The Vent/Help Thread



  • Okay, you lost me at first but I gotcha now.

    When I said 'fat kid playing king', I was refering to Kim Jong-un: the so called Supreme Leader of the supposedly Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.

  • edited May 2015

    When I said 'fat kid playing king', I was refering to Kim Jong-un: the so called Supreme Leader of the supposedly Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.

    Except those countries no longer follow those detrimental ways anymore, whereas Islam still follows the Qur'an, so no I personally don't agree. I can't say anything about the "fat kid playing king," though, because I have no idea what that means.

    edited May 2015

    No problem man, I don't blame you. I got a lecture from some Muslim in the past about how the Quran is nothing like "those terrorists" make it seem like, so I decided to do a little research: the results are in front of you.

    I agree that we shouldn't stigmatise all Muslims as bloodlustful terrorists, but we cannot say that the very definition of being a true Muslim is bringing these ideals onto the table and enforcing them "in the name of Allah". While Muslims who don't do these things are more rational, since they don't murder in the name of their God and discriminate women, we can't say that they know any better than ISIS or the Hamas, since these groups are actually true to their beliefs. It's just that in this case, being true to your beliefs means killing, mutilating body parts and spreading hate for the infidels.

    You make some very good points there. I had no knowledge of the existance of those verses of which you spoke. Thank you for bringing thos

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    Oh yeah .
    If it passes there isn't much you can do. Gonna give the people what they want.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    This is really pissing me off so I'm going to rant it My country is having a vote to allow Gay Marriage or not this month I honestly

  • The scripture are open-ended, but they are also a product of history; in this case, the war between the proto-Muslims of Medina and the pagans of Mecca. Most countries and schools of Islam have moved on from those outdated aspects of the scripture as they are no longer relevant in a modern context.

    The controversy in Islam, as in most religions, boils down to a small, violent minority that's trying to push fundamentalism on the masses.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You're very wrong. Women are looked upon in the Quran as half a man, since it is said in the Quran that one man equates to 2 women (Quran

  • It sounds like you don't have much interest in your current girlfriend, and she deserves better than being with someone who has eyes for another. You should think really hard about if you want to continue your relationship or not, but I have a feeling it would be better to end it. But leaving her for a girl you don't really know and just think is "really hot" is a gamble. If that's what you want in a relationship, then take a chance. But I don't think you should lead your current girlfriend on any longer.

    Don't worry about liking Asian girls, who cares if you are attracted to someone outside your race. It seems like a lot of guys have an Asian girl fetish these days, so it's not like your attraction is unusual.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I NEED RELATIONSHIP ADVICE Okay so I have a girlfriend, she's really sweet and nice but I feel like she isnt really my type she's almost

  • Your friends are racists.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I NEED RELATIONSHIP ADVICE Okay so I have a girlfriend, she's really sweet and nice but I feel like she isnt really my type she's almost

  • I'm really annoyed about this one guy I know. He's a complete asshole, he lies, he insults me and other people, he's annoying and he somehow feels the need to turn everything sexual. He has the sense of humor of a 5 year old and both of us are in high school...

    Ugh, I would go into detail of what he says but Ill just get worked up over it.

  • He will most likely grow out of it. High school students are either very childish or surprisingly mature. The guy is probably trying to get attention, that's all.

    I'm really annoyed about this one guy I know. He's a complete asshole, he lies, he insults me and other people, he's annoying and he somehow

  • True, I wish he would mature faster.

    fallandir posted: »

    He will most likely grow out of it. High school students are either very childish or surprisingly mature. The guy is probably trying to get attention, that's all.

  • I wrote up a big ol' thing but I'll keep it short because I ramble too much. I slept through my final exam yesterday. Tears of despair and feelings of worthlessness... and other things may or may not have been had....

    What happened?

  • Ohh...That's not good at all. Hey, it's going to be alright, that's all you got to remember.

    I wrote up a big ol' thing but I'll keep it short because I ramble too much. I slept through my final exam yesterday. Tears of despair and feelings of worthlessness... and other things may or may not have been had....

  • I hate those type of people, my school has a few of them as well, just try and avoid them as much as possible. And as fallandir said, he'll most likely grow out of it at some point in life.

    I'm really annoyed about this one guy I know. He's a complete asshole, he lies, he insults me and other people, he's annoying and he somehow

  • I don't know what's going on but my friend has been ignoring me for at least 7 weeks now. I think I may know why, but I wish she'd just tell me if that were the case... a ridiculous reason if you ask me.... I understand she was probably upset that I didn't come over, but I made it pretty clear that I hadn't checked my phone in a few days to see her message in time. She certainly didn't seem mad at the time. Don't get me started on why I've been afraid of checking my phone every day. Which, by the way, she already knows about.

