it
We will have to see how much it will take to bring her back!
I apologize again! Things will be bright again!
Brofist Sounds like a painful job! XD
Lol! XD There is deception and betrayal everywhere!
Oh it will get bloody
Yup, her original bloodline was with Caine, the first vampire. For Claire? Oh yes, she's not happy. And yes that old man is screwed
Yup, his fellow tremere. It would be a shame if they got caught in the crossfire wouldn't it?
Oh man, this vampire god is definitely a favorite right now! XD This guy's attitude is simply hilarious!
And Lycans...can't live with em, can't live without em. Tetra shrugs Marco and Nesa should have this!
I don't like Obrecht...Ademar was pretty cool and he was just about to kill him
Earlier part 2
"Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it and end up in the place you are supposed to be."
Peter slowly walked through the forest. For the one time in his life, Peter felt a twinge of fear. Unsure of how he'd be able to take what occured with him through life and eventually to the grave. He killed his brother. Ethan gave his life to save them all. The others. Carla used this to her own but was unaware, Ethan did too. He would not allow her to control them any further. Create more chaos for the children. He loved them all.
Clutching the mason jar, Peter treads through the darkness. He was picking up the smell of his father. What was he doing way out here? Was this a trick, though? The forest was thick with darkness and Georgie refused to step foot into anything his eyes could not see. Peter was hesitant at first.
He nearly felt the urge to give in and let Carla take what was left of his soul. She stripped away his other half. Best friend and loyal companion. Their bond was shattered and lost. Leaning against a tree, Peter closes his eyes to weep. his mind could only focus on the inccident that happened minutes prior. The creature that was left behind. A blue Ladybug. Peter glances at the creature; his little legs move along the glassy bottom, expanding his wings and grooming his face.
"You...." Peter hisses at the bug. "You're NOT my fucking brother!" Peter tosses the jar. He looks around the forest. "What are you waiting for, huh!? What the FUCK are you waiting for!? Come and fight me, Carla! You are a fucking coward! I won't fall for this! That THING is not my brother! He's not Ethan....Ethan..."
Peter falls into the soil, grabs a handful of dirt and cries heavily. "....Give me back my brother. Please. I can't do this without him."
Stillness around the Wolf. Little whispers of wind blew through the trees and grass. The nearby pond bubbled and was teamed with Birds. High above Peter, the mysterious Heavens that claimed his brother's soul. The sun peeked through the branches, creating some light against the dark. He did not care anymore. There was something lurking in the shadows and Peter no longer had the desire to fight. The mason jar not too far from his body began to shake and glow. Peter looks up, unsure of the bug's change.
"What the fuck..."
Peter crawls over to the blue Ladybug. It was still alive and looking deep into Peter's eyes. His tiny, orbed eyes never removing from its stare. He closes his eyes, clings to the jar and continues to the cry. The bug stands against the glass. The sudden feeling of comfort rushed over Peter. He could not escape the eyes of fate. They had power and control over his soul; they only gave hints and sections and to Peter, this bug must have been for him as well, too. This world worked in mysterious ways. This creature could prove use to Peter.....
The wind ponderously blows around Peter. The sound of wind chimes. These noises caused the beast to pause and look around. He was suddely calm and no longer angry but still left with an empty feeling. Guilt.
"Someone there?" Peter clutches the jar. "Hello..."
Clearly, there was. Before Peter, three balls of light. Peter hesitated to move or speak. He was waiting to be struck. This must have been Carla trapping him and here to finish them off one by one. This was like a worm to a Fish; she'd dangle these 'feelings' around and wait for Peter to bite. But those passed the second the balls turned into figures. Each one dressed in white robes and smiling. Always smiling. One was a blonde Elf woman with twinkling green eyes and pale skin. The other was Thomas, and beside him, his brother.
"Ethan..." Smiling, Peter inches closer. "Is it really you? But,'re dead?"
"You're losing hope, Peter." He spoke like before. "You are forgetting who you are. WHAT made you and the capability you can achieve."
"How can I move forward, knowing what I did, Ethan? I don't deserve to live and you perish. I SHOULD be the one to die! You're a Porgie. I'm not...."
"Do not speak with such tongue, Peter Porgie." Calla spoke, reaching out her welcoming hands. "Your father loves you. He cherishes you and for the rest of you life, you don't have to think twice about that. From the depths of his soul, you ARE his son. Loved like all the others."
"Why are you here?" Peter sits on the ground before the three spirits. "ARE you real right now or is this my imagination?"
"We are what your heart wants, Peter. Comfort. To know everything is going to alright." Calla touches Peter's face. "Such love you have in your soul. You're a beautiful young man, Peter. Ethan was right about you. Sturdy like the Big Bad Wolf himelf, yet mysterious as the man who raised you..."
Ethan nods. "You were always the strongest one out of me and you, Peter. Do not give up. If you do, she wins. Carla needs to be taught a lesson. I need to you deliver that bug to a special young lady. I want both my girls to know I'll always be there love them from here until the ends of the world and beyond."
