No I got it! XD Had to reread it for a moment there! lol Shoot, bout ready to teleport over to NJ. :P But then I'll complain its hot and want to return to drunk Cali. XD OMG I'd like to see them! I know but ever since the Porgie clan you did for me, your little creations are wonderful and I like to look at them. Still have EVERY single one you made me saved. Loved it that damn much.
You give a lot of love and depth into them, which makes me really enjoy your stories. This one, especially. Jocelyn seema like one of those girls; you continue to poke and she will eventually turn and bite you. :P
I'm a Junior right now, so technically, yes THIS year, but it's next SCHOOL year. If that made any sense XD And awesome! Glad you're loving … morethe city, and the weather DOES sound a bit drunk, lol. It's been fairly warm and sunny in NJ, in the 70s and beautiful out Sims is THE BEST! I have a family on it, and they're just about to start the next generation, and it makes me sad to know that the parents are now grandparents and they're getting older I'll share some pics maybe, but I might not post them directly here, maybe in a PM if people are THAT interested. It's a very lovely family And thanks
Glad to know you're thoughts on certain characters, too ^-^ Gives ME insight to how people react to the characters I create.
Jocelyn needs a break, but that's probably not coming very soon for her She's stronger than she thinks though, and it will really make a difference in the end
I look forward to such inquiries! Whatever you want to share, I'm all ears
I can not get my head around romance languages (I tried French and failed). Still, they are a hell of a lot easier to pronounce than German.
Who else happens to be obese with a fedora (or is it a trilby?)? When he said "EASY there, girl" I knew for sure it had to be him. Well, at least I have another character to practise voodoo on. Now, if you shall excuse me.....resumes chants against Carla
It's actually Portuguese; the languages are very similar in their own ways, so speaking spanish was easy for me.
Yeah, it's quite the lo… morevely material to smell ina car as so. XD
Oh hell! You guessed it! :0I was thinking to myself I wonder if anyone will see its him....' This is true, for everyone has that one weakness. What will happen, well, that's for another day. I'll have to go back and read rules 8 and 9. XD I hated that fool, too. lol
First off, Mercedes are the shit! I can never afford one but I always forget this was the car to drive in Germany. :P Now, the story. What hit me hard is when Gertraud mentioned the Fanta; sad when something small like a freaking soda brings back bad memories! Jesus! And I sensed tension during their car ride; at first, Alfred made me a little irritated with his tone of voice but given the situation, I can understand. And damne, Gertraud! You sexy as hell in that outfit!
And then the shoulder and finger talk. Them reaching out and embracing, lost in their love. Sheesh....i'm a mess again. I really enjoy these two and their moments together!
I think it is safe to say this chapter will incite a lot of feels (what is it with us and chapters that do hence lately?)
Chapter 23: Val… moreentinstag. Febraur 14. 1950.
Today was Valentine’s Day. Usually, we did not bother with such a day, but this once was an exception; an experiment.
I awoke, finding that the bed felt unusually soft and large. The walls were navy blue in colour compared to their usually dull and worn wooden colour. This was not right. In shock, I shot up into a sitting position.
The room had a dresser in the corner, complete with a mirror, stool and two jewellery boxes. In the corner stood a desk with my leather coat cast over its seat and several pieces of writing tools cast over the desktop.
‘What is wrong, Hunter?’ came a concerned tone from my side.
Turning to meet this sound, I found Gertraud; hair shrivelled from sleep and in white nightwear.
It started to come back to me.
Following the Soviet vic… [view original content]
I couldn't help but giggle when you made that pun in the beginning. Tee-hee. (my Fayde appreciates it, btw, whether that was specifically intended for her or not)
ANYWAY! Jocelyn seems to have been turned into a werewolf at the wrong time. Meaning that she probably has to deal with a possible war werewolves and vampires could have in the long-run. I can get used to Andre being all cold-calculated, too. Gotta have that fearsome wolf, and speaking of werewolves. Are they actual wolves like Bigby? Or are they the type of werewolf that can stand on two legs?
Hey guys! Boy, it's been quite a few days since I last wrote or checked this place! 300+ new comments, my god. Anywho, just being my old bus… morey self, and finally have a minute of my time to come here and relax, to see how everyone's doing and what's going on I figure I should probably write another chapter. If you need to reread the others, just PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible with what pages they might be on, or if you just want a brief summary then I can do that. I want to hopefully get some reading done as well, before I have to go out and do more stuff with my life as the day fa(y)des...(hehe)
Derek's dreams conflicted him. He woke up disheveled and hot, a rarity among him and his kind. He'd only sweated a handful of times in his second life, and most times it was due to being exposed to direct sunlight or extreme heat. It was the middle of the night.
He stood from his bed, aware t… [view original content]
The writing is the problem I'm suffering severe Writer's Block, though it seems to be passing so hopefully I can write something today
I have a good memory when it comes to stuff I like I can watch a movie that I like just once and remember quite a lot from it :P Call it a selective form of Photographic Memory...
Welsh people have a sort of 'soft' voice that goes up and down in pitch when they speak, you can tell when they're angry, and when they're happy. It's a nice accent, though the Welsh language itself is a bitch to read
True love conquers all barriers, look at Bigby and Snow. He's a massive Wolf that has killed thousands, taking the form of a human. She is a former princess with a dark past that she would rather forget... And they cannot get enough of each other!!! XD
I'm sure I will
I did post another chapter to my Vampire Challenge on April 28th, it has characters that I think you should read rather than me telling you what happened. You can read it on page 164 about 2/3 of the way down.
