Ride held Kieron "I just don't want you becoming a monster
OMG stop! I'm sorry! No more feels! Ugh Ride was crushing me this entire time! Kieron was kick ass and I loved that sword but her worry and words! Jesus, man! I'm sure Kieron has a grip on this but I can understand her fears....
Caine in control of claire's body is pretty cool! Dracula and the others are going to get it and it will be awesome! So, how does Caine take over? Through her mind or is it through blood? OH between her and Kieron....AWESOME!
Sorry again about all the feels. Must be the topic. XD lol And I heard about that girl. Hey, hopefully you get the job but if not, you saw a cutie! Should have gotten her #, my good man. My day was aesome; 7pm right now over here in Cali and getting ready for dinner. Mrs. is making Porkchops.
The Assault... Part: Two
Kieron heard the words of the old man. He looked at his mother Ride.
"Mom...don't watch okay?" He asked
Sh… moree looked confused as she did not hear the old man's words. "What do you-" Kieron was already gone.
Kieron grabbed the old man by the throat, pure hatred could be seen in Kierons eyes. With all his strength he punched the old man in the gut. "What were those words old man!?" He said
The old man smiled and leaned in "Whore..."
Kieron summoned serrated blades. And in one swift movement of his hand the old man was stabbed, Kieron pulled the blades out slowly he made sure he wasn't hit in any vital organs, Kieron pinned the old man to the wall. The other vampires were terrified as Kieron pinned the old man to the wall with the blades yet again. Kieron walked over to the vampires his crimson eyes beamed red.
"You will feast on this man's body. You will all flee from this place afterwards." He said i… [view original content]
U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy begins his communist witch hunt in the United States.
The Korean War begins, the first armed conflict in the Cold War, the global struggle between communism and democracy.
The Warsaw Pact is formed by the Soviet Union and communist countries in eastern Europe as a military defense organization to counter NATO
The Cuban Missile crisis sparks a major confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union when the U.S. discovers the existence of Soviet missile installations in Cuba. (I just see Alfred and Gertraud doing something AWESOME with this!!!)
Those are just a few that I was always fascinated by but whatever you choose to do, I'll enjoy!!
Glad you enjoyed this shorter chapter. The speech was rather difficult to get a hold on, before I realised that a movie I had featured the speech.
Are there any particular moments in the Cold War you want me to do?
I'm sorry man! Same I believed that Kieron was also being bad ass but I don't think Ride would let this slide at all Kieron for the most part has a grip on it, until his shadow takes over then he will maul and rip anything in its path to shreds if it so pleases
Caine indeed will kick some serious ass! Caine has taken over Claires body through her mind, and how he will help Kieron will be shown next chapter
Lol Someday it needs to end! XD Oh man that girl I definitely regret not getting her number, one of the one times I actually wanted to stand up and ask for her name and number and I didn't do it! Dude her smile was wicked dangerous! Maybe one day I will get her number That's awesome! It's ten where I am, currently playing Persona 3 FES on my Playstation 2 oh sweet memories Woah I had pork chops last night! o.o I had quesadillas tonight.
Ride held Kieron "I just don't want you becoming a monster
OMG stop! I'm sorry! No more feels! Ugh Ride was crushing me this en… moretire time! Kieron was kick ass and I loved that sword but her worry and words! Jesus, man! I'm sure Kieron has a grip on this but I can understand her fears....
Caine in control of claire's body is pretty cool! Dracula and the others are going to get it and it will be awesome! So, how does Caine take over? Through her mind or is it through blood? OH between her and Kieron....AWESOME!
Sorry again about all the feels. Must be the topic. XD lol And I heard about that girl. Hey, hopefully you get the job but if not, you saw a cutie! Should have gotten her #, my good man. My day was aesome; 7pm right now over here in Cali and getting ready for dinner. Mrs. is making Porkchops.
Oh man there was so much! Uh, let's see:
* U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy begins his communist witch hunt in the United States.
* The … moreKorean War begins, the first armed conflict in the Cold War, the global struggle between communism and democracy.
* The Warsaw Pact is formed by the Soviet Union and communist countries in eastern Europe as a military defense organization to counter NATO
* The Cuban Missile crisis sparks a major confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union when the U.S. discovers the existence of Soviet missile installations in Cuba. (I just see Alfred and Gertraud doing something AWESOME with this!!!)
Those are just a few that I was always fascinated by but whatever you choose to do, I'll enjoy!!
The amount of emotions welling up inside me are plentiful.
The beginning was rather depressing and had a feeling of hopelessness. The scene were those departed comforted Peter was beautiful. In fact, I nearly shed a tear then. Then the reunion between him, Georgie, Lyla and Erica made me actually brought a small tear to my eye.
Earlier part 2
"Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it and end up in the place you a… morere supposed to be."
Peter slowly walked through the forest. For the one time in his life, Peter felt a twinge of fear. Unsure of how he'd be able to take what occured with him through life and eventually to the grave. He killed his brother. Ethan gave his life to save them all. The others. Carla used this to her own but was unaware, Ethan did too. He would not allow her to control them any further. Create more chaos for the children. He loved them all.
Clutching the mason jar, Peter treads through the darkness. He was picking up the smell of his father. What was he doing way out here? Was this a trick, though? The forest was thick with darkness and Georgie refused to step foot into anything his eyes could not see. Peter was hesitant at first.
He nearly felt the urge to give in and let Carla take … [view original content]
The scene between Nerissa and Bigby was sweet. I thoroughly can see a chemistry between the two (before anyone crosses the Pacific to my doorstep with pitchforks and torches, Snow/Bigby is still better and always shall be in my opinion).
Oh, ANOTHER reason to hate Dee now? Exellent! Just made his death all the more relishable.
After what Snow encountered. I wonder how exactly this shall effect their working relationship (which was already becoming evidently strained). I can forsee a storm brewing.
Hey guys, remember me? I have posted one part of my first fiction ever here, but I think it's already buried. Well, if I've done that, migh… moret as well try to post the second one, right? I hope you'll enjoy it, and forgive me for any grammar mistakes. if you want to read the first part, it's on fanfiction.net. My name is the same there as it is here.
Elevator door opened to the Bigby's floor. The sheriff stepped out, still carrying Nerissa with him. He heard shouting and screaming coming from the first floor, however he was too tired to pay any real attention to it. After all, what's it matter? He was the Big Bad Wolf, he heard his share of screams already.
Bigby approached his apartment's door, where he stopped. 'Nerissa, I hope you can stand. I need to get my keys from the pocket.' he said, putting her down on her feet. She was visibly shaking but she stood on her feet surely enough. Bigby searched his pocket for a bit before fishing t… [view original content]
'Tis great to see Robert going greatly with his gradual 'coming out'. What happens when he (eventually) reveals all to his wife, though?
Frank is killing himself with this double-life he is leading. He has to stop or he could enter a (deeper form of) depression, or worse......* shudders *
Robert, RJ and Gren sat outside. Robert picked at his burger, unsatisfied with the morning. He was dreading telling his son and if Gren kick… moreed his knee one last time, frenchfries were heading straigh for his nose. He knew what Gren was trying to do; grab his attention and pull it towards his son but robert had fear. That's all he could picture.
RJ not understanding, leaving the table and storming all the way back to his mother's home. Screaming he didn't want a 'gay' dad and that Georgie was his only dad. React like everyone else. Scream, leave, point and ridicule. Lose his only son for his selfish ways of suddenly 'needing' to be truthful with everyone.
But Gren surprised his brother last night; he was expecting Gren to do the exact same things, yet he welcomed Robert with open arms. Listened and loved his brother, despite the words coming from his mouth. Robert sighs. He looks over at his son, now chowing down on his third Whopper. Th… [view original content]
While you do not use it, it actually exercises your brain in school. I may not use algebraic geometry in my later life, but it serves in increasing the speed of which I can do things mentally.
Oh well, hope you all are having a good day today, it's Friday after all.
This is rendered null and void in my instance for it is Saturday here (HA).
Again, I have lots of catching up to do with these reads. I blame my math final for making me having to learn/study all this shit in which I… more will most likely forget later in life.
Oh well, hope you all are having a good day today, it's Friday after all!
The scene between Nerissa and Bigby was sweet. I thoroughly can see a chemistry between the two (before anyone crosses the Pacific to my doo… morerstep with pitchforks and torches, Snow/Bigby is still better and always shall be in my opinion).
Oh, ANOTHER reason to hate Dee now? Exellent! Just made his death all the more relishable.
After what Snow encountered. I wonder how exactly this shall effect their working relationship (which was already becoming evidently strained). I can forsee a storm brewing.
I look forward to more.
I can tell something bad is going to happen between Joycelyn and Derek in the future; rarely does it ever go well between Lycanthropes and Vampires.
I do not trust this Andre. I know not why, yet I know that I do not trust him.
Damn you with that cliffhanger. (jk)
Question: In your story, I understand that vampires eat in order to assimilate despite that it does nought to nourish. Yet, I wonder; in spite of it doing nothing (aside from unsettling the stomach), could they also grow to like food? This may be trivial, but I am curious.
Hey guys! Boy, it's been quite a few days since I last wrote or checked this place! 300+ new comments, my god. Anywho, just being my old bus… morey self, and finally have a minute of my time to come here and relax, to see how everyone's doing and what's going on I figure I should probably write another chapter. If you need to reread the others, just PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible with what pages they might be on, or if you just want a brief summary then I can do that. I want to hopefully get some reading done as well, before I have to go out and do more stuff with my life as the day fa(y)des...(hehe)
Derek's dreams conflicted him. He woke up disheveled and hot, a rarity among him and his kind. He'd only sweated a handful of times in his second life, and most times it was due to being exposed to direct sunlight or extreme heat. It was the middle of the night.