"Is mom and dad alright?"
Thomas nods. "They are in the forest, Peter. Run. Go find your family. They were right about you, too. Remind me of your grandfather, The North Wind. powerful young wolf you are."
Peter falls forward and cries. "Ethan, I can't do this alone without you. We're a fucking team. Please..."
Ethan floats before his brother and kisses his forehead. "I'll be alright, Peter. I did this for you. For everyone. We'd be on repeat and I can not see my family lost in this mess any longer. I'd sacrifice myself over and over again just to see you all smile and be happy. Free. Do not weep for me. Teach the others to appreciate life for what it's worth. Love your daughter and Holly. Be an uncle to the other monsters. BE the pack leader. Walk beside our sister and Gren. Watch over with them."
"I miss you...."
"I miss you but know I love you. If you ever need me, look to Erica and Michelle. The precious gift I left for them. For you all. Listen to the winds around you, the green in the grass. The love between the family. I'm there now and always, Peter. We're family and nothing will ever take that away. Carla thinks she won but she has no idea the TRUE power. It's not dark magic or spells. But love. Hope. Determination."
Thomas takes his right hand and touches Peter's face. He could feel everything: the sun, wind and earth. The memories of his grandfather's past flood his mind and gives Peter the needed uplift. The strength Georgie now carried on his shoulders sat in Peter's heart. Bigby's mind and every wish locked away in his thoughts. Ethan's loyalty resting in his hands and lingering in the words Peter spoke.
Thomas nods. "You are forever the leader among your pack. Their voice. They'll look to you, Peter, for answers. Emily the protector, my son the sword and you the sheild. No harm will ever come to you or the others."
"Emily..." Peter looks to Ethan. "Is she....alright?"
"She and Gren are well on their way, Peter. You, too, need to get a move on. Our time here is over and we must return to our world."
The brothers embrace one final time before he and the others blow away through the winds and return to the heavens.
"See ya', Ethan...." Peter tries to hold back the tears. "Love you and we'll see eachother again some day...."
Looking into the jar, Peter notices the blue Ladybug. Running down the path, Peter's spirit was charged and ready.
"Georgie, what is it?" Lyla perks her ears up. "What do you hear?"
"footsteps." Georgie opens his palms. "Wooteva' is there, will regret comin' this way...."
Lyla sniffs the air and notices the familiar smell of her offspring. "Georgie, wait! It's...Peter! It's our baby! PETER!"
Lyla leaps over Georgie and runs to her son. Georgie, however, was not too certain at first; Calra was crafty and proved this numerous times. Holding Erica against his hip, Georgie chases after his wife. Erica, meanwhile, thought this was a game of sorts and clapped.
"LYLA!" His heart began to thump. "LYLA! STOP, LOVE! NO!"
Lyla knew this was her baby. A mother knows her child's scent and sure enough, pulling through the tall grass, was Peter. In his hands, a single mason jar was a very rare insect. Lyla rubs her mighty face against Peter's cheeks and forehead; her tail wagging rapidly and kicking up dirt. Georgie stood several feet and was brought to tears.
"PETER!? Is it ya', son? My Peter!"
Erica claps! "Wolfy Peter! GRRRRR!"
Peter chuckles. "That's right, little lady. You're Wolf is on target again."
While Georgie and Peter embrace, Lyla looks around. There was something missing. "Peter, where is your brother?" Silence. "Peter, where is Ethan?"
Removing himself from Georgie, Peter takes Erica in his arms. This mason jar containing the bug was supposed to be for Erica. Georgie and Lyla stood back and watched their son walk with Erica to a clearing. He held the jar to the little girl's face. She stared inside and was taken back by the little blue bug. She thought really hard and asked for it and here was her blue Ladybug. Erica looks at Georgie.
"Georgie! Blue buggy! Blue buggy!"
Georgie knew at that moment what this was. A heavy heart, he watched Peter hand Erica the jar. He removes the top and places the bug into her hands. It crawls around before stopping in the middle of her palms. A sudden burst of light envelops Erica's body. All three present that day
stand back and become momentarily blinded by the light. There was the sound of chimes, whispers and water. Erica twirls in the air for a moment but gently floats back to the ground. Peter, Lyla and Georgie look on; she cups the little bug and looks up. She looked different to Peter.
"Peter? What is going on, Peter?" Erica was speaking.
Lyla and Georgie were astounded. "She....she can talk? Peter..."
Peter collects the little girl and feels the back of her head. No scars. No hurt. Peter now understood what his brother had done. By sacrificing his life, he gave Erica a second chance. Like Calla had done for Gren. Georgie and John. Himself...
Erica holds up the ladybug. "I wanted one of these, Peter. And I prayed really hard and look. I got one."
"You did, baby girl." Peter strokes her face. "He's a wonderful bug, alright. You have to protect him always. He's a special gift just for you, alright?"
"I know." Erica hugs Peter. "Daddy told me....I'm not afraid anymore, Peter...."