Thanks man! Nice to be back for a little while That sucks You just gotta think positive and do stuff you like to do (like write on this fo… morerum ^-^) maybe it'll bring your mood up a little.
That's good! I know with so many stories on here, it might be hard for some people (sometimes even me) to remember whose characters did what and when they did those things.
Yeah, I loved the accent too, and I wanted to do something new, but I really wish I could write how the accent sounds in the story >.< I looked up how you would, but there's not much online to help, so I kind of just wrote what he said on normal terms, and hopefully people can imagine how he sounds.
I KNOW, finally, right? Deep down they STILL love each other, it's just a matter of actually getting past petty boundaries and ancient hatred for one another's occult group. She's letting her instincts dictate her attractions and other feelings, so in reality, these wolves she… [view original content]
Tetra sees Brandys inner monster and hides by the side of his bed he pokes his head up Definitely don't want to pissed her off, definitely not now as she's very fiesty. I guess we all have that inner monster that gets out! XD
And that tweedle bitch! He needs to fuck off! >:( I hated the tweedles! I could never bring myself to spare those two.
Challenge pg. 6
Isaiah rubs a mysterious liquid into his eyes. It smelled horrible to Brandy. It reminded the young Vampire of the woods … moreand the many reasons why she never attempted to trail through. They were dirty, full of despicable bugs and mundies loved to take 'vacations' or make love up against the trees like wild Boars. Brandy glared over at Isaiah, who mumbled to himself. He was speaking in a language she had never heard of and the odor of the liquid was making Brandy angry.
"Cadela estúpida...."
"What did you say to me?" Brandy pulls over to the side. "SPEAK English, Grendel..."
"It was nothing, Brandy." Isaiah flashes his fangs. "There is no need to take this the wrong way or make any trouble. I was merely speaking to myself. That a crime, now? I mean, you did rip my fucking eyes out."
"You'll live." Brandy turns back onto the road. "Not like I burned the damn thing."
Isaiah looks over at the beautiful woman. Her … [view original content]
Rrrrrrrrevenge has been sown upon thee for thou hast wroughtest the feels upon us! (I joke).
That was the thing of this chapter. I wanted to make it emotional, but how to kick it off was my reasoning. I then latched onto the idea of something seemingly insignificant (a bottle of coke in this instance).
Gertrauds outfit is indeed sexy (I love 1940s-50s fashion).
I shall leave you to weep in silence over the happenings of this chapter XD.
Me after everyone said no more feels.....
Pie at the moment....
First off, Mercedes are the shit! I can never afford one but I… more always forget this was the car to drive in Germany. :P Now, the story. What hit me hard is when Gertraud mentioned the Fanta; sad when something small like a freaking soda brings back bad memories! Jesus! And I sensed tension during their car ride; at first, Alfred made me a little irritated with his tone of voice but given the situation, I can understand. And damne, Gertraud! You sexy as hell in that outfit!
And then the shoulder and finger talk. Them reaching out and embracing, lost in their love. Sheesh....i'm a mess again. I really enjoy these two and their moments together!
Oh believe me, I would cross the Atlantic to teach someone a lesson
Nah @DragonButter, you're cool, hopefully I'll write something today, I'm in the mood for it it would seem
Challenge pg. 6
Isaiah rubs a mysterious liquid into his eyes. It smelled horrible to Brandy. It reminded the young Vampire of the woods … moreand the many reasons why she never attempted to trail through. They were dirty, full of despicable bugs and mundies loved to take 'vacations' or make love up against the trees like wild Boars. Brandy glared over at Isaiah, who mumbled to himself. He was speaking in a language she had never heard of and the odor of the liquid was making Brandy angry.
"Cadela estúpida...."
"What did you say to me?" Brandy pulls over to the side. "SPEAK English, Grendel..."
"It was nothing, Brandy." Isaiah flashes his fangs. "There is no need to take this the wrong way or make any trouble. I was merely speaking to myself. That a crime, now? I mean, you did rip my fucking eyes out."
"You'll live." Brandy turns back onto the road. "Not like I burned the damn thing."
Isaiah looks over at the beautiful woman. Her … [view original content]
I'm really confused at the events following the ending.
So Candy's sister is dead, and Brandy is in Melissa's car with the 2 vampires and whichever Tweedle is present?
I couldn't help but giggle when you made that pun in the beginning. Tee-hee. (my Fayde appreciates it, btw, whether that was specifically i… morentended for her or not)
And when you and @pudding_pie mentioned glitter.
ANYWAY! Jocelyn seems to have been turned into a werewolf at the wrong time. Meaning that she probably has to deal with a possible war werewolves and vampires could have in the long-run. I can get used to Andre being all cold-calculated, too. Gotta have that fearsome wolf, and speaking of werewolves. Are they actual wolves like Bigby? Or are they the type of werewolf that can stand on two legs?
Hey guys, remember me? I have posted one part of my first fiction ever here, but I think it's already buried. Well, if I've done that, migh… moret as well try to post the second one, right? I hope you'll enjoy it, and forgive me for any grammar mistakes. if you want to read the first part, it's on My name is the same there as it is here.
Elevator door opened to the Bigby's floor. The sheriff stepped out, still carrying Nerissa with him. He heard shouting and screaming coming from the first floor, however he was too tired to pay any real attention to it. After all, what's it matter? He was the Big Bad Wolf, he heard his share of screams already.
Bigby approached his apartment's door, where he stopped. 'Nerissa, I hope you can stand. I need to get my keys from the pocket.' he said, putting her down on her feet. She was visibly shaking but she stood on her feet surely enough. Bigby searched his pocket for a bit before fishing t… [view original content]
Welcome back! It'll be interesting to see what you have in store for the 'continuation' of TWAUs' storyline further on.