He stood from his bed, aware t… [view original content]
Well, for one. The proverbial feels are indeed washing over me with these interactions so good job there. I felt satisfied with the death of No-name-old-person, even if it was rather over the top.
I do not trust Caine, I genuinely do not. Not after the dream.
The Assault... Part: Two
Kieron heard the words of the old man. He looked at his mother Ride.
"Mom...don't watch okay?" He asked
Sh… moree looked confused as she did not hear the old man's words. "What do you-" Kieron was already gone.
Kieron grabbed the old man by the throat, pure hatred could be seen in Kierons eyes. With all his strength he punched the old man in the gut. "What were those words old man!?" He said
The old man smiled and leaned in "Whore..."
Kieron summoned serrated blades. And in one swift movement of his hand the old man was stabbed, Kieron pulled the blades out slowly he made sure he wasn't hit in any vital organs, Kieron pinned the old man to the wall. The other vampires were terrified as Kieron pinned the old man to the wall with the blades yet again. Kieron walked over to the vampires his crimson eyes beamed red.
"You will feast on this man's body. You will all flee from this place afterwards." He said i… [view original content]
I think it is safe to say this chapter will incite a lot of feels (what is it with us and chapters that do hence lately?)
Chapter 23: Valentinstag. Febraur 14. 1950.
Today was Valentine’s Day. Usually, we did not bother with such a day, but this once was an exception; an experiment.
I awoke, finding that the bed felt unusually soft and large. The walls were navy blue in colour compared to their usually dull and worn wooden colour. This was not right. In shock, I shot up into a sitting position.
The room had a dresser in the corner, complete with a mirror, stool and two jewellery boxes. In the corner stood a desk with my leather coat cast over its seat and several pieces of writing tools cast over the desktop.
‘What is wrong, Hunter?’ came a concerned tone from my side.
Turning to meet this sound, I found Gertraud; hair shrivelled from sleep and in white nightwear.
It started to come back to me.
Following the Soviet victory in Berlin, different sectors were set up; one for the U.S., another for the U.K., another for France and one were Die Stumpfe Klinge was which was assigned to the Soviets. After days of debating, she and I fled to the American sector so as to avoid the Soviets, taking as much money from our stash as possible in the boot of an abandoned Mercedes on the 3rd of September, 1945.
Trying my best to seem alright, I adopted a smile. ‘I am fine.’
It did not work. ‘Still not used to waking up to this?’
I nodded.
She adopted a smile as well, albeit a cheeky one. ‘Well, I find it odd as well yet I have the courtesy to not wake my partner.’
‘I am sorry.’ I felt my face heat up.
I small chuckle was emitted by her, right before she suddenly came in to kiss me.
‘I look forward to our plans today’ she said in alacrity, pulling away.
‘As do I’
(Later, 10:40 AM)
‘After you, milady.’ I said, opening the passenger seat of the car.
She wore a pleated purple “wiggle” skirt (why was it called that?) coupled with a yellow, short sleeved button-up blouse with the top button characteristically undone. She never wore makeup, aside from bright red lipstick, on the grounds that she saw it as a waste of money. Her feet wore formal boots of polished black leather and her wrist still bore that same watch.
I wore a tweed suit, trousers and a jacket, made in brown and a pure white shirt, still complemented by my art deco yellow and red tie; the pocket square made in the same fashion as the tie. I still wore no wrist watch and carried my silver fob watch in my breast pocket. The shoes were a set of burgundy wingtip oxfords and, as usual, I wore my black overcoat and grey trilby from before the war.
‘I am a woman, yes, but not a lady. YOU of all people should know that after all this time.’ She said in mockery.
‘Fine’ I said ‘Get in the damned car.’ I said in feigned annoyance.
‘That is more like it.’
I joined her, seating myself in the driver’s position.
As we drove, I found myself thinking over how different all seemed. No longer did the police walk around in military uniforms, no longer did the people seem so uniform and no longer did Hakenkreuz banners hang from the government district.
‘All of it seems so alien, even now.’ She said. ‘To think that nearly five years ago that we were cowering in corporeal fear of death, thievery and rape is a rather unsettling thought.’
‘Hmm.’ I concurred. ‘How is your shoulder lately?’
She chuckled. ‘It feels numb every now and then, but otherwise, it is as if nothing happened. Well aside from the scar.’ She paused. ‘How is your finger?’
I rarely thought about it. The one finger in question has little use beyond holding a piece of jewellery so its loss was nothing of significant consequence. However, I did experience what the Mundies called a “Phantom pain” every once in a while. Today, however…
‘It is fine. Nothing pleasant to see, but it feels alright today.’
‘That is good to hear.’
(Later, 11:00 AM)
We parked by the river Spree. Overlooking it on the other side stood the then derelict Reichstag Building. Gertraud walked over to the riverside, leaving me at the car.
‘Why not help me carry the stuff down?’ I called after her.
‘Because I need an o so strong man to do it for me.’
I knew she was being sarcastic, but I went along with it. ‘Seriously?’
Within the few minutes, I sat with Gertraud at the edge of the river, a red blanket beneath us with our favourite breads and a bottle of Coca-Cola each.
‘Thank you.’ I said as she passed me a plate of Rye bread.
‘You are welcome’
As I was in the middle of a mouthful, Gertraud picked up her bottle of Coca-Cola. ‘I miss Fanta.’
‘Hmm?’ I dared not open my mouth in the middle of chewing.
‘Fanta? The drink that was made during the war by Coca-Cola here?’ She could not believe I had forgot about the drink which she considered to be the ultimate soft drink.
‘I try not to remember those years, they hold little more than bad memories.’
She was silent for a moment. ‘What was so terrible for you? Aside from the battle, of course.’
‘Just the…I….the war and the National Socialists left a bad feeling about the city wherever I went. All I heard about was that “We are the Master Race” and that democracy and communism was a “Jewish conspiracy to destroy us”. Then the years after the war…the constant hearings of the atrocities committed.’ I could feel my heart dropping at the thought of how many people suffered and died in the apparent name of our home.
‘And…’ I continued, feeling my eyes become watery and my voice cracking in each syllable. ‘I am the reason you got shot.’ A tear escaped my eye upon finishing that sentence.
Gertraud placed her hand on my shoulder. I turned to meet a face starting to cry as I was.
‘Alfred.’ She began voice shaky. ‘You did not cause my shoulder wound. I was to be shot either way. You SAVED my life in exchange for your finger.’ She used her free hand to grab my left. ‘That sacrifice is the reason I sit here in your company now.’ She ran her thumb over the half-inch bump of warped flesh were my finger should have been. ‘I should have nothing but thanks and love to give you for that; not forgiveness over something so unmerited of it.’
I placed my free hand on her hip, pulling her into an embrace.
‘I love you.’ I whispered.
‘As do I you.’ She whispered back.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This was rather sad to write (I listened to Dean Martin’s cover of La Vie en rose to make it worse (unintentionally) T-T)
Historical note: During WWII, in 1941, embargoes where put in place against Germany by the U.S. that stopped ingredients being imported into Germany for many things. One of those things was Coca-Cola. To counteract this, the German branch of Coca-Cola (Then cut off completely from management, thus making it tantamount to being a company unto itself) came up with a new recipe called Fanta; derived from the German word Fantasie (meaning Imagination or Fantasy). After the war, this brand was discontinued by Coca-Cola. However, in 1955, Coca-Cola reintroduced Fanta to compete with Pepsi’s growing range of beverages.
The car that Gertraud and Alfred fled the Soviet sector in was the same one they drove in this chapter (Mercedes-Benz 260 D). The car was abandoned (as said in this chapter) so their was no guilt in appropriating it.
Well, for one. The proverbial feels are indeed washing over me with these interactions so good job there. I felt satisfied with the death of… more No-name-old-person, even if it was rather over the top.
I do not trust Caine, I genuinely do not. Not after the dream.
Dude Gertraud has phenomenal taste as Fanta, or if it's Sunkist I'm not too picky, are my absolute favorite! Alfred you've indeed picked a keeper
And this was really sweet but it was a warm feeling of feels which is good but you're still an ass for joining in on the feels Ram! Joking of course. XD
I apologize as I have seemed to have missed the other chapter, But I look forward to more!
I think it is safe to say this chapter will incite a lot of feels (what is it with us and chapters that do hence lately?)
Chapter 23: Val… moreentinstag. Febraur 14. 1950.
Today was Valentine’s Day. Usually, we did not bother with such a day, but this once was an exception; an experiment.
I awoke, finding that the bed felt unusually soft and large. The walls were navy blue in colour compared to their usually dull and worn wooden colour. This was not right. In shock, I shot up into a sitting position.
The room had a dresser in the corner, complete with a mirror, stool and two jewellery boxes. In the corner stood a desk with my leather coat cast over its seat and several pieces of writing tools cast over the desktop.
‘What is wrong, Hunter?’ came a concerned tone from my side.
Turning to meet this sound, I found Gertraud; hair shrivelled from sleep and in white nightwear.
It started to come back to me.
Following the Soviet vic… [view original content]
Hm. We seem to have hit quite a trend in bringing forth feels.
If you are refering to the car, you did not miss any chapters (after all, you did comment on the previous one). The car was mentioned briefly at the beginning of the chapter during the exposition of their fleeing to the other side of Berlin.
Dude Gertraud has phenomenal taste as Fanta, or if it's Sunkist I'm not too picky, are my absolute favorite! Alfred you've indeed picked a k… moreeeper
And this was really sweet but it was a warm feeling of feels which is good but you're still an ass for joining in on the feels Ram! Joking of course. XD
I apologize as I have seemed to have missed the other chapter, But I look forward to more!