Peter holds onto the little girl his brother loved more then anything in this world. Standing up, he faces Georgie and Lyla. Both already knew what this was about.
"I need to tell you all about Ethan before we head out....and the message he has for you all...."
From the distance, the final trumpet....
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before work. Thank God for medication and hot tea. :P Feeling a little bit better but still sick but have to make that $$$. XD Short day, so it shouldn't be too bad. Leave tomorrow morning to head back to our old hometown. Mother's Day this weekend.
Thank you for another great chapter and historical depiction of that time! I'm looking forward to seeing what come next for Gertraud and Alfred.
This Vampire god is a smart ass and I love it! XD I felt like I laughed way more but it was worth it!
Man! The werewolves are indeed very different and mysterious in your tale but it works. They remind me of Dogs when you first approach them. Hesitant, cautious and baring teeth but one you gain thier trust, loyal as hell. These Werewolves come off as so.
TeamObrecht Yes. I just went there. XD I'm loving the evil, too, this thread is creating.
Between the feels, Obrecht is an evil, powerful man and I look forward to more of him. I wonder what his motives are, for it can't JUST be control....
Short, sweet and to the point. I like! Always fun seeing the world through the very eyes of the characters in the story and you did wonderful doing so with Alfred and his companion I loved that little speech at the end, in both english and German. Once again, learned a few things.
I look forward to the Cold War. That was always my favorite, too.
Hey guys, remember me?
I have posted one part of my first fiction ever here, but I think it's already buried. Well, if I've done that, might as well try to post the second one, right?
I hope you'll enjoy it, and forgive me for any grammar mistakes. if you want to read the first part, it's on My name is the same there as it is here.
Elevator door opened to the Bigby's floor. The sheriff stepped out, still carrying Nerissa with him. He heard shouting and screaming coming from the first floor, however he was too tired to pay any real attention to it. After all, what's it matter? He was the Big Bad Wolf, he heard his share of screams already.
Bigby approached his apartment's door, where he stopped. 'Nerissa, I hope you can stand. I need to get my keys from the pocket.' he said, putting her down on her feet. She was visibly shaking but she stood on her feet surely enough. Bigby searched his pocket for a bit before fishing the keys in there, pulling them out and unlocking the door before him. Stepping in, he invited Nerissa 'Come inside, it's ok.' She hesitated a bit before taking a step inside.
'It's not Swineheart's office, but it'll do.' said Bigby, closing the door. 'Will do for w-what?' asked Nerissa, starting to shake more. 'Don't worry, I'll just take a look at your wounds if you have any. Also, I have a few questions. But we'll talk about it later. Sit.'
Nerissa remained standing, looking around shyly but with some curiosity too. 'You really have the smallest apartment in the Woodlands.' she even managed a little smile before taking a seat on the edge of Bigby's chair. 'Yeah, seems like everyone notices it first when they visit.' Bigby said while searching the cabinet in his bathroom. He found some bandages and plaster, but nothing else. 'Damn it.' Bigby silently cursed. Whether he uses it often or not, he should keep some more medical supplies in here.
Bigby returned from the bathroom to find Nerissa sitting and still throwing glances around his apartment. It caused Bigby to feel a bit uncomfortable. 'Look, I know it's not much, but…' he didn't even get to finish when Nerissa interrupted him hastily 'Oh no, no. It's perfectly good. It's just that… uhh, nevermind.' She seemed like she was a bit embarrassed by the unfinished thought.
Bigby decided to pay it no mind and pulled another chair in front of her. 'Did that asshole hurt you?' he asked quietly. That question seemed to bring out this very fresh experience for her outside again. She started trembling again, and it took some time for her to answer. 'I-I think he left me some bruises on my arm wh-when he was dragging me here…' 'Which arm?' 'The l-left one.'
Bigby didn't hesitate for a moment – he took Nerissa's hand into hers, stretched it and checked it for the damage. Surely enough, he found it – just above the elbow Dee's fingers had left the mark. 'Is there anything else?' Again, it took some time for her to answer it. 'No, no… I don't think so.'
Bigby stood up and went to the bathroom again. He put the bandages and plaster back into the cabinet where they belonged, then he went to the sink, took an empty glass and filled it with the coldest water he could produce of that tap. He walked back and handed the cup to Nerissa. 'Keep it on the bruises, it should help. Not much else we can do about it.'
Nerissa pressed the cup to the bruises on her arm and sighed with relief. 'Yes, it's really helping. Thanks Bigby.' she cracked an unexpected little smile towards him. Bigby felt a surge of heat in his chest, which surprised him greatly. 'You're welcome.' he didn't think of anything else to say.
A few minutes passed in silence. Seemed like both of them grew accustomed to it. Finally Nerissa broke the silence. 'Umm, you mentioned… some questions earlier?' Bigby snapped out of it too. 'Yes, I have. You don't mind if I give them to you now?' Nerissa shaked her head slightly. 'Ok then, first – how did he get a hold of you?'