Also, I know this is a typo on your part, but you made Snow call Bluebeard 'Bluebear' in her attempt to calm him down. :P
'Ya' know me, Dragon boy. Got in late last night with the Mrs. and my fookin' head is killin' me, so nuthin' I do makes bloody sense.
Nice gif, btw. XD lol Thanks for pointing it out, though. But Candy is in the car and her sister is still dead. And there are two Campires in the back with a fat fuck driving the car.
Heh, Campires. Do they camp spawns whenever they play Call of Duty too? And let's just hope Dee or Dum doesn't lay any gas from the front, otherwise they might be screwed. If you know what I mean. XP
You done fucked up this time, club owner!
'Ya' know me, Dragon boy. Got in late last night with the Mrs. and my fookin' head is kill… morein' me, so nuthin' I do makes bloody sense.
Nice gif, btw. XD lol Thanks for pointing it out, though. But Candy is in the car and her sister is still dead. And there are two Campires in the back with a fat fuck driving the car.
I read this yesterday but never left a comment! Got busy and I hope you don't mind late replies! lol
The death of the mysterious one was well deserved, I thought. I agree with the others, too. The feels the first section produced was too much, epsecially when Ride spoke to her son as so. Calire being 'controlled' by Caine at first wasa bit touchy to me. I was not sure of how to handle this but it seems to be for the best at the moment. I want her and Kieron to kick some ass now! >:D
The Assault... Part: Two
Kieron heard the words of the old man. He looked at his mother Ride.
"Mom...don't watch okay?" He asked
Sh… moree looked confused as she did not hear the old man's words. "What do you-" Kieron was already gone.
Kieron grabbed the old man by the throat, pure hatred could be seen in Kierons eyes. With all his strength he punched the old man in the gut. "What were those words old man!?" He said
The old man smiled and leaned in "Whore..."
Kieron summoned serrated blades. And in one swift movement of his hand the old man was stabbed, Kieron pulled the blades out slowly he made sure he wasn't hit in any vital organs, Kieron pinned the old man to the wall. The other vampires were terrified as Kieron pinned the old man to the wall with the blades yet again. Kieron walked over to the vampires his crimson eyes beamed red.
"You will feast on this man's body. You will all flee from this place afterwards." He said i… [view original content]
Dude the emotional attachment this story had! You feel bad for those involved and Gertraud with her Fanta really hit me hard. Although not a fan, I will take that coke. :P I too loved the description of their night out and although there were a few bumps, it was needed, since they are in the middle of a war and that would make anyone lose their cool.
I think it is safe to say this chapter will incite a lot of feels (what is it with us and chapters that do hence lately?)
Chapter 23: Val… moreentinstag. Febraur 14. 1950.
Today was Valentine’s Day. Usually, we did not bother with such a day, but this once was an exception; an experiment.
I awoke, finding that the bed felt unusually soft and large. The walls were navy blue in colour compared to their usually dull and worn wooden colour. This was not right. In shock, I shot up into a sitting position.
The room had a dresser in the corner, complete with a mirror, stool and two jewellery boxes. In the corner stood a desk with my leather coat cast over its seat and several pieces of writing tools cast over the desktop.
‘What is wrong, Hunter?’ came a concerned tone from my side.
Turning to meet this sound, I found Gertraud; hair shrivelled from sleep and in white nightwear.
It started to come back to me.
Following the Soviet vic… [view original content]
Ride has touched the feels of many it seems! I apologize It is both good and bad. Good in the sense that Caine will fight with Kieron and Claire but bad in the sense that Caine has his own rules and ways of going about them. But Caine sees what Claire has gone through and wants to help her deep down They will soon storm the princes domain! >:D
I read this yesterday but never left a comment! Got busy and I hope you don't mind late replies! lol
The death of the mysterious one was … morewell deserved, I thought. I agree with the others, too. The feels the first section produced was too much, epsecially when Ride spoke to her son as so. Calire being 'controlled' by Caine at first wasa bit touchy to me. I was not sure of how to handle this but it seems to be for the best at the moment. I want her and Kieron to kick some ass now! >:D
You need to really becareful with that phone! XD I don't know know how you do it but that autocorrect would piss me off but makes for rather ammusing sentences like above. XD lol
Shit! Watch out, Isaiah! XD Brandy is in no mood to play around but I don't blame her. She misses her Candy Angel. Did they return to the CM's lair? I noticed Dee was in the car and I'm guessing this is his wink and loving memory to his boss? I'm surprised by this....wonder what he'll be doing with Brandy and Candy and the others! :0
Challenge pg. 6
Isaiah rubs a mysterious liquid into his eyes. It smelled horrible to Brandy. It reminded the young Vampire of the woods … moreand the many reasons why she never attempted to trail through. They were dirty, full of despicable bugs and mundies loved to take 'vacations' or make love up against the trees like wild Boars. Brandy glared over at Isaiah, who mumbled to himself. He was speaking in a language she had never heard of and the odor of the liquid was making Brandy angry.
"Cadela estúpida...."
"What did you say to me?" Brandy pulls over to the side. "SPEAK English, Grendel..."
"It was nothing, Brandy." Isaiah flashes his fangs. "There is no need to take this the wrong way or make any trouble. I was merely speaking to myself. That a crime, now? I mean, you did rip my fucking eyes out."
"You'll live." Brandy turns back onto the road. "Not like I burned the damn thing."