    I can't exactly say this is the first ever time she's done this, either.... (cough) I just have soooo much to tell her that I know she'd want to hear, but whenever I text her about it, she doesn't respond. I'm not spamming her or anything. I messaged her twice on this one site when I saw she was online. A few weeks later I texted her again and then I got a "invalid number: text couldn't be sent" type of message on my phone. Did she block me? She might've gotten a new phone (again), I guess.... She could've broken it (she's done it before, technology is not nice to her), or she couldn't pay the bill or something. I can see that happening.

    I'm just so lonely, especially since my depression/anxiety/sleeplessness has been acting up. If she doesn't want to be friends anymore, for whatever reason, I wish she'd at least say so via the website we go on.... I gave her that courtesy once....

  • It doesn't sound like you can meet her in real life, which would have been one of my suggestions. I don't know what I can do but I'm always around to talk if you'd like. :)

    I don't know what's going on but my friend has been ignoring me for at least 7 weeks now. I think I may know why, but I wish she'd just tell

  • Muslims were treated like shit where I grew up. People had their houses/businesses shot up or vandalized after 9/11 simply because they looked Arab. Wouldn't be surprised if the same thing didn't happen after this year's atrocities.

    I am extremly pissed with the negative views on Islam circulating at the moment. Before I continue any further, I would like to point out

  • edited May 2015

    Hmm. History shows a re-occuring pattern of groups being discriminated against because of a few disreputable examples of their own kind, Like how simply being from South Africa can attract stigma due to the Apartheid.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Muslims were treated like shit where I grew up. People had their houses/businesses shot up or vandalized after 9/11 simply because they looked Arab. Wouldn't be surprised if the same thing didn't happen after this year's atrocities.

  • edited December 2021


    I'm really annoyed about this one guy I know. He's a complete asshole, he lies, he insults me and other people, he's annoying and he somehow

  • I see two ways you can contact her even if her phone is completely trashed.

    One is the website. Can you see when she last logged on, as you can here? If it hasn't been for a while, she might have been using her phone to log on, and of course, that doesn't work anymore. If you see she's logging on, take the initiative and write, "Hey, I can't seem to get through to you! Did your number change? I have so much to share - let's catch up!"

    "Come over" means she's local to you, and you know where she lives. If you're too nervous to show up unannounced, write her a letter or send her a (real paper) card, and say you miss her, and ask her to call you or write back. Include your phone number in case it was only on the phone that got destroyed.

    Only other thing you can do is write her off for now, and find someone new to make friends with. People change and move on sometimes, and it's OK to let them go.

    I don't know what's going on but my friend has been ignoring me for at least 7 weeks now. I think I may know why, but I wish she'd just tell

  • Ugh I hate them fucking posters there's one down the road from us but there was a fuck up and they didn't notice they put a lesbian couple on it :p

    This is awesome! Yeah, screw the people against it. It doesn't affect their lives. I'll never forget the expression on my aunts' faces when

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited May 2015

    Doesn't matter what people want. I want to be normal, can i have that? The only thing that matters is money, and think about this, how bad economy is now, because of these politicians outsourcing all of our jobs over seas to third world countries, how hard do you think it will be for someone in ten years to get a job.

    The way america is going, you will need a masters degree to get 30k a year. Just another way people to get into debt, and remain in debt, as a sense of control. Its nothing new. Check history books.

    And many people want progress.

  • George, I don't think you understand that you can't stop progress no matter what.

    Do you remember when all those southern rich white slave owners loved owning slaves? They had money. That didn't stop progress. How about the southern states denying the rights to blacks? They were rich and they put up a fight and yet progress can't be stop.

    I don't even know where the hell you're pulling the economy out for this since that had NOTHING to do with our conversation.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Doesn't matter what people want. I want to be normal, can i have that? The only thing that matters is money, and think about this, how bad

  • Progress is subjective.

    George, I don't think you understand that you can't stop progress no matter what. Do you remember when all those southern rich white slav

  • Sometimes.

    In America though based on the values we hold as American, freedom and equality are big ones.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Progress is subjective.