Nerissa sighed before answering. 'I was just walking down the street when he grabbed me out of nowhere. Yesterday, when we said our goodbyes, I decided to stay here for one more day. Visit all the places I've had fond memories of, even though there wasn't a lot of them. However, the evening took me by surprise, and I decided to head to my apartment. I felt somewhat… somewhat disappointed that I haven't left this place already. There was nothing else for me here, and I knew it. Despite that, I still stayed.' She took a deep breath before continuing.
'He snatched me right in the middle of the street. It was empty, I was walking to the station, and out of nowhere he jumped out. He rammed the barrel of his gun into my back and told me to walk to the Woodlands. All the way, he was… saying things…lots of them…' Nerissa stopped and started sobbing.
Bigby felt very uncomfortable again. He didn't have a napkin or anything like that, so all he thought of was pulling out a cigarette and offering it to Nerissa. She had her face in her palms, however when Bigby offered her a cigarette, she raised her eyes a bit and took it.
'Thank you.' she muttered quietly. Bigby didn't answer, all he did was pull out a lighter and light her cigarette. She inhaled deeply and seemed to calm down a bit. 'Thanks.' she said again. 'It's nothing. Do you mind if we continue?' Nerissa waited a bit and then nodded, still holding the cigarette. 'Let's finish it.'
'So, secondly – I get that you probably don't have any ideas about it, but maybe you know where can I find Jersey Devil? He is the last untied knot in this pile of shit.' Nerissa's eyes widened a bit before answering. 'The one with glasses?' Bigby nodded. 'Yes, I know where to find him – Dee mentioned something about him while walking! I think it was something about unsold goods or something like that.'
Bigby started to think actively. Unsold goods? About what was he talking about… 'The Lucky Pawn!' he said loudky, startling Nerissa a bit. 'Sorry. It's just that I know where that place is. Thank you, Nerissa. You made finding him a lot easier for me.' Bigby managed to crack a little smile and felt happy when he received an answer. 'I'm very happy to help you, Bigby. It's the least I can do after all you've done for me.' They shared a moment. However…
'Bigby…' Nerissa said, while looking at him. 'You… seriously need to take a shower.' She smiled a bigger smile, and Bigby was so surprised by the joke that he even chuckled. He looked down at his clothes, which were all soaked in blood. All the fun seeped out.
'Nerissa, I know you saw what I did. I'm sorry. I lost control.' Bigby apologized, realizing he will repeat these words to all the other Fables atleast a thousand times. 'I-I shouldn't have done that…' Bigby fell silent as he watched Nerissa's reaction to it. To his another big surprise, she wasn't shocked or terrified at him. 'Bigby, I'll be honest with you. It was horrible to watch, but Dee… Sometimes he used Pudding & Pie's services. I am lucky that he never chose me to please him. All the girls which had 'an appointment' with him came back beaten and bruised.' Nerissa took a deep breath. 'He was a complete asshole and so was his brother. He deserved what came to him as much as the Crooked Man.'
Bigby sat in silence, contemplating what he just heard. He never thought Nerissa could carry so much bitterness and fury inside her. However, he figured that he shouldn't be surprised – after going such things as Nerissa did anyone can become filled with anger. 'Thanks Nerissa. I think you're probably the only one who doesn't judge me for what I did.' Nerissa smiled. 'They don't know anything Bigby. You're doing a great job as a sheriff.' Bigby smiled right back at her, but then he realized he was tired as a dog and he still needed to take a shower.
'Hey, if you want you can stay the night. You went through lots of shit today and you can leave in the morning. After all, I'll probably spend my night in the office.' Bigby offered. Nerissa was taken aback by the words Bigby said, but then managed to get a hold of herself. 'I guess I can. My apartment is quite far away from here, and I don't have a lot of money to spare for the taxi. Thank you Bigby.' She flashed him another quick smile which made Bigby feel something strange in his chest again. 'I hope you don't mind if I use the shower first? I need to get out of my now ruined clothes.' 'No, it's okay Bigby. I'll wait.'
Bigby dove straight into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. There he threw all of his clothes off and stepped into the shower. He needed to be quick about this…
'That… that animal must be tamed!' Bluebeard shouted. 'Look at what he's done, for fuck's sake! He is a savage beast!' He started walking around Business Office, muttering to himself about Bigby's insanity.
Snow was sitting in a chair. Just a minute ago she was standing, but she couldn't take any more of Bluebeard's hysterical screams. She had to take a seat to calm herself down a bit. 'Please, Bluebear, listen…' 'A FUCKING savage, that's what he is!' Snow was interrupted once again and this time she just snapped. 'BLUEBEARD!' Snow screamed at him, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. 'Could you stop. Just for a minute. Stop. And. Shut up.' Snow said through clenched teeth. 'Oh, I'm sorry, am I making this harder for you? Well then I might as well leave.' Bluebeard was furious beyond measures. After all, it was his party that Bigby crashed, so to say. However, Snow really wasn't in the mood for this.