Isaiah looks over at the beautiful woman. Her … [view original content]
Still nothing. Robert called several times and left many messages on Frank's phone but none were ever answered. He left it alone; he tried to visit Frank at work but every time he made his visits, either he was gone, on break or took the day off. Now, he was avoiding Robert but why? He wanted to talk and start over. Robert wanted to be apart of the world he ignored for too long.
He left one more call that morning:
'Hey Frank, its me again. I just wanted to talk and see how oyu're doing. Not sure if you're getting my messages. I went by your work but they said you've been ill again....Ummm, when you get this, call me back, okay? Wanna hang. Miss you....'
That was it for the morning. Robert could not create another message as so, if Frank did not return his last few couple. Sitting at the foot of his bed, the apartment was quiet; Gren was over at Lyla and Georgie's place, helping to set up a pool for the kids and RJ was asleep. Covering his head, Robert leans forward and stares at the ground. He could hear the people living below him; the wwife was screaming at the husband, as he tried to brush it off and ignore his wife.
Robert shakes his head; he wanted a taste of that in his own sick way. To FEEL the emotions of something as arguing with his loved one. Hold hands, have dinner and be happy. They could be together, miserable or not and no one said a single word. Robert would never be a 'part' of the normal family picture and he was alright with it. The only people tha mattered were alright with his choice.
He still had to speak to Lyla about this. She had no idea and neither did Rose. Robert felt like Rose would be better to talk to over the phone; Rose had a nasty habit of hitting, kicking in the groin or bitting. Robert was not in the mood to handle someone with Rose's temper face-to-face. He immediatly dials her number and waits for her to answer.
"Hello? Robert!?" She seems startled. "Holy shit, Robby! I was JUST thinking of you! How are you!?"
"I'm alright Rose. And you?"
"Fantastic, Robby. Oh my God! I miss you, man! We need to hang out again! You have little RJ with you or-"
"Rose, We need to talk. Right now."
"Okay, Robby...." Her voice was shaking. "What do you need to talk to me about?"
"I NEED to be honest with you and tell you the truth. I can't deny my feelings any longer and this is for the best and-"
Suddenly, Rose began to sqeal with delight. "OH Robby! Yes! I knew this day would come and I'd love you be your girlfriend and-"
"Rose, No!" robert stands, screaming into the phone. "This has nothing to do with that and I apologies if my words made it seem as so but I don't want to date you! We're friends, Rose! That's it!"
"Then the fuck is this about, Robby?" Hurt. "Why are you calling me then? Just to fuck with me?"
"It was now or never. "I'm gay, Rose." Silence. "Hello, Rose..."
"You''re gay?!" Like a foreign language to her. "The fuck you mean you're gay, Robby!? We just had sex three weeks ago and no offense but the sex WE have is fucking wonderful! I have never had so many moments where I got off and-"
"Rose, will you stop for a minute and listen, please?"
"You're not GAY, Robby! You can't be gay. You have a son!"
"No..." Robert could feel her heart breaking. "Did I do something wrong, Robby? I'm sorry if I did and you know I can fix this!"
"It has nothing to do with you or Lyla. It's something I've battled with for centuries, Rose. THIS is me. THIS is who I am. I'm gay and have alwas been attracted to men but because this world was one way or you'd die, I had to fit in and pretend."
"No." She was still in denial. " can't be gay, Robert. Our sex life was beyond explanation, Robby! We MADE passionate love!"
"Yes, we did, Rose. I'm not taking away the fact that we had sex and although it was enjoyable for you, it was horrible for me. Not horrible because it was you but because I had to lie to myself. To you. In order to perform at all, had to picture something I wanted to see."
"You pictured me as a man!?" Rose sounded so disgusted, it broke Robert's heart. "THE fuck is wrong with you, Robert!?"
The fuck is wrong with you, Robert.... Those words stung. Robert had often asked himself this for centuries. What WAS wrong with him? Why couldn't he be like the other guys: Beer, ass, tits, pussy. Yet, here he was wanting things that men would avoid and 'punish' him out back for thinking thoughts on another man.
"I can't believe this, Robert. I....I don't know what to tell you. You're gay now?! What about RJ or Gren?!"
"Gren knows and RJ is fine." Now Robert was getting angry. "So what, you are expecting them to hate me, too?"
"You'll confuse RJ, Robert! He'll see you with another man and-"
"So WHAT!? I can't hold hands or give little affectionate kisses? Not like I'll be having sex before his eyes! I've seen heterosexual couples do worse, Rose and you know this! Porn before my very eyes but no one says a fucking thing but they see me holding hands with another dude and suddenly, I'm corrupting the youth and innocent!? My son is fine with it, Rose!"
"Gren is an idiot and-"
"For accepting me, Rose!? My brother is an idiot because he loves his brother for who he is?! Did you just hear yourself!?"
Rose avoids the questions. "What about Lyla, huh? Have you told her she banged a fag, too?"
That word. It sent Robert into a place he did not want to be. Angry, hurt and disgusted. "DON'T! Don't you dare talk to me like I'm nothing, you hear me!? All of my life I've been living under the tumb of what everyone wanted me to be and I finally pull myself up and announce the truth and all I get are people like you, Rose. People that LOVE to see others suffer and become nothing but miserable casings of lonliness and broken pieces. FUCK you, Rose, for this is your problem, not mine."
"I hope you rot in hell, Robert. I HOPE Lyla takes that boy away, so he won't be raised by a gay man! I hope you know what you've done and the fools you've made of me and Lyla! FUCK you, Robert!"