I aim for a good historical depiction (My inspiration for the historical aspect is the Century Trilogy).
Any moments in the Cold War in particular you want me to do?
You can't loose hope! Maybe the manager thought you were cute and will hire you ? Anyways, it's always good to apply at multiple places, so just keep looking around! I've been doing pretty good, just always so busy. I feel like I'm growing up, and I hate it But at the same time, it's nice, you know?
Maxine is certainly going to be interesting. Callum is a good (and hysterically funny) teacher, and she will learn very much from him. Jeff was kind of mirrored after Bigby, only a little bit, and I'm glad you like him so far
Thanks! And I can't wait to go through and read some other stories on here!
Tetra waves Yo! Glad to see you here after being busy! I have been doing well! Would be better if this thread wasn't filled with heavy feel… mores at the moment but hey, it's part of the story XD I went out and did a job application and made a fool of myself when a really beautiful woman walked by and stuttered my words to the manager so yay me, will probably never get that phone call for the job XD Anyways I hope you've been doing well too!
Now onto the story, it was really good! And I do remember what has happened! Poor Derek, hopefully he can be back up and running and I am interested in this Maxine woman! Callum seems to be doing well teaching Jocelyn! I like Jeff as well his personality reminds me of Bigby!
Awesome stuff EMMY! Hope to see another chapter soon!
Isaiah rubs a mysterious liquid into his eyes. It smelled horrible to Brandy. It reminded the young Vampire of the woods and the many reasons why she never attempted to trail through. They were dirty, full of despicable bugs and mundies loved to take 'vacations' or make love up against the trees like wild Boars. Brandy glared over at Isaiah, who mumbled to himself. He was speaking in a language she had never heard of and the odor of the liquid was making Brandy angry.
"Cadela estúpida...."
"What did you say to me?" Brandy pulls over to the side. "SPEAK English, Grendel..."
"It was nothing, Brandy." Isaiah flashes his fangs. "There is no need to take this the wrong way or make any trouble. I was merely speaking to myself. That a crime, now? I mean, you did rip my fucking eyes out."
"You'll live." Brandy turns back onto the road. "Not like I burned the damn thing."
Isaiah looks over at the beautiful woman. Her eyes seemed so focused on the road. Brandy was still back at the Pudding n' Pie. All she could think about was Candy Angel. What was she like off the stage? Her real name and the things she was into. Was she a Pepsi fan or coke? she claimed to have known what Brandy was and just by the smell, she was half mundane and somthing else. Reminded her of dust but in a good way; she tried to picture the creature that had the distinct smell but nothing came to mind.
Jack sat in the back, looking deep into the mirror. He was worried about Isaiah. The man nearly decapitated him in the alley and now, sat just before him. Jack tried to speak Brandy into leaving the creature on the sidewalk but Brandy never bothered when it came to jack and his 'ideas' to heart.
Jack clears his throat. The mysterious gunk was making his head spin and the need to roll the windows down. The Toyota was small and any foul stench made its way around fairly quickly.
"Uh, Brandy can we roll the windows down, please? That shit smells and-"
"WHAT is that stuff anyways, Isaiah? Smells like olf swamp water mixed with ass."
"Wow, cute." Isaiah pops his eye back in. "Shit. Can't see....anyways, its a very expensive thing Grendels use to make the healing process much quicker and less painful. Made out of mud and a special fungus."
"I thought those things grew back?"
"They do but it takes a long time and I really don't want to sit in pain at the moment. Would rather have dealt with you, gone to the movies and called it good."
Brandy chuckles. Isaiah was the weakest to her. She knew of his brothers; Gren and Brandy played pool and got drunk on Friday nights, while Brandy use to flutter her lashes at Robert. The guy made sexual suggestions but never acted on them. Last she'd heard of Isaiah, he lived up North and was working with Santa. Now, here he was. A Hybrid mess with a fucked up eye and goop that smelled like the forest.
"Where to now, Isaiah?" Brandy keeps her eyes on the injured creature. "I wish I knew where to go but, you know, new at this place and all..."
"Smartass." Isaiah peers over to a nearby alley. "You turn into this one coming up. Head all the way down, make a right and it will be right there..."
Jack shudders in the back. He wanted to say something; perhaps this would pass and Brandy did not need to speak to the person in charge. In fac, all Jack wanted to do was return to the Pudding n' Pie and have another sweat filled evening with dancing drinks and possibly a one-night stand. He almost had one but now, he'd be lucky if he'd return alive and not a single droplet of blood drained from his neck.
Brandy could sense the agitation brewing inside Jack's body. To Vampires, it was almost like inhaling a line of cocain in the bathroon; the raw emotions that another felt when lurking about danger and seeing it for your own eyes drove Vampires to the brink of madness. Some were driven to corruption through the fear of others and it was taking a lot from Brandy and judging by the sudden twitching of Isaiah. he could smell it too. She tried to focus on the task ahead and the music playing softly in the radio. Turnning into the alley, Breandy follows the directions given to her by Isaiah until they come to a brick wall. Brandy parks the car, turns off the engine and glares over.
Jack ganders out the window. "Uh, why did you stop, Brandy?" He tugged at his shirt. "I mean, this is nothing...."
"I see that, blondie....." Brandy glowers at Isaiah. "I'm waiting for this filthy swamp hybrid to tell me WHERE to fucking go now!"
Before Isaiah could even move his bottom lip, Brandy had her fingers wrapped around his soft neck. If she wanted to do it, pull everything out and watch Isaiah choke of his own blood. She was to not be played with tonight and the look in Isaiah's eyes indicated he knew what was ahead for the creature. Brandy hisses, pulls out her fangs and glares heavily at the terrified creature. Although ten times her stature, Isaiah was no fool; after the little stunt she pulled in the alley, he was not about to take a risk like that again with her.
Isaiah begins his battle to fight for his breath. "There.....the wall...cough cough....they are there...."
"The fucking wall, Isaiah!?" Brandy presses the Fable into the door. "You're full of fucking shit!"
Gaging, Isaiah attempts to face the wall. "No....seriously, you fucking psycho bitch! Cough cough! They ARE in there....here....I'll show you...."
Brandy wanted to suffocate the life out of his eyes. She heard Jack suddenly in the back, kicking her seat and begging for her to spare the man. Isaiah just crossed her path at a wrong time; the bar from earlier in the evening was not her way of starting the night and to top it off, Candy Angel's lapdance only made her emotions skyrocket and into space. Her beautiful image returned and suddenly, Brandy could not find an ounce of strength to finish off this poor miserable soul. Removing her fingers, she watches Isaiah retch.
She says not a single word. Isaiah was no fool and just her look alone gave him the answers he wanted. Removing himself from the car and continuing to cough, Isaiah searches for the item needed to reveal the world he spoke of. Jack and Brandy followed.
"Brandy, do we really need to fucking do this!?" Jack tries grabbing her hand. "I mean, we can just leave them a gift basket or something and call it even. We GOT revenge on those dudes and Isaiah seems like he learned his lesson, so how about we return to the club, find us some hot bitches and enjoy the night....alright?"
That all sounded wonderful but Brandy's mind was set. She pushed her loving companion to the side and returned to Isaiah's side. He'd never understand. It was the principle of it with Vampires. She was attacked and for no reason. All Brandy did was defend herself and now, groups of unknown creatures of the night were after her. Headhunters, as she knew them as. Vampires that preyed and fed on their own kind. Perhaps brandy was jumping to conclusion but after the little throwdown in the alley, she was certain this was the case.
Isaiah fishes for an oval vile. He pulls his arm back, then tosses it into the brick. The liquid dissolves, leaving behind a spinning vortex.
"THIS is it?" Brandy struggles against the force winds. "Seems a bit much for this guy, right?"
"He loves his privacy!" Isaiah holds out his hand. "We better get a move on! These things don't last very long and he senses I've called a vortex. He's NOT a very patient man....."
"What about ol' Jack over here? Can he come or is that just the final nail to his coffin?"
"Up to him." Isaiah looks at the nervouse corpse. "But WE need to get a move on."
Jack did not have an option. The Grendel said he did but Brandy's eyes said no; as he followed Brandy and Isaiah through the mysterious darkness, he recapped everything in his life. He had a good run; slept with many women, got into all kinds of schemes and made many friend and too many enemies. The three make their journey down the vortex until the glow of candlelights flicker at the end. Pushing through, they land in a dugeon style area. Stone walls and floors, torches and candlelight. A Chadelier hung above them, sluggishly moving against the winds of the vortex. The portal disappears and leaves behind anoher oval vile.
"Huh. Fancy way of making it through the mundane world."
"He knew of someone that used this method for years...." Isaiah grabs a nearby torch. "He, uh, does it in memory, I guess, for the guy."
"Family member passed or-"
"A friend." Isaiah leads the way. "I guess just a really good friend. He never really talks about it..."
One thing Brandy found annoying with Vampires. Secracy. ALWAYS with the secrets. Bu something did not sit right with Brandy; looking around, she felt a brush of fear for her soul. Or, what was left of it. Isaiah did not make matters better; the silence got them nowhere and he refused to make conversation. He paused before a heavy wooden door. Holding the flames high, he scanned the message written on the wood.
"Você tem que estar brincando comigo!" Isaiah kicks the door. "Eles sabiam que eu estava vindo de volta! Porra!"
"What are you sayng, Grendel and why did we stop!?"
"How much did you care about this 'whore' they speak of?"
"Whore!?" Brandy was confused. "What whore? What are you-"
"The leader of the clan is going after you 'whore' and if you wish to save her miserable life, you need to return to where it all began..."