'I guess you can.' And before Bluebeard could answer her, she added. 'Good night.' The man was speechless. Nevertheless, he managed to fumble out a few words. 'I'll see in the morning, MISS White.' And then finally he stormed out.
Snow didn't like how he put the emphasis on the word Miss. She didn't like how he couldn't control his temper. She didn't like him one bit. Too bad she was forced to deal with many things that she didn't like since she became the head of this Office. And now…
Now she had one more concern – Bigby Wolf. She thought the time when people were terrified of him was over, but she was so, so wrong. After this lash-out, Bigby was THE danger again. People would again run from him, hide from him, avoid him. It made Snow so desperate she almost started crying.
At the last second though, she stopped herself. 'No, I can't be weak. Not now.' she said to herself. She needed a plan, a plan of how to handle things now. But as she sat there, no clever mind came to her head, except one – visit Bigby. Even if he was a monster again, she needed to speak with him, and most urgently, before anything else happened.
Snow stood up, stretched and looked around. Suddenly, she heard a flapping of wings. Few seconds passed and Bufkin landed on the table in front of her. She could clearly see that he was quite drunk, but she didn't say anything to him about it. It was a celebration night, after all. Until it wasn't anymore…
'Miss Snow, may I ask?' Bufkin addressed Snow. 'Yes, Bufkin, what is it?' Snow was tired, but she couldn't just deny the little flying monkey without a good reason. 'Will Mr. Bigby will be thrown in jail now?' Bufkin hiccupped right after he finished his sentence. Snow could clearly see that he will pass out any moment now. 'I don't know, Bufkin. I don't know. We shall see.' It was all Snow could say at that moment. 'Well, I-I hope he won't go to jail… Jail is for baddies, and Mr… Mr. Bigby isn't a baddie… I think. Maybe.'
Those were the last words Bufkin said before passing out right there on the table. Snow just sighed before wishing good night to now fast-asleep Bufkin and leaving Business Office. She still needed to visit Bigby and talk to him. The sooner the better.
Walking in a fast pace, she quickly approached the elevator, pushed the button to open the door and entered it. She ascended to Bigby's floor quickly enough, but as she got closer to it, she felt more and more nervous. So many ifs floating… But she had to talk to him, now. About this evening. About the future.
An unexpected thought popped into her head – she cared for him. However, she pushed it aside without giving it much attention – she had more important matters right now.
Snow approached the door to Bigby's apartment, took a deep breath, silently knocked and opened the door.
The first thing that greeted her was Nerissa, sleeping in Bigby's chair. The first thing she heard was shower noise from the bathroom. The first thing she felt was her heart falling to her heels.
Snow didn't even bother. She closed the door and turned around to the elevator. She practically ran to it, and while going to her own apartment, she was trying to calm her racing mind.
'Did Bigby sleep with her?' 'What is she doing there?' 'Why is she there?' 'What's going on there?' such questions were flying through Snow's mind. She felt so confused. Bigby, the lone wolf, always working by himself, never looking for company. However, now she finds a whore in his room, sleeping, and him in the shower?
As crazy as that sounded, she felt betrayed. They never were anything more than friends and co-workers. Why did it feel like a betrayal? Is it because it was so utterly unexpected? Or is it because she just witnessed Bigby tear Dee apart like a true savage and now she found a scene like this?
The only thing Snow knew for sure, was that they needed to talk about a lot of things. And as of now, she needed to think about a lot of things.
The shower was one of the best Bigby has ever had. It felt so good to feel the water running down his body, washing away all the blood. Too bad he couldn't continue it for long.
Stepping out of it, Bigby felt like a new person. The shower helped him relax, washed away his tiredness and made him ready for what was coming.
He quickly found another set of his typical clothes – white shirt with black pants. While putting them on, he was thinking of Nerissa – how close she came to dying today. That fat fuck, Dee, would've shot her. She meant nothing to him. It's good that he was so revenge-driven that he didn't even think of using her as a human shield.
Bigby realized he felt no remorse for killing Dee. The man did nothing good for the world or Fabletown, and Nerissa just confirmed his suspicions that it was always like that. He couldn't help but feel optimistic – Crooked Man's empire is in ruins, now there's only one man left to hunt down. And he knew exactly where to look for him.
Walking out of the bathroom to the door, he noticed the mermaid was already sleeping. He smiled to himself and quietly exited the apartment, closing the door as silently as possible. However, while heading to the elevators, he caught a scent of Snow. She was here? How comes he didn't hear her? Why didn't she call for him?
All those thoughts were circling in Bigby's head as he was descending into the first floor. There, he went out to the night and disregarded all of them. He had another purpose for the night.
Jersey Devil. He knew where to find him, and there was no time to waste. The bastard could've escaped already, however, knowing his nature, it made more sense that he would stay the night in the Lucky Pawn. If he was doing that, then it was an unlucky night for him.