  • Is she in your school? If she's local, go talk to her in person. If she isn't, maybe get a mutual friend (if you have one) to help you, there must be something you can do about it. And even if you happen to not hear from her anymore... That's ok. You'll make new friends with time, maybe here :)

    I don't know what's going on but my friend has been ignoring me for at least 7 weeks now. I think I may know why, but I wish she'd just tell

  • edited December 2021


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Is she in your school? If she's local, go talk to her in person. If she isn't, maybe get a mutual friend (if you have one) to help you, ther

  • I'm just so lonely, especially since my depression/anxiety/sleeplessness has been acting up. If she doesn't want to be friends anymore, for whatever reason, I wish she'd at least say so via the website we go on.... I gave her that courtesy once....

    Is this a online thing? If so why not make some friends with people around you.

    I don't know what's going on but my friend has been ignoring me for at least 7 weeks now. I think I may know why, but I wish she'd just tell

  • Sometimes.

    What you perceive as progress other people see as regressive, and vice versa. TBH i don't care what they do. It has no influence on my life, so what do i care.

    Sometimes. In America though based on the values we hold as American, freedom and equality are big ones.

    edited May 2015

    I meant if they have a mutual friend, not if she has another friend in general.. lol


  • edited December 2021


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I meant if they have a mutual friend, not if she has another friend in general.. lol

  • ah, alright ;)


  • edited December 2021


    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I'm just so lonely, especially since my depression/anxiety/sleeplessness has been acting up. If she doesn't want to be friends anymore, for

  • What you perceive as progress other people see as regressive, and vice versa.

    That's true with almost anything. I still stand with my previous post.

    TBH i don't care what they do. It has no influence on my life, so what do i care.

    Yes, but this whole thing started because you thought that just because some rich people don't want it then it will never happen despite progress we make now. That's not true and I wanted to point it out but sadly this entire conversation has gone entirely different directions, hell it would be about the economy right now if I didn't stop you from changing the subject.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Sometimes. What you perceive as progress other people see as regressive, and vice versa. TBH i don't care what they do. It has no influence on my life, so what do i care.

  • I got something to say.

    Takes breathe

    My grandmother's brother has been staying with us for about 7 years of my life now. (So it began when I was about 12) He has no job. He doesn't do shit. He's a leech. Everything he has is because my grandma paid for it for him! As far I know, he hasn't even tried to look for a job. When I try to confront her about it, she shuts off instantly. The worst part is that once she told me "You know what? I want him gone to," but she won't do anything about it and pretends everything's damn peachy. That's just how she is. It pisses me off so much, but nothing ever changes and I can't do or say anything about it because my mom, me, sister and brother all live under her roof so it's her rules. All in all, he's a constant reminder that that's not how I want to end up, living on my sister's couch, just a potato.



  • Don't worry. I think there must be a reason that your grandmother is keeping her brother with her and your family, even if she said that she also wanted him gone.

    Anywho, the problem will get solved sooner or later (I hope it gets solved in the best way possible).

    torkahn808 posted: »

    I got something to say. Takes breathe My grandmother's brother has been staying with us for about 7 years of my life now. (So it began

  • edited May 2015

    I got another vent. So school is ending in three weeks or so and I haven't really enjoy school until last week. Kinda upset with myself because without anxiety, the classes were cool but I couldn't enjoyed it. So I now regret getting anxious at school because I can tell next year it won't be the same.

  • (Late reply) I don't know...guess I just worry about everything. But everyone learn something one way or another. Anyway that's a funny way to think about throwing up

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    his might sound ridiculous and silly to some people Why do you worry so much, you know when my parents died, it put everything in pe

  • What grade are you going to be in next year? In my experience, it is mostly the same until you're a Jr. and the intensive studying for finals starts.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    I got another vent. So school is ending in three weeks or so and I haven't really enjoy school until last week. Kinda upset with myself beca

  • My life is unhumanly boring at the moment.

    I have an ingrown toenail of which is infected. I cannot wear a shoe and I must limp for even pressure beneath the toe will cause pain. The school has a strict uniform policy so I cannot attend in thongs or something along those lines. Simply put, I am stuck at home to waste time I would gladly put to use at school on video games, forums, fanfiction writing and it is positively boring. I am on a waiting list for an operation to remove the ingrown side of the nail, but this list gives me approximately three months to wait. I just wish I could amputate the toe and get it overwith.

  • You must be some sort of deeply social person or you are really fond of studying, then. Also, amputating your toe will cause you to limp on that leg for probably the rest of your days or until you get a prosthethic. The amputation will only serve to prolong the waiting time.

    I know you said you "just wish" for that to happen, but it's likely that it won't make the three months period any shorter.

    My life is unhumanly boring at the moment. I have an ingrown toenail of which is infected. I cannot wear a shoe and I must limp for even

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