Candy Angel. Brandy did not comprehend why but there was indeed a rush of feelings she had never felt before. Something for this possible mundane and her 'knowledge' of Brandy's world. If anyone were to feast on her scrumptious flesh and drink her blood, it would be Brandy.
"Take me there!" Brandy grabs Isaiah and Jack in each hand. "NOW! Take me now!"
Fabletown. Pudding n' Pie. Late
Candy wraps her jacket around and waits under the gleaming light. Hans returns with an empty trashbag, while Georgie takes out his keys and locks the front. It was late into the early morning hours and Candy was looking forward to a quiet evening to herself. The sudden departure of Brandy left the dancer feeling lonely and empty. She did not know why. It was a paying customer but something felt different with this one....
Hans dusts off his hands and looks at Georgie. "All ready, boss. Everything is taken out, swept, mopped and full."
"All the liquor bottles too, Hans?"
"Yup. All stocked and ready for Monday."
Georgie thanks his large employee and looks at the remaining dancer of the night. "Ya' need us ta' walk ya' home, Candy or are ya' gettin' a ride from ya' sister?"
"Melissa should be here soon, Georgie. Hans. I'll be alright."
"Ya' sure? We can stay with ya' if ya' want."
Candy smiles, clutching the coat closer to her chest. "I'll be fine, boss. You two head home. See you on Monday."
Georgie tips his hat and soon, he and Hans walk down the sidewalk. Candy was not afraid to be alone and wait; the shimmering lights drove 'weirdos' away and the moon was brightly lit tonight. Perfect evening for the 'creatures' to come out, she thought. Then, her mind returned to Brandy and for some unknown reason, the lust to hold her again.
Her sister's car pulled up. Candy tries to erase all the thoughts; her sister often asked how the evening went and if there was an ounce of disappointment lingering on her face, her sister would never stop with the questions. But sitting in the car was not her sister; Melissa's drained corpse was slumped over in the back, inbetween two, large Vampire males. In the driver seat, a shorter, obese man with a Fedora hat. He holds up a pistol.
"Who are you!?" Candy shakes in her spot. "What...what have you done! Melissa! I-"
"EASY there, girl. Steady. Don't want you to make a fool of yourself. We are some....old friends, of your little client from earlier and she seems to have crossed a line with us. So, we need YOU to help us and we'll give you your life and freedom. Should you refuse, you'll end up like your sister over there. Clear?"
Candy nods as the mysterious man in the Fedora pulls the gun back and drives into the road.
Any questions, you know the drill. Go home, California...you're drunk! Wake up to rain and clouds! XD
Yep I guess since I'm getting older, I have more things I have to do in life and I have more responsibilities, so it really takes me away from the house more often than it used to. Avengers was AWESOME! I LOVE it! The ending was so cool, and the girl with the mind powers was cool (Can't remember her name XD) and JARVIS! SO excited! Good luck with those preschoolers, AND getting the Art degree; Sounds like a lot of fun! I need pictures Pie, PICTURES! Emily sounds like she'd getting along very fine, and I'm glad Tammy is having a better pregnancy this time around And yes, JJ XD I'm sure Emily loves him to bits! Personally, aside from running around, I've been reading a lot of books and playing some videogames coughsimscough to wind down and relax; Occasionally I do some writing, which is nice, but I think I've been taking a semi-break from writing (As you can tell, it's been like a week since the last chapter) so don't worry if I'm not on for multiple days in a row.
Derek is dealing with things in a VERY different way that Jocelyn is, and it kind of reflects on how different they are, yet how they DO care about one another, underneath the chaos. There WILL be betrayals, there WILL be very few characters you can trust, and Maxine, well, you'll just have to see if she's trustable or not. Same with Jeff, AND Andre AND basically every character in the story. Just keep your eyes pealed.
Jocelyn is letting her new natural instincts to help, too. The moon is sort of connected to them, like an invisible chord, and it also helps her enhance her instincts when on the hunt and learning. Callum is a great teacher, he's funny when he wants to be, and serious when he needs to be. I want to actually have a scene where he encounters his family, and maybe Jocelyn will get to meet them Maybe toward the end, though. Jeff is certainly a character, but he's very loyal, and he's going to have a big part in this. Andre, he's another story entirely. He DOES seem a little cocky, but he also has a point. He IS fearless; could care less about what other packs of wolves think of him. He's warned them of a possible inevitable, and this scares the wolves inside because they can sense he's telling the truth with it.
And I can't wait to write more! If you don't mind, could you PM me what's going on in your story? Yours is basically one of the few I haven't come around and been able to read as much, but I'm really interested in what's happening, and if you prefer, I can just go back and read them, as long as you give me page numbers XD
-Waves furiously, then tosses glitter-
Nice to see you around, Ems. Figured you're pretty busy but never apologies. We've all had our mom… moreents where life just takes us and refuses to let go. The Avengers movie was awesome! Saw it last weekend! You'll love it! Me, as you know, live in San Fran and I love it. graduate this month and start my fulltime job as a preschool teacher on the 11th of this month!! I'll be busy, busy, busy! Have my classes as well for the Art Institue and looking forward to that. Everyone is well as expected; Tammy is working and the pregnancy is easier this time she's stated. Emily is growing and is crawling around! Grabby little thing, too. XD And JJ is, well, JJ as always. :P Been a great help around the house. Glad to hear you're doing well yourself and you took the time to relax for the moment.
Now, enough of that. lol I really enjoyed the beginning of this chapter. Derek seems bombarded with his dreams and cur… [view original content]
Oh man that would be quite awesome! I might be moving up to Vermont to work in a store if I can't find a job around where I live. That's good you've been doing well, and I know exactly what you mean there are both good and bad sides to it!
I think Jeff is my favorite character before Derek so far followed by Jocelyn, so many interesting characters!
Just as a warning it is feels city here right now so I do advise uplifting music and multiple breaks XD
I went out and did a job application
You can't loose hope! Maybe the manager thought you were cute and will hire you ? Anyways, it's… more always good to apply at multiple places, so just keep looking around! I've been doing pretty good, just always so busy. I feel like I'm growing up, and I hate it But at the same time, it's nice, you know?
Maxine is certainly going to be interesting. Callum is a good (and hysterically funny) teacher, and she will learn very much from him. Jeff was kind of mirrored after Bigby, only a little bit, and I'm glad you like him so far
Thanks! And I can't wait to go through and read some other stories on here!
figured you were busy; normally if anything serious happens, we leave little messages on the thread. It's good to be busy and take time to yourself as well. Hope school and everything is going well. You're going to be a Senior THIS year, correct? -salutes- Yes ma'am, I shall get you those pictures right away! XD We are all having a blast here and love this city. Cali is a bit drunk at the moment. It was sunny yesterday, now its rainy and cloudy. XD I love it, though. I'm looking forward to the art classes and working with the kids. I love the sims! You can't go wrong with playing that for HOURS. XD It's good to take breaks, though. Glad to know you're doing good.
Showing the two dofferent sides and worlds always makes for an interesting read; you have one character that thinks this way, then over here the other who views the world differently. Knowing that I'll have to wait about Maxine assures me she's trouble but I'll have to wait! Jeff MIGHT backstab and Andre, I'm still on the fence about....
I look forward to the family scene where Jocelyn meets everyone. That poor girl; since the prologue thing you did, my heart goes out to her. It has not been easy but she seems to be coming along alright....:)
I will PM you what's been going on. Not sure where you last left off. THINK when Rosie told Gren she was dating Woody but I'll cover that and up.
That glitter tho XD
Yep I guess since I'm getting older, I have more things I have to do in life and I have more responsibilities, so it… more really takes me away from the house more often than it used to. Avengers was AWESOME! I LOVE it! The ending was so cool, and the girl with the mind powers was cool (Can't remember her name XD) and JARVIS! SO excited! Good luck with those preschoolers, AND getting the Art degree; Sounds like a lot of fun! I need pictures Pie, PICTURES! Emily sounds like she'd getting along very fine, and I'm glad Tammy is having a better pregnancy this time around And yes, JJ XD I'm sure Emily loves him to bits! Personally, aside from running around, I've been reading a lot of books and playing some videogames coughsimscough to wind down and relax; Occasionally I do some writing, which is nice, but I think I've been taking a semi-break from writing (As you can tell, it's been like a week since the last chapter) so don't … [view original content]
Thanks man! Nice to be back for a little while That sucks You just gotta think positive and do stuff you like to do (like write on this forum ^-^) maybe it'll bring your mood up a little.
That's good! I know with so many stories on here, it might be hard for some people (sometimes even me) to remember whose characters did what and when they did those things.
Yeah, I loved the accent too, and I wanted to do something new, but I really wish I could write how the accent sounds in the story >.< I looked up how you would, but there's not much online to help, so I kind of just wrote what he said on normal terms, and hopefully people can imagine how he sounds.
I KNOW, finally, right? Deep down they STILL love each other, it's just a matter of actually getting past petty boundaries and ancient hatred for one another's occult group. She's letting her instincts dictate her attractions and other feelings, so in reality, these wolves she THINKS she's attracted to aren't really meant for her.
It'll be good! Maxine is a cool chick, and I think you;'ll like her when she develops more as a character.
Good to hear! Can't wait to read whatever you've posted, too!
Hey EMMY, nice to see you back!!! I've personally been suffering severe Blocks, and it's gone from making me moody to outright miserable
… more Anyways, the chapter, and I do remember what happened actually!
Interesting choice to have Andre be Welsh, I personally love the accent, though sometimes it can be a bit hard to understand :P
For once, she desired the presence of her one and only true love to hold her
God finally! Jocelyn keeps eyeing up these toned Werewolves and I feel sorry for Derek in return, it's like she's forgotten he even exists
Maxine sounds like an interesting character, I can't wait to hear the rest of her story
I look forward to more! XD
Is it that obvious? Lol XD Joking aside, yes, there will be something bad between them, AND the Vampires and Lycanthropes. But little do they know, it takes their unity to overcome the real threat of the future.