Dial tone and then silence. Robert still remained on the bed, phone near his ear. He was shaking, repeating the entire conversation in his mind. The people below became silent, trying to hear the raging man living upstairs. There was a knock on the door; RJ opens to find his father, facing the window, phone still up.
"Dad?" Nothing. "Dad, are you okay? I heard yelling...."
'I HOPE Lyla takes that boy away, so he won't be raised by a gay man.....'
"Dad...." RJ walks towards his dad and notices the tears. "Oh shit, dad-are you okay? Dad...."
"Do you love me, RJ, especially after our talk? You know, about dad being gay?"
"I love you, dad." RJ tried to smile, as he climbed into Robert's lap. He held his son as if he was three again...."I love you very much. Is this why you're sad because you don't think I love you still?"
"I don't want to lose you, RJ. You know this...."
"I know, dad." RJ looks into his father's eyes. "You're happy. I didn't like to hear you had to pretend. I think mom will understand, too. She's cool like that. We love you and don't want to see you so down, dad."
Holding his son closer, Robert begins to rock. The conversation beginning once more but with Lyla in Rose's place. He thought it would be easy but perhaps it was a two way street. Difficult for both; on one side, there was was and on the other, his family and friends, trying to comprehend this 'new' Robert.
Too bad his world was not full of Grens or RJs. It would be easier to laugh and be 'him'. Picking up his son, the two head into the kitchen.
"Come on. How does breakfast burritos sound, kiddo?"
RJ smiles. "Can I cut the tomatos this time, dad?"
Patting his son on the back, Robert tries to be strong. "Sure, can do that."
Passing through the hall, Robert began to think of Frank and if he'd ever reached out to anyone before......
any questions, comments or liked anything, leave it all below!
Hope you enjoyed the Avengers movie, definitely currently the film of the year! Hope everything thing else is doing fine too!
You did a great job with this chapter, and Derek is also having strange dreams and suffering from the hunger Won't be easy but I'm looking forward to seeing him adapt, and to see where Maxine goes.
Hey guys! Boy, it's been quite a few days since I last wrote or checked this place! 300+ new comments, my god. Anywho, just being my old bus… morey self, and finally have a minute of my time to come here and relax, to see how everyone's doing and what's going on I figure I should probably write another chapter. If you need to reread the others, just PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible with what pages they might be on, or if you just want a brief summary then I can do that. I want to hopefully get some reading done as well, before I have to go out and do more stuff with my life as the day fa(y)des...(hehe)
Derek's dreams conflicted him. He woke up disheveled and hot, a rarity among him and his kind. He'd only sweated a handful of times in his second life, and most times it was due to being exposed to direct sunlight or extreme heat. It was the middle of the night.
He stood from his bed, aware t… [view original content]
Soo much happened! And I like how Kieron dispatched the old fool, couldn't of do e it better myself. And Claire seeking power from Caine to gain more power? Or did I miss something? I really want to see Claire lay the hurt on the prince, but we see what happens until then.
The Assault... Part: Two
Kieron heard the words of the old man. He looked at his mother Ride.
"Mom...don't watch okay?" He asked
Sh… moree looked confused as she did not hear the old man's words. "What do you-" Kieron was already gone.
Kieron grabbed the old man by the throat, pure hatred could be seen in Kierons eyes. With all his strength he punched the old man in the gut. "What were those words old man!?" He said
The old man smiled and leaned in "Whore..."
Kieron summoned serrated blades. And in one swift movement of his hand the old man was stabbed, Kieron pulled the blades out slowly he made sure he wasn't hit in any vital organs, Kieron pinned the old man to the wall. The other vampires were terrified as Kieron pinned the old man to the wall with the blades yet again. Kieron walked over to the vampires his crimson eyes beamed red.
"You will feast on this man's body. You will all flee from this place afterwards." He said i… [view original content]
Tetra sees that Robert was trying to get a hold of Frank Tetra is happy. Reads on to see Robert calls Rose Tetra thinks it won't be that big of a deal. Rose starts being absolutely rude Tetra is pretty mad, Tetra finishes the conversation and even he was hurt by Roses words and starts to shed tears. Tetra reads on to see RJ has been awoken and sees he's such an awesome kid Tetra begins to cry more tears but now happy tears.
Damn it JJ! No more man my heart can't take it anymore man! But man I've said this again and I will again right here RJ is one of the coolest kids ever, we need more like him. And Rose, I know you're hurt but come on now was that really necessary? Those words were cruel, I hope she apologizes or something.
Awesome stuff man! As always I look forward to more!
Two days later
Still nothing. Robert called several times and left many messages on Frank's phone but none were ever answered. He left it… more alone; he tried to visit Frank at work but every time he made his visits, either he was gone, on break or took the day off. Now, he was avoiding Robert but why? He wanted to talk and start over. Robert wanted to be apart of the world he ignored for too long.
He left one more call that morning:
'Hey Frank, its me again. I just wanted to talk and see how oyu're doing. Not sure if you're getting my messages. I went by your work but they said you've been ill again....Ummm, when you get this, call me back, okay? Wanna hang. Miss you....'
That was it for the morning. Robert could not create another message as so, if Frank did not return his last few couple. Sitting at the foot of his bed, the apartment was quiet; Gren was over at Lyla and Georgie's place, helping to set up a pool for the kids and RJ w… [view original content]
Caines blood now flows in Claires bloodline so Caine can talk to Claire in her head. They struck an agreement where Caine will take over Claires body because he wants to fight the prince and he will help and save Kieron and Ride I guess it will be Caine kicking ass but in Claires body XD
Soo much happened! And I like how Kieron dispatched the old fool, couldn't of do e it better myself. And Claire seeking power from Caine to… more gain more power? Or did I miss something? I really want to see Claire lay the hurt on the prince, but we see what happens until then.
