The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • You just reminded me of this song, oh god og dgod oh god the nostalgia

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Man i recently read FOTD final bonus part and i...i .... i cant get over how happy it made me . You guys are all awesome (even those of you i havent met yet) atleast to me. I hope you know that no matter what youll have a friend in me.

  • edited May 2015

    Remember at the end of the 4th, where Mutt picked up Indy's hat and was about to put it on? That's the scene that made me realize I didn't want anyone else portraying him.

    That's when? When I first saw an Indy movie I was like "No One else will ever play him....EVERRRR" Or something like that.....(btw Which one was your favorite? Mine was actually the 2nd, I just loved Short Round and the Asian Setting)

    If they recast Indy.....I'm gonna go and Saltlick Disney.....HueHue

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Agreed. I'm a little conflicted out of my love for Chris Pratt... but I don't want anyone else portraying Indy. Remember at the end of the 4

  • Man, I loved it when they did these fake bloopers. I wish they still did them. So much nostalgia...

  • I am happy to have brought you joy bro :D

    ComingSoon posted: »

    You just reminded me of this song, oh god og dgod oh god the nostalgia

  • Are you finnally posting something?..........................wait no that came out wrong.................Great paladin it has been so long since my eyes have seen the beuty of your precious tomes i know what forget i said anything. Its starting to feel like it did that one time with saltbro. That im forcing you to write and i REALLY dont want either you to feel that way so forget i said anything.


  • edited May 2015

    I gotta agree, Short Round was awesome and the setting was great, though I didn't really care for the dark themes. I think the 3rd is my favorite, second is diffidently the 2nd.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Remember at the end of the 4th, where Mutt picked up Indy's hat and was about to put it on? That's the scene that made me realize I didn't w

  • Don't even try Mark xD

    My stuff is like Larry compared to Pros stuff which is a Saltlick, You know what that means?

    Well ill just say it, One is Awesome (The Saltlick) and the other is complete shit (Larry)


    Markd4547 posted: » And Saltys new chapter got released just now it's awesome

  • Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head be into that kinky stuff. Especially the chattering teeth!

    Alt text

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Man, I loved it when they did these fake bloopers. I wish they still did them. So much nostalgia...


    Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head be into that kinky stuff. Especially the chattering teeth!

  • also was the prospector offering sex as a way to get the barbies into Toy Story 3 liek WTF


  • Heyy, I'm not that bad!

    Hey, sure thing ;)

    but yeah, you're in. Though the club is anything but exclusive, the only requirement is a love for drinking lol.

    This is good, we're all good to go then. Here's to the possibility of another random drunken forum post haha.

    Tinni posted: »

    Heyy, I'm not that bad! Haha, but yeah, you're in. Though the club is anything but exclusive, the only requirement is a love for drinking lol.

  • edited May 2015

    Hey, sure thing ;)

    Come on, I've been good lately! It's been a while since my last drunken post, give me some credit.XD

    Here's to the possibility of another random drunken forum post haha.

    As soon as the semester ends that's probably going to be a 100% possibility lol.

    Belan posted: »

    Heyy, I'm not that bad! Hey, sure thing but yeah, you're in. Though the club is anything but exclusive, the only requirement

  • Andy's mom would have toys too, it would be ironic if she named them "woody" and "buzz" ;)


  • edited May 2015

    Come on, I've been good lately! It's been a while since my last drunken post, give me some credit.XD

    (As she slowly puts down the bottle)

    As soon as the semester ends that's probably going to be a 100% possibility lol.

    Well I guess you have awhile then, with some of your classes randomly going into June or whatever it was. I'm pretty much done 8]

    Tinni posted: »

    Hey, sure thing Come on, I've been good lately! It's been a while since my last drunken post, give me some credit.XD Here's t

  • I really want this to be good but the only movie in that universe is Man of Steel and it sucks so bad, doesn't help that the same people behind that piece of crap are doing the next one so it's hard to be exited.

  • edited May 2015

    I'm not even kidding why am I watching this

    I do some weird crap when I'm bored and can't sleep. Like watch a sassy black woman eat Panda Express at 1:20 in the morning.

  • I do some weird crap when I'm bored and can't sleep. Like watch a sassy black woman eat Panda Express at 1:20 in the morning.

  • edited May 2015

    Double post, so here's an angry frog:

    Alt text

    I do some weird crap when I'm bored and can't sleep. Like watch a sassy black woman eat Panda Express at 1:20 in the morning.

  • edited May 2015

    Go to slop.

    I do some weird crap when I'm bored and can't sleep. Like watch a sassy black woman eat Panda Express at 1:20 in the morning.

  • Not til I have my fix Seemon

    This woman fills the void in my soul.

    Go to slop.

  • Alt text

    Then go to slop while you're watching it.

  • Unfortunately for you, this is the internet. Your childhood is ruined, has been ruined and shall be ruined as ours are, were and shall be

    For further information, check out rules of the internet numbers 13, 15, 34, 35 and 39.


  • Then go to slop while you're watching it.

    Not til I have my fix Seemon This woman fills the void in my soul.

  • Alt text

    I think you need the saltlick because your stories are just as good and I have an awesome time reading them :P

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Don't even try Mark xD My stuff is like Larry compared to Pros stuff which is a Saltlick, You know what that means? Well ill just say it, One is Awesome (The Saltlick) and the other is complete shit (Larry) RIP FOTD

  • mmm i guess this is late but Happy Birth Day !


    ... mmkay then.

    blueneon posted: » In the end scroll a bit to the bottom to read your full results. You don't need to share anything, just c

  • Yolo

  • I am.....THE CAMPAIGNER!!!

    blueneon posted: » In the end scroll a bit to the bottom to read your full results. You don't need to share anything, just c

  • Don't say yolo

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • I hear that word enough times from the gobs of the class idiots at my school.

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • I have SWAG

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Don't say yolo

  • $wag mon€¥

    I hear that word enough times from the gobs of the class idiots at my school.

  • OMG. I knew what swag meant, but I thought I'd google it...


    1. A curtain or piece of fabric fastened so as to hang in a drooping curve. A decorative garland or chain of flowers, foliage, or fruit fastened so as to hang in a drooping curve.

    2. Informal. Money or goods taken by a thief or burglar. "their homes offer tempting swag for burglars"

    3. marijuana, typically of a low grade. "prices range from $40 a 10-seed packet for some Jamaican swag to $345 per pack for something tastier."


    1. arrange in or decorate with a swag or swags of fabric. "swag the fabric gracefully over the curtain tie-backs"
    2. travel with one's personal belongings in a bundle. "swagging it in Queensland"
    ComingSoon posted: »

    I have SWAG

  • kil urself quz ur en big fagit

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I have SWAG

  • ayy a fellow INFP

    Alt text

    THE MEDIATOR - INFP Personality INFP personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people an

  • Make me fagt

    kil urself quz ur en big fagit

  • "Swagging it in Queensland"

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    OMG. I knew what swag meant, but I thought I'd google it... noun: * A curtain or piece of fabric fastened so as to hang in a droopin

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