Bigby smelled the air. The scent of Dee's blood has reached him even there, standing outside. He quickly took out a cigarette and lit it.
This night hasn't seen the last murder yet.
Thanks
Well I already read/reviewed this on so, it's nice to see you post here again dude
Pie man look we need to have a talk, dude why must you make me cry! X'D Ethan is literally the P3 protagonist, they just died a different way. Ethan was literally the sign of hope for his family and the people around him and gave Erica a second chance. Just as the P3 protagonist brought hope to his team and gave Aigis and the world a second chance. Pie these feels man, you have broken me comepletely
Pie this was a beautiful man just please next time, give me a warning! Glad you're doing better, and thank you for reminding me I almost forgot about mother's day! Now excuse me while I now keep listening to memories of you and crying in the corner for now Ethan Porgie and Makoto Yuki X')
I wonder what other twists are bound to surface next.
Cool chapter dude!!
That Vampire God is a freaking dude, he's hilarious!!
Ohhhh man, I want one of those so bad right now
I like Nisa, she's a determined one and dedicated to the job
And Ademar and Obrecht... only a coward would attack a man from behind like that
I can't wait for more! XD
A little wink for Gren and that stupid arm he has. :P
Pretty much. Frank is in hiding at the moment and Robert is slowly making his way back up to the top. As far as Jersey, well, he'll come around eventually....
Short but sweet
I was afraid for Alfred and Gertraud's safeties, thank god the Russians simply helped themselves to their supplies and not them in general...
I look forward to the Cold War! XD
Yeah that was a tough pill to swallow....
Robert will find these next few days tough; he told his brother and now, has his son and ex to tell. Frank's situation, however, is different. All HE has is Jersey and right now, he's reacting how most do.
'It' will happen to these two, i'll make sure of that but when? Who knows with me! XD
I'd like to think its a little of both. According to pie, these two were close and no one thought anything different.
RJ is 12 right now and I know....I rarely covered him but this is my time to focus on him as well.
I hope RJ understands, too, Hman. I was going to have Robert tell her right there but I'm saving that because Lyla needs to be sitting for things like this. You nailed Robert's reason on the head pretty well there, Hman. This is why and sadly, it happens a lot....:(
Hopefully RJ will understands. Kids, especially a 12 year old, may not get it right away. But he may surprise us all and be like' alright...and?' This is a conflict still going on, sadly. Jersey is beyond furious and Frank knows this. In time, they will mend but it all falls to Jersey now. Jersey comes off as that stubborn as a mule character. lol
Thanks
These Lycans will be disciplined, without a doubt they will be disgruntleddisgruntled afterwards.
Tension between the two have been uneasy, if he got caught by Ademar, they would've likely fought to the death. And I think I just spoiled something.
Oh well
Nice chapter
Poor (I'm saying this a lot recently!) Peter, he misses his Brother so much, but now he can rest knowing that Ethan will always be there, ready to give him the comfort he needs, I just hope Michelle is ready for the truth
Erica is healed?! :O YAY!!!! Carla thinks her dickhead son could ruin that girl? Think again bitch... think a-fucking-gain
I can't wait for more dude! XD And glad to hear you're feeling just a little bit better. Mother's Day should be fun for you at least :P
I am glad that everyone find him to likable a not a moron. XD
These wolves are hostile towards Marco and his kind, not because of the species past but because of territory affairs. Also, one of the vampires in the city was cought in an act of promiscuous with several women from the Lynan's clan.. Lol
Oh god Pie, you just love the villians! By the way, whose your favorite supervillain? (Off topic)
SMH...Claire's past really was not a good one, was it? I mean, we know what she went through but this shit is like a slap in the face, while being kicked to the ground.
Yeah, act like a tough motherfucker but when Kieron get's his hands on you, you won't be laughing and cracking jokes. >:( I hope this gets better soon and Kieron can step up and protect what is his; the prince, Caine, Max and all his friends can go back to hell and leave but that would be too easy. Knowing it only gets worse breaks me. Between you and pie more feels, you two! Stop with these feels!!!
^^STOP it, Kieron and Claire!
I wonder how RJ and Lyla will take it...
RobertxFrank FTW!!! XD XD XD
I get it
Oh great, I was right about something for once
Well I hope Lyla can understand and forgive him.
Sadly yes Claires past is very sad.
Kieron will shut that old man's mouth real quick! Kieron will do his best, but sometimes it's just not enough...sometimes
Pie absolutely broke me with his most recent chapter, still have tears actually
I wish you good luck on that adventure my friend I hope you fair better than I did because I feel like I could cry for a while 
I think I could use one myself.. That made my taste jump while writing.
As a mercenary, she's in for the money. Nisa can sometimes come off rash or even bitchy, but she has a heart. Her sister is the same way.
Oh that was nothing compared to what is to next. He is going to set the definition of low
Please....crawls up from the floor...No more feels. No more from you or anyone else.
OMG Peter! I wanted to hug him and tell him it was going to be alright. That moment where he tossed the jar...God, man!