At this point, that is a completely valid thought. Andre is a complete stranger, so no one knows how trustable he really is, and hopefully he won't be a detriment in the end
Hehe, yeah.
Good question! Yeah, they tend to like the taste of certain foods, mainly ones they liked in their human lives more than other things. It takes a long time to build a tolerance to the food though, so it's something you don't see often, unless you've got a really old Vampire friend. It's easier to get used to drinks, such as coffee, soda, alcohol, and the like, because it's got the same(ish) consistency that blood could take on. So more often, you'll see a vampire drinking some wine mixed with blood, or just wine alone, or coffee, in Derek's case. Thanks for the question!
I can tell something bad is going to happen between Joycelyn and Derek in the future; rarely does it ever go well between Lycanthropes and V… moreampires.
I do not trust this Andre. I know not why, yet I know that I do not trust him.
Damn you with that cliffhanger. (jk)
Question: In your story, I understand that vampires eat in order to assimilate despite that it does nought to nourish. Yet, I wonder; in spite of it doing nothing (aside from unsettling the stomach), could they also grow to like food? This may be trivial, but I am curious.
I quite enjoyed your incorperation of Spanish. Tell me, do you speak it yourself?
WHAT is that stuff anyways, Isaiah? Smells like off swamp water mixed with ass!
Ah, Candy. They always seem to go for the girl, don't they? I hope Melissa's death was relatively quick. Also, Tweedle-whomever is back, apparently. THAT MOTHERF-(REDACTED FOR THE SAKE OF YOU AND MYSELF. sEE RULES 8 AND 9 FOR DETAILS).
Challenge pg. 6
Isaiah rubs a mysterious liquid into his eyes. It smelled horrible to Brandy. It reminded the young Vampire of the woods … moreand the many reasons why she never attempted to trail through. They were dirty, full of despicable bugs and mundies loved to take 'vacations' or make love up against the trees like wild Boars. Brandy glared over at Isaiah, who mumbled to himself. He was speaking in a language she had never heard of and the odor of the liquid was making Brandy angry.
"Cadela estúpida...."
"What did you say to me?" Brandy pulls over to the side. "SPEAK English, Grendel..."
"It was nothing, Brandy." Isaiah flashes his fangs. "There is no need to take this the wrong way or make any trouble. I was merely speaking to myself. That a crime, now? I mean, you did rip my fucking eyes out."
"You'll live." Brandy turns back onto the road. "Not like I burned the damn thing."
Isaiah looks over at the beautiful woman. Her … [view original content]
Is it that obvious? Lol XD Joking aside, yes, there will be something bad between them, AND the Vampires and Lycanthropes. But little do the… morey know, it takes their unity to overcome the real threat of the future.
At this point, that is a completely valid thought. Andre is a complete stranger, so no one knows how trustable he really is, and hopefully he won't be a detriment in the end
Hehe, yeah.
Good question! Yeah, they tend to like the taste of certain foods, mainly ones they liked in their human lives more than other things. It takes a long time to build a tolerance to the food though, so it's something you don't see often, unless you've got a really old Vampire friend. It's easier to get used to drinks, such as coffee, soda, alcohol, and the like, because it's got the same(ish) consistency that blood could take on. So more often, you'll see a vampire drinking some wine mixed with blood, or just wine alone, or coffee, in Derek's case. Thanks for the question!
Oh man that would be quite awesome! I might be moving up to Vermont to work in a store if I can't find a job around where I live. That's goo… mored you've been doing well, and I know exactly what you mean there are both good and bad sides to it!
I think Jeff is my favorite character before Derek so far followed by Jocelyn, so many interesting characters!
Just as a warning it is feels city here right now so I do advise uplifting music and multiple breaks XD
I'm a Junior right now, so technically, yes THIS year, but it's next SCHOOL year. If that made any sense XD And awesome! Glad you're loving the city, and the weather DOES sound a bit drunk, lol. It's been fairly warm and sunny in NJ, in the 70s and beautiful out Sims is THE BEST! I have a family on it, and they're just about to start the next generation, and it makes me sad to know that the parents are now grandparents and they're getting older I'll share some pics maybe, but I might not post them directly here, maybe in a PM if people are THAT interested. It's a very lovely family And thanks
Glad to know you're thoughts on certain characters, too ^-^ Gives ME insight to how people react to the characters I create.
Jocelyn needs a break, but that's probably not coming very soon for her She's stronger than she thinks though, and it will really make a difference in the end
I look forward to such inquiries! Whatever you want to share, I'm all ears
Yeah I know. XD Random! lol
figured you were busy; normally if anything serious happens, we leave little messages on the thread. It's go… moreod to be busy and take time to yourself as well. Hope school and everything is going well. You're going to be a Senior THIS year, correct? -salutes- Yes ma'am, I shall get you those pictures right away! XD We are all having a blast here and love this city. Cali is a bit drunk at the moment. It was sunny yesterday, now its rainy and cloudy. XD I love it, though. I'm looking forward to the art classes and working with the kids. I love the sims! You can't go wrong with playing that for HOURS. XD It's good to take breaks, though. Glad to know you're doing good.
Showing the two dofferent sides and worlds always makes for an interesting read; you have one character that thinks this way, then over here the other who views the world differently. Knowing that I'll have to wait about Maxine assures me she's tr… [view original content]
While you do not use it, it actually exercises your brain in school. I may not use algebraic geometry in my later life, but it serves in inc… morereasing the speed of which I can do things mentally.
Oh well, hope you all are having a good day today, it's Friday after all.
This is rendered null and void in my instance for it is Saturday here (HA).
I'd rather use creativity and imagination to increase my mental brainpower - if those things can work as alternatives.
And concerning that, is it Sunday there now since it's Saturday here?
It's actually Portuguese; the languages are very similar in their own ways, so speaking spanish was easy for me.
Yeah, it's quite the lovely material to smell ina car as so. XD
Oh hell! You guessed it! :0I was thinking to myself I wonder if anyone will see its him....' This is true, for everyone has that one weakness. What will happen, well, that's for another day. I'll have to go back and read rules 8 and 9. XD I hated that fool, too. lol
I quite enjoyed your incorperation of Spanish. Tell me, do you speak it yourself?
WHAT is that stuff anyways, Isaiah? Smells like off … moreswamp water mixed with ass!
Ah, Candy. They always seem to go for the girl, don't they? I hope Melissa's death was relatively quick. Also, Tweedle-whomever is back, apparently. THAT MOTHERF-(REDACTED FOR THE SAKE OF YOU AND MYSELF. sEE RULES 8 AND 9 FOR DETAILS).
Oh man, sounds like something you would see in a Looney Tunes cartoon. Hot woman walks by, character stutters like crazy, and his heart would start beating in and out of his chest. All of which was the case for you except for the heart part, unless that somehow happened too!
Tetra waves Yo! Glad to see you here after being busy! I have been doing well! Would be better if this thread wasn't filled with heavy feel… mores at the moment but hey, it's part of the story XD I went out and did a job application and made a fool of myself when a really beautiful woman walked by and stuttered my words to the manager so yay me, will probably never get that phone call for the job XD Anyways I hope you've been doing well too!
Now onto the story, it was really good! And I do remember what has happened! Poor Derek, hopefully he can be back up and running and I am interested in this Maxine woman! Callum seems to be doing well teaching Jocelyn! I like Jeff as well his personality reminds me of Bigby!
Awesome stuff EMMY! Hope to see another chapter soon!
Oh man, sounds like something you would see in a Looney Tunes cartoon. Hot woman walks by, character stutters like crazy, and his heart woul… mored start beating in and out of his chest. All of which was the case for you except for the heart part, unless that somehow happened too!
Anyway, hope you get the job!
OMG stop! I'm sorry!
No more feels! Ugh Ride was crushing me this entire time! Kieron was kick ass and I loved that sword but her worry and words! Jesus, man! I'm sure Kieron has a grip on this but I can understand her fears....
Caine in control of claire's body is pretty cool!
Dracula and the others are going to get it and it will be awesome! So, how does Caine take over? Through her mind or is it through blood? OH between her and Kieron....AWESOME!
Sorry again about all the feels. Must be the topic. XD lol And I heard about that girl.
Hey, hopefully you get the job but if not, you saw a cutie! Should have gotten her #, my good man.
My day was aesome; 7pm right now over here in Cali and getting ready for dinner.
Mrs. is making Porkchops.
Oh man there was so much! Uh, let's see:
U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy begins his communist witch hunt in the United States.
The Korean War begins, the first armed conflict in the Cold War, the global struggle between communism and democracy.
The Warsaw Pact is formed by the Soviet Union and communist countries in eastern Europe as a military defense organization to counter NATO
The Cuban Missile crisis sparks a major confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union when the U.S. discovers the existence of Soviet missile installations in Cuba. (I just see Alfred and Gertraud doing something AWESOME with this!!!)
Those are just a few that I was always fascinated by but whatever you choose to do, I'll enjoy!!
OMG this is me every freaking time. XD
I'm sorry man! Same I believed that Kieron was also being bad ass but I don't think Ride would let this slide at all
Kieron for the most part has a grip on it, until his shadow takes over then he will maul and rip anything in its path to shreds if it so pleases 
Caine indeed will kick some serious ass! Caine has taken over Claires body through her mind, and how he will help Kieron will be shown next chapter
Lol Someday it needs to end! XD Oh man that girl I definitely regret not getting her number, one of the one times I actually wanted to stand up and ask for her name and number and I didn't do it! Dude her smile was wicked dangerous! Maybe one day I will get her number
That's awesome! It's ten where I am, currently playing Persona 3 FES on my Playstation 2 oh sweet memories
Woah I had pork chops last night! o.o I had quesadillas tonight.