No I got it! XD Had to reread it for a moment there! lol Shoot, bout ready to teleport over to NJ. :P But then I'll complain its hot and want to return to drunk Cali. XD OMG I'd like to see them! I know but ever since the Porgie clan you did for me, your little creations are wonderful and I like to look at them.
Still have EVERY single one you made me saved. Loved it that damn much. 
You give a lot of love and depth into them, which makes me really enjoy your stories. This one, especially. Jocelyn seema like one of those girls; you continue to poke and she will eventually turn and bite you. :P
I can not get my head around romance languages (I tried French and failed). Still, they are a hell of a lot easier to pronounce than German.
Who else happens to be obese with a fedora (or is it a trilby?)? When he said "EASY there, girl" I knew for sure it had to be him. Well, at least I have another character to practise voodoo on. Now, if you shall excuse me.....resumes chants against Carla
Oh believe me, I would cross the Atlantic to teach someone a lesson
Nah @DragonButter, you're cool, hopefully I'll write something today, I'm in the mood for it it would seem
Me after everyone said no more feels.....
Pie at the moment....
First off, Mercedes are the shit! I can never afford one but I always forget this was the car to drive in Germany. :P Now, the story. What hit me hard is when Gertraud mentioned the Fanta; sad when something small like a freaking soda brings back bad memories!
Jesus! And I sensed tension during their car ride; at first, Alfred made me a little irritated with his tone of voice but given the situation, I can understand. And damne, Gertraud! You sexy as hell in that outfit! 
And then the shoulder and finger talk. Them reaching out and embracing, lost in their love. Sheesh....i'm a mess again. I really enjoy these two and their moments together!
I couldn't help but giggle when you made that pun in the beginning. Tee-hee.
(my Fayde appreciates it, btw, whether that was specifically intended for her or not)
And when you and @pudding_pie mentioned glitter.
ANYWAY! Jocelyn seems to have been turned into a werewolf at the wrong time. Meaning that she probably has to deal with a possible war werewolves and vampires could have in the long-run. I can get used to Andre being all cold-calculated, too. Gotta have that fearsome wolf, and speaking of werewolves. Are they actual wolves like Bigby? Or are they the type of werewolf that can stand on two legs?
The writing is the problem
I'm suffering severe Writer's Block, though it seems to be passing so hopefully I can write something today 
I have a good memory when it comes to stuff I like
I can watch a movie that I like just once and remember quite a lot from it :P Call it a selective form of Photographic Memory...
Welsh people have a sort of 'soft' voice that goes up and down in pitch when they speak, you can tell when they're angry, and when they're happy. It's a nice accent, though the Welsh language itself is a bitch to read
True love conquers all barriers, look at Bigby and Snow. He's a massive Wolf that has killed thousands, taking the form of a human. She is a former princess with a dark past that she would rather forget... And they cannot get enough of each other!!! XD
I'm sure I will
I did post another chapter to my Vampire Challenge on April 28th, it has characters that I think you should read rather than me telling you what happened. You can read it on page 164 about 2/3 of the way down.
Tetra sees Brandys inner monster and hides by the side of his bed he pokes his head up Definitely don't want to pissed her off, definitely not now as she's very fiesty. I guess we all have that inner monster that gets out! XD
And that tweedle bitch! He needs to fuck off! >:( I hated the tweedles! I could never bring myself to spare those two.
I look forward to more man!
Rrrrrrrrevenge has been sown upon thee for thou hast wroughtest the feels upon us! (I joke).
That was the thing of this chapter. I wanted to make it emotional, but how to kick it off was my reasoning. I then latched onto the idea of something seemingly insignificant (a bottle of coke in this instance).
Gertrauds outfit is indeed sexy (I love 1940s-50s fashion).
I shall leave you to weep in silence over the happenings of this chapter XD.
Oh happy day! XP Count me excited for the next one, obviously. Whatever shall Nick do with Jayne this time? :P
I dunno, Haz is the unpredictable sort sometimes. Jk jk.
Oh come on dude... :P
That's actually the biggest problem right now, WTF AM I GOING TO DO WITH JAYNE?!
I have an idea, but it doesn't make sense yet.... Maybe I'll just introduce the other 3 OC's already, the Werewolf mercenaries :P
I'm really confused at the events following the ending.
So Candy's sister is dead, and Brandy is in Melissa's car with the 2 vampires and whichever Tweedle is present?
My bad, did I interrupt your reading of the Sunday funnies? XD
Wtf is the Sunday funnies? It isn't even a Sunday! XP
He means comic strips that American newspapers usually feature in their Sunday editions.
I meant the Sunday cartoons you would normally find in newspapers doled out on Sunday.
I know, but in some places it technically is. XD
No that was my bad. Brandy is not in the car. It was supposed to be Candy. XD Brandy is with Jack and Isaiah. :P Oh man! This Saturday! lol
Oh those!!! Lol :P
I hate that I have to be up so early in the morning just to be here when everything is happening (Thank god it is the weekend)
Yup! That was my face as I did it, too. XD
Welcome back! It'll be interesting to see what you have in store for the 'continuation' of TWAUs' storyline further on.
Also, I know this is a typo on your part, but you made Snow call Bluebeard 'Bluebear' in her attempt to calm him down. :P
You done fucked up this time, club owner! XD Only kidding, I should've known but I had to point it out. And Candy's sis is still dead, alright then!
