Yesterday, I told my best friend that a shipping thread in telltale official forum has been miraculously growing as the most giant and powerful thread in the whole forum. She asked for the link out of curiosity and watched a playthrough of episode 2 (as I recommend her) after browsing this thread. Then, she ships Rhyiona (´▽`)She is not even a fan of this game.
What if someone beats you to it?:P
I guess I'll kill them.
The gif isn´t showing up. :P
It's showing to me
Refresh the page, maybe?
I did. Maybe upload it in imgur and edit it?
don't worry, me too
Oh god, so fucking close to 100
Temptation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I throw away my pride, cause it is the root of all evil, and I'd like to stay at the top of the plant
Fiona would approve of that statement.
Alright, thanks.
naw i changed my mind. who wouldnt want the sexy hyperion jackass as an icon?
Congratulations, you´re #1.
I'll just change it to a picture with a same quote xD
Hope you can see it now?
Okay fine. I'll try to get used to that word.
I can´t see it but I can tell what it is by the link. :P
8 pages, 2 likes.
This week for sure.
This week is the week.
Well, atleast it seems that I sent a message
Get it, get it?
So many high fives! My hand is burning.
Soon you'll see the truth of Rhyiona... Soon...
Everyone could
Sure thing. :P I could learn a thing or two from the Cheshire cat.
Fiona blogging, take 40.
0 likes lol
True love can never be beaten.
I remember first playing that part and I thought it was actually stupidly cute ;3
Yesterday, I told my best friend that a shipping thread in telltale official forum has been miraculously growing as the most giant and powerful thread in the whole forum. She asked for the link out of curiosity and watched a playthrough of episode 2 (as I recommend her) after browsing this thread. Then, she ships Rhyiona (´▽`)She is not even a fan of this game.