Great food for thought.
The amount of emotions welling up inside me are plentiful.
The beginning was rather depressing and had a feeling of hopelessness. The scene were those departed comforted Peter was beautiful. In fact, I nearly shed a tear then. Then the reunion between him, Georgie, Lyla and Erica made me actually brought a small tear to my eye.
Great work, man.
The scene between Nerissa and Bigby was sweet. I thoroughly can see a chemistry between the two (before anyone crosses the Pacific to my doorstep with pitchforks and torches, Snow/Bigby is still better and always shall be in my opinion).
Oh, ANOTHER reason to hate Dee now? Exellent! Just made his death all the more relishable.
After what Snow encountered. I wonder how exactly this shall effect their working relationship (which was already becoming evidently strained). I can forsee a storm brewing.
I look forward to more.
Oh, Crap! I forgot to review your works on FanFiction.net. Sorry, I will get around to that, I give you my word on that!
'Tis great to see Robert going greatly with his gradual 'coming out'. What happens when he (eventually) reveals all to his wife, though?
Frank is killing himself with this double-life he is leading. He has to stop or he could enter a (deeper form of) depression, or worse......* shudders *
While you do not use it, it actually exercises your brain in school. I may not use algebraic geometry in my later life, but it serves in increasing the speed of which I can do things mentally.
This is rendered null and void in my instance for it is Saturday here (HA).
Ah, Alge-fuckin'-bra.
Thanks
Dee is like the worst character now xD
There's a lot of stuff brewing here, it's gettting harder to sort it out
I can tell something bad is going to happen between Joycelyn and Derek in the future; rarely does it ever go well between Lycanthropes and Vampires.
I do not trust this Andre. I know not why, yet I know that I do not trust him.
Damn you with that cliffhanger. (jk)
Question: In your story, I understand that vampires eat in order to assimilate despite that it does nought to nourish. Yet, I wonder; in spite of it doing nothing (aside from unsettling the stomach), could they also grow to like food? This may be trivial, but I am curious.
Ticket for one aboard this liner, please?
Well, for one. The proverbial feels are indeed washing over me with these interactions so good job there. I felt satisfied with the death of No-name-old-person, even if it was rather over the top.
I do not trust Caine, I genuinely do not. Not after the dream.
I think it is safe to say this chapter will incite a lot of feels (what is it with us and chapters that do hence lately?)
Chapter 23: Valentinstag. Febraur 14. 1950.
Today was Valentine’s Day. Usually, we did not bother with such a day, but this once was an exception; an experiment.
I awoke, finding that the bed felt unusually soft and large. The walls were navy blue in colour compared to their usually dull and worn wooden colour. This was not right. In shock, I shot up into a sitting position.
The room had a dresser in the corner, complete with a mirror, stool and two jewellery boxes. In the corner stood a desk with my leather coat cast over its seat and several pieces of writing tools cast over the desktop.
‘What is wrong, Hunter?’ came a concerned tone from my side.
Turning to meet this sound, I found Gertraud; hair shrivelled from sleep and in white nightwear.
It started to come back to me.
Following the Soviet victory in Berlin, different sectors were set up; one for the U.S., another for the U.K., another for France and one were Die Stumpfe Klinge was which was assigned to the Soviets. After days of debating, she and I fled to the American sector so as to avoid the Soviets, taking as much money from our stash as possible in the boot of an abandoned Mercedes on the 3rd of September, 1945.
Trying my best to seem alright, I adopted a smile. ‘I am fine.’
It did not work. ‘Still not used to waking up to this?’
I nodded.
She adopted a smile as well, albeit a cheeky one. ‘Well, I find it odd as well yet I have the courtesy to not wake my partner.’
‘I am sorry.’ I felt my face heat up.
I small chuckle was emitted by her, right before she suddenly came in to kiss me.
‘I look forward to our plans today’ she said in alacrity, pulling away.
‘As do I’
(Later, 10:40 AM)
‘After you, milady.’ I said, opening the passenger seat of the car.
She wore a pleated purple “wiggle” skirt (why was it called that?) coupled with a yellow, short sleeved button-up blouse with the top button characteristically undone. She never wore makeup, aside from bright red lipstick, on the grounds that she saw it as a waste of money. Her feet wore formal boots of polished black leather and her wrist still bore that same watch.
I wore a tweed suit, trousers and a jacket, made in brown and a pure white shirt, still complemented by my art deco yellow and red tie; the pocket square made in the same fashion as the tie. I still wore no wrist watch and carried my silver fob watch in my breast pocket. The shoes were a set of burgundy wingtip oxfords and, as usual, I wore my black overcoat and grey trilby from before the war.
‘I am a woman, yes, but not a lady. YOU of all people should know that after all this time.’ She said in mockery.
‘Fine’ I said ‘Get in the damned car.’ I said in feigned annoyance.
‘That is more like it.’
I joined her, seating myself in the driver’s position.
As we drove, I found myself thinking over how different all seemed. No longer did the police walk around in military uniforms, no longer did the people seem so uniform and no longer did Hakenkreuz banners hang from the government district.
‘All of it seems so alien, even now.’ She said. ‘To think that nearly five years ago that we were cowering in corporeal fear of death, thievery and rape is a rather unsettling thought.’
‘Hmm.’ I concurred. ‘How is your shoulder lately?’
She chuckled. ‘It feels numb every now and then, but otherwise, it is as if nothing happened. Well aside from the scar.’ She paused. ‘How is your finger?’
I rarely thought about it. The one finger in question has little use beyond holding a piece of jewellery so its loss was nothing of significant consequence. However, I did experience what the Mundies called a “Phantom pain” every once in a while. Today, however…
‘It is fine. Nothing pleasant to see, but it feels alright today.’
‘That is good to hear.’
(Later, 11:00 AM)
We parked by the river Spree. Overlooking it on the other side stood the then derelict Reichstag Building. Gertraud walked over to the riverside, leaving me at the car.
‘Why not help me carry the stuff down?’ I called after her.
‘Because I need an o so strong man to do it for me.’
I knew she was being sarcastic, but I went along with it. ‘Seriously?’
Within the few minutes, I sat with Gertraud at the edge of the river, a red blanket beneath us with our favourite breads and a bottle of Coca-Cola each.
‘Thank you.’ I said as she passed me a plate of Rye bread.
‘You are welcome’
As I was in the middle of a mouthful, Gertraud picked up her bottle of Coca-Cola. ‘I miss Fanta.’
‘Hmm?’ I dared not open my mouth in the middle of chewing.
‘Fanta? The drink that was made during the war by Coca-Cola here?’ She could not believe I had forgot about the drink which she considered to be the ultimate soft drink.
‘I try not to remember those years, they hold little more than bad memories.’
She was silent for a moment. ‘What was so terrible for you? Aside from the battle, of course.’
‘Just the…I….the war and the National Socialists left a bad feeling about the city wherever I went. All I heard about was that “We are the Master Race” and that democracy and communism was a “Jewish conspiracy to destroy us”. Then the years after the war…the constant hearings of the atrocities committed.’ I could feel my heart dropping at the thought of how many people suffered and died in the apparent name of our home.
‘And…’ I continued, feeling my eyes become watery and my voice cracking in each syllable. ‘I am the reason you got shot.’ A tear escaped my eye upon finishing that sentence.
Gertraud placed her hand on my shoulder. I turned to meet a face starting to cry as I was.
‘Alfred.’ She began voice shaky. ‘You did not cause my shoulder wound. I was to be shot either way. You SAVED my life in exchange for your finger.’ She used her free hand to grab my left. ‘That sacrifice is the reason I sit here in your company now.’ She ran her thumb over the half-inch bump of warped flesh were my finger should have been. ‘I should have nothing but thanks and love to give you for that; not forgiveness over something so unmerited of it.’
I placed my free hand on her hip, pulling her into an embrace.
‘I love you.’ I whispered.
‘As do I you.’ She whispered back.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This was rather sad to write (I listened to Dean Martin’s cover of La Vie en rose to make it worse (unintentionally) T-T)
Historical note: During WWII, in 1941, embargoes where put in place against Germany by the U.S. that stopped ingredients being imported into Germany for many things. One of those things was Coca-Cola. To counteract this, the German branch of Coca-Cola (Then cut off completely from management, thus making it tantamount to being a company unto itself) came up with a new recipe called Fanta; derived from the German word Fantasie (meaning Imagination or Fantasy). After the war, this brand was discontinued by Coca-Cola. However, in 1955, Coca-Cola reintroduced Fanta to compete with Pepsi’s growing range of beverages.
The car that Gertraud and Alfred fled the Soviet sector in was the same one they drove in this chapter (Mercedes-Benz 260 D). The car was abandoned (as said in this chapter) so their was no guilt in appropriating it.
Thank you my good man! I figured might as well go all out with his punishment! >:D
That's interesting, although you have every reason not to. But be sure to keep an open mind
Dude Gertraud has phenomenal taste as Fanta, or if it's Sunkist I'm not too picky, are my absolute favorite! Alfred you've indeed picked a keeper
And this was really sweet but it was a warm feeling of feels which is good
but you're still an ass for joining in on the feels Ram! Joking of course. XD
I apologize as I have seemed to have missed the other chapter, But I look forward to more!
I love Fanta as well (Sunkist is alright also).
Hm. We seem to have hit quite a trend in bringing forth feels.
If you are refering to the car, you did not miss any chapters (after all, you did comment on the previous one). The car was mentioned briefly at the beginning of the chapter during the exposition of their fleeing to the other side of Berlin.