Thanks for the welcome
Fuck, I knew I was gonna miss some grammar mistakes, I just knew xD
'Ya' know me, Dragon boy. Got in late last night with the Mrs. and my fookin' head is killin' me, so nuthin' I do makes bloody sense.
Nice gif, btw. XD lol Thanks for pointing it out, though.
But Candy is in the car and her sister is still dead.
And there are two Campires in the back with a fat fuck driving the car. 
That's something to make a cute face over? :O
Heh, Campires. Do they camp spawns whenever they play Call of Duty too? And let's just hope Dee or Dum doesn't lay any gas from the front, otherwise they might be screwed. If you know what I mean. XP
Thanks on the gif compliment as well, I try!
......DAFUQ is wrong with you this morning? lol
I read this yesterday but never left a comment! Got busy and I hope you don't mind late replies! lol
The death of the mysterious one was well deserved, I thought. I agree with the others, too. The feels the first section produced was too much, epsecially when Ride spoke to her son as so. Calire being 'controlled' by Caine at first wasa bit touchy to me. I was not sure of how to handle this but it seems to be for the best at the moment. I want her and Kieron to kick some ass now! >:D
(Exact words/reaction to seeing this image)
Hman looks a little closer "What the fu-" He starts laughing and smiling "Oh, hahahahehehe!"
I thought it was something else....XD
OH! And I'm mad at you, Hman! >:(
Dude the emotional attachment this story had! You feel bad for those involved and Gertraud with her Fanta really hit me hard. Although not a fan, I will take that coke. :P I too loved the description of their night out and although there were a few bumps, it was needed, since they are in the middle of a war and that would make anyone lose their cool.
Don't worry about it man! XD We all get busy
Ride has touched the feels of many it seems! I apologize
It is both good and bad. Good in the sense that Caine will fight with Kieron and Claire but bad in the sense that Caine has his own rules and ways of going about them. But Caine sees what Claire has gone through and wants to help her deep down
They will soon storm the princes domain! >:D
Yeah... I should've worded that PM message better, same with Chad actually...
You need to really becareful with that phone! XD I don't know know how you do it but that autocorrect would piss me off but makes for rather ammusing sentences like above. XD lol
Shit! Watch out, Isaiah! XD Brandy is in no mood to play around but I don't blame her.
She misses her Candy Angel. Did they return to the CM's lair? I noticed Dee was in the car and I'm guessing this is his wink and loving memory to his boss? I'm surprised by this....wonder what he'll be doing with Brandy and Candy and the others! :0
Two days later
Still nothing. Robert called several times and left many messages on Frank's phone but none were ever answered. He left it alone; he tried to visit Frank at work but every time he made his visits, either he was gone, on break or took the day off. Now, he was avoiding Robert but why? He wanted to talk and start over. Robert wanted to be apart of the world he ignored for too long.
He left one more call that morning:
'Hey Frank, its me again. I just wanted to talk and see how oyu're doing. Not sure if you're getting my messages. I went by your work but they said you've been ill again....Ummm, when you get this, call me back, okay? Wanna hang. Miss you....'
That was it for the morning. Robert could not create another message as so, if Frank did not return his last few couple. Sitting at the foot of his bed, the apartment was quiet; Gren was over at Lyla and Georgie's place, helping to set up a pool for the kids and RJ was asleep. Covering his head, Robert leans forward and stares at the ground. He could hear the people living below him; the wwife was screaming at the husband, as he tried to brush it off and ignore his wife.
Robert shakes his head; he wanted a taste of that in his own sick way. To FEEL the emotions of something as arguing with his loved one. Hold hands, have dinner and be happy. They could be together, miserable or not and no one said a single word. Robert would never be a 'part' of the normal family picture and he was alright with it. The only people tha mattered were alright with his choice.
He still had to speak to Lyla about this. She had no idea and neither did Rose. Robert felt like Rose would be better to talk to over the phone; Rose had a nasty habit of hitting, kicking in the groin or bitting. Robert was not in the mood to handle someone with Rose's temper face-to-face. He immediatly dials her number and waits for her to answer.
"Hello? Robert!?" She seems startled. "Holy shit, Robby! I was JUST thinking of you! How are you!?"
"I'm alright Rose. And you?"
"Fantastic, Robby. Oh my God! I miss you, man! We need to hang out again! You have little RJ with you or-"
"Rose, We need to talk. Right now."
"Okay, Robby...." Her voice was shaking. "What do you need to talk to me about?"
"I NEED to be honest with you and tell you the truth. I can't deny my feelings any longer and this is for the best and-"
Suddenly, Rose began to sqeal with delight. "OH Robby! Yes! I knew this day would come and I'd love you be your girlfriend and-"
"Rose, No!" robert stands, screaming into the phone. "This has nothing to do with that and I apologies if my words made it seem as so but I don't want to date you! We're friends, Rose! That's it!"
"Then the fuck is this about, Robby?" Hurt. "Why are you calling me then? Just to fuck with me?"
"It was now or never. "I'm gay, Rose." Silence. "Hello, Rose..."
"You''re gay?!" Like a foreign language to her. "The fuck you mean you're gay, Robby!? We just had sex three weeks ago and no offense but the sex WE have is fucking wonderful! I have never had so many moments where I got off and-"
"Rose, will you stop for a minute and listen, please?"
"You're not GAY, Robby! You can't be gay. You have a son!"
"No..." Robert could feel her heart breaking. "Did I do something wrong, Robby? I'm sorry if I did and you know I can fix this!"
"It has nothing to do with you or Lyla. It's something I've battled with for centuries, Rose. THIS is me. THIS is who I am. I'm gay and have alwas been attracted to men but because this world was one way or you'd die, I had to fit in and pretend."