And Ethan gave Erica another chance at life?
OMG....I'm dead. You're going to come home and find a corpse. Cause of death...too many feels on the 'create a fable' thread. I can't wait for more! GOD I want Carla dead, Emily's hot ass to kick butt, Gren's sexy ass to also kick but and Michelle to have her revenge.
Yeah but you can have one, I can't until next month
A soldier of fortune... Nisa has a sister? 8)
Wow, what a respectable man :P
Yep, named Viera. She's married to Draco in the present time.
Ooooooh the Vampire God acts like a guardian angel to Vampires!?
I like that little slip in there, although I could feel the sarcasm just melt from Marco's body. XD lol
That ice cream scene was so random and hilarious! XD This Vampire God might have a screaming fan over here! fangirls Although,. I do agree, Obrecht is something else, too. Seems like he's the deliciously evil person needed for this story and his intentions are indeed vile, cruel and power hungry! I away more!!
I, did not know this...
I think I have a small bio of her in the OC archive.
Robert, RJ and Gren sat outside. Robert picked at his burger, unsatisfied with the morning. He was dreading telling his son and if Gren kicked his knee one last time, frenchfries were heading straigh for his nose. He knew what Gren was trying to do; grab his attention and pull it towards his son but robert had fear. That's all he could picture.
RJ not understanding, leaving the table and storming all the way back to his mother's home. Screaming he didn't want a 'gay' dad and that Georgie was his only dad. React like everyone else. Scream, leave, point and ridicule. Lose his only son for his selfish ways of suddenly 'needing' to be truthful with everyone.
But Gren surprised his brother last night; he was expecting Gren to do the exact same things, yet he welcomed Robert with open arms. Listened and loved his brother, despite the words coming from his mouth. Robert sighs. He looks over at his son, now chowing down on his third Whopper. The kid indeed had a Grendel appetite and mixed with the Wolf blood, he was a bottomless pit. Dipping the fries into the ketchup, RJ looked up at Robert.
He loved his son and at that moment, he knew it had to be done. RJ stared at his ather with those deep, amber eyes. The same color as Lyla. Looking longer at his son's face, he began to picture himself back at the Homelands. Strong cheek bones, curious smile and hair for days. According to Lyla, he wanted to keep it the same length and style as his father. She allowed it, simply for it made 'him happy.' Made him happy, thought Robert, as he took another sip. Sounds familiar.
RJ points to Robert's burger. "You going to eat that, dad?"
"You still hungry, kiddo? I can get you something else, if you want."
"Can I?" RJ glances at the menu. "I wanted to try that Firecracker burger."
"Damn, RJ." Gren takes an onion ring ans shoves it in his mouth. "That's a pretty spicy burger there. Ghost chili sauce, pepper jack cheese, sliced Jalapenos AND Jalapeno poppers ontop of that!"
"That's ALL Lyla wanted when she was pregnant with this kid. Spicy foods."
RJ smiles. "Mommy said I'm lucy I didn't come out as a chili."
Robert takes out his wallet and hands RJ a five. "But, before you SO go get that burger, we need to talk...."
"Am I in trouble? I knew this was a setup! I'm doing good in class, dad and my grades are good and-"
"Whoa, Tiger. Slow down. No one said anything about you being in trouble, although I'm proud you're keeping up in your school work."
RJ takes the money but sits back down. He looks over to Gren, who was nothing but smiles. It was good. Gren never smiled when there was bad news and RJ had picked up the signals alone just by his uncle.
"Alright, dad. What is it?"
Robert inhales. It was time. "Son, how do you feel about homosexuality?"
"You mean gay people, dad?"
"Well, yes but I'd rather you use the proper terminology, RJ."
"Okay. Homosexuality. What about it?"
"How do you feel about it and do you understand what it is?"
"I guess its whatever, dad. Mom told me that sometimes, when people are born, they see things differently and feel things people like me don't. She told me about her uncle Edward and that he is a homosexual and has a boyfriend and I asked mommy how that's possible because I thought only men liked woman but then she told me that some boys like other boys and that girls sometimes like other girls OR they can like both, which is called bisexual."
"Wow." Robert looks over at Gren, who shrugs his shoulders. "When did you and mommy have this talk?"
"Three weeks ago because a kid in my class has two dads. They came to school to drop off his lunch and one of my friends asked who the other man was and he explained."
"How did you and the other kids feel about this, though?"
"I guess we were whatever because we just ate lunch and talked about stuff like video games and junk."
Robert rubs his forehead. "Alright, RJ. Did mommy explain how two men or two women can, you know-"
"Have sex, dad?" RJ smiles. "You can say it, dad. Sex."
Robert forgot how open his son was. Too much like Lyla in that department and to be honest, he was glad RJ inherited that.
" Did....did she explain it....or....."
"Kind of. It got confusing at first, so she said when you two sit down on Friday, she wanted to talk to you about it. I'm cool with it. I mean, love is love to me, so long as their are happy people. I don't like to see sadness."
Now was his time. Gren grabs Robert's hand, causing RJ to cock up his eyebrow. "Son, I have to ask you one final question now. How would you feel if dad was a homosexual?"
"I don't know. Kinda weird because you and mom were together and I know Rose Red was your girlfriend for awhile....would you be bisexual, then?"
"What if I told you your dad was gay but had to pretend for a long time, so to avoid getting questions, dad had to date women like your mother and Rose Red? Would you be alright with it?"
"Why can't you just date dudes, then? Why pretend? That seems....stupid."
"I agree with the kid." Gren takes another bite of his onion ring. "RJ, you're a bright kid and I think he gets it...ROBERT...I don't think you have to wrroy about it....ROBERT!"
"You okay uncle Gren? You're saying my dad's name weird and junk...."
Robert inhales and looks over at RJ. "Sometimes people are afraid of what they don't know and rather then ask questions, they push it away. Not a lot of people are comfortable with homosexuals and rather then ask, they mock or make fun of. Avoid them like they are diseased or something..."
"That's stupid and mean. I'd never do that!" Robert wanted to cry. "People are people. You and mom, even daddy Georgie, nana and papa....everyone has taught me to love all that is different and I don't care, dad, if you were a homosexual or green colored or lost your foot or anything like that. You're my dad and I love you."
Now was the time. "RJ, daddy needs to tell you something. I'm...I'm gay, RJ. Your father is a homosexual."
"Oh." Robert was unsure of his son's words. RJ was silent for a minute. Longest minute of Robert's life. "So, you like men now or-"
"I've always liked men but like dad said earlier, had to pretend. no one would understand."
"Does uncle Gren know or is he finding out now, too?"
"Your dad told me last night." Gren glares up. "Wish he'd told me sooner, though."
"Does mommy know?"
"No." Robert shakes his head. "And I will tell her, alright RJ? do you feel now, son, about me?"
"Are you, like, going to have a boyfriend now?"
"Huh." RJ looks at the money. "Well, you're happy dad and I love you. So, if you're happy, then I'm happy. You're a person too, dad and I don't want to see you sad or have to pretend anymore. You can love another guy. I'm cool."
"'re fine with this, RJ?" Robert could feel the tears. "Really, you're....okay with your dad being gay and-"
"Homosexual, dad." RJ smiles, stretching out his legs, then embracing Robert. "And yes, I'm fine with it. Now, excuse me for a moment. That burger is calling my name. I want to ask you some questions, though."
"Of course son." Robert kisses RJ on the head. "Go...go get your butt-burning burger and when you come back, I'll answer anything you want."
RJ smiles, pockets the money and walks towards the door. "To be honest, dad, I thought you were going to tell me you and uncle Gren were secret lovers just by the way you were holding his hand. That happens too, you know and-"
"Smartass." Gren tosses a wad of mapkins at him. "Go get your burger!"
RJ laughs, enters the restaurant and heads for the front. Robert was brought to tears as the world slowly looked different.
Frank needed to clear his head. Make an excuse to feel 'normal' again. The guys at the bar were heading to a strip joint and they invited their new friend, who's look was still stuck in the 70's. Frank, trying to smile, joined in the fun.
The entire ride to the club, he 'told' stories of his adventures with 'many' ladies. Little did these guys know, it was a lie but after one explained the 'fags' needed to fuck off and burn in hell, Frank sealed his lips and remained one of the 'guys'. The man's brother, who's name was Tom, explained he'd like to hang them all and bash their skulls in.
Frank felt bile rising in his throat. He wanted to vomit and run away. Find Robert and hope for the best but after their encounter at the club, Frank knew he'd never see the Fable again but it broke his heart....
They arrive at the "OYSTER BAR" in downtown New York and the booming base inside made Frank sick to his stomach again. The guys, all with their wallets out, rush to the front. A beautiful brunette woman in nothing but fishnets and pink thong, performed a dance for her eager customers. Frank sat more towards the back and looked around. What was he doing here? This was not for him but to keep apperance, Frank played the part. He was 'straight' for the guys. No one would ever know...
The woman began to dance for Frank; while he sat back in horror, his friend cheered him on. 'Touch her! YEAH! Go FRANK! You're the man!' One went as far as to 'apy' for Frank to have fun with the woman in the back but Frank declined. Said his 'wife' would no approve and the guys all understood. So, beneath the neon lights, cheap cigarettes and music, Frank played 'normal' and 'pretend' for the second time that morning.
All he could think about was Robert....
,`Any questions, comments or something you liked, leave below! Heading to the park here in a bit with my lovely lady, miss Emily!
BEAUTIFUL day today!!! 
Again, I have lots of catching up to do with these reads. I blame my math final for making me having to learn/study all this shit in which I will most likely forget later in life.
Oh well, hope you all are having a good day today, it's Friday after all!
Ewww. Math....
Good luck with that, dude! Until then if you have questions, I'll be happy to answer! you have quite a bit to read but all worth it! :d