I'm open for anything you have in mind. I'm sure you'll do a great job!
You can't loose hope! Maybe the manager thought you were cute and will hire you
? Anyways, it's always good to apply at multiple places, so just keep looking around! I've been doing pretty good, just always so busy. I feel like I'm growing up, and I hate it
But at the same time, it's nice, you know?
Maxine is certainly going to be interesting. Callum is a good (and hysterically funny) teacher, and she will learn very much from him. Jeff was kind of mirrored after Bigby, only a little bit, and I'm glad you like him so far
Thanks! And I can't wait to go through and read some other stories on here!
Challenge pg. 6
Isaiah rubs a mysterious liquid into his eyes. It smelled horrible to Brandy. It reminded the young Vampire of the woods and the many reasons why she never attempted to trail through. They were dirty, full of despicable bugs and mundies loved to take 'vacations' or make love up against the trees like wild Boars. Brandy glared over at Isaiah, who mumbled to himself. He was speaking in a language she had never heard of and the odor of the liquid was making Brandy angry.
"Cadela estúpida...."
"What did you say to me?" Brandy pulls over to the side. "SPEAK English, Grendel..."
"It was nothing, Brandy." Isaiah flashes his fangs. "There is no need to take this the wrong way or make any trouble. I was merely speaking to myself. That a crime, now? I mean, you did rip my fucking eyes out."
"You'll live." Brandy turns back onto the road. "Not like I burned the damn thing."
Isaiah looks over at the beautiful woman. Her eyes seemed so focused on the road. Brandy was still back at the Pudding n' Pie. All she could think about was Candy Angel. What was she like off the stage? Her real name and the things she was into. Was she a Pepsi fan or coke? she claimed to have known what Brandy was and just by the smell, she was half mundane and somthing else. Reminded her of dust but in a good way; she tried to picture the creature that had the distinct smell but nothing came to mind.
Jack sat in the back, looking deep into the mirror. He was worried about Isaiah. The man nearly decapitated him in the alley and now, sat just before him. Jack tried to speak Brandy into leaving the creature on the sidewalk but Brandy never bothered when it came to jack and his 'ideas' to heart.
Jack clears his throat. The mysterious gunk was making his head spin and the need to roll the windows down. The Toyota was small and any foul stench made its way around fairly quickly.
"Uh, Brandy can we roll the windows down, please? That shit smells and-"
"WHAT is that stuff anyways, Isaiah? Smells like olf swamp water mixed with ass."
"Wow, cute." Isaiah pops his eye back in. "Shit. Can't see....anyways, its a very expensive thing Grendels use to make the healing process much quicker and less painful. Made out of mud and a special fungus."
"I thought those things grew back?"
"They do but it takes a long time and I really don't want to sit in pain at the moment. Would rather have dealt with you, gone to the movies and called it good."
Brandy chuckles. Isaiah was the weakest to her. She knew of his brothers; Gren and Brandy played pool and got drunk on Friday nights, while Brandy use to flutter her lashes at Robert. The guy made sexual suggestions but never acted on them. Last she'd heard of Isaiah, he lived up North and was working with Santa. Now, here he was. A Hybrid mess with a fucked up eye and goop that smelled like the forest.
"Where to now, Isaiah?" Brandy keeps her eyes on the injured creature. "I wish I knew where to go but, you know, new at this place and all..."
"Smartass." Isaiah peers over to a nearby alley. "You turn into this one coming up. Head all the way down, make a right and it will be right there..."
Jack shudders in the back. He wanted to say something; perhaps this would pass and Brandy did not need to speak to the person in charge. In fac, all Jack wanted to do was return to the Pudding n' Pie and have another sweat filled evening with dancing drinks and possibly a one-night stand. He almost had one but now, he'd be lucky if he'd return alive and not a single droplet of blood drained from his neck.
Brandy could sense the agitation brewing inside Jack's body. To Vampires, it was almost like inhaling a line of cocain in the bathroon; the raw emotions that another felt when lurking about danger and seeing it for your own eyes drove Vampires to the brink of madness. Some were driven to corruption through the fear of others and it was taking a lot from Brandy and judging by the sudden twitching of Isaiah. he could smell it too. She tried to focus on the task ahead and the music playing softly in the radio. Turnning into the alley, Breandy follows the directions given to her by Isaiah until they come to a brick wall. Brandy parks the car, turns off the engine and glares over.
Jack ganders out the window. "Uh, why did you stop, Brandy?" He tugged at his shirt. "I mean, this is nothing...."
"I see that, blondie....." Brandy glowers at Isaiah. "I'm waiting for this filthy swamp hybrid to tell me WHERE to fucking go now!"
Before Isaiah could even move his bottom lip, Brandy had her fingers wrapped around his soft neck. If she wanted to do it, pull everything out and watch Isaiah choke of his own blood. She was to not be played with tonight and the look in Isaiah's eyes indicated he knew what was ahead for the creature. Brandy hisses, pulls out her fangs and glares heavily at the terrified creature. Although ten times her stature, Isaiah was no fool; after the little stunt she pulled in the alley, he was not about to take a risk like that again with her.
Isaiah begins his battle to fight for his breath. "There.....the wall...cough cough....they are there...."
"The fucking wall, Isaiah!?" Brandy presses the Fable into the door. "You're full of fucking shit!"
Gaging, Isaiah attempts to face the wall. "No....seriously, you fucking psycho bitch! Cough cough! They ARE in there....here....I'll show you...."
Brandy wanted to suffocate the life out of his eyes. She heard Jack suddenly in the back, kicking her seat and begging for her to spare the man. Isaiah just crossed her path at a wrong time; the bar from earlier in the evening was not her way of starting the night and to top it off, Candy Angel's lapdance only made her emotions skyrocket and into space. Her beautiful image returned and suddenly, Brandy could not find an ounce of strength to finish off this poor miserable soul. Removing her fingers, she watches Isaiah retch.
She says not a single word. Isaiah was no fool and just her look alone gave him the answers he wanted. Removing himself from the car and continuing to cough, Isaiah searches for the item needed to reveal the world he spoke of. Jack and Brandy followed.
"Brandy, do we really need to fucking do this!?" Jack tries grabbing her hand. "I mean, we can just leave them a gift basket or something and call it even. We GOT revenge on those dudes and Isaiah seems like he learned his lesson, so how about we return to the club, find us some hot bitches and enjoy the night....alright?"
That all sounded wonderful but Brandy's mind was set. She pushed her loving companion to the side and returned to Isaiah's side. He'd never understand. It was the principle of it with Vampires. She was attacked and for no reason. All Brandy did was defend herself and now, groups of unknown creatures of the night were after her. Headhunters, as she knew them as. Vampires that preyed and fed on their own kind. Perhaps brandy was jumping to conclusion but after the little throwdown in the alley, she was certain this was the case.
Isaiah fishes for an oval vile. He pulls his arm back, then tosses it into the brick. The liquid dissolves, leaving behind a spinning vortex.
"THIS is it?" Brandy struggles against the force winds. "Seems a bit much for this guy, right?"
"He loves his privacy!" Isaiah holds out his hand. "We better get a move on! These things don't last very long and he senses I've called a vortex. He's NOT a very patient man....."
"What about ol' Jack over here? Can he come or is that just the final nail to his coffin?"
"Up to him." Isaiah looks at the nervouse corpse. "But WE need to get a move on."
Jack did not have an option. The Grendel said he did but Brandy's eyes said no; as he followed Brandy and Isaiah through the mysterious darkness, he recapped everything in his life. He had a good run; slept with many women, got into all kinds of schemes and made many friend and too many enemies. The three make their journey down the vortex until the glow of candlelights flicker at the end. Pushing through, they land in a dugeon style area. Stone walls and floors, torches and candlelight. A Chadelier hung above them, sluggishly moving against the winds of the vortex. The portal disappears and leaves behind anoher oval vile.
"Huh. Fancy way of making it through the mundane world."
"He knew of someone that used this method for years...." Isaiah grabs a nearby torch. "He, uh, does it in memory, I guess, for the guy."
"Family member passed or-"
"A friend." Isaiah leads the way. "I guess just a really good friend. He never really talks about it..."
One thing Brandy found annoying with Vampires. Secracy. ALWAYS with the secrets. Bu something did not sit right with Brandy; looking around, she felt a brush of fear for her soul. Or, what was left of it. Isaiah did not make matters better; the silence got them nowhere and he refused to make conversation. He paused before a heavy wooden door. Holding the flames high, he scanned the message written on the wood.
"Você tem que estar brincando comigo!" Isaiah kicks the door. "Eles sabiam que eu estava vindo de volta! Porra!"
"What are you sayng, Grendel and why did we stop!?"
"How much did you care about this 'whore' they speak of?"
"Whore!?" Brandy was confused. "What whore? What are you-"
"The leader of the clan is going after you 'whore' and if you wish to save her miserable life, you need to return to where it all began..."
Candy Angel. Brandy did not comprehend why but there was indeed a rush of feelings she had never felt before. Something for this possible mundane and her 'knowledge' of Brandy's world. If anyone were to feast on her scrumptious flesh and drink her blood, it would be Brandy.
"Take me there!" Brandy grabs Isaiah and Jack in each hand. "NOW! Take me now!"
Fabletown. Pudding n' Pie. Late
Candy wraps her jacket around and waits under the gleaming light. Hans returns with an empty trashbag, while Georgie takes out his keys and locks the front. It was late into the early morning hours and Candy was looking forward to a quiet evening to herself. The sudden departure of Brandy left the dancer feeling lonely and empty. She did not know why. It was a paying customer but something felt different with this one....
Hans dusts off his hands and looks at Georgie. "All ready, boss. Everything is taken out, swept, mopped and full."