"No." She was still in denial. " can't be gay, Robert. Our sex life was beyond explanation, Robby! We MADE passionate love!"
"Yes, we did, Rose. I'm not taking away the fact that we had sex and although it was enjoyable for you, it was horrible for me. Not horrible because it was you but because I had to lie to myself. To you. In order to perform at all, had to picture something I wanted to see."
"You pictured me as a man!?" Rose sounded so disgusted, it broke Robert's heart. "THE fuck is wrong with you, Robert!?"
The fuck is wrong with you, Robert.... Those words stung. Robert had often asked himself this for centuries. What WAS wrong with him? Why couldn't he be like the other guys: Beer, ass, tits, pussy. Yet, here he was wanting things that men would avoid and 'punish' him out back for thinking thoughts on another man.
"I can't believe this, Robert. I....I don't know what to tell you. You're gay now?! What about RJ or Gren?!"
"Gren knows and RJ is fine." Now Robert was getting angry. "So what, you are expecting them to hate me, too?"
"You'll confuse RJ, Robert! He'll see you with another man and-"
"So WHAT!? I can't hold hands or give little affectionate kisses? Not like I'll be having sex before his eyes! I've seen heterosexual couples do worse, Rose and you know this! Porn before my very eyes but no one says a fucking thing but they see me holding hands with another dude and suddenly, I'm corrupting the youth and innocent!? My son is fine with it, Rose!"
"Gren is an idiot and-"
"For accepting me, Rose!? My brother is an idiot because he loves his brother for who he is?! Did you just hear yourself!?"
Rose avoids the questions. "What about Lyla, huh? Have you told her she banged a fag, too?"
That word. It sent Robert into a place he did not want to be. Angry, hurt and disgusted. "DON'T! Don't you dare talk to me like I'm nothing, you hear me!? All of my life I've been living under the tumb of what everyone wanted me to be and I finally pull myself up and announce the truth and all I get are people like you, Rose. People that LOVE to see others suffer and become nothing but miserable casings of lonliness and broken pieces. FUCK you, Rose, for this is your problem, not mine."
"I hope you rot in hell, Robert. I HOPE Lyla takes that boy away, so he won't be raised by a gay man! I hope you know what you've done and the fools you've made of me and Lyla! FUCK you, Robert!"
Dial tone and then silence. Robert still remained on the bed, phone near his ear. He was shaking, repeating the entire conversation in his mind. The people below became silent, trying to hear the raging man living upstairs. There was a knock on the door; RJ opens to find his father, facing the window, phone still up.
"Dad?" Nothing. "Dad, are you okay? I heard yelling...."
'I HOPE Lyla takes that boy away, so he won't be raised by a gay man.....'
"Dad...." RJ walks towards his dad and notices the tears. "Oh shit, dad-are you okay? Dad...."
"Do you love me, RJ, especially after our talk? You know, about dad being gay?"
"I love you, dad." RJ tried to smile, as he climbed into Robert's lap. He held his son as if he was three again...."I love you very much. Is this why you're sad because you don't think I love you still?"
"I don't want to lose you, RJ. You know this...."
"I know, dad." RJ looks into his father's eyes. "You're happy. I didn't like to hear you had to pretend. I think mom will understand, too. She's cool like that. We love you and don't want to see you so down, dad."
Holding his son closer, Robert begins to rock. The conversation beginning once more but with Lyla in Rose's place. He thought it would be easy but perhaps it was a two way street. Difficult for both; on one side, there was was and on the other, his family and friends, trying to comprehend this 'new' Robert.
Too bad his world was not full of Grens or RJs. It would be easier to laugh and be 'him'. Picking up his son, the two head into the kitchen.
"Come on. How does breakfast burritos sound, kiddo?"
RJ smiles. "Can I cut the tomatos this time, dad?"
Patting his son on the back, Robert tries to be strong. "Sure, can do that."
Passing through the hall, Robert began to think of Frank and if he'd ever reached out to anyone before......
,`any questions, comments or liked anything, leave it all below!
Hope you enjoyed the Avengers movie, definitely currently the film of the year! Hope everything thing else is doing fine too!
You did a great job with this chapter, and Derek is also having strange dreams and suffering from the hunger
Won't be easy but I'm looking forward to seeing him adapt, and to see where Maxine goes.
Anyone up for another selfie craze to lighten the mood? XD
Soo much happened! And I like how Kieron dispatched the old fool, couldn't of do e it better myself. And Claire seeking power from Caine to gain more power? Or did I miss something? I really want to see Claire lay the hurt on the prince, but we see what happens until then.
Tetra sees that Robert was trying to get a hold of Frank Tetra is happy. Reads on to see Robert calls Rose Tetra thinks it won't be that big of a deal. Rose starts being absolutely rude Tetra is pretty mad, Tetra finishes the conversation and even he was hurt by Roses words and starts to shed tears. Tetra reads on to see RJ has been awoken and sees he's such an awesome kid Tetra begins to cry more tears but now happy tears.
Damn it JJ! No more man my heart can't take it anymore man!
But man I've said this again and I will again right here RJ is one of the coolest kids ever, we need more like him. And Rose, I know you're hurt but come on now was that really necessary? Those words were cruel, I hope she apologizes or something.
Awesome stuff man! As always I look forward to more!
Caines blood now flows in Claires bloodline so Caine can talk to Claire in her head. They struck an agreement where Caine will take over Claires body because he wants to fight the prince and he will help and save Kieron and Ride
I guess it will be Caine kicking ass but in Claires body XD