"All the liquor bottles too, Hans?"
"Yup. All stocked and ready for Monday."
Georgie thanks his large employee and looks at the remaining dancer of the night. "Ya' need us ta' walk ya' home, Candy or are ya' gettin' a ride from ya' sister?"
"Melissa should be here soon, Georgie. Hans. I'll be alright."
"Ya' sure? We can stay with ya' if ya' want."
Candy smiles, clutching the coat closer to her chest. "I'll be fine, boss. You two head home. See you on Monday."
Georgie tips his hat and soon, he and Hans walk down the sidewalk. Candy was not afraid to be alone and wait; the shimmering lights drove 'weirdos' away and the moon was brightly lit tonight. Perfect evening for the 'creatures' to come out, she thought. Then, her mind returned to Brandy and for some unknown reason, the lust to hold her again.
Her sister's car pulled up. Candy tries to erase all the thoughts; her sister often asked how the evening went and if there was an ounce of disappointment lingering on her face, her sister would never stop with the questions. But sitting in the car was not her sister; Melissa's drained corpse was slumped over in the back, inbetween two, large Vampire males. In the driver seat, a shorter, obese man with a Fedora hat. He holds up a pistol.
"Who are you!?" Candy shakes in her spot. "What...what have you done! Melissa! I-"
"EASY there, girl. Steady. Don't want you to make a fool of yourself. We are some....old friends, of your little client from earlier and she seems to have crossed a line with us. So, we need YOU to help us and we'll give you your life and freedom. Should you refuse, you'll end up like your sister over there. Clear?"
Candy nods as the mysterious man in the Fedora pulls the gun back and drives into the road.
Any questions, you know the drill.
Go home, California...you're drunk! Wake up to rain and clouds! XD
That glitter tho XD
I guess since I'm getting older, I have more things I have to do in life and I have more responsibilities, so it really takes me away from the house more often than it used to. Avengers was AWESOME! I LOVE it! The ending was so cool, and the girl with the mind powers was cool (Can't remember her name XD) and JARVIS! SO excited! Good luck with those preschoolers, AND getting the Art degree; Sounds like a lot of fun! I need pictures Pie, PICTURES! Emily sounds like she'd getting along very fine, and I'm glad Tammy is having a better pregnancy this time around
And yes, JJ XD I'm sure Emily loves him to bits! Personally, aside from running around, I've been reading a lot of books and playing some videogames coughsimscough to wind down and relax; Occasionally I do some writing, which is nice, but I think I've been taking a semi-break from writing (As you can tell, it's been like a week since the last chapter) so don't worry if I'm not on for multiple days in a row.
Derek is dealing with things in a VERY different way that Jocelyn is, and it kind of reflects on how different they are, yet how they DO care about one another, underneath the chaos. There WILL be betrayals, there WILL be very few characters you can trust, and Maxine, well, you'll just have to see if she's trustable or not. Same with Jeff, AND Andre AND basically every character in the story. Just keep your eyes pealed.
Jocelyn is letting her new natural instincts to help, too. The moon is sort of connected to them, like an invisible chord, and it also helps her enhance her instincts when on the hunt and learning. Callum is a great teacher, he's funny when he wants to be, and serious when he needs to be. I want to actually have a scene where he encounters his family, and maybe Jocelyn will get to meet them
Maybe toward the end, though. Jeff is certainly a character, but he's very loyal, and he's going to have a big part in this. Andre, he's another story entirely. He DOES seem a little cocky, but he also has a point. He IS fearless; could care less about what other packs of wolves think of him. He's warned them of a possible inevitable, and this scares the wolves inside because they can sense he's telling the truth with it.
And I can't wait to write more! If you don't mind, could you PM me what's going on in your story? Yours is basically one of the few I haven't come around and been able to read as much, but I'm really interested in what's happening, and if you prefer, I can just go back and read them, as long as you give me page numbers XD
Good job XD
Oh man that would be quite awesome! I might be moving up to Vermont to work in a store if I can't find a job around where I live. That's good you've been doing well, and I know exactly what you mean there are both good and bad sides to it!
I think Jeff is my favorite character before Derek so far followed by Jocelyn, so many interesting characters!
Just as a warning it is feels city here right now so I do advise uplifting music and multiple breaks XD
Yeah I know. XD Random! lol
figured you were busy; normally if anything serious happens, we leave little messages on the thread.
It's good to be busy and take time to yourself as well. Hope school and everything is going well. You're going to be a Senior THIS year, correct? -salutes- Yes ma'am, I shall get you those pictures right away! XD We are all having a blast here and love this city. Cali is a bit drunk at the moment. It was sunny yesterday, now its rainy and cloudy. XD I love it, though.
I'm looking forward to the art classes and working with the kids. I love the sims! You can't go wrong with playing that for HOURS. XD It's good to take breaks, though. Glad to know you're doing good. 
Showing the two dofferent sides and worlds always makes for an interesting read; you have one character that thinks this way, then over here the other who views the world differently. Knowing that I'll have to wait about Maxine assures me she's trouble but I'll have to wait!
Jeff MIGHT backstab and Andre, I'm still on the fence about....
I look forward to the family scene where Jocelyn meets everyone. That poor girl; since the prologue thing you did, my heart goes out to her. It has not been easy but she seems to be coming along alright....:)
I will PM you what's been going on.
Not sure where you last left off. THINK when Rosie told Gren she was dating Woody but I'll cover that and up. 
Thanks man! Nice to be back for a little while
That sucks
You just gotta think positive and do stuff you like to do (like write on this forum ^-^) maybe it'll bring your mood up a little.
That's good! I know with so many stories on here, it might be hard for some people (sometimes even me) to remember whose characters did what and when they did those things.
Yeah, I loved the accent too, and I wanted to do something new, but I really wish I could write how the accent sounds in the story >.< I looked up how you would, but there's not much online to help, so I kind of just wrote what he said on normal terms, and hopefully people can imagine how he sounds.
I KNOW, finally, right? Deep down they STILL love each other, it's just a matter of actually getting past petty boundaries and ancient hatred for one another's occult group. She's letting her instincts dictate her attractions and other feelings, so in reality, these wolves she THINKS she's attracted to aren't really meant for her.
It'll be good! Maxine is a cool chick, and I think you;'ll like her when she develops more as a character.
Good to hear! Can't wait to read whatever you've posted, too!
Is it that obvious? Lol XD Joking aside, yes, there will be something bad between them, AND the Vampires and Lycanthropes. But little do they know, it takes their unity to overcome the real threat of the future.
At this point, that is a completely valid thought. Andre is a complete stranger, so no one knows how trustable he really is, and hopefully he won't be a detriment in the end
Hehe, yeah.
Good question! Yeah, they tend to like the taste of certain foods, mainly ones they liked in their human lives more than other things. It takes a long time to build a tolerance to the food though, so it's something you don't see often, unless you've got a really old Vampire friend. It's easier to get used to drinks, such as coffee, soda, alcohol, and the like, because it's got the same(ish) consistency that blood could take on. So more often, you'll see a vampire drinking some wine mixed with blood, or just wine alone, or coffee, in Derek's case. Thanks for the question!
I quite enjoyed your incorperation of Spanish. Tell me, do you speak it yourself?
Ah, Candy. They always seem to go for the girl, don't they? I hope Melissa's death was relatively quick. Also, Tweedle-whomever is back, apparently. THAT MOTHERF-(REDACTED FOR THE SAKE OF YOU AND MYSELF. sEE RULES 8 AND 9 FOR DETAILS).
The "real threat of the future"? I am intrigued.
I never trust new guys in stories, particularly cool and handsome ones.
Thanks for the clarification
XD Good to know man! I'll make sure to keep some tissues handy as well!
I'm a Junior right now, so technically, yes THIS year, but it's next SCHOOL year. If that made any sense XD And awesome! Glad you're loving the city, and the weather DOES sound a bit drunk, lol. It's been fairly warm and sunny in NJ, in the 70s and beautiful out
Sims is THE BEST! I have a family on it, and they're just about to start the next generation, and it makes me sad to know that the parents are now grandparents and they're getting older
I'll share some pics maybe, but I might not post them directly here, maybe in a PM if people are THAT interested. It's a very lovely family
And thanks 
Glad to know you're thoughts on certain characters, too ^-^ Gives ME insight to how people react to the characters I create.
Jocelyn needs a break, but that's probably not coming very soon for her
She's stronger than she thinks though, and it will really make a difference in the end 
I look forward to such inquiries! Whatever you want to share, I'm all ears
No problem man! And I'm glad you're intrigued!
I'd rather use creativity and imagination to increase my mental brainpower - if those things can work as alternatives.
And concerning that, is it Sunday there now since it's Saturday here?
As of now, yes. as of when I had written that comment, no.
I see. :P
Damn. I'd hate to think if I missed your chapters, you would be standing outside my house at night - waiting with a golf club. XD
It's actually Portuguese; the languages are very similar in their own ways, so speaking spanish was easy for me.
Yeah, it's quite the lovely material to smell ina car as so. XD
Oh hell! You guessed it! :0I was thinking to myself I wonder if anyone will see its him....' This is true, for everyone has that one weakness.
What will happen, well, that's for another day.
I'll have to go back and read rules 8 and 9. XD I hated that fool, too. lol
I doubt he would cross the Atlantic just to do that (Or I hope not for your sake in the future) XD.
Oh man, sounds like something you would see in a Looney Tunes cartoon. Hot woman walks by, character stutters like crazy, and his heart would start beating in and out of his chest. All of which was the case for you except for the heart part, unless that somehow happened too!
Anyway, hope you get the job!
It really was man! And dude my heart beat fast but not that much! XD